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Krishna Prasad Regmi

Edited by
Balaram Sharma
TU Topper in English Education (M.ED)
M.Phil with scholarship award (UGC)

Shubharambha Publication Pvt. Ltd.

Kathmandu, Nepal
Published by:

Shubharambha Publication Pvt. Ltd.

Kathmandu, Nepal
E-mail: [email protected]

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-7

Author: Krishna Prasad Regmi

Layout Design: Ram Malakar
Copyright ©: Publisher
New Edition : 2076
Revised Edition: 2077

© : Publisher
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted by means (electronic,
photocopying, recording or otherwise) without prior written permission from the
publisher. Any breach of this condition will entail legal action and prosecution.

Printed in Nepal
Dynamic English Grammar and Composition has been designed according to the new
English Curriculum prescribed by the Curriculum Development Centre. The series
comprises of ten textbooks from grade one to grade ten. The present book is an
amalgamation of survey of rules, structures and forms presented in lucid modern English
and illustrated with numerous examples.
The aim of this book is to bring about a change in teaching and learning English
grammar and composition-a change that will enable the learners to use grammar in
context using both inductive and deductive approaches to develop four language skills
immensely. Practice in composition tasks will help to develop the learner’s writing
skills. It will encourage to writing their own thoughts, ideas and feelings.
This new edition contains huge examples and their application to communicative
approach that will increase the quality learning of English grammar. It is thought that
this change will improve the standard and acceptability of the book and I will consider
the attempts fruitful if the students find the book fruitful.
I have left no stone unturned for the meaningful presentation of subject matter to make
it reader friendly. Detailed description of grammatical structures and adequate exercises
on them, plenty of guided and free writing composition with enough practice questions,
an adequate amount of vocabulary related sections and as much as necessary self study
materials have been presented in the following chapters.
I am thankful to Shubharambha Publication Pvt. Ltd. for their encouragement,
co-operation and help in preparing this book.
At last, I would like to assure all the concerned teachers, students and readers that
constructive comments and suggestions shall be tremendously appreciated and
incorporated in the upcoming edition.

The Author
Table of Contents
1. NOUNS............................................................................................6-23

2. PRONOUNS...................................................................................24-40

3. ARTICLES......................................................................................41-56

4. PREPOSITIONS............................................................................ 57-74

5. ADJECTIVES..................................................................................75-89

6. ADVERBS.....................................................................................90-105

7. VERBS .......................................................................................106-122

8. SENTENCES..............................................................................123-143

9. QUESTION TAGS.......................................................................144-158

10. TENSE......................................................................................159-179

11. SUBJECT VERB AGREEMENT................................................180-195

12. VOICE.......................................................................................196-211

13. REPORTED SPEECH.............................................................212-228

14. RELATIVE CLAUSE.................................................................229-237

15. CONJUNCTIONS.....................................................................238-248

16. WH QUESTIONS.....................................................................249-257

17. READING COMPREHENSION................................................258-268

18. IRREGULAR VERBS................................................................269-271

19. REGULAR VERBS...................................................................272-274

20. ANTONYMS..............................................................................275-276

21. SYNONYMS.............................................................................277-280
Phonetic Symbols
Consonant Sounds Vowel Sounds
Symbols Words Symbols Initial Medial Final Spelling
/k/ s king, pick, cat /i: / O{ eat meat see ee, ea, ie, eo, e, ei
/g/ u gate, ghost /I/ O it sit city i, u, o, e, y, a
/ŋ/ ª sing, sink /e/ P egg pen - e, ie, ea, ue
/tƒ/ r chair, match /æ/ of act man - a
/dʒ/ h jug, judge /a: / cf arm large car a, ear, ar
/z/ h is, zoo, balls /ə/ c ago perfect the a
/ʒ/ h genre, /ʌ/ c up but - o, u, ou, u, oe
/t/ 6 tree, mat /ʒ: / cM earth bird sir ir, ur, er, ear
/d/ 8 do, middle /ɒ/ cf] on hot - o, a, ow
/ø/ y thank, with /ɔ: / cf]M all ball saw a, aw, au
/ð/ b those, breathe /ʊ / p - book - u, ou, o, oo
/n/ g nose, man /u: / pm ooze move two o, oo, wo, ue, ou
/p/ k pot, map Diphthongs
Symbols Initial Medial Final Spelling
/f/ km fan, potato, /eI/ PO eight same say a, ay
/b/ a bag, bulb /aI / cfO{ ice might sky uy, igh, ie, y, eye
/v/ e van, save / ɔI/ cf]O{ oil voice boy oy, oi
/m/ d man, same / Iə/ Oc ear real here ear, eer, ere
/j/ o yak /ʊə/ pc - influence poor our, ocr, ure
/r/ / red, carry /eə/ Pc area chair rare air, ear, ere, eir,
/l/ n late, sell /aʊ / cfp out loud cow o, ow, ew
/w/ j walk / əʊ/ cp old home go ou, ow
/ʃ/ z shoes, sugar,
wish, chef
/s/ ; sun, miss
/h/ x house, yahoo


Read the following story.
There was a beautiful village in Nepal.
There lived a family. There were three
members in the family. Raj was a
carpenter. His mother died a long time
back. His aged father, Pitambar, lived with
him. He was very strong when his wife was
alive. He used to tame cows, buffaloes,
goats, sheep and dogs.

But Pitambar became very weak after his

wife’s death. He could not even walk well. He was so weak. It was because Raj
did not give him enough food. He had given his father a small earthen plate.
Even a small quantity of rice in the plate appeared to be much. Raj was a bad
man. He was a drunkard also. After taking drinks, he abused his father badly.

Raj had a son. His name was Dambar. He was just ten years old. He was a very
good boy. He loved his grandfather. He had great respect for him. He did not
like his father’s attitude and character. He always misbehaved his granddad.

One day Pitambar was eating his foodstuff in an earthen plate. It fell down and
broke into pieces. It fell on the floor. Raj was working at the other end of the
room. He saw the broken plate. He scolded using harsh words to abuse his
father. The old man felt bad about what happened.

Dambar saw that scene. He felt sympathy at his grandfather. His father was
ill-treating his grandfather. He was afraid to speak against his father. He was
sad about his grandfather. But he was not powerful to stand in support of his

The next day Dambar took some of his father’s carpentry tools and a piece
of wood. He worked with the tools to make a timber plate. His father saw him
working. “What are you making, Dambar?” he asked. “I am making a wooden
plate!” replied Dambar. “A wooden plate! What for?” asked his father. “I am making

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
it for you, father. When you grow old, like my grandfather, you will need a plate
for food. A plate made from earth mat breaks very easily. Then I may scold you
severely. So, I want to give you a wooden plate. It may not break so easily.”

The carpenter was shocked to hear this. Only then he realized his mistake.
From that day, Raj treated his father with great respect. He gave up drinking
too. Raj learnt a lesson from his own son.

Do You Know? In the story given above, the coloured words are nouns. They
are naming words. They are words denoting a person, place,animal, thing, group,
quality or action.

Speaking Practice

Answer these questions based on the given story.

a. What is the name of the boy?

b. What is the name of his father and son?

c. Where does he live now?

d. Name the animals that he has tamed?

e. Tell any two singular and plural noun words.

f. Is the word ‘sympathy’ countable or uncountable?

g. Tell any two words that are materials.

Listening Practice

Reproduce these words from the above given story after your teacher.
People: boy, carpenter, Dambar, father, granddad, grandfather, man, mother,
Pitambar, Raj, son, wife

Places: earth, Nepal, village, room, floor

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Animals: cows, buffaloes, dogs, goats, sheep

Materials: drinks, food, foodstuff, mat, plate, rice, timber, wood

Abstract concepts: attitude, carpentry, character, death, lesson, mistake, price,

quantity, respect, support, sympathy, drinking, scene, time, day

Quick Tip
Nouns function as the subject or object of action expressed by a verb or
as the object of a preposition in a sentence.

Grammar Focus: Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Countable Nouns
Countable nouns are those which can be counted. It can be both singular and
plural. Here are some countable nouns.

Countable Nouns house, car, man, dog, horse, room, computer, orange,
banana, watch, etc.

Uncountable Nouns
Uncountable nouns are those which cannot be counted. They do not take any
articles. Here are some uncountable nouns.

Uncountable Nouns Examples

Food and Drinks water, wine, milk, rice, bread, pasta, beef, pork, fruit,
sugar, salt, flour, cheese, butter, tea, honey, jam, oil,
juice, tea, coffee, etc.
Thinking or Feeling humour, guilt, grief, love, fun, knowledge, faith, freedom,
beauty, courage, help, advice, knowledge, information,
curiosity, aggression, etc.
Everyday Things homework, education, mail, sand, hair, oxygen, oil,
sugar, water, heat, time, business, equipment, dirt,
dust, garbage, etc.
Free time art, poetry, literature, nature, leisure, travel, chess,
yoga, applause, etc.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Instant Practice
Look at the following nouns carefully and write them in the correct column
given below.
water, oil, soil, hair, books, trees, tables, teacher, language, hospital, sugar, blood,
ice, furniture, oxygen, cake, dog, apple, pen, stone
Countable Uncountable Countable Uncountable
________ ________ ________ ________
________ ________ ________ ________
________ ________ ________ ________
________ ________ ________ ________
________ ________ ________ ________

Grammar Focus: Singular and Plural Nouns

Singular Nouns
Nouns can be singular or plural. When we are talking about just one thing or
person, we use a singular noun. For example:

Singular Nouns ant, bicycle, cow, daughter, egg, flower, grape, house, jug,
king, lock, magazine, nose, orange, picture, rose, spoon,
toy, vase, well, etc
When we are talking about more than one thing or person, we use a plural noun.
For example:

Plural Nouns ants, bicycles, cows, daughters, eggs, flowers, grapes,

houses, jugs, kings, locks, magazines, noses, oranges,
pictures, roses, spoons, toys, vases, wells, etc.

Quick Tip
Words called articles or determiners are used to signal nouns. For
example: a palace, a river, an easy chair, an idea, two books, three
trees, etc.
The article An is used before nouns that begin with the vowels a, e, i, o
and u. For example: an ant, an umbrella, an oven, an insect, an eye, an
artist, etc.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Formation of Plural Nouns
 By adding -es to nouns ending in –ch, -s, -sh, -ss, and -x

ch beach-beaches inch-inches match-matches watch-watches

s bus-buses octopus-octopuses syllabus-syllabuses virus-viruses
sh dish-dishes brush-brushes thrush-thrushes bush-bushes
ss boss-bosses dress-dresses glass-glasses kiss-kisses
x six-sixes box-boxes fox-foxes tax-taxes

 By adding –s to nouns ending in -o

dynamo-dynamos studio-studios photo-photos tattoo-tattoos piano-pianos

torso-torsos radio-radios trio-trios solo-solos zero-zeros

 By adding –s/es to nouns ending in -o

buffalo-buffaloes potato-potatoes echo-echoes tomato-tomatoes

hero-heroes tornado-tornadoes mosquito- veto-vetoes
mango-mangoes cargo-cargos/car- volcano-volcanoes motto-mottos/
goes mottoes

 By changing –y into –ies if a noun ends in a consonant before the -y

beauty-beauties fairy-fairies cherry-cherries family- curry-curries

nappy-nappies diary-diaries spy-spies duty-duties theory-

 By adding –s if there is a vowel before the -y

chimney- kidney-kidneys donkey-donkeys monkey- guy-guys

chimneys monkeys
toy-toys jersey-jerseys trolley-trolleys key-keys valley-

 By changing –f or –fe into –ves

calf-calves life-lives elf-elves loaf-loaves half-halves

sheaf-sheaves knife-knives thief-thieves leaf-leaves wife-wives

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
 By adding –s to nouns ending in –f or –fe

chef-chefs chief-chiefs reef-reefs cliff-cliffs

roof-roofs giraffe-giraffes safe-safes gulf-gulfs

 By adding –s or changing –f into –ves

dwarf-dwarves handkerchief-handkerchiefs/ves hoof-hooves

scarf-scarfs/ves turf-turfs/turves wharf-wharfs/wharves

 By changing the vowels

axis-axes goose-geese cactus-cacti louse-lice crisis-crises

mouse-mice oasis-oases fungus-fungi tooth-teeth

 By adding –en or –ren

ox-oxen child-children

 These nouns have same singular and plural forms

advice, knowledge, aircraft, music, baggage, news, cattle, offspring, cod,

scenery, deer, series, fish, sheep, furniture, species, information

Instant Practice
Change these words into plural.
leg ________ house ________ lake ________
eye ________ park ________ finger ________
door ________ fridge ________ tooth ________
table ________ comb ________ baby ________
room ________ pencil ________ apple ________
shovel________ point ________ movie ________
friend ________ question________ monkey________
child ________ photo ________ tomato________
foot ________ ox ________ wolf ________
key ________ glass ________ church ________

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Grammar Focus: Concrete and Abstract Nouns
Concrete Nouns
Concrete nouns are those nouns that we can see, touch and count. They are
proper, common, collective and material nouns.

Proper: Nepal, Kathmandu, Bhanubhakta, Mt. Everest, Rani, etc.

Common: doctor, leader, girl, baby, minister, book, copy, etc.

Collective: team, herd, committee, family, school, etc.

Material: copper, glass, oil, water, pebble, sand, stone, etc.

Abstract Nouns
Contrary to concrete noun, abstract nouns are those nouns that we cannot
perceive through our sense organs. Neither they have plural form nor articles are
used with abstract nouns.

Examples: brotherhood, manhood, childhood, membership, friendship,

motherhood, kingship, neighbourhood, leadership, scholarship, behaviour,
death , marriage, freedom, pleasure, growth, knowledge, speech, laughter,
thought, anger, newness, beauty, strength, bravery, thirst, greatness, truth,
happiness, uniqueness, hunger, weakness, kindness, width, length, wisdom,

Instant Practice
Write C for concrete and A for abstract for the following nouns.
photograph _______ music _______ rose _______

bridge _______ love _______ freedom _______

fun _______ wisdom _______ beauty _______
anger _______ laughter_______ happiness _______
boy _______ crowd _______ iron _______
snow _______ Garima_______ Kathmandu_______
group _______ doctor _______ gold _______

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Grammar Focus: Gender Nouns
Masculine nouns are words for men and boys, and male animals. Here are some
masculine nouns for people.

Masculine Nouns actor, brother, emperor, father, gentleman, grandfather,

grandson, man, master, nephew, prince, son, steward,
uncle, wizard, etc.

Feminine nouns are words for women and girls, and female animals. Here are
some feminine nouns for people.

Feminine Nouns actress, sister, empress, mother, lady, grandmother,

granddaughter, woman, mistress, niece, princess, daughter,
stewardess, aunt, witch, etc

Many nouns are used for both males and females. They are called common
gender nouns.
Common Nouns brother, man, child, member, teacher, student, parents,
king, neighbour, leader, scholar, singer, dancer, dog, river,
city, village, beggar, mountain, book, pen, river, sea, lake,

Non living things and inanimate things come under neuter nouns.

Neuter Nouns computer, laptop, glass, table, chair, pot, book, copy, mobile,
street, college, clinic, etc.

Quick Tip
Masculine nouns belong to the masculine gender. Feminine nouns
belong to the feminine gender.

Instant Practice
Write M for masculine, F for feminine, C for common and N for neuter nouns
given below.
actress astronaut aunt computer
baby boy brother bull

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
children cousin cow dancer
daughter doctor doe tree
duck empress father file
fox girl fire goose
husband pen king lamp
street lion man manager
mother cave nephew phone
parent president princess pupil
queen scientist sister son
stallion sun teacher waiter

Grammar Focus: Collective Nouns

Words for groups of people, animals or things are called collective nouns. Some
collective nouns for groups of people are a band, a choir, a club, a committee,
a community, a company, a crew, a family, a gang, a team, an orchestra, an
audience, a crowd of shoppers, a gang of thieves, a company of actors, a panel
of judges, a class of schoolchildren, a platoon of soldiers, etc.

Collective nouns may be used with a singular verb or with a plural verb. If the
group is acting as a single unit, we use a singular verb. If group members are
acting as individuals, we use a plural verb. For example:

The crowd was orderly. The crowd were clapping, yelling and cheering.

Many group of animals have their own special collective nouns.

a herd of cattle, a pack of wolves, a litter of puppies, a flock of birds, a pride
of lions, a troop of monkeys, a drove of sheep, a pod of dolphins, a brood of
chickens, a gaggle of geese, a school of fish, a swarm of bees, etc.

Quick Tip
Always use a plural verb with the collective nouns, people and the
police. For example:

Those people live (not lives) in Kathmandu.

The police have caught (not has caught) the criminal.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Some groups of things also have their own special collective nouns.
a bouquet of a bunch of a bunch of flowers a cluster of
flowers bananas grapes
a deck of cards a fleet of ships a fleet of vehicles a flight of steps
a grove of trees a range of a set of tools a string of beads
a suite of furniture a suite of rooms a suite of minirals a string of sausages

Some nouns name the amount or form of something.

a ball of string a bar of chocolate a bar of soap a loaf of bread

The words a piece of mean a single serving or part of something.

a piece of advice a piece of chalk a piece of information
a piece/square of chocolate a sheet/piece of paper a slice/piece of bread
a slice/piece of cake a slice/piece of cheese a piece of machinery

Instant Practice
Fill in the blank spaces with correct words from the box.
singers, crooks, buffaloes, cattle, kittens, thieves, friends, whales, lions,
soldiers, stamps, teachers, bees, players, natives, actors, photographs, poems,
soldiers, insects
1. a gang of _______ 11. a set of _______
2. a group of _______ 12. a staff of _______
3. a herd of _______ 13. a swarm of _______
4. a herd of _______ 14. a team of _______
5. a litter of _______ 15. a tribe of _______
6. a pack of _______ 16. a troupe of _______
7. a party of _______ 17. an album of _______
8. a pod of _______ 18. an anthology of _______
9. a pride of _______ 19. an army of _______
10. a regiment of _______ 20. a swarm of _______

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7

Circle nouns in the following sentences.

1. The kids went to the mountains.

2. The players stayed at a big cabin.

3. The cabin had lots of games.

4. The players built a fort using snow.

5. The girls are building a sandcastle.

6. Nabin is from Kathmandu.

7. We gain knowledge, wisdom, skills and inspiration from teachers.

8. The couple is working in the field.

9. A group of boys are sitting under a big tree.

10. My dog likes to chew bones.

11. Fire and water do not agree.

12. We often eat popcorn, ice-cream, biscuits, juice and candy.

13. I like to read novels, stories, biographies and comics.

14. The old man works day and night to make his living.

15. Thread and needle just like bread and butter is a single idea.

16. All my money was spent on clothes.

17. Good manners make a good person.

18. My uncle, aunt, father, mother, nephew and niece are enjoying a party

19. I saw a crowd of people protesting against the school principal.

20. I like reading mathematics, science and computer subjects most.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7

Tick the best answers.

Words Countable Uncountable Singular Plural Proper Common Collective Abstract Masculine Feminine Neuter























Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7

Choose correct words from the brackets to complete the following sentences.
1. How _____ students were there in this class last year? (much, many, a
few, a little)
2. Were there ____ people at the meeting last Monday? (much, many, a few,
a little)
3. How _____ free time was there during the Basic Training Period? (much,
many, a few, a little)
4. Was there enough _____ for all the people? (bread, breads)
5. How many _____ were there in the laboratory? (student, students)
6. How many ____ were there in February that year? (day, days)
7. Were there many ____ in the street at that time? (car, cars)
8. There is _____ free time in the evening. (a lot of, many, much)
9. There are ___ women at the meeting. (some, any)
10. There isn´t ____food left in the fridge. (some, any)
11. There is very ____ food in the fridge now.(little, less, few)
12. How ____money is there in your wallet? (many, much)
13. She´s got blue ___ and black hair. (eye, eyes)
14. They´ve got a lot of ____ there. (friend, friends)
15. ____ are expensive in Chile.(Book, Books)
16. They gave us some ____. (magazine, magazines)
17. He sent his mother _____letters. (much, several)
18. They brought us many _____ from abroad. (present, presents)
19. Some ____hate to go to school. (child, children)
20. I forgot to lock the door when I left my ______ this morning. (apartment,

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7

Fill in the blanks choosing correct word from bracket.

1. There are lots of _____ here. (shop, shops)

2. These _____ are really slow. (bus, buses)

3. How many _____ does he have? (wife, wives)

4. The _____ of horses are very strong. (hoof, hooves)

5. These _____ over there run very fast. (calf, calves)

6. I like to swim if the _____ aren’t too big. (wave, waves)

7. She always brings lots of _____ with her. (toy, toys)

8. I fill my three _____with water. (bucket, buckets)

9. These _____ are from the next village. (sheep, sheeps)

10. Her _____ are very smooth. (hair, hairs)

11. How many _____of chalks do you have? (piece, pieces)

12. All my _____is good. (information, informations)

13. Only _____ cheese is left in the fridge. (some, a few)

14. Every _____in the class is smart. (boy, boys)

15. There are many _____ in the pond. (fish, fishes)

16. Give me a glass of _____. (water, waters)

17. I don’t like much _____ in tea. (sugar, sugars)

18. Many _____in the world are poor. (person, people)

19. Would you like _____ tea? (some, any)

20. This newspaper contains _____ information. (many, much)

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7

Fill in the blank spaces with correct words from the box.
musicians, fruits, beauties, directors, flowers, firewood, mountains, singers, pupils,
flies, books, actors, people, cards, horses, kings, ships, birds, sheep, geese

1. a band of _______ 11. a collection of _______

2. a basket of _______ 12. a company of _______

3. a bevy of _______ 13. a crowd of _______

4. a board of _______ 14. a deck of ______

5. a bunch of _______ 15. a drove of _______

6. a bundle of _______ 16. a dynasty of _______

7. a chain of _______ 17. a fleet of _______

8. a choir of _______ 18. a flight of _______

9. a class of _______ 19. a flock of _______

10. a cloud of _______ 20. a gaggle of _______


Complete the following text choosing the correct words from the brackets.

The world’s smallest ____ (dog, dogs), the Chihuahua, is just

6 ____ (inch, inches), and is barely 1–2 kg as an ____
(adult, adults). Named after a Mexican ____ (state,
states) its ____ (root, roots) can be traced back to
China. With their strong vocal ____ (chord, chords) the
Chihuahua are good guard ____ (dog, dogs). What makes them
popular with ____ (dog lover, dog lovers) is that they do not need
to be taken out of the ____ (house, houses) for ____ (walk, walks) to exercise.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Compared to other ____ (pup, pups) they require little ____ (care, cares),
except for regular clipping of ____ (nail, nails). They are good with ____ (child,
children), are loyal to the ____ (family, families), and learn easily. For ‘show’
____ (purpose, purposes) the maximum permissible ____ (weight, weights) is
between 0.9–1.8 kg. They can be of any colour and have flat wavy ____
(coat, coats) or soft glossy ones. Their ____ (body, bodies) are slightly longer
than the ____ (tail, tails). The ____ (nose, noses) is short and the ____ (ear, ears)
are at an angle of 45 ____ (degree, degrees) to the ____ (head, heads).

Vocabulary in Use
Match the following words with their similar meanings.
abhor kidnap
abduct detest
agree over
above consent
abridge shorten
abroad overseas
abrogate refrain
admit agreement
accord confess
adversary opponent
affable friendly
abstain worsen
aggravate cancel
alive related
akin lively

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Guided Composition: Paragraph Writing
A Paragraph is a group of connected sentences that is generally made up of
one main idea and a group of supporting sentences. Paragraphs are the basic
unit for building longer pieces of writing, like essays, reports, assignments etc. A
paragraph contains three main parts:

a. A topic sentence - contains the main idea of the paragraph. It’s often but
not always the first sentence of the paragraph.

b. Supporting sentences - these sentences develop or give details about

the topic sentence. They can: expand on the main point, offer explanations,
give examples and give additional details.

c. A concluding sentence summarizes the paragraph or may provide

a link to the next paragraph. This sentence is not always necessary in a

Read the following sample paragraphs.

1. Travelling broadens our minds and enlivens one’s spirits. People who
have stayed in one place their whole lives tend to have narrow perspectives.
Reading helps in knowing about other lands and their people but it isn’t the
same as visiting those places. The joy and thrill of seeing the sights and sounds
of different regions is an adventure by itself. Travelling to various lands gives
a deeper understanding of their culture. Meeting people of different religions,
speaking different languages, following their unique customs and food habits
are definitely an enriching learning experience. A historical monument gives an
insight into the history of the place and helps in developing tolerant minds, free of
prejudice. Ultimately, travelling helps in building universal brotherhood.

2. My hometown is famous for several amazing natural features. First, it is

noted for the Wheaton River, which is very wide and beautiful. On either side
of this river, which is 175 feet wide, are many willow trees which have long
branches that can move gracefully in the wind. In autumn the leaves of these
trees fall and cover the riverbanks like golden snow. Also, on the other side of the
town is Wheaton Hill, which is unusual because it is very steep. Even though it
is steep, climbing this hill is not dangerous, because there are some firm rocks
along the sides that can be used as stairs. There are no trees around this hill, so
it stands clearly against the sky and can be seen from many miles away. The third

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
amazing feature is the Big Old Tree. This tree stands two hundred feet tall and is
probably about six hundred years old. These three landmarks are truly amazing
and make my hometown a famous place.

3. I like my room very much because of its interior setting. The walls are
painted in pink and the room is carpeted in the same colour. It has two big
windows and a thick wooden door. Air and sunlight get into my room through
the windows. The curtains of the windows are also pink, which is my best
colour. There are three beautiful paintings on the wall that reflect the various
groups of people in Nepal. There is a double bed in the east corner of the room.
And a book-shelf is kept opposite the bed. There is a round tea table between
the bed and the book-shelf. There are two chairs around the tea table. Everyone
who visits my room likes it very much.

4. All over the world, deserts are spreading. Hot deserts and semi-desert regions
have already occupied one-fifth of the world's land surface. Some scientists
believe that more than 200 square kilometres of land become desert each day.
The process by which fertilie land becomes desert is called desertification.
Desertification threatens about one-third of the world's land surface and affects
the lives of about 850 million people. It is caused by the way people treat the land.
The areas most at risk from desertification are those around the true deserts.


Write paragraphs on the following topics.

a. Living in cities

b. Newspaper

c. Importance of discipline

d. Importance of trees

e. My school

f. My favourite food

g. My hobby

h. Pollution

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7


Read the following description.
My name is Nanu. I am a student. I study in grade seven.
I have a brother. His name is Kamal. He Studies in grade
five. I also have a sister. Her name is Karina. She studies in
grade three. My brother does all his works by himself. But
my sister cannot do all her work by herself.

My father is a businessman. He travels to different places for

business. My mother is a house wife. She prepares food for
us and does other arrangements at home. We have a small family. We mostly do
our work ourselves. We help each other in need.

I study in a reputed school in Kathmandu. It is a Higher Secondary School. I have

many friends at school. Among them, Niruta and Namrata are my best friends.
Both of them are kind and considerate to one another. They always help me in
need. I also help them timely. Everybody likes them because they are man of
My father is a very good person. He always tells me to be good rather than great.
I like his ideas. Thus, I suggest all my friends to be good. It is your duty to obey
your parents and teachers.

Do You Know? The coloured words in the given discription are pronouns.
They are used in place of nouns. They are used to avoid unnecessary repetition
of noun in writing.

peaking Practice
You Know?

Answer these questions based on the given description.

a. Who is speaking in the description?

b. What is she talking about?

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
c. Why is ‘I’ used instead of Nanu?
d. Who does ‘his’ refer to in the description?
e. Who does ‘her’ refer to in the description?
f. Who does ‘we’ refer to in the description?
g. Who does ‘they’ refer to in the description?
h. Who does ‘both’ refer to in the description?
i. Who does ‘herself’ refer to in the description?
j. Who does ‘ourselves’ refer to in the description?

Quick Tip
A pronoun is an identifying word used instead of a noun and
inflected in the same way nouns are. It is a word that takes the place of a
common noun or a proper noun. There are different kinds of pronouns.

Listening Practice

Reproduce these words after your teacher.

Personal Subject: I, we, you, she, he, it, they

Object: me, us, you, her, him, it, them

Possessive: my, our, your, her, his, its, their, mine, ours,
yours, hers, his its, theirs
Demonstrative this, that, these, those
Indefinite anyone, everyone, someone, no one, everybody, anybody,
nobody, somebody, everything, nothing, anything, something,
every, either, neither, all, each, most, other, several, few, such,
Interrogative who, when, where, whom, whose, why, what
Reciprocal each other, one another
Reflexive myself, ourselves, yourself, herself, himself, itself,
Relative who, when, where, whom, whose, why, how,
Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Instant Practice
Underline pronouns in the following sentences and state their types.
1. My name is Mohan. I am fourteen.
2. My father works hard. He works in a factory.
3. My sister is older than me. She is twelve.
4. Our dog is very naughty. It likes to chase cats.
5. David and I are playing football. We like sports.
6. Jim and Jeff are my brothers. They are older than I am.
7. I’m doing my homework. Dad is helping me.
8. Goodbye, children! I’ll call you later.
9. Miss Garcia is very nice. All the children like her.
10. The car is very dirty. Mom is cleaning it.
11. My brother built this computer himself.
12. Be careful not to cut yourself with that knife.
13. Our cat washes itself after every meal.
14. We baked the cake by ourselves.
15. Whose pen is this?

Instant Practice
Underline pronouns in the following sentences and state their types.
1. My chocolates are all gone. Someone has eaten them.
2. John was looking at himself in the mirror.
3. Come in, everybody, and find yourselves a seat.
4. The bird washed itself by splashing in a puddle.
5. The players train every day to keep themselves fit.
6. Have yourselves a good time.
7. This pen is mine and that one is his.
Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
8. Sarah has lost her cat. Is this cat hers?

9. I can see our car, but where is yours?

10. We’ve had our lunch, but they haven’t had theirs.

11. Who are those people?

12. Whose are these shoes?

13. Which of these desks is yours?

14. Whom did the President criticize?

15. Everybody is welcome at the meeting.

Grammar Focus: Personal Pronouns

Personal pronouns are those that refer to person or thing. Personal pronouns
are of three types. They are subjective, objective and possessive pronouns. Let’s
see the following table:

Person Subjective Objective Possesive Examples

P1 P2
First I me my mine First persons are the person
Person we us our ours speaking.
My name is Hem. I am a boy.
We live in the village. Our
village is clean and neat.
S e c o n d you you your yours Second persons are the
Person persons we are speaking to.
What are you doing now?
What is your hobby?
Third she her her hers Third persons are the
Person he him his his persons being spoken to.
it it it its She is reading now. Her
sister is reading too.
they them their theirs
He is playing now. His brother
playing too.
They are busy.
Their schedule is fixed.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Subject Pronouns
The words I, you, he, she, it, we and they are called personal pronouns. They
take the place of nouns and are used as the subject of the verb in a sentence.

George, you are a good dog.

Good morning, children! You may sit down now.

I have a brother and two sisters.

I have a dog. It is called George.

My family and I live in a big city. We have an apartment.

My name is David. I am the youngest person in the family.

They are Rabin, Sonia and Jessica.

This is my brother. He is a teacher.

This is my sister. She is a lawyer.

Quick Tip
The subject of a sentence is the person, animal, place or thing that does
the action shown by the verb.

Object Pronouns
The words me, you, him, her, it, us and them are also personal pronouns. They
also take the place of nouns. These pronouns are used as the object of the verb
in a sentence.

Baby birds cannot fly. Mother bird has to feed them.

I am standing on my head. Look at me.

Karma and Karina! Dad is waiting for you!

My mother is kind. Everybody likes her.

My sister and I are playing in the park. Dad is watching us.

Pick up your dolls and put them away.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Sabin, I told you to tidy your bed!

Tsering likes riding my bicycle. I sometimes lend it to him.

You must not play with the knife. Give it to me.

Quick Tip
The object of a sentence is the person, animal, place or thing that
receives the action shown by the verb.

Instant Practice
Write subject and object pronouns in the following passage given below.
My name is Kaman. ____ have
two brothers. ___ are both older
than____. Sometimes _____take_____ to
the park and play football together. _____ like
playing football with _____because _____ are
very good. _____ are going to the park today.
Would _____ like to come with _____ ? _____
can all play together. Afterwards,
_____can come to _____
house if _____ want to. _____think _____ will like _____ dad. _____is very funny
and makes omelettes. Do_____ like an omelet?

Grammar Focus: Possessive pronouns

Possessive pronouns are used to talk about things that belong to people. The
words mine, yours, his, hers, ours and theirs are possessive pronouns.

Have you lost yours, Tek?

I can see our car, but where is yours?

Mina has lost her cat. Is this cat hers?

This book is mine.

This pen is mine and that one is his.

We’ve had our lunch, but they haven’t had theirs.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Instant Practice
Write the missing possessive pronouns in the blank spaces to complete the
1. I chose this seat first so it’s____.

2. Can we borrow your coloring pens? We’ve lost____.

3. We live in the city and they live in the countryside. Our house is smaller

4. John, is this pencil ____?

5. Sally is looking for her gloves. Are these gloves ____?

6. Can Julie use your bike? ____ is broken.

7. Tom got the books mixed up. He thought mine was ____and his was____.

Grammar Focus: Demonstrative Pronouns

Demonstrative pronouns are used for pointing out things. The words this, that,
these and those are demonstrative pronouns.

This is my desk. These are my pets.

These are sheep but those are goats.

That is my friend’s house. Those are horses.

That’s my mother’s car.

You’ll have to work harder than this.

We can do better than that.

Quick Tip
Use this and these when you are talking about things near you. Use that
and those when you are talking about things farther away.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Instant Practice
Read the following passage. Write the missing demonstrative pronouns in the
blank spaces.
Henry and I went for a walk on the beach. “What’s ____over there?” I asked. “It
looks like broken glass,” said Henry. He gave me a bag. “Put it in ____,” he said.
I put the broken glass into the bag. “We’d better put ____in the trash,” I said. He
took the bag from me. “You have to hold it like ____,” said Henry, “so that you
don’t cut your hand.”

Grammar Focus: Indefinite Pronouns

An indefinite pronoun does not refer directly to any other word. Most indefinite
pronouns express the idea of quantity. All, each, most, other, another, either,
neither, several, any, everybody, nobody, some, anybody, everyone, none,
somebody, anyone, few, no, one, someone, both, many, such, etc. are indefinite

Everybody is welcome at the meeting.

Many people prefer their coffee with sugar.
Does anybody care for a cheese sandwich?
Few choose to live in the arid desert.

Instant Practice
Circle at least one indefinite pronoun in each sentence.
1. One never knows who might be listening.

2. Many are called but few are chosen.

3. I finished my cookie and asked for another.

4. Both were punished for the crime they committed.

5. Several applied for the job, but no one was hired.

6. Someone has called me.

7. Neither of the boys is looking at you.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
8. Most of the players are injured.
9. Each dog has a day.

10. Either of us has known them.

Grammar Focus: Reflexive Pronouns

Reflexive pronouns are words that refer to the noun or pronoun that is the
subject of the verb. The words myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves,
yourselves and themselves are reflexive pronouns.
My brother built this computer himself.
Be careful not to cut yourself with that knife.
Kate fell and hurt herself.
Our cat washes itself after every meal.
We baked the cake by ourselves.
Come in, everybody, and find yourselves a seat.
The children cleaned their room all by themselves.

Grammar Focus: Emphatic Pronouns

We use an emphatic pronoun to emphasize a noun phrase. Here, selves or self
is stressed.

The principal himself was the victim person. (the principal, not someone else)

The town itself is very ordinary, but it is set in lovely countryside. (the town, not
its surroundings)
The pronoun can also mean ‘without help’. In this meaning, it usually comes in
end position.

Quick Tip
Myself sometimes means ‘as for me’, ‘as far as I am concerned’.
I don’t agree with it, myself.

We built the garage ourselves.

Did you do all this work yourself?

