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Topics covered:

1. What is 3D Printing or Additive manufacturing?

2. Types of additive manufacturing techniques.
3. Types of 3D Printing and Its Processes
4. Principle Of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)
5. Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) working.
6. Types of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) 3D Printers
7. Materials used in Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)
8. Types of 3D Printer Filament
9. Applications of 3D Printing
 3D Printing Or Additive Manufacturing is a process of
making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file.
 The creation of a 3d printed object is achieved using
additive processes. in an additive process an object is
created by laying down successive layers of material until
the object is created. each of these layers can be seen as a
thinly sliced cross-section of the object.
 3D printing is the opposite of subtractive manufacturing
which is cutting out / hollowing out a piece of metal or
plastic with for instance a milling machine.
 3D printing enables you to produce complex shapes using
less material than traditional manufacturing methods.
• The types of additive manufacturing can be divided by what
they produce or which type of material they use, but to
apply structure to the technology worldwide, the
International Standards Organization (ISO) divided them
into seven general types:
• Material Extrusion
• Vat Polymerization
• Powder Bed Fusion
• Material Jetting
• Binder Jetting
• Directed Energy Deposition
• Sheet Lamination
Vat Polymerization
Types of 3D Printing
and Its Processes

• 3D printing is becoming the future of the

manufacturing era. This is because there are
many different processes which are suitable
for a different type of materials.
Different Types of 3D Printing
• Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)
• Stereolithography (SLA)
• Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
• Digital Light Process (DLP)
• Multi Jet Fusion (MJF)
• PolyJet.
• Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS)
• Electron Beam Melting (EBM)
3D Metal Printing Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)


• It is the world’s first 3D printing innovation introduced by Chuck Hull in 1986. It works by a 3D
printing technique called Vat Polymerization where a material called a photopolymer gum
specifically restored by a light source. Stereolithography (SLA) is the first modern 3D printing
measure. SLA printers dominate at delivering elevated levels of detail, smooth surface
completions, and tight resistances. The quality surface completions on SLA parts look decent. It’s
generally utilized in the clinical business and basic applications incorporate anatomical models
and microfluidics. In particular, an SLA printer utilizes mirrors, called galvanometers. One is
situated on the X-pivot, the other on the Y-hub. These point to the purpose of a laser pillar
across the tank of gum, specifically relieving and setting a cross-part of the item in the forming
zone, developing it layer by layer.
• SLA is a quick prototyping measure where exactness and accuracy are taken seriously. It can
create objects from 3D CAD information in only a couple of hours. This is a 3D printing measure
its fine subtleties and precision by changing over fluid photopolymers (a unique kind of plastic)
into strong 3D items, each layer in turn. The plastic is initially warmed to transform it into a
semi-fluid structure, and afterward, it solidifies on contact. The printer develops every one of
these layers utilizing a bright laser, coordinated by X and Y filtering mirrors. A recoater sharp
edge also gets across the surface right before the next step to guarantee each thin layer of gum
spreads equitably across the article. The print cycle proceeds thusly, building 3D items from the
base up. When finished, the 3D part will typically have a synthetic shower to eliminate an
overabundance. It’s additionally basic practice to post-fix the article in a bright broiler. This
makes the product more grounded and more steady.
• SLA printing has gotten support from many assortments of ventures. A portion of these
incorporate auto, clinical, aviation, diversion, and furthermore to make different customer items.
Printers that are used are Vipers, ProJets, and iPros 3D printers fabricated by 3D Systems.
Specific laser sintering (SLS)
• SLS softens together nylon-based powders into strong plastic. Since SLS parts are produced
using genuine thermoplastic material, they are tough, reasonable for utilitarian testing, and
can uphold living pivots and snap-fits. In contrast with SL, parts are more grounded, yet have
harsher surface completions. SLS doesn’t need help structures so the entire form stage can
be used to settle various parts into a solitary form—making it appropriate for part amounts
higher than other 3D printing measures. Numerous SLS parts are utilized to model plans that
will one day be infusion-shaped.
• It utilizes a 3D printing measure called Power Bed Fusion. A container of thermoplastic
powder (Nylon 6, Nylon 11, Nylon 12) is warmed simply beneath its liquefying point. At that
point, a recoating or wiper sharp edge stores a meager layer of the powder – generally 0.1
mm thick – onto the forming stage. A laser bar starts examining the surface, where it
specifically ‘sinters’ the powder, which means it hardens a cross-part of the article. Likewise,
with SLA, the laser is centered around an area by a couple of galvos. When the whole cross-
segment is filtered, the stage drops somewhere near one thickness of layer stature and the
entire cycle is rehashed until the item is completely made. Powder that isn’t sintered
remaining parts set up supporting the item that has been sintered, dispensing with the
requirement to support structures. Not many of the applications for SLS are the assembling
of practical parts, complex ducting requiring empty plans, and low-run creation. Its qualities
are in the production of utilitarian parts, which leaves behind great mechanical properties,
and with complex calculations. SLS is restricted by requiring longer lead times and its greater
expense when contrasted and FDM/FFF.
Specific laser sintering (SLS)
• PolyJet is the trademarked name for a particular type of

