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A Research
presented to the Faculty of Senior High School Department
NBP Reservation, Poblacion, Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in

Research in Daily Life 2

Lastname, Firstname MI
Lastname, Firstname MI
Lastname, Firstname MI
Lastname, Firstname MI
Lastname, Firstname MI
Lastname, Firstname MI
Lastname, Firstname MI
Lastname, Firstname MI
Lastname, Firstname MI


Research Adviser

November 2022
(not more three hundred words, single-spaced)
According to (2018), 25% of the abstract should include the importance
of the research paper (Introduction), and the 25% describes what you did (Methods). The
35% must explain what you have found, which is the most important part of the abstract
(Result). The remaining 15% includes the implications of the research (Discussion).

Keywords: aaa, bb, c

<end of page>

Margin: left 1.5 in., right/top/bottom 1 in.

Times New Roman

Font size 12


<end of page>


Title Page

Title Page 1

Abstract 2

Acknowledgement 3

I. Introduction

Statement of the Problem

Scope and Delimitation

Significance of the Study

Literature Review


Research Paradigm

Research Hypothesis(es)

Definition of Terms

II. Method




Data Collection Procedure

Data Analysis

III. Result

Demographic Profile of Respondents

Teaching Modalities

Academic Performance

IV. Discussion



Students’ Profile


Background of the Study

This is the description that leads the reader to understand the research questions

and appreciate why they are asked (Creswell, 2013).

Begin with a hook. This may be “a striking fact relevant to your problem,” “a

striking quotation,” or “a relevant anecdote.” (Booth, Colomb, & Williams, 2008) The

hook may also be a recent news report highlighting the research topic/problem.

I. The Variables (under study)

II. Related Literature (most relevant)
III. Trends and Issues

A. Global
B. National
C. Local

IV. Research Gap

Statement of the Problem

This section contains the purpose statement and the research question(s). What is

the essential question your study intends to answer? What specific questions lead to the

answer to the essential question?

A. The purpose of this study is to identify/describe/explore/etc. …

B. It intends to answer the following research questions:

1. _______________________________

2. _______________________________

3. _______________________________


Title: Utilization of E-books to Improve the Academic Performance of Grade 12 GAS


The purpose of this study is to utilize e-books to improve the academic

performance of Grade 12 GAS students.

It intends to answer the following research questions:

1. What is the academic performance of the students before the utilization of e-


2. What instructional materials may be utilized to improve the academic

performance of the students?

3. What is the academic performance of the students after the utilization of e-books?

4. Is there a significant difference on the academic performance of the students

before and after the utilization of e-books?

Scope and Delimitation

Explicitly state the coverage of the study. What do you intend to include in the

study? What will not be included? This section must include details about the who, what,

when and where.

A. What are you exploring/investigating? Briefly explain why.

B. What are you not exploring/investigating? Briefly explain why.

C. Who are included in your study? Briefly explain why.

D. Who are not included in your study? Briefly explain why.

Significance of the Study

Cite benefits and beneficiaries of your research. Who will benefit from the results

of your research? How will each stakeholder benefit in particular?


The following stakeholders could benefit from the study:

1. Students - It will help them lessen their worries and negative attitude to adopt the


2. Teachers

3. School Administration

Literature Review

Your objective here is to discuss what is already known about the research

topic/problem and to indicate the research gap your study intends to fill in.

Related Literature

This is a written summary of books, website and other documents that describe

the past and current state of information about the research topic. It should include

literature dated 2000 to present.

Related Study

This reports studies found relevant to the current study. Cite at least 3 foreign and

2 local related studies.


According to Prieto, Naval & Carey (2017), synthesis refers to the bringing

together of materials from different sources, and the creation of an integrated whole.

(related studies only)

Are there research gaps? What remains to be unanswered? What particular

research gap does your study intend to fill in?

Conceptual Framework

Your objective here is to provide a skeletal frame for your study that both you and

your reader can follow.

A. What are the key concepts/variables to be studied and how are they related? Draw

what would seem like a graphic organizer and label it.