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Instant Practice
Write the correct reflexive pronouns to complete the following sentences.
1. After his accident, Prem drove ______to the hospital.
2. He hurt ______when he was playing football.
3. I hate ______watching on video.
4. I like to wake____ up in the morning with a cup of coffee.
5. I’m sorry, Tony, but I haven’t got enough money to pay for you. Can you pay
for ______?
6. Now, children, remember to give ______enough time to answer all the exam
7. Should I apply for the job?’ she asked______.
8. Thanks for a great party. We really enjoyed ______.
9. We don’t need a babysitter - the children can look after______.
10. We’re planning to buy ______a new television.

Grammar Focus: Relative Pronouns

Relative pronouns are those which are used to relate nouns in a given sentence.
They are also called relative clause. They are used to identify exact person or
thing being discussed.
Let’s see the following table.
Who describes person in subject
Whom describes person in object
Whose describes person in possessive degree
That describes things in defining relative clauses
Which describes things in non-defining relative clauses
Where describes places
What gives information about subject
Why describes reason
How describes the manner of doing things
When describes time

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Instant Practice
Fill in the blanks with correct relative pronouns.
1. I like a person____ is very helpful.

2. This is the house ____ my uncle lives.

3. Listen to ____your parents say.

4. The man ____was living alone, died today.

5. I called one of my friends ____father has recently died.

6. Rina, ____ I like is coming here today.

7. That is the book ___ contains my article.

8. It is the time____flowers blossom.

9. This is the reason ____ I like her.

10. My father is a man ____works very hard.

Grammar Focus: Interrogative Pronouns

Interrogative pronouns are used to ask questions about a person, place or thing.
The words who, whose, what, which and whom are interrogative pronouns.
Who are you looking at?
Whose car is this?
What is the programme for today?
Which of your students is the smartest one?
Whom did the Principal scold?

Instant Practice
Fill in the blanks with correct interrogative pronouns.
1. _____ do they like to do?

2. _____of the following is the correct answer?

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
3. _____ are poor people on earth?

4. _____ was the letter addressed to?

5. _____house is it?

6. _____does your classes start?

7. _____is your English teacher?

8. _____are you talking about?

9. _____do you admire most?

10. _____are they quarrelling each other?

Grammar Focus: Reciprocal Pronouns

Reciprocal pronouns are those which express very common relationship
between two or more than two people. If more than one person is involved in
work, we use one another and if two persons are involved each other is used.

The players accused each other of the cause of defeat.

We must help one another.

My sons always help each other.

We exchanged gifts one another.


Put correct reflexive pronouns in the following sentences.

1. Anita and Mina made the dinner all by ____.

2. Can you dress ____, boys and girls?

3. Children, you must do the homework ____________.

4. Dad had an accident. He cut ____ with a knife.

5. Krishna can swim all by ____ now.

6. Do you think the doctor can cure ____ when he is ill?

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
7. I hurt ____________ in the playground yesterday.

8. Alisha always makes the bed by ____________.

9. Heman, you must behave __________ properly before your friends.

10. Mom lets me walk to school by ____.

11. No one can help us. We have to help ____________.

12. Sumy washes the car by _______.

13. Sometimes I wash the dishes all by ______.

14. The cat stays clean by licking _______.

15. The dog is scratching ____________.

16. They painted the wall all by ____________.

17. This light is automatic. It switches ____ on at night.
18. Tom defended ____________ against the bullies.
19. Our cat washes _____ after every meal.
20. We baked the cake by ______.


Fill in the blanks with correct pronouns.

1. All his students like _______ very much.

2. Children, _______ are making too much noise!

3. Binod, ______ are all waiting for _____. Are ______ coming with _____?

4. May _______ borrow your pen?

5. Mom is a doctor. _______ works in a hospital.

6. ______ brother is a teacher. _______ teaches English.

7. Sabin and I are brothers. _______ share a bedroom together.

8. Dina isn’t well. Dad is taking _______ to see a doctor.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
9. The sky is getting dark. _______ is going to rain.

10. What are _______ reading now, Hem?

11. Who are those people? Where are _______ from?

12. I saw _______ stolen bag at Ram's house.

13. I’m doing ______homework. Dad is helping _______.

14. Goodbye, children! _______’ll call _______ later.

15. Where is your son? _______need to speak to _______.

16. Miss Sedain is very nice. _______ the children like _______.

17. The car is very dirty. Mom is cleaning _______.

18. Uncle called aunt to ask _______ a question.

19. My chocolates are _______gone. _______ has eaten _______.

20. Inkar likes cats. _______has four cats.


Write the correct interrogative pronouns in the blanks to complete these

1. _____ bag is this?

2. _____ did the President criticize?

3. _____ do you prefer?

4. _____ do you want to be when you grow up?

5. _____ is your mother’s name?

6. _____ is your work today?

7. _____ of these desks is yours?

8. _____ of your sisters is the tallest?

9. _____came first, the chicken or the egg?

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
10. _____do you wish to speak to?

11. _____invented the computer?

12. _____ is the matter with you?

13. ______is the word for a stamp collector?

14. ______is this car in front of our house?

15. ______knows the answer?

16. ______of the twin is older?

17. ______would you like to drink?

18. _____of them do you think will win the race?

19. _____are these shoes?

20. _____used my car?


Read the following letter and underline all pronoun words.

Dallu, Kathmandu
May 10, 2019

Dear friend,

It was so good calling you from Kathmandu last week. We had a superb trip.
Though we missed you a lot, it was compensated by something I had least

We decided to visit the place where my uncle stayed. He is a writer. Though

we felt we had disturbed his writing, when he opened the door and saw us he
smiled and let us in. He told us that he enjoyed writing for children and anyway he
needed a break! We were struck by the silence, and the number of old books in
the room. Most of all I loved it when tea was served along with the most delicious
biscuits and scones.
I asked him what he was working on at the moment and he said, ‘Would you like

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
to read my life story?’ With a twinkle in his eye he scooped up some sweets from
his drawer and shepherded us out of the room.
Today I am going to the market with mum and dad. I really want to ask dad to pick
up the book for me!
I am hoping to be able to read a story to you when we meet next time.
With best wishes.
Yours ever,
Vocabulary in Use
Match the following words with their opposite meanings.
above straight

abroad end

absent sorrow

accept dull

include bored

increase praise

indifferent outside

inner below

inside home

insult present

interested refuse
interesting exclude

joy decrease

begin interested

bent outer

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Guided Composition:Paragraph Writing
Read the sample paragraph.
Life in My Village
I live in a small village that lies in Saptari. People in my village have different
lifestyles. Most of the people in my village are farmers. Some are also traders and
officers. The farmers are very hardworking and thus busy growing crops of their
needs. They often get up early in the morning and spend their whole day in the
field. They even visit their field at night to see if there is something wrong with their
crops. They enjoy various festivals as many groups of people live there. Most of
them like to celebrate the festivals related with farming and harvesting like Maghe
Sankranti, Hathiya, etc. There is a primary school in our village where children
go for studies. Our village lacks modern facilities like telephones, computer,
concrete road, market, etc. Recently the young people have started going to
foreign countries to make money. So life of people in village is very simple but
they live together in harmony.

Write a similar paragraph describing your town including the following

 name of the city

 location of the city

 climate and environment

 occupation of people there

 festivals and cultural activities

 facilities and services available there

 how is your living there

The town where I live is ………………………………………………………………


Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7


Read the following description.
I have a friend who is in the same class as
me. Her name is Krishala. She comes from
the poorest part of the city. She used to go
to a school in Pokhara, the headquarter of
the province number four. Her father is an
army officer and her mother is an electronic

Two years ago, the officer was transferred

to the capital of the country. When the family reached the city, they looked for a
good school to admit the girl. Krishala’s father asked a friend of his about all the
best schools in Kathmandu.

The friend has a school-going son. The boy studies in an excellent school in the
central part of the city. In fact it is the same school that I go too. Krishala joined
the most prestigious school in the area. As luck would have it, she was sent to
the same section that I was in.

Do You Know? The coloured words a, an and the in the above given
description are articles. They are demonstrative adjectives. There are two
types of articles in English.


Indefinite-A/AN Definite-THE

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Speaking Practice

Answer these questions based on the given description.

a. What are the words that are countable?
b. What are the words that are uncountable?
c. Does the word ‘friend’ start with vowel or consonant?
d. Does the word ‘excellent’ start with vowel or consonant?
e. Is the word ‘friend’ singular or plural?
f. What is the difference between ‘an army officer’ and ‘the officer’ in the given
g. What is the difference between ‘a friend’ and ‘the friend’ in the given

Grammar Focus: Indefinite Article: A/An

 The form a, an is used before a singular noun which is countable when it is
mentioned for the first time and represents no particular person or thing:
I need a room. They live in a flat. He bought an umbrella.
A car must be insured. A child needs love. It is a bench.
He is a man. I have a shop. He bought a laptop.

 The form an is used before words beginning with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) or

words beginning with a mute h: an apple, an island, an uncle, an egg, an
onion, an hour, an MP, an SOS, an ‘x’, an hour, an honest boy, an honourable
teacher, an hourly plan, an heir
But when they are pronounced consonant; use ‘a’: Example: a horse, a hat,
a house, a hall

 After many, such, quite, rather, what, etc. as exclamations before singular,
countable nouns:
Such a long queue! What a pretty girl! What a beautiful flower it is!
Many a girl is absent. It is such a place I like most. What an ugly person he is!

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
 In the sense of one:

I have a pen. She has a bike. They have an ox. We have a ewe.

 The English vowels a, e, i, o, u, don’t sound always vowel, they sound

consonant sometimes.

a university student, a euro, a one eyed girl, an elf, an album, an alligator, an

astronaut, a ewe, an heir, an honourable person

 To show frequency with time, quantity, distance, price, speed, ratio, number
or weight:

once a year, twice a week, many times a year, fifty rupees a kilo, a lot of, a
couple, a dozen, a hundred, a thousand, 50 rupees a kilo, Rs. 100 a meter,
sixty kilometers an hour

 Use ‘a’ before an abbreviation having consonant sound and ‘an’ before
vowel sound. Examples: an SSP, an MLA, a VIP, a DEO, an AIGP

Abbreviation with vowel: A, E, F, H, I, L, M, N, O, R, S, X

Abbreviation with consonant: B, C, D, G, J, K, P, Q, T, U, V, W, Y, Z

 With some phrases:

a lot of, a few, a number of, a bit much, a capriccio, a chicken in every pot,
a damn sight, a good deal, a little, a positive, a posteriori, a non domino

 With the following expressions:

make an attempt, make a profit, have a pain, take an interest in, have a l
ook, as a result, at a glance, in a hurry, have a rest, on a diet

 With units of uncountable noun:

a litre of water, a kilo of sugar, a lump of sugar, a bunch of keys, a pouch

of milk, a bowl of soup, a spoon salt, a pinch of salt, a cup of tea, a glass
of milk, a meter of cloth, a plate of rice

 With a noun complement. This includes names of professions: She’ll be a

dancer. He is an actor.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Instant Practice
Put 'a' or 'an' in the blank space where necessary.
________answer ________hour

________apple ________house

________banana ________impolite question

________big banana ________instrument

________car ________modern car

________difficult exercise ________musical instrument

________easy exercise ________new gift

________egg ________envelope

________exercise ________aged woman

________five-dollar bill ________one-dollar bill

________hard lesson ________pencil

________admiration ________question

________hotel ________university

________umbrella ________unusual question

________used car ________usual question

________young woman

Grammar Focus: Definite Article THE

 When the object or group of objects is unique or considered to be unique:

the earth the sea the sky the equator the stars

 Before a noun which has become definite as a result of being mentioned a

second time:

His car struck a tree; you can still see the mark on the tree.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
 Before a noun made definite by the addition of a phrase or clause:

the girl in blue the man with the banner

the boy that I met the place where I met him

 Before a noun which by reason of locality can represent only one particular

Dina is in the garden, (the garden of this house)

Please pass the water bottle. (the water bottle on the table)

 Before superlatives and first, second etc. used as adjectives or pronouns,

and only:

the first the best day the only way the worst boy the most exciting scene

 the + adjective represents a class of persons: the old, the poor, the
unemployed, the rich, the young, the deaf,etc.

 Adjectives as the subject: The poor are honest. The beautiful are praised.

 Daybreaks: the evening, the morning, the afternoon.

 Family names and castes: the Limbus, the Magars, the Chhetries, etc.

 Groups of Islands: the British and Irish Isles. the West Indies, etc.

 Historic events: the Independence Day, the Martyr’s Day, the Democracy
Day, etc.

 Historical buildings: the Taj Mahal, the Kathmandu Mall, the Buddha Mall,

 Hotels, restaurants, theaters, etc: the Soaltee, the Barahai Movies, etc.

 Mountain Ranges: the Mahabharat range, the Churia range, the Himalayas,
the Annapurna range

 Museums and libraries: the Chhauni museum, the national museum, the
British library, the American library, the central library, etc.

 Musical instruments: He always plays the flute. I like to play the madal. Do
you know how to play the piano?

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
 Name of canals: the Gandaki Canal, the Panama Canal, etc.

 Name of deserts: the Saraha, the Thar, etc.

 Name of directions: the east, the north, the west, the south, etc.

 Name of inventions: He invented the Television. Who invented the mobile?

 Only one object in the world: the celestial bodies: the sun, the earth, the sky,
the moon, etc.

 Ordinal numbers: the first, the third, the fifth, etc.

 Organs of human body: the heart, the head, etc.

 Parallel comparatives: The more you try, the more you learn. The more you
work, the more you earn, etc.

 Parts of the house: the kitchen, the bedroom, the restroom, the guestroom,
the living room, etc.

 Period of history: the classical age, the Elizabethan age, the post-modern
age, etc.

 Periods of decades: the sixties, the eighties, etc.

 Physical position: the first, the middle, the bottom, etc.

 Plural names of countries: the UK, the USA, the Philippines, etc.

 Political parties: the UML, the Republican, the R.P.P, etc.

 Religious books/Religious groups: the Ramayana, the Bible, the Quran, the
Hindus, the Muslims, the Christians, etc.

 Repeated nouns: There is a dog in my house. The dog is very faithful. She
bought a pencil yesterday. She lost the pencil.

 With rivers, seas, oceans: the Gandaki, the Nile, the Red sea, the Indian
Ocean, etc.

 With special meals: the birthday party, the wedding party, etc.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Instant Practice
Put 'a' 'an' or 'the' in the blank space where necessary.
1. I saw _____ewe yesterday.

2. It is _____user manual.

3. Who is _____first student of this class?

4. I know how to play _____flute.

5. Have you ever seen _____one eyed person?

6. He is _____university student.

7. What _____ugly place it is!

8. Have you ever been to _____City Mall?

9. I bought _____ cow yesterday. _____cow is well behaved.

10. Honesty is _____best policy.

11. Do you like to drink _____water?

12. _____water in that bottle is dirty.
13. I have read _____Bible once.
14. My mother cooks food in _____kitchen.
15. _____ Brahmins are theist.
16. _____north wind has caused rainfall.
17. _____Titanic is a great ship.
18. He plays volleyball most.
19. Mr. Regmi is _____honest teacher.
20. _____cat you have is fond of fish.

Grammar Focus: Omission of Article

 Before material nouns: Gold is an expensive metal.

 Before plural nouns: Horses are animals.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
 Before proper nouns: He lives in Kathmandu. They saw Mahindra at the bus

 Before festivals: Hindus celebrate Dashain. Christians enjoy Christmas.

 Before languages: He speaks English fluently. Can you speak Dutch?

 Before academic subjects: I am good at English. She likes science very


 Before games and sports: I play football every day. Does he know how to
play basketball?

 Before colours: I like red most. Blue is his favourite colour.

 Before possessive + noun: This is my house. That is his car.

 Before uncountable nouns: Dogs looks after our house. Beer is a drink.

 Before meals: I have my breakfast at 8. He eats his lunch in school


 Days and months: My son was born on Sunday. He died on Wednesday.

 Before school, church, temple, market and college if they are used for primary
purpose: She goes to hospital every day. He has gone to school to study.

Quick Tip
Article the is used before school, church, temple, market, college, etc.
if they are used for secondary purpose.


Put 'a' 'an' or 'the' in the blank space where necessary.

1. He’s _____ one person I can trust.

2. She and I waited _____ hour just to see you.

3. _____ letter came _____ few days ago.

4. I went through _____ items on _____ list one by one.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
5. Let’s meet _____ week after next.
6. She’s _____ little Hitler.
7. _____ less said about _____ whole thing, _____ happier I’ll be.
8. Do you wish to speak to _____ manager?
9. It’s _____ present for one of my children.
10. _____ police questioned everyone in _____ room.
11. Noam Chomsky is _____linguist.
12. She is _____enthusiastic student.
13. He can type 100 words _____minute.
14. I saw _____interesting man yesterday. _____man was very tall.
15. Mr. Shristi is _____most beautiful girl.
16. Mr. Soam is from _____Netherlands.
17. We have been to _____Suez canal once.
18. He is _____useful member of our group.
19. Hira is _____violent student.

20. My father is _____aggressive person.


Put 'a' 'an' or 'the' in the blank space where necessary.

1. _____ ritual of _____ party conference is acted out in _____ same way every
2. She was here just _____ minute ago.
3. _____ symptoms suggest _____ minor heart attack.
4. Their early arrival was just _____ accident.
5. Place _____ box down anywhere.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
6. She gave _____ police _____ full account of _____ incident.
7. There is _____ acute shortage of water.
8. What is _____ startup command for _____ program?
9. We stood aghast at _____ sight of so much blood.
10. She was killed in _____ accident.
11. He has _____ugly face.
12. Have you brought _____Kathmandu Post?
13. _____Chhetries are brave.
14. My father always recites _____Geeta.
15. In poor countries _____condition of _____poor is very miserable.
16. Pokhara is known as _____Cherapunji of Nepal.
17. He was locked inside _____toilet.
18. We have _____holiday on _____Martyr’s Day.
19. _____more you learn, _____better you know.

20. _____sugar is bad for your health.


Put 'a' 'an' or 'the' in the blank space where necessary.

1. _____ drug may cause _____ aggravation of _____ condition.
2. Even _____ small success gives you _____ sense of achievement.
3. He started playing _____ piano at _____ early age.
4. _____ hotel commands _____ fine view of _____ valley.
5. There’s someone at _____ door.
6. _____ government has ordered _____ investigation into _____ accident.
7. What _____ huge cake!
Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
8. Put _____ piano there, against _____ wall.
9. _____ judge has _____ final say on _____ sentence.
10. She died on _____ Tuesday.
11. _____children usually rush about.
12. Kathmandu is _____capital of Nepal.
13. _____lunch we just had was very good.
14. January is _____first month of _____year.
15. He died of _____cancer.
16. _____good beginning makes _____good ending.
17. I have just become _____uncle.
18. He is _____unctuous program host.
19. _____court made _____unfair verdict.
20. Please wait for _____hour.


Put 'a' 'an' or 'the' in the blank space where necessary.

1. _____ advertisement told us very little about _____ product.
2. _____ case resulted in _____ acquittal.
3. _____ children started to act out _____ whole incident.
4. _____ children were rushing about in _____ garden.
5. They met at _____ agreed time.
6. We came within _____ ace of victory.
7. They wished her _____ happy birthday.
8. It was _____ remarkable achievement for such _____ young player.
9. Can you suggest me _____ good dictionary?

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
10. Do you mind if I put _____ television on?
11. _____water of village well is very sweet.
12. I have got _____headache.
13. _____red and _____white cow are grazing.
14. _____gold is more valuable than silver.
15. _____European gave me _____Euro.
16. He is _____engineer.
17. I saw _____huge elephant yesterday.
18. He has recently stitched _____uniform.
19. My father bought _____ox yesterday.

20. We saw _____octopus on TV last night.


Put 'a' 'an' or 'the' in the blank space where necessary.

1. My brother was bitten by _____ant.
2. She broke _____egg.
3. We have _____Indian friend.
4. Birth and death are _____universal truth.
5. The workers are planning to form _____union.
6. Who is _____most important person in your life?
7. _____refrigerator keeps things cool.
8. Have you ever seen _____telescope?
9. Have you seen _____Taj Mahal?
10. _____Great Wall of China is _____greatest wall in _____world.
11. Please see _____igloo over there!
12. My sister likes to read _____Rising Nepal every day.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
13. Which is _____best movie you have ever watched?
14. _____Pacific is _____largest Ocean.
15. _____Sun is shining bright.
16. _____cricket ball hit him on _____head.
17. Are you _____obedient student of this class?
18. She has drawn _____picture of _____owl.
19. Mr. Regmi is _____intelligent boy.
20. He has _____useless jeep.


Complete the following conversation putting 'a' 'an' or 'the' where

Hira: Look outside! ____sky is getting very dark.
Mira: I hope there isn’t going to be ____storm.
Hira: I’m going out for ____ walk. Have you seen my shoes?
Mira: Yes, they’re on____ floor in ____ kitchen.
Hira: Would you like____ tomato? There’s one in____ fridge.
Mira: Oh, yes, please. I’ll make myself____ cheese and tomato sandwich.
Hira: If you’re going into ____ city centre, can you post these letters for me?
Mira: Yes, I’ll take them to ____main post office.
Hira: I’ve got____ problem with my phone bill. Can I see someone about it?
Mira: Yes, go to ____ fifth floor ____lift is along ____ corridor.
Hira: I didn’t know Mina had____ dog.
Mira: It isn’t hers. She’s just taking it for ____ walk while ____owner is away.
Hira: I’ve got ____ headache. I’ve had it all day.
Mira: Why don’t you go to ____health centre? It’s open until six.
Hira: Guess what. I found ____ Rs. 50 note on____ pavement this morning.

Mira: You really ought to take it to ____ police station, you know.
Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7

Put 'a' 'an' or 'the' where necessary.

A man decided to rob ................... bank in .................. town where he lived. He
walked into bank and handed .................. note to one of ....................cashiers.
…………….. cashier read …………… note, which told her to give ...…………..
man some money. Afraid that he might have …………….. gun, she did as she
was told. ................... man then walked out of …………….. building, leaving
...................note behind. However, he had no time to spend ……………….money
because he was arrested................. same day. He had made ................ mistake.
He had written................... note on.................... back of ………………. envelope.
And on .................. other side of.............. envelope was his name and address.
This clue was quite enough for................. detectives on the case.

Vocabulary in Use
Match the following masculine with their feminine words.
nephew mistress
prince woman
son headmistress
uncle granddaughter
wizard grandmother
actor lady
brother mother
father niece
gentleman princess
grandfather daughter
grandson aunt
headmaster witch
man actress
master sister

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Guided Composition: Story Writing
According to Abrams, “A short story is a brief work of prose fiction, and most of
the terms for analyzing the component elements, the types and the various
narrative techniques of the novel are applicable to the short stories as well.”

Remember a good story has a beginning, a problem, a solution to the problem

and an ending. Follow these tips to write a story:

 Decide who the characters are.

 Who is going to be in the story?

 What sort of characters are they?

 Where and when your story is going to take place. This is called the setting.

 What is going to happen in your story?

 What is the main event?

 What type of story is it?

 A summary of what happens in the story.

 The events in the story which is known as the plot.

 How it all ends. How the problem is solved.

 What type of ending? Happy or Sad?

Read the following sample story.

There was once an old farmer. He was dying
soon. He had worked hard in his vineyard all
his life. Before he died he wanted to teach
his three sons how to be good farmers. So he
called them to his beside and said, ‘My boys, I
have an important secret to tell you: there is a
great treasure buried in the vineyard. Promise
me that you will look for it when I am dead.’

The sons gave their promise and as soon as their father had died they began

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
looking for the treasure. They worked very hard in the hot sun and while they
were working they thought about what their father had said. They pictured boxes
of gold coins, diamond necklaces, and other such things. Soon they had dug
up every inch of the vineyard but they found not a single penny. They felt upset
because they felt that all their hard work had been for nothing.

However, a few months later the grapes started to appear on the vines. Their
grapes were the biggest and best in the neighbourhood and they sold them and
earned a lot of money. Now the sons understood what their father had meant by
the great treasure and they lived happily ever after.

Moral: Hard work brings good production.


Write a readable story based on the given outlines.

1. A poor village boy walking door to door for job-finds a wallet containing a
large amount of money an identity card of the owner in the wallet the
boy returns the wallet to the owner the owner very pleased praises
his honesty gives him a good job moral.

2. A woman's only one son is dead goes to Lord Buddha begs to bring
her son to life Lord Buddha asks to bring a handful of mustard seeds
from a house where nobody has died . She wanders house to house
many months gets no such house moral.

3. Once a boy lives with mother falls into a bad company mother
asks him to leave bad company does not obey thinks of a plan
gives good apples also rotten one set together in a basket all
apples found rotten somedays boy improves moral.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7



Read the following biography.

Amelia Mary Earhart
Amelia Mary Earhart was born on July 24,
1897, in Atchison, Kansas. She completed
high school in Chicago in 1916. She worked
as a military nurse in Canada during World
War I and as a social worker in Boston,
Massachusetts, after the war. She learned
to fly in 1920 despite her family objection.
On June 17, 1928, Earhart became the first
woman to fly across the Atlantic, though she
was only a passenger.
Earhart was good at flying. She was determined to fly her own plane across
the Atlantic. She achieved her goal when she crossed the Atlantic alone on May
20–21, 1932. She was the first woman to do so. Her flight, from the island of
Newfoundland in Canada to Ireland, lasted a record 14 hours 56 minutes. She
wrote on The Fun of It that year.
In January 1935, Earhart made a solo flight from Hawaii to California. She was
the first pilot to succeed on this dangerous route. All other previous attempts had
ended in disaster before her triumph. It was a mammoth success within a short
period of time.
In June 1937 Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, set out from Miami, Florida,
to fly around the world. On July 2 after completing more than two thirds of the
journey, their plane vanished in the central Pacific near the International Date
Line. Search teams from the United States Army and Navy and the Japanese
navy attempted to locate the crew, but without success.

Do You Know? In the above given biography, the coloured words are
prepositions. They are used before a noun or pronoun to show, time, place,
position or method

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Speaking Practice

Answer these questions based on the given biography.

a. When was Amelia Mary Earhart born?
b. Where was she born?
c. How many different prepositions are used?
d. What is the difference between ‘on July 24, 1897’ and ‘In June 1937’?
e. What is the difference between the use of ‘before’ and ‘after’?
f. Can you use ‘fly in the world’ instead of ‘fly around the world’?

Quick Tip
Words that combine with a noun or pronoun to form a phrase are termed
as prepositions. They show relationship.

Grammar Focus: Prepositions of Time

Preposition Usage Examples
ON Days: on Sunday, on Monday, on Saturdays,
Dates: on 3rd December, 2017, on 26th of
this month, etc.
Occasions: on my birthday, on Mother’s Day, etc.
Topic: an essay on pollution, a paragraph on
impunity, etc.
IN Months: in August, January, in May, etc.
Seasons: in spring, in summer, in winter, etc.
Year: in 2006, in 2074, etc.
Time period: in an hour, in 2 weeks, in a month, etc.
AT Exact time: at 2 o’clock, at 3 pm, etc.
Festivals: at Dashain, at Tihar, at Chhath, etc.
Age: at 20, at fifty, etc.
Price, speed, degree: at 40 km per hour, at 100 degree
Celsius, etc.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
SINCE from a certain point of since my birthday, since Sunday, since
time (past till now) 1980, since January, since morning,
since childhood, etc.
FOR over a certain period for 2 years, for a day, month, year,
of time (past till now) decade, for a long time, for a few min-
utes, for an hour, for 10 days, etc.
AGO a certain time in the 2 years ago, 1 month ago, etc
BEFORE earlier than a certain before 2004, before school, before I
point of time came here, before his marriage, be-
fore 10 am, etc.
TO telling the time ten to six, five to ten, etc
PAST telling the time ten past six, seven past ten, etc.
UNTIL Indicating the begin- He is on holiday until Friday.
ning and end of a I waited until he arrived.
period of time
BY at the latest up to a I will be back by 6 o’clock.
certain time By 11 o'clock, I had read five pages

Instant Practice
Fill in the gaps with correct time prepositions.
1. He was born _____ Saturday.

2. They are calling me _____Labourer’s Day.

3. She always goes to her uncle _____spring.

4. There is a university _____Kathmandu.

5. The teacher asked us to write an essay _____pollution.

6. My brother will come home _____Dashain.

7. Water boils _____ 100 degree Celsius.

8. We have arranged to meet _____ noon.

9. The match starts _____ 2 o’clock.

10. I have been feeling unwell _____ my sixteenth birthday.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
11. We are going out _____ a day.

12. He worked here _____ five years.

13. His father passed away 2 years _____.

14. I was studying in government school _____I came here.

15. Our school runs from Sunday _____Friday.

16. The principal is on a holiday _____next week.

17. We waited _____the bus arrived.

18. I will be there _____tomorrow.

19. Complete this task _____the end of this period.

20. The clock shows five _____ten.

Grammar Focus: Prepositions of Place and Direction

Preposition Usage Example
room, building, street,
in the kitchen, in London, in the book,
town, country, book, pa-
in the car, in a taxi, in the picture, in
IN per, car, taxi, picture,
the world,etc.
meaning next to, by an
at the door, at the station
at the table
for table
at a concert, at the party
for events
at the cinema, at school, at work, at
place where somebody
AT cinema, at the theatre, etc.
does something-watch a
film, study, work, etc.
attached the picture on the wall
for a place with a river London lies on the Thames.
being on a surface, floor on the table, on the first floor
for a certain side (left, on the left, on the right
right) on the bus, on a plane
for public transport on TV, on the radio
for television, radio

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
BY, NEXT left or right of somebody She is standing by , next to , beside
TO, BESIDE or something the car.
on the ground, lower The bag is under the table.
than (or covered by) The cat is sitting under the car.
something else
lower than something The fish are below the surface.
else but above ground Skirts are worn below the knee.
covered by something put a jacket over your shirt
else over 16 years of age
OVER meaning more than walk over the bridge
getting to the other side climb over the wall
overcoming an obstacle
higher than something a path above the lake
ABOVE else, but not directly over flying above the clouds
walk across the bridge
getting to the other side
ACROSS swim across the lake
getting to the other side
something with limits drive through the tunnel
THROUGH on top, bottom and the river flowing through the village
movement to person or
go to the cinema
go to London , go to Kathmandu
TO movement to a place or
go to bed
for bed

INTO enter a room , a building go into the kitchen , the house

movement in the direc- go 5 steps towards the house

TOWARDS tion of something (but not head towards the city
directly to it)
movement to the top of
ONTO jump onto the table
in the sense of where
FROM a flower from the garden

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Instant Practice
Fill in the gaps with correct place and direction prepositions.
1. Mother is cooking food _____ the kitchen.
2. What can you see _____ the picture?
3. We sang and danced _____ the party.
4. What is there _____the cinema today?
5. There is a picture _____the wall.
6. I have kept my computer _____the table.
7. There is a dog sleeping _____the car.
8. The fish are _____ the surface.
9. Skirts are worn ____ the knee.
10. The plane is flying _____ the clouds.
11. Please put a jacket ____your shirt!
12. Some boys are swimming _____ the river.
13. The thief ran _____ the highway.
14. This river flows____ the village.
15. We are heading _____ the accident site.
16. The cat jumped ____ the table.
17. The ball is rolling ____ the ground.
18. Are you going _____school now?
19. The instructor asked us to turn ___the right.
20. I love tea ___coffee.

Grammar Focus: Some Other Prepositions

Preposition Usage Example
FROM who gave it a present from my friend
OF who, what does it belong to and a page of the book, the pic-
show ture of a palace, a house of
the poor
BY who made it a book by Motiram Bhatta
Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
ON Walking and riding on foot, on horseback
entering a public transport get on the bus, get on the
vehicle train, get on the ship
IN entering a car , taxi get in the car
OFF leaving a public transport get off the train
OUT OF leaving a car , taxi get out of the taxi
BY rise or fall of something prices have risen by 10 per-
travelling (other than walking or cent
horse riding) by car, by bus
AT for age She learned Russian at 45.
ABOUT for topics, meaning what about We were talking about you.

Instant Practice
Fill in the gaps with correct prepositions given in brackets.
1. A little girl sat ______ the tree. (across, off, under)
2. The boy was hiding ______ the door. (about, behind, above)
3. They all ran ______ the farmer’s wife. (after, through, into)
4. There is an apple ______ the fruit basket. (over, in, before)
5. The man dived ______ the pool. (across, along, into)
6. Sammy jumped ______ the window. (at, through, across)
7. I keep my suitcase ______ the bed. (onto , under)
8. They found the missing ball ______ the couch. (behind , among)
9. We put the ladder ______ the wall. (down , against)
10. I spent the morning ______ the park. (in, on, at)
11. The red box is ______ to the green box. (beside, next to)
12. He tied a bandage ______ his injured arm.(around, across)
13. Sam’s best friend lives ______ the road.(through, along, across)
14. Jenny picked flowers ______ the garden. (in, from, by)
15. The road goes _____ the forest. (by, through, across)

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
16. Yours shoes are ______ the bed. (below, under)
17. The clever fox hid ______ the bushes. (behind, past)

18. The picture hung______ the fire place. (over, above)

19. All the books were _____ the shelf. (in, on, above)

20. We won two games ______three. (among, out of)

Listening Practice

Repeat these sentences with prepositional phrases after your teacher.

The man admitted to, confessed to It all amounts to, comes to quite a lot
the crime. of money.
We apologize for the delay. Tina has applied for dozens of
We arrived at, in Kathmandu ten That's no way to behave to, towards
minutes late your friends.
I don't believe in eating meat. Who does this bag belong to?
We should benefit from the tax I came across the article in a
changes. magazine.
The car collided with a van. I want to concentrate on my maths.
The flat consists of four rooms. We managed to cope with all of these
The car crashed into a wall. I'll have to deal with, see about the
We decided on a caravan holiday. The price depends on when you
Can you dispose of the rubbish? We have to do without, go without
You didn't fall for that trick, did you? I don't feel like doing any work.

Brown doesn't go with us. Has anything like that ever happened
to you?
We're hoping for a progress in the She insisted on playing her tape.
Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
They always interfere with my Someone was knocking at, on the
affairs. door.
I was listening to the weather You just can't live on £100 a week.
I objected to being kept waiting. An idea has just occurred to me.

He hates parting with his money. Seventy countries participated in the

The man pointed at, to a sign. I ran into, bumped into Alex
What does this number refer to? Please refrain from smoking

He is researching into tropical You can't rely on, count on the bus
diseases. being on time.
If all else fails, people will resort to I'm revising for, preparing for my
violence. exam.
I'll have to see to, attend to the We had to send for the doctor.
What does BBC stand for? Let's stick to our original plan.

Simon succeeded in starting the Tim suffers from back-ache.

The girl takes after her mother. You'll have to wait for the results.


Fill in the blank spaces with preposition of position and movement.

1. The bank is ____ the post office and the library.

2. The aeroplane’s flying ____ the town.

3. The post office is ____ the travel agency.

4. The ladder is standing ____ the wall.

5. My flat’s ____ the bank.

6. My flat is ____the park.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
7. He’s walking ____the post office, ____ the bank.

8. The park is ____ the library.

9. The library’s ____the bank.

10. He’s standing ____the library.

11. He’s walking ____ the steps.

12. He’s walking ____the market.

13. She’s walking ____ the road.

14. They’re sitting ____the bridge.

15. She’s walking ____ the stairs.

16. She’s walking ____ the market.

17. The bus stop is ____ the bank.

18. He’s walking ____ the road.

19. He walked ____ the gate.

20. The bank is ____the post office.


Fill in the gaps with correct prepositions.

