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Jumbled Words

Vocabulary Worksheet

Unscramble the words.

1. euniqu 8. raemts

2. potsrs 9. durtehn

3. vaaetaxtgrn 10. dartulisin

4. itspl 11. eiojerc

5. lraom 12. erbrta

6. dsherluo 13. acrtee

7. moelsd 14. emndda

1. Being the only one of its type; sole; single. 8. A flowing body of water such as a river,
2. Athletic events or games played according creek, or brook.
to rules. 9. The loud cracking noise or low distant
3. Spending too much; spending in a foolish rumble that follows a flash of lightning.
or careless way. 10. Having to do with the making of goods and
4. To divide along the length or in layers. services by industry.
5. A large tooth located in the back of the 11. To be full of joy or show great pleasure.
mouth, with a broad biting surface. 12. To trade services or things for other services
6. The part of the human body between the or things without using money.
neck and the upper arm. 13. To bring into being.
7. Not often; rarely. 14. To ask for forcefully; order.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Jumbled Words
Vocabulary Worksheet

Unscramble the words.

1. euniqu unique 8. raemts stream

2. potsrs sports 9. durtehn thunder

3. vaaetaxtgrn extravagant 10. dartulisin industrial

4. itspl split 11. eiojerc rejoice

5. lraom molar 12. erbrta barter

6. dsherluo shoulder 13. acrtee create

7. moelsd seldom 14. emndda demand

1. Being the only one of its type; sole; single. 8. A flowing body of water such as a river,
2. Athletic events or games played according creek, or brook.
to rules. 9. The loud cracking noise or low distant
3. Spending too much; spending in a foolish rumble that follows a flash of lightning.
or careless way. 10. Having to do with the making of goods and
4. To divide along the length or in layers. services by industry.
5. A large tooth located in the back of the 11. To be full of joy or show great pleasure.
mouth, with a broad biting surface. 12. To trade services or things for other services
6. The part of the human body between the or things without using money.
neck and the upper arm. 13. To bring into being.
7. Not often; rarely. 14. To ask for forcefully; order.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Jumbled Words
Vocabulary Worksheet

Unscramble the words.

1. riyad 8. diteulmiah

2. iftevaro 9. ublerb

3. gsoolcoyi 10. yrchait

4. hgenlt 11. ohratu

5. nutiaaqc 12. cordniagc

6. osol 13. elauagng

7. lntmoacip 14. edubg

1. A place where milk is stored and butter 9. Pieces of broken rock, brick, or other
and cheese are made. material.
2. A person or thing treated with special 10. Something given to a person or persons in
favor. need.
3. The scientific study of human society, esp. 11. The writer of a book, play, story, or other
its origins, development, organization, and written work.
behavioral patterns. 12. In agreement with or consistent with.
4. The distance from one end of a thing to the 13. The system of spoken or written words with
other. which people communicate thoughts,
5. To introduce or make familiar with. ideas, or feelings.
6. A performance by one person. 14. To change or begin to change position
7. No clue. slightly.
8. To cause to lose pride or feel ashamed;

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Jumbled Words
Vocabulary Worksheet

Unscramble the words.

1. riyad dairy 8. diteulmiah humiliated

2. iftevaro favorite 9. ublerb rubble

3. gsoolcoyi sociology 10. yrchait charity

4. hgenlt length 11. ohratu author

5. nutiaaqc acquaint 12. cordniagc according

6. osol solo 13. elauagng language

7. lntmoacip compliant 14. edubg budge

1. A place where milk is stored and butter 9. Pieces of broken rock, brick, or other
and cheese are made. material.
2. A person or thing treated with special 10. Something given to a person or persons in
favor. need.
3. The scientific study of human society, esp. 11. The writer of a book, play, story, or other
its origins, development, organization, and written work.
behavioral patterns. 12. In agreement with or consistent with.
4. The distance from one end of a thing to the 13. The system of spoken or written words with
other. which people communicate thoughts,
5. To introduce or make familiar with. ideas, or feelings.
6. A performance by one person. 14. To change or begin to change position
7. No clue. slightly.
8. To cause to lose pride or feel ashamed;

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Jumbled Words
Vocabulary Worksheet

Unscramble the words.