(insert text) (insert text)

Figure 2. The Research Paradigm of the Study

This is a diagram that connects variables of the study with lines (correlations) or

arrows (cause-effect relationships).


Performance of Assessment, Utilization of E-


the Students Validation books

Respondents Implementation,


Figure 2. The Research Paradigm of the Study

B. What are the key concepts/variables to be studied and how are they related? Write

a narrative explaining your drawing.

Research Hypothesis

Hypotheses are statements in quantitative research in which the investigator

makes a prediction or a conjecture about the outcome of a relationship among attributes

or characteristics (Creswell, 2012)

Example: There is no significant difference on the academic performance of the

students before and after the utilization of e-books

Definition of Terms

Variables and sub-variables or values in the research paradigm are to be defined.


For the purposes of this study, the following terms are defined:

1. Academic Performance - the performance of the students based on the scores

in the pre-test and the post test

2. Instructional Materials - materials utilized by the teacher to facilitate


3. E-book -

<end of page>



Choose the appropriate research design: qualitative, quantitative, or mixed

methods. Why is this the most appropriate approach? What specific type of the research

design will you use? Why did you choose this specific methodology?


This study is quantitative in nature since the research question we seek to answer

lead to numerical data.

Specifically, the study is correlational as it aims to determine if there is an

association between senior high school students’ use of social media and their attention

span in class and assess whether the degree of association between these variables is


Cristobal & Cristobal (2016) defines correlation research as the research design

employed to investigate the direction and magnitude of relationships among variables in a

particular population.

Population and Sample

The first step leading to the process of collecting quantitative data is to identify

the people and places you plan to study. This involves determining which group of

people you will study, who, specifically, these people are, and how many of them you

will need to involve. Describe the population, then the sample. What strategy did you

choose to identify the sample size? Why and how did you choose them? What particular

characteristic define the population/sample?


The target population of the study are the senior high school students during the

second term of the academic year, 2017-2018 of De La Salle Araneta University in

Malabon City. These students belong to three different strands of the SHS program,

namely: Accountancy and Business Management (ABM); Humanities and Social

Sciences (HUMSS); Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).

With a population size of 500, the researchers will consider a sample of 223

respondents determined using Slovin’s formula for computing sample size with a five

percent margin of error. These samples shall be randomly selected through stratified

random sampling with the SHS strands being used to define groups and SPSS to

randomly determine the samples.

The Instrument(s)

This refers to the questionnaire or data gathering tool to be constructed, validated

and administered (Creswell, 2012). What variables are to be measured/observed? What

instruments will you use to gather data to answer your research questions? Describe the

instruments. Who developed the research instrument? How was it validated? What are

the major parts of your instruments (including the major variables and sub-variables to be

measured)? Why did you choose these instruments? What rating scale will you use?


This study shall make use of two research instruments to provide data on the

variables being studied. A validated questionnaire will be used to determine the

respondents’ level of social media use. To measure the respondents’ attention span in

class, the researchers intend to use a mobile application. These instruments are further

described in the succeeding paragraphs.

Social Media Use Questionnaire. The purpose of this questionnaire is to assess

the respondents’ level of social media use in terms of three factors: form of social media

use, frequency of use, and mode of use. It was developed and tested for validity and

reliability by Cruz (2012) for his research on the impact of social media usage on the

academic performance of Grade 10 students in the Philippines. Aside from being recent,

the researchers have decided to use the instruments because it has been constructed with

the context of Filipino students in mind.

A cover letter addressed to the researchers is attached to the questionnaire

explaining the research, its rationale and purpose, and the general instructions on how to

fill out the form. The questionnaire is composed of four parts. Part one seeks to gather

data regarding the demographic profile of the respondents which includes their sex, age,

and SHS strand. Part two of the questionnaire lists down all available forms of social

media and instructs the respondent to check those which they use, as many as applies.

Part three seeks to determine how frequent the respondents use social media by asking

them to rate their level of frequency to 10 statements. Possible responses are limited to a

five-point Likert scale: (5) Always, (4) Often; (3) Sometimes; (2) Seldom; (1) Never.