1. She was standing ____ the front door.

2. I put the matches____ the table.

3. She got ____the car and ran ____the station.

4. The baby’s going to fall ____the table.

5. The bread’s ___the cupboard.

6. I walked ____the church and waited ____the bus stop.

7. He was lying____ the floor.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
8. She dived_____ the Sea.

9. They climbed ____the roof and looked down at us.

10. We walked ____the end of the road.

11. Peter’s____ the kitchen.

12. The money’s____ the table.

13. He was waiting ____the station.

14. The milk’s ____the fridge.

15. They sat ____ the wall.

16. They made the film ____ Sherpa Studios.

17. I saw them ____the station.

18. Mary’s not here now. She’s ____the office.

19. They were sitting ____the floor.

20. The money’s ____my pocket.


Fill in the gaps with correct prepositions.

1. They are all ____the garden.
2. The papers are ____my desk.
3. They are all ____the car.
4. He’s not ____work today. He’s ____home.
5. The dog was ____the car.
6. My keys are ___my bag.
7. The cat sat ___the table.
8. There was a picture ____the wall.
9. He was standing _____the gate.
10. We were waiting _____ the station.
Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
11. The dog jumped ____ the car.
12. Take the dog ___ the car.
13. The monkey’s ____ the table.
14. The monkey fell ___ the table.
15. She ran ___the gate.
16. She stood ____the gate.
17. She walked ____ the gate.
18. They were standing ____the bridge.
19. He ran ____ the road.
20. My house is ____ the school.


Write at, in or on to complete these sentences.

1. I’ll see you ____Monday.
2. I met him ____ the holidays.
3. I’ll pick you up ____eight o’clock.
4. I’m going home ___four.
5. They came to visit us ____my birthday.
6. I can work ____the morning but I don’t like working _____night.
7. Did you have a good time ____Christmas?
8. School finishes ____three o’clock ___Thursdays.
9. We arranged to meet ___seven ___the morning.
10. We had a party ___the last day of the course.
11. I often go skiing ____winter.
12. What time do you get back ___Tuesday?
13. She’s going to visit her parents’ ___Easter.
14. He was born ___8th June 1968.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
15. He can come and see me ___lunchtime.
16. I always send my wife flowers ___our wedding anniversary.
17. The conference is ____July.
18. One of my friends called me _____ midnight.
19. I am writing an essay ______ discipline.
20. I saw an accident ____ the way to school today.


Fill in the gaps with correct prepositions given in brackets.

1. Did you pay by cheque or _________cash? (by, with, in)

2. Congratulations_______ your grand success. (for, on, at)

3. A wise man never relies __________ others. (in, on, to)

4. She is here ______ my house. (in, on, at, by)

5. Dip is excited_______ (for, about, with) going abroad.

6. Maya got_______ (in, by, into) the car and drove away.

7. He is looking forward __________ meeting you. (to, with, for)

8. Don’t laugh_______ (of, at, in) the poor.
9. I got married______ 17. (at, on, in)
10. Nina apologized_______ (to, on, for) me for being late.
11. Bir always quarrels_______ (with, by, for) his wife.
12. Harry died _______fever. (in, for, of, for)
13. Alan was born ___________1966 B. S (in, on, by)
14. Don’t worry, nothing happens_______ you. (on, in, at, to)
15. A pen is different _______ a pencil. (than, from, and)
16. Do you believe __________ ghosts? (on, in, at)

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
17. Can you throw the pen_______ (on, at, to) me?
18. Are you tired ______dancing so much? (in, of, by)
19. Vivek was accused _______theft. (by, of, to, in)

20. Add some names of students_______ (in, on, to) the list.


Fill in the gaps with correct prepositions given in brackets.

1. Mohan was born_______ (on, at, in) January 1, 1985.

2. My father always goes to office _______ foot. (on, in, by)

3. Nepal lies________ China and India. (in, between, among, at)

4. Nepalese are famous _______bravery. (on, for, about)

5. She is _________red sari today.(on, in, at)

6. Trisha is conscious_______ (with, for, of) being punished.

7. Upasana is cutting mangoes _______ (by, in, with) her knife.

8. I will work _______Parbat _______spring. (on, by, in, to)

9. Show the Nile _________ the map. (in, or, the)
10. Teachers write _________ Red ink.(on, in, at)
11. We came____ Nepal last week. (on, in, from)
12. They suspected him_______ stealing money. (on, of, off)
13. He is surprised_______ (for, with, at) my presence.
14. She has specialized_______ conflict theory. (in, to, into)
15. Look at those people swimming ________ the pool. (on, in, at)
16. Many people in Nepal get suffered______ cholera every year. (from, by, on)
17. I prevented him_______ (for, to, from) speaking.
18. Jung saw a cobra_______ (by, on, in, nothing) his way to school.
Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
19. I sleep_______ (on, in, at) my bed.

20. I sometimes dream _______you. (about, of, on)


Fill in the gaps with correct prepositions given in brackets.

1. The thief tied the string ______my waist. (from, to, round, into)
2. Atul always travels_______ (on, by, in) air.
3. My friend was killed by a lunatic_____ a table knife. (with, from, by)
4. She writes_______ (with, by, for) a pencil.
5. I am not interested_______ Nepali films. (on, in, at)
6. Nayan is not responsible _______ (with, for, to) the accident.
7. I am not annoyed_______ (at, for, with) her behaviour.
8. We are pleased_______ (with, for, in) her performance.
9. I love swimming_______ (on, in, into) the sea.

10. We met him_______ (in, during, on, nothing) last Saturday.

11. You opened school ______ poor children. (to for, by)
12. I threw the stone _______the sea. (round, above, into, away from)
13. He and I were shocked_______ what we saw. (at, by, with, of)
14. I’m fed up______ the same food. (by, with, of)
15. They are talking_______ history now. (for, to, into, about)
16. You are tired __________ working here. (on, of, in)
17. Ram has lived here _______five years. (to, for, by)
18. She deals __________ clothes. (in, with, for)
19. Alina drives her bike_______ (at, in, by) the speed of 80 km per hour.

20. My sister has been learning Japanese _______ 2008. (for , since, from)
Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Vocabulary in Use
Choose correct words for their meanings.

a lot/allot _____a large amount _____distribute, assign

leave/accept _____receive _____ go out

access/ excess _____a way to enter _____too much

adverse/ averse _____unfavourable _____opposed to

advise / advice _____noun _____verb

effect/ affect _____ influence, verb _____result, noun

allowed/ aloud _____permitted _____clearly heard

bare/ bear _____nude, unadorned _____to carry; an animal

besides/ beside _____next to _____except for; in addition

break/ brake _____smash, split _____stopping device

breath/ breathe _____noun _____verb

bring/ take _____moving toward _____to carry off

buy/ by _____preposition _____purchase

capital/ capitol _____city, wealth _____building

chose/ choose _____past tense _____present tense

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Guided Composition: Story Writing
Arrange the sentences in correct order and write a readable story.

 It was agreed that the tortoise should

choose the course and also the end of the

 The tortoise never stopped and

continued walking at a steady pace all
the time to the end of the race.

 The hare shot ahead and then decided to lie down at the side of the path for
a rest.

 It wasn’t long before the hare fell into a deep sleep.

 One day a hare looked at a tortoise and ridiculed the short feet of the

 He also made fun of the slow pace at which the tortoise travelled.

 When he woke up, he couldn’t believe eyes because there was the tortoise
crossing the finishing line.

 At the end of the race the tortoise, exhausted by all his hard work, was
quietly slumbering on the line.

 The moral of this fable is: Slow and steady wins the race.

 The tortoise agreed that the hare ran as fast as the wind but claimed that he
could easily beat him in the race.


 Sensibly as all ants do, they had collected

the grain during the summer. Their plan
wasto eat this source during the winter.

 They were so engaged in their work that

they didn’t notice a grasshopper.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
 One winter day when the sun was shining you could hear the sound of
great activity.

 What you could hear were the ants who were busy drying grains.

 The grasshopper was so weak that he was practically starving because

he hadn’t eaten for ages.

 He saw the ants and begged them with all the strength he could find to let
him have a little food.

 The ants shook their heads at him and asked him why he hadn’t stored
up food in the summer.

 The poor grasshopper confessed that he had spent the whole summer
enjoying himself singing and dancing.

 The moral of this fable is: Laziness is the source of suffering.

 All the ants laughed and said in that case he would have to dance
starving to bed in the winter.


Write a readable story based on the given outlines.

1. A man a brave and faithful mongoose master and mistress go out
small child alone in the house a big snake comes up is killed
the mongoose's mouth covered with blood kill it find the child
safe and sound moral.

2. A miller he and his son going to a fair their donkey for sale
a girl makes a remark an old man makes a comment another
man says they do, as he says the donkey falls down the bridge

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7


Read the following description.
Bears are solitary creatures that avoid each other
except in seasonable mating. Female bears give
birth to one to four cubs at a time, usually in winter.
Newborn cubs are small, hairless, and helpless
creatures unable to open their eyes for about a
week. A newborn grizzly bear weighs as little as
0.45 kilograms. As the female bear raises the cubs,
the male bear plays no role in raising it. Most bears
live from 15 to 30 years in the wild. Captive bears live longer than other.

During the winter all bears in the wild become inactive for a period of two to
six months. In the autumn season the bears eat a great deal and seek out
comfortable dens where they can sleep for a long time. This process is similar
to hibernation, in which animals sleep through the winter. However, bears are
not true hibernators. Their heartbeat rate, body temperature, breathing rate, and
blood pressure do not drop significantly lower than normal. And on mild days in
midwinter, a bear may come out of its den.

Do You Know? In the above given description, the coloured words are
adjectives. They describe a person or thing. They qualify nouns or pronouns.

Speaking Practice

Answer these questions based on the given description.

a. What types of creatures are bears?

b. How are cubs?

c. What other adjectives are used to describe bears?

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
d. What are other words related to ‘day’?
e. Why are the adjectives used before noun words?

Quick Tip
An adjective is a word that modifies, or qualifies, a noun or pronoun,
in one of three forms of comparative degree: positive strong, beautiful,
comparative stronger, more beautiful, or superlative strongest, most

Read the description again and complete the following blank spaces with
nouns which come after the following adjectives.
solitary ___________ seasonable ___________
female ___________ newborn ___________
newborn ___________ female ___________
male ___________ all ___________
captive ___________ comfortable ___________
long ___________ true ___________
mild ___________ small ___________
one to four ___________ their ___________

Quick Tip
Adjectives always come before the nouns in a sentence. They describe
about the nouns.

Observe the following information to understand different functions of

solitary creatures – It tells about the personality of the bear.

all bears - It tells about the number of the bear.

small creatures - It tells about the size of the bear.

male bear - It tells about sex of the bear.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
mild days -It tells about the weather of the day.

newborn cubs - It tells about the age of the bear.

one to four cubs - It tells about the number of the bear.

their eyes - It expresses about their possession.

Grammar Focus: Different Categories of Adjectives

Age: baby, teenage, young, old, adolescent, elderly, ancient, modern

Appearance: beautiful, adorable, clean, handsome, fancy, old-fashioned,

magnificent, ugly, charming

Colour: red, white, green, purple, orange, yellow, blue, brown, silver, gold, grey,
Condition: helpful, important, unhelpful, rich, gifted, alive, uninterested
Feeling: lazy, jealous, sad, angry, nervous, worried, kind, thankful, brave, proud
Material: wooden, silk, plastic
Number: few, many, one, two, thirty, forty
Odor: flowery, fresh, musty, salty, stinky
Possessive: my, your, his, their, our, her
Quantity: empty, few, full, heavy, many, numerous,
Shape: wide, narrow, deep, round, flat, shallow, hollow, broad, chubby, square
Size: big, large, small, huge, short, tiny, little, miniature, tall, fat, skinny, gigantic,
immense, massive
Sound: noisy, loud, whisper, melodic, faint, thunder, voiceless, quiet, hissing
Speed: brisk, gradual, sluggish, fast, quick, rapid, steady, nimble, deft, agile, low-
speed, high-speed
Texture: smooth, rough, bumpy, slimy, furry
Time: old, young, short, quick, fast, long, late, early, modern, ancient, swift
Touch: cool, crooked, cuddly, curly, damaged, clean, damp, different, blunt,
boiling, breakable

Weather: cloudy, windy, rainy, sunny, mild

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Instant Practice
Underline the adjectives in the following sentences.

1. Can you be there at 5 o’clock sharp?

2. The small, misbehaved boy was pushing his mother.

3. Many bugs like to come out at night.

4. Thirteen girls are coming to my sweet sixteenth party.

5. The slimy, smelly, no-good alien stole my new CD player.

6. In the Spanish language adjectives are placed after nouns.

7. He is happy, healthy and considerate.

8. She is a beautiful and smart girl.

9. The room looks like a crystal palace.

10. The brown pants are thrown over the folding chair.

11. Creaky doors don’t scare monsters.

12. He and I love to eat Chinese food.

13. Most children enjoy fast-paced, adventurous rides at the amusement park.

14. That meal was tasty, healthy and amazing.

15. Milk is white but water is tasteless and colourless.

16. It was warm in the morning but the sky is overcast and it is cold now.

17. One of my best friends wears his smart party suits.

18. One old beggar seemed happy because someone gave him plenty of food.

19. I have an oval, small face but my son has got a round, big face.

20. Tall trees provide us with shelter in hot days.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Instant Practice
Underline the adjectives in the given text.
My friend Sabin is a handsome tall boy. He always wears
a white long T-shirt and a big red cap. He carries a blue
huge canvas bag to school. His favourite food is red crunchy
apples and he always has one in his bag. Our teacher
is an English kind tall man called Mr. Bhusal. He wears a
blue smart suit and glasses with black plastic thick frames.

Instant Practice
Write adjectives related to describe the following nouns.
Hair Face Nose Eyes Body Classroom
bald bleary
spiky coloured
curly round
thin naked
blonde pointed
disheveled healthy
auburn craggy

Grammar Focus: Degrees of Adjectives

Adjectives can express degrees of modification.
Granma is a rich woman, but Joni is richer than Granma, and Sumitra is the
richest woman in town.

Quick Tip
The degrees of comparison are known as the positive, the comparative,
and the superlative.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Positive Degree: We use positive degree if there is no comparison in quality.

This is a small house.

She is a smart girl.

My sister is a beautiful person.

Comparative Degree: We use the comparative degree for comparing two

things. The word 'than' frequently accompanies the comparative. The inflected
suffixes-'er', -'ier' and 'more' are used in comparison.

This house is smaller than my house.

She is smarter than her sister.

My sister is more beautiful than his sister.

Superlative Degree: We use the superlative degree for comparing three or

more things. The word 'the' precedes the superlative. The inflected
suffixes-'est', -'iest' and most are used in comparison.

This is the smallest house in this locality.

She is the smartest sister of mine.

My sister is the most beautiful person.

Instant Practice
Write P for positive, C for comparative and S for superlative degree of
adjectives used in the following sentences.
1. This is the filthiest kitchen I have ever seen.

2. Canada is bigger than India.

3. It was the most expensive dress I have ever worn.

4. I am an intelligent boy.

5. James is less qualified than his brother.

6. This is an expensive school.

7. Mary is the best student in the class.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
8. His achievement is more remarkable than yours.

9. I am not as successful as my brother.

10. It was the most expensive gift I have ever received.

11. This weight is heavy to lift.

12. He is not as successful as his brother.

13. Gokul is a fat boy.

14. He is twice as lively as his brother.

15. India is a hot country.

16. Rina is the prettiest of the four girls.

17. This is the best film I have ever watched.

18. He was older than I thought.

19. Hercules was stronger than any other man.

20. This is the dirtiest carpet I have ever seen.

Grammar Focus: Formation of Comparative and Superlative

 Adjective + -er / -est: Adjective of one syllable adds-'er' in the comparative
form and -'est' in superlative form.

tall taller tallest

long longer longest

short shorter shortest

sweet sweeter sweetest

 Adjective + -r/-st: One syllable adjectives ending in -'e' add -'r' in the
comparative form and -'st' in the superlative form.

fine finer finest

brave braver bravest

wise wiser wisest

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
 Double Consonant + -'er'\-'est'

big bigger biggest

fat fatter fattest

hot hotter hottest

sad sadder saddest

 i + -er/-est: If a one- syllable adjective ends in consonant + -'y',-' y' is

changed into -i when -'er/' -'est' is added.

easy easier easiest

dry drier driest

holy holier holiest

funny funnier funniest

Quick Tip
But vowel + y is not changed into i: gay gayer gayest

 Irregular forms
bad worse worst
good better best
little less least
much more most
far further farthest

 Adjectives of more than two syllables form their comparative/

superlative by adding 'more' to the comparative form and 'most' in the

beautiful more beautiful most beautiful

intelligent more intelligent most intelligent

important more important most important

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Listening Practice

Repeat these idiomatic comparisons after your teacher.

as black as coal/ pitch as brave as a lion as bright as silver

as busy as a bee as clear as crystal/day as cunning as a fox

as cold as ice as dry as dust/ bone as easy as ABC

as firm as a rock as fresh as a daisy as gentle as a lamb

as green as grass as black as coal/pitch as happy as a lark

as brave as a lion as hot as fire as bright as silver

as light as a feather as busy as a bee as proud as a peacock

as clear as crystal/day as quiet as a mouse as cunning as a fox

as red as blood as cold as ice as sharp as a needle/razor

as dry as dust/bone as smooth as velvet as stupid as an ass


Underline adjectives in the following sentences.

1. Mr. Sharma is an old teacher.

2. They are the brave soldiers.

3. I have very busy schedule.

4. He is a careless person.

5. We are curious to know about you.

6. Why is he so excited today?

7. You are very fortunate person to survive in accident.

8. Give me some food. I am very hungry.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
9. She is kind to all.

10. Are you feeling nervous?

11. What’s wrong with you?

12. Mr. Adhikari is a wise person.

13. He is so violent that he is always furious.

14. There is a sudden increase in petroleum prices.

15. What a selfish person you are!

16. It is very safe place to hide for the criminals.

17. He was not polite enough with people.

18. I am quite tired today.

19. Death is natural for all.

20. What a loud noise it is!


Choose the correct form of adjectives to complete the following sentences.

1. Chennai is ______than Mumbai. (hot, hotter, hottest)

2. China has ______ population than in India. (much, more, most)

3. Few Indian towns are_____ than Bombay. (big, bigger, biggest)

4. Greenland is the ______ Island in the world. (large, larger, largest)

5. He earns as ____money as you. (much, more, most)

6. He is _____intelligent than any other boy in the class. (much, more, most)

7. I am not very hungry so I will give you the ____ steak. (big, bigger, biggest)

8. I can walk three times ___ than you. (far, further, farthest)

9. The car is running ____ smoothly since it had a service. (much, more, most)

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
10. I would be____ good-looking if I had more chin. (much, more, most)

11. It is ____expensive than I thought. (much, more, most)

12. It was ____ than I was expecting. (cheap, cheaper, cheapest)

13. It was ten times _____difficult than I expected. (much, more, most)

14. No other poet in English is as ____as Milton. (great, greater, greatest)

15. Rahul is one of the ____ boys in the class. (clever, cleverer, cleverest)

16. She solved the puzzle ____ quickly than everybody else. (much, more,

17. Sima is the ____ of the two sisters. (pretty, prettier, prettiest)

18. That was the ___ thing to do. (funny, funnier, funniest)

19. You are ____ like your mother than your father. (much, more, most)

20. You are the ___ interesting person I have met. (much, more, most)


Choose the correct form of adjectives to complete the following sentences.

1. The coat was ____expensive than I thought. (much, more, most)

2. I live in the ______part of the village. (remote, remoter, remotest)

3. John is the____ boy in the class. (tall, taller, tallest)

4. Today is the_____ day of the year. (cold, colder, coldest)

5. New York is____ interesting city in the United States. (much, more, most)

6. New York is also the______ city in the United States. (large, larger, largest )

7. This apple is the _____of all. (sweet, sweeter, sweetest)

8. This is the ____beautiful park in the city. (much, more, most)

9. John is the _______ intelligent boy in the class. (much, more, most)

10. He is also the____ student in the class. (good, better, best)

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
11. Henry is a____ dancer in the school. (bad, worse, worst)

12. Which is the ____city in this country? (large, larger, largest)

13. This is the ____room in the whole building. (light, lighter, lightest)
14. Which student in your class knows______ English words? (much, more,
15. Which man in the group has______ money? (much, more, most)
16. That city has_____ parks in the region. (few, little)
17. John has____ experience in computers in the group. (little, few)
18. This computer is _____than other. (fast, faster, fastest)
19. My dress is much_____ than others. (cheap, cheaper, cheapest)
20. The party was_____ enjoyable than the one before. (much, more, most)


Complete these sentences by using the adjective which is the opposite of the
one in italics.
1. Hari is not taller than I. Hari is ____.

2. New York is not smaller than Chicago. New York is ____.

3. He is not younger than her sister. He is ____.

4. This street is not wider than that street. This street is ____.

5. This exercise is not more difficult than the last one. This exercise is ____.

6. This book is not thicker than my story book. This book is ____.

7. This book is not more expensive than another. This book is____.

8. The weather today is not better than yesterday. The weather today is ___.

9. The weather today is not colder than yesterday. The weather today is ___.

10. This rope is longer than that one. This rope is ____.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Vocabulary in Use
Complete the following table.
Positive Comparative superlative

Match these phrases with their meanings given below.

ask someone out develop a skin condition
ask around wear something a few times so that it doesn’t look/
feel new
add up to something enter forcibly
back something up divide into smaller parts
back someone up add air
blow something up support
break something down reverse
break into something equal
break something in ask many people the same question
break out in something invite on a date

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Guided Composition: Story Writing
The paragraphs in the following story are not in correct order. Put the
paragraphs in correct order and complete the story.
The Three Big Fish

One day, the wise fish was leaping in the water. He heard
a fisherman telling another, “Let’s fish here tomorrow.”
On hearing this, the fish rushed to his friends and said,
“Let’s leave this lake. This canal here will take us to
another lake.” “I don’t think I will leave this place,” said
the clever fish. “If the fisherman comes I shall find some
way of saving myself.” The third one said, “Why should
I leave the place of my birth?

Once upon a time there lived three big fish in a lake. They were friends quite
unlike one another. One was wise. He thought carefully about everything he did.
Another one was clever. He used his brain and found an answer to any problem.
The third fish believed whatever was to happen would happen, and nobody could
stop it.

Moral: If you are not wise and clever, listen to other.

The wise fish left the lake through the canal. The fishermen came the next morning
and throw their net. The two friends who had not left the lake were caught along
with many other fish. The clever fish immediately pretended he was dead. The
fishermen threw him back in the water and he swam away. The third fish kept
jumping up and down in the net until a fisherman killed him.

Complete the following story in your own way.

An Optimistic Engine Driver

Once upon a time, there was a village in the rural
area of India. The village was very attractive with
the mesmerizing beauty of the Himalayas and green

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
forests. There lived so many good and hard working people. That village was
developed than the other villages of India. Different people had diverse aspirations
and ways of living their lives.

Among them, there was an engine driver living in the eastern part of the same
village. He was very poor but kind hearted. The driver had a habit of looking at the
bright side of everything. When people in trouble came to him, he would comfort
them by saying that there was sure to be some good outcome.

However, _______________________________________________________

Moral: An optimist sees something good even in disaster.

Write a readable story based on the given outlines.

1. Once ther was a king had a friend, monkey helped the king in his
works King sleeping monkey looking after him a housefly
came and sat disturbed the King monkey tried to chase but
couldn't sat on King's face monkey picked a sword hit the
King moral.

2. A hungry fox sees a crow crow has a piece of cheese fox

wishes to have the cheese begins to prasse the crow asks to sing
the crow pleased with fox it crows the cheese falls down
the fox eats and walks away moral.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7


Read the following description.
Once, a man called Aman
lived together with his
parents. He was yet to be
employed. He was a jobless
person. He never made
money. Consequently, he
decided to rob a bank in
Kathmandu. His parents
had repeatedly reminded
him about the importance
of good manner. But he
always believed in his
own plan.

One day, Aman went to the bank half an hour early and stood in line. He went
inside. He waited patiently. Soon it was his turn. He dramatically pulled out
a gun and threatened the cashier unexpectedly. The cashier politely told him
that he was rather in the wrong line and had to go to another counter for money.
Aman immediately went to the correct place and stood in line again.

The scene was already captured in CC TV footage. Suddenly the police rushed
in quickly and arrested him without further delay. Aman was very surprised. He
was caught easily before he robbed the bank. He had seldom thought that he
would be heroically caught there. He then learnt that even good manners do
not work if you intend to do unjustified work.

Do You Know? In the above given description, the coloured words are
adverbs. They are modifiers.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Speaking Practice

Answer these questions based on the given description.

a. What are the coloured words?

b. How are the coloured words used in the description?

c. Do most adverb words end in –ly?

d. What is the difference between 'always' and 'consequently'?

e. What is the difference between 'inside' and 'there'?

f. Tell any five words ending in –ly?

Quick Tip
An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another
adverb. Adverbs may indicate place or direction, time, degree, manner,
and belief or doubt. Like adjectives, they too may be comparative.

Observe the following sentences based on the given description.

He never made money. This sentence tells about how frequent an action is.

He went inside. This sentence tells about place where the boy was.
He waited patiently. This sentence tells about the manner of the boy.
The scene was already This sentence tells about time.
captured in CC TV footage.

Quick Tip
In the sentences, the coloured words answer questions like how often,
where, how and when. They are adverbs of different types.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Grammar Focus: Types of Adverbs
Adverbs of Time
Adverbs of time answer the question ‘when’. Examples are: today, yesterday,
now, before, daily, already, yet, since, ago, never, still, etc.

One of his brothers died two years ago.

We have seen him before.

She wrote him yesterday.

You have already come.

They will have to start now.

What are you doing today?

I think it will rain soon.

My son is still sleeping.

I haven’t seen her yet.

Instant Practice
Fill in the gaps with correct adverbs of time.
last night now just this morning last week

in the autumn at 6 o’clock next year next month as soon as

in a few days’ time again yesterday today tomorrow

last year this year

1. It’s snowing ______.
2. The mother bird started to build her nest ______.
3. She is continuing to build it ______.
4. Maya will finish it ______.
5. Alan’s shoes were too big for him ______.
6. His shoes fit him ______.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
7. They will be too small for him ______.

8. It rained ________.

9. No, do it _____.

10. Paul has ____ arrived.

11. The weather is fine ____.

12. We moved into our new house _____.

13. My big brother goes to college _____.

14. Our favourite TV program starts _______.

15. It rained heavily _______.

16. We’re going on a trip in _____.

17. We’ll leave ____ possible.

18. My shoes will be too small for me ____.

Adverbs of Frequency
Adverbs of frequency answer the question ‘how often’. Examples are: often,
always, once, never, again, seldom, frequently, occasionally, regularly,
rarely, everyday, etc.
I seldom go school on Sundays.
She has seen him only once.
I have called him again this morning.
You must always try to do your best.
She never tells a lie.
I occasionally visit my uncle.
Everyone must exercise regularly.

I go for a short walk everyday.

He rarely comes out of his house.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Instant Practice
Pick out adverb of frequency from the following sentences and write in the
blank spaces.
1. Kamala practices the piano regularly. _________

2. Dad polishes his shoes twice a week. _________

3. You should go to the dentist once every six months. _________

4. He is always in time for meals. _________

5. They sometimes stay up all night. _________

6. You hardly ever have to remind him; he always remembers. _________

7. Can you park your car near the shops? - Yes, I usually can. _________

8. I never ‘can remember. She hardly ever ‘has met him. _________

9. Often he walked. He walked quite often. _________

10. He never saw her again. _________

Adverbs of Place
Adverbs of place answer the question ‘where’. Examples are: here, there, up,
down, everywhere, out, in, outside, inside, near, far, away, etc.

The boy sat down.

I looked up.

We searched for him everywhere.

Please come in.

There is a bank near my house.

It is very cold outside.

I have been there for two times.

I have bought something. Look at here.

How far is your school?

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Instant Practice
Pick out adverb of place from the following sentences and write in the blank
1. Mom and dad are watching television upstairs. ________________
2. Hey students! Come here! ________________
3. It’s raining. Let’s go inside. ________________
4. Look at those cows there. ________________
5. The children are playing downstairs. ________________
6. I saw a snake nearby school. ________________
7. Roman, you can stay outside. ________________
8. The dog is in the garden. ________________
9. The hospital is very far. ________________
10. The thieves ran away. _______________

Adverbs of Manner
Adverbs of manner answer the question ‘how’ or ‘in what manner’. This class
includes nearly all those adverbs ending in -ly. Examples are: quickly, carefully,
sweetly, clearly, bravely, beautifully, well, fast etc.

Our soldiers fought bravely.

This article is well written.

I walked slowly.

The boy has been sleeping soundly.

She smiled sweetly.

He packed his belongings quickly.

I strongly suggest you to be polite.

You are absolutely right.

Suddenly he met his old friend.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Instant Practice
Fill in the blanks to complete the following sentences using these adverbs of
carefully carelessly clearly closely correctly
doubtfully cruelly accidentally angrily badly
beautifully blindly bravely brightly calmly
eagerly easily equally eventually frankly
1. I met him _______.
2. He always speaks _______.
3. One of my friends was beaten _______today.
4. She decorated her room_______.
5. Don’t follow anyone _______.
6. The soldiers fought the war _______.
7. The streets were lit _______ during Christmas.
8. Do everything _______.
9. Listen to your teacher _______ before asking him question.
10. His brother drives vehicles_______.
11. All students are informed about the matter_______.
12. These two cases are _______ connected to each other.
13. Please write answers _______. I do not understand it.
14. Many innocent people are _______ tortured every year.
15. I accepted her proposal _______.
16. I am _______waiting for your response soon.
17. You can lift this load_______.
18. Work and rest are _______important.
19. _______they accepted my proposal.
20. He told us everything _______.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Adverb of Degree or Quality
Adverbs of degree answer the question ‘how much’ or ‘in what degree’ or ‘to
what extent’. Examples are: very, too, fully, quite, rather, enough, any, partly,
almost, utterly, as, entirely, etc.
He was rather busy.
I have almost finished.
Is he any good?
That was very tragic.
You are entirely wrong.
You are partly right.
I like apples, too.
Quite a few students attempted all questions.
This room is good enough.

Instant Practice
Fill in the gaps using the following adverb of degrees.
Almost badly barely completely deeply
enough hardly enormously entirely extremely
fairly far fully greatly highly
1. The sanitation of environment is _______focused here.
2. My sister _______wakes up early.
3. I was _______benefited by your kind help.
4. Don’t depend on others_______.
5. His house is very _______from here.
6. The weather is _______ good today.
7. I am _______ sorry for that.
8. You are _______dependent on others.
Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
9. My problem is _______greater than yours.
10. Is it good _______to use?
11. I am _______grieved at your father’s death.
12. I am _______ready for your help.
13. I _______go out for a walk.
14. The thief was _______beaten.
15. ______all students are lazy.

Listening Practice

Repeat the following adverbs after your teacher.

Adverbs of Manner
accidentally angrily anxiously awkwardly badly beautifully
blindly bodly bravely brightly busily calmly
carefully carelessly cautiously cheerfully clearly closely
correctly courageously cruelly daringly deliberately doubtfully
eagerly easily elegantly enormously equally eventually
exactly faithfully fast fatally fiercely fondly
foolishly fortunately frankly frantically generously gently
gladly gracefully greedily happily hardly hastily
healthily honestly hungrily hurriedly inadequately ingeniously
innocently inquisitively irritably joyously justly kindly
lazily loosely loudly madly mortally mysteriously
neatly nervously noisily obediently openly painfully
patiently perfectly politely poorly powerfully promptly
punctually quickly quietly rapidly rarely really
recklessly regularly reluctantly repeatedly rightfully roughly
rudely sadly safely selfishly sensibly seriously
sharply shyly silently sleepily slowly smoothly
softly solemnly speedily stealthily sternly straightly

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
stupidly successfully suddenly suspiciously swiftly tenderly
tensely thoughtfully tightly truthfully unexpectedly victoriously
violently vivaciously warmly weakly wearily well

Adverbs of Place
about above abroad anywhere away back
backwards behind below down downstairs where
elsewhere far here in indoors inside
near nearby off on out outside
over there towards under up upstairs

Adverbs of Frequency
annually daily fortnightly hourly monthly nightly
quarterly weekly always constantly ever frequently
generally infrequently never normally often occasionally
rarely regularly seldom sometimes regularly usually

Adverbs of Time
now then today tomorrow tonight yesterday ultimately
already before early earlier eventually finally instantly
first formerly just last late later last year
next previously recently since soon still yet

Adverbs of Degree
almost absolutely awfully badly barely completely
decidedly deeply enough enormously entirely extremely
fairly far fully greatly hardly highly
how incredibly indeed intensely just least
less little most much nearly perfectly
positively practically pretty purely quite rather
really scarcely simply somewhat strongly thoroughly
too totally utterly very hugely mammothly

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7

Underline adverbs in the following sentences and write their types.

1. I went to the market in the morning.
2. The dog sat lazily in the shade of the tree.
3. The man grumbled loudly while cleaning the table.
4. I often visit my grandparents.
5. It is extremely hot today.
6. Please wait patiently.
7. The technician fixed the problem easily.
8. They serve hot pan cakes there.
9. I am waiting here for my daughter.
10. He laughed merrily.
11. We will leave today.
12. She is standing outside.
13. Please put the books there.
14. The newspaper is delivered daily.
15. We walk home from school every day.
16. I clean my bedroom every week.
17. That’s our ball there.
18. I couldn’t find my book anywhere.
19. They live in a house nearby.
20. Can I do my work later?


Underline adverbs in the following sentences and write their types.

1. Mom was away a very long time.

2. The man shouted loudly.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
3. The students talked noisily.

4. Come here!

5. Have you seen my cat anywhere?

6. We arrived early.

7. He drove carelessly.

8. Oman talked to his friend for over an hour.

9. I haven’t seen my cousins for two years.

10. I’m going to my new school tomorrow.

11. The train has already left.

12. Let’s go now.

13. Tom spoke politely to his teacher.

14. We stayed up all night talking.

15. My brother is studying at an English university.

16. Please speak clearly.

17. They live on the northern side of the island.

18. We waited for ages for a bus.

19. Please write legibly.

20. The children are playing outside.


Underline adverbs in the following sentences and write their types.

1. Alice lived next door.

2. David arrived late.

3. Everyone arrived early.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
4. Have you ever been to Japan?

5. He often swims in the evening.

6. My friend was driving carelessly.

7. The workers are moving the rubbish away.

8. I’ll never make that mistake again.

9. There are trees everywhere.

10. Kamal plays the piano skillfully.

11. Liza is always cheerful.

12. Please speak in a clear voice.

13. Ram is behaving like a baby.

14. Sometimes I ride my bike to school.

15. The children always go to school on the bus.

16. Some miners are working underground.

17. The plane landed safely.

18. Some of these shops are often very busy.

19. They are going abroad to study.

20. We’ve been to Dhading twice.


Rewrite the following adjectives as adverbs.

slow cool beautiful

comfortable strong wise

tidy quiet brave

merry soft busy

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
neat clear brilliant

careful bad bright

aggressive honest late


Write whether the following underlined words are adverbs or adjectives.

1. The teacher smiled kindly.
2. She has a lovely smile.
3. The children in my class are very friendly.
4. John had no friends and felt very lonely.
5. It was raining, so they wisely decided to stay in.
6. My dad buys a daily newspaper.
7. Some snakes are deadly.
8. I’ve nearly finished my homework.
9. I shook hands politely with the head teacher.
10. They played some very lively games.


Identify the adverbs in the paragraph. State what type of adverb each one is.
Abiral hates getting up early so he often lies in bed too long. Then he has to finish
his breakfast quickly and run fast to catch the bus. The traffic is usually heavy so
he arrives at work late. He has to work hard and seldom takes a lunch break. He
has been working there since January and thoroughly enjoys what he is doing.
He hopes to be given a promotion soon. His employer is encouraging him to
study further and has offered to help him financially.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Guided Composition: Essay Writing
An Essay is a regular and connected writing about any subject. It may be narration
of some individual, description of some substance, some creature, building,
plant or some topic of abstract qualities, such as ‘Youth’, ‘Friendship’, ‘Truth’,
‘Discipline’, ‘Love,’ etc.

