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>t~'Sf 11'4it\!;t\!

j en e ~ Translation ~
r chool tudents (Class VI X)
th r English Learners
Engli h Grammar~?S Mf\Sft Chapter-sm ~ Tense ~2'~ I z:iNsft
ntence ~ 4Bt"!> Tense-~~ M61~ 4~l\!> ?al I 41Cur~ Tense-<JlfS
~~1~~ ~~11 <la,t ~ I 'f!)~~ Tense-4.fl~ ~4~~ ~ er1M~1 ~""61(-q ~mi#}
~ >t'3<4 -m I~ '5tf'~~ ~-"t<!J¥tJMC>\!> Tense >t'JIC.4'1 >t~erelC<I
¥5- ~1CCi11MT 141C4 ~I~
""""M........ ~1~1C)Bt ~-tl1'11~1 l.'-<!!*1'1ll\!> ~ ilJ1Ms~f
~ ~m I 4-!I~ >t~>o1 ~~IC-.~ ~ ~~ ~ "t<84ft ~41-t ~ ~ I
----= ~


~obit Ku111ar Sen

Distributor :
:15, Bankim Chatterjee Street, Kolkata-73

Published by : Printed At :
M. K. Sen (Author) Ajanta Printers
Pritinagar, Nadia 61,. Surya Sen St. Kol-9

M Tl R 01· 11 "'ISi

\"e <! TC: ., m'Pf .. • I Q~,1~Pre ent, Past \.!1<:1° Pa 1

1 rple - .. .::~ \ crb-~f; mt9f?J 9ift.t t;!J~ ~~J 1 el~ ?lf.~4~~ <fi'?lt~ 4!t~t~m
,.- rt-..,~ I ~ ~~, \ crb-4!1~~~it\!> Vowe] '?fF.~~ ~full c.!!<1" ~~~
- ...~ d, ed. t C<Jt~ :qo.ffi,Jt Pa t 1 cnsc -e Past Participle "i"f~ ~1~1
~~ \ erb....!:~ @~ ~ ~{ ~3l ~I~~~-
Pr ent Past Past Participle
ome came come
Ta e r;-,.sm) took taken
Iove ..,{'•) moved moved
Vork ~~) worked worked F
Learn (M"!fi' ~) learnt learnt
Put(~) put put
Cut (~) cut cut
~€ <!.ol-1¢ Verb ~1~1 Gta=t~lt<1 Tense~ ~l:la-t Verb-~~ 'M'Pf
<::;<P'~ ~ at'";,c~ ~~l< I (\'eib4!!~ Conjugation ~)I
(TE1 SE)
I go to school now. (~ ~~ ~ ~
I went 10 school yesterday. (~ ">1~4161 ~ ·~nufbait~)
I shall go to school to-morrow. (~tfil ~"ifl~<P161 ~ q~~)
414 Se•~Ml~
Pr nC n .• ~-
• ..,,,y ••

, nt 1en ~ I <?.r. ·~-

I go home. ( tF-1 ~ <rl!I)
He u rue a letter. (C'I fbfl, f- ~)
n :~
P t Ten ~ l
I ue111 home. ( ~rnr~c;r.;1) ~
He wrote a letter. (Vi f5fi; ~rilrftl.~)
n e : · - 6M<u
Future Ten e ~I c<ist~-
I shall go home. ( • ~1~ '-fl'~)
He will write a Jetter. (Vl ~;~~ ~ic~)
'erb-Cl~ ~ R~ R-:1 >i~IC~i t\b:t ~=i ~~rsi 'f''1:1~~!li ~ ~ ~-rat ., ~~
9i@::;.t~ :g}t9f ~ ~ 22(. --J~-~ Tense-C~ ~ra ,.).c~ ~l';I st~ ~
=-'[~~t~ I U~~·i-
(1) Indefinite
(-) Continuous
(3) Perfect
r- ) Perfect Continuous
• ~..!!~, Verb_.£[~ Tense_..£~ ~?i ~ Formation c-Ttf.) ~~ g
(I) Present Indefinite Tense (;;rp-:·~~~ ':, =.J ?! f'~l·t)
(2) Present Continuous Tense ('<iB'll•i ~-~~)
(3) Present Perfect Tense (~'"7.·,1ro~ ;:f •. r;})
(4) Present Perfect Continuous Tense {~?.~ffi .. •l·i -..: !~::;t)
(5) Past indefinite Tense (~~?.~ ~ FR:J Gi Bl~)
(6) Past Continuous Tense ('<JG~l..f ~~~)
(7) Past Perfect Tense ( '-?l!i<lffl'~ • ·@t ·)
i (8) Past Perfect Continuous Tense ( 'f~l~~t·t ~®~)
(9) Future Indefinite Tense(~~~~ f.TeJ \iSK.qJ~)
(10) Furore Continuous Tense ('<iG~I· -R<o~)
(11) Future Perfect Tense ( ?j~liOJW~ -ei'4<U~)
(12) Future Perfect Continuous Tense (9.l)H\{G:.u~ 'EkqJ'"')
( PRESE .. "'T 1 1DEFI 'ITE TE '"SE)
~..&< t~<¢'CJ ~ ~ ~ 'Giard&ra :>i~~ ~Gt ~~~i ~ ut¢, 'Ci{~jp~-s·~ ~
-e 8<st ....1 -"IJ~J ~Tii ~ • t~(.q; Present Indefinite Ten e <rrr-1 I l~~·
:nt We are They are He is
You are It is Cow is Cows are
ote: Singular Number~~~ 'is, ~<I~ Plural Number~~~
•ere, qi:q~~ ~I 'r ~~~ 'am, ~<f~ "you' (~) Singular Number
:nt ~'\tCi1'6 lo~ ~ are 'CIJ<l~•f~ ~ I
~f\!;Jril ~~ :
( I) '"51l_..4 ~ \SM~J~ \5l~ ~·Present Continuous Tense <rr"<l*
~?811 (A~--.-
JI I C?f \51T~1~4>Fif ~~ '541PtC<l-He is coming here to-morrow.
~ ~ \5Jt~1~<fSfaf <tSFci<fS1~1 <lt«:i::i ?-Are you going to Kolkata
(2) 'OIC_,.<fS ~ ~'Qit f\!l:;~BI "?tt9f Present Continuous Tense-~~ ~
te ~l:coi'ii ~ Present Indefinite Tense ~'Pf <lJ<l~\!) ~ I ~~S\f-
'Ol1~ 'Ol'i?i (<ff~ <tSffi~~-1 feel unwell.
~ ~ ~~~:~:~'~:~:~::;;;:~:~~ :i::i'6~tS\f '511~ ~~9{
~ -~/erb~~ ~9f ~ 91~<l~ ~ \!>t~C<tS Present Perfect Tense
f I
~I ('A~ ..
'C!511fil ~ ~~1$:-1 have eaten rice.
~ ~ ·fiuu~-Hehas gone to school.
'6l~>Bl1 ~~ \5llPBl1~ They have come here.
@It.. ~ <r~~ R, ~, '9fM ctSffi~Hltl-Theman has passed the B.A.
Examination this year.
41[lalll 1ft'-t :· ;qsfihU~ 4B~ttt 4Bt~ic:-. ~~~ ~~ WflJI 9ftsm "1t!Jf'"iU1',
JI ._tttot dfRs ~ ~1Mst61 Present Perfect Tense ~ I
ubJect~~ 9fal person '6 number '6fi{'11t1* 'has been' ~
'ba e been. ~ \JI~ ~ verb~~ ~ "ing ' ~ ?lll I
Pre ent Continuou Tense '6 Present Perfect Continuous
Tea e-dRf 91t'ill(•1 z
Pre ent Continuous Tense-eajt ~ c:i'6~te:{ >i~Ul ('54">ltict 9JP() \511~'8
~ ~J41e:f >i~t~ bMC\!>Ctl;O ~~ I c~~--.-
~ Jl~ ~ 'Pff\¥C\!>No-I a111 reading a book.
