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Exempt from Filing Fees Pursuant to

Government Code § 6103

Laurie Avedisian-Favini, SBN 231129
1 Wiley R. Driskill, SBN 253913
Matthew M. Lear, SBN 316582 E-FILED
2 LOZANO SMITH 7/18/2023 4:46 PM
7404 N. Spalding Avenue Superior Court of California
3 Fresno, CA 93720-3370 County of Fresno
Telephone: 559-431-5600 By: I. Herrera, Deputy
4 Facsimile: 559-261-9366

5 Attorneys for Applicant, City of Reedley



16 Property Owner: AY-NC-LP
Responsible Parties: Prestige Biotech, Inc., a (Declaration of Jesalyn Harper; Application
17 Nevada Corporation; and Universal Meditech, for Abatement Warrant and Order; and
[Proposed] Abatement Warrant and Order
18 Inc., a California Corporation filed concurrently.)
20 I, JERRY ISAAK, declare as follows:

21 1. I am currently, and at all times relevant have been, employed by the City of Reedley
22 ("City") as the Fire Chief and Code Enforcement Officer. I have personal knowledge of the matters

23 contained herein and could, if called upon, competently testify thereto. As to those matters asserted on
24 information and belief, I believe them to be true.
25 2. I am making this declaration in support of the City's Application for Abatement Warrant
26 and Order to authorize the City and other state and local agencies to enter on the property located at 850
27 "I" Street in the City of Reedley, Assessor's Parcel Number 368-010-64S (the "Property") to abate a
28 serious public nuisance.
DECLARATION OF JERRY ISAAK IN SUPPORT OF In Re Property Located at 850 "I" Street
1 1. My general responsibilities as the City's Fire Chief and Code Enforcement Officer
2 require that I assist with code enforcement matters and remain knowledgeable of the Reedley
3 Municipal Code ("RMC") provisions related to code enforcement and property maintenance standards.
4 My duties include enforcing, interpreting, and administering the RMC in code enforcement matters,

5 including but not limited to enforcing, interpreting, and administering RMC provisions related to
6 abatement of public nuisances, conditions constituting a public nuisance, and procedural notice and
7 hearing requirements.
8 3. In the course of my duties as they relate to code enforcement matters, I have reviewed
9 the City's records related to the Property, inspected the Subject Property, and am familiar with the
10 conditions of the Property, including the actions taken by the City and other federal, state and local

Tr8 11 agencies pursuant to the Inspection Warrant and Order issued by this Court on March 13, 2023, and the
61 re? 12 Abatement Warrant and Order issued by this Court on April 4, 2023.

0 13
F- e6 ,,,
FA 4. Although the City's execution of the Abatement Warrant and Order on April 12, 2023
2 g

P ra 14 was successful in achieving its goal to seize and euthanize the hundreds of neglected, sick and injured
oN .1.
Den 15 mice on the Property, serious health and safety issues remain. In a letter to the City Manager dated
'a 0,
-a I'"
cn 16 April 25, 2023, I outlined areas of growing concern regarding the conditions of the Property, including
4.. 17 unmarked corrosive, toxic and/or highly flammable chemicals stored in the warehouse, a large fuel load

18 in the facility, and hazardous unpermitted electrical wiring creating a fire hazard. In the event that a fire
19 should occur, due to the potential inhalation and explosion hazards, an evacuation zone of at least one
20 city block would need to be established around the Property. In addition, a gas station is located next to
21 the warehouse, which could serve to increase the potential hazard. The potential evacuation zone would
22 include the City Police Department, City Hall, Kings Canyon Unified School District main office and
23 approximately twelve residential homes. A true and correct copy of this April 25, 2023 letter is attached
24 hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference.
25 5. On June 7, 2023, I signed a Notice and Order to Abate Public Nuisance ("Notice and
26 Order") on behalf of the City, providing notice to the owners of the Property that the condition of the
27 Property constitutes a public nuisance in violation of the City Municipal Code. A true and correct copy
28 of this Notice and Order is attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by this reference.
DECLARATION OF JERRY ISAAK IN SUPPORT OF -2- In Re Property Located at 850 "I" Street
1 6. As outlined in the Notice and Order, the following conditions are found to exist on the
2 Property and are considered nuisances subject to abatement and cost recovery under the RMC:

3 • RMC § 4-2-3, subd. (C) [Property Nuisance]:

