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ESTUDIANTE: ______________________________. MAYO DEL 2011

Comprende y comunica emociones, ideas, opiniones en el idioma

inglés en forma oral y escrita utilizando sus conocimientos y

destrezas lingüísticas.

Aplica sus destrezas lingüísticas en actividades cotidianas dentro de

diferentes contextos.

Valora, respeta y aprecia la diversidad multicultural y multiétnica.

Se integra a diferentes grupos haciendo aportes significativos en la

solución de problemas de la vida real en un ambiente bilingüe.

Desarrolla sus destrezas lingüísticas a través del trabajo colaborativo

tomando decisiones consensuadas.

Aplica las técnicas en la escritura de párrafos como base para

desarrollar diferentes escritos.



The human is living in a world and working in a regimen where the employee´s
competitive is essential to keep the job. Because of that, people have to be careful with
the academic preparation, taking into consideration that this is an important detail to
success as a person in the labor campus.

As we said before, people should find a good career like English, because it is one of
the most important languages all over the world, and in the same manner it is going to
help professionals to be able to develop a good work.


It is important to mention that our town nowadays is growing up and developing a very
demanding commercial and science area, moreover our city is full of foreigners whom
invest their money buying personal items among others. Because of that professionals
must be able to offer them a good and competitive service, and the best way to do that
is learning English as a second language.


The process of acquire English as a second language can be divided in two parts:
First Language Acquisition that studies the infants’ acquisition of their native language,
whereas Second Language Acquisition deals with the acquisition of additional
languages in both children and adults.

In this case the students are going to be working with the Second Language
Acquisition which is divided into four basic skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and


There are many reasons why English and Science’s students are very close related; of
course it is proved that English as a second language is like “an open door”, that can
help you, and in which if you are really prepared you can enter to become a successful
person. The objectives are:

To focus the student’s ability in a more communicative way.


To develop the close connection and relationship between English and science’s
To develop and improve the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and
writing) in order to apply them successfully in a real life situation.
To acquire basic and oral skills that will allow students to communicate properly.


Teacher’s Expositions
Individual works
Group works
Oral presentations
Oral discussions


Attendance Classworks
Quizzes Midterm tests
Exercises Final test
Oral presentations Coevaluation


Conversations and vocabularies

Personal questions and daily activities
Work bank
The key to good writing
Comprehension and reading section
Pronunciation part
Frequency adverbs
Human information
Translation part


o Answer these questions about yourself and add a photograph

1. What is your name? ____________________________________________

2. How old are you? ______________________________________________
3. Where are you from? ___________________________________________
4. What is your native language? ____________________________________
5. What are some things you like to do? ______________________________
6. Where do you live? ____________________________________________
7. When is your birthday? _________________________________________
8. What is your favorite music? _____________________________________
9. What is your favorite subject? ____________________________________
10. What is your teacher name? _____________________________________

o Introduce a classmate, just with the basic information in a paragraph

You can ask for:
- His/her family and friends
- His/her interests and hobbies
- Sports he/she likes to play or watch
- He/she job, profession or activities



Ever and Never

We use ever in questions.

For example: have you ever dance merengue, before?

We use never in sentences.

For example: Michelle has never dance merengue, before.

1. John/ ever read / La Boina Roja.

2. We / never play / tennis in this gym.
3. Charles and Susan / ever practice / mathematics.
4. You / never pay / attention to the teacher.
5. Monica / ever travel / to Chile.
6. I / never study / English.
7. My family / never take / vacations to Cancun.
8. Jorge / ever drink / soda before.
9. My brother / never wash / the dishes.
10. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor / ever sing / a song together.



Some any several much a few not much

a Little a lot of many not any how much? How

Count Nouns Non – Count Nouns

Books Money
How Many How much?
Not any Not any
A few Not much
Some A little
Several Some
Many A lot of
A lot of

Choose the correct quantifier from the parentheses.

1. She is having _____________ car problem.

(some / several)
2. The store is going to close in _____________ minutes.
(a few / a little)
3. My father got _____________ extra soda.
(a little / a lot of)
4. There aren´t _____________ cars on the street.
(many / much)
5. My sister has to do _______________shopping at the supermarket.
(several / some)
6. We don´t have ______________milk in the fridge.
(some / any)


Nails and Hair

Nails are extensions of the epidermis found on the fingers and toes. Nails feel harder
than skin because they contain large amounts of a special kind of keratin called hard
keratin. Because our nails are strong, we use nails became dirty very easily. It’s very
important to keep your nails clean. Bacteria and fungi can live under the nail and in the
nail bed, the place where the nails begin their growth. Fungi are larger than bacteria and
include yeasts and molds.