material jetting, a 3D printing technology, by US-Isreali-
based company Stratasys. Although not technically a
distinct category of 3D printing, PolyJet has several
unique features that set it apart from other processes.
The most distinguishing, of course, is full color.
• There are only a handful of full-color, multi-material 3D
printing processes on the market, and PolyJet is likely the
most popular. It’s offered by dozens of 3D printing
service bureaus, including Craftcloud, and it’s the go-to
method for full-color product prototypes for a long list of
manufacturers. Looking at some of the PolyJet product
photos in this article, it’s almost hard to believe that
these are not assembled, dyed, or painted — they pretty
much come out of the printer this way (after you take off
the support layers).
• But PolyJet isn’t just about color. Although it’s easy to be
dazzled by the colors and textures of PolyJet prints, the
technology is used for rugged industrial parts and
biocompatible dental products.
• We go into the techy details below, but the bottom line is
multi-material, finely detailed, durable, and life-like parts
from your 3D printer for use as product prototypes,
medical models, fashion products and apparel, molds,
manufacturing tools, dentures, surgical guides, and much
Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)/
Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF)
• An FDM printer works by expelling a plastic fiber layer-by-layer onto the
forming stage. It’s a savvy and fast strategy for delivering actual models.
There are a few occasions when FDM can be utilized for practical testing
however the innovation is restricted because of parts having generally harsh
surface completes and lacking strength. It is a 3D printing innovation that
utilizes a cycle called Material Extrusion. Material Extrusion gadgets are
accessible and reasonable of all. They work by a cycle where a spool of a fiber
of strong thermoplastic material (PLA, ABS, PET) is stacked into the 3D
printer. It is then pushed by an engine through a warmed spout, where it
liquefies. The printer’s expulsion head at that point moves along explicit
directions, keeping the 3D printing material on a form stage where the
printer fiber cools and cements, shaping a strong item. When the layer is
finished, the printer sets out another layer, until the item is complete. Basic
applications for FDM incorporate electrical lodgings, structure and fit
testings, jigs and fixtures, and investment casting patterns. The best part
about FDM is that it offers the best surface completion in addition to full tone
alongside the reality there are different materials accessible for its utilization.
Digital Light Process (DLP)

• DLP has quicker print times than SLA in light of

the fact that each layer is uncovered at the same
time, rather than following the cross-part of a
zone with the purpose of a laser. Regular
applications for SLA and DLP are infusion shape
type polymer models, adornments, dental
applications, and amplifiers. They have fine
element subtleties and smooth surface
completion. They are restricted by being weak, in
this way unsatisfactory for use as mechanical
Multi Jet Fusion (MJF)
• Multi Jet Fusion assembles utilitarian parts from nylon powder. As
opposed to utilizing a laser to sinter the powder, MJF utilizes an inkjet
cluster to apply melding specialists to the bed of nylon powder. At that
point, a warming component disregards the bed to combine each layer.
This outcome in more predictable mechanical properties contrasted with
SLS just as improved surface completion. Another advantage of the MJF
cycle is the quickened fabricate time, which prompts lower creation costs.
MJ differs from other types of 3D printing technologies that deposit,
sinter, or cure build material with point-wise deposition. Instead, the print
head jets hundreds of droplets of photopolymer and cures/solidifies them
using UV light. Once a layer is deposited and cured, the build platform
lowers by one layer thickness, and the process is repeated until the 3D
object is built. Another difference from 3D printing technologies is instead
of using a single point to follow a path that outlines the cross-sectional
layer, MJ machines deposit build material in a fast, line-wise manner.
Articles made with MJ need help during printing and are printed all the
while during the form cycle with a dissolvable material that is taken out in
post-handling. MJ is one of the solitary sorts of 3D printing innovation that
can make objects produced using numerous materials and with full tone.
The advantage to this is MJ printers can fabricate multiple objects in a
single line without affecting build speed. As long as the models are
arranged correctly with optimal spacing, MJ can produce parts faster than
other types of 3D printers. Hence, there are multiple processes for
multiple projects, selecting the best suitable process is of utmost
Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS)