4 o Unsanitary accumulations of garbage
5 o Contaminated materials
6 o Menace to the public (due to the Property's use as an unpermitted laboratory and
7 the fire hazards identified throughout the Property)
8 o Violations of the State Building Codes
9 o Hazardous liquids and other substances
10 o Safety hazard: maintenance of the Property in a manner that presents an
11 imminent safety hazard and/or creates a present and immediate danger to life,
P; 12 property, health or public safety due to the fire hazards on the Property and the
eF,,^ 13 improper storage of hazardous substances
2 g
ci) et: tf,
0 a)
z 14 o Fire, panic or life safety hazards: the improper installation of electrical wiring
< s
N > tr,
< 15 and improper storage of potentially explosive and flammable substances
1 :2 16 • RMC § 9-1-1 [Adoption of Codes]: Pursuant to the City's adoption of and incorporation
17 of the California Building Code, Electrical Code, Mechanical Code and Abatement of
18 Dangerous Buildings Code, any violation of the above-referenced codes is a violation of
19 the City's ordinance.
20 • RMC § 10-25-4 [Use of Matrix, Office/Commercial]: the Property's zoning requires a
21 Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to operate a laboratory for medical testing and
22 diagnostics. No CUP was secured for the Property in violation of the City's zoning
23 ordinance.
24 7. As further outlined in the Notice and Order, the following substandard conditions are
25 found to exist on the Property, subject to abatement and cost recovery pursuant to Health and Safety
26 Code section 17920.3:
27 • Lack of, or improper operation of required ventilating equipment
28 • Lack of minimum amounts of natural light and ventilation
DECLARATION OF „TERRY ISAAK IN SUPPORT OF -3- In Re Property Located at 850 "I" Street
1 • Infestation of mice or other rodents
2 • Portions of the roof are partially collapsed due to multiple leaks, resulting in a partial
3 collapse of insulation panels and unknown damage to the supporting roof trusses
4 • Improperly installed electrical wiring
5 • Improperly stored combustible materials that in the opinion of the City's Fire Chief
6 creates a condition to cause a fire or explosion at the Property
7 • The building is an unsafe structure due to inadequate maintenance in accordance with
8 the Uniform Building Code.
9 8. The Notice and Order provided the Property owners ten days, until June 17, 2023, to
10 complete necessary demolition or repairs, advising them that if this deadline was not met, the City
▪ 11 would pursue any available remedies to abate the nuisance conditions.
e4112 9. I am informed and believe that the County of Fresno Department of Public Health
61; 13 ("County") took action to for the abatement of the biological hazards on the Property pursuant to an
F §' ``
14 abatement order issued by the County and amended on June 8, 2023. Pursuant to this Order, the County
E8 .<>•-' 15 entered onto the Property and removed potentially hazardous and infectious biological specimens and
CF 16 materials from the Property. Further abatement by the City and other state and local agencies is needed
g 17 in addition to the County's actions in order to remove potentially hazardous laboratory equipment and
18 furnishings, improperly stored chemicals and medical waste, abandoned appliances that pose a fire risk,
19 and other abandoned or discarded property such as furniture, shelving and other items that pose a risk
20 of obstructing egress from the structure. A true and correct copy of the County's "Ordered Closure and
21 Abatement" dated June 8, 2023, that was received by the City is attached hereto as Exhibit C.
22 10. During the pendency of the County's order, the City held its Notice and Order in
23 abeyance until the County completed its abatement of the hazardous and infectious biological specimen
24 and materials on the Property. (Attached hereto as Exhibit D is a true and correct copy of the City's
25 Notice of Abeyance.)
26 11. I am informed and believe that the County carried our its abatement of biological
27 specimen and materials pursuant to its order on or about July 7, 2023. After the County's abatement
28 was complete, the responsible parties had ten (10) days to comply with the City's Notice and Order to
DECLARATION OF JERRY ISAAK IN SUPPORT OF -4- In Re Property Located at 850 "I" Street
1 Abate. The City's Notice of Abeyance expired on July 17, 2023. As of the date of this Declaration.

2 none of the nuisance conditions have been remedied by the Property owners or other responsible

3 parties, and no attempt has even been made by the Property owners to begin to abate the nuisances.

4 12. Based on the facts above, the City is requesting that an Abatement Warrant be issued to

5 allow for the City staff and its designees to enter the Property and abate the hazardous conditions as

described above.

8 I declare under penalty of peijury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is
9 true and correct.


DA LED: July 18. 2023

Je 3
Fi hief an Code Enforcement Officer
Cit of Reedley









DECLARATION OF JERRY ISAAK IN SUPPORT OF In Re Property Located at 850 "1" Street
collisitat IN ega 1060 D STREET, REEDLEY CA 93654

April 25, 2023

TO: Nicole Zieba, City Manager

RE: 850 I Street

Hello Nicole,

I needed to inform you of the growing concern at 850 I Street. As the contractors hired by DTSC and
Public Health proceed with inventorying the items on site, they are finding many of the unmarked
chemicals stored in the warehouse are corrosive, toxic, and/or highly flammable. Due to the lack of
proper labeling of containers, it is difficult to identify exactly what chemicals they are but can only
provide information on their pH and flammability. The inventory list provided this am is helpful, but
there are also drums of chemicals being stored in the warehouse with merchandise materials, various
products and other miscellaneous equipment placed on top of the drums. This is not only limiting the
access of the contractors to test and inventory the chemicals, but is also contributing to the large fuel
load in the facility.

The refrigerators and freezers are still on and operating at this time and because of the hazardous
(unpermitted) electrical present in the building, there is a huge concern for a fire to occur.

In the event a fire should occur, and due to the potential inhalation and explosion hazards, we are
having to plan an evacuation zone of 1 city block around the structure. With the large fuel load of
chemicals and manufacturing materials this evacuation zone could increase. The Fresno County
Emergency Command Center has been advised that no entry will be made by firefighters if a fire were to
occur at this site. Another concern that could increase the evacuation zone is the gas station located
next to the warehouse.

Please note, this evacuation zone includes the City of Reedley Police Department, City of Reedley City
Hall, the Kings Canyon Unified School District main office, and approximately 12 residential homes. All
of the residential homes are older homes and are more than likely not equipped with fire sprinklers and
could be at a higher risk for loss of life and/or property.

I cannot stress enough the importance of addressing the violations at 850 I St in a prompt manner. As
the timeline of this investigation lengthens the more hazards to the public we identify, and the concern
increased of a potential disaster for our city.


