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Message From the Dean

HKUMed often features in the news for its world-leading programmes and people in place to support student well-being
research, of which all members of the Faculty, both students and and help guide you through the many challenges and rewards
staff, are very proud – our much-publicised work on COVID-19 is of your studies. I include myself in this – my door is always open
but one example of this. But we are equally proud of the to students and I always respond to their calls be they in the
outstanding quality of our education programmes. Education is form of an email or a social media message.
our first priority at HKUMed – otherwise we would simply be a
research institute – and we make continual efforts to ensure our Support also includes the physical infrastructure for studying.
students not only receive the highest quality education possible HKUMed is in the midst of a great physical expansion that will
but feel supported throughout their time here. enhance all of our teaching and research activities. No. 3
Sassoon Road opened this year to house the School of Nursing
Across all our programmes – MBBS, BNurs, BChinMed, and School of Chinese Medicine. We are also developing a
BPharm, BBiomedSc, BASc in Global Health and Development state-of-the-art clinical skills training centre with simulation
and BSc in Bioinformatics – students not only receive a facilities and a student services centre at William M.W. Mong
top-notch professional education, but the skills to keep learning Building and a new Clinical Training and Amenities Centre, both
beyond graduation. Knowledge and technology are continually of which will be completed within the next couple of years.
advancing and our task is to prepare you so you can acquire
knowledge independently, distinguish what is important and When you join HKUMed, you are not only gaining an education,
apply that to patient care and research. You will most definitely you are joining the HKUMed family. We have produced many
have this capability when you leave HKUMed. leaders in medicine, government and other fields in Hong Kong
and around the world. Our aim is to make all students, staff and
We also ensure our students have access to state-of-science alumni proud and happy members of the HKUMed family. I hope
technologies and techniques, such as augmented and virtual you will join us and become a part of our honourable legacy.
reality, data analytics, simulated reality and, starting this year,
hand-held ultrasound probes, which are being provided to all
Specialty Clerks in the MBBS. Technology is increasingly
central to healthcare and we want our students to be skilful in
Professor Chak-sing Lau, BBS, JP
applying it in the field.
Dean of Medicine
A unique feature of education at HKUMed is our emphasis on
enrichment. Careers in healthcare and research are demanding.
Your years of study are a precious time when you can deepen
your understanding of the world and gain new experiences. We
provide enrichment options across our programmes and, most
importantly, support in making the most of these. We also have

HKUMed is this year celebrating its 135th anniversary, making it the oldest institution of higher
The Cradle of education in Hong Kong. We have a strong reputation as a pioneer in medical education, training

Healthcare and research, while proudly serving as a bastion of morality, vision and care.

Professionals The challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic have highlighted how crucial medical education is to
society. From providing care to patients, to leading crucial research that has driven policy decisions,
we are honoured to serve the global community.

In the face of these challenges, we have achieved a historically high ranking for “clinical and health”
subjects in the 2022 Times Higher Education World University Rankings and are continuing to
uphold professionalism and clinical teaching excellence.

The Faculty now ranks in 20th position globally and 3rd in Asia for this category. We are proud to
continue our tradition of spearheading achievement from our campus on Sassoon Road. We have
trained thousands of healthcare practitioners and scientists, as well as many internationally
renowned researchers and policy-makers.

Each year, we admit almost 640 students across seven programmes, which include MBBS, BNurs,
BChinMed, BPharm, BBiomedSc, BASc(GHD) and BSc(Bioinformatics), and our student body is
one of the largest for a single Faculty, totalling more than 4,850 people.

Teaching and Learning: Empowering Our members engage in a wide range of activities to share their
knowledge and expertise to benefit Hong Kong society as a whole.
Curious Minds
HKUMed graduates are a testament to the excellent education
More than 320 full-time teaching staff from our 20 departments
we provide and have gone on to become the leaders in their
and schools deploy the latest technologies, such as virtual
fields in Hong Kong and the world.
reality, to engage students in the classroom. These full-time
teachers are supplemented by honorary teachers, most of
whom are medical professionals.
Research and Innovation: Opening Locked
HKUMed takes a student-centred approach, always listening to
your needs and welcoming feedback on the curriculum and Doors to the Unknown
other aspects of student life. We are constantly reviewing the
curriculum to ensure it keeps pace with scientific developments Research is an important part of HKUMed’s global reputation:
and the needs of modern healthcare. To achieve this, our 61 of our members ranked among the top 1% of scholars in
teaching is constantly evolving to ready you for today’s their field in terms of citation and recognition. We are always
healthcare industry, such as training in point-of-care ultrasound looking ahead to the next breakthrough while brushing up our
for medical students. existing areas of expertise. As such, HKUMed researchers
stand at the forefront of research into COVID-19 and infectious
You have access to enrichment opportunities throughout your diseases globally with two of our scientists receiving the 2021
time at HKUMed, from international exchanges to volunteering Future Science Prize in Life Sciences for their work. Our
for community vaccine drives. researchers are supported by ample funding, state-of-the-art
facilities and the Faculty’s extensive worldwide networks.

As an undergraduate, you can explore research opportunities

Clinical Service: Building a Caring and with the guidance of our scientists and pursue discoveries in our
Compassionate Society world-class laboratories to get a head start on your career.

HKUMed delivers superlative clinical service and provides

robust clinical governance in all settings that we serve. Our four
affiliated hospitals under the HKU Health System offer valuable
opportunities for students to learn more and learn better. These
hospitals also represent the Faculty’s leading status in
healthcare management in Hong Kong and the region.

Faculty’s Firsts
The Faculty has always been at the forefront of medical research and development of new clinical services for the benefit of mankind.
With our researchers’ toil and persistence, we have made important contributions to the study and treatment of cancers and liver
diseases, and have made notable advances in tissue typing, spinal surgery, infectious diseases, in-vitro fertilisation, endocrinology and
tobacco-related diseases.

First transoral approach performed for the
surgical treatment of upper cervical spine
dislocations and tuberculosis in the world

Pioneered anterior approach for surgical
treatment of spinal tuberculosis, known as the
“Hong Kong Operation”
First Pharyngo-laryngo-oesophagectomy
in the world

First kidney transplant in Hong Kong

First microsurgical thumb replant in
Hong Kong

First antenatal screening for hereditary blood
disease established in Hong Kong

First maxillary swing operation for
recurrent nasopharyngectomy in the world

First bone marrow transplant in Hong Kong

First lung transplant in Hong Kong

1996 First baby in Hong Kong conceived
First in the world to conduct an adult-to-adult through intracytoplasmic sperm injection
right lobe living donor liver transplant was delivered

First in Asia to show improved respiratory

health in children in response to pollutant
reduction after the implement of anti-air
pollution law 2000
First intervertebral disc transplant in
humans in the world

First catheter based endomyocardial transplant

of autologous bone marrow stem cell for
treatment of severe coronary artery diseases
in the world

First radiofrequency ablation for cancers in


First to discover the SARS coronavirus

First to identify the source of SARS

coronavirus infection
First to characterise the epidemiology of
SARS coronavirus

First to identify the natural reservoir of
SARS coronavirus
First in the world to develop and launch a
publicly accessible index (Hedley
Environment Index) with hourly estimation

of air pollution impact on adverse health
outcomes and economic costs

The world’s first remotely controlled

expandable device implantation surgery to
treat children with scoliosis
First to develop a patented prescription
drug, an oral arsenic trioxide preparation
for the treatment of acute promyelocytic

2011 First combined heart and liver transplant

in Hong Kong
First extra-cranial intravenous-cranial vascular
bypass and craniofacial resection for locally

advanced recurrent nasopharyngeal
carcinoma in the world

First in the world to describe a model of

coronavirus evolution, based on the 23
novel human and animal coronaviruses

discovered over 10 years

First to characterise the epidemiology of

H7N9 influenza in the world
First subcutaneous implantable
cardioverter defibrillator in Asia

2016 First exome-chip analysis of lipid traits

in Chinese
First live birth by assisted reproduction with
preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) using

next generation sequencing for couples having
chromosomal error in Hong Kong

First comprehensive study of MERS

coronaviruses in Africa

First invention of universal antibody drug
for HIV-1 prevention and immunotherapy

First magnetic sphincter augmentation for

gastro-oesophageal reflux disease in Asia
COVID-19: The Department of
Microbiology and the HKU-Shenzhen
Hospital provided the world’s first

evidence to establish person-to-person
spread in The Lancet

COVID-19: HKUMed discovered a novel vaccine

strategy to prevent SARS-CoV-2 nasal infection
to Excellence
Bachelor of Medicine and
Bachelor of Surgery

Our MBBS curriculum aims to produce

doctors who are forward-thinking,
well-informed and capable of delivering
humane and ethical medical care.
Professionals in the
HKUMed graduates will be ready to
Making practise, dedicated to professionally
serving the community, and prepared to
excel through life-long learning across
their future careers.

The curriculum is delivered across four themes:

Human Biology in Professional Skills:

Health and Disease Diagnostic, Problem Solving,
Effective Communication and
Clinical Management

Population Health, Health Medical Ethics, Professional

Services, Economics and Policy Attitudes and Behaviour

An Illuminating Six-Year Quest

The MBBS curriculum runs for six years, or 12 semesters.

The delivery of the MBBS 140 Curriculum is structured along the “140+ CORE situations” as the backbone. CORE being “Common
situations pertaining to Ordinary clinical settings, in which students are expected to acquire the Relevant knowledge, skills and
behaviour that are Essential

understanding the Principles of Medicine and Healthcare, with Readiness for Practice in authentic clinical settings as the ultimate
curriculum goal.

The structure is as follows:

Years 1—2 Year 3 Years 4—6

Pre-clinical Curriculum Enrichment Year Clinical Curriculum

Science of Medicine

The curriculum is being constantly

renewed in light of emerging knowledge
and societal needs to ensure your
training is fit-for-purpose and forward
looking. It is not without good reason
that many of the leaders in our field are
HKUMed graduates!

Enabling Students to Flourish and Excel

HKUMed nurtures competent medical professionals

prepared to flourish and excel in the fast-changing
healthcare environment of the 21st century. We place a
strong emphasis on our students’ personal development
and fulfilment. Our programme provides you with ample
opportunities for personal growth that will carry you
well into your future, when you will serve and excel as
responsible citizens, colleagues, teachers and friends
within our profession and for the wider community.

Active and Student-centred Learning Early Clinical Exposure and Structured

Acquisition of Clinical Interpersonal Skills
As early as the first semester of Year 1, you will start learning the
interpersonal and clinical skills necessary for effective and
compassionate care for patients. This exposure will gradually
develop effective communication skills and good teamwork increase in both mastery and complexity as your studies
skills in a medical context. Our excellent digital resources will progress. Much of the learning will take place in the
enable you to learn at your own pace and in your own style.
These resources are supplemented by interactive forums that
allow active engagement and discussion amongst students
and teachers.

Multimedia Learning
Our programme has pioneered the use of advanced technology in
teaching and learning to help you learn basic and advanced
medical knowledge effectively. HKUMed has been an early

best equipped medical schools for learning of anatomy through

dissection platform, allow for exploration and learning of human

integrated early in our curriculum to enable medical students to

practise ultrasound scanning skills anytime anywhere.

Enrichment Opportunities
Our programme goes well beyond vocational training. Your third year of study, which we call the
Enrichment Year, offers a golden opportunity to explore areas of interest in either medical or

Comprehensive Hospital-based, Community-based and

Primary Care Experience

hospices and patient support groups. This exposure to different arenas of the public health system
enables development of a holistic perspective on patient management and a richer understanding
of the integration between primary and secondary care.

Focus on Medical Ethics and Humanities Inter-professional Learning

Ethical principles and humanitarian values are absolutely
essential for doctors to meet the needs and demands of 21st
century healthcare. You will learn how these principles and
values underpin healthcare practice, as well as your educational experiences where medical, nursing and pharmacy
professional and legal obligations, through the medical ethics students learn how to communicate, interact and work with one
and medical humanities programmes. They are developed and

with the aim of cultivating professional doctors capable of offer the opportunity to enrol in intercalated programmes such
engaging with their patients from a position of awareness of as the Master of Public Health programme, with scholarships
their own humanity. and other forms of financial support.

