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1A word order in questions questions with do I does I did in present simple and past simple

questions with be and can Questi on word Auxiliary Subject Infinitive G)1.s
Do you live with your parents?
Are you hungry? G)1.4
Did you have a holiday last year?
Is there a bank near here?
Where does your sister work?
Can I sit here?
When did you start studying English?
What was that noise?
What did they talk about?
Where were you born?
• You can use ASI (Auxiliary, Subject, Infinitive) or QuASI (Question word,
• We make questions with the verb be and can by Auxiliary, Subject, Infinitive) to remember w ord order in questions.
inverting the verb and the subject. If there's a preposition, we often put it at the end of a question, e.g.
She is a teacher. - Is she a teacher? Who do you live with?
He can drive. - Can he drive?

1 B present simple adverbs and expressions of frequency

1 We often go out on Friday night.

I I you I we I they he I she I it
She doesn't usually study at w eekends.
El I usually work at home. My brother works in the city centre. I'm never ill.
El My parents don't live near here. It doesn't often rain here. He's always late for work.
2 She gets up early every day.
rn Do you speak French? Does he like pop music?
We have English classes twice a week.
IZl 0 Yes, I do. / No, I don't. Yes, he does. No he doesn't.

• We use the present simple for things we do every day I week/ year, or
1 We often use the present simple with adverbs
which are generally true or always happen. of frequency (always, often, sometimes, usually,
hardly ever, never).
• We use don't I doesn't in negative sentences, and do I does in questions.
• Adverbs of frequency go before the main verb.
work works add -s • Adverbs of frequency go after be.
study studies consonant+ y- ies She's never ill. NOT She's ill ne'ler.
finish finishes add -es after eh, s, sh, x • Remember to use a [±I verb with never.
It never rains. NOT It doesn't ne•,1-errain.
go I do goes I does add -es
2 Expressions of frequency (every day, once a
have has change to -s
week, etc.) usually go at the end of a sentence.

1C present continuous: be + verb + -ing present simple or present continuous?

1 A What do you do?

1 A What are you doing? B I'm sending a message to Sarah.
B I work for an IT company.
2 My brother is doing a two-month course in the UK.
2 A What are you doing?
3 In this picture the woman is standing near a table. B I'm checking my messages.
3 I like this painting, it's beautiful.
• We use the present continuous:
1 for things happening now, at this moment. 1 We use the present simple for things that are
2 for temporary things that are happening around now, this week, etc. generally true or always happen.
3 to describe what's happening in a picture.
2 We use the present continuous for an action
You He happening now, at this moment.
[±] I'm working
're working
's working
3 We normally use verbs which describe states or
El I'm not working
aren't working
isn't working
feelings (non-action verbs), e.g. want, need, like,
Are you working? Yes, I am./ No, I'm not. in the present simple, not continuous, e.g.
[1] [Z] 0 Is he working? Yes, he is./ No, he isn't. I like Italian food. NOT l'Rl liking Italian food.

cook cooking
add -ing
study studying
live living cut the final e and add -ing
if verb finishes in consonant-vowel-consonant, double
run running
the final consonant and add -ing
a Put the word or phrase in the correct place in b Put the words in the correct order to make
the question. questions.
Where are you from? (are) you live where do ? Where do you live?
1 Where we park? (can) NO 1 you a do have car ?
2 How are you? (old) PARKING 2 was brother your where born ?
3 Does finish at 8.00? (the class) 3 often he how phone does you ?
4 Where do your friends? (live) 4 their time arrive does flight what ?
5 Why you answer my email? (didn't) 5 Brazil from Is girlfriend your ?
6 Do you often to the cinema? (go) 6 languages how you many can speak ?
7 What this word mean? (does) 7 party the how was ?
8 What time did arrive? (your friends) 8 last go where you summer did ?
9 Who are you talking? (to) 9 there doctor here Is a ?
10 Where were last night? (you) 10 come bus to you by school did ?

o p.7

a Write sentences and questions with the present b Put the words in the correct order.
simple. go cinema we often the to
[f] he/ usually get up late He usually gets up late. We often go to the cinema.
1 [1] Anna/ like music 1 always before go I bed 11.00 to
2 [f] my sister/ have a lot of hobbies 2 ever her Kate sees family hardly
3 El I/ get on very well with my parents 3 Saturdays never shopping on go we
4 [f] my brother/ study English at university 4 a to I dentist's year go twice the
5 El my neighbours/ have any children 5 in they breakfast sometimes bed have
6 [1] What time/ the film start 6 usually car I the listen the in radio to
7 [f] he/ go out twice a week 7 in day park every Alan the runs
8 El we/ often talk about politics 8 often late Sam is work for
9 [1] how often/ you see your brother 9 often John to go doesn't theatre the
10 El Sally/ go on Facebook very much 10 visit I once my month a mum

0 p. 9
a Write sentences with the present b Complete the sentences with the present simple or present
continuous. Use contractions where continuous.
you can. The girl in the painting is playing the guitar. (play)
El It/ snow It isn't snowing. 1 My dog's not dangerous. He __________. (not bite)
1 [f] Oliver/ wear a suit today! 2 Why you sunglasses?
2 [1] It's hot. Why/ wear a coat? It __________ ! (wear, rain)
3 El Jane I sit in her usual place today 3 You can turn off the radio. I ________ to it. (not listen)
4 [f] Hey! You / stand on my foot! 4 I to find a cash machine. (need)
5 [1] what book/ you read? 5 Be careful! The baby your pen in her mouth! (put)
6 [f] we/ rent a small flat at the moment 6 A ______ you usually at weekends? (cook)
7 [1] she/ wear make-up? B No, we normally __________ out. (eat)
8 [f] I/ plan a trip to the USA 7 A What you ________ here? (do)
9 [1] your brother/ work in London this week? B I for Emma. She's late, as usual. (wait)
10 El they/ get on very well at the moment 8 I usually __________ tea, but
I a coffee today. (drink, want)
9 She's an administrator. She from 9.00 to 5.00. (work)
10 Marc in Paris, but
he in Nice at the moment. (live, work)

2A past simple: regular and irregular verbs

regular irregular G2.2 • We use didn't+infinitive for negatives and
Did...+subject+infinitive for questions.
[] We stayed at a hotel last summer. I went to Turkey twice last year.
• Use ASI and QuASI to remember word order in
El He didn't stay with friends. She didn't go to France. questions. See 1A p.126.
[1] Did you stay for the weekend? Did you go to Madrid?
spelling rules for regular verbs
[ZJ[K] Yes, I did. No, we didn't.
Wh[l] Where did you stay ? Why did you go? infinitive past spelling

work worked
• We use the past simple to talk about finished actions that happened add -ed
stay stayed
once or more than once in the past.
• The form of the past simple is the same for all persons. like liked add d if verb finishes in e

• To make the past simple ill of regular verbs add -ed. study studied y - ied after a consonant
See the spelling rules in the chart. if verb finishes in consonant-
• Many common verbs are irregular in ill past simple, stop stopped vowel-consonant, double the
e.g. go - went, see - saw. See Irregular verbs p.164. final consonant

2B past continuous: was I were + verb + -ing

At 8.45 last Saturday I was walking in the park. G2.11 past simple or past continuous?
The birds were singing. It wasn't raining. We were walking in the gardens when G2.12
A Was it raining when you got up? B No, it wasn't. he took a photo of us.
A What were you doing at 11 o'clock last night? B I was watching TV. My sister arrived when I was having lunch.

I/ He/ She/ It was working. You/ We / They were working. • We often use the past continuous and the past
simple together in the same sentence. We use
I/ He/ She/ It wasn't working. You/ We/ They weren't working. the past continuous to talk about a longer action
Was he working? Yes, he was./ No, he wasn't. that was happening in the background when the
IIJIZ][l] shorter past simple action happened.
Were they working? Yes, they were. I No, they weren't.

• We use the past continuous to describe an action in progress at a

specific moment in the past.
• We often use the past continuous to describe the situation at the
beginning of a story, e.g. In 1972 I was living in London.

