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LOSTin the


written by will mabbitt illustrated by aaron Cushley

Seven-year-old Stevie is lost in The Metropolitan Museum of
Art! Can you help her find her way out and back to her family?

As Stevie moves through the museum’s different galleries there

are many exciting things for her to see and find. Her brother
Alfie has left her a trail of items to guide her on her way.
But there are also clues to watch out for among the fascinating
museum artworks – and some surprising extra things, too!

See the museum through Stevie’s eyes as she embarks on

an imaginative voyage of discovery. Travel with her all over
the world and from the ancient past to the present day.
Then at the back of the book learn more about what Stevie
saw on her adventure and the items you too can find in
The Metropolitan Museum of Art – and turn back
to the beginning to see what you missed!

Look out for recurring characters, too. See if you can

spot some of these people along the way…

look out for prompts

like this one – and se
n se ek an d
what you ca
find on ev ery pag e!

Stevie’s Alfie Professor Annabel Mr. Pebbles

Stevie Pigeon
mum (Stevie’s brother) (museum curator) (caretaker)
Can you find all the

missing items?


Mr Ted



Scarf Squeaky
toy Coat


Teapot Blanket

Jeffrey Sushma
Gladys Crispin Corina Zac
(security guard) (security guard)
Stevie was lost in the museum.
One minute she and Mum had
been looking at a beaked griffin – where is
a mythical creature, part eagle, the griffin?
part lion, cast from bronze – and What other
the next she was all alone with creatures can
the Greek and Roman statues. you see?

She repeated the instructions Mum

had given her in case they became
separated: “Head to the Great Hall,
and I’ll meet you there.”

It sounded simple, but the museum

was huge and full of people and…
things. Where was the Great Hall,
and – wait, Stevie spotted something!
It was her brother Alfie’s blue hat!
Alfie was always losing things. Maybe
he’d left a trail of belongings that
could lead her to the Great Hall…

can you Find
three Ampho
(greek vases)
what h e
sushma ard
y u
securit d?

Suddenly, Stevie was very high up, at the top

of the museum. New York City stretched
into the distance. Stevie felt very small.

A red-tailed hawk swooped past. Stevie followed

its flight over the Roof Garden. She imagined
having eyes like a hawk and looked around
for something that Alfie might have dropped.
She could see sculptures, plants, children –
and one of Alfie’s shoes!

Stevie’s Mum and brother had definitely

been this way. She wondered what
treasures the next room would hold…

Can yo
th e
a il ed
haw k ?

Stevie blinked. This room sparkled – shiny weapons and
armour were everywhere! One suit of armour had been a gift
to a five-year-old child – Infante Luis, Prince of Asturias.
“Alfie would love a present like that,” Stevie muttered.

“Alfie?” said a jolly voice. “Was that the young man who lost
his glove? Easily done!” Stevie span around, but no one was
there. Just an empty suit of armour belonging to George
Clifford, the Third Earl of Cumberland.
How ma
different ny
can you

Stevie frowned.
Had she really heard
the armour speaking?
But then she saw Alfie’s
glove! “Thank you, your,
erm, Earlshipfullness,”
said Stevie, before
moving on.

the hors
armour m etal
– all fro
the rena m
“Imagine paddling in one of those!”
said Stevie to herself, in a room full
of art from Africa, Oceania, and the
Americas. She was standing next to a look out
carved Asmat canoe from southwest for five patterned
fabric tunics and
New Guinea. Somehow it made her feel wrappers.
better about being lost in the museum.
She imagined she was an explorer lost
at sea, except then she might have
navigational charts to guide the way and
all she had was her little brother’s glove!

But wait! There was Alfie’s other

shoe – showing her the way to go.
masks c many
an you
what ex find?
are they s

Following her nose, Stevie found herself in the restaurant.
It was very busy and Stevie was very hungry. She gazed
at the doughnuts sadly. They looked and smelled delicious!
If she and Alfie had been good, Mum might have bought
them one. Everyone seemed happy with their food – apart
from a little bear sitting on his own. “Oh no!” cried Stevie.
“That’s no ordinary bear. That’s Alfie’s Mr Ted!”
If Alfie noticed Mr Ted was gone, there would be
tears. Stevie needed to find him, fast.

u find
can yo on?
the pig

where is
Mr Ted?
Down a dark corridor, Stevie pushed
open a door. “There’s so much stuff Can you find
in here,” she said in surprise. the blue-and-whit
porcelain Qing
“It’s where we keep everything that Dynasty Teapot?
isn’t on display in the museum,” replied
a friendly voice. Stevie turned around
to see a museum curator. “I’m looking
for a Qing dynasty teapot from late
17th- to early 18th-century China,”
she explained. “It must have been
put back in the wrong place.”
items from this
storage room
would you
display in your

Stevie’s eyes opened wide.

