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Chapter 1


Situational Analysis

The property of adhesives to hold two different material together (Britannica,

2022). This makes it one of the most used substance in everyday activities, school projects,

arts and even in industrial machines. But majority of these adhesives are quite toxic and

with improper usage, it can pose a risk to human health.

A 10-year review according to Carstairs, (2017.) of cyanoacrylate (super

glue) exposures reported to a U.S. regional poison control center found that 893 reports of

accidental and intentional ingestion, and which 26% where required to stay in a healthcare

facility. While majority of the effects were minor, 9% suffered moderate effects from

exposure. Majority of the cases where children and most result did not result in significant

health damage.

According to Dinte and Sylvester (2017), Though adhesive is used in the industry

for almost 10 decades, the authors stressed the necessity in obtaining environmentally safe

and high-quality adhesives. This is because the limited raw materials, and the adverse effect

of synthetic adhesive to human health and the environment.

A medical research by Ameena, (2010) on okra mucilage as a tablet excipient

found that it is effective in binding together the drug as a tablet, and is comparable to

synthetic excipient. This research shows that okra mucilage not only proves to be an

effective adhesive to bind together drugs to be ingested, but it is also digestible by the

human body, making it an effective non-toxic adhesive.

According to Bhat, Tharanathan, (1987) okra mucilage is characterized with its

viscosity, exhibiting a pseudoplastic behavior. And is shown to have an “strengthening

effect” on soft wheat dough as shown by their experiments. This states the ability of the

okra mucilage to harden to a pseudoplastic state making it an affective adhesive.

Okra mucilage can be now made into an alternative plastic, but by only using the

mucilage itself is not enough, it cannot stick into any surface long enough to harden to a

pseudoplastic state like Bhat, Tharanathan (1987) found. That is why we chose glutinous

rice, as a catalyst, and to become the initial adhesive to stick two materials together while

waiting for the okra mucilage to harden

According to Mahreni, (2023) made a research on glutinous rice as a base for

their alternative biodegradable adhesive. By adding a-amylase enzyme concentration to a

glutinous rice and water solution. They produced outstanding results with their adhesive

which they stated to be better than standard paper glue sold in the market. For our research,

we plan to use the glutinous rice as a catalyst to help the okra mucilage to harden and stick

the two materials together, it will act as an initial adhesive when putting the materials


This degradable gel, is used as an adhesive for health monitoring devices. This was

made to reduce materials used and pollution, as well as an improvement to the quality of

life of the patients using health monitors. They are also renewable and degradable, while

also being edible, making it to have no risk of poisoning by accidently inducing the gel.

The researchers now aim to combine the okra mucilage as the main adhesive that

will harden, and the glutinous rice, the catalyst and the one that will act as an initial


Conceptual Framework

Input 1. Preparation of
1. Okra mucilage 2. Formulating an Alternative adhesive
2. Glutinous rice alternative glue. using okra mucilage
3. Testing the and glutinous rice
alternative glue. mixture
4. Observation

Figure 1

Statement of the Problem

The problem of the study is to determine the potency of Okra mucilage mixed with

glutinous rice as an alternative glue.

1. What is the average adhesion time and the average curing time of the experimental

Okra-glutinous rice glue?

2. What is the average adhesion time and the average curing time of the Commercial


3. Is there any significant difference between the adhesion time and the curing time

of the experimental okra-glutinous rice adhesive and the commercial glue?

Objective of the Study

This research entitled “Okra Mucilage and Glutinous Rice as An Alternative Glue”


1. To determine the effectiveness of the okra mucilage and glutinous rice mixture as

an alternative glue.

2. To know if the alternative glue made from the glutinous rice and okra mucilage

mixture is a suitable alternative glue.

3. To compare the effectiveness of the glutinous rice and okra mucilage adhesive with

the commercial glue.


There is a significant difference between the commercial and experimental glue’s

curing and adhesion time

There is no significant difference between the commercial and experimental glue’s

curing and adhesion time.

Significance of the Study

The study will provide information about the potency of the glutinous rice and okra

mucilage as an alternative bio-adhesive.

