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Mankind poisoned this land,

replaced the natural with

ited in
Subverted and exploprofit
the holy name of .
Ground beauty and freedh.oms
to ash for infinite growt
The world rebelled, boiled
against the march of
In it all, you stand, own.
out a slice of your
Life is cheap,
brutal, doomed.
Fight for wealth, yourst the
crew, or rebel again't even
machine that doesn
know you exist.

KiLL SaMple process

Contents 37. system crash
5. The Basics 38. rules
6. Converting to KSP 46. crew names
8. Create a crew 48. narcotics
9. Names 52. play examples
10. Special 54. glitches
Crewmembers 55. hostiles
12. stats 74. campaign setting
14. Feats & Flaws 80. set up table
16. CyberMods 81. Loot
20. Mutations 82. wanted level
22. Equipment and 84. conditions
Armor 86. scenarios
24. Drones 110. campaign rules
26. weapons 112. Antiquities
30. Cy_AMMO 113. injury
32. States and 114. crew roster
118. standees
34. programmes
120. quick reference
Forbidden Psalm> Kill Sample Process
is a 28mm miniatures agnostic game. You can
use any miniatures you already own, or build
custom minis for this game.

Grab some dice, some miniatures, a tape

measure, a 2ft by 2ft table, and you are
ready to play.

Measuring Dice Rolls

Measurements are
Dice Rolls,
in inches, and the
game allows you to
pre-measure. DR, determine
the outcome of
actions you take.
When a number
ModifIers appears after the
abbreviation, it
Stats, Feats,
Flaws and weapon means you must
descriptions roll at least that
tell you to add number to succeed.
a modifier to Tests in KSP are
the result of generally DR12 on
the dice roll. a D20, meaning
Modifiers in the rolled result
this game stack. plus or minus all
modifiers must be
at least 12 to
If you are reading the digital
version of this book, click on
page numbers to return to
contents page.
Converting to KSP
All content from previous Forbidden
Psalm books and CY_BORG can be used
in KSP with this conversion guide.

FP/The Last War KSP

Gold/Resources > Creds

Warband/Crew > Crew
Scrolls/Manuscripts > Programmes
Spellcaster/Witch > Hacker
Omens/Orders > Glitches
Monsters > Hostiles
Treasure/Loot > Loot
Relics/Artefacts > Antiquities
Morale > Guts

Costs of items
All costs are in creds in KSP.

Manuscripts and scrolls

These are replaced by Programmes,
which operate a bit differently.
See page 34 for more information.

To convert armor from CY_BORG, take the
average result on the Armor Dice table and
round down. For example, light armor has
d2 damage reduction in CY_BORG. In KSP this
translates to 1.

Bring over a warband from Forbidden Psalm

The world of Forbidden Psalm is full of strange
magic. Did your warband step into the swirling
portal at the end of In the Footsteps of the Mad Wizard,
did they get lost in the fog in The Last War and
wander into this new neon world, or did they
unplug from VR to find themselves here?

When you bring over a warband into KSP and they

become a crew you may:

1. Delete all equipment and rebuy new equipment,

starting with 1000 creds for your crew.
2. Reroll Flaws and Feats using this book.
3. Replace any number of crew with new
crewmembers from KSP.
4. Replace any Spellcaster or Witch with any
SPECIAL Crewmember.
5. Assign a model a Knowledge stat of -1 (they
are new to this world!).

Injuries, stats and anything you choose to keep

are carried forward and fully playable in KSP.

Want to earn the creds you need to get the
feck out of here? Well you better assemble
a CREW then. A CREW consists of 5
Follow these steps to create your CREW:

1. Select 5 models.
2. Assign each model a Name & Handle pg. 9.
3. Select 2 Special crewmembers pg. 10.
4. Allocate Stats pg. 12.
5. Roll a Flaw for each model pg. 14.
6. Roll a Feat for each model pg. 15.
7. You may roll 1 CyberMod pg. 16 or
1 Mutation pg. 20 for each crewmember .
8. Spend 1000 creds on equipment.
Names 1D100
1. B90 26. Kelvin 51. Amber 76. Nurse
2. Anderson 27. Foster 52. Pryce 77. Delacourt
3. Knute 28. Nexus 53. Ava 78. Benny
4. Dyson 29. Audran 54. Crow 79. Melina
5. Cassandra 30. Madeline 55. Everest 80. Quaid
6. Klez 31. Plavalaguna 56. Tudyk 81. Cypher
7. Slammer 32. Ash 57. Book 82. Moss
8. Zeus 33. Cartier 58. Sinclair 83. Asimov
9. Anonymous 34. Deckard 59. 9 84. Replicant
10. Knife 35. Section 60. Smith 85. Spider
11. Blind 36. Hecaton 61. Orian 86. Wasabi
12. White 37. Smith 62. Brazil 87. Morton
13. 13 38. Snow 63. Plissken 88. Rocco
14. Shirow 39. Crash 64. Case 89. Lovelace
15. Sapper 40. Jeter 65. Burn 90. MSX
16. Hamada 41. Sarah 66. Angelo 91. 61021
17. Motoko 42. Kovacs 67. 01001011 92. Punx
18. Nice 43. Kei 68. Jert 93. Cloud
19. Rain 44. 8624 69. Override 94. Morrow
20. Screwhead 45. Anna 70. Dallas 95. Bones
21. Saint 46. Otomo 71. Julian 96. Clock
22. Blake 47. Esper 72. Faron 97. Joyce
23. Murkage 48. West 73. Johnson 98. Caliban
24. Murdoch 49. Vienna 74. Spike 99. A19
25. Sherman 50. Max 75. Kawamoto 100. x

Handle Roll 1D4 for table and 1D20 for name. Do this
twice and combine the results.

A 1. Dog
B C 1.
1. Cypher 1. December
2. November 2. Sword 2. Yellow 2. Grave
3. Red 3. Jockey 3. City 3. Cypher
4. Blue 4. Space 4. Over 4. Ram
5. Neo 5. Coffin 5. Stim 5. Replicant
6. Cowboy 6. Cobra 6. Edge 6. Ice
7. Night 7. Sim 7. Razor 7. Ride
8. Dex 8. Nine 8. Mirror 8. Con
9. Fence 9. Chip 9. Fist 9. Canda
10. Kill 10. Data 10. Latency 10. Discord
11. 20 11. Error 11. Lag 11. Sense
12. Grind 12. Sample 12. 13 12. Blind
13. Cloud 13. Blade 13. Syntax 13. Jacker
14. Robo 14. 45 14. Process 14. Compile
15. Dread 15. App 15. Security 15. Corp
16. Synth 16. Bidy 16. Domain 16. V
17. Clip 17. K 17. Drive 17. Cop
18. Delete 18. Rain 18. Street 18. Dark
19. Flash 19. Lurk 19. Tag 19. Horse
20. Host 20. Root 20. Punk 20. Trojan
SPECIAL CrewmemberS
Each crew can select 2 Special crewmembers at a cost of 100
creds each. If they ever die, a new Special crewmember can be
recruited from the list provided here between Scenarios. Special
crewmembers do not give up their starting equipment unless they
die. They can be equipped with other equipment. After selection,
assign stats and roll for Flaws and Feats as normal.

Gains two free Programmes, one selectable and one at random.

Immune to all Programmes and cannot use Programmes or gear
with the Cyber keyword. Gains free Ancient Rifle and one Mag.

Fights via a free Proxy Robot (pg. 24).
Can never die, and replaces their proxy if it is destroyed for free.
Can be deployed as normal if they decide to.

Gains free Circuit-Level Gateway CyberMod, free Disconnect
Programme and one other random free Programme.

Drone Operator
Gains free Military Drone that is equipped with a heavy pistol
and a Drone Control Unit. Drone replaced for free each Scenario.

Gains free Heavy Pistol, Tazer, and Corp-Sec Body Armor.

Gains free Arc Rifle and +1 Strength.

Old School
Gains free Katana, Butch Feat, and one other Feat.

Cyber Vampire
As an action can target a model with a CyberMod within 1
inch and disable the CyberMod. This model heals 1D4, and the
CyberMod is considered Broken.

Gains free Adrenaline Shot and Trauma Kit
each Scenario.

Starts every scenario with C9 explosive.
To generate each crewmember's
stats, take one of the following
stat lines:

+3, +1, 0, -3, 0

+2, +2, 0, -2, -1
and assign it across their five
stats as you see fit.

Used for Movement and Agility-based attacks.

Used for Hacking and pushing buttons.

Used for Ranged attacks and Guts tests.

Used for carrying capacity and Strength-based attacks.

Used for Health and saves against bio-weapons.

Health Points = HP
HP = Toughness + 8
When crewmembers reach 0 HP they
are Downed. If they take any damage
after being Downed they are killed.

All lost Health is regained

between Scenarios for surviving

Downed models must pass a death

save after each Scenario (pg. 45).
1: Technophobe 11: Wanted
Cannot use weapons or Enforcers always target this
equipment with Cyber model first if they are in Line
keyword. of Sight, regardless of other
2: Rube
12: Trigger Finger
DR for hacking Rube is only
DR9. Always expends the total
ammo when firing a gun.
3: Break Bad
Character cannot enter a 13: DEBT
scenario without Blue Crystal Crews with this member earn
on them. 50 less creds per Scenario.

4: Bad Connection 14: Double

on tails
pick a
Any installed CyberMods gain Flip a coin:
the Flawed trait. Flaw, on heads roll and take 2
5: Wannabe PunK
People see through them. 15: Decide
All items cost 50 more creds Can pick any other Flaw.
for them to equip at crew
creation. 16: Fanatic
Must pray after killing a
6: Infected model: next activation after
Starts each Scenario killing a model can only be to
Diseased (pg. 32). move.

7: Flatline 17: Turing Test

-2 to all Presence tests. If model downed at end of
Scenario they die, as they are
8: S.A.S. left behind as others assume
they are a robot.
-2 to all Agility Tests (does not
reduce movement).
18: Mutant
9: Ghost Gain 1 random Mutation and
-1 to a random stat.
Whenever model takes
damage, they are overcome
with anger and make an attack 19: Sensory Overlaod
against nearest model. If model can see two enemies,
suffers -3 to all tests.
10: Perfect
No Flaw and no Feat. 20: Mycotoxin
Model suffers -1 to all stats
but is immune to Poison and
Disease (pg. 32).
1: Butch 13: Passive Income
+3 to melee with Katanas. While model is in crew,
2: Modable gain 200 creds each
Installed CyberMods Scenario that they
never gain Flawed trait. participate in.
3: Priest of Tech 14: The One
Comes with 2 Whenever targeted by a
CyberMods. successful ranged attack,
this model can make an
4: Feedback Agility test to ignore all
If ever hacked, hacker
damage dealt to them.
takes 1D4 damage.
15: Second Heart
5: idiot savant Gains 1D6 extra HP.
Start of each Scenario
gains the use of one 16: X-Person
random Programme for Can pick a Mutation.
that Scenario. 17: Resistant
6: Bribe Auto-pass any test to
Enforcers ignore this avoid Poison or Disease.
model unless they attack 18: Burst of Speed
an Enforcer. Once per Scenario can
7: Jockey move 9 inches as an
+3 to hacking enemy action.
guns or equipment. 19: ZorRo
8: Firewall Does not provoke
-3 to hack this model attacks back with melee
and its equipment. weapons.
9: Combat Medic 20: Experimental
Can heal Downed At start of each Scenario
models within 1 inch for roll to determine effect.
1. Cannot be harmed by
1D4 with a successful bullets.
Presence test. 2. Takes half damage from
melee attacks.
10: Trained 3. +3 Agility.
Can select another Feat. 4. Falls asleep and must be
woken by friendly model
11: Quick Learner within 1 inch as an action.
All level ups cost this 5. No effect.
model 1 less XP. 6. Gains 4 HP.

12: tears in rain

If model ever dies they
are replaced by an exact
copy of them.

Noise Free Servos

No more squeaks and clicks.

Install More Mods

Including defensive tazers
and more!

NEW Kinetic Recharge
Up to 4 hours charge* from
one shake of your wrist

YOU Kaytell Makers *Recharge rates may vary

Crewmembers can get CyberMods installed before

When a crewmember installs a CyberMod they must make a

Toughness test against DR12.

On a Failure the CyberMod gains the Flawed trait.

On a Fumble the crewmember becomes an Un-met and

leaves the crew.

Broken CyberMods can be repaired for 100 creds between


CyberMods do not take up equipment slots.

There is no limit to the amount of CyberMods a single

crewmember can have installed.

If a crewmember rolls a 1 when using a CyberMod they must

roll on the Malfunction table on page 19.

All CyberMods have the Cyber keyword.

Flawed mods fumble on rolls of 1 and 2.