Practising Scientific Research Student in Medical Education

HKUMed is at the frontier of global medical research, driven by The MBBS 140 Curriculum also features the engagement of
a strong commitment to improving human health through
scientific discovery and advancement in medicine. Research teaching is an important and integral component of professional
requires and enables you to develop intellectual and analytical responsibility and competence. Teaching is an important role
skills for a vast array of situations. As a medical student, you will expected from all MBBS graduates in the healthcare profession.
have opportunities to participate in research training that leads Peer teaching skills of medical students are cultivated to prepare
to output in scientific journals and significant societal impact. for their future career as trainers, supervisors, or educators.

Enrichment Year/MBBS Elective.


Years 1 and 2

Pre-clinical Curriculum: Building the Foundation

You will acquire health sciences knowledge and basic

cases. You will also have your first exposure to patients

through community visits, where you will learn about their Introduction to Health Sciences
care in their social and economic contexts.
To strengthen your foundation in basic and
health sciences.

Professionalism and Clinical Skills

To gain an overview of the processes of

diseases and an introduction to the therapeutic
strategies for modulating disease processes.

Precision Medicine

To explore the exciting innovations in treating

disease at the frontiers of genetics and genomics,
artificial intelligence and robotics.

Medical Humanities, Ethics and Law

To learn about the ethical and legal implications

of modern medical care, medical humanities and

Medicine and Society

To learn about caring for the patient as an

individual, and as a member of a family and a

Students are at the centre of all we do as

teachers. Active learning is a top priority –
Introduction to the Art and Science of
having students engaged in innovative ways
Medicine (14 weeks) during lectures and practicals, collaborating
during problem-based learning, and actively
provides a comprehensive foundation of the biomedical
responding to probing questions with immediate
sciences that are critical to the art of medical practice. The feedback through our e-learning platforms.

first semester at HKUMed and is organised under the

following modules:

Molecules of Medicine Cells, Tissues &


Infections and Drugs in Action

Professor Julian Tanner
Host Defence MBBS Programme Director

System-based Blocks (48 weeks)

blocks, where you will acquire an understanding about the

workings of the human body during the second semester of Year 1 My first year at HKUMed was quite the
baptism of fire, but nothing short of amazing.
I have so many opportunities to discover
Cardiopulmonary and Renal Systems; Gastrointestinal System; what I want to get out of life and my passions
Musculoskeletal System; Head, Neck and Nervous System; during my study. Finding my footing with all
parts of life as a med student — friends,
Reproductive Systems. societies, workload, hall life and more — is
made so much easier by the community here.
From attending conferences in Malaysia to
pushing through every struggle, whatever
paths you choose here, there will be joy and
success along the way!

Winston Lam
MBBS Year 2 Student

Year 3

Enrichment Year: Broadening Your Horizons

take charge of your learning and tailor activities to your interests and desires.

EY is specially designed to facilitate the enhancement of your total learning experience. You will be
able to formulate your EY through three different categories: Service/Humanitarian Work, Research

You may take part in a humanitarian relief mission at remote locations, experience medical camps in

capabilities in pursuit of academic/professional excellence, critical intellectual inquiry, tackling novel

The Enrichment Year programme is the

first of its kind in the world. One of the
main purposes is to allow our students
to gain a broader experience about the
human condition. We would like them to
Professor Gilberto Leung
see something outside the hospitals,
Associate Dean about how people actually live, and how
they struggle with life’s problems.

540+ Students went overseas in

Countries/regions across 5 continents

and/or Service/Humanitarian Work

Service / Humanitarian Work Research Attachment

Participating local / overseas NGOs such as
Research projects at labs of HKU or renowned institutions
such as University of Cambridge, Yale University and The
Caritas Hong Kong University of British Columbia


Students went on exchange in 26 countries / regions Degrees
Top-notch overseas institutions including Harvard Medical School,

*Updated as of September 2022


“I did a research attachment at Cancer Research UK, Cambridge. I believe that

doctors are lifelong learners, and gaining experience with bioinformatics
research can give rise to new ways of thinking about biology.”
Chan Yu Kiu Elkie

“The Research Attachment experience at the Department of Ophthalmology,

HKU, not only provided a precious opportunity for me to learn more about
ophthalmology but also helped to prepare myself for the clinical years and be
a clinical practitioner in the future.”

Lam Pui Ming

Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation at Department of Ophthalmology, HKU, Hong Kong

“I spent one semester in my hometown serving with a local Christian counselling

centre with financially disadvantaged children from broken and single-parent
families. Never have I realised that vulnerable people lived in such proximity to
me. This experience left me with an enriched worldview of medicine and
humanity, motivating me to be more compassionate in connecting with others,
especially my future patients.”

Lau Hui En

“I decided to take up a service project in the mainland China during EY to

pursue something beyond medical knowledge, aiming at fostering my own
personal growth and to become more independent, mature and empathetic.
The Enrichment Year allowed me to become not only a better doctor in the
future, but also a better person in a holistic way.”

Xiao Ailin

“With little exposure to Pathology during our pre-clinical years, the Enrichment
Year has presented an amazing opportunity for me to discover topics of
pathology that have not been disclosed to us in earlier years of our medical
school journey. With the progression through medical school, I hope to
continue my participation in research and its related activities.”
So Zi Qing Valerie

“The EY has been an amazing year! The intercalated BSc degree at the
University of Bristol has equipped me with the requisite knowledge, research
skills, and statistical literacy to become future clinician-scientists in the era of
Evidence-Based Medicine. It is my privilege to be taught by the top academic
scholars in Bristol, and I also benefit a lot from working with other high calibre
students from across the world.”

Tsang Christopher Tze Wei


Years 4—6

Clinical Curriculum: Readiness for Practice

Clinical Foundation Block Clinical Clerkships MBBS Elective

Clinical Foundation Block

physical examination and clinical reasoning.

Clinical Clerkships

care and will be developing skills including diagnosis, investigation and treatment, as well as interpersonal skills when interacting with patients
and families.

of clinical contexts in hospital and community settings, we enable students to master the broad range of health and disease conditions in a
comprehensive manner, and to gain insights into the full impact of illnesses on patients and their families. Your rotations will be in hospitals as

Medicine and Primary Care, Accident and Emergency Medicine, Anaesthesiology, Clinical Oncology, Diagnostic Radiology, Ophthalmology,

MBBS Elective

either through clinical attachment or laboratory/clinical research.

Training with Partner Institutions

learning activities and professional clinical training for our students.

Apart from QMH, learning also takes place in other public hospitals of the Hospital Authority and private hospitals such as the Hong

HKUMed strives to provide a positive clinical Medicine is a lifelong learning journey, it is all about
learning environment that values learner needs. Our being proactive and self-motivated. Instead of
curriculum emphasises on knowledge integration spoon-feeding us with knowledge, HKUMed provided
and clinical reasoning, communication and team us with the necessary tools, resources and guidance
skills, professionalism and systems practice to further our knowledge, deepen our understanding
spanning across disciplines and healthcare settings, and hone our skills independently. Each of us was
enabling learners to get ready for practice, realise given a point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) probe to
their potentials and pursue their career aspirations. obtain hands-on experience as we practise and
progress during Clinical Clerkships. HKUMed is not
feeding us fish, it teaches us to fish for a lifetime.

Dr Pamela Lee
MBBS Programme Director

Yu Kong To
MBBS Year 5 Student

A Nurturing Community

needs of our students at each stage of their professional or academic development. Additionally, HKUMed engages senior students to
serve as peer mentors and supporters for our students. Trained in mental health first aid, they actively engage their younger peers and
work together with our Academic Advisers in providing pastoral care. Our senior students further provide academic support through

Academic advising is a crucial part of a student-centred approach in medical

education. At HKUMed, we firmly believe that our medical students learn best
in a productive environment, surrounded by supportive teachers as role
models. We are very proud that every one of our academic advisers are
teachers who have actively volunteered their time and efforts towards
guiding our students’ academic and professional development. In addition to
mentorship, our advisers serve as the important link between the students
and our faculty wellness and academic resources.
Dr Kendrick Shih
Director of Student Affairs
During the first two years we pair our students with dedicated teachers to help
our students adjust to the challenges of medical school life. During the clinical
years, our students begin to develop specialty interests. At this stage, we allow
our students to choose their own academic advisers from among our clinical
teaching staff for a more personalised career development. At every step there
is something our advisers can offer our students.

MBBS/Doctor of Philosophy (MBBS/PhD)

HKUMed also has joint PhD/joint educational placement
over not less than nine years and leading to the award of
University of Toronto.

undertake coursework prescribed by the Graduate School

study sessions that are of your interest. maximum of three outstanding MBBS/PhD students each
year to cover the monthly postgraduate studentships,
An exciting feature of this programme is that you may research bench fees and allowances for overseas
conference attendance and/or exchange.

network for research collaborations.


There are two pathways through which you can pursue the MBBS/PhD programme:

Transfer from MRes[Med] Enter PhD before MBBS Year 4

be counted towards the probationary period for your PhD study. After submitting your thesis in the last year of PhD study, you would

nine years.

Enrichment Year

2 Years 1 Year 3 Years 3 Years

Total: 9 years

Enter PhD before MBBS Final Year

Another pathway is to complete five years of MBBS, followed by three or four years of PhD, then the final year of MBBS. To be qualified


Including Enrichment Year 3-4 Years 1 Year
5 Years

Total: 9 or 10 years

Deadline for Application

Application for MBBS/PhD admissions should be made before 30th April every year.
Please refer to the Graduate School website for details.

Pave Your Path

Your MBBS is a registrable primary qualification that enables HKUMed graduates are a heterogeneous group of doctors,
you to apply for registration with the Medical Council of Hong
Kong to practise medicine in the region. To obtain full not just medicine. Some serve the community as frontline
registration, graduates are required to successfully complete a doctors in the public and private sectors, while others have

internship in an accredited hospital. The internship will take you contributing to the development of the next generations of
through selected rotations in different specialties and will doctors and advancing treatments. Many of our graduates have
require you to practise clinically under the supervision of
experienced doctors. Completion of this basic training will open have become health administrators involved in policy making

pharmaceutical development. Whatever path you wish to take,

to undergo more years of postgraduate training and further
examinations. Postgraduate and specialist training is administered
through the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine and its

on admissions
From Simulation
Learning to
Life Enrichment
Bachelor of Nursing

BNurs (JS6468)

Developing highly-trained nurses with

compassionate care skills is the focus of
the BNurs curriculum. Students receive a
broad spectrum of clinical and simulation
training, as well as inter-professional
and problem-based learning. They also
develop the global vision by participating
in life enrichment learning programmes
beyond Hong Kong.

Programme Aims and Objectives

The Bachelor of Nursing (BNurs) is a five-year full-time programme leading to an honours degree. The objective of the BNurs
programme is to provide comprehensive and holistic nursing education and nurture generic nurses who will be able to work as
competent practitioners in various healthcare settings.

The credit-based curriculum is broad-based and multidisciplinary, and is designed to introduce the bio-psychosocial aspects of health
and nursing care. It provides a balance between the broad areas of nursing, biological, behavioural and social sciences. The learning
outcomes will enable students to obtain knowledge through the study of different disciplines, and to develop an inquiring mind,
interpersonal skills and an understanding of the socio-cultural context in which nursing is practised in Hong Kong.

The BNurs programme emphasises the integration of theory and practice. Students are exposed to a variety of clinical environments
throughout the study. Comprehensive learning of clinical skills is under the supervision of experienced teaching staff. The process of
teaching and learning is directed by nursing academics with a wide range of expertise, supported by the excellent facilities in various
departments of the Medical Faculty and clinical settings.