• The manufacturing process that uses high-powered lasers to melt metal powder is actually known
by several names. Some 3D printer makers specializing in this technology call it direct metal laser
sintering (DMLS) while others call it selective laser melting (SLM). You might also hear it called
direct metal laser melting (DMLM), and if you ask one of the inventors of the process, Wilhelm
Meiners, he calls it laser powder bed fusion (LPBF).
• More often today, perhaps because of the various terms and its growing popularity, the technology
is commonly referred to as just metal sintering.
• This metal additive manufacturing, or 3D printing method, is a highly precise method of 3D printing
commonly used for both prototyping and production of end-use, complex metal parts for
aerospace, automotive, medical, and industrial applications. It makes everything from tools and
spare parts to rocket engines and hip implants.
• The reasons behind its rapid growth and adoption are many. First, with an in-house metal 3D
printer, companies can produce their own metal prototypes and parts far faster and cheaper than
having them made and shipped from overseas, especially in low volumes. Even ordering parts from
a metal sintering service is faster than traditional manufacturing.
• Next, metal sintering can produce parts with complex internal channels, lattice-infilled walls, and
shapes simply not possible with any other manufacturing method, which leads to better, lighter,
and more efficient parts.
• Another benefit of metal sintering over traditional manufacturing is sustainability. Especially when
printing with high-cost materials, such as titanium or silver, metal sintering 3D printers use just the
material required to build the parts, and the rest can be reused.
Electron Beam Melting (EBM)
• Electron Beam Melting (EBM) is a 3D manufacturing process in which a
powdered metal is melted by a high-energy beam of electrons. An
electron beam produces a stream of electrons that is guided by a
magnetic field, melting layer upon layer of powdered metal to create an
object matching the precise specifications defined by a CAD model.
Production takes place in a vacuum chamber to guard against oxidation
that can compromise highly reactive materials. Electron Beam Melting
is similar to Selective Laser Melting (SLM), as they both print from a
powder from the 3D printer’s powder bed, but EBM uses an electron
beam instead of a laser.
• EBM builds high-strength parts that make the most of the native
properties of the metals used in the process, eliminating impurities that
may accumulate when using casting metals or using other methods of
fabrication. It is used to print components for aerospace, automotive,
defense, petrochemical, and medical applications.
Principle Of FDM
 Fused Deposition Modeling
(FDM) works on the
principle of heating the
material which is generally
in the form of a
thermoplastic filament or
metallic wire to its melting
point and then to extrude it
layer by layer to
manufacture a 3D part
How does FDM 3D printing work?
• An FDM 3D printer works by depositing melted filament material
over a build platform layer by layer until you have a completed part.
FDM uses digital design files that are uploaded to the machine itself
and translates them into physical dimensions. Materials for
FDM include polymers such as ABS, PLA, PETG and PEI, which the
machine feeds as threads through a heated nozzle.
• To operate an FDM machine, you first load a spool of this
thermoplastic filament into the printer. Once the nozzle hits the
desired temperature, the printer feeds the filament through an
extrusion head and nozzle.
• This extrusion head is attached to a three-axis system that allows it
to move across the X, Y and Z axes. The printer extrudes melted
material in thin strands and deposits them layer by layer along a
path determined by the design. Once deposited, the material cools
and solidifies. You can attach fans to the extrusion head to
accelerate cooling in some cases.

PLA (polylactic acid) ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene)


ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene Tough and durable Functional prototypes

styrene) Heat and impact resistant
Requires a heated bed to print
Requires ventilation
PLA (polylactic acid) The easiest FDM materials to print Concept models
Rigid, strong, but brittle Looks-like prototypes
Less resistant to heat and chemicals
PETG (polyethylene terephthalate Compatible with lower printing temperatures for faster Waterproof applications
glycol) production Snap-fit components
Humidity and chemical resistant
High transparency
Can be food safe
Nylon Strong, durable, and lightweight Functional prototypes
Tough and partially flexible Wear resistant parts
Heat and impact resistant
Very complex to print on FDM
TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane) Flexible and stretchable Flexible prototypes
Impact resistant
Excellent vibration dampening
PVA (polyvinyl alcohol) Soluble support material Support material
Dissolves in water
HIPS (high impact polystyrene) Soluble support material most commonly used with ABS Support material
Dissolves in chemical limonene

Composites (carbon fiber, kevlar, Rigid, strong, or extremely tough Functional prototypes
fiberglass) Compatibility limited to some expensive industrial FDM 3D Jigs, fixtures, and tooling
Types of FDM 3D Printers