1.Edward - 250 creds 3.BM BIOCHIP - 200 creds
User installs Katana in their arms. User can reroll failed
Works as a weapon but doesn’t take up Guts tests.
equipment slot.
4.Circuit Level Gateway
2.Wrist mounted mobility
300 creds
All hacking attempts against this
300 creds [Ranged 6, Agility]
User can make an Agility test to fire a grappling hook model suffer a -3 modifier.
from their wrist. On success they move 6 inches in
any direction. Can target enemies with the hook by
making a succesful ranged attack. On a hit enemy is 5.Network uplink - 300 creds
moved towards user up to 6 inches. User can reroll failed Knowledge

6.Heads Up Display - 200 creds

User gains +1 to shoot when using RUNNING MAN1
weapons with Cyber keyword.
8.Go Go Gadget - 200 creds
User ignores terrain that is less than 4
7.Lazer eye - 200 creds
inches tall, moving over it as if it was not
[1D6][Ranged 6, Presence]
User can make a ranged attack using
9.Iron Lung - 300 creds
User ignores Gas and Smoke negative
EYE FOR EYE effects.

10.Hidden Carry - 100 creds + cost of weapon
User installs one weapon with both the Ranged and Cyber
keywords. Weapon otherwise acts as normal, but doesn’t count
towards equipment limit.
11.Tazer Hands -250 creds
NE User installs a Tazer in their hand. Instead of reloading after
use, the Tazer is recharged as long as the model moves 3 inches

M W between uses.

O 12. auto injector -350 creds

When user is Downed first time, make a Toughness test.

D S On success heal 1D4 instead of being Downed.
When a crewmember uses a
CyberMod and Fumbles, they should
roll on the below table. This
replaces any other Fumble effect they
may incur.

For example: a crewmember using a

CyberMod that grants the use of a weapon
Fumbles, and instead of dropping the weapon or it
jamming or exploding, they roll on this table and
take the result.

Effects on the table below last the Scenario

unless otherwise stated.

1. Crewmember must pass a
Toughness test. On failure
8. CyberMod is Disabled and
unusable for rest of
they become an UN-MET and Scenario.
become hostile to the crew. 9. Crewmember panics and
They are considered dead for must immediately make
crew composition. a Guts check.
2. Crewmember must pass a 10. CyberMod stops
Presence test or all working but
CyberMods installed stop can be fixed with a
working and they gain the Knowledge test.
Technophobe Flaw. 11. Self-replicating!
3. CyberMod explodes and is User gains a new
destroyed, crewmember rolls CyberMod for free.
a random Injury (pg. 113). 12. CyberMod gains
4. CyberMod overloads and deals the Flawed
1D6 damage to the user. status.
5. Servos explode and
crewmember gains the
Bleeding condition.
6. CyberMod breaks and must be
repaired between Scenarios
at the cost of 100 creds.
7. CyberMod discharges power
and user becomes Dazed.
CyberMod cannot be used for
rest of Scenario.
Mut a t i o n s is a l l a r o u nd.
Che mical death
r a our
c k y
p o i s o n s
MPalansma d e bo d i e s i n f ected
Warped ay.
oundsbiny this dec
tic comp
our food and wate

Whenever 1. X-ray
Effect: Crewmember can
instructed to target models that are
during the game, behind 1 inch or less
thick terrain with ranged
you should roll weapons.
on this table Drawback:-3 to attack
models in line of sight.
and apply the
result to your
crewmember. You
2. Xeno
Effect: Blood is replaced
may randomly with acid. Whenever
crewmember takes damage,
roll for a any model within 1 inch
takes 1 damage that
Mutation or ignores armor.
CyberMod at crew Drawback: Cannot be healed
by Trauma Kits.

If a crewmember 3. Thick Skull

Effect: Immune to being
rolls the same Dazed and Stunned.
Drawback: -1 Presence and
result twice, -2 Knowledge.
the Mutation is
4. Hairy eyes
Effect: Hair grows from
the crewmember’’s eyes.
Drawback: -1 to all
Presence tests.

5. Croc
Effect: Gains a bite
9. Cat Eyes
Effect: Ignores
Darkness condition.
Drawback:-6 to attack
models with a torch.

10. Boneitis
Effect: Totally fine.
attack [(Strength, 1d6)
Drawback:If crewmember
and 1 Natural Armor that
stacks with Armor. ever Fumbles any
Drawback: Cannot use toughness test they are
hacking Programmes. immediately killed.

6. Mustela gulo 11. Rejection

Effect: Model is immune
Effect: Heals 1 damage
to Disease and Poisons.
per round. Gains a Claw
Drawback:All CyberMods
Attack (Agility, 1D4). ]
are lost.
Drawback: All other
crewmembers in same
crew refuse to heal
them as they are rude.
12.mutable form
Effect: Ignores the
effects of Critical

7. precog hits dealt to them.

Drawback:At the start
Effect: Sees the future of each Scenario roll a
and when targeted D6 and apply result.
by an attack can 1. Strength and
move 6 inches in any Presence are swapped.
direction, If this move 2. Agility and
moves them out of range Knowledge are swapped.
the attack fails. 3. This Mutation is
Drawback:Whenever it lost and roll a new
uses this ability must Mutation.
make a Guts check. It 4. Gains the benefit of
starts to ponder free will vs
another random Mutation
for this Scenario.
5. Must pick one

8. Telekinetic additional Mutation to

gain the benefit and
Effect: Can move an drawback of for this
item or model 3 inches Scenario.
as an action. 6. Legs become gel-like
Drawback:Easier to and suffers -4 Agility
shoot, Those targetng this Scenario.
them gain +3 to ranged
attacks. Their head grows
in size!
‘Look, if you want something I can usually get it for you. Private
military grade, the latest arrival from the ports, makeshift gear
from the slums. But I don't work for free.’ - Fence

Weapons, drones, armor, and equipment can be purchased

between Scenarios for the listed price. You can sell back
to Fence at half the price rounded down (if rounded to 0
they do not buy them). Weapons come fully-loaded. All items
take up 1 equipment slot unless otherwise stated.

Models can carry items (weapons, drones,

equipment, etc.) equal to Strength +5.

1. Adrenaline Shot 50 Creds Increase model’s Strength by +1.
Can be used to end Poisoned state.
Model suffers -1 to all Knowledge
tests. Effects last until end of

2. Trauma Kit 100 Creds Can be used to heal a model 1D6

(including Downed models). Also removes
Bleeding, Dazed and Diseased

3. Air Filter 50 Creds Prevents effects of

Gas and Smoke.

4. LED Torch 50 Creds Provides light (see Darkness pg. 85 ).

5. Unicorn Backpack 50 Creds Counts as 1 equipment slot but provides 3
extra slots.

6. Whisky 50 Creds After drinking, auto-pass Guts checks for

the Scenario.

1. Home Made
Straps of
leather, rubber
and metal.
Armor Value: 1
Cost: Free
Special: User
suffers -1 Agility
5. Soft
Will stop a knife
but not a bullet.
Armor Value: 1
vs ranged, 3 vs
8. Augmented
greater degree
of tactical
information and
cat gifs straight
Cost: 300 creds to your eyes.
2. Corp-Sec Armor Value: 1
Standard issue 6. Plate Cost: 200 creds
private military Carrier Special: as Bike
grade. For when you want Helmet, and
Armor Value: 1 to walk through a also provides a
Cost: 200 creds hail of bullets. heads up display
Armor Value: 3 granting +1
3. Bike Cost: 500 creds to shoot with
Helmet Special: User weapons with
Highly customised suffers -3 to all Cyber keyword.
by each rider. Agility tests but Keyword: Cyber
Armor Value: 0 movement remains
Cost: 50 creds the same. 9. Reactive
Special: Wearer Will respond to
is immune to 7. Exo Critical threats.
Dazed. Skeleton Armor Value: 1
Standard issue Cost: 300 creds
4. Grounded private military Special: Wearer
Wires run in and grade. ignores Critical
out, providing Armor Value: 2 hits.
protection from Cost: 1500 creds Keyword: Cyber
electrical Special: Strength
attacks. stat +3. 10. Vengeance
Armor Value: 2 Keyword: Cyber You warned them.
Cost: 300 creds Armor Value: 2
Special: Wearer Cost: 500 creds
is immune to stun Special: When
effect. hit with a melee
weapon, attacker
takes 1D4 damage.
When a model activates a Drone or an AI Drone
activates, it can:
• Move 6 inches.
• Perform an action granted by a special ability.

Drones make tests using their controller’s stats.

DRONES All Drones can be purchased
between Scenarios.

They take 1 equipment slot.

As an action a model can
Crewmember IN deploy a Drone.
THEY GAIN THE As an action a model can
FOLLOWING STATS: operate a friendly Drone if
AGILITY -1. they have a Drone Control
KNOWLEDGE -1. equipped.
STRENGTH +3. AI Drones act as
independent members
TO DISEASE, GAS of a crew once deployed.
THEY HAVE THE AI Drones do not count
KEYWORD CYBER. towards a crew’s 5
If reduced to member limit.
0HP, Proxy Robot
is destroyed. All Drones have the Cyber

Drones move 6 inches per

1.Military Drone
[HP 6] [Armor 2]
[400 CREDS]
Special: Can have any
weapon from page 27 attached.
Carries 1 mag of Ammo for the
attached gun. Can only be reloaded
between Scenarios. Can make a AI Drone
single ranged attack per round. Special: Drones can
be upgraded to an
2.Medic Drone AI Drone for 200
[HP 5] [Armor 1] creds.
[200 CREDS]
AI Drones do not
Special : Can heal a model within
require a Drone
1 inch for 1D6 HP.
Control to operate.
They gain their
3.Recon Drone own activation.
[HP 3] [Armor 1] They still require
[100 CREDS] deployment during a
Special : Can interact with items Scenario.
and Scenario objectives, including
picking up 1 item and looting. For tests, treat AI
Drones as having 0
Drone Control for all stats.

[100 creds]
Allows a model to control a
friendly Drone.
while(true) (true){{
/* wait for sensor update of 1 file descriptor for 1000 ms (1 second) */
.... poll_ret = px4_poll(fds, 1, 1000);
(fds[0].revents &POLLIN)
POLLIN){{{ Sensor switch 1}
struct sensor_combined_s raw; target lock [true]
/* copy sensors raw data into local buffer */
orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_combined), sensor_sub_fd, &raw);
(double)raw.accelerometer_m_s2[2]);Kill Switch Engage

Weapon Name [Damage][Special Condition] [Modifier][Cost]

One-Handed Ranged
Revolver [D6] [Ranged, Reload 5] [Presence][100C]
Smart Pistol [D6] [Ranged, Cyber, Reload 6] [Presence][110C]
Heavy Pistol [D8] [Ranged, Cyber, Reload 4] [Strength][120C]
Tazer [-] [Non-lethal, Ranged 6, Reload] [Agility][100C]

Two-Handed Ranged
Ancient Rifle [D8] [AF2, Ranged, Jam, Reload 5] [Presence][200C]
Sawed-off [D8] [Explode, Ranged 6, Reload 2] [Presence][150C]
Smart Rifle [D8] [AF2, Ranged 15, Cyber, Reload 4] [Presence][250C]
SMartG [D6] [AF2, Ranged, Cyber, Reload 4] [Presence][225C]
Pulse Rifle* [D10] [AF3, Ranged 15, Cyber, Reload 5] [Presence][300C]
Arc Gun [2D10] [Bulky, Ranged, Cyber, Reload, Explode, AP] [Strength][500C]
Guided Rifle** [2D10][Jam, Ranged 24, Cyber, Reload] [Presence][600C]
Cyber Crossbow [1D10][Ranged, Cyber, Reload] [Presence][250C]

One-Handed Melee
Knife [D4] [Thrown] [Agility] [50C]
Baton [D4] [Critical Causes Dazed] [Strength] [50C]
Steel Pipe [D4] [Counts as Makeshift Weapon][Strength] [Free]
MonoSword [D8][AP] [Agility] [200C]
Broken Bottle[D4][***] [Agility] [Free]
Power Tool [D6][Bulky, Cyber] [Strength] [150C]
Stun Baton [-][Non-lethal] [Strength] [100C]
Fists [1] [Strength] [Free]

Two-Handed Melee
Katana [D10] [Agility] [200C]

Molotov [D6] [Burn, Explode] [Thrown] [Agility] [50C]
Smoke Grenade [-] [Smoke, Template, Thrown] [Agility] [50C]
TearGas Grenade[-][Gas, Template, Thrown] [Agility] [60C]
Homemade [D6][Explode, Thrown] [Strength] [20C]
Grenade [D8][Explode, Called Shot, Thrown] [Agility] [50C]
Stun Grenade [-][Non-lethal, Thrown] [Agility][50C]
C9**** [1D10][Explode, Thrown] [Presence][90C]
ΑΩ Bomb [Destroys the whole world, kills everyone] [Knowledge][99KC]

* Can be loaded with a Consumable in addition to ammo which can be fired up to 12 inches.
**When used with a Smart link or Augmented Helmet does not need line of sight to target.
*** Criticals cause bleeding. Fumbling with this weapon hurts the model using it. Whisky
bottles can be turned into Broken Bottle with an action.
**** As an action can be placed on a piece of terrain smaller than six inches by six inches to
remove it from play.
Special Offers

[D6] [Explode, Ranged 6, Burn, Reload 3][Toughness][400C]

Flamethrowers require a fuel tank to use. This must be replaced after 3

uses of the Flamethrower, and takes 1 action to replace.