City of Reedley
Community Development Department
1733 Ninth Street
Reedley, CA 93654
's RUA (559) 637-4200

June 7, 2023

AY-NC-LP Archibald M. Sam

225 Market Street 500 Sansome Street
Oakland, CA 94607 San Francisco, CA 9211 1


Property Address: 850 "I" Street, Reedley, CA 93654
Fresno County APN: 368-010-64S
Legal Description: 1.73 AC SUR RT IN BLKS 69 & 70 ABND ST ADJ REEDLEY


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the City of Reedley ("City") that the above-referenced
property ("Property") constitutes a public nuisance in violation of the Reedley Municipal Code
("RMC"). From March 3, 2023 through May 15, 2023, the City conducted several inspections of
the Property and the City's Code Enforcement Officers found and documented numerous
violations of the RMC and California Health and Safety Code. Pursuant to these violations, the
City is providing you with ten (10) days to abate the nuisance conditions at the Property.

The following conditions are found to exist on the Property and are considered nuisances subject
to abatement and cost recovery pursuant to the RMC:

• RMC § 4-2-3, subd. (C) [Property NuiSance]:

O 3. Unsanitary Accumulations of Garbage: there is an accumulation of garbage or
combustible trash upon the Property and not contained within a proper trash
o 5. Contaminated Materials: the Property is full of trash, debris, and other
materials that have been contaminated by animal excrement, urine, or other
biological fluids and medical waste.
o 10. Menace to Public: the Property's use as an unpermitted laboratory, and the
lire hazards identified throughout the Property constitute a menace to public
850 "I" Street
June 7, 2023
Page 2

health and safety.

o 11. Violations Of Uniform Code: Violations of the State Building Codes. (See
Exhibit A, attached hereto.)
o 12. Violations Of This Code: The property is being maintained in violation of the
o 21. Hazardous Liquids and Other Substances: The Property contains numerous
hazardous liquids and other substances that are not properly stored pursuant to
law, including but not limited to 8 Cal. Code Regs. § 5160, et seq. (Hazardous
Substances and Processes.)
o 28. Safety Hazard: The maintenance of the Property is in a manner that presents
an imminent safety hazard and/or creates a present and immediate danger to life,
property, health or public safety due to the fire hazards on the Property and the
improper storage of hazardous substances.
o 33. Fire, Panic Or Life Safety Hazards: The improper installation of electrical
wiring and the improper storage of potentially explosive and flammable
substances presents a fire, panic, or life safety hazard. Further, due to the
improper storage of materials within the Property, there is inadequate egress
throughout the building.

• RMC § 9-1-1 [Adoption of Codes]: Pursuant to the provisions of Government Code

section 50022.2, the City adopted and incorporated the provisions rules and regulations
set forth in the California Building Code, Electrical Code, Mechanical Code, and
Abatement of Dangerous Buildings Code. Any violation of the above-referenced State
Building Codes is a violation of the City's ordinance.

• RMC § 10-25-4 [Use Matrix, Office/Commercial]: The Property is zoned Light Industrial
(RMC § 10-9A-1) which requires a Conditional Use Permit ("CUP") to operate a
laboratory for medical testing and diagnostics. You have failed to secure a CUP in
violation of the City's zoning ordinance.

The following violations of the California Building Code and Uniform Code for the Abatement of
Dangerous Buildings were found on the Property:

(See Exhibit A — List of State Building Code Violations)

The following substandard conditions are found to exist on the Property, subject to abatement and
cost recovery pursuant to the Health and Safety Code section 17920.3:

• (a)(7) Lack of, or improper operation of required ventilating equipment.

• (a)(8) Lack of minimum amounts of natural light and ventilation as required by the
Health and Safety Code.
• (a)(12) There is an infestation of mice or other rodents on the Property.
• (b)(6) Portions of the roof are partially collapsed due to multiple roof leaks and has
resulted in a partial collapse of the insulation panels and unknown damage to the
850 "I" Street
June 7, 2023
Page 3

supporting roof trusses.

• (c) Nuisance conditions exist on the Property as referenced above.
• (d) Improperly installed electrical wiring.
• (h) The Property contains improperly stored combustible materials that in the
opinion of the City's Fire Chief creates a condition to cause a fire or explosion at
the Property.
• (k) The Property is an unsafe structure due to inadequate maintenance in
accordance with the Uniform Building Code.


Due to the immediate threat to health and safety from the fire hazards that presently exists at the
Property, you are hereby ordered to remove all of the above identified nuisances on the Property
and bring the Property into compliance with the RMC within ten (10) days of the date of this
Notice and Order to Abate. In order to bring the Property into compliance, you must:

• Remove and dispose of any and all improperly stored hazardous materials,
chemicals, and medical waste on the Property consistent with Federal, State, and
local regulations.
• Remove all abandoned components and embargoed materials that poses a risk of
inadequate egress throughout the Property.
• Remove all abandoned appliances that are posing a fire risk.
• Remove all abandoned and discarded property including but not limited to
furniture, shelving, and other miscellaneous items that obstruct egress throughout
the Property.
• Remove all non-permitted electrical work from the Property, or shut-off power to
the Property.
• Following the removal of the above-referenced chemicals, medical waste,
hazardous materials, and personal property impeding egress, a structural engineer
must assess the Property to confirm the structural integrity of the main building on
the Property.

If the necessary demolition or repair is not completed by June 17, 2023, ten (10) days from the
date this Notice and Order is mailed and posted on the Property, the City will pursue any available
remedies to abate the nuisance conditions.

Please contact the City of Reedley, Jerry Isaak (Fire Chief), at 559-637-4230, if you have any
questions and to schedule a compliance inspection immediately following the deadline noted
850 "I" Street
June 7, 2023
Page 4


Additional consequences may result in enforcement actions, including but not limited to
administrative abatement, civil penalties, appointment of a receiver, or the filing of a judicial
action. As the owner of the Property, you shall be billed for any and all costs incurred by the City
for abatement of the Property, including attorney's fees. (RMC § 1-12-9.) If you try to sell or
transfer the Property during the period between the issuance of this Notice and Order and the
abatement of the violation or any judicial actions related to the Notice and Order, you \\ i l l ,be
required to record a "Notice of Conveyance of Substandard Property" with the Fresno County
Recorder's Office, and provide the City with contact information of the new owner(s) within five
(5) business days of the sale or transfer. (H&S Code § 17991, subd. (c).)

