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Damian Williams Workbook

@Pearson rm




1A jobs and studies present simple: I, you, we, they weak forms and linking: do you
pp –
1B common verb phrases present simple: he, she, it third person -s
pp –
1C | 1D adjectives for feelings; time possessive ’s, s’ intonation to show interest
pp8– phrases; family
2A food and drink countable and uncountable the weak / / sound: a, an, some
pp10–11 nouns; a, an, some, any
2B everyday activities adverbs and phrases of frequency linking
2C | 2D restaurant words like, hate, love + -ing polite intonation
pp1 –1
pp1 –1
3A rooms and furniture this, that, these, those; here, there /ɪ/ and /iː/
3B common adjectives (1) have got sentence stress
3C | 3D social phrases there is, there are rhythm in phrases
4A time phrases (1) and dates past simple of be: was, were weak and strong sounds:
pp2 –2 was, were
4B amounts; numbers how much, how many; intonation to check understanding
pp2 –2 how + adjective
4C | 4D shops and shopping; weather and should, shouldn’t; imperatives linking
pp28–2 seasons
pp 0– 1
5A time phrases (2) past simple: regular verbs -ed ending of regular verbs
pp 2–
5B life events past simple: irregular verbs; irregular verbs
pp – wh- questions
5C | 5D excuses; saying the time adjectives and modifiers intonation for apologising
pp –
6A clothes and appearance present continuous weak form of are
pp 8–
6B common adjectives (2); comparative adjectives sentence stress
pp 0– 1 transport collocations
6C | 6D places prepositions and adverbs of stress to correct information
pp 2– movement
pp –
7A skills and qualities articles: a, an, the, zero weak forms: a, an, the
pp –
7B phrasal verbs present simple and present connected speech, the /t/ sound
pp 8– continuous
7C | 7D phoning verbs and to infinitive friendly intonation
pp 0– 1
8A describing places superlative adjectives -t in superlatives
pp 2–
8B travel activities be going to weak form of to
pp –
8C | 8D hotel language; hotel rooms adverbs of manner the contraction ’ll
pp –
pp 8–


pp60–61 pp62–63 pp64–67
pp68–77 pp78–95
GRAMMAR | present simple: I, you, we, they

Lesson 1A VOCABULARY | jobs and studies

PRONUNCIATION | weak forms and linking: do you

jobs and studies present simple: I, you, we, they
1 A Complete the phrases with the words in the box. 3A Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
1 They don’t / are / do scientists.
art basketball bus business farm
2 We don’t / aren’t / do speak Japanese. We speak
hotel office tennis train university
3 A: Do you like sport?
| player
B: Yes, I like / am / do.
| worker 4 My parents do / are / don’t from Berlin.
| driver 5 A: Are icky and Sam brothers?
| student B: No, they aren’t / don’t / are.
6 They are / don’t / aren’t Spanish. They’re
| manager Portuguese.

B Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. B Complete the text with one word in each gap.
1 I’m a taxi and I work at night.
a worker b driver c player I have an international family. My wife and I
2 Are you a university ? 1
Polish, but we 2 live in Poland.
a driver b player c student We 3
in Scotland. Our children
3 I’d like to be a business . 4
Scottish and they both English.
a manager b player c driver 6
my parents live in Poland? No, they
4 I’m an office and I work from to . 7
. They 8 in France and speak Polish,
a driver b student c worker
French and English!
5 Would you like to be a train ?
a driver b player c student
6 My favourite tennis is Ashleigh Barty. C Put the words in the correct order to make questions.
a worker b player c driver 1 you / speak / Do / Spanish ?
2 from / are / Where / they ?
2 A Complete the words with one letter in each gap. Some 3 Chiara / Do / know / you ?
letters are given. 4 come / do / from / you / Where ?
1 a t r
5 your children / Do / go / near here / school / to ?
2 s pa s s a t
6 have / we / tonight / Do / homework ?
3 p l t
7 pizza / like / your parents / Do ?
4 e g n er
8 do / How / you / know / Tim?
5 p l ce o f cer
6 wr t r D Match the answers (a–h) with the questions (1–8) in
7 l w er Ex 3C.
8 n rs a I’m from Turkey.
9 re i d b We work together.
10 un plo ed c Yes, they do. They love it!
d No, I don’t. I speak Greek.
B Match the jobs from the box with the sentences (1– ).
e Yes, I do. She’s nice.
digital designer doctor pilot f Yes, we do. It’s Exercise 8.
politician scientist singer g They’re from Egypt.
h No, they don’t.
1 I help people who are ill.
2 I make music.
3 I work in the government.
4 I study new medicines.
5 I make websites for different companies.
6 I y planes.


4 A 1.01 | weak forms and linking: do you | Listen to
the sentences. Choose the stressed word in each of the c
6 A Read the personal profile from a blog. Complete the
1 How do you know Sarah? information.
2 Do you like your job?
1 Full name:
3 Do you work with Paul?
2 Job:
4 Where do you live?
5 What do you do? 3 Nationality:
6 Do you come from Poland? 4 Home town:
5 Interests:
B 1.01 | Listen again and repeat.
6 Email:

5A 1.02 | Listen to the conversation. Choose the things hi, my name’s Frank Bacall and
the three people talk about.
I’m a travel writer. I’m from
a how they know each other cape Town in South Africa.
b their children
I love my job because I go
c countries/nationalities
to lots of different countries.
d work
I often visit Thailand, france
e food and drink
and the USA. I love to meet
B 1.02 | Listen again. Are the statements True (T) or people and learn languages. I speak Spanish,
False (F)? Portuguese and a little thai. I’m interested in sport,
1 Ashley and Eliana don’t know each other. too. I play tennis and badminton.
2 Scott and Eliana work together. welcome to my blog. i hope you like it! If you want
3 Scott and Ashley work together. to know more about the places I visit, then please
4 Eliana is from the SA.
contact me at [email protected].
5 Eliana is here for a meeting.
6 Ashley is a nurse.
B Find and correct six mistakes with capital letters in
C 1.02 | Listen again. Complete the sentences.
the profile.
1 How things?
2 Not bad. C Imagine you are Bruna Pereira. Write your profile
3 Eliana, is Ashley. using the information below. Write 8 –1 words.
4 Nice to you.
5 How do you each other?
6 Are you the SA?
7 you live here?
8 What do you , Ashley?

Full name: Bruna Pereira

Job: singer
Nationality: Brazilian
Home town: Rio de Janeiro
Languages: Portuguese, Spanish, a little English
Interests: tennis, cinema
Email: [email protected]
GRAMMAR | present simple: he, she, it

Lesson 1B VOCABULARY | common verb phrases

PRONUNCIATION | third person -s

common verb phrases present simple: he, she, it
1 A Match (1–8) with (a–h) to make sentences. 2A The sentences below have a mistake. Choose the
1 I’d like to play best option to correct the mistake.
2 Jiya and Carlos study business 1 What time your brother finishes work?
3 We teach a is your brother finish b does your brother finish
4 I work c your brother finish
5 You live 2 Kate and her friends lives together.
6 Do they have a live b are live c is live
7 I always go 3 obin don’t go out a lot.
8 At the weekend, I get up a isn’t b aren’t c doesn’t
a and economics at university. 4 Your children like their school?
b a car? a Do your children b Does your children
c late. c Are your children
d from home two days a week. B Choose the correct words to complete the text.
e guitar.
f to bed early on Sundays.
g students from lots of countries.
My brother is a nurse and
h alone in a small at. he 1work / works at a
hospital in our city.
B Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
He 2start / starts
1 Do you out a lot at the weekend?
work at 10 a.m. every
a live b go c get up
2 I from home, not in an office. day and 3finishes /
a work b play c live finish at 9 p.m. On
3 At the weekend I usually running. Saturdays, when he
a play b have c go 4
doesn’t / isn’t at the
4 We in a small village. hospital, he 5eats / eat lunch
a have b go c live
at a café with friends. I usually 6visit / visits him on
5 Do you tennis?
Sundays and we 7play / plays tennis and 8cook /
a play b go c have
cooks lunch together. On Sunday evenings he 9study
6 We need to up early tomorrow.
a live b get c have / studies Italian for an hour and then 10go / goes to
bed early.
C Put the words in brackets in the correct order to make
C Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
What do you do? What’s your day like? verbs in the box.
Write your answers!
get up go go out have
[tom93] I live in London. 1 start study teach work
A (university / I / a / teach / at). I love my job!
a She work at a.m. She
A [laylaamr] I live in a village. 2
from home.
(day / I / up / early / every / get). I go running
b After that, she with friends.
before work.
c She running, then
[stargrl] I’m a singer. 3 breakfast.
A (also /guitar / I / the / play). I’m in a band. d In the evening, she French.
e Anika at a.m.
A (a[greenlife] I live with friends. 4

/ go / we / out / lot). We like parties! f In the afternoon, she students online.

A [sol3] I work for a small company.

(money / make / of / a
D Put sentences (a–f) in Ex C in the correct order to
describe Anika’s day.
lot / don’t / I).


3A 1.03 | third person -s | Listen and choose the
correct -s sound for each verb (/s/, /z/ or /ɪ /).
1 studies 6 finishes
Best friends but different!
2 sits 7 goes Rowan
3 works 8 stops My best friend
4 stays 9 watches
is Annie. She’s
5 does 10 lives
great. We have
B 1.03 | Listen again and repeat. very different
lives though.
She’s a lawyer.
She gets up at 7
4 Choose the correct word to complete the a.m. every day.
sentences. She has breakfast and then goes to work. She
owan is a shop assistant. He in a often works late (sometimes until 9 p.m.!),
supermarket. He starts at 12 p.m. and he finishes at
8 p.m.
but not on Thursdays. She has a Spanish class
on Thursday evenings. She studies Spanish
a lives b works c meets
because her boyfriend is from Argentina. I
5 A Read the article. Are the statements True (T) or False don’t study. I’m a shop assistant and I work in
1 Annie is owan’s wife.
a supermarket in the centre of town. I don’t
2 Annie’s boyfriend is Spanish. start work until 12, so I usually get up late –
3 owan works for eight hours every day. around 10.30 a.m. I go to work by bus and work
4 Annie always sees owan at the weekend. hard all day. I finish work at 8 p.m., then come
5 Annie and owan go to the same school. home and cook dinner. Annie and I have very
6 They like doing the same things.
different lives, but we still make time to see
7 owan likes sport.
each other.
8 Annie likes cooking.

B Read the article again. Choose one option (a–c) to Annie

complete the questions (1– ).
I know my good
1 What’s Annie’s job?
friend Rowan
a a teacher
from school.
b a shop assistant
c a lawyer We live in the
2 What does she do in the morning? same town
a She has breakfast and goes to work. and we always
b She reads books or studies. see each other
c She goes to Spanish classes.
at weekends.
3 What does she do on Thursdays?
We have different interests, so it’s usually
a She studies.
b She cooks dinner. interesting to spend time together! Rowan plays
c She watches T or reads books. a lot of sports, like football and tennis, but I like
4 How does owan know Annie? going for walks or to the cinema. So, how do we
a from work decide what to do in our free time? It’s easy.
b from his Spanish class
One weekend I choose what to do, and the next
c from school
weekend Rowan chooses. This weekend I want
5 What does Annie hate?
a watching films to watch a film, and next weekend Rowan wants
b cooking food to cook dinner. He loves cooking, but I hate it,
c going to the cinema so he cooks and I eat. It’s perfect. I think we’re
6 What does Annie say about being different to owan? good friends because we do things together
a She doesn’t like it. that we don’t usually do alone.
b She likes it.
c It’s OK.
HOW TO … | make suggestions

Lesson 1C VOCABULARY | adjectives for feelings; time phrases

PRONUNCIATION | intonation to show interest

adjectives for feelings make suggestions
1 Complete the sentences with the adjectives from 3A 1.04 | Listen to the conversation. Answer the
the box. questions with Mike (M) or Fran (F).

all right angry bored hungry 1 Who feels hungry?

ill relaxed thirsty tired 2 Who has a class at twelve?
3 Who asks to meet at the café on East Street?
1 Can I have some water? I’m really . 4 Who loves the café?
2 Greg isn’t at work today. He’s at the doctor’s 5 Who asks to meet at two?
because he’s .
B 1.05 | Listen to the recording. Write what you
3 I’m sorry I’m late. Please don’t be !
hear. You will hear the sentences only once.
4 I’m . Let’s do something interesting.
5 I feel – not happy, not sad. Just normal.
6 I want to go to bed. I’m very . 3
7 What time is dinner? I’m really .
8 I always feel after a hot bath. PRONUNCIATION
time phrases 4A 1.06 | intonation to show interest | Listen to the
phrases. Do the people sound interested (I) or not
2A Choose the correct answer to complete the
interested (N)?
1 Sure! 4 Perfect!
1 I get up – / on / at a.m. every day.
2 Good idea. 5 Sure, that’s fine.
2 Do we have a class next / at / on week?
3 I’d love to! 6 OK.
3 Let’s play tennis on / – / next tomorrow.
4 I teach German at / on / this Tuesdays. B 1.07 | Listen and repeat the interested phrases.
5 I have an English class at / – / on Thursday morning.
6 What shall we do this / next / at evening?
B Complete the messages with one word in each gap. If
no word is necessary write (–).
5A 1.08 | Complete the conversation with the words in
the box. Then listen and check.

English class bye can’t OK things would

Aiko: Do we have a class 1 today? A: Hi!

B: Hello, how are 1 ?
Victor: Yes, it’s 2 noon.
A: I’m bored. How about you?
Gloria: I can’t come. I need to study for a B: I’m all right. 2 you like to have dinner?
French test 3 tonight. A: Good idea. How about meeting at o’clock?
B: Sorry, I 3
. What about . 0?
Victor: Oh! Good luck, Gloria!
A: Sure. Can we meet at the restaurant?
Aiko: Gloria and Victor, do you want to do B: 4
something 4 weekend? A: Perfect! See you then.
Gloria: ure! an we meet for a coffee B: See you then. .
B 1.09 | You are B in the conversation in Ex A. Listen
and speak after the beep. Record the conversation if
Victor: I can’t do Saturday. Can we meet
you can.
Sunday afternoon, 7 1 o’clock?
C Listen to your recording and compare it with the
Aiko: That’s fine with me. model in Ex A.

Gloria: Great! See you 8 the weekend!

8 Speakm,m:m Go to the interactive speaking practice

1C | 1D

Lesson 1D
GRAMMAR | possessive ’s, s’
LISTENING | talk about family

possessives: ’s, s’ 2A 1.10 | Listen to Grace and Marco talk about their
families. Complete the table.
1A The sentences below have a mistake. Choose the
best option to correct the mistake. Grace Marco
1 My brothers’ name is Harry. From:
a brothers b brother c brother’s
2 This isn’t my room. It’s the childrens’.
a children’s b children c childrens
3 Where are the keys of Anna? Lives in:
a the keys’ of Anna b Anna’s keys
c Annas’ keys
4 Mia’s Tim sister.
a Mia Tim’s b Mia’s Tim’s c Mia’s Tims’ Job:

B Complete the conversation with seven apostrophes

(four for possession and three for contractions).
A: Whos that in the photo?
B: Thats my sister and her family. Her names B 1.10 | Listen again. Complete the gaps in the family
Charlotte. Her husbands name is Andy, and they’re tree (1–8) with the names in the box.
both teachers.
A: Do they have children? Alan April Deepak Leila
Oliver Sally eronika ach
B: They have a daughter. Their daughters name is
Emily. They also have a dog. Their dogs name is
A: Do you live near your parents?
B: Yes, we all do. My parents house is in the street
next to us, so we all live quite near.
1 2

Grace 3

Lucky 4

5 Marco 7 Emma 8

Jay 6
GRAMMAR | countable and uncountable nouns; a, an, some, any

Lesson 2A VOCABULARY | food and drink

PRONUNCIATION | the weak / / sound: a, an, some


food and drink countable and uncountable nouns; a, an,
some, any
1 A Complete the words. The first letter is given.
2A Choose the correct answers to complete the
1 We haven’t got a / two / any orange juice.
2 Would you like a / some / three sugar?
3 A: Do you like a / – / some cheese?
B: Yes, I love it!
1 o j 5 e
4 Can I have a / any / some broccoli, please?
5 Do you want any / an / a apple?
6 Let’s buy any / some / a noodles.

B Choose the best option (a or b) to correct the mistakes

(1–8) in the conversation.
A: Hi Carl. Are you at the supermarket?
2 t 6 a
B: Yes, I am.
A: Great. Can you get 1a bread? We don’t have 2some.
B: Sure. Just that?
A: Yes. Oh, wait. Can you also buy 3any chillies, please?
B: OK … chillies. Ahh. They don’t have 4anything fish,
so we can’t eat that tonight. But they have a 5lots
of prawns. Do you want 6a?
3 r 7 b
A: Yes. Good idea. Can you buy 7an rice, too? And
maybe 8any melon, to eat after dinner?
B: Sure. See you soon.
1 one b some
2 any b one
3 lot b some
4 b 8 y 4 some b any
5 lot b some
B Complete the conversation with the words in the box. 6 an b any
7 some b a
apple juice bread carrots cereal 8 some b something
chicken grapes noodles oil pear sugar
C 2.01 | Listen and check.
A: What do you have for breakfast?
B: First I have coffee. I need it to wake up in the PRONUNCIATION
morning! But I don’t have any 1 in it. Then I
have 2 or 3 and butter.
3 A 2.02 | the weak / / sound: a, an, some | Listen and
complete the sentences.
A: I don’t eat breakfast. I don’t have time in the
1 Would you like cheese?
morning. But I drink green tea or 4 .
2 Can I have orange, please?
B: No breakfast! Are you hungry at work?
3 I’d like melon.
A: Yes! Sometimes I eat lunch early, at 11 a.m. I go to
4 Let’s buy mushrooms.
a café near my office for lunch. I like hot
with vegetables. I’m a vegetarian, 5 I don’t want egg.
though, so I don’t have any 6 with it. 6 We need oil.
B: I like vegetables for lunch, too. I make a salad when 7 Would you like lemonade?
I work at home. I make it with lettuce, tomatoes 8 Can you buy cucumber and
and 7 . I put 8 on it, too. avocado?
A: Yum! But I need a big lunch. So I always eat a
B 2.02 | Listen again and repeat.
or some 10 as well.



4A 2.03 | Listen to the conversation. Match the people

What’s your favourite
(1–3) with the food they like (a–c).
1 Theo a vegetables healthy food?
2 Yuki b meat
3 Jake c fish

B 2.03 | Listen again. Which items do they

NOT mention?

broccoli cheese fish ice cream lamb

lemonade olives meat orange juice
pasta prawns strawberries
This is a photo of my favourite healthy food – a
C 2.03 | Listen again. Are the statements True (T) or rainbow salad. I usually eat meat or fish for
False (F)? dinner, but not today! I like this salad because
1 Theo likes lamb. it’s easy to make. You use lots of vegetables
2 Yuki doesn’t eat fish. with different colours! This one has green
3 They sell prawns at the market. cucumber, red tomatoes, red onions, yellow
4 Jake doesn’t like broccoli. peppers and green herbs. I like to drink
5 They don’t buy anything for dessert. sparkling water with it.
6 They buy lemonade for Jake. Jaylan, Australia

write an online comment; use linking
words: and, but, or
5 A Read the social media post and the replies. Match the
people with the food they like.
1 onions
2 pears
That looks very nice, Jaylan. I want to make
3 fish ,
it and eat it! My favourite healthy food is
4 cucumber
Moqueca. It’s a fish soup that we eat here in
5 sparkling water ,
the north of Brazil. You can buy it in other
6 tomatoes ,
countries, but it’s not the same. It’s fish, red
B Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. peppers, onions or other vegetables in a
1 This food is delicious, but / or it’s not very healthy. tomato sauce. Mmm, I can smell it now!
2 I usually have my lunch with sparkling water and / Giselle, Brazil
but lemonade.
3 For dinner I usually have salmon, rice and / but
4 I like fish, but / or I don’t like prawns.
5 Do you want pasta but / or noodles for dinner?
6 I have yoghurt but / or fruit for breakfast every day.

C Find more examples of and, but and or in the online

My favourite healthy food is a fruit salad. I
6 A You are going to write a reply to the post. First make
notes to answer these questions. make it with strawberries, melon and pears. I
• What is it? sometimes use oranges too, but when I don’t
• When do you eat it? have any, I add a little bit of lemonade or
• What drink do you have with it? sparkling water. It’s great on a hot day when I
feel thirsty.
B Write your comment. Use and, but and or. Write about
Tom, Canada
50 words.

GRAMMAR | adverbs and phrases of frequency

Lesson 2B VOCABULARY | everyday activities


everyday activities adverbs and phrases of frequency
1 A Complete the conversations with the correct form of 2A The sentences below have a mistake. Choose the
the verbs in the box. best option to correct the mistake.
1 I meet my sister for lunch every Tuesdays.
check get up go (x2) go to meet spend (x2)
a always Tuesday b every Tuesday
1 A: Do you want to shopping with me on c every a Tuesday
Saturday? 2 Jack doesn’t work usually at the weekend.
B: Sorry, I can’t. I always my mum for a don’t work usually b usually don’t work
lunch on Saturdays. c doesn’t usually work
2 A: Does Amanda always early? 3 I always am tired at the end of the day.
B: Yes, she does. She running before a Am I always b I am always c Always I am
4 He plays football twice in week.
3 A: I work a lot, but I’d like to more
time with my family. a twice weeks b twice week c twice a week
B: Me too. The problem is that my son a B Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
lot of time online!
1 I often / never get up early. I love to sleep!
4 A: You need to the meeting at ten.
2 Often we / We often meet for lunch at a café.
B: OK. I just need to my emails first.
3 I go shopping with my mum every weekend /
B Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the weekends.
sentences. 4 I check my emails three or four time / times a day.
1 Do you time with your family at 5 I never am / am never late for school.
the weekend? 6 How / When often do you go on holiday?
a go b spend c meet 7 I sometimes / always finish work late, every day!
2 I usually running every morning 8 Jamie hardly ever reads / doesn’t read books.
before breakfast.
C Put the words in brackets in the correct order to make
a do b get up c go
3 your messages before the meeting.
a Check b Meet c Get
(quiet / It’s / never) in the mornings
in our house. There’s lots to do before work and
4 Let’s for coffee tomorrow morning.
school. 2 (up / My / late / often / gets
a get up b spend time c meet / son), so he doesn’t have time to have breakfast. I
5 I don’t want to Jen’s party at make it for him every day, but 3 (ever
the weekend. / it / he / eats / hardly). I eat cereal and have a coffee
a go to b get c go in the kitchen, but 4 (usually / news
6 It’s Sunday tomorrow. We can up late. / to / my / the / listens / wife) in the bedroom while
a go b get c go to she gets ready. 5 (listens / music /
daughter / often / My / to) in her bedroom, too. Then
C Choose the correct words to complete the profile. the dog wakes up and runs around the house. It’s
crazy! However, 6 (never / work / I’m
My weekend / late / for) !
At the weekend, I usually 1go / get
up early on Saturday and 2go / get PRONUNCIATION
shopping at the market. I go early
3 A 2.04 | linking | Listen and complete the sentences
because it’s busy later. After that, with one word in each gap.
I 3take / meet friends for lunch. In 1 We have Spanish classes twice a .
the afternoon, I like to 4spend / do time with my
2 I go to a party once a .
boyfriend. We go to the park, or go to the cinema. ~·

We do something together because I 5make / 3 I check my messages once a !

spend a lot of time at work. I try not to 6check / 4 We meet for lunch every .
spend emails on my phone at the weekends! On 5 We only go on holiday once a .
Sunday, I get 7on / up late and have lunch with ~·

6 I check my emails once an .

my family. Sometimes I 8go / get running in the
afternoon. Then I relax in the evening. B 2.04 | Listen again and repeat. Practise the linking
between words.


4 A Complete the quiz with the words in the box. QUIZ

always ever every often on
sometimes twice weekend

B Answer the questions for you. Then read the

key and check your answers. Alone OR
Key together?
Mostly a: You like being with other Some people like to do things with other people.
people. You have a lot of friends and Some people like to do things alone. Do our quiz
you’re happy when you spend time and learn about yourself.
with them. It’s important to be alone
sometimes, too. 1 How often do you meet friends for coffee?
Mostly b: You like to be with other a I meet a group of friends for coffee
people and you have a good group of 1
a week or more.
friends. But sometimes you like to do b Once a week or less. I meet a friend and we talk
things alone and have a quiet time. about our lives.
Both are important to you and that’s a c Hardly 2 . I like to read a book while I drink
healthy way to spend your time. coffee.
Mostly c: You like being alone most of
the time. You hardly ever spend time 2 What type of exercise do you like?
with other people and you don’t feel a Team sports. I meet friends and play sport once a
bored when you’re alone. That’s fine, week.
but it’s good to be with your friends b I usually go running with a friend at the 3 .
and family, too. Try to meet a friend c I go running alone, never with other people.
for coffee or lunch sometimes.
3 How do you spend time online?
C Read the descriptions. Match the person (1–3) a I4 use social media and talk online with
with the section of the key (a–c) in Ex 4B. my friends.
1 Sofia is a writer and spends a lot of time b I use social media and I sometimes watch videos.
online. She has 1,000 friends on social c I read websites about things I like.
media, but doesn’t know all of them. She
thinks short work meetings are useful. She
plays tennis twice a week with her friend.
At the weekend she usually meets another
4 How
II 5
do you go to parties?

friend for dinner. She hardly ever goes to

a 6
weekend. My friends always have parties!
parties. b Rarely. Maybe five or six times a year.
2 Samuel is a doctor. He works hard in the c Never. I don’t like parties.
week and often leaves the hospital at
8 p.m. He gets up early and goes running
every day before work. At the weekend he
5 Do you get up late at the weekend?
spends time online and sometimes meets a Yes, always. And I come home late 7
a friend or his family for lunch. He likes to Fridays and Saturdays!
read interesting articles and the news. b Usually, but sometimes I get up early.
3 Adesh is a digital designer. He likes long c No. I always get up early at the weekend. I like the
meetings and talks a lot about work with quiet mornings.
other people. He always gets up late at
the weekend because he spends time with
his friends on Friday and Saturday nights.
They like parties! On Sunday afternoons
6 Do you like meetings?
he plays football in a local team.
a Yes, it’s good to talk to people I work with.
b 8 , but only if they’re short.
c I hate them. I like to work alone.

HOW TO … | order a meal in a restaurant

Lesson 2C VOCABULARY | restaurant words

PRONUNCIATION | polite intonation

VOCABULARY B 2.05 | Listen again. Complete the sentences with

one word in each gap.
restaurant words 1 Good evening. Do you have a ?
2 Yes, we have a table two for 8 p.m.
1A Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the
sentences. 3 Can we have a near the window?
1 I don’t want a starter / main course / dessert. I’m 4 you ready to order?
not hungry after that meal! 5 the starter, I’d like the olives, please.
2 Can you ask the waiter / bill / service charge for 6 And I’d the lamb for the main course.
some more water? 7 Would you like something drink?
3 Let’s have a starter / main course / dessert. I’d like 8 How is your ?
the soup.
4 Give me the starter / side dish / bill. I can pay. PRONUNCIATION
5 Let’s have a nice waiter / service charge / dinner
for two at that new Italian restaurant. 3 A 2.06 | polite intonation | Listen to the requests. Do
the requests sound polite (P) or not polite (NP)?
6 Wow, that’s expensive. Is a service charge / bill /
waiter included? 1 Can we have some water, please?
2 Could I have a salad, please?
B Complete the menu with the words in the box.
3 Can I have some chips?
bill desserts dinner for two main courses 4 Could we have a table near the window?
service charge starters waiter 5 Can I have the soup, please?
6 Could we have the bill at the same time?

B 2.07 | Listen and repeat the polite requests.



[ Soup of the day

Sushi platter

l 4 A Complete the conversation with the responses (a–e).
Waiter: Good evening, do you have a reservation?
Customer: 1

Beefburger with chips* Waiter: Are you ready to order?

Nut roast
[,----========================~] Customer: 2

Waiter: Yes, of course. And for the main course?

Customer: 3

[ Ice cream
Fruit salad

Note: We add a 10% 5 to the

l Waiter:
Would you like something to drink?

Yes, certainly.
Waiter: Would you like to look at the dessert menu?
Customer: 5

*We also have a vegetarian burger – ask your Waiter: Yes, of course.
about this.
a Yes. For a starter, can I have the salad, please?
b No thanks. Could we have the bill, please?

How to … c
Yes, we have a table for two for half past six.
I’d like the chicken, please.
e Could I have some sparkling water, please?
order a meal in a restaurant
2A 2.05 | Listen to two people in a restaurant. Does
B Cl2.08 | Listen and check.
the man (M) or the woman (W) order food (1–4)? C Cl2.09 | You are the customer in the conversation
1 fish 3 olives in Ex 4A. Listen and speak after the beep. Record the
2 lamb 4 soup conversation if you can.

D Listen to the recording and compare it to the model in

Ex 4B.