Flamethrowers are as deadly to those carrying one as being targeted by

one. A unit wielding a Flamethrower may attack multiple models a turn.
When using one, you can make an attack against all models within 6
inches of you instead of just one. This consumes all fuel left in the tank,
which must be replaced before it can be used again.

If a model ever carrying a Flamethrower is Critically hit, instead of rolling

damage, the Flamethrower tank explodes and deals 8 damage to all
models within 3 inches, including the carrier.

[D8] [Cyber, Reload, Two Handed][Agility or Knowledge][300C]

CyberSwords can have Cy_Ammo fitted into their blades. When using
Cy_Ammo with CyberSword you can apply the effects of Cy_Ammo to any
successful hit. Doing so expends the Cy_Ammo. For example: using Tazer
Ammo rounds in the CyberSword changes its attack to Non-lethal.

[-] [Restrain][Agility][100C]

Can be used on a Stunned or Downed within 1 inch. When restrained a

model has 0 inches Movement and they can only be dragged (pg. 44). A
restrained model that is not Stunned can attempt to break free as their
only action by passing a Strength test.
RaNDoM 1-8 Revolver

9-10 Smart Pistol
11-13 Heavy Pistol
14-19 Tazer
20-21 Ancient Rifle
22-24 Sawed-off
25-26 Smart Rifle
26-28 SMartG
29 Pulse Rifle
30 Arc Gun
31 Guided Rifle
32 Flamethrower
32-34 Cyber Crossbow
35-40 Knife
41-46 Baton
47-52 Steel Pipe
53-54 MonoSword
55 CyberSword
56-60 Broken Bottle
61-68 Power Tool
69-74 Stun Baton
75-76 Katana
77-80 Molotov
81-82 Smoke Grenade
83-85 TearGas Grenade
91-93 Grenande
94-96 Stun Grenade
97 C9
98-99 Restraints
100 Reroll and find
Type Shots Per Stack Cost in Creds
1. Revolver 5 30
D12 2. Smart Pistol 6 40
3. Fuel Tank 3 60
4. Heavy Pistol 4 40
5. Tazer 1 10
6. Ancient Rifle 5 40
7. Sawed-off 2 30
8. Smart Rifle 4 50
9. Pulse Rifle 5 40
10. Arc Gun 1 60
11. Guided Rifle 3 50
12. Cyber Crossbow 5 20

Each stack of ammo takes up 1 equipment slot.

Any weapon with the keyword Cyber can be
loaded with a single round of CY_AMMO.

A weapon can be loaded with a CY_AMMO round

following the reload action.
To reload a weapon,
Only 1 round of CY_AMMO can be loaded into a model gives up
weapon at a time, and weapons always require movement but then
reloading after the CY_AMMO is used. can take an action.

Five CY_AMMO rounds of the same type take up 1

equipment slot.

When using CY_AMMO do not roll for the normal

damage of the weapon. Replace all effects of
weapon with the CY_AMMO effects.

All CY_AMMO has the keyword Cyber.

On a successful hit targeted model is stunned.

All equipment with the Cyber keyword stops
working for 2 rounds. Guns cannot be used,
50C Per Round.

armor provides no benefit, and CyberMods

cannot be used.

Model hit starts listening to emo music and cries,
their make-up runs, and they suffer -3 to any
ranged attacks for the rest of the Scenario.

Targeted model must pass a Toughness test or
become Diseased. If targeted model Fumbles a
Toughness test they gain a random Mutation.

Nanobots target 1 random piece of equipment,
weapon, or armor of targeted model, who must
pass an Agility test. On failure the equipment,
weapon, or armor is lost forever.

User can target a spot on the ground. On a
successful hit all models within 6 inches of this
spot must make a Strength test or be moved
there. If they collide with an item, intervening
terrain, or another model being sucked in they
suffer 2 damage.

On successful hit a Downed model stands back up
and gains 1HP.
Called Shot - Before rolling
to hit you may, instead of
using the grenade as normal,

and keywords elect to try a Called Shot.

Select a number from 1-20
aloud and then roll a D20. If
AF (X) - {Automatic Fire} you roll the chosen number,
when using weapon roll X dice you get the grenade into the
instead of one and take best target’s mouth, exploding them
result (you still only roll from within and killing them
damage once, even if multiple instantly. If you do not roll
dice are a success). X equals the correct number the Grenade
the number indicated after AF, is wasted.
i.e. AF3 means roll 3 dice
and take best result. If you Cyber - Enables weapons to take
roll a 1 on any die you also Cy_Ammo and also makes items
Fumble, meaning you may Fumble with this keyword susceptible
and score a succesful hit. to Programmes.

AP - Ignores all armor. Dazed - Must make a Presence

test to activate: on failure
Bleeding - 1 damage per model can only move, on
activation until healed success model is no longer
(ignores armor). Dazed.

Bulky - Models need at least Diseased* - Model suffers -3

+3 Strength to use. Models to all checks until cured. May
with lower strength suffer -6 have additional effects.
to rolls using that weapon or
equipment. Explode - On Fumble weapon
deals max damage to user and
Burn - Targeted models make is destroyed.
a Toughness test. On failure
they are set on fire and take Flawed - Any rolls with this
1 damage each activation. Can item Fumble on 1 and 2.
use an action to put out fire
to remove Burn state. Gas - Models must make a
Toughness test whenever they
Cruel - Always deals at least activate in or enter Gas. On
1 damage, regardless of armor. failure they are poisoned. Any
model ending their turn in Gas
takes 2 damage.

JAM - On Fumble, instead Reload (X) - As above but
of dropping this weapon it can be fired X number of
jams. To fix a Jam, models times before needing to be
may as an action attempt to reloaded.
pass an Agility test. If
this test is also Fumbled Smoke - Obscures vision
the gun breaks and becomes for purposes of line of
a makeshift weapon. sight. Models must make a
Toughness test whenever
Non-lethal - Targeted model they activate in or enter
must pass a Toughness test smoke. On failure they
or be Stunned. suffer 1 damage.

Poisoned* - Model can only Stunned - Model loses its

move or take an action, next activation.
but not both, until
condition is removed. May Template - May target the
have additional effects. ground. On success the
template is placed by the
Ranged - Can be used to active player. On failure
make a distance attack up the template is a dud and
to 12 inches. is not is placed. On Fumble
the template is placed
Ranged (X) - Can be used with the active model at
to make a distance attack its centre.
up to X inches. X equals Template = 3 inch wide
the number indicated after circle. At the end of each
Ranged such as 6 inches or turn roll a D6. On 5+
24 inches. template is removed from
the table.
Reach - Attack enemy
2 inches away without Thrown - Weapon can be
provoking enemy attack thrown without penalty.
back. Has a 6 inch range.

Reload - Must be reloaded Two-Handed - Takes up two

after using. Model gives equipment slots.
up movement but then can
take an action.
Programmes (1D20)
Programmes can be used to target models and their equipment
within 12 inches. Programmes only work on the targets outlined
in the specific Programme.

Programmes do not require line of sight to be used.

Programmes do not take up any equipment slots. To use, a model

must first pass a Knowledge test.

Models must make a successful DR12 Knowledge test to use a


On failure they suffer the listed Failure Effect.

On failure mark a bug on the model’s record. On Fumbles roll on

the System crash table on pg. 37, adding any number of currently
incurred Bugs to a maximum of 20.

Programme Entry
Name - Name of Programme.
Target - What this programme can target.
Effect - What happens on a succesful Knowledge test.
Failure Effect - What happens on a failed Knowledge test.

1.Panic 3.Disconnect
Target - Any model within 12 Target - Any item, weapon or
inches. other with Cyber keyword.
Effect - Target must make a Effect - Piece of equipment
Guts check. is turned off for rest of
Failure Effect - User of Scenario and its benefits are
Programme must make a Guts lost.
check. Failure Effect - Cannot
use Programme for rest of
2.Pacifist Scenario.
Target - Any weapon with
Reload and Cyber keywords. 4.Discharge
Effect - Weapon unloads its Target - Target carrying any
ammo, ammo is lost. item with Cyber keyword.
Failure Effect - No negative Effect - Target model must
effect. make a Toughness test or
become Dazed.
Failure Effect - User is
instead Dazed.

5.TICK TICK BOOM 9.Overcharge
Target - Any weapon with the Target - Target weapon with
Explode keyword Cyber keyword
Effect - Targeted model must Effect - Next attack with
pass a Knowledge test. On weapon is considered to have EM
failure the weapon explodes, AMMO (pg. 31).
dealing its damage to the Failure Effect - No effect.
weapon’s carrier.
Failure Effect - User 10.Insult to injury
overexerts themselves and Target - Target with any
suffers 1 damage that ignores injury.
armor. Effect - Target takes 1D4
6.Misfire Failure Effect - No effect.
Target - Target carrying any
Ranged weapon with Cyber 11.VPN
keyword. Target - Targets model with
Effect - Nearest model to this Programme, no roll
target makes an Agility test, required and is always active.
on a failure they are hit with Effect - Makes all equipment
the targeted weapon and suffer carried immune to Programmes
its damage. for rest of Scenario.
Failure Effect - No effect. Failure Effect - No effect.

7.Break Stuff 12.Dark Web Delivery

Target - Target with CyberMod Target - Targets model with
Effect - Target chooses to this Programme.
have CyberMod break or roll on Effect - Random weapon is
Malfunction table. delivered to this model via
Failure Effect - User is Drone at the end of the round.
instead stunned. Failure Effect - No effect.

8.Direct Control 13.SWAT

Target - Target hostile with Target - Targetless
Cyber keyword Effect - Calls in an Enforcer
Effect - Target must make a hostile based on Wanted Level
Knowledge test or the Programme of crews on a board edge of
user takes control of them and controlling player’s choice.
may immediately take 1 action Failure Effect - Enforcer is
as them. placed on board edge closest to
Failure Effect - Hostile Programme user.
targets user of Programme
instead of any other model for 14.Defib
next attack/movement. Target - Downed model with
Effect - Model heals 1HP and
stands up.
Failure Effect - No effect.
15.Evac 19.Singles Near you
Target - Any Downed model. Target - Any model.
Effect - Target model is Effect - Pop-up ads fill their
removed from table at end of vision and they miss their next
round and auto-passes death activation as they spend time
save. closing them.
Failure Effect - No effect. Failure Effect - Programme user
instead misses next activation.
Target - Programme is not used 20.User gets to pick the
as normal, see effect. Programme they want.
Effect - If holder of this
Programme is targeted by any
Cy_Ammo, they can make a
Knowledge test to redirect shot
to another model within 12 HOW TO USE PROGRAMMES
Failure Effect - Cy_Ammo hits 1. Check range from
the Programme holder. activating model to target.

17.Holo 2. Check Programme target

Target - Any model. and that selected target is
Effect - Whenever target is valid based on Programme
next attacked or attacks, roll
being used.
a D20. On odd result the model
is a holo and takes no damage
and deals no damage. Remove 3. Activating model makes
model from table and place them a D20 knowledge test. On
anywhere within 6 inches of success the Programme’s
their position. Effect happens. On failure
Failure Effect - On Fumble the the activating model marks
Programme user was never here: a Bug and suffers the
remove them from play and they Failure Effect. On Fumble
are considered to not have
the activating model rolls
taken part in the Scenario.
on the System Crash table,
18.BEES adding any incurred bugs
Target - Drone or Proxy Robot. to their dice result to a
Effect - Drone or Proxy Robot maximum of 20. After System
must make a Knowledge test. Crash roll, reset Bugs.
On failure the Programme user
takes them over for the rest of 4. If successful, read
the Scenario. Programme effect and follow
Failure Effect - Programme
cannot be reattempted this
5. End model activation.
1. Compounding: Add 1D4 more
Bugs to model.
13. When it Rains: Roll
twice more and take both
2. Unsettled: Model makes a results (ignore Bugs for
Guts check. these rolls).
3. Forgetful: Model drops one 14. Blue Screen: Model
random piece of equipment shuts down and must spend
or weapon. an activation to reboot
4. Pain: Model takes 1D4 before they can take any
damage. other action.
5. Injury: Model gains a 15. Enforcement: 1D4
random Injury (pg. 113). Enforcer Drones appear on
6. System wipe: Model forgets the board edge nearest the
1 random Programme. model and target them.
7. Tilted: Model suffers 16. Lucky Break: No effect.
-3 to tests for rest of 17. Glitch: Model moves
Scenario. 6 inches in a random
8. Radiation: Model gains direction. If they pass
random Mutation (pg. 20). through terrain they take
9. Feedback: One piece 1D10 damage.
of model’s equipment 18. Orbital: Model and all
explodes, dealing 1D4 models within 3 inches
damage to them. must make an Agility test
10. Playlist: Model starts or take 2D10 damage.
listening to music and 19. Give in: If model has
wanders off, taking no any CyberMods installed
further part in Scenario. they must make a Knowledge
11. Chain Reaction: Nearest test. On failure they
model with CyberMod must become an UN-MET (pg. 68).
roll a Malfunction (pg. 20. Scanners: Model’s head
19). explodes and they are
12. Eye Strain: Model killed.
suffers -3 to all ranged
attacks (consider this a
an additional Flaw).
1. Pick a Scenario (pg. 86).
2. Set up the table (pg. 80).
3. Determine conditions (pg. 84).
4. Deploy per Scenario rules.
5. Determine who goes first (see Initiative).