We often think about hair on our head and want it to look good. Actually, hair has
several functions. For example, the hair in your nose filter the air as you breath and trap
bacteria and viruses before they can get into your lungs. Also, hair helps to protect you
from getting hurt. A man who shaves all his hair off feels a hit on his head more than a
person who has a full head of hair. Finally, hair helps with sensation because sensory
receptors are nerve endings. As a result, when something brushes against or touches a
hair, you feel it.

Keratin in our hair makes it waterproof and strong. Like the epidermis, hair also
contains melanin. People with dark hair have more melanin in their hair than people with
blond hair.

Hair begins its growth in the dermis inside little pockets called follicles. It then grows
up through the dermis and epidermis until it reaches outside of the body.

 Write true (T) or false (F).

____ 1. Nails grow out of the epidermis of the skin.

____ 2. Nails get their hardness from melanin.

____ 3. Hair contains Keratin.

____ 4. Everyone has the same amount of melanin in their hair.

____ 5. Hair starts growing in the epidermis.


The Face


Paragraph Pointers: Putting Ideas in Timer Order.

When you want to tell someone how to do something, the first thing you need to do is
make a list of the steps in the process. Then you should arrange the steps according to
time order. When you write your paragraph, you should use signals words to help guide
your reader from one step to the next.

Time Order Signals Words

First second third first of all then after that next finally

 Complete the following paragraph using time order signal words.

1. It is easy to get a good picture of your cat if you fallow these steps.__________
give your cat something to eat. When she is full, move your cat to a sunny
window. ________rub your cat’s back for a few minutes until she falls asleep. As
soon as she wakes up, get in position and have your camera ready.
___________take the picture as she yawns and stretches.

2. In order to get a driver’s license in the United State you need to follow these
steps. __________you need to fill out an application at the department of Motor
vehicles in the state where you live.__________ you have to take and pass a
written test on the traffic signs and driving laws. You also have to pass a vision
test. ___________ you must take a road test with an examiner who will make
sure that you can drive safely. Once you pass the road test, you will get your
driver’s license.

 Translate the words from English to Spanish


1. Headache ________________
2. Blood nose ________________
3. Infection ___________________
4. Chills ____________________
5. Diarrhea _______________
6. Nauseous _________________
7. Dislocate _________________
8. Scrape___________________
9. Vomit ______________
10. Stomachache ___________________

1. Aspirin ___________________
2. Vitamins _________________
3. Decongestant spray __________________
4. Ointment _______________________
5. Lotion _______________________
6. Tablet__________________
7. Capsule_________________


Understanding Paragraphs

Most English writing is organized into paragraphs. It usually begins with a sentence
that state the main idea called “Topic Sentence”. The other sentences in the paragraph
explain the main idea, they add details and give support, it is called “Supporting
sentences”. Sometimes the paragraphs also have a “Concluding Sentence”; it is the last
sentence of the paragraph.

 Read the model paragraph and study the parts.

The students in the class come from many different topic sentences
parts of the world. Some are from European countries
such as France, Spain and Italy. Other are from Middle
Eastern countries like Saudi Arabia and Israel. Still other supporting
Students were born in Asian countries including Japan sentences
and Korea. The largest number of students is from Latin
American countries like Mexico, Venezuela and Peru.
The Class is an interesting mix of people from many concluding
different countries. sentences

 Write your own paragraph, using the model paragraph.



Writing a Formal Speech: To prepare a formal speech you must fallow some
Step 1- Preparing Your Speech
1.1- Public speaking for everyone
1.2- Solid foundations
1.2.1 The occasion
1.2.2 The audience
1.2.3 The purpose of your speech
Step 2- writing your speech
2.2- The opening
2.3- The middle
2.4- The closing
Step 3- delivering your speech
3.1- Scripts, notes or memory
3.2- Reading from a scrip
3.3- Using notes
3.4- Reciting from memory

Prepare a formal speech with the steps you already know, be sure to
include the opening, the middle and the closing.

Prepare your speech in a chart or power point presentation for the next
class. The topics are free.



Alex: Hello, I’m Alex Ruiz.

And this is my sister Joan.
Sonia: Hi. My name is Sonia Hernandez.
Joan: Are you from South America, Sonia.
Sonia: Yes, I am. I´m from Venezuela.
Where are you and your sister from, Alex?
Alex: We are from Panama.
Sonia: Are you from Santiago?
Alex: No, we aren´t. we’re from Chiriqui.
Sonia: Nice to meet you.
Alex and Joan: Nice to meet you, too.

Mother : What did the dentist say to you?