Parts of an essay:
 Introduction

 Supporting Paragraphs

 Summary Paragraphs

Read the following essay.

Importance of school uniform
Students wearing school uniform is a good idea. In fact, uniforms would help
schools provide a better education to all students by reducing socioeconomic
differences and improving discipline among students.

Wearing uniforms is good because they build a sense of community. Everyone

from the same school wear the same clothes. The students know if someone
is from their school right away. It makes it easier for students, rich or poor, to
make friends with people. They don’t have to worry about what to wear in the
morning because they always know. Also they don’t have to spend much money
on clothes.

Many students think it is unfair that students could wear whatever they
wanted. Then everyone would be able to dress the way they want to and be
individualistic. Some people say uniforms would make bad students behave
better. Because they wouldn’t always be talking about who has a better
sneakers or better jeans.

School uniforms will constantly remind students that they are indeed in
school and they’re in school to learn. Getting dressed for school itself will be
a form of discipline that students will carry into the classroom. Though
many students will complain, requiring school students to wear uniforms makes
Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
sense, students will learn more both about themselves and about the world
around them.

Student Life
Human life is divided into some periods. The period which is spent in educational
institutions for giving education is called student life. It is the seed time of human
life. It is a period of preparation for earning knowledge and a real life.

The main object of student is to devote to his study. All his learning should aim at
cultivating good qualities. Proper use of time is the key to success. Waste of his
time and energy is very much harmful. THe sucess and happiness of a student
largely depends on it.

During his leisure time he should take part in social service. In natural calamities
like cyclones, drough, flood, etc. He has to stand by the distressed and the suffers.
HE can play a role to remove the illiteracy. He must be well disciplined and good
natured. He must show respect to his superiors. He must be polite, gentle and
modest in his behaviour.

A student of today is the future leader. He must work hard to make himself a
dignified person in the family, society and country. Over all, he must be very
active, dutiful and sincere to his studies.


Write similar essays in the following topics.

• Importance of education

• Importance of English language

• Importance of physical exercise

• Importance of playground

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7


Read the following description.

There are many private schools in Kathmandu. Krishal

studies in one of the reputed schools in Kathmandu. He
says, “I am happy here.” It is a new experience for him.
He was studying in a village school. There were no good
facilities there. He used to go to school on foot. He had
faced many problems there. So, his father decided to
bring him in Kathmandu. He has found many differences
between the school in the village and Kathmandu. Schools
in Kathmandu have managed better facilities than the
schools in the village.

He could not play many games before but he can play plenty of games
now. In the village schools, the teacher would say, “You must solve these
questions yourselves.” But, he does not have to worry about it here. What he
needs here is good concentration to his teachers. The teachers carry out very
effective presentation of content through projector. They help students with their
homework. They assign project work and balanced homework. He takes part in
sports and debates. He is happy here.

Do You Know? In the above given description, the coloured words are verbs.
The words like is, am, are, was, were, has, have, had, used to, can, could,
would, must and does are auxiliary verbs. They are also called helping verbs.
These verbs are used in different tenses for making sentences. Words like
studies, says, studying, faced, decided, bring, found, managed, play, say,
solve, have to worry, needs, carry out, help, assign and takes part are main
verbs. They perform different actions in sentences.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Speaking Practice

Answer these questions based on the given description.

a. Do all sentences have main verbs?
b. Do all sentences have auxiliary verbs?
c. What is the difference between main verb and auxiliary verb?
d. How many auxiliary verbs are there in English?
e. What are the forms of the main verbs used in the description?
f. What are primary auxiliary verbs?
g. What are modal auxiliary verbs?

Quick Tip
Words that express some form of action are called verbs. Most verbs are
action words. They tell you what people, animals or things are doing.

Listening Practice
Quick Tip:

Repeat the following words after your teacher.

 Main Verbs
come, go, sing, play, eat, dance, read, write, listen, act, run, speak, regret, drink,
tell, say, tear

 Auxiliary Verbs

Be: was, were, is, am, are

Have: has, have, had

Do: do, does, did

Modal: can, may, will, shall, could, might, would, should, must, ought to, need to,
dare to, used to

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
 Regular Verbs

accept accepted accepted

act acted acted

achieve achieved achieved

admire admired admired

advise advised advised

affect affected affected

agree agreed agreed

amaze amazed amazed

 Irregular Verbs

eat ate eaten

swim swam swum

bring brought brought

hide hid hidden

go went gone

sing sang sung

hit hit hit

Grammar Focus: Main Verbs

The verbs in main clauses are main verbs. There are different forms of main
Present Past Past Present Present
participle participle singular
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5

drink drank drunk drinking drinks

look looked looked looking looks

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
jump jumped jumped jumping jumps

swim swam swum swimming swims

fall fell fallen falling falls

eat ate eaten eating eats

shout shouted shouted shouting shouts

walk walked walked walking walks

throw threw thrown throwing throws

climb climbed climbed climbing climbs

laugh laughed laughed laughing laughs

Instant Practice
Circle main verbs and write their types in the following sentences.
1. He arrived at about ten. arrived-V2

2. He enquired her name.

3. He follows me everywhere.

4. He forbids any talking in class.

5. He is now fighting his addiction to alcohol.

6. I hope nothing has happened to them.

7. I wish I hadn’t eaten so much.

8. If metal gets hot it expands.

9. I’m just finishing my book.

10. Inflation continues to accelerate.

11. Just help yourselves.

12. Mario said the very same thing.

13. Our plans had gone badly adrift.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
14. Put it on my account please.

15. She adores working with children.

16. She agreed to let me go early.

17. She expressed a wish to be alone.
18. Temperatures have been above average.
19. The baby had been abandoned by its mother.
20. The boy had been sexually abused.

Grammar Focus: Auxiliary Verb

Be Verb: was, were, is, am, are

Have Verb: has, have, had

Do Verb: do, does, did

Modal Verb: can, may, will, shall, could, might, would, should, must, ought to,
need to, dare to, used to

Instant Practice
Underline the auxiliary verbs and write their types.
1. Jessica is taking Juna at the airport. is-be verb

2. If he doesn’t arrive on time, he will have to take a later flight.

3. Our dinner has been eaten by the dog.

4. I have purchased some pair of shoes to replace the ones that were lost in
my luggage.

5. We hope you don’t have an accident on your way to school.

6. She was baking a pie for dessert.

7. Dad had been working hard all day.

8. The bed was made as soon as I got up.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
9. Did Mohan bring coffee?
10. I have seen her closely.
11. We would visit her frequently.
12. What shall we do for you?

Instant Practice
Fill in the blank with the correct auxiliary verb from the brackets given

1. Waiba________ always wanted to try skydiving. (was, doesn’t, has, is,


2. Jeremy________ want to go to the movies; he wants to stay home instead.

(doesn’t, isn’t, wasn’t, hasn’t, was not)

3. Mary________ going to be upset when she hears what happened. (will, don’t,
is, didn’t, has)

4. What________ the kids doing when you last saw them? (was, were, are, did,

5. Where_________ you go on your summer vacation? (were, been, are, did,


6. Why do you think she _______ call you like she said she would? (didn’t, is,
hasn’t, has been, have)

7. I________ appreciate his jokes. They weren’t funny. (did, have, been, didn’t,

8. I really like fish but I________ care for meat. (weren’t, been, don’t, is, was)

9. Where________ you going when I saw you last night? (were, was, is, do,

10. Tara________ called yet; she’s late as usual. (are, were, has, hasn’t,

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Grammar Focus: Causative Verb
The verbs ‘get’, ‘have’ and ‘make’ are causative verbs. They are used to show
casual relationship in a sentence.

Look at the following sentences.

Rita gets my friend to write a poem. (The work of writing a poem is done by my
friend and Rita caused to do so.)

Gita has my father repair the roof. (The work of repairing the roof is done by my
father and Gita caused to do so.)

I make him read an article. (The work of reading an article is done by him and I
caused to do so.)

Structures Examples
Sub + get + agent+ to+V1+obj Maya gets her brother to polish her shoes.
I get him to type my letter.
He got us to wait for an hour.
Sub + make + agent+ V1+obj You make us read a poem.
They made us write an essay.
He makes me sing a song
Sub + have + agent+ V1+obj I have my sister bring a cup of tea.
He has me walk together.
They had us compose a song.
Sub + get+ obj+V3+…. I get my hair cut.
He gets his house painted.
We got his car bought.
Sub + have+ obj+V3+…. I have my pen refilled.
We had our shop decorated.
He has his clothes washed.
Sub + let ++ agent+ to+V1+obj The teacher lets us do our work.
He let us go out.
We let him sing a song.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Instant Practice
Choose correct form of verbs to complete the following sentences.

1. I have my friend _________my homework. (do, to do, done)

2. They had Ratan _________ a song. (sing, to sing, sung)

3. She has Nanina_________ a poem. (write, to write, written)

4. Mohan makes Manu _________a newspaper. (read, to read, reading)

5. You always make me _________sad. (feel, to feel, felt)

6. He made his sister_________ his room. (clean, to clean, cleaned)

7. We get our friends _________ us in writing. (help, to help, helped)

8. Darpan gets Tarzan _________ his room. (broom, to broom, broomed)

9. Milan got us_________ an old folk song. (sing, to sing, sung)

10. I get my shoes_________ every day. (polish, to polish, polished)

11. He gets his beard_________ every Saturdays. (trim, to trim, trimmed)

12. Riya and Rina got their house_________. (clean, to clean, cleaned)

13. You have your car_________. (service, to service, serviced)

14. I had my hair_________. (dye, to dye, dyed)

15. She has her car_________ in a no parking area. (park, to park, parked)

16. Hem often makes me_________ good. (feel, to feel, felt)

17. Junu had me_________ with her for shopping. (go, to go, gone)

18. Nim got me_________ a gift for him. (buy, to buy, bought)

19. Kaman gets me_________ a cup of tea. (prepare, to prepare, prepared)

20. Hira has me _____ things in the store. (manage, to manage, managed)

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Grammar Focus: Transitive and Intransitive Verb
Some verbs have an object. The object of a verb is the person or thing that
is affected by the action of the verb. Look at this sentence.

Aman eats an egg for breakfast.

The subject of the verb is Aman. He is the person who does the action: he eats.
The object of the verb is an egg. An egg is affected by the action of the verb. So
in this sentence, the object of the verb ‘eat’ is ‘an egg’.

Verbs that have objects are called transitive verbs.

Here are some sentences with transitive verbs. The verbs are in bold and their
objects are in italicized.

John likes apples. Sam knows the answer to the question.

My sister cooks all our meals. My brother rides his bike in the street.

Dad buys tea at the market. Mom writes stories in her spare time.

Some verbs don’t have an object. A verb that does not have an object
is called an intransitive verb. Here are some sentences with intransitive

Lots of people walk to work in Nepal.

The boys play in the yard after school.

He always drives very carefully.

Dip is a very successful businesswoman.

Michael and I both entered the race. He won but I lost.

Some verbs can be either transitive or intransitive. Notice that the transitive
meaning and the intransitive meaning are sometimes different.

Transitive Verbs Intransitive Verbs

The pilot flies the plane very well. Eagles fly high in the sky.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
The boys play football on weekends. The boys play in the yard on weekends.

My mom runs her own company. My mom runs in the park for fun.

We walk the dog every evening. We walk on the beach every evening.

Instant Practice
Underline the verbs in the following sentences. Then write whether the verb
are transitive or intransitive.
1. My brother and I often play chess.

2. Mom and Dad work in the garden on weekends.

3. The library closes at 5 P.M.

4. Mr. Ross drives his car very carefully.

5. The cat jumped over the wall.

6. My sister likes her new jeans.

7. Granddad walks the dog every evening.

8. Will you come with me to the shop?

9. The boys are skating in the park.

10. Dad is making sandwiches.

11. The children went to bed.

12. We buy our food at the supermarket.

13. Sally found a good hiding place.

14. They are learning to speak English.

15. Anna was reading an interesting book.

16. On weekends, I usually go to the beach with Dad.

17. The cat is sleeping under the tree.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
18. They pushed the cart into the shed.

19. She laughs at us.

20. My sister sleeps till seven.


Use the correct form of the verb to be (am/is/are) to complete the following
1. The teacher ______ in the classroom now.

2. I ____going to meet my friend soon.

3. Doctor Smith _____ busy right now.

4. John and Mary _____ good friends.

5. The train _____ ten minutes late.

6. The men ______ tired.

7. I ______ a student but he ___ a carpenter.

8. Those vehicles______ slow-moving.

9. The instructor´s name _____ Guna Nepal.

10. Those weapons ______ powerful.

11. The coach _____ in the staff-room.

12. The children ____watching TV

13. Karina____ having breakfast now.

14. John ______ in New York the day before yesterday but he ______ in Chicago

15. They ______ free today, but they ______ at work yesterday.

16. Today ______ Monday. Yesterday ______Sunday.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
17. Where ______ the Johnsons last weekend? Where ______ they today?

18. The elevator ______ out of order last night, but it ______ working well now.

19. John ______not in the office at ten this morning because he ______ at a

20. Bob ______ very sick yesterday, but he ______ much better today.


Supply the correct form of verbs given in brackets.

1. The children _______ at this time every morning. (get up)

2. We seldom_______ to the North in summer. (go)

3. I _______breakfast at 7:15 every morning. (have)

4. John _______ the newspaper on the train every day. (read)

5. The students sometimes _______rugby at school. (play)

6. Peter _______Bridge with his friends every Friday night. (play)

7. The train _______in London at 7:50 every morning. (arrive)

8. Mina_______ the floor once or twice a week. (wash)

9. I never_______ Spanish at school. (speak)

10. The manager generally _______ the office after 8:00 p.m. (leave)

11. My wife and I often_______ in that restaurant. (eat)

12. Mr. Smith______ TV after dinner every evening. (watch)

13. My brother ______ in Boston at present. (work)

14. The secretary generally _______ the office at 7:30 every evening. (leave)

15. Mr. Scott _______ the news on TV at the moment. (watch)

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
16. We seldom _______ to the coast in winter. (go)

17. Look! John _______ over there. (come)

18. Mary _______ to visit us once or twice a month. (come)

19. For the time being, Tom _______ as a mechanic. (work)

20. Where _______ they _______ at present? (live)


Answer these questions saying no using the information given in brackets in

past tense.
Did you go by bus? (Taxi) No, I didn´t (go by bus). I went by taxi.
1. Did they watch TV last night? (listen to the radio)

2. Did John go out last night? (stay at home)

3. Did you eat fish for supper? (chicken)

4. Did Mukta send you a fax? (a letter)

5. Did they walk to the park? (take a bus)

6. Did Prem say “yes” (No)

7. Did you read the book in English? (Japanese)

8. Did they drink beer? (wine)

9. Did Ram write a poem? (a short story)

10. Did the woman buy a dress? (a jacket)

11. Did you see Nita last Sunday? (yesterday)

12. Did Girish have lunch at home? (at work)

13. Did the old man feel well? (weak and tired)

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
14. Did the man speak to you in English? (Nepali)

15. Did Mr. Shrestha come in the morning? (at midday)

16. Did you fly American Airlines? (Nepal Airlines)

17. Did you give the boy an apple? (some money)

18. Did the secretary leave the office early? (late)

19. Did Paru wear a short skirt? (a long one)

20. Did he break his arm in the accident? (his leg)


Underline auxiliary verbs in the following sentences.

1. There is someone in the room

2. I am calling you from the corridor.

3. We are going to do something now.

4. There was someone at the door.

5. Mary and John were flying to Paris yesterday.

6. He has got something to do.

7. She had visited the park all alone.

8. They have already completed their task.

9. I must work tonight.

10. John will go out of town this afternoon.

11. It may rain today.

12. You might be punished against the law.

13. I would go for swimming every Saturdays.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
14. You can meet me later.

15. We could play better then.

16. You should always work hard.

17. I ought to go there at any cost.

18. I do not like him.

19. I did not like it.

20. He does not work actively.


Underline verbs in the following sentences and write whether they are
transitive or intransitive.
1. Please put it somewhere in this room.

2. He lives somewhere in New York.

3. He told somebody about it.

4. He gave the book to somebody.

5. I had put the money in drawer yesterday.

6. Tell somebody about Peter´s problems.

7. He said something to her.

8. They found the money somewhere.

9. They will send the goods to someone.

10. You must read this article.

11. They must stay there at least an hour.

12. I must get up early every day.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
13. We must write a composition each night.

14. I must write many letters.

15. We must prepare our lessons every night.

16. Mary must study French next year.

17. John must also take another language.
18. We must learn many new words every day.
19. I must leave at once.
20. We make reservations at once.

Vocabulary in Use
Fill in the gaps with correct information.
Animal Male Female
chicken _______ _______

_______ _______ cow

_______ buck _______

donkey _______ _______

_______ drake _______

fox _______ _______

_______ _______ goose

_______ _______ mare

_______ lion _______

sheep _______ _______

_______ _______ tigress

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Guided Composition: Essay Writing
Read the following essay.
My Favourite Room
The room in our house I like best is our kitchen.
Perhaps the kitchen is the most important room in
many houses, but it is particularly so in our house
because it’s not only where we cook and eat but
also it’s the place where family and friends come

I have so many happy memories of times spent

there: ordinary daily events such as making breakfast on dark, cold winter
mornings for children who are cross and sleepy, before sending them off to school;
or special occasion such as homecomings or cooking Dashain dinner. Whenever
we have a party, people gravitate with their drinks to the kitchen. It always ends
up the fullest and noisiest room in the house.

So what does this special room look like? It’s quite big but not huge. It is big
enough to have a good-sized rectangular table in the centre, which is the focal
point of the room. There is a large window above the sink, looking out onto two
mango trees in the garden. There’s a big, old cooking stove at one end, and at the
other end a wall with a huge notice board which tells the story of our lives, past,
present and future. It has photos of kids and other important dates and functions
that took place in the past.

The front door is seldom used in our house, only by strangers. All our friends
use the back door which means they come straight into the kitchen and join in
whatever happening in the kitchen. Without doubt some of the happiest times of
my life have been spent in our kitchen.

Write an essay on your favourite room based on the clues given below.
room you like most-----size----colour--------furniture------decoration------setting of
things------door------window------activities done there-----happy moments spent

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7


Read the following story.
One day, a lion had been lying under a bush.
It yawned, rolled over once or twice and said
to himself, ‘Thank God! I am so strong that I
need not fear anyone on this earth! I am not
like these stupid mosquitoes that are afraid of
everyone because anyone can crush them.’
The mosquitoes heard him. They were very
angry and thought badly.

‘Don’t think that no one is better than you, lion, just because you’re so big and
strong,’ one of them said. ‘If we unite together, we may prove to be your equals.’
“How fool you are!” the lion roared angrily. ‘You had better be careful of what you
say. Why am I saying so? “I can crush the lot of you with one paw!’ Do you have
anything to say?” the lion said.
On hearing this all mosquitoes flew at the lion and began to bite him all over. He
turned over on his back and waved all his four paws together and bit his teeth,
too. But nothing helped. He said, “Don’t bite me. Aren’t you troubling yourself?”
Quite a few mosquitoes were killed by the tiger. Their numbers seemed not to
lessen. They kept coming at him as though someone was pouring them out
of a bag. The Lion tried jumping into the air. He ran round the bush. However,
the mosquitoes did not stop biting him. The lion had not thought that the poor
mosquitoes could be his equals.
At last the Lion began begging them. ‘Do please stop and leave me alone. He
said, ‘I wasn’t making fun of you, really I wasn’t. Take pity on me for the love of
God!’ The mosquitoes left the lion. They said, ‘Don’t boast, lion, neither your
strength nor your wisdom works!’ At last they made the lion run away.

Do You Know? In the above given story, different types of sentences are
used to complete the story. Different punctuation marks are used in different
Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Speaking Practice

Answer these questions based on the given story.

 What are the sentences that end in full stop?

 What sentences state no?

 List out the sentences that ask questions.

 How many sentences end with exclamatory mark?

 Name the sentences that start with verbs.

 How many different punctuation marks do you notice?

Look at these sentences from the story and talk about their types.
 One day, a lion had been lying under a bush.

 The mosquitoes heard him.

 I am not like these stupid mosquitoes that are afraid of everyone.

 How fool you are!

 Take pity on me for the love of God!

 Do you have anything to say?

 Aren’t you troubling yourself?

 The mosquitoes did not stop biting him.

 Do please stop and leave me alone.

 Don’t bite me.

Quick Tip
A sentence is a group of words or a single word that expresses a
complete thought, feeling or idea. It usually contains an explicit or
implied subject and a predicate containing a finite verb.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Grammar Focus: Types of Sentences
Based on their function, sentences are mainly of four types.
1. An assertive sentence makes a statement.

 The dog is chewing bone now.

 I do not speak English well.

 The school has not announced vacancy.

 Mina was watching TV all day.

Notes: An assertive sentence starts with noun or pronoun and ends with a full

2. An interrogative sentence asks a question.

 Do you have any problem?

 Does he sing song?

 Where do you live?

 Who is knocking at the door?

Notes: An interrogative sentence ends with a question mark (?) instead of a full

3. An imperative sentence gives an order.

 Please help me.

 Never insult the poor.

 Don’t make noise!

 Let me sing a song.

 Hurry up!

 Go to your class!

Notes: An imperative sentence starts with a verb. It also starts with don’t, please,
never, etc. and ends with a full stop. It can also end with an exclamation point (!)
if the order is very firm.
Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
4. An exclamatory sentence makes a very strong statement called an
exclamation. It shows strong feeling such as surprise or anger.

 How beautiful they are!

 The silly farmer!

 What a beautiful day it is today!

 What expensive shoes these are!

Notes: An exclamatory sentence ends with an exclamation point (!) instead of a

full stop.

Instant Practice
Write correct punctuation marks in the box against the following sentences
given below.
Sentences Punctuation Mark
How fast she runs
He is a good boy
Can you solve this puzzle
Never be late again
What a beautiful dress she is wearing
They help us in need
Is he an honest boy
Don’t look at me
How intelligent
Travelling broadens our mind
What does she like
Let them go
Go ahead
What an idiot I am
She has sung a lot of folk songs so far
How many sisters do you have
Never insult the poor
Am I a student

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Instant Practice
What types of sentences are the following ones? Write their types in the box
given below.
Sentences Types
How romantic this music is!
What do you like most?
We are leaving now.
How stupid I was!
Don’t tell me lies.
Where do you live?
Guru likes visiting new places.
The school bell was ringing.
Do you sing songs?
The students are playing with the cat.
Eat plenty of vegetables.
Find some nice round pebbles.
What a fast train it was!
Stand, everyone!
What a friendly person Mary is!
Does your brother help you?

Instant Practice
Read the story given above again and list out any two sentences of the
following types.
Types of Sentences Examples

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Grammar Focus: Subject and Predicate
Study the following sentences.
a. Teachers teach. b. Our teachers teach many students.
c. Our dedicated teachers have taught thousands of students so far.
In the above sentences, the bold portion of the sentences led by ‘nouns’ are
subjects and the remaining part of the sentence including the verb are predicates.
If we get an answer by asking the main verb ’a’ question with ‘who’ or ‘what’, the
answer is the subject of the sentence. In the first sentence, the subject is in one
word, in second sentence the subject is in two words and in the third sentence
the subject is in three words. Subjects having more than a word is called subject
Similarly, in the sentences (a), (b), and (c), something is said under the leadership
of the verb. If the answer is in one word as in (a), it is predicate and if the answer
is in more than one words as in (b) and (c), they are predicate group.

Quick Tip
A sentence is a group of words having a subject and predicate. A word or
group of words denoting a person or a thing spoken about in a sentence
is called its subject. Again, a word or group of words that says something
about the subject of a sentence is called its predicate.

Let’s see some examples.

Subject Predicate
People speak.
People speak English.
People speak English and Nepali language.
Some people speak many languages.
Many people in the world don’t speak many languages.
The little boy has been sleeping.
Smoking is injurious to our health.
To delay justice is to deny justice.
Our English teacher teaches us nicely.
It works well.
God may bless you!
Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Instant Practice
Separate the subject and predicate in the following sentences.
1. A captain in the navy ranks above a captain in the army.

2. Not a drop of alcohol passed my lips.

3. How tire we were after the walk!

4. A lion is a dangerous animal.

5. Please accept our sincere apologies.

6. How stupid I was!

7. Please write to us at the above address.

8. Shouts of protest accompanied this announcement.

9. Take out accident insurance before you go on your trip.

10. The baby had been abandoned by its mother.

11. How romantic this music is!

12. The bad weather only added to our difficulties.

13. How good this whisky is!

14. The book doesn’t say where he was born.

15. The desire for publicity became her Achilles heel.

16. Why wasn’t I told about the accident?

17. How about going for a walk?

18. What’s she so angry about?

19. What expensive shoes these are!

20. We will abide by their decision.

21. The whole building was soon ablaze.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
22. The remote desert area is accessible only by helicopter.

23. The paintings were sold for absurdly high prices.

24. He ran his finger around the lip of the cup.

25. He isn’t in the office much.

26. He doesn’t sing all that well.

27. He didn’t give an adequate answer to the question.

28. Everywhere people were going about their daily business.

29. Each pack contains a book and accompanying CD.

30. Don’t look so angry.

31. Don’t go back to work until you are better.

32. Ahead of them was a gaping abyss.

Instant Practice
Match the following part of sentences to make a complete sentence.
A house divided against itself howls at night.

A mad dog cannot stand.

A man of character is a bird of prey.

An eagle may bite anybody.

Birds are playing in the field.

Forty of the tender boys fly at large in the sky.

An industrious candidate sang in a clear voice.

The leaders of the party succeeds in life.

A man of good will is the mother of good luck.

The wolf is required for the post.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Instant Practice
Add appropriate part of subjects to complete the following sentences.
1. _____________________are playing together.

2. _____________________is the best policy.

3. _____________________flock together.

4. _____________________called me again to receive a letter.

5. _____________________have blessings on us.

6. _____________________left two sons behind him.

7. _____________________is half done.

8. _____________________is a joy forever.

9. _____________________make a week.

10. _____________________equals twenty.

11. _____________________have gone out.

12. _____________________cannot see anything.

13. _____________________has taken our order.

14. _____________________has been sleeping since morning.

15. _____________________will have completed this work by tomorrow.

Instant Practice
Add appropriate part of predicates to complete the following sentences.
1. A bad workman __________________________.

2. A four-man gang__________________________.

3. A heavy purse __________________________.

4. A lot of rebuilding__________________________.

5. A new order__________________________.
Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
6. Actions__________________________.
7. All that glitters__________________________.
8. Can she__________________________?
9. Do you__________________________?
10. Does he__________________________?
11. Early to bed and early to rise_________________________.
12. How cold it__________________________!
13. How difficult these exercises__________________________!
14. May I __________________________?
15. One of my friends_________________________.

Grammar Focus: Sentence Transformation

Study the following sets of sentences.

First Set Second Set

I eat rice. I am eating rice.

I ate rice. I was eating rice.

He eats rice. I will eat rice.

Speaking Practice

Answer the following questions based on the given sets of sentences.

a. What difference can you find between the two sets of sentences?

b. Does which set have sentences with main verbs only?

c. Does which set have sentences with auxiliary verbs?

d. What form of verbs do the verbs (eat), (ate) and (eats) represent?

e. What is the feature of the main verb in a sentence?

f. What is the use of auxiliary verb in a sentence?

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
In the above given sets, the first set of sentences are without auxiliary verbs
whereas the second set of sentences have auxiliary verbs. Transformation of a
sentence into another requires an auxiliary verb. Let’s see the transformation of
the above given sets of sentences:

First Set

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I eat rice. I do not eat rice. Do I eat rice?

I ate rice. I did not eat rice. Did I eat rice?

He eats rice. He does not eat rice. Does he eat rice?

Second Set

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I am eating rice. I am not eating rice. Am I eating rice?

I was eating rice. I was not eating rice. Was I eating rice?

I will eat rice. I will not eat rice. Will I eat rice?
In the first set of sentences (do), (did) and (does) auxiliary verbs are used in
place of main verbs (eat), (ate) and (eats) while transforming them into negative
and interrogative. However, same auxiliary verbs (am), (was) and (will) are used
while transforming them into negative and interrogative in the second set of

Quick Tip
Converting a sentence from one type to another type is called sentence
transformation. To transform sentences, auxiliary verbs are required in
the given sentences.

 Transformation of Sentences with Auxiliary Verbs

A sentence that has an auxiliary verb takes ‘NOT’ instantly after the auxiliary verb
when it is changed into negative and auxiliary verb comes at the initial position of
the sentence when it is changed into interrogative.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I am fine today. I am not fine today. Am I fine today?

He is an honest man. He is not an honest man. Is he an honest man?

We are in problem. We are not in problem. Are we in problem?

There were some cars. There were not any cars. Were there any cars?

She will call us tonight. She will not call us tonight. Will she call us tonight?

 Transformation of Sentences without Auxiliary Verbs

If there is a main verb in a sentence, auxiliary verbs DO, DID and DOES are
used for V1, V2 and V5 respectively while changing them into negative and

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I sing song. I do not sing song. Do I sing song?
I sang song. I did not sing song. Did I sing song?
He sings song. He does not sing song. Does he sing song?

Do You Know? When HAVE (Has, have and had) verb means possession,
DO verb is used for transformation.

Similarly, sentences containing HAS TO / HAVE TO and HAD TO take DOES, DO

and DID for transformation.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I have a nice car. I do not have a nice car. Do I have a nice car?
We had a new car. We did not have a new ar. Did we have a new car?
He has a nice He does not have a nice Does he have a nice
house. house. house?
I have to meet her. I do not have to meet her. Do I have to meet her?
We had to go there. We did not have to go Did we have to go there?
He has to work He does not have to work Does he have to work
hard. hard. hard?

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
 Transformation of Imperative Sentences

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

Sing a song. Don’t sing a song. Will you sing a song?
Let him sing a song. Let him not sing a song. Will you let him sing a
Come fast! Don’t come fast! Will you come fast?

 Transformation of Sentences Changing Certain Words

always-never some-any
already-yet too-either
must-need not some-no
any of-none of either---or-neither----nor---

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I always speak truth. I never speak truth. Do I ever speak truth?
I have some money. I do not have any money. Do I have any money?
He has already come. He has not come yet. Has he already come? /
Hasn’t he come yet?
We like apples, too. We don’t like apples, Do we like apples, too?
I know a lot of poems. I don’t know many Do I know any poems?
You must help him. You need not help him. Must you help him?
Someone called me. No one called me. Did anyone call me?
Any of us can sing. None of us can sing. Can all of us sing?
Either I or he is good. Neither I nor he is good. Are we good?

Instant Practice
Read the following sentences. Write the auxiliary verbs and the forms of main
verbs in the brackets.
1. Are you finding the work any easier? [ are ]

2. A new order seems to be emerging. [ v5 ]

3. A thousand people were there. [ ]

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
4. Accurate records must be kept. [ ]

5. I’m busy at the moment. [ ]

6. All applications will be acknowledged. [ ]

7. All my plants have died. [ ]

8. All of them enjoyed the party. [ ]

9. He doesn’t sing all that well. [ ]

10. He had to laugh despite himself. [ ]

11. She has lost all her money. [ ]

12. Rohit hit him across the face. [ ]

13. He overcame many personal adversities. [ ]

14. I didn’t enjoy it at all. [ ]

15. I drew a line across the page. [ ]

Instant Practice
Change these sentences into different types.
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I play a game.
He sings song.
We painted the wall.
You speak well.
I am not writing a poem.
He has not written a story.
She was not playing a game.
We had not seen her.
Do I learn English?
Did he see you?
Does he type fast?
Will you help me?
She must help her.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
I can drive car.
You could help us.
They ought to sing
Should I go there?
Would you type fast?
Does he have to go
Do we have to see
her once?
They are not happy here.
We were not present yesterday.
They have not gone to school.
We may not do this.


Change the following sentences into negative and interrogative.

1. All wood tends to shrink.
2. Almost everyone has some musical ability.
3. An accident can happen anywhere.
4. I’d better go now.
5. Let’s forget about that for the moment.
6. Abstract art is an acquired taste.
7. All passengers have come out of the plane.
8. He’s getting married soon.
9. I really have to go there.
10. I’ve just got back from a trip to Rome.
11. Roman stole the money.
12. I have a spare set of keys in my office.
13. All this mail must be answered.
Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
14. We must stand up for ourselves.
15. He can expect to command a six-figure salary.
16. Any of us can drive a car.
17. Every day seemed the same to him.
18. She saw less and less of all her old friends at home.
19. He had his very own car at last.
20. I have something to say.


Change the following sentences into negative and interrogative.

1. I shall remember you.
2. The garden looks beautiful.
3. He has only a few balls.
4. A barn adjoins the farmhouse.
5. He always dozes when he reads.
6. Kathmandu is the biggest city in Nepal.
7. We must yield to fate.
8. A captain in the navy ranks above a captain in the army.
9. Even a genius sometimes fails.
10. Only Diana was present at the party.
11. You are a great fool.
12. He has learnt five languages so far.
13. I am learning French these days.
14. I want peace and prosperity.
15. He had called us but we had to go some other place.
16. We are victorious.
17. A four-man gang carried out the robbery.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
18. Krishal is only six years old.
19. Check your receipts against the statement.
20. Each of these systems has its advantages and disadvantages.


Change the following sentences into negative and interrogative.

1. Everyone else was there.
2. Gold rings adorned his fingers.
3. Everyone has a chance to win.
4. All of them enjoyed the party.
5. We were visiting the park.
6. They should have reached a decision by then.
7. Each day that passed he grew more and more desperate.
8. People had a more physical and active lifestyle in the past.
9. Be there by six at the very latest.
10. Christmas trees aglow with lights.
11. Each of the answers is worth 20 points.
12. A grin spread across her face.
13. All the children had been physically and emotionally abused.
14. Beauty can be measured by any absolute standard.
15. He also writes novels in his spare time.
16. All this mail must be answered.
17. Every child needs to know that he is loved.
18. At school the older boys ganged up on him and called his names.
19. He claims he acted in self-defense.

20. Troy commanded his men to retreat.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7

Change the following sentences into affirmative and interrogative.

1. He couldn’t afford the money to go on the trip.
2. She doesn’t sing all that well.
3. They didn’t give an adequate answer to the question.
4. Mohan had no wish to start a fight.
5. Rina hasn’t got any hobbies so far.
6. He isn’t in the office much.
7. He was not sure whether he wished her to stay or go.
8. I can’t just drop all my commitments.
9. Yam couldn’t hear her above the noise of the traffic.
10. Nina didn’t eat any meat.
11. The poor beggars don’t have anywhere to stay.
12. The coach hadn’t trained enough for the game.
13. I neither knew nor cared what had happened to him.
14. I never hid the truth.
15. She wouldn’t say they were rich.
16. I’m not good at tennis.
17. It’s not actually raining now.
18. My watch is not very accurate.
19. Neither answer is correct.
20. No one was at home.


Change the following sentences into negative and affirmative.

1. Can I sit next to you?
2. Could you repeat that once more?
3. Did she tell you her name?
4. Do you want me to come this Tuesday?

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
5. Does anyone else want to come?
6. How much water do you need?
7. How many children do you have?
8. Is this your bag?
9. May I suggest a white wine with this dish, Sir?
10. Shall I order you a taxi?
11. Should we call a doctor or someone?
12. Would you be so kind as to lock the door when you leave?
13. Had you invited them?
14. Has she called us at the party?
15. Are we prepared for the test?
16. Were they lost in jungle?
17. Will we go to movie now?
18. Must you do hard work?
19. Is there anything wrong with you?
20. Shall I ever forget a friend like you?


Change the following sentences into exclamatory sentences.