Each Game Round

1. Determine Initiative for that round.
2. Take it in turns to activate a single
3. Activate Hostiles if any in play.
4. End game round.

Rolling a 1 before applying modifiers

is always a failure and is called a

fumbl e. BAD N

Rolling a 20 before applying modifiers

is a

cRItICaL .
Activating a Model
When you select a model to activate, it can
perform a movement and then an action. Each
model gets a single activation per round. If
a model wishes to move, it must move before
it performs an action. If it has performed
an action its activation ends.

If a Feat, status, or other rule triggers

when a model is activated, resolve the
effect at the beginning of the activation
before movement.


• Make a ranged attack.
• Make a melee attack.
• Use a piece of equipment or a Feat.
• Use a Programme, Mutation, or CyberMod.
• Pick up or drop any number of items on
the ground or on dead/Downed models
within 1 inch of you.
• Drag a Downed model within 1 inch.
• Interact with Loot or Scenario items
within 1 inch of you.
• Make a second move as an action.
Before the first round of the game, roll
Initiative to determine who places a model first.
Alternate players, placing a model one at a time
until all models are on the board. Models must be
placed within 6 inches of a board edge or based on
Scenario rules.

Roll a D20. The player with the highest number
selects a model to activate first.

Making Tests
All tests, unless specified otherwise, are DR12.
This means you roll a D20, add the relevant
modifiers, and check the result. If the result is
at least a 12, you pass.

Models can move a number of inches equal to their
Agility + 5.

You can move in any direction or combination of

directions up to the maximum movement of the model.

Terrain smaller than 1 inch can be moved over


Terrain larger than 1 inch must be climbed. Models

have a climb speed of 1/2 their movement, and must
end their movement on a flat surface.

Models can jump gaps 3 inches or less by pass a

DR12 Agility test. On failure they fall and take 1
damage per inch fallen, rounded down. On a Fumble
they also gain a new Injury.

Models moving off a board edge are treated as

survived and no longer participate in the Scenario.
1. Check range.
2. Check stat modifier to apply based on
3. Roll attacks.
4. Apply damage if hits are successful.

Melee Attacks
To perform a close combat attack your model
must be within 1 inch of another model. Pick
one weapon.
Make a DR12 test using the appropriate
modifier as determined by the weapon (see
page 19).

Close combat is risky, and your opponent

can also attack you back at the same time,
though at -3 to their roll. Both models roll
to hit, and then roll for damage for any
successful hits either model achieved.

This -3 is negated in close combat if

another friendly model is also within 1 inch
of the enemy attacker. On a Fumble you drop
your weapon.

If the target of the attack survives and

has not activated, it is still eligible for
activation that round.

Ranged Attacks
Maximum range is 12 inches.
To perform a ranged attack your model must
be able to see at least part of the target
model. Models in close combat cannot make
ranged attacks. Models in close combat are
-3 to hit with ranged weapons.

If a model is in any way obscured, apply -3

to the to-hit roll. The model has Cover.

Make a DR12 test, plus relevant modifiers,

to see if you hit. Mark 1 ammo off of your
total ammo. On a success you roll the
weapon’s damage.

You can throw any weapon up to 6 inches, but

suffer -3 to the roll, and the weapon is
placed on the ground next to your target,
regardless of if you hit or miss.

Ranged weapons count as One-Handed Makeshift

Weapons in Melee combat.

When you successfully hit with a weapon you
roll the weapon's damage dice.

Deduct the targeted model's armor value from

the result.
Armor always reduces damage unless otherwise

Reduce the wounded model's HP by the damage

amount remaining.

Criticals always cause max damage

Armor is still applied

Leaving Combat
Models within 1 inch are in combat.

If a model wishes to leave combat their

opponent can decide to stop them. Hostiles
always try to stop models from leaving
combat. The opponent or Hostile rolls a DR12
Agility test.

On success your model does not move. On

failure your model moves up to their movement
value and then takes no further action. On
Fumble you can move and take an action. On
a Critical the opponent or Hostile makes an
attack against you. Models can freely move
off of a board edge to leave the Scenario.

Dragging Models
Models can drag/drop Downed, dead or
restrained models as an action. Dragging
halves movement speed, and models dragging
can only take move actions. Models require at
least +1 Strength to drag another model.
When a model rolls for GUTS they make a Presence
test. On failure they flee the fight, immediately
moving their maximum towards the nearest board edge.

On their next activation they retake the test. On

success they act as normal, on Failure they continue
to move off the board.

They retake this test every round until they pass or

leave the battlefield.

Fleeing combat due to GUTS does not trigger enemy

Models make GUTS checks when:
They are Critically hit.
They strike a Downed enemy.

When a model's HP is equal to or less than 0 it is
considered Downed.

Lay it face up.

If a Downed model takes any more damage it is

immediately killed. Lay it face down.

Downed models must pass a death save at the end of

the Scenario to determine if they died during the
session or managed to crawl their way off the field,
bloodied and broken.

The save is a DR6 Toughness test.

On failure they are dead.

On success they roll for Injury (pg. 113).

On Critical success they learned something new: roll

for Injury table and also assign a new Feat (pg. 14).
ROLL twice and combine the results in
whichever way makes the most sense.

1. Champagne 34. Pearl 67. Games

2. Primary 35. Ping 68. Mara
3. Flesh 36. Radio 69. Project
4. Blackmail 37. Samba 70. Aurora
5. Diplomatic 38. Protocol 71. Dawn
6. Chrome 39. Trojan 72. Yellow
7. Slack 40. Vim 73. Luck
8. Zip 41. Red 74. Crash
9. Read 42. Worms 75. Console
10. Legit 43. Bomb 76. Cheaters
11. Electric 44. Night 77. R&R
12. The 45. Risk 78. Session
13. Hole 46. Bait 79. Logout
14. CPU 47. Night 80. Memory
15. Algorithm 48. Brush 81. Hollow
16. Face 49. Mellow 82. Data
17. Virus 50. Coarse 83. Spark
18. ADA 51. Phase 84. Decay
19. Bits 52. Venom 85. Eyes
20. Reboot 53. Boost 86. Zero
21. Horror 54. Art 87. Bank
22. Slim 55. Blue 88. Coil
23. Cookie 56. Dead 89. Slice
24. Spam 57. ACAB 90. Dare
25. Wade 58. Cloud 91. INK
26. Bootstrap 59. Compute 92. Dash
27. C++ 60. Anarchists 93. Rebels
28. Daemon 61. Feedback 94. Ticks
29. Flinger 62. X111 95. Parasites
30. Git 63. Beasts 96. Panthers
31. Kerberos 64. Crows 97. Warriors
32. Lotus 65. Grave 98. Impulse
33. Patch 66. Litmus 99. Tube
Example of
Example of

‘Look, I don’t mess with that sh*t. You want it, you go buy it
from the creepy-a** cook.’ - fence
Models can buy Narcotics from the
cybernetically-enhanced Cook between
Scenarios. A twisted mockery of a person,
what remains of their original head is now
just a skull on an extended servo arm.

As an action, a crewmember can take any

number of Narcotics they are carrying.
Narcotics do not take up any equipment slots.

When a model takes a Narcotic, make an

Overdose check by rolling Toughness against
DRX where X is the number of Narcotics taken
multiplied by 5. For example, a crewmember
taking 1 Narcotic rolls against DR5 while a
crewmember taking 4 Narcotics needs to roll
against DR20!

When a model Overdoses (fails this check)

they suffer -1 to a random stat.

If they Fumble they are Downed and drop to 0HP.

Effects of Narcotics last until

the end of the Scenario.
1. Blue Crystal 60C 2. Rad juice 50c
Effect: Crewmember gains Effect: Gain random
an additional 5HP for mutation.
rest of Scenario. Downside:-1 Knowledge.
Downside:Super addictive,
models taking it must
pass a Toughness test.
3. Red-Juice 40C
Effect: Heals 1D10.
On failure they become Downside: If crewmember
addicted and when not on is Downed after taking
blue crystal suffer -3 to this they are instead
all tests. auto-killed.

4. Vertigo 35C
Effect: -3 to hit the model with ranged weapons.

Downside: -3 to all ranged attacks.

5. black Widow 45C

Effect: If crewmember takes damage in
melee, model causing Damage is Poisoned.
Downside: -3HP for rest of Scenario.

6. Dead MAn 7. Ghost 45C

Walking 45C Effect: Crewmember
cannot be targeted
Effect: Injected
by any attack until
as an action into
they take an action.
a Downed or dead
Hostiles ignore
model. Model stands
up and leaves the
Downside: If a
table. They are
crewmember is on
GHOST and is Downed
to have survived
this Scenario, they
the Scenario but
are left behind and
gain a new Injury.
die as a result.
Downside: Rest
Their crew can’t see
of crew must
them either!
immediately make a
Guts check.
8. Overd
rive 45C 1
crewm : When 0. Numb
to 0H
ember Effec out 45C
P the drops taken : All da
a Tou y mak ma
g e reduc by crewme ge
test. hness ed by mber
Downs is
they On succe i 1.
are n ss Pres de: -2 t
Downe o en o
d and t tests ce and K
1HP. have . nowle
crewm de: If 11. Road
ember runner
ness fails
g ains
t: Cr
they t e + b
are k
st Downs 2 m oveme er
i n
. alway de: Mode t.
s l
movem move th must
ent v ei
alue. r full
9. Slow
Burn 25
crewm :
t C 12. Super
ember Effec Juic e 1
ewmem 000C
1HP a h e t: Cr
t a l s g ains
of ea the sta stat. + 2 to ev erb
c rt
Downs h round. Downs
ide: i
e Scena de: At e
movem mber r
treat io they
nd of
ent i e a re
s were d is as
round d by 1 p make
if th

. a dea and mus
th sa t
Incident Report (play example)
Two officers encountered strong resistance in Sector 13. Two
discontents identified as Burn and Sinclair where seen operating
in the area. Drone footage of the instance showed them engage in
several illegal acts and clearly killing both enforcers. As such,
they should be treated as armed and dangerous, and should be
killed on sight.

Burn and Sinclair are working for -V-. They came to Sector
13 to pick up intel for a future job. On arrival they were met
with 2 Enforcers.

Player-controlled models always activate first ,with

players alternating activations. Player 1 controls Burn,
and he can see an Enforcer ahead. Burn moves his Agility+5
inches, in this case 8 inches, forward. Getting into range of
one of the Enforcers, Burn levels his Smart Pistol and fires
at the Enforcer. To hit the Enforcer, he needs to roll at
least 12 on a D20. He adds or subtracts his Presence and any
other modifiers to his roll, hoping to equal or beat a 12 (all
tests unless otherwise stated are against DR12).

In this case Burn has a Presence of +1, making it a little

easier for him to hit his target. He next checks range and
cover. Unfortunately, the Enforcer is partially obscured,
which infers a -3 penalty to the roll result. This means he
needs to roll a 14 to succeed. Burn rolls and gets a 17, a hit!

He next rolls damage on a D6, resulting in 5. This is

subtracted from the Enforcers remaining HP. The Enforcer
has 1 Armor, so the damaged is reduced to 4.

Sinclair goes next, and instead of using a gun decides to

target one of the Enforcers with a Programme. They select
the programme ‘Singles Near You.’ They must first pass a
Knowledge test (DR12). Sinclair has +2 Knowledge so only
needs to roll a 10, which they easily do. This Programme
makes the Enforcer miss its next activation.

Now that the player-controlled models have all
gone, the Enforcers get a turn. The model
targeted by Sinclair lose its activation,
so does nothing. The other model moves 2d6 inches
towards the nearest model (Burn) and
makes an attack if it ends up within 1 inch of Burn.
It rolls a 10 for its move, and gets within 1
inch of Burn. It then makes a melee attack
against DR12. It rolls a 13 and hits, dealing
damage with its Baton which is enough to Down Burn.

However, before being Downed Burn can make an

attack back, since melee attacks trigger a
simultaneous attack back from the target. This is
rolled at -3. Burn has a Knife that uses Agility, so
he rolls against a DR12, -3 for
defending but +3 for his Agility.
He rolls a 6 and misses.

Now that the Enforcers have all gone, any Scenario

effects or conditions are resolved, then the
player-controlled models can be activated for the
next round. Sinclair levels their Smart Rifle and
makes quick work of the 2 remaining Enforcers
over the next 2 rounds of combat.

The Scenario ends, but as Burn was Downed he must

now pass a death save by rolling a DR6 Toughness
test. Toughness not being his strong suit, he might
not survive.


At the start of a Scenario
players gain the following
six Glitches each.