• Cartesian
• Delta
• Polar
• Scara(Robotic)
• Co-ordinate Systems
• This is a universal geometrical term and not necessarily
connected to 3D printing but it becomes important to
understand this 3D printing concept to understand how a
3D printer works.
• According to Britannica, a coordinate system is an
arrangement of reference lines or curves used to identify
the location of points in space. In two dimensions it is
generally represented by horizontal (X-axis) & Vertical (Y-
axis) while in three-dimensions it adds a third direction that
is perpendicular to both the horizontal and vertical
direction, the Z-axis.
• So depending on how the 3D printer identifies the different
points on the build platform to print the exact design, the
3D printers are called so.
Cartesian 3D Printers
• This is the most common type of FDM 3D
printer. Cartesian 3D printers are the most
popular type of FDM 3D printers across the
world. A huge majority of 3D printer
manufacturers use the Cartesian coordinate
system as it one of the most fundamental
coordinate systems used in a wide range of
industrial and academic applications.
• In a Cartesian 3D printer, three numbers are
used to define the position of a point in space
represented by X, Y & Z. The X & Y-axis
represents the lateral and longitudinal position
of a point, while the Z-axis represents the
elevation of the point.
• Being the most popular type, Cartesian3D
printer owners can easily find experts to learn
more or get professional help or troubleshoot
their 3D printers. It also becomes easy to find
replacement parts or a relevant community that
own a Cartesian 3D printer like the one the user
owns to share resources.
• From a user’s point of view, having a Cartesian
3D printer secures you of a lot of stress that 3D
printer owners go through during their early
learning phase.
• For a learner, the Cartesian 3D printer is
comparatively easy to learn and easy to build
and the structure is quite easy to understand.
• Cartesian 3D printers have applications in
almost all types of product manufacturing
barring applications that are long or tall in size.
Delta 3D Printers
• Delta 3D printers are the second most popular type of FDM 3D printer. They can be
easily distinguished from a Cartesian 3D printer due to their tall appearance. The
unique structure as well is quite intriguing to look at and it’s a joy to watch the Delta 3D
printer in action.
• The printhead is connected to the three arms of the printer and they all operate in sync
to print the layer of the object. The delta 3D printer works in a triangulation
configuration and since the three arms work simultaneously, the build volume of the
printer is not a cube but a cylinder and the base is a circle.
• Instead of positioning the print head according to x, y, and z positions, each of the
three arms changes its angle to position the print head on the build platform according
to the model. Hitting the precise location is done by a series of trigonometric functions
that consider the angle of all positioning arms.
• The biggest benefit of a Delta 3D printer is its speed. The high speeds are possible as
the extruder does not carry the weight of the stepper motor and this weight reduction
is translated into increased speed.
• Another advantage of the Delta 3D printer is its height. It is tailor-made for creating
objects that are taller and so manufacturers rely on the delta coordinate system when
they want to build a 3D printer for manufacturing objects that have a higher Z-axis.
• However, delta 3D printers do have a lot of problems. They cannot be used with
Bowden extruders and so it limits the use of flexible materials. They also have a smaller
base limiting the lateral size of the object to be manufactured. Besides, due to their
size, they tend to be delivered in kits and new users find it hard to assemble such kits
thereby keeping them away from this type of 3D printer.
• Delta 3D printers have applications in building tall products like columns in architecture
models, etc.
• Some popular examples of Delta 3D printers are Kossel – RepRap, Anycubic Delta,
DeltaWasp, etc.
Polar 3D Printers
• Polar 3D printers are not popularly used
but still, they offer quite an interesting
design. In a Polar 3D printer, the position
of a point is defined only by two numbers
i.e., an angle in 3D space and the
separation distance (or radius) from a pre-
defined centre. As a result, they use a
circular grid instead of a square in a
Cartesian 3D printer.
• The build platform of a Polar 3D printer
can move left to right – back and forth
and can also rotate while the arm
(printhead) only moves in the Z-direction.
This way, much larger objects can be
made in a smaller space.
• Polar 3D printers have applications in
building tall products like columns in
architecture models, etc.
SCARA(Robotic) 3D Printers
-Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm
• SCARA or Selective Compliance
Assembly Robot Arm is a popular
coordinate system employed in
industrial robots. A SCARA 3D printer
resembles the industrial robots and
offers greater freedom and flexibility
when printing as it is not limited to a
build platform and can move in all
possible directions making it easier to
print geometrically complex parts.
Scara 3D printers move in the most
similar way to human hands and print
faster than Cartesian printers.
• Currently, they have applications in
the construction of structures like
bridges, buildings, and even large
scale industrial projects.
What is 3D Filament?

• 3D filaments are special types of plastics

called thermoplastics. The thermoplastics
become flexible if heated to the right
temperature. It allows the printer to sculpt the
filament to create your shapes before it cools
Types of 3D Printer Filament
From the beginning, an ABS and PLA type filaments are post popular
filaments. In this blog, We will discuss all types of filaments. Also, all 3D
printers can't utilize both ABS and PLA filaments. So you need to know your
3D printer capabilities as well as the abilities of the 3D filaments.

Below are the 3D Printer Filament Types that we are going to cover in this
• ABS Filament • Metal Filament
• PLA Filament • HIPS Filament
• PET Filament • Magnetic Iron Filament
• PETT Filament • Conductive Filament
• Nylon Filament • Carbon Fiber Filament
• PVA Filament • TPE Filament
• Sandstone Filament • Glow in the Dark Filament
• Wood Filament • Amphora Filament
1. ABS 3D Filament
• ABS is popular for it’s toughness and impact-resistant properties. This strength and moderate flexibility that makes
it such a great choice for printing in 3D.

