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Chapter 07 - Capital Asset Pricing and Arbitrage Pricing Theory

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1. The required rate of return on a stock is related to the required rate of return on the
stock market via beta. Assuming the beta of Google remains constant, the increase in
the risk of the market will increase the required rate of return on the market, and thus
increase the required rate of return on Google.

2. An example of this scenario would be an investment in the SMB and HML. As of yet,
there are no vehicles (index funds or ETFs) to directly invest in SMB and HML. While
they may prove superior to the single index model, they are not yet practical, even for
professional investors.

3. a. False. According to CAPM, when beta is zero, the “excess” return should be zero.

b. False. CAPM implies that the investor will only require risk premium for systematic
risk. Investors are not rewarded for bearing higher risk if the volatility results from the
firm-specific risk, and thus, can be diversified.

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Chapter 07 - Capital Asset Pricing and Arbitrage Pricing Theory

c. False. We can construct a portfolio with the beta of .75 by investing .75 of the
investment budget in the market portfolio and the remainder in T-bills.

4. E(r) = rf + β [E(rM) – rf ] , rf = 4%, rM = 6%

$1 Discount Store: E(r) = 4% + 1.5  6% = 13%
Everything $5: E(r) = 4% + 1.0  6% = 10%

5. $1 Discount Store is overpriced; Everything $5 is underpriced.

6. a. 15%. Its expected return is exactly the same as the market return when beta is 1.0.

7. Statement a is most accurate.

The flaw in statement b is that beta represents only the systematic risk. If the firm-
specific risk is low enough, the stock of Kaskin, Inc. could still have less total risk than
that of Quinn, Inc.

Statement c is incorrect. Lower beta means the stock carries less systematic risk.

8. The APT may exist without the CAPM, but not the other way. Thus, statement a is
possible, but not b. The reason is that the APT accepts the principle of risk and return,
which is central to CAPM, without making any assumptions regarding individual
investors and their portfolios. However, these assumptions are necessary to CAPM.

9. E(rp) = rf + β [E(rM) – rf ] Given rf = 5% and E(rM)= 15%, we can calculate 

20% = 5% + (15% – 5%)   = 1.5

10. If the beta of the security doubles, then so will its risk premium. The current risk
premium for the stock is: (13% – 7%) = 6%, so the new risk premium would be 12%,
and the new discount rate for the security would be: 12% + 7% = 19%

If the stock pays a constant dividend in perpetuity, then we know from the original data
that the dividend (D) must satisfy the equation for a perpetuity:
Price = Dividend/Discount rate
40 = D/0.13  D = 40  0.13 = $5.20
At the new discount rate of 19%, the stock would be worth: $5.20/0.19 = $27.37
The increase in stock risk has lowered the value of the stock by 31.58%.

11. The cash flows for the project comprise a 10-year annuity of $10 million per year plus an
additional payment in the tenth year of $10 million (so that the total payment in the tenth
year is $20 million). The appropriate discount rate for the project is:
rf + β [E(rM) – rf ] = 9% + 1.7  (19% – 9%) = 26%
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Chapter 07 - Capital Asset Pricing and Arbitrage Pricing Theory

Using this discount rate:

10 10
NPV = –20 +  1.26
t =1
= –20 + [10  Annuity factor (26%, 10 years)] + [10  PV factor (26%, 10 years)]
= 15.64
The internal rate of return on the project is 49.55%. The highest value that beta can take
before the hurdle rate exceeds the IRR is determined by:
49.55% = 9% + (19% – 9%)  β = 40.55/10 = 4.055

a. The beta is the sensitivity of the stock's return to the market return, or, the
change in the stock return per unit change in the market return. We denote the
aggressive stock A and the defensive stock D, and then compute each stock's
beta by calculating the difference in its return across the two scenarios divided
by the difference in market return.
2 - 32
A = = 2.00
5 - 20
3.5 - 14
D = = 0.70
5 - 20

b. With the two scenarios equally likely, the expected rate of return is an average
of the two possible outcomes:
E(rA) = 0.5  (2% + 32%) = 17%