They can spend these once and only

once per Scenario at any time,
including after a roll, for the following

maximum effort: Deal maximum damage with

an attack .

déja vu: Reroll any dice, yours or someone


Insurance: Remove a Downed model from play.

It auto-passes its death save.

META: Cancel one Critical or Fumble.

Connected: Reroll on the loot table.

Dues Ex machina: Automatically pass one test i.e.

jumping, GUTS, or combat.

After all
models have
been activated
by all players,
Hostiles are
then activated.
If there is more
than 1 Hostile
to activate,
randomise them
with a die roll.

To determine
Hostile actions,
follow the
flow diagram
Start Here
Check Can Hostile see Hostile
Hostile's a model that is NO does
special not the same nothing.
rules. type as it?

YES Is Hostile within 1 inch of
model it can see?

Does the Hostile have a YES
Ranged attack?


Hostile moves 2D6

inches towards nearest
model that is not the
same type as it.

Does the Hostile end

within 1 inch of
model that is not the
same type as it?


Hostile ends
its activation.

Immediately attacks as
per the close combat
rules. Randomise if
there is more than 1
model within 1 inch.
If its Ranged attack
has keyword Reload,
does it have Ammo?


Hostile does Hostile moves

not move. 1D6 inches
Instead towards nearest
model not the
reloads same type as it,
(Hostiles stops before
always have getting within
spare ammo). 1 inch.

Is there a model within

range of its attack
that is not the same
type as it?


Hostile moves Makes ranged

another 1D6 inches, attack against
putting terrain nearest model that
between it and is a different
nearest model. type.

If a Hostile can
see more than
a single model
Hostiles with only it always goes
Ranged attacks: if towards/targets
in close combat make the closer
unarmed attacks that model. On a tie,
deal 1D4 damage, roll a die to
unless profile determine which
states otherwise. way it moves/who
it targets.
Hostile GUTS Hostiles make all
If a Hostile is
Critically hit it tests at DR12 with no
makes a GUTS check. modifiers unless
Roll 2D6. If above specified. This
its GUTS it flees the includes if they are
attacked or targeted
field, moving 2D6
by any Programmes.
inches per round
until it leaves the This is also the same
field or is killed, for all abilities
If Hostile’s GUTS are unless otherwise
‘-’ they ignore GUTS specified. Hostiles
rules. do not prioritise
Downed models unless
otherwise stated.
Hostile Profiles
• HP - Health. When a Hostile reaches 0HP it is dead.
• GUTS - If rolled above, when Hostile makes GUTS check
it begins to flee as per GUTS rules.
• Attack - Given as a type i.e. claws, slam, or other
followed by the damage it deals on a succesful hit.
• Armor - How much the Hostile reduces damage by.
• Special - Special attacks or features.

Spawning Random Hostiles

When spawning a random Hostile place it as
indicated by Scenario. If not indicated, place
it on a random board edge.

Hostiles and Fumbles
If a Hostile rolls a 1 they drop their weapon,
any (things like claws are not dropped). If a
Hostile has no weapon it takes its action to
pick up any dropped weapons.

Looting Hostiles
Any items carried by Hostiles can be picked up
as an action.

Amount to Spawn Base Size

D20 Name SP COOP VS Suggestion

1 CYBER 1 2 1 25mm
2-7 ENFORCER see Enforcer table pg. 61
8-9 UN-MET 1D6 1D8 1D4 25mm

10-11 Ganger 1 3 2 25mm

12-13 Cult of Flesh 1 3 2 25mm
14-15 RAD GHOUL 2 3 1 25mm
15-16 MUTANT 1 3 1 25mm
16-17 NANOINFESTED 2 4 2 25mm
18-19 Wash Bot 2 4 2 25mm
20 MACHINE GOD 1 1 1 50mm

Maintaining the status quo is serious business.
Enforcers are offered cutting-edge equipment
to deal with those daring to ask for more.

Use the following table to determine which

type of Enforcer is deployed based on the crew
with the highest Wanted Level.

Example: if a crew has a Wanted Level of 5 then

deploy an Enforcer Drone.

Wanted Level What to Deploy How many to Deploy


1-5 Drones 2 3 2
6-10 Grunts 1 2 2
11-13 Officer 1 1 1
14-17 Camera Drone 2 3 2
18-19 Swat Team 1 1 1
20+ 209 Mech 1 1 1

Special: Enforcers do not following normal

Hostile rules for selecting a priority target.
They target the nearest model from the crew
with the highest Wanted Level that they can
see. If all crews have the same Wanted Level
they follow the normal Hostile rules.

Art By @denungeherrholm
[HP:5] [GUTS:-]
[Ranged:Smart Pistol:1d6/Melee:Stun Baton]

Special: Drone will not use Smart Pistol until it

has taken damage.

If it stuns a model with its stun baton it then

applies restraints as its next action (pg. 28).

If within 1 inch of a restrained model it will

begin to drag them off the nearest board edge.

If the Enforcer Drone leaves the table with

the model they are lost forever into the prison

[HP:8] [GUTS:8]
[Ranged:Smart Pistol:1d6/Melee:Stun Baton]

Special: Grunt will not use Smart Pistol until it

has taken damage.

If it stuns a model with its stun baton it then

applies restraints as its next action (pg. 28).

If within 1 inch of a restrained model it will

begin to drag them off the nearest board edge.

If the Enforcer Grunt leaves the table with

the model they are lost forever into the prison

[HP:9] [GUTS:10]
[Ranged:Heavy Pistol:1d8/Melee:Stun Baton] [Armor:2]

Special: At the end of the round the Officer calls a Grunt to

the table. Roll a D20, and on 10+ a single Enforcer Grunt
appears on a random board edge.

Camera Drone
[HP:7] [GUTS:-][-][Armor:1][Keyword:Cyber]

Special: If an enemy model is within 12 inches this Drone

does not move. Instead it takes a photo of them. If the crew
with that model has a Wanted Level of 0-10 their Wanted
Level increases by 1. If their Wanted Level is 11-14 the
Drone dispatches a Grunt which appears on a Random Board
Edge. If their Wanted Level is 15+ a Swat Team appears on
a random board edge. All Enforcers dispatched by the Drone
appear at the end of the round.

[HP:9] [GUTS:10]
[Ranged:Smart Rifle:1D8/Melee:Baton:1D4][Armor:3]

Special: Swat Team is made up of 1+1D3 Swat Members who all

have the same above stat line.

If within 1 inch of an enemy they use their Baton.

Otherwise they use their Smart Rifles.

209 Mech
[HP:40] [GUTS:-]
[Ranged:Gatling Cannon 1D8:/Melee:Crushing Blow 1D8]

Special: Gatling Cannon is Ranged 12. Can make an attack

against all viable targets within range.

209 Mech ignores terrain (smashes through it).

No one really knows where
The Machine God came from.
An AI that went mad?
A virus from outer
space? A sinister
gone wrong?
Whatever its
origins, it
is now part
of the city.
Hunting the
Slums and
Industries for
what it calls Its focus
‘spare parts,’ it is function
mashes machine over form,
and flesh altering itself
together. to meet its
needs. A mess of
cables, servos,
organs, its form
shifting as it
accumulates more
parts. What it
wants no one knows.

[HP:40] [GUTS:11] Machine GOD

[Ranged6:Cable Whip:1d8/Melee: Appendage] [Armor:3]

Special: Whenever the Machine God Downs a model, as its

next action it will absorb them, killing them. When it
does this it gains HP equal to the model’s max HP.

P :9

Special: Whenever deploying a Ganger roll
to determine what gang they are from below.
Any other Gangers deployed in a Scenario are
always from the same gang unless otherwise
stated. All Gangers have HP9 and Guts 10.

1.Negligence Facade
Ranged Attack:Heavy Pistol 1D8
Melee Attack: Knife 1D4
Special: Whenever you attack a member of the Negligence
Facade roll a D6. On an even number they were not
really there, the attack fails and the ganger is moved
1D6 in a random direction.
What do they want: To take over.

2.Guerrilla Malice Galère [GMG]

Ranged Attack:Smart Rifle 1D8
Melee Attack: Knife 1D4
Special: Rerolls all Natural 20s.
What do they want: Your eyes.

3.resonance cascade
Ranged Attack:-
Melee Attack: Crowbar [1D8][Strength]
What do they want: They never speak, so no one knows.

Ranged Attack:Revolver D6
Melee Attack: Knife D4
Special: Immune to all Programmes.
What do they want: To take us back to a time before
technology ruled our lives.
[HP:10] [GUTS:-]
Melee:Enhanced Fists
1D4] [Armor:3]

Special: When an
UN-MET makes a melee
attack it auto-hits
any model with any
CyberMods. Models
hit in this way
must make a Presence
test. On failure
they must roll on
the Malfunctions
table (pg. 19).

Too much of a good thing can

be detrimental to your health.
Kaytell Makers does not
accept liability for: any direct or indirect
damage arising from installing Kaytell
Modifications. Any direct or indirect
damage arising from any person relying
on information, products, or services
provided by approved or unapproved
Kaytell Makers suppliers and installers.
All people installing modifications take
full responsibility for doing so.

U N - M E T
[HP:11] [GUTS:-]
[Melee:Nano 1D4/1D8 to
models with CyberMods]

Special: If a
Nanoinfested ever
hits a model with a
CyberMods they must
roll on the
Malfunction table.

When a
Nanoinfested dies,
roll a D6. On 4+
they spill forth
Nanoswarms that
look for a new
host. Place a
token to mark the

[HP:-] [GUTS:-]
[Infect] [Armor:-]

Special: Swarms move towards

the nearest model. If they get
within 1 inch of the model it makes
a Knowledge test. On failure they
are turned into a Nanoinfested.
Nanoswarms are destroyed if they
are ever hit with EM or EMO

They told us nanotech was the future. Slick

adverts with attractive people preached of
their many virtues. Instant healing, remake
yourself each day. Those infested paid for
that privilege.
The radiation of G0 has spread far and
wide, bioaccumulating in those unfortunate
souls known as the Rad Ghouls. Their flesh
melts from their bones, their minds lost to
violence; killing them is a mercy.

[HP:12] [GUTS:10][Melee:SLAM 1D6]

Special: Radiation: When a model gets within

1 inch of a Rad Ghoul they must make a
Toughness test. On failure they take 1D4
damage. On Fumble they also gain a new

[HP:15] [GUTS:-]
[Melee:Aggressive Cleaning:1D8]

Special: Targets model that players

agree looks the least clean. If players
cannot decide, player who last showered
makes the decision.

C19 window bots were top of the line. Due to an

unforeseen event , the AI of C19 evolved and began to
treat all humans as windows, aggressively cleaning them.
While every effort has been made to recall all C19 bots,
you encounter them in the wild maintain a 2m distance
ensure you wash your hands regularly. Please call the
number displayed on the window bot found under its
left cleaning
appendage and a recall team will be with you in 5-10 worki
ng days.
Concept from Hugo

[HP:3][GUTS:3][Bite 2][Armor:-]

Special: When it bites a model with any

CyberMods that model must roll on the
Malfunction table.
This city infects everything, twisting it into a mockery of its former self. There are those
however that give into this, letting the pollutants and toxins in, embracing them for the
changes they bring to their bodies. Warped flesh and minds, they embrace the change
and force it onto others.

[HP:3d6] [GUTS:10]
[see special]

Special: When a Mutant

is spawned roll below
to determine their
mutation and attack.

Attack 1d6
1. Claws [1d8]
2. Rusty Knife [1d4]
3, Mandible [1d6]
4. Stomach
Eversion [2D4]
5. Tentacle [1D4]
6. Bone Spur [1D8]

Mutation 1d4
1. Callous-
Increase Armor by 1.
2. Regen-
Heals 1HP per round.
3. Bile Sacks-
Deals an additional
1D4 damage on hits.
4. Fungal Growths-
On a hit with any
attack model hit
must pass Toughness
test or become
Thou shall not sin with the metallic gods.
Thou shall not give into electric sin.
Thou shall mend ones flesh with growth hormone x-34d.
Honour the flesh over the machine.

A cult dedicated to the flesh born out of side effects of a popular

steroid hormone used for beautification.

[HP:11] [GUTS:10]
[Ranged: Hand Made Rifle 1D8.
Melee: Surgeon Knife 1D4]

Special: Carries a Hand Made

Rifle and hormone treatment x-34d
that can be looted.

Hand Made Rifle

[Ranged, Reload2][1D8][Presence]

Works as a narcotic, pg. 49.
Effect: crewmember gains
+2 to one random stat
Downside: When taken model
most make a Knowledge test.
On failure they become a
member of the cult and
are lost forever.

OF the
Scenarios are designed to be played over a
max of 6 rounds, unless stated otherwise.
At the end of the 6 rounds your crew gets
tired, will be dead, or will be chased off
by Enforcers.

Any items left on the table at the end of

round 6 are considered lost if they are on
a model that died or dies as a result of a
death save.

If you are playing on larger boards you may

want to increase the amount of turns you are
playing for.