Programme Structure
The BNurs curriculum includes various courses in each year with an aim to prepare students to be
capable of working in different settings as nursing professionals. The main areas covered are
Nursing Core Courses, Nursing of Specialised Populations, Theoretical Foundations for Nursing
Practice, Foundations in Nursing Research, Nursing Electives, Nursing Practica, Life Sciences,
Clinical Pharmacology and Behavioural Sciences. This curriculum structure allows maximum
longitudinal and lateral correlations between courses.

There are a total of 44 courses running throughout five years. Among these courses, 26 belong to
core courses and seven are practicum courses which aim at preparing students to become
competent practitioners. The programme also includes one Life Enrichment Learning Course, one
nursing elective course, three language courses and six Common Core courses. Altogether they
constitute 303 credits in the entire curriculum.

As a competent nurse, to heal up a

patient’s wound is not only done
by your skillful hands, but also
with your empathetic heart. Mr Benney Wong
School of Nursing

HKU Nursing has been nurturing seeds of

caring hearts with not only professional
knowledge and skills, but also positive
values and precious networks that let
them bloom into the flowers of tomorrow.
I am very grateful to be one of the seeds
grown in this beautiful garden.

Mr Since Kong
BNurs 2010
Manager (Nursing), Nursing Service Department, Hospital Authority Head Office

Field of Study Allocation of Credits

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Basic / Medical and Surgical Nursing 24 18 - - -

Behavioural Sciences - 12 - - -

Life Sciences and Clinical Pharmacology 6 12 12 - -

Ethics, Law and Professional Issues - - 9 - -

Specialty Nursing - - 6 18 12

Chinese Medicine and Nursing - - - 6 -

Community and Global Health Nursing - - - 6 -

Clinical Reasoning in Practice - - - - 6

Management and Informatics - - - - 6

Life Enrichment Learning - - 6 - -

Nursing Elective - - - - 6

Nursing Research / Statistics - - - 12 -

Clinical Practicum - 6 18 18 30

Chinese Language 6 - - - -

English Language 6 6 - - -

Common Core Curriculum 24 12 - - -

Total 66 66 51 60 60

Modes of Learning
The BNurs programme incorporates various teaching and learning
strategies, such as problem-based learning; inter-professional
team-based learning; audiovisuals; e-learning; active learning
activities; demonstrations; field trips and educational visits to
clinical agencies and community settings. The main classroom
teaching approaches include lectures, seminars and tutorials.
Clinical education is achieved through laboratory teaching,
innovative simulation activities and clinical practicum.

Nursing skills are acquired through demonstrations, simulation,

videos, e-learning and practice. For Life Sciences and Clinical
Pharmacology courses, the laboratory experiences relate to
demonstration of specific areas in anatomy, physiology,
biochemistry, microbiology and pharmacology.

A nurse can touch someone’s life.

Every true life story can touch
our heart and soul, inspiring me Ms Mandy Tong

to be a better person, with a BNurs 2003

Senior Nursing Officer/

richer and more meaningful life.

Patient Relations Officer,
The Duchess of
Kent Children’s Hospital at Sandy Bay/
TWGHs Fung Yiu King Hospital/
MacLehose Medical Rehabilitation Centre

Clinical Practicum Life Enrichment Opportunities

The programme emphasises clinical practice. Students have the The programme is designed to nuture nursing leaders with an
opportunity to learn and practise under the instruction and international outlook. Students are provided with opportunities
supervision of experienced teachers in all aspects of nursing – to participate in life enrichment programmes including
from basic to advanced complex care, in community and in exchange programmes at top universities, e.g. University of
comprehensive teaching hospitals, such as Queen Mary Hospital. Pennsylvania, Case Western Reserve University, University of
Clinical practicum is arranged in blocks of practice to allow Toronto, Peking University, Korea University, The University of
students to consolidate the nursing themes and skills. Clinical Tokyo, Kaohsiung Medical University, University of Navarra and
placements are arranged in: The University of Sydney; short-term study programmes;
service/humanitarian activities; research attachment, etc.
Community centres;
Aged care centres;
Outpatient clinics; and
Specialties in hospitals, including Medical and Surgical
Units, Paediatrics Unit, Obstetrics Unit, Accident &
Emergency Unit, Operation Theatre, and many more.

Curriculum Structure

Common Core Courses (12 credits) Exam Common Core Courses (12 credits) Exam
Core University English (6 credits) Practical Chinese for Nursing Students (6 credits)
Getting into Nursing (6 credits) Health Promotion and Education (6 credits)
Foundation of Life Sciences (6 credits) Health Assessment (6 credits)
Clinical Skills in Practice (6 credits)



Common Core Courses (6 credits) Exam Common Core Courses (6 credits) Exam
Academic Communication for Nursing Students (6 credits) Life Sciences II (6 credits)
Nursing of Adults I (9 credits) Nursing of Adults II (9 credits)
Life Sciences I (6 credits) Health Sociology (6 credits)
Health Psychology (6 credits)

Nursing Practicum I (6 credits)



Ethics, Law and Professional Issues (9 credits) Exam Life Enrichment Learning (6 credits) Exam
Critical Care and Emergency Nursing (6 credits)
Clinical Pharmacology (6 credits)
Life Sciences III (6 credits)

Nursing Practicum IIa (9 credits) Nursing Practicum IIb (9 credits)



Nursing of Women and Infants (6 credits) Exam Essential Statistics (6 credits) Exam
Nursing of Children and Adolescents (6 credits) Chinese Medicine and Nursing (6 credits)
Research and Scholarship in Nursing (6 credits) Community and Global Health Nursing (6 credits)
Mental Health Nursing (6 credits)

Nursing Practicum IIIa (9 credits) Nursing Practicum IIIb (9 credits)



Nursing of Older Adults (6 credits) Exam Nursing Practicum IVa (9 credits) Exam
Oncology Nursing and Palliative Care (6 credits) Nursing Practicum IVb (21 credits)
Healthcare Innovations: Leadership, Management
and Informatics (6 credits)
Clinical Reasoning in Practice (6 credits)
Nursing Elective (6 credits)


Timetable arrangements may vary from year to year. Total no. of credits: 303


Graduates from the BNurs degree programme will be able to function independently to assess and appraise the healthcare needs of the
community. Those who have satisfactorily completed all programme requirements will be eligible for direct registration as registered nurses
with the Nursing Council of Hong Kong.

Acquiring nursing skills and

knowledge is crucial, but it is more
important to serve with critical
thinking, global vision, and an Alex Wong

empathetic heart.
BNurs 2022

BNurs-ALT (JS6418)

An elite track designed for high caliber

candidates who are high achievers and
aspire to pursue an advanced and
specialised nurse practice or a nurse-
physician career in the healthcare sector.

This track enables highly competent

students to accomplish a dynamic and
vigorous study plan and to fulfil
accredited professional curricula at an
accelerated pace.

First and only bachelor’s nursing programme in Hong Kong to

offer articulation to the HKU Master of Nursing (MNurs) or HKU
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)

Two Articulation Pathways

BNurs–ALT is the first and only nursing track in Hong Kong that offers two articulation pathways*:

Students shall be admitted to 1-year part-time MNurs study,

01 Articulation to
Master of Nursing (MNurs)
upon successful completion of the 5-year BNurs–ALT, and

Prospect: Advanced & Specialised Nurse

Students shall be admitted directly to HKU MBBS Year 2 and

Articulation to Bachelor
exempted from the Year 3 enrichment year requirement, upon
of Medicine and Bachelor successful completion of the 5-year BNurs–ALT degree with
of Surgery (MBBS) first class honours, and shall be able to OBTAIN TWO

Prospect: Nurse-physician

* Subject to the fulfilment of MNurs/MBBS programme entry requirements. BNurs with first class honours and HKDSE “Chemistry” or “Combined Science (Chemistry)” are required for the
MBBS articulation pathway.

Leadership Development Personal Mentors Throughout

Programme the Course of Study
Students will be able to acquire unique leadership skills Students will be assigned a designated professoriate staff
and experiential learning opportunities in their study and an experienced nurse leader as personal mentors, who
journey in nursing. provide advice and guidance throughout the BNurs–ALT
study. Students can learn from the great minds, expand
their personal networks and broaden their horizons.

Diversified Roadmaps
The articulation pathways provided under the BNurs-ALT are subject to one’s interest, career aspiration and academic performance, etc.
Scholarships covering the full composition fee of MNurs will be provided to students with exemplary academic performance.

Highlighted Structure of BNurs-ALT

Year 1

Nursing philosophy
Take life sciences courses
Basic medical and surgical nursing skills under BNurs-ALT
Health assessment and health promotion
and education
Foundation of life sciences

Year 2

Behavioural sciences
Clinical practicum in community settings including
community centres, outpatient clinics,
old-aged homes and subacute hospital settings
Interdisciplinary collaboration in a
patient care project

Year 3

Clinical pharmacology
Take MNurs courses Professional issues, law and ethics Take an MBBS system block
under the life enrichment programme under life enrichment programme
Life enrichment programme
Clinical practicum in hospital settings
(from basic to advanced complex care)

Year 4-5

Specialised clinical nursing

Community and global health nursing
Chinese medicine
Interprofessional experience and
research scholarship
Clinical practicum in hospital settings
(from basic to advanced complex care)

Bachelor of Nursing degree completed

Articulation pathways to MNurs or MBBS

One-Year part-time study

Year 6 Four-Year full-time study
to complete the MNurs curriculum
to complete the MBBS curriculum

Year 7 - 9

For more information

on admissions

Entrance and Academic Elite Scholarships in Nursing
HKDSE students admitted to BNurs and BNurs-ALT

Obtained a HKDSE score of Obtained a HKDSE score of

28—30.5 (Best 5)#

31 or above (Best 5)#

Award of Award of

under the Entrance Scholarship
under the Entrance Scholarship

Academic Elite Scholarship (equivalent to the full composition

fee of the first year of study) award of

Qualify for the Academic Elite Scholarship from the 2nd to
the 5th year of study upon achieving outstanding academic
All students admitted to BNurs-ALT will be eligible for the
Entrance and Academic Elite Scholarships at least for the
1st year (i.e. HK$63,100) subject to the “Senate maximum” Total awarded value up to maximum of

for local UG students.

Best 5 based on the new HKU scoring system

Scholarship for the MNurs Articulation Pathway

Scholarship covering full composition fee of MNurs will be offered to BNurs-ALT graduates with outstanding academic performance.

Future Prospects
Competent and Transferable Skills Global Leadership
Graduates are equipped with practical clinical skills and will be Graduates are trained with global leadership traits and will be
able to translate evidence-based theories into practice. able to work effectively across multidisciplinary teams around
the world.

Professional Recognition
Extensive Networks
Graduates who have satisfactorily completed all programme
requirements will be eligible for direct registration as registered Graduates will gain an extensive professional network via clinical
nurses with the Nursing Council of Hong Kong. practicum from community centres and clinics to comprehensive
teaching hospitals; and via research attachments and personal
[email protected] (852) 3917 6600
6/F, HKUMed Academic Building, 3 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong

@hkuson @HKUSchoolNursing
Experience and
Bachelor of Chinese Medicine

Early and frequent clinical skills training in
both clinics and hospital settings is an
integral part of the BChinMed programme.
Students are provided with opportunities
to apply and practise their skills
throughout the programme and they are
encouraged to develop their learning
interests and explore their aspirations.

Programme Aims and Objectives

The aim of the Bachelor of Chinese Medicine (BChinMed) programme is to nurture a new generation
of Chinese Medicine professionals who are well equipped with knowledge in Chinese Medicine and
biomedical sciences and are competent in clinical skills and life-long learning skills to provide
excellent Chinese Medicine healthcare services to the community to foster the development of
Chinese Medicine and integrative medicine in Hong Kong.