Failure to abate all of the above referenced nuisances and substandard conditions also subjects
you to administrative citations for each day that the Property remains unabated. (RMC § 1-12-8.)
Furthermore, failure to abate the above-referenced nuisance conditions may also subject you to
criminal prosecution. (Pen. Code § 373a; H&S Code § 17995; and RMC § 1-4-1.)


If you have any objections to this Notice and Order, you may file a written appeal in accordance
with RMC section 1-12-6. The appeal must be in writing, filed with the City Manager (1733 9th
Street, Reedley, CA 93654), and received no later than ten (10) days from the date of this Notice.
The appeal must state the basis for the appeal with sufficient specificity so that the hearing officer
can understand the basis for the appeal and must include the name, address, and telephone number
of the person filing the appeal. Failure to file a timely appeal will result in the City proceeding
with the abatement of the Property at your expense without further notice or hearing.

It should also be noted that a lessor may not retaliate against a lessee pursuant to Civil Code section
1942.5, and in accordance with Sections 17274 and 24436.5 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, a
tax deduction may not be allowed for interest, taxes, depreciation, or amortization paid or incurred
in the taxable year.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me.



]err II
Fire l hief
(List of State Building Code Violations)
Regarding the property located at 850 "I" Street, Reedley, CA, below is a list of general
violations cited from the 2022 California Title 24 Code of Regulations.
2022 CA Building Code
116.1 Unsafe Conditions.
Structures or existing equipment that are or hereafter become unsafe, insanitary or deficient
because of inadequate means of egress facilities, inadequate light and ventilation, or that
constitute a fire hazard, or are otherwise dangerous to human life or the public welfare, or that
involve illegeal or improper occupancy or inadequate maintenance, shall be deemed an unsafe
condition. Unsafe structures shall be taken down and removed or made safe, as the building
official deems necessary and as provided for in this section. A vacant structure that is not secured
against unauthorized entry shall be deemed unsafe.

1003.6 Means of Egress Continuity.

The path of egress travel along a means of egress shall not be interrupted by a building element
other than a means of egress component as specified in this chapter. Obstructions shall not be
placed in the minimum width or required capacity of a means of egress component except
projections permitted by this chapter. The minimum width or required capacity of a means of
egress system shall not be diminished along the path of egress travel.

1997 Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings

Section 302 — Dangerous Building
16. Whenever any building or structure, because of obsolescence, dilapidated condition,
deterioration, damage, inadequate exists, lack of sufficient fire-resistive construction, faulty
electric wiring, gas connections or heating apparatus, or other cause, is determined by the fire
marshal to be a fire hazard.
17. Whenever any building or structure is in such a condition as to constitute a public nuisance
known to the common law or in equity jurisprudence.
C U.

4 County of Fresno
d t5
1:g6 0
E David Luchini, Director
Dr. Rais Vohra, Interim Health Officer

Amended 6-8-2023 1I

Ordered Closure and Abatement



Please read this Order carefully. Violations of or failure to comply with this Order is a crime punishable by
fine, imprisonment, or both. Violators are also subject to civil enforcements actions including civil
penalties of up to $1,000 per violation per day, injunctive relief, and attorneys' fees and costs. (Health and
Safety Code Section 120275; Penal Code Section 19; Government Code Section 25132.

Under the authority of California Health and Safety Code Section 120175, and 120275; Title 17
California Code of Regulations Section 2501; and Article XI of the California Constitution, The Health
Officer of the County of Fresno ("Health Officer") Orders:

1. The business located at 850 "I" Street, Reedley, CA 93654, Assessors Parcel Number 368-010-64S
("Business") in the County of Fresno, whether public or private, and their ancillary use areas, which
include but are not limited to parking areas, are hereby closed effective immediately and shall remain
closed pending further Order of the Public Health Officer.

Entry to or use of Business, and their ancillary use areas, shall not be permitted by any person or
group, regardless of membership status, admission cost, or party size.

2. This Order will permit the Fresno County Department of Public Health or its designee to abate all
biologicals kept on premises of Business unless the following demands are met:

A. Within-seven (7) days By June 11, 2023, the Business identified above must produce the names,
titles, and contact information of all persons authorized by law to conduct business and assume
financial responsibility of the Business in California. Such persons include corporate officers, di-
rectors, shareholders, or employees granted such abilities via board resolution.

B. Within seven-(-7-)-days By June 11, 2023, the Business identified above must produce a biological
abatement and disposal plan for the transport of properly labeled and identified biological speci-
mens consistent
with Federal, State, and local regulations. This plan should include transporters with appropriate
licensures and certifications as well as a demonstration of commitment from these vendors via a
purchase order or binding commitment. All biological specimens in non-operating refrigerators, or
specimens that are improperly labeled or unidentified shall be treated as medical waste and
abated and disposed of as medical waste. Such transporters contact information must be
provided for the Fresno County Department of Public Health to verify.
3. If the Fresno County Department of Public Health does not receive both of the above items or it does
not approve the biological abatement plan, then they, or their designee, may immediately commence
abatement of all biologicals found on the property.