It would be very difficult to find a teapot among all these other objects.
Luckily for the curator, Stevie had lots of practice finding things in the museum.
The curator was very pleased to have Stevie’s help, but there was no sign
that Mum or Alfie had been this way…
In the Asian Art gallery, Stevie was approached by
a girl looking for a statue of Ganesha. Stevie knew
about Ganesha, the elephant-headed Hindu god.
She’d learned about him in school!

Apparently, Ganesha was the remover of obstacles.

Stevie needed help with the obstacles on her path
through the museum. “Maybe there’s a clue in the
next room,” she wondered aloud. Stevie couldn’t
be sure, but it looked like Ganesha nodded!
look out
for one rabbit,
one stag, one
rhino, and
two lions!

The elephant statue

Ganesha is dancing.
Can you find any othe
statues that look like
they are dancing?

The next archway led to a room full of European
sculptures. Stevie stopped at the statue of ancient
Greek hero Perseus holding the head of the Gorgon
Medusa. “If I could borrow your winged sandals,
then I could fly up high for a better look!” she said.
The head of the mythical Gorgon seemed to be
looking at something. When Stevie followed its
stony gaze, she saw…

…Alfie’s bottle! Stevie was

back on the trail. She knew
she needed to keep searching
for more clues. She thanked
the Gorgon before moving on.
Can you a
find Hera
the arche
r and
his bow?

how many
sculptures of
people can
you count?

Can you see In the next room, Stevie tripped
the artwork of and fell over another visitor!
a garden scene?
A lady is resting From the floor she looked around the
with a drink and room of Islamic Art in wonder. These
two others are
were the biggest carpets she’d ever seen.
serving fruit.
It wasn’t just the rugs that were grand.
Everywhere she looked were beautiful
textiles, detailed paintings…
and a blue sock?

As Stevie got up, she had a funny feeling

she might have forgotten something.

How many
horses ca
n you fin
on these d
where is ?

The next room was like a fashion show
through time, it was so full of clothes. Look fo d
e, r ffle
There were dresses and suits of all the whit r es s
sorts – from 19th-century French wedding
fr o m F rance
wedding dresses to woollen bathing 64.
suits from New York. And shoes, from 18
so many shoes!

All of the clothes were beautifully

presented – apart from one. A single
sock lay crumpled on the floor. It wasn’t
part of a display, it belonged to Alfie!
How m
of sho ny pairs
es can
count y
on dis ou
Shh! Stevie had wandered into a large auditorium.
The curator she’d met earlier was standing on
the stage giving a talk about teapots.

Mum and Alfie must have wandered through

here, too, because there was Alfie’s lunchbox!
Stevie doubted they would have stayed very
long. Alfie wasn’t good at staying quiet!

And without his snacks, Alfie must be

hungry… There was no time to lose!

What sort
of object fro
eu m wo uld
the mus
you lik e to gi ve
a talk about?

Stevie loved painting. In the European Paintings
hall she paused by the artwork called Blind Orion
Searching for the Rising Sun by Nicolas Poussin.

Orion must have been a giant, because

he seemed as tall as a tree. Like Stevie,
Orion was looking for something.

Stevie stood on tiptoes – as tall as Orion –

to get a better view of the room. Around a
corner, there was Alfie’s purple blanket!

which pain
show sce
from natu

Lots of these
paintings show people.
how many can
you count?
The next room was filled with modern and
contemporary art from the last 100 years.
Stevie peered at a painting by Jackson Pollock.
It was all splattery. Stevie thought it was great.
“I bet that was fun to do!” she said.
A museum caretaker walked past. “I wouldn’t have
wanted to clean up afterwards, though,” he grumbled.
Stevie laughed. She imagined what Mum would say
if she started splattering paint around like that
when she was painting at home. It would be worth
it if the picture ended up in a museum!

Then Stevie noticed an

artwork on the floor. Instead
of oil or acrylic paints, this
was done with crayon
scribbles. It was by Alfie.
He must have been this way!
which work shows
a cow’s skull?
In the Ancient Near Eastern Art
room, Stevie was greeted by a pair
of huge Assyrian human-headed
winged creatures called lamassu!
They had been carved to protect
the palace of an Assyrian king.

Stevie wondered what kind of

supernatural animal she’d make
to protect her home.