14 Speaka.m;m Go to the interactive speaking practice

2C | 2D

Lesson 2D
GRAMMAR | like, hate, love + -ing
READING | a special event

like, hate, love + -ing
The 5,000 km race
1A Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the
1 I hate for clothes.
a go shopping b shop c shopping
2 What on holiday?
a do you like do b do you like doing c you like doing
3 Getting up early is .
a all right b enjoy c like
4 I don’t like for people.
a wait b waiting c to waiting
5 Would you like football?
a to play b play c playing
Some people enjoy running, but these people
6 I love English.
love it. This 5,000 km race happens every year
a studying b study c do studying from June to August. 5,000 km is the same
distance as from the East to the West of the
B Complete the conversation with the -ing form of the
USA, plus eleven marathons (a marathon is
words in the box.
42.2 km). But runners in this race run around a
do get up meet shop single city block (925 metres) in Queens, New
spend study swim walk York, over and over again!
The race lasts 52 days, and people run from
A: What do you like 1 at the weekend?
6 a.m. until midnight, every day. Most people in
B: Well, I don’t like 2 early! I usually do
some exercise. I enjoy 3 and I usually the competition run about 100 km a day. They
go on Sunday, with my family. What about you? only have six hours to wash and sleep each day.
A: I love 4 time with my friends. We like They need to visit the doctor before they enter,
for coffee or for lunch on Saturday. to check they are strong and healthy.
I hate 6 at the weekend, but I have People give the runners vegetarian food to eat
a big exam soon at university, so I sometimes do
while they run. They need to eat all the time
that. I also like 7 for clothes at the
big centre in town. Do you like that? because they use a lot of energy when they do
B: No, I hate 8 around the town centre!
the race.
It’s very hot in New York at this time of year
and sometimes there is a lot of rain, too.
READING Runners often carry umbrellas while they run!
Not everyone finishes the race, but runners
2 A Read the article and answer the questions. receive a T-shirt if they do. It’s not much, but
1 Where is the race? people don’t do it for the prize. They do it
2 What do people who finish it get? because it makes them feel good.
B Read the article again. Are the statements True (T) or
False (F)?
1 The race happens in the summer.
2 The race is the same as 11 marathons.
3 The race is only in one part of the city.
4 People in the competition run for six hours a day.
5 Anybody can run in the competition.
6 The runners eat a lot of food.
7 It isn’t cold at that time of year.
8 All runners who finish the race get a T-shirt.


GRAMMAR 4 Put the words in brackets in the correct place in the

1 A Put the words in the correct order to make sentences 1 I get up late at the weekend. (always)
and questions. 2 Susan works at the weekend. (never)
1 you / Where / live / do ? 3 I meet my mum for lunch Sunday. (every)
2 James and / Agatha / Are / friends ? 4 Mark is late for school. (hardly ever)
3 understand / don’t / I / German . 5 I play tennis with my friend Tuesdays. (on)
4 your / Do / city / you / like ? 6 How do you listen to the news? (often)
5 speak / Do / parents / English / your ? 7 My parents go on holiday twice year. (a)
6 from / They / Canada / don’t / come . 8 I’m very tired in the evening. (always)
7 live / Who / with / do / you ?
8 children / your / What time / up / get / do ?
5 A Complete the sentences with the -ing forms of the
verbs in the box.
B Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
do get play run take write
1 I work / works from home.
2 Do / Does your parents live near you? 1 I love a break from work.
3 Nikki doesn’t like / likes fish. 2 My sister loves in the park. She goes
4 When do you / you do your homework? every day.
5 Jack and Lisa don’t / doesn’t have a lot of money. 3 Do you like tennis?
6 What do / does ‘politician’ mean? 4 I enjoy short stories on my blog.
7 We play / plays tennis on Saturdays. 5 What do you like at the weekend?
8 Where are / do you from? 6 I don’t like up early in the morning!

B Find and correct six mistakes with verb + -ing in the

2 Add the missing apostrophes to the words in bold.
1 Andrea is my mothers sister.
2 My cousins (Jack and Annie) house is near here. Inbox
3 Simons a nice man.
4 That’s the childrens bedroom. Hi Dae-Jung,
5 That’s my parents car. We need to plan the company activity day on 23
6 Georgias at home at the moment. March. What does everyone like do? I know that Yana
7 The films end was very exciting. hates go to parties and Marcus doesn’t like do sport.
8 The teacher checked all the students homework. I enjoy play games outside, but the weather isn’t
always good at that time of year.
3A The sentences below have a mistake. Choose the
best option to correct the mistake. Maybe we could do something inside? James loves
1 I usually have a pasta for lunch. cook, so how about a cooking lesson for the team? I
a pastas b some pasta c an pasta think cook is all right, and Aisha likes it, too. Can you
2 We don’t have some apples. ask the rest of the team? I want us to do something
a any apples b some apple c an apples that everyone can enjoy.
3 Can I have any coffee, please?
a some coffee b any coffees c an coffee
4 Do you like pear?
a a pear b some pear c pears

B Complete the text with one word in each gap.

There’s a lot of food and drink in my fridge at the
moment. I’ve got 1 lot of eggs – twenty,
I think! I also like fruit, so I’ve got 2 apple,
melon and 4 strawberries.
I’ve also got 5 lemonade. I haven’t got
meat because I don’t eat it, but we’ve got
cheese. I live with my friend and he loves it.
We don’t like yoghurt, so we haven’t got 8 of


VOCABULARY 9 A Complete the conversation with one word in each gap.

Waiter: Here is the menu.
6 A Complete the jobs with the missing letters. Sam: Thank you very much!
1 wr Bea: OK. Let's see what food they have ...
2 nu Sam: Mmm, this looks good. Do you want a
3 sc 1
4 do Bea: Yes please, I’d like the deep-fried mushrooms.
5 ac Sam: Sounds good. Me, too.
6 en Bea: What do you want for a 2 course?
7 po of Sam: A burger, with a green salad as a 3

8 la dish. And you?

Bea: The chicken. Do you want a 4 ? Maybe
B Match (1–7) to (a–g) to make sentences. an ice cream?
1 My uncle is a taxi Sam: I’m not sure. Can we decide after the main
2 I want to be a hotel course?
3 My sister is a university Bea: OK, good idea. Let’s order then. Now, where’s
4 My son wants to be a famous football the 5 ?
5 Many people in my village are farm
(One hour later ...)
6 Our team’s new football
7 My mother teaches Sam: What a nice meal.

a student and studies law. Bea: Yes, lovely. Excuse me, can we have the
, please?
b manager is from Spain.
c driver. He works at night. Waiter: Yes, of course.
d player when he finishes school. Sam: What’s that?
e workers in the summer. Waiter: It’s a chocolate 7 . Happy birthday, sir!
f manager in a nice, hot country! Bea: Surprise! Happy Birthday!
g Italian at a university. Sam: Oh, wow, thanks!

7 Complete the text with the verbs in the box. B Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
check get up go (x2) have play spend work chicken fish lemonade melon oil potatoes

I’m a nurse and I 1 in a hospital at night. I 1 I like , but I don’t like other types of
late in the afternoon, then I go to work. meat.
First, I 3 my emails, then I start work. After 2 I want something to drink. Have we got
work I 4 shopping. I like shopping at night any ?
because it’s very quiet. When I get home, I’m tired. 3 I don’t like or prawns. I don’t like
I5 to bed very late. At the weekend, I anything from the sea.
time with my family or 7 in a band. I 4 My favourite fruit is .
don’t 8 a lot of money, but I love my job. 5 Let’s make chips with these .
6 This is made from olives.
8 Choose the correct word to complete the
sentences. C Complete the list with the words in the box.
1 I’m . Do you want to have dinner?
butter lamb lemonade melon mushrooms
a hungry b tired c angry pasta peppers prawns sparkling water
2 I’m . I feel OK today. strawberries
a bored b ill c all right
3 I’m sorry about yesterday. Are you fruit: ,
with me?
a thirsty b angry c relaxed vegetables: ,
4 We haven’t got any water and I’m
a thirsty b relaxed c hungry
meat or fish: ,
5 I’m . Do you want to go to the cinema?
a hungry b bored c ill
drinks: ,
6 I’m and I need to sleep now. Goodnight.
a tired b all right c hungry
other: ,

GRAMMAR I this, that, these, those; here, there
Lesson 3A VOCABULARY I rooms and furniture
PRONUNCIATION I /r/ and /i:/

rooms and furniture this, that, these, those; here, there
1A Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the 2A Complete the sentences with this, that, these, those,
sentences. here or there.
1 The ........................
has a cooker, fridge and 1 Come and sit. .... . ..... , next to me.
washing machine. 2 . . ....... key here is for the back door.
a bathroom b kitchen c living room 3 Can you pass me ............. towels over
2 In the bathroom, there's a very nice. there, please?
a shower b desk c fridge 4 How much is the chair over , by the
3 I do my homework at my. ............. in my bedroom. window?
a lamp b mirror c desk S Put the book on.. . ................shelf over there, please.
4 Please put the milk in the .... ..... after you use it. 6 ...............................
prawns are delicious, thank you!
a oven b fridge c wardrobe 7 Your phone is. , on my desk. Do you want
me to give it to you?
5 Cook the cake in the .. ...for 35 minutes.
8 Who are ................ people over there?
a shelf b washbasin c oven
6 My Dad always sits in that .. B Choose the correct word or phrase to complete
a armchair b carpet c stairs the sentences.
1 Are ................................
your keys, over there on
B Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
the counter?
There are two extra words.
a these b those c that
counter cupboard fridge light plant 2 Do you like. . ......plant? I bought it at
rug shelf shower sofa washbasin the supermarket.
a this b these c those
1 Just put your cup on the kitchen 3 Let's sit on ... .... chairs here, next to
2 Your book is on that. the table.
3 There's cold water in the ...................................
if you would a these b this c those
like some. 4 Can you bring those bottles over ...
4 That ....................................
looks dry. It needs some water. to me please?
5 It's dark in here. Can you turn the.. ..... on? a there b that c here
6 Is that the time? I need to have a ..........................
and S .............................
cheese in the fridge smells bad.
go to work! a Those b That c These
7 The beans and rice are in the. .............
next to 6 A: Where's the TV remote?
the sink. B: It's over ........., on that shelf near
8 Come and sit on the. ...with me and the window.
watch TV. a here b that c there
C Complete the words with the missing letters. The first C Correct the underlined mistakes in the conversation.
letter is given.
A: Thanks again for helping me while I'm not 1there
This is our house. We always leave our shoes in the at home.
h..............when we come in. We have a big living room
B: No problem.
with two 2s. ..................... and an 3a .............................................
relax in front of the TV. The kitchen has a lot of A: OK, so this key is for the front door, and 2 this key
c ................................ to keep food in, and we cook on the table over there is for the back door. The
with a small 5o ................... Upstairs we have three wi-fi password is there, on 3those piece of paper.
b ... . .. and a bathroom with a really B: OK, thanks.
good 7s. ...... We also have a A: Can you water the plants, too?
h ...................
o ................................
where I sometimes work.
B: Of course. How often?
A: 4 This plants here by the window need water every
day. But 5that ones over there only need water
once a week. Oh, one more thing, you can use my
bike if you want.
B: Great! Where is it?
A: It's in the garage over 6 here, next to the big tree in
the garden.
3 A ClJ
3.01 I /I/ and /i:/ I Listen and underline the words
with a long /i:/ sound write a description of a home for a website;
1 This oven is easy to use. use commas
2 Are these your mirrors? SA Read the message. How many rooms does the
3 These cups in the sink are dirty. apartment have?
4 We like this sofa.
S Your keys are on this shelf. ••• f- C
6 Can I eat these eggs in the fridge?
We hope you enjoy your stay in our apartment.
3.01 I Listen again and repeat. Practise saying It's in a great area, which has lots of shops and
the long /i:/ sound and the short /1/ sounds in each parks. There are museums and a market in the town
sentence. centre, too.
The apartment has a large hall when you come in.
The living room has a sofa, two armchairs, a small
LISTENING table and a big TV. It has good wi-fi, so it's a great
area to relax in.
4A ClJ
3.02 I Listen to Hayley showing her friend Fabien We also have a dining room with a table and six
her new house. Number the rooms in the order you chairs. The kitchen has a big fridge, an oven, a
hear about them. washing machine and a dishwasher. It's perfect if
• bathroom you like cooking.
• bedroom
• dining room
B Add commas to the sentences if necessary.
• hall
1 We have three bedrooms .......
two bathrooms ......
• kitchen
a home office upstairs.
• living room
2 The bedroom has a large bed ......and a desk.

3.02 I Listen again. Are the sentences True (T) or 3 In the living room we have a sofa ....two armchairs.
and a big TV
False (F)?
4 Your keys and sunglasses are on the counter.
1 Fabien never loses his keys.
2 Hayley has a new sofa and armchairs. 6A Look at the photo. Imagine this is your house.
3 Fabien doesn't like what's on the wall in the Make notes on these things.
living room. • What rooms does it have?
4 Hayley wants to put a table and chairs in the • What furniture is in each room 1
dining room.
• What's your favourite room? Why?
S Hayley's kitchen is small.
• What things are in the local area?
6 Hayley doesn't like cooking.
7 They both like the shower. B Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
8 Hayley's bedroom is clean. 1 stay/ modern/ Enjoy/ house/ this/ in/ your.
2 a/ city/ the/ It's/ short/ perfect/ break/ for/ in .
3.03 I Listen to the recording. Write what you 3 view/ park/ There's/ a/ beautiful/ the/ over.
hear. You will hear the sentences only once.
4 well-equipped/ and/ The/ large/ kitchen/ is.
1 S by/ close/ shops / are / The .
2 6 area/ in/ great/ a/ It's/ to/ relax.
C Write a description of the house in Ex GA for a travel
review website. Use the phrases in Ex GB to help you.
Write 80- 100 words.

GRAMMAR I have got
Lesson 3B VOCABULARY I common adjectives (1)
PRONUNCIATION I sentence stress

common adjectives (1) have got
1A Write a word to fill the gaps. 2A The sentences below have a mistake. Choose the
best option to correct the mistake.
adjective opposite
1 My sister haven't got any social media accounts.
quiet loud a have b 've c hasn't
2 You have got a large house?
the same
a Have got b Have you got c Got you have
small 3 Yes, we got.
a we do b we have c we've
4 They has got a new coffee machine.
short a have b hasn't c having

soft B Complete the sentences with the correct form of have

got. Use contractions where possible.
B Put the letters in brackets in order to make adjectives. 1 They... . .................
a new car. It looks really nice.
2 Octavio a laptop, but he'd like one.
At the Grand Hotel, your stay is 1 ...
(fedeftirn) from other hotels. Your room is 3 My brother ...................... my keys and I need them!
(relga) so it's ............................. (saye) to relax.
............................. 4 Why .....................
a plant in your bag?
The windows make the room very 4 ......................... (tique), 5 A: .... . ...Kenji got any children?
even though the noise from the street outside is loud. B: No, he.
And the bathroom towels are very 5................... (tofs). 6 Tanya... . .........a large house with five bedrooms.
Whether you stay with us for a 6 (trosh) or a 7 We ...........................
any coffee. Can you buy some?
......... (goln) time, we want you to be happy. 8 A: ..........................
you got a new laptop?
B: Yes, I ..............................
Do you like it?

C Put the words in brackets in the correct order.

Jo: What can we get Ben for his birthday?
(everything /got/ he / has)
he needs!
Martin: I know, but 2. . ............. (got/ haven't/ I/
lot/ money/ of/ a) at the moment ..
Jo: So let's think of a cheap present. 3
(a/ has/ lamp/ got/ he) for his home office?
Martin: .... (has/ yes,/ he).
Jo: I know! Let's have a party for him!
Martin: Great idea! 5 ........................... (party/ have/
those/ you/ lights/ got) from last year?
C Complete the sentences with adjectives from Ex 1A. Jo: .... (have/ yes,/ I)!
Martin: Brilliant! We can put them in my garden.
1 I love this ....................................
armchair. It's really
2 This exercise is ... , I don't think I can do it. PRONUNCIATION
3 Shh, be . ...................
! I can't hear the radio. 3 A CD
3.04 I sentence stress I Listen and underline the
4 This book is very .................................
There's no space for stressed words.
it in my bag.
1 Have you got any plants?
5 Those cars look the ................... , but they're
2 She hasn't got much money.
3 We've got a lot of milk.
6 It's a big house and it takes a. time to
clean all the rooms. 4 Have they got a TV?
7 I like our house, but the noise from the street is 5 I've got two phones.
very 6 Has he got a fridge?
8 It's ...........................
to cook pasta. All you need is hot
water and salt. B CD
3.04 I Listen again and repeat.

READING C Read the article again. Match the questions (1-6) with
the answers (a-f).
4A Read the title and introduction to the article. Choose 1 What's the first thing to think about in a room?
the best summary. 2 Why is it good to be near a window when you work
1 what furniture to buy at home?
2 how much money to spend on furniture 3 Why do people often need to walk through a living
3 the best places for your furniture
4 Why is space important in a bedroom?
B Complete the article with the paragraph titles (a-e). 5 What colour should you paint a small room?
a How do you 'travel' around the house? 6 Why should you sometimes change things in a room?
b What do you want to see? a It can help you get up in the morning.
c Keep furniture away from the walls. b To get to the kitchen.
d Colour can change a room. c White, because it makes the room feel big.
e Try new things. d What you can see.
e To find the right places for your furniture and other
Five ways to create a f It helps you take a break and relax.

perfect living space

From small rooms to large rooms, where you put your furniture makes a big difference.
Read our advice and learn how to make your home a great space to live in.

1,. 4 .

Before you choose where to Light changes a room a lot. The colour white makes a room
put things, decide what you feel big, but can be a bit boring and make everything look
want to look at. For example, the same. Dark colours can make a room feel small, so soft
in the living room this could colours like blue and green are a good idea.
be the TV. In your home office,
it's nice to be near a window 5 ..

so you can look out when you Change things around sometimes. Move a plant, or put a
don't want to have a break table close to a window. Remember that no space is the
from work. same, so you can only find the perfect position for furniture if
you try lots of different places.
2,, ..

Space is important. If you leave

a little space between a sofa or
a desk and the wall, the room
will feel large and relaxed.


Is it easy to move in the rooms?

People usually need to walk
through a living room to get to
the kitchen, for example. In the
bedroom, make space around
the bed for you to get in and
out in the morning or late at

I make invitations and offers
HOW TO ...

Lesson 3C VOCABULARY I social phrases

PRONUNCIATION I rhythm in phrases

How to ...
social phrases make invitations and offers
1 A Choose the correct word to complete the 3 A CJ3.06 I Listen to the conversation and number the
sentences. events (a-d) in the order they happen.
I'm late.
1 ................................. a Evan says it's a nice evening.
a Great b Sorry c Thank b They finish dinner.
2 Have a . .,journey home. c Bella makes an invitation.
a full b near c safe d James talks about drinks.
3 These are ..
a for b to c from B CJ3.06 I Listen again. Choose the correct options.
4 Thank you for the... . ...................
evening! 1 Bella invites Evan for dinner at 7 o'clock/ 7.30 /
a lovely b safe c delicious 8 o'clock.
5 I'm. . . That was delicious! 2 Evan doesn't eat meat/ fish/ prawns.
a safe b lovely c full 3 James is Bella's husband/ Bella's friend/
Evan's friend .
6. liked itl
4 First, dinner is ready/ Evan arrives/ Evan meets
a Safe b Glad c Thank

B Put the words in brackets in the correct order to 5 Evan wants to drink still water/ sparkling water/
complete the conversations.
6 Evan takes a bus/ takes a taxi/ walks home.
1 A: These flowers are for you.
B: Thank you ..... C CJ 3.07 I Listen to the recording. Write what you
(kind/ you/ how/ of) ! hear. You will hear the sentences only once.
2 A: .. (I'm/ late/ sorry). 1
B: No problem. 2
3 A:. ......... (you/ see/ to/ great). 3
B: You, too.
4 A: I'm full. That was delicious!
B: ..........................................................................
(you/ it/ glad/ liked)! SPEAKING
5 A: Have a safe journey home.
B:. 4A Complete the conversation with the words in the box.
(you/ thank/ evening/ the/ for/ lovely)!
[ drink get let nice see take ]

2 A CJ3.05 I rhythm in phrases I Listen and match the B: Hi! Great to 1
phrases (1-6) with the stress patterns (a-f). A: You too. These are for you.
1 Sorry I'm late. B: Thank you. How 2 ............................. of you! Let me
2 Great to see you. .............................
your coat.
3 Oh, thank you. How nice of you! A: Thank you.
4 No problem. B: Can I 4 ................ you something to

5 Have a safe journey home. A: Yes please. Can I have some water?
6 Thank you for the lovely evening! B: Of course. .. . ... me get your drink.

a••••••• B CJ3.08 I Listen and check.

b ••••
C CJ3.09 I You are student Bin the conversation in
C ••··•· Ex 4A. Listen and speak after the beep. Record the
d •••••••• conversation if you can.
e ••••
f ••• D Listen to your recording and compare it to the model
in Ex4B.
B CJ3.05 I Listen again and repeat.

22 SpeakaJllll Go to the interactive speaking practice

3C I 3D
GRAMMAR I there is, there are
Lesson 3D LISTENING I talk about your local area

there is, there are 2A CJ3.11 I Listen to two people looking around a new
flat. Are the sentences True (T) or False (F)?
1A Choose the correct words to complete the tourist
advert. 1 The flat has three bedrooms.
2 The oven and fridge are new.
-, 3 There aren't any shops near the flat.
Welcome to the village of Little Harding, the
4 You can walk to a big supermarket.
perfect place to visit with your family or a quiet
S James hasn't got a car.
day out with friends. There aren't 'some/ any
6 There's a school in King Street.
cinemas or theatres here, but there are 2 a / lots
7 The street is quiet at weekends.
of other things to do. There are a 3 lot / lots of
8 There's a small restaurant nearby.
open spaces for you to enjoy nature, and 4there
are / there's a big forest to walk in. There isn't B CJ3.11 I Listen again. Choose the things in the box
much / many traffic, even in the summer, and they talk about.
there 6 is / isn't hardly any noise, so you can
relax. And don't worry if you forget to bring cafes cinemas forest neighbours noise park
food, because there's 7 some / a small cafe restaurants shops station supermarket traffic
which sells meals and 8 lots / lot of our famous
ice cream! C CJ3.11 I Listen again. Which flat are the people
looking at? Choose the correct photo.

3.10 I Listen and check.

C Match (1-8) to (a-h) to make sentences.

There's a
2 Are there
3 There aren't
4 Is there
S There isn't
6 Is there much
7 There aren't many
8 Are there any
a many eggs in the fridge.
b lot of traffic in this area in the morning.
c people here.
d apples in the kitchen?
e any good cafes near here1
f a cinema in our town.
g a bus station in the city centre?
h noise round here at night?

D l1!ll
The sentences below have a mistake. Choose the
best option to correct the mistake.
There are a lot of traffic in the town centre.
a is b aren't c not
2 There are any shops near here?
a Is there any b There is any c Are there any
3 There are no noise in this area.
a 's no b are not c 's any
4 A: Is there a supermarket near here?
B: No, there aren't.
a not b isn't C is

GRAMMAR past simple of be: was, were

Lesson 4A VOCABULARY I time phrases (1) and dates

PRONUNCIATION I weak and strong sounds: was, were

time phrases (1) and dates past simple of be: was, were
1A Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the 2A The sentences below have a mistake. Choose the
sentences. best option to correct the mistake.
1 We were in Brussels ..................................
morning. 1 Tamara and John aren't at work yesterday.
a last b yesterday c ago a was b wasn't c weren't
2 Our last class was ....................................
May 3rd. 2 Alice tat home last night.
a at b on C in a was b were c weren't
3 She was here ten minutes. 3 Was you on holiday last month?
a ago b yesterday c last a Were b Wasn't c Weren't
4 .................. this exercise, check your answers. 4 We weren't at our friend's house last weekend. It
a After b On c Last was great.
5 I was at home. ............... night. a was b were c wasn't
a on b in c last B Complete the sentences and questions with one word
6 We always go on holiday .......................the summer. in each gap.
a on b last c in 1 Where yesterday?
B 0,14.01 I Complete the conversation with the words in 2 James ............•·•·•·•
very happy as a child.
the box. Then listen and check. 3 When ................................
the first World Cup?
4 Mark and Sylvie. . ...................on holiday last week.
[ after ago in last on yesterday It was really nice for them.
S A: . you in class yesterday?
A: Hi, Ania. Where were you 1 ........................ night?
B: No, I ................
1. ...............
at work.
B: Oh. 2 ... .... afternoon was busy at work. And two
6 When ....................... Mark Zucke1·be1·g born?
days 3.. . .1 was in Paris. So I was really tired.
7 My parents.... ...born in Germany. They
A: No problem. But let's meet soon. We need to do .....................................
born in Poland.
something for your birthday! How about
4 8 Sandrine ... . ................
at home last night. She
............. tomorrow's class? the cinema.
B: I can't, sorry. What about Saturday, ....................... the
9 Where ...............................
the first Olympics?
10 The 2016 Olympics ................. in London. They
A: OK. Maybe we can have birthday cake at Mason's? .....................................
in Rio de Janeiro.
B: Good idea! I love that restaurant. But my birthday
was a week 6 C Choose the correct words to complete the fact file.
A: Oh, really? Sorry! So it was ....................... Wednesday?
B: Yes. That's why I was in Paris 8
............. ••• C
A: Ah, I see! Well, we can have a late birthday lunch
.. Saturday. No problem I Surprising facts: HISTORY
C Put the letters in brackets in the correct order to make • The first photographic cameras 1was / were
time phrases and dates. around in the 18th century, and they 2was /
were very slow. Sometimes it 3was I were thirty
Do you need any help with your presentation on minutes to take a photo!
• The Olympic games are only sports these days,
Monday? I thought it was on the
but they 4were / weren't always like that. From
(deosnc) of 2. (sugAut)?
1912 to 1948, there 5was / were prizes for art, too.
No, it's 31 3 .... ... .. (luJy). That's Monday. But I
can help you with it tonight. • Most people think Cleopatra was Egyptian, but
she 6 wasn't /weren't.She 7 was / were born in
Thanks - it's my (strif) presentation.
Egypt, but her family 8 were / weren't Greek.
Have you got the information you need?
• Many people think the Model T Ford 9 was / were
No, I've only got the information for the first car, but it wasn't. It 1°was / were Carl
.. (raJuany) to 6 ......... (Ii pr A).
Benz's design from 1879.

3 A ClJ
4.0Z I weak and strong sounds: was, were I Listen
to the statements and questions. Are the words in bold write about a special time; use time phrases
strong (S) or weak (W) forms? SA Read the online post. Choose the correct option to
1 She wasn't born in 2000. complete the title.
2 Were they at home last night? 1 driving test
3 Yes, they were. Z driving lesson
4 Where were you in 2020? 3 car
S No, he wasn't. He was with Andy.
6 We were very happy with our hotel.

4.0Z I Listen again and repeat.

LISTENING I remember it well. It was eight years ago, in the

summer. I was in my final year at school. I was in
4A ClJ
4.03 I Listen to two people discussing an article. the car outside my house with the teacher, and I
What decade(s) is/are the article about? remember my parents were at the window in the
1 the 2000s 3 the 2000s and the 201 Os house. I was very happy at the time because my
2 the 2010s dream was to drive a car. The lesson was great!
4.03 I Listen again and match the events (1-6) with An hour later I was home again. My teacher was
the years in the box. very nice, because it wasn't easy to drive for

[ 2000 2004 2008 2011 2012 2014 l the first time. In the evening I was tired, but also
1 Obama wins the US election 000
2 the start of Facebook ...
3 seven billion people in the world ..
4 Malala Yousatzai wins the Nobel Peace Prize ..... B Read the post again. Are the statements True (T) or
S the first camera phones in the shops .. False (F)?
6 a robot takes a selfie on Mars .. 1 The driving lesson was in the summer.
4.03 I Complete the extracts with was or were. 2 The writer was in the car.
Then listen again and check. 3 The writer's parents were in the car.
1 Can you remember when it.... ? 4 The lesson was thirty minutes.
2 That... 2006, I think. S The writer was happy.
3 No, it ....................................
It ................................
back in 2004! 6 The writer didn't like the teacher.
4 There billion of something 7 It was difficult to drive for the first time.
in 2011. 8 The writer was tired the next morning.
S Do you know what they... .............
C Find and underline four time phrases in the online post.
6 I think they.... ....around in 2005.
7 There ...................................
an important selfie in the news 6A Choose one of these 'firsts' to write about.
in 2012.
• first day at school
8 It ...................................
from Mars. It ....................................
NASA robot! • first driving lesson
• first flat/house
• first holiday

B Make notes to answer these questions.

1 When was it?
2 Where was it?
3 Who was there?
4 Were you happy?
5 What was one good or bad thing about it?

C Write your online post in 80-100 words. Use time

phrases in your post.

GRAMMAR I how much, how many; how+ adjective

Lesson 4B VOCABULARY I amoJnts; numbers

PRONUNCIATION I intonation to check understanding

amounts; numbers how much, how many; how + adjective
1A Complete the sentences with the words in the box. 2A Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
1 How.. . . ............
meat do you eat every week?
[ about exactly just nearly over under ]
a old b much c long
1 49is. underfifty 2 How.. that building?
a high b far c many
2 998-1002 is . .. a thousand.
3 How .. ........children does she have?
3 98 is . a hundred.
a old b tall c many
4 300 is . three hundred.
4 How your car? Can all five of us get in7
5 712 is . hundred. a big b much c old
6 99 is just ..... a hundred. 5 How .. . ............... is it from the station to your house?
a much b far c tall
B Choose the correct answer to complete the
6 How.. ..... is your son now?
a many b long c old
1 In 2018, three ...............
five seven two billion viewers
watched the FIFA World Cup. B Complete the conversation with one word in each gap.
a and b point c a A: I'm at the station. How 1
_ ......... is it to your house?
2 An average blue whale weighs about eighteen B: It's about ten minutes by bus .
thousand kilograms.
A: And how 2
........... does it take to walk 1
a and b - c a
B: About half an hour.
3 What was life like. . ..hundred years ago?
A: Hmm, OK. The bus, then. How 3 .............. is the ticket?
a - b and c a 4
B: ................. much. It's only a pound, I think.
4 In 2021, the population of Australia was twenty-five 5
A: And how _ stops before I get off7
............eight million.
B: Let me think ... it's four or five.
a - b point c and
A: OK, thanks. Oh, it's here now! See you soon.
5 Over seventy-five and ................
half million people
visit Paris every year.
C Cl 4.05 I Listen and check.
a - b a c point
6 The average person walks round the Earth four
five times in their life.
a a b - c point 3 A I intonation to check understanding I Match the
questions (1-6) with the answers (a-f).
C Cl4.04 I Listen and check. 1 How much is this watch?
2 How many people are in your English class?
D Choose the correct answers to complete the story.
3 How far is the supermarket from here?
Last year I was in America on a long holiday. We went 4 How long was the meeting?
across the whole country in a car, on a long road
5 How tall is your brother?
called Route 66. It's three thousand, 1- / and nine
6 How old is your boss?
hundred 2 - / and forty kilometres! My favourite day
was a big barbecue festival in Kentucky with over a About twenty.
3- / a thousand people. There was a lot of food there: b It's £3S0.
two 4 - / point five thousand hamburgers and two c Four hours.
hundred 5- / and twenty kilos of meat! After an hour, d She's about thirty.
I wasn't hungry. About 6 a / - quarter of a plate was e He's two metres.
enough for me. It was very hot that day, too. The f It's about ten kilometres.
temperature was thirty-six 7 a / point five degrees in
B Cl 4.06 I Match the responses (a-f) with the
the afternoon!
conversations (1-6) in Ex 3A. Then listen and check.
a Sorry, how far? d Sorry, how tall?
b Sorry, how old7 e Sorry, how many?
c Sorry, how much7 f Sorry, how long?