Programme Overview
The BChinMed curriculum is a six-year programme, including the clinical clerkship in Year 6
undertaken in Mainland China. The curriculum is made up of the following components:

Chinese Medicine Foundation Courses

Chinese Medicine Classical Texts Courses
Chinese Medicine Clinical Courses
Biomedical Sciences Courses (including Western medicine bedside training)
Disciplinary Elective Courses
Field Trip and Chinese Medicine Dispensary Practicum
Chinese Medicine Clinical Attachments, Junior Clerkship and Clinical Clerkship
Common Core Curriculum Courses
Language Enhancement Courses

Classical Chinese Medicine Learning Experience Beyond
Supplemented with Biomedical Sciences Professional Core
The programme offers comprehensive and systematic Chinese Students are required to take Common Core Courses during
Medicine and biomedical sciences courses taught by teachers of their first and second years of study. These courses help
the School of Chinese Medicine, School of Biomedical Sciences, students develop a broader perspective and build up critical
School of Clinical Medicine and School of Public Health of the thinking abilities over issues that they encounter in their
Medical Faculty. everyday lives.

Early and Comprehensive Clinical Training Development of Interest in Scientific

Early clinical training is provided through clinical attachments
under the supervision of teachers at the eight Chinese Medicine Students are given the opportunity to undertake laboratory
Clinical Centres for Teaching and Research which are directly experiments in several Chinese Medicine and biomedical
under or affiliated to the School. With the support of sciences courses. The School has also set up different research
state-of-the-art facilities in the Clinical Skills Training Centre, interest groups for students to participate in research during
students receive comprehensive clinical skills training before their studies.
practising on real patients. In Year 4, students will undergo a
four-week junior clerkship at the University of Hong
Kong-Shenzhen Hospital to integrate and practise what they
have learnt in junior years. In Year 6, students are required to Bi-literacy and Tri-lingualism
undertake a 40-week clinical clerkship in the teaching hospitals
English is the medium of instruction for most of the Common
of top Traditional Chinese Medicine universities in Guangzhou,
Core Courses and all biomedical sciences courses. Putonghua
Shanghai or other cities in Mainland China under the
and Cantonese will be used in Chinese Medicine courses, field
arrangement of the School.
trips and the Chinese Medicine dispensary practicum, clinical
attachments, junior clerkship and clinical clerkship.

This programme has widened my understanding

of the universe and human body. I am equipped
with theoretical knowledge, practical skills
and ethics of traditional Chinese Medicine
through a variety of learning experiences.

Tong Yee Man

BChinMed 2022

Modes of Learning
An outcome-based approach to students’ learning and multidisciplinary teaching approaches, such
as problem-based learning and clinical case discussion, are adopted.

The programme emphasises the integration of theories and practical skills. Experiential learning is
encouraged through participation in clinical attachments, junior clerkships and clinical clerkships in
which students will have the opportunity to apply the knowledge acquired in practical settings.

Through the Chinese Medicine Undergraduate Student Exchange Programme, students can widen
their horizons and enrich their learning experience. Successful applicants will have the opportunity
to study at the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine for one summer semester.

Students will also participate in a field trip which they can learn more about the indigenous
traditional Chinese medicine herbs in the natural environment in Mainland China. The Chinese
Medicine dispensary practicum will, on the other hand, allow them to obtain practical experience at
Chinese Medicine dispensary.

Curriculum Structure

Foundation Theories of Chinese Medicine Exam Diagnostics of Chinese Medicine Exam Chinese Medicine Clinical Attachment I
Life Science I History of Chinese Medicine
Core University English Disciplinary Elective Course*
Common Core Curriculum Course Practical Chinese for Chinese Medicine Students
Common Core Curriculum Course



Chinese Materia Medica Exam Chinese Medicine Prescriptions Exam Field Trip and Chinese Medicine
Archaic Chinese Medical Literature Medical Ethics and Professionalism in Chinese Dispensary Practicum

Medical Ethics and Professionalism in Chinese Medicine Practice

Medicine Practice Life Science III
Life Science II Common Core Curriculum Course
Common Core Curriculum Course



Canon of Chinese Medicine Exam Chinese Internal Medicine Exam Chinese Medicine Clinical Attachment II
Chinese Internal Medicine Foundation of Acupuncture Disciplinary Elective Course*
Life Science IV Pathology
Immunology English for Clinical Clerkship for
Pathology Chinese Medicine Students



Surgery of Chinese Medicine Exam Treatise on Exogenous Febrile Diseases Exam Junior Clerkship
Gynaecology of Chinese Medicine Traumatology and Orthopaedics of Chinese Medicine Disciplinary Elective Course*
Otorhinolaryngology of Chinese Medicine Tui-na of Chinese Medicine Bedside Training for “Fundamentals of
Fundamentals of Diagnosis Fundamentals of Diagnosis Diagnosis”

Clinical Pharmacology Evidence-based Practice and Public Health

Clinical Skills Training



Life Cultivation and Healthcare of Chinese Medicine Exam Golden Chamber Exam
Seasonal Febrile Diseases Schools of Thought of Chinese Medicine
Therapeutics in Acupuncture and Moxibustion Paediatrics of Chinese Medicine
Ophthalmology of Chinese Medicine Pharmacology of Chinese Medicine
Fundamentals of Diagnosis Medicine
Chinese Medicine Clinical Attachment III Chinese Medicine Clinical Attachment III
Bedside Training for “Fundamentals of Diagnosis” Bedside Training for “Medicine”



Clinical Clerkship in Mainland China Exam Licensing Exam


*Disciplinary Elective Courses: Introduction to Chinese Medical Cultures Classical Prescriptions and Medical Records
Resources and Quality Control of Chinese Medicines Chinese Medicine and Systems Biomedicine
Chinese Medicine Emergency Medicine: Syndrome Differentiation and Traditional Chinese Medicine in Sports Medicine
Treatment for Acute Illness Related to Chinese Internal Medicine Intensive Training on Clinical Acupuncture Techniques
Analysis of Misdiagnoses in Clinical Cases Basic and Clinical Toxicology of Chinese Medicines

There are many mysteries in Chinese Medicine which

evoke your curiosity and challenge your abilities in this
interesting professional programme. I believe you will
enjoy this ancient wisdom and modern knowledge
system. What you learn from Chinese Medicine will
inspire your life and bring you a bright future.

Professor Yibin Feng

Director and Professor, School of Chinese Medicine

HKU must be credited for being my best anchor.

This is where I am supported and nurtured to gain
knowledge and develop a professional network,
moulded with humbleness and integrity.
Ms Yu Choi Fai
BChinMed 2019


Graduates of the Bachelor of Chinese Medicine programme are eligible to apply for the Chinese Medicine Practitioners Licensing
Examination in Hong Kong. Those who have passed the Chinese Medicine Practitioners Licensing Examination are qualified for registration
as registered Chinese Medicine practitioners with the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong. Registered Chinese Medicine practitioners
can seek employment in Chinese Medicine clinics in both the public and private sector or engage in private practice. They are also qualified
to take up research and development posts in Chinese Medicine pharmaceutical trading and manufacturing companies, biotechnology
companies, or to work in managerial, marketing, sales, insurance or advertising positions in Chinese Medicine-related businesses. Some
may opt to pursue postgraduate studies or become academics in tertiary institutes.

For more information

on admissions
[email protected] (852) 3917 6437
6/F, HKUMed Academic Building, 3 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong

Bachelor of Pharmacy

Our integrative approach and
problem-based learning enable
pharmacy graduates to apply their
scientific and clinical knowledge
efficiently when they enter the
healthcare profession.

Programme Aims and Objectives

The Bachelor of Pharmacy (BPharm) programme aims to nurture competent graduates with a solid
knowledge of pharmacy as well as the abilities to apply the core knowledge and skills for effective,
humane and ethical delivery of pharmaceutical care. They will contribute both to the profession of
pharmacy and to the overall health of the patient body by adopting the highest standard of
professional practice.

Programme Structure
The whole programme comprises 258 credit-units* of courses over a period of four years which
shall include the following:

Field of Study Credits

Pharmacy core courses 192

Pharmacy elective 12

Common core courses 36

Language courses 18

Total 258

*Subject to the approval of the University

What is Pharmacy?
Pharmacy is the health profession that links the basic health sciences with the clinical application
of drug treatment. It is charged with ensuring the safe and effective use of drugs. Traditionally,
pharmacy mainly represented the compounding and dispensing of therapeutic agents. However,
modern pharmacy now emphasises the provision of optimal pharmaceutical care to patients. This
means the responsible provision of drug therapy to achieve definite outcomes that improve a
patient’s life expectancy and/or his/her quality of life. These outcomes are:

(i) the treatment of diseases;

(ii) the elimination or reduction of symptoms;
(iii) arresting or slowing the disease process; and
(iv) disease prevention/health promotion.

As healthcare develops towards the individualised rational use of therapeutic agents, the role and
responsibilities of pharmacists are of increasing importance.

Pharmacists can contribute to the safe

and effective use of medications
through clinical practice, research and
teaching. We continue to learn and
share what we know with students,
colleagues and the community, every
step along the way.

Dr Esther Chan
Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy

Role of Pharmacists
Pharmacists are essentially the experts on drugs. They work as
a part of a multidisciplinary healthcare team to provide quality
pharmaceutical care to patients, such as providing clinical
pharmacy services, recommending appropriate drug choices
and monitoring outcomes of drug therapies. Pharmacists are
able to practise in a wide variety of areas, including community
pharmacies, hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, pharmaceutical
industries and regulatory agencies. Pharmacists can specialise
in various areas of practice including but not limited to:
haematology/oncology, infectious diseases, drug information,
critical care and paediatrics.

Programme Features

Clinical Pharmacy
With the support of Queen Mary Hospital, students studying at
HKU enjoy early clinical exposure and also benefit from the
inter-professional collaboration of pharmacists and clinicians
through teaching in wards and outpatient clinics.

New Learning Approaches

Diversified “fit-for-purpose” teaching pedagogies have been
adopted to manifest the specific features of the curriculum. As an
area of strength of the Medical Faculty, the problem-based
learning (PBL) approach is adopted to encourage interdisciplinary
inquiry and foster life-long learning skills.

Training in Industrial Pharmacy

Students have the opportunity to experience this subspecialty
to realise the increasing demand of local industry for professional
pharmacy services. A wide spectrum of topics on the practical
aspects related to industrial pharmacy is taught by experts
with extensive work experience in the industry.

Patient Counselling and

Communication Skills
A key characteristic of the programme is to enhance students’
proficiency in providing primary healthcare services, including
patient education. Students have various opportunities to
acquire patient counselling and communication skills
step-by-step with a gradual increase in the degree of mastery
and in the complexity of the situations encountered.

Exposure to Chinese Medicine as well as

Complementary and Alternative Medicine
The programme equips future pharmacists who practise in Hong
Kong with the knowledge of Chinese Medicine as well as
Complementary and Alternative Medicines (CAM). These include
herbal medicines, nutraceuticals, healthcare products and
cosmetics, which are commonly used by many patients in
conjunction with Western medicines.

Enrichment Experiences beyond Hong Kong Pharmacy and International Exchange Programme
The new enrichment module will encourage students to pursue tailored placement at either academic institutions, or community service at
non-profit organisations. The programme aims to nourish social-minded students to put what they have learned into practice, contribute to
society, and broaden their horizons beyond pharmacy while establishing networks across different sectors and professions. The
enrichment experience can enhance pharmacy students’ understanding towards the local community and raise their awareness of social
issues, inspiring them to actively contribute to the society in their future careers. It also allows students to build cross-sectorial networks to
promote social innovations and build positive social capital in Hong Kong. The enrichment experience reflects the outcome of the
culmination of student’s personal and professional development throughout the BPharm study.

Our BPharm students also have the opportunity to participate in an international exchange programme. Our department has established
strong link with the pharmacy departments of Sojo University (Japan), King’s College London (UK) and University College London (UK).

Placement, Clerkship and Research Project

The programme ensures that students are adequately prepared to provide expert service at the community level through placement
openings provided by the largest community pharmacy chain stores in Hong Kong.