Promotion, preservation andprotection of the community's health

1221 Fulton Street /P. O. Box 11867, Fresno, CA 93775
(559) 600-3200 • FAX (559) 600-7687
The County of Fresno is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer • www.fcdph.orq
4. This Order is issued as a result of the City of Reedley's attempts at gathering authorized
representative contact information, repeated requests of complete lists of biologicals present, and an
inspection pursuant to Health Officer Order dated April 21, 2023, which revealed biologicals in
hazardous and non-compliant conditions, the presence of multiple infectious agents and pursuant to
Title 17 California Code of Regulations Section 2500, and multiple City of Reedley building and fire
code violations, including but not limited to, failing refrigeration, and documented out of compliance
electrical additions.

5. Furthermore, the City of Reedley issued an Abatement Warrant on April 5, 2023, for the abatement of
neglected laboratory mice, which revealed a persisting pest infestation at the premises.

6. This Order is issued based on evidence of increasing non-compliance with the City of Reedley by
Business, and to protect the public from the risk of spread or of exposure to the identified infectious
agents found on premises.

7. This order is made in accordance with all applicable State and Federal laws, including but not limited
to: Health and Safety Code Sections 101030, et seq.: Health and Safety Code Sections 120100, et.
Seq.; and Title 17 of the California Code of Regulations Section 2501.

8. To the extent necessary, pursuant to Government Code Sections 26602 and 41601 and Health and
Safety Code Section 101029, the Health Officer requests that the Sheriff and all Chiefs of Police in
the County ensure compliance with and enforcement of this Order. Violators are also subject to civil
enforcement actions including civil penalties of up to $1,000 per violation per day, injunctive relief,
and attorneys' fees and costs.

9. Copies of this Order shall promptly be (1) made available at the County of Fresno Department of
Public Health office located at 1221 Fulton Mall, Fresno, CA 93721; (2) posted on the County of
Fresno Public Health Department's website; and (3) provided to any member of the public requesting
a copy of this Order.

10. Language Assistance Rights

The contents of this letter involve your property and may impact your legal rights. Your response to this
letter is very important, failure to respond may have legal consequences. If you need language assistance
to understand the contents of this letter, please immediately contact the County of Fresno — Department of
Public Health by phone at (559) 600-3200 or by email at [email protected] to be connected with
a translator.

*MA -7 46RenM7± .big'afi:Aeni V IJ olgMigllignEkgElf. MEIN. g *

ffd o PraiMRiggftIMJVTAMIligifYgE ihtRnAtlEgit ( 559) 600-3200 da3LIEP,±Elf 4
[email protected] -4141-14
3 A1-7-AR:45CEIMME-1- 9f
fi Fillin °
11. The following shall constitute the notice of rights:
a. If you object to this order, you have a right to arrange for your own legal representative.
b. You have a right to also file for judicial relief to seek release from the order.
c. All requests to contact the County Health Officer will be through FCDPH at (559) 600-3200 during
normal business hours. After hours, weekends, and holidays notify FCDPH On-Call staff at (559)
352-7067. If no response, contact County Sheriff Dispatch at (559) 600-3111.

ors Voi\ys /\/\. 5/3v2023 6/8/2023

(Signature of Health Officer or Deputy Health Officer) (Date of Issuance of Order)
City of Reedley
1P° Community Development Department
1733 Ninth Street
Reedley, CA 93654
(559) 637-4200

June 22, 2023

AY-NC-LP Archibald M. Sam

225 Market Street 500 Sansome Street
Oakland, CA 94607 San Francisco, CA 92111


Property Address: 850 "I" Street, Reedley, CA 93654
Fresno County APN: 368-010-64S
Legal Description: 1.73 AC SUR RT IN BLKS 69 & 70 ABND ST ADJ REEDLEY


On June 7, 2023, the City of Reedley ("City") issued to the property owner(s) and all other
parties with an interest in the above-referenced property ("Property") (hereinafter collectively
referred to as "Parties") a Notice and Order to Abate Public Nuisance ("Notice and Order") for
the violations to the City's Municipal Code, California Health and Safety Code, California
Building Code, and the Code for the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings.
The Notice required that abatement of the identified violations must be completed by no later
than June 17, 2023. (A true and correct copy of the Notice and Order is attached hereto as
Exhibit 1.)

On May 31, 2023, the Health Officer of the County of Fresno issued an order requiring the
closure of the business and the abatement of biologicals located within the Property (hereinafter
"Health Officer's Order"). The County subsequently issued an Amended Health Officer Order
on June 8, 2023, providing the Parties with more time to comply.

Due to the Health Officer's Order preventing the Parties from entering the Property to abate the
nuisance conditions identified in the City's Notice and Order within the timeframe provided,
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City's Notice and Order is hereafter held in
abeyance until the County's Health Officer's Order is lifted.
850 "I" Street
June 22, 2023
Page 3

Please contact the City of Reedley, Jerry Isaak (Fire Chief), at 559-637-4230, if you have any
questions and to schedule a compliance inspection immediately following the deadline noted



Jerry Isaak
Fire Chief
850 "I" Street
June 22, 2023
Page 3

Please contact the City of Reedley, Jerry Isaak (Fire Chief), at 559-637-4230, if you have any
questions and to schedule a compliance inspection immediately following the deadline noted



Jerry Isaak
Fire Chief
[June 7, 2023 Notice and Order to Abate]
.0 4,-- l,
f- City of Reedley
Community Development Department
on, aJ 1733 Ninth Street
0.117 Reedley, CA 93654
o S
(559) 637-4200

June 7, 2023

AY-NC-LP Archibald M. Sam

225 Market Street 500 Sansome Street
Oakland, CA 94607 San Francisco, CA 9211 1


Property Address: 850 "I" Street, Reedley, CA 93654
Fresno County APN: 368-010-64S
Legal Description: 1.73 AC SUR RT IN BLKS 69 & 70 ABND ST AD.' REEDLEY


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the City of Reedley ("City") that the above-referenced
property ("Property") constitutes a public nuisance in violation of the Reedley Municipal Code
("RMC"). From March 3, 2023 through May 15, 2023, the City conducted several inspections of
the Property and the City's Code Enforcement Officers found and documented numerous
violations of the RMC and California Health and Safety Code. Pursuant to these violations, the
City is providing you with ten (10) days to abate the nuisance conditions at the Property.