~' Present Perfect Continuous Tcnse-1.Q~<lS1'Sf ~®l\!> (<i~ct 9[C<f)
... \:sf._1~.\91.:1,.,. ~~~1 <1'6~tc~ bMt\!>C~ \5M~JC~'{3 bMC~ 91"~ ~I~~ ~~XU~
>t~C~ ;:J \Bat~ ~1~C<1 I C~~~-
'511fil ~~ ~ N>--ifi:f~ <:rf<l~ 9if\$c~~-I have been reading a book for
three days. ('M~M~ <:rf<l~' 'Ji~C~'§:l ~~ ~ ~~~1C~
Note : ~ ~ ~~c.q: Q:T <ITT9f<TS ~ (period of time) C<l~--i-~ fi1~
~~· ~ ~lMsCG"'f \!)~ 9LVf 'for' l.Q<f' H1ifQ; ~-~<ff '!51Pl":<f (point of
time) C~~~-'C'1"1~<J~ ~~~, \Sc~~ !<f1~CG1 ~ 9[C<{ 'since' <JJ<l?(Bt ~~I
(~~~t~~s~j~ff #ii;)ff~etit:e )
Translate into English :
~ ~cGi ~ 1 '!>lt~'§:lt ~me\!)~~ 1~9fP'b~ Mc<P ~ ~ 1 ~~ ~c4''$1
b1ffiMl<f.l ~I C~CGifG 00\!?1kC\!)C~ I \!)1?<l'$11 ~ ~~\!J~ I ~~ m-c.'!>C~ I
\!)f~l ~~ <f.lffic\!)c~ I ~ ~ ~I <ff<ft ~ '5T1f>t~tr~~ I ~ \5l~1C<f5
~~ <PCi~ fit~~~ r ~ <tStiStfG <PPl~tc~ 1 ~m l.Q~ q@?t\5 ~ ~ <11~~ <ftJ=f
<tS~C\!)~f ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~C\!)C§>,I
~@\!) <tS1CG1 ~ ~ ~~t Ff~t~ <rt ~ \.!l<l' '!>f$ ~ <J~1ltC~ \5tm ~
<.!!~9f ~ verb-\.£1~ ~~ C<l 91Bl<J~~ ~ '!>~C:<tS Past Indefinite
Tense <!"v:1 I C~~"f-
~lfil ~ ~~T1~G4~ I went home.
CJ1 \.£1~ <rM ~1§~l~G1 He killed a tiger.
M1l~ ~ >f<fStC~ C<l'¥1C\!>~-Bimal walked every morning.
Or, Bimal used to walk every morning.
~~ ~9t s <t>§~1~G4f'1l", <t>§~t~Gi, <f)ru~1~c:G4, <Pm\!) ~~~ Qf.>~1~ {:'1(A

~{Jt~ait~, ~~t~ai, ~ ~~9f M~~ ~ ~I

~ ~~1~ : ~~ Tense-~ Subject <fl <PGBl 9fr~ ~ Verb-~~~®'!> ~9f
(Past form) <IJ<l?<l\b ~ 1 ~~~-'go' verb-~~ ~\S'l'b ~9f 'went' I
(Verb-~~ Conjugation otw)
twiiHll C'lfW'iitfl"i ~c:q .., ('dlltwiilf)--You shall not make a noise.
~ '61Awtt11 q '11\Jfn &finn ~1-:c:ct (qsatclif'f)--He shall leave the n>orn
at once.
C\!Sliil~ ~ fil°flOT ~ :crfitc:cr -;n (~9R}M)-You
shall never tell a lie.
~1~'4 ~ Of'Oltl ~l:t<I (~~)-He shall be punished. ·
~~ --1M<1Bf ~ <rJii ~tf4it<J-The school shall remain closed on
Saturday next. . . ..
~ ~ \SM~J~ ~1lC4 bfciit\5 ~1f<rsc<1 ~Verb~~ ~98f c<i 91M<1~
?rn ~t*<fS Future Continuous Tense ~ I C1'1~~
~ ~ ~ ~Wc<J-1 shall be reading at night.
•• ~ ~ ~~ ~-We shall be going to school.
--.. ''..
'5f~~l c~fdiC'!> ~MsC<3-Then they will be playing .
C\S1C~ ~ 9f1~C\5 ~1MsC<q-Birds will be singing in the morning.
t f <ft~G1! ~9t ~ <PBlC'!> ~' <PBlC'!> ~1MsC<q, <PBlC'!> ~1Ms<lt ~I
~ ~~ g I..!!~ Tense s-~ <PBlC'!> Subject <fl 45~1~ ~ l.!l<f' ~ verb-
~~~ person ~;;{.>'f1a::I 'shall be' <fl 'will be' <3PiC<l l.!l<f' ~verb~~~
'in g ~ '£'S> ~~c:cq 1
( roruJU:· ~ERwECTj;f·ENSE;O
\SM~J(>\!) ~I..!!~~~ ~~1~ ~ '5f981" l.!l~ ~ ~ ~~l<l qt
~~1 ~MsC<l ~ verb-I.fl~ ~98f 8T 91Rl<t~~ ~ '!>f~C45 Future Perfect
Tense <rcG1 I
Future Perfect Tense ~ <f)10Sl~ ~~ ~<f)\!)~ <fi11S1Wt<tS ~I

C<J <tS11S1fG ~ ~ ~~<l ~ Present Indefinite Tense. C~~-'1-

~ '5T1f>i<H~ ~ '51lfii <f)1\Sff& ~ <tSrn?J1 C~M<t-I shall have finished
the work before you came (or you will come).
<rr<li '51Jf>i:cq@ ~ '51lfii ~ ~ C~M<f-I shall have learnt my
lessons before father comes.
'<1N;C'!> ~ <nfer<t~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~C<f-Hc will have gone there
before the clock strikes five.
<J1_ ~ ~ ~WsC<3-Jadu will have have eaten rice.
~ ©~<lRT 981" \!)~t b~?:lt <:T~C<f-They will go away when the sun
wi 11 have risen.

4(411 .-. vt11+4, 4Q1n ~1f«:q. ~man ~1f4f4,, .ra~1 cq~;q ~N> 1
a .ti111
~ eMllft I Subject~ ~1~ ~ Person '519!'11~ "shalt have' <n "wj l]
have~ ~~ ~~ ~ verb~~ Past Participle ~'Pf ~~c;qI
ote : ~'fl~Cf'OMN> come,, comes, strikes~l".~'Faf Present Indefinite
Tense. "lo~fif~ Future Tense~~~ will <ff shall <IJ<I~ <l'iBBl1'8 sentence
~ ~ ~I ~~ \S"t1~'1 ~' 'you come' or "you will come'
dl~'Pf I
~ ~ ~~C<I Q.1 '6M~JC\S '-!l<f>fG ~ ~~<1 ~ ·~~ shall <ff will
~1<1~1~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ <fS1C\Si~ ~~ ~<t)~~ ~ <t>1\STfG ~ ~
Future Perfect Tense l.!1"<1"~ 'shall have' <ff 'will have' <tJ<1~ ~I

(~~:rt!~¢: PE~F~ct=· ~~~t'.1~~9(1~~·:±¢.~st]

\SM~,~ <tSRCi ~ ~~ ~ \5f~ '-!l<fSffl ~f<l<iJ~ <t>1c;sr"j:t 9ff" ~ ~~ ~
~ b~C~ ~1MsC<1 ~ verb-'-!l~ ~~ 8T 9iBl<1~~ ~ ~r~C<fS Future
Perfect Continuous Tense ~ I C~~~-
~ \511Pt<t1~ 9[C<f' '511~"j:tt ~ ~1Ms<t-We shall have been playing
before you come.