• ABS 3D filament

• ABS print temperature range: 210°C – 250°C (high)

• ABS filament is a great choice for printing plastic automotive parts, moving parts, musical instruments, kitchen
appliances, electronic housings, and various toys, like LEGO. It has other applications too, aside from 3D printing.
For example, traditional manufacturers use ABS to make plastic wrap, water bottles, and cups, to name a few uses.
Despite its popularity for 3D printing, ABS is not the best filament for most home users. This is because it has a
high melting point that needs to print on a heated surface, or bed. A heated printer bed is not something a lot of
budget-range 3D printers come equipped with. Printing with ABS also produces unpleasant fumes that can irritate
some people. Needless to say, good ventilation is essential. These things combined make ABS a material favored
more by professionals than amateur users.
• Pros and cons of an ABS 3D Filament
• Pros
• A durable, strong 3D filament
• Quite flexible and lightweight
• Cheapest thermoplastic available at the time of writing
• Most favored material among professional 3D printers and keen armatures
• Cons
• ABS is petroleum-based, making it a non-biodegradable material
• Needs a high temperature to reach its melting point
• Creates unpleasant fumes, most notable in poorly ventilated spaces

2. PLA 3D Filament
PLA(Poly Lactic Acid) is a special type of thermoplastic made from organic
materials, namely cornstarch and sugarcane. The main benefits of PLA are that it
is safer and easier to use. Compared to ABS, PLA produces 3D parts which are
more aesthetically pleasing. This finish is thanks to its unique sheen and smooth
• The melting point of PLA is much lower than ABS and that makes it weaker. This
matters if you are printing moving parts or exposing the parts to high
temperatures. Both of these things can result in the 3D objects, cracking, warping
or even melting.
• PLA print temperature range: 180°C – 230°C (low)
• Applications of PLA 3D Filament
• PLA has wide-ranging uses. At the professional level, PLA filament uses include
medical stitching. We can also see PLA used for various surgical implants,
including surgically implanted pins, rods, screws, and mesh. The applications
work thanks to the material’s degradable properties. At the amateur level, PLA
filament is great for producing a whole range of consumer items. Other benefits
of PLA are that it prints faster than ABS, and there’s no need for a heated printer
bed. The end products are a decent strength, durable, and offer some degree of
impact resistance. Aside from 3D printing, other products that use PLA include
food packaging, disposable tableware, and diapers, as a few examples.
• Pros and cons of PLA 3D Filament
• Pros
• No harmful fumes, produces a sweet aroma when heated
• Easier to work with compared to ABS (great material for beginners)
• Compared to ABS, PLA is less prone to warping
• Available in special effects like glow-in-the-dark colors and translucency
• Cons
• Susceptible to clogging the printer nozzle
• Can attract moisture that makes it potentially brittle and more difficult to print
• Less sturdy overall than ABS
3. PET/PETG Filament
• PolyEthylene Terephthalate (PET) is a popular 3D material. Another common example of PET is our
plastic bottles. This plastic is both stable and harmless, emits no unpleasant or harmful odors and is
100% recyclable. In its raw state, the filament has no color and is crystal clear. Once exposed to cold
or heat the material quickly changes to a non-transparent state. A more advanced version if PET is a
filament called PETG, also marketed as Amphora AM1800.
• PETG print temperature range: 210°C – 230°C
• Applications of PET 3D Filament
• PET is on a list of FDA approved polymers. This makes it completely ‘food safe’, meaning it’s safe for
products like cups, and plates, etc. Needless to say, common applications for PET filament include
food containers and various kitchen utensils.
• Pros and cons of PET 3D Filament
• Pros
• Strong, flexible, and with bio compatibility
• Does not warp
• Does not shrink
• Does not absorb moisture from the air
• Does not degrade in water
• FDA approved, food safe
• Prices for PET are falling
• Cons
• Not an easy material for beginners to work with
• Nozzle and printer bed temperatures needs fine-tuning for best results
4. PETT Filament
• PETT, whose long name is PolyEthylene Trimethylene Terephthalate is known as a T-Glase filament. Like PET (one ‘T’), it is also a popular 3D printer
material that’s food-friendly. The filament is non-biodegradable, though it is a recyclable material.
• PETT Print Temperature Range: 210°C – 230°C
• Applications of PETT 3D Filament
• PETT is another of those FDA-approved polymers. This makes it safe for use with food. The majority of PETT applications are various food containers
and other kitchen utensils.
• Pros and cons of PETT 3D Filament
• Pros
• Strong and flexible
• Bio compatibility
• Does not warp or shrink during the printing process
• Does not absorb moisture or water from surrounding air
• Does not degrade in water
• FDA approved, food safe
• Impressive in bridging
• Prices for PETT falling
• Cons
• Difficult material for beginners to work with
• Printer nozzle bed temperature requires fine tuning for best results
• 5. Nylon Filament
• Nylon filament also called as polyamide. This is a synthetic polymer that is stronger and more durable than ABS and PLA and cost-effective. It is also
flexible, light, wear-resistant, and less brittle than both ABS and PLA. There are different kinds of nylon filament available.