Can you find

e shape
objects in th
of a frog, a
and a st ?ag

Which a
It couldn’t be as big as these decorat efact is
beasts – they would never fit in ed with
mounta a
her flat! Just then she noticed in goat?
something out of place…

Past a bull and a frog, was Alfie’s

zebra-striped coat! Alfie had dropped
so much stuff Stevie was running out
of space in her bag. The sooner she
could hand it all back the better!

Look for all
The next room was full of the instruments that
musical instruments from use strings, like
around the world! There the violins.
were instruments that Stevie
recognized, and some that
didn’t look like anything
she’d seen before!

The organ is
the biggest instrument
in the museum. Which
is the smallest you
can find?

Stevie was in a band at school.

It would be cool to play the Indian Taūs,
shaped like a peacock. Speaking of music,
what was that familiar – annoying – tune?

It sounded like the musical parrot that was

usually strapped to Alfie’s buggy. Mum, Alfie,
and the Great Hall couldn’t be far away!
Stevie’s confidence changed to confusion as, in the American
Wing, she thought she had left the museum and was back
outside on the street! Then she realized that the grand building
in front of her was an old bank – the American Bank – that
had been moved, marble stone by stone, inside the museum. s and
What colour
ed in the
If the museum could get one giant building to fit inside shapes are us
another, then nothing was impossible. Stevie looked around Tiffany stained
and spotted something familiar – Alfie’s striped scarf!
Can you
where els remember
e in the m
there hav useu
e been bo m
And arro ws
Stevie gasped as the Egyptian Temple of Dendur
loomed before her. It was as if she really was in Many
EGypt ian objects
ancient Egypt, on the banks of the River Nile. e
from a blu
In ancient times people would have travelled from were made fa ien c e.
ceramic ca
far and wide to see the temple, just as they travel How m any can
from all over the world to visit the museum. you spot?
Stevie frowned as she saw a flash of purple
in the distance… It was Mum and Alfie!

Stevie rubbed her eyes and, just like that, Mum

and Alfie had disappeared. Where had they gone?

believed that
some figures could
magically come alive!
Can you find a small
blue-green ceramic

There was an eerie silence. Standing before
Stevie and the door that Mum must have
passed through was the Tomb of Perneb!
To follow Mum, Stevie would have to
enter the tomb! She shuddered.

When the tomb was built in ancient Egypt, Perneb would have been
buried deep below, his internal organs stored in jars next to his stone
sarcophagus. Stevie imagined what that would have been like and hoped
he wouldn’t mind her passing through without bringing a lavish offering.

Another visitor had left something, though… It was Alfie’s other glove!
Taking a deep breath, Stevie stepped into the tomb to claim it back.
A gift shop! Stevie had learnt a lot of new things
at the museum, but if there was one subject
she was already an expert in, it was gift shops!
They were always next to the way in and
the way out of museums.

Normally, Stevie would have liked to spend some

time looking though all the souvenirs, but she
was too excited to get to the Great Hall where
she knew Mum and Alfie would be waiting.
which items
do you recognize
from the museum?

On the other side of the shop, beyond the

pencils, pens, postcards, and toys, Stevie could
see a sign pointing to the Great Hall!

In the Great Hall, Stevie ran straight into the arms
of Mum and Alfie! Stevie was pleased to see Mum,
but not as pleased as Mum was to see her.

She picked Stevie up and gave her the biggest

hug ever. Alfie grinned, too. Stevie reached into
her bag to get Mr Ted. But Mr Ted was gone!
“I must have dropped him!” Stevie spluttered.
“Dropped who?” asked Mum.
“Mr Ted!” said Alfie, pointing at Mr Ted.
Somehow, Mr Ted had found his way back, too.

“Well done, Stevie!” said Mum. “I knew you would

remember what I said. But I’m afraid it’s time to go
home. I’m sorry we didn’t get to see much in the
museum. We’ll come back again another day.”
Stevie just smiled. “I can’t wait!” she said.

who has
Mr Ted?
where is
the pigeon?

Greek and Roman art
Stevie starts her adventure looking for her mum and brother,
but she discovers so much more along the way! The first
room she explores, on pages 8–9, contains classical art and
sculpture from ancient civilizations Greece and Rome.

This marble statue shows the Three Graces,

who appear in Greek and Roman mythology.
The Graces were called Beauty, Mirth, and
Abundance, but it is hard to tell which is which
without their heads! Can you draw a different face
for each of the Graces? Perhaps Mirth is laughing!

Ancient statues are often

missing parts. Usually it’s just
because the statue is very old.