1. The rose is a very nice flower.

2. The flower is very nice.

3. The adventure is very exciting.

4. It is a very lonely place.

5. The bird is very pretty.

6. It is sorrowful that he has failed.

7. I wish I had wings of a bird.

8. It’s a matter of joy that we won the game.

9. You are a great fool.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
10. He is very foolish.
11. The man is very talkative.
12. His eldest daughter is very powerful.
13. I wish I had been the king.
14. I wish I could fly in the sky.
15. We rejoice that we are victorious.
16. The sight is very apathetic.
17. It is a very fine picture.
18. Mr. Sharma is a smart teacher.
19. The student is very well behaved.
20. His sister is a very lazy girl.

Vocabulary in Use
Fill in the blank spaces choosing the correct word for each definition.
drummer, flautist, harpsichordist, harpist, cellist, violinist, pianist, guitarist,
bassoonist, saxophonist

A ________ is a person who plays the cello.

A ________ is a person who plays the violin.

A ________ is a person who plays the piano.

A ________ is a person who plays the guitar.

A ________ is a person who plays the saxophone.

A ________ is a person who plays the drum.

A ________ is a person who plays the flute.

A ________ is a person who plays the harpsichord.

A ________ is a person who plays the harp.

A ________ is a person who plays the bassoon.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Guided Composition: Essay Writing
Read the following essay.

Sunila, My Aunt

Of all my relatives, I like my aunt Sunila the best. She’s my mother’s eldest sister.
She has never married and she lives all alone in a small village near Kathmandu.
She’s in her late fifties, but she’s still quite young in spirit. She is always fit and

She has a fair complexion, curly grey hair, and deep blue eyes. She has a kind
face, and when you met her, the first thing you notice about her is her warm,
friendly smile. Her face is a little lined now, but I think she is still rather attractive.
She is the kind of person you can always go if you have a problem.

Aunt Sunila likes reading and gardening. She also likes to take her dog, George,
for long walks in the park. She is a very active person. Either she is making
something or mending something or doing something to help others. She does
the shopping for some of the old people in the villages. She’s extremely generous,
but not very tolerant of people who don’t agree with her. I hope that I am as
contented as she is when I am her age. I love her very much.

Write an essay on "My Mother" using the clues given below.

name of your mother----age-----physical features-----habits and manners----

hobbies----special things-----why is she your favourite

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7



Act out the following dialogue.

Gem : It’s colder today, isn’t it?

Bob : Yes, it’s not very warm, is it? I shall

have to light the fire soon, shan’t I?

Gem : Oh, you have coal fires, do you?

Bob : Yes. We don’t have central heating. You have central heating, don’t

Gem : Yes, we do. But coal fires are nice, aren’t they?

Bob : Yes, but they’re a lot more work than just switching on the heating. We
keep talking about getting central heating put in.

Gem : I suppose coal fires aren’t very convenient, are they?

Bob : They certainly aren’t.

Do You Know? In the given dialogue, the coloured words in each sentence
are question tags.

Speaking Practice

Answer these questions based on the given dialogue.

 What are question tags?

 Why are question tags used?

 What are tags in the given dialogue?

 Do sentences end in full stop or question mark in tags?

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
 Do you see main verbs used in tags?

 Why are only auxiliary verbs used in tags?

 Why is there comma instead of full stop in sentence in tags?

Listening Practice

Read the following sentences.

I am a student, aren’t I?

I live in Kathmandu, don’t I?

There are five members, aren’t there?

I was born in 2056, wasn’t I?

People like me because of my hard work, don’t they?

I am composing songs, aren’t I?

Quick Tip
Question tags are short two word questions which are added to
statements to turn them into questions. They are used to seek
confirmation about person or thing being refereed to.

 There should be comma (,) at the end of the statement.

I am good at singing, aren’t I?

 A tag should begin with small letter.

She eats an apple, doesn’t she?

 Affirmative statement has a negative tag and negative statement has a

positive tag.

Ram works hard, doesn’t he? (Positive statement-Negative tag)

Students aren’t running on the ground, are they? (Negative statement-

Positive tag)

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Listening Practice

Reproduce the following contractions after your teacher.

Statements Tag question
am/’m aren’t………?
are/’re aren’t……….?
can can’t………?
command will you?
could couldn’t………?
dare not dare………?
dares doesn’t………?
do don’t………?
does doesn’t………?
did didn’t………?
don’t/ never + v + o will you?
‘d + better hadn’t………?
‘d + have + v3 wouldn’t………?
‘d + rather wouldn’t………?
‘d + v3 hadn’t………?
‘s + been + v4 hasn’t………?
‘s + being + v3 isn’t………?
‘s + ing isn’t………?
‘s + noun isn’t………?
‘s + p.p. (v3) hasn’t………?
had + noun didn’t………?
had + v3 hadn’t………?
had better not had………?
has + v3 hasn’t………?
has to /have to /had to doesn’t/don’t/didn’t………?
has/have/had+ noun doesn’t/don’t/didn’t………?
have + v3 haven’t………?
let(me/us/him/her/them) will you?
may mayn’t………?
Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
might mightn’t………?
must mustn’t………?
needed didn’t………?
needs doesn’t/needn’t………?
shall shan’t………?
should shouldn’t………?
used to + v1 didn’t………?
v1/v2/v5 don’t/didn’t/doesn’t?
will won’t………?
would rather not would………?
would/’d + v1 wouldn’t………?

 Nouns as subject of the statement should be changed into pronoun.

The boys were in white dress, weren’t they?

These dogs bark, don't they?

Ram sings songs, doesn't he?

Riya works hard, doesn't she?

 If there is auxiliary verb in the statement, the same auxiliary verb should be
repeated in the tag.

Present Form Past Form

is/am/are was/were
has/have had
do/does did
shall/will should/would
can/may could/might

You are playing, aren’t you?

He has finished his work, hasn’t he?
I could sing well, couldn’t I?
You can do it, can’t you?

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
 If there is no auxiliary verb in the statement, do, does or did is used in the tag
according to the subject, number and form of the verb.

Sub +v1 (base form) = don’t I play a game, don’t I?

Sub +v2 (past form) = didn’t He called me, didn’t he?

Sub +v5 (‘s’ or ‘es’ form) =doesn’t She types fast, doesn’t she?

 If the subject is 'this' and 'that' the pronoun in the tag 'it' and if the subject is
‘these’ or ‘those’, the pronoun in the tag is ‘they’.

This is a nice car, isn’t it?

That is not your matter, is it?

These are the reports I need, aren’t they?

Those are my note copies, aren’t they?

 If there is ‘You and I’ together in the subject of the statement, the pronoun in
the tag should be ‘we’.

You and I are best friends, aren’t we?

You and I were swimming together, weren’t we?

 If the verb ‘Have’ is used as a main verb the tag will be as given below:

Had=did I had an apple yesterday, didn’t I?

Have=do We have a car, don’t we?

Has=does She has many comments, doesn’t she?

 Imperative sentences take 'will you' as a tag. But in the case of ‘Let’s’, ‘Shall
we’ is used.
Come here, will you?
Don’t insult the poor, will you?
Please, speak up, will you?
Let us go, will you?
Let’s not go there, shall we?
Let’s have a party today, shall we?

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
 A sentence having two clauses takes a tag according to the former clause.

I wish he would pass the exam, don’t I?

I don’t think he will come here, do I?

It is said that 5% of total children are out of school, isn’t it?

 If there is sub +’d + rather + V1 and sub +’d +better + V1 in the statement the
tag will be wouldn’t and hadn’t respectively.

You’d better take tuition class, hadn’t you?

He’d rather drink coffee, wouldn’t he?

 Sentence with negative words such as neither, no, none, no one, nothing,
scarcely, barely, hardly, hardly ever, seldom, never, rarely, nobody, not often,
infrequently are always followed by a positive tag.

Nobody does homework, do they?

My sons never play basketball, do they?

Ram and Anita hardly speak English, do they?

Nothing took place, did it?

Neither of the players had lunch, did they?

None of them enjoyed the show, did they?

 Singular auxiliary verbs (is, was, has, does) change to plural auxiliary verbs
(are, were, have, do) to form tags if the subjects of the statements are
somebody, someone, nobody, no one, everybody, everyone, anybody,
anyone, none, neither, etc.

Everyone likes music, don’t they?

Everybody likes party, don’t they?

No one respects a bad person, do they?

Neither of the boys is good, are they?

Somebody has stolen my purse, haven’t they?

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
 If the subject of the statement is everything, anything, something, nothing,
all + singular verb, the pronoun in the tags is ‘it’.

Everything is fine, isn’t it?

All is well, isn’t it?

Something is wrong to them, isn’t it?


Add suitable question tag against the following sentences.

1. He is busy now, _____________?

2. I am writing a poem, _____________?

3. They are living in a flat, _____________?

4. It was a nice party, _____________?

5. We were in dilemma, _____________?

6. He has a nice suit, _____________?

7. People have many problems, _____________?

8. You had an idea, _____________?

9. I do my work myself, _____________?

10. He does everything properly, _____________?

11. They did their class work in class, _____________?

12. I shall invite them, _____________?

13. They will call me later, _____________?

14. We should not fight, _____________?

15. They would not visit us timely, _____________?

16. You cannot sing now, _____________?

17. It mayn’t rain today, _____________?

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
18. He couldn’t type very fast, _____________?

19. We mightn’t defeat them, _____________?

20. I never play football on Saturdays, _____________?


Add suitable question tag against the following sentences.

1. She is working now, _____________?

2. I am writing a letter, _____________?

3. They are living on rent house, _____________?

4. It was a nice conference, _____________?

5. They were in terrible condition, _____________?

6. He has a nice guitar, _____________?

7. We have many opportunities, _____________?

8. They had an important idea, _____________?

9. Students do their work themselves, _____________?

10. Sony does everything properly, _____________?

11. We did our class work in class, _____________?

12. We shall invite them, _____________?

13. I will call you later, _____________?

14. We should never quarrel, _____________?

15. They would visit us timely, _____________?

16. You can sing now, _____________?

17. It may rain today, _____________?

18. He could type very fast, _____________?

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
19. We might defeat them, _____________?

20. I always play football on Saturdays, _____________?


Add suitable question tag against the following sentences.

1. He played trick on me, _____________?

2. Rabin plays the guitar well, _____________?

3. This house is on fire, _____________?

4. That man is homeless, _____________?

5. You and I are out of job, _____________?

6. Mina had a beautiful garden, _____________?

7. We have a new experience now, _____________?

8. Temba has many friends, _____________?

9. I’d rather go there, _____________?

10. You’d better work hard, _____________?

11. Either of them is honest, _____________?

12. No worker is present today, _____________?

13. None of them are sincere, _____________?
14. No one calls her by her real name, _____________?
15. Nothing happened to her, _____________?
16. They scarcely go to the party, _____________?
17. He barely submits his homework on time, _____________?
18. They hardly invite us to party, _____________?
19. We have already visited her, _____________?
20. We seldom go out, _____________?

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7

Add suitable question tag against the following sentences.

1. He didn’t play trick on me, _____________?

2. Rabin doesn’t play the guitar well, _____________?

3. This house isn’t on fire, _____________?

4. That man isn’t homeless, _____________?

5. You and I aren’t out of job, _____________?

6. She had a beautiful garden, _____________?

7. They have a new experience now, _____________?

8. Temba doesn’t have many friends, _____________?

9. I’d rather not go there, _____________?

10. You’d better not work hard, _____________?

11. Neither of them is honest, _____________?

12. No news is good news, _____________?

13. None of them are hard working, _____________?

14. No one called me, _____________?

15. Nothing has happened, _____________?

16. I scarcely go to the zoo, _____________?

17. He barely does his homework, _____________?

18. They hardly finished their work, _____________?

19. I have hardly ever visited her, _____________?

20. We seldom fight, _____________?

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7

Add suitable question tag against the following sentences.

1. You never call us, _____________?

2. The school rarely organizes seminars, _____________?

3. Nobody is coming here, _____________?

4. He is infrequently complained, _____________?

5. Somebody has called us, _____________?

6. Someone is looking at us, _____________?

7. Nobody wants to be poor, _____________?

8. No one knows about the problem, _____________?

9. Everybody calls him a liar, _____________?

10. Everyone enjoys the nature, _____________?

11. Everybody can’t help us, _____________?

12. We mightn’t do that, _____________?

13. None of the players plays well, _____________?

14. Neither of them has sincerity, _____________?

15. Everything has its own turn, _____________?

16. Anything might happen there, _____________?

17. Something will be given to us, _____________?

18. Everything is possible, _____________?

19. All my money is finished, _____________?

20. All boys are hardworking, _____________?

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7

Add suitable question tag against the following sentences.

1. You always call us, _____________?

2. The university rarely organizes programmes, _____________?

3. Nobody has called me so far, _____________?

4. Joni is occasionally complained, _____________?

5. Somebody is calling us, _____________?

6. Someone has invited me, _____________?

7. Nobody is responsible, _____________?

8. No one has common sense, _____________?

9. Everybody is calling him a liar, _____________?

10. Everyone has to enjoy the nature, _____________?

11. Anybody can help us, _____________?

12. Anyone might do that, _____________?

13. None of the players is strong, _____________?

14. Neither of them is obedient, _____________?

15. Everything is alright, _____________?

16. Anything can be done here, _____________?

17. Something is better than nothing _____________?

18. Nothing is impossible, _____________?

19. All of them are honest, _____________?

20. All is well, _____________?

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7

Complete the following dialogue with the correct question tags.

A: Hello. Nice to see you here! It’s a great party, -------?

B: Yes, it’s really good, -------? There are so many people here that I
haven’t seen for ages.

A: Yes, quite a few. I bumped into Sonia a few minutes ago and we had a
brief chat. Well, no she chatted and I listened, -------?

B: Yes, she’s still the same, -------? She just loves talking about
herself, -------? And she doesn’t seem to be interested in what
anyone else has to say -------?

A: That’s right. Oh look, that’s Rama there -------?

B: Yes. You’re right, it is. Who’s that she’s with?

A: It’s Rajesh, -------?

B: But he’s going out with his sister Elisha, -------?

A: Well, yes. I thought so. But he’s holding Rama’s hand, -------?

B: Oh yes. Well, I suppose our information must be out of date

then, -------? Anyway, what about you? You know, I’ve missed you a
lot -------?

A: Yes. Of course I missed you too -------?

B: But I expect you have got a new boyfriend now -------?

A: Not now. I did for a little while after you went away but not now.

B: It was hard saying goodbye -------? I was going to write to you but I
thought I wouldn’t help -------?

A: That’s right. Let’s dance -------? Please come on -------?

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
B: Well, let me catch your hand -------? You used to dance well, -------?
A: Yes. Quite a lot. I can dance well -------?
B: You don’t take drinks -------? If you like, I’ll bring for you -------?
A: No thanks. It’s the time to return home -------? I want to leave now.
B: Bye! See you later.

Vocabulary in Use
Fill in the gaps choosing one of the types of house.
time-share villa bedsit bungalow cottage,

terraced semi-detached detached almshouse chalet

A ____ house is a small house in the country or in a village.

A ____ house is house with only one storey.

A ____ house is a house which has bedroom and living room all in one.
A ____ is a large house with big gardens.
A ____ house is that is not joined any other house.
A ____ house is that is joined to one other house.
A ____ house is that is joined to several houses to form a row.
A ____ is holiday flat or house where you have the right to live one or two
weeks a year.
An ____ house is a house owned by a charity.
A ____ house is a wooden house with a flat roof.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Guided Composition: Essay Writing
Read the following essay.
Human body
Body is the physical structure of human being. Although
people differ in their appearance, their bodies are all made up
of the same basic parts. We can do things such as reading,
eating, jumping, and running because of the cells.

Our body contains more than 200 different kinds of cells,

including bone cells, skin cells, and muscle cells. Cells of the
same type combine to form a tissue. For instance, muscle
cells in arm form muscle tissue that helps us do things such
as throw a ball.

The human body is made up of ten body systems, or groups of tissues and
organs that work together. For example, the skeletal system contains bones that
support the body and protect your internal organs. The muscular system contains
muscles that help the body move. The circulatory system uses blood to send
oxygen to body cells and remove wastes.

The brain is the body’s main control center. It tells your body how to move and
helps you learn how to do things such as use a computer or play the piano. Your
brain even controls many activities that you do without thinking, such as blinking
and breathing.

It’s important to keep your body healthy. Exercising every day is fun and it can
help your muscles and bones stay strong. If you don’t get eight to ten hours of
sleep a night, you may feel tired or cranky, or homework that’s normally easy
may feel impossible. And eating a variety of foods every day can help you avoid
certain illnesses or recover faster if you get sick.

Now write essays on the following topics.

My house

My school canteen

My village

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7



Read the following dialogue.

Ashok : Hello Sigma! How are you?
Sigma : Oh, Ashok! I am fine here. What about you?
Ashok : I am fine, too. Are you planning anything special?
Sigma : Yes! I am planning something. I was going to call you tonight but I
Ashok : What’s up? What have planned to do?
Sigma : Well, its Saran’s birthday on Saturday,
and we have planned a surprise
party for him. We have already done
necessary arrangements. Anand has
made a list of invitees.
Ashok : Who’re planning the party?
Sigma : Anand, Gyanu, Pritee and me. We have been preparing for it since
Ashok : Sounds like fun. I had not thought about it. Why didn’t you tell about
Sigma : I called you but no one answered my call. Don’t worry about it.
I’ve asked Saran to go to a film with me at 6:00. After the film, we’ll
go back to his place. So you shall be at Saran’s by 8:00 to wait for
us and surprise him. His parents will let you in.
Ashok : Will we be bringing anything to eat?
Sigma : Of course! Preeti and Gyanu will be bringing cakes and cokes.
Anand will be bringing some fried sausages. I will be bringing some
fried fish.
Ashok : Great! What else will we have done there?

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Sigma : Anand will bring his guitar. He will have played the guitar. We will
have sung and danced together.
Ashok : Sounds good! Shall I have to bring anything else?
Sigma : Um, can you bring some peanuts? And don’t say anything to
Ashok : No problem!
Sigma : That’s very kind of you!

Do You Know? In the given dialogue, different forms of verbs like are
planning, am planning, was going to, have planned, have done, has made,
have been preparing, had not thought, didn’t tell, called, answered, shall
be, will be bringing, will have done, will have sung, etc. represent different

Speaking Practice

Answer these questions based on the given dialogue.

a. How many different tenses are used in the dialogue?
b. What are verbs that represent the present tense?
c. What are verbs that represent the past tense?
d. What are verbs that represent the future tense?
e. Are there negative sentences in the dialogue?
f. Are there interrogative sentences in the dialogue?
g. What is the structure of the sentence ‘I am fine here’?
h. What is the structure of the sentence ‘I am planning something’?
i. What is the structure of the sentence ‘I had not thought about it’?

j. What is the structure of the sentence ‘I will be bringing some fried fish’?

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Quick Tip
Tenses are any of the forms of a verb that is used to show time of the
action or state expressed by the verb. Tense is divided into three types
namely present, past and future. Each of them is further divided into
simple, continuous, perfect and perfect continuous aspects.

Listening Practice

Repeat these sentences and structures after your teacher.

Tense Structure Example

Simple Present Sub + v1/v5 + obj I read a poem.

Present Sub + is/am/are + v4 + obj I am reading a poem.


Present Perfect Sub + has/have + v3 + obj I have read a poem.

Present Perfect Sub + has/have + been +v4 + I have been reading a

Continuous obj poem.

Simple Past Sub + v2 + obj I read a poem.

Past Continuous Sub + was/were + v4 + obj I was reading a poem.

Past Perfect Sub + had + v3 + obj I had read a poem.

Past Perfect Sub + had + been + v4 + obj I had been reading a

Continuous poem.

Simple Future Sub + will/shall +v1 + obj I will read a poem.

Future Sub + will/shall +be + v4 + obj I will be reading a

Continuous poem.

Future Perfect Sub + will/shall +have + v3 + I will have read a poem.


Future Perfect Sub + will/shall +have + been + I will have been reading
Continuous v4 + obj a poem.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Instant Practice
Read the given dialogue again and write sentences of different tenses in the
following table.
Sub + v1/v5 + obj
Sub + is/am/are + v4 + obj
Sub + has/have + v3 + obj
Sub + has/have + been +v4 + obj
Sub + v2 + obj
Sub + was/were + v4 + obj
Sub + had + v3 + obj
Sub + had + been + v4 + obj
Sub + will/shall +v1 + obj
Sub + will/shall +be + v4 + obj
Sub + will/shall +have + v3 + obj
Sub + will/shall +have + been + v4 + obj

Instant Practice
Complete the following table.
Simple Continuous Perfect Perfect Continuous
I sing a
I was singing a song
I will have sung
a song.
I have been writing a
I had written a
I will be writing a
I have drunk tea.
I had been drinking

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
I will drink
I am playing cricket.
I had played
I will have been
playing cricket.

Grammar Focus: Tense and Transformation in Different Tenses

Tense Affirmative Negative Interrogative Wh Question
Simple He plays. He does not Does he play? What does he
Present play. play?
Present He is playing. He is not Is he playing? What is he
Continuous playing. playing?
Present He has He has not Has he What has he
Perfect played. played. played? played?
Present He has been He has not Has he been What has he
Perfect playing. been playing. playing? been playing?
Simple Past He played. He did not Did he play? What did he
play. play?
Past He was He was not Was he What was he
Continuous playing. playing. playing? playing?
Past Perfect He had He had not Had he What had he
played. played. played? played?
Past Perfect He had been He had not Had he been What had he
Continuous playing. been playing. playing? been playing?
Simple He will play. He will not Will he play? What will he
Future play. play?
Future He will be He will not be Will he be What will he
Continuous playing. playing. playing? be playing?
Future He will have He will not Will he have What will he
Perfect played. have played. played? have played?
Future He will have He will not Will he have What will he
Perfect been playing. have been been playing? have been
Continuous playing. playing?

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Instant Practice
Complete the following table.
Tense Affirmative Negative Interrogative Wh Question
Simple He (sing) a song.
Present She (eat) an apple.
I (write) a poem.
We (play) a game.
They (work) in field.
You (dig) the field.
Present He (sing) a song.
Continuous She (eat) an apple.
I (write) a poem.
We (play) a game.
They (work) in field.
You (dig) the field.
Present He (sing) a song.
Perfect She (eat) an apple.
I (write) a poem.
We (play) a game.
They (work) in field.
You (dig) the field.
Present He (sing) a song.
Perfect She (eat) an apple.
I (write) a poem.
We (play) a game.
They (work) in field.
You (dig) the field.
Simple He (sing) a song.
Past She (eat) an apple.
I (write) a poem.
We (play) a game.
They (work) in field.
You (dig) the field.
Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Past He (sing) a song.
Continuous She (eat) an apple.
I (write) a poem.
We (play) a game.
They (work) in field.
You (dig) the field.
Past He (sing) a song.
Perfect She (eat) an apple.
I (write) a poem.
We (play) a game.
They (work) in field.
You (dig) the field.
Past He (sing) a song.
Perfect She (eat) an apple.
I (write) a poem.
We (play) a game.
They (work) in field.
You (dig) the field.
Simple He (sing) a song.
Future She (eat) an apple.
I (write) a poem.
We (play) a game.
They (work) in field.
You (dig) the field.
Future He (sing) a song.
Continuous She (eat) an apple.
I (write) a poem.
We (play) a game.
They (work) in field.
You (dig) the field.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Future He (sing) a song.
She (eat) an apple.
I (write) a poem.
We (play) a game.
They (work) in field.
You (dig) the field.
Future He (sing) a song.
She (eat) an apple.
I (write) a poem.
We (play) a game.
They (work) in field.
You (dig) the field.

Grammar Focus: Present Tense

Rules Examples
Simple present tense states:
 universal, general truths Water flows down.
 habitual, regular actions Blood is thicker than water.
 scheduled future actions I always get up early in the morning.
 proverbs and quotations The bus leaves at 6:30 am.
 scenes of stories, dramas, fictions, Knowledge is power.
films, etc. In Bahubali 2 Kattapa kills Bahubali.
 adverbs: always, seldom, daily, I seldom watch movies.
usually, occasionally, hardly, He hardly speaks English.
now-a-days, rarely, sometimes, I visit my uncle every Saturday.
never, generally, frequently, I do my health check up once a
often, every day, every week, month.
every month, every year, once He frequently visits us.
a week, twice a day, thrice a He brushes his teeth twice a day.
month,whenever, after, every time,

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Present continuous tense is used
 an action going on at the time of I am studying now.
speaking He is going to Kathmandu tomorrow.
 an action planned to take place in I am visiting Muktinath this year.
the near future Pollution in cities is increasing.
 a long- term process and My health is improving.
development I am living in a rented house.
 a changing situation The farmers are still working in the
 a temporary situation field.
 adverbs: now, still, at present, at She is meeting you this morning.
the moment, at this time, this What are you doing tomorrow?
morning, afternoon, evening, next It is raining soon.
day, week, month, year, soon, in the I am buying a car in the near future.
near future, tomorrow morning, etc.
Present perfect tense is used for:
 a completed action in the recent I have just taken my lunch.
past He has already come from office.
 recent past actions having results
present I have cut my leg. (It is bleeding.)
 since + point of time We have worked here since May.
 for + period of He has worked for 2 months here.
 interesting incidents or I have already visited this place.
experiences He has not come here yet.
 adverbs: already, recently,
Have you ever seen her?
always, ever, lately, never, not +
yet, just, today, this morning, all the I have not seen her lately.
time, etc.
Present perfect continuous tense is I have been living in a flat.
used for: He has been learning computer.
 an action this began at some time She has been working here since
in the past and is still continuing January.
 since +point of time We have been waiting for a bus for an
 for +period of time hour.
 all +present time He has been writing all morning.
 verbs: stay, live, wait, work, sleep, I have been waiting for you for a long
read, etc. time.
Where have you been staying these

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Instant Practice
Complete the following sentences using simple present or present continuous
1. Where____ they usually ____in the summer? (go)

2. What ____ the boy ____at the moment? (do)

3. Look! It ____ to rain! Let´s go inside. (begin)

4. The bar ____ at 6:45 and ____at 10:30 every day. (open, close)

5. We ___ not ___anything special right now. We ___ just____TV. (do / watch)

6. Hello, Bob! What ____you ____there now? (do)

7. You must always speak to him in English. He ____ not ____Spanish.
8. Listen! Somebody ____ the piano upstairs. Who can it be? (play)
9. What ____you ____doing when you are at home? (like)
10. Why ____you ____English now? Are you planning to go to the USA?
11. Why ____you always ____ home so late every night? (Get)
12. Look at that man. He____a green uniform. He must be a police officer.
13. They _____the weekend in Miami. (spend)
14. Look! The bus____ over there! (come)
15. Listen! Those children____ Spanish! (speak)
16. There´s a man in the garden. He____ the grass. (cut)
17. There are several students in the gym. They ______. (work out)
18. Our friends_____ Disney World today. (visit)
19. The train_____ at the station at this time. (arrive)

20. You_____ the exercises well now. (do)

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Grammar Focus: Past Tense
Rules Examples
Simple past tense is used to: He died of cancer last year.
 denote an action completed in the I used to visit temple every Saturdays.
past The earthquake took many lives in
 express past habits Nepal.
 express the historic events When he beat me, I cried.
 with when clause I went Manang last Friday.
 adverbials: He wrote three essays in two hours.
yesterday, ago, last night, week, day, I saw her long time ago.
month, year, century, in the past, in My father came two days ago.
+ past time, just now, a few minutes I came just now.
ago, long time ago, three days ago, There was an earthquake five minutes
when, while, until, before, after, once, ago.
as soon as, 2005, etc.
Past continuous tense is used: He was singing all morning yesterday.
 denote an action going on at some I was walking at this time last
time in the past Saturday.
 to refer to a temporary situation in She was living in flat during winter.
the past The telephone rang while I was
 with while clause reading.
 with ' all +past time': all day I was crying all last night.
yesterday, all last night ,Sunday, week, I was visiting Jomsom last Sunday.
month, year, at thistime yesterday, at He was sleeping all day yesterday.
this moment yesterday, etc.
Past perfect tense is used to: I had seen that film in 2012.
 denote an action completed before We had visited them three years back.
a certain moment in the past. They had finished their project before
 show which of two actions in the the deadline was over.
past happened earlier than the The patient had died before the doctor
other. came.
 simple past for 2nd action, past I had reached there before the train
perfect for 1st action left.
 as soon as +past perfect + simple As soon as I finished my homework, I
past slept.
Past perfect continuous tense I had been cutting grass in the field.
is used for an action that began at We had been playing in the ground.
certain point in the past and continued The cow had been grazing.
up to that time.
Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Instant Practice
Change the following sentences into past tense.
1. Bob wants to know how many people there are.

2. He believes he can do it.

3. Nutan hopes he can be there early

4. He says he has to work hard every day

5. Mina says she is very sorry.

6. She says she is in kathmandu.

7. He wants to know where she is.

8. You don´t know where Mary is.

9. I don´t think Biplab likes the new job.

10. We know where she lives.

11. Do you think he works hard?

12. I think I can meet you.

13. You think it may rain this evening.

14. It is hot this afternoon.

15. We think Mr. Jones may be in his office.

16. I think there´ll be a lot of work to do.

17. The boy says he has seen the movie.

18. The girl says she is studying for a test.

19. The weather man predicts it will rain.

20. The young man tells us he is married.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Grammar Focus: Future Tense
Rules Examples
Simple future tense is used: We will come to your shop this
 for an action that has still to take Sunday.
place I will buy an I-phone tomorrow.
 with 'If clause' If you call me, I will come to your
 I (don’t) think, I (don’t) expect, I am house.
sure, probably + Simple Future If it rains, we’ll stay at home.
Tense I think she will surely win the match.
 with the following time adverbials: I am sure I will be first this time.
soon, tomorrow, tonight, shortly, I don’t think he will pass the driving
next time, day, week, month, year, in test.
a few minutes, days, weeks, months, I will call you after this class.
years, etc. They will marry in a couple of weeks.
Future continuous tense is used: I will be sleeping at this time
 for an action going on at some time tomorrow.
in future He will be performing a song next
 for future events that are planned month.
 with following adverbials: at this We will be playing football at this
time tomorrow, at this moment moment tomorrow.
tomorrow, etc. I will be drawing a picture at this time
Future perfect tense is used: We will have reached there by 2
 to indicate the completion of action o’clock.
by a certain future time I will have posted this letter by
 by + time, before + time, in + period tomorrow.
of time He will have completed the project in
three years.
I will have bought a car by 2035.
Future perfect continuous tense is By next year, she will have been
used: working in this office for three years.
 'by, before + future time' and 'for+ I will have been learning computer for
period of time' a month by next Saturday.
 'in + period of time' and 'for +
period of time'

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Instant Practice
Complete the following sentences using future perfect tense.
1. When you arrive at midday tomorrow, the Johnsons _____ already.

2. By the end of March, the weather ______considerably.(change)

3. If you come at noon tomorrow, we______ the work. (finish)

4. If he gets here at 6 o´clock, they ______ home. (go)

5. If he doesn´t hurry, they_____ dinner when he gets there. (have)

6. By December, the students____ their first course. (complete)

7. I ______ in this country for two years next October. (be)

8. By tomorrow, I ____ all these grammar rules. (forget)

9. When he becomes a man, he _____ many things. (learn)

10. By this time next month, you _____ from your illness. (recover)

11. Before they leave New York next Sunday, they _____ the most important
places of interest. (visit)

12. By two o´clock, they _____ and ____. (come - go)

13. By the end of this month, I _____ reading this book. (finish)

14. By the end of this year, I _____ this course in English. (complete)

15. By the time I retire, I _____ as a teacher for thirty-five years. (work)


Complete the following sentences using correct form of verbs.

1. Shhh!! The little boy (sleep) .He (sleep) for ten hours every night.

2. Right now I´m in class and I (sit) at my desk. I usually (sit) at the same
desk in class every day.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
3. Mustafa comes from Saudi Arabia .He (speak) Arabic. Arabic is his native
language, but right now he (speak) English.

4. Our teacher (stand, not) up right now. He (sit) on the corner of his desk.

5. It´s 7 o´clock now. Mrs. Regmi at home. She (eat) dinner. She always
(eat) dinner with her family around six o´clock.
6. It (rain, not) right now. The sun (shine) and the sky (be) blue.
7. (rain, it), much in the South in the winter?
8. Look out of the window. (rain, it) now? Should I take my umbrella?
9. It´s 7:30 a.m. now and the couple (be) in their kitchen.
10. Mrs. Rai (sit) at the breakfast table. She (read) the morning paper.

11. She (read) the newspaper every morning.

12. Mr. Sharma (pour) a cup of coffee. He (drink) two cups of coffee every
morning before he (go) to work.

13. There´s a cartoon on TV now, but the children (watch, not) it. They (play)
with their toys instead.

14. They usually (watch) cartoons in the morning, but this morning they (pay,
not) any attention to the TV. Mr. and Mrs. Thapa (watch, not) TV either.
They (like, not) to watch cartoons.

15. Alina (take, not) the bus to work every day. She usually (walk) instead.

16. (take, you) the bus to get to work every day, or (walk, you) sometimes?


Complete the following sentences in the simple past or the past perfect tense.
1. Mary ____ already ____ to the cinema when I arrived. (go)
2. They ____ already______ the discussion when we entered the room.
3. Bob ____ just _____typing the report when the general called him to his
office. (finish)

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
4. When the police arrived, the thief ____already_____. (disappear)

5. She said she ____ there several times before. (be)

6. As soon as he opened the door, he noticed that someone ______ his TV

set. (steal)

7. The policeman told us that we_____ the wrong road. (take)

8. They arrived only ten minutes after John____. (leave)

9. By the time the firemen arrived, the neighbours ____ already ____ the fire.
(put out)

10. Mary ____already _____ to bed when we arrived home last night. (go)

11. Robert____ (be) a taxi driver before he____ (become) a businessman.

12. Mr. Sharma____ (feel) a little better after he____ (take) the medicine.

13. The teacher____ (give, already) the test results when I____ (get) to class.

14. The detectives____ (leave) the place after they___(collect) enough


15. By the time the meeting ____(be) over, the rain _____ (already, stop)

16. The show____ (begin, already)by the time we (get)____to the theatre, so we
quietly ____(take) a seat in the back.

17. Millions of years ago, dinosaurs____ (roam) the earth, but they (become,
already) extinct by the time man first____ (appear).

18. The students____ (see, never) any of Renoir´s paintings before they____
(visit) the art gallery.

19. Garima almost missed her plane. All of the other passengers____
(board, already) by the time she (get) to the boarding gate.

20. Yesterday at a restaurant, I____ (see) Deepak Pulami, an old friend of mine.
I____ (see, not) him in years. At first, I (recognize, not) him because he
____ (lose) at least fifteen kilos.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7

Change the following sentences into past tense.

1. Peter comes here every week.

2. I buy the newspaper every Sunday.

3. They go to Europe every year.

4. Mary visits her parents every month.

5. I write to Mary every week-end.

6. They eat fish every Friday.

7. Bob washes the car every Saturday.

8. We watch TV every night.

9. The postman brings a letter every Monday.

10. We have a test every week.

11. The boy reads a book every month.

12. I give the boy a present every year.

13. Peter drives to Baltimore every Sunday.

14. We enjoy our vacation every summer.

15. It rains a lot here every winter.


Change the following sentences into future tense.

1. They receive a letter every week.

2. I sleep well every night.

3. Father tells the boy a story every night.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
4. Mother makes an apple pie every Saturday.

5. They sell lots of books every year.

6. There´s a lot of work in the office today.

7. There are two books missing from the shelf.

8. How much milk is there in the fridge?

9. There aren´t many hotels in this town.

10. Is there enough money for the trip?

11. How many people are there on board?

12. There isn´t much time to talk.

13. There are very few people in the pub.

14. Are there many errors in the bill?

15. There´s very little whisky left.


Complete the following sentences using the past continuous tense.