• The difference between them is in the filament’s layer bonding abilities, tensile strength, and water absorption. You can also choose nylon filament
that has a translucent or opaque finish and reduced shrinkage.
• Nylon print temperature range: 210°C – 250°C (high)
• Applications of Nylon Filament
• Nylon filament is great to use in a whole variety of applications thanks to its strength, flexible properties, and durability. It’s particularly suited for
various consumer products, tools, mechanical components, machine parts, structural parts, containers, and a much more.
• Pros and Cons of Nylon Filament
• Pros
• Strong, durable and flexible
• Less brittle than ABS and PLA
• 100% thermoplastic material
• Filament can be re-melted and used again without any loss of bonding
• Cons
• Needs a high melting temperature
• Breaks down and emits toxic fumes when heated
• Absorbs moisture easily—proper storage is essential
5. Nylon Filament
• Nylon filament also called as polyamide. This is a synthetic polymer that is stronger and more durable than ABS and PLA and cost-effective. It is also
flexible, light, wear-resistant, and less brittle than both ABS and PLA. There are different kinds of nylon filament available.

• The difference between them is in the filament’s layer bonding abilities, tensile strength, and water absorption. You can also choose nylon filament
that has a translucent or opaque finish and reduced shrinkage.
• Nylon print temperature range: 210°C – 250°C (high)
• Applications of Nylon Filament
• Nylon filament is great to use in a whole variety of applications thanks to its strength, flexible properties, and durability. It’s particularly suited for
various consumer products, tools, mechanical components, machine parts, structural parts, containers, and a much more.
• Pros and Cons of Nylon Filament
• Pros
• Strong, durable and flexible
• Less brittle than ABS and PLA
• 100% thermoplastic material
• Filament can be re-melted and used again without any loss of bonding
• Cons
• Needs a high melting temperature
• Breaks down and emits toxic fumes when heated
• Absorbs moisture easily—proper storage is essential
• 6. PVA Filament
• PVA (Polyvinyl alcohol) is a good 3D filament that is typical it is a support material when printing with ABS or PLA. Support materials are necessary
when printing 3D parts with notable overhangs. Without the support, these parts would be impossible to print or perfect. As a support material, PVA
works best with printers that have duel extruders. All popular desktop FDM printers can use PVA with a heated build platform as this prevents
warping during the build process.
• PVA print temperature range: 190°C – 220°C (low)
• Applications of PVA Filament
• In 3D printing, PVA works as a support material (see above). Aside from 3D printing, PVA has many other applications. We can find it used as a
thickener in paper adhesives, in personal hygiene products, as a mold-release agent, kid’s putty, and freshwater fishing products, to name a few.
• Pros and Cons of PVA Filament
• Pros
• A biodegradable, non-toxic material
• Water soluble
• Good durability
• Makes otherwise difficult printing easy
• Cons
• Attracts water easily
• Can be difficult to source compared to other materials
• High cost compared to other 3D filaments
• PVA (Polyvinyl alcohol) is a good 3D filament that is typical it is a support material
when printing with ABS or PLA. Support materials are necessary when printing 3D
parts with notable overhangs. Without the support, these parts would be
impossible to print or perfect. As a support material, PVA works best with printers
that have duel extruders. All popular desktop FDM printers can use PVA with a
heated build platform as this prevents warping during the build process.
• PVA print temperature range: 190°C – 220°C (low)
• Applications of PVA Filament
• In 3D printing, PVA works as a support material (see above). Aside from 3D
printing, PVA has many other applications. We can find it used as a thickener in
paper adhesives, in personal hygiene products, as a mold-release agent, kid’s
putty, and freshwater fishing products, to name a few.
• Pros and Cons of PVA Filament
• Pros
• A biodegradable, non-toxic material
• Water soluble
• Good durability
• Makes otherwise difficult printing easy
• Cons
• Attracts water easily
• Can be difficult to source compared to other materials
• High cost compared to other 3D filaments
• Sandstone filaments offer a unique finish to your 3D printed parts. This is a
PLA material that includes a fine chalk powder to produce a stone-like
color and texture. It is also possible to alter the surface characteristics
simply by adjusting the printer’s extrusion temperature during the print
process. 3D sandstone material is a brick filament offered by various
suppliers under different product names. The most well-known right now
is Lay Brick.
• Sandstone print temperature range: 165°C – 210°C
• Applications of Sandstone Filament
• The creative use of 3D sandstone filaments has few limits, though it’s fair
to say that it has a pretty niche usage. It’s most popular for things like
landscapes and architectural display models.