The Three Graces, 2nd century ce, Roman

This sculpture is the opposite of

the Graces: a head with no body!
This young athlete is a Roman
copy of a Greek statue. Both
civilizations valued great athletes
and celebrated victories with
lavish works of art like this. Head of an Athlete,
c. 138–192 ce, Roman

This amphora was a prize in a Greek sporting event

held to honour the goddess Athena. One decorated
side shows the event and the other shows Athena.
Terracotta Panathenaic It would have been filled with olive oil before being
Prize Amphora, c. 530 bce, Greek presented to the victor. Events like these inspired
the modern Olympic Games!
This life-size lion statue would have been Marble Statue of a Lion,
c. 400–390 bce, Greek
used to guard a tomb, so it needed to look
intimidating. Lions didn’t live in Greece
when this statue was made, but they are
an important part of Greek art and
mythology. The sculptor might have
based the sculpture on a dog instead!

Can you find this small bronze statue of a

horse in the Greek and Roman gallery? What other statues
It isn’t life-size, in fact it isn’t even 18 cm can you find in
(7 inches) tall! This bronze horse has a the gallery?
geometric design, which isn’t as realistic
as the lion, but suggests the form of
a horse in simple, elegant shapes.

Bronze Horse,
8th century bce, Greek

Bronze Chariot,
6th century bce,

This chariot is Etruscan, belonging to

a civilization that lived in Italy before
the Romans. The chariot would have
been pulled by two horses and used
in parades to carry a very important
person. It is decorated with images
of Achilles, the Greek hero of the
Trojan War. In the front panel, he is
being given armour by his mother.
ARMS and Armour
Do you remember the Third Earl of Cumberland
from the Arms and Armour room on pages 12–13?
Some of the suits of armour standing alongside him
are from the medieval or Renaissance eras, or even
later, and from places such as Germany, Italy, and
Japan. Take a look at the different styles!

George Clifford, the Third Earl of Cumberland,

was one of Queen Elizabeth I’s favourite knights.
If you look very closely at the details right in the
middle of his chestplate you might be able to
spot the letter E – a tribute to the Queen.

This armour was used for

jousting. It also has Tudor rose and
French fleur-de-lis decorations.

Armour for Man and Horse,

dated 1548, with later
restorations, Kunz Lochner,

Armour of George Clifford (1558–

1605), Third Earl of Cumberland,
dated 1586, Britain

Stevie thinks it must have been

hard work putting on a suit of
armour – and even harder getting
onto a horse while wearing it.
Did you find all four German
knights mounted on their shiny
steeds? This armour may have
been made for a very special
ceremony in Germany in 1548.
This visored Italian helmet has a
special name – burgonet – and has
a decorative mermaid crest.
The mermaid is holding something in
her hands – the head of a lady with
snakes for hair. Stevie recognizes the
head from the European Sculpture
hall. Can you find her there? It is the
Gorgon known as Medusa.

Burgonet, dated 1543,

Filippo Negroli, Italian

What symbols
would you like on
your coat of arms?

This Japanese mask would have been worn

to protect a soldier’s face in combat. It has a
silk lining to make it more comfortable to
wear. Stevie thinks that the angry mask
would have made the wearer even more
intimidating than they already were! Can
you make a similar, battle-ready expression?

There’s a special, colourful, Mask, dated 1745,

Japanese piece of armour inscribed by Myōchin
in the gallery – called a Muneakira, Japanese

Gusoku. Can you find it?

arts of Africa, Oceania,
and the AmericAs
The art in this gallery comes from all over the globe. Some of it
is well over 1,000 years old, while some was created as recently
as the past century. Stevie was fascinated to discover more
about the different objects and the cultures they come from.
This large volcanic rock has been carved to show
a snarling, pouncing jaguar! Jaguars are one of
the biggest predators in the Americas. The first
thing you notice are the jaguar’s deep, sunken
eyes. The eye sockets might have once contained
polished obsidian to give the big cat shining eyes.
Can you also identify its pointy fangs, rough
tongue, flattened ears, and curved claws?

Feline Sculpture, 7th–10th century, Veracruz

What other
fabrics can you
find in this room?
Take a look on
Stevie discovered that this Inca pages 14–15!
tapestry tunic was made from
camelid hair. Camelid describes any
animal from the camel family.
In South America, that includes
llamas, alpacas, guanacos, and
vicuñas. Cloth was very important
in Inca culture. It was often given as
a gift, exchanged, or ceremonially
burned to mark special occasions.

Checkerboard Tunic, 16th century, Inca

This tall, oval shape was common in Solomon
Islanders’ shields from this period. However, this
shield is painted and decorated with tiny pieces of
shimmering shell, which isn’t very common!
War shields would have normally just been made
of woven wicker, so it is likely this one was only
used for ceremonies or as a symbol of high status.

