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I. Choose the correct adjective from the options given in brackets and fill
in the blanks:-

1. The flowers look __________________. Please do not pluck them.


2. Be careful! The floor is _____________. (dry/wet)

3. Please have ______________ rice. (some/many)

4. The computer is a ______________ machine. (useless/useful)

5. There is a _____________ milk in the jar. (little/ several)

6. Here are _____________ rupees for you. (enough/ ten)

7. The soldier is _____________ (brave/ enough)

8. This is a _____________ knife. (tall/ sharp)

II. Write two adjectives to describe these:-

1. Your best friend ___________________ __________________

2. Your classroom _____________________ ___________________

3. A story you read recently __________________ ______________

III. Fill in the blanks with Adjectives of Number:-

(Hint: Adjectives of Number answer the question ‘How many?’)

1. June is the _________________ month of the year.

2. I have _____________ friends.

3. ____________ women came to the king quarrelling.

4. __________ children are absent.

5. There are ____________ classrooms in the school.

IV. Fill in the blanks with Adjectives of Quantity:-

(Hint: Adjectives of Quantity answer the question ‘How much?’

1. Grandmother put ___________ sugar in the coffee.

2. The man lost ____________ his wealth.

3. I have _____________ money to buy books.

4. There is ______________ food in the kitchen.

5. He has only ______________ knowledge about this project.


I. Fill in the blanks with suitable Articles (a, an or the):-

1. We heard ____________ loud noise in ______________ next

2. Both _____________ girls are talented.
3. He is ____________ honest man.
4. This is not _____________ book I want.
5. She returned home after _______ hour.
6. She is _________ American, not __________ European.
7. Please repeat __________ first question.

II. Rewrite the following sentences after inserting Articles

wherever necessary:-

1. He is tall, strong man.


2. How dark sky looks!


3. She is intelligent girl.

III. Correct the following sentences:-

1. I am reading a amazing book.


2. Red Fort was built by Shah Jahan.


3. Rina is an good woman.


4. Arabian Sea flows into Indian Ocean.


5. Do you know any stories from Mahabharata?


I. Underline the verbs in the given sentences-

a. The bell rings at eight o’clock.

b. Children play in the park every day.
c. The bird flies in the sky.
d. Cows eat grass.
e. He studies very hard for his examinations.

II. Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs from the list below.

bake sing sets goes rises barks

a. The sun ____________ in the east and ___________ in the west.

b. My aunt wants me to ____________ in the school choir.

c. The dog ______________ at strangers.

d. I will ____________ a chocolate cake today.

e. He _______________ to school every day.

III. State whether the sentence is in present tense, past tense or future tense.

a. My parents went on an official trip yesterday.

b. I will submit my homework tomorrow.
c. Sima brushes her teeth every morning.
d. Wild animals live in the jungle.
e. He wrote a poem for his brother.
f. Riya will celebrate her birthday tomorrow.
IV. Write the past tense of the following verbs:
a. Choose - _________________________

b. Take - ___________________________

c. Dance- ___________________________

d. Love- _____________________________

e. Catch- ____________________________

f. Drink- ____________________________

g. Buy- _____________________________

h. Sleep- ____________________________

i. Fly- ______________________________

j. Tell- _____________________________

V. Fill in the blanks with the past tense form of the verb given in brackets.

a. I ____________________ at my friend’s place last night. (stay)

b. Rahul ____________________ over the fence. (jump)

c. Our teacher ____________________ us addition and subtraction. (teach)

d. The boy ___________________ fast when he saw the tiger. (run)

e. Leena __________________ her sister to complete her project. (help)

VI. Fill in the blanks with the future tense form of the verb given in brackets.
a. I _______________ to the market tomorrow. (go)

b. Rina ____________________ this movie tomorrow. (watch)

c. They __________________________ for their test next week. (appear)

d. He said it _____________________ tomorrow. (rain)

e. I ____________________ your book after three days. (return)



Write a paragraph in 50-60 words on the topic-

‘How I celebrated Independence Day.’




















I wrote in my best handwriting. YES NO

I began all my sentences with capital letters. YES NO

I ended all my sentences with correct punctuation. (full stop/ YES NO

exclamation/ question mark)
I read my writing to myself and it made sense. YES NO

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