• Pros and Cons of Sandstone Filament
• Pros
• Unmistakable sandstone appearance and finish
• No heated bed needed to print
• No warping or shrinking during the cooling process
• Cons
• Not a particularly durable or flexible material
• Parts can be brittle making them more prone to breaking and snapping
8. Wood Filament
• It seems strange, but yes, 3D wood filaments are very real. It’s a
great material for anyone who wants or needs to be more creative
with their 3D printed projects. These filaments contain a careful
mixture of recycled woods with a special binding polymer. The
output model not only looks like real wood, it smells like it too.
There’s no shortage of impressive examples online that illustrate
the amazing finish wood filaments can produce when printed to
• Wood print temperature range: 200°C – 260°C
• Applications of Wood Filament
• This filament uses for decor, ornate boxes, tables and chairs,
figurines, and whatever else catches the imagination.
• Metal filaments are offering some very impressive, unique finishes to 3D printed
parts. The materials consist of PLA combined with a higher percentage of fine
metallic powders. The 3D printed parts look and feel just as they would if they had
been made of 100% metals. Popular choices include aluminum, brass, bronze,
copper, and stainless steel. Anyone who wants more of a creative effect can work on
the end piece.
• Metal print temperature range: 195°C – 220°C (will vary depending on filament)
• Applications of Metal Filament PLA / ABS
• 3D metal filament is perfect for hardware products, jewelry items, statues, replicas
of artifacts, and much more. What you print with 3D metals depends a lot on the
filaments you choose.
• Pros and Cons of Metal Filament PLA / ABS
• Pros
• Extremely durable
• Not soluble
• Unique metallic appearance and finish
• Little to no shrinkage while cooling
• No heated print bed needed
• Cons
• Not easy to print with for the inexperienced
• Need to fine-tune nozzle temperatures
• Need to regulate flow rate
• High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) is a bright, white colored 3D biodegradable
material. It is safe to use, meaning it has no harmful effects for users who
are in close contact with the filament. Like PVA, HIPS also works as great
secondary (support) material.
• HIPS print temperature range: 230°C – 250°C
• Applications of HIPS Filament
• For 3D printing, the most common application for HIPS is as a support
material for other filaments (see above). Aside from 3D printing, other
industries use HIPS because it’s a strong, ridged plastic that they can
manipulate to suit their needs. The food industry uses it widely for
packaging. Other uses include medicinal trays, signs, all kinds of kid’s toys,
and much more.
• Pros and Cons of HIPS Filament
• Pros
• Acts as an easily removable ABS support material
• When paired with ABS, HIPS is a great dual extrusion support structure
• Non-toxic at close range
• Cons
• Some issues with adhesion and curling
• Not easy to work with without a heated bed
11. Magnetic Iron PLA
• As the name suggests, magnetic iron PLA filament has magnetic properties. This
unique filament is PLA material infused with a powdered iron. These iron particles
that give the 3D parts their grainy gunmetal type finish. The objects will also stick
to magnets, something that could be useful on various creative projects.
• Magnetic iron PLA print temperature range: 195°C – 220°C
• Applications of Magnetic Iron PLA Filament
• If you want to produce custom made fridge magnets and other such novelties,
magnetic iron PLA is used. Magnetic filament is useful for making various DIY
projects, sensors, and educational tools, etc.
• Pros and Cons of Magnetic Iron PLA Filament
• Pros
• Very strong and extremely durable
• Material is not soluble
• Little to no shrinkage during the cooling down process
• Cons
• Nozzle temperature needs fine-tuning
• Inflexible
• Heated bed not needed
• Material is expensive compared to other popular filaments
12. Conductive PLA
• It is a special type of 3D material that includes a conductive carbon particulate.
Without getting too technical, this means the material is able to print low-voltage
electrical circuits. These will typically include sensors and light-emitting diodes (LED).
When combined with regular PLA filament and a dual-extrusion 3D printer, users can
make simple circuit boards direct from the printer’s bed.
• Conductive PLA temperature range: 215°C – 230°C
• Applications of Conductive PLA Filament
• Conductive PLA filament is perfect for open-source electronics platform Arduino
projects. If you want to create circuits, LEDs, sensors, and various low-voltage
projects, you’ll want explore this filament.
• Pros and Cons Conductive PLA Filament
• Pros
• Users can produce low-voltage electronic circuits
• Not soluble
• Does not need a heated bed, though a heated bed will produce better results
• Cons
• Not very flexible or durable
• Repeated bending may break the material
• Shrinks somewhat during the cooling process
• High cost of filament
13. Carbon Fiber 3D
Printer Filament
• The material contains tiny strands of carbon fiber which results in a material that