As part of the curriculum, each pharmacy student will have the chance to gain work experience in different pharmacy settings during
term time. Students will rotate among hospital pharmacy, community pharmacy and the pharmaceutical industry for at least one week
in each setting during the final year of study. In addition, students will have the opportunity to carry out a research project in a
specialised area of their choices, including pharmaceutics, pharmacology, pharmacy practice and clinical pharmacy, under the
supervision of our academic staff. The research experience will be critical for the future career of pharmacy students in both the
academic and pharmacy workplace.

Opportunities for Interprofessional Learning

The programme offers students with invaluable opportunities for interprofessional learning throughout the four-year curriculum,
including a health research project (HRP), patient care project (PCP) and interprofessional education and collaborative practice
(IPECP) with students from the Medicine, Nursing and Chinese Medicine programmes. These interprofessional learning activities
will utilise the expertise of students from different backgrounds and foster cooperation between different healthcare professionals
in the future.

BPharm Curriculum Structure


General Chemistry Drug Discovery

Integrated Course in Basic Sciences: Anatomy, Core University English
Physiology & Biochemistry
Common Core Courses
Research Methods in Pharmacy Practice
Introduction to Pharmacy


Pharmaceutical Chemistry Pharmacy Practice: Introduction

Dosage Form Design Academic Communication for Pharmacy Students
Pharmacy in Body System Series: Practical Chinese for Pharmacy Students
— Cardiovascular & Renal Common Core Courses
— Gastrointestinal System, Drug Kinetics and Toxicities
— Respiratory System


Advanced Drug Delivery Pharmacy in Body System Series:

Pharmaceutical Analysis — Endocrinology
Pharmacy Practice: Community Pharmacy — Central Nervous System, Musculoskeletal and
Connective Tissue Disorders
— Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
— Oncology


Research Methodology and Research Project# Electives

Pharmacy Practice: Pharmacy Law and Ethics — Molecular Medicine*
Industrial Drug Development — Molecular Pharmacology*
Biopharmaceutical Technology and Future Medicines — Epidemiology and Precision Medicine*
Pharmacotherapy of Special Populations — Big Data in Healthcare*
Enrichment Module — Cosmetic Science*
— Chinese Medicine for Pharmacy Students*
— Cardiopulmonary and Renal Systems**

All year-4 students have to complete a research project
* Elective Courses
** Elective Course for articulate to the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) upon graduation

Using our specialised drug

knowledge to help patients
optimise their medical treatment
is what makes our job as
pharmacists so meaningful.

Ms Jody Chu
Senior Lecturer, Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy

Articulation to HKU MBBS and completion of two professional degrees in eight years
Starting from 2019/2020, the HKU BPharm Programme now offers an articulation arrangement with the HKU MBBS Programme.
Students with an outstanding performance by Semester 1 of Year 3 can choose to attach to the MBBS curriculum for one semester.
Upon completion of the BPharm Programme and having satisfied the admission criteria of the MBBS curriculum, students can then
be admitted directly to Year 2 and be exempted from the Year 3 enrichment year requirement. Students can, as a result, obtain dual
professional degrees in BPharm and MBBS from HKU in the span of eight years.

Articulation to HKU MBBS programme

Completion of two professional degrees in eight years






Career Prospects for Pharmacy Graduates

Academia / Research Hospital

Universities, Higher Education Institutes Hospital Authority, Private Hospitals

Pharmacy Education (training pharmacist and Dispensing

pharmacy technicians)
Pharmacy Intravenous Admixture Service (PIVAS)
Scientific Research
Clinical / Specialist Pharmacist (e.g. Paediatrics,
Health Promotion Oncology)
Knowledge Transfer Radiopharmacy
Medical Information

Pharmaceutical Industry Information Technology

Clinical Trial
Local Manufacturers, Multinational Corporation Drug Procurement
Manufacture and Supply
Quality Assurance (QA) Department Of Health / Drug Office
Drug Research and Development (R&D)
Policy Planning
Regulatory Affairs
Medical Information
Drug Registration
Sales and Marketing
Clinical Service
Public Health
Clinical Trial

Community Pharmacy Others

Medical Writer / Editor
Chain and Independent Pharmacies
Veterinary Pharmacist
Community Pharmacist
Non-Profit Organisation (e.g. visiting pharmacist in
Primary Care elderly homes, healthcare project coordination)
Business Management Further Study (e.g. PhD, Medical Degree)

Professional Recognition Future Studies

The programme has been granted accreditation by the Graduates can consider a taught Master of Advanced Pharmacy
Pharmacy and Poisons Board of Hong Kong. Students who programme or pursue academic pharmacy through research
have completed a full-time pharmacy degree and one postgraduate study.
additional year of internship become qualified as registered
pharmacists in Hong Kong.

For more information

on admissions
[email protected] (852) 3917 9460 / (852) 3917 9463
L02-56, 2/F, Laboratory Block, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong,
21 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong @hku_pharmacy
with a Global
Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences

The BBiomedSc programme is
global in outlook, with flexibility
given to students to tailor their
learning towards their area of
interest, be it biomedical research,
articulation to a healthcare
profession, or innovation and

Programme Aims and Objectives

Biomedical sciences cover a wide range of scientific and allied development for the pharmaceutical, diagnostics, medical
disciplines, including molecular and cell biology, genetics and devices and laboratory instrumentation industries, and
genome science, bioinformatics, anatomy, physiology, management and business development of related industries;
pharmacology, biological and medicinal chemistry, immunology clinical trials management; media and communication; and
and microbiology, and public and environmental health. The health promotion, hospital administration and healthcare
study of biomedical sciences focuses on the relationships planning. They will also have acquired an excellent foundation
between humans, health, and disease, translating biomedical for articulation to medical, veterinary sciences and other
applications of basic sciences to the clinical practices of health health-related professional programmes through graduate
services and the healthcare industry. entry, and for MPhil/PhD studies.

The 21st century is widely regarded as an age of ‘biomedicine’.

With the foundation of its excellent track record in biomedical
research and a strong team of biomedical scientists, the Faculty
offers the Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences (BBiomedSc)
programme with the aim of nurturing graduates with broad but
core knowledge in key biomedical disciplines. They will be
well-trained to develop careers in areas such as research in
universities, government and medical laboratories; research and

As a student of biomedical sciences here at the

University of Hong Kong, you will be equipped
with core and broad knowledge of the
biomedical disciplines, preparing you for the
challenges in contemporary and innovative
health delivery and research.

Professor Danny Chan

Director, School of Biomedical Sciences

Programme Features
The BBiomedSc curriculum is designed with a good balance of structure and flexibility, allowing
students to plan their study according to their individual interests. The focus of the Biomedical
Sciences core courses is to cover:

The structures and functions of the human body and the processes that are essential to life.
The basic principles of the processes, mechanisms, patterns of diseases and concepts of
diagnostics and therapeutics, and essential analytical methodologies and state-of-the-art
contemporary information technology in the field of biomedical sciences.

Students are required to complete a total of 240 credits of courses in the four-year curriculum,
of which 96 credits are Biomedical Sciences major courses, 36 credits are Common Core
courses, and 18 credits are Language Enhancement courses. The remaining 90 credits are for
minors and electives.

Introductory Courses
The introductory courses consolidate students’ knowledge of Example courses:
anatomy, human biology, human physiology, biochemistry and
pharmacology, which are all necessary to understand the basis of Human Anatomy
human biology and processes that are essential to life. Students
Biomedical Pharmacology
are required to complete the following introductory courses:
Physiological Basis of Health and Disease
Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology Introduction to Clinical Research
Perspectives in Biochemistry Exercise Physiology
Biostatistics Human Genetics
General Chemistry I/Foundations of Chemistry Fundamentals of Clinical Trial Management
Basic Biomedical Laboratory Techniques Physical and Health Benefits of Exercise
Research Methods in Medicine and Health Sciences

Active learning is a critical part of student learning – learning about

DNA structure through building models is a great experience for first
year students.

Professor Julian Tanner

Associate Director (Teaching & Learning), School of Biomedical Sciences

Advanced Courses
The advanced courses provide students with a foundation in Plus any four of the following:
the cellular, molecular and genetic basis of human diseases,
as well as strategies for diagnosis. In the last year of study, Medical Microbiology
students are required to undertake a Final Year Project or the
Molecular Biology of the Cell
Biomedical Innovation Team Project. The Final Year Project
constitutes a capstone experience for students, allowing them Mechanisms and Pathology of Diseases
to integrate their knowledge and apply experimental and Infection and Immunity
informatics skills to solve defined problems by research. The
Biomedical Innovation Team Project provides a capstone Biomechanics and Biomedical Technologies
experience for students, allowing them to integrate their Sequence Bioinformatics
knowledge in biomedical sciences with knowledge of business
and marketing introduced in this course to translate Biopharmaceutical Research and Development
biomedical research to viable products. Emerging Infectious
Molecular Neuroscience
Students are required to complete the following advanced courses:
Biological Basis of Exercise and Health
Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory
Exercise and Chronic Disease
Final Year Project/Biomedical Innovation Team Project

Minor Options and Electives

Students can plan their study with the remaining 90 credits in various manners. They may opt to take a minor and/or electives offered
within the BBiomedSc curriculum or offered in other curricula. The minor options offered in the BBiomedSc curriculum include:

Minor in Biotechnology Minor in Minor in Genetics

& Clinical Research Kinesiology & Genomics

Example courses: Example courses: Example courses:

Contemporary Topics in Exercise Physiology Cancer Biology
Biomedical Technology
Biological Basis of Exercise Genome Science
Stem Cell Biotechnologies in and Health
Public Health Genetics
Regenerative Medicine
Physical and Health Benefits
Business Aspects of of Exercise

Modes of Learning
Students will be exposed to a wide range of learning experiences, varying according to the courses they are enrolled in.
These experiences include traditional lectures, laboratory practicals, problem-based learning tutorials, web-based learning as well as
research projects.

Research and Summer Internship Opportunities

BBiomedSc students are provided with ample opportunities to experience laboratory-based research, training them for a career in
research and development. Under the Summer Internship Programme, they can join the research teams of professoriate members of the
Faculty, attach to the research laboratories of top-class universities abroad, or work in an external agency related to field of Biomedical
Sciences or in other industries in the summer of Year 1, 2 and 3.

The University's Undergraduate Research Fellowship Programme (URFP) supports students in their pursuit of research and
development with the provision of scholarships.

Curriculum Structure

Biomedical Core courses (24 credits) Summer Internship (HK/Overseas/Industrial)

Common Core courses (24 credits)

Language Enhancement courses (12 credits)



Biomedical Core courses + Electives (42 credits) Summer Internship (HK/Overseas/Industrial)

Common Core courses (12 credits)

Language Enhancement course (6 credits)



Biomedical Core courses + Electives (60 credits) or Summer Internship (HK/Overseas/Industrial)

Overseas Exchange Studies (possible articulation pathways)



Biomedical Core courses + Electives (48 credits)

Final Year Project (12 credits) or Innovation Team Project (12 credits)



Possible Articulation Pathways

Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences (4 years)

The University of
Hong Kong


Veterinary Surgeon Diagnostic Radiographer Medical Doctor

Science is more than just knowledge, but the art of questioning

the world. BBiomedSc provides a variety of articulations,
encouraging students to explore the meaning of life beyond
textbooks and lectures, equipping them to question the world,
pursue their dreams, and strive for excellence. Fong Hoi Chun
BBiomedSc 2019

Through the biomedical sciences curriculum, we aim to encourage more

students to find and develop their passion for research and innovation
and nurture an entrepreneurial mindset to translate biomedical research
findings into clinical applications that can benefit society.

Dr Stephanie Ma
Associate Professor, School of Biomedical Sciences

Professional Recognition and Career Prospects

Biomedical Sciences graduates will be equipped with practical and transferable skills applicable to a wide range of areas in both the
public and private sectors. Major employment areas include research in university and government laboratories; medical development
and management for the pharmaceutical, diagnostics, medical devices industries; and hospital and healthcare planning. BBiomedSc
students can participate in overseas exchange and/or articulation programmes in the third year of study for obtain professional
qualification after graduation.