Reading Scenarios
Introduction: Flavour text.
Goal: What you are here to do.
Reward: What you will get for completing the
Scenario objectives.
Setup and Loot: How to set up the table.
Deployment: Where you place your models before the
game starts.
Threats: What Hostiles are present.
Solo Play: How to play the Scenario solo.
Coop: How to play the Scenario with friends.
End Game: How the game ends.

Sections marked with the RPG symbol
are for flavour text and

for use if you wish to
run Kill Sample Process
as an RPG.
A CITY of Billions
The immortal few live in glass towers.
profit's being made on our backs
They Enforce norms
Sell you false dreams
Steal your future
It is time to burn it all

The city is dying. Nothing will bring it
back. Its festering heart still beats.
Maybe it’s time to end it.

Kill Sample Process

is set in a neon
hellscape. The world is broken. Surviving
day to day is the goal. You can work for
Fence to earn creds, Doc who will patch
you up and install faulty CyberMods, Cook
will pay well and provide you with the
edge you need.

Or maybe you will fall down the rabbit


Across the net, strange messages have

been appearing. Encoded in holo ads,
placed on forums on the deepest parts
of the net or hidden in song lyrics to
remixed songs.

-V- is watching.
So little is known about the entity
codenamed -V-, but what is certain is
those that can work out what -V- wants
earn themselves plenty of creds.

The first communication attributed to -V-

was hidden in the metadata on a retail

It simply said:

It is Time To Burn it all Down.

This game can be played on tables of any
size, but is recommended for tables of
24 inches by 24 inches.

Terrain should be used to reduce lines of


Players each place a single piece of

terrain on the table.

After placing terrain, players roll a D10,

adding the number of currently placed
terrain pieces. If the result is 15 or
more STOP. If not, add another piece of
terrain to the table. For example, if you
place 9 pieces of terrain and then roll a
6 on the die, this would add to 15 and you
should STOP placing terrain.

l o O T
When a model is within 1 inch of a Loot marker they
can search it by rolling a Presence DR10 test. On
failure the Loot marker remains. On success remove the
Loot marker and roll on the table below. On Fumble
they cut their hand on broken glass and take 1 damage
that ignores armor.

The model then, if they have equipment slots free, may

pick up that item for free. If they do not have slots
free the item is instead placed on the ground and can
be picked up by another model. Creds do not take up
equipment slots.

1. 100 creds
2. Random stack of Ammo pg.
k for Fla met hro wer
3. 1 fuel tan
4. A virtual hug
5. 200 creds
6. 300 creds
7. 1 Random CY_Ammo pg. 31
8. 1 Random Weapon pg. 29
dodgy usb
9. 1 Random Programme on a
10. Cyber Sword pg. 28
od (installed after
11. 1 coupon for a free CyberM
12. A random armor pg. 23
13. 500 creds
ace hostile! it attacks)
14. A Hostile Nano Rat (pl
ne Control
15. 1 random Drone and Dro
16. 600 creds
17. 1 random Antiquity pg.
pie ce of equ ipm ent pg. 22
18. A random
both results
19. Roll twice and take
20. Pick one item
In this connected age the
Enforcers track significant
sources of trouble.
A crew generates a Wanted Level for
undertaking activity that undermines
the status quo.

Most see their Wanted Level as a

badge of honour, but it has its

Each crew starts with a Wanted Level

of 0.

When their Wanted Level reaches 25 or

more they must select one crewmember
to take a fall, who is incarcerated
and lost to the crew. Their Wanted
Level then drops by 2D8 and they can
recruit a new crewmember for free.
Increase their Wanted Level
by 1 each time a crew:
• Completes a Scenario with at least
1 surviving crewmember.
• Kills any Enforcer hostile.
• Meets certain Scenario objectives
as detailed in the Scenario.

Benefits to Wanted Level:

If your Wanted Level is higher than
10 you gain the following benefits:

• At the end of a Scenario the crew

gains an additional 100 creds.
• When recruiting new crewmembers
they come with 1 random weapon.
At the start of each Scenario, before
deployment, roll on this table to determine
the current conditions.

1. Acid Rain 6. Energy Crisis

All Armor is reduced by Apply Partial Darkness
1 for this Scenario. condition.

2. NanoSwarms. 7. Ecoterrorism
At the end of each round At the start of the
roll a D6. Scenario all models
On 1, any model with make a Toughness test.
a CyberMod must make On failure they gain a
a Toughness test. On Mutation (pg. 20).
failure they roll a
Malfunction (pg. 19). 8. Air Quality Advisory
Models without Air
3. Machine God. Filters who are Downed
On round 3 the Machine suffer -3 to their death
God appears on a random save roll at the end of
board edge. this Scenario.

4. Auto-Correct 9. Heatwave
You cannot use Glitches All movement is reduced
this scenario. by 1 inch.

5. Power outage 10. VR simulation

Apply Darkness This Scenario is not
condition. real. All models auto-
pass death saves.

Models without an LED
torch or other source of
light and not within 6
inches of another model
with a source of light take
-6 to all rolls. Models in
Darkness cannot
target or be
targeted by

Partial Darkness:
As above but only
suffer a -3 to rolls and
range of light sources
extends to 9 inches.
1. Dog eat dog world
‘Look, it’s simple, my supply often falls off the back
of a van and, well, on this occasion it needs a little
help. Do this for me and it will earn you a pretty
decent pay out, and you can keep everything I don’t
want.’ - Fence

Deliver the weapons cache boxes from the supply van.

For each crate brought back Fence pays 300 creds.

Setup and Loot

In the center of the board place a piece of terrain
to represent a van. This was the armored van that was
carrying experimental weapons. A rival gang beat you
to it (see Threats below). Within 3 inches around the
van place 3 crates per crew taking part. Each player
places a crate, taking it in turns.

Versus and Coop - Players select a board edge based
on initiative and place models within 3 inches of
their board edge. In Solo Play you may place models in
either deployment zone.

Each crate is guarded by a rival gang member. Roll
to see what gang has beat you to the scene (pg. 66)
and place 1 member of this gang within 1 inch of each
crate. On round 3, two Officer Drones appear on a
random table edge.

Solo Play
Place 3 supply crates and 3 gangers.

Place 2 extra gangers within 1 inch of the van.


3 inches
player deployment zone

18 inches

3 inches

player deployment zone

24 inches

Take up 1 equipment slot. A model may pick one up as
an action. When they do, roll a D6. On 4+ they are
one the crates Fence wants.

On 1-3 make a note of that crate. The player that

controls it at the end of the game can make a Loot
roll on page 81 for each crate one of their models
left the board with.

When the players arrive read:
You hear someone shout ‘Put the money in
the bag.’ A gunshot rings out and you watch
the driver of the van fall. A rival Gang
beat you to it. If you want the cash you are
going to have to fight for it.
2. All oF my neurons are Functioning smoothly
What the Doc does exists in a legal grey area, neither fully in breach of the laws
of CY_ nor fully sanctioned either. He remains above board enough to advertise his
services without drawing the attention of the Enforcers. What WOULD draw their
attention, however, would be installing illegal mods in a cyborg, mods that allow
them to pass for human. And this is where you come in. Doc will pay you well to
hunt and kill such a cyborg before the Enforcers learn what he did.

Find and decommission the Cyborg or bring it in!

1 free CyberMod for the crew that kills the Cyborg or 500 creds for
bringing it back alive.

Setup and Loot

Across the centre of the board place 3 civilian models, equal
distance apart. One of these is the Cyborg. Write on three small
pieces of paper the words, civilian, civilian, and Cyborg. Fold
the paper and mix them so no player knows what is on each piece
of paper. Place one piece of folded paper in front of each of the
civilian models. Civilians act after the Hostile activation phase.

Civilians can be targeted by an attack, but killing one increases

your Wanted Level by 5.

When a model is within 2 inches of a civilian, the model can make

a Knowledge test as an action to check its piece of paper. If a
civilian drops to 0hp, check its piece of paper. If the paper says
Cyborg when it is revealed, replace the civilian with a Cyborg.

Versus and Coop - Players select a board edge based on initiative,
and place models within 3 inches of their board edge. In Solo Play
you may place models in either deployment zone.

On round 2 and 4, one Enforcer unit per player, based on crew Wanted
Level, is spawned on a random board edge [Enforcers table pg. 61].

Solo Play
Place only 2 civilians.

Enforcers show up on round three.

GAME ENDS WHEN the Cyborg is dead or off the table.

3 inches
player deployment zone

18 inches

3 inches

player deployment zone

24 inches

[HP8] [Fists:1][Morale:6][Armor:1]
When civilians act, they move 1D6 towards the nearest
board edge. If movement takes them off of board, they
leave the table.

[HP12] [Slam:1D6][Morale:-][Armor:3]
If restrained, will not break free and can be dragged
off the table.

When the players arrive read:
When you arrive you see a number of
civilians who meet the description of who
you are looking for. You need to work out
who is the Cyborg you were sent to deal with
and quick, because you are sure you can hear
Enforcer sirens in the distance.
3. My Heart is no good
Cook is one creepy mother, and everyone knows you
don’t cross them. Well, everyone but the Cult of the
Flesh. Turns out they stole a shipment of something
Cook would very much like back. Do this and you will
get in their good books, for whatever that is worth.

Bring back the shipment marked VV 375-kilobase.

For bringing back the correct crate earn 500 creds.
Cook pays 100 creds per dead Cult of Flesh member.

Setup and Loot

Place across the board 5 crates to be searched,
roughly spaced as shown in the map. Place them
at least 3 inches from a board edge and player
deployment. When a model is within 1 inch of a crate,
it can as an action roll on the following table to see
what it contains.
1. Nothing.
2. VV 375-kilobase.
3. A trap: roll Agility, on failure
become Poisoned.
4. Random Loot (pg. 81).
5. Random Drone and Drone Control (pg. 24).
6. Flesh: model must make a Guts check.

Versus and Coop - Players select a board edge based
on initiative, and place models within 3 inches of
their board edge. In Solo Play you may place models in
either deployment zone.

VV 375-kilobase,Can be picked up as an item. If model

carrying it is ever Downed they drop it, and all other
models on the table must roll a Toughness test. On
failure they become diseased.

GAME ENDS WHEN the VV 375-kilobase is off the table or dropped.

3 inches
player deployment zone

18 inches


3 inches

player deployment zone

24 inches

Each crate is guarded by one member of the Cult of
the Flesh. On round 3, two more cult members show up
on a random table edge.

Solo Play
No other Cult members show up this Scenario.

Two Cult members show up on rounds 2 and 4.

When the players arrive read:
Pushing into the warehouse, you see figures
with guns as desperately put together as
their clothes. Their flesh bulges and moves
like liquid as they turn to face you. The
Cult of the Flesh members raise their
weapons and dive for cover.
4. With your silence you vote for oppression
You woke up with a data chip in your lap. Written in
crude handwriting, it reads ‘PLAY ME.’ Against better
judgement you insert it into your reader.



Enter the region known as GO and destroy the datahubs.

For each datahub destroyed, 300 creds will appear in
your account.

Setup and Loot

For each crew taking part place 3 datahubs at least 4
inches from a board edge, player deployment, and other

Versus and Coop - Players select a board edge based
on initiative, and place models within 3 inches of
their board edge. In Solo Play you may place models in
either deployment zone.

For each crew taking part, place 2 Nanoinfested within
2 inches of a datahub. On round 6 The Machine God
appears on a random board edge.

Solo Play
See above.

For each crew taking part place 3 Nanoinfested within
2 inches of a datahub.

GAME ENDS When all datahubs are destroyed.

3 inches
player deployment zone

18 inches

3 inches

player deployment zone

24 inches

HP20 ARM 2
As an action model can place C9 Explosive on datahub,
and when the C9 explodes it destroys the datahub.

G0 is a nuclear hellscape of a place. Do
not roll for conditions for this Scenario.
Instead, the conditions Nanoswarms and
Ecoterrorism are both in effect.

When the players arrive read:
The air tastes of metal. This part of CY_ used
to be a lot nicer than it is today. But that was
before, and this is now. You see the datahubs
that are somehow still operating, and shuffling
amongst them are the twisted bodies of those
who fell foul of the Nanoswarms littering this
scarred region.
5. There is a Problem
‘Word on the street is there is a hit out on you lot,
you’ve been upsetting the right/wrong people.’ - Fence

You got a call for a job at the metro station, but it

was a trap, fight your way out.

Escape the trap.

You get to live.

Setup and Loot

Set up the board as shown on the map. Across the board
there is a train track that you must cross. Models
can only leave the board via a board edge opposite the
player deployment zones. On the tracks players should
take it in turns to place 2 corpses each of those who
have fallen on the tracks. These can be looted as per
loot rules.

Versus and Coop - Players select a player deployment
zone based on initiative and place models in a 6 inch
by 6 inch area. In Solo Play you may place models in
either deployment zone.

Across the board, on either side of the tracks, are
3 Gangers (roll on page 66 to determine which gang
has shown up) for a total of 6 gangers. On turn 3,
Enforcers based on crew Wanted Levels (pg. 61) appear
in a random player deployment zone at the start of the
hostile phase.

Solo Play
Place only 2 Gangers on either side of the tracks.