Pl~<t> ~1Pl<l1"j:t 9[<f ~ \5f1~"j:t1 9i~C\!5 ~1Ms<t-W c shall have been
reading before the teacher comes.
\511~ ~ ~c;;-r <rr<r~ ~ 9i~C~ ~1Ms<t-l shall have been reading a
book for two hours.
<ett~C1t ~9f : l.!l<f)fU ~pq~J~ "<JU~rn 9[<f' ~ <fSrnc~ ~1Rs<1, <fSffic~ ~Rsc<t,
<fSffit~ ~1MsM l.!l~9f I
~ ~~: Subject <t1 <t>~t~ ~ Person ~-r~1C~ 'shall have been'
<fl 'will have been'~ l.!l<f' ~ verb-1.!l~~ ing ~~I

Translate into English :
~1fil ~M~1~1 ~~:q I Gt~~t ~~1~<tSM >:f'G<tG4 ~I <llt l.!l~ ~ ~
~il:c;q I ~1~~1 ~~('!) JitGBl <Mf&~ (~,<fS~f) I ~ ~1\Sif& <t>ffiC<t I (\511ot~) I ~
~ ~ 4f61c;q (ts9WfXf) 1 '!llt~ ~tfJltG ~~~ ~1Ms<11 c~ca,~t ~rn =:tea,
~~t\5 ~1~c;q 1 \!1~~1 =!itc:i c~1~;qrn ~ ~'Ul 41f'Stc;q 1 C'!>t~~t ~1f>i;q1~ ~
~ 91~ 141f+q I ~ctul 41t$r4Bl 9[<f' ~ '?il1 il~1 ~ Q.f1Ms4 I
Mj~"llR OP 1'11:N!I~

.. ,._.; ..... """"' (.1NHl1~I .. ,_1'8• Tense-41 ·no· v~

--- """'"" e thutttW •t'll.11' 9'1-t.J ~ .W I
ot 'Do' verb tn dlfrerent. Te~~ )
Pre ent Indefinite : ~ ~ 1) I do it. (~
Present Continuous :-1 a111 doing it ('!Q1~~ <Pffit\!>N I)
Present Perfect :-1 have done it. (~1~ ~ <PffiJJl§: I)
Present Perfect Continuous :-1 have been doing it for two hours.
(\5l1fi1 ~ ~ ~~ ~~ <PRu•\!)§ 1)
Past Indefinite :-1 did it. (~1~ ~ <tS@$11&cit~ 1)
Pa t Continuous :-1 \Vas doing it. (\5f1~ ~ <tS@c;'!>§?4N 1)
Past Perfect :-1 had done it before he came. (</l '511Pt<1R1 ~ ~
~ 4)@$Jl&?JN I) (
Past Perfect Continuous :-1 had been doing it before he came.
( l7l '5l1f>i<18-'t 91_Vf ~ ~ <;f)@ (;'!) &?11~ I)
Future Indefinite :-1 shall do it. (\5ll~ ~ <;f)8<1 I)
Future Continuous :-I shall be doing it. (\5ll~ ~ <;f)@c\!) ~~<1 I)
Future Perfect :-1 shall have done it before he comes. (~ '5ff"Pi<trn
<;f)@ $1 l C<JSM <1 I) 91.Vf \!ill iii ~
Future Perfect Continuous :-I shall have been doing it before he
comes. (~ '5l1f>i<irn 9L<{ ~ '5f@T ~ <tS@c;'!> ~1~<1 I)
(.t.~¢r~~~~!: 1~t Pra~~),#.~,:J
Translate into English :
(C<f)l·tfG ~Tense~ lfl~~ ~'~1~c\!) '51-I<t~ ~ ~)
'5l1fil ~ ~I <J11 ~C?4 ~ I "!>~ ~R>M-'{ >i<f)1C?4 C<1~1$1 I ~ ~~ ~~~
<f)ffi~t~ I~ ~M<11C~ ~~I C~C<il~t ~ ~Wtt\!>~ I ~ ~ ~~~~rt I
'511fil ~ ~ ~~ lfl~ ~ 91f\$C'!>~ I~ >i<fSJC1 ~'«\!) lfl~ <f)11STfG <tS@c\!)~ I
'-!)f~~f 9fTS ~~~ ~~ <tSffiC'!>~I <fi<ff ~~C\o ~
lfl~ -xt~c:?t ~ ~~C'!> lfl~ ~
M~f ~\,.\!)~ii I~ Nift F1~1~CQ1-'{ I~ #)'j\!)<f)l(;j lfl~ <tSt'Stffl <1>§~1£.1 <n<ft
~ ~ (day before yesterday) ~ \5f1Pt~1C~ii I ~1~~1 ~~fit--. ~~\51~\§
~ q)~l\!) ... I (!G--.fG bM!..\!5~¢1 I ~t~?tl ;q1101~ ~ ~ ~MC'!)~G1~ I ~c;;y
'41fitq1~ ~ ~u~~f "fl¢1 cPf1~1~ait~ 1 c~cait& ~ ~~;q1~ ~ '!>f:a?t ~ ~ ·
f'ml~01 I \5ll~<At ~ c:911~<U~ 9Af ~ \5f1Pt~1NoG1 I ~ '6f1Ptqf'A ~ ~flfir ~

1&111 lnmnoaadve entence ~ Negative ~. •not• pronoun-dRI 9R3

~. ~ noun.JAi ~~ (C'1C211'!1¥ &'fltt<Rct # csr-1) I
~ f5a fit~t\!Sttl-He is writing a letter.
~ ~ ~ ~-He is not writing a letter.
~ Rs ~ ~?-ls he writing a letter? ·
~ fcti ~ ~ ~?-ls he not writing a letter ?
\!51~f!:11 ~ -..ifilc<!> >l~t~ <rslfGtGN ?-A re they swimming in the river?
QI ~ ~ ~1&t\!5CfJO: rt1 ?-Is he not singing?
-~ ~ ~~l\!> ~ ~MC\!)CtJ:: ~?-Is not Jadu fishing in the river?
ot : Present Continuous Tense-c<f)Negative <Pffic\!) 'not' auxiliary
verb (am, is are)-~~ ~~I Interrogative <Pffit\!) am, is, are sentence-
1.!l~ ~~ ~ ~<l"~ Interrogative Sentence ~ Negative ~ ~ "not"
noun-~~ ~ ~' ~ pronoun-\.!l~ ~ ~ I
\511~ ~ ~~1~-I have eaten rice.
'3fl~ ~ ~ ~-I have not eaten rice.
~1~ ~ ~ ~1R?-Have I eaten rice.
'511fii ~ ~ ~ ~?-Have I not eaten rice ?
\!)~r ':f'G<l<ii ~ ~-They have not played foot-ball.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~?-Has he not written a letter ?
C:~cai~f f<1i ~ ~ ~?-Have not the boys done the sums ?
Note : Negative Sentence-a 'not' 'have' <ti 'has'-l!l~ ~ ~I
Interrogative <P~l\!> 'have' <ti 'has' sentence-era ~~ ~ ~~~ Inter-
rogative sentence Wt Negative ~, 'not' noun-l!l~ ~ ~ t m pro-
noun-l!l~ ~ ~ I
(-ie-~-....·~-j,i-....l~~1~1~-.. .)?~~~..,. .,. :f:-~N-;:)-:rt-)~-:l1~-WE-::~~-:::~...-::;~-:.;:]
~~ <TSfa1<P1'!>1 ~~l~Gi-Madhu went to Kolkata.
~~ ~<f)l\!>f ~1~~ rft-Madhu did not go to Kolkata.
