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Name of the teacher Fikah Wahyuni Telaumbanua

Level/Grade SMP / IX

Topic Descriptive Text

Skill of languages (maximal 2) Writing, Speaking and Reading

Time Allocation 10-15 Minutes

Learning Modes Oflline

Method of Teaching Games-Based Learning

Facilitation  Laptop & Projektor

 Games
 Picture
A. Learning Achievement : Students use spoken, written and visual texts in English to
communicate according to the situation, objectives and
viewers/readers. Students use English to convey
desires/feelings and discuss topics close to their daily lives or
hot issues according to the age of students in this phase. They
read the written text for study/otain information implict
inference skills when understanding information in English
start to expand. Students produce more diverse written and
visual texts, with an awareness of the goals and target readers.

B. The Purpose of Learning : 1. Students are able to describe something like person,animals,
place, etc.
2. Students increase their vocabulary and improve their
comprehension in writing.

C. Meaningful Comprehension : After learning this course, students will know :

1. The use of Descriptive Text types in everyday life
2. Descriptive text is used to describe the physical
characteristics of people, things or places
3. Use non-verbal elements such as body language to
understandable in some contexts.

D. Trigger Question : 1. What do you know about your classmates?

2. What is a specific description of him/her?

E. Learning Activities
Opening (2 minutes)

1. Learning begins with Greetings and Pray.
2. The teacher teaches students to play games abiut the lessons to be learned

1. Teacher gives a short question through game media


1. Teacher explain the material/topic that will discussed, the purpose and the benefit of the
learning and activity of learning that will be done.
The main activity (5menit)


1. Having some conversations with teacher and friends.

2. Students will play games, then they will write and read the results of their writing based on
the questions they get from the game/picture.


The teacher explain the learning material at the end of the game.


1. After explaining the material, the teacher gives some question to students and the students
who can answer the question well will get a prize.

Closing (10 menit)


1. The teacher explain more about the topic that they have discussed
2. Teacher and students do a reflection about the activity of learning today



a. Definition

Descriptive text is a text used to give a detailed information (description) about a particular
object. It describes particular object like things, animals, persons or places, for instance: pets or persons
we know well.

b. Social Functions

1. Giving information about a particular object by describing its features dan special

2. Giving information about a particular object by describing its physical attributes, behavior,
functions, etc.

c. Generic Structures

The generic structure of a descriptive text consists of two main parts:

a) Identification/Introduction/Classification

• Identification introduces and identifies specific objects (a person, thing, place, animal, or event)

intended to be described. It is used to gives a general idea about the object we want to describe.

• What specific topic, person, idea, or thing is beaing described or explained?

• How is the topic being described of explained?

b) Descriptions/Characteristic Features

• Description describes the intended objects using descriptive details or information about the

characteristics, appearances, personality, habits, or qualities.

• What features or characteristics (physical appearance, qualities, habitual behavior, significant

attributes) are important to remember or understand about the topic being described?
c) Conclusion/Concluding statement (optional)

• What are the main ideas and important details that are necessary to include?

• How will you state them in you own words following the structure of the text?

d. Language features

Language features commonly used in descriptive text:

➢ Specific characteristics or features are described or expained (size, shape, location, coloured,

➢ Descriptive adjective are used throughout the text.

➢ Details are provided to help the reader visualize the topic.

➢ Examples are often provided (for instance, such as, an example, to illustrate, to demonstrate).

➢ The topic word or a synonym for the topic is often repeated.

➢ Use of thinking and feeling verbs to express the writer’s personal view about the subject.

Use of similes and metaphors.

e. Examples of short spoken conversation

A: Have you met the new girl?

B: No. Have you?

A: She's one of the prettiest girls at the school.

B: What does she look like?

A: Well, she's quite short.

B: How tall would you say that she is?

A: I would say she's only five feet.

B: What about her facial features?

A: She has light brown eyes, absolutely beautiful.

B: I think I know who you're talking about.

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