C Cl 4.07 I Listen again and repeat the responses.

How do we spend
4 Read the first paragraph of the article. Select a
word to fill the gap. our lives?
a long b much c many
In the UK, most people live for about 81 years.
5A Read the article. Match the questions (1-6) with the
But how .. . time do they spend doing
answers (a-f).
different things?
How long does the average person spend trying to
2 How many dreams do they have?
3 How much money do they spend on holidays?
4 How many cups of tea do they drink 1
5 How long do they spend laughing?
6 How many words do they speak a day?
a 75,900
b three months
c seven years and two months
d £175,392
e 4,200
f over 100,000
Time for bed
B Read the article again. Are the sentences True (T) or Not many people like getting up on Monday
False (F)? mornings. The average person spends 26 years
1 The average person in the UK lives until they're just and seven months sleeping, but how long do
over 80. they spend trying to sleep? The answer is seven
2 People spend under 26 years sleeping. years and two months! They also have over
3 People watch TV for eight and a half years. 100,000 dreams (but we don't know if they are
4 People read nearly 500 books. good or bad).
5 People spend over three years on social media.
6 People spend over a year doing exercise. Free time
7 People spend just over three years on holiday. In an ordinary lifetime, people in the UK watch
8 Nearly twenty million people visit Spain. TV for eight years and six months and read 540
9 People spend just under four and a half years books. That's a lot of reading! They also spend
eating. almost three years on social media and sixteen
10 People laugh for three weeks. months doing sport and exercise.

People in the UK are lucky because in an
ordinary lifetime they spend three years and
two months on holiday. They go everywhere,
but Spain is the most popular country, with
over 18 million visits a year. But how much
does it all cost? About £175,392 per person.

Food and drink

People in the UK love tea, and an average
person drinks 75,900 cups in their lifetime!
They also eat for four years and five months.
How happy are they?
An average person in the UK laughs for three
months at something funny, but cries nearly
seventy litres of water when they're sad. They
talk a lot, too. An average person says over
4,200 words a day, but we all know someone
who speaks more than that!

I get help in shops
HOW TO ...

Lesson 4C VOCABULARY I shor::sand shopping



shops and shopping get help in shops
1A Choose the correct word or phrase to complete 2 A Cl4.08 I Listen to someone shopping. Tick the shops he
the sentences. visits.
1 You can buy a new computer at
a a sports shop b a pharmacy bookshop department store
c an electronics shop
electronics shop shoe shop
2 You can buy a shirt at a
a clothes shop b bookshop c hairdresser's B Cl4.08 I Listen again. Number the things in the order you
hear about them.
3 You can buy bread at
a a butcher's b a dry-cleaners c a baker's a The men's clothes department is on the third floor.
4 You can buy medicine at ... b The book costs £25.
a a chemist's b a cafe c a greengrocer's c Ben tries on the shirt.
5 You can buy pens and pencils at d Ben wants a receipt.
a a shoe shop b a hairdresser's c a stationers e Ben pays by phone.

6 You can buy vegetables at .. f Ben wants to buy a

book on Thai cooking.
a a hairdresser's b a greengrocer's
g The book costs £10.
c a department store
h Ben doesn't like the
B Add the missing letters to complete the shops. green shirt.

1 b_~__'s 3 A Cl4.09
I linking I Listen to the phrases. Add links
chocolateca.Re between the words that you hear.

2 gr__ttg__c_r's 1 Can I pay by phone? 3 How much is it7

2 Can I try it on? 4 Could I have a receipt?
B Cl4.09 I Listen again and repeat.
3 ph __ ma._y

4 bo__ s__p
4A Complete the conversation with one word in each gap.

s cl_t__ s s_ _p
A: Excuse me, can you ..................... me?
B: Yes, of course.
A: Do you 2 .................... laptop chargers? For this laptop?
6 tt_ws-9e
__'s B: Let me see ... yes, we do. Here you are.
A: Great, thanks. ................... much is it7

7 bu__he_'s B: This one is thirty pounds.

A: Good, I'll 4 Can I pay 5 ...................... phone?
B: Yes, that's fine.
8 d_y-cl_a._ers A: Could I 6 ............... a receipt?
B: Sure. Here you are.
A: Thanks.
9 S__ r_S _h_p
B Cl4.10 I Listen and check.
C Cl4.11 I You are A in the conversation in Ex 4A. Listen and
C Complete the shopping list with words from the box. speak after the beep. Record the conversation if you can.

bread collect clean suit computer magazine D Listen to your recording and compare it to the model in
football history book lamb medicine Ex4B.
potatoes socks

28 SpeakaJllll Go to the interactive speaking practice

GRAMMAR I should, shouldn't; imperatives
Lesson 4D READING I seasons in South Korea

should, shouldn't; imperatives 2A Read the blog post. Choose the correct option.

1A Put the words in order to make sentences and questions. What is the writer's favourite season in South Korea?
spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter
we I money/ should/ lot/ a/ bring/ of?
2 eat/ shouldn't/ there/ you .
3 the/ walk/ grass/ on/ don't.
4 early/ please /tomorrow/ come .
5 here/ how/ wait/ should /we/ long ? Seasons in South Korea
6 winter/ they/ in/ visit/ shouldn't.
South Korea is always beautiful, but you need to
B 6lilChoose the correct word or phrase to complete the choose the right time of year to visit. Every season
sentences. brings something different, so you should think about
You should.... ..........................
us in autumn. what you want when you visit. Summer is in July and
a visit b visiting c to visit August, but it's very hot and wet and usually rains
2 ..................................... a lot. Winter is from December to March and is cold
a We should bring b Should we bring (but not very cold like here in Canada).
c Should bring we
Spring and Autumn are good times to visit. In Spring
3 How long.. ...... ?
(March to June) you can see beautiful blossoms and
a should stay we b we should stay
flowers in the cities and the countryside. It's also dry
c should we stay
and warm. But my favourite time is Autumn, from
4 take photos in here.
September to November. The temperature is warm,
a Please no b Please don't c Please not
but not very hot, and it's a good time to visit the
5 . be late for the walk tomorrow.
a Don't b No c Aren't
6 A: Should I wear warm clothes? The days are sunny and the different colours of the
B:Yes, trees are amazing. A very popular national park in
Korea is Seoraksan. It's very big and you can see a lot
a you should wear b you do c you should
of mountains. But I like Bukhansan, just outside the
C Choose the correct words to complete the email. capital city of Seoul. It's easy to get there, it's beautiful
and the cool air and warm temperature make it a
really nice place to visit. Bring some food and some
Hi Sam, warm clothes with you, and don't forget your camera
How are you? I'm very excited that you and Gita have or phone! You
can walk up the
plans for a big holiday in Asia. Of course you should
1 mountain in four or
come / to come to Thailand. I'd love to see you!
five hours, or just
So, when 2should you/ you should visit? 3Come I
sit and enjoy the
Don't come in the spring because it's very hot. colours of autumn.
From June until October it rains a lot, so if you come
then, 4 bring / should bring an umbrella! A good time
is between November and March. Thailand is warm
in the winter, though, so 5 pack / don't pack shorts,
B Read the blog post again. Choose the correct words.
T-shirts and dresses and 6 don't / shouldn't bring a
1 The writer likes/ doesn't like summer in South Korea.
big jacket! And 7worry I don't worry about a hotel.
2 He thinks winter in South Korea is quite/ really cold.
You can stay with me!
3 In spring you can see blossoms only in/ inside and
8You should/ Should you also travel around Thai- outside the cities.
land when you're here. I can recommend places that 4 Autumn is two/ three months long.
you 9 should
/ shouldn't visit. oWrite / Don't write
5 Autumn is a good time to visit cities/ forests.
and tell me what you'd like to do and we can make 6 The writer's favourite national park is Seoraksan /
plans! Bukhansan.
7 You should bring something to eat/ drink when you
Bye for now, visit the park.
Arla 8 You can/ can't relax if you visit Bukhansan.


GRAMMAR 5A Match (1-6) to (a-f) to make questions.

1 Howtall
1 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. 2 How many
1 Is this/ that your chair here? 3 How far
2 Your glasses are over here/ there, on that desk. 4 How long
3 That/ Those cups are dirty. Use this one here. 5 How much
4 Do you like this/ these plants? I bought them at 6 How big
the supermarket.
a countries are there in Africa?
5 Hello! I'm over here/ there!
b is your kitchen?
6 I don't usually like tomatoes, but I like this/ these
c is Mount Kilimanjaro?
d was your meeting?
7 This/ These is our new sofa. What do you think?
e is your home from your office?
8 Are these/ those your keys over here?
f money have you got?
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
B Match the answers (a-f) with the questions (1-6) in
have got.
Ex SA.
1 a car. I don't need one in the city.
a It's very small.
Aran ...............................
2 ............................... a large house?
b I think there are 54.
3 No, he ..
c It's about two miles.
4 ...............................
YOU any brothers or sisters?
d It was three hours1
5 Yes, 1..
e I think it's around 9,000 metres.
6 Ellie and Jim ..............................
a big house and three cars.
They... . ..a lot of money. f I've got twenty pounds with me.
7 We.. . any milk. Can you go and buy some C Choose the correct words to complete the
at the shop?
8 Malaika ............... a lovely plant in her bedroom.
1 A: How tall/ high is your daughter now?
3A Put the words in the correct order to make sentences B: She's already one metre fifty centimetres!
and questions. 2 A: How many/ much coffee do you drink?
1 parks/ here/ aren't/ there/ near/ many. B: A lot/ Much! About five cups a day.
2 traffic / is/ lot/ there/ of/ a/ here ? 3 A: How many/ old is Graham?
3 there/ shops/ some/ close by/ are. B: I'm not sure. I think he's about thirty.
4 near/ are/ restaurants/ there/ you/ any? 4 A: How long/ far is your office from your home?
5 noise/ much/ isn't/ here / there . B: About two kilometres. I usually walk there.
6 there/ there/ cafes /of/ are/ lots. 5 A: How much/ many brothers and sisters have you
B Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
B: Three. Two brothers and one sister.
[ a any lot lots much some ] 6 A: How long/ far is your English class?
B: It's an hour and a half. Do you want to meet after
1 There is ... bread in the kitchen, but not a it finishes?
6 5ilThe sentences below have a mistake. Choose the
2 There isn't ..........................
coffee or tea - nothing at all!
best option to correct the mistake.
3 There are ...........................
of potatoes. We don't need to
buy more. 1 No write your answers in the book.

4 There isn't ................. pasta - only a little. a Not b Aren't c Don't

2 What I should bring with me?
5 There is a ..........................
of cheese.
6 There's . . ..... big bag of rice. a What do I should b What should I
c What should
4 Complete the conversation with the correct form of 3 A: Should we visit in summer?
was or were. B: Yes, you do.
A: Where 1 ................... you this morning? You 2. a should b visit c should visit
in class. 4 Please you come early.
B: I 3 .. . in a meeting at work.
.. . .... all the a do you come b come c do come
other students there?
5 6
A: Yes, they . But the teacher .!
B: Really? Why ....................... he there?
A: He 8 .............. ill, so there was another teacher. It a
... good class, though. A lot of fun.
B: Sounds good. My meeting ................. It was very

VOCABULARY 9 Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the

7A Complete the text with words from the box. 1 My suit is dirty. Is there a.. near here7
. ....................
a greengrocer's b hairdresser's c dry cleaner's
bedrooms cupboards desk fridge
2 2/7 = July the ...
living office quiet small
a second b twelfth c twenty-second
3 101 isjust. .a hundred.
This is my house. It's 1 ........................... but I like it It
a under b exactly c over
has two 2. . . .................• I sleep in one, and the other
4 If you go to the .. ...... , can you get me some
is a home 3................................. where I work. In it I've got a
computer on a big 4 ..............................• It's a great place
a baker's b butcher's c shoe shop
to work because it's very 5 ............
S Let's meet at the ........................
on the corner for
I have a big 6 .. .......................... room and a small kitchen. lunch.
The kitchen is nice, with lots of 7 .......................... and a a electronics shop b cafe
big 8 keep my food in. c department store
6 1/4 is the same as a ...
B Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
a quarter b point c half
different difficult large quiet short soft 10 A Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

1 These two desks are ......................................

- one is black after (x2) ago (x2) in (x2) last (x2) on
and one is dark blue.
yesterday (x2)
2 It's very. ..... on my street - all you can
hear is the birds. 1 I was in California ...................................
the summer. It was
3 It's.. .......................
to get up early every morning, very hot!
but I can do it for a while. 2 Let's speak about this . . ...... the break.
4 This sofa is too ...........................................
for this room - I 3 Her birthday was. .............14 June.
can't walk round it!
4 Where were you ....................................
S Feel how ... .. this towel is, it's lovely!
S Our last holiday was two years.. . ...... !
6 Every morning, I spend .:i........................................
time in the
6 Carol wasn't in class .. ......afternoon.
garden - about five minutes - before I go to work.
7 I need to speak to you ....... lunch.
C Match the adjectives (1-6) with their opposites (a-f) 8 The meeting wasn't ..........
, it was two days
from Ex 7B.
1 loud. 9 Where was the game.. ..............................
2 small .. 10 We often visit Greece ...............................
the spring.
3 hard. B Choose the correct answers to complete the text.
4 long ..
Every four years, 1in / at June and July, the FIFA
S the same ... Women's World Cup happens. The first Women's
6 easy World Cup was in China 2 in / at 1991. In 2015 fifty-
two 3- / point five six million watched the final, but in
8 Complete the conversations with one word in each
2019, almost 4 a / the quarter of the world watched
gap. The first letter is given.
the competition. That's one 5 point / and two billion
A: Here. These flowers are ......................................
people! The number of people who watched the final
B: Thank you. How n .............................
of you! that year was two hundred 5 and / - sixty million.
2 A: S . I'm late.
B: N .................. problem.
3 A: Great to s... .....................
B: You
4 A: I'm ·.....................................
That was delicious!
B: you liked it!
S A: Have as.. . ....... _journey home.
B: T.. ..........
you for the lovely evening!

GRAMMAR I past simple: regular verbs

I time phrases (2)
I -ed ending of regular verbs

time phrases (2) past simple: regular verbs
1A Match (1-6) to (a-f) to make sentences. 2A Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the
1 I was at home all sentences.
2 This morning I was in a meeting from 9 a.m. 1 You worked/ You didn't work/ Did you work in a
shop when you were a teenager?
3 I worked in a supermarket
4 I started work at 10 a.m. and finished two hours 2 Did she study/ She studied/ Did she studied
French at school?
5 We stayed in a hotel by the sea for
3 We listen/ listened / did listen to classical music
6 My brother usually goes running all evening.
a when I was 18. 4 Marisa didn't like/ didn't liked/ like the film.
b day yesterday. 5 You did walk/ Did you walk/ You walked to work
c two weeks. this morning?
d to 11. 6 A: Did you enjoy the lesson?
e later. B: Yes, I enjoyed/ I was/ I did. It was greatl
f before breakfast. B Complete the blog post with the past simple form of
B Choose the correct word to complete the the verbs in brackets.
1 I was in meetings .......................
a all b for c before A few years ago, 11 ............................. (decide)to do something
2 I worked in a cafe.. . I started college. different with my life. I really .. . ...... (want) to travel,

a from b later c before but I 3 (not want) to only go on holiday.

3 . . . 2017 to 2020 I worked in a bank. 14 ............... (st1Jriy) Sri;inish ;it school ;inrl 5 .
a When b From c For (remember) a lot of it, so I 6... . . ........ (look) on line for a

4 We visited our friends in Turkey in January, then job teaching English.There was an advertisement for a
again two months... . . . ........! job in Argentina, so I 7 (phone) the company
a before b later c from 8
and we ............................. (talk) about the job.
5 .................. Nia was a teenager, she lived in York. They 9 ................ (ask) me lots of questions but they
a When b From c For 10
............................ (not offer) me a job. Then, a few days later,
6 Santiago worked in a hospital. ............
five years. they 11 ............................. (call)again. This time, it was good
a from b when C for news! Three weeks later I was in Buenos Aires.
C Complete the text with a time phrase in each gap. I 12.. . . .............. (live) there for two years.

From 2016 1 ............................ 2017,

........ I was 18, I lived
in Italy. I wanted to live in 3 A Cl5.01 1-ed ending of regular verbs I Listen to the
another country sentences. Choose the correct endings of the past
simple verbs.
. . . . . . . . . . . . ..I started university.
I worked as a waiter in a 1 We watched a really good film on TV last night.
It/ I /di I /id/
small town 4 . . ..... a
2 Last year Salma visited London for the first time.
year, at a restaurant, called It/ I id/ I /Id/
Gino's. It was great! I worked 3 I played football with my friends on Sunday .
. . ..weekend, but 6 . Monday to /ti I /di I /id/
Friday, I travelled to lots of places in Europe. I 4 I stopped eating meat last year. /t/ / /d/ / /1d/
visited beautiful beaches and the mountains, and 5 Ben wanted to study Russian at school. /t/ / /d/ / /1d/
I talked to lots of interesting people. Three years 6 Everyone looked tired at the end of the day.
I finished university, I
.............. /ti I /di I /id/
returned to the little town on holiday, but it was 7 When she was young, Daria lived in Moldova.
It/ I id/ I /Id/
very different. The restaurant was a shoe shop and
8 I started work early this morning. /t/ / /d/ / /id/
the people I worked with weren't there anymore.
B Cl5.01 I Listen again and repeat the sentences.

4 Read the text. Select a picture to answer the

This athlete started sport when she was only five
years old. She is now a British high jump champion.
Sometimes people do amazing
Which photo does this describe?
things when they' re very young.
Here are two people who started
when they were five years old.
Nicholas Lowinger
Nicholas Lowinger lives in Rhode Island
in the USA. \1/hen he was five years old,
he visited a children's home (a place where
boys and girls stay if they don't have a place
to live). l'\icholas wanted to wear his new
shoes. His mother didn't want him to, but
he didn't know why. vVhen they arrived
at the children's home, there were lots of
boys and girls without shoes, or who had
very old shoes. Nicholas wanted to give his
shoes to the children, but he didn't stop
there. Five years later, in 2010, he started an
organisation to help children's homes. Now
the organisation, called Gotta Have Sole,
5A Read the article and answer the questions.
works all over the USA. It collects new shoes
1 Where does Nicholas's foundation work now?
from shops and shoe companies, and also
2 Where did Morgan Lake travel in 2016? has sports competitions to make money for
children's homes.
B Read the article again. Choose the correct option (a-c)
to complete the sentences.
Morgan Lake
Nicholas Lowinger wanted to take his ..
to the children's home. Some people are born to win, and l\lorgan
a lights b mum c new shoes Lake is one of those people. When she was
2 Many children at the place he visited didn't have five years old, she started sport, and when
she was seven, her dad helped her enter
a any shoes b food c old shoes competitions at her local sports club. In 2009,
3 He started his organisation when he was when she was twelve, she was the under-
thirteen uK champion for the pentathlon (an
a five b ten c fifteen
4 Shops and companies give Nicholas
athletics competition with five events). She
a old shoes b new shoes c money continued to win competitions and in 2or6
5 Morgan Lake's . .........
helped her to become she travelled to Rio de Janeiro in Brazil as
an athlete. part of the British Olympic team. ln Rio she
a mother b teacher c father was the first British woman to get to a final in
6 In 2009 she was first in the under-thirteen the high jump since 1992. Tn2020 she trained
pentathlon .....
and studied psychology at university at the
a in the world b in the UK c in Europe
7 In 2016 she was the first British woman to same time. She has a great future as one of
the high jump final since 1992. Britain's top athletes .
a go to b lose c win
8 In 2020, Morgan was a ... . .. and an athlete.
a student b waitress c teacher
GRAMMAR I past simple: irregular verbs; wh- questions
LessonSB VOCABULARY I life events
PRONUNCIATION I irregular verbs

life events past simple: irregular verbs; wh- questions
1A Choose the correct word to complete the 2A Complete the conversation with the past simple form
sentences. of the verbs in brackets.
1 I hope I ..................................
my driving test the first time I A: 1 ............................ you ..............................
(go) to the party?
take it. B: Yes, I did. It was brilliant.
a become b learn c pass 2
A: Who ....................... you ...........................
(see) there?
2 When did you ...................... your best friend? 3
B: I ............................. (see) my old friend, Marcus.
a meet b leave c get
A: Who's Marcus?
3 Sandra . school when she was sixteen.
B: I 4 ...................... (know) him at university. We were
a got b left c learnt really good friends, but after we finished we both
4 We want to . ...married next summer. 5
......... . (go) back to our home towns and
a meet b get c pass ............................. (not speak) for a long time.

5 Richard wants to ...a teacher after A: Why was that?

university. B: I don't know. We just 7 ............... (lose) contact.
a learn b become c get But then last night we 8.. .. (meet) again.
6 Did you .....................................
to swim at school? A: Why ............................. he ..............................
(come) to London?
a learn b become c pass B: For work. He 10
............................. (get) a new job here.
B Put the words in brackets in order to complete the B The sentences and questions below have a mistake.
sentences. Choose the best option to correct the mistake.
1 My brother wants to ... 1 Where you went to school when you were a child?
(new/ a/ job/ get) as a digital designer.
a do you go b did you go c you go
2 You need to study a lot if you want to
(exams/ your/ pass) this year. 2 I win a competition last month .
3 Now he's 17, Thomas can .. a did won b did win c won
(to/ learn / drive) 3 I don't come home late last night.
4 I think 1..........................................................................................
(husband/ a didn't come b didn't came c don't came
my I met/ future) at the party last weekend. 4 How long do Bailey live in New York?
5 If you're not happy, you should .. a did Bailey live b did Bailey lived c Bailey lived
(job/ your/ leave).
6 After university, Angela wants to .. C Rewrite the irregular past simple sentences.
(a/ doctor/ become). 1 I didn't wake up early. lwqk~ UP~<:lf[y. (+)

C Choose the correct words to complete the advert. 2 I left university last year. ..............................(When . ?)
3 Davina went to work yesterday ................................................
4 Emir gave her the letters.. .......... (Did .. ?)
Central Adult Education Centre
5 We didn't know she was there .......................................
Here at Central Adult
6 He had a lot of work last week.... . .... (-)
Education Centre, we
7 I rang Karla at 8 p.m .............................................
(What time ...?)
have lots of different
8 We didn't meet at the party.. . .................
courses to help you in
life. Many of our students
Ieave / get school PRONUNCIATION
at sixteen, then find it 3 A Cl5.03 I irregular verbs I Listen and choosethe
difficult to 2become / get a good job. We can help correct vowel sounds in the irregular past simple verbs.
you learn important skills that you need to 3get / pass 1 left /e/ / /au/ / /re/
your exams or go to university. Some of our students 2 drove /e/ //au// /re/
4 become / get teachers and doctorsl It's not just work
3 had /e/ //au// /re/
skills. We can help you 5 pass / learn to drive with our 4 woke up /e/ //au// /re/
excellent teachers. And we're a friendly place. Lots of
5 went /e/ / /au/ / /re/
students 6get / meet their best friends herel So don't
6 drank /e/ //au// /re/
wait. Call us todayl
7 said /e/ / /au/ / /re/
8 rang /e/ / /au/ / /re/
D Cl5.02 I Listen and check.
B Cl5.03 I Listen again and repeat.

4A Cl5.04 I Listen to Manuel, Taylor and Craig describing

surprises. Answer the questions.
Which person ...
1 had a bad experience?
2 was in a strange place for a party?
3 met an old friend?

B Cl5.04 I Listen again. Are the sentences True (T) or Jason Murphy
False (F)?
My name's Jason Murphy and I'm a digital
1 Manuel's boss asked him to go home after work.
designer. Welcome to my profile.
2 He thought everyone knew it was his birthday.
3 Taylor took her driving test more than once before 1 was born on 29 June, 1994 in Cambridge, UK,
she passed. but moved to London when I was two and grew
4 She was happy because the weather was good.
up there.
5 Craig drove to university alone.
6 He and Jamie became friends again. 1 finished secondary school in 2012, then went
to the University of Durham, where I studied
C Cl5.04 I Listen again and choose the correct option.
art history. I always enjoyed art both at school
How old was Manuel on his birthday? and at home and had my first exhibition when
a 20 b 21 c 23 I was 14. I really enjoyed my university course
2 What did he eat?
and when I was there I started making art on my
a fruit b vegetables c cake
computer. That was when I discovered I wanted
3 How far was the hotel from where Taylor and her
friends lived? to work in digital design.
a 10 km b 100 km c 1,000 km 4
1 finished university in 2015. After that I worked
4 How long did Taylor wait for the mechanic? as an intern for Brash Design. When I was there
a half an hour b two hours c three hours I designed websites. I worked as an intern for a
5 How many people did Craig share the apartment year, before they employed me full-time for two
years. Next, I started working for
a two b three c four
as a manager of a small design team. This is
6 How old was Jamie when he moved away?
where I work now and I really enjoy my job.
a three b seven c eleven
My interests include mountain biking and
visiting other countries with my girlfriend.
a mini-bio 6 Use the information below to write a mini-bio of Alicia.

5A Read Jason Murphy's mini-bio. Match the headings Name: Alicia Zamora
(a-e) with the paragraphs (1-5). Job: teacher
a education Date of birth: 23/02/96
b hobbies Place of birth: Sydney, Australia
c introduction
d early life Education
e work experience 2005-2009: St George High School
B Complete the sentences with one or two words. Then 2009-2013: Sydney State University -
check your answers in Jason's mini-bio. BA Education
I finished secondary school in 2012,.
went to the University of Durham, where I studied art Work experience
2012-2013: Trainee teacher, Sandare High School
2 I finished university in 2015 ...
I worked as an intern for Brash Design.
2013-2018: Teacher, Victoria High School
3 I worked as an intern for a year, before they employed 2018-present: Teacher, Lowbeach High School
me full-time for two years..
I started working for as a manager of Interests: swimming, video games, going to
a small design team. restaurants

I apologise and make excuses
HOW TO ...

LessonSC VOCABULARY I excuses;saying the time

PRONUNCIATION I intonation for apologising

VOCABULARY C CD 5.06 I Listen to the recording. Write what you

hear. You will hear the sentences only once.
excuses 1

1 Choose the correct word to complete the 2

sentences. 3 ,..

1 Sorry I'm late. I ....................................

my train and waited an
hour for the next one. PRONUNCIATION
a lost b missed c was 4A CD
5.07 I intonation for apologising I Listen to people
2 I couldn't do my work. My wifi was .. apologising. Do the people sound sorry (S) or not sorry
a down b up c on (NS)?
3 I didn't .... ...... my alarm. That's why I was late 1 S / NS
for the meeting. 2 S/NS
a get b hear c listen 3 S/NS
4 My computer broke and 1.. ....... all my work.
a left b missed c lost
5.08 I Listen and repeat the good apologies.

5 I ................................
my bag in a taxi yesterday evening.
a lost b left c missed
6 I'm really sorry, my bus ....................................
a got b became c was
5A Complete the conversation with the words in the box.
saying the time [ late problem really sorry wrong ]
2 Match the times (1-8) with the phrases (a-h).
A: Where were you? You're late.
1 08.00 a ten past seven 1
B: I know, I'm .... . ............ sorry. There was a
2 12.45 b sever1Leer1 r11ir1ules fJdSL elever1
2 . . with my car.
3 19:10 c two minutes past nine
A: OK ...
4 09.02 d quarter past three 3
B: Then the bus was .....
5 04.30 e eight o'clock
A: That's all right. But let's go through. People are
6 23.17 f quarter to one here to see your presentation now.
7 10.30 g half past four B: What do you mean? Don't we start at 10.30?
8 15.15 h ten thirty A: No, the meeting was at ten. We only have thirty
minutes left.

How to •••
B: Oh, no. I had the 4
... .. time! I'm so

apologise and make excuses A: It's OK, but let's go now!

B: Yes, of course.
3 A CD
5.05 I Listen to the conversations. Number the
excuses in the order you hear them. B CD
5.09 I Listen to the conversation and check your
a The wifi is down. answers.
b The bus was late.
5.10 I You are Bin the conversation in Ex SA. Listen
c The person had the wrong time. and speak after the beep. Record the conversation if
you can.
5.05 I Listen again and choose the correct options.
1 Chris is late for the third time this day/ week/ D Listen to your recording and compare it to the model
month. in Ex SB.
2 His shirt is on the bus/ at home/ dirty.
3 Mr Wilson thinks Mark is early/ on time/ late.
4 The meeting was at half past two/ three/ four.
5 Tobias needs an email/ a report/ wifi.
6 The problem happened because Tanya changed
school/ job/ house.