1. qetnabu 8. lcirec

2. evtdruaen 9. nergye

3. aeraw 10. iekynd

4. npati 11. ttcnia

5. tdiqnaeuae 12. cpjederui

6. eeixecprne 13. tifopr

7. llhu 14. mlvaibtnea

1. A fancy, formal dinner. 10. One of a pair of organs in the body which
2. A journey or activity that is dangerous or remove water and waste products from
exciting. the blood.
3. Knowing or careful of. 11. Staying complete, whole, or without
4. A mixture of liquid and pigments that is damage; not changed or harmed.
used to cover the surface of something. 12. An opinion that is formed without knowing
5. Not enough; not good enough. or considering all the facts.
6. Everything done or lived through in a 13. The amount of money made by a business
person's life. that is more than the amount put in at the
7. The rigid frame and outer shell of a ship. start or paid out as expenses.
8. A closed curve made up of points that are 14. Of feelings and emotions, conflicting;
all the same distance from a fixed center pulling in opposite directions.
9. The power or ability to make something
work or be active.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Jumbled Words
Vocabulary Worksheet

Unscramble the words.

1. qetnabu banquet 8. lcirec circle

2. evtdruaen adventure 9. nergye energy

3. aeraw aware 10. iekynd kidney

4. npati paint 11. ttcnia intact

5. tdiqnaeuae inadequate 12. cpjederui prejudice

6. eeixecprne experience 13. tifopr profit

7. llhu hull 14. mlvaibtnea ambivalent

1. A fancy, formal dinner. 10. One of a pair of organs in the body which
2. A journey or activity that is dangerous or remove water and waste products from
exciting. the blood.
3. Knowing or careful of. 11. Staying complete, whole, or without
4. A mixture of liquid and pigments that is damage; not changed or harmed.
used to cover the surface of something. 12. An opinion that is formed without knowing
5. Not enough; not good enough. or considering all the facts.
6. Everything done or lived through in a 13. The amount of money made by a business
person's life. that is more than the amount put in at the
7. The rigid frame and outer shell of a ship. start or paid out as expenses.
8. A closed curve made up of points that are 14. Of feelings and emotions, conflicting;
all the same distance from a fixed center pulling in opposite directions.
9. The power or ability to make something
work or be active.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Jumbled Words
Vocabulary Worksheet

Unscramble the words.

1. rtwesae 8. ebtlproa

2. ruoniustit 9. ttiedca

3. livaefts 10. dgnnire

4. wersoh 11. gnised

5. vaceit 12. yciopl

6. predoal 13. oriiednct

7. ltceloa 14. aoobmb

1. A knitted shirt, pullover, or jacket. 8. Able to be carried or easily moved.

2. Having a large amount of vitamins, 9. To say or read aloud for someone to write
minerals, or other nutrients. down or for a machine to record.
3. A ceremony or celebration that repeats, 10. To smile broadly, so that the teeth are
often once a year, and involves special showing.
activities or amusements. 11. To make or draw plans for the structure or
4. A device that sprays water from an form of.
overhead nozzle, so that one can wash 12. A set of rules or a plan that is used as a
oneself. guide for action.
5. Always doing something; busy; full of 13. Information on which way to go or how to
energy. do something.
6. A large mammal with short yellow or gray 14. A tropical grass plant that has hard,
fur and black spots. woody, hollow stems.
7. To stack the pages in the correct order.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Jumbled Words
Vocabulary Worksheet

Unscramble the words.

1. rtwesae sweater 8. ebtlproa portable

2. ruoniustit nutritious 9. ttiedca dictate

3. livaefts festival 10. dgnnire grinned

4. wersoh shower 11. gnised design

5. vaceit active 12. yciopl policy

6. predoal leopard 13. oriiednct direction

7. ltceloa collate 14. aoobmb bamboo

1. A knitted shirt, pullover, or jacket. 8. Able to be carried or easily moved.

2. Having a large amount of vitamins, 9. To say or read aloud for someone to write
minerals, or other nutrients. down or for a machine to record.
3. A ceremony or celebration that repeats, 10. To smile broadly, so that the teeth are
often once a year, and involves special showing.
activities or amusements. 11. To make or draw plans for the structure or
4. A device that sprays water from an form of.
overhead nozzle, so that one can wash 12. A set of rules or a plan that is used as a
oneself. guide for action.
5. Always doing something; busy; full of 13. Information on which way to go or how to
energy. do something.
6. A large mammal with short yellow or gray 14. A tropical grass plant that has hard,
fur and black spots. woody, hollow stems.
7. To stack the pages in the correct order.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Jumbled Words
Vocabulary Worksheet

Unscramble the words.