The following conditions are found to exist on the Property and are considered nuisances subject
to abatement and cost recovery pursuant to the RMC:

• RMC § 4-2-3, subd. (C) [Property Nuisance]:

o 3. Unsanitary Accumulations of Garbage: there is an accumulation .of garbage or
combustible trash upon the Property and not contained within a proper trash
o 5. Contaminated Materials: the Property is full of trash, debris, and other
materials that have been contaminated by animal excrement, urine, or other
biological fluids and medical waste.
o 10. Menace to Public: the Property's use as an unpermitted laboratory, and the
fi re hazards identified throughout the Property constitute a menace to public
850 "I" Street
June 7, 2023
Page 4


Additional consequences may result in enforcement actions, including but not limited to
administrative abatement, civil penalties, appointment of a receiver, or the filing of a judicial
action. As the owner of the Property, you shall be billed for any and all costs incurred by the City
for abatement of the Property, including attorney's fees. (RMC § 1-12-9.) If you try to sell or
transfer the Property during the period between the issuance of this Notice and Order and the
abatement of the violation or any judicial actions related to the Notice and Order, you will be
required to record a "Notice of Conveyance of Substandard Property" with the Fresno County
Recorder's Office, and provide the City with contact information of the new owner(s) NVI111111 five
(5) business days of the sale or transfer. (H&S Code § 17991, subd. (c).)

Failure to abate all of the above referenced nuisances and substandard conditions also subjects
you to administrative citations for each day that the Property remains unabated. (RMC § 1-12-8.)
Furthermore, failure to abate the above-referenced nuisance conditions may also subject you to
criminal prosecution. (Pen. Code § 373a; H&S Code § 17995; and RMC § 1-4-1.)


If you have any objections to this Notice and Order, you may file a written appeal in accordance
with RMC section 1-12-6. The appeal must be in writing, filed with the City Manager (1733 9th
Street, Reedley, CA 93654). and received no later than ten (10) days from the date of this Notice.
The appeal must state the basis for the appeal with sufficient specificity so that the hearing officer
can understand the basis for the appeal and must include the name, address, and telephone number
of the person fi ling the appeal. Failure to file a timely appeal \\ ill result in the City proceeding
with the abatement of the Property at your expense without further notice or hearing.

It should also be noted that a lessor may not retaliate against a lessee pursuant to Civil Code section
1942.5, and in accordance with Sections 17274 and 24436.5 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, a
tax deduction may not be allowed for interest, taxes, depreciation, or amortization paid or incurred
in the taxable year.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me.



Fire l hief
850 "I" Street
June 7, 2023
Page 3

supporting roof trusses.

• (c) Nuisance conditions exist on the Property as referenced above.
• (d) Improperly installed electrical wiring.
• (h) The Property contains improperly stored combustible materials that in the
opinion of the City's Fire Chief creates a condition to cause a fire or explosion at
the Property.
• (k) The Property is an unsafe structure due to inadequate maintenance in
accordance with the Uniform Building Code.


Due to the immediate threat to health and safety from the fire hazards that presently exists at the
Property, you are hereby ordered to remove all of the above identified nuisances on the Property
and bring the Property into compliance with the RMC within ten (10) days of the date of this
Notice and Order to Abate. In order to bring the Property into compliance, you must:

• Remove and dispose of any and all improperly stored hazardous materials,
chemicals, and medical waste on the Property consistent with Federal, State, and
local regulations.
• Remove all abandoned components and embargoed materials that poses a risk of
inadequate egress throughout the Property.
• Remove all abandoned appliances that are posing a fire risk.
• Remove all abandoned and discarded property including but not limited to
furniture, shelving, and other miscellaneous items that obstruct egress throughout
the Property.
• Remove all non-permitted electrical work from the Property, or shut-off power to
the Property.
• Following the removal of the above-referenced chemicals, medical waste,
hazardous materials, and personal property impeding egress, a structural engineer
must assess the Property to confirm the structural integrity of the main building on
the Property.

If the necessary demolition or repair is not completed by June 17, 2023, ten (10) days from the
date this Notice and Order is mailed and posted on the Property, the City will pursue any available
remedies to abate the nuisance conditions.

Please contact the City of Reedley, Jerry lsaak (Fire Chief), at 559-637-4230, if you have any
questions and to schedule a compliance inspection immediately following the deadline noted
850 "I" Street
June 7, 2023
Page 4


Additional consequences may result in enforcement actions, including but not limited to
administrative abatement, civil penalties, appointment of a receiver, or the filing of a judicial
action. As the owner of the Property, you shall be billed for any and all costs incurred by the City
for abatement of the Property, including attorney's fees. (RMC § 1-12-9.) If you try to sell or
transfer the Property during the period between the issuance of this Notice and Order and the
abatement of the violation or any judicial actions related to the Notice and Order, you will be
required to record a "Notice of Conveyance of Substandard Property" with the Fresno County
Recorder's Office, and provide the City with contact information of the new owner(s) NVI111111 five
(5) business days of the sale or transfer. (H&S Code § 17991, subd. (c).)

