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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Analytical Method Validation

SOP Number: [Unique SOP Number]

Effective Date: [Effective Date]

Review Date: [Review Date]

Approval Signatures:

Name Title Date

[Name of Approver 1] [Title of Approver 1] [Approval Date]

[Name of Approver 2] [Title of Approver 2] [Approval Date]

1. Purpose:

The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to outline the procedures for the
validation of analytical methods used in [Your Organization's Name]. Method validation ensures that
analytical results are accurate, reliable, and meet predetermined acceptance criteria.

2. Scope:

This SOP applies to all personnel involved in the validation of analytical methods within [Your
Organization's Name]. It covers the validation of both new and existing analytical methods.

3. Responsibilities:

3.1. [Specify Department/Role] is responsible for coordinating and conducting analytical method

3.2. [Specify Department/Role] is responsible for reviewing and approving method validation
protocols and reports.
3.3. [Specify Department/Role] is responsible for archiving and maintaining method validation

4. Definitions:

Analytical Method: The specific procedure used for the quantitative or qualitative determination of
an analyte in a sample.

Validation: The process of demonstrating that an analytical method is suitable for its intended
purpose and provides reliable results.

5. Procedure:

5.1. Method Selection:

The selection of an appropriate analytical method should consider factors such as the intended use,
regulatory requirements, and the analyte's characteristics.

5.2. Method Validation Protocol:

Prior to validation, a validation protocol must be prepared. The protocol should include:

A unique document number and version.

Objective and scope.

Reference to relevant SOPs.

Detailed experimental procedures.

Acceptance criteria.

Statistical methods (if applicable).

A timeline for completion.

5.3. Method Validation Execution:

Execute the validation protocol as per the documented procedures.

Ensure trained personnel perform the validation.

Record all relevant data and observations during the validation process.

5.4. Data Analysis:

Analyze the validation data, including statistical analysis (if applicable), to determine if the method
meets the predefined acceptance criteria.

5.5. Validation Report:

Prepare a validation report that summarizes the results, conclusions, and any recommendations.

Include references to the validation protocol, experimental data, and any deviations encountered.

5.6. Review and Approval:

The validation report must be reviewed and approved by [Specify Department/Role] and [Specify
Department/Role] before finalization.

5.7. Archiving:

All method validation records, including protocols and reports, must be archived and retained in
accordance with [Your Organization's Name]'s document retention policy.

6. References:

List any relevant standards, guidelines, or regulatory documents that apply to analytical method

7. Attachments:

Include any necessary attachments, such as forms, templates, or additional documents related to
method validation.

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