Cecilia: He said I had to brush my teeth three
Times a day.
Mother: Umm. What else did he say?
Cecilia: He said I needed Braces.
Mother: Oh no! They’re terribly expensive.
Cecilia: He said my from teeth were fine. And
He said there was a hole in one of my
Back teeth.
Mother: Did he fill it?
Cecilia: No, he said he would fill it next
Mother: When is that going to be?

Cecilia: He said he could see me on Monday.

Mother: And what about the braces?
Cecilia: He said he was going to give me the
Name of a good orthodontist.

Passive Voice


The American Discovery

America was Christopher

discovered by Columbus
Christopher Columbus discovered America

When was America

America was
discovered in 1492

 Match the columns.

1. Christopher Columbus a. built Cusco.
2. Cervantes b. invented the telephone.
3. The Spaniards c. conquered the Inca Empire.
4. The Incas d. painted the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper
5. Alexander Graham Bell e. Composed Swan Lake and the
Nutcracker Suite.
6. Leonardo Da Vinci f. discovered America.
7. Tchaikovsky g. created Mickey Mouse.
8. Walt Disney h. wrote Don Quixote.

 Complete the sentences. Use the verbs from the circle.

1. Donald Duck and Pluto________________________ Walt Disney.
2. One Hundred Years of solitude ____________________Garcia Marquez.
3. The pyramids________________________ the Egyptians. Written
4. The opera Carmen _________________________ Bizet. Conquered
5. The Aztecs_________________________ Hernan Cortes. Painted
6. Guernica __________________________ by Picaso. Built

- Remember you have to use was o were and the preposition by.

American Discovery


La Niña La Pinta La Santa Maria

Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. The king and Queen of Spain
financed the expedition. They gave Columbus three ships and about one hundred
sailors. Columbus captained the largest of the three ships, the Santa Maria. Columbus
and his crew made the journey from Spain in the three weeks. They were looking for a
route to the East Indies, but they found the New World instead.

 Complete the information about the reading.

- Date America discovered: _________________________________
- Expedition financed by: ________________________________
- Number of ships: __________________________________
- Number of sailors: ________________________________
- Name of largest ship: __________________________________
- Commanding officer: __________________________________
- Sailing time: _______________________________________
- Expected destination: _______________________________

 Complete the passage.

America ___________________ by Christopher Columbus in _________. The

expedition ______ financed by ______________________________________.

Columbus was ______________three ships and about _____________sailors.

Eternal Flame


 Sing the song and then try to translate it in a separate piece of paper.

Word Bank

Ambitious dependable hardworking messy quiet shy

Artistic energetic helpful neat responsible social

Boring enthusiastic honest optimistic selfish studious

Brave friendly jealous organized sensitive talkative

Competitive funny kind patient serious thrifty

Creative generous lazy

Prepare a personal SWOT analysis

Who am I?

My strengths

My weaknesses

My opportunities


My threats

Definition of Terms

 Ligament: a band of tough, fibrous tissue joining bones or cartilages.

 Backbone: the spine or spinal column of vertebrates.
 Tendon: a band of tough elastic connective tissue attached to the surfaces of bones
near the joints.
 Lung: a sack like, usually paired organ in the chest of most vertebrates that expand
CO2 from the blood and provides it with O2.
 Bone: the dense connective tissue of the skeleton of most vertebrates.
 Skull: the bony framework of the head that protects the brain.
 Rib Cage: it protects the heart and lungs.
 Joint: the place where two bones meet.
 Cartilage: a tough elastic connective tissue attached to the surfaces of bones near
the joints.
 Rib Bone: one of a series of long paired curved bones that comes from the spine
toward the sternum and protects the chest cavity in most vertebrates.
 Anus: the opening at the end of the digestive system from which feces exits the
 Appendix: a small sac located on the cecum.
 Esophagus: the long tube between the mouth and the stomach. It uses rhythmic
muscle movements.
 Mouth: the first part of the digestive system, where food enter to the body.
 Rectum: the lower part of the large intestine, where feces are stored before they are
 Stomach: a sack like, muscular organ that is attached to the esophagus.
 Pancreas: an enzyme producing gland located below the stomach and above the
 Liver: a large organ located above and in from of the stomach, it filters toxins from
the blood, makes bile and some blood pr


 In the boxes below, draw simple picture that show the articles.

Pillow Chest Curtains

Crib Baby carriage Coffeemaker

Blow dryer Scissors Bib

Walker Toothpaste Mascara }



Nothing to Wear

Fred is upset this morning. He is looking for something to wear to work, but there’s
nothing in the closet.