2C time sequencers connectors: because, so, but, although

because and so
On their first date they went to a restaurant. G2.17
After that they started meeting every day.
She was driving fast because she was in a hurry. G2.1a
On Thursday I had an argument with my boss. She was in a hurry, so she was driving fast.
The next day I decided to look for a new job.
We sat down to eat. Two minutes later my phone rang. • We use because to express a reason.
When I came out of the club, he was waiting for me. • We use so to express a result.
The accident happened when I was crossing the road.
but and although
• We use time sequencers to say when or in what order things
happen. She tried to stop the car, but she hit the man.
• We use when as a time sequencer and also to join two Although she tried to stop the car, she hit the man.
actions. I was watching TV when the phone rang. (two verbs She was very tired, but she couldn't sleep.
joined by when) She couldn't sleep, although she was very tired.
p then, after that • We use but and although to show a contrast.
The most common way of linking consecutive actions • Although can go at the beginning or in the middle of
is with then or after that, but NOT after, e.g. I got up and the sentence.
got dressed. Then I After that I made a cup of coffee.
NOT A#er,tmade a cup ef ceffcc.
a Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple. b Complete the questions in the past simple.
Two summers ago we had (have) a holiday in Scotland. Where did you go on holiday last year?
We_ 1 __ (drive) there from London, but our car
_ We went to Vancouver.
2____ BROKE (break) down on the motorway and we 1 Wow! ____________ DID YOU HAVE _ a good time?
____ SPENT (spend) the first night in Birmingham. When
Yes, we had a great time.
we 4____ (get) to Edinburgh we 5____ (go)
------------- with?
to our hotel, but they ____ (not can) find our

reservation, and they 7____ WERE (be) full. We 1 went with my family.
____ (not know) what to do, but in the end we 3 -------------?

____FOUND (find) a Bed and Breakfast and we We stayed in a hotel.
10____STAYED (stay) there for the week. We 11 _ __ SAW _ 4 _____________
HOW MUCH DID the plane tickets
(see) the castle and 12____ BOUGHT (buy) a lot of souvenirs. -------------
We 13____ WANTED (want) to go to Loch Ness, but we They cost about £2,000.
____ (not have) much time and it 15___ WAS _
5 _____________
WHAT WAS the weather like?
(be) quite far away. The weather ____ 16 WASN´T (not be)
It was hot and sunny.
very good - it ____ STARTED (start) raining on the day
6 _________ ____
WHAT DID YOU (USUALLY) DO in the evening?
we 18____ LEFT (leave) London, and it never 19___ STOPPED _
We usually went out for dinner.
(stop)! p.15

a Complete the sentences with the verb in the past b Put the verbs into the past simple or past
continuous. continuous.
I was eating dinner, so I didn't answer the phone. (eat) She arrived when we were having dinner.
1 I took this photo when we ________ (arrive, have)
in Greece. (travel) 1 I _____ my arm when I _____ football.
2 He met his wife when he _________ (break, play)
in Japan. (live) 2 _____ you _____ fast when the police
3 ________ she ________ a coat _____ you? (drive, stop)
when she went out? (wear) 3 It _____ when we _____ the pub.
4 The sun _________ when I went to work. (snow, leave)
(shine) 4 I _____ the match because I _____
5 What ____ you ____ at 7.30 last night? (do) (not see, work)
6 I ________ when you gave the 5 When you _____ me, I _____ to my
instructions. (not listen) boss. (call, talk)
7 They _________ TV when I arrived. 6 We _____ in Cambridge when we _____
(not watch) (study, meet)
8 It started to rain when we _________ 1n 7 _____ they _____ in Rome when they
the park. (run) _____ their first baby? (live, have) ,I

a Put the sentences in the correct order. b Complete the sentences with so, because, but,
A He explained that he was looking for a thief, or although.
and then he got on the bus. We couldn't find a taxi, so we walked home.
B Then another man tried to do the same. 1 ____ it was very cold, she wasn't wearing a coat.
C 1 Last week I was waiting for a bus. 2 I woke up in the night ____ there was a noise.
D The next day, I saw the story on a local 3 I called him, ____ his mobile was turned off.
news website. 4 ____ she's very nice, she doesn't have many friends.
E When I asked the second man what he was 5 There was nothing on TV, ____ I went to bed.
doing, he told me that he was a policeman. 6 All the cafes were full ____ it was a public holiday.
F A few seconds later, he got off the bus with 7 She wanted to be a doctor, ____ she failed her exams.
the thief.
8 The garden looked very beautiful, ____ I took a
G The bus arrived, but suddenly a man ran in photograph.
front of me and got on.
H After that, a police car came and took the
9 ____ the team played well, they didn't win.
0 p.19
thief away.

3A be going to (plans and predictions)

1 I'm going to give a talk at a conference. 1 We use be going to+ infinitive to talk about
He's going to meet me at the airport. future plans or intentions.
2 I'm sure England are going to lose tomorrow. 2 We also use be going to+ infinitive to make
It's going to rain tonight. a prediction when we know or can see that
something is going to happen, e.g.
you I we I they he I she I it It's winter there so it's going to be cold.
Look at that car! It's going to crash.
You He
[±] I'm going to We 're going to She 's going to give a talk.
They It
You He
G I'm not going to We aren't going to She isn't going to give a talk.
They It

Are you going to give a talk? Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.
Is he going to give a talk? Yes, he is. / No, he isn't.

38 present continuous (future arrangements)

[±1 I'm seeing an old friend tonight.
She's arriving at lunchtime.
p be going to or present continuous?
We can often use either with no difference
E] She isn't leaving until Friday. in meaning, e.g. I'm going to see Anna on
They aren't coming to the party tomor row. Tuesday. OR I'm seeing Anna on Tuesday.
11] What are you doing this evening? It's very common to use the present continuous
Is he meeting us at the restaurant? with the expressions tonight, tomorrow, this
weekend, etc. and with verbs describing travel
• We often use the present continuous with a future meaning, especially
arrangements, e.g. go, come, leave, arrive.
for future arrangements, i.e. for plans we have made at a fixed time
I'm leaving on Monday is more common than
or place in the future. Don't use the present simple for this.
I'm going to leave on Monday.
NOT /see an old friend tonight.

3C defining relative clauses with who, which, where

1 That's the woman who won the lottery last year.
A chef is a person who cooks food in a restaurant.
2 A clock is something which tells the time.
Is that the book which won an important prize?
3 A post office is a place where you can buy stamps.
That's the restaurant where I had dinner last week.

• We use defining relative clauses to explain what a person,

thing or place is or does.
1 Use who for a person.
2 Use which for a thing.
3 Use where for a place.
• The verb after where needs a subject, e.g. you.
• We can also use which to talk about a place, e.g.
A post office is a place which sells stamps. p that
We can use that instead of who or which.
She's the girl who I that works with my brother.
It's a thing which I that connects two com puters.
a Complete with be going to + a verb b Look at the pictures. Make sentences with be going to
from the list. + a verb.

be cook do get learn not go

not listen see stay study

What film� you going to see tonight?

1 ____ your sister ________
---- to drive?
2 We __________ camping next You're going to love this 2 We ________ late
summer. We in a hotel. book! for work!

.I. I .I. I ti .I.

3 You in class 3 next year.
4 He a taxi to the airport.
5 I a family meal tonight.
6 You can talk, but I _______ to you.
7 A What ____ you _______
when you leave school?
B I _______ history at university.
1 Scott _________ 3 Be careful! You
the match. ---------- it!


a Read the sentences. Write N for now, F for future. b Complete the conversation between two
F I'm meeting Joe at two o'clock. flatmates with verbs in the present continuous.
1 I'm living in a flat with two Swedish boys. A What are you doing ? (do)
2 We're coming back on Monday. B I 1 __________ my suitcase. (pack)
3 She's moving to Canada next month. A Why?
4 I'm waiting for the postman. B Because I 2_______ to Vienna at eight o'clock
5 I'm reading a really good book about science. tonight. (fly)
6 We're meeting Sally and James for lunch A Oh, I didn't know. Why 3______ to Vienna? (go)
on Sunday. B I4 the boss of VTech
7 Karl is arriving at six o'clock. Solutions tomorrow. (meet)
8 I'm studying for my maths exam. A Why 5_________ him? (see)
9 You aren't listening to what I'm saying. B He 6__________ on a project with me at
10 Are they leaving in the morning? the moment and we need to discuss it. (work)
A Oh, well have a good trip!

a Complete the definitions with who, which, or where. b Write sentences with who, which, or where.
A postman is the person who brings you your She/ the woman I catch the same bus as me
parcels and letters. She's the woman who catches the same bus as me.
1 An octopus is an animal lives in the sea 1 That/ the dog/ always barks at night
and has eight legs. 2 That/ the shop/ I bought my wedding dress
2 A lawnmower is a machine cuts the grass. 3 He/ the actor/ was in the last James Bond film
3 A surgeon is a doctor does operations. 4 They/ the children/ live next door to me
4 A changing room is a room people try 5 This/ the restaurant/ they make great pizza
on clothes. 6 That/ the switch/ controls the air conditioning
5 A porter is the person helps you with your 7 He/ the teacher/ teaches my sister
That/ the room/ we have our meetings
6 Garlic is a kind of food keeps vampires away.
This/ the light/ is broken
7 A garage is a place mechanics repair cars.

4A present perfect
1 I've cleaned the fridge - it looks new! G4.4 • For regular verbs the past participle is the same as the past
He hasn't done the washing-up. Can you help me do it? simple (+ -ed). For irregular verbs the past participle is
A The concert starts soon. Have you turned off your phone? sometimes the same as the past simple (e.g. buy, bought,
B Yes, I have. bought) and sometimes different (e.g. do, did, done).
2 Mary's had her baby! A parcel has arrived for you. See Irregular verbs p.164.