To the students will have an alternative glue that pose lesser risk to their health if

they are exposed, as well as a cheaper alternative than the commercial adhesives because

of its cheaper ingredients and can be produced in their home.

To the teachers can use this alternative glue for their activities involving glue

usage with their students, to have a less risk in their health, as well as to promote a greener

alternative in their activities.

To the parents can be aware of the availability and how to make this alternative

adhesive that they can provide their children, it is more affordable and less toxic for their


To the school can take advantage of this alternative glue to be used in their

facilities, to have a cheaper and less toxic alternative.

To the community, farmers of okra can take advantage of their creativity to

produce and sell this alternative glue, so that they can profit and at the same time sell an

alternative that is cheaper and less toxic to use

Scope and Delimitation

The study explores the effectiveness of glutinous rice and okra mucilage as an

alternative adhesive due to its sticky characteristic. The experiment will take place in

Francia West, Tubao, La Union, the residence of one of the researchers and will be

documented for every experimentation that will take place as verification of the study. It

started in February 19 2023, and ends within this 2 nd semester of our school year 2022-

2023. The purpose of the study is to provide a less toxic alternative for an adhesive that

can be used to lessen the risk of glue exposures that may cause health complications,

especially for children. The experiment will involve powdered glutinous rice as base and

catalyst for the adhesive and It deals with one fruit, which is okra (Abelmoschus esculents)

to use its mucilage as a substance to be an alternative to glue. The limitation of the outcome

or product is that it has only one purpose, to paste things together.

Definition of Terms

To facilitate the understanding of this study, different terms were defined herein:

A-amylase enzyme is an enzyme used by (Mahreni, 2023) on their research to

create a biodegradable glue because of its ability to digest starch.

Adhesive is the main goal of this study is to be able to create an alternative adhesive

using okra mucilage and glutinous rice.

Adhesion time is the goal of this research is to be able to produce an alternative glue

that Is better or able to match the adhesion time of the commercial glue.

Curing time is How fast a glue hardens, it is used to determine in this study to see

which glue group hardens the fastest and binds the strongest.

Cyanoacrylate is the scientific name of Super glue quoted by many researchers for

its hazard to ingestion.

Excipient is a substance that help medicine to travel, a researcher made an excipient

using okra mucilage.

Glue is the commercial name of an adhesive that the researchers aims to create a

safer alternative using okra mucilage and glutinous rice.

Glutinous rice is the base for this study’s glue, it acts as a sticky substance to help

hold the tow materials being glued together.

Ionic Skin is an artificial skin made to copy the capabilities of sensing of a real skin

Okra mucilage is a sticky substance that hardens overtime produced through boiling

sliced okras; it is the main ingredients for this experiment.

Pseudoplastic is a state of the hardened glue that exhibits plastic like traits.

Chapter 2


The following are the related literature concerning our research:



A research by Carstairs, (2017) conducted a 10-year review of cyanoacrylate

poisoning, and they found that over 893 reports of accidental and intentional ingestion, of

which 26% where severe enough to require them to stay at a medical facility. Almost all

of the cases where minor, but majority of them happened with children. Glue can also

damage your digestive system with its stickiness and chemicals, and in some cases may

lead to a sever health complication.



And in some rare circumstances, the low viscosity of cyanoacrylate may become

the cause of aspiration. Vitale, (2007) reported a toddler ingestion a low viscosity

cyanoacrylate, and showed complications in their tracheal and bronchial parts of their

respiratory system. The cyanoacrylate went inside the toddler’s respiratory tract and

hardened overtime, which caused the complications. Although the chances of aspiration of

said adhesive is low, it may pose as a life-threatening situation when it happens.


OKRA (abelmoschus esculents Linn) AND STUDIES OF THE BINDING EFFECTS


Okra mucilage as an adhesive is widely used in the medical field, Ameena et. al.,

(2010) found that okra mucilage is an effective excipient capable of binding in together

the drug as a tablet and is comparable to a synthetic excipient. This is a testament to the

capabilities of okra mucilage to be able to safely bind together materials as a glue while

also being edible and safe to ingest by children.