He’s looking for a clean shirt, but all his shirts are dirty. He´s looking for a sport jacket,
but all his sports jackets are at the dry cleaner’s. He´s looking for a pair of pants, but all
the pants in his closet are ripped. And he’s looking for a pair of socks, but all his socks
are on the clothesline, and it’s raining!

Fred is having a difficult time this morning. He’s getting dressed for work, but his closet
is empty, and there is nothing to work.

 Choose the best answer.

1. Fred´s closet is ____
a. Upset
b. Empty
2. Fred is ____
a. At home
b. At work
3. Fred’s shirt are:____
a. Dirty
b. Clean
4. He’s looking for a pair of ____
a. Jackets
b. Pants
5. The weather is _____
a. Not very good
b. Beautiful
6. Fred is upset because_____
a. He´s getting dressed
b. There´s nothing to wear.



Adjectives and Adverbs

The ballerina danced beautifully.

Adjective Adverb Rules for forming Adverbs

Slow Slowly
Quick Quickly For most adverbs, we add -ly to an
Beautiful Beautifully adjective.
bad Badly

Happy Happily If the adjective ends in y, we change

Easy Easily the y to I and then add –ly.

Hard Hard
Fast Fast Some adverbs are the same as the
Late Late adjective.
Early Early

Good Well The adverb form of good is well.

Adjectives and Adverbs look similar, but they do different things.

1. An adjective describes a noun and usually answer the question what.

What color is the car? The car is red.
2. An adverb often answers the questions how. Adverbs describe verbs, adjectives,
and other verbs.
How does she dance? She dances beautifully.
 Underline the correct form of the adjective or verb.

1. She speaks English very (good / well).


2. She is very (polite / politely) to people.

3. She gets along with people (easy / easily).

4. She is a (hard / hardly) worker.

5. She is (good / well) writer.

6. She types (fast / fastly) on the computer.

7. She is very (careful / carefully) with her work.

8. She keeps the office (clean / cleanly).

9. She dresses (nice / nicely).

10. She is never (late / lately).

11. She is always (happy / happily).

12. But you must pay her (generous / generously).

 Put the following word into the correct column.

Carefully easily good noisy

Dangerous fast hard quietly

Early funny late slowly

Adjectives Adverb Adjective or Adverb

________________ _________________ __________________

________________ _________________ ___________________

________________ _________________ ___________________

_________________ ___________________ ___________________



a. Read this telephone conversation.

Lucia: I´m so glad you called. I have a big problem and I hope you can help me.

Clara: What´s the problem? I’ll help if I can.

Lucia: My cousin is coming home tonight from his trip to Europe and I´m supposed to
pick him up at the airport at seven o´clock. The problem is that I just found out I have to
work late tonight. Can you possibly pick him up for me?

Clara: Sure. What airline is he taking?

Lucia: British Airways. Flight 179.

Clara: Ok. But how will I recognize him?

Lucia: Well, he´s medium height and average weight. He wear glasses, and he dresses
very well.

Clara: That could be almost anyone. Can you be more specific?

Lucia: Well, his hair is blond and curly. I almost forgot! He has a beard.

Clara: What´s his name.

Lucia: Ernie Norton.

Clara: Ok, no problem. I´ll find him.

Lucia: Thank you so much!

At the last minute, Clara is unable to go to the airport. Her brother Tim has agreed to
pick Ernie up instead. Clara is writing a note to Tim describing Ernie, so that he will be
able to find him.

b. Pretend you are Clara. Write a note to Tim describing Ernie, in a separate
piece of paper and add it.

Present Participle


(Affirmative and negative forms)

 Complete the sentences with have/has or haven´t/hasn´t and the verb in the

correct form.

1. My mother ________________ (go) to the supermarket now.

2. Susie __________________ (see) Sandra in the grocery store.

3. Freddy ___________________ (have) a good time today.

4. Philip___________________ (not be) in France for five months.

5. Sam ____________________ (eat) snake soup.

6. My father ___________________ (not read) the newspaper today.

7. Juan ________________ (play) the violin.

8. My brother _________________ (not wash) his car yet.

9. She _______________ (sweep) the floor.

10. The computer __________________ (work) all the morning.

11. Sr. Fonseca ___________________ (dance) with Sra. Fonseca.

12. Sra. Fonseca ___________________ (not speak) to her brother yet.

13. They ____________________ (give) a wedding gift to the couple.

14. They ____________________ (drink) a lot at the reception.

15. The couple ___________________ (not cut) the wedding cake yet.

Physical States and Emotions Review


 Complete the following sentences using nervous, scared, happy or angry.