1 We often use the present perfect to talk about the recent yet, just, already
past and its relationship with the present, e.g. I've cleaned 1 A Have you finished your homework yet?
the fridge, so now it look s new. We don't say exactly when B No, not yet. I haven't finished yet.
things happened, e.g. I've cleaned the fridge. NOT � 2 My sister's just started a new job.
e/ea.,wa-the fridge-tefl-ffl-�
3 A Do you want to see this film?
2 We often use the present perfect to give recent news. B No, I've already seen it three times.

full form contraction negative past participle • We often use yet, just, and already with the present perfect.
I have I've I haven't 1 We use yet+ the present perfect in rn and G sentences
You have You've You haven't to ask if something has happened or to say if it hasn't
finished the happened. We put yet at the end of the sentence.
He/ She/ It has He/ She/ It's He/ She/ It hasn't
We have We've We haven't 2 We use just in l±l sentences to say that something
They have They've They haven't happened very recently. We put just before the main verb.
Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.
3 We use already in l±l sentences to say that something
Have you finished the exercise?
happened before now or earlier than expected. We put
Has he done the homework? Yes, he has. / No, he hasn't.
already before the main verb.

4B present perfect or past simple? (1) present perfect or past simple?

present perfect: experiences and unfinished time A Have you ever been to Mexico? B Yes, I have. G4.20
A When did you go there? B I went last year.
She 's been to New York three times. A Jack's broken his leg. B Oh no! When did that happen?
Have you ever been to Ikea? A Yesterday. He broke it playing football.
I've never met Nina's husband.
He's seen that film twice. • Conversations about experiences or the recent past often begin
in the present perfect (with a general question or some news) and
• We often use the present perfect to talk about past then change to the past simple to ask for or give specific details,
experiences or to talk about the recent past when we e.g. when, what, where, who with, etc.
don't specify a time. In questions and negatives we
often use ever(= at any time in your life) and never. p been and gone
Compare the present perfect of be and go.
Mike has been to Paris. = He went to Paris and came back.
Mike has gone to Paris. = He's in Paris now.

4C something, anything, nothing, etc. • We use somebody/ someone, something, somewhere, etc. with
a GJ verb when you don't say exactly who, what, or where.
• We use anybody I anyone, any thing, anywhere in questions and
I±] Somebody/ Someone has taken my pen! G4.22 negatives. We can also use something in a request or offer, e.g.
people G I didn't speak to anybody/ anyone all weekend. Can you buy some milk? Would you like something to drink?
III Did anybody/ anyone phone? I didn't do anything last night. NOT / didn't do nothing.
0 No, nobody/ no one. Nobody/ No one phoned. • We use nobody I no one, nothing, nowhere in short answers or in
I±] I bought something for dinner. a sentence with a l±l verb.
G I didn't do any thing at the weekend.
III Is there anything in the fridge? p any, anything, etc. + positive verb
0 No, nothing. There's nothing in the fridge. We also use any, anything, etc. + positive verb to mean 'it doesn't
matter what, who, etc.', e.g.
I±] Let's go somewhere this weekend. You can come any day. = It doesn't matter which day you come.
G We didn't go anywhere this summer. Anybody can come to the party. = It doesn't matter who comes.
III Is there anywhere to park? I can sleep anywhere. = It doesn't matter where I sleep.
0 No, nowhere. There's nowhere to park. You can bring anything. = It doesn't matter what you bring.
a Write sentences with the present perfect. b Write sentences or questions with yet, just, or already.
[I] He/clean the car He's cleaned the car. He/ arrive. (already) He's already arrived.
1 [I] She/buy a new jacket 1 I/have/breakfast. (just)
2 B He/ find a job yet 2 I you/finish/your dinner? (yet)
3 [II / you speak to Mr Jackson 3 The film I start. (already)
4 [I] We /find a fantastic hotel 4 I/not meet/his girlfriend. (yet)
5 B They/finish eating 5 They /get married. (just)
6 [II / you see Peter recently 6 You're too late. He/go/home. (already)
7 [II / you do your homework 7 We I speak/to him. (just)
8 B We I reply to their email yet 8 I/not read/his new book. (yet)

a Complete with the verb in the present b Complete the conversation with the present perfect or
perfect. past simple.
Have you ever broken your leg? (break) A Have you been to the new shopping centre? (be)
1 _______ you ever B Yes, I 1 ____ there last month-it 2____ great.
_______ clothes from that shop? (buy) (go, be)
A 3
2 _______ always ________ ____ you ____ any thing? (buy)
a pair of designer sunglasses. (want) B I4 a new pair of shoes. (get)
3 I ______ this book. Is it good? (not read) A 5 they expensive? (be)
4 We ______ to the new shopping B Yes, very! 6____ you ____ any new clothes
centre. (not be) recently? (buy)
5 ________ your brother ever A No, but my boyfriend 7____ me a jacket for my
________ abroad? (live) birthday last week. (give)
6 They _____ to South America twice. (be)
C Complete with been or gone.
7 She before. (not fly)
8 James his girlfriend's A Where's Rob? B He's gone to the football match.
family. (not meet) 1 The kids aren't here. They've all ____ out.
9 ________ you _________ 2 Have you ever ____ to the swimming pool in town?
in this restaurant before? (eat) 3 I haven't ____ to Sue's new flat yet.
10 Jenny ______ never ______ me 4 My sister has ____ to live in France and she's really
about her family. (tell) enjoying it.
5 Oh, good. Dad's ____ to the shop - the fridge is full.


a Complete with something, anything, nothing, etc. b Answer with Nobody, Nowhere,
Are you doing anything tonight? or Nothing.
1 Did you meet ____ last night? 1 What did you do last night?
2 ____ phoned when you were out. They're going to 2 Where did you go yesterday?
call back later. 3 Who did you see?
3 I've seen your wallet ___ _ , but I can't remember where.
c Answer the questions in b with a full
4 There's ____ interesting on at the cinema tonight.
Let's stay in.
negative sentence.
5 Did ____ see you when you left the house? 1 I didn't do ------------
6 Did you go ____ exciting at the weekend? 2
7 I've bought you ____ really nice for Christmas! 3
8 I rang the doorbell, but ____ answered.
9 A What would you like for your birthday?
B ____ ! I really don't mind.
10 There's ____ to go swimming -the pool is closed.

SA comparatives
adjectives adverbs

1 I'm busier than I was five years ago. Gs.4 1 People walk more quickly than in the past. Gs.s
People are more impatient today than in the past. 2 My brother speaks French, but less fluently than me.
2 I'm less relaxed this year than I was last year. 3 She doesn't drive as fast as her brother.
3 The service in this restaurant isn't as good as it was.
• To compare two actions we use:
• To compare two people, places, or things we use: 1 comparative adverbs.
1 comparative adjectives. 2 less + adverb.
2 less + adjective. 3 (not) as + adverb + as.
3 (not) as+ adjective + as.
comparative adverbs
comparative adjectives
quickly more quickly adverbs ending in -/y: more+ adverb
short shorter one syllable: + -er fast faster irregular
one vowel+ one consonant: hard harder irregular
hot hotter
double final consonant
well better irregular
one syllable adjectives ending in -ed:
stressed more stressed badly worse irregular
more+ adjective
two syllable adjectives ending in
busy busier
consonant + y: y + -ier
p Comparatives with pronouns
relaxed more relaxed two or more syllables: more+ aqjective After comparative+ than or as... as we use an object pronoun
good better irregular (me, her, etc.) or a subject pronoun + auxiliary verb, e.g.

bad worse irregular My brother's taller than me. My brother's taller than I am.
He's not as intelligent as her. He's not as intelligent as she is.
far further irregular (also farther)

SB superlatives
1 Tokyo is the cleanest capital city in the world. GS.12 2 We often use the+ superlative with the present perfect +
Spain is one of the most popular holiday destinations. ever.
Camping is the least expensive way to go on holiday.
adjective comparative superlative
2 It's the most beautiful city I've ever been to.
It's the best film I've seen this year. cold colder the coldest
thin thinner the thinnest
1 We use the+ superlative adjectives to say w hich is the
healthy healthier the healthiest
biggest, etc. in a group.
beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful
• After superlatives we use in + names of places or singular
words for groups of people, e.g. good better the best
It 's the noisiest city in the world. Ann's the oldest in the class. bad worse the worst
• We can also use the least+ adjective, e.g. the least far further the furthest (also the farthest)
expensive OR the cheapest.