~~ ~ <PM<TS1'-!>l f'~t~Gi ?-Did Madhu go to Kolkata ?
~~ f<fs <PWl<TS1'!5l Fm1~G1 rf1 ?-Did not Madhu go to Kolkata ?
'!>f~J~:n '>WT ~~l~Gi ~-They did not sing.
•Did• Sen~
.Ste verb-drW 91.« •Cfid not•
!liltCil ~~'Sf" v~ ~
~ ~
...,...... 181 'a:ff I
lalmlogative Sentence, negative ~,., "not" noun-dl'W~ ~ pronoun-
..W ~~I

•• fits .,. '*""* f-Shall I go hon1e ?

CiNWI tits ._..,.,ll.,.,C$'TT • f-Shall we play to-morrow ?
(\!511itl1 ~ 'dilwt ~ _,,_,c:q
f-Shall you go to school to-day ?
\!5t•HU fits ~~ '511f>ic:q? -Will they come here?
•it•n Rs ~~11~4111 ~1ff~ ~1PtC<f ';1'f ?-Will not Kamala come here
ote : ~~'"f \SM~~~ Interrogative Scntcnce-ei First '8 Second
person-ea .... hall ~<1' Third person-el will <u<l~~ ~ I

\!Sllfi4 ~ \!S{'f~ ~ ~ffri<tSt~t <J~? (~s1f>t~ <lJ~'$1 ~ f<ri ?)-Shall

I go to kolkata with you ? .
~9ff.l f<js ~~ ¥1~\'G MsHC<t.q? (f\STM1Pl~ <tJ~'$1 ~~?)-Will you buy
this pen?
Q1 f<is ~~ iS'frfJ \51\&l~ \51MsC<l? (f\STM1f>1~ <lJ~~ ~ ~?)-Shall he
cal I in a doctor for you ?
Note : f\S=re31f>1~ <tJ~ \5f~~ <r~C<fS f@riM1~1 ~ ~ ~r~ ~ ~1HC't
oll~CCi Interrogative Sentence-ccst First '8 Third person-et shall l.!l~~ Seccnd
person-ea will <lJ<l~~ ~I (~ Pl$1~1<tafl ~~I)
Interrrogative Senrence-ea Shall '8 wur-aa
<tJ<t~~~ M~~1<tatl
(1) Interrogative sentence-era First person-sa 'shall'~~~ ~r<:~u~ '8
~ <T~ ~ ~~ ~ <1l ~C<fS ~ <f)@ \5"~ '511CL'TA'f <fl~ (command 1
or desire) '51-!J"f~f.q ~ ~ ~ I -.
(2) Second person-el 'shall' ~~'1 ~~ ~ ~ "<fS@ I

(3) Third person-ea 'shall' <:r~C<fS ~ ~ '?81 ~~'"?l \511ot-t <ff~

~~'1~~ ~ ~~I C<l~~-
Slzall I go ? (~~'1 ~r~~u~ ~ ~
Shall you go ? (~~"( \SM~J~) -•
Shall he go ? ~ \5l~J"f~frt) (

Interrogative Sentence-et First person-el 'will' <IJ<l$ ~ -n I ~

"wi ll ' Second person-sa ~ <J~ ~ ~~ ~ \5"1~'$1 ~<fl~~
(wish or intention) '61~J"f~f.i ~ ~"<l"'
Third person-el ~~t;f \SM~J~ ~
?::2<MAf ~I C<l~Pf- 1
Will you go? ~ '61~J"f~~)
Will he go ? (~~Cf \SM~J~)


.srttf.!lf ~ ~~(.\!> ~tf::lsc:q Anja1i will be sleeping then.
<ell~ ~ 'Pf~(.\!> ~tf::ls:q 9TI-J shall not be reading at night.
QT~ f4~1C1 61~1 ~ ~ ~~C\!> ~1MsC<1 ?-Will he be doing sums till
4 p.m. ? (p.n1.-post meridiem : after midday.)
\!>1:8~1 ~ ~ 9f~C\!5~1MsC<1 ";fl ?-Will they not be reading at night ?
ot : p.m.~ ~ ~'t;rn ~ c~ ~ ~ ~1Jt ~ 1 a.m.-ante meridiem
(before midday : ~ ~ ~~ ~ c:~ 9f ?lM~ 1_~ ~ ~1'1 ~) I

( ~OTUitJri;:~f>E~~cT:11;f~~$~~
>J:~C'<B?l 9tC<f "5t1~?11 ~ c9fl~~-We shall have reached home before
the sun sets (or will set).
~1~?11 ~ c9fl~~f?l ~~ \511?1~ ~c~ ~-The rain will not have
started before we reach there.
'5ll~?lt F$ \!)\!)~<:~ C~~ c~flWt ~?-Shall we have reached Nahati
by that time ?
'<l~C~ ~ <11fut~Bt ~ F$ ~ ~~ '5ltf>tc~ ~?-Will be not have
come here before the clock strikes five ?
. ; ~~~)?~r~~~~~~f'J
c~ ~*~*~·~~illf

I I t

Translate into English :

(C<t>l~fG ~ Tense ~<f' ~ Sentence sret ~<f'
~'?ll~C\!> '51-I<l~ ~I)
'511~?11 ~R>M~ ~rn M"TJtGic~ ~ 1 ~t ~~ ~101<?1 ~ ~101 ~ 1 f\bq
~ <t>~<f)t~t ~tc<tS~ ? ~ F$ ~~ ~~ <rt~C'b ~ -n? <ftai~~ ~me\!) J=f1'!5t<?1
<t>tf&c~c~ I <flWt<tSITG ~ ~ ~ ~ <tSffit\!)C~ ~? Q1 ~~ C~9f ~ ~f<;BltC~ I
'511~1?1 ~ ~ <f~~ fX1~<tS\!)t <tSffi~1C~~ I ~1~ ~ c~ ~I <11M<tStfG ~
~~ <f~~ ~~fil<tS 9f1Xf <t>ffi*lt~? ~ f<f5'5ftlS7 ~ <lm ~? w~ro ~ ~~ ~
~~~l <:rm ~? ~ \!iT~C<f) ~~ <f)Gi~fG M~1~G1 I CJ{ l)'j~<fitdl ~Cai <ITTT ~I
'>R>~ <f1<f't ~ ~1f>i*l1C~~ I ~<Bl f<f5 '51?l~<IC~ oi1'4G4 Jf~11S7J ~f\b~t <tSC'?l~
~? @a'f~ ~~ ~- ~~a<i ~l\!)~Gi I ~t~?lt ~~?l ~ ~fG~ ~ ~ I
~ ~ ~ ~i«\!)~Ci? ~@Wf f<f5 t!l~ >j_~?l ~ '>11~C\!5~G1 ~? C~Ca<i'?lt ¥CG4
'5f@t:cq1~ ~ ~~ <r1f'ST~t~G1 1 c\!)11'?lf ~c~ c9fl~<1rn ~ ~ ~ ~f\¥*11~&1 ?
~ ~ ~~ ~ <Pffi<1rn ~ \S1M!Jt~ca<i -n? ~ ~<tSMc~~ ~~ ~1~ ~ <1~<1 1
~ \511<;f1~<tSt<ii ¥C<i1 <l~ r{t 1 \5111''?11 ~ \5fl'>11~<tSta=i ~ <t>BJ<I? ~ta,~~~
~~tcdif ~ "54tf>ic:cq ~? '5Tl?@t ~ ~<f> c~tait Dt ~~C<I~ ? (f\9restP1'3 <1JN'3i~
~ ~?) ~ ~\51ter ~~ <:<J1Rsc:cq94? (f\Steatf>10 <1JR3;~ ~ ~?) "54tfif ~

(ii) Negative Sentence-ea am, is ~ are-~~ ~ 'not' ~ ~~'

Interrogative Sentence-ea am, is, are, Sentence-east ~~ <rr.?l I
'5t1<U~ ~-
~-These are mangoes.