1. The sun _____ when Peter got up this morning. (shine)

2. Binod _____ the report when Mr. Magar entered the room. (read)

3. The students _____ rugby when it began to rain. (play)

4. We _____ the road when the accident happened. (cross)

5. At that time, everyone ____ to go to work. (get ready)

6. I _____ to the coast when the car broke down. (drive)

7. We _____ near the river that evening. (camp)

8. Ann _____ in Germany when the war broke out. (live)

9. When we got to the station, the train ____. (leave)

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
10. We _____ when the lights went out last night. (have dinner)

11. Mrs. Brown _____ the shopping when she had the accident. (do)

12. Mary and John _____ in the park when we saw them yesterday. (walk)

13. I _____ to the news at that moment. (listen)

14. The students _____ to school then. (go)

15. Mr. Smith _____ for the bus. (wait)

16. Mary ____ as a secretary all her college years. (work)


Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the verbs given in
1. Listen! Mary _____the piano now. (play)

2. We_____ our vacation in Kathmandu next year. (spend)

3. At 10:30 last night, we ____television. (watch)

4. John usually _____here on Tuesday. (come)

5. Mr. Bhatta _____ a very good movie last night. (see)

6. They _____ English very often. (practise)

7. What ____you ____at this time yesterday? (do)

8. They ____ not ___the story at the moment. (read)

9. What ___the Johnson ____ last Saturday? (do)

10. What _____Mary_____ at this time tomorrow? (do)

11. ____n´t you ___the newspaper this morning? (buy)

12. Jane ____n´t _____ to see me every day. (come)

13. ______you always ____ home at midday? (phone)

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
14. _____ your friends ____you when you arrived at their home yesterday?
15. Where ____they _____when the World War II started? (live)
16. How often ____your friend ______ to you? (write)
17. What time______ you ____this morning? (get up)
18. What time ____you ___here tomorrow? (be)
19. They ____ n´t ____out tonight because it´s too cold. (go)
20. When ____the Johnsons_____ today or tomorrow? (arrive)

Vocabulary in Use
Match the following sound words with their definitions given below.

bang noise of heavy traffic, noise of a huge waterfall

rustle distant noise of thunder, noise of traffic far away

thud gas, steam escaping through a small hole

crash a metal pan falling on to a concrete floor

clang a door closing in the wind, someone bursting a balloon

clatter opening a paper, plastic bag, dry leaves underfoot

hiss a heavy object falling on to a carpeted floor

rumble a big, solid, heavy object falling on to a hard floor

roar a big bell ringing, a hollow metal object being struck

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Guided Composition:Letter of Application
Read the following application letter to your class teacher for sick leave.
Address Gongabu, Kathmandu
Date April 20, 2019

The Class Teacher

Address Nepal Police School
Samakhusi, Kathmandu, Nepal
Subject Sub: An application for sick leave.

Greeting Dear Sir,

Most respectfully, I beg to state that I am unable to attend my

regular classes today because I have been suffering from
continuous fever since yesterday. As it is getting severe, I
believe that it might require a couple of days to fully recover
from it. My father has already taken an appointment with
Body Dr. Madhu today at 2:00 pm.

I, therefore, would like to sincerely request you to kindly grant

me leave till I fully get recovered from fever for a week. I will
definitely inform you if I require more days’ leave. I would like
to assure you that I will attach the report of doctor in the next
application letter.
Closing I am hopeful for the positive response from you soon.

Yours obedient student,

Kamal Shrestha
Class: 7

Roll No: 5

Now, write a similar application letter to your class teacher asking a week’s
leave for your sister’s marriage.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7



Read the following description.
Food gives the body the energy it needs for
everything it does, from repairing damaged
cells to sleeping. A calorie is a measure of the
amount of energy a food can produce. The body
changes the calories in food to energy. When a
person eats more food than the body needs,
the body changes the extra calories into fat.

Food also provides the nutrients that the

body needs to function and maintain it. These
nutrients are proteins, carbohydrates, fats and
oils, minerals, vitamins, and water. Meat, fish, poultry, eggs, beans, peas, nuts,
and breads are the sources of protein. Carbohydrates give the body most of the
energy it needs. The body uses fats to maintain its temperature and to cushion

Minerals serve a variety of purposes. Calcium, for example, builds bones and
teeth and helps to clot blood. The body also needs vitamins. Vitamin C keeps
gums healthy and helps the body absorb iron. Vitamin D works with calcium
and phosphorus to make strong bones and teeth. Water is important in many
chemical reactions in the body. Water also helps the body throw away wastes
and maintain its temperature. Water makes up about 60 percent of an adult’s
body weight.

Do You Know? In the above given description, the words in coloured words
show relationship between subject and verb. A verb must agree with its subject
in number and pronoun.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Speaking Practice

Answer these questions based on the given description.

a. What are singular subjects?

b. What are plural subjects?

c. What are singular verbs?

d. What are plural verbs?

e. What are the subjects that start with uncountable nouns?

f. Does an uncountable subject take singular or plural verb?

Quick Tip
The relationship between subject and verb is called subject- verb

Grammar Focus: Subject Verb Agreement

 Singular subject V5/was / is / has, does takes singular verb.

Mina has an ability to communicate with people effectively.

The dog always barks in the morning.

All his money was spent on clothes.

Sony is an honest girl.

Nita does her work herself.

Alina hasn’t taken her lunch yet.

Does your father love you?

The bus leaves at 6:00 in the morning.

It is raining heavily outside.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
 Plural subject V1/were/ are/ have do takes plural verb.
Cats love fish.
The rich are proud of their wealth.
We were jealous of your success.
These boys are obedient to their trainer.
I have a house in the village.
We don’t have any problem now.
Do you know how to install this app?
These players play well.
Mohan and Nabin dance well.

Instant Practice
Write correct verbs to complete the following sentences.
1. I ____ (has/have) two brothers. One of my brothers ____ (is/are)a
teacher and another ____ (work/works) in a company. Both of them _____
hard working.(is/are)

2. _____ (Do/Does) he go to school regularly? He ____ (was/were) an

irregular student last year. The school often ____ (complain/complains) about

3. Why____ (do/does) people feel bored? ____ (Is/Are) it because we ____ (do
not/does not) have anything that ____ (interest/interests) us?

4. My two sisters always _____ (go/goes) to work together. They ___ (say/says)
that they ____ (are/is) punctual at work. Unpunctuality _____ (do not/does
not) suit them.

5. The building ____ (cover/covers) 5 acres of land and ____ (has/have) twenty
eight rooms.

The following sentences are incorrect. Rewrite after you correct them.
1. We has a beautiful house.

2. They always beats me on the head.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
3. Her uncle were calling her.

4. Are this apples god?

5. Do he sing well?

6. Does you like this house?

7. Has his sons got any awards?

8. Have he informed you about the accident?

9. My friend always visit me on saturday.

10. It have some sense.

Listening Practice

Repeat these words after your teacher.

Singular Verbs: becomes, beats, begins, bites, buys, catches, cuts, digs,
does, dreams, drinks, finds, flies, forgets, eats, drives, fights, gets, goes, keeps,
leaves, lets, makes, knows, learns, meets, pays, reads, rides, sits, sees, sets,
swims, tears, understands, says, sends, sleeps, speaks, spends, steals, sweeps,
teaches, tells, throws, wakes, weeps, wins, strikes, writes, withstands, etc.

Plural Verbs: become, beat, begin, bite, buy, catch, cut, dig, do, dream, drink,
find, fly, forget, eat, drive, fight, get, go, keep, leave, let, make, know, learn, meet,
pay, read, ride, sit, see, set, swim, tear, understand, say, send, sleep, peak, spend,
teal, weep, teach, tell, throw, wake, weep, win, strike, write, withstand, etc.

Grammar Focus: Verb Agreement with Singular Subject

 Two or more subjects joined by ‘as well as’, ‘with’, ‘together with’, ‘along
with’, accompanied by’, ‘including’, ‘in addition’, ‘no less than’, etc. take
verb according to the former subject.

The principal as well as his students is going to the library.

My brother with his friends always goes for yoga.

The goat together with other cows grazes fondly.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
The manager along with all his staff works hard.

The captain accompanied by other players is coming today.

The Prime Minister including his ministers has resigned from his post.

This exercise in addition to many other is difficult to solve.

The class contains no less than 50 students.

 Some nouns ending in –s are plural in form, but singular in meaning .

a. Field of study/subjects: mathematics, linguistics, statistics, economics,
ethics, physics, ethics, politics, gymnastics, athletes
b. Diseases and Injuries: measles, shambles, rabies, AIDS, mumps,
tuberculosis, syphilis, paralysis, crisis, diabetes, shingles, rickets, etc.
c. Games and Sports: rounders, table tennis, checkers/ draughts, noughts
and crosses, musical bumps, fives, billiards, bowls, darts, dominoes, etc.

This statistics is incorrect.

Mathematics is a difficult subject.

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease.

Billiards has a wide range scope.

Table tennis seems suitable game for you.

 If the noun suggests one idea to the mind or refers to the something,
the verb is singular.

Thread and needle is required to sew this cloth.

Rice and curry is my main food.

Time and tide waits for none.

 A sheep/ deer/ fish/ policeman/ clergyman takes singular verb.

A deer is grazing in the field.

A policeman is on duty.

Our one ship was lost in the forest.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
A clergyman is a male priest or minister in the Christian Church.

This fish tastes horrible.

 Two or more nouns qualified by each or every, joined by ‘and’ require

singular verb.

Each and every boy has not done homework.

Every teacher, parent and student is conscious about value based


Every student and every teacher is in school uniform.

 If the subject of a sentence begins with ‘either of / neither of / each of /

one of / everyone of + plural nouns, it must be followed by singular

Either of these players plays well.

Neither of them has good communication skill.

Each of these books is good for students.

One of the boys doesn’t have his book.

Every one of the students enjoys my class.

 Phrases beginning with a chain of / a bunch of / a bouquet of / a batch

of / a galaxy of / a series of / a packet of +plural nouns generally take
singular verb.

A bunch of flower is on the floor.

A galaxy of stars is seen in the sky.

 Subjects that are about specific quantity or amount, distance,

measurement and arithmetic sums often have a singular verb.
Fifty miles is a long distance.

Twenty meters of cloth is required to cover the area.

Forty thousand rupees is enough for my study.

Twelve hours equals to a day.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Ten months is enough to finish this task.

Six plus three equals nine.

Twelve minus five is seven.

Ninety dollars is a lot of money.

 Plural noun which is a proper noun for some single object or some
collective unit must be followed by a singular verb.

The United States is one of the most developed countries in the world.

The Arabian Nights has got mammoth popularity.

Tom and Jerry pleases many children.

 Gerund and to-infinitive as subject is always followed by singular


To delay justice is to deny justice.

Smoking in public places is against the law of the country.

Exchanging things which are of about equal value is fair exchange.

Lightning never strikes twice in the same place.

Nothing succeeds like success

To err is human.

Caring for someone should begin with those closest and dearest to you
before others.

 Indefinite pronouns as subjects have the following type of agreement.

Always Singular: anyone, everyone, someone, no one, everybody, anybody,
nobody, somebody, everything, nothing, anything, something, each, every,
either, neither, much, little, one, another, enough, other,etc.

Is there anyone in the class?

Everyone has a special quality.

Someone is knocking at the door.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
No one wants to be ruined.

Everybody knows the Prime Minister.

Either of us has a problem.
One of the teachers is coming.

Grammar Focus: Verb Agreement with Plural Subject

 Modal auxiliary verbs such as will/would/ can/ could/shall/should/
may/might /ought to/ must/need to/dare to/used to, etc. are always
followed by plural verbs even if the subject is singular.
I will convey this message to your parents tomorrow.
I would appreciate if you could kindly help me.
What shall I do for you?
We should have good communication skill.
It may rain today.
We might defeat them if we played well.
They can overcome any difficult situations.
He could attract the attention of others with his dancing skills.
You ought to take care of yourself first.
I must complete this project right now.
We need to be there on time.
Most of them dare to delay the work.
They used to organize a dancing competition every year.
 Two or more nouns or pronouns joined by ‘and’ often require a plural
She and I are living together.
Ram and Sita are an ideal couple.
A cat and a dog do not cooperate each other.
My father and mother are going to the market today.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
 Some nouns like staff, cattle, livestock, people, vermin, poultry, sheep,
deer, salmon, fish, police, outskirts, stairs, arms, swine, gentry, and
clergymen take plural verb.

The cattle are grazing in the field.

These stairs are difficult to climb.

The police are investigating the case.

The sheep were grazing in the field.

I have 20 staff working for me.

Many young people are out of work in Nepal.

They live on the outskirts of the city.

 Two or more nouns/pronouns corrected by ‘either.....or.....’ and

‘neither......nor......’ take verb according to the latter subject.

Either Som or I am good at English.

Neither you nor Diraj learns well.

Either he or we have many problems.

Neither Buna nor her friends are going for hiking.

The government has/have already lost majority.

The jury has/have decided to consider its verdict.

All my family enjoy/enjoys football.

 The subject of a sentence beginning with some of / most of / all of /

a few of / a lot of + plural nouns take a plural verb.

Most of the people are poor in Nepal.

All of us belong to an aristocratic family.

A few of them disobey us.

A lot of people were there at the party.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
 Indefinite pronouns such as, few, many, several, others are always
Several people are attending the ceremony.
None of us are hard working.
All of them enjoy the party.


Choose the correct form of verbs to complete the following sentences.

1. Everyone ______ this leader. (love, loves)

2. Neither the managers nor the employers____ happy with the new timing.
(seem, seems)

3. A list of invitees ______ prepared. (was, were)

4. Designer tables and chairs _____quite a lot. (cost, costs)

5. Either Lisa or Lily usually _____ all the household chores. (do, does)

6. My best friend and severest critic _____ my mother. (is, are)

7. Neither boys nor girls ____ interested in hockey. (is, are)

8. Each minute ____precious. (is, are)

9. Either Indu or Kabi _____ do this work. (has to, have to)

10. A mass of cotton wool and band-aids ____ left on the table. (was, were)

11. A white cat and a black cat _____ sitting on the window sill. (is, are)

12. Dip and Aman ____ brothers. (is, are)

13. Eman and Dipesh ____ to school. (walk, walks)

14. Bread and jam ___ well with milk. (go, goes)

15. Either the labourers or their leader _____ at fault. (was, were)

16. Either the ministers or the administration _____ take the decision. (has to,
have to)
Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
17. Either the police or the soldiers ____ be on guard. (has to, have to)

18. Either you or your friends _____ mistaken. (is, are)

19. Phurba and Purnima ____ waiting at the bus stop. (is, are)

20. The dog or the cat ____ eaten up the food. (has, have)


Choose the correct form of verbs to complete the following sentences.

1. The players as well as their coach____ for morning walk. (go, goes)

2. The principal together with all staff _____hard. (work, works)

3. This room _____(contain, contains) forty people.

4. Physics_____ my best subject. (is, are)

5. Rabies _____ a fatal disease. (is, are)

6. Tuberculosis _____ be cured in time. (has to, have to)

7. These people ____hard all the time. (work, works)

8. Forty staff _____ working here. (is, are)

9. These fish_____ good. (taste, tastes)

10. Many citizens _____ unemployed in Nepal. (is, are)

11. Every person _____their own problem. (have, has)

12. Each of these exercises _____easy to do. (is, are)

13. Either of them _____do well. (has to, have to)

14. One of the boys _____absent today. (is, are)

15. A bunch of keys _____ lying on the floor. (is, are)

16. _____there anyone in the class? (Is, Are)

17. Several people _____killed in an earthquake. (was, were)

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
18. To live long _____to experience the world much. (are, is)

19. Reading always_____ me. (interest, interests)

20. To make a quarrel _____two persons. (need, needs)


Choose the correct form of verbs to complete the following sentences.

1. Everybody _____ him. (know, knows)
2. Everything in the capital _____now quiet. (is, are)
1. Everyone _____do their work honestly. (has to, have to)
2. He never _____ to see me these days.(comes, come)
3. Her books _____ lying about on the floor. (was, were)
4. No one else of my acquaintance _____ rich or successful. (was, were)
5. There _____ lights still ablaze as they drove up to the house. (was, were)
6. God _____those who help themselves. (help, helps)
7. Bread and butter _____my wholesome food. (is, are)
8. The teacher and coordinator_____ present today. (is, are)
9. The teacher and the coordinator_____ present today. (is, are)
10. Somebody _____to convey you some message. (wants, want)
11. All my books _____been lost. (have, has)
12. All my money _____spent on food. (was, were)
13. Everything _____as usual. (happen, happens)
14. Nothing _____me. (interest, interests)
15. Fire and water _____agree. (do not, does not)
16. My friend _____pay attention to his studies. (do not, does not)
17. The water of this river _____much salt. (contain, contains)
18. Both of the boys_____ killed in an accident. (was, were)
Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
19. None of us _____attending the party today. (is, are)

20. Almost all students _____participating in programme. (are, is)


Choose the correct form of verbs to complete the following sentences.

1. Both the complainants ____ be present for the hearing. (has to, have to)

2. Bread and jam _____well with milk. (go, goes)

3. Different models of cars ____available in this showroom. (is, are)

4. Each moment of time _____ precious. (is, are)

5. Previously the jury _____divided on its verdict. (was, were)

6. Either the ministers or the secretary _____ take the decision. (has to, have

7. Many students _____ present for the ceremony. (was, were)

8. Either you or your friends _____wrong. (is, are)

9. Fifty paisa _____equal to half a rupee. (is, are)

10. Pickwick Papers ____written by Charles Dickens. (was, were)

11. Half a kilo of sugar ____left. (is, are)

12. The United Nations ____ taking an important decision against North Korea.
(is, are)

13. Just a minute of your time _____. (work, works)

14. My best friend and severest critic ____my brother. (is, are)

15. The mob ____scattered now. (has, have)

16. No one ____heard from him for the past ten months. (has, have)

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
17. One of the delegates ____ just finished his speech. (has, have)

18. The jury ____united on its verdict. (was, were)

19. Ramhari or Ganesh ___ present at the party. (was, were)

20. The news ____true. (is, are)


Choose the correct form of verbs to complete the following sentences.

21. Saba and Alan ____ waiting at the bus stop. (is, are)

22. It ___ such a beautiful day that everyone is enjoying it. (is, are)

23. Ten thousand rupees ___ a lot of money. (is, are)

24. The Harry Potter ____ still very popular with children. (is, are)

25. An angry crowd ____assembled at the accident site. (has, have)

26. The army ____on the march. (is, are)

27. A committee ____been formed. (has, have)

28. The colour of those flowers ____appealing. (is, are)

29. A list of invitees ____prepared. (was, were)

30. The dog or the cat ____eaten up the food. (has, have)

31. A mass of cotton wool and other materials ___ left on the table. (is, are)

32. The furniture in that show room ___ expensive. (is, are)

33. A white cat and a black cat ____sitting on the window sill. (is, are)

34. These designer tables and chairs ____ quite a lot. (cost, costs)

35. Two-thirds of the work ____ complete. (is, are)

36. Watching this programme ____ quite odd. (is, are)

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
37. Yam and Ali ____ playing now. (is, are)

38. You and he ____ invited. (is, are)

39. The king ____ an heir to the throne. (needs, need)

40. Many good boys _____ to take drugs. (like, likes)

Vocabulary in Use

Fill in the gaps choosing one of the words given below.

scissors, pliers, pincers, tweezers, tongs, binoculars, scales, handcuffs,
shears, spectacles
_______ is a tool for cutting paper or cloth.
_______ are eye glasses.
_______ arevery large pair of scissors used for cutting bushes.
_______ are a pair of metal rings used for holding the wrists of a prisoner
_______ are weight measuring devices.
_______ are instruments that bring distant objects nearer.
_______ are tools used for picking up and holding things.
_______ are small tools used for picking up very small things.
_______ are metal tools used for holding things firmly and pullingthings.
_______ are metal tools used for holding things firmly and cutting wires.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Guided Composition: Personal Letter
A letter is a message that is written down or printed on paper and usually put in an
envelope and sent to somebody else in order to communicate with them.
A personal letter is written to friends, relatives, family members and among others
who are in close contact with us. We are to communicate informally in personal
letters. Here is a personal letter about hobby of a friend.

Address Gongabu, Kathmandu

Date May 20, 2019
Greeting Dear friend,
By the grace of god, everything is going well here and hope
everything is alright there too. Your letter is to my hand just
now. I am quite happy at your mammoth success in sports.
As you had asked about my hobbies, I am going to describe
about the same in this letter now.
Every person is born with certain hobbies and interests.
Some are nature lovers while some of them like to read and
make friends. Some have interest in games and sports while
some are eager in public speaking. As an individual, I would
like to pursue public speaking as my hobby. Public speaking,
Body as I believe, is one of the platforms that one can expose
one’s inherent qualities to the public. I would like to be a
great public speaker. I would like to visit to different parts
of the country and across the world as invitees to give my
opinion to a large heterogeneous group of people.
So far I have participated in many oratories, poem recitation,
debate and speech competitions and stood in leading
positions. This has significantly inspired me to be a public
speaker. I listen to the speech given by Martin Luther King,
Einstein, Barack Obama and so on and watch many videos
related to it. Such things are inspiring and cultivating my
hobby. Recently, I have been preparing for the national level
debate. I hope I will do better there. What about you? Please
keep writing to me if you have anything to communicate and
if I will be able to help you with your problem.
Closing With best regards,
Yours best friend,
Postscript P.S: Please convey my regard to papa and mama and love
to sister Amrita
Now write similar letter to your friend describing your hobbies.
Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7


Read the following description.
A tall, treelike grass, the bamboo is
found in tropical and subtropical to
mild temperate regions. More than 350
species, or types, of bamboo are found
in the world. Most species are found
in Southeast Asia and on islands of the
Indian and Pacific oceans. A few types
of bamboo are found in Nepal too. The
stems of bamboo are called culms.
They are woody and hollow, and can
be grown in clusters of branches from a
thick underground stem called a rhizome. As many as 100 stems may be grown
from a single root.

Bamboo is used for a variety of purposes in Nepal. The seeds are eaten as grain.
The young shoots of some bamboos are cooked and eaten as vegetables. The
leaves are used as food for cattle. The pulped fibres of several bamboo species
are used to make fine-quality paper. The stems of bamboo have a number of
uses. The largest stems are used as planks for houses and rafts. Bamboo stems
are often tied together to form scaffolding used on building construction sites. The
stems are also split to make buckets and pipes or are used to make furniture,
walking sticks, fishing poles, garden stakes, chopsticks, and other utensils. Fine-
grained silica has been used as a medicine in Asian countries.

Do You Know? The coloured words in the above given description are in
passive voice. If the object is affected by the action of the verb, that is active voice
and if the subject is affected by the action of the verb, that is in passive voice.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Speaking Practice

Answer these questions based on the given description.

a. What is voice?

b. What is active voice?

c. What is passive voice?

d. What are the subjects in the given sentences?

e. What are the objects in the given sentences?

f. Who does an action in the active voice?

g. Who does an action in the passive voice?

Listening Practice

Reproduce these sentences after your teacher.

Active Voice Passive Voice
He writes an essay. An essay is written by him.
He is writing an essay. An essay is being written by him.
He has written an essay. An essay has been written by him.
He wrote an essay. An essay was written by him.
He was writing an essay. An essay was being written by him.
He had written an essay. An essay had been written by him.
He will write an essay. An essay will be written by him.
He will have written an essay. An essay will have been written by him.
He can write an easy. An essay can be written by him.
He has to write an essay. An essay has to be written by him.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Quick Tip
Both active and passive sentences have same meaning. An action is
acted upon in the passive voice but an active voice is different types of
simple sentences.

Grammar Focus: Subject and Object Change

Active Voice: Ram writes to Kristal.

Passive Voice: Kristal is written to by Ram.

Active Voice: Dinesh invited Dikshya.

Passive Voice: Dikshya was invited by Dinesh.

Active Voice: He composed a song.

Passive Voice: A song was composed by him.

Active Voice: They helped Mohan.

Passive Voice: Mohan was helped by them

Quick Tip
Nouns do not get changed but the forms of pronouns are changed while
changing an active sentence into passive.

Passive of sentences having two objects

Active Voice: Ram writes a letter to Kristal.

Passive Voice: A letter is written to Kristal by Ram.

Active Voice: I called him a liar.

Passive Voice: He was called a liar by me.

Active Voice: He gave me a note copy.

Passive Voice: A note copy was given to me by him.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Quick Tip
Sentences having two objects have passive construction using either of
the objects. However, the first object is easier to take.

Passive of sentences having subjects like somebody, someone, nobody no

one, people, etc.
Active Voice: Somebody called me.

Passive Voice: I was called.

Active Voice: Someone broke down my house.

Passive Voice: My house was broken down.

Active Voice: People are destroying the forest.

Passive Voice: The forest is being destroyed.

Quick Tip
Indefinite pronouns as subjects are not used in passive voice.

Grammar Focus: Pronoun Change

Active voice Passive voice
I Me
We Us
You You
He Him
She Her
It It
They Them
Active Voice Passive Voice
I crack a joke. A joke is cracked by me.
We visit the zoo. The zoo is visited by us.
You drive a car. A car is driven by you.
Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
He lifts a load. A load is lifted by him.

She draws a picture. A picture is drawn by her.

It says no. No is said by it.

They scold Nim. Nim is scolded by them.

Instant Practice
Fill in the blank spaces with correct pronouns.
Active Voice Passive Voice
1. I buy an umbrella. An umbrella is bought by _______.

2. We sell fruits. Fruits are sold by______.

3. You read an article. An article is read by _______.

4. He brings water. Water is brought by_______.

5. She throws a stone. A stone is thrown by_______.

6. It conveys meaning. Meaning is conveyed by_______.

]7. They build a house. A house is built by_______.

8. I ring a bell. A bell is rung by_______.

9. We write to the Council. The Council is written to by_______.

10. You call Riya. Riya is called by_______.

11. He invited Hem. Hem was invited by_______.

12. She praised Juna. Juna was praised by_______.

13. It communicates something. Something is communicated by___.

14. They start a shop. A shop is started by_______.

15. Hem and Jem play basketball. Basketball is played by_______.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Grammar Focus: Formation of Passive Voice
Tense Active Passive
Simple I eat an apple. An apple is eaten by me.
present Sub + v1/v5 + obj Obj + is/am/are + v3+ by + sub

Present I am eating an apple. An apple is being eaten by me.

continuous (S + is/am/are + v4 +obj) (Obj +is/am/are + being + v3 +
by + sub)
Present I have eaten an apple. An apple has been eaten by me.
perfect (S + have/has+ v3+obj) (Obj + have/has + been + v3 +
by + sub)
Simple I ate an apple. An apple was eaten by me.
past (S + v2 + obj) (Obj + was/were + v3 + by + sub)
Past I was eating an apple. An apple was being eaten by me.
continuous (S + was/were + v4 + obj) (Obj + was/were + being + v3 +
Past I had eaten an apple. An apple had been eaten by me.
perfect (S + had + v3 + obj) (Obj + had + been + v3 + by +
Simple I will eat an apple. An apple will be eaten by me.
future (S + will/shall +v1 + obj) (Obj + will/shall + be + v3 + by +
Future I would have eaten an apple. An apple would have been eaten
Perfect (S + will/shall + have + v3 + by me.
obj) (Obj + will/shall +have + been +
v3 + by + sub)

Instant Practice
Change the following sentences into passive voice.
Active Passive
I play volleyball.
I am playing volleyball.
I have played volleyball.
I played volleyball.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
I was playing volleyball.
I had played volleyball.
I will play volleyball.
I will have played volleyball.
I do not play volleyball.
I am not playing volleyball.
I have not played volleyball.
I did not play volleyball.
I was not playing volleyball.
I had not played volleyball.
I will not play volleyball.
I will not have played volleyball.
Do I play volleyball?
Am I playing volleyball?
Have I played volleyball?
Did I play volleyball?
Was I playing volleyball?
Had I played volleyball?
Will I play volleyball?
Will I have played volleyball?

Passive of Modal Verbs

Active Passive
(S + modal + v1 + obj) (Obj + modal + be + v3 + sub)
(S + modal +not+ v1 + obj) (Obj + modal +not+ be + v3 + sub)
(Aux + s + v1 + obj +? (Aux + obj + be + v3 + sub +?)
I can play a game. A game can be played by me.
I cannot play a game. A game cannot be played by me.
Can I play a game? Can a game be played by me?
She may defeat us. We may be defeated by her.
She may not defeat us. We may not be defeated by her.
May she defeat us? May we be defeated by her?
He might win game. Game might be won by him.
He mightn’t win game. Game might not be won by him.
Might he win game? Might game be won by him?
Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
We should care them. They should be cared by us.
We should not care them. They should not be cared by us.
Should we care them? Should they be cared by us?
You must do it. It must be done by you.
You must not do it. It must not be done by you.
Must you do it? Must it be done by you?
I ought to help her. She ought to be helped by me.
I ought not to help her. She ought not to be helped by me.
Ought I to help her? Ought she to be helped by me?

Instant Practice
Change the following sentences into passive voice.
Active Passive
He can draw a picture.
He may draw a picture.
He might draw a picture.
He should draw a picture.
He has to draw a picture.
He had to draw a picture.
He must draw a picture.
He ought to draw a picture.
He could draw a picture.
He cannot draw a picture.
He may not draw a picture.
He might not draw a picture.
He should not draw a picture.
He does not have to draw a picture.
He did not have to draw a picture.
He must not draw a picture.
He ought not to draw a picture.
He could not draw a picture.
Can he draw a picture?
May he draw a picture?
Might he draw a picture?

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Should he draw a picture?
Does he have to draw a picture?
Did he have to draw a picture?
Must he draw a picture?
Ought he to draw a picture?
Could he draw a picture?

Passive of Different Sentences

Active Pasive
Affirmative I play football. Football is played by me.
We visit temple. Temple is visited by us.
You sing a song. A song is sung by you.
She writes a poem. A poem is written by her.
He carries load. Load is carried by him.
They carry loads. Loads are carried by them.
Negative I do not play football. Football is not played by me.
We do not visit temple. Temple is not visited by us.
You do not sing a song. A song is not sung by you.
She does not write a poem. A poem is not written by her.
He does not carry load. Load is not carried by him.
They do not carry loads. Loads are not carried by them.
Interrogative Do I play football? Is football played by me?
Do we visit temple? Is temple visited by us?
Do you sing a song? Is a song sung by you?
Does she write a poem? Is a poem is written by her?
Does he carry load? Is load carried by him?
Do they carry loads? Are loads carried by them?
WH question What do I play? What is played by me?
Where do we visit? Where is visited by us?
What do you do? What is done by us?
What does she do? What is done by her?
What does he do? What is done by him?
What do they do? What is done by them?
Imperative Play football. Let football be played.
Visit temple. Let temple be visited.
Sing a song. Let a song be sung.
Write a poem. Let a poem be written.
Carry load. Let load be carried.
Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Instant Practice
Change the following sentences into passive voice.
Active Passive
What do you do?
What are you doing?
What have you done?
What has he done?
What did he do?
What was he doing?
What had he done?
What will he do?
What will he have done?
Sing a song.
Call a taxi.
Let us write a letter.
Let Ram lift my bag.
Let Hem drive a car.
Let her send you a note.
Let me play cricket.


Change the following sentences into passive voice.

1. He took the money last Monday evening.

2. He will deliver the letter today.

3. She ate the cake this morning.

4. Mr. Regmi wrote the book last summer.

5. She has just taken the newspaper.

6. Mr. Basnet teaches that class on Friday.

7. They will leave the tickets for you.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
8. Somebody has taken my book.

9. She is typing that letter now.

10. They were discussing the question when I went in.

11. They are sending troops there today.

12. He is finishing the work now.

13. They were cleaning the office this morning.

14. They are examining him now.

15. The wind blew the smoke away soon.

16. She broke the plate on purpose.

17. They will bring the boy tomorrow.

18. They had finished the work by noon.

19. Mrs. Jackson saw the accident.

20. They have found the child at last.


Change the following sentences into passive voice.

1. He broke his leg in an accident.

2. They will send the book next week.

3. A car ran over our dog a short while ago.

4. They left the wounded soldiers behind.

5. They are sending the material today.

6. He will do the work this afternoon.

7. People will forget it in a few days.

8. People speak English all over the world.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
9. They fought a big battle here many years ago.

10. They made this gun by hand.

11. Someone has put all the chairs in the next room.

12. They are considering that question now.

13. We were using this room.

14. They are defending the city well.

15. They are holding the meeting today.

16. They were transferring him to another class.

17. I have done this well.

18. He has written to me.

19. They have sent me a parcel.

20. He has invited me.


Change the following sentences into passive voice.

1. We can finish this right away.

2. They may send the fax tomorrow.

3. We must lose no time.

4. You can use this room for the lesson.

5. We have to write these exercises at home.

6. He should send this message right away.

7. They cannot put those things here.

8. They may deliver the goods tomorrow.

9. He has to do it immediately.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
10. We must help him.

11. He cannot finish this today.

12. The police may hold him for several days.

13. We had to complete that task.

14. He will play cricket.

15. I will have painted the wall.

16. He might assist you.

17. She could call you.

18. Kaman would scold Ganesh.

19. You have to read this story.

20. She should teach us.


Change the following sentences into passive voice.

1. Mohan brings the mail every day.

2. Mohan brought the mail yesterday.

3. Mohan will bring the mail tomorrow.

4. Mohan has brought the mail every day.

5. Mohan is bringing the mail now.

6. Mohan may bring the mail tomorrow.

7. Mohan has to bring the mail every day.

8. They have put the chairs in the room.

9. They are sending the computer today.

10. He sent the e-mail last week.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
11. They have to deliver the books today.

12. We must find him immediately.

13. I praise her.

14. I am repairing my watch.

15. He has painted the wall white.

16. We wrote to the principal.

17. They were waving us.

18. He had taken oath.

19. She will remind you.

20. We will have seen her at the party.


Change the following sentences into active voice.

1. The book was found by Mary.

2. The money was stolen by a thief.

3. The parcel will be delivered tomorrow.

4. The city has been destroyed.

5. The book will be published next spring.

6. The lecture was attended by many people.

7. Our exercises are corrected each night by our teacher.

8. He was struck by an automobile.

9. The work had been finished by June.

10. The town will have been captured by Wednesday.

11. The house was built in 1950.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
12. The books will be brought by Kabina.
13. America was discovered in 1492.
14. Our class is taught by Mr. Gurung.
15. This book was written by Mr. Regmi.
16. The poor should be helped.
17. A letter has to be written by you.
18. Even a lion may be helped by a mouse.
19. My computer will be repaired tomorrow by me.
20. What is being done by you?
Vocabulary in Use
Fill in the gaps choosing one of the words given below.
excited, inspired, enthusiastic, thrilled, cross, furious, anxious, nervous,
worried, upset

You feel ______ when anxious thoughts are constantly going through your

You feel ______ when you are afraid and uncertain about the future.

You feel ______ when you are extremely angry.

You feel ______ when you are afraid or anxious about something.

You feel ______ when you have positive thinking about something.

You feel ______ when something extremely exciting or pleasing happens.

You feel ______ when you are stimulated to creative deeds or works.

You feel ______ when you are expecting something special to happen.

You feel ______ when you are angry or bad tempered.

You feel ______ when something unpleasant has happened to disturb you.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Guided Composition: Thank you and Apology Letters
Read the following thank you letter to your friend for his help.
Dallu, Kathmandu
April 4, 2019
Dear Friend,
I would like to thank you for the time you took to complete my missed homework
and assignments during the annual examination. If you had not helped me, I
would have been missed a lot of information which could be a cause of my failure
in exam.
It was very kind of you and I felt very happy more than I had before. I am planning
to do arrangements and continue my study now. Once again, I would like to thank
you for your selfless help in difficult time. I will never forget it throughout my life.
Yours best friend,
Saman Adhikari
Now write similar thank you letter to your uncle for his help.
Read the following letter of apology for a bad behaviour.
Gongabu, Kathmandu
December 20, 2019
Dear Suresh,
Please allow me to apologize for what i did on Saturday. My behaviour was
extremely inappropriate, immature, and lacked the respect you deserved. It was
a disruption and distracted others from doing their work.
It was embarrassing, but I learned that nobody appreciated my poor behaviour.
In the future, I have every intention of curbing my thoughtless actions and learn
to adjust my behaviour befitting the environment and situation.
Again, I am sorry for my actions and I hope that we can put this matter behind us. I
look forward to hearing a word of excuse from you soon. If you have any thoughts
in this, please feel free to share. You may contact me at your convenience at my
With best wishes,
Sincerely yours,

Now write a similar letter of apology to your teacher for your mistake.
Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7


Read the following dialogue.
Kishor: Waiter... Waiter! Please, come here.