SC quantifiers
too much, too many, too (not} enough

1I'm very stressed today. I have too much work. GS.17 1 Do you eat enough vegetables?
My boss talks too much. I don't drink enough water.
2 My diet is unhealthy. I eat too many cakes and sweets. 2 Jane doesn't sleep enough. She's always tired.
3 I don't want to go out tonight. I'm too tired. 3 Our fridge isn't big enough for a family of five.
I don't go to bed early enough during the week.
• We use too much, too many, too to say 'more than is good'.
1 Use too much + uncountable noun (e.g. coffee, time) or 1 Use enough before a noun to mean 'all that is necessary'.
after a verb.
2 Use enough after a verb with no object.
2 Use too many+ countable noun (e.g. cakes, people).
3 Use too + an adjective NOT I'm too much tired. 3 Use enough after an adjective or adverb.
a Write sentences with a comparative adjective or b Rewrite the sentences so they
adverb+ than. mean the same. Use as... as.
New York is more expensive than Miami. (expensive) Luke is stronger than Peter.
1 Modern computers are much _________ Peter isn't as strong as Luke.
the early ones. (fast) 1 Adam is shorter than Jerry.
2 My sister is ____________ me. (short) Jerry isn't ______________ Adam.
3 This exercise is the last one. (easy) 2 Your bag is nicer than mine.
4 Newcastle is from London My bag isn't _____________ yours.
________ Leeds. (far) 3 Tokyo is bigger than London.
5 I thought the third Bridget Jones film was London isn't ___ ____ ______ Tokyo.
_____________ the first two. (bad) 4 Tennis is more popular than cricket.
6 Manchester United played __________ Cricket isn't _____________ tennis.
Arsenal. (good) 5 Children learn languages faster than adults.
7 l'm ________ this year ________ Adults don't ____________ children.
I was last year. (stressed) 6 I work harder than you.
8 I'm working _________ this year You don't _______________ me.
________ last year. (hard) 7 England played better than France.
9 The new airport is ________ the old one. (big) France didn't ____________ England.
10 I'm not lazy- I just work _______ ___ you!

a Complete the sentences with a superlative. b Write sentences with a superlative+
Is Shanghai the biggest city in the world? (big) ever+ the present perfect.
1 The Polish are _______ people I've ever met. (generous) It I good film/ I/ see
2 Yesterday was ________ day of the year. (hot) It's the best film I've ever seen.
3 Early morning is ____ time to drive in the city centre. (bad) 1 It I windy place/ I/ be to
4 She's ________ girl at school. (friendly) 2 She/ unfriendly person / I/ meet
5 This is ___________ part of the exam. (important) 3 It / easy exam I we I do
6 ________ time to visit New England is autumn. (good) 4 They/ expensive trousers/ I/ buy
7 Delhi in India is one of _____ cities in the world. (polluted) 5 This/ long book/ I/ read
8 ______________ I've ever flown is to Bali. (far) 6 He/ attractive man I I/ see
9 It was ____________ film I've ever seen. (funny) 7 It/ bad meal / I/ eat
10 Rob's daughters are all pretty, but I think Emily is ______ 8 He/ interesting teacher/ we/ have
(pretty) 9 It/ exciting job/ I/ do

a @the correct form. b Complete the sentences with too, too much, too many, or
How'(i�:�:0)/ many coffee do you drink? enough.
1 I eat too I too much chocolate. You eat toomuch red meat. It isn't good for you.
2 I eat too much I too many crisps. 1 I'm not very fit. I don't do _________ exercise.
3 Do you drink enough water I water enough? 2 I can't walk to school. It's _________ far.
4 I can't come. I'm too busy I too much busy. 3 There are ________ cars on the roads today.
5 This suitcase isn't enough big I big enough. 4 I spend time on the computer-
6 I worry too much I too many. it gives me headaches.
7 You're always at home! You don't enough 5 I don't read _________- only five or six books a year.
go out I go out enough. 6 I didn't buy the coat because it was _______ expensive.
8 I don't eat enough vegetables I vegetables 7 There were ________ people at the hospital,
enough. so it was impossible to see a doctor.
8 I don't like watching films on my phone because the screen isn't
big ________

6A will I won't (predictions)

1 A I'm seeing Jessica at six. B She'll be late.
f) be going to for predictions
The film's in French. We won't understand anything. We can also use be going to for
2 It's a great book. I'm sure you'll like it.
predictions when we know or can
I don't think it'll rain tomorrow.
see something is going to happen
(see 3A p.130), e.g.
Look at the clouds.
I / You / He/ She / It I We/ They 'II be late. I / You / He/ She / It I We/ They won't be late.
It's going to rain.
They're playing very well.
Contractions: 'JI = will; won't= will not They're going to win.

rn [Z]
I/ you I I/ you I I/ you/
Will he/she/it/ be late? Yes, he /she / it/ will. No, he/she/ it/ won't.
we/they we/they we/they

1 We often use will I won't+ infinitive for future predictions, i.e. to say things we
think, guess or know about the future.
2 We often use / think I I don't think I I'm sure+ will.
I think he'll fail the exam. I don't think he'll pass the exam. NOT / think he ·1,'on't

6B will I won't I shall (other uses)

decisions • We use will I won't+ infinitive for making instant
I won't stay for dinner. I think I'll go home early. decisions, offers, and promises. We don't use the
present tense.
offers I'll help you with those bags.
I'll help you with your homework. Shall I open the window? NOT / heip you with those bags.
promises • When an offer is a question, we use Shall /...? or
I'll always love you. I won't tell anybody. Shall we... ?
Shall I pay? Shall we do the washing-up?

6C review of verb forms: present, past, and future

tense example use
present simple I live in the city centre. things that always or usually happen
She doesn't smoke.
present continuous He's looking for a new job. things that are happening now or around now
I'm leaving tomorrow. things that we have arranged for the future
past simple We saw a good film last night. finished actions that happened once or more than once in the past
We didn't do anything yesterday.
past continuous He was working in Paris. actions that were in progress at a past time
What were you doing at 7.00?
be going to+ infinitive I'm going to see Tom tonight. future plans
Look! It's going to snow. predictions when we know/ can see what's going to happen
will I won't+ infinitive You'll love New York. predictions
I'll phone her later. instant decisions
I'll help you. offers
I'll pay you back tomorrow. promises
present perfect I've finished the book. recently finished actions (we don't say when)
Have you ever been to Iran? past experiences
6A b Complete with will + a verb from the list.
a Write sentences and questions with will I won't. be (x2) get like pass snow
Use contractions where you can.
B the exam/ easy to pass A Do you think the traffic will be bad?
It won't be easy to pass the exam. B No, because it's a holiday today.
1 [±] I think they/ lose the match 1 A Do you like this band?
2 [1] the meeting/ be long B Yes, I think they famous one day.
3 B she/ get the job - she's not qualified enough 2 A Is this a good film?
4 [1] you/ see him at work later B Yes, I'm sure you it.
5 [±] I don't want to go. it/ be impossible to park 3 A Do you think it ?

6 B you/ like that book B No, it's not cold enough.

7 [±] I'm sure she/ love the present I bought her 4 A What do you think James me?
8 B there I be a lot of traffic in the morning B I'm sure it will be something nice.
9 [±] you/ find a good job, I'm sure 5 A I'm so worried about the exam!
10 [±] everything/ be OK, so there's no need to worry B Don't worry. I'm sure you


6B b Complete the sentences with will I won't (or shall)

+ a verb.
a Match the sentences.
It's hot in here. G buy call forget get '1-a-ve help pay take tell
1 I'm thirsty.
2 I have a headache. A What would you like? B I'll have the fish.
3 This exercise is hard. 1 A I can't do this crossword. B ______ you?
4 I'm hungry. 2 A It's a secret. B I ______ anyone, I promise.
5 These bags are heavy. 3 A When will I hear from you again?
B I _______ you tonight.
6 I left my wallet at home.
7 I need that photo urgently. 4 A Can I borrow €50?
B When _____ you ______ me back?
8 We haven't got any milk.
5 A It's my birthday next week.
A I'll lend you some money.
B Don't worry. I _______
B Shall I make you a sandwich?
6 A I feel ill. B ____ _____ you home?
C I'll get you a glass of water.
7 A These shoes are too small.
D I'll help you to do it.
B I _______ a bigger pair for you, madam.
E I'll buy some on my way home.
8 A This chocolate you bought isn't very nice.
F I'll email it to you now.
B Yes, I know. I _______ it again.
G Shall I open the wi-A-OOW+
H Shall I get you some paracetamol?
I Shall I carry one for you?

6C b Read the conversation. Put the verb in the correct form.