<ft11~fG ~~-The man is hungry.
~~"Wr ~ ~-These are not fruits.
M~ai ~ ~1~1~ ~?-Is Bimal my friend ?
<f'1_ ~~' ~~ ~~G:f ~-Jadu and Madhu are my friends.
Cci41~fG ~ ~?-Is the man blind ?
~~~ ~ <tS~a-'11 CFPI?-Are these oranges?
f\!5~ ~ ~ ~?-Is he not a poet ?
41<31~ ~ <ta-'1<1f.l ~?-Is not Biren strong ?
\511~ \5lG1 ~1~ I am well.
Cjf ~ ~1Ck He is in the room.
Note : Negative Interrogative Sentence-et noun-~~ ~ ~~' pronoun-
~~ ~ 'not' "<t"V1 I
[$~~t~~~~: • r~_r;~Jrt#:~f:~~~J
Translate into English : ·
\5t1fi"I ~ I lif \SM I ~ 'f<f'G4 I ~l<71fG 'i.~~ I ~ '6 ~'{ 91§~~ I \!51~~1 ~1~<TS
(pious) 1 ccit~fG :qtR;C\!> '5t1~ 1 ~ ~ ~1~ 1 ~tai~t ¥CG1 '5tt0l l-~c:tt '1<lQ1
-;m 1 ~ ·~11rn41 -;rn I f\!>f.i <Uf\¥; ~I~ f<i) ~~ C~~ta-'11? CG11ctift ~ C<qf<ft? ~
~ ~ll ;m? c-.cci~t f<15 3PtC>t ~? ¥11'G ~ '1~~ ? ~~~~ ~ ~ -rn? '!>t~~1
~ '9'Q~ -m?

~.._. T-e .. •ae• Ve~ ~-~

a (was, were;) JJ
~ Tense-Ji 6
Be' verb-ea ;ft'Pf was "'~ were, \1~1111 1'-tlil, t\td1,. f\wt.
ftt~ dfl\ts ~ CO<i1'1\b 1811
I was-\611fii 1'G11~ I We were-\!q1'1¥~1~f~ I
You were--~ ~Ci1I You wer~ fi:coi 1
He was-Of ~ 1 They were-\!St~•Bn ~ I
He was-~ ~CC71-'t I You were-~~ <it ~9f.,.Bl1~,i'f ... 1
[Affirmative (~-o;n~)]
~1fil ~~ ~<iit~-1 was happy.
~ ~ ~lG1-You were well.
~ ~'1G1 ~-·He was lazy.
'5l1~~t 11_~~ ~Git~-We were sad.
'!>t*t ~~ ~-They were absent.
([Negative (";{f~1 ~J
'511fil ~~ R<ii~ -.:rt--1 was not happy.
~ ~ MG1 -;n-You were not well.
<7. \51C4J'1 ~ -;n-He was not lazy.
'5l1~~t 11_~~ Reil~ -;n-w e were not sad.
~~t ~~ ~ ~-They were not absent.
((hrterrogative (~~)]
'5Jtfil f* ~~ Reill~ ?-Was I happy?
wrn f* ~ MCi ?-Were
you well ?
~ f* \51C4'1 ~ ?-1.Vas he lazy?
\5l1~~f f* l!_~~ r;.eil~ ?-Were we sad?
'!>~~t f* ~~~?-Were they absent?
[Negative-Interrogative (~-~4!1c<qt~) D
'511~~ "Jl.~ N:ai~ ~ ?-Was I not happy?
~ ~ ~ ~C<=i ~?-Were you not well?
~ ~ '61<=1>1 ~ ~?-Was he not lazy?
'Ol1~~1 ~ 'f{:~ ~ait~ ~?-Were we not sad?
\!>f~HU ~ ~~ ~ -.:ft ?-Were they not absent ?
Or, He has not a. book.
'61itt(if9 fits ~•18 ~l\\51~1c-.?-Have they a horse?
\!il!(l'R ~ -.W ~?-Has he no box ?
Or, Has he not a box ?
Cl('iiBI ~ "tt61 ~?-Has not Hena a doll ?
~l:(ltllf'!:I ~ ~ ~?-Have they not an umbrella ?

Translate into English :

~l~C~~ ~ ~ ~ta( I ~ ~~ ~ ~ta( I ~~ft~ ~ '9ff.'ifai1 ~1Ctl I
~1~~ ~ ~ I ~~11:1 ~ ~ I '5ft<l~<!i\<fS ~ I \'5f* f<is ~~ "6r<l (knife)
'i!iflot? M~CC71~ ~ ~<JSff; ~(kite) ~tl§l? ~~1Cllf~ f<is ~~ ~t'!~ (mat) ~t~?
~1:ijC'f~ f<is ~ ~? ~~Ai f<ts ~ ~? 'fCCit~ f<is ~ ~?
ff Past Tense41 'Have'
Verb~ <tJ<t~'!it]
Past Tense-ea ~Heve' verb-~~ ~'Pf Had-~ 1
I had-~n~rn ~ 1 We had-~t~tl'T~~ 1
You had~~ I You had~~ 1
He had-\!51~~ ~ I They had-\'5~0'f<s:f~ 1
It ha~ ~I Jadu had-~-~ I

[Affirmative (~~'AS) D
.. tillil ~.tT; +11~ ~-I had a pei:i.
GD1-l'SI df.-f8 <le: ~-You had a book.
:4119 fift.tffl - •He had a cat.
::C, .. ,,,.,,., Tlley bMl •htR.

--~·~•llatl:J1nl1'1ila... .,
ati e (9'f-(t<iiif-..)
'51lill'*.,,ii ~
('\!)fill'* ~ ~
9lf-l had no pen.
;n-You had no book.
\!>I~'* M\Sld'f ~ 9lf-He had 110 cat.
\!>1:,Jot"!1 ~1'¥1 ~ ~-They had no horse.
"5fllllt'1"!1 ~ ~ ;n-we had no umbrella.
(Clnt;;rogative (~-c<ft1fCfi)]
~1~1'$1 f<li ~~ <tSa"l~ ~?-Had I a pen ?
C'!>1ilf'$1 f<li ~<fiffl ~ ~?-Had you a book ?
~1~'$1 f<li ~<f® fqQptai ~?-Had he a cat ?
~t~OT'$1 ~ ~<f® ~t\¥1 ~?-Had they a horse ?
\511~1C'r'$1 f<li ~~ ~ ~?-Had we an umbrella ?
[Negative-Interrogative ('i{f-~C<U~)]
~t~f'$1 ~ ~~ <tSa"l~ ~ ";;rf ?-Had I no pen ?
C~t~rn ~ ~<f)ffl ~ ~ ~?-Had you no book ?
~~ ~ ~~ fq\!?f~ ~~?-Had he no cat?
\bf::UOT~ ~ ~~ ~t\¥1 ~ °;;rf ?-Had they no horse ?
~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ";;rf ?-Had we nc .rmbref la ?
Or, Had we not an umbrella ?
Note : 'Heve' Verb-~~ past tense-ca >i<tS~ person '8 number-ca had·
4J<l~~ ~I Negative sentence-el had-\.!l~9f@ no~' 'no'-~~~ a <ft
an <IT.?l ~I Interrogative sentence-ca 'had' sentence-erst ~~ ~I
\5lt~10f~ ~<f)fU >,i~~ <ft'7f'r-l ~-We had a beautiful garden.
~1~~ \5ra1 <fici1~ ~ ~-He had no good pen.
'!>1~ (°®) ~ ~<f)fU C>itrfBf '5ff~ffl ~?-Had she a gold ring ?