Enforcers arrive on turn 2.

Game Ends when all crewmembers are dead or off of the board. .
3 inches

18 inches



3 inches


6 inches 6 inches 6 inches 6 inches

Each round there is a 50% chance a train speeds
through the station. Roll a D4, on 2+ a train appears
at the end of the round. Any model on the tracks must
make an Agility test to duck under the train. On
failure they drop to 0HP. Downed models on the tracks
are killed if another train passes over them.

When the players arrive read:
You arrive to meet your connection for your
latest pay day, but something feels off. A
gun shot rings out and people scatter. It is
a trap and you are going to have to fight
your way out.
Is there nothing better than taking a hit of Numbout,
hooking up to an alternative world where the sky is clear
and kicking back and watching the clouds, right? Well, at
one of Cook’s best-selling locals most thought so too. Until
there was a slight hiccup in the simulation, or more likely
Cook mislabelled some Numbout, that turned the punters into
mindless killers. Cook would quite like this mess resolved.

Kill all the UN-MET in the Cafe.

3 free Narcotics of your choice for the crew that
kills most UN-MET. For each UN-MET killed, crew also
earns 300 creds.

Setup and Loot

In the center of the board place a Server. The Server
has 50HP and can only be damaged by melee attacks.
Destroying the Server kills all remaining UN-MET. The
board should be set up to resemble a cafe or open

Versus and Coop - Players select a board edge based
on initiative and place models within 3 inches of
their board edge. In Solo Play you may place models in
either deployment zone.

3 UN-MET per player should be setup within 6 inches
of the server and equally spaced apart. On round four
Enforcers based on crews’ Wanted Level appear on a
random board edge as per rules on page 61.

Solo Play
As above.

Enforces show up on round 2.

GAME ENDS WHEN All hostiles are dead.

3 inches
player deployment zone

18 inches

3 inches

player deployment zone

24 inches

Unlike the UN-MET on page 68 these are also infected
with a new cyber drug created by Cook. When within
1 inch of them, a model can make an Agility test if
they have an Adrenaline Shot to try and break them
out of their condition. If they apply the Adrenaline
roll a D4, on a result of 3+ the UN-MET is cured and
they become a non-hostile civilian and attempt to
leave the table. This does not count as killing them
for rewards.

When the players arrive read:
With VR headsets still fixed onto their faces, the people
Cook told you to deal with all turn to you as you enter the
cafe, a sinister sight made worse by the flickering red glow
coming from the central server.
7. Have you ever been for sale
When you are down on your luck, when nothing is going right, Stop and Droptm
boxes are the solution you need.

‘The local D&S box has started to malfunction, go and

collect some “spare parts” for me.’ - Doc

Collect as many spare parts as you can before the
cleaner bots get to them.

For each spare part collected gain 200 creds from Doc.

Setup and Loot

In the center of the board place a 2 inch by 2 inch
Stop and Drop box. The Stop and Drop box can be looted
as per rules (pg. 81) 6 times. Each time, a player can
either take a spare part or roll on the loot table. 2
piles of spare parts should also be placed within 6
inches of the box (each player places 1).

Versus and Coop - Players select a board edge based
on initiative and place models within 3 inches of
their board edge. In Solo Play you may place models in
either deployment zone.

2 WASHER BOT C19 should be placed within 2 inches of
the Stop and Drop box. When killed they can be looted
for 1 random spare part. In addition, any placed spare
part piles have 3 Cyber Rats within 1 inch of them.

Solo Play
Only place 1 pile of spare parts.

Place 4 piles of spare parts.

Game Ends on Round 7

3 inches
player deployment zone

18 inches


3 inches

player deployment zone

24 inches


When models get within 1 inch of a Stop and Drop box they
must make an Agility test. On failure they take 1 damage.
If they Fumble or this damage takes them to 0hp they are
killed outright. Put in their place another pile of spare
parts. A model within 1 inch of the Stop and Drop can,
as an action, pass a Knowledge test to turn the box off,
removing the need for future Agility tests.

Spare Parts
Each spare part takes up 1 equipment slot.

When the players arrive read:
Most people call them put-down boxes. And
the task ahead of you is certainly gruesome!
But Doc will pay well for “spare parts” you
bring back. But you have competition, as the
rats are already feasting away.
8. <<fileref_“Kill Sample Process”>>
<<load_data>><<Quest Scenario, Data Entry Dan Palfrey>>
Some mad gang hacker has figured out a way to crash Gravf
Mellberg Tosk’s secure data vault, and they want you to test
the tech. Only catch is you have to jack into the net and
physically retrieve the valuable data packets yourself. The
modified cyberdeck will project you and your team as avatars
into the network. You’ll need to fight your way through
hostile ICE, so make sure you’re strapped. And watch out for
the Black ICE – if they get you, they’ll fry your brain to

Hack the Nodes

Pick your patron:
Negligence Facade – hack the data nodes and retrieve the data
packets, each packet retrieved earns you 150 creds.
Troglodytes – destroy the data nodes, each one destroyed
earns you 80 creds.

Setup and Loot

The terrain should represent the digital landscape of the
virtual data vault. Use large, blocky, line-of-sight-
blocking geometric shapes (piles of books and kids building
blocks are ideal) and no biological flora. Mark out a 5
inch diameter circle at the centre of the table (a CD is
perfect)- this is the I/O port. 8 data nodes should be
placed at each corner, equidistant around the table edge.

All crews begin play off the board in ‘processing.’ While in
processing, models may not activate or be interacted with/
affected in any way except to enter the board via the I/O
port or to escape by jacking out. Once jacked out they take
no further part in the Scenario, but are considered to have
escaped safely. On their turn models can enter the I/O port
and are placed anywhere within the 5 inch area marked out,
and may then take their turn as normal. Models on the board
may exit through the I/O port by ending their movement on
the 5 inch area and taking an action which moves them to

Game Ends after 7 rounds.

= data node

3 inches
To hack a Node,
models within 1
inch must pass
a Knowledge
test. Once
hacked, models
are considered
18 inches

to have a
Data Packet
I/O Port Data Packets
do not take
up equipment
Data Nodes have
10HP and can
3 inches

only be damaged
by melee
24 inches

Models on the board are virtual avatars of themselves. They
act normally except that movement is based on Knowledge,
not Agility. When they are reduced to 0 health they accrue
1d3 bugs and are immediately sent to ‘processing’ where
they recover all their lost health. Models with bugs must
test against Toughness when they enter the board via the I/O
port; on failure they roll on the System Crash table (pg.
37) and remove all their bugs. Models on the board with bugs
at the end of the game count as being taken out of action so
must test for survival. At the end of each round, a random
hostile [pg. 59] spawns from a random Data Node. These are
digital copies of hostiles. Hostiles prioritise models with
Data Packets over closer models.

Solo Play and Coop Play

Spawn hostiles based on table pg. 59.

When the players arrive read:
You hurtle through the gatebreaker connection at the
speed of thought, crashing through the I/O port and
arriving in a digital landscape of flashing 1s and
0s. Cascading codestreams coalesce into hardlight
walls and bright swirling data nodes are visible at
the edges of the virtual vault.
9. replicate, mutate, divide, survive

The message was delivered via the holo-advert on the

side of a cereal box.

Enter the toxic industrials and install nodes on the
cctv cameras so that -V- can live stream what they
have done. Leave 1 Mutant alive.

For each node connected, -V- pays 200 creds, but only
if 1 Mutant is left alive.

Setup and Loot

A CCTV camera should be placed 6 inches from board
edges in each corner as shown in the map and one in
the center of the board. Use a piece of terrain or
token to represent the CCTV.

Versus and Coop - Players select a board edge based
on initiative and place models within 3 inches of
their board edge. In Solo Play you may place models in
either deployment zone.

For each crew taking part, place a Mutant within 6
inches of a CCTV.

Solo Play
See above.

For each crew taking part, place 3 Mutants.

GAME ENDS When all nodes are placed or all models leave the board.

3 inches
player deployment zone

18 inches


3 inches

player deployment zone

24 inches

CCTV nodes
Each model can carry a Node without taking up an
equipment slot. Placing a Node requires a Knowledge
test. On Fumble the Node is lost. All models start
with 1 Node.
Nodes can be given to another model as an action.

When the players arrive read:
Shuffling below the CCTV cameras -V- sent you
to tamper with, you see the shifting forms of
those that have been mutated by the actions of
T.G.Labs. This is the chance you have to gain
the evidence that the mutants did not just
happen but are a product of those who care for
profit over people.
10. bite size lies are much easier to swallow
A number of people have come to Doc reporting issues
with CyberMods of an unusual nature. He managed to
track the issue to an AI Billboard that was designed
to track people and deliver them targeted ads. Doc has
asked you to go shut the billboard down. But maybe
there are others who want the AI from the billboard
for themselves?

Destroy or collect the billboard AI.

Doc will pay the crew that destroys the billboard 400
creds. Fence will pay 600 creds if you instead bring
back the AI CPU.

Setup and Loot

In the center of the table place a piece of terrain
to represent the billboard. This should be at least
3 inches in length. In the center of this piece of
terrain mark or place a piece of terrain to represent
the AI control box.

Versus and Coop - Players select a board edge based
on initiative and place models within 3 inches of
their board edge. In Solo Play you may place models in
either deployment zone.

2 UN-MET per player should be placed within 6 inches
of the billboard and equally spaced apart. On round
4, Enforcers based on crews’ Wanted Level appear on a
random board edge as per rules on page 61.

Solo Play
As above.

Enforces show up on round 2.

GAME ENDS WHEN All hostiles are dead..

Scenario idea by Deathkraiser
3 inches
player deployment zone

18 inches

3 inches

player deployment zone

24 inches

When a model with any CyberMods gets within 3 inches of the
billboard they must make a Presence test. This test is also
repeated if they activate within 3 inches of the billboard. On
failure they roll on the Malfunction table on page 19.

The billboard has 50 health.

The billboard AI can be accessed by a model within 1 inch of the

control box.
The model must make a Knowledge test as an action to remove the
billboard’s AI CPU.
If the billboard drops to 0HP the CPU is destroyed.
The AI CPU takes up 1 equipment slot.

When the players arrive read:
As you approach the billboard, obnoxious adverts begin to assault
your eyes. You push them out as best you can and see those less
able already having succumbed to its bombardment. They look set
to defend it. Whether you are here to destroy it or take the AI
CPU for profit you should be quick: sirens are drawing closer.
11. want to watch the world burn for what it has done

-V- wants you to go into the G0 one more time and retrieve a virus
they can use to bring down the system that underpins all financial
interactions in CY_. Doing so will give them the power to end the
world as you know it. Whether that means a new one can be born or
simply bring a close to something that should have ended a long time
ago, -V- believes it is the right thing to do. Do you agree?

Download the virus and get out.

Give the virus to -V- to end things or sell it to
Fence for 4000 creds.

Setup and Loot

Place 1 inch by 1 inch pieces of terrain to represent
datacentres 2 inches from a deployment zone and 6
inches from the board edge. Place in the center of the
board one more datacentre.

Versus and Coop - Players select a player deployment
zone based on initiative and place models in a 6 inch
by 6 inch area. In Solo Play you may place models in
either deployment zone.

Within 1 inch of the central datahub place the Machine
God. Place 1 Rad Ghoul within 1 inch of each other
datacentre. At the start of each Hostile phase roll
on page 59 to determine what and how many hostiles

Solo Play
As above but use Solo Play table on page 59.

As above but use Coop Play table on page 59.

Game Ends when a Crewmember with the virus leaves the board.
3 inches
player deployment zone

18 inches
3 inches

player deployment zone

24 inches

A model within 1 inch can make a Knowledge test. On
failure a random Hostile appears on a random board
edge. On Fumble the Model takes 1D10 damage. On
success they roll 1D6 and on a result of a 6 they get
the virus. Once the virus is found, other datacentres
can be searched as per loot rules on page 81.
Datacentres can be searched multiple times.

When the players arrive read:
This is it: time to get the virus that -V- has
been after all this time. Time to decide: do
you bring this system down or profit from your
spoils? A choice you will have to make once you
deal with the amalgamation of flesh and machine
that stands in your way.
If you are playing a full campaign mode you should take the
following actions after each Scenario.

1. Each crew with at least one living member gets paid 400 creds
for taking part.

2. Roll death saves (DR6 Toughness test) for all models Downed at
the end of the Scenario. On failure model dies. On success roll an
injury, on critical success they recover with no injury.

You can also pay the Doc 100 creds to auto-pass a death save and
avoid rolling an injury.

3. Roll injuries on the Injury table [pg. 113]. Injuries are

permanent effects that stack and change your models’ stats and
abilities. You can also pay Doc 250 creds for replacement parts
to 'heal' injuries. This can be done multiple times if you have the

4. You can sell items to Fence. He pays half the cost of weapons,
equipment and armor. Programmes cannot be sold.

5. Increase the crew’s Wanted Level [pg. 82] by 1. You can also lower
your crew’s Wanted Level by 1 level for each 100 creds you spend.