According to an experiment by Shu Tian, (2022) where they made a

renewable and edible ionic skin made from glutinous rice gel. They successfully created a

glutinous rice gel that can stick to the skin and act as an ionic skin. They made it renewable,

biodegradable and most importantly edible. In our research, we are using glutinous rice as

the base, which acts as the initial glue to hold together the different materials we want to

stick together, while the okra mucilage hardens itself.


A research conducted by David,, (2005) stated that because okra is relatively

cheap and abundant, it is easy to reproduce adhesive made from it. The okra was cooked

for three hours to extract the mucilage, where they yielded about 75% okra mucilage form

their session. They used their okra mucilage to create bio-paper where they compared it to

other recycled papers and reused paper.

Chapter 3


Research Design

This research study will use quantitative design using experimental approach in

determining if the okra mucilage and glutinous rice mixture is an effective alternative glue

compared to the commercial variant.

Data Collection

The experiment will take place in Francia West, Tubao, La Union inside a sanitized

kitchen within one of the residences of the researchers. Where the process of getting the

mucilage, mixing it with the glutinous rice and transforming it to an adhesive will take


Materials used

The materials used by the researchers were ensured to be sanitized before

conducting the experiment, and they measured the amount of ingredients that was used in

making the prototype adhesive.


The researchers used observation in collecting the data necessary for the study.

They will observe the effectiveness, adhesion time, and how fast the adhesive will harden.

Data Analysis

The researchers observed the curing time and adhesion time of the commercial and

experimental glue.

The curing time was observed with a duration of 30 minutes because this is the

stated curing time of the commercial glue, it will be observing every 30 minutes to check

on the binding and the visual state of both the commercial and experimental glue.

The adhesion time was observed for 7 days, to see if the two groups show

different behaviors during the timespan

Chapter 4


This chapter contains the presentation, interpretation, analysis, and discussed the

significant information gathered by the researchers though observation and

experimentation, as well as the commercial and experimental glue.

Table 1.1

Adhesion Time

Experimental Glue Commercial glue

Material Adhesion time

Paper A 7 7

Paper B 7 7

Cardboard (Thick) 7 7

Cardboard (Thin) 7 7

Plastic 7 7

The adhesion time is observed for seven days. In table 1.1 The experimental and

commercial glue lasted for the whole seven days of in all of the surfaces from Paper A and

B, Cardboard (Thick), Cardboard (Thins), and Plastic with no observable differences or

wear between the two glue groups.

Table 1.2

Curing Time

Experimental Glue Commercial glue

Material Curing time Curing time

Paper A 12 mins 9 mins

Paper B 12 mins 9 mins

Cardboard (Thick) 21 mins 21 mins

Cardboard (Thin) 15 mins 12 mins

Plastic 18 mins 26 mins

Average 15.6 mins 15.4 mins

The curing time is observed under thirty minutes after applying the glue, and is

check upon every three minutes to see if there are any differences between the curing

process of the two glue groups. In Paper A and Paper B that is referring to Table 1.2, the

curing time of the commercial glue (9 minutes) is faster than the experimental glue (12

minutes) by three minutes. In Cardboard (Thick) the curing time of the two glue groups are

21 minutes. Cardboard (Thin) shows that the curing time of the commercial glue (12

minutes0 is faster than the experimental glue (15 minutes) by three minutes. Lastly, in

Plastic, the curing time of the experimental glue (18 minutes) is faster than the commercial

glue (26 minutes) by 8 minutes.

The commercial glue’s average curing time is about 15.4 minutes with its adhesion

time lasted for the whole 7 days of observation period. The following week after the initial

7 day of observation, there is still no visible signs of changes in the adhesion of the

commercial glue. The curing time of the commercial glue is also different across the

different surfaces that it was stick on. It is more effective in paper and thin cardboard which

bind them quickly and efficiently.

The experimental glue’s average curing time is about 15.6 minutes with its adhesion

time the same as the commercial, lasted for the whole 7 days of observation, and the

following week after the initial 7 days, there is still no visible signs of change from it

adhesion. The curing time of the experimental glue is also different among the surfaces

that it was stuck on. It is better in Plastic and hard cardboard compared to the commercial


The researchers found no significant difference between the adhesion time and the

curing time of the experimental okra-glutinous rice glue and the commercial glue. The

adhesion time of the two glues exceeded the 7-day observation time period and still

continue to show no visible signs of change since it was glued together. The curing time of

the commercial glue is only slightly better by .2 minutes than the experimental glue.