E(rD) = 0.5  (3.5% + 14%) = 8.75%

c. The SML is determined by the following: Expected return is the T-bill rate = 8%
when beta equals zero; beta for the market is 1.0; and the expected rate of return
for the market is:
0.5  (20% + 5%) = 12.5%
Thus, we graph the SML as following:

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Chapter 07 - Capital Asset Pricing and Arbitrage Pricing Theory





.7 1.0 2.0 

The equation for the security market line is: E(r) = 8% + β(12.5% – 8%)

d. The aggressive stock has a fair expected rate of return of:

E(rA) = 8% + 2.0  (12.5% – 8%) = 17%
The security analyst’s estimate of the expected rate of return is also 17%.
Thus the alpha for the aggressive stock is zero. Similarly, the required return
for the defensive stock is:
E(rD) = 8% + 0.7  (12.5% – 8%) = 11.15%
The security analyst’s estimate of the expected return for D is only 8.75%, and
αD = actual expected return – required return predicted by CAPM
= 8.75% – 11.15% = –2.4%
The points for each stock are plotted on the graph above.

e. The hurdle rate is determined by the project beta (i.e., 0.7), not by the firm’s
beta. The correct discount rate is therefore 11.15%, the fair rate of return on
stock D.

13. Not possible. Portfolio A has a higher beta than Portfolio B, but the expected return for
Portfolio A is lower.

14. Possible. If the CAPM is valid, the expected rate of return compensates only for
systematic (market) risk as measured by beta, rather than the standard deviation,
which includes nonsystematic risk. Thus, Portfolio A's lower expected rate of return
can be paired with a higher standard deviation, as long as Portfolio A's beta is lower
than that of Portfolio B.

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Chapter 07 - Capital Asset Pricing and Arbitrage Pricing Theory

15. Not possible. The reward-to-variability ratio for Portfolio A is better than that of the
market, which is not possible according to the CAPM, since the CAPM predicts that the
market portfolio is the most efficient portfolio. Using the numbers supplied:
16 − 10
SA = = 0.5
18 − 10
SM = = 0.33
These figures imply that Portfolio A provides a better risk-reward tradeoff than the
market portfolio.

16. Not possible. Portfolio A clearly dominates the market portfolio. It has a lower standard
deviation with a higher expected return.

17. Not possible. Given these data, the SML is: E(r) = 10% + β(18% – 10%)
A portfolio with beta of 1.5 should have an expected return of:
E(r) = 10% + 1.5  (18% – 10%) = 22%
The expected return for Portfolio A is 16% so that Portfolio A plots below the SML
(i.e., has an alpha of –6%), and hence is an overpriced portfolio. This is inconsistent
with the CAPM.

18. Not possible. The SML is the same as in Problem 18. Here, the required expected
return for Portfolio A is: 10% + (0.9  8%) = 17.2%
This is still higher than 16%. Portfolio A is overpriced, with alpha equal to: –1.2%

19. Possible. Portfolio A's ratio of risk premium to standard deviation is less attractive
than the market's. This situation is consistent with the CAPM. The market portfolio
should provide the highest reward-to-variability ratio.


Ford GM Toyota S&P

Beta 5 years 1.81 0.86 0.71 1.00
Beta first two years 2.01 1.05 0.47 3.78 SD
Beta last two years 1.97 0.69 0.49
SE of residual 12.01 8.34 5.14
SE beta 5 years 0.42 0.29 0.18
Intercept 5 years -0.93 -1.44 0.45
Intercept first two years -2.37 -1.82 1.80
Intercept last two years 0.81 -3.41 -1.91


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Chapter 07 - Capital Asset Pricing and Arbitrage Pricing Theory