A What are we doing tonight? (do)
a Complete the questions with one word.
B We 1____ dinner with Jack and Mary. (have)
I didn't see you last week. Were you ill? A But we 2____ dinner with them last week! (have)
1 ____ you often remember your dreams? B Yes, but they 3____ to tell us some good news. (want)
2 ____ you watch the match last night? A Oh, OK then. 4____ I ____ some champagne? (buy)
3 Who do you think ____ win the
election next year? B It's eight o'clock! Where 5____ you ____ ? (be)
4 ____ you been to the supermarket? A I'm sorry. When I 6 home I 7____ to buy the
5 ____ your brother like rock music? champagne. And then I 8 Mark in the shop ... (walk,
6 What ____ you going to watch on decide, see)
TV tonight? B Well, hurry up. We 9____ late! (be)
7 ____ it snowing when you left? A It's OK. I 10____ a taxi and I 11 ____ ready in five
8 ____ you at the party last night? minutes. (already book, be)
9 ____ the film finished yet? p.51

7A uses of the infinitive with to

• We use the infinitive with to:
1 You need to be on time. G1.3
Try not to talk too much. 1 after some verbs, e.g. want, need, would like, etc.
See Verb forms p.158.
2 It'll be nice to meet new people.
It's important not to be late. 2 after adjectives.
3 I don't know where to g o or what to do. 3 after questions words, e.g. what, where, when, etc.
4 A Why did you wear a suit? 4 to say why you do/ did something.
B To make a good impression. I came to this school to learn English. NOT for Jeam
I wore a suit to make a good impression. English.

• T he infinitive is the base form of the verb. It is often p Infinitive without to

used with to. It can be positive (e.g. to be) or negative Remember that we use the infinitive without to with auxiliary
(e.g. not to be). verbs (do I does I didn't) and after most modal verbs
(can, could, will, would, etc.), e.g. Do you live near here?
Can you help me? I won't forget. What would you do?

7B uses of the gerund (verb + -ing)

• The gerund is the base form of the verb+ ing. It can be
1 Eating outside in the summer makes me feel good. G7.7
positive (e.g. going) or negative (e.g. not going).
Happiness is getting up late and not going to work.
• We use the gerund:
2 I love having breakfast in bed.
I hate not getting to the airport early. 1 as a noun, e.g. as the subject or object of a sentence.
3 I'm thinking of buying a new car. 2 after some verbs, e.g. like, love, hate, enjoy, etc.
Jim left without saying goodbye. See Verb forms p.158.
3 after prepositions.
• Remember the spelling rules for the -ing form. See 1 C p.126.

7C have to, don't have to, must, mustn't

have to, don't have to • must I mustn't are the same for all persons.
• We use mustn't+ verb (infinitive without to) to
[±I I have to speak English at work. say something is prohibited.
She has to get up at seven every day.
B We don't have to wear a uniform at this school. p must and have to
He doesn't have to work on Saturdays. Must and have to are very similar, but there is a
[II Do I have to buy a grammar book? small difference. We normally use have to for
What time does she have to get up in the morning? a general obligation (a rule at work/ school or
a law) e.g. We have to start work at seven. We
• We use have to+ verb (infinitive) to talk about rules and obligations.
normally use must for a personal obligation (one
• We use don't have to+ verb (infinitive) to say that there is no obligation,
that the speaker imposes), e.g. a parent to a
or that something is not necessary.
child: You must go to bed now! But often we can
• We use do I does to make questions and negatives. use either must or have to.
Do I have to go? NOT f-fo,.rc I to go?
mustn't and don't have to
• We don't contract have or has.
I have to go. NOT l\•e to go. Mustn't and don't have to have completely
different meanings. Compare:
must I mustn't You mustn't go. = It's prohibited. Don't go.
You don't have to go. = You can go if you want
[±I You must do your homework tonight.
to, but it's not obligatory/ necessary.
She must tidy her room before she goes out.
B You mustn't leave your bags here. {mustn't = must not) Impersonal you
I mustn't forget to call her tonight. We often use have to and must with impersonal
[II Must I go to bed now? you (you = people in general), e.g.
When must we decide about the party? You have to wear a seatbelt in a car.
You mustn't take photos in the museum.
• We use must+ verb (infinitive without to) to talk about rules and
a Match the sentence halves. b Complete the sentences with a positive or negative
You need to be ready B infinitive.
1 I know you're tired, but try
not be do not drive fliWe learn look for
2 In my job it's important
not make meet pay
3 I don't know where
4 We were late, so Simon I'm planning to have a party next week.
offered 1 A Hi, I'm Donna. B I'm Renee. Nice ____ you.
5 When you give a presentation 2 What do you want __ _ _ tonight? Stay in or go out?
it's normal
3 Let's meet outside the cinema. I promise ____ late.
A to give us a lift to the station. 4 Try ____ a noise. Your father's asleep.
B to shov.' your ID at the gate. 5 I'd really like ____ a new language.
C to feel nervous. 6 Be careful ____ too fast - the roads are icy.
D to dress smartly. 7 My brother has decided ____ a new job.
E to park. 8 The museum is free. You don't need ____ to go in.
F to stay awake for the party.

a Complete the sentences with a verb from the list in the -ing b Put the verbs in the -ing form or
form. infinitive.
I like listening to the radio in the
el-e not know message practise remember mornings. (listen)
study swim teach travel 1 ____ Pilates is good for your health. (do)
2 We offered ____ for the meal. (pay)
I really enjoy doing exercise. It makes me feel great!
1 3 We won't take the car. It's so
One thing that always makes me happy is _____ in the sea.
expensive ____ . (park)
2 You can't learn to play a musical instrument well without
4 I'm not very good at ____ directions.
_____ regularly.
3 My mother's very bad at _____ names.
5 You can borrow the car if you remember
4 _____ teenagers is very hard work.
____ some petrol. (get)
5 My sister spends hours _____ her friends.
6 Has it stopped ____ yet? (rain)
6 I hate ____ the answer when somebody asks me a question. 7 I don't mind ____ , but I don't like
7 _____ by train is usually cheaper than by plane. ____ the washing-up. (cook, do)
8 My brother wants to go on _____ French for as long as he 8 I hate ____ in the dark during the
can. He'd like to speak it really fluently! winter. (get up)
op .S6

a Complete the sentences with the correct form b �he correct form. Tick (✓) if both are possible.
of have to. We@pn't have 19)1 mustn't go to school next week.
I don't have to go to school on Saturdays. It's the holiday.
1 Janice ____ study very hard - she has exams soon. 1 You don't have to I mustn't cross the road when the
2 You ______ buy a ticket before you get on the traffic lights are red.
bus. It costs £4 and the machine is over there. 2 What do I have to I must I do when I finish this exercise?
3 ____ your sister _______ go to London 3 The concert is free. You don't have to I mustn't pay.
for her job interview? 4 We're late for the meeting. We have to I must go now.
4 Mike _______ wear a really ugly uniform at his 5 You don't have to I mustn't leave the door open - the
new school. He hates it. dog will get out.
5 We ______ get up early tomorrow. Our flight 6 I have to I must pay Jane back the money she lent me.
leaves at 6.30. 7 In Britain you have to I must drive on the left.
6 Harry _______ work today - he has a day off. 8 You don't have to I mustn't be tall to be good at
7 Can you wait a moment? I make a phone call. football.
8 ______ we ______ go to bed? It's only op.s9
ten o'clock!

SA should I shouldn't
1 You should leave your boyfriend. G 8.2 J) oughtto
She's very stressed. She shouldn't work so hard. You can also use ought to I ought not to instead of
You shouldn't drink coffee in the evening. It'll keep you awake. should I shouldn't, e.g.
2 I think you should get a new job.
You ought to leave your boyfriend.
I don't think you should speak to him.
She ought not to work so hard.
1 We use should I shouldn't+ verb (infinitive without to) to give
somebody advice or say what we think is the right thing to do.
should I shouldn't is the same for all persons.
2 We often use I think you should... or I don't think you should...
NOT l--#i+Rk-ye1:1-sJ:te1:J,1€J.R-+.-:-:-

SB first conditional: if+ present, will I won't+ infinitive

1 If we get to the airport early, the flight will be delayed. G 8.12
If you tell her the truth, she won't believe you.
What will you do if you don't find a job?
2 If you don't go, she won't be very pleased.
She won't be very pleased if you don't go.
3 If you miss the last bus, get a taxi.
If you miss the last bus, you can get a taxi.

1 We use if+ present to talk about a possible situation and

will I won't+ infinitive to talk about the consequence.
2 The if-clause can come first or second. If the if-clause comes
first, we usually put a comma before the next clause.
3 We can also use the imperative or can+ infinitive instead of
will+ infinitive in the other clause.