has an excellent structure. It is also rigid and has superior layer adhesion. Carbon
Fiber PLA shares similar properties with standard PLA but it’s stiffer. It also offers
more dimensional stability, which means warp-free printing.
• Carbon fiber print temperature range: 190°C – 230°C
• Applications of Carbon Fiber 3D Printer Filament
• Carbon fiber PLA filament is a great choice for producing high quality and strong
objects. This includes items like protective casings, various mechanical parts, and
many other high durability uses.
• Pros and Cons of Carbon Fiber 3D Printer Filament
• Pros
• Prints quality parts
• Soluble and durable
• No heated bed needed
• Little warping and shrinkage during the cooling process
• Cons
• Material contains abrasive strands
• Excessive wear on printer nozzles, especially brass
• Regular users need to invest in harder metals for print nozzles
• TPE 3D printer filament is super stretchy because of the thermoplastic elastomers. It has such high
elasticity properties that it feels like real rubber, easily springing back into shape like an elastic
band. TPE is great to use with most FDM 3D printers. If you need to fabricate stretchable 3D parts
that can endure more punishment than any regular ABS or PLA, this is your material.
• TPE print temperature range: 225°C – 235°C
• Applications of TPE Filament
• There are wide ranging applications and industries which benefit from TPE filament. We can see it
used in household appliances and the automotive sector. It is also a popular for kid’s toys,
wearables, and smartphone cases, etc. For commercial use, TPE is found in medical supplies,
weather seals for windows and doors, electrical insulation, and the soles of footwear, to name a
• Pros and Cons of TPE Filament
• Pros
• High elasticity properties and exceptional abrasion-resistance
• Smooth consistent diameter
• Bonds well between layers (vital for high-quality)objects)
• Durable material with little shrinkage during the cooling process
• No heated bed needed
• Cons
• 3D printing with TPE is difficult for the inexperienced
• Print nozzle needs fine-tuning for optimal performance
• Can extrude from nozzle inconsistently
15. Glow in the Dark Filament
• The name needs little introduction as this fun filament does exactly what it glows
in the dark. It won’t glow indefinitely though, as the 3D printed object needs
exposing to a light source to charge it. Once charged it will emit light in whatever
colors you have made your part in. A great use for this material it to decorate
children’s bedrooms or to make Halloween themes, and other such creative ideas.
It’s a safe, environmentally-friendly filament, making it harmless for everyone to
• Glow-in-the-dark print temperature range: 180-240 °C
• Applications of Glow in the Dark Filament
• Imagination drives many of the uses for this fun material. It’s popular for kid’s toys,
wearable gadgets, custom phone cases, and many other novelty items. Some
creative artists also find it a great medium to work with for artistic designs.
Another, more practical use is for light switches as it makes them easy to find in
the dark.
• Pros and Cons of Glow in the Dark Filament
• Pros
• Environmentally friendly, safe to use, biodegradable
• Low shrinkage during the cooling process
• Durable
• No heated bed needed to print
• Similar to regular PLA, which makes printing easy
• Cons
• Not food safe
16. Amphora 3D Printer Filament
• Amphora is a great filament for anyone who wants to produce objects which are
lustrous, bright, and opaque. The Eastman Chemical Company created this fancy
material specifically for 3D printing. Most common thermoplastics have uses other
than 3D printing technologies, but not this one.
• Amphora print temperature range: 220°C – 250°C
• Applications of Amphora 3D Printer Filament
• Amphora is more of a specialist type of lightweight, impact-resistant, 3D printer
filament. Common applications include mechanical parts and other objects that
need a material that is of excellent strength, highly flexible, and durable.
• Pros and Cons of Amphora 3D Printer Filament
• Pros
• No notable odors during the printing process
• Strong material with a high melting point (higher than regular PLA)
• Better layer adhesion resulting in an improved finish
• Impressive performance for bridging gaps
• Little to no warping, cleaner overhangs overall
• FDA-approved, making Amphora food safe
• Cons
• Not an easy material to print with
• Printer nozzle and bed need fine tuning for best results
• 3D Printing encompasses may forms of technologies
and materials as 3D printing is being used in
• almost all industries. A few examples are:
• 1. Construction: 10 one-story houses can be printed in
a day.
• 2. Medicine: Hearing aids, Organs, Body parts, Tissues,
Blood vessels, Teeth, Prosthetics,Bionics, Braces,
• 3. Manufacturing: Automobile parts, Cars
• 4. Domestic Usage: Jewelry, Toys, cutlery, Furniture
• 5. Clothing: Dresses, Shoes
• 6. Archaeology: Reconstructing fossils, bones, body
parts and ancient artifacts
• 7. Academia: Molecular Models, Gears, Robots.


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