Additional Observations

1. The experimental glue will ferment overtime because of the water and glutinous

rice ingredients chemically reacts with one another, producing a scent similar to

that of rice wine.

2. In a sealed container, the experimental glue will have a longer shelf life avoiding

spoilage and molding, while in a non-tight container, the experimental molded and

spoiled overtime.

3. Even after a week, the experimental glue is still able to bind materials together.

4. The consistency and viscosity of the experimental glue is the same with the

commercial glue.

Chapter 5


Summary of Findings

The research answered the following questions during the study

1. What is the average adhesion time and the average curing time of the

experimental Okra-Glutinous Rice Adhesive?

The average curing time of the experimental glue is around 15.6 minutes and the

adhesion lasted 7 days or more. The curing time and the adhesion of the glue is lower

than the experimental glue by a small margin. The curing process of the experimental

glue is similar to the process with the commercial glue, they start of as wet and sticky

paste then turns into a pseudo plastic like material that binds two materials together.

2. What is the average adhesion time and the average curing time of the

Commercial Adhesive?

The average curing time of the experimental glue is around 15.4 minutes and the

adhesion time lasted 7 days and more. Although the average curing time and adhesion

time of the commercial glue is slightly better than the experimental glue, there are

specific materials where the experimental glue is better at binding and curing than the

commercial glue and vice versa.

3. Is there any significant difference between the adhesion time and the curing

time of the experimental Okra-Glutinous Rice Adhesive and the Commercial


There is no significant difference between the curing time and the adhesion time of

the experimental group and the commercial group. They both present the same quality

and time across multiple materials in average. There are specific materials that the

experimental and commercial glue is better than the other and materials that have both

the same quality effect. In binding plastic, the experimental group is better than the

commercial group, in binding cardboard they have the same curing and adhesion time

and in binding paper, the commercial glue is slightly better than the experimental glue.


The researchers found that the capabilities of the experimental glutinous rice-okra

mucilage glue are capable to be an alternative glue because of its similar adhesion and

curing time with the commercial glue.

1. The average adhesion time of the experimental okra-glutinous rice glue lasted the

whole 7 says of observation and its average curing time is 15.6 minutes.

2. The Average adhesion time of the commercial glue lasted the whole 7 days of

observation and its average curing time is 15.4 minutes.

3. There is no significant difference between the adhesion time and curing time of the

experimental okra-glutinous rice adhesive and the commercial glue.


1. A following research must be studied on prolonging the shelf life of the experimental

glutinous rice-okra mucilage glue even more. This is because of its all-natural

ingredients; the glue will easily spoil in open spaces.

2. Test the adhesion strength of the experimental glue and compare it to the commercial


3. Experiment on other base for the glue other than the glutinous rice to avoid the

fermentation process and smell.

4. Test other natural alternatives other than okra to see if other natural fruits and

vegetables have better adhesion that it.


Pike, R. A. (2022, April 25). adhesive. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Carstairs S.D.,, (2017, May) Sticky situations: cyanoacrylate exposures reported to

a poison control system


Dinte E. and Sylvester B. (2017, July 24) Adhesives: Applications and Recent Advances

Ameena K., Dilip C., Saraswathi R., Krishnan P.N., Sankar C., Simi S. P., (2010),

Isolation of the mucilages from Hibiscus rosasinensis linn. and Okra (Abelmoschus

esculentus linn.) and studies of the binding effects of the mucilages

Bhat R. and Tharanathan R.N. (1987) Functional Properties of Okra (Hibiscus

esculentus) Mucilage

Mahreni, (2023) Glutinous rice (Oryza sativa L.) protein extract with potent α-

amylase inhibitory activity

Tian S., et, al., (2022 January 20) A Degradable-Renewable Ionic Skin Based on Edible

Glutinous Rice Gel

David X.,, (2005) Wastepaper and Coir with Okra Mucilage

Snowane G.,, (2021) Okra mucilage: potential role in drug delivery

Vitale C., George M., Sheroff A., Hernon C., Boyer E., (2008, July) Tracheal and

bronchial obstruction following cyanoacrylate aspiration in a toddler




Trial 1

The experiment was conducted on the

afternoon of February 19, 2023, Flores’ Residence,

Francia West, Tubao La Union.