SC possessive pronouns
Whose coat is it? It's my coat. It's mine. GB.22 pronouns and possessive adjectives overview
Whose jacket is it? It's your jacket. It's yours.
subject object possessive possessive
Whose phone is it? It's his phone. It's his. pronouns pronouns adjectives pronouns
Whose bag is it? It's her bag. It's hers.
me. my mine.
Whose dog is it? It's our dog. It's ours.
Whose house is it? It's their house. It's theirs. You you. your yours.
He him. his his.
• We use possessive pronouns to talk about possession. can She This
She her. her seat. It's hers.
Is it yours? Yes, it's mine. come. loves is
• We use Whose to ask about possession. It it. its its.
Whose book is it? Whose is that bag? We us. our ours.
• We don't use possessive pronouns with a noun. They them. their theirs.
NOT it's mine book.
• We don't use the with possessive pronouns, e.g.
Is this yours? NOT Is this the yours?
a Complete with should or shouldn't. b Complete the sentences with should or shouldn't
+ a verb from the list.

be buy book drive leave

relax spend study wear

We should leave now. It's getting late.

1 You ________ a scarf. It's really cold today.
2 I_ __ this afternoon. I have an exam tomorrow.
You sbQu.ld lose a bit of weight. 3 You ________ a holiday. You need a break.
1 You work really long hours ever y day. 4 You look really ill. You _________ at work.
2 You stop smoking. 5 She _______ more. She's very stressed at the
3 You eat more fruit and vegetables. moment.
4 You put so much sugar in your coffee. 6 You _____ so fast - this road's very dangerous.
5 You start doing some exercise. 7 Parents ------ more time with their children.
6 You drink less alcohol. 8 You ------ him an iPad - he's only seven years
7 You drink more water. old.
8 You go to bed so late.

a Match the sentence halves. b Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.
If you leave now, C If we start walking, the bus will come . (start, come)
1 The hotel will be cheaper 1 If you ____ me what really happened, I ____
2 If you don't hear from me this afternoon, anybody else. (tell, not tell)
3 You'll learn more quickly 2 If I ____ it down, I ____ it. (not write, not remember)
4 If you get that new job, 3 ____ you me if you ____ any news? (call,
5 You won't pass your driving test get)
6 If I lend you this book, 4 She ____ you if you ____ her nicely. (help, ask)
5 I ____ you if I ____ from Alex. (phone, hear)
A if you don't have enough lessons.
6 You ____ your friends if you ____ to Paris. (miss, move)
B will you remember to give it back?
7 If you ____ carefully, you ____ everything.
<;.. you'll catch th�
(listen, understand)
D if you book it early.
8 Your boss ____ pleased if you ____ late for work
E if you come to every class.
today. (not be, be)
F will you earn more money?
9 I ____ you home if you ____ me directions. (drive, give)
G call me this evening. 10 If you ____ an umbrella, it ! (not take, rain)
op .64

a -@the correct form. b Complete the sentences with a pronoun or a possessive
Whose car is that? It's her l9 adjective.
1 This isn't my I mine pen, it's Susan's. This isn't my coffee, it's yours. Where's mine ?
2 I think this book is your I yours. 1 A Is that Sue's car?
3 This isn't your suitcase, it's ours/ our. B No, it's her boyfriend's. ____ is a white Peugeot.
4 Where's Mar y? I think these are her I hers 2 Maya has a new boyfriend, but I haven't met ____ yet.
gloves. 3 Look. Here's a photo of Alex and Kim with ____ new baby.
5 These keys are mine I the mine. 4 We've finished paying for our house, so it's ____ now.
6 They showed us all theirs I their holiday 5 These are your tickets. Can you give Maria and Marta ____ ?
photographs. 6 We're lost. Can you tell ____ how to get to the station?
7 These seats are theirs I their, not ours. 7 Would you like to see ____ garden? We've got some
8 Is this yours I your bag? beautiful flowers.
9 This isn't my jacket. It's her I hers. 8 London is famous for ____ beautiful parks. op.67

9A second conditional: if+ past, would I wouldn't+ infinitive

1 If a cow attacked me, I'd run away. G)9.5
J) be in second conditionals
If she didn't have a dog, she wouldn't do any exercise. With the verb be we can use were (instead of was)
Would you go for a swim if there were sharks in the sea? after I I he I she I it, e.g.
2 If I had more time, I'd do more exercise. If Jack was I were here, he'd know what to do.
I'd do more exercise if I had more time.
Use were (not was) in the expression If I were you, ...
3 If we went by car, we could stop at places on the way.
We often use this expression for advice, e.g.
If I were you, I wouldn't take that job.
1 We use if+ past to talk about an imaginary or hypothetical
future situation and would I wouldn't + infinitive to talk
about the consequence. first or second conditional?
• would+ infinitive is sometimes known as the conditional Compare the first and second conditionals:
tense. We also use it without an if-clause to talk about • We use the first conditional for possible future situations.
imaginary or hypothetical situations e.g. I'd never have a cat If I don't have to work tomorrow, I'll help you.
as a pet. Th ey'd be happier in a bigger house. (= It's a possibility. Maybe I will help you.)
• would I wouldn't= is the same for all persons. Contractions: • We use the second conditional for imaginary or
'd = would (I'd, you'd, he'd, etc.); wouldn't= would not. hypothetical situations.
2 In a second conditional the if-clause can come first or If I didn't have to work tomorrow, I'd help you.
second. If the if-clause comes first, we usually put a comma (= It's a hypothetical situation. I have to work, so I can't
before the next clause. help you.)
3 We can also use could+ infinitive instead of would+
infinitive in the other clause.

9B present perfect + for and since

A Where do you live now? G)9.7 • We use the present perfect + for and since to talk about actions and
B In Manchester.
states which started in the past and are still true now.
I've lived in Manchester for twenty years. = I came to live in Manchester
A How long have you lived there?
twenty years ago and I live in Manchester now.
B I've lived there for 20 years.
We don't use the present simple in this type of sentence, e.g.
A Where do you work? NOT I li-.•e in Manchester for twenty years.
B In a primary school. • We use How long...? to ask questions about the duration of an action or
A How long have you worked there? a state, e.g. How long have you been married?
B I've worked there since 2015. for or since?
• We use for+ a period of time, for example, for two weeks, for ten
years, etc.
I've had this car for three m onths.
• We use s ince with the beginning of a period of time, for example,
since 2014, since last June, etc.
I've been afraid of spiders since I was a child.

9C present perfect or past simple? (2)

1 A How long was Janet Leigh married to Tony Curtis? G)9.15 • We can use for with the past simple for a finished period of
time in the past.
B She was married to him for 11 years.
A How many books did she write? 2 We use the present perfect with for and since to talk about
B She wrote four books. an unfinished period of time, from the past until now. Jamie
Lee Curtis is still alive and still married.
2 A How long has Jamie Lee Curtis been married?
B She's been married since 1984. • Compare the past simple and the present perfect.
A What kind of books has she written? Jack was married for ten years . = Jack is not married now.
B She's written children's books. He's divorced or dead.
Jack has been married for ten years. = Jack is married now.
1 We use the past simple to talk about a finished period of He got married ten years ago.
time in the past. Janet Leigh and Tony Curtis are dead, so
NOT �eeR-marFi-ee-t-e-ltim-fer:-14-years,,
a Match the sentence halves. b Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb to make
You'd feel much better A second conditional sentences.
1 I'd enjoy the weekend more If I found a good job, I 'd move to the USA. (find, move)
2 If you didn't have to study for 1 We ____ a dog if we ____ a garden. (get, have)
your exams, 2 If you Indian food, I'm sure you ____ it. (try, like)
3 Would you really wear a suit 3 I it if I ____ it. (not buy, not like)
4 If we took a taxi, 4 If we a car, we ____ drive to the mountains. (hire, can)
5 I wouldn't work 5 We our children more often if they ____ nearer. (see, live)
6 If I went to live in London, 6 I to that restaurant if I ____ you - it's very expensive.
(not go, be)
7 You ____ more if you ____ more homework. (learn, do)
B would you come to visit me?
8 I to work if the traffic so bad. (cycle, not be)
C if I bought one for you?
9 ____ you ____ abroad if you ____ a well-paid job?
D we could go out tonight.
(work, find)
E if I didn't have to work on Saturday.
10 I love living here. I __ _ _ happy if I _ __ leave. (not be, have to)
F we would get there sooner.
G if I didn't need the money.

a Write questions with How long and the present perfect. b Answer the questions in a. Use the
/you/be married How long. have x.ou been married ? present perfect + for or since.
1 I you I be afraid of flying ? I 've been married for 20 years.
2 I your sister/have her new car ? 1 I I was about 15.
3 /they/live in this town ? 2 She three weeks.
4 I your dad/be a teacher ? 3 They a long time.
5 I you I know your boyfriend ? 4 He more than
6 /Spain/be in the EU ? 20 years.
7 I you I have/your cat ? 5 I May.
8 /Dan/be in this class ? 6 It 1986.
7 We about
two years.
8 He last month.


a @the correct form. b Complete with the present perfect or past simple.
She was !@e's bee!i)ill since May. 1 A Where does your brother live?
1 Martin left I Martin has left school two B In Verona.
years ago. A How long ________ there? (he/live)
2 I lived I I've lived in Cardiff for two years, B Only for six months. He there last
but then I moved to Swansea. September. (move)
3 Anna was I Anna's been in this company 2 A When ________ ? (Picasso/die)
since April. B In 1977, I think. In Paris.
A How long _________ in France? (he/live).
4 My sister had I My sister has had her baby
B For a long time. He Spain when he
was 25. (leave)
5 I work in a travel agency. I worked I I've
3 A My brother and his wife get on very well.
worked there for 20 years.
B How long ________ married? (they/be)
6 The city changed I The city has changed a
A They _________ married since 1995.
lot since I was a child.
They _________ at university. (be, meet)
7 They're divorced now. They were I They B Really? What university ________ to? (they/go)
have been only married for three years.
8 I met I I've met Sandra when I was I have
been on holiday in Italy.