C\!>t~rn ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~?-Had you no story book ?
Or, Had you not a story book?
Ra11cai~ ~~<tSff; ai1ffl~~ "rft ?-Had not Bimal a top ?
no~ ~l:tai not ~~Hi
~llf,,i9J~ll01JD ~ DO.
Note : Negative-Interrogative sentence-el ~
not ~~
Oll'l~·llfacltmt llO 'llOt a pcm?
--.-~11 ...... , ....
Translate into English :
\!SM"I" ~~~I <It~ '19'f~ ~I~~ ~tdi .. I~ C'!iilt'f - .... l
'911~H1 ~~~I <It~~~ I ~t~ Ffs ~~ ~61-.t (toy)~? ~
ff dl~ <U'i,~ (calf) ~ ~?
Future Tense-di ~Have' Verb-dR( :qJ~t(1«
'Shall have' '6 'will have'
Future Tense-a 'Have' verb~~ m"Pf 'shall have' '6 'will have'
"'~~1~1f.Ck<I, "Pf~C<I, ~ ~'\?Ns ~~ <IJ<lf{R) ~I ~ilii-
'Ol1Pl ~<1$ -~~-m ~-I shall have a prize.
~ ~~ 461il 9f~C<l-You will have a ·pen.
\51~~1 ~ ~ 9f~C<l-They will have a holiday to-morrow.
C\61iiii1 f<is ~ "Pf~C<l ?-Will you have a holiday ?
'dlPBU ~ ~~-We shall have no holiday.
'di~ ~ -.r'Pf Of ~-I shall have a cup of tea.
~ \!511ii11' \51t.. 4 ~ Qf!MsC<q-ThenI shall have many friends.
:;.: · -: ==:: !:!:. :!: !: !:!: !:!:h == ·= = :! = ·=i!:!:!:!:!:!:! =a

H ... :'-~ ·······················

1 •••
-················ ~~~-.~~l~l .. : .. :'-'!':~~~
·.. ··········~·--
iRN;f ~ '8 \51\tiJl>t~
Jlllliic:Wt ~il1iil "lit• I --~
~ ,..,
(~ C~" ~~
,,,4 .,,*"-.,,
C1f :t.~ -;n ~ ~tam ,.., ••
fb~'S .. ~ ~~~ ~ ctS"tHI ~
9ffis'4\le:t ~I 9jf'~ C~ ~ <ft C~ ~"C<l <lMtG1 ~ ~l:C<l I
(iii) Subordinate clause ~61ii1~G1<l5 conjunction (than, as, etc.) ~
~\'I ~'l:tCFt ~~ ~ Adjective clause ~~Cai \51~~ who, where ~M ~
\541~'!8 ~~~1 Adjective-cast ~ <!Sffi<.ai Principle c1ause-~~ verb ~ ~
Tense-sa ~1"f~ ";{l ~~ Subordinate clause-~~ verb '\51~-I>ttC~ ~ ~
Tense ~~\!> ~ I C<J~ii-
~ ~f~1C<tS <l~'Q<if \S1C4<1101~ ~ \!ift~ ~~~t \51~1C<l> ~ \51a<'f <!1Ptt\59'4-
Grand-rnothcr loved me more than mother loves me.
<rr<n ~~rn \S~C<tS <J~ft ~1ci<t1f>t~ ~ \5ft~ \<P ~ \51ci<ttf>tc<t.,.-
Father will love rne more than he loved my brother.
~1'f~f \5l~rn ~~C<P <J~'Q~ ~1C4<11f°>1C'!5~ ~~ '5l1~1c<lS ~ '51Ci<Uc~--.-
Grand-mother loves me better than she loved my brother.
~1~?llff~ \ ~~C<P <J~Q~ ~1C4<11PBJ1C~~ ~~ .,. ,.,'5'-T+t~or-r-1.......
C<P-:z- ~
'51C4<11f°>1C<1~-Grand-father will love me better than he has loved my
<rt<rf \5lf;ij@ \S~<tS <J~ft "51C4<11PlC~C~~ ~~ \5lt~1C<P ~ \S1C4<11f>1C<1 ... -
Father will love me better than he is loving my brother.
81 CC4Rf) <fi11Stffi <f)"@ ~t~C<tS ~1~ ~-I know the man who. does the
<:<l C.Cif<fi <fit\Stff; c:tsffi·~1~C4 ~~c<lS ~~ ~-.-I know the man who did
the work.
c<l CCit<fi <fi11Stffi <tSBl~1~C4 \5~(.<P \51"1~ ~-I shall see the man who
did the work.
81 G~CCiffi ~~ \5l1f>1C<1 ~~ ~~C<lS '11~<tsfC4 ~-I saw the boy
yesterday who will come here.
~ <11M<P1ffi it51CJ'1 ~~ ~ '5ff~ <Pffi~lf..~ ~1~ ~t~t<lS ~-I shall
see the girl who has stood first in the class.
~ c:<T~ <rf"J1 ~ \5l1fil ~~ ~-I go to the place where he 'lives.
~ c<l ~~ <rf"J1 "<P@ '511fil ~~ ~~<t-1 shall go to the place where
he lives.
~ ~ ~1Ms'!> '5'1fil ~~-I go to the place where Jadu lived.
~I{ ~ ?J:1C.,. <fPi <tSffit~ \511fil ~~ ~1~a-'1~-I went to the place
where Madhu will live.
~tfil ~ ~ <fPi <tSffi'!>t~ ~~ ~ ~ <PffiC<! He will like the village
where I lived.
~IPileJI W&t alngfna a 80ft8· {Acdv.)
4111111c 4'::zfils; -A song wa.r hing sung by Anjall. (Paaiv...-
(Past Perfect J
~ .... ..,.. .ti11f\dtHe had done this work. (Active)
WN .. _.. .,Wftt ~ ~""1,.,-This workhad been done by him. (Passive)
11'{ 'II~ !l~H* .-f?i4'1"11-Judu had beaten Madhu. (Active)
lflf. ~ '11'{ !ltJ.i\! ~l:4'11'11-Madhu had been beaten by Jadu. (Passive)
(Future Indefinite J
~ \SltJtt qsQc;q Munni Will do the sum. (Active)
~ ~ '51'11$ft ~ ~~C<1-The sum will be done by Munni. (Passive)
~ <icit't a:tMC<1-Titu will catch the ball. (Active):
~ 45'{'45 <1aif& ~ ~~C<1-The ball lvill be caught by Titu. (Passive) ar
(Future Continuous) .