1. elsmi 8. mcolyp

2. attun 9. uyrhr

3. nlipveoged 10. tionfrca

4. leuipnltf 11. latyyro

5. oideancsrlbe 12. lios

6. ecdnte 13. dlemyo

7. oyanpmc 14. legryeootmo

1. To wear an expression on the face in which 9. To move or act with speed; to rush.
the corners of the mouth turn up and the 10. A part or very small part of a whole.
eyes get brighter. 11. The power or position of a royal person.
2. To make fun of, tease, or challenge using 12. The top layer of the earth's surface.
mean language. 13. Musical sounds in a pleasant order and
3. Gaining in size, maturity, or complexity. arrangement.
4. Large in amount; more than enough. 14. The science that studies the earth's
5. Large in size or amount. weather and atmosphere.
6. Proper or suitable.
7. A business firm or organization.
8. To do what is asked or demanded; act in
agreement with a rule.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Jumbled Words
Vocabulary Worksheet

Unscramble the words.

1. elsmi smile 8. mcolyp comply

2. attun taunt 9. uyrhr hurry

3. nlipveoged developing 10. tionfrca fraction

4. leuipnltf plentiful 11. latyyro royalty

5. oideancsrlbe considerable 12. lios soil

6. ecdnte decent 13. dlemyo melody

7. oyanpmc company 14. legryeootmo meteorology

1. To wear an expression on the face in which 9. To move or act with speed; to rush.
the corners of the mouth turn up and the 10. A part or very small part of a whole.
eyes get brighter. 11. The power or position of a royal person.
2. To make fun of, tease, or challenge using 12. The top layer of the earth's surface.
mean language. 13. Musical sounds in a pleasant order and
3. Gaining in size, maturity, or complexity. arrangement.
4. Large in amount; more than enough. 14. The science that studies the earth's
5. Large in size or amount. weather and atmosphere.
6. Proper or suitable.
7. A business firm or organization.
8. To do what is asked or demanded; act in
agreement with a rule.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Jumbled Words
Vocabulary Worksheet

Unscramble the words.

1. ticapna 8. iliarfma

2. ablset 9. ffehsul

3. yaedl 10. ltcoerdonl

4. tiopoinpso 11. lueecifnn

5. ansnomi 12. sulnuua

6. lscraieti 13. eegerm

7. slraenatt 14. lsvedios

1. The chief officer of a merchant ship or an 8. Known by many people; easily recognized.
airplane. 9. To drag or scrape the feet along the floor
2. Fixed, firm, or steady in position; not shaky while walking.
or easily moved. 10. Held back or restrained.
3. To put off until a later time. 11. The power or invisible action of a thing or
4. The act or state of being against, or the person that causes some kind of effect on
state of having someone against another. another.
5. A large, grand, expensive home. 12. Not usual or ordinary; not common;
6. Tending to see things as they really are; remarkable.
practical. 13. To rise up from or come into view.
7. To change into the words of another 14. To melt or become liquid.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Jumbled Words
Vocabulary Worksheet

Unscramble the words.

1. ticapna captain 8. iliarfma familiar

2. ablset stable 9. ffehsul shuffle

3. yaedl delay 10. ltcoerdonl controlled

4. tiopoinpso opposition 11. lueecifnn influence

5. ansnomi mansion 12. sulnuua unusual

6. lscraieti realistic 13. eegerm emerge

7. slraenatt translate 14. lsvedios dissolve

1. The chief officer of a merchant ship or an 8. Known by many people; easily recognized.
airplane. 9. To drag or scrape the feet along the floor
2. Fixed, firm, or steady in position; not shaky while walking.
or easily moved. 10. Held back or restrained.
3. To put off until a later time. 11. The power or invisible action of a thing or
4. The act or state of being against, or the person that causes some kind of effect on
state of having someone against another. another.
5. A large, grand, expensive home. 12. Not usual or ordinary; not common;
6. Tending to see things as they really are; remarkable.
practical. 13. To rise up from or come into view.
7. To change into the words of another 14. To melt or become liquid.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Jumbled Words
Vocabulary Worksheet

Unscramble the words.

