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Bộ câu hỏi được tổng hợp dưới đây thuộc phần 4 bài thi Cambridge

Movers Speaking. Trong phần này, giám khảo sẽ đặt những câu hỏi
về một số chủ đề quen thuộc với thí sinh như: gia đình, trường lớp,
sở thích...

1. Now let’s talk about what you do after school:

1. What games do you play after school?

2. What do you like watching on TV?
3. What time do you go to bed?
4. Tell me about your bedroom.
5. Do you play computer games after school?
6. What do you like watching on television?/ Do you like
watching sports on television?
7. Do you go to bed at 8 o’clock?

2. Now let’s talk about you and your home:

1. Where do you live?

2. Do you live in the city or in the countryside?
3. Where do you do your homework?
4. Do you usually do your homework in the living room?
5. What do you like doing at home?
6. Do you like playing computer games at home?
7. Tell me about your house? (how many rooms are there, is there
a balcony, is it small or big, is it in the city or in the
countryside, what color is it...?)

3. Now let’s talk about family and friends

1. How many people are there in your family?

2. Who is the youngest in your family?/ Who is the oldest in your
3. Who do you play with at home?
4. What do you do with your family on the weekend?
5. Tell me about your mother/father.
6. Tell me about your favorite toy.
7. Tell me about your best friend.
8. Where do you like going with your friends?
9. What games do you play with your friends?
4. Now, let’s talk about your evenings:

1. What do you like doing in the evening?

2. Who cooks your supper?
3. What do you eat for supper?
4. Tell me more about your evenings.

5. Now let’s talk about shopping

1. When do you go shopping?

2. Do you go shopping on the weekends?
3. Who do you go shopping with?
4. Do you go shopping with your mum?
5. What do you like buying?
6. Do you like buying clothes when you go shopping?
7. Tell me about your favorite shop.

6. Now let’s talk about your school

1. How do you go to school?

2. Do you go to school by car?
3. How many children are there in your classroom?
4. Who do you play with at school?
5. What games do you play?
6. Who do you sit next to at school?
7. What’s your favorite lesson?
8. When do you do your homework?
9. Do you do your homework in the evening?
10. Tell me about your English teacher.
11. What day do you have your English class?
12. Is English difficult or easy?

7. Now let’s talk about the places you go to

1. Where do you go after school?

2. Do you go home after school?
3. Where do you like going with your friends?
4. Do you like going to the park?
5. Where is the best place to go at the weekend?/ Where do you
go at the weekend?
6. Who do you go there with?
7. Do you go to the cinema at the weekend?
8. Where do you like going on the holidays?/ Do you go to the
beach on your holiday?
9. Tell me about your holidays?

8. Now let’s talk about hobbies and sports

1. When do you play computer games?

2. Do you play computer games in your free time?
3. What do you like reading?
4. Do you like reading comics?
5. Where do you watch television?
6. Do you watch television in the living room?
7. Tell me about your favorite sport/ What sport do you like?
8. When do you play football?
9. What do you like doing at home?
10. Tell me about the weekends.
11. What clothes do you like wearing?

9. Now let’s talk about food

1. What’s your favorite food?

2. Do you like chicken / chips/ beef...?
3. Who cooks the food in your family?
4. Where do you eat in your home?
5. Do you eat in the kitchen?
6. Tell me about your breakfast/ What do you eat for breakfast?
7. Where do you have lunch?
8. Tell me about your favorite drinks.

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