Waiter: Yes! Can I help you, sir?

Kishor: Er, we haven’t got a menu.

Waiter: Oh, I’m sorry I’ll bring you one now.

Kishor Thank you.

Waiter: Here’s the menu, sir.

Kishor: Would you serve us two halves chaumine, two omelets, a cup of
tea, and a coke.

Waiter: Okay, sir! (After a while) Here’re the dishes, please

Kishor: Thank you, waiter.

Osika: Let’s start having meal.

Speaking Practice

Answer these questions based on the given dialogue.

a. Where are the speakers?

b. Who are the speakers in the dialogue?

c. What did Kishor say?

d. What did the waiter say?

e. What did Osika say?

f. Are the speakers using direct or indirect speech?

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
g. What is direct speech?

h. What is indirect speech?

Do You Know? The speakers in the given dialogue are using direct speech.
Direct speech is the speech the speakers themselves use in conversation.

There are two ways of expressing meaning what somebody has said. They are
From the above dialogue, the following are direct speech.
Kishor said to waiter, “Waiter! Please, come here.”

Waiter said to Kishor, “Yes! Can I help you, sir?”

Kishor said to waiter, “Er, we haven’t got a menu.”

Waiter said to Kishor, “Oh, I’m sorry I’ll bring you one now.”

Kishor said to waiter, “Thank you.”

Waiter said to Kishor “Here’s the menu, sir.”

Kishor said to waiter, “Would you serve us two halves chaumine, two omelettes,
a cup of tea, and a coke.”

Waiter said to Kishor, “Okay, sir! (After a while) Here’re the dishes, please.”

Kishor said to waiter, “Thank you, waiter.”

Osika said to Kishor, “Let’s start having meal.”

Now underline the change in the following sentences while changing them into
indirect speech.
Kishor requested waiter to go there.

Waiter asked Kishor if he could help him.

Kishor told waiter that they had not got a menu.

Waiter told Kishor that he was sorry and he would bring him one then.

Kishor thanked waiter.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Waiter told Kishor that there was the menu.

Kishor asked waiter if he would serve them two halves chaumine, two omelettes,
a cup of tea, and a coke.

Waiter told Kishor that it was okay. He said that there were the dishes.

Kishor thanked waiter again.

Osika offered Kishor to start having meal.

Look at the changes in the following sentences.

Direct: Hem said to me, “I am very sad today.”

Indirect: Hem told me that he was very sad that day.

a. Change in reporting verb: said to-told

b. Use of connective: that

c. Change in pronoun: I- he

d. Change in tense: am-was

e. Change in adverbial: today-that day

f. Change in punctuation: inverted comma and comma-full stop

Listening Practice

Repeat the following adverbials after your teacher.

Direct Indirect
this that
these those
here there
today that day
now/just then
thus so
hence thence
Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
tomorrow the following day/the next day
yesterday the previous day/the day before
next day/week/month the following day/week/month
the day before yesterday two days ago
last week/month/year the week/month/year before
ago before
hither thither
tonight that night
come go

Instant Practice
Complete the following sentences putting correct adverbials.
Direct Speech Indirect Speech

She said, “She’s coming this week.” She said that she was coming _____.

He said, “I bought this pearl for He said that he had bought_____ pearl
myself.” for himself.
He said he had found _____coins in
He said, “I found these coins in bed.”
He said, “I saw her the day before
He said he’d seen her _______.

“I’ll do it tomorrow,” he promised. He promised that he would do it ____.

She said, “My father died a year ago.” She said that her father had died ___.

He said that he would be very busy

He said, “I’ll be very busy today.”

He said, “I’ll be here again tomorrow.” He said that he’d be again ______.

She said that she would come to me

She said, “I’ll come to you tonight.”

Joe said, “Are you fine now?” Joe asked if I was fine______.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Grammar Focus: Person Change
Person Subjective case Objective Possessive Self-forms
P1 P2
1st I Me My Mine Myself
We Us Our Ours Ourselves
2nd You You Your Yours Yourself/ Yourselves
3rd She Her Her Hers Herself
He Him His His Himself
It It It Its Itself
They Them Their Theirs Themselves

Instant Practice
Complete the following sentences putting correct pronouns.
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
He said, “I have lost my umbrella.” He said that____ had lost ____
She said, “He’s my son.” She said that ____was ____son.
They said, “We’ve lost our car.” They said that ____had lost ____car.
I said to them, “I am on my way.” I told them that ____was on ___way.
She said, “You have to do your own She said that ____had to do ____own
work.” work.
He says, ‘I don’t want to wait any He says that ____doesn’t want to wait
longer.’ any longer.
‘I know her,’ said James. James said that ____ knew ____.
He said, ‘I might be late.’ He said that ____might be late.
He said, ‘It is nice I saw you again.’
He said that ____ was nice ___had
seen ___again.
The teacher says, ‘You should work The teacher says that ____should
hard.’ work hard.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Grammar Focus: Reporting Verb Change
Reported speech Reporting verbs Joining words
statement told/said that
request asked/requested to/not to
command told/said/ordered/commanded to/not to
yes/no question asked/enquired/questioned if/whether
w-h question asked/enquired/questioned w-h words
exclamation asked/exclaimed that/w-h words
optative wished/blessed/cursed that

Grammar Focus: Tense Change

Direct Indirect Example
He said, “I sing a song.”
He said that he sang a song.
V1/V5 V2
She said to me, “I play a game.”
She told me that she played a game.
Mina said to me, “He is an honest boy.”
Mina told me that he was an honest boy.
He said, “I am all right.”
is, am, are was, were
He said that he was all right.
She said to me, “You are good looking.”
She told me that I was good looking.
My uncle said, “I have hired a house.”
My uncle said that he had hired a house.
has, have Had
Hema said, “She has brought me some apples.”
Hema said that she had brought her some apples.

I said to her, “You have to hurry up.”

has to, I told her that she had to hurry up.
had to
have to My sister said, “She has to cancel the flight.”
My sister said that she had to cancel the flight.

He said to me, “I was looking at you.”

He told me that he had been looking at me.
was, were had been
They said, “We were visiting the museum.”
They said that they had been visiting the museum.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
She said to me, “What will you do next?”
would, She asked me what I would do next.
will, shall
should We said to him, “What shall we do for you?”
We asked him what we should do for him.
He said, “I can type this letter.”
could, He said that he could type that letter.
can, may
might She said to me, “I may call you later.”
She told me that she might call me later.
Tony said to me, “I do not like apples.”
do not, Tony told me that he did not like apples.
did not
does not He said, “It does not work properly.”
He said that it did not work properly.
Maya said, “I did not invite you at the party.”
did not had not
Maya said that she had not invited me at the party.
He said, “I would top the class quite often.”
would, He said that he would top the class quite often.
no change
should They said, “You should help us.”
They said that I should help them.
Rita said to me, “I could sing very well.”
could, Rita told me that she could sing very well.
no change
might Urmila said, “I might visit you.”
Urmila said that she might visit me.
universal He said, “Water flows down.”
no change
truth He said that water flows down.

Instant Practice
Change the following sentences into indirect speech.
1. He said, “I never eat meat.”
2. She said, “I’m waiting for my friend.”
3. Nib said, “I have found a flat.”
4. He said, “I’ve been waiting for ages.”
5. She said to me, “I took it home with me.”
6. He said, “I will/shall be there on Monday.”
7. Maya said, “I will/shall be using the car myself.”

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
8. I said, “I would like to see it.”

9. Father said, “I’m trying to get a taxi.”

10. The girl said, ‘It gives me great pleasure to be here this evening.’

11. The man said, ‘I must go as soon as possible.’

12. He said, ‘I have won the match.’

13. The report said, ‘Global temperatures are rising.’

14. The boy said, ‘I am very busy now.’

15. She said, ‘I have finished my job.’

16. He said, ‘My father is working in the garage.’

17. I said, ‘I have passed the examination.’

18. The man said, ‘The horse died in the night.’

19. The teacher says, ‘The earth moves round the sun.’

20. He said, ‘I’m glad to be here in this evening.’

Grammar Focus: Change of Different Types of Sentences

Sentences Direct Indirect
Assertive My father said, “I am going My father said that he was
out.” going out.
He said to me, “I can type He told me that he could type
fast.” fast.
She said to us, “I have a She told us that she had a
smart watch.” smart watch.
Negative She said, “I didn’t buy a car” She said that she had not
He said, “He does not like bought a car.
computer” He said that he did not like
She said, “I am not laughing” computer.
She said that she was not

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Interrogative I said to him, “Who are you?" I enquired of him who he
Aman said, “Why don't you go was.
home?" Aman asked me why I did not
He said, “Where do you come go home.
from?” He asked me where I came
Imperative He said, “Shut up!” He told me to shut up.
She said, “Don't do it again!” She told me not to do it
He said, “Please give me again.
some money.” He asked to give him some
Exclamatory He said, “Hurrah! I won a He exclaimed with joy that he
prize” had won a prize.
She said, “Alas! I failed in She exclaimed with sorrow
exam” that she failed in the exam.
John said, “Wow! What a nice John exclaimed with wonder
shirt it is” that it was a nice shirt.

Instant Practice
Change the following sentences into indirect speech.
1. Mr. Yam said, “I am very tired.”

2. He said, “I am flying to Rome tomorrow,”

3. George said, “I have lived in this village all my life”

4. Peter said to me, “Ί can’t go out with you because I am not feeling well”.

5. Himani said to me, “I hope you have enjoyed yourself”

6. She said, “I have been to Pokhara many times”

7. Kalika said, “I want to study medicine, father.”

8. Her friend said, “You are wrong, Mira”.

9. He said to me, “I saw your friend at the cinema yesterday”,

10. She said to him “I called you up but you didn’t answer an hour ago”

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Instant Practice
Change the following sentences into indirect speech.
1. The teacher said to me, “Write your name on this paper.”

2. He said to me, “Wait for me here.”

3. He said to them “Don’t go out alone.”

4. He said to me, “Type this letter immediately,”

5. Peter said to Tom, “Don’t do it again.”

6. The students said, “We may be a little late.”

7. The teacher said, “You must answer this question in 5 seconds”

8. He said, “I can’t stay out very late”

9. My mother said to me, “You ought to be more careful.”

10. I said to them, “Don’t write on your desks.”

Instant Practice
Change the following sentences into indirect speech.
1. He asked me, “How much did you pay for this book?”

2. The nurse asked him, “How are you feeling.”

3. The teacher asked “Have you written your homework?”

4. He asked me “Do you know anything about the accident?”

5. My brother asked, “Has anybody called while I was out.”
6. She asked me “Do you know where Mrs. Adhikari lives?”
7. He asked her, “Has the plane left?”
8. She asked, “How much does this coat cost?”
9. She asked me “Where are you from?”

10. She asked him “When will you meet your friends?”

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Instant Practice
Change the following sentences into indirect speech.
1. She said, "I don’t want to see any of you; go away."
2. He said to me, "I don’t believe you."
3. I said to him, ‘I didn’t go there.’
4. They said, “We aren’t coming.”
5. You said to me, “I am not feeling well.”
6. Mohan said, “My sister isn’t in good health.”
7. Teacher said, “He does not obey me.”
8. She said, “My mother wasn’t in the visiting team.”
9. Alana said, “I won’t trouble you.”
10. Lolita said, “I cannot help you.”

Instant Practice
Change the following sentences into indirect speech.
1. “Good!” he exclaimed.
2. “Ugh!” she exclaimed.
3. They said, “Thank you!”
4. He said, “Good luck!”
5. She said, “Happy Christmas!”
6. He said, “Congratulations!”
7. He said, “Liar!”
8. He said, “Damn!”
9. The notice said: " Welcome to Kathmandu !"

10. She said, “What a cute baby!”

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7

Change the following sentences into indirect speech.

1. He asked, “How much does it cost?”
2. Helen asked, “Where are you going?”
3. They asked me “Will you invite us?”
4. He asked me, “Do you know, where he is?”
5. She asked me, “What time is it?”
6. He asked me, “How are you feeling now?”
7. She asked him, “How do you like your new job?”
8. He asked me, “Have you been waiting long?”
9. She said to me, “Throw it away.”
10. He said to her, “Stop that noise.”
11. She said to her, “Don’t go near the dog.”
12. He said to them, “Put your books on the table.”
13. She said to him, “Be careful.”
14. She said to him, “Don’t be silly.”
15. Helen said to me, “I want to be a doctor.”
16. John said, “I want to go out, mother.”
17. His father said, “You are right, Tom”.
18. George said, “Wait for me here.”
19. She asked him, “Have you paid the bill?”
20. He always said “You must pay more attention”


Change the following sentences into indirect speech.

1. He said to me, " You are very ambitious."
2. He said to me, ‘'Your father has sent you a gift.'’

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
3. James said, ‘'I am working against heavy odds.’'

4. He said to me, '‘I have often told you not to play with fire.'’

5. ‘You have done very badly,’ " remarked the teacher."

6. They wrote, ‘' It is time we must settle the matter.'’

7. The mother said, ‘'I am longing for my son’s return.'’

8. He wrote, ‘' I am unable to come just now because I am ill.'’

9. She said, ‘' I left school long ago.’'

10. I said to her, ‘'I have not seen him in years.'’

11. Susan said, “The food is very delicious here.”

12. Madhu said, “I am going to ride my bike to work today.”

13. Junu said, “I have been to Dhunche several times.”

14. Hiren said, “I forgot to call my mother.”

15. Karina said, “I can teach you how to edit video.”

16. Michael said, “I want to visit Kathmandu one day.”

17. Bob’s boss said, “The meeting starts at 2:00.”

18. Sue said, “I’ve already seen that movie.”

19. Tom said, “I have to finish my report.”

20. Safalta said, “I can meet you at noon.”


Change the following sentences into indirect speech.

1. Kabina said, “I don’t like seafood.”
2. Anu said, “I can’t read Farsi.”
3. The professor said, “The next quiz will be this Friday.”

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
4. Jitu said, “I don’t love Spanish food.”
5. Eman said, “I’m not going to Singapore next month.”
6. Keshar said, “I had a great weekend.”
7. Mehar said, “I’m going to start my own business next month.”
8. Alina said, “I finished university in June.”
9. Sofia said, “I haven’t studied photography.”
10. Mina said, “I will bring you a scarf from India.”
11. Atul said, “I’m sorry but I can’t meet at 10.”
12. Bill said, “I can meet you for lunch on Friday.”
13. Mani said, “I don’t want to learn how to swim.”
14. “Don’t eat all the pizza. We need to save some for John.”
15. “Don’t climb the fence,” said the security guard.
16. “Don’t eat just before going to bed,” the doctor told her.
17. She said, “Stop running!”
18. “Answer the test with a pencil,” said the instructor.

19. “Please put your name at the top of the page,” said the instructor.


Fill in the blanks choosing the correct options.

1. Bill said that he .................................. the party. (doesn’t like, didn’t like,
didn’t liked)

2. I asked her ............................... she would marry me. (that, if, what)

3. The police inspector asked us ........................... our passports. (show, to

show, that we show)

4. I wondered how ...........................(are you, you are, were you, you were).

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
5. The government announced that taxes................... (will rise, would be
raised, will be raised).
6. She said that she .............................. enough. (has had, had had, have,
7. I............................ I didn’t intend to stand for election. (replied, replied
8. are probably right. (think, thought)
9. I ...............................I was busy. (shouted, shouted that)
10. He wanted to know ............................... leaving. (when was I, when I was,
when I will)
11. Nobody told me why sign the papers. (had I, did I
have, I had)
12. I knew how ...........................(you felt, did you feel, you feel)
Vocabulary in Use
Match the following adjectives with their meanings given below.
pleasing showing much love and admiration
spellbinding very impressive or very difficult and perhaps rather
passionate very exciting or impressive usually in a pleasant way;
very surprising
loving extremely attractive or impressive
awesome impressive; making you feel respect and admiration
breathtaking feeling or showing love and affection for somebody/
stunning having or showing strong feelings of sexual love or of
anger, etc
awe-inspiring holding your attention completely
adoring causing great interest or excitement
exciting that gives you pleasure or satisfaction

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Guided Composition: Writing Biography
A biography is a story or an account of a person’s life written by somebody
else. A biography is an effective means of communication. It states an
individual’s basic life facts and their importance for us. The lives of many people
in the world can inspire us to do better in future. Thus, biographies are written
to make people inform about the people and their contribution for the specific
area, field, or any other topic. Here are some considerations to be made while
writing a biography.
 Date of birth and death of the person whose biography is going to be
 List out the major achievements in the life of that person.
 Mention the educational background and awards if any related to the
person whose biography is being written.
 Highlight the contribution of the person in the specific field/area.
 Significance of his/her contribution to mankind, society or the nation as a

Read the following biography.

Rajesh Hamal
Rajesh Hamal is an actor, producer, director,
singer, lecturer and environmental activist. He is
known to be the biggest actor (MAHA NAYAK) in
Nepalese movie industry.

He was born on June 26, 1964 in Tansen, which

lies in central Nepal. Rajesh Hamal studied at
Bhanubhakta Memorial School till eighth grade.
Then he went to Moscow, Russia with his father
who was Nepalese Ambassador to Russia. Rajesh Hamal finished his M.A. in
English literature from Chandigarh University.

Rajesh Hamal started his career with the movie Yug Dekhi Yug Samma in 1988,
a film made by his maternal uncle. Initially, his parents were disappointed with his

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
career choice. He is considered a prominent figure in bringing professionalism
in the Nepali movie industry. From the start of his career, he worked no less than
10 to 12 films a year. Later, in his prime years, he even starred in more than 20
movies a year. Till date he has worked in over 230 Nepali films and one Punjabi
Rajesh Hamal is only one Superstar in Nepali cinema that keeps records
on awards winning. In 1988 he got "National Film Award" and “Best Actor
Debut” award in 1989. Since 1992 to 2001 no other star got opportunity
to win the award in 'Best Actor Award Category.' He had won 12 awards in
National Film Award for “Best Actor Award” category and received 12
nominations. He is nominated for 28 times in a Nepali Cinema Award function.
Hamal is very popular within and across the country. He is a great inspiration
for all of us. He is a high rated artist, public speaker and esteemed personality.
He is an epitome of professional artist in Nepal.

Write a similar biography of a famous person you like most.

Write similar biography of the following persons.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7



Read the following story.

The Three Boys
Half an hour before daybreak three of the
boys assembled, as they agreed, near the
old bridge. The fourth, a boy whose name
was Tony, had not turned up. His absence
did not make the others feel greatly surprise.
They knew that it was his mother who did not
want him to come on this expedition into the
Charles, whom all trusted was the oldest and their accepted leader. He waded
downstream to the place where their boat was tied up in the shelter of some
overhanging bushes. Then he rowed the boats back to the shallow water near
the bridge, where the boys loaded it with the provisions, blankets and other things
that they were taking on their journey. Dawn was just breaking as they climbed
into their boat and pushed off from the bank. There was a swift current which
carried them downstream so there was no need to row. They took it in turns to
keep the boat in the centre of the river. Three hours later they entered the forest
where they intended to spend the next few days. “Let’s go ashore now and
make some tea,” suggested Charles. “No one will see us here.” The reason why
people rarely came this way was that it was forbidden to light fires in the forest.
When Charles tied the boat up, the other two boys set about gathering wood
for a fire. When they came back, each with a large handful of sticks, they found
Charles who was looking very worried. He announced gloomily that they hadn’t
got any matches,” “Tony was going to bring them.” This was bad news. They were
miles away now from the nearest shop. Had they thought about it before they set
off, they would not have got that problem.

Do You Know? In the story, the coloured words are relative pronouns. They
give more information about noun or pronoun used in a sentence.
Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Speaking Practice
Answer these questions based on the given story.
1. What are these words called?
2. When is ‘whose’ used?
3. How is ‘who’ used in the story?
4. What is the difference in the use of ‘who’ and ‘whom’?
5. What does ‘where’ talk about?
6. What do the words ‘which’ and ‘that’ refer to?
7. What does the word ‘when’ refer to?

Quick Tip
The clauses that start with the words like, who, whom, whose, when,
where, why, etc. are relative clause.

Grammar Focus: Relative Clause

There are two kinds of relative clauses:


give relative information give extra information


People thing who

places times possession which
who which where
where when whose whose
that that

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
A. Defining Relative Clauses
Defining relative clauses are those clauses that are required to comprehend a
sentence and cannot be deleted. No comas are used in this type of sentences.
For example:

Krishal is my son who lives in Kathmandu.

My brother runs the new shop that / which contained many goods.

That’s the student who failed English class three times.

By 4.30, there was only one painting which hadn’t been sold.

There is hardly a moment when I don’t think of you, my son.

This is the street where I live.

B. Non-defining Relative Clauses

Non-defining relative clauses are those which include more information and can
be deleted from the sentence without changing its basic meaning. Generally, a
coma is used to separate the clause in this type of sentence. For example:

Krishal is son of mine, who lives in Kathmandu.

The new shop, which contained many goods, is run by my brother.

My brother, who lives in California, is an engineer.

By 4.30, which was almost closing time, nearly all the paintings had been sold.

Come back at 3.30, when I won’t be so busy.

I stopped in Sitapaila, where my sister owns a shop.

There was nobody left on the train, which made me suspicious.

I watched the play until the end of the first act, at which point I felt I had seen

A warning sign ‘Overheat’ may come on, in which case turn off the appliance at

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Grammar Focus: Function of Relative Clause
Words Function Examples
She is one of the girls who tore my copy.
describes person in
Who He, who works far, has come home
The teacher whom I sent a parcel is
describes person in blind.
object Maya, whom I proposed scolded me bit-
We have a teacher whose tone is Indian.
describes person in
Whose I have a friend whose parents are in the
possessive degree
The bag that I saw at the supermarket
describes things in
was pretty.
That defining relative
I complained about the man that was
very rude.
The house, which is in white colour, is
describes things in
Which non-defining relative
The class, which is in first floor, has a
This is the house where I live.
Where describes places That is the place where an accident took
place last Friday.
This is the question what troubled me
gives information much.
about subject That was the issue what I wanted to talk
My friend wanted to know why I called
Why Describes Reason him.
I don’t know why I hate rich people.
Describes the Manner I understood how you came here.
of doing things It is the process how I installed this app.
This is the time when people migrate to
When Describes Time
I got an accident when I was in grade

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7

Join the following sentences using the correct relative pronouns.

1. This is the woman. She gave me my first job.

2. He picked up the book. It was on the desk.

3. The meal was delicious. Ben cooked it.

4. She’s the woman. She telephoned the police.

5. He’s the person. He wanted to buy your house.

6. We threw out the computer. It never worked properly.

7. This is the lion. It’s been ill recently.

8. The man was badly injured. He was driving the car.

9. The children broke my window. They live in the next street.

10. They sold the cat. It was afraid of mice.

11. This is the chair. My parents gave it to me.

12. I’ve applied for the job. You told me about it.

13. We’re looking for the ball. We were playing with it.

14. The man was holding the gun. We saw him.

15. I’m going to speak to the mechanic. He repaired my car.

16. The TV programme was very sad. I watched it last night.

17. The girl had red hair. I saw her.

18. That’s the woman. I was telling you about her.

19. Yesterday I met a man. He works in the circus.

20. I want to sell my house. I bought it last year.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7

Use suitable relative pronouns to fill in each blank space.

1. The book _______proved most helpful was the one by Mr. Gautam.

2. The biscuits ____Tirana bought this morning have all eaten.

3. Childhood is said to be the period in our lives _____we learn fastest.

4. I’m selling the computer ____ I bought in the U.S.

5. My cousins, one of ____ is a doctor, live in England.

6. The library had a variety of books; the most popular of _____ are on short

7. I bought a cell phone ____ has internet access.

8. The equipment _____ I avoid using is the gas spectrometer.

9. Our hotel, _____was only two minutes from the beach, was very nice.
10. Nepal is a country, ____ capital is in Kathmandu.
11. The man _____car was stolen went to the police station.
12. Do you know the people _____ live in the house on the corner?
13. The student _____ saw me yesterday was absent this morning.
14. I was talking to two researchers, _____English was hard to understand.
15. The Bus Park is the place _____ you’ll find most adverts for flats.
16. The supervisors ____ students appreciate most are those that give the
clearest advice.
17. We had a long meeting; by the end of _____ she had accepted our
18. The woman ____works in the bank is my neighbour.
19. There were three lecturers in the office, none of _____ knew much about

20. There’s the restaurant ___ I ate last night.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7

Use suitable relative pronouns to fill in each blank space.

1. Mr. Regmi is a person ___speaks politely.

2. I saw the same person_____ I had met in hospital.

3. This is the place_____ I was born.

4. These are the machines _____ switch themselves off.

5. My brother is a professor _____is living in Canada.

6. What is the name of your office _____ you work?

7. The old couple _____ live here are foreigners.

8. The boy, _____ father is a policeman, is an engineer.

9. I have seen the kangaroo _____ lives in Australia.

10. This is the same girl _____ I gave your note copy.

11. All students _____ are hardworking are liked by teachers.

12. The labourer is carrying load _____is very heavy.

13. This is the reason_____ I don’t like this place.

14. Spring is the time_____ baby birds learn to fly.

15. I know the woman _____ you are going to marry soon.

16. The boy is washing a car _____ is very expensive.

17. I have no idea _____Rara Lake is located.

18. The dogs_____ you have kept are very well behaved.

19. The old man _____ visited the USA recently, is very happy now.

20. This is the same chair _____ I used to sit always.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Vocabulary in Use
Vocabulary in Use
Fill in the gaps choosing these words to complete the following sentences.

ecstatic content cheerful grateful delighted

miserable fed-up depressed frustrated confused

You feel ________ when you are madly in love or spiritually uplifted for some

You feel ________ when you are peaceful and satisfied with what you have.

You feel ________ when life is looking quite bright and positive.

You feel ________ when someone has done you a favour.

You feel ________ when something has happened that gives you immense

You feel ________ when everything seems miserable in your life.

You feel ________ when you have had enough of something disagreeable.

You feel ________ when you are miserable over a long period of time.

You feel ________ when you are unable to do something that you want to do.

You feel ________ when you cannot make sense of different conflicting feelings
or ideas.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Guided Composition: News Story
Pilot dies in small plane crash at
Byline Reported by Geoff Smith
Placeline Canada
An experienced pilot is dead after crashing a new
Lead ultra light plane north of Lloydminster near the Alberta
Saskatchewan border at about 3:00 pm today.

According to our reporter, rescue teams were called

in to an area of rough terrain north of the city as soon
as the news of the crash. The pilot had last been
Facts seen on Sunday, practicing touch-and-go takeoffs
and landings from a private runway. The victim was
an experienced pilot, but not with this type of aircraft.
The family has asked police to withhold the name.
information The police are investigating the case.

Car accident claims life, injures two

The Republica
Rupandehi: One person died and two were injured in a car accident at Debdaha
along East-West Highway last night.
The mishap occurred when the car collided with a culvert and fell 10 meters
down the road. Area Police Office, Butwal, said Basanta Bahadur Khati, 32,
of Bandipokhara-8 from Palpa died on the way to Lumbini Zonal Hospital for
Yam Bahadur Bohora of Tansen Municipality-13 and Khem Narayan Kafle
of Jagatradevi-8 from Syangja were injured in the accident. Both of them are
undergoing treatment in Lumbini Zonal Hospital. The police are further investigating
the case.

Now write similar news stories based on accidents and natural disasters.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7



Read the following description .

Adobe is a type of clay. It is used to
make bricks. People in many dry parts
of the world use adobe bricks to build
buildings. This is partly because there
are few trees in these regions in order to
supply wood for constructing building.
Adobe soils are so fertile that crops
can flourish much. It can be shaped
easily while it is wet but it is so hard
that ploughing is almost impossible
after it is dry.

Though it is time consuming, people do not bother themselves to make adobe

bricks by wetting clay and then adding straw or another type of fiber. They mix
the material and pour it into molds. The molds have four sides and are open at
the top. People then lay the bricks out in the sun to dry, which can take several
weeks. When they are dry, the adobe bricks are ready to use.

Adobe buildings usually start with a base of stone or concrete. Workers stack
the adobe bricks on this base. They stick the bricks together with a mud like
material called mortar so that adobe buildings become very strong and can
last for hundreds of years. Adobe buildings also stay warm in winter and cool in

Do You Know? In the given description, the coloured words are conjunctions.
They are also called connectors. They connect two different ideas.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Speaking Practice

Say what words are connectives in the following sentences.

a. We buy fruit and vegetables at the grocery store.

b. The teacher is firm but fair with the children.

c. Who is cooking the dinner, Mom or Dad?

d. Before you leave the house, be sure that you’ve got your backpack.

e. I usually do my homework after I have my dinner.

f. We’ve moved to a new house since I last wrote to you.

g. While we’re waiting for the bus, let’s play a game.

h. People stand back as the train goes through the station.

i. I sat down because I was feeling tired.

j. He failed exam because of his laziness.

Quick Tip
Conjunctions are the words that connect sentences, clauses, phrases,
or words, and sometimes paragraphs. They can also be used to avoid
repetition of grammatical phrases.

Grammar Focus: Types of Conjunctions

A. Coordinating conjunctions
Coordinating conjunctions may join single words, or they may join groups
of words.

The seven coordinating conjunctions in English are: FOR, AND, NOR, BUT, OR,
YET and SO.

We looked everywhere for the key.

The house is warm and comfortable.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
I was neither reading nor sleeping.

The musicians are young but very talented.

You can have a soda or lemonade.

He was careless yet he passed his driving test.

Your handwriting is poor so you must improve it.

B. Subordinating conjunctions
Subordinating conjunctions join together the clauses of unequal rank or

a. Time connectives: before, after, when, while, till, until, as long as, as soon as,
etc. All these connectives join two actions:

It was sometime before I realized the truth.

I will call you after I finish my office work.

I liked her when I was at school.

His wife died while he was in the USA.

You cannot go home till you finish this task.

Let’s wait until the bus stops.

You cannot reach that bus as long as you hurry up.

The thieves ran away as soon as they saw the policemen.

b. Reason Connectives: because, as, since, because of, so, lest, therefore, etc.
Reason connectives join a statement and a reason.

I called you here because he told me to.

She might need some help as she is new.

I won’t write to you since you write to me.

He failed exam because of his carelessness.

It was still painful so I went to see a doctor.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
He was terrified lest he had revealed too much.

He is only sixteen therefore he is not allowed to vote.

c. Purpose Connectives: to, in order to, for, so that, so….that, in order that, etc.
Purpose connectives join an action and a purpose. All these connectives are
placed before purpose.

I went the park to meet one of my old friends.

Buy an oxford dictionary in order to improve your vocabulary power.

I listened eagerly for he brought good news of my brother.

I go to market so that I can buy some vegetable.

He is so intelligent that everybody likes him.

We visit museum in order that we know much about past history of our

d. Connectives of Unexpected Result: though, although, even though, in spite

of, despite, however, nevertheless, etc. All these connectives join a situation
and its unexpected result.

I could not succeed though I tried hard.

Although he is poor, he is honest.

I did not see him even though I was at the party.

He skied in spite of warning signs.

Despite his request she left him.

He is polite. However, few people like him.

C. Compound conjunctions
Some compound expressions are used as conjunctions. These are called
compound conjunctions.

He as well as his son has gone to Kathmandu.

She behaved as if nothing has happened.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
It sounds as though you had a good time.

I will get there, even if I have to walk.

You can use my car provided that you drive slowly.

He gave him 5 lakhs on condition that he would return 6 lakhs.

D. Correlative conjunctions/Connectives in Pairs

All the connectives join a pair of nouns, verbs, adverbs, phrases; clauses,
etc. The conjunctions that are used in pairs are called correlative

You have to either work regularly or quit it.

Neither he nor his friends are good mannered.

I not only fell down but also bruised myself.

Whether you sing or dance no problem for me.

My brother is both sincere and hard working.

Such was his condition that nobody liked him.

No sooner did the teacher come than we started writing.

E. Relative Pronoun Connectives: who, whose, whom, what, which, where,
that, when, how, why, etc.
The man who Anu saw at the concert is Sonam.
He saw the man whose name was Niraj.
The writer whom you wrote is your own relative.
Nobody knows what will happen next.
This is the same pen which you had stolen yesterday.
I will stop where there is a parking area.
That’s an old castle that we visited.
I will phone you when I arrive.
She is unknown on how she has to speak.
The reason why I like her is her politeness.
Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7

Underline connectives in the following statements.

1. Since the new teacher arrived, we all enjoy our work more.

2. Take an umbrella in case it rains.

3. Take the toy out of the box before you throw the box away.

4. The animal is large but timid.

5. Is this a sheep or a goat?

6. It’s cold, wet and windy today.

7. Joe first met his wife when he was studying in London.

8. Joe listened to music while he was doing his homework.

9. Mom switched off the TV as it was past my bedtime.

10. People stand back as the train goes through the station.

11. Sam ran faster than both Kim and David.

12. Since you have finished your homework, you can help me make dinner.

13. Take all your belongings with you when you leave the plane.

14. Tamendra saw an accident while he was walking home.

15. Until the rice is cooked, we can’t eat dinner.

16. Wait here until I come back.

17. While the bus is slower than the train, it’s cheaper.

18. You can do your homework either now or after dinner.

19. Wherever there are mountains, you will also find streams.

20. You can’t watch TV until you’ve done your homework.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7

Supply the correct connectives to the following statements.

1. ____you forget the number, I’ve written it on this piece of paper. (If, In case)

2. ____get to sleep, he reads a really boring book at bedtime. (For, In order to)

3. John took a map ____he wouldn’t get lost. (so, so that)

4. Let’s write down the address ____ we don’t forget it. (so, so that)

5. Look both ways ____ you cross the street. (after, before)

6. Miss Thapa was smiling ____she walked into the class. ( as, though)

7. She goes jogging every morning ____keep fit. (in order that, in order to)

8. The children are wearing hats ____ they won’t get sunburned. (so, so that)

9. The dog follows Aman ____ he goes. (whenever, wherever)

10. The movie was ____ funny ____interesting. (neither…nor…, whether…or.)

11. The party began at 8:00 P.M. and lasted ________ midnight.(unless, until)

12. They visited Sydney, ____Hong Kong and Tokyo. (and, as well as)

13. ____this computer is very old, it is very reliable. (Though, Because of)

14. Tom and Joe have been friends____ childhood. (because, since)

15. We could walk, ____ else take a taxi. (or, however)

16. We left early ____we wouldn’t be late. (so, so that)

17. We went inside ____it started to rain. (as soon as , as)

18. We’ve moved to a new house ____ I last wrote to you. (because, since)

19. ____ the wind blows, the branches on the tree bend. (As, When)

20. ____ the road is narrow, big trucks can’t get through. (When, Where)

21. You have grown taller ____I saw you last. ( as, since)

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7

Supply the correct connectives to the following statements.