As a first pass, we note that large standard deviation of the beta estimates. None of
the subperiod estimates deviate from the overall period estimate by more than two
standard deviations. That is, the t-statistic of the deviation from the overall period is
not significant for any of the subperiod beta estimates. Looking beyond the
aforementioned observation, the differences can be attributed to different alpha
values during the subperiods. The case of Toyota is most revealing: The alpha
estimate for the first two years is positive and for the last two years negative (both
large). Following a good performance in the "normal" years prior to the crisis,
Toyota surprised investors with a negative performance, beyond what could be
expected from the index. This suggests that a beta of around 0.5 is more reliable.
The shift of the intercepts from positive to negative when the index moved to
largely negative returns, explains why the line is steeper when estimated for the
overall period. Draw a line in the positive quadrant for the index with a slope of 0.5
and positive intercept. Then draw a line with similar slope in the negative quadrant
of the index with a negative intercept. You can see that a line that reconciles the
observations for both quadrants will be steeper. The same logic explains part of the
behavior of subperiod betas for Ford and GM.

21. Since the stock's beta is equal to 1.0, its expected rate of return should be equal to that
of the market, that is, 18%.
D + P1 − P0
E(r) =

9 + P1 − 100
0.18 =  P1 = $109

22. If beta is zero, the cash flow should be discounted at the risk-free rate, 8%:
PV = $1,000/0.08 = $12,500
If, however, beta is actually equal to 1, the investment should yield 18%, and the price
paid for the firm should be:
PV = $1,000/0.18 = $5,555.56
The difference ($6944.44) is the amount you will overpay if you erroneously assume
that beta is zero rather than 1.

23. Using the SML: 6% = 8% + β(18% – 8%)  β= –2/10 = –0.2

24. We denote the first investment advisor 1, who has r1 = 19% and 1 = 1.5, and the
second investment advisor 2, as r2 = 16% and 2 = 1.0. In order to determine which
investor was a better selector of individual stocks, we look at the abnormal return,
which is the ex-post alpha; that is, the abnormal return is the difference between the
actual return and that predicted by the SML.

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Chapter 07 - Capital Asset Pricing and Arbitrage Pricing Theory

a. Without information about the parameters of this equation (i.e., the risk-free rate
and the market rate of return), we cannot determine which investment adviser is
the better selector of individual stocks.

b. If rf = 6% and rM = 14%, then (using alpha for the abnormal return):

α1 = 19% – [6% + 1.5  (14% – 6%)] = 19% – 18% = 1%
α2 = 16% – [6% + 1.0  (14% – 6%)] = 16% – 14% = 2%
Here, the second investment adviser has the larger abnormal return and thus
appears to be the better selector of individual stocks. By making better
predictions, the second adviser appears to have tilted his portfolio toward under-
priced stocks.

c. If rf = 3% and rM = 15%, then:

α1 =19% – [3% + 1.5  (15% – 3%)] = 19% – 21% = –2%
α2 = 16% – [3%+ 1.0  (15% – 3%)] = 16% – 15% = 1%
Here, not only does the second investment adviser appear to be a better stock
selector, but the first adviser's selections appear valueless (or worse).

a. Since the market portfolio, by definition, has a beta of 1.0, its expected rate of
return is 12%.

b. β = 0 means the stock has no systematic risk. Hence, the portfolio's expected
rate of return is the risk-free rate, 4%.

c. Using the SML, the fair rate of return for a stock with β = –0.5 is:
E(r) = 4% + (–0.5)  (12% – 4%) = 0.0%
The expected rate of return, using the expected price and dividend for next year:
E(r) = ($41 + $3)/$40 – 1 = 0.10 = 10%
Because the expected return exceeds the fair return, the stock must be under-

26. The data can be summarized as follows:

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Chapter 07 - Capital Asset Pricing and Arbitrage Pricing Theory

Expected Return Beta Deviation
Portfolio A 11% 0.8 10%
Portfolio B 14% 1.5 31%
S & P 500 12% 1 20%
T-bills 6% 0 0%

a. Using the SML, the expected rate of return for any portfolio P is:
E(rP) = rf + [E(rM) –rf ]
Substituting for portfolios A and B:
E(rA) = 6% + 0.8  (12% – 6%) = 10.8% < 11%
E(rB) = 6% + 1.5  (12% – 6%) = 15.0% > 14%
Hence, Portfolio A is desirable and Portfolio B is not.