Memorial Heads (Ntiri),

c. 17th century, Akan peoples, Ghana
Can you find a display of
tools and weapons that
might have been used for
more practical purposes? The Akan peoples include many smaller
groups who share elements of their
language and culture. For many centuries,
Akan women potters made terracotta
sculptures such as these, in memory of the
dead. Sculptures vary a lot in design – they
can be round or flat, hollow or solid.

Shield (Grere’o),
early 19th century,
Solomon Islands

This mask is made from lots of natural

materials, including turtle shell, feathers, twine, Mask
and wood. It comes from the Torres Strait (Buk, Krar, or Kara),
mid- to late 19th
Islands, between Australia and New Guinea. century, Torres
It may have been worn by a dancer retelling Strait Islands

the story of a legendary hero. The hero

must have had a special link with the
bird depicted above the head.

Asian Art
In the Asian Art gallery on pages 20–21, Stevie
helps an artist find an Indian statue of Ganesha.
The room also holds objects from many other
countries, including China, Japan, and Korea.

Can you believe that this jar is over 600 years old?
Stevie wondered how it could have survived so
long without breaking! The vase shows a majestic
dragon flying through a cloudy sky. The blue-and-
white colour combination is common in Jar with Dragon,
early 15th century, China
Chinese ceramics from this time.

Under the Wave off Kanagawa (Kanagawa oki nami ura), also known as The Great Wave
c. 1830–1832, Katsushika Hokusai, Japanese This is my favourite
picture in this room.
If you look closely, one of the white-topped peaks in this picture What is yours?
isn’t a wave – it is a mountain! Even Mount Fuji, Japan’s highest
mountain, looks small compared to this mighty crashing wave.
Made using a woodblock printing technique, this famous scene
has inspired many copies. Why not make your own version?

This bronze dragon still has a gleam in its Dragon’s Head
Rafter Finial
eye, even though it is over 1,000 years old! 10th century, Korea
Originally, this lucky creature would have been
attached to the corner of a roof on a grand
building or temple. It may not be able to roar, but
the loop below its mouth used to hold a bell,
making it a wind chime!

Chamunda, the Horrific

Destroyer of Evil
10th–11th century,
Chamunda is a fierce form of the Hindu
goddess Kali and is associated with disease
and decay. She uses her power to destroy evil.
Her arms are broken here, but once there
would have been 12! Despite the damage,
there are still lots of details to discover –
skulls on her headdress, a snake as a necklace,
and a scorpion on her stomach.

Did you see one of the smallest items in

the gallery? This ivory rabbit is only 2.5 cm This was
(1 inch) tall, so might be hard to spot! This tiny displayed next to
sculpture is a Japanese netsuke. It was worn a stag-shaped
at the end of a cord to hold a small purse belt pendant. Can
or container on someone’s clothing. you find both?

Netsuke of Rabbit,
19th century, Japan
European Sculpture Stevie met mythical Gorgon Medusa in this gallery, on pages
22–23. Medusa could apparently turn people to stone by
looking at them. There are some statues here, but there are
also artefacts made of marble, porcelain, bronze, and more.

This globe maps the stars. It used to rotate and was

displayed in a curiosity cabinet belonging to Holy
Roman Emperor Rudolf II. Stevie could see
constellations she recognized from staring at the
night sky. Even the winged horse beneath is a
reference to a constellation – Pegasus.
Celestial globe with
clockwork, 1579 Gerhard
Emmoser, Austrian

What do you think he This sculpture of a ballerina

is thinking about?
was originally made in wax.
She wears a real tutu and hair
ribbon! After the artist, Degas,
died, the sculpture was cast in
bronze many times over so it The Little Fourteen-Year-Old
Dancer, 1922 (cast), 2018 (tutu),
could be preserved, sold, and Edgar Degas, French
exhibited across the world.
Can you stand in the same
ballet pose?

The Thinker,
modelled c. 1880, Did you notice this ewer? Most jugs like this
cast c. 1910,
Auguste Rodin, would have been used for carrying water.
French But this one was made in a workshop that
produced luxury goods for a very important
family in Florence, Italy –
This bronze statue by Rodin is called The the Medici.
Thinker. Stevie thinks he looks like he is
thinking about something very serious.
Some people believe he is thinking about
life and death. He was originally made to sit
Ewer (Brocca), c. 1575–1587
over a huge, sculpted doorway. Medici Porcelain
Manufactory, Italian
European paintings
The European Paintings gallery displays
some artworks Stevie knew and some she
didn’t. Which are your favourite pieces
from pages 30–31? Where in Europe are
they from? See if you can find out!