The Intervention (if applicable)

Clearly and completely describe how the intervention will be implemented, such that the

reader can replicate the intervention. Describe what happens in comparison group.

1. How many groups are there? Describe the group(s). If there are two, state the

similarities and differences.

2. What will happen to each group in the experiment that you intend to do? Discuss

the procedure step-by-step.

3. Explain what each participant will do in each step. Also, describe how long each

of these steps will take.

Data Collection Procedure

Describe data collection procedure. What steps will be taken to collect data?

Where? When? How often? Who? Quickly describe whose permission will be sought and

arrangements to make to administer instruments or in gathering data. Add details

particular to how the samples will be contacted and explain the process of administering

the questionnaires. How will the questionnaires be retrieved? What materials and

equipment will be used? (if applicable)


The process for gathering the needed data in the study is described in the following steps.

1. The researcher shall seek the permission of the authors of the instruments that will

be adapted in this study.

2. The researchers will secure permission of the university to obtain a list of SHS

students from which the samples will be selected. Also, a permission to conduct

data collection will be sought from the concerned officials of the school.

3. The questionnaires shall be distributed to the selected samples during one of their

classes with a permission from the facilitating professor and the note of approval

of the university.

4. Questionnaires shall be retrieved the same day as they were given to ensure a

higher return percentage of questionnaires.

Data Analysis

This section indicates how the data will be analyzed and reported; it should specify the

qualitative and/or quantitative methods that will be used in analyzing the data gathered

for the research. Result can be shown using tables and figures (pie chart, bar graph, line

graph, and so on).

1. Describe analysis to be done for each research question, following sequence in

Statement of Problem.

2. State if tests of hypotheses will be done and for what purpose.

3. Add scoring system for instruments.

4. Avoid giving formulas or standard procedures for statistical tools.

Following is a list of some of the statistical treatment that can be applied to answer

the specific research questions.

1. Descriptive Statistics

a) Frequency counts or Percentage

b) Mean, median, mode

c) Weighted mean score

2. Inferential statistics

a) Chi-square (nominal data)

b) Pearson Correlation Coefficient (Relationship/interval)

c) t-test (test of difference/interval)

d) ANOVA (test of difference when 3 or more/interval)

Note: Visit the online calculator when calculating for



To answer the questions presented under the Statement of the Problem, the following

statistical tools will be employed:

1. Percentages will be used to present and analyze data regarding the demographic

profile of the respondents.

2. Weighted mean will be computed to represent the responses of each respondent to

the questionnaire and their attention span score while standard deviation will be

used to determine the degree of variability in these values. This mean shall be

interpreted as follows:

3. The Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient will be used to determine

the degree of relationship between social media use and attention span. The

correlation coefficient will be interpreted as follows (Dela Cruz, 2005)

<end of page>


In reporting the results, the researcher stays close to the statistical findings

without drawing broader implications or meaning from them. Further, this section

includes summaries of the data rather than the raw data. A results section include tables

or figures and detailed explanations about the statistical results.

Example 1

This chapter of the paper presents the data gathered from the 110 senior high school

students of Muntinlupa National High School who served as respondents of this research.

It also provides the analysis and interpretation of data that has been organized according to

the research questions enumerated in the second chapter of this paper.

Demographic Profile of the Respondents. This section is composed of figures (or

tables) relative to the demographic information given by the respondents in the

questionnaire. This included data on sex, senior high school academic strand, and weekly

allowance. Although not central to this research, these data helped contextualize the

findings and the formulation of appropriate recommendations.


The respondents were asked to identify their sex. Figure 1 shows the distribution

of the respondents in terms of this variable.

47% Male
53% Female

Figure 1. Distribution of Respondents by Sex

What can be said about this data?

Fifty-eight of the 110 senior high school students (53%) who participated in the

survey are females.

What does this tell you about your respondents? (Quite important if the sampling

used is purposive.)

What does this tell you about your respondents? (Quite important if the sampling

used is purposive.)