The researchers first experimented on saluyot

or jute extract mixed with glutinous rice for base in an effort to make an alternative

adhesive. They did this by boiling the saluyot or jute

until the sticky mucous was extracted, then they

drained it to a clean bowl. Next, they used the

extracted mucilage of the saluyot to cook the

glutinous rice. With a ratio of 1 cup of saluyot extract and

2 cups of glutinous rice.

They failed to make the consistency they desired

and the rice proved to be too hard and uncooked to be

effective, they put too much rice and to little saluyot extract that is why the product they

made was not close in becoming an adhesive.

Trial 2

The experiment was conducted on the morning of March

5, 2023, Flores’ residence, Francia West, Tubao La Union.

The researchers scrapped the first saluyot experiment and

opted to use okra mucilage instead because of it easier mucous

to extract. They still use glutinous rice as base in making the

adhesive. They boiled the sliced okra on a cooking pot for

exactly 30 minutes, then setting aside the mucilage to a separate

bowl, then boiling again the same sliced okra in an effort to drain

the okra of all its mucilage. They now pounded the rice into “finer

pieces” to cook more easily, then the researchers put into the

cooking pot the ingredients, now with a ratio of 1 cup of glutinous

rice, and 2 cups of okra mucilage.

The product that the researchers produced was a success,

we managed to make an adhesive using okra mucilage and

glutinous rice, we tested it on a piece of paper and plastic, where

the plastic one we stuck into a wooden door lasted for 5 days before

detaching. The product was sticky and slimy, it can stick into any surface and the mucilage

will harden overtime.

Although the prototype product was a success, it still has many flaws. The main

problem is that, the rice was still too hard to be more efficient and effective in sticking into

any material, making it harder for the mucilage to harden. And lastly, because it is made

from organic materials, the mixture smelled off after 1 week, but without visual signs of


Trial 3

The experiment was conducted on the morning of April

7, 2023, Flores’ residence, Francia West, Tubao La Union.

The next session’s goal was to improve upon what we

have learned from the previous session. On this day, we did

everything the same, except now the glutinous rice is change

with glutinous powder, with different ratios of the mucilage and

the glutinous powder. First, we chopped 14 fingers of okra into

a cooking pot, then added 2 cups of water to boil out the mucilage

we needed. After extracting and separating the mucilage using a

strainer, we measured 2 cups glutinous powder and put it into a

bowl while also mixing in it the 2 cups of okra mucilage we


The texture of the mixture was sticky, similar to that of a

wet dough when we finished mixing the ingredients. We cooked

the mixture in a pot until it thickens and started to feel more like

a wet dough.

The product that was made was better than the previous

one in every way. It is more smooth, uniform and pleasant to look

at. It also sticks better because of its consistency and texture of the mixture. This mixture

was put into a sealed jar to store.

After a week, the water started to separate from the mixture, when we opened the

lid of the jar, it let off a very foul odor, yet there is no visible signs of spoilage and molding

on the glue itself. After another week, the odor changes to smell more like fermented rice


Trial 4

The experiment was conducted on the morning of May 30, 2023,

Flores’ residence, Francia West, Tubao La Union.

This was the last session for our research, we will now be

conducting the experiment to determine the curing and adhesion time of

the experimental and commercial glue through

observation. We will be using the glue that we have made

from our previous session to test it out in various materials

against the commercial glue. The materials that we will be

sticking it on will be paper, plastic and cardboard.

The curing time will be measured under 30 minuets

and will be monitored every 3 minuets to check on its state.

And the adhesion time will be measured under 7 days, to

see if the glued materials exhibits changes during those 7

days being under observation.