Failure to abate all of the above referenced nuisances and substandard conditions also subjects
you to administrative citations for each day that the Property remains unabated. (RMC § 1-12-8.)
Furthermore, failure to abate the above-referenced nuisance conditions may also subject you to
criminal prosecution. (Pen. Code § 373a; H&S Code § 17995; and RMC § 1-4-1.)


If you have any objections to this Notice and Order, you may file a written appeal in accordance
with RMC section 1-12-6. The appeal must be in writing, filed with the City Manager (1733 9th
Street, Reedley, CA 93654). and received no later than ten (10) days from the date of this Notice.
The appeal must state the basis for the appeal with sufficient specificity so that the hearing officer
can understand the basis for the appeal and must include the name, address, and telephone number
of the person fi ling the appeal. Failure to file a timely appeal \\ ill result in the City proceeding
with the abatement of the Property at your expense without further notice or hearing.

It should also be noted that a lessor may not retaliate against a lessee pursuant to Civil Code section
1942.5, and in accordance with Sections 17274 and 24436.5 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, a
tax deduction may not be allowed for interest, taxes, depreciation, or amortization paid or incurred
in the taxable year.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me.



Fire l hief
(List of State Building Code Violations)
Regarding the property located at 850 "I" Street, Reedley, CA, below is a list of general
violations cited from the 2022 California Title 24 Code of Regulations.
2022 CA Building Code
116.1 Unsafe Conditions.
Structures or existing equipment that are or hereafter become unsafe, insanitary or deficient
because of inadequate means of egress facilities, inadequate light and ventilation, or that
constitute a fire hazard, or are otherwise dangerous to human life or the public welfare, or that
involve illegeal or improper occupancy or inadequate maintenance, shall be deemed an unsafe
condition. Unsafe structures shall be taken down and removed or made safe, as the building
official deems necessary and as provided for in this section. A vacant structure that is not secured
against unauthorized entry shall be deemed unsafe.

1003.6 Means of Egress Continuity.

The path of egress travel along a means of egress shall not be interrupted by a building element
other than a means of egress component as specified in this chapter. Obstructions shall not be
placed in the minimum width or required capacity of a means of egress component except
projections permitted by this chapter. The minimum width or required capacity of a means of
egress system shall not be diminished along the path of egress travel.

1997 Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings

Section 302 — Dangerous Building
16. Whenever any building or structure, because of obsolescence, dilapidated condition,
deterioration, damage, inadequate exists, lack of sufficient fire-resistive construction, faulty
electric wiring, gas connections or heating apparatus, or other cause, is determined by the fire
marshal to be a fire hazard.
17. Whenever any building or structure is in such a condition as to constitute a public nuisance
known to the common law or in equity jurisprudence.
I. Jesalyn Harper, am employed in the County of Fresno, State of California. I am over the age
2 of eighteen
years and not a party to the within entitled cause; my business address is 1060 D St, Reedley
3 CA 93654.

4 On June 23, 2023 I served the attached: NOTICE AND ORDER TO ABATE PUBLIC
NUISANCE on the interested parties in said cause, by causing delivery to be made by the mode of
5 service indicated below:

6 Archibald M Sam AY-NC-LP

500 Sansome St 225 Market St
7 San Francisco, CA 94111 Oakland, CA 94607

[X] (Certified and First Class U.S. Mail) on all parties in said action in accordance with Code of Civil
9 Procedure Section 1013, by placing a true and correct copy thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope
10 in a designated area for outgoing mail, addressed as set forth above, at Lozano Smith, which mail
placed in that designated area is given the correct amount of postage and is deposited at the Post
11 Office that same day, in the ordinary course of business, in a United States mailbox in the County
of Fresno.
13 [[ (By Facsimile Machine) on all parties in said action by transmitting a true and correct copy thereof
from our office facsimile machine to the facsimile machine numbers shown in this proof of service
14 and/or the attached list. Following transmission, a Transmission Report was received from our
fax machine indicating that the transmission had been transmitted without error.
[ (By Electronic Mail) on all parties in said action by transmitting a true and correct to the persons
16 at the email addresses listed above. I did not receive, within a reasonable time after the
transmission, any electronic message or other indication that the transmission was unsuccessful.

18 [[ (By Personal Service) by causing to be personally delivered a true copy thereof to the
addressee above.
1 declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is
20 true and correct. Executed on June 23, 2023 at Fresno, California.

a a ef.K
Jesalyn Harder,

28 J: wdocs‘01910\031111)121:1111044361.13OCX

PROOF OF SERVICE In re 850 "I" Street, Reedley, CA

U.S. Postal Service"' U.S. Postal Service"'
Domestic Mail Only -n
ru 171 Domestic Mail Only
c0 For delivery information, visit our website at For delivery information, visit our website at tvtvtv.tisps.corii
'akOicicli6C 1AL USE
1•- Certified Mall Fee
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m D Return Receipt (hardcopy) 1 I II
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1:3 $0 00 Postmark m 0 Return Receipt (electronic) $ $0 „ 0 1:1 Postmark
O 13 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $0.00 Here
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PS Form 3800, April 2015 I'Sr: 75 sO W-009.9047 See Reverse for Instructions
1, Jesalyn Harper, am employed in the County of Fresno, State of California. I am over the age
2 of eighteen years and not a party to the within
entitled cause; my business address is 1060 D St, Reedley
3 CA 93654.