~14f'?ll;l1 >1<fS1Cai ~ 9f~C'!> ~1MsC·~W\l-Grandmother will be reading the
Geeta in the morning. (Active)
~1~<$1l;lf <f)~<f) ~ca1 ~ ~ ~~'!> ~1FPC<l-The Geeta will be being
read by grandmother in the morning. (Passive)
(Future Perfect)
<ff<rf '511f>t<irn 91Yf ~ ~~ <:r5fu~t c~fdi<l-1 shall have done the sums
before father comes. (Active) p
<fRf '5flf>t<mr 91Yf ~ <:r5f<tS ~~ ~ ~~<l-The sums will have been
done by me before father comes. (Passive) 'f

(Exercise ~or Practice J

Translate into English :
~1fll ~~ 9ffRr ~ I ~ <tSf<TS ~~ ~ ~ ~ I<l1i \51~\t <fSHlC\!>~ I
<111 <tSf<:r5 '61~\t i>~ ~~l\!>c~ 1 ~ ~<f)~ c~~ ~ Rsf~~t~~ 1 ~ <tS~<tS
~~ o:lfG'$l ·~ ~ ~~1C~ I <:fSGi~~ \51"1o:JHt<M ~Mt$Gq <fSHt~l~CG19'f I <lS~~Pl
<tSf<fS ~10IBl<tSt~1M~'!> ~~1~Gi I
Active ~t\!> Passive ~ Passive ~C\!5 Active-ca ~9f1~Ht'!) <T£ffi~t
l:~~\Sl)c\!) ~;;[<ff~ ~ g

~ ~ ~ ~I ~~!ff <tS'f<is ~<?$ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ <tSffiC'!>C~ I

b""'T9'ff <Pf<P ~"<Pffl ~ ~ ~~me~ I ~t<PS1) @1%'8 \51"1~ij)Bf. <fSBB:J1~CG19'f I \!ij'~
<JS~<fS \!l<fiffi fiITS ~ ~ ~~C'!>~Gi I \5TffiT ~~ --r£ffi~1~c;i~ I

4'5it¥Uf Ve~ Mt'9AI "1Q~$f +AHi llfqst• Conjugation of Verbs

CISfl -..0'1 ~9AS ~-Voice, Mood, Tense, Number -e Person OBCH
~ C1I ~ ~ ~111'!S1~ Conjugation of Verb (<n f\!t;t1Bn'Pf) I
Verb-Jl~ 1ftt~ 9tft1:q~C... :tn'l <rt ~9Rr f4N:>~\!>t '!St-!~1<31 Verb-'Gfitt•
i'. wtt-st '51-st ~ t.l~ilt~ I ~119i-Strong Verb -e Weak Verb.
~tit~~= ~ '>tqsdi'f verb-era "lit)~ vowet-ae 91rn<s~ ~411 past tense
~ ~ ~, \Sajffl~ Strong Verb ~I ~ ~ ~ strong ver~~
past participle q)rnt\:5 ~ 'n' <tT 'en' Q:Tt~ ~ '1l<f~ "l~J~ vowel-'1lif
~ I C~~9i-
Come, came, come; Drive, drove. driven ; Get, got, got; Arise,
arose. arisen ; Sing. sang, sung.
QT >t<f*t verb-era ~-d,-ed; t Q:ll">'f <fSRB:it past tense '3 past participle
~~ ~ ~, \gajfq~ Weak Verb~ I C~~;;i
Move, moved, moved ; Kill. killed, killed ; Learn, learnt, learnt;
Dream, dreamt, dreamt ; Play, played, played ; Spend, spent, spent.
Strong verb-I.!!~~ <fS'!>~~ weak verb-efs ~<:JJ~~ vowel-I.!!~9'~<i~ ..
~. ~'© \9~ot~ ~ d <fl t ~"i "?8J <ifci{ll '5$t weak verb. c~~.. -
Teach, taught, taught ; Bring, brought, brought.
<tS'!>~"Wf weak verb-I.!!~':ij~J~ l.!l~ vowel \5~~~1 ~ past '3 past
participle ~ ~f ~ I 81~.. Feed, fed, fed ; Meet, met, met.
<fS'!>~"Wf weak verb '5T1C~ \9~01~ ':ij~J~ l.!l~ vowel \s~~{ll ~-m c:c1m
't' c:<rr->1 <tSffiC\!> ~ 1 <.<J~--i-Sleep, slept, slept ; Sweep, swept, swept ;
Weep, wept, wept.
<fS\!>~"Wf verb >t<tSGi tense-el l.!l~ ~9f <iJ<it<l\!> "?8J, \g~ot~ ~ 't' <fl 'd'
~ '9!<lm weak verb. c<J~--i Cut, cut, cut ; Put, put, put ; Hit, hit, hit ;
Shed, shed, shed ; Spread, spread, spread ; Rid. rid, rid.
(Strong Verbs and Weak Verbs)
Past Tense Past Participle
Present Tense
arose arisen
awoke awoke
Awake (\Sftstr)
a waked a waked
Awake (~1~)
bathed bathed
Bathe (me:J ~)

burnt, burned burnt,bm_..
bought bought
-cast cast
caught caught
called called
carried • carried
chose choosen
climbed climbed


Present Tense Past Tense Past Participle -

Hear(~~) heard heard
• helped helped
Help (>tl~aJJ ~)
Hide (CJ>~f~) hid Irid, hidden
Hit (~f\ilf\!> ~) hit hit I

Hold{~) held held

Hurt (~f~f\!) ~) hurt hurt
Invite (M~35'1 ~) invited invited
Join (811~ ~) joined joined
Jun1p(~~m) jumped jumped
Keep (m~) kept kept
Kick(~~) kicked . kicked
Kill (~, H~'-!> ~) killed killed
Kneel (~ 6>'f~?:Jt "<Pft) knelt knelt
Know (iSTr.:ft) knew known
Lay (~9f'f ~' ~~) laid laid
Lie (~1$1~ ~) lay lain
' Lie (fir~ <rc1t) lied lied
Lead (D"?lf~) led led
Learn (P'1~t ~) Iearnt, learned learnt, learned .
Leave ('-!>Jl-;'f ~) left left
Lend(~~m) lent lent
Let ( ~m, '5l'\¥t ()f\Sm) let let
Listen ( ~tt~t) listened listened
Live (<fPJ ~) lived lived
Light (\5J1CC"f1Ms\!l ~) lighted, lit lighted, lit
Load(~~) loaded loaded
Lose(~~) lost - lost
Look (~r<Pu.~o looked looked
Loose (fGc1r ~) loosed loosed
Love (~1C1<1~1) loved loved
Make(~~) made made
Marry (~<Jf~ ~ <t1 CYN3m) married married
Mean ('5J~~.~) meant meant
Meet (~~t~ ~) met mwt
Melt(~) rne lted rne ltcd , molres
Move (~, l>"G1'f) moved moved

P"s~nt Tense
Pa ...t Tense Past Participle
Pass (~N5JFll ~)
passed passed, past
Pay (O'f'<3l1l)
paid paid
Play(~~) played played
put out

Raise(~~) raised raised

Read ( 9f\?t) read(~) read(~)
Reach (C~) reached reached
Reply ('£'8'?1 <YN3m) replied replied
Ride (~T\¥1~ l>\?t) rode rode
Ring (<f11ST1;>f) rang rung
Rise(~) rose nsen
Rot (9fWm <TN3m) rotted rotted, rotten
Run (C'i:Tl'?~) ran run
Say(~) said said
See(~) saw seen
Seek (~-I:>f~~ ~) sought sought
Sell (M~~ <tSm) sold . sold
Send(~) sent sent
Set(~~~) set set
Sew (C?iGi~ ~) sewed sewed, sewn
Shake (~9ft-i) shook shaken
Shine (~C'f 01'8m) shone shone
Shoot(~~~) shot shot
Show(~) showed shown
Shrink (>t~IB~ ~m) shrank shrunk, shrunken
Shut(~<Pm) shut shut
Sing(~~) sang sung
Sink (~M~f ~1"8m) sank sunk, sunken
Sit (<Pit) sat
Slay(~~) slew slain
Sleep (~R) slept slept
Smell(~ c,\Gm <ff <Yf\8m) smelt smelt
spelt spelt
. Spell (<l1~R~) spent
Spend(~~) spent
sowed sown, sowed
. Sow(~<f~ ~)
spun spun
spoke spoken
G' Dil) spit9 spat spit
ap..wt~•.wt> spread spread
Spins(wtr.r-t) sprang sprung
Stand(~) stood stood
Start ('dil'AW ~) started started
Steal(~~) stole stolen
Stick(~~) stuck stuck
Sting(~ ~tte:f) stung stung
Stop(~) stopped stopped
Strike (~fteJf\!> ~) struck struck, strikes
Strive (ora-t ~) strove striven
Swear (lef9f~ ~) swore sworn
Sweep (<m1; Of\Sm) swept swept
Swim ('~r\!)rn ~) swam swum
Take (C1'8m) took taken·
Talk (<fi~ <fC11) talked talked
Taste (~f~1"T-'f~) tasted tasted
Teach (~ Of\Sm) taught taught
Tear(~m~~) tore tom
Tell(~) told told
Thank (~re~~ orem) thanked thsnked
Think(~~) thought thought
Throw (fic~9f ~) threw thrown
Touch(~~) touched touched
Travel (~t;f ~) travelled travelled
Try (arat ~) tried tried
Turn (C~B:U <ff CiJRl~) turned turned
Use (<lJ<1$ ~) used used
Visit(~~) visited visited
Wake (~'5ft, ~~) woke, waked· waked., woken
Walk(~, C<l'{)f;;i) walked walked
Want (Df'8"ID) wanted wanted
Wash (C~ ~) washed washed, washes
Wear (9fRr~ ~) wore worn
Weave(~) wove woven
~M'i'f 'el-.Jl-Uword~~ ~ ~--.Ji.,.} endings ~ ~41Cil ~~ ~ ~ I
t;-4......,=--Drop--droper, plan-..:planner, fun-funny, fog-foggy.