b. The slope of the CAL supported by a portfolio P is given by:

E(rP) - rf
Computing this slope for each of the three alternative portfolios, we have:
S (S&P 500) = (12% − 6%)/20% = 6/20
S (A) = (11% − ) = 5/10 > S(S&P 500)
S (B) = (14% − ) = 8/31 < S(S&P 500)
Hence, portfolio A would be a good substitute for the S&P 500.

27. Since the beta for Portfolio F is zero, the expected return for Portfolio F equals the
risk-free rate.

For Portfolio A, the ratio of risk premium to beta is: (10 − 4)/1 = 6
The ratio for Portfolio E is higher: (9 − 4)/(2/3) = 7.5

This implies that an arbitrage opportunity exists. For instance, by taking a long position
in Portfolio E and a short position in Portfolio F (that is, borrowing at the risk-free rate
and investing the proceeds in Portfolio E), we can create another portfolio which has
the same beta (1.0) but higher expected return than Portfolio A. For the beta of the new
portfolio to equal 1.0, the proportion (w) of funds invested in E must be: 3/2 = 1.5.

Contribution to Contribution to Excess

Portfolio Weight In Asset β Return
-1 Portfolio A -1 x βA = -1.0 -1.0 x (10%- 4%) = -6%
1.5 Portfolio E 1.5 x βE = 1.0 1.5 x (9% - 4%) = 7.5%
-0.5 Portfolio F -0.5 x 0 = 0 0

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Chapter 07 - Capital Asset Pricing and Arbitrage Pricing Theory

Investment = 0 βArbitrage = 0 α = 1.5%

As summarized above, taking a short position in portfolio A and a long position in the
new portfolio, we produce an arbitrage portfolio with zero investment (all proceeds
from the short sale of Portfolio A are invested in the new portfolio), zero risk (because
 =  and the portfolios are well diversified), and a positive return of 1.5%.

28. Substituting the portfolio returns and betas in the mean-beta relationship, we obtain two
equations in the unknowns, the risk-free rate (rf) and the factor return (F):

14.0% = rf + 1  (F – rf )

14.8% = rf + 1.1  (F – rf )
From the first equation we find that F = 14%. Substituting this value for F into the second
equation, we get:
14.8% = rf + 1.1  (14% – rf )  rf = 6%

a. Shorting equal amounts of the 10 negative-alpha stocks and investing the proceeds
equally in the 10 positive-alpha stocks eliminates the market exposure and creates a
zero-investment portfolio. Using equation 7.5 and denoting the market factor as RM,
the expected dollar return is [noting that the expectation of residual risk (e) in
equation 7.8 is zero]:
$1,000,000  [0.03 + (1.0  RM)] – $1,000,000  [(–0.03) + (1.0  RM)]
= $1,000,000  0.06 = $60,000
The sensitivity of the payoff of this portfolio to the market factor is zero because the
exposures of the positive alpha and negative alpha stocks cancel out. (Notice that
the terms involving RM sum to zero.) Thus, the systematic component of total risk
also is zero. The variance of the analyst's profit is not zero, however, since this
portfolio is not well diversified.

For n = 20 stocks (i.e., long 10 stocks and short 10 stocks) the investor will have a
$100,000 position (either long or short) in each stock. Net market exposure is zero,
but firm-specific risk has not been fully diversified. The variance of dollar returns
from the positions in the 20 firms is:
20  [(100,000  0.30)2] = 18,000,000,000
The standard deviation of dollar returns is $134,164.

b. If n = 50 stocks (i.e., 25 long and 25 short), $40,000 is placed in each position,

and the variance of dollar returns is:

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Chapter 07 - Capital Asset Pricing and Arbitrage Pricing Theory

50  [(40,000  0.30)2] = 7,200,000,000

The standard deviation of dollar returns is $84,853.