GRAMMAR I adjectives and modifiers
LessonSD LISTENING I talking about last weekend

adjectives and modifiers 2 A a 5.11 I Listen and match the conversations (1-3)
1 A Eii!
The sentences and questions below have a mistake.
with the photos (A-C).
Choose the best option to correct the mistake.
That's a watch very beautiful.
a very beautiful watch b beautiful very watch
c very watch beautiful
2 I'm so much tired after that long walk.
a so really tired b much so tired c so tired
3 This film is a bit interesting.
a bit b quite c too
4 Ben's got two new and black phones.
a new black b a new and a black
c news and blacks

B Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1 restaurant/ noisy/ this/ too/ is/.
2 was/ boring/ that/ bit/ book/ a/.
3 nice/ looks/ shirt/ your/.
4 a/ Paris/ beautiful/ city/ is/.
5 about/ so/ happened/ angry/ feel/ I/ what/.
6 too/ that/ expensive/ me/ is/ car/ for/ .
7 really/ the/ was/ good / party/ .
8 very/ here/ it/ busy/ looks/ in/.

C Choose the correct words to complete the comments.

A Marco
Can anyone recommend a 1good restaurant
/ restaurant good in town? I want to take my
girlfriend somewhere 2 really / too nice for her

B 5.11 I Listen
C}J again and answer the questions.
A Kaylie: In which conversation (1-3) ...
Don't go to Sortonis, the 3 new and Italian a does the person say when they woke up?
place/ new Italian place. It's 4 too / very b did the person do something they always do?
much expensive and the menu is 5 so / so c did the person not enjoy their weekend?
much boring! d does the person mention their family?
e did something with their girlfriend?
A Wei: f did the person have a really good weekend?
I recommend the Greek place on the
High Street. The food is 6 delicious / too C 5.11 I Complete
C}J the sentences and questions with
delicious and the music is 7very / so one word in each gap. Then listen again and check.

much nice. 1 How.. ............

your weekend?
2 It was a ..............................
boring, really.
A Alexis: 3
What... .you do?
I went for a ..........................
on Saturday.
We really like Carla's Cafe. The service
is 8 a bit/ bit slow, but the food always 5 I ........... to a party on Saturday.
good looks/ looks good and it's 10 quite 6 When did you ..............................
/ bit cheap. 7 My weekend was .....................
, thanks.
8 Who did you go.. ?

GRAMMAR I present continuous

Lesson 6A VOCABULARY I clothes and appearance

PRONUNCIATION I weak form of are

clothes and appearance present continuous
1A Match the words in the box to the places in the photos 2A Complete the message with the present continuous
(1-10). form of the verbs in brackets.

bald beard curly hair jacket shirt

Hi Taylor! How are things? 11. .. (enjoy) my holiday in
skirt socks tie top trousers
Paris. I 2 .. (sit) outside at a lovely cafe and I
...(watch) people walk by. It's lovely here. A woman
.... (play) the piano in the street, and I 5 . . . (have)

a coffee and cake. It 6 (not rain) today, it's sunny.

Jim's not with me at the moment, he 7 ............... (visit) a
museum this morning. We're here for another two days
before we come home, which I 8 .............. (not think) about!
What about you? What . . .. you ....... (do) today?
... you .............(work)?

B The sentences below have a mistake. Choose the

best option to correct the mistake.
1 Dee and Graeme are liking the film.
a is liking b are like c like
2 Where she is going 1

a she goes b is she going c does she go

3 I'm no doing my homework at the moment.
a not doing b not do c don't do
4 A: Are you listening to me?
B: Yes, I listen.
a I do b lam c I'm listen
B Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
C Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1 I never wear shoes without
1 playing/ Soren and Lazlo /are/ football.
a jeans b socks c shorts
2 from/ Mila/ working/ today/ home/ isn't.
2 Can you open that window for me, please7 I'm too
3 doing/ what/ you/ are?
........... _to reach it.
4 TV/ moment/ I'm/ at/ watching/ the.
a short b tall c curly
5 making/ your brother/ video/ is/ a?
3 Have you got a....... . ...... to wear to your job
interview tomorrow7 6 sitting/ her/ Renata/ at/ desk/ isn't.
a T-shirt b coat c suit 7 Charlie/ going / is / where ?
4 Julia's the one with .................. , blonde hair. 8 French/ I'm/ moment/ at/ studying/ the.
a short b dark c bald
5 Bring your , it's cold today. PRONUNCIATION
a skirt b top c coat 3 A Cl6.01 I weak form of are I Listen to five questions.
6 Angelika wore a beautiful . ..............when she got How many words are there in each question?
married. 1 3. 5
a trousers b dress C tie 2 .... 4
C Choose the correct words to complete the description. B Cl6.01 I Listen again and write the two stressed
I'm quite 1tall / short (1m 80cm) and I've got long, words in each question. Then listen and repeat.
bald / straight hair. I've got brown eyes and
3 1
yellow / blonde hair. I'm a lawyer, so I always wear a
suit / jumper at work, but in summer when it's warm, 2.
I wear 5 coats / dresses to the office. At the weekend, I 3.
wear a T-shirt and 6jeans / top. 4.
5 ...


4A Cl6.02 I Listen to a telephone conversation and write a description of a group photo

answer the questions.
5 Cl 6.03 I Listen to the recording. Choose the words
1 Where is Nikki? in the competition advert that are different from what
2 Where is Clive? you hear.

B Cl6.02 I Listen again. Number the actions in the order

you hear about them. Do you have a good photo of
a Nikki is waiting for her bags. a group moment you'd like to
b Nikki tells Clive what she looks like. show? Send it to us with a long
c Nikki calls Clive. description and say why it was
d Clive calls Nikki. great. You can win a laptop!
e Clive says he's late.
f Nikki sees Clive. 6A Read Diya's description of the photo. Which person

C Cl6.02 I Choose the correct word or phrase to (A-E) is Diya in the photo?
complete the sentences. Then listen again and check. This was my first day in my job, two months ago. I'm
Clive is late because of wearing my new jacket and jeans. The team is very
friendly. My boss Gina is really nice. She's got short,
a the weather
straight hair and she's smiling. Micah is standing next
b the traffic
to me. He's funny and tells lots of jokes. He's got
c other customers
dark, curly hair and he's wearing a T-shirt. Tom has a
2 He wants Nikki to wait moustache and is wearing a shirt. I usually have lunch
a inside the airport with Angela. She's got curly hair and she's smiling.
b outside the airport She's great! I really like my team.
c in the car park
B Read the description again. Match the names with the
3 Nikki asks to call Clive back because
people in the photo (A-E).
a she's going through security
b her phone is broken 1 Gina

c she's busy
2 Micah
4 Nikki is 3 Tom

a tall
4 Angela

b short C Read the description in Ex GA again and find these

c bald things.
S She's got ...... hair. 1 four words or phrases to describe clothes
a short, straight, blonde 2 words or phrases to describe appearance
b long, straight, blonde 3 three verbs to describe an activity at the moment
c long, straight, red
D Write a description of a group photo for the
6 She's wearing
competition advert in Ex 5. Write 80-100 words.
a jeans and a black jacket
b jeans and a blue jacket
c shorts and a black jacket

GRAMMAR comparative adjectives

Lesson 6B VOCABULARY I common adjectives (2); transport collocations

PRONUNCIATION I sentence stress

common adjectives (2) comparative adjectives
1A Write a word to fill the gaps. 3A Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the
adjective opposite
1 Which is... .....................
, your house or my house?
quick/fast slow a bigger b more big c big
quiet 2 Greta is ..............................
in her new job than her old one.
a happy b more happy c happier
3 This cafe is ......................
than that one.
boring a more nice b more nicer c nicer
4 Which is , a train or a bus?
a fast b faster c more fast
5 My new phone is ......................
than my old one.
B Match (1-6) to (a-f) to make sentences. a good b better c more good
1 This exercise is really difficult
Please 6 The jacket is .. . ..expensive than the shirt.
2 Hello? Hello? Sorry. It's very noisy a more b the more c most

3 Please don't drive so fast - B Complete the survey results with the comparative
4 The bus is very slow form of the adjectives in brackets.
5 This chair is really uncomfortable -
6 Nice headphones -
The results are in!
a when there's a lot of traffic.
Last month we asked you to tell us what you
b can I sit in that one 1
think of different types of transport In our city.
c in here and I can't hear you.
d were they expensive?
First, we asked you which is 1 (easy) to use,
e can you help me? the bus or the train. More of you (sixty percent)
f it's dangerous. said the train. Forty percent of you think buses
are 2.. (difficult) because they're often late. A
transport collocations
lot of people said they felt 3 ....... (happy) on the
2 Complete the text with the correct form of the words train too, because it's 4 ...........
(comfortable) than
and phrases in the box.
the bus.
[ get off get on get out of go by ride take ] Next we wanted to know if you thought the bus
or a taxi was 5 .. (good). Guess what? Fifty-
I'm a doctor and I usually 1. . . ·•·•·•·•·•·•·my bike to work,
but today was very cold. I thought I'd 2 ................... car, five percent of you said the bus! This is because
but it didn't starti After that I 3 .............................
the car and it's 6. (big) than a taxi, so you can relax
decided to 4.. the bus to the hospital. It was more when you get on. However, when it's busy,
really easy. When you 5.... . .. the bus you touch a
80% think a bus is 7 (bad) than a taxi, even
machine with your credit card, then touch it again to
though buses are ..8
. .. (cheap).
pay when you 6 ............. I enjoyed the journey, but I
prefer to ride my bike when it's warm I
4A Cl6.04 I sentence stress I Listen to the sentences and
underline the stressed words.
1 It's bigger than a house.
2 They're worse than cars.
3 It's more expensive than a holiday.
4 They're smaller than bikes.
5 It's easier than that.
6 They're more comfortable than planes.

B Cl6.04 I Listen again and repeat.


Getting around
Is yourjourney fromA to B boring?Lookat theseunusualformsof transportfrom
aroundthe world. They makeit fun to travel!

The ChivaExpress,Ecuador Central-Mid-LevelsEscalator,HongKong

The Chiva Express is not a normal bus. It's changed

so that it can run on a train line! It takes tourists up Do you like walking everywhere, but get tired? Well in
mountains to see the beautiful views. OK, there are Hong Kong, it's easier to walk than in other places. This
faster ways to travel, but this is more interesting. It has escalator takes you through the centre of the city. It's a
big seats and food and drink services. And if you want great way to visit museums, shops and parks. It's free,
an even better experience, you can sit on the roof! and at 800 metres long, there's no outside escalator in
So next time you're in Ecuador and want to see the the world that's longer than this one.
mountains, take this bus!

5A Read the article quickly. Match each form of transport

Amfibus,the Netherlands with where it travels (1-3).
1 the city centre
2 on a river
3 in mountains

B Read the article again. Which type of transport from

the article does each sentence describe? Write C
(Chiva Express), A (Amfibus) or E (Central-Mid-Levels
1 This shows you unusual parts of the city.
2 This travels to a high place.
3 You don't need to pay to use it.
4 You can sit in an unusual place.
5 This is in Europe.
This starts as a tour of the modern city of Rotterdam. 6 These are usually inside, but not here.
Fifty passengers can get on the bus and look at famous C Read the article again. Are the statements True (T) or
places in the city centre. But then the bus takes a False (F)?
different route and goes into the Maas River! Yes, it's a 1 The Chiva Express is uncomfortable.
bus that becomes a ferry, and can go on both land and 2 You can eat on the Chiva Express.
water. On the water, the city becomes more interesting 3 Amfibus can take more than fifty passengers.
because you can see places that you can't see from the 4 You can see different places in the city from the
land. Maas river.
5 The Central-Mid-Levels Escalator is very long.

I give directions
HOW TO . . .

Lesson 6C VOCABULARY I places

PRONUNCIATION I stress to correct information

VOCABULARY B CJ6.05 I Listen again and choose Monika's route (A

or B).
places A B
1A Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. MASON'S

1 When you get to the.... ....., go straight on.

a crossroads b bridge c lights FOREST~-~ FOREST~-~
2 Excuse me, is there a car . ...... near here? ;· - --- - ···SQUARE···: ; • - - - - - - - ·SQUARE···:
a roads b park c lights ' '
3 That's a. . ....... bridge, you can't drive across it. s)>
a cross b traffic c pedestrian l/l
4 In the summer we like to walk in the ................ in X X z
the evenings.
a crossroads b traffic lights c square
5 We live at the ..............................
of the road. PRONUNCIATION
a end b cross c pedestrian 3 A CJ6.06 I stress to correct information I Listen and
6 Wait for the traffic ..............................
to turn green. underline the stressed word in each answer.
a roads b bridge c lights 1 A: So at the crossroads, I turn right.
B: No, at the crossroads you turn left.
B Choose the correct words to complete the
conversation. 2 A: OK. So I walk down this street, then stop at the
cafe, right?
A: Excuse me, do you know where Molly's Cafe is? B: No, you go past the cafe.
B: Yes, walk across the 1square / statue, then cross 3 A OK, so I go down Vernon Drive?
the 2traffic lights/ pedestrian bridge. Then you'll
B: No, it's Verdon Drive.
come to a 3 crossroads / straight on. Go to the
4finish / end of the road, then turn left.
B Cl6.07 I Listen to the answers again and repeat.
A: Left, OK.
B: Go along that road and Molly's Cafe is on the
scorner/ statue, opposite the car 6 park / stop.
C Complete the text with words in the box.
4A Complete the conversation.
[ bridge end parks square statue traffic
A: Excuse me, how do you get to the station?

I love my town. It's not big, but it's very old. In the B: Go to the 1e. . . of the road, and 2t.
left at the corner.
centre is a large 1 with cafes where people
sit outside and drink coffee. In the middle of that A: OK.
there's a 2 .. . . .. of the man who built the town. B: Go 3 p ......................
the statue and there's a crossroads.
At the 3 ............................. of a long road with lots of trees, A: Yes.
there's a river, with an old pedestrian 4 B: Go 4 s ..........
on at the crossroads into Creen
It's a nice place to stop and enjoy the view. People Road.
like to come to my town, but there are lots of s__. A: Green Road. Got it.
lights and not many car 6.. •·•·•·•·•....... , which can make
B: No, it's Creen Road.
it difficult to visit.
A: Ah, OK, sorry. Creen Road.
B: The station is so ...................
your left.
How to ... A: Thank you.

give directions B CJ6.08 I Listen and check.

2 A CJ6.05 I Listen to Monika asking for directions. C CJ6.09 I You are Bin the conversation in Ex 4A. Listen
Answer the questions. and speak after the beep. Record the conversation if
you can.
1 What type of shop does she want to go to?
2 What type of shop does the man suggest? D Listen to your recording and compare it to the model
3 How many minutes does it take to get there? in Ex4B.

42 SpeakaJllll Go to the interactive speaking practice

GRAMMAR I prepositions and adverbs of movement
Lesson 6D READING I the return of nature to the city

The return of nature
prepositions and adverbs of movement
Thousands of years
1A Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. ago, people started to
1 I saw you earlier when you got out of/ off the taxi. live in cities. Today,
2 She walked over/ across the square. billions of people
3 If you walk into/ up the hill, you can see the sea. around the world live
4 Come off/ towards me a bit, so you're in the photo! in cities. However, as
5 Get off/ out of the bus at the third stop. cities get bigger, we
6 This is your captain speaking. We are now flying up lose more and more
/ over Baku.
wild plants and trees.
7 Go along/ away from this road for 500 metres. The
park is on your right. But this is changing. 'Re-wilding', or introducing
8 She walked straight off/ past me in the street. nature back into cities, is becoming very
B 5i/il
The sentences below have a mistake. Choose the
best option to correct the mistake.
So, how do you re-wild a town or busy area?
One way is to grow flowers and plants in the
The children like to meet and play off the bridge.
centre of a city. Singapore has around 150
a under b through c down
kilometres of 'Nature Ways', areas of green
2 He just walked across me and didn't say goodbye.
space and gardens that make it easy for small
a off b away from c down
animals to find food and places to live. And it's
3 Before we play football, we run along the park.
easy to do something similar, where you live.
a onto b off c around
Don't worry if you don't have a garden - plants
4 I can't get on there, there's not enough space.
a along b through c off
can grow on tall buildings. Look at the Oasis of
Aboukir in Paris. And it's not just houses and
apartments. In some cities, flowers grow on the
READING top of bus stops!
Another new
2A Read the article. What is 're-wilding'? Choose the best idea is what
definition. happens next
1 introducing animals into cities to roads or
2 introducing people into cities train stations.
3 introducing flowers and plants into cities Usually,
plants and
B Read the article again. Number these things in the
order you read about them. flowers here
a bus stops
are cut, especially in the spring and summer.
b mental health But people can grow flowers and trees here,
c cities get bigger too. The New York Highline is an old train line
d a city park that is now a city park. In the summer, it's a
e gardens beautiful place to take a walk.
f the city air Re-wilding is not only about helping animals
and making a city look better. When we spend
C Read the article again. Are the statements True (T) or
time in nature, we feel more relaxed. Plants
False (F)?
also make the air quality better, because trees
1 'Re-wilding' is an old idea.
and flowers make oxygen. Growing plants on
2 You don't need to have a garden to plant flowers.
buildings makes them warmer in the winter and
3 In some places, flowers grow on the top of buses.
cooler in the summer, too.
4 Plants at the side of the road look nice in winter.
5 More nature in cities is good for our health. There are many different ways to bring nature
6 Buildings with plants are cold in the summer. back to cities, and all of them are good: for us,
for animals and for the environment.


GRAMMAR 4A Use the prompts to make comparative sentences and

1A Use the prompts to write regular past simple 1 Marek/ tall/ me.
sentences and questions. Marek is taller than me.
1 We/ arrive/ in Rome at 4 p.m. 2 motorbikes/ dangerous / cars.
2 A: / you /study/ Italian at school? 3 children/ happy/ adults?
B: Yes, we / do . 4 cities/ big / towns.
3 I / not watch/ the news/ yesterday. 5 which/ far/ from here,/ your office/ your house?
4 When I/ be/ young, I /play/ a lot of football. 6 the train/ comfortable/ the bus.
5 A: /you/ start/ the meeting early? 7 which/ bad,/ rain/ snow?
B: No, we/ not. You're late. 8 this dress/ nice/ that dress.
6 I /try/ to learn the guitar last year, but it/ be/
difficult. B Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
7 you/ travel/ with your family? word in brackets.

8 Carole/ not listen/ to me yesterday. 1 I'm ..............................

(old) than my sister.
2 The sofa is .............................
(new) than the chair.
B Complete the text with the past simple form of the 3 Is coffee .......................
(expensive) than tea?
verbs in brackets. 4 The weather today is.. ........(good) than it was
Last year my sister 1
............... (get) married. On the yesterday.
morning of the wedding, we all 2 .......... •·•·•·····•·••(wake
up) 5 My town is ..............................
(safe) than a big city.
early to help her get ready, but when it was time to 6 Which is ................. (difficult), English or Thai?
leave the house, the car 3. .. . (not be) there! I 7 A train is .............................
(fast) than a taxi.
......... (ring) the car company, but it 5 .. 8 My mother is ................. (busy) than my father.
(not arrive). We 6. . (not know) what to do.
Finally, I 7 .. . ...(take) her on my motorbike! That
5A The sentences below have a mistake. Choose the
best option to correct the mistake .
night we 8.. ...(have) a great party and
9 1 When I got out off the car, it started raining.
............................. (not leave) until three in the morning. My
a into b of c over
sister 10 .. (say) it was the best day of her life!
2 I walked down the steps, right to the top.

2 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. a over b into c up

1 London is a city big/ big city. 3 Go !Jl2!I don't want to talk to you at the moment.
a across b away C Off
2 I like your green/ greens shorts.
3 This band isn't very/ quite good. 4 We live near an airport, so planes fly under the
house all day.
4 My parents live in a big and old/ big, old house.
a over b across c along
5 I like that car, but it's too/ too much expensive.
6 I feel tired / tired feel after that game. B Complete the walking guide with words from the box.
7 That's so much/ so kind of you, thank you.
8 I like Catherine, she's quite/ a bit nice. across along down out of
over through towards up
3 Complete the sentences and questions with the
present continuous form of the verbs in the box.

check do have meet play Little Hampington:

not answer not sit work Walks for visitors (Route BJ
1 Sorry, Lucy isn't here. She .............
a client at the Route B is more difficult than Route A, and takes
around four hours. From the village post office,
2 What .....................
you ...............................
? you walk 1
................. Annesley Road for about two
3 Graham ........................
from home today. kilometres, 2
............... the forest. When you get to the
4 My parents .........................
my messages. I hope they're forest entrance, go 3
............. the gate and into the
both OK. 4
trees. Walk ................ the hill to Hunter's Point at the
5 Can I call you back? I .. lunch at the
top. Here you can relax and enjoy the view. Go
. the top of the hill, then walk 6 ............the
6 .........................
James ...........................
football in the park?
other side to the bottom. Here you come 7
7 Where's Kazue? She ..............................
at her desk. 8
the forest and walk .. .. . . .... the large field, to the
8 Give me five minutes. ........... my emails.
end of the walk.


VOCABULARY 8 Match (1-8) to (a-h) to make sentences.

1 I've got a beard and
6A Choose the correct words to complete the 2 Carla has got
conversation. 3 Wear a shirt and
A: How was your presentation this morning, Tariq? 4 Sophie is very
B: OK, I think. 5 Take your jacket,
A: Why do you say that? 6 Mike hasn't got any hair,
B: Well, I stayed up 1all / for night to finish it, so I 7 I've got straight
was really tired 2 later / before the meeting this 8 I never wear shoes
a tie for your interview.
A: Oh nol How long was the meeting?
b he's bald.
B: Well, after I finished my presentation, it continued
c a moustache.
all / for two hours, 4 from / for 10.30 5to / for
12.30, but it wasn't too bad. We finished at 12.30 d with no socks.
and then half an hour 6 when / later, the clients e hair, not curly hair.
called to say they want to work with us. f long, dark hair.
A: That's brilliant news! g tall.
h it's cold outside.
B Choose the correct words to complete the messages.
9 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
< Chat There are three extra words.

Where are you? It's half 1 past / to one! boring by dangerous ferry
in on ride safe taxi
Did you 2 leave / lose your phone again?
1 The film was very .................................
,so I left before
No. But sorry I'm 3 late / down. the end.
2 We should go .....train, it's easier.
I 4 lost / missed my bus. I'm on one now. 3 You need to cross the river by
4 Don't worry, travelling by plane is
The film starts at quarter
5 You pay when you get the bus.
before I past two, right?
6 Can you .. a scooter?
No, it starts at quarter 6
to / before two! 10 Complete the email with one word in each gap. The
first letter is given.
Oh no, I 7 had / knew the wrong time!
< lnbox AV
I can be there for two 8 past / o'clock.
Let's meet inside the cinema. Dear Aaron

OK, see you soon. •-• Thank you for booking our apartment for your holiday in
Madrid. Here are the directions from the train station.

Come out of the main entrance and walk past the

7 Choose the correct word to complete the until you come to a large
sentences. with lots of cafes. On the other side
Where did you .........................
your best friend? there's a 3s ........................
of a famous president. Go past
a meet b get c become that. When you come to a , turn left. Walk
2 I didn't.. . to swim when I was at school. to the 5e .. of the road, then walk over the
a pass b learn c meet bridge. Go straight on past the traffic
3 Do you think you can. . ................
your exams and the apartment is on the
this year? 8
c .... , above a shoe shop.
a get b learn c pass
4 My daughter wants to ..............................
school this year.
a learn b get c leave
5 We want to ..............................
married in the spring.
a get b meet c pass
6 When I was at university I decided I wanted to
a teacher.
a learn b become C get

GRAMMAR I articles: a, an, the, zero
Lesson 7A VOCABULARY I skills and qualities
PRONUNCIATION I weak forms: a, an, the

skills and qualities articles: a, an, the, zero
1A Match (1-6) to (a-f) to make sentences. 2 A 5iilThe sentences below have a mistake. Choose the
1 My daughter is really good with best option to correct the mistake.
2 I don't like busy offices. I prefer working 1 Can you take me to an airport tomorrow?
3 James doesn't mind giving presentations. He's a a b the c -
always relaxed in 2 Maria wants to be .9'artist.
4 Mrs Ryan can never remember a the b - c an
5 To be a shop assistant you need to work well 3 I usually leave the work at 6 p.m.
6 Do you like working a - b a can
a animals. She wants to be a vet when she's older. 4 I was born in 1990s.
b outside? a the 1990s b a 1990s c an 1990s
c alone from home. B Choose the correct words to complete the email.
d with other people.
e people's namesi
f front of people.
Hi Adiela,
B 5iilChoosethe correct word to complete the sentences. Yesterday I had 1a / the really busy day at 2the / - work.
1 Every Friday I write/ draw/ drive a weekly report We had 3- I a meeting in 4the I - morning, but I had to
for our team in India.
finish writing 5- / a report first, so I was late. 6A / The
2 This app can play/ draw/ translate text from
Polish to English. meeting was boring. It was four hours! I don't mind 7- / a
meetings, but I hate long ones! I didn't have time to have
3 Can you type/ draw/ play a musical instrument?
a / - lunch because I had to write 9 an / - email to my
4 Bronwyn can read /fix/ type very tast. She writes
fifty words a minute. manager in the afternoon. When the day finished, I went
5 You can only do this job if you can drive/ make/ home by 10- / the bus, but 11 the / a bus was late, so I
read a lorry. only got home 12 at - / the eight o'clock.
6 Our company plays/ designs/ writes furniture.
I hope tomorrow is better!
C Complete the job adverts with the missing words.
C Complete the sentences with a, an, the or - (no article).
bus was late, so I came by
1 ..............................
Music teacher taxi.
We're looking for someone who:
2 Do you like ...................fruit? Would you like
• can 1 ........................... two or three instruments. ...............................
apple or ..........................
• can 2... . ........ classes from Monday to Friday. 3 I sometimes study .......................... English late at
• is .. . ......... in front of other people. .................. night.
4 We live in .. .................
city centre, next to .. .
main square.
Computer specialist
We need someone who can 4....
computers, 5 ............................. reports on computer
problems and can 6 .......................... well with other 3 A a 7.01 I weak forms: a, an, the I Listen to the
people. sentences and write what you hear.
Fashion designer 2 ..................
This is an interesting job for someone who 3.
clothes and is good with their
.......... . The job is busy and you need to work
hours. We are a French company in s.
London, so we want someone who can 6.
............... from French to English, too.
B a 7.01 I Listen again and pay attention to the weak
forms of a, an and the. Then listen again and repeat.

READING Do you need some extra money? A job you can do
in the evenings or at weekends? Here are some
4A Read the article quickly. Match the jobs (a-f) with the
unusual ideas you can try.
paragraphs (1-4). There are two jobs that don't need.
a delivery driver 1
b website designer
Sometimes, if people on holiday, they want a
c house sitter
person to live in their house or flat so they know
d online teacher
it's safe. This job is quite easy and it can be long
e upcycling artist
or short - you can stay for many months or
f tour guide
one night! It helps if you're good with animals,
B Read the article again and answer the questions. because people often have a dog, cat or plants for
Which job ... you to look after. It's also fun, because you can live
1 pays you well1 in lots of interesting places.
2 can help to make you healthy?
3 gives you a place to live? 2
4 can make you hungry? Do you know a lot about a school subject or
S sometimes includes animals? have an interesting hobby? A lot of people enjoy
6 involves changing something? learning new skills, or need to study more to pass
7 do you share what you know? an exam. Maybe you can help them. You need to
8 do you need old objects? work well with people and you can't usually work
outside, but the money is good.
C Read the article again and choose the correct answers.
1 A house sitter sometimes needs to look after 3
people / pets / students .
In this job, you find old things that people don't
2 It's a(n) difficult/ interesting/ dangerous way to
make money. want or need (e.g. a broken chair or an old box},
3 Online teaching is a good job if you like working fix them and make them look better. This is called
alone/ with people/ outside. 'upcycling'. You can then sell the things online or
4 Online teachers can/ can't make good money. at a market. It's a great job if you like art and want
S Upcycling artists need to work outside/ with to change rubbish into something interesting!
people/ with their hands.
6 An upcycling artist makes money by reading/ 4
selling/ writing things.
Restaurants and cafes always need people to
7 A delivery driver always works long hours/ outside
/ in a restaurant. deliver their food to hungry customers. You
8 Delivery drivers need/ don't need to have some sometimes need to work long hours, but it's a
food before they work. great way to work outside and do exercise at the
same time. Always have something to eat before
you ride your bike though, or you can be very
hungry when you finish!