Stevie found this oil painting by Dutch artist

Vincent van Gogh calming. In fact, this was
the intention – Vincent van Gogh believed the
violet flowers against the pink background
created a “harmonious” effect. Do any other
paintings change how you are feeling?
Irises, 1890, Vincent van Gogh, Dutch
What colours do the artists use?

Stevie spent a long time looking at this painting

of mythological character Orion. The giant towers
over the other people in the scene. The title of the
painting reveals Orion, although blind, is turning
his face toward the sun, guided by the figure on his
shoulder, Cedalion. According to legend, the sun’s
rays would help heal Orion’s lost sight.

Blind Orion Searching for the Rising Sun,

1658, Nicolas Poussin, French

Do you know any other

paintings by Vincent van Gogh?

Spanish artist Goya painted this artwork

of young Manuel, the son of the Count
and Countess of Altamira, in a bright
red outfit. Stevie liked the details at the
boy’s feet. Can you see the cats staring
Manuel Osorio Manrique de Zuñiga
at the magpie and the cage of finches? (1787–1788), Francisco Goya, Spanish
Stevie dropped Mr Ted in this room, but picked up some interesting
facts about Islamic art. Some of the carpets in this gallery originally
decorated the floors of palaces. There are also tiled wall panels, pages
from illustrated books, vases, and metal sculptures to be found.

Unlike Stevie, elephants never forget, but

do you remember this painting from the
gallery? It is titled Three Noblemen in
Procession on an Elephant. Can you see
the three noblemen? They are wearing gold
and pearl necklaces. Indian soldiers lead the
way at the front of the procession.

Three Noblemen in Procession on an

Elephant c. 1790, Venkatchellum, Indian

How many people do

you suppose have
walked on this carpet
through the ages?

Speaking of animals, Stevie thought

this silk animal rug was beautiful.
It displays very fine, intricate work.
Look closely and the details might
surprise you. Lions, tigers, rams,
deer, and even dragons are locked Silk Animal Carpet, 16th century, Iran
in deadly combat!
Do you like this painting of a blue horse
and a boy? The runner is a groom,
someone who takes care of horses.
The royal horse carries an elaborate
saddle. The piece has been painted
using bright inks, including gold.

Royal Horse and Runner, 16th–17th century,

Incense Burner of Amir India
Saif al-Dunya wa’l-Din
ibn Muhammad
al-Mawardi, 1181– This lion would have
1182 ce, Ja`far ibn lived in a palace!
Muhammad ibn `Ali,
found in Iran

Incense burners were used to perfume the air

with scented smoke. Animal-shaped examples
like this lion-horse hybrid were common.
This feline is exceptional due to its size – it is
86 cm (34 inches) tall and 83 cm (33 inches)
long! Incense was inserted by removing its
head, then scented smoke would have
escaped from the small holes in its body.

There are other items

with writing on them in the
Islamic Art gallery on pages
24–25. Can you find them?

Can you find this turquoise jug in the

gallery? It’s decorated with mythical
harpies and sphinxes. Harpies are birds
with human faces and sphinxes are lions
with human heads. There’s a secret
message written around the rim and
at the base – two love poems, one by
a known Persian poet and the other
by an unknown author. Pierced Jug with Harpies and
Sphinxes, 1215–1216 ce, Iran
THE Costume Institute
This gallery seemed very crowded, until Court dress, c. 1750,
Stevie realized that some of the figures Great Britain

were exhibits! What similarities can

you identify between what we wear today
and clothes from centuries ago?
This huge skirt would have been held out
by an undergarment known as a hoop,
which was usually made of whalebone or
cane. The person wearing it would have
had to walk through doors sideways!
Although this dress is British, the style is
influenced by French court fashion.

This tiny parasol wouldn’t be much use in the rain!

It was designed to keep the sun off the owner’s face
and was bought for a young girl named Juliette by
her Aunt Julia. There is another parasol in the
costume gallery – can you find it?

Parasol, 1886, Which item in the gallery

United States would you like to wear, and
why? Turn to pages 26–27!

This French cape is made from

expensive silk velvet from China,
woven with gilt threads. Many of
the clothes in the Costume
gallery once belonged to very
wealthy people. Why do you
think clothes worn by ordinary
people might not have been
Cape, 16th century, France

Music is a language shared by everyone. This room
contains instruments from all around the world. Look back at
pages 36–37. Which would you most like to hear played?