Similarly, if n = 100 stocks (i.e., 50 long and 50 short), $20,000 is placed in

each position, and the variance of dollar returns is:
100  [(20,000  0.30)2] = 3,600,000,000
The standard deviation of dollar returns is $60,000.
Notice that when the number of stocks increases by a factor of 5 (from 20 to 100),
standard deviation falls by a factor of 5 = 2.236, from $134,164 to $60,000.

30. Any pattern of returns can be "explained" if we are free to choose an indefinitely large
number of explanatory factors. If a theory of asset pricing is to have value, it must
explain returns using a reasonably limited number of explanatory variables (i.e.,
systematic factors).

31. The APT factors must correlate with major sources of uncertainty, i.e., sources of
uncertainty that are of concern to many investors. Researchers should investigate
factors that correlate with uncertainty in consumption and investment opportunities.
GDP, the inflation rate, and interest rates are among the factors that can be expected to
determine risk premiums. In particular, industrial production (IP) is a good indicator of
changes in the business cycle. Thus, IP is a candidate for a factor that is highly
correlated with uncertainties related to investment and consumption opportunities in the

32. The revised estimate of the expected rate of return of the stock would be the old
estimate plus the sum of the unexpected changes in the factors times the sensitivity
coefficients, as follows:
Revised estimate = 14% + [(1  1%) + (0.4  1%)] = 15.4%

33. Equation 7.11 applies here:

E(rP) = rf + P1 [E(r1) − rf] + P2 [E(r2) – rf]

We need to find the risk premium for these two factors:
1 = [E(r1) − rf] and

2 = [E(r2) − rf]
To find these values, we solve the following two equations with two unknowns:
40% = 7% + 1.81 + 2.12
10% = 7% + 2.01 + (−.5)2
The solutions are: 1 = 4.47% and 2 = 11.86%
Thus, the expected return-beta relationship is:

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Chapter 07 - Capital Asset Pricing and Arbitrage Pricing Theory

E(rP) = 7% + 4.47P1 + 11.86P2

34. The first two factors (the return on a broad-based index and the level of interest rates)
are most promising with respect to the likely impact on Jennifer’s firm’s cost of capital.
These are both macro factors (as opposed to firm-specific factors) that cannot be
diversified away; consequently, we would expect that there is a risk premium
associated with these factors. On the other hand, the risk of changes in the price of
hogs, while important to some firms and industries, is likely to be diversifiable, and
therefore is not a promising factor in terms of its impact on the firm’s cost of capital.

35. Since the risk free rate is not given, we assume a risk free rate of 0%. The APT required
(i.e., equilibrium) rate of return on the stock based on rf and the factor betas is:
Required E(r) = 0 + (1  6) + (0.5  2) + (0.75  4) = 10%
According to the equation for the return on the stock, the actually expected return on
the stock is 6% (because the expected surprises on all factors are zero by definition).
Because the actually expected return based on risk is less than the equilibrium return,
we conclude that the stock is overpriced.

a, c, and d are true; b is incorrect because the SML doesn’t require all investors to
invest in the market portfolio but provides a benchmark to evaluate investment
performance for both portfolios and individual assets.

a. E(rX) = 5% + 0.8  (14% – 5%) = 12.2%

αX = 14% – 12.2% = 1.8%

E(rY) = 5% + 1.5  (14% – 5%) = 18.5%

αY = 17% – 18.5% = –1.5%

i. For an investor who wants to add this stock to a well-diversified equity
portfolio, Kay should recommend Stock X because of its positive alpha,
while Stock Y has a negative alpha. In graphical terms, Stock X’s expected
return/risk profile plots above the SML, while Stock Y’s profile plots below
the SML. Also, depending on the individual risk preferences of Kay’s
clients, Stock X’s lower beta may have a beneficial impact on overall
portfolio risk.