GRAMMAR I present simple and present continuous

Lesson 7B VOCABULARY I phrasal verbs

PRONUNCIATION I connected speech, the /t/ sound

phrasal verbs present simple and present continuous
1A Put the words in brackets in the correct order. 2A Match (1-8) to (a-h) to make sentences.
1 Can you. 1 I work in an office,
(off/ music/ the/ turn) please? I'm trying to sleep. 2 We usually have dinner at home,
2 We often go out and . 3 I don't usually drive to work,
(rubbish/ up/ pick) as part of a community project. 4 Nadia usually goes to the gym in the evening,
3 Anika .. 5 I don't usually like fish,
(dog/ looked/ my/ after) while I was on holiday.
6 My dad hardly ever cooks,
4 She.
7 Kevin doesn't usually work at the weekend,
(her/ up/ job/ gave) to become a piano player.
8 My brother usually goes to parties on Saturday night,
5 Can you please ........................
(this/ clean/ mess/ up)?
6 Why don't you ...
a but tonight he's making pasta.
(up/ the information/ look) on the internet? b but I'm really enjoying these prawns!
7 Can you .. c but today I'm working from home.
(my/ pick/ up/ book) for me, please 1 d but tonight he's staying in.
8 I can .. e but this morning I'm going by car.
(the/ after/ children/ look) when you go out. f but today she's going before breakfast.
B Choose the correct words to complete the g but this evening we're going to a restaurant.
sentences. h but today he's finishing some reports.
1 Have you got a dictionary? I need to. B Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the
a word.
a clean b give c look
1 She. . work every day by tram.
2 Can you ...............................
after the children for an hour?
a is going b go c goes
a look b give c pick
2 I. . this text message.
3 I need to ............................
up the kitchen.
a don't understand b 'm not understanding
a pick b clean c look c doesn't understand
4 Please ..............................
off the TV when you go to bed. 3 What is Charlie.. . ..............
a pick b give c turn a do b does c doing
5 Helena wants to ...............................
up her job because she 4 What you listening to?
doesn't like her manager.
a is b are c do
a look b pick c give
5 Can I call you back 1 We .........•·•·•·•·•·•
dinner at the
6 Please .............................
up your rubbish when you leave moment.
the park.
a 're having b have c 's having
a look b pick c turn
6 I ................................
German, but not very well.
C Choose the correct words to complete the blog post. a 'm speaking b speak c 's speaking

C Complete the text with the present simple or present

New job! continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
Last month, I 1 gave / picked up my 11 .................................. (not usually work) at the weekend, but
job at the supermarket because today is Sunday and I 2 ............................... (help) my sister
I wasn't happy there. I wanted a with her business. She 3... . ...................... (make) T-shirts
change and the good news is, I've 4
and ...................................
(sell) them on line. At the moment
got a new job ... in a pet shop! I 2 pick / look after cats, her T-shirts are very popular and lots of people
dogs, birds, fish and rabbits, 3give / look up information ..... (buy) them, so we 6... (make)
about the animals on the internet and 4 clean / look up new ones and 7 ............................
(send) them to
the shop at the end of the day. My favourite animals are customers. It's hard work but I 8 .. . ... (like) it

the rabbits. You can 5pick / give them up in your hands! because we spend time together.
They're so cute. I love my new job. When I 6 pick / turn
off the lights and close the shop at the end of the day, I
can't wait for tomorrow!

3 A ClJ
7.02 I connected speech, the /t/ sound I Listen to
the sentences. Do the speakers pronounce the final -t write a blog post; use example language
in doesn't and isn't? SA Read the blog post. Choose the things it mentions
1 She's isn't thinking about anything. (a-f).
2 It doesn't look good. a art classes
3 He isn't driving today. b books
4 She doesn't like cheese. c places to eat
5 He isn't speaking to her. d parties
6 It isn't raining today. e picking up rubbish
7.02 I Listen again and repeat. f sports

I think it's important to be part of your local
4A You will listen to a podcast about volunteers. Choose community. That's why I'm in a social media
the best meaning of a volunteer (a-c). group for people who live in my area. This helps
a someone who helps other people in their free time all of us in lots of different ways. For example,
b someone who works a lot during the week if someone moves to the area and wants
c someone who works outside information on restaurants or to play sport, they
7.03 I Listen to the podcast. Are the sentences can ask local people for ideas. You can buy and
about Wesley (W) or Josie (J)? sell things on the website, too. We also organise
1 He/She is a teacher. house sitting and community events, like bike
2 He/She works in an office. rides and book clubs. To give another example,
3 He/She is training a sports team today. we have street parties where people dance and
4 He/She is working in a garden today. have fun. v Op
7.03 I Listen again. Are the statements True (T) or
False (F)?
B Complete the sentences with for, give or like.
1 Wesley teaches adults.
2 There aren't any vegetables in the garden at the 1 We do lots of things to help.. . ....................
moment. we give old people tea and coffee on Thursdays.
3 Wesley is cleaning up the garden today. 2 We also have events to bring people together,
. . . football matches.
4 The work in the garden is easy.
3 To ..............another example, we have a local
5 Josie trains children to play sport.
tennis team.
6 She enjoys working in an office.
7 The children like football. C Imagine that you are in a community group for your
8 The team has a big game tomorrow. area. Write a blog post about what your group does.
Use the activities in Ex SA and the language in Ex SB to
help you. Write 80-100 words.

D Look at the picture. You have 9 minutes to write

about the picture. You must write 25-50 words.

I phone for information
HOW TO ...

Lesson 7C VOCABULARY I phoning

PRONUNCIATION I friendly intonation

7.05 I Listen again. Complete the sentences.
1 Justin wants to watch a film on.
phoning 2 The cinema is showing the film ..................................
1A Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the 3 The first showing is at... ........... p.m.
sentences. 4 The last showing is at ...............................
1 The sound is really bad. Can you call me on the 5 Tickets for the first showing are£
moment/ second/ landline? 6 Tickets for the other showings are£
2 Please leave/ call/ ring a message after the tone. 7 You can buy tickets on the MovMaxx ..
3 Can you call/ hold/ wait a moment, please? or at the ticket office.
4 Can you call Gina land line/ mobile/ back as soon 8 You can bring your own .
as possible, please?
5 To ring/ delete/ phone this message, press three. PRONUNCIATION
6 I need to phone/ delete/ send the bank, but I can't
find the number.
7.06 I friendly intonation I Listen. Does each
speaker sound friendly (F) or unfriendly (U)?
B Complete the sentences with the words in the box. 1 I'm phoning to ask about a film.
2 I have another question.
back call deleted double landline 3 Thank you for waiting.
minute send smartphone
4 What are your opening hours?
1 Can you hold on a ....................................
? I'm just going 5 Can I help you with anything else?
inside the house. 6 No, that's all. Thank you for your help.
2 The number is nine ...............................
four, six eight
7.07 I Listen to the friendly speakers and repeat.

3 Just.... a message to 9813 with the

words OFFER21 for more information.
4 I left Sean a message but he never called me SPEAKING
5 I bought a new ..................................
because my other one 5A Complete the conversation with the words in the box.
stopped working.
6 Please don't. before five because I another I'm phoning tell me that's all your help
work until then.
7 Can you send me the details again? Sorry, I A: Hello, this is the leisure centre. How can I help you?
....... your last message by mistake. B: Hi. 1 to ask about the swimming pool.
8 I don't have a mobile at the moment, can you call A: What would you like to know?
meonmy ....................... B: Could you 2... . ............the opening times?
A: Of course. The swimming pool is open to the public
How to •••
from four to seven .
B: Great, thanks.
phone for information A: No problem. Can I help you with anything else?
B: Yes, I have 3 ............................... question. How much does
2 CD
7.04 I Listen to the recording. Choose the words
it cost to swim there?
in the text that are different from what you hear.
A: It's £5 for adults and £3 for children.
Thank you for calling MovMaxx cinemas. Please
B: Thank you.
choose an option. For films and times, press 1. For our
A: Is there anything else?
prices, press 2. To speak to one of our team, press 9.
Alternatively, please read our website at movmaxx. B: No, 4. . . Thank you for 5

7.08 I Listen and check.
3 A CD
7.05 I Listen to Justin calling a cinema. Which of
7.09 I You are Bin the conversation in Ex SA.
these things does he NOT ask about?
Listen and speak after the beep. Record the
1 film times conversation if you can.
2 types of films
D Listen to your recording and compare it to the model in
3 ticket prices
Ex SB.

50 SpeakaJllll Go to the interactive speaking practice

7CI 7D
GRAMMAR I verbs and to infinitive
Lesson 7D LISTENING I three English students

verbs and to infinitive 2 A Cl7.10 I Listen to three English students
talking about themselves in class. Match the
1A Match (1-8) to (a-h) to make questions and statements.
people (1-3) with the jobs (A-C).
1 When did you decide
1 Ricardo 2 Kura 3 Maria
2 I'd like to
3 I need
4 Would you
5 I learned
6 I'd hate
7 Do you
8 I'm planning to go
a to call my mum tonight.
b to become a teacher?
c want to go out for dinner?
d to read and write when I was three.
e to live somewhere very cold.
f on holiday twice this year.
g come and see you later, if that's OK.
h like to meet for a coffee this afternoon?

B The sentences and questions below have a mistake. Choose

the best option to correct the mistake.
1 Would you like come for dinner this weekend?
a to come b coming c come to
2 I'm learning driving at the moment.
a to driving b drive c to drive
3 I'd love see that film tonight.
a a see b to see c seeing B Cl7.10 I Listen again. Write R (Ricardo), K
4 What do you plan doing after you finish university? (Kura) or M (Maria).
a to do b do c to doing Who ...
1 wants to study photography?
C Complete the email with the correct form of the verbs in the box.
2 needs to write in English for work?
decide 'd hate 'd love learn like need plan want 3 would like to dance more?
4 gives presentations in English?
5 wants to learn English to get a different
Hi Lucas,
How are you? I'm writing to ask for some advice, if that's OK. 6 is trying to learn a musical instrument?
I'm looking for a new job. Five years ago I got a job at a bank. I
C Cl7.10 I Complete the sentences with one
to stay in that job all my life, but I wasn't happy, so I word in each gap. Then listen again and
to change jobs two weeks ago. check.
Now, I need to think about what to do next. I'd 3. to 1 I'm learning English because I
work with people. I 4
... to work alone. use it in my job.
2 I'm trying to learn the piano as a
I don't like being in an office all day, so I 5 ............................ to work
outside. Maybe I should become a tour guide. At the moment I
3 It's really important for the
.............. to speak Spanish at a language school, but I'm not of my business'
very good. I really 7 .................. to practise more. 4 I. . ............ to learn to dance salsa and
What do you think? I 8
_ ............ to know your opinion! Please tango.
write and tell me. 5 I'd ................................
to work as a Spanish
Bye for now!
6 I .....................................
to do a course in that next
Alexi month.

GRAMMAR I superlative adjectives
LessonSA VOCABULARY I describing places
PRONUNCIATION I -tin superlatives

describing places superlative adjectives
1A Choose the correct word to complete the 2A The sentences below have a mistake. Choose the
sentences. best option to correct the mistake.
1 The view from our hotel window was very 1 I'm the most tall person in my family.
a ocean b pretty c national a tallest b taller c tall
2 There are lots of little shops and markets 2 By bike is best way to travel in my city.
............ the area. a better b most good c the best
a in b on c at 3 What's the modern part of your city?
3 Yesterday we swam in the ........................
It was very a most modern b a modern c more modern
4 The south of my country is the most dry part.
a forest b coast c ocean
a dry b driest c drier
4 Madrid is about 70 km west ................ here.
a at b on C Of B Complete the text with the superlative form of the
5 Be careful on those dangerous .................. by the sea. adjectives in the box.
a rocks b forests c oceans
[ beautiful dry far high large wet ]
6 Golden Gate park is right ..............................
the middle of
San Francisco.
a on b in at
Did you know ... ?
B Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.
We aren't alone in space. There are eight planets
The first letter is given.
in our solar system. The 1 .................. from Earth
1 In the afternoon, we had al ..................................
walk in the is Neptune, and it's the only one you can't see at
f night.
2 Oxford is a famous town in them .......................of
England. There are seven continents (big parts of land,
3 Cabo San Lucas is a popular Mexican holiday city e.g. Africa, Europe), but the ............................. is Asia.
on the Pacific 0 3
You may know that the ............................. mountain in
4 There are lots of p .... little shops and the world is in the Himalayas, but did you know
cafes in the a that in Europe, it's Mount Elbrus, in Russia, at
5 At the t... . ... of the mountain there are 4,741 metres?
some w... ..................
views across the park.
The Atacama Desert in Chile and Peru is the
6 lstana Negara in Kuala Lumpur is the
place on the planet, where some parts
N... ......Palace of Malaysia.
have only 1-3 mm of rain a year.
C Choose the correct words to complete the text. The 5 .................. city in the world is Mawsynram in
India. It has over 11,000 mm ofrain a year.
If you go to Australia, visit the Whitsunday Islands.
Whitehaven beach is the best in the world, but is it
Come and visit the .... •·•·•·•·•........ 7 Where is your favourite beach?
wonderful /
national Croatia.
There are lots of
great things to 3 A CD
8.01 I-t in superlatives I Listen to the sentences.
Write the missing words.
do here. You can relax by the 2 rocks / coast and
1 It's the most..... to visit.
swim in the Mediterranean Sea. Because it's not
2 It's the best ...............................
to see elephants.
an 3ocean / coast, the water is 4 lovely / pretty
3 It's the driest.. . ....... on the planet.
and warm. Or perhaps visit the Plitvice Lakes
4 Neptune is the furthest ...................................
from Earth.
National / Wonderful Park, which is 130 km
5 It's the smallest
south 6for / of the capital, Zagreb. The lakes are
6 The coldest .................................
is January.
in the 7top / middle of a beautiful forest and are
very 8 national / pretty. B CD
8.01 I Listen again. In which sentences can you hear
the-tin bold? Listen again and repeat.

Our holiday in York
4A Read the text. Select a picture to answer the My best friend Marta and I and just got
back from a holiday in York, a town in the
York is a city in the north of England. It has a lot of north of England. We visited our friends
old buildings and is popular with tourists.
David and Leyla and had a wonderful
Which picture shows York? time! Here's what we did.

On the first day we went to the York City Walls.
They are 3.4 km long and go around the old
town. From the top you have great views of the
streets and the centre. It's the best way to start
a visit to the city! Then we rode bikes near the
river in Rowntree Park, close to David and Leyla's

Today we walked around the Shambles. It's a
lovely street in the centre of York. Some of the
buildings are 800 years old! The buildings are
very pretty and there are some lovely little shops
and cafes. For me, it's the nicest part of the
city. In the afternoon we visited Betty's Cafe Tea
Rooms and relaxed with a cup of English tea. We
also tried some of the most delicious cakes in
this city!

We like walking, and so later in the week the
four of us drove to the North York Moors. They're
about 40 km north of York, and the views are
wonderful. We walked for five hours, but it rained
B Read the article. Decide if these things are in York (Y)
a lot. It was the wettest day of our holiday!
or outside York (O).
1 the Shambles
2 Scarborough castle
3 Rowntree Park
4 North York Moors
S the beach
6 Betty's Cafe Tea Rooms

C Read the article again. Choose the correct options (a-c).

1 What can you see from the York City Walls?
a a castle b the city c the coast
2 Where are the Shambles?
a in the south of the city b in the north of the city Day5
c in the middle of the city On the last day of our holiday, Marta and I went
3 How old are some of the buildings in the Shambles? to Scarborough castle. It's about two hours away
a almost 1,000 years old b over 1,000 years old by bus, and I can really recommend it. For me it's
c almost 100 years old the most beautiful place in the area. The castle
4 How did they go around the North York Moors? is on the coast, so after you visit, you can walk
a on foot b by car c by bus along the beach!
5 What activity does the writer NOT say you can do at Phew! We had a great time, but now we're home I
Scarborough castle?
think we need another holiday just to relax!
a see the castle b go for a walk c go swimming

GRAMMAR I be going to
Lesson 8B VOCABULARY I travel activities
PRONUNCIATION I weak form of to

travel activities be going to
1A Complete the table with one word in each gap. The 2A Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the
first letter is given. sentences.
1 Kyra's going ...............................
a film at the cinema
verb phrase
take a to watch b watching c watch
2 . . ........going to talk to Hannah?
famous places
a You aren't b You are c Are you
go on an organised 3t 3 I'm. . go to the bank this afternoon.
a going to b go c going
around the town
4 We. .. stay at home tonight.
go with a local 5 g ..... a not going to b aren't going to c aren't going
5 What . . about this?
an app or guidebook
a are you going to b you are going to
B Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the c you aren't going to
sentences. 6 A: Are you going to try the local food in Korea?
1 When I was in Cuba, I made/ took/ used a dance B: Yes,
class. It was amazing1 a I'm going b lam c I try
2 My friend Owen always takes/ makes/ looks a lot
of photos when he travels. B Complete the sentences with be going to and the verbs
3 My favourite thing on holiday is using/ trying/ in the box.
doing the local food.
[ not eat not stay play take visit watch ]
4 When we went to Prague, we used/ did/ took an
app to help us find places in the city.
1 This summer we.. . mum in Scotland.
5 Tomorrow we're looking/ going on/ visiting an
organised tour of the Taj Mahal. 2 What film ............................
you ...................................
at the
cinema tonight?
6 When we visited the Amazon, we went with/ went
on/ visited a local guide. 3 Tonight 1. . .....................
photos of the moon with my
new camera.
C Complete the text with the words in the box. 4 I home tonight, I'm going out.
Helena ...............................
5 ..................................... football with us
[ around class guide local photos tour at the weekend?
6 Chris .. .anything. He's not hungry.

C Put the words in brackets in the correct order to

complete the conversation.
A: ................................................... (you/ travel/ going/ are/ to)
anywhere this summer, Martin?
B: 2.. (am / I / yes. I can't wait!

... (to/ visit/ going/ I'm)

Prague, in the Czech Republic.
A: Nice! 4 ......................................................................... (with/ who/ to/
going/ go/ you/ are)?
Last year we went to Thailand. On the first day we
B: My sister, Isabel. 5 ...
arrived in Bangkok and in the afternoon we looked
(do/ to/ we're/ going) a walking tour in the old
the city. We stopped at a river food town and try the local food.
market to try the 2... ·••·•·•·••··•·•·•••·•·•·•food, which was
A: Cool. It's beautiful, I went a few years ago.
delicious! The next day we went on an organised
6 ....................... (stay/ where /to/
of the temples and we took a lot of you/ going /are)?
... Two days later we visited the north of
B: Well, 7 . ......... (to/ aren't/ we/
the country. We went with a local
going/ stay) in the centre, it's too expensive. We
into the forest and saw elephants. found a cheap hotel outside the city, so
While we were there I did a cooking 6... 8
............................................................. (get/ to/ going/ we're)
I learned how to make Tom Yum Goong, a Thai soup. It a bus into the centre every day.
was an amazing trip. A: Sounds wonderful. Have a great time1
3 A ClJ
8.0Z I weak form of to I Listen to the questions and
write what you hear. write about your plans; use linkers so
and because
2. SA Read the email about someone's travel plans. Answer
the questions.
1 Where are they going?
2 When are they going to arrive?
s 3 What's the weather going to be like?
6 4 What are they going to try?

8.0Z I Listen again and repeat. Pay attention to the S Where are they going to spend a lot of time in
weak form of to.
< lnbox AV


This summer I'm going to visit Rio de Janeiro, and

4A ClJ
8.03 I Listen to Dillontelling his friend Viv about
I can't waitl We arrive on 3 August and a driver
his holiday plans and answer the questions.
from our hotel is going to meet us at the airport.
1 Where is he going?
We're going to stay at the Grande Palace Hotel
2 How many weeks is he going to stay there?
in Copacabana August is winter in Brazil, but it's
8.03 I Listen again. Number the activities in the still going to be hot, so we're not going to take any
order Dillon mentions them.
warm clothes, just shorts and T-shirts.
a Dillon and his friend are going on an organised tour.
b They're not going to do anything. While we're there, we're going on an organised
c He's going to try the local food. tour to see the most famous places in the city, and
d Karl's going to take a class. we're going to try the local food. We're also going
e They're going to stay in a hotel in Rio. to visit another town, l:3uziosfor four nights, where
f They're going to visit another town. we're going to spend a lot of time on the beach.
8.03 I Listen again. Are the statements True (T) or
All the best,
False (F)?
1 Dillon and his friend, Karl, are going to stay near Maxi
Copacabana Beach.
2 People usually eat Feijoada with rice. B Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
3 Dillon and Karl are going on organised tour on the 1 It's very cold at that time of year, so/ because bring
first day. some warm clothes.
4 The mountain is called Santa Teresa. 2 You need to leave early so / because the traffic is
S Buzios is east of Rio de Janeiro. always bad.
6 They want to see the beaches in Buzios. 3 Don't visit in April so/ because it's the wettest
7 Karl is going to study photography. month of the year.
8 They are going to be busy when they get back to Rio. 4 The hotel is wonderful, so/ because you might not
want to leave!

C You are going to write a description of a future trip

(real or imagined) Make notes about these things.
• Where are you going to stay?
• Why are you going to go there?
• Who are you going to go with?
• What are you going to do? (at least three activities)

D Write the description of your trip. Use because and so

at least two times each. Write 80-100 words.

HOW TO ... I make requests and offers in a hotel

LessonSC VOCABULARY I hotel language; hotel rooms

PRONUNCIATION I the contraction 'II


hotel language; hotel rooms make requests and offers in a hotel
1A Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the 2 A CD
8.04 I Listen and match the conversations at a
sentences. hotel reception (1-4) with the topics (a-d).
1 I'm travelling alone, so I only need a. a the safe c the TV
b the type of room d an airport transfer
a double b twin c single
2 Here's your room key. The ............................
password is B CD
8.04 I Listen again. Are the statements True (T) or
on the back. False (F)?
a wifi b restaurant c bath Conversation 1: The woman booked a double room.
3 I'm going to drive to the hotel. Is there a Conversation 2: The air conditioning isn't working.
? Conversation 3: The woman wants to book an airport
a restaurant b car park c gift shop transfer for tomorrow.
4 I've got a room with a ...............................
, so I can sit Conversation 4: The woman wants to keep her credit
outside in the sun. card in the safe.
a bath b balcony c swimming pool
5 It's so hot at this time of year. Luckily my room has PRONUNCIATION
a air conditioning b wifi c a hairdresser's
3 A CD
8.05 I the contraction 'III Listen to four sentences.
Which one does the speaker say (a orb)?
6 The . .................
is on the second floor, if you want
to do exercise while you're here. 1 a I'll send someone up. b I send someone up.
a gift shop b double room c gym 2 a I'll do that right now. b I do that right now.
3 a I'll call room service. b I call room service.
B Complete the sentences with the words in the box. 4 a I'll check. b I check.
air double gift password B CD
8.06 I Listen and repeat.
restaurant shower view

1 Does the hotel have a.. .......................

shop? I'd like to
buy a present. SPEAKING
2 We've got a lovely room with a .............................
of the
sea. 4A Put the sentences (a-g) in the correct order to
3 What's the wifi ..........................
. complete the conversation.
4 Let's have dinner in the hotel . ...tonight. A: Hello, Reception. You're speaking to Jessie.
5 We'd like a large ....................................
room, please. a 8: 204.Thankyou.
6 Does the room have a bath or a. . ....... ? b 8: Hello. I'm calling about the air conditioning. How
7 The.. . . conditioning isn't working. Can do I turn it on? Can someone help?
you please send someone to fix it? c A: Just phone 100 to speak to someone from the
C Choose the correct words to complete the text.
d A: No problem. Can I help you with anything else?
Last week I travelled to Berlin for an important e 8: Yes, please. I'd like to order room service. How do
business meeting. My flight was early in the morning, I do that?
so I printed my boarding 1pass / ticket the night f A: Of course. I'll send someone up. Which room is it?
before. I also booked an airport 2travel / transfer to
g 8: Wonderful. Thank you.
the hotel before I left, because it was cheaper than a
taxi. When I arrived, I checked in and took the 3 safe B CD
8.07 I Listen and check.
/ lift to my room on the fourth floor, then put my
8.08 I You are Bin the conversation in Ex 4A.
passport in the 4 box / safe. I was really hungry, so I
Listen and speak after the beep. Record the
ordered room 5food / service and watched TV for a
conversation if you can.
while. On the day I came back, my flight was at 7 p.m.,
but I couldn't check out 6 early / late, so at 11 a.m. D Listen to your recording and compare it to the model
I paid my 7 service / bill, left my 8 luggage / room in Ex4B.
at reception and visited the city centre and the Berlin

56 SpeakaJllll Go to the interactive speaking practice

GRAMMAR I adverbs of manner
Lesson 8D READING I three travel experiences

GRAMMAR B Read the article again. Answer the questions.

On which trip (1-3) can you:
adverbs of manner a stay in a place people usually visit quickly?
1 Choose the correct words to complete the b travel though a forest?
sentences. c wash in the middle of a city?
You speak English very well/ good. d see birds?
2 He walked away from the meeting slow/ slowly. e learn about local life?
3 You look happy/ happily today. f stay in an unusual building?
4 Please be quiet/ quietly, I'm trying to work. g have a local drink?
5 Kailey won the tennis match easy/ easily. h have a beautiful experience before breakfast?
6 This music is too loud/ loudly. I can't work.
7 Be careful/ carefully! That coffee is very hot. See the world with new eyes
8 I had a really bad/ badly day yesterday.
Would you like to have wonderful travel
9 You're driving dangerous/ dangerously, please experiences? Here are three ideas to help you
plan your next trip!
10 It's too noisy/ noisily in here, let's go outside.
1 Watch eagles ride the skies
2A Complete the conversation with the adjective or
adverb form of the word in brackets Come to Olgii in the west of Mongolia, for the Golden
Eagle festival. The festival started in the year 2000
A: How was your weekend?
and happens in the first week of October every year.
B: It was 1 ........ ··········•·•·•·•·•·•.(brilliant),
thanks! You stay in the mountains with a local family and
A: Why? What happened? experience how they live. It's an interesting area of
B: I had a basketball game on Sunday and my forest and lakes that very few people visit. The people
team won. We played really 2 there use eagles to find food in the mountains. They
(good). can teach you how to do it, too ... safely, of course!
A: Cool!
2 Sleep in the Bolivian desert
B: Yes, I was worried before the game because I
The deserts in Salar de Uyuni are white, flat and
slept 3......................... (bad) on Saturday night.
But we worked really 4 _. . ............ (hard) in
beautiful. Some people say it feels like the moon! Most
the game. That's why we won. The other team people who come here only stay a short time. But
had one player who was very with this wonderful experience you can stay overnight
................. (fast), but we stopped him. What in a special hotel. The walls and floors are salt! In the
about you? How was your weekend? morning, wake up early to see the sun slowly come up
A: It was really 6_ ....................... (good). I over the desert, which was a lake millions of years ago.
went mountain biking. My friend cycles
3 Take a bath in the city centre
...... (dangerous) sometimes, but I'm

always 8 ............. (careful). Under the ground in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia,
is natural hot water, so in the middle of the old
B Cl8.09 I Listen and check. town you can take a bath! Some of the baths are
hundreds of years old. When you arrive, a person
gives you soap and a towel. The baths are very hot,
READING so stay in for five minutes, then quickly take a cold
shower. Then go back in again! Usually people stay
3A Read the article quickly. Match the places (1-3) for an hour, then have a cup of Georgian tea. It's an
with the photos (A-C). experience you can't forget!


GRAMMAR 3A Use the information and the adjectives in brackets to

write superlative sentences.
1A Choose the correct words to complete the text. 1 Jade: 1 m 78 cm; Misha: 1 m 62 cm; Ellie: 1 m 70 cm

I love my job. I'm 1 a/ the tour guide in Barcelona ..........................

and every day is different. In 2 the /-winter it's often 2 Laptop 1: £349; Laptop 2: £620; Laptop 3: £1,299
quiet, but in 3 the / - July and August it can be crazy! ..................................................................................................
I usually start 4 a/ an morning tour in 5 the / - city 3 Sam's house: 2 km; Tina's house: 7.5 km; Georgia's
centre. We go to 6 the /- old town and have coffee in house: 5 km
a/ - traditional cafe. After that we go to La Rambla, ................(far from here)
the / a big street with places to buy 9 the / -flowers, 4 Delhi: 19 million people; Rome: 3 million people;
food and books. The old town is always 10 a/ an Santiago: 5.6 million people
adventure for tourists - they love my tours! ......... (big city)
5 Car1:2019;Car2:2021;Car3:2012
6 Cafe Roma:**; Molly's cafe: ***; Green Tree cafe: *

B Match (1-7) with (a-g) to make sentences.

1 The hottest month
2 I'm the shortest
3 My mum cooks the best
4 The furthest
5 You can have the largest
6 August is usually the
7 Mario's is the nicest cafe
a pasta in the world!
b driest month of the year in my country.
c here is February.
d in our town.
e I can run is 10 km.
f student in our class.
B Complete the sentences with a, an, the or no article (-).
g piece of cake. It's your birthday!
1 Can you close ......................
window? It's cold in here.
2 I try to go running three times ...........................
week. C Choose the correct words to complete the
3 Who is ..............................
president of your country? conversation.