10A expressing movement p come or go?

We use come for movement towards you, and go for
G10.4 movement away from you.

The ball went over the goalkeeper's head and into the goal.

He drove out of the car park and along the street.

p in or into? out or out of?

We use into I out of+ noun.
Come into the living room.
He went out of the house.
We use in I out if there isn't a noun.
I ran over the bridge and across the park.
Come in.
He went out.
• To express movement we use a verb of movement, e.g.
go, come, r un, walk, etc. and a preposition (or adverb) of
movement, e.g. up, down, away, etc.

108 word order of phrasal verbs

1 What time do you get up? • A phrasal verb = verb + particle (preposition or adverb),
I don't usually go out during the week. e.g. get up, go out, turn on, look for.
2 Put on your coat. Put your coat on. Put it on! 1 Some phrasal verbs don't have an object, e.g. get up, go out.
Turn off the TV. Turn the TV off. Turn it off. 2 Some phrasal verbs have an object and are separable.
3 I'm looking for my glasses. With these phrasal verbs we can put the particle (on, off, etc.)
A Have you found your glasses? before or after the object.
B No, I'm still looking for them. • When the object is a pronoun (me, it, him, etc.) it always goes
between the verb and particle.
Here's your coat. Put it on. NOT P.ut on it.
3 Some phrasal verbs have an object and are inseparable,
e.g. look for. With these phrasal verbs the verb (e.g. look)
and the particle (e.g. for) are never separated.
I'm looking for my glasses. NOT I'm ,1ooking my glasses for.
• See Phrasal verbs p.163.

10C the passive: be+ past participle

Present: am I is/ are+ past participle G10.14 • We can often say things in two ways, in the active or in the
[±] 20 billion pieces of Lego are produced every year.
Alfred Nobel invented dynamite. (active)
El CDs aren't used very much nowadays. Dynamite was invented by Alfred Nobel. (passive)
[II Is Spanish spoken in New Mexico?
• In the active sentence, the focus is more on Alfred Nobel.
Past: was I were+ past participle • In the passive sentence the focus is more on dynamite.
[±] The hot-air balloon was invented by two Frenchmen. • We often use the passive when it isn't known or isn't important
El Stamps weren't invented until 1840. who does or did the action.
[II When was the watch invented? My car was stolen last week.
Volvo cars are made in Sweden.
• We use by to say who did the action.
The Lord of the Rings was written by Tolkien.
a @ the correct word. b Complete the sentences with the correct
I lost my mobile signal when we went across i(iFrougJj)a tunnel. word.
1 We ran to I down the sea, and jumped into I out of the water. Alex jumped into his car and drove away.
2 If you go over I past the bank, you'll see the supermarket on the 1 When I was walking under the bridge, a
right. train went ____ it.
3 James walked along I across the street until he came to a big 2 Come ____ . The door's open.
house. 3 This is the first floor. Go ____ the
4 Look! We're flying on I over the mountains now. stairs - the office is on the second floor.
5 The dog started to run towards I to me, but then it suddenly 4 He walked ____ the cafe and
stopped. ordered some lunch.
6 We cycled over I out of the bridge and in I into the park. 5 Go ____ of the building and turn left.
7 In the 800 metres, the runners run round I across the track twice. 6 Go ____ ! I don't want to talk to you.
8 The cat suddenly ran across I through the road. 7 I cycle ____ a big hill on my way home.
I go really fast!

a @the correct form. If both are correct, tick (✓) the box. b Complete the sentences with it or them
Turn off your mobile I Turn your mobile off before the film starts. ✓ and a word from the list.
1 Tonight I have to look my little sister after I look after my little
back in on (x2) up (x2)
2 Let's go out this evening I go this evening out. I can't hear the radio. Turn it up
3 I'll drop off the children I drop the children off at school. 1 Your clothes are all over the floor.
4 My brother is looking for a new job I looking a new job for. Pick ----
5 You should throw away those old jeans I throw those old jeans 2 Here's your coat. Put ____
away. 3 A What does this word mean?
B Look ____
6 I don't like shopping for clothes online - I prefer to try them on I
4 To get your passport there are three forms.
try on them before I buy them.
Please fill ____ now.
7 Take off your shoes I Take your shoes off before you come in.
5 You remember that money I lent you?
8 We're meeting my mother tomorrow - I think you'll really get on When can you give ____ ?
with her I get on her with. 6 A Is the match on TV?
9 If the jacket doesn't fit, take back it I take it back to the shop. B I don't know. Turn ---- and see.
10 What time do you get up in the morning I get in the morning up?

a Complete with the present or past passive. b Rewrite the sentences in the passive,
The Eiffel Tower was completed in 1889. (complete) beginning with the highlighted words.
1 Many of the things we use every day ____ by women. Shakespeare wrote Hamlet in 1603.
(invent) Hamlet was written by Shakespeare in 1603.
2 In the UK most children ____ in state schools. (educate) 1 Christopher Wren designed St Paul'sl
3 DNA ____ by Watson and Crick in 1953. (discover) Cathedral.
4 This morning I ____ by the neighbour's dog. (wake up) 2 A small Italian company produces this olive oil.
5 Cricket ____ in the summer in the UK. (play) 3 The Russians discovered Antarctica in 1820.
6 The songs on this album ____ last year. (write) 4 Spielberg didn't direct the Star Wars films.
7 Millions of toys ____ in China every year. (make) 5 Van Gogh painted Sunflowers in 1888.
8 Carols are songs which ____ at Christmas. (sing) 6 The Chinese didn't invent glass.
9 These birds ____ in northern Europe. (not usually see) 7 J.K. Rowling wrote the Harry Potter books.
10 The London Eye ____ on 31 December 1999 to celebrate 8 They make Skoda cars in the Czech
the new millennium. (open) Republic.

11A used to I didn't use to

• We use used to I didn't use to+ verb to talk about things
1±1 When I was a child I used to play in the streets. 0)11.4
that happened repeatedly or were true for a long period
My brother used to have very long hair when he
of time in the past, but are usually not true now, e.g. things
was a student.
which happened when you were a child.
El Nick didn't use to go out much, but now he goes out
• used to I didn't use to is the same for all persons.
every night.
I didn't use to like vegetables, but now I love them. ! Be careful with negatives and questions:
I didn't use to like maths. NOT I didA't used to like maths.
Did you use to like maths? NOT Did you usedto like maths?

• Instead of used to you can use the past simple with an

adverb of frequency.
When I was a child I often played in the street.

p used to or usually?
used to is only for talking about the past.
For habits in the present, we use usually+ present simple,
NOT use to.
[11 A Did you use to wear a uniform at school? B Yes, I did. I usually cook in the evenings.
A Did you use to like your teachers? B No, I didn't. NOT / use to cook iA the eveAiAgs.

11B might I might not (possibility)

We might have a picnic tomorrow, but it depends on the weather.
Karen might come with us tomorrow, but she's not sure yet.
0)11.10 p may I may not
We can also use may instead of might for
I might not take my laptop on holiday. I haven't decided yet. possibility, e.g.
We might not see the boss today. I think she's away. We may have a picnic tomorrow.
I may not take my laptop on holiday.
• We use might I might not+ verb (infinitive without to) to say that perhaps
somebody will or won't do something.
• We might have a picnic tomorrow. = Perhaps we will have a picnic tomorrow.
• might I might not is the same for all persons.
• might not is not usually contracted.