4 On June 23, 2023 I served the attached: NOTICE AND ORDER TO ABATE PUBLIC
NUISANCE on the interested parties in said cause, by causing delivery to be made by the mode of
5 service indicated below:

6 8501 Street
Reedley, CA 93654

8 [ (Certified and First Class U.S. Mail) on all parties in said action in accordance with Code of Civil
Procedure Section 1013, by placing a true and correct copy thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope
9 in a designated area for outgoing mail, addressed as set forth above, at Lozano Smith, which mail
placed in that designated area is given the correct amount of postage and is deposited at the Post
Office that same day, in the ordinary course of business, in a United States mailbox in the County
11 of Fresno.

12 [] (By Facsimile Machine) on all parties in said action by transmitting a true and correct copy thereof
from our office facsimile machine to the facsimile machine numbers shown in this proof of service
13 and/or the attached list. Following transmission, a Transmission Report was received from our
fax machine indicating that the transmission had been transmitted without error.

15 [] (By Electronic Mail) on all parties in said action by transmitting a true and correct to the persons
at the email addresses listed above. I did not receive, within a reasonable time after the
16 transmission, any electronic message or other indication that the transmission was unsuccessful.

17 [X] (By Personal Service) by causing to be personally delivered a true copy thereof to the
addressee above.

19 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is
true and correct. Executed on June 23, 2023 at Fresno, California.

21 er/
Jesalyn Harper



27 JAwdoes101910\030\1121:101044361.IX)CX

PROOF OF SERVICE in re 850 "I" Street, Reedley, CA
I, Jesalyn Harper, am employed in the County of Fresno, State of California. I am over the age
of eighteen years and not a party to the within entitled cause; my business address is 1060 D St, Reedley
CA 93654.

4 On June 27, 2023 1 served the attached: NOTICE AND ORDER TO ABATE PUBLIC
NUISANCE on the interested parties in said cause, by causing delivery to be made by the mode of
5 service indicated below:
6 Xiugin Yao [email protected]
[email protected] [email protected]

8 [1 (Certified and First Class U.S. Mail) on all parties in said action in accordance with Code of Civil
Procedure Section 1013, by placing a true and correct copy thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope
9 in a designated area for outgoing mail, addressed as set forth above, at Lozano Smith, which mail
placed in that designated area is given the correct amount of postage and is deposited at the Post
Office that same day, in the ordinary course of business, in a United States mailbox in the County
11 of Fresno.

12 [ (By Facsimile Machine) on all parties in said action by transmitting a true and correct copy thereof
from our office facsimile machine to the facsimile machine numbers shown in this proofofservice
1:3 and/or the attached list. Following transmission, a Transmission Report was received from our
fax machine indicating that the transmission had been transmitted without error.
15 [ (By Electronic Mail) on all parties in said action by transmitting a true and correct to the persons
at the email addresses listed above. I did not receive, within a reasonable time after the
16 transmission, any electronic message or other indication that the transmission was unsuccessful.
17 (By Personal Service) by causing to he personally delivered a true copy thereof' to the
addressee above.

19 1 declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is
true and correct. Executed on June 27, 2023 at Fresno, California.

21 J /
Jesalyn I-Iar e



27 JAwdoes10 1 91 0\030\1'12 1:101 04,136 1.1)0CX

PROOF OF SERVICE In re 850 "1" Street, Reedley, CA

2 I, Veronica Banda, am employed in the County of Fresno, State of California. I am over the age
of eighteen years and not a party to the within entitled cause; my business address is 7404 N. Spalding
Avenue, Fresno 93720.
On July 18, 2023, I served the attached: DECLARATION OF JERRY ISAAK IN SUPPORT
ON THE PROPERTY TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCE on the interested parties in said cause, by
6 causing delivery to be made by the mode of service indicated below:

7 AY-NC-LP Archibald M. Sam

225 Market St. 500 Sansome Street
8 Oakland, CA 94607 San Francisco, CA 92111
9 Property Owner Agent for Property Owner

10 Barry Zhang CPA & Associates, LLC Xiao Xiao Wang

3528 Wynn Road 1320 E. Fortune Avenue, Suite 102
11 Las Vegas, NV 89103 Fresno, CA 93725
Agent for Prestige Biotech Agent for Universal Meditech, Inc.
0, 12
13 [X] (Regular U.S. Mail) on all parties in said action in accordance with Code of Civil Procedure
Section 1013, by placing a true and correct copy thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope in a
0 14 designated area for outgoing mail, addressed as set forth above, at Lozano Smith, which mail
N placed in that designated area is given the correct amount of postage and is deposited at the Post
15 Office that same day, in the ordinary course of business, in a United States mailbox in the County
of Fresno.

17 [ ] (By Certified Mail - Return Receipt Requested) on all parties in said action in accordance with
Code of Civil Procedure Section 1013, by placing a true and correct copy thereof enclosed in a
18 sealed envelope in a designated area for outgoing mail, addressed as set forth above, at Lozano
Smith, which mail placed in that designated area is given the correct amount of postage and is
19 deposited that same day, in the ordinary course of business, in a United States mailbox in the
County of Fresno.

21 [ ] (By Federal Express/Overnight Mail) on all parties in said action by depositing a true and correct
copy thereof in a sealed envelope/packet for overnight mail delivery, with charges thereon fully
22 paid, in a Federal Express collection box, at Fresno, California, and addressed as set forth above.

23 [ ] (By Personal Service) by causing to be personally delivered a true copy thereof to the
addressee above.

25 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of StateOf Califor a th t the foregoing is
true and correct. Executed on July 18, 2023, at Fresn•, C.
/1JOL, '
27 V omca Banda

28 JAwdocs\01910\030\PLD\01045880.DOCX

DECLARATION OF JERRY ISAAK IN SUPPORT OF In Re Property Located at 850 "I" Street


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