1. _____he began exercising regularly, Bibas became healthier. (Before, After)

2. _____ I went to bed, I heard a strange noise downstairs. (Before, After)

3. _____Grandpa is old, he’s very fit. (Although, Because)

4. _____you’ve finished your homework, let me see it. (As soon as, When)

5. _____you’re my best friend, I’ll lend you my new bike. (As, Because)

6. ______we arrived late; we missed the beginning of the play. (As, Because)

7. _____you leave the house, be sure that you’ve got your backpack. (Before,

8. Dad _____ washed the car, ____ he polished it. (so…..that, not only….but

9. Dad painted the walls white ____ make the room look brighter. (in order to,
10. Dad watches TV ____ he does his exercises. (while, when)
11. Does anybody know ____ Mr. Regmi lives? (when, where)
12. Don’t leave ____ you’ve finished your work. (until, unless)
13. _____ the weather was sunny, it was cold. (Even though, Because)
14. Grandpa is old ____ very fit. (and, but)
15. I always brush my teeth ____ I’ve had my breakfast. (before, after)
16. I hid the comics under the bed ____ nobody could find them. (so that, so…
17. I sat down ____ I was feeling tired. (as, because)
18. I took an apple ____ it was the only fruit in the bowl. (since, however)
19. I usually do my homework ____ I have my dinner. (before, after)

20. I’ll call you ___ I get home. (while, when)

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7

Supply the correct connectives to the following statements.

1. I asked for some bread ________ butter. (and, but)

2. ____I really need is a long holiday. (That, What)

3. Aman looked unhappy ________ he walked in. (while, when)

4. The plane____ has just taken off is an hour late. (which, when)

5. My friend Nilam____ works in the city, earns much more than I do. (whom,

6. Martin is someone with _____I usually agree. (who, whom)

7. Atlanta is the city____ the Olympic Games were held in 1996. (when,

8. It rained all the time____ it was a great pity. (so, so that)

9. We passed shops ____ windows were decorated for Christmas. (which,


10. Mr. ________ Mrs. Chaudhary have three children. (and, but)

11. Muna is a good singer ________ a poor dancer. (and, but)

12. We wish you a Merry Christmas ________ a Happy New Year. (also, as
well as)

13. Is their new baby a boy ________ a girl? (and, or)

14. The dictionary has 1000 words ________ 200 drawings. (and, but)

15. Babin is taller than Nabin ________ shorter than Mike. (and, but)

16. Are you going by train ________ by bus? (and, or)

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
17. Jack always brushes his teeth ________ he has eaten a meal. (before,

18. It started to rain ________ the children were playing in the garden. (when,

19. Let’s go home ________ it gets dark. (before, after)

20. Give this letter to Anne ________ you see her. (when, as)

Vocabulary in Use
Match the following crime words with their definitions given below.
murder an act of taking something illegally into another country

shoplifting an act of setting fire to something in a criminal way

burglary an act of killing someone

smuggling an act of stealing something from a shop

arson an act of stealing from someone’s home

kidnapping taking a person hostage in exchange for money or other


assault to enter a building illegally usually using force and steal from

burgle to attack somebody violently

conspire to get money illegally from a person or organization by

tricking them

defraud to secretly plan with other people to do something illegal or


Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Guided Composition: Broken Dialogue
Complete the following dialogue.
Student: ……………, which lesson do we learn today?
Teacher: Well, today we learn lesson 10. Are you ready?
Student: Yes sir,…………… about?
Teacher: It’s about ……. letter. Today, I’ll tell you……. and their models
Student: Sir, would you please tell us how to write letters?
Teacher: Yes,………… Shyam, have you written any letter?
Student: No Sir.
a. Listen to me carefully –
b. What is it –
c. Excuse me –
d. different types of letters –
e. how to write
Complete the following dialogue.
Ramita: Do you have any new experience, Manohar? …………
Manohar: Not a special one but yesterday………….
Ramita: Really? How was the garden?
Manohar: There were fountains running on all sides.
Ramita: Did the flowers present a scene of colorfulness?
Manohar: Yes,………………….
Ramita: Wonderful! How was the garden?
Manohr: In certain bushes the birds were making their nests and………
Ramita: I love fountains. They look very beautiful.
Manohar: Exactly! ………………..
a. on all sides were green trees and flowering plants.
b. we paid a visit to the Children Garden.
c. let me listen to it.
d. the water of the fountains was sparking in the bright sun-shine.
e. we felt like plucking them.
Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7



Act out the following dialogue.

Alan: Look at this picture, father. You used to be thin. Now you’re fat.
Why is it so?

Father: I was thirteen then. Now I’m


Alan: Where was it?

Father: It was in the village. I used to live

there with my parents. I used to
live in a mud house but now I live
in a flat in Kathmandu.

Alan: What changes have there been in the village?

Father: There used to be trees everywhere. And there used to be cows in

the fields. There are highways now. There are many new towns

Alan: Who was your best friend there, father?

Father: Oh! There was a boy called Sanam. He was my best friend. We
often spent time together. Why do you ask such questions?

Alan: I want to know about your childhood much.

Do You Know? Questions that start with W-H words like who, where, how,
when, why, what, etc. are W-H questions. We use them to know exact answer
about person or thing.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Speaking Practice

Answer these questions based on the given dialogue.

a. What are WH questions?
b. Why is it called WH questions?
c. How are WH words used in the dialogue?
d. What words are used as the subjects of questions?
e. What other word is use after WH words?

Listening Practice

Repeat this conversation after your teacher.

A: What is your name?

B: My name is Heman Rai.

A: How old are you?

B: I am 15 years old.

A: Where do you live?

B: I live in Kathmandu.

A: What is your father’s name?

B: My father’s name is Sonam Rai.

A: What is your mother’s name?

B: My mother’s name is Sunita Rai.

A: How many members are there in your family?

B: There are five members in my family.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
A: What are your hobbies?

B: My hobbies are reading and travelling.

A: Who is your best friend?

B: My best friend is Dina.

A: Which colour do you like most?

B: I like purple colour most.

A: Whom do you admire most?

B: I admire my father most.

A: Why do you go to school?

B: I go to school to study.

A: How much water do you drink in a day?

B: I drink 3 liters water in a day.

A: How long does it take you to go to school?

B: It takes an hour to go to school.

A: How often do you go to movies?

B: I go to movies every Saturdays.

A: Whose songs do you like most?
B: I like Narayan Gopal’s songs.
A: Whose house is this?
B: This is my house.

Grammar Focus: WH Question

Wh questions usually include the verbs be, have, do, or any of the helping verbs.
To ask for facts, use the question words what, which, who, whom, how, when,
where. The helping verbs in WH questions usually come before the subject. So
does the verb be when it is used as an ordinary verb.

How am I going to finish all this work?

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
What is your problem?

When do the stores open in the morning?

Where shall I put this box?

Which colour do you prefer?

Who is she going to invite to her party?

Whom is she going to invite to her party?

Why was the girl crying?

How long has it been raining outside?


Ask WH questions for each of the following answers.

1. Sumy is very thin and has got blue eyes. (who) _____________?

2. They need twenty-five dollars. (how much) _____________?

3. Ann likes apples, oranges and pears. (what) _____________?

4. We go to the South in summer. (when) _____________?

5. Mr. Jubal gets up at 6:45 every morning. (when) _____________?

6. My friends come from Kapan, Kathmandu.(where) _____________?

7. Jaya visits his parents twice a month. (how often) _____________?

8. The boys usually talk about football. (what) _____________?

9. The boy sometimes wears his father´s shoes. (what) _____________?

10. It takes me about 20 minutes to get there. (how long) _____________?

11. I go there three times a week. (how often) _____________?

12. Binod plays golf with his boss on Sunday. (with whom) _____________?

13. Mr. Rubin writes about his trips round the world. (what) _____________?
Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
14. They look at the stars with the telescope. (how) _____________?

15. We take photographs with a camera. (how) _____________?

16. I like Mina because she´s very friendly. (why) _____________?

17. We went to work by bus. (how) _____________?

18. Prem came here yesterday. (when) _____________?

19. I wanted to drink tea. (what) _____________?

20. They saw the car accident. (what) _____________?


Fill in the blanks with the correct question words from the box.
where when why how
whose what who which
1. ________ are my keys?
2. ________ is the tall boy at the back of the class?
3. ________time did they arrive?
4. ________ is the problem?
5. ________ are we going to the zoo?
6. ________ do you know the answer?
7. ________ do the stars twinkle?
8. ________ coat is this?
9. ________would you like for dinner?
10. ________ did you open the door without a key?
11. ________ is your favourite singer?
12. ________ does this train leave?
13. ________ bike is that over there?

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
14. ________cafe do you prefer?
15. ________ can we find a restaurant?
16. ________ is your house?
17. ________ wallet is this?
18. ________ are you always late?
19. ________ wrote this book?
20. ________ of the two boys is smarter?


Complete each sentence, using what, where, when, who or why.

1. ______’s the time please?
2. ______did I just say?
3. ______do you think you are?
4. ______is my coat?
5. ______do you want to leave? This evening?
6. ______didn’t you go to college this morning?
7. ______was the Battle of Hastings?
8. ______are you looking for?
9. ______’s your name?
10. ______is the front door open?
11. ______is the star of ‘Spiderman’?
12. ______didn’t you call me last night?
13. ______do you live?
14. ______did you go to the party last night?
15. ______did you leave school in 1994?
16. ______do you work?
Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
17. ______were you talking to yesterday?
18. ______’s going on?
19. ______are you still in bed at four in the afternoon?
20. ______is your birthday?


Write wh-questions for the following sentences.

1. Ann likes apples, oranges and pears.

2. He gets up at 6:45 every morning.

3. Jack visits his parents twice a month.

4. My friends come from Kathmandu.

5. Susan is very thin and has got blue eyes.

6. They need twenty-five dollars.

7. We go to the Taj Mahal in the summer.

8. The boys usually talk about football.

9. The boy sometimes wears his father´s shoes.

10. It takes me about 20 minutes to get there.

11. Bob plays golf with his boss on Sunday.

12. I go there three times a week.

13. I like Mary because she´s very friendly.

14. She writes about her trips round the world.

15. They look at the stars with the telescope.

16. We take photographs with a camera.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
17. Mohan usually travels by plane.
18. Ann writes detective stories.
19. The students go to the gym after lunch.
20. Bob goes to bed early when he´s tired.

Vocabulary in Use
Match the following crime and law related expressions with their
continuations given below.
to plead guilty or not guilty to punish someone by putting them in

to prosecute someone in a court to punish someone by making them


to fine someone a sum of money to argue for or against someone in a


to send someone to prison to swear in a court that one is guilty or


to release someone from prison to bring someone to court

to be tried to say someone is guilty

to pass a verdict to do something illegal

to commit a crime to decide whether they are guilty or


to accuse someone of a crime to have case judged in court

to charge someone with murder to set someone free after a prison


Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
Guided Composition: Interpretation of Charts and Graphs
Read the following interpretation.
Monthly Expenditure of a Family
10% food

15% clothes

education 15%
This is a pie chart. This chart shows the monthly expenditure of a family. Overall,
the expenditure on education is greater than that of the rest.
According to the chart, the monthly expenditure of a family is divided into
seven different topics, namely food, clothes, rent, education, health, saving and
miscellaneous. Based on the chart, the expenditure on education, 25%, is greater
than other expenditures. The expenditure on food, 20%, is on the second greatest
point. Expenditures on clothes and health, 15% and expenditures on rent and
miscellaneous topics, 10% are equal. However, only 5% is allocated for saving.
On the whole, the chart shows the expenditure on saving should be increased for
better future and expenditure on other topics should be decreased.
Now, interpret the following pie chart.

Sources of Drinking Water in Nepal

river system
1% others
spring water 3%


Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7


1. Read the passage given below and do the exercises that follow.
Cold air flows outwards from the poles, while warm subtropical air moves pole
wards. The cold and warm air meet along a line called the polar front. Because of
the great difference in temperature, the cold and warm airs do not mix. Instead,
warm air flows into bends in the polar front and cold air flows in behind it. This
sets up a rotating low pressure air system, called a depression or cyclone, which
was warm, light air at its centre.

The front edge of the warm air is called the warm front. Ahead of the warm front,
the warm air flows upwards over the dense, cold air. As it rises, a blanket of cloud
forms and rain starts to fall from it. The advancing edge of the cold air, behind the
warm air, is called the cold front. Here, cold air pushes under the warm air and
thunderclouds often form as the warm air rises. Depressions, therefore, bring
stormy unsettled weather as they move across the land.

A. Decide whether the following statements are true of false.

a. Cold air and warm air are mixed at the polar region.

b. Low pressure air system is called depression.

c. The cold air causes rain fall.

d. Depression brings stormy unsettled weather.

B. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

a. Warm air flows into ……….. in the polar front.

b. The cold air and warm air do not mix because of the great ………….

c. Thunderclouds are formed when the warm air ………..

C. Answer following these questions.

a. What happens when the cold and warm air meet at polar front?

b. In which directions do cold air and warm air flow?

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
c. What is the warm front?

d. When does the rain start to fall?

2. Read the passage and answer the questions given below.

Rudyard Kipling, British poet and novelist, was born on 30 December 1865 in
Bombay, and was the winner of England’s first Nobel Prize for Literature. The
early years of his life were spent in India where his father was posted and the
country left a strong impression on him.

From 1882 to 1889 he worked as a journalist in Lahore writing poem, short stories
and ballads about India and the British Army. At twenty-five, a best-selling author,
he travelled widely in Asia and America, where he married an American lady.

He wrote a large number of books though he is most fondly remembered for Kim,
his best long novel written in 1901, and The Jungle Books, stylistically superb
stories, written in 1894 and 1895. Kipling was writing at a time when England
ruled over a vast colonial empire, and his writings reflect the times he lived in. He
died in 1936 at the age of seventy-one.

A. Match the following phrases with their continuations.

a. Rudyard Kipling the jungle books
b. his father worked India
d. wonderful stories a poet and novelist

B. Choose the best alternatives and complete the following sentences.

a. Rudyard was born in…….…(Britain / India / America)

b. He had been the bestselling author when he was ……….. (seventy one/
twenty five / seventeen)

c. He got the Novel Prize of ………(journalism / publishing books / literature

d. He worked as a journalist in India ………… (In 1882/In 1936/In 1895)

C. Answer the following questions.

a. Why did Rudyard have to spend his childhood in India?
b. Who was his wife?
c. In what sort of literature did he use his pen?
Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
3. Read the following text and do the activities given below.
There was a coffee shop in front of my house where one man in his sixties always
came and spent his whole day. Out of curiosity one day I went to the shop, ordered
some coffee and sat next to him. Before I could speak, he asked me about my
home and family. After that he became quite nostalgic. Suddenly his eyes filled
with tears as he told me that I reminded him of his granddaughter Julli, who was
in the US. I got to know his son was in the US for the last five years. He had been
staying alone after his wife passed away a year ago. A retired officer with enough
wealth, yet there was no one to take care of him. Speaking over the phone with
his granddaughter was not enough. All he needed was love and care from his
children. From that day onwards we became friends. He calls me granddaughter
and loves me very much. From my meeting with him, I learnt that nothing is
greater than family and money cannot buy happiness. The key to a happy family
is love and care.
A. Match the following expressions with their meanings.
a. coffee shop a retired officer
b. the man’s son to give him affection
c. the old man in front of the narrator’s house
d. the narrator succeeds in the United States
B. Choose the correct answers to complete the following sentences.
a. The narrator was …………… the man. (the granddaughter of/ the wife
of/a stranger to)
b. The man’s wife…......... (left him away/had already died/is also in the US)
c. The man’s age was ……………. years old. (sixty/below sixty/between
sixty to seventy)
d. In spite of enough wealth, the man was …………….. (cheerless/
C. Answer the following questions.
a. Why did the narrator actually go to the coffee shop?
b. How did the man become alone in his house?

c. What is the most important thing in man’s life?

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
4. Read the following story and answer the questions that follow.
For me the events of last weekend were a reflection of some of the problems of
society today. On Saturday afternoon, I attempted to stop a robbery at one of my
local shops. No one came to my aid during my endeavours, now I have a black
eye and broken ribs.

The apathy and disinterest of bystanders shocked me. The four youths responsible
for the robbery made their escape in a Volvo, which suggests that it is easier to
make a dishonest living rather than an honest one. The shop-owner has shown no
interest in my well-being and no gratitude for my attempt to protect his property.

I suppose I am fortunate that my injuries are not so serious, but I have found
the experience saddening. When will the public stop turning a blind eye to such
event, actively help to prevent them; and responsibility for factors such as high
unemployment which lead to this sort of crime?

A. Find similar meaning to the following words/phrases.

a. gratefulness b. attempts c. wounds d. lack of concern

B. Write whether the following statements are true or false.

a. The passage tells about the bank robbery.

b. The youths were successful in their attempt.

c. The writer believes that it is better to rob people than to do an honest job.

d. The writer was sad because he was hurt.

C. Answer the following questions.

a. Where did the robbery take place?

b. How did the writer get hurt?

c. How does the writer regard the shop-owner?

5. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
Mahabir pun was born in Nangi village, Myagdi. Pun passed his boyhood in his
village and attended a village school. Pun’s father moved the family to Chitwan,
where, he finished high school and became a teacher. He worked as a teacher

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
for 12 years. Finally, a timely scholarship led him to a bachelor’s degree at the
University of Nebraska at Kearney. Then, in 1992, after more than 20 years, pun
returned to Nangi, determined to make things easier for other youths than they
had been for him.

Mahabir Pun brought Nangi onto the world map by bringing in wireless internet to
a village with no other form of communications. His efforts led him being featured
on BBC News Online. Now five villages including Nangi are linked together into
one digital community using smart Bridges and air Point-PRO access points. With
the network, the villagers are better able to manage their traditional Yak farming
and even venture into e-commerce, marketing the folk handicraft they make to
provide additional sources of income.

A. Find the opposite meanings of the following words.

a. alone b. expenditure c.weak d. worse

B. Put the following sentences into the correct order.

a. Pun worked for twelve years as a teacher.

b. A timely scholarship led him to a bachelor’s degree at the University of


c. He studied in a village school.

d. Nowadays the villagers are better able to manage their traditional Yak

C. Answer the following questions.

a. What did Mahabir Pun do?

b. What are people able to do?

c. What work led him being featured on BBC?

d. How many years did he work as a teacher?

e. Which News online featured his news?

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
6. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
Hamelin is a beautiful town on the bank of the Weser in Germany. About six
hundred years ago, the people in this town lived in constant fear. They were
afraid of rats. There were hundreds and hundreds of rats in every house. Any
grain the people kept in store were eaten up. Every morning they found their flour,
bread and cheese eaten up. Any place appeared to be good enough for the rats
to live in comfort; the people found rats even in their shoes, hats and pockets.
When it was time for the children to be put to bed, mother found rats lying in
comfort in beds and cradles. The rats were not afraid of cats or dogs. In fact these
animals lived in fear of rats and whenever they saw the rats they turned their tail.
Poor little kittens and puppies were constantly attacked and killed. People tried to
catch the rats in traps. But the rats were too clever to be caught in traps. Even if
one was caught, other rats would come to it, help and set in free.

A. Find the words that are opposite in meaning to the following words.
a. released
b. saved
c. occasional
d. lost
B. Rewrite the following sentences rearranging them in the correct order.
a. They lived in comfort.
b. They helped any rats caught in trap make free.
c. They killed young dogs and young cats also.
d. Rats went into the granary and ate up grains.
C. Answer the following questions.
a. What did cats and dogs do when they saw rats?
b. What did mothers see in beds?
c. How did the rats give trouble to the people of Hamelin?
d. What is Hamelin?

e. How many rats were there?

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
7. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below.

Silently Siddhartha stood in the fierce sun’s rays filled with pain and thrust and
stood until no longer felt pain and thrust. Silently he stood in the rain, water
dropping from his hair onto his freezing shoulders, onto his freezing hips and legs.
And the ascetic stood until his shoulders and legs no longer froze, till they were
silent, till they were still. Silently, he crouched among the thorns. Blood dropped
from his smarting skin, ulcers formed, and Siddhartha remained stiff, motionless,
still no more blood flowed, till there was no more pricking, no more smarting.

Siddhartha sat upright and learned to save his breath, to manage with little
breathing and to hold his breath. He learned, while breathing in, to quiet his
heartbeats, learned to lessen his heartbeats, until there were few and hardly any

A. Find the words that are similar to the following words.

a. only one b. poured out c. desire for water d. quiet and peaceful

B. Rewrite the following sentences putting them in the correct order.

a. Siddhartha silently stood in the sun’s rays.

b. He silently stood in the rain.

c. Blood dropped from his skin and ulcers formed.

d. He became stiff and motionless.

C. Answer the following questions.

a. What was the goal of Siddhartha?

b. What, according to Siddhartha, happens when all the self is conquered?

c. What did Siddhartha do to achieve his goal?

d. How did Siddhartha stand?

e. What did he learn when he sat upright?

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
8. Read the following advertisement carefully and do the activities given

The Sharadha Nursing Campus invites application from qualified candidates
for the position of Nursing Tutor.
Minimum Qualification: Post Basic Nursing BN/B Sc Nursing
Required Nos. : Some
Deadline of submission of application: 1st April, 2003

Masters in Nursing Degrees are highly preferred and prioritized during

selection. Interested individuals are requested to send their applications in the
following address with a copy of their academic qualification, CV & passport
size photograph.
Shradha Nursing Campus,
Chundevi, Bhaktapur Tel: 6612652

A. Find the words form the above texts which are closest in meaning to the
following words/phrases.
a. resume b. individuals c. teacher d. last point of time

e. of education in university

B. Answer the following questions.

a. What type of candidate is preferred?
b. Where should a candidate send the application?
c. What is the number of required tutors?
d. What is the duty of the Nursing tutor?
e. What are the things to be submitted with the application?

C. Read the text again and rewrite the passage filling in the gaps with
appropriate words.
This is an advertisement of a ……… of the post of …… A person
whose minimum qualification is ………… can apply. Preferences will be
given to those with ……… Application must be reached on ………….

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
9. Read the following advertisement carefully and do the activities given

Simply the Best Station of Nepal


We are seeking few experienced, competent, result oriented and smart Nepali
Citizen to join our team as a Marketing Executive.

Qualification and other desirable skills:

a. Completion of minimum Bachelor’s Degree.

b. At least two years’ experience in related field.

c. Good communication (spoken and written) skill in both Nepali and

English language.

d. Identify, develop and evaluate marketing strategy.

e. Handle executive correspondence independently.

Application must reach to the address given below no later than 25th February,

Administration Department

GPO 8975, EPC1615, Kathmandu, Nepal

Only short listed candidates will be contacted for interview. Telephone inquiries
will not be entertained.

A. Find opposite meaning of the following words.

a. naïve b. plan c. contract d. inexperienced

B. Write true or false to the following statements.

a. The vacancy is for three candidates.

b. Master’s students also can apply for the job.

c. The candidates must be from the marketing field.

d. For detail information, candidates can ring.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
C. Match the following.
a. candidate Nepali and English

b. interview not allowed

c. communication experienced

d. telephone executive director

short listed

D. Answer the following questions.

a. What is the advertisement for?

b. What is the minimum experience required?

c. What is the deadline for the application submission?

d. Who can walk to interview?

e. Where should the application be sent to?

10. Read the following advertisement carefully and do the activities given
A newly established software marketing company is looking for energetic and
self-motivated employees for marketing their new product. It is challenging job
and has a lot of opportunities and returns. Selected candidates will be trained
on various marketing skills in Kathmandu and have opportunity to go further
training in India’s cyber city, Hyderabad.
Post: Marketing Executive
Minimum Qualification: Commerce Graduate
Essential Qualities: Knowledge of accounting and various accounting
software along with programming languages, various computer application
and operating systems.
Interested candidates may send their application along with CV to Prashanta@ before 30th March.

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
A. Find the words form the above text which are closest in meaning to the
following definitions.
a. A brief account of somebody’s career………..

b. Offering problems that test somebody’s ability…………….

c. A person working in administration or management in business


B. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

This is an example of an……….. It is for the post of……….. A person whose

minimum qualification is………..can apply. The candidates must be……..and
selected candidate will be given training on…….in Kathmandu. They will be
given further …… India’s cyber city, Hyderabad.

C. Answer the following questions.

a. What type of candidate is required?

b. Where will the selected candidate be trained?

c. What is the advertised post?

d. What is the last date to submit the application?

e. State the minimum academic qualificatgion for the post?

f. What document should be submitted with application?

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7

Irregular Verbs

Simple Past Past Participle

be was, were been
beat beat beaten
become became become
begin began begun
bend bent bent
blow blew blown
break broke broken
bring brought brought
build built built
buy bought bought
bet bet bet
bite bit bitten
blow blew blown
break broke broken
bring brought brought
build built built
buy bought bought
catch caught caught
choose chose chosen
come came come
cost cost cost
cut cut cut
dig dug dug
do did done
drink drank drunk
drive drove driven
eat ate eaten
fall fell fallen

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
feed fed fed
feel felt felt
fight fought fought
find found found
forget forgot forgotten
forgive forgave forgiven
freeze froze frozen
get got gotten
give gave given
go went gone
grow grew grown
have had had
hear heard heard
hide hid hidden
hit hit hit
hold held held
hurt hurt hurt
lay laid laid
lead led led
leave left left
lend lent lent
let let let
lie lay lain
light lit lit
lose lost lost
make made made
mean meant meant
meet met met
pay paid paid
put put put
quit quit quit
read read read
ride rode ridden
ring rang rung

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
rise rose risen
run ran run
say said said
see saw seen
sell sold sold
send sent sent
set set set
shake shook shaken
show showed shown
sing sang sung
sink sank sunk
sit sat sat
sleep slept slept
speak spoke spoken
spend spent spent
split split split
spread spread spread
stand stood stood
steal stole stolen
swim swam swum
take took taken
teach taught taught
tear tore torn
tell told told
think thought thought
throw threw thrown
understand understood understood
wear wore worn
win won won
write wrote written

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7

Regular Verbs
Infinitive Past Past Infinitive Past Past
participle participle
accept accepted accepted last lasted lasted
act acted acted learn learned learned
achieve achieved achieved like liked liked
admire admired admired link linked linked
advise advised advised list listed listed
affect affected affected listen listened listened
agree agreed agreed live lived lived
amaze amazed amazed locate located located
amuse amused amused look looked looked
answer answered answered love loved loved
appear appeared appeared manage managed managed
arrange arranged arranged mark marked marked
arrive arrived arrived match matched matched
ask asked asked measure measured measured
attack attacked attacked mention mentioned mentioned
bake baked baked miss missed missed
behave behaved behaved move moved moved
believe believed believed name named named
belong belonged belonged need needed needed
blame blamed blamed note noted noted
borrow borrowed borrowed notice noticed noticed
bother bothered bothered number numbered numbered
call called called offer offered offered
cancel canceled canceled open opened opened
carry carried carried order ordered ordered
cause caused caused organize organized organized
celebrate celebrated celebrated pack packed packed
clean cleaned cleaned paint painted painted
clear cleared cleared pamper pampered pampered
climb climbed climbed pardon pardoned pardoned

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
close closed closed park parked parked
compare compared compared participate participated participated
compete competed competed pass passed passed
complete completed completed perform performed performed
contain contained contained persuade persuaded persuaded
continue continued continued pick picked picked
cook cooked cooked plan planned planned
correct corrected corrected play played played
cough coughed coughed please pleased pleased
count counted counted practice practiced practiced
crash crashed crashed predict predicted predicted
create created created prefer preferred preferred
cross crossed crossed present presented presented
curse cursed cursed program programmed programmed
change changed changed protect protected protected
chase chased chased provide provided provided
chat chatted chatted purchase purchased purchased
check checked checked push pushed pushed
damage damaged damaged rain rained rained
dance danced danced receive received received
date dated dated recommend recommended recommended
decide decided decided relate related related
deliver delivered delivered relax relaxed relaxed
depend depended depended release released released
describe described described remember remembered remembered
design designed designed repair repaired repaired
destroy destroyed destroyed repeat repeated repeated
dicrease dicreased dicreased resist resisted resisted
die died died rest rested rested
disagree disagreed disagreed return returned returned
discover discovered discovered review reviewed reviewed
discuss discussed discussed sail sailed sailed
disturb disturbed disturbed save saved saved
dress dressed dressed scan scanned scanned
dry dried dried scare scared scared
eliminate eliminated eliminated share shared shared
end ended ended shop shopped shopped
enjoy enjoyed enjoyed shout shouted shouted

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
entertain entertained entertained skate skated skated
excuse excused excused ski skied skied
exercise exercised exercised slow slowed slowed
exhibit exhibited exhibited sneeze sneezed sneezed
expect expected expected snow snowed snowed
express expressed expressed solve solved solved
film filmed filmed spell spelled spelled
fill filled filled start started started
fish fished fished step stepped stepped
fix fixed fixed stop stopped stopped
follow followed followed stress stressed stressed
freeze freezed freezed study studied studied
fry fried fried substitute substituted substituted
greet greeted greeted suggest suggested suggested
guess guessed guessed surprise surprised surprised
hail hailed hailed talk talked talked
handle handled handled taste tasted tasted
happen happened happened terrorize terrorized terrorized
hate hated hated thank thanked thanked
help helped helped touch touched touched
hope hoped hoped travel traveled traveled
hunt hunted hunted try tried tried
identify identified identified tune tuned tuned
ignore ignored ignored turn turned turned
imagine imagined imagined underline underlined underlined
impress impressed impressed use used used
improve improved improved vary varied varied
include included included wait waited waited
increase increased increased walk walked walked
interview interviewed interviewed want wanted wanted
introduce introduced introduced warn warned warned
invite invited invited wash washed washed
jog jogged jogged watch watched watched
join joined joined water watered watered
jump jumped jumped welcome welcomed welcomed
knock knocked knocked wish wished wished
label labeled labeled witness witnessed witnessed
land landed landed work worked worked
wrestle wrestled wrestled worry worried worried

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7

Word Antonym Word Antonym
accurate inaccurate correct incorrect
active inactive dress undress
adequate inadequate east west
admissible inadmissible easy difficult
agree disagree ebb flow
allow disallow empty full
appear disappear enemy friend
arm disarm enjoy dislike
arrange disarrange entrance exit
attentive inattentive equal unequal
believe disbelieve evening morning
better worse ever never
big small everybody nobody
black white everywhere nowhere
blameless guilty exit entrance
bless curse fact fiction
blunt sharp failure success
bold timid fair dark
boss employee fair unfair
bravery cowardice famous unknown
break repair fancy plain
bridge tunnel far near
bright dull fat skinny
broad narrow fat thin
busy idle few many
buy sell fold unfold
capture release found lost
careful careless freeze thaw
catch throw fresh stale
cheap dear fresh stale
city country friendly unfriendly
common rare happy unhappy
common unusual harmful harmless
connect disconnect healthy unhealthy

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
conscious unconscious helpful helpless
continue discontinue honest dishonest
contract expand hopeful hopeless
cool warm just unjust
like dislike kind unkind
liquid solid known unknown
long short level steep
loss gain life death
loud soft silly serious
love hate similar different
loyal disloyal slim fat
majority minority smile frown
many few steady unsteady
masculine feminine straight crooked
master servant strange familiar
mean kind strong weak
miser spendthrift suitable unsuitable
modern ancient summer winter
most least sweet sour
motorist pedestrian talk listen
mountain valley tall short
natural artificial tame wild
near far this that
never always tidy untidy
niece nephew tie untie
obey disobey tight loose
omit include tiny huge
open shut/close top bottom
order chaos true untrue
order disorder trust distrust
overlook notice understand misunderstand
painful painless use misuse
perfect imperfect willing unwilling
pitiful pitiless wise unwise
real imaginary same different
right left screw unscrew
rise fall seen unseen
rough smooth selfish unselfish
sad cheerful separate join
safe dangerous several few

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7

Words Synonyms
action move, act, gesture, deed, feat
ad advertisement, commercial, promotion, advert, trailer
admit acknowledge, concede, confess, allow, grant,
advocate supporter, promoter, campaigner, activist
afraid freighted, scared, alarmed, paranoid, apprehensive
agree approve, consent, acquiesce
almost nearly, practically
bitter pungent, sour, acrid, sharp
border boundary, line, frontier
boring dull, tedious, uninteresting
bottom base, foundation, foot
bright brilliant, fluorescent, luminous, vivid, vibrant
broken out of order, broken-down, on the blink
build construct, assemble, erect
building property, premises, complex, structure, block, edifice
burn char, blacken, scald, scorch, singe
choose select, pick, opt, go for something
claim allegation, assertion, contention
clear obvious, apparent, evident, plain, crystal clear
coast bench, seaside, coastline, shoreline, sand, seashore
coddle indulge, spoil, overprotect
cold cool, freezing, chilly, lukewarm, tepid,
collect gather, accumulate, amass
colour shade, tone, hue, tint, tinge
comment note, remark, observe
complain protest, object, grumble, moan, whine

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
condition state, situation, circumstance
consist comprise, make up something, constitute, be comprised of
constantly repeatedly, continuously, always, frequently, regularly
content amount, substance
country landscape, countryside, terrain, land, scenery
crash slam, collide, smash, wreck
cut slash, cut, scale, rationalize, downsize
damage hurt, harm, impair, prejudice
declare state, indicate, announce
demand require, expect, insist, ask
deter discourage, put off, prevent, frighten
difficult hard, challenging, demanding, taxing, testing
effect result, consequence, outcome, repercussion
entertainment fun, recreation, relaxation, play, pleasure, amusement
environment setting, surroundings, background, backdrop, situation
equipment material, gear, kit, apparatus
exciting dramatic, heady, thrilling, exhilarating
fast quick, rapid, swift
fear alarm, apprehension, fright, foreboding
fight clash, brawl, struggle, scuffle, tussle
floor ground, land, earth, soil
grown up adult, mature, grown, developed, full-size
halt stop the progress of, stop, bring to an end, freeze,
happy satisfied, content, contented, joyful, joyous, blissful
hate dislike, can’t stand, despise, can’t bear, loathe, detest
hide conceal, cover, disguise, mask, bury, camouflage

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
illness sickness, ill health, trouble
imagine envisage, visualize, picture, envision,
impious sinful, irreverent, wicked, bad, immoral
income wage, wages, pay, salary, earnings
injure wound, hurt, bruise, maim, sprain, pull, twist, strain
intelligent smart, clever, brilliant, bright
interest hobby, game, pastime
job post, position, vacancy, placement, appointment, opening
like love, be fond of something, be keen on something, adore
limit restriction, control, constraint, restraint, limitation
look watch, see, view, observe, regard
look glance, gaze, stare, glimpse, glare
love like, be fond of, adore, be devoted to, care for, dote on,
lucid clear, logical, thought through, simple
luck chance, coincidence, accident, fortune, fate, destiny,
mentally ill insane, neurotic, psychotic, disturbed, unstable
mention refer to, cite, quote, allude to
mistake error, inaccuracy, slip, howler, misprint, typo
mix stir, mingle, blend,
money cash, currency, change, wealth, capital
naked bare, nude, unclothed, uncovered
narrow thin, restricted, contracted, limited
order tell, instruct, direct, command
outside outdoors, out of doors, in the fresh air, under the stairs
painful sore, raw, excruciating, burning

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7
payment premium, subscription, repayment, deposit, installment
perplexed puzzled, at a loss, confused, mystified, confounded, baffled,
photograph photo, picture, shot, snapshot, snap, portrait
picture drawing, painting, portrait, illustration, sketch, image
place site, position, location, scene, spot, venue
plain simple, stark, bare, unequivocal, bald
pleasure delight, joy, treat
promote help, support, uphold, encourage, elevate
pull drag, draw, haul, tow, tug
purpose aim, intention, plan, point, idea
rate charge, fee, rent, dues, toll, rental, tariff
reason grounds, excuse, motive, need, justification, cause, pretext
recommend advise, advocate, urge
regard consider, see, view, perceive
replete sated, full up, complete, supplied
save rescue, bail out, redeem
see spot, glimpse, clap, lay, set eyes on
serious grave, earnest, solemn
serious severe, critical, grave
tentative uncertain, unsure, provisional
tiny very small, petite, miniature
undo unfasten, untie, loosen, unwrap, unknot
uniquely outstandingly, exclusively, individually

Dynamic English Grammar & Composition Book-7

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