11C so, neither+ auxiliaries

1 A I love classical music. 0)11.19 present simple A I don't like classical music. B Neither do I.
B So do I. present continuous: A I'm having a great time. B So am I.
A I went to a classical concert last night.
can I can't A I can swim. B So can I.
B So did I.
2 A I'm not married. past simple A I didn't like the film. B Neither did I.
B Neither am I. A I was very tired. B So was I.
A I don't want to get married. would I wouldn't A I wouldn't like to go there. B Neither would I.
B Neither do I.
present perfect A I've been to Brazil. B So have I.
• We use So do I, Neither do I, etc. to say that we
have something in common with somebody. ! Be careful with the word order.
1 Use So+ auxiliary + I to respond to positive So do I I Neither do I. NOT So / do /NeitherI do.
2 Use Neither+ auxiliary + I to respond to p neither and nor
negative sentences. We can also use nor instead of neither, e.g.
• The auxiliary we use after So... and Neither ... A / didn't like the film. B Nor I Neither did I.
depends on the tense of the verb that the other Neither is usually pronounced /'nm(,�, but can also be pronounced 1 1.i:c):i.

speaker uses.
a Look at how Alex has changed. Write six b Make sentences with use d to, didn't use to, or did... use to?
sentences about how he was before with [1] I you/ have long hair Did you use to have long hair?
He used to or He d idn't use to. 1 [±] Angie/ hate maths, but she loves it now
2 [II / you/ work when you lived in Cairo
3 El I/ like reading when I was a child
4 [II What/ you/ do in the summer holidays when you were young
5 ElThe British/ cook with olive oil, but now it's very popular
6 [±] This restaurant/ be a cinema in the 1960s
7 [II / your sister/ eat meat, or has she always been a vegetarian
8 El I/ be interested in athletics, but now I always watch it
9 [II / you/ have a motorbike when you were a student
He used to be
slim. 10 [±] Telegrams I be the quickest way to send impor tant messages
1 ________ long hair.
2 _ _______ glasses.
3 ________ a beard.
4 ________ football.
5 _________ a tie.

a Match the sentences. b Complete the sentences with might+
a verb phrase from the list.
Take some sun cream. D A Someone might want
1 Let's buy a lottery ticket. some for breakfast.
be cold be ill be in a meeting
2 Can you phone the B It may not be your size.
ge-te the ciA-e-FA-a not have time
restaurant? C We might get lost.
not like it have the pasta
3 Don't finish the milk. D It might be really hot.
4 Let's use the satnav. E We may not have enough I'm not sure what to do tonight.
5 You should try the shirt on. money. I mightgo to the cinema .
6 Don't wait for me tonight. F You might cut yourself. 1 Kim isn't at school today. She ____
7 Be careful with that knife! G It may be closed on 2 His phone is turned off. He ____
8 Ask how much it costs. Sundays. 3 It's an unusual book. You ____
H We might win. 4 I don't know if I'll finish this today.
I I may finish work late. I ____
5 I'm not sure what to order. I ----
6 Take a warm jacket. It ____ later.


a Complete B's answers with an auxiliary verb. b Respond to A. Say you are the same. Use So.. .I or
A I love chocolate ice cream. B So do I. Neither... /.
1 A I'm really thirsty. B So ___ I. A I don't like Indian food. Neither do I.
2 A I didn't go out last night. B Neither ___ I. 1 A I live near the football stadium.
3 A I was born in Rome. B So ____ I. 2 A I'm not afraid of snakes.
4 A I don't eat meat. B Neither --- I. 3 A I went to bed late last night.
5 A I've been to Moscow. B So ---- I. 4 A I haven't been to Canada.
6 A I can't sing. B Neither ___ I. 5 A I don't have any pets.
7 A I'd like to go to Bali. B So ___ I. 6 A I can speak three languages.
8 A I saw a great film last week. B So ____ I. 7 A I'll have the chicken with rice.
9 A I wouldn't like to be famous. B Neither --- I. 8 A I'm waiting for Maria.
10 A I can play rugby. B So ___ I.


12A past perfect

• We use the past perfect when we are already talking about the past and
1±1 When I woke up the garden was all white. G12.1
It had snowed during the night. want to talk about an earlier past action.
I suddenly realized that I'd left my phone in the • When I woke up the garden was all white. It had snowed during the
taxi. night. = It snowed before I woke up.
El We got home just in time - the match • We make the past perfect with had I hadn't + the past participle.
hadn't started. • The form of the past perfect is the same for all persons.
When she got to class, she realized that she • had is sometimes contracted to 'd.
hadn't brought her book.
[1] A I went to Paris last weekend. I really loved it. p had or would?
B Had you been there before? Be careful, 'd can be had or would.
A No, I hadn't. I didn't know that you'd found a new job. ('d = had)
If you went by taxi, you'd get there much quicker. ('d = would)

12B reported (or indirect) speech

• Pronouns often change in reported speech, e.g.
I changes to he or she.
love 'I'm tired.' She told me (that) she was tired.
• Verb tenses change like this:

direct speech reported speech

'I can help you.' He said {that) he could help

(present simple} me. (past simple}
'I'm driving.' She said (that) she was driving.
(present continuous) (past continuous)
'I'll call you.' {will) He told me (that) he would call
me. (would)
'I met a girl at a party.' John told me (that) he had met
(past simple) a girl at a party. (past perfect)
'I've broken my arm.' Sara said (that) she had broken
(present perfect) her arm. (past perfect)

direct speech reported speech G12.s

p say or tell?
'I love you.' He said (that) he loved me. We use say or tell in reported speech. They mean
'I've just arrived.' She said (that) she had just arrived. the same thing, but they are used differently.
'We' ll come at eight.' He told me (that) they would come at eight. We use say without an object or pronoun.
'I don't want to go to Jack told Anna (that) he didn't want to go to He said (that) he loved me.
the party.' the party. NOT /=le said me (that) he .'o"vcd me.
• We use reported speech to tell somebody what another person said. We use tell with an object or pronoun.
• We often introduce reported speech with said or told(+ person). He told me (that) he loved me
NOT I-le toJd (that) he loved me.
• After said or told that is optional, e.g. He said (that) he loved me.

12C questions without auxiliaries

subject verb G12.9 • When the question word (Who?, What?, Which?, How many?,
etc.) is the subject of the verb in the question, we don't use
Who painted The Milkmaid?
an auxiliary verb (do/ does I did).
Which city has the most honest people? Who painted The Milkmaid? NOT 1/',lf:io did paint...?
How many people live near the school? • In most other questions in the present and past simple we
Who wants a cup of coffee? use the auxiliary verb do I does I did+ the infinitive.
What music do you like? NOT 1/W:iatmusic you like?
• See 1A p.126.
a Match the sentence halves. b Complete the sentences. Put the verbs in the past simple or
I couldn't get into my flat because C past perfect.
1 When our friends arrived, We didn't get a table in the restaurant because we
2 I took the jacket back to the shop because hadn't booked. (not get, not book)
3 Jill didn't come with us because 1 Caroline ____ a lot, and I ____ her. (change,
4 I turned on the T V news not recognize)
5 He was nervous because 2 My friend ____ to tell me that I ____ my coat in his
car. (phone, leave)
6 When I got to the supermarket checkout,
3 When I ____ the radio, the news ____. (turn on,
A she'd made other plans. already finish)
B I realized that I'd left my wallet at home. 4 She ____ me the DVD because she ____ it yet. (not
H'd lost my keys. lend, not watch)
D I'd bought the wrong size. 5 The bar ____ by the time we ____ . (close, arrive)
E it was the first time he'd flown. 6 When we ____ home, we saw that somebody
F to see what had happened. ____ the kitchen window. (get, break)
G we hadn't finished cooking the dinner. 7 When we ____ in the morning, we ____ that
it in the night. (get up, see, snow)

a Write the sentences in reported speech. b Write the sentences in direct speech.
'I love you.' He told her that he loved her He told her that he was a doctor.
1 'I'm hungry.' Ana said that she He said: 'I'm a doctor .'
2 'I'll call the doctor.' He said he 1 She said that she was studying German.
3 'I've bought a new phone.' Paul told us that he She said:'------------
4 'I live in the city centre.' She said that she 2 Tony told me that his car had broken down.
Tony said:'____________
5 'We can't do it!' They said that they
6 'I saw a great film at the cinema.' Julie said that she
3 Paul said that he would send me an email.
Paul said:'------------
7 'I don't like dogs.' Ben told her he
4 Wanda and Jack said they were in a hurry.
Wanda and Jack said:

5 He said he hadn't finished his essay yet.

He said: '_____________
' \ 6 She told us that she wouldn't arrive on time.
She said:' ------------
7 David said he had just arrived in London.
David said:'------------

a @the correct question form. b Write the questions. Do you know the answers?
What you did l@d you d9)Iast night? How many Formula 1 championships
1 What happened I did happen to you? did Michael Schumacher win ? (Michael Schumacher/ win)
2 What means this word I does this word mean? 1 When ______________ president of the USA?
3 How many people came I did come to the (Barack Obama/ become)
meeting? 2 Which US state _________ with the letter 'H'? (start)
4 Which bus goes I does go to the city centre? 3 Which books _________ ? (George R.R. Martin/ write)
5 Which film won I did win the most Oscars 4 Who the football World Cup in Russia in 2018? (win)
this year? 5 Which sport ___________ the lightest ball? (use)
6 What said the teacher I did the teacher say? 6 Where _________ ? (the 2016 Olympics/ take place)
7 Who made I did make this cake? It's 7 Which company ___________ ? (Steve Jobs/ start)

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