4 Harry loves . . pasta. A: How was the concert last night?

5 If you're not sure, you could look for the information B: It was 1900d / well. The band played really
on ......................
good /well.Why didn't you come?
6 I saw two phones I liked in.. ..........
shop, but I A: I don't like 3 loud / loudly music very much.
liked ...............................
black phone more. B: Oh, well, they didn't play very 4 loud /loudly.Their
music is quite soft and 5 slow / slowly.
2A Use the prompts to write sentences in the present
simple or the present continuous. A: Really? That doesn't sound too 6 bad /badly.What
did you do after the concert?
1 She/ not like/ English food.
B: We went home, but we sang the band's songs on
2 you/ listen/ me? the train. We were 7 happy / happily! I don't think
3 How many languages/ you/ speak? the other passengers liked it, though. They just
4 Who/ Jack/ speak to?/ he/ know/ her? wanted to get home 8 quiet / quietlyl
5 I / usually work/ on Mondays/ but today/ not work.
6 We/ have dinner together/ once/ week.
4 The sentences below have a mistake. Choose the
best option to correct the mistake.
B Put the words in order to make sentences and 1 We go to watch a film at the cinema tonight.
questions. a We're go b We're going c We going
1 planning/ Turkey/ to/ to/ holiday./ on/ We're/ go 2 I'm don't going to visit my sister this weekend.
2 evening?/ What/ do/ like/ you/ this/ to/ would a not b doesn't c isn't
3 this/ I /watch/ film./ want/ to/ don't 3 What you are going to study at university?
4 to/ When/ learn/ did/ drive?/ you a you go b do you go c are you going
5 the Bahamas. / I'd / to /visit/ love 4 A: Is Mike going to move house?
6 my/ you/ like/ Would/ party?/ come/ to/ to B: Yes, he moves.
a goes b is c is going

VOCABULARY 8 Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the

5 Complete the sentences with words from the box. 1 I never use a . . ......when I travel. I like
finding things myself.
fix front good hands hours a class b local food c guidebook
people remember translate 2 The view at the .....................................
of the mountain is
Carla was always.. . .... with languages, so a top b area c middle
it's no surprise she became a translator.
3 We love taking ...................................
when we visit new
2 I hate giving presentations. I don't feel relaxed in places .
. . ...........of lots of people. a local food b photos c famous places
3 My sister's a doctor. She loves her job but she works 4 Antalya is a lovely city on the .. .of
long. Turkey.
4 I can. .. from English into Spanish and a rocks b forest c coast
Italian. 5 Tomorrow we're going .. an organised
5 Can you. my computer? It's broken. tour of the city.
6 My teacher is really good, but she can never a in b on c with
.......... people's names! 6 Where's the best place to ..............................
the local
7 Jamie likes being a mechanic because he loves
working with his. a use b try c look
8 Molly works really well with other.. 9 Complete the conversation with the words in the box.
her team.
check luggage pool print transfer view
6 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
Can you help me look up/ after some information A: I'm very excited about our holiday. Don't forget to
online? .............................
the boarding passes for tomorrow.
2 Last year I finally gave off/ up my job and became
B: I've got them here. How are we going to get to the
a writer.
hotel? Did you book an airport 2...................... ?
3 My brother looked up/ after our cat when we were
on holiday. A: No, I didn't, but it's easy to get a taxi there. The
4 Look at this mess! Pick off/ up your rubbish, please. only thing is, we're going to arrive early, but we
can't 3............................. in until 3 p.m.
5 Something's wrong with my computer. I can't turn it
off/ after. B: That's OK. We can leave our 4 .................................. at
6 I love having parties, but I hate cleaning off/ up the reception, then visit the town for a few hours.
next day! A: Good idea. Has the hotel got a swimming
7 Choose the odd one out in each group of words. ...?
B: Yes, it has. And we also have a room with a
1 call/ leave/ ring/ phone 6
..... of the sea!
2 099 / oh double nine/ zero double nine/ oh nine oh
A: Really? Amazing! I can't wait to get there!
3 read / leave / send / mobile
4 landline /moment/ mobile/ smartphone 10 Match (1-7) with (a-g) to make sentences.
5 back/ second/ minute/ moment
1 Would you like a single or
6 ring/ call/ phone/ call back
2 Would you like a room with
3 Is there a gift
4 Excuse me, does the hotel have a car
5 Is there a swimming
6 How do I switch on the air
7 Can I have a room with a view
a shop in the hotel?
b double room?
c pool here?
d conditioning?
e a balcony?
f of the sea?
g park?


GRAMMAR have got

present simple: /, you, we, they 6 Complete the conversation with the correct form of
have got.
1 Complete the conversation with one word in each gap.
Kim: ..... you . a car, Anna?
A: you like your English classes? 2 3
Anna: No, I .. , but I ........... a bike.
B: Yes, I 2......... ! 4
Kim: .................... your sister . ... .....a car?
A: Great! Why do you 3
................... them?
Anna: Yes, she 5 ....................... · I sometimes use it.
B: The students in the class nice and the
Kim: Great. Can you drive me into town? I need to
lessons 5 fun. We speak to each other in
see the doctor and I 6. ................. a car.
English and 6.................... to podcasts. Do you like your
French classes?
past simple of be: was, were
A: No, I 7 ............. . They 8................... really difficult.
7 Choose the correct words to complete the text.
possessive 's, s' Ten years ago, 11 am / was in Madrid for a year to
2 Complete the text with six apostrophes, four for study Spanish at university. The classes 2 wasn't /
weren't in English. They 3was / were all in Spanish.
possessionand two for contractions.
But it 4 wasn't / weren't difficult for me. The teachers
I have two sisters. My sisters names are Kate and 5
was / were good and the other students 6 was / were
Vicky. Kates house is near mine, but Vicky lives in very friendly, too.
Spain with her husband and two sons. The boys names
are Mateo and Diego. Vickys an English teacher and
her husbands a doctor. Kate works in her friends cafe. How to ...
adverbs and phrases of frequency 8 Complete the conversations with one word in each
gap. The first letter is given.
3 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
... make suggestions
1 ever/ lunch /We/ for/ hardly/ meet .
2 twice/ I/ running/ go/ week/ a. A: I'm bored. 1W like to see a film?
3 is/ work/ James/ sometimes/ for/ late. B: I'd 2 1......................
to. How 3a .......................
this afternoon?
4 shopping/ Saturdays/ We/ on/ go. A: Sorry, I'm 4 b . . .... then. 5C . .. we meet at
5 at/ I /work/ usually/ the /don't/ weekend . half past seven this evening?
6 is/ Our /friendly/ always/ teacher . B: Sure, that's 6f . . .. See you then.
7 gets/ My/ never/ early/ brother/ up. ... order a meal in a restaurant
8 emails/ an/ hour/ I /my/ three/ check/ times. A: Are you ready to order?
B: Yes. Can I 7 h ....some vegetable soup, please?
this, that, these, those; here, there
A: Yes, and what w ..................
you like for the main
4 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. course?
1 Try this/ these cheese - it's very nice. B: I'd 9 1....................
the chicken with rice and vegetables.
2 Can you give me these/ those dirty cups over there?
... make invitations and offers
3 Let's meet at the cafe in Rosalind Road - I can be
here/ there soon. A: Would you like to come for dinner on Friday?
4 What's that/ those on your T-shirt? B: I'm 10s . .. , I can't. I'm busy on that day.
5 Are these/ those your keys here on the table? A: H .. . . about Saturday then?
6 Come here/ there - I want to show you something. B: I'd love to, thank you.
. .. get help in shops
there is, there are 12
A: Good morning, Do you s. ...batteries?
5 Complete the text with is, isn't, are or aren't.
B: Yes, we have two types.
I live in a big city, but there 1............... a park near A: How 13
m...... . are those?
my house, so there 2........... much noise. There
B: Three pounds fifty .
..................... a lot of traffic in the morning because there
....................... a school in our street, but it's quiet at night.
A: OK, I'll t. . . ....... them. Can I 15 p. card?
There 5 ........................ some nice cafes and restaurants in
the city, but there 6............... many good shops. That's
OK because there 7............... a station near my house
and there 8. . .... lots of buses.


VOCABULARY restaurant words

jobs and studies 12 Choose the correct words to complete the restaurant
9 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
Il Fiore is a new Italian restaurant in the centre
assistant designer driver
officer player student of town. It's perfect for a special 1 dinner for two
/ service charge. They have good 2 starters /
1 I think that police ...wants to talk to us. waiters, including their famous bruschetta (bread
2 I hope one day I can be a professional with tomatoes). For the 3 dessert / main course, I
recommend the chicken pasta. It's delicious! The
3 My friend is a digital ...............
... . He works online.
4 Can you ask the bus... . stop here7
starters / side dishes are OK- green salad or
vegetables - but they aren't very interesting. My
5 The shop .....................
in the supermarket was very nice.
6 I'm a university . . I study in Seoul. favourite 5
dessert / main course is the chocolate
and lemon cake. The 6 bills / waiters are very
common verb phrases friendly, but remember that there is a 20% 7 service
10 Choose the correct words to complete the blog post. charge / waiter here, so the 8 side dishes / bill can
be expensive!

Hi everyone, I'm really happy to start this course

common adjectives (1)
with you all. Here's some information about me. 13 Choose the correct word (a-c) to complete the
I'm Luca and I 1 1ive/ have with my brother Bruno sentences.
in London. I 2 live / work from home, so I don't 1 This exercise is ................ Can you help me?
go I get up early! Bruno 4 teaches I goes at a school a easy b difficult c loud
in the city centre, and we 5go I get out a lot together 2 I can't work. There are lots of people and
in the evenings. I also 6work / study Japanese on it's ..
Wednesdays. I 7teach I go to a class at university. a loud b large c long
At the weekend, Bruno and I usually 8 have / play 3 I love this coat. It's so ..................
and comfortable.
tennis together. a soft b small c easy

What about you? 4 Oh no, we've got the .....................

birthday present for
a different b long c same
food and drink 5 I can't eat any more. That was a ........................
11 Complete the messages with one word in each gap. a hard b large c short
Some letters are given. 6 This sofa is very . It's not comfortable to
sit on.
a long b difficult c hard

Jess: It's Tara's birthday party tomorrow. What shops and shopping
food do we need for the picnic? I can make 14 Choose the correct words to complete the
some 1ch... e... e and 2 t .. o sandwiches. conversations.
Rene: I've got a salad with 1.. tt.. 3
e, 1 A: Where can I buy magazines near here?
c c ..... be 5
and p ..... p B: There's a newsagent's/ baker's at the end of
this road.
Jess: Great! What about drinks?
2 A: I need to go to the greengrocer's/ pharmacy
Chelsea: I've got 7 le....on .....d .....and for some medicine.
or .... g .....L .......
• ls that OK? B: There's one near here, but it's closed today.
There's another one in the supermarket/ cafe.
Jess: Perfect! And I've got the birthday cake!
3 A: Where did you get that T-shirt?
B: From the new hairdresser's/ sports shop in
town. Do you know it?
4 A: Do you want to come to the bookshop/ dry
cleaner's with me? I need to get my dress.
B: OK, but only if you buy me lunch at the cafe /
sports shop!


GRAMMAR articles: a, an, the, zero

past simple: regular verbs 4 Complete the job advertisement with a, an, the or -
(no article}.
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs in the box.
Dog walkers needed
not arrive cook laugh not post
We are 1 ..................... dog walking company in 2 ..
stop study travel not watch
Manchester. We are looking for someone to work for us
1 Last summer, Harry and his friend .. for two hours 3, from Monday to Friday.
around Europe by train.
We need someone who:
2 I ............ German at school, but I can't
remember much now! • works well with 4 . people (and dogs)
3 Owen .......................
any photos of the party on • likes working outside.
social media.
5 6
......... job starts .................... next month.
4 We ........................
the meeting because there was a
loud noise outside. If you are interested in this job, please send us
5 We .......•·•···•·•·•.
on time. We were late. 7
........... email.
6 I .................
TV yesterday. I was out all day.
7 That film was really funny. We.. . .... a lot!
8 My friend ....................
me Japanese food on verbs and to infinitive
Monday. It was delicious. 5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word
in brackets.
present continuous
1 Fiona is planning (watch) a film tonight.
2 Complete the conversation with the present
2 I'd love ........... (visit) Italy.
continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
3 Would you like ........................
(meet) tomorrow?
A: Hey, nice photo! 4 I need . (sleep) more.
B: This one? It's me with the people from my 5 Chris is learning ...................
(play) the piano.
office on Thursday afternoon. We 1. . ............. (not
6 I would hate.. ........
(be) a dentist
work). We're in the park for Yuki's birthday. We
... (wear) shorts and T-shirts because it
be going to
was a hot day.
A: Is that you? What 3
.................. you ......................
(do)? 6 Complete the email with be going to and the verbs in
B: I 4
.. . .......... (laugh) because my friend Janet
............. (tell) me a funny story. < lnbox AV
A: Who's the man with the mobile phone?
B: That's Fitch. He 6 ....................... (write) an email, -,i Marek
I think. can't wait to see you this summer. How long 1
A: It looks like a nice day. .. that girl you. . ........ (come) for?
(play) a guitar?
have lots of plans for your trip. We 2.. . (stay)
B: Yes, she is. That's Crystal. But she 8
(not sing). She can't sing! at home for the first day so you can relax and meet
my family. Then, the next day, we . . (go) to
comparative adjectives Cambridge. It's a beautiful town with lots of museums. I
3 Put the words in the correct order to make ..(not drive) there because it's easy to travel by
sentences and questions. train. I want you to meet my friends Mina and Sam, too.
1 my/ I'm/ mum/ than/ taller. They 5 ....... (have) a big party in August, so I hope it's
2 comfortable/ The sofa/ more/ the chair/ is/ .......................
(not be) after your visit!
Write to me soon so we can make more plans!
3 more /tea/ Which / expensive, / is/ coffee or?
4 today/ weather/ yesterday/ is/ than/ worse/ Craig
5 safer/ My town/ a big city/ than/ is. adverbs of manner
6 or your/ my/ house/ house/ Which/ further,/ 7 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 My dad doesn't drive very good / well.
7 quicker/ a bicycle/ A train/ than/ is.
2 The children are playing quiet/ quietly in the garden.
8 Which/ difficult,/ English or/ is/ Thai/ more?
3 You're very fast speaking/ speaking very fast.
4 Misha plays the piano beautiful/ beautifully.
5 I'm busy/ busily at the moment
6 It's really loud/ loudly in here. Let's talk outside.

VOCABULARY common adjectives (2)

life events 11 Match the words (1-8) with the opposite words in the
8 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.
boring cheap difficult long
[ become get learn leave meet pass ] quiet safe slow uncomfortable

When did you decide to... married? 1 fast ..

2 I hope I .........................
my exams so I can go to university.
2 dangerous ..
3 My daughter wants to .....................
a teacher.
3 comfortable.
4 Did you ................your best friend at school?
4 noisy.
5 Anna wants to. . a new job.
5 short ..
6 I didn't ........................
to swim when I was a child.
6 expensive..
clothes and appearance 7 easy ..
9 Complete the descriptions with the words in the box. 8 interesting ..

beard coat hair jeans hotel language; hotel rooms

shorts straight tall 12 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
1 I'd like to book/ plan a double room for three nights.
2 Can I have a room with a look/ view of the sea?
3 So you have a room on/ with a balcony?
4 Can I also book an airport transport/ transfer?
5 I'd like to book/ check out, please.
6 Can we leave/ stay our luggage here until later?
7 Can we print our boarding passes/ tickets?
8 I would like to buy/ pay by card, please.

How to ...
Pranav is very 1. . ............. (over two metres) and he's 13 Complete the conversations with one word in each
got dark 2 ..... 3
. ..... He's also got a _ ........... and a gap. The first letter is given.
moustache. He usually wears a suit to work, but right
... apologise and make excuses
now, he's going running, so he's wearing 4................. and
a T-shirt A: I'm really 1s .............I'm late.
B: No 2 p . You're here now .
... give directions
A: Excuse me, could you tell me the 3w .......................
to the
B: Of course. Walk to the 4 e ...................
of this road, then
turn left. The station is in 5f
... phone for information
A: Good morning, I'm calling to ask 6a............. tickets
for the new exhibition. How much are they, please?

April is tall and she's got long, 5 ..... hair. She B: They're £15 for adults and £8 for children.
usually wears 6............. and a jumper. Today she's also A: Thanks. I have 7a... . .. question. Could you tell
wearing a 7 . ..... because it's cold. me the closing times?
B: We close at 5.30 p.m. Can I help you with 8 a..
phrasal verbs else?
10 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. A: No, that's all, thank you.
Don't forget to take/ turn off the lights. ... make requests and offers in a hotel
2 Anton wants to get/ give up his job. B: Reception. How can I help?
3 What a party! Can you help me clean on/ up? A: Hi, the TV isn't working in my room. Can you
4 Can you look after/ about my dog for me? 9
g ........... me another room?
5 Let's get/ pick up the rubbish. B: I'm 10a .. that's not possible at the moment,
6 I need to look/ see up some information on the we're full. I'll 11
s... ... someone up to look at
internet your TV


GRAMMAR there is, there are

present simple: he, she it 4 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
1 There aren't a/ any/ some restaurants in the
1 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 My brother live/ lives in London. 2 There are/ aren't/ is a lot of noise here at night.
2 Do/ Does Anne teach at a university? 3 There's a/ many/ some big park near here.
3 Lakisha isn't/ doesn't from India. 4 Are/ Aren't/ Is there much traffic in the morning?
4 Why does Andy like/ likes cold weather? S There isn't a/ much/ some nightlife in my town.
5 A: Do/ Does Maria speak French? 6 Are/ Is/ Isn't there any shops where you live?
B: No, she don't/ doesn't. 7 There are/ is/ isn't lots of open spaces round here.
6 My friend finish/ finishes work at five. 8 There are/ aren't/ isn't a train station where I live.
7 My dad doesn't have/ has a mobile phone.
8 Where do/ does Ben live? how much, how many; how+ adjective

countable and uncountable nouns; a, an, some,

5 Complete the questions with one word in each gap.

any 1 A: How ........................

is your son now?
B: He's already one metre fifty centimetres!
2 Complete the message with one word in each gap.
2 A: How.... ......tea do you drink?
B: About three cups a day.
3 A: How ......................
is Paul7
Leo, can you go to the supermarket on the way
B: He's twenty-one.
home? We need ...................... things for the party
4 A: How ......................
is your university from here?
tomorrow. Can you get .................. melon,
B: About 10 kilometres. I go there by bus .
. . . . . . apple and one or two oranges for the
fruit salad? We don't need 4... .... strawberries
S A: How ...............brothers have you got?

because we've got 5

. lot of them! Also, can B: Just one. His name's Simon.
you get 6
_.................... sparkling water? Two bottles, 6 A: How ........................
is your train journey?
please. B: One hour. I'll arrive at 6 p.m.

should, shouldn't
like, hate, love + -ing
6 Complete the article with should or shouldn't and the
3 Correct five mistakes with verb + -ing in the article. verbs in brackets.

Beautiful Patagonia is in the South American

countries of Argentina and Chile. It's a wonderful
place to visit! You 1 (travel) to the area during
October and November, which is spring in this part
of the world. You 2 (go} in the winter because
it's very cold. You 3 (bring) warm clothes, so
that you can sleep outside and watch the stars.Also,
you 4 ...(wear) a hat in the day, because even
when it's cold the sun is strong.

Yous ....... only (travel) by car in

Patagonia. If you travel by boat you can see
dolphins! You 6 . (go} to the mountains, too,
If you visit Thailand and like watch animals, it's because it's beautiful there.
a good idea to visit the city of Lopburi for the
monkey festival. Lopburi is three hours from
Bangkok and lots of monkeys live there. They love
play in the street and hate be quiet! During the
festival, people like give the monkeys fruit and
vegetables. They love eat them, but sometimes
they also throw food at people! It's fun!


imperatives articles: a, an, the, zero

Choose the correct words to complete the class rules. 11 Complete the sentences with a, an, the or - (no article).
1 Can you open ............ window? It's hot in here.

Class rules 2 I go to the cinema once .................

3 What is.. . . ..... capital of your country?

Be always/ Always be kind to other 4 Julia loves ........................
students. S I spend a lot of time on .... . ....internet.
• 2Please ask/ Ask please questions when 6 There were two bags in ........................
shop, but I bought
you don't understand. cheapest one.
7 .........................
train was late, so I came by ........................
• Please 3 not / don't be late to class.
8 Do you like .........................
fruit? Would you like ...

No / Never copy other students' work. orange or ......................
• Don't 5bring / to bring food into class. 9 I like working at .......................
10 I live in ........................
city centre, next to ........................
• 6 Have / To have fun!
superlative adjectives

past simple: irregular verbs; wh- questions 12 Match the sentence beginnings (1-8) with the endings
8 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
1 The coldest part
verbs in brackets.
2 I'm the tallest
I.. . ........ (have) my driving test last week. 3 My dad knows the best
2 Lisa ...........(meet) her best friend at university. 4 Dr Willis is the most important
3 My friend.. (tell) me a secret yesterday S The longest
4 I .........................
(wake) up at 5 a.m. today. 6 This is the most expensive
S Someone.. . ..........(ring) me just now, but I don't 7 June is usually the
know who it was. 8 Leonardo's is the best restaurant
6 I felt bad because I ....(not know) the man's a jokes in the world!
b wettest month in my country.
adjectives and modifiers c of my country is the north.
d in the city.
9 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
e character in the book.
1 look/ Those/ glasses/ great.
f film I have watched was three hours.
2 really/ This/ is/ busy/ cafe.
g person in my family.
3 any/ got/ you/ tea/ Have/ green?
h laptop in the shop. It's £2,000.
4 a/ I/ interesting/ watched/ very/ yesterday/ film .
S too/ That/ expensive/ is/ restaurant. comparative adjectives
6 lesson/ a/ boring/ Tuesday's/ was/ bit.
13 Complete the text with the comparative form of the
7 journey/ Did/ have/ a/ you/ good?
adjectives in brackets.
8 loud/ here/ It's/ in/ so!
Last week, I bought an electric bike. Before that,
prepositions and adverbs of movement
I travelled to work by bus, which is sometimes
10 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
. (slow) than a bike because there is a
[ along away in over past up ] lot of traffic. But going by bike is .................... (fast)
than walking and my journey is always
1 Hurry up and get ....................
the car. We're late!
(interesting) and 4 ........... (easy) than taking a bus.
2 Walk.. . ... this road for about 300 metres, then
turn left. Now I can go cycle through the park, too, which is
3 I can't ride my bike .................this hill, it's too . (quiet) and . .. (beautiful) than
difficult. I need to walk. the roads. I love itl It's 7 . (good) for the
4 He just walked ........................
me and didn't even say environment and of course, it's 8
.. . (cheap}
than paying for public transport!
S We can walk ........... the bridge to get to the other
side of the river.
6 Go... . I don't want to talk to you right now.


VOCABULARY time phrases (1)

adjectives for feelings 4 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

1 Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the box. [ after ago in last on yesterday ]

[ angry bored hungry ill tired thirsty 1 I was in California .....................

the summer. It was very
1 I'm............ . Do you want to have dinner?
2 Let's speak about this ...................
the break.
2 I'm sorry about yesterday. Are you still .......................
3 My birthday is..................
June 14th.
4 Were you at home ..................
3 We haven't got any water and I'm
5 Our last holiday was two years ....
4 I can't come to work today, I'm.. . ... with a sore
throat. 6 Carol wasn't in class.. . .. afternoon.
5 I'm.. ......and I need to sleep now.
6 Sofia is.... . She's got nothing to do.
5 Choose the correct words to complete the forum posts.
everyday activities
2 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. I have a large family. I've got five 1 brothers /
1 I need to go to/ go a meeting now. Can we talk mothers and sisters! And you? Do you have a
later? large or small family? Do you see them a lot?
2 Do you always check/ spend time with your family
at the weekend? Comments
I need to go/ get shopping for some new clothes.
Let's get up/ meet mum for coffee soon.
A Zaina: I haven't got any brothers or
sisters, but I've got three 2sons / cousins
5 Can I use your computer to meet/ check my
emails? and we're good friends. Two are my
6 I need to get/ go up early tomorrow. father's 3 uncles / nephews and one is my
aunt's 4wife / daughter.
rooms and furniture
3 Complete the advertisement with the words in the box. A Wei: I've got two 5uncles /aunts.They're
my dad's brothers. I like them a lot, but I
armchair bedroom counter cupboards
don't see them much.
garage living oven shower upstairs

• A Darius: My daughter and her 6father /

husband have a baby 7 brother / son.
He's my first 8grandfather / grandson!
Our four- 1 ..................... house is perfect for a city break
with friends. In the kitchen there is a large
..... where you can prepare food, and a social phrases
modern 3
....................... to cook with. There are also lots 6 Complete the conversation with one word in each gap.
of plates and cups in the .... . ........ The A: Hi Rob! Great to 1
.. . you!
5 is light and there are two sofas B: You . 2
. . How are you?

and an 6 ....................... where you can relax and watch A: Really good, thanks. Come in.
TV. 7 ..................... , there are three large and one small ..I'm late, the traffic is terrible .
bedroom, all with a large wardrobe to keep your . . . . . problem. Let me take your coat.
clothes in. There are two bathrooms, both with a B: Thank you. These are 5............... you.
modern 8
. The house also has a A: Flowers! How nice .................. you!
to park your car. (One hour later.)
B: That ............ delicious!
A: I'm ....................... you liked it!
B: Oh well, time to go. Work tomorrowi
A: 9 ............ a safe journey home.
B: Thanks. And thank you ...................... the lovely


weather and seasons skills and qualities

7 Complete the definitions with the words in the box. 10 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

rainy spring snowing summer sunny warm [ alone drive fix front good hands long

1 the season after winter:. 1 Do you know someone who can .........................
2 when the sky is blue, it's: .. computer? It's broken.

3 not very hot 2 My nephew's very ...................

with animals. I think he
should work in a zoo.
4 when the weather is wet: .....
3 My new job is great, but I work . . .... hours.
5 when the weather is very cold: ...
4 We need someone who can .....................
a lorry.
6 the season before autumn:
5 I hate giving presentations. I don't feel relaxed in
of lots of people.
6 A mechanic is a great job for someone who likes
8 Complete the excuses on the website with the words in working with their ...
the box. 7 I don't like working I prefer to be in the
office with other people.
hear down had ill left
missed problem was travel activities
11 Choose the correct words to complete the email.

Dear Jon,
Commonexcuses Thank you for booking your holiday to Bali with us. Here
We asked you to send us common excuses are the details of your trip.
you hear at work. Here are the results. You arrive on 23 April in Denpasar Airport. From there
you go 1with / on a local guide by car to your hotel in
Being late to work or a meeting ...
Nusa Dua. The next day you can 2visit / look around the
1 'I ..........................
my train.' area and 3take I do some photos of the beautiful coast.
2 'My bus. ....late.' On the 25th, you're going to go 4 with / on an organised
3 'I didn't .......................
my alarm.' tour of Ubud. This town is famous for its food, so we
4 'I.. .... the wrong time.' suggest you 5try I do the local dishes. You can even 6 use
/ do a cooking class while you're there.
Not coming to work ... On your trip you can 7 use / do our 'Visit Bali' app, which
5 'My child was gives you all the information you need when you 8go /
6 'There was a.. ..............
with my car.' visit famous places on the island.
Have a great time!
Not finishing your work .. .
7 'I .........................
my bag in a taxi.'
8 'My wifi was .
hotel rooms
12 Complete the hotel description with one word in each
gap. The first letter is given.
transport collocations
9 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. Hotel facilities
1 I usually drive/ ride my bike to work if the weather • There is free 1w. . ....... everywhere in the hotel, so
is good. you can go online at any time.
2 This is where you buy your ticket and get at/ on the • We have a large car 2 p............... if you are driving here.
hovercraft. • We have 3a. ...........conditioning in every room to
3 Let's leave/ take a train into town so we don't have keep you cool on hot days.
to drive.
• Every bathroom has a 4 s... and a bath.
4 lfwe go to the cinema by/ in car, we can leave a bit
• If you want to exercise, you can visit the 5g ...
on the first floor.
5 You can't get from/ out of the van here. The road
is too busy.
• After a long day, why not relax in our 6 s ...............
• We have two different 7 r.......................
with lots of options
6 Can you get off/ out your motorbike please, sir.
for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
7 It's a nice day. We can walk around the city on foot/
• Before you leave, visit the 8 g .............. shop and buy
something for your friends and family at home.


Audio 1.01
How do you know Sarah?
Do you like your job?
One thirty. Can we meet at the café on East Street?
Good idea. I love that place. Can we meet at two?
Sure. See you then.
OK, bye.

Audio 1.05
3 Do you work with Paul?
1 Can we do something this evening?
4 Where do you live?
2 What would you like to do?
5 What do you do?
3 Let’s meet at the cinema.
6 Do you come from Poland?

Audio 1.02 Audio 1.06 and 1.07

1 Sure!
Ashley: Hi Scott. How are things?
Scott: Good, thanks. How are you? 2 Good idea.
Ashley: Not too bad. And you? 3 I’d love to!
Scott: Fine, thanks. Do you know Eliana? 4 Perfect!
Ashley: No, I don’t. 5 Sure, that’s fine.
Scott: OK, well Ashley, this is Eliana. Eliana, this is Ashley. 6 OK.
Eliana: Nice to meet you, Ashley.
Ashley: Nice to meet you, too. How do you know Scott? Audio 1.08 and 1.09
Eliana: We work together.
A: Hi!
Ashley: Oh, really?
B: Hello, how are things?
Eliana: And you? How do you know each other?
A: I’m bored. How about you?
Ashley: Oh, we’re old friends.
B: I’m all right. Would you like to have dinner?
Eliana: Great!
A: Good idea. How about meeting at 5 o’clock?
Ashley: Where are you from, Eliana? Are you from the
B: Sorry, I can’t. What about 6.30?
A: Sure. Can we meet at the restaurant?
Eliana: No, I’m not. I’m from Canada.
B: OK.
Ashley: Oh, sorry.
A: Perfect! See you then.
Eliana: That’s OK.
B: See you then. Bye.
Ashley: Do you live here?
Eliana: No, I don’t. I’m here for a meeting with my
manager. What do you do, Ashley?
Audio 1.10
Ashley: I’m a nurse. Presenter: Hello and welcome to the family podcast. With
Eliana: That’s nice. me today are Grace and Marco. Grace, tell us
Ashley: Yes, it is. I like my job. about yourself.
Scott: Good to see you, Ashley. Sorry, but we need to go Grace: Hi, I’m Grace. I’m from Scotland, but I live in
and meet my sister now. Birmingham, in England. I’m a digital designer.
Ashley: No problem. Nice to meet you, Eliana. Enjoy your Presenter: Thanks, Grace. Marco? How about you?
time here! Marco: Hi, I’m Marco. I’m originally from New York in
Eliana: Thank you! the USA, but I live in London. I’m a pilot, but I’m
unemployed at the moment.
Audio 1.03 Presenter: Thank you both. Grace, tell us about your family.
1 studies Grace: Well, I have a small family. My parents’ names
2 sits are Sally and Alan. I don’t have any brothers
3 works and sisters. I work in a large company with
4 stays my husband. His name’s Deepak. We have a
5 does daughter called Leila and she’s eight years old.
We also have a dog called Lucky.
6 finishes
Presenter: That’s nice! Marco, tell us about your family.
7 goes
Marco: Well, I have two sisters and a brother. My
8 stops
sisters’ names are April and Emma. My
9 watches brother’s name is Zach. I live with my wife and
10 lives our two sons. My wife is called Veronika and our
sons’ names are Jay and Oliver.
Audio 1.04 Presenter: Wow, that’s a lot of people! Now, tell us about ...
Fran: Hello?
Mike: Hi, Fran. How are things?
Fran: I’m all right, thanks. I’m a bit tired today. How are
you, Mike?
Mike: I’m hungry. Would you like to have lunch somewhere?
Fran: Sorry, I can’t. I have a class at twelve.
Mike: OK. How about after your class?
Fran: Perfect! Let’s have lunch then.
Mike: OK. What time do you finish?