1. I look _____________ because I´m going to Mexico.
2. You look ______________because you past your test.
3. Susan looks _______________when she is at home alone.
4. We look __________________ after we read the news.
5. She looks ________________before the interview.

 Complete the following sentences using happy, tired, bored or depressed.

1. They look ________________after they just got some bad news.
2. Mark looks _______________because he doesn´t have anything to do.
3. Bill looks__________________ because he couldn´t go to the movies.
4. I look __________________ because I arrived from Panama right now.
5. We look _________________ when we just got some good news.
6. She looks_________________ because she stayed up late last night.

 Match the occupations and what they do.

A carpenter write letters.
A secretary protect places and things.
A salesperson sells clothes.
A supervisor teaches.
A security guard serves passengers.
A flight attendant builds houses.
A receptionist cooks food.
A chef guide tours.
A student cares for patients.
A police officer directs a company.
A tour guide studies.
A doctor watches others job.
A company director answers the telephone.
A teacher cares for people.

Superlatives Forms Waterfalls

 Listen and read. Write in the missing words.


Welcome to our planet, the best geography program on television! Today we’re talking
about record-breaking waterfalls – the biggest waterfalls in the __________.

The Salto del Angel is in Venezuela. The water drops an amazing 979____________,
how far is that? Think of the tallest building in the world – 979 meters is more than twice
that height! The Salto del Angel is not the waterfall with the greatest volume of
____________. The Guairá, on the frontier between Brazil and Paraguay, holds that
_____________, how much water drops over the Guairá? To get an idea, imagine the
dome of St Peter’s Basilica in Rome, one of the largest domes in the world. The Guairá
could fill that dome with water in three-fifths of a ______________!

The Khone Falls in Laos aren’t as high as The Salto del Angel and they don’t have as
a great a volume of water as the Guairá, but they do hold a record, they are the widest
waterfalls in the world. They are 10.8 _________________ wide!

Vocabulary: talking about, record-breaking, waterfalls, drops, amazing, how far, think
of, twice, height, however, frontier, between, holds, to get, dome, could, fill three-fifths,
do hold, wide.

 Answer the questions.

1. Where is The Salto del Angel? ___________________________________
2. How far does the water of The Salto del Angel drop?___________________
3. Is there a waterfall in the world higher than The Salto del Angel? _________
4. Is the Guairá as high as The Salto del Angel? ________________________
5. Which has a greater volume, the Guairá or The Salto del Angel?
6. Where is the Guairá? _________________________________
7. Which waterfall is wider, the Khone or the Guairá? ___________________
8. How wide are the Khone Falls? __________________________________
 Right or Wrong. Write the letter R according to the correct item and write W to
the incorrect ones according to the reading, The Waterfall.

_ Our planet is the best geography program on television ………………………____

_ This program is about record – breaking waterfalls ………………………….____
_ The Salto del Angel is in Colombia? ...............................................................____


_ The water of The Salto del Angel drops an amazing 797 meters ……………____
_ The Salto del Angel is the highest waterfall in the world ……………………._____
_ The Salto del Angel is the waterfall with the greatest volume of water ……._____
_ The Guairá is on the frontier between Brazil and Peru …………………….. _____
_ The dome of St. Peter’s Basilica is in Rome…………………………………..._____
_ The Khone Falls are in Laos……………………………………….……………...____
_ The Khone Falls are as High as The Salto del Angel ………………………..____
_ The Khone Falls have as a great a volume of water as the Guairá …………_____
_ The Khone Falls are the widest waterfall in the world……………………….. _____
 Write in the blank space if the sentence refers to The Salto del Angel, The
Guairá or The Khone Falls.

_ It’s the highest waterfall in the world. __________________________________

_ It’s in Venezuela. _________________________________________________

_ It holds the record of the greatest volume of water. ________________________

_ It’s on the frontier between Brazil and Paraguay. _________________________

_ It could fill the dome of the Basilica with water in three- fifths of a second.

_ They aren’t as high as the Salto del Angel. _____________________________

_ They don’t have as a great a volume of water as the Guairá.________________

_ They are the widest waterfalls in the world.______________________________


Parts of a Tree.



Get Ready to Write: a beginning writing text by Karen Blanchard and Christine
Grammar Form and Function by Milada Broukal
Anatomy and Physiology: for English language learners by Judy Meier Penn
and Elizabeth Hanson.
English-Spanish Dictionary: Logman
Word by Word: English basic picture dictionary by Steven Molinski and Bill Bliss.
Clear Speech: pronunciation and listening comprehension in North American
English by Judy B. Gilbert
Cambridge Dictionary of American English: by Cambridge University Press.
Introducing Yourself


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