6. Gain and Spend XP. Crew gain 1 XP per:

Hostile killed
Loot collected
Scenarios with at least 1 member of the crew surviving
Models you Downed
Death saves passed
Crewmember who died

The crew can spend 5XP to do one of the following”
Improve a crewmember’s ability by 1.
Reroll a crewmember’s Flaw.
Gain a new Feat for a crewmember.
Bring a single crewmember back from the dead,
though they return with a new Flaw!

7. Hire new crewmembers: In the overcrowded city there are plenty

of desperate fouls looking for work. If your crew has less than 5
people in it you can recruit new members for free, creating them
as you did for your original members. New members come with
no equipment, so either pillage your dead or buy them some new
threads. If all 5 of your crew are dead, start from scratch! Once
per Scenario you can fire a crewmember and replace them, but they
take their equipment with them.

8. Reallocate equipment, including placing it in your party

stash and buying new equipment.

End of Campaign Score

You can apply the following to give yourself a campaign score.
+5 for each model that made it all the way through the campaign
+5 for giving -V- the virus
+1 for each Antiquity
Forgotten technology, unprofitable weapons
systems, discontinued product lines can all be
found in CY_.

Use this table when instructed to roll for random

Antiquities. Once an Antiquity is rolled in a
campaign, mark it off. Only one of each exists.

1. Mind Shield - user is 8. Rocket Pistol - [1D10]

immune to all Programmes. [Explode, Ranged][Presence]
2. Nano-aid-bots - when user 9. Instant Mohawk - looks cool
drops to 0hp they make 10. Network Chip - user’s
a Toughness test. On CyberMods never suffer from
success they stand back Malfunctions. This counts
up with full health, on as a CyberMod.
failure they turn into a 11. Get Out of Jail Free
Nanoinfested (pg. 69). Card - at any time can be
3. Greenwash Rifle - solar spent to reduce crew’s
powered, requires no ammo, Wanted Level to 0.
[D6, Ranged, Presence]. 12. Tac Nuke - user can make
4. DNA Ray - model hit by a Knowledge test to set
ray must pass a Toughness off nuke. All models on
test or roll for a random board take 4D10 damage. Any
Mutation (pg. 20). models that survive gain a
[Ranged6, Knowledge]. random Mutation (pg. 20). 
5. Renfaire - knight armor,
grants 4 Armor to user, but
takes 2 equipment slots.
6. Camo Cloak - model is hard
to see and any ranged
attack targeting them
suffers a -3 penalty.





112 _________________
1. Worse than it looks: model dies.
2. Lost Limb: roll 1d4 [these effects
1/Missing Hand: -1 equipment slot
2/Missing Foot: -1 Agility
3/Missing Eye: -3 to ranged attacks
4/Missing Ear: -1 Presence

3. Broken: gain new Flaw.

4. Maimed: -1 HP.
5. Shaken: -1 Knowledge and Presence for
next Scenario.
6. Confused: -1 to all rolls in next
7. Rejection: loose random CyberMod.
8. Evolution: gain a random Mutation.
9. Fake It: no injury.
10. Comorbidity: roll twice more and take
both results.
11. Brain Worms: -1 Presence, +1 Knowledge
12. Tired: model needs a nap and misses
first activation of next Scenario.
Crew Name

Crew XP


Wanted Level

Name: ______________________ Handle: _________________ HP:______ ARM:_____

Special Crew Type:__________________________________________Bugs__________

Agility:________ Flaw: ___________________________________________________

Knowledge:______ Feat: ___________________________________________________
Presence:_______ Injury: ______________________/__________________________
Strength:_______ Mutation _____________________/__________________________
Toughness:______ Mutation _____________________/__________________________

[Name] [Damage][Modifier][Special Condition] [Ammo] [Keywords]

Weapon: ________/_______/_______/___________________/_____/________
Weapon: ________/_______/_______/___________________/_____/________
Weapon: ________/_______/_______/___________________/_____/________

Programme: _____________/________________________________________________
Programme: _____________/________________________________________________
Modification: _____________/___________________________/Condition_________
Modification: _____________/___________________________/Condition_________
Modification: _____________/___________________________/Condition_________

Equipment _______________________________________________________________
Name: ______________________ Handle: _________________ HP:______ ARM:_____
Special Crew Type:__________________________________________Bugs__________

Agility:________ Flaw: ___________________________________________________

Knowledge:______ Feat: ___________________________________________________
Presence:_______ Injury: ______________________/__________________________
Strength:_______ Mutation _____________________/__________________________
Toughness:______ Mutation _____________________/__________________________

[Name] [Damage][Modifier][Special Condition] [Ammo] [Keywords]

Weapon: ________/_______/_______/___________________/_____/________
Weapon: ________/_______/_______/___________________/_____/________
Weapon: ________/_______/_______/___________________/_____/________

Programme: _____________/________________________________________________
Programme: _____________/________________________________________________
Modification: _____________/___________________________/Condition_________
Modification: _____________/___________________________/Condition_________
Modification: _____________/___________________________/Condition_________

Equipment _______________________________________________________________

DRONE HP:______ ARM:_____ DRONE HP:______ ARM:_____

Drone Type________________________ Drone Type________________________
Special Action: __________________ Special Action: __________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________

Weapon: _______________________ Weapon: _______________________

Damage: _______________________ Damage: _______________________
Modifier: ______________________ Modifier: ______________________
Special Condition: ____________ Special Condition: ____________
Ammo: _________________________ Ammo: _________________________
Keywords: _____________________ Keywords: _____________________
Name: ______________________ Handle: _________________ HP:______ ARM:_____
Agility:________ Flaw: ___________________________________________________
Knowledge:______ Feat: ___________________________________________________
Presence:_______ Injury: ______________________/__________________________
Strength:_______ Mutation _____________________/__________________________
Toughness:______ Mutation _____________________/__________________________

[Name] [Damage][Modifier][Special Condition] [Ammo] [Keywords]

Weapon: ________/_______/_______/___________________/_____/________
Weapon: ________/_______/_______/___________________/_____/________
Weapon: ________/_______/_______/___________________/_____/________
Modification: _____________/___________________________/Condition_________
Modification: _____________/___________________________/Condition_________
Modification: _____________/___________________________/Condition_________

Equipment _______________________________________________________________

Name: ______________________ Handle: _________________ HP:______ ARM:_____

Agility:________ Flaw: ___________________________________________________
Knowledge:______ Feat: ___________________________________________________
Presence:_______ Injury: ______________________/__________________________
Strength:_______ Mutation _____________________/__________________________
Toughness:______ Mutation _____________________/__________________________

[Name] [Damage][Modifier][Special Condition] [Ammo] [Keywords]

Weapon: ________/_______/_______/___________________/_____/________
Weapon: ________/_______/_______/___________________/_____/________
Weapon: ________/_______/_______/___________________/_____/________
Modification: _____________/___________________________/Condition_________
Modification: _____________/___________________________/Condition_________
Modification: _____________/___________________________/Condition_________

Equipment _______________________________________________________________
Name: ______________________ Handle: _________________ HP:______ ARM:_____
Agility:________ Flaw: ___________________________________________________
Knowledge:______ Feat: ___________________________________________________
Presence:_______ Injury: ______________________/__________________________
Strength:_______ Mutation _____________________/__________________________
Toughness:______ Mutation _____________________/__________________________

[Name] [Damage][Modifier][Special Condition] [Ammo] [Keywords]

Weapon: ________/_______/_______/___________________/_____/________
Weapon: ________/_______/_______/___________________/_____/________
Weapon: ________/_______/_______/___________________/_____/________
Modification: _____________/___________________________/Condition_________
Modification: _____________/___________________________/Condition_________
Modification: _____________/___________________________/Condition_________

Equipment _______________________________________________________________

Campaign Notes
All tests are DR12,
Setup unless specified.
1. Pick a Scenario
You roll a D20, add
2. Set up Board
3. Determine Conditions relevant modifiers, and
4. Deployment check the result. If you
5. Roll for Initiative reach at least a 12, you
pass. Rolls of 20 are a
Critical and rolls of 1
Each Game Round are a Fumble.
1. Determine Initiative.
2. Players alternate
activating a single model. Combat
3. Activate Hostiles, if any Models within 1 inch are
in play. in combat. Ranged attacks
4. End game round. have a max range of 12”.
1. Check range.
2. Check if cover is
Activating applied.
Pick a model. 3. Check which stat the
It can move & perform an weapon uses and add
action. the relevant modifier
Performing an action ends the to the roll.
model’s activation. 4. Roll attacks (models
in melee both roll
at the same time and
Actions: apply the results).
• Make a ranged attack. 5. Successful hits apply
• Make a melee attack. damage.
• Use equipment or Feats. 6. Mark off any ammo
• Use a Programme. used.
• Pick up and/or drop any 7. If models are at 0hp
number of items off the they are Downed,
ground or dead/downed place them face down.
models within 1”. Hostiles at 0hp are
• Interact with Loot or dead, place them face
Scenario items within 1”.
• Make a second move. down.
Movement Glitches
Spend these once and only
Models can move their Agility +5
once per Scenario at any
time, including after a
Climbing halves your speed.
roll for the following
Models can jump gaps 3 inches or
less by passing an Agility test.
Maximum Effort: deal
Failing causes injury.
maximum damage with an
Leaving Combat Déja Vu: reroll any dice,
1. The opponent rolls Agility yours or someone else’s.
against DR12. Insurance: remove a
2. On success your model does Downed model from play,
not move. it auto-passes its death
3. On failure your model moves. save.
4. If opponent Fumbles you can META: cancel one Critical
move and take an action. or Fumble.
5. On a Critical, opponent makes Connected: reroll on the
an attack against you. Loot table (pg. 81).
Dues Ex Machina:
automatically pass
GUTS one test i.e. jumping,
When a model rolls for GUTS make morale, or combat.
a Presence test.
On failure they flee the fight.
On success they act as normal. Hostiles
See flow chart on pg. 56.
Models must make a GUTS test
when they:
• are Critically hit. Post Scenario
• strike a Downed enemy. 1. Receive 400 creds.
2. Roll death saves.
3. Roll for injuries.
4. Sell and buy items.
Programmes 5. Increase Wanted Level.
Max range 12”. 6. Gain and spend XP.
Knowledge based. 7. Hire new members.
On failure mark a Bug. 8. Reallocate equipment.
On Fumble roll on System Crash
table (pg. 37).
Art Credits

Hacked font is used under Creative Commons Attribution by author “David


Eye art modified from MichelRaad, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.

org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons

Art on page 10, 11, 19, 112, 114, 116 by Duncan Hall @agrimdarkerworld

Art on page 60 by Kim Holm is licensed under a Creative Commons

Attribution 4.0 Unported License. Original art works taken from https:// art opacity modified.

Art on page 71 by Cora Rahman @idrawburbs

Art on page 66, 63 and 68 by Lettuce @ZODIOLESTES_

Art on page 72 and 73 by Brian Yaksha

Everything else by Kevin Rahman

Massive thank you to:

All who backed this mad little game.
Exalted Funeral.
My wife and kids for all the mad ideas.
Jert for editing/proofing.

Forbidden Psalm: Kill Sample Process is an independent production by Kevin Rahman and is not
affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK
BORG Third Party License.

CY_BÖRG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.

Forbidden Psalm is published under the terms outlined in the MÖRK BORG third party license

KSP operates under the same third party license as CY_BÖRG. This license allows anyone to make
stuff for Forbidden Psalm and either publish it for free or sell it: If you adhere to these terms you
are allowed to publish free or commercial material based upon and/or declaring compatibility
with Forbidden Psalm without express permission from KRD designs.

The mechanics and game rules of KSP may be reused and referenced freely.
Specific art and text from this books may not be reused or translated, unless you have explicit
permission, some art is made from public domain art and is open to be reused. Please ask if you
are unsure.

Your product cannot use the KRD design logo unless you have KRD designs explicit permission.
You’re not allowed to give the impression that this is an official KRD designs product or that we
endorse or sponsor you in any way unless we’ve made special arrangements with you.
For those who came to this game
for a good time, and to forgot
the issues of our world, please
stop reading here.

The Earth Is a Product.

Save the Receipt.

The world is quickly heading to a place

that should remain the work of fiction.
Kill Sample Process is set in a horrifying
vision of a world, where human life is
cheap, where profits reign supreme.
Where fascist cops keep the masses down
and protect a wealth they themselves
will never have. A world that should be
resigned to fiction, and yet our world,
our democracies, are spiralling into
fascism. Divide and conquer rhetoric
spills out on every newspaper, on every
news channel.
But we can stop it. We can vote. We can
mobilise. We can make Kill Sample Process
remain a work of fiction.

Stand with those who are being trodden on.

Join the fight against climate change,
transphobia, and racism today. In each of
our communities there are actions we can
take. Things we can do. Vote with your
dollar, don’t buy the shit they sell.

We each can play a part in this fight for

a better world.

A Miniatures
Game of
Body Horror
& Late Stage

Forbidden Psalm:
Kill Sample Process
is a standalone
miniatures game
inspired by and
compatible with
cY_BÖRg .

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