For more information

on admissions
[email protected] (852) 3917 9259
1/F, Laboratory Block, 21 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong

and Future
Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in
Global Health and Development

The BASc(GHD) provides students
with the interdisciplinary
knowledge and competencies
necessary to become leaders in
developing sustainable solutions
to the rapidly-evolving global
health and development
challenges of today’s world.

Programme Aims and Objectives

The Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Global Health and Development [BASc(GHD)] is a four-year
undergraduate programme, with a particular focus on interdisciplinarity in the context of global
health and development. The aim of the programme is to nurture future leaders who have the
broad foundation of knowledge, skills and competencies to contribute to tackling some of the
world’s most pressing challenges.

The broad curriculum is delivered in partnership with Faculties across HKU including Architecture,
Business and Economics, Law, Science, and Social Sciences. This allows students to develop
core blocks of knowledge from a multidisciplinary and international perspective. The programme
also encourages the development of the practical skills required to succeed in today’s competitive
job market as well as knowledge and academic credibility. This is why as part of the programme,
students are required to undertake six months’ of practical work in a global health and
development organisation where they will receive expert support and mentoring, and gain
valuable work experience.

Programme Features
The BASc(GHD) combines:

Basic to intermediate level courses across multiple Faculties (Architecture, Business and
Economics, Law, Medicine, Science, Social Sciences)
Advanced seminars
Field placement in global health and development organisations
Mentoring on career choices and leadership
BASc courses on leadership and big data analytics

Field Placement
A distinctive feature of the programme is the 6-month field placement. Students will gain exposure to real-life challenges and the
opportunity to receive mentoring from leading global health and development organisations such as UN agencies, non-governmental
organisations (NGOs), philanthropic foundations and more. In addition to offering expert guidance and professional training
workshops, HKU provides a limited number of scholarships to support students during their placements.

Student Placement in 2022/23

New York
UN Development Programme (UNDP) – Human
Development Report Office Asia-Pacific Coalition for Male
Sexual Health
UN Headquarters – Statistics Division,
Department of Economic and Social Affairs China Medical Board

UNICEF – Public Partnership Division OOCA

UNICEF – Generation Unlimited Thailand National Health Foundation

1 2
Istanbul Hong Kong
UN Development EmpowerU
Programme (UNDP) – HIV, Habitat for Humanity
Health and Development

International Federation of
Red Cross 3 1
Singapore Taipei
HealthServe Amarex Clinical Research

Why was the BASc(GHD) created

Challenges such as chronic and infectious diseases; the
development of better and more accessible health systems; the
reduction of poverty and inequities; the consequences of
societal and conflict-related displacement; and the existential
planetary threats of climate change are at the heart of modern
health and development. To tackle such complex and rapidly
evolving challenges, not only will it require approaches that
consider the health of people and the development of
communities and countries together, but also ideas that
combine and cross disciplines. The BASc(GHD) was created to
better prepare the next generation of leaders who will work on
(and solve) such deeply important challenges.

We are here to facilitate you in finding out the ambition of this

programme and to accompany you in preparing your lifelong career.
Welcome to the Voyage from Pokfulam to the World!
Dr Pui Hong Chung
Clinical Associate Professor of
Practice and BASc(GHD)
Programme Director

Taking an overseas placement during undergraduate study exposed me to real-life

global health and development settings. I am elated to apply interdisciplinary
knowledge to my internship and make impactful changes to the community. This
rewarding experience has further confirmed my aspiration to advocate for the
underprivileged population in the global society.
Dickson Tong
BASc(GHD) Year 4

The Capstone is more than the placement alone – it is designed to make students
think critically about the work they are doing, and how it relates to global health and
development challenges more broadly. Students are also pushed to improve their
communication skills by providing timely updates and a presentation to their peers at
the end of their placement.

This year we have students working in organisations such as UNICEF, UNDP,

IFRC, and a host of NGOs in Bangkok, Singapore, Taipei, Istanbul, New York, and
Dr Andrew Thomas Park Geneva. In addition to their professional experiences, these students will take
Lecturer and BASc(GHD)
Placement Coordinator away rich memories of exploring new places and cultures. This is what the
placement is all about!

Interdisciplinary Major
This 96-credit interdisciplinary major is hosted by the LKS
Faculty of Medicine in collaboration with Faculties of
Architecture; Business and Economics; Law; Science; and
Social Sciences.

Anchoring Courses
Four anchoring courses, one in each year of study, adopt a
case-based problem-solving approach to assist students to
navigate the interconnectedness among the various
academic disciplines. These courses include:

Foundations in Global Health and Development

Globalisation and Health
Leadership and Advocacy in Global Health and
Global Health Policy

BASc Core Courses

Three BASc Core Courses will be offered in Year 1 and 2 to
cultivate an interdisciplinary mindset in students, to nurture
their leadership and advocacy talents, and to hone their skills
in cutting-edge big data sciences. These courses include:

Sustainable Leadership
Foundations of Human Knowledge
Essential Skills for Undergraduates: Foundations of
Data Science

Field Placement / Capstone

A distinctive feature of the programme is a compulsory
capstone, during which students will be placed for a
six-month experience facilitated by HKU. Students will gain
exposure to real-life global health and development
challenges. They will have the opportunity to gain practical
experience and receive mentoring from organisations at the
forefront of Global Health and Development, which will help
pave the path to their career.

Foundational Learning Blocks

Arts and Sciences Global Development

Economics and Finance Economics of Development
Globalisation International Relations
Interpretation of Statistics Politics and International Trade
Research Methods Population Growth and Development

Global and National Issues Global Health

Global Health Governance Epidemiology
International Law Global Burden of Disease
Social and Cultural Priorities Health and Healthcare Systems
Major Global Trends Planetary Health
Risk Prevention and Risk Reduction
Principles of Public Health

Advanced Learning Blocks

Global Governance and In-depth Study –

Multinational Institutions Advanced Seminars
Politics, Policy-making and Governance Topics such as:
Roles and Jurisdictions of Multinational and — Universal Health Coverage
International Organisations
— Pandemics and Emergencies
— Food Systems
— Healthy Cities
— Sustainable Developement

Curriculum Structure

Foundations in Global Health and Development Exam Introductory Economics and Finance (6 credits) Exam
(6 credits)
Health Systems and Financing (6 credits)
Statistics: Ideas and Concepts (6 credits)
Chinese Language Enhancement Course (6 credits)
Essential Skills for Undergraduates: Foundations
of Data Science (6 credits) Foundations of Human Knowledge (6 credits)
Common Core Courses (12 credits)
Common Core Courses (12 credits)



Globalisation and Health (6 credits) Disciplinary Exam Research Methods in Medicine and Health Sciences Exam
(6 credits)
Disciplinary Core Courses* (6 credits)
Global Health Governance (6 credits)
Sustainable Leadership (6 credits)
Disciplinary Core Course* (6 credits)
Elective Courses (12 credits)
English in the Discipline Course (6 credits)

Elective Courses (12 credits)



Global Health Policy (6 credits) Exam Disciplinary Core Course* (6 credits) Exam Capstone in Global Health and
Development (Field Placement)
Disciplinary Core Course* (6 credits) Elective Courses (24 credits)

Elective Courses (24 credits)

International Exchange (optional)



Capstone in Global Health and Development Leadership and Advocacy in Global Health and Exam
(Field Placement) (cont’d) (12 credits) Development (6 credits)

Disciplinary Core Course* (6 credits)

Elective Courses (18 credits)



*Disciplinary Core Courses include the following:

Population and Development

Theories and Global Trends in Urban Development

Introduction to International Relations

Economic Development

Environmental Change and Socio-political Conflicts

International Organisations

Global Political Economy

Legal Foundations for Global Health and Development

The Role and Impact of Private Sector in Health and Development

Seminar in Major Global Health and Development Challenges

Bringing It All Together: Seminar in Planetary Health

Global health is interdisciplinary, it is not just about health− it is social,

political, and is closely related to the world economy. That’s why global
health is always relevant and studying BASc(GHD) in HKU allows us to
explore the field further.
Claudia Lam
BASc(GHD) Year 4

Minor Options and Electives

Students can plan their study with the remaining 90 credits in various manners, such as taking a minor, and/or electives offered within
the BASc(GHD) curriculum or those offered in other curricula across Faculties. Within BASc(GHD) curriculum, the minor options offered

Minor in Global Health Minor in Global Development in Asia

Example Courses: Example Courses:

Environmental Change and Socio-political Conflicts Economic Development
Theories and Global Trends in Urban Development Introduction to International Relations
Bringing It All Together: Seminar in Planetary Health Global Political Economy

Modern careers take a variety of tracks, that’s why the BASc(GHD)

programme gives students the opportunity to embrace curiosity and develop
a broad foundation of knowledge and skills combined with the practical
experience to succeed in today’s increasingly connected world.
Dr Ryan Au Yeung
Assistant Professor
and BASc(GHD)
Admissions Tutor

Career Prospects Entrance Scholarships

Students will have the educational foundation, interdisciplinary Up to six scholarships shall be awarded each year to local
skills and practical experience needed to launch a broad students admitted to the BASc(GHD) programme on the
range of careers in sectors such as global health, development basis of academic merit at the time of admission and
and economics, industry, academia, government and non- interview performance.
governmental organisations. The competencies, perspectives,
knowledge and skills will enable students to take on
technical, academic, strategic and leadership related roles.

For more information

on admissions
[email protected] (852) 3917 9921
G/F, Patrick Manson Building (North Wing), 7 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong

Leading Through
Data to Improve
Bachelor of Science in


The Bioinformatics programme at

HKUMed nurtures the next
generation of global leaders in
biomedical data science and
digital healthcare technology,
equipping them to excel in
diverse career paths in the
healthcare sector, public health
services, innovative
entrepreneurship and research.

Data science is now central to

modern biomedical research
and healthcare innovation.
Our BSc in Bioinformatics
programme provides essential
training for future leaders in
this cutting-edge discipline.

Programme Aims and Objectives Programme Overview

Bioinformatics cover a wide range of high impact biomedical big The design of this BSc(Bioinformatics) curriculum recognises
data applications, including genomics, precision medicine, the wide spectrum of personal interest and diversity in career
single-cell analysis, multi-omic systems biology, digital health aspiration of a modern bioinformatics practitioner, ranging from
technology, mobile health, artificial intelligence (AI) analysis of biomedical researchers who are skilled at performing analysis
medical imaging data, electronic health record analysis, and with bioinformatics tools (bioinformatics users), to
global health and epidemiology. computational biologists who can perform large-scale data
analyses to solve biological questions (bioinformatics
scientists), to software developers who build innovative
computational or statistical tools for biomedical applications
(bioinformatics engineers).

This programme is centred around a series of anchoring courses across the four-year curriculum. These anchoring
courses enable vertical and horizontal integration of various courses from diverse disciplines across different year
levels. The flexible design of the curriculum allows students to take a multitude of disciplinary elective courses in
biomedical sciences, statistics, computer science and biomedical engineering. The programme focuses on essential
statistical data analysis skills, key algorithms for biomedical informatics and fundamental concepts in modern genomic
and health technology.

Students are required to complete 240 credits of courses in the four-year curriculum, of which 96 credits are major
courses, 36 credits are Common Core courses, and 18 credits are Language Enhancement courses. The remaining 90
credits are for minors and electives.

Core Courses for Bioinformatics Major

The core courses are divided into anchoring, foundation, project and disciplinary elective courses.