Time Table


February 14, 2023 Collecting of Related Literatures

February 19, 2023 1st session of creating the product

February 21, 2023 Restarting the Research paper

February 21, 2023 Re-collecting of Related Literatures

March 5, 2023 2nd Session of creating the product

April 7, 2023 3rd session of creating the product

April 30, 2023 4th session of creating the product and

start of the experiment

April 30 to May 2023 Observation of the Adhesion time of



Name : Alexander Shane M. Ablan

Permanent Address : Gonzales, Tubao, La Union
Date of Birth : Feb 13, 2005
Place of Birth : Gonzales, Tubao, La Union
Guardian : Ronald Ablan and Imelda Ablan
Civil Status : Single
Institutional Affiliation : San Alberto Magno Academy -SAMA
School Address : Poblacion, Tubao, La Union
Contact Number : 09455050614
E-mail Address : [email protected]

2021- 2023 Senior High School

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
San Alberto Magno Academy
Tubao, La Union
2017-2021 Junior High School
San Alberto Magno Academy
Tubao, La Union
2011-2017 Elementary Education
Tubao Central School
Tubao, La Union


Grade 3 with Honor



Name : Kyle Christian, F. Baltazar

Permanent Address : Brgy. Francia West, Tubao, La Union
Date of Birth : June 23, 2005
Place of Birth : Agoo, La Union
Guardian : Mr. Paul Jordan Baltazar and Apple Joy Jordan Baltazar
Civil Status : Single
Institutional Affiliation : San Alberto Magno Academy -SAMA
School Address : Poblacion, Tubao, La Union
Contact Number : 09566129523
E-mail Address : [email protected]

2021- 2023 Senior High School

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
San Alberto Magno Academy
Tubao, La Union
2017-2021 Junior High School
San Alberto Magno Academy
Tubao, La Union
2011-2017 Elementary Education
Tubao Central School
Tubao, La Union


Grade 1 to 6 Honor Student

Grade 7 to 11 Honor student



Name : Christian E. Gabrillo

Address : Francia Sur, Tubao, La Union
Gender : Male
Date of Birth : November 1, 2005
Place of Birth : Agoo, La Union
Nationality : Filipino
Guardian : Antonette Gabrillo
Civil Status : Single
Institutional Affiliation : San Alberto Magno Academy Tubao La Union
School Address : Poblacion, Tubao La Union
Contact Number : 09669273405
E-mail Address :[email protected]

2021- 2023 Senior High School

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
San Alberto Magno Academy
Tubao, La Union
2017-2021 Junior High School
San Alberto Magno Academy
Tubao, La Union
2010-2017 Elementary Education
Francia Sur, Elementary School
Tubao, La Union


Grade 11 with Honor


Name : John Kharl S. Suguitan

Permanent Address : Gonzales, Tubao, La Union
Date of Birth : Dec 11, 2004
Place of Birth : Gonzales, Tubao, La Union
Guardian : Jennifer Suguitan and Michelle Selga
Civil Status : Single
Institutional Affiliation : San Alberto Magno Academy -SAMA
School Address : Poblacion, Tubao, La Union
Contact Number : 09388566338
E-mail Address : [email protected]

2021- 2023 Senior High School

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
San Alberto Magno Academy
Tubao, La Union
2017-2021 Junior High School
San Alberto Magno Academy
Tubao, La Union
2011-2017 Elementary Education
Agoo Academy
Agoo, La Union


Grade 1 with Honor



Name : Joseph Henry S. Talavera

Permanent Address : Brgy. Amallapay, Tubao, La Union
Date of Birth : November 16, 2005
Place of Birth : Nazareno, Agoo, La Union
Parents/Guardian/Spouse : Mr. Alfred Talavera and Mrs. Marlinda Talavera
Civil Status : Single
Institutional Affiliation : San Alberto Magno Academy -SAMA
School Address : Poblacion, Tubao, La Union
Contact Number : 09150779189
E-mail Address : [email protected]

2021- 2023 Senior High School

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
San Alberto Magno Academy
Tubao, La Union
2017-2021 Junior High School
San Alberto Magno Academy
Tubao, La Union
2011-2017 Elementary Education
Tubao Central School
Tubao, La Union


Grade 11 with Honor



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