These respondents have been selected through purposive sampling with the

condition that they identify themselves to have taken an interest in KPOP music to a

certain degree. This implies that in the case of these respondents, there are more female

senior high school students who have openly expressed their interest in this genre of

music as compared to their male counterparts.


The respondents who were randomly selected were asked to identify their sex and

the senior high school strand they belong to. Figure 1 shows the distribution of the

respondents in terms of both of these variables.

30 26
25 24
Frequency of Re-


16 15
15 13
10 Male
5 3 2 Female
SHS Academic Strand

re 1. Distribution of Respondents by Sex and SHS Academic Strand

The respondents chosen to participate in this research have been randomly

selected through stratified sampling. With a frequency of 50 that accounts for 45.45

percent of the total sample, majority of the respondents to the survey conducted in line

with this research belonged to the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

(STEM) strand.

In general, the female respondents with a frequency of 58 (53 percent) outnumber

the male respondents by a small margin. Continue if there are other details that you wish

to highlight from the data.

Example 2:

Respondents’ Perception of Online Shopping

This section is devoted to presenting, analyzing, and interpreting data gathered

through the survey relevant to the respondents’ perception of online shopping. Information

regarding this variable is based on their responses to 24 items in the questionnaire. In each

of these statements, respondents were asked to rate their level of agreement along a five-

point Likert scale that includes Strongly Disagree (SD), Disagree (D), Neutral (N), Agree

(A), and Strongly Agree (SA).

Furthermore, the 24 statements are categorized according to four subscales of

perception on online shopping: convenience, security… Data on each of these subscales

are presented separately.

The distribution of respondents based on their responses, the mean and standard

deviation of their collective responses, and the interpretation of this mean based on the

Likert scale used is provided by the succeeding tables.

Table 1. Sample Weighted Mean of the Respondents’ Level of Agreement to

Statements Regarding Their Perception of Security in Online Shopping

1. [Actual
statement 1
in the survey 13 35 11 33 18 3.07 0.68 Neutral

Table 1 shows the data on the responses of samples to the seven statements in the

questionnaire relative to their perception of how secure online shopping is. Based on the

information, the highest mean was recorded at 4.28 for the fifth statement. When

interpreted, this means that respondents strongly agree that imply statement here.

In general, the respondents registered a strong agreement toward four of the seven

statements. The weighted mean for these statements is computed at 3.85 with a standard

deviation of 0.71 implying that the respondents collectively agree that online shopping is a

secure mode for purchasing products.

Example 3:

Table 1: Result of the Anxiety of the Students

Level Number of students Percentage

High 75 35.55%

Moderate 94 44.55%

Low 42 19.9%

* High = 55-75; Moderate = 35 -54; and Low = 15 – 34.

<end of page>


It contains the conclusions drawn from the analysis and interpretation of the data

discussed in the result and/or discussion. While the recommendations of the researchers

based on the conclusions.



Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. Majority of senior high school students of Muntinlupa National High School

for the second term of the academic year 2017-2018 are females with the

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics track accounting for the

highest number of enrollees. On the average, SHS students receive PhP635.00

allowance per week.

2. MNHS-SHS students have a positive perception towards online shopping in

terms of security, and convenience but do not perceive products sold online to

be of good quality.

3. There is no significant relationship between the weekly allowance of DLSAU-

SHS students and their perception of online shopping.


Based on the conclusions, the following recommendations are proposed:

1. Online retailers must improve the selection of the products they sell online by

raising quality standards that are in line with the expectations of consumers,

including SHS students. What else can they do based on the conclusions


2. Who are the other beneficiaries of the research mentioned under

“Significance of the Study?” What can you suggest to them based on your


3. Future researchers may consider doing correlational research on consumers’

perception on online shopping and their income or socio-economic status.

Experimental researches that seek to evaluate interventions that may help

improve consumer perception on the quality of online products may also be

conducted to inform online retailers of innovative practices that can increase

their sales.

<end of page>


Follow the APA, 6th Edition style or IEEE for referencing.

Research Participant Registry. (n.d). Retrieved July 21, 2018 from


Student Profile


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