Anchoring Courses
Three anchoring courses are the centre-piece of the programme. It is expected that one anchoring
course is taken at each of Year 1, 2 and 3/4 of the programme. These courses adopt a case-based
problem-solving approach to support interdisciplinary integration of subject-specific content at
each year level (horizontal integration). These courses provide a consistent backbone for the
curriculum across different year levels (vertical integration). Students are required to complete the
following anchoring courses:

Introduction to Biomedical Data Science

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
Big Data in Biomedical Informatics

Foundation Courses
These courses, mostly to be taken in Years 1 and 2 of the programme, focus on concepts and
practical skills in fundamental topics in bioinformatics, such as biochemistry, mathematics,
statistics and computer programming. Students are required to complete the following
foundation courses:

Perspectives in Biochemistry
Computer Programming
University Mathematics II
Multivariable Calculus and Linear Algebra
Probability and Statistics I
Probability and Statistics II

Project: Capstone Experience

Each student is required to carry out an in-depth year-long research project in a specialised field
of bioinformatics under the guidance of a supervisor who will provide continuous assessment on
the student’s performance.

Disciplinary ‘Data Science Disciplinary Elective Courses

Laboratory’ Courses
A wide range of specialised courses in bioinformatics,
Taking an experiential learning approach, two innovative ‘Data biomedical sciences, statistics and computer science can be
Science Laboratory’ courses are offered to allow students to chosen to fulfil the disciplinary elective courses. Students are
acquire hands-on computer programming and data analysis required to take three to four courses from over 20 courses.
skills, as well as reinforce the underlying principles of Some example bioinformatics courses include:
mathematical, statistical and algorithmic concepts through
tailored dry-lab practical classes in genomics and digital health. Structural Bioinformatics
Biomedical Software Systems
Students are required to complete one or both of the following
courses: Global Health Informatics
Biomedical Image Informatics
Genome Sequencing and Analysis
Digital Health

Minor Options and Electives

Students can plan their study with the remaining 90 credits in various manners. They may opt to
take a minor and/or electives offered within the BSc(Bioinformatics) curriculum or offered in other
curricula. The minor options offered in the BSc(Bioinformatics) curriculum include:

Minor in Digital Health

Example courses:
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
Digital Health
Biomedical Signals Processing and
Modelling in Biomedical Applications

Minor in Biomedical Data Science

Example courses:
Sequence Bioinformatics
Global Health Informatics
Statistical Machine Learning

Modes of Learning
Students will be exposed to a wide range of learning experiences, varying with courses they are
enrolled in. These experiences include traditional lectures, data science laboratory practicals,
problem-based learning tutorials, web-based learning, as well as research projects.

Internship Opportunities
BSc(Bioinformatics) students are provided with ample opportunities to gain work experience in the
industry as well as local and international research laboratories relating to bioinformatics and health
data science. An internship can be taken as a credit-bearing course during the semester, or as a
non-credit bearing experience during the summer break. The workplace learning experience will
enable students to apply knowledge gained during their studies in real work environments.

Curriculum Structure

Anchoring courses (18 credits) Capstone course (12 credits)

BIOF1001 BIOF2001 BIOF3001 BIOF4001
Introduction to Biomedical Artificial Intelligence in Big Data in Biomedical Final Year Project
Data Science Medicine Informatics

Foundation courses (36 credits) Disciplinary ‘Data Science Lab’ courses (6 or 12 credits)
BIOC1600 MATH2014 BIOF3002
Perspectives in Biochemistry Multivariable Calculus and Genome Sequencing and Data Analysis
Linear Algebra
COMP117 BIOF3003
Computer Programming STATS2601 Digital Health
Probability & Statistics I
University Mathematics II STAT2602
Probability & Statistics II

Common Core (36 credits) Disciplinary elective courses (Choose any 3 or 4) (18 or 24 credits)
Language (18 credits) Biomedical Computer Science Biomedical Sciences
COMP2113 specialty courses
BIOC2600 Programming
Basic Biochemistry Technologies
Bioinformatics Internship
BIOC 3605 COMP2119
Sequence Introduction to Data
Structural Bioinformatics
Bioinformatics Structures and
Algorithms BIOF3006
Biomedical Software
Human Genetics COMP3314
Machine Learning
Essential Molecular COMP3317
Global Health Informatics
Biology Computer Vision
BBMS3008 COMP3353
Biomedical Image
Essential Bioinformatics
BBMS3009 Statistics
Genome Science
BBMS4004 Linear Statistical Analysis
Public Health
Genetics STAT3612
Statistical Machine Learning
Multivariate Data Analysis
Big Data Analytics

Other electives (90 credits)

Students should ideally minor in Biomedical Data Science, Digital Health, Statistics, Computer Science, or one or more of the
Biomedical Sciences minors.
Selection of other electives from across the University is also possible.

Professional Recognition and Career Prospects

BSc(Bioinformatics) graduates will be equipped with practical and transferable skills applicable to a rapidly maturing interdisciplinary
field that is of high demand in research, hospital and industry, both locally and internationally. There is growing demand for
biotechnology and big data expertise in local and international research centres, as well as growing demand in the hospital and
healthcare sector in analysis of clinical and public health data.

Some examples of tasks that graduates would be able to carry out include:
Interpreting genetic testing results from patients and reporting findings to help clinicians to make treatment decisions.
Identifying patterns in epidemic outbreak-based electronic records of passengers on public transport in order to guide pandemic
prevention strategies.
Predicting how novel compounds interact with proteins to help identify new targeted therapies for diseases.

For more information

on admissions
[email protected] (852) 3917 9259
1/F, Laboratory Block, 21 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong


A Passage to

Medical education has been at the heart of the University of

Hong Kong’s history and HKUMed has been a global leader
in medical education and research throughout our 135 years
of history. Today we look forward to nurturing the next
generation of healthcare professionals and leaders.

There are many support systems in place at HKUMed -

financial, facilities, advice and networks - to help students
join various local and overseas learning programmes,
including clinical attachments, exchanges, service trips and
study tours, in addition to the MBBS Enrichment Year. We
strongly believe this well-rounded experience is essential to
the personal and professional development of our students.

Where You Belong

The Medical Campus on Sassoon Road is home to our teaching and print collections cover biomedical and health sciences,
schools and departments, research laboratories and various while new alternate reality and virtual reality tools on the
state-of-the-art facilities. mezzanine level allow you to delve deeper.

The learning environment embodies our goals and we are Our ambitious development plans centre around our students’
expanding to provide the finest training facilities for the next whole-person development, which means we care about not
generation of healthcare professionals. only your studies but also your well-being. This goal is
embodied by the addition of the new outdoor garden on 1/F of
The latest addition - 3 Sassoon Road - welcomes you to the the William M.W. Mong Block, where you can enjoy panoramic
Medical Campus with sleek communal spaces and spacious sea views and take a breath of fresh air between classes,
clinical skills laboratories equipped with high-fidelity simulators. attesting to our dual emphasis.
The building’s nine storeys serve as the home of the School of
Chinese Medicine and School of Nursing with facilities tailored Another recent addition, the Faculty Boardroom located in the
to the needs of each School’s students. Faculty Administration Wing, brings us yet closer to this
objective by providing ample space for academic conferences
Our core mission is to enrich the total learning experience for and professional seminars.
students by creating spaces for them to socialise and connect
outside the classroom, which is exemplified by the Cheung We are proud to support our diverse student body with the
Chin Lan Hong Atrium that invites you into the William M.W. addition of gender-neutral facilities and a new prayer room
Mong Block. which gives members of our community a dedicated location to
pursue their spiritual lives.
A few floors above this airy space is the Faculty Learning Commons
where you can study independently or work collaboratively with Looking into the future, the Sassoon Road Campus will be
peers. This Medical Campus landmark serves as the venue for transformed into a state-of-the-science campus stretching from
many events, making it a popular spot for socialising. Queen Mary Hospital (QMH) on Pokfulam Road at the top, to the
Victoria Road roundabout at the bottom. This reinvigorated teaching
For those looking for a quiet place to learn, the Yu Chun Keung complex will provide even greater opportunities for our students.
Medical Library is a centre of excellence in knowledge
management. The Medical Library’s significant digital resources

Discover our campus


Here for You

HKUMed is determined to support your growth and whole-person development. Our Student Wellness Team hosts outreach activities
and workshops on mental health awareness and strengthening resilience. On top of these events, the team’s Peer Supporter
Programme creates a supportive environment to help you thrive in HKUMed’s academic environment.

In addition, a team of professional counsellors, clinical psychologists and psychiatrists are available on the Medical Campus to provide
confidential, convenient and free clinical services to all HKUMed students. Services available include individual counselling,
consultation, crisis intervention, diagnostic assessment, group therapy, psychoeducational programmes and brief psychotherapy.

When it comes to achieving academic and professional goals,

all HKUMed undergraduate students are paired with an
Academic Adviser. This adviser-advisee relationship lasts for
the entire period of study, with the aim of providing you with the
support you need to pursue your academic, career and life
goals. These exchanges empower our students to think
critically, explore available options, evaluate their progress and
take personal responsibility for decision-making.

Dedicated advice and guidance also extend to Bachelor of

Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery students planning their
Enrichment Year or for students in other programmes undertaking
overseas exchanges.

A Home Away From Home

You can apply to live in any of the University of Hong Kong’s residential halls or
colleges. From the castle-like University Hall to the modern colleges in the
Jockey Club Student Village III, there is a residence to suit all tastes and
interests. These residences offer you more than simply a place to rest. Each
strives to create a unique community that nurtures residents’ social
development, fosters global citizenship and stimulates intellectual discussion.

Two residences fall under the Faculty’s management: the Madam S. H. Ho

Residence for Medical Students, which accommodates 163 students in single
rooms, and the Patrick Manson Student Residence, which accommodates 124
students in shared bedrooms.

Senior medical students undergoing clinical training at Queen Mary Hospital are
required to stay at these residences during specific specialty clerkships. These
residences allow more medical and nursing students to be close to the hospital
for their clinical training.

The two residences also allow students to interact with and learn from HKUMed
alumni through dedicated events.

Better Together
The vast variety of student-run organisations at HKUMed enable you to explore the medical field beyond the classroom. These societies
are open to all students within the Medical Faculty to foster a spirit of comradeship and professional unity among future healthcare
professionals. You can also join other interest groups and student societies to engage with your peers, volunteer in healthcare-related
activities, or simply to have fun!

As future healthcare professionals and leaders, it is our responsibility to never shy away from the
complexities of social awareness and health advocacy. As the IFMSA Regional Director for Asia-Pacific, I
was an active catalyst in shaping the global health agenda with the UN, the WHO and other non-state actors.
Taking on this position has convinced me to have the courage to believe that young persons can also offer
perceptive insights to contemporary dialogues via meaningful youth engagement. I hope that we can further
realise the untapped potential medical students have in shaping each other and the world around us.

Mathew Chow
MBBS Year 6 and former Regional Director for Asia-Pacific at the
International Federation of Medical Students Association

Student Ambassador
As a member of the HKUMed family, you can apply to represent the
Faculty and work alongside other highly motivated individuals
through our Student Ambassador Programme. Additionally, the SA
programme gives you a chance to improve your confidence through
public speaking, develop your voice by creating social media
content and join dedicated workshops to build new skills.

Our students are equally active beyond HKUMed. By participating Talk to our
in joint-university societies, you can interact with medical students Student
and professionals from other institutions in the region, allowing you Ambassadors
to expand your knowledge and serve the community.

Being the Chairperson of the Medical Society has provided me a world of

opportunities to work with leaders of the local medical system as well as healthcare
policy-makers. I can get to serve as a bridge of communication by representing
medical students in different occasions. I am also given the chance to serve our
fellow schoolmates from HKUMed by hosting various activities and improving
student welfare. I have made deeper connections with my schoolmates and
teachers. I have learnt a lot from them in terms of both medical knowledge and moral
virtues. My journey here at HKUMed is indeed meaningful, as it will definitely help me Hillary Chan
to strive and attain professionalism in the future! MBBS Year 3 and
former Chairperson of
the Medical Society

We all need guidance at some point in our lives, and serving as a Student
Ambassador connects me closely with our prospective students, where I could share
my insights on studying medicine whilst helping them with challenges in life. This not
only enriches their journey towards medicine, but also adds meaning to mine.
Allan Chu
MBBS Year 4 and
Student Ambassador

Financial Support for Higher Dreams

Scholarships and prizes are awarded to students as a reward for outstanding academic achievement, providing students with financial
aid for covering cost of tuition, accommodation, enrichment activity and/or other expenses in university life. Students with financial
difficulties are supported to pursue their studies and expand their ambitions.