~' Help--helper, keep--keeper, ride-rider, cloud-c-cfoudy, hard-
hardy, gold-golden, beat-beaten. (·~ word-~Wt f\5~~9f)
~ ~,.,. ~1~ {!ifiCJJ ~~ ~~c~~ ~ <tJN>Jl'i~ ~1c~ 1
( Use of some complicated verbs )
4'i\!>~~ complicated verb '51"1C~ ~~~ <IJ<I$ C"'f'*I ~ ~fqx!J~ I
(l) Lie(~ <ff~~~) lay
lain (Intransitive)
Lie (~~ <?)~ ~) lied lied (Intransitive)
Lay (m~, ~ ~) laid laid (Transitive)
Lay '51~ m~ <rt ~ ~I ~ present form.
Lay the book on the table. (<l~'fG C:.GMCC1 m~) pr. t.
The hen has laid an egg. (~~ l.!l~ ~ ffl$J1C~ pa. p.
Lie-l.!l~ past tense <J~ lay ~ \!5"~ ~$ '5i~ ~ <ff ~ ~ I C<l~"4-
He lay on the bed. (~ Maj"~ ~~$11~<ii, pa. t.)
He has lain on the bed. ((?f M~'9irn ~lJJ1Vi4 pa. p.)
'111ecow lies on the grass. (pr. t.)
Lie <r~ fil-~ <?)~<fart \5fl~ <IJ<:i~\!5 ~' \!5"~ ~$ <IJ<:t~~ g-
1 hate the man because he lies. (pr, t.)
He lied (or has lied) to me. (pa. t. & pa. p.)
(lif~ <f)~ ~,"fir~<?)~ <1Wl$11f;:c;-1 '8 <1Wl$11C~ '5i~ ~ ~)
(2) Fly (~, \£~1C~f) flew flown
Flee (91<711$1~ ~) fled fled
Flow (~<ql~\!5 ~m) flowed flowed
Fly '8 Aee-l.!l~ Past '8 Past Participle form-1.!l~<IJ<q$ ~-
The bird flew away. (~ \£~$11 1->rn1RG1)
The bird has flown away.(~ \£~$If~
(I.fl~ fled <IJ <I~ ~~C<I -=ff)
The thief fled away. (Co1?lfG 91C4~$1f ~$1"1~C"'f)
The thief has fled away. (CDr~ 9'C1~f Fm . .:. ..,.,.1c--=-~)
(I.fl~ flew ·.!l<f~ flown '""""<1n-J<l"""'.....~rn""2. ~~-=ff)
The boys are flying kites. (Tran . .itive)
at nisht.
(Git tirGI •~•Act. (lntncnsitiw)
awalrMI him at night. ( .. 1~ W1t0t• 111fA •fl•t'-•1"51111. Trant.)
11fl1Sff • 'Wft4J'ft-t pa.t. waked, woke. pa. p. waked, waken.
(6) Hang ~t( <pt~ ~' pa. t. 'O pa. p. hung. ~ hang ~ ·•1Pt
OM1n (to kill by hanging) ~Q(' llll,. ~ pa. t. '<3 pa.p. hanged. ~if;if-
The calender was hung on the wall. (<J!G'f 1c--.1 ~
The prisoner was hanged to death. (~1Pt Of'6111 ~f()
(7) 'Ride'~~ ~~ ~Q( c<Jt\Snl ~ 1 C<J~-=t-He can ride well.
Ride ~~C~&i ~ ~~ <U<l~ ~> ~ ~~ c::qs~ 'bicycle' word-~~
'l'i!~~c'R-~ <tSH1C\!5 ~~C<l> ~ ~ ~~tit N~rn t)~~ ~I C<J~-'1-
He is riding his bicycle. '5f-:(~9f ~ I rode the metro rail yesterday,
(8) 'Behold' 4£1~ past participle ~9f 'beholden' ~~obliged <ft indebted.
(~\!5\93'!>8f \SMJ \5Tf<1"%t <ff~~) C<J~-'1-
1 am beholden to him for his help.
(9) 'Bid' verb-~~ \5f~~ ~MC'!> Dl'(:HJl (Mai~ \Sf<fSf), to offer a price
(at an auction) ~ \!>~ ~ past '{3 past partir+ole 'bid' ~ I
C~~-'1-He bid up to Rs.500.00 (bid = offered a price)
f4f\S~ Number, Person '8 Active Voice-ea 'Love' verb-~~ Conjugaition
\51Ca-t~~ a'l~J ~ ~-
(Verb 'To Love' J
Present Indefinite Tense
Singular Plural
First Person I love We love
Second Person Thou lovest (or you love) You love
Third Person He, she, it loves They love

Present Continuous Tense
Singular Plural
First Person I am loving We are loving
Secdnd Person Thou art (or you are)loving You are loving
He, she, it is loving They are lovjng
Future Indefinite Tense
Singular Plural
First Person I shall love We shall love
Second Person Thou wilt (or you will) love You will love
Third Per 011 He. she. it will love The wi II love
Future Continuous Terise
Si11gular Plural
First Person 1 shall be loving We shall be loving
Second Person Thou with (or you will) You will be loving
be loving
Third Person I-le, she, it will be loving They will be loving
Future Perfect Tense
Singular Plural
First Person I shall have love We shall have loved
Second Person Thou wilt(oryou will). You will have loved
have loved
Third Person He, she. it will have loved They will have loved
Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Singular Plural

First Person I shall have been loving We shall have been

Thou wilt (or you will) have You or ye will have
Second Person
been loving been loving
He, she, it will have been They will have
Third Person
loving been loving
Note : 'You' Jft~t;f\5~ second person-1.!l singular '8plural \5\5~ ~~
<IJ<l~ ~I~ second person-\.£l ~~singular word 'Thou'~ ~'<rt
"5rt9fR' (>tC~f~) '5flQ[ ~\!> ~' pl. ye C\!>1~~f <1i '511~ I You-~~~
~ are, were. have. had. wilt <lJ<l$ ~ (\!>~Pt '51~ 'Thou·-~~~
art, wert, (or wast). hast. hadst. wilt -~~~~ ~9f ~~~I ~r.n word-
~~~ 'st' c<rf'>f ~, ~-do--dost. ~id--<lidst. love-lovest. should-
shouldst ~~~ 1 ~ ye-.!l~ ~ are. were.·have, do, will ~ <lJ<l~
~I Thee (.~lmC:<P t.fl<l~ Thy or Thine (\!>~ '5[(~ <l_1<1:t_i'-!) ~I
Passive-It was done by me.
: Active-I was doing it.
Passive-It was being done by me.
: Active-I had done it.
Passive-It · had been done by me.
: Active-I had been doing it.

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