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Chapter 07 - Capital Asset Pricing and Arbitrage Pricing Theory

ii. For an investor who wants to hold this stock as a single-stock portfolio, Kay
should recommend Stock Y, because it has higher forecasted return and
lower standard deviation than Stock X. Stock Y’s Sharpe ratio is:
(0.17 – 0.05)/0.25 = 0.48
Stock X’s Sharpe ratio is only:
(0.14 – 0.05)/0.36 = 0.25
The market index has an even more attractive Sharpe ratio:
(0.14 – 0.05)/0.15 = 0.60
However, given the choice between Stock X and Y, Y is superior. When a
stock is held in isolation, standard deviation is the relevant risk measure.
For assets held in isolation, beta as a measure of risk is irrelevant. Although
holding a single asset in isolation is not typically a recommended
investment strategy, some investors may hold what is essentially a single-
asset portfolio (e.g., the stock of their employer company). For such
investors, the relevance of standard deviation versus beta is an important

a. McKay should borrow funds and invest those funds proportionally in Murray’s
existing portfolio (i.e., buy more risky assets on margin). In addition to
increased expected return, the alternative portfolio on the capital market line
(CML) will also have increased variability (risk), which is caused by the higher
proportion of risky assets in the total portfolio.

b. McKay should substitute low beta stocks for high beta stocks in order to reduce
the overall beta of York’s portfolio. By reducing the overall portfolio beta,
McKay will reduce the systematic risk of the portfolio and therefore the
portfolio’s volatility relative to the market. The security market line (SML)
suggests such action (moving down the SML), even though reducing beta may
result in a slight loss of portfolio efficiency unless full diversification is
maintained. York’s primary objective, however, is not to maintain efficiency
but to reduce risk exposure; reducing portfolio beta meets that objective.
Because York does not permit borrowing or lending, McKay cannot reduce risk
by selling equities and using the proceeds to buy risk free assets (i.e., by lending
part of the portfolio).

a. “Both the CAPM and APT require a mean-variance efficient market portfolio.”
This statement is incorrect. The CAPM requires the mean-variance efficient
portfolio, but APT does not.

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Chapter 07 - Capital Asset Pricing and Arbitrage Pricing Theory

b. “The CAPM assumes that one specific factor explains security returns but APT
does not.” This statement is correct.

a. A security’s expected return as a function of its systematic risk ()

d. The expect return on the market, rM:

E(r) = rf + [E(rM) –rf ] = rf + 1.0  [E(rM) –rf ] = E(rM)

d. Insufficient data given. We need to know the risk-free rate.

d. Insufficient data given. We need to know the risk-free rate.

Under the CAPM, the only risk that investors are compensated for bearing is the risk
that cannot be diversified away (i.e., systematic risk). Because systematic risk
(measured by beta) is equal to 1.0 for each of the two portfolios, an investor would
expect the same rate of return from each portfolio. Moreover, since both portfolios are
well diversified, it does not matter whether the specific risk of the individual securities
is high or low. The firm-specific risk has been diversified away from both portfolios.

CFA 10
b. Offer an arbitrage opportunity:

rf = 8% and E(rM) = 16%

E(rX) = rf + X[E(rM) – rf] = 8% + 1.0  (16% − 8%) = 16%
E(rY) = rf + Y [E(rM) – rf] = 8% + 0.25  (16% − 8%) = 10%
Therefore, there is an arbitrage opportunity.

CFA 11

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Chapter 07 - Capital Asset Pricing and Arbitrage Pricing Theory

c. Positive alpha investment opportunities will quickly disappear, because once such
opportunity is observed, the arbitrageurs will take the large position in it, and
therefore push the price back to equillibirum.

CFA 12
d. A risk-free arbitrage opportunity exists.

CFA 13
c. Investors will take on as large a position as possible only if the mispricing
opportunity is an arbitrage. Otherwise, considerations of risk and diversification will
limit the position they attempt to take in the mispriced security.

CFA 14
d. APT does not require the restrictive assumptions concerning the market portfolio. It
takes merely the actions of few arbitrageurs to enforce the fair market price.

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