1. csiba 8. yblaorpb

2. zzlepu 9. ncaapiltp

3. arshh 10. elrtpi

4. yistasf 11. watodr

5. movere 12. enimfa

6. ninattrocoenc 13. aseir

7. sspooperru 14. vtrea

1. Of, forming, or at the basis; main. 8. Quite likely; almost certainly.

2. A toy or problem that is solved by using 9. A person who applies for something, such
thought or by rearranging letters, words, as a job.
numbers, or objects. 10. Three times as much; three times as many.
3. Rough or not pleasing to the eyes, ears, or 11. Moving or facing in the direction of.
other senses. 12. A great lack of food over a wide area.
4. To give what is wanted or needed. 13. To move to a higher position; lift.
5. To take away from a place or position. 14. To turn away or aside.
6. Close attention; focused mental energy.
7. Having wealth, success, or good fortune.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Jumbled Words
Vocabulary Worksheet

Unscramble the words.

1. csiba basic 8. yblaorpb probably

2. zzlepu puzzle 9. ncaapiltp applicant

3. arshh harsh 10. elrtpi triple

4. yistasf satisfy 11. watodr toward

5. movere remove 12. enimfa famine

6. ninattrocoenc concentration 13. aseir raise

7. sspooperru prosperous 14. vtrea avert

1. Of, forming, or at the basis; main. 8. Quite likely; almost certainly.

2. A toy or problem that is solved by using 9. A person who applies for something, such
thought or by rearranging letters, words, as a job.
numbers, or objects. 10. Three times as much; three times as many.
3. Rough or not pleasing to the eyes, ears, or 11. Moving or facing in the direction of.
other senses. 12. A great lack of food over a wide area.
4. To give what is wanted or needed. 13. To move to a higher position; lift.
5. To take away from a place or position. 14. To turn away or aside.
6. Close attention; focused mental energy.
7. Having wealth, success, or good fortune.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Jumbled Words
Vocabulary Worksheet

Unscramble the words.

1. rdaorwf 8. etdtec

2. laulcyat 9. ujoyales

3. oogyzlo 10. tbnloea

4. esabitul 11. ixprfe

5. aortnrra 12. inaifstnicg

6. tiesrlh 13. gmeases

7. altuf 14. resicpe

1. Toward a place or time that is further on; 8. To discover or notice.

ahead. 9. A feeling of envy towards another person
2. As a matter of fact; really. and what he or she has or can do.
3. The science and study of animals. 10. Worthy of special attention; remarkable.
4. Right for the situation or purpose; fitting. 11. A word part with its own meaning that is
5. A person or character who tells a story. added to the beginning of a word to make
6. To move by twisting and sliding along a a new word that has a different meaning.
surface. 12. Being or causing something of importance.
7. Something wrong with a thing or person 13. Spoken or written information sent from one
that causes problems for someone or person or group to another.
something else. 14. Clearly said or communicated.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Jumbled Words
Vocabulary Worksheet

Unscramble the words.

1. rdaorwf forward 8. etdtec detect

2. laulcyat actually 9. ujoyales jealousy

3. oogyzlo zoology 10. tbnloea notable

4. esabitul suitable 11. ixprfe prefix

5. aortnrra narrator 12. inaifstnicg significant

6. tiesrlh slither 13. gmeases message

7. altuf fault 14. resicpe precise

1. Toward a place or time that is further on; 8. To discover or notice.

ahead. 9. A feeling of envy towards another person
2. As a matter of fact; really. and what he or she has or can do.
3. The science and study of animals. 10. Worthy of special attention; remarkable.
4. Right for the situation or purpose; fitting. 11. A word part with its own meaning that is
5. A person or character who tells a story. added to the beginning of a word to make
6. To move by twisting and sliding along a a new word that has a different meaning.
surface. 12. Being or causing something of importance.
7. Something wrong with a thing or person 13. Spoken or written information sent from one
that causes problems for someone or person or group to another.
something else. 14. Clearly said or communicated.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Jumbled Words
Vocabulary Worksheet

Unscramble the words.