Audio 2.01
Louise: Hi Carl. Are you at the supermarket?
Carl: Yes, I am.
Audio 2.05
Waiter: Good evening. Do you have a reservation?
Alex: Yes, we have a table for two for 8 p.m. Can we
have a table near the window?
Waiter: Yes, certainly. Here you are. And here are your
Louise: Great. Can you get some bread? We don’t have
any. Jenny: Thank you.
Carl: Sure. Just that? Waiter: Are you ready to order?
Alex: Yes, I think so. For the starter, I’d like the
Louise: Yes. Oh, wait. Can you also buy some chillies,
olives, please. And I’d like the lamb for the
main course.
Carl: OK … chillies. Ahh. They don’t have any fish, so
Waiter: Very good. And you?
we can’t eat that tonight. But they have a lot of
Jenny: Could I have the soup, then the fish, please?
prawns. Do you want any?
Waiter: Sure, no problem. Would you like something
Louise: Yes. Good idea. Can you buy some rice, too? And to drink?
maybe a melon, to eat after dinner? Jenny: Can we have some water, please?
Carl: Sure. See you soon. Waiter: Yes, of course.
Jenny: Thank you.
Audio 2.02 Waiter: How is your meal?
1 Would you like some cheese? Alex/Jenny: Very good, thank you!
2 Can I have an orange, please?
3 I’d like a melon. Audio 2.06 and 2.07
4 Let’s buy some mushrooms. 1 Can we have some water, please?
5 I don’t want an egg. 2 Could I have a salad, please?
6 We need some oil. 3 Can I have some chips?
7 Would you like some lemonade? 4 Could we have a table near the window?
8 Can you buy a cucumber and an avocado? 5 Can I have the soup, please?
6 Could we have the bill at the same time?
Audio 2.03
Jess: Don’t forget, Theo and Yuki and their son Jake are Audio 2.08 and 2.09
here for dinner tomorrow night. Waiter: Good evening, do you have a reservation?
Ben: Oh yes! I need to go shopping. What do you want to Customer: Yes, we have a table for two for half past six.
cook? Waiter: Are you ready to order?
Jess: Well, Theo loves meat, so we could buy some lamb, Customer: Yes. For a starter, can I have the salad, please?
or chicken. Waiter: Yes, of course. And for the main course?
Ben: Do they all like it? Customer: I’d like the chicken, please.
Jess: Hmm. Actually, no. I forgot that Yuki doesn’t eat Waiter: Would you like something to drink?
meat. But she eats fish. So we can cook that. Customer: Could I have some sparkling water, please?
Ben: OK. Let’s get some prawns. They sell really nice ones Waiter: Yes, certainly.
at the market. You can make a salad to go with it. Waiter: Would you like to look at the dessert menu?
Jess: Good idea, she really likes prawns. Oh, and Jake Customer: No thanks. Could we have the bill, please?
eats a lot of vegetables, so you can buy broccoli or Waiter: Yes, of course.

carrots as well.
Ben: Vegetables? How old is he?
Jess: He’s ten. I know, it’s funny, isn’t it? Oh, can you buy UNIT 3
something for dessert, too?
Ben: How about some ice cream? Audio 3.01
Jess: Yes, and maybe some strawberries. And buy some 1 This oven is easy to use.
lemonade for Jake, too. 2 Are these your mirrors?
Ben: Lemonade, OK. See you later. 3 These cups in the sink are dirty.
4 We like this sofa.
Audio 2.04 5 Your keys are on this shelf.
1 We have Spanish classes twice a week. 6 Can I eat these eggs in the fridge?
2 I go to a party once a month.
3 I check my messages once a minute! Audio 3.02
4 We meet for lunch every Sunday. Hayley: Fabien! Nice to see you!
5 We only go on holiday once a year. Fabien: Hi Hayley! So, this is your new place …
6 I check my emails once an hour. Hayley: Yes, it is. Come in. So, what do you think?
Fabien: It’s really nice! How about a tour?
Hayley: Of course. Please, come in.
Fabien: Great!
Hayley: So, this is the hall. I put my keys on that little table
there so I don’t lose them.
Fabien: Good idea. I always lose my keys.
Hayley: And this is the living room.


Fabien: Is that a new sofa? Evan: Yeah. Sorry I’m late.

Hayley: Yes, it is. Those armchairs are new, too. They’re Bella: It’s OK. We’re late, too. Dinner isn’t ready yet. Let
really comfortable. me take your coat.
Fabien: I like those pictures on the wall. Evan: Thanks.
Hayley: Thank you. OK, here’s the dining room. I want to Bella: This is James, my husband. Evan, James.
buy a big table and chairs to put in here. James: Hi. Nice to meet you.
Fabien: Then you can have dinner when friends visit. Evan: Nice to meet you, too, James. Bella, these are for
Hayley: Yes, that’s right! you.
Fabien: Where’s the kitchen? Bella: Oh, flowers thanks! How nice of you!
Hayley: You go through there. Let’s have a look. James: Let’s go into the living room. Can I get you
Fabien: OK. Wow, this is great, Hayley. something to drink?
Hayley: Do you like it? There are a lot of cupboards, but I Evan: Just water, thanks.
don’t need all of them. James: Are you sure? We have lemonade, too.
Fabien: Yes, it’s very big. You have a lot of space to cook. Evan: Water’s fine. Thanks, James.
Hayley: Yes, and I love cooking! Right, let me show you James: OK. Would you like still or sparking?
upstairs. Evan: Sparkling, please.
Fabien: OK. Bella: Would you like some more to eat?
Hayley: This is the bathroom. Evan: No, thanks, I’m full. That was delicious! But I need
Fabien: Wow, that shower is really big! to go now, I think. Work tomorrow!
Hayley: Yes, and it’s good, too. Over there is my bedroom. Bella: Glad you liked it. Would you like me to call you a
It’s very nice, but I don’t want to show you, taxi?
because I need to clean it! Evan: No thanks. It’s a nice evening, so I can walk to my
Fabien: Haha! OK, don’t worry. Well, this is a really nice house.
place, Hayley. I’m happy for you. Bella: OK. See you in the morning. Have a safe journey
Hayley: Thanks, Fabien. home.
Evan: Thank you both for a lovely evening! Bye!
Audio 3.03
1 Those armchairs are new, too. Audio 3.07
2 This is the bathroom. 1 Can I get you something to drink?
3 That shower is really big! 2 I’d love to come.
3 Let me take your coat.
Audio 3.04
1 Have you got any plants? Audio 3.08 and 3.09
2 She hasn’t got much money. A: Hi!
3 We’ve got a lot of milk. B: Hi! Great to see you.
4 Have they got a TV? A: You too. These are for you.
B: Thank you. How nice of you! Let me take your coat.
5 I’ve got two phones.
A: Thank you.
6 Has he got a fridge? B: Can I get you something to drink?
A: Yes please. Can I have some water?
Audio 3.05 B: Of course. Let me get your drink.
1 Sorry I’m late.
2 Great to see you. Audio 3.10
3 Oh, thank you. How nice of you! Welcome to the village of Little Harding, the perfect place
4 No problem. to visit with your family or a quiet day out with friends.
5 Have a safe journey home. There aren’t any cinemas or theatres here, but there are
6 Thank you for the lovely evening! lots of other things to do. There are a lot of open spaces
for you to enjoy nature, and there’s a big forest to walk in.
Audio 3.06 There isn’t much traffic, even in the summer, and there is
hardly any noise, so you can relax. And don’t worry if you
Evan: Hello? Bella? forget to bring food, because there’s a small café which
Bella: Hi Evan. How are you? sells meals and lots of our famous ice cream!
Evan: I’m good, thanks. What about you?
Bella: We’re really well. Would you like to come for
dinner on Wednesday and meet James?
Audio 3.11
Evan: That would be great! What time? Summer: So, here we are … What do you think, James?
Bella: About eight? Is there anything you don’t eat? James: It’s great!
Evan: I don't eat meat. I hope that’s not a problem. Summer: Yes, it’s a really nice flat. There are two
Bella: Don’t worry, I can make something without meat. bedrooms, and one of the bedrooms has a
Do you eat fish? bathroom. In the kitchen there’s a new oven and
Evan: Yeah, fish is OK. And prawns. fridge. It’s a great place.
Bella: No problem. James: I agree. But can I ask about the local area?
Evan: Thanks, Bella. Summer: Of course.
Bella: Great, I’ll text you my address. James: Are there any shops near here?
Evan: See you on Wednesday at eight, then. Thanks! Summer: Yes, there are. There are some small shops in the
Bella: Hi. You made it! town centre, very near here. And there’s a big


supermarket about a kilometre away. You can Danny: No, people! There were seven billion people in the
walk there. world in 2011.
James: That’s good, because I don’t have a car. So that’s Nadia: Ah, right, of course! What other events are in the
my next question. Is there a train station in the article?
area? Danny: Ha, OK. Malala Yousafzai won the Nobel Peace
Summer: Yes, there is. There’s one in King Street. Prize in 2014.
James: That’s great. Is there much traffic on this road? Nadia: Oh yes. Was she the youngest person to win it?
Summer: Well, there’s a school nearby, so at three p.m. Danny: Yes, she was seventeen years old! OK, when were
when school finishes there’s a lot of traffic, but the first camera phones in the shops?
there isn’t much noise at other times. It’s very Nadia: Hmm. I think they were around in … 2005.
quiet at the weekend. Danny: No. The first camera phones were in the shops
James: OK. And what about nightlife? Is there much to around the year 2000.
do in the evening? Nadia: Really? And after that, selfies were really popular.
Summer: Well, there’s a small café near here, but there Danny: They still are! But there was an important selfie in
aren’t any restaurants. But in the centre of town, the news in 2012. Can you remember why?
there are lots of cafés, restaurants and cinemas. Nadia: No idea.
James: Sounds good. I think … I want to live here! Danny: It was from Mars – it was a NASA robot!
Summer: Great! So, the next thing to do is ... Nadia: Ah, right. Yes, I remember now! Amazing.

Audio 4.01
A: Hi Ania. Where were you last night?
B: Oh, yesterday afternoon was busy at work. And two days
ago I was in Paris. So I was really tired.
Audio 4.04
1 In 2018 three point five seven two billion viewers
watched the FIFA World Cup.
2 An average blue whale weighs about 18,000 kilograms.
3 What was life like a hundred years ago?
4 In 2021, the population of Australia was twenty-five
A: No problem. But let’s meet some time soon. We need point eight million.
to do something for your birthday. How about after 5 Over seventy-five and a half million people visit Paris
tomorrow’s class? every year.
B: I can’t, sorry. What about Saturday, in the afternoon? 6 The average person walks round the Earth four point
A: Maybe we can have birthday cake at Mason’s? five times in their life.
B: Good idea! I love that restaurant. But my birthday was a
week ago ... Audio 4.05
A: Oh, really? Sorry! So it was last Wednesday? A: I’m at the station. How far is it to your house?
B: Yes. That’s why I was in Paris last weekend. B: It’s about ten minutes by bus.
A: Ah, I see! Well, we can have a late birthday lunch on A: And how long does it take to walk?
Saturday. No problem! B: About half an hour.
A: Hmm, OK, the bus then. How much is the ticket?
Audio 4.02 B: Not much. It’s only a pound, I think.
1 She wasn’t born in 2000. A: And how many stops before I get off?
2 Were they at home last night? B: Let me think ... it’s four or five.
3 Yes, they were. A: OK, thanks. Oh, it’s here now. See you soon.
4 Where were you in 2020?
5 No, he wasn’t. He was with Andy.
Audio 4.06 and 4.07
6 We were very happy with our hotel. 1 A: How much is this watch?
B: It’s £350.
Audio 4.03 A: Sorry, how much?
Nadia: What have you got there, Danny? 2 A: How many people are in your English class?
Danny: It’s an article called ‘Big events of the 21st B: About twenty.
Century’. A: Sorry, how many?
Nadia: Oh, really? And what’s in it? 3 A: How far is the supermarket from here?
Danny: Let’s see ... Can you guess? B: It’s about ten kilometres.
Nadia: OK. Well, what about when Barack Obama was A: Sorry, how far?
4 A: How long was the meeting?
Danny: Yes! That’s there. Can you remember when it was?
Nadia: Was it ... 2008? B: Four hours.
Danny: Yes, it was! OK, the first one is when Facebook A: Sorry, how long?
started. When was that? 5 A: How tall is your brother?
Nadia: Um, that was 2006, I think. B: He’s two metres.
Danny: No, it wasn’t. It was back in 2004! A: Sorry, how tall?
Nadia: Wow, really? I didn’t think it was that early. 6 A: How old is your boss?
Danny: OK, here’s another one. There were seven billion of
B: She’s about thirty.
something in 2011. Do you know what they were?
A: Sorry, how old?
Nadia: Hmm. That’s difficult. I don’t know ... trees?


Audio 4.08
Assistant 1:
Excuse me. Could you help me?
Sure. How can I help?
Do you sell books on Thai cooking?
Audio 5.01
We watched a really good film on TV last night.
Last year Salma visited London for the first time.
Assistant 1: Yes, of course. Come with me ... Here you are. 3 I played football with my friends on Sunday.
This one is very good. It has lots of recipes. 4 I stopped eating meat last year.
Curry, salads, desserts and more. 5 Ben wanted to study Russian at school.
Ben: I see. How much is it?
6 Everyone looked tired at the end of the day.
Assistant 1: This one is 25 pounds.
7 When she young, Daria lived in Moldova.
Ben: Hmmm. That’s a bit expensive.
Assistant 1: What about this one? It’s only 10 pounds, and 8 I started work early this morning.
it’s easy to use.
Ben: Yes, it looks good. I’ll take it. Audio 5.02
Assistant 1: Great. Here at Central Adult Education Centre, we have lots of
2 different courses to help you in life. Many of our students
Ben: Excuse me, could you help me? leave school at sixteen, then find it difficult to get a good
job. We can help you learn important skills that you
Assistant 2: Yes, of course.
need to pass your exams or go to university. Some of our
Ben: Do you sell men’s shirts? students become teachers and doctors! It’s not just work
Assistant 2: Of course. You need the clothes department. skills. We can help you learn to drive with our excellent
It’s on the third floor. teachers. And we’re a friendly place. Lots of students meet
Ben: Thank you. their best friends here! So don’t wait. Call us today!.
Ben: Hi. I like this shirt, but I don’t like green. Have
you got it in a different colour? Audio 5.03
Assistant 3: Let me see ... we also have it in blue. 1 left
Ben: Great. Can I try it on? 2 drove
Assistant 3: Of course. 3 had
Ben: Where are the changing rooms? 4 woke up
Assistant 3: Over there. 5 went
Ben: Thank you. 6 drank
Assistant 3: How was it? 7 said
Ben: Great, I really like it. Can I pay by phone? 8 rang
Assistant 3: Yes, that’s fine. Do you need a bag?
Ben: No thanks. Could I have a receipt? Audio 5.04
Assistant 3: Yes, of course. Here you are. Have a good day. 1
Ben: Thank you. You too. Manuel: I work in a greengrocer’s at weekends, and last
month was my twenty-first birthday. At the end of
Audio 4.09 the day my boss asked me to close the shop. I shut
1 Can I pay by phone? the door and turned around, and there was my
2 Can I try it on? boss, my friends and some of the customers. They
3 How much is it? all shouted, ‘surprise!’ I didn’t tell anyone it was
my birthday, but my boss knew and he told them.
4 Could I have a receipt?
There were twenty people in the small shop and
we all ate some chocolate cake! It was really funny.
Audio 4.10 and 4.11
A: Excuse me, can you help me?
Taylor: Last summer I passed my driving test. I was very
B: Yes, of course.
happy because it was the third time I tried. The
A: Do you sell laptop chargers? For this laptop?
weekend after, my friends booked a hotel by the
B: Let me see ... yes, we do. Here you are.
sea, about a hundred kilometres from where we
A: Great, thanks. How much is it?
live. It was a surprise for me. We left home in my
B: This one is thirty pounds.
car and we were about half an hour from the hotel
A: Good, I’ll take it. Can I pay by phone?
when the car stopped working. It started to rain
B: Yes, that’s fine.
but we had to wait on the road for a mechanic!
A: Could I have a receipt?
After two hours a man came and the car started
B: Sure. Here you are.
again, but we were all so cold and unhappy that we
A: Thanks.
drove home!
Craig: I remember the first day I started university very
well. My parents took me in their car and helped me
move into my new apartment, which I shared with
three other people. After they left, another student
arrived. I was surprised to see it was my old friend


Jamie! When we were young, we were best friends, Audio 5.11

but his family moved away from our town when he
was seven. It was great to meet him again. After that
Jago: How was your weekend, Isabelle?
we were friends all the time we were at university!
Isabelle: OK. It was a bit boring, really.
Jago: Why? What did you do?
Audio 5.05 Isabelle: Nothing special. I went for a walk on Saturday,
1 then woke up at eleven on Sunday and just
Maria: Chris, this is the third time this month! relaxed on the sofa and watched TV.
Chris: I know, I’m so sorry. It was the bus. It came forty- Jago: Oh, right.
five minutes late! Isabelle: Yes, to be honest, I was happy to be back at work
Maria: OK. No problem. Please go to the kitchen and David today!
will tell you what to do today.
Chris: Um ... I don’t have my work shirt. I left it at home.
Kevin: Hi Adriana!
I’m really sorry.
Adriana: Oh, hi Kevin. How are you?
Maria: That’s all right. There’s one in the cupboard. You
Kevin: Good thanks. How was your weekend?
can wear that.
Adriana: It was great. A really fun weekend.
Chris: OK. I’m really sorry, Maria! I …
Kevin: Oh really? What did you do?
2 Adriana: Well, I went to a party on Saturday. I met some
Mark: Good afternoon. really nice people and I danced a lot!
Teacher: Hello Mr Wilson. Now we don’t have much time Kevin: That sounds fun. When did you get home?
left, so let’s start. Adriana: Really late, two in the morning, I think. Then
Mark: Why not? I’m early! yesterday I stayed at home and spent time with
Teacher: No. Our meeting was at half past three. my family. I’m still tired. I need some coffee!
Mark: Oh really? Oh I’m so sorry, I had the wrong time.
Teacher: No problem. Now I need to talk to you about
Simon. His homework is … Selena: Hey Finn, come and sit next to me. How are you?
How was your weekend?
Finn: My weekend was nice, thanks.
Tobias: Hi Lana.
Selena: Cool. What did you do?
Lana: Hi Tobias. How are you?
Finn: So, on Saturday I met a friend for coffee and we
Tobias: Not bad, thanks. I’m calling about the Smith
went to museum. Then in the evening I went to the
Company report. I can’t see it in my emails and
cinema to watch a film.
needed it yesterday. Did you write it?
Selena: Who did you go with?
Lana: Ah. The report. I’m sorry, I have it, but I didn’t send
Finn: I went with my girlfriend. Then on Sunday I went
it. My wifi is down at the moment.
to the gym, I always go on Sundays. Then I went to
Tobias: Really? Why is that?
bed early.
Lana: I moved house two days ago.
Selena: Sounds good. Oh, here’s the teacher.
Tobias: Ah, I see. It’s OK. Can you send it to me before …

Audio 5.06
1 I’m so sorry I’m late.
2 That’s all right.
3 No problem.
Audio 6.01
Where are you going?
What are you listening to?
Audio 5.07 and 5.08 3 Who are you talking to?
1 I'm sorry I'm late. 4 Why are you running?
2 I'm really sorry I'm late. 5 What are you wearing?
3 I'm so sorry I'm late.
Audio 6.02
Audio 5.09 and 5.10 Nikki: Hello?
A: Where were you? You’re late. Clive: Good afternoon, is that Nikki White?
B: I know, I’m really sorry. There was a problem with my car. Nikki: Yes, speaking.
A: OK ... Clive: Oh, hi. My name’s Clive, I’m calling from the taxi
B: Then the bus was late. company.
A: That’s all right. But let’s go through. People are here to Nikki: Oh right, yes. I’m just waiting for my bags. Are you at
see your presentation now. the airport?
B: What do you mean? Don’t we start at 10.30? Clive: Er ... no, I’m not. Listen I’m sorry, but I’m a bit late.
A: No, the meeting was at ten. We only have thirty minutes The traffic is really bad. I’m driving there now,
left. though.
B: Oh, no. I had the wrong time! I’m so sorry. Nikki: Oh.
A: It’s OK, but let’s go now! Clive: Can I ask you to wait outside the airport after you go
B: Yes, of course. through security?
Nikki: Of course. No problem.
Clive: Great. Please wait for me at the taxi stop. It’s very
busy there, so please tell me what you look like, then
I can find you when I arrive.


Nikki: Yes, of course. Oh wait, I’m going through security Audio 6.06 and 6.07
now. Can I call you back in a few minutes?
1 A: So at the crossroads, I turn right.
Clive: Yes, of course. Call me on this number.
B: No, at the crossroads you turn left.
Nikki: OK.
2 A: OK. So I walk down this street, then stop at the café
Clive: Hello? right?
Nikki: Hi Clive, it’s me again, Nikki White. B: No, you go past the café.
Clive: Ah yes. Hi, Nikki. 3 A: OK so I go down Vernon Drive?
Nikki: I’m at the taxi stop. I’m standing next to a blue taxi. B: No, it’s Verdon Drive.
I’m tall, and I’ve got long, straight hair.
Clive: OK. What colour is your hair? Audio 6.08 and 6.09
Nikki: Red. Red hair. And I’m wearing jeans and a black
jacket. A: Excuse me, how do you get to the station?
Clive: Ah, OK. I’m arriving now ... I think I can see you ... I’m B: Go to the end of the road and turn left at the corner.
driving a big, black car. Can you see me? A: OK.
Nikki: Oh yes, hi! OK, I’m coming to you now. B: Go past the statue and there’s a crossroads.
A: Yes.
B: Go straight on at the crossroads into Creen Road.
Audio 6.03
A: Green Road, got it.
Great group moment! B: No, it’s Creen road.
Do you have an amazing photo of a group moment you’d A: Ah OK, sorry. Creen Road.
like to share? Send it to us with a short description and say B: The station is on your left.
why it was great. You can win a camera! A: Thank you.

Audio 6.04
It’s bigger than a house.
They’re worse than cars.
It’s more expensive than a holiday.
They’re smaller than bikes.
It’s easier than that.
Audio 7.01
I get up early in the morning.
I’d like an apple and an orange.
6 They’re more comfortable than planes. 3 We’ve got a meeting in the morning.
4 These two things are the same.
Audio 6.05 5 She’s got a good job in a company.
Monika: Excuse me, can you help me? How do you 6 He’s on the phone at the moment.
get to ... erm ... Firstpoint electronics? The
receptionist at my hotel said it’s near here. Audio 7.02
Pedestrian: Firstpoint electronics? It was near here, but it 1 She’s isn’t thinking about anything.
closed last month. 2 It doesn’t look good.
Monika: Oh no. I need to buy a phone charger.
3 He isn’t driving today.
Pedestrian: No problem. You can try Mason’s. It’s a
department store that sells computers, 4 She doesn’t like cheese.
phones … those things. 5 He isn’t speaking to her.
Monika: Great, thanks! And how do I get there? 6 It isn’t raining today.
Pedestrian: OK, walk down this road, then turn right into
Forest Road. Audio 7.03
Monika: Forest Road. Right. Ava: Hello and welcome to the New Life podcast. This
Pedestrian: So after you turn into Forest Road, continue weekend I spoke to two people who give up their
straight on. At the end of the road there’s a free time to help the local community. Listen to
square. what they said.
Monika: OK. I’m here with Wesley in the North Street
Pedestrian: Cross over the square. On the other side community garden. He works here every Saturday.
there’s a crossroads. Turn right at the So, Wesley, what do you usually do?
crossroads, into Griffin Road. Wesley: Hi, Ava. Well, I’m a teacher, so in the week I work at
Monika: Crifton Road, OK. a secondary school.
Pedestrian: No, it’s Griffin Road. Ava: And what are you doing today?
Monika: OK. sorry. Wesley: Today I’m working in vegetable garden. We grow
Pedestrian: Walk along Griffin Road, past the traffic lights, lots of things: onions, potatoes, tomatoes … and
and the department store is on the left. give them to local people.
Monika: Great, thanks. And how far is it? Ava: That’s great! What are you growing at the
Pedestrian: It’s about ten minutes. moment?
Monika: Thank you so much, that’s really helpful. Wesley: Oh, we’re not growing anything now. It’s January,
Pedestrian: No problem. Enjoy your stay. so it’s too cold to grow plants. At the moment
Monika: Thank you! we’re picking up rubbish and taking out old plants,
preparing the garden for the spring.
Ava: It looks like hard work!


Wesley: It is! But later in the year, when we have lots of Audio 7.08 and 7.09
fruit and vegetables, it’s really nice.
A: Hello, this is the leisure centre. How can I help you?
Ava: Thanks, Wesley.
B: Hi. I’m phoning to ask about the swimming pool.
I’m with Josie now, at a football club in Warhurst.
A: What would you like to know?
Hi Josie, what do you do here?
B: Could you tell me the opening times?
Josie: Hello. I’m one of five people who train the local
A: Of course. The swimming pool is open to the public
girls’ football team, the Warhurst Wanderers. The
from four to seven.
girls are aged from fourteen to seventeen and we
B: Great, thanks.
play here every Sunday.
A: No problem. Can I help you with anything else?
Ava: Wow, great work. And what do you do in the
B: Yes, I have another question. How much does it cost to
swim there?
Josie: Monday to Friday, I work for the local government.
A: It’s five pounds for adults and three pounds for children.
I like my job, but I’m in an office all day, which is a
B: Thank you.
bit boring. I prefer to be outside. So it’s great to
A: Is there anything else?
come here and spend time with the girls. They all
B: No, that’s all. Thank you for your help.
love playing football!
Ava: And what are you doing today?
Josie: Today we’re practising for next week, when we
Audio 7.10
have a big game. We are also talking about our Carol: Good morning class, and welcome to your first
plans for the game. English lesson here at Gladwell College. For our
Ava: Fantastic. Good luck for next week! first activity I want you to work in groups of three.
Please tell each other a little bit about yourselves,
Audio 7.04 say why you’re learning English and one other
thing you want to learn in your free time.
Thank you for phoning MovMaxx cinemas. Please select
Ricardo: OK. Hi, guys. I’m Ricardo, I’m from Italy. I’m an
an option. For films and times, press 1. For ticket prices,
engineer and I’m working here in Oxford at the
press 2. To speak to one of our team, press 5. Alternatively,
moment. I’m learning English because I need to
please visit our website at
use it in my job. I really want to speak and write
better, because I write emails and have meetings
Audio 7.05 in English every day. In my free time I’m trying to
Hailey: Hello, MovMaxx cinemas. You’re speaking to learn the piano as a hobby. What about you?
Hailey. Thank you for waiting. How can I help you Kura: Nice to meet you, Ricardo. So, my name’s
today? Kura, and I’m from Osaka, in Japan. I own a
Justin: Hi there. I’m phoning to ask about the film Total. company that makes clothes. I really love my
Are you showing it at the moment? job! I’m learning English because I need to give
Hailey: Yes, we are. presentations about my clothes to companies and
Justin: Great, and what times is it on? shops in the UK and the USA. It’s really important
Hailey: Sorry, could you hold on a minute? Sorry about for the future of my business! I don’t have much
that, and thanks for waiting. OK. Is it for today? free time, but I love dancing and I want to learn to
Justin: No it’s for Saturday. dance salsa and tango.
Hailey: Just a moment ... Saturday ... it’s on at 3 p.m., 6.30 Maria: Hi guys. Great to meet you. I’m Maria and I’m
and 8.55. There’s also a late showing at 11 p.m. from Madrid in Spain. I live in Oxford with my
Justin: Thank you. How much are the tickets? partner, who is from Scotland. At the moment
Hailey: They’re ten pounds for the 3 p.m. showing, and I’m working as a shop assistant, but I’m learning
twelve pounds fifty for all the others. You can buy English because I’d like to work as a Spanish
tickets on our website at, or here teacher. I need to speak and write in English well
at the ticket office. to do that. I would also love to learn more about
Justin: OK. What are your opening hours? I’m shopping in photography. I plan to do a course in that next
town so I can come in to buy tickets now. month.

Hailey: The ticket office is open from 10.30 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Justin: Great, thanks. … I have another question. Can I
bring my own food to the cinema? UNIT 8
Hailey: Yes, that’s fine. But we also sell food here.
Justin: OK, thanks. Audio 8.01
Hailey: No problem. Can I help you with anything else? 1 It’s the most expensive place to visit.
Justin: No, that’s all. Thank you for your help. 2 It’s the best way to see elephants.
Hailey: Thank you for calling. Goodbye. 3 It’s the driest place on the planet.
Justin: Bye.
4 Neptune is the furthest planet from Earth.
5 It’s the smallest area.
Audio 7.06 and 7.07
6 The coldest month is January.
1 I’m phoning to ask about a film.
2 I have another question.
3 Thank you for waiting.
4 What are your opening hours?
5 Can I help you with anything else?
6 No, that’s all. Thank you for your help.