The violin in the Musical Instruments gallery was

made by Antonio Stradivari. Today, his violins are
treasured by musicians and collectors, but they are
very rare. They can be worth millions of dollars.

The reverse of the pipa is covered with

more than 100 carved hexagons,
decorated with symbols of happiness and
good fortune. In the gallery, it is displayed
“The Antonius” Violin with the back facing outwards. Can you
1711, Antonio Stradivari,
Italian find it? Look for the pear-shaped body Pipa, late 16th–early 17th
and four tuning pegs on the neck. century, China

Japanese gongs from this period would

Gong Held by Oni
usually have been used at tea ceremonies, early 19th century,
in theatres, and in religious ceremonies. Japan
However, this gong held by two carved
demons was mainly for display, even
before it came to the museum!

Can you find other

percussion instruments in
the gallery, such as drums?

Taūs (mayuri), This stringed instrument shares some

19th century, India features with the lute, sarangi, and
the sitar, but not its unusual peacock
shape and design! It is even made with
real peacock feathers. The peacock is
associated with Sarasvatî, the Hindu
goddess of music.
Modern and
contemporary Art
The Modern and Contemporary Art gallery
displays more recent works of art from the last
hundred years or so. The styles are more varied,
sometimes abstract, or experimental. How do
the pieces on pages 32–33 make you feel?

Composition, 1921,
Piet Mondrian,

Dutch painter Piet Mondrian described

this way of painting with geometric
shapes “Neo-Plasticism”. Can you count all
11 rectangles, all separated by thick black lines?
Mondrian liked using primary colours – as
Movement of Vaulted Chambers, 1915 seen here, with his use of red and blue.
Paul Klee, German, born Switzerland

Paul Klee, the artist behind this colourful painting,

was inspired by music (having trained as a violinist),
shapes, colour, and modern-art movements of the
time, seeking harmony in all he did. He produced
more than 9,000 works of art in his lifetime!

What colours do you notice

in the Modern Art room?

Artist Georgia O’Keeffe gathered

sun-bleached bones from the New
Mexico desert for paintings like this one.
She liked the contrast of the white bones
against the blue sky and examined all the
details up close. She thought these bones
were beautiful. What do you think? Cow’s Skull: Red, White, and Blue, 1931,
Georgia O’Keeffe, American
When Stevie first saw the Branch Bank
she thought she was outside – but she was
actually inside the museum’s American
Wing! This area, on pages 38–39, displays
art from across American history.

This bank used to stand on Wall Street,

New York City. This wing of the museum
was built around it. You can even walk
through the door. If you could save
a building and keep it safe in a museum
forever, which would you choose?
I’d choose my American Bank Branch
Façade, 1822–1824, Martin
local tea shop! E. Thompson, American

Diana, 1892–1893, Did you notice the golden statue of the

cast 1928,
Augustus Saint- Roman goddess Diana? Stevie discovered it
Gaudens, American was a smaller replica of a weather vane that
was made for Madison Square Garden Tower in
New York. The original one was too big. Can you see any
weather vanes in your neighborhood? They are designed
to turn and show which way the wind is blowing.

Bust of Hiawatha
1868, Edmonia
Lewis, American

What is your
This bust is of Hiawatha from Henry
favourite poem?
Wadsworth Longfellow’s epic poem,
The Song of Hiawatha, written in 1855.
The poem tells of a tragic romance
between Hiawatha and Minnehaha, his
starcrossed lover from a rival tribe.
The artist, Edmonia Lewis, made several
sculptures based on this poem.
ANCIENT NEAR Dress Ornament,

EASTern art
c. 5th century bce,
possibly Russia

The Ancient Near Eastern Art gallery

is home to art from early civilizations
in the Middle East. Look back at pages
34–35. This gallery contains some of
the oldest objects in the museum –
created 1,500–10,000 years ago!

These griffins have catlike

bodies and birds’ wings.
But griffins can be other
combinations of animals, too. Stevie loved these small griffins. They are made from
gold and were worn as brooches by wealthy nomads.
Decorative items like this helped show that the
wearers were very powerful and important.

This horn is a drinking vessel called a rhyton. It is

made from silver, so was probably used at royal
parties. At one end is a panther. Examine its chest
closely and you might be able to spot the spout for
drinking out of! You might also notice decorations
in the shape of grapes. These show that the
horn was intended to hold wine.

Watch out
for the claws!

Rhyton Terminating
in the Forepart of
a Wild Cat, c. 1st
century bce,
Did you find this frog in the gallery? It used
to belong to a man named Iddin-Nergal.
We know this because his name is written
on the base. It was used as weight, to help
measure how heavy things were.