1. niisctnruto 8. cprietac

2. orpreehtspo 9. etusrl

3. ttays 10. vpidreo

4. rteumt 11. ptlacia

5. sardbu 12. npgrioonunc

6. nertageni 13. icetladpu

7. ueastocff 14. einrith

1. The act of giving knowledge; teaching. 9. To end in a certain way.

2. The innermost layer of the atmosphere, up 10. To give what is needed; supply.
to six to twelve miles above the earth's 11. The city where the government of a
surface, in which clouds and other weather country, state, or province is located.
conditions occur. 12. To make the sound of or express with the
3. Delicious; having a pleasing flavor. voice in a specific way.
4. To speak in a low tone that is hard to 13. Something that is an exact copy of
understand; mumble. something else.
5. Not at all logical; impossible to be true; 14. A receive from a person who has died; be
ridiculous. heir to.
6. A citrus that is a type of mandarin orange.
7. To kill by not allowing to breathe; smother.
8. The doing of some activity many times to
become skilled at it.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Jumbled Words
Vocabulary Worksheet

Unscramble the words.

1. niisctnruto instruction 8. cprietac practice

2. orpreehtspo troposphere 9. etusrl result

3. ttays tasty 10. vpidreo provide

4. rteumt mutter 11. ptlacia capital

5. sardbu absurd 12. npgrioonunc pronouncing

6. nertageni tangerine 13. icetladpu duplicate

7. ueastocff suffocate 14. einrith inherit

1. The act of giving knowledge; teaching. 9. To end in a certain way.

2. The innermost layer of the atmosphere, up 10. To give what is needed; supply.
to six to twelve miles above the earth's 11. The city where the government of a
surface, in which clouds and other weather country, state, or province is located.
conditions occur. 12. To make the sound of or express with the
3. Delicious; having a pleasing flavor. voice in a specific way.
4. To speak in a low tone that is hard to 13. Something that is an exact copy of
understand; mumble. something else.
5. Not at all logical; impossible to be true; 14. A receive from a person who has died; be
ridiculous. heir to.
6. A citrus that is a type of mandarin orange.
7. To kill by not allowing to breathe; smother.
8. The doing of some activity many times to
become skilled at it.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Jumbled Words
Vocabulary Worksheet

Unscramble the words.

1. ioeqxun 8. nieotundc

2. wnhsdcai 9. ramflo

3. nuti 10. rpusslu

4. rlaum 11. ilsaoc

5. arrchacte 12. etoru

6. olnat 13. lbangiet

7. eeipvrd 14. iiopsnot

1. Either of the two times during the year 8. Kept happening or being; lasted for a long
when the sun's rays are perpendicular to time.
the earth's equator, occurring in March 9. Following accepted rules for doing
and September. something; proper, legal, or official.
2. Slices of bread with other food between 10. The amount that goes beyond what is
them such as meat, cheese, or jelly. needed or required; an extra amount.
3. A single thing that is one of a group of 11. Friendly; enjoying the company of others.
similar things. 12. A particular way of getting from one place
4. A large picture painted on or made a part to another; course.
of a wall or ceiling. 13. Capable of being comprehended or
5. All those things that make a person, place, realized; clear and definite.
or thing different from others. 14. The location of a person or thing.
6. A claw of a bird or animal.
7. To take away from; not allow to have.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Jumbled Words
Vocabulary Worksheet

Unscramble the words.

1. ioeqxun equinox 8. nieotundc continued

2. wnhsdcai sandwich 9. ramflo formal

3. nuti unit 10. rpusslu surplus

4. rlaum mural 11. ilsaoc social

5. arrchacte character 12. etoru route

6. olnat talon 13. lbangiet tangible

7. eeipvrd deprive 14. iiopsnot position

1. Either of the two times during the year 8. Kept happening or being; lasted for a long
when the sun's rays are perpendicular to time.
the earth's equator, occurring in March 9. Following accepted rules for doing
and September. something; proper, legal, or official.
2. Slices of bread with other food between 10. The amount that goes beyond what is
them such as meat, cheese, or jelly. needed or required; an extra amount.
3. A single thing that is one of a group of 11. Friendly; enjoying the company of others.
similar things. 12. A particular way of getting from one place
4. A large picture painted on or made a part to another; course.
of a wall or ceiling. 13. Capable of being comprehended or
5. All those things that make a person, place, realized; clear and definite.
or thing different from others. 14. The location of a person or thing.
6. A claw of a bird or animal.
7. To take away from; not allow to have.

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

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