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What is Artificial intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence is a field, which combines computer science and robust datasets, to enable

problem-solving. It also encompasses sub-fields of machine learning and deep learning, which are

frequently mentioned in conjunction with artificial intelligence. These disciplines are comprised of AI

algorithms which seek to create expert systems which make predictions or classifications based on input


Artificial Intelligence combines computer science and robust datasets that aids in problem solving. It also

incorporate sub- fields of machine learning and deep learning

How does Artificial Intelligence works?

AI systems work by ingesting large amounts of labeled training data, analyzing the data for correlations

and patterns, and using these patterns to make predictions about future states. In this way, a Chabot that is

fed examples of text can learn to generate lifelike exchanges with people, or an image recognition tool

can learn to identify and describe objects in images by reviewing millions of examples. New, rapidly

improving generative AI techniques can create realistic text, images, music and other media.
Type of Artificial Intelligence

1. Artificial Narrow Intelligence: describes AI tools designed to carry out very specific

actions or commands. ANI technologies are built to serve and excel in one cognitive

capability, and cannot independently learn skills beyond its design.

2. Artificial General Intelligence: AI designed to learn, think and perform at similar levels

to humans.

3. Artificial Superintelligence: AI able to surpass the knowledge and capabilities of humans.

4. Reactive Machines: AI capable of responding to external stimuli in real time; unable to

build memory or store information for future.

5. Limited Memory: AI that can store knowledge and use it to learn and train for future


6. Theory of Mind: AI that can sense and respond to human emotions, plus perform the

tasks of limited memory machines.

7. Self-aware: AI that can recognize others’ emotions, plus has sense of self and human-

level intelligence; the final stage of AI.

Why is artificial intelligence important?

AI is important for its potential to change how we live, work and play. It has been effectively

used in business to automate tasks done by humans, including customer service work, lead

generation, fraud detection and quality control. In a number of areas, AI can perform tasks much

better than humans. Particularly when it comes to repetitive, detail-oriented tasks, such as

analyzing large numbers of legal documents to ensure relevant fields are filled in properly, AI

tools often complete jobs quickly and with relatively few errors. Because of the massive data sets

it can process, AI can also give enterprises insights into their operations they might not have

been aware of. The rapidly expanding population of generative AI tool will be important in fields

ranging from education and marketing to product design.

Application of artificial intelligence

1. ChaBots

2. Alexa

3. Siri

4. Self-drive car

5. Drones

6. Facial recognition

7. Generation or creative tools

8. Strategic game

9. Image labeling

10. Auto language translation

Feature of artificial intelligence

1. Deep learning

2. Facial recognition

3. Automation

4. Data ingestion

5. Cloud computing

6. Quantum computing

7. ChatBots

8. Futuristic
What are the ethical concern around artificial intelligence?

 Regulation

 Privacy

 Mitigation of bias

 Transparency

 Relevance

 Opacity

 Liability
What are some legal concerns around artificial intelligence?

 Discrimination

 Explainability

 International governance

 Liability for AI

 Ethical consideration

 AI bias

 Data privacy
The positive implication of artificial intelligence

 Reduce errors and risks- AI minimized the change of making an error

 Data analysis- AI provide data that human can easily understand.

 Faster Decisions- AI can make machines take decisions faster than human and carry out them


 Available around the clock- AI does not require time off and can be available 24×7.
The negative implication of artificial intelligence

 Unemployment-As AI is replacing the majority of the repetitive tasks and other works with

robots, human interference is becoming less which will cause a major problem in the employment


 Lacking out of Box Thinking-Machines can perform only those tasks which they are designed or

programmed to do, anything out of that they tend to crash or give irrelevant outputs which could

be a major backdrop.

 No Ethics-Ethics and morality are the two most important features of humans, but it isn't easy to

incorporate both of these into Artificial Intelligence. AI is rapidly increasing uncontrollably in

each sector, so if this continues for the upcoming decades, it may eventually wipe out humanity.

 Security Risks-AI systems can pose as a security risks if they are not properly secured.
The impact of artificial intelligence on education

Artificial intelligence has the ability to analyze data on student performance and preferences. Artificial

intelligence can also help teacher to create customized lesson plans and assessments that align with each

student’s strengths and weaknesses. This can improve student engagement and motivation, and ultimately

lead to better academic outcomes.

How has artificial intelligence impacted our society?

Artificial intelligence has a major role in the digitalization of society, it has enabled us to collect, process,

and analyze large amounts of data at a faster rate than ever before. Artificial intelligence has led to the

creation of new technologies, improved business processes, and greater efficiency in many industries.

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