The frog is like an

early set of scales!
Weight in the Shape of a Frog,
c. 2000–1600 bce,

There are lots of horned animals in the

Ancient Near Eastern Art rooms. Look
for the oldest item in this book – it is the
jar with the mountain goats painted on it.
I think he was
a good ruler.

I think he
Who is this ruler? Nobody knows for sure! was mean!
The life-size head is made from copper alloy,
which was a very expensive material, so he
must have been a very important person.
It’s possible that the eyes, now empty spaces,
once held different materials. Lots of detail Head of a Ruler,
has been added to his beard and moustache. c. 2300–2000 bce,
Iran or Iraq
EGYPTian art
In the Egyptian Art galleries on pages 40–43, Stevie was
stunned by the Temple of Dendur and the Tomb of Perneb.
She found many items from ancient Egypt fascinating,
from the smallest objects to the biggest ones…

Inlay Depicting
“Horus of Gold,”
4th century bce
Did you notice this statue of Thoth,
the ancient Egyptian god of writing,
accounting, and all things intellectual?
He was associated with two animals: an
ibis (a type of bird) and a baboon. This
statue shows Thoth as a human with an
ibis head. There is also a statue of Thoth
in baboon form. Can you find it?

Can you find any

other hieroglyphs This is Horus, the ancient Egyptian
in the gallery?
falcon god of kingship. You might
be able to find another example of
Horus in the Egyptian Art gallery.
Striding Thoth, This version of Horus is standing on a
332–30 bce gold collar and is a hieroglyph – one
of the special symbols used for
writing in ancient Egypt. This symbol
was used when writing royal names.

Stevie thought this ceramic hippo looked

cute, but she knew that hippos could be very
dangerous – and the ancient Egyptians knew this,
too. This hippo was taken from the tomb of Senbi II
along with a canopic box – used to store the
internal organs of the dead. Nicknamed “William”, Hippopotamus (“William”),
this hippo may be small, but he is very special! c. 1961–1878 bce

This limestone figure is Hatshepsut, one of the most
successful of several female rulers of ancient Egypt.
She has been sculpted life-size, sitting on her throne,
Seated Statue
of Hatshepsut wearing her headcloth and her kilt – traditionally
c. 1479–1458 bce clothing for a king. The hieroglyphs on her throne
are difficult to see but spell out her kingly title:
“The Perfect Goddess, Lady of the Two Lands”.
What would you like your royal title to be?

In Greek mythology,
sphinxes like to ask
riddles. Do you know
any riddles?

This statue is also

Hatshepsut! Can you spot the
differences? Here she is shown as a collosal granite
Sphinx of Hatshepsut
sphinx – a creature with a lion’s body, with her human head c. 1479–1458 bce
and false beard. Long ago this statue would have guarded
Hatshepsut’s mortuary temple alongside other sphinxes.

Senior Editor Emma Grange
Senior Designer Anna Formanek
Project Editor Beth Davies
Designer Zoë Tucker
Picture Researchers Martin Copeland,
Sumedha Chopra, and Sumita Khatwani
Production Editor Siu Yin Chan
Senior Production Controller Lloyd Robertson
Managing Editor Paula Regan
Managing Art Editor Jo Connor
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© The Metropolitan Museum of Art

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ISBN 978-0-24148-137-0

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DK would like to thank Lisa Silverman Meyers, Laura Barth, Leanne
Graeff, Emily Blumenthal, Morgan Pearce, and all the curators
at The Met; Hilary Becker; Julie Ferris and Lisa Lanzarini;
Megan Douglass; Aaron Cushley; and Will Mabbitt.

For the curious
Picture credits
The publisher would like to thank The Metropolitan Museum of Art for their kind permission to reproduce and illustrate works of art
from their collection and the following for additional permission to reproduce the copyrighted works of art:

(Key: a-above; b-below/bottom; c-centre; f-far; l-left; r-right; t-top)

32 © DACS 2021: Autumn Rhythm (Number 30), 1950 by Jackson Pollock © The Pollock-Krasner Foundation ARS, NY and DACS, London
2021 (tr); Bird in Space, 1923 by Constantin Brancusi © Succession Brancusi - All rights reserved. ADAGP, Paris and DACS, London 2021 (bl).
33 © DACS 2021: No. 13 (White, Red on Yellow), 1958 by Mark Rothko © 1998 Kate Rothko Prizel & Christopher Rothko ARS, NY and DACS,
London. (tr). 62 © The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Cow’s Skull: Red, White, and Blue, 1931, by Georgia O’Keeffe (br).

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