All of this is made possible with the generous support from a large number of patrons and distinguished graduates.

A total amount of HK$22,000,000+ awarded

1400+ 180+
Scholarships and Schemes designated for
prizes awarded HKUMed students

Entrance Scholarships Prizes

Upon admission to HKUMed, a wide range of Entrance Every year, a number of prizes are offered to students at
Scholarships are offered to students with outstanding results in HKUMed, in recognition of their academic excellence and
open examinations and to degree holders with excellent community engagement. Prizes are often awarded based on
academic performance. To promote equal learning students’ exceptional performance in course assignments,
opportunities, underprivileged students could be supported by essay writings, assessments, competitions, etc.
Springboard Scholarships schemes. These schemes are often
renewable annually within the normative study period, subject
to satisfactory academic performance. Financial Aid
Students in need of financial assistance to help cover the costs
Enrichment Scholarships of their university education will find a number of options
available to them. The University offers loans and bursaries for
Enrichment Scholarships aim to support students’ participation needy students supplemental to the Government Loans and
in service and humanitarian work, research attachments, Grants, while HKUMed provides emergency loans to students
exchange programmes or experiential learning activities. The under special circumstances.
value of scholarship is based on a student’s academic merit and
financial need. The learning value, duration, location of the
activity and other factors will also be taken into account.

“Apart from confidence, this Scholarship strengthened my ambition to become

not only a good, humane doctor, but also an innovative researcher to further
advance current clinical treatments; and an inspiring educator to teach future
medical students in my 40s or 50s, so as to make myself worthy of your support
through this award.”
Chan Man Han – MBBS
Aspiration Foundation Second Chance Scholarship

“This Scholarship is a great encouragement to my study and it makes me full of

again. ItIt reminds
reminds me
me that
that II am
am not
not alone in the study

Wu Yuyi – BNurs
Academic Elite Scholarship in Nursing

“The Scholarship allows me to participate in different servicing and

outside-classroom learning activities that broaden my horizons and connect
with people from all walks of life. These experiences equip me with the skills to
become an outstanding and patient-centred pharmacist.”
Chen Yu Yu – BPharm
Loke Yew Medical Springboard Scholarship

“I amScholarship
committed is
great encouragement
education and to to
themy studyhealth
public and it makes
sector,me fullthe
and of
hope and get has
Scholarship motivated
helped again. It reminds
me immensely inme thatone
being I am notcloser
step alone to
in achieving
the study
journey and School of Nursing is always by my side.”
my goals.”

Chan Cheuk Yu Andrea – BASc(GHD)

Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Global Health and Development Entrance Scholarship

“This Graduation Award is not only significant in its monetary value but also in
the symbolic support for us just starting in our journey as doctors as the whole
society fights together against the pandemic.”

Dr Curtis Ng – MBBS 2022

Li Ka Shing MBBS Graduation Award

“This Hostel Grantisallows
Scholarship a greatme to cut the travelling
encouragement time down,
to my study giving me full
and it makes moreof
time and
hope to prepare for my exams.
get motivated again. It
It also lets me
reminds me live
I am to other
not fellow
alone medical
in the study
journey andwho have of
School a common
Nursing isgoal and by
always tackle the challenge together.”
my side.”

Lam Cheuk Kiu – MBBS

Francis Lau Hostel Accommodation Grants for Medical Students

Building a Legacy
Ever since our humble beginnings 135 years ago, successive generations of HKUMed graduates have stepped into top leadership roles
in healthcare across Hong Kong.

They have shaped policies as health secretaries, or served as heads of Hong Kong’s top hospitals - both public and private, proudly
building the territory’s world-class medical landscape.

All undergraduate students at HKUMed can benefit from the strength of our alumni network. Many alumni prioritise giving back to
HKUMed - as teachers, as mentors, or as engaging guest lecturers.

Assuredly, these interactions with leaders in the field allow you to build the confidence and network to step into leadership roles both
locally and globally.

Application for Admissions

If you are a Secondary 6 student in a local school, or if you are currently not a student in any secondary school but wish to apply for
admissions on the strength of your Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) results, you should apply through the Joint
University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS). Please refer to the JUPAS Guide for details. Other candidates should contact the
Admissions Office of the Registry of the University for the necessary information concerning admissions and submit an application
on-line at the following website:

For enquiry, please contact the Registry using the “Contact Us” page on the website or by writing to:

Admissions Office
MG14, Ground Floor, Main Building, The University of Hong Kong
Pokfulam, Hong Kong

Requirements for JUPAS Candidates

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (JS6456)

Selection for admissions is primarily based on academic merits at the HKDSE (or equivalent), but
other factors will also be considered, e.g. performance in interviews and principal’s nomination. In
addition to satisfying the University entrance requirements, candidates for admissions shall satisfy
all of the following requirements in HKDSE:

a) achieve the level of performance in the four core subjects as below:

English Chinese Mathematics Liberal Studies

Level of Performance

4 3 2 2
b) attain at least level 3 in two electives*, one of which must be:
i) Chemistry or
ii) Combined Science with Chemistry as one of the components

The best 6 subjects of HKDSE will be taken into consideration for admissions.

Bachelor of Chinese Medicine (JS6482)

In addition to satisfying the University entrance requirements, candidates for admissions shall
satisfy all of the following requirements in HKDSE:

a) achieve the level of performance in the four core subjects as below:

English Chinese Mathematics Liberal Studies

Level of Performance

3 3 2 2
b) attain at least level 3 in two electives*, one of which must be:
i) Biology or
ii) Chemistry or
iii) Physics or
iv) Combined Science or
v) Integrated Science

The best 5 subjects of HKDSE will be taken into consideration for admissions.

*The Mathematics Extended Part (Module 1 (M1) / Module 2 (M2)) will be recognised as a full elective.

Bachelor of Nursing (JS6468)

In addition to satisfying the University entrance requirements, candidates for admissions shall
satisfy all of the following requirements in HKDSE:

a) achieve the level of performance in the four core subjects as below:

English Chinese Mathematics Liberal Studies

Level of Performance

3 3 2 2
b) attain at least level 3 in two electives*

The best 5 subjects of HKDSE will be taken into consideration for admissions.

Bachelor of Nursing - Advanced Leadership Track (JS6418)

In addition to satisfying the University entrance requirements, candidates for admissions shall
satisfy all of the following requirements in HKDSE:

a) achieve the level of performance in the four core subjects as below:

English Chinese Mathematics Liberal Studies

Level of Performance

3 3 2 2
b) attain at least level 3 in two electives*^

The best 5 subjects of HKDSE will be taken into consideration for admissions.

^Chemistry or Combined Science with Chemistry as one of the components is required for the
articulation pathway to MBBS.

*The Mathematics Extended Part (Module 1 (M1) / Module 2 (M2)) will be recognised as a full elective.

Requirements for JUPAS Candidates

Bachelor of Pharmacy (JS6494)

Selection for admissions is primarily based on academic performance in HKDSE
(or equivalent), but other factors will also be considered, e.g. performance in interviews and
principal’s nomination. In addition to satisfying the University entrance requirements, candidates for
admissions shall satisfy all of the following requirements in HKDSE:

a) achieve the level of performance in the four core subjects as below:

English Chinese Mathematics Liberal Studies

Level of Performance

4 3 2 2
b) attain at least level 3 in two electives*, one of which must be:
i) Chemistry or
ii) Combined Science with Chemistry as one of the components

The best 6 subjects of HKDSE will be taken into consideration for admissions.

Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Global Health and

Development (JS6250)
In addition to satisfying the University entrance requirements, candidates for admissions shall
satisfy all of the following requirements in HKDSE:

a) achieve the level of performance in the four core subjects as below:

English Chinese Mathematics Liberal Studies

Level of Performance

4 3 2 2

b) attain at least level 3 in two electives*

The best 5 subjects of HKDSE will be taken into consideration for admissions.

Candidates with Level 4 in English Language, if admitted, will be required to take 6 additional
credits in Core University English to complete their degree studies.

*The Mathematics Extended Part (Module 1 (M1) / Module 2 (M2)) will be recognised as a full elective.

Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences (JS6949)

In addition to satisfying the University entrance requirements, candidates for admissions shall
satisfy all of the following requirements in HKDSE:

a) achieve the level of performance in the four core subjects as below:

English Chinese Mathematics Liberal Studies

Level of Performance

4 3 2 2
b) attain at least level 3 in two electives*, one of which must be:
i) Biology or
ii) Chemistry or
iii) Combined Science with Biology as one of the components or
iv) Combined Science with Chemistry as one of the components

The best 6 subjects of HKDSE will be taken into consideration for admissions.

Bachelor of Science in Bioinformatics (JS6470)

In addition to satisfying the University entrance requirements, candidates for admissions shall
satisfy all of the following requirements in HKDSE:

a) achieve the level of performance in the four core subjects as below:

English Chinese Mathematics Liberal Studies

Level of Performance

4 3 4 2
b) attain at least level 3 in two electives*, one of which must be:
i) Biology or
ii) Chemistry or
iii) Combined Science with Biology as one of the components or
iv) Combined Science with Chemistry as one of the components

The best 6 subjects of HKDSE will be taken into consideration for admissions.

*The Mathematics Extended Part (Module 1 (M1) / Module 2 (M2)) will be recognised as a full elective.

Requirements for Non-JUPAS Candidates

If you are a local candidate who is applying for admissions on If you are a non-local candidate, you should also apply through
the strength of qualifications other than the Hong Kong Diploma the Non-JUPAS Admissions Scheme. The Faculty accepts
of Secondary Education (HKDSE), you should apply through the applications from eligible non-local students. Competition for
Non-JUPAS Admissions Scheme. “Local candidate” means places is keen among local students, so non-local candidates
that you DO NOT require a student visa/entry permit to study in must be exceptionally well qualified to gain admissions.
Hong Kong. For example, you may be studying:
All applicants for the MBBS, BPharm, BNurs, BNurs-ALT and
overseas; BChinMed programmes, both local and non-local, are required
at an international school or at a local school in Hong Kong to have a good working knowledge of English and Cantonese.
but you are taking a non-local (e.g. International
Baccalaureate Diploma or GCE A-level) examination either Non-JUPAS candidates may be shortlisted on the basis of
through your school or as a private candidate. According to individual merits as shown by their academic records and other
an agreement reached between ALL Hong Kong universities non-academic achievements for interview. The interviews are
and the government, if you are a local school applicant, you designed to assess their suitability for the programmes,
must have completed at least six years of secondary including their motivation, attitude, leadership and general
education when you enter the University; social awareness. Interviews will usually be conducted during
the Christmas and Easter holidays and/or in June/July/August.
on a sub-degree (i.e. Associate Degree or Higher Diploma) After the interview, offers of admission will be made to
programme at a community college of a UGC-funded candidates who have already satisfied the entrance
institution or at the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational requirements. Based on the interview performance and the
Education (HKIVE); academic results available, conditional offers may also be
a full-time bachelor’s degree programme in a local tertiary extended to some non-JUPAS candidates who have entered for
institution funded by the UGC. Please note however that following an examination or examinations with a view to satisfying the
UGC’s guidelines, inter-institutional transfer, irrespective of entrance requirements by August. The offers are conditional
whether there is a change of programme or discipline, is generally upon their obtaining of the necessary examination results for
discouraged, unless there are exceptional circumstances and the submission to the University.
following conditions are met:

— you have successfully completed one year of study on a

bachelor’s degree programme with excellent academic
results; and
— your application for inter-institutional transfer has been
specially approved by the University on the basis of

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