Audio 8.02 2
1 Who are you going to see? Receptionist: Hello, Reception. You’re speaking to
2 Is she going to leave? Stephen.
Guest 2: Hi there. The TV in my room isn’t working. I
3 Where are they going to stay?
can’t turn it on. Can someone help?
4 How are we going to travel? Receptionist: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. I’ll send someone
5 Are you going to play? up to look at it.
6 What are we going to do? Guest 2: Thank you.
Receptionist: You’re welcome. Can I help you with anything
Audio 8.03 else?
Viv: So, have you got any holiday plans this summer, Guest 2: Yes, please. How do I order room service?
Dillon? Receptionist: Just phone 111. Or I can take your order now,
Dillon: Yes! My friend Karl and I are going to Rio de Janeiro if you like.
in Brazil! Guest 2: No thanks. I need to look at the menu first.
Viv: Really? That’s amazing! Receptionist: OK.
Dillon: I know. We’re going to stay in a really nice hotel on 3
Copacabana beach. Guest 2: Excuse me. Is it possible to book an airport
Viv: Oh wow. transfer for tomorrow?
Dillon: We have plans for when we’re there, too. Receptionist: Just a moment. I’ll check on the computer.
Viv: Oh yeah? What are you going to do? I’m sorry, madam, I’m afraid that’s not
Dillon: Well, first, I’m going to try the local food. I really possible. All our drivers are booked. But I can
want to eat feijoada, a traditional dish made with try another transport service if you like.
black beans and rice. Guest 2: Oh, yes please. That’s kind of you.
Viv: Yum! Sounds good. Receptionist: OK, I’ll call them now.
Dillon: So, for two days we’re just going to look around the Guest 2: Thank you.
city and spend some time on the beach. Then on
the third day we’re going on an organised tour. 4
Viv: And what are you going to see? Receptionist: Hello, Reception. You’re speaking to
Dillon: Well, first there’s Corcovado, the mountain in the Stephen.
middle of the city. Then we’re going to visit Santa Guest 1: Hi, I’m calling from room 372. Is there a safe
Teresa, the old town. It’s famous for its artists and in the room? I’d like to keep my passport in
culture. it.
Viv: And are you going to visit any places outside Rio? Receptionist: I’m afraid our rooms don’t have safes,
Dillon: Yes. In the second week we’re going to visit Búzios. madam. But I can put your passport in the
It’s a small town about 200 km east of Rio. I read safe here at reception, if you like.
that the beaches there are wonderful. Guest 1: Thanks, that’s kind of you. I’ll come down in a
Viv: That’s nice. minute.
Dillon: And because Karl loves taking photos, he’s going to Receptionist: No problem.
take a photography class there. Then we’re going
to go back to Rio for the last few days. Audio 8.05
Viv: And what are you going to do there? 1 I send someone up.
Dillon: Relax. We’re not going to do anything! Just swim in 2 I’ll do that right now.
the sea or the pool, I think.
3 I’ll call room service.
Viv: Sounds brilliant. How long are you going for?
4 I check.
Dillon: Two weeks. I can’t wait!

Audio 8.04 Audio 8.06

1 I'll send someone up.
2 I'll do that right now.
Receptionist: Hello. How can I help you?
3 I'll call room service.
Guest 1: Hi there. I’m travelling with my daughter, so
I booked a twin room, but we’re in a double. 4 I'll check.
There’s only one bed.
Receptionist: Let’s see. What’s your room number? Audio 8.07 and 8.08
Guest 1: It’s 119. A: Hello, Reception. You’re speaking to Jessie.
Receptionist: Oh sorry, that’s a mistake. Let me give you B: Hello. I’m calling about the air conditioning. How do I
another room. turn it on? Can someone help?
Guest 1: Great, thank you. A: Of course. I’ll send someone up. Which room is it?
Receptionist: OK. Here you are, it’s room 372. You can take B: 204. Thank you.
the lift to get to the third floor over there on A: No problem. Can I help you with anything else?
the left. B: Yes, please. I’d like to order room service. How do I do
Guest 1: Thank you. that?
A: Just phone 100 to speak to someone from the
B: Wonderful. Thank you.


Audio 8.09
A: How was your weekend?
B: It was brilliant, thanks!
A: Why? What happened?
B: I had a basketball game on Sunday and my team won.
We played really well.
A: Cool!
B: Yes, I was worried before the game because I slept
badly on Saturday night. But we worked really hard in
the game. That’s why we won. The other team had one
player who was very fast, but we stopped him. What
about you? How was your weekend?
A: It was really good. I went mountain biking. My friend
cycles dangerously sometimes, but I’m always careful.


Lesson 1A
1A basketball, tennis player
5C 1


farm, office worker

bus, train driver 6A 1 Frank Bacall
art, university student 2 travel writer
business, hotel manager 3 South African
4 Cape Town
B 1 b c a c a b 5 meet people, learn languages, play tennis and
2A 1 actor badminton
2 shop assistant 6 fcb
3 pilot 6B Hi, my name’s Frank Bacall and I’m a travel writer. I’m
4 engineer from Cape Town in South Africa. I love my job because
5 police officer I go to lots of different countries. I often visit Thailand,
6 writer France and the SA. I love to meet people and learn
7 lawyer languages. I speak Spanish, Portuguese and a little Thai.
8 nurse I’m interested in sport, too. I play tennis and badminton.
9 retired Welcome to my blog. I hope you like it! If you want to
10 unemployed know more about the places I visit, then please contact
2B 1 doctor me at fcb
2 singer 6C Sample answer
3 politician Hi! My name’s Bruna Pereira and I’m a singer. I’m from
4 scientist io de Janeiro in Brazil and I speak Portuguese, Spanish
5 digital designer and a little English. I love my job because I love to sing.
6 pilot It’s fun! I sing in Brazil, Argentina and sometimes Chile.
GRAMMAR I’m interested in sport, too. I play tennis with my friends
at the weekend. I also like the cinema.
3A 1 are 4 are
Welcome to my blog. I hope you like it! If you want
2 don’t 5 aren’t
to know more about me, then please contact me at
3 do 6 aren’t
3B 1 are 5 speak
2 don’t 6 Do Lesson 1B
3 live 7 don’t VOCABULARY
4 are 8 live 1A 1 e 2 a 3 g 4 d 5 h
3C 1 Do you speak Spanish? 6 b 7 f 8 c
2 Where are they from? 1B 1 b a c c a b
3 Do you know Chiara?
1C 1 I teach at a university.
4 Where do you come from?
2 I get up early every day.
5 Do your children go to school near here?
3 I also play the guitar.
6 Do we have homework tonight?
4 We go out a lot.
7 Do your parents like pizza?
5 I don’t make a lot of money.
8 How do you know Tim?
3D 1 d g e a h f GRAMMAR
7 c 8 b 2A 1 b 2 a 3 c 4 a

2 starts
4A 1 How do you know Sarah?
3 finishes
2 Do you like your job?
4 isn’t
3 Do you work with Paul?
5 eats
4 Where do you live?
6 visit
5 What do you do?
7 play
6 Do you come from Poland?
8 cook
LISTENING 9 studies
5A a, c, d 10 goes

5B 1 T 2C a starts, works
2 T b goes out
3 F (‘we’re old friends’) c goes, has
4 F (‘I’m from Canada’) d studies
5 T e gets up
6 T f teaches
2D 1 e c a f d b


PRONUNCIATION A: Do they have children?

3A 1 /ɪ / 2 /s/ 3 /s/ 4 / / 5 / / B: They have a daughter. Their daughter’s (possession)
6 /ɪ / 7 / / 8 /s/ 9 /ɪ / 10 / / name is Emily. They also have a dog. Their dog's
(possession) name is Buster.
READING A: Do you live near your parents?
4 b B: Yes, we all do. My parent’s (possession) house is in
the street next to us, so we all live quite near.
5A 1 F (‘My best friend is Annie.’)
2 F (‘She studies Spanish because her boyfriend is LISTENING
from Argentina.’) 2A Grace: From: Scotland; Lives: Birmingham; Job: digital
3 T (‘I don’t start work until 12 … I finish work at designer
8 p.m.’) Marco: From: New York; Lives: London; Job: pilot
4 T (‘we always see each other at weekends’)
5 F (Annie is a lawyer, so she doesn’t go to school.) 2B 1 Sally
6 F (‘We have different interests’) 2 Alan
7 T (‘ owan plays a lot of sport’) 3 Deepak
8 F (‘He loves cooking, but I hate it’) 4 Leila
5 Veronika
5B 1 c a a c b b 6 Oliver
Lesson 1C 7 April

8 ach
1 1 thirsty UNIT 2
2 ill
3 angry Lesson 2A
5 all right
1A 1 orange juice
6 tired
2 tomatoes
7 hungry
3 rice
8 relaxed
4 broccoli
2A 1 at 4 on 5 eggs
2 next 5 on 6 apple
3 – 6 this 7 beans
2B 1 – 5 on / this 8 yoghurt
2 at 6 on / this 1B 1 sugar
3 – 7 at 2 cereal
4 this 8 at 3 bread
4 apple juice
HOW TO ... 5 noodles
3A 1 M (‘I’m hungry.’) 6 chicken
2 F (‘I have a class at twelve’) 7 carrots
3 F (‘Can we meet at the café on East Street?’) 8 oil
4 M (‘I love that place.’) 9 pear
5 M (‘Can we meet at two?’) 10 grapes
3B 1 Can we do something this evening? GRAMMAR
2 What would you like to do?
2A 1 any 4 some
3 Let’s meet at the cinema.
2 some 5 an
4A 1 I 2 N 3 I 4 I 5 N 6 I 2B 1 b a b b a b a a
5A 1 things 3A 1 some 5 an
2 Would 2 an 6 some
3 can’t 3 a 7 some
4 OK 4 some 8 a, an
5 Bye
Lesson 1D
4A 1 b (‘Theo loves meat’)
GRAMMAR 2 c (‘Yuki doesn’t eat meat, but she eats fish.’)
1A 1 c 2 a 3 b 4 b 3 a (‘Jake eats a lot of vegetables’)
1B A: Who’s (contraction) that in the photo? 4B cheese, olives, orange juice, pasta
B: That’s (contraction) my sister and her family. Her
4C 1 T (‘Theo loves meat, so we could buy some lamb, or
name’s (contraction) Charlotte. Her husband’s
(possession) name is Andy, and they’re both
2 F (‘Yuki doesn’t eat meat, but she eats fish.’)
3 T (‘Let’s get some prawns. They sell really nice ones
at the market.’)


4 F (‘Jake eats a lot of vegetables, so you can buy 2C 1 It’s never quiet
broccoli or carrots as well.’) 2 My son often gets up late
5 F (‘Oh, can you buy something for dessert, too?’) 3 he hardly ever eats it
6 T (‘And buy some lemonade for Jake, too.’) 4 my wife usually listens to the news
5 My daughter often listens to music
6 I’m never late for work
5A 1 Giselle
3 Jaylan, Giselle 3A 1 week
4 Jaylan 2 month
5 Jaylan, Tom 3 minute
6 Jaylan, Giselle 4 Sunday
5B 1 but 4 but 5 year
2 and 5 or 6 hour
3 and 6 or READING
5C This is a photo of my favourite healthy food – a rainbow 4A 1 twice
salad. I usually eat meat or fish for dinner, but not today! 2 ever
I like this salad because it’s easy to make. You use lots 3 weekend
of vegetables with different colours! This one has green 4 always
cucumber, red tomatoes, red onions, yellow peppers and 5 often
green herbs. I like to drink sparkling water with it. 6 Every
7 on
That looks very nice, Jaylan. I want to make it and eat 8 Sometimes
it! My favourite healthy food is Moqueca. It’s a fish
soup that we eat here in the north of Brazil. You can 4C 1 b c a
buy it in other countries, but it’s not the same. It’s fish, Lesson 2C
red peppers, onions or other vegetables in a tomato
sauce. Mmm, I can smell it now! VOCABULARY
1A 1 dessert
My favourite healthy food is a fruit salad. I make it 2 waiter
with strawberries, melon and pears. I sometimes use 3 starter
oranges too, but when I don’t have any, I add a little bit 4 bill
of lemonade or sparkling water. It’s great on a hot day 5 dinner for two
when I feel thirsty. 6 service charge
6B Sample answer 1B 1 Dinner for two
My favourite healthy food is a vegetable omelette. 2 Starters
I don’t like eggs for breakfast, but I eat them for 3 Main courses
lunch – that’s when I make this. It’s three eggs with 4 Desserts
different vegetables. Sometimes I use red pepper and 5 service charge
sometimes broccoli. I drink it with still water or green 6 bill
tea. It’s very easy! 7 waiter
Lesson 2B HOW TO ...
1A 1 go, meet 2B 1 reservation
2 get up, goes 2 for
3 spend, spends 3 table
4 go to, check 4 Are
1B 1 b c a c a b 5 For
6 like
1C 1 get 5 spend
7 to
2 go 6 check
8 meal
3 meet 7 up
4 spend 8 go PRONUNCIATION
2A 1 b 2 c 3 b 4 c SPEAKING

2B 1 never 4A 1 c a d e b
2 We often Lesson 2D
3 weekend
4 times GRAMMAR
5 am never 1A 1 c 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 a 6 a
6 How 1B 1 doing
7 always 2 getting up
8 reads 3 swimming
4 spending


5 meeting 5B We need to plan some activities for the company activity

6 studying day on 2 March. What does everyone like do doing? I
7 shopping know that Yana hates go going to parties and Marcus
8 walking doesn’t like do doing sport. I enjoy play playing games
outside, but the weather isn’t always good at that time of
2A 1 ueens, New York Maybe we could do something inside. James loves
2 a T-shirt cook cooking, so how about a cooking lesson for the
2B 1 T (‘This ,000 km race happens every year from June team? I think cook cooking is all right, and Aisha likes
to August.’) it, too. Can you ask the rest of the team? I want us to
2 F (‘ ,000 km is the same distance as from the East do something that everyone can enjoy.
to the West of the SA, plus eleven marathons (a VOCABULARY
marathon is 2.2 km).’)
3 T (‘in ueens, New York’) 6A 1 writer
4 F (‘people run from a.m. until midnight, every day’) 2 nurse
5 F (‘They need to visit the doctor before they enter, 3 scientist
to check they are strong and healthy.’) 4 doctor
6 T (‘They need to eat all the time because they use a 5 actor
lot of energy when they do the race.’) 6 engineer
7 T (‘It’s very hot in New York at this time of year’) 7 police officer
8 T (‘Not everyone finishes the race, but runners 8 lawyer
receive a T-shirt if they do’) 6B 1 c f a d e b g
7 1 work 5 go
2 get up 6 spend
GRAMMAR 3 check 7 play
4 go 8 have
1A 1 Where do you live?
2 Are James and Agatha friends? 8 1 a c b a b c
3 I don’t understand German.
9A 1 starter
4 Do you like your city?
2 main
5 Do your parents speak English?
3 side
6 They don’t come from Canada.
4 dessert
7 Who do you live with?
5 waiter
8 What time do your children get up?
6 bill
1B 1 work 5 don’t 7 cake
2 Do 6 does
9B 1 chicken
3 like 7 play
2 lemonade
4 do you 8 are
3 fish
2 1 mother’s 4 melon
2 cousins’ 5 potatoes
3 Simon’s 6 oil
4 children’s 10C fruit: melon, strawberries
5 parents’ vegetables: mushrooms, pepeprs
6 Georgia’s meat or fish: lamb, prawns
7 film’s drinks: lemonade, sparkling water

8 students’ other: butter, pasta
3A 1 b a a c
3B 1 a 5 some
2 an 6 any Lesson 3A
3 a 7 some
4 some 8 any
1A 1 b 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 c 6 a
4 1 I always get up late at the weekend.
1B 1 counter
2 Susan never works at the weekend.
2 shelf
3 I meet my mum for lunch every Sunday.
3 fridge
4 Mark is hardly ever late for school.
4 plant
5 I play tennis with my friend on Tuesdays.
5 light
6 How often do you listen to the news?
6 shower
7 My parents go on holiday twice a year.
7 cupboard
8 I’m always very tired in the evening.
8 sofa
5A 1 taking rug and washbasin are the extra words
2 running
3 playing
4 writing
5 doing
6 getting up


1C 1 hall long table and eight chairs. It also has wi-fi and a T
2 sofas with 100 channels. The big bathroom has a shower
3 armchair and a bath, and the small bathroom has a shower. The
4 cupboards kitchen is large and well-equipped, so it’s easy to make
5 oven food. You can put your car in the garage. There’s a
6 bedrooms beautiful view over the park and the shops are close.
7 shower It’s a great place to relax. Welcome!
8 home office
Lesson 3B
2A 1 here 5 that
1A 1 different
2 This 6 These
2 large / big
3 those 7 here
3 difficult / hard
4 there 8 those
4 long / tall
2B 1 b a a c b c g 5 hard
2C 1 here 4 These 1B 1 different
2 that 5 those 2 large
3 that 6 there 3 easy
4 quiet
3A 1 easy 6 short
2 these 7 long
3 These 1C 1 soft
4 We 2 difficult / hard
5 keys 3 quiet
6 eat, these 4 large / big
LISTENING 5 same, different
6 long
4A hall, living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom,
7 loud
8 easy
4B 1 F (‘I always lose my keys’)
2 T (‘Yes, it is. Those armchairs are new, too.’)
3 F (‘I like those pictures on the wall.’) 2A 1 c 2 b 3 b 4 a
4 T (‘I want to buy a big table and chairs to put in 2B 1 ’ve got
here.’) 2 hasn’t got
5 F (‘You have a lot of space to cook.’) 3 ’s got
6 F (‘… and I love cooking!’) 4 have you got
7 T (‘Wow, that shower is really big! … Yes, and it’s 5 Has, hasn’t
good, too.’) 6 ’s got
8 F (‘… I need to clean it!’) 7 haven’t got
4C 1 Those armchairs are new, too. 8 Have, have
2 This is the bathroom. 2C 1 He has (He’s) got everything
3 That shower is really big! 2 I haven’t got a lot of money
WRITING 3 Has he got a lamp
4 Yes, he has.
5A Four rooms: the hall, living room, dining room and
5 Have you got those party lights
6 Yes, I have!
5B 1 We have three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a
home office upstairs. (one comma)
2 The bedroom has a large bed and a desk. (no 3A 1 Have you got any plants?
commas) 2 She hasn’t got much money.
3 In the living room we have a sofa, two armchairs and 3 We’ve got a lot of milk.
a big T . (one comma) 4 Have they got a T ?
4 Your keys and sunglasses are on the counter. (no 5 I’ve got a two phones.
commas) 6 Has he got a fridge?
6B 1 Enjoy your stay in this modern house. READING
2 It’s perfect for a short break in the city. 4A
3 There’s a beautiful view over the park.
4 The kitchen is large and well-equipped. 4B 1 b c a d e
5 The shops are close by. 4C 1 d f b a c e
6 It’s a great area to relax in.
Lesson 3C
6C Sample answer
Enjoy your stay in this modern house. It’s perfect for VOCABULARY
a short break in the city. The house sleeps six people 1A 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 a 5 c 6 b
in four bedrooms. The living room has two sofas, a


1B 1 How kind of you! 1C 1 second

2 Sorry I’m late. 2 August
3 Great to see you. 3 July
4 Glad you liked it! 4 first
5 Thank you for the lovely evening! 5 January
6 April
2A 1 b 2 e 3 a 4 f 5 c 6 d GRAMMAR
2A 1 c 2 a 3 a 4 b
HOW TO ...
3A 1 c 2 d 3 b 4 a 2B 1 were
2 was
3B 1 8 o’clock (‘About eight?’) 3 was
2 meat (‘I don't eat meat. I hope that’s not a problem.’) 4 were
3 Bella’s husband (‘This is James, my husband.’) 5 Were, wasn’t, was
4 Evan arrives 6 was
5 sparkling water (‘Just water, thanks ... sparkling.’) 7 weren’t, were
6 walks (‘It’s a nice evening, so I can walk to my 8 wasn’t, was
house.’) 9 were
3C 1 Can I get you something to drink? 10 weren’t, were
2 I’d love to come. 2C 1 were
3 Let me take your coat. 2 were
4 weren’t
4A 1 see 4 get
5 were
2 nice 5 drink
6 wasn’t
3 take 6 Let
7 was
8 were
Lesson 3D 9 was
GRAMMAR 10 was
1A 1 any 5 much
2 lots 6 is
3 lot 7 a 3A 1 S 2 W 3 S 4 W 5 S, W 6 W
4 there’s 8 lots LISTENING
1C 1 b e a g f h 4A
c d 4B 1 2008 4 201
1D 1 a c a b 2 200 5 2000
3 2011 6 2012
2A 1 F (‘There are two bedrooms.’) 4C 1 was
2 T (‘In the kitchen there’s a new oven and fridge.’) 2 was
3 F (‘There are some small shops in the town centre, 3 wasn’t, was
very near here.’) 4 were
4 T (‘And there’s a big supermarket about a kilometre 5 were
away. You can walk there.’) 6 were
5 T (‘That’s good, because I don’t have a car.’) 7 was
6 F (There’s a train station in King Street.) 8 was, was
7 T (‘It’s very quiet at the weekend.’) WRITING
8 F (‘… but there aren’t any restaurants.’)
5A 2
2B cafés, cinemas, noise, restaurants, shops, station,
5B 1 T (‘It was eight years ago, in the summer …’)
supermarket, traffic
2 T (‘I was in the car outside my house with the

2C Picture B teacher …’)
3 F (‘my parents were at the window in the house’)
UNIT 4 4 F (‘The lesson was great! An hour later I was home
Lesson 4A 5 T (‘The lesson was great!’)
VOCABULARY 6 F (‘My teacher was very nice ...’)
1A 1 b 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 c 6 c 7 T (‘… it wasn’t easy to drive for the first time’)
8 F (The writer was tired in the evening.)
1B 1 last 6 ago
2 yesterday 7 last 5C eight years ago; in the summer; an hour later; in the
3 ago 8 last evening
4 after 9 on
5 in


6C Sample answer 1C 1 bread

The first holiday I remember was with my family. It 2 potatoes
was in August, fifteen years ago, in the Costa Brava in 3 medicine
Spain. My mother, father, two brothers and my cousin 4 history book
were there. We were in a small house near the beach. 5 socks
There was a small garden and a nice view. I was five, 6 computer magazine
my brothers were seven and nine and my cousin was 7 lamb
six. It was very hot, but also very fun! I was happy. My 8 collect clean suit
mum and dad were relaxed and there was lots of ice 9 football
cream – every day!
HOW TO ...
Lesson 4B 2A bookshop, department store
VOCABULARY 2B 1 f b g a h c
1A 1 just 4 exactly 7 e d
2 about 5 over
3 nearly 6 under
3A 1 Can I pay by phone?
1B 1 b b c 4 b 5 b 6 c 2 Can I try it on?
1D 1 – 5 and 3 How much is it?
2 and 6 a 4 Could I have a receipt?
3 a 7 point SPEAKING
4 point
4A 1 help 4 take
GRAMMAR 2 sell 5 by
3 How 6 have
2A 1 b a c a b c
2B 1 far 4 Not Lesson 4D
2 long 5 many GRAMMAR
3 much
1A 1 Should we bring a lot of money?
PRONUNCIATION 2 You shouldn’t eat there.
3 Don’t walk on the grass.
3A 1 b 2 a 3 f 4 c 5 e d
4 Please come early tomorrow.
3B a b c 1 2 4 5 How long should we wait here?
READING 6 They shouldn’t visit in winter.

4 b 1B 1 a b c b a c

5A 1 c f 3 d 4 a 5 b 6 e 1C 1 come
2 should you
5B 1 T (‘In the K, most people live for about 81 years’) 3 Don’t come
2 F (‘The average person spends 2 years and seven 4 bring
months sleeping’) 5 pack
3 T (‘people in the K watch T for eight years and six 6 don’t
months’) 7 don’t worry
4 F ( 0 books) 8 You should
5 F (‘They also spend almost three years on social 9 should
media’) 10 Write
6 T (‘… sixteen months doing sport and exercise’)
7 T (‘People in the K are lucky because in an ordinary READING
lifetime they spend three years and two months on 2A autumn
2B 1 doesn’t like
8 T (‘Spain is the most popular country, with over 18
2 quite
million visits a year.’)
3 inside and outside
9 T (‘They also eat for four years and five months.’)
4 three
10 F (‘… laughs for three months at something funny.’)
5 forests
Lesson 4C 6 Bukhansan
7 eat
8 can
1A 1 c 2 a 3 c 4 a 5 c 6 b
1B 1 baker’s
2 greengrocer’s
3 pharmacy
4 bookshop 1 1 this 5 here
5 clothes shop 2 there 6 these
6 newsagent’s 3 Those 7 This
7 butcher’s 4 these 8 those
8 dry-cleaner’s
9 sports shop


2 1 haven’t got 10B 1 in 4 a

2 Has (Aran) got 2 in 5 point

3 hasn’t 3 point 6 and
4 Have (you) got
5 have UNIT 5
6 have got, have got
7 haven’t got Lesson 5A
8 has got VOCABULARY
3A 1 There aren’t many parks near here. 1A 1 b 2 d 3 a 4 e 5 c 6 f
2 Is there a lot of traffic here? 1B 1 a 2 c b b a c
3 There are some shops close by.
4 Are there any restaurants near you? 1C 1 to
5 There isn’t much noise here. 2 when
6 There are lots of cafés there. 3 before
4 for
3A 1 some 4 much 5 all
2 any 5 lot 6 from
3 lots 6 a 7 later
4 1 were 6 wasn’t 8 when
2 weren’t 7 wasn’t
3 was 8 was
4 Were 9 was 2A 1 Did you work
5 were 10 wasn’t 2 Did she study
3 listened
5A 1 c a e d f b 4 didn’t like
5B 1 e b c d f a 5 Did you walk
6 I did
5C 1 tall
2 much, A lot 2B 1 decided
3 old 2 wanted
4 far 3 didn’t want
5 many 4 studied
6 long 5 remembered
6 looked
6 1 c b a b 7 phoned
7A 1 small 9 asked
2 bedrooms 10 didn’t offer
3 office 11 called
4 desk 12 lived
6 living 3A 1 /t/ 2 /ɪ / 3 / / 4 /t/
7 cupboards 5 /ɪ / 6 /t/ 7 / / 8 /ɪ /
8 fridge
B 1 different
2 quiet 4 C
3 difficult 5A 1 all over America
4 large 2 Rio de Janeiro
5 soft
5B 1 c (‘Nicholas wanted to wear his new shoes.’)
6 short
2 a (‘When they arrived at the children’s home, there
7C 1 quiet were lots of boys and girls without shoes, or who
2 big had very old shoes.’)
3 soft 3 b (‘Five years later, in 2010, he started an
4 short organisation …’)
5 different 4 b (‘It collects new shoes from shops and shoe
6 difficult companies’)
8 1 for, nice 5 c (‘her dad helped her enter competitions at her
2 Sorry, No local sports club’)
3 see, too 6 b (‘she was the under-thirteen K champion for the
4 full, Glad pentathlon’)
5 safe, Thank 7 a (‘In io she was the first British woman to get to a
final in the high jump since 1 2.’)
9 1 c a c a b a 8 a (‘In 2020 she trained and studied psychology at
10A 1 in 6 yesterday university at the same time.’)
2 after 7 after
3 on 8 yesterday, ago
4 last 9 last
5 ago 10 in

Lesson 5B 5C Sample answer

VOCABULARY Hi, I’m Alicia amora and I’m a teacher. Welcome to my
profile! I’d like to tell you a few things about myself.
1A 1 c 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 b 6 a I was born on 2 February, 1 in Sydney, Australia.
1B 1 get a new job My family lived near the sea and I swam almost every
2 pass your exams day after school.
3 learn to drive I finished high school in 200 . After that I studied
4 met my future husband education at Sydney State niversity. I always wanted
5 leave your job to be an English teacher. When I finished my degree
6 become a doctor in 201 , I worked as a trainee teacher at Sandare High
School. I was a great job and I learnt a lot.
1C 1 leave 4 become
Next, I found a job as a teacher at ictoria High School.
2 get 5 learn
I moved to Melbourne for the job and worked there for
3 pass 6 meet
five years. In 2018 I decided to return to Sydney. Now I
GRAMMAR work at Lowbeach High School. It’s close to my family
and friends and I love my students. It’s my dream job!
2A 1 Did (you) go
My interests are swimming, playing video games and
2 did (you) see
going to restaurants with my friends.
3 saw
4 knew Lesson 5C
5 went
6 didn’t speak
7 lost 1 1 b 2 a 3 b 4 c 5 b 6 c
8 met 2 1 e f a c g b h d
9 did (he) come
10 got HOW TO ...
3A 1 b 2 c 3 a
2B 1 b c a a
3B 1 month
2C 2 When did you leave university?
2 at home
3 Davina didn’t go to work yesterday.
3 early
4 Did Emir give her the letters?
4 three
5 We knew she was there.
5 a report
6 He didn’t have a lot of work last week.
6 house
7 What time did you ring Karla?
8 We met at the party. 3C 1 I’m so sorry I’m late.
2 That’s all right.
3 No problem.
3A 1 /e/ 2 / / 3 /æ/ 4 / /
5 /e/ 6 /æ/ 7 /e/ 8 /æ/ PRONUNCIATION
4A 1 S
2 NS
4A 1 Taylor 3 S
2 Manuel

4B 1 F (‘At the end of the day my boss asked me to close the 5A 1 really
shop.’) 2 problem
2 F (‘I didn’t tell anyone it was my birthday’) 3 late
3 T (‘… it was the third time I tried.’) 4 wrong
4 F (‘… It started to rain’) 5 sorry
5 F (‘My parents took me in their car …’)
6 T (‘After that we were friends all the time we were at Lesson 5D
university!’) GRAMMAR
4C 1 b (‘… last month was my twenty-first birthday’) 1A 1 a 2 c 3 b 4 a
2 c (‘we all ate some chocolate cake!’) 1B 1 This restaurant is too noisy.
3 b (‘about a hundred kilometres from where we live’) 2 That book was a bit boring.
4 b (‘… we had to wait on the road for a mechanic! 3 Your shirt looks nice.
After two hours a man came …’) 4 Paris is a beautiful city.
5 b (‘I shared with three other people’) 5 I feel so angry about what happened.
6 b (‘… his family moved away from our town when he 6 That car is too expensive for me.
was seven’) 7 The party was really good.
WRITING 8 It looks very busy in here.
5A 1 c 2 d 3 a 4 e 5 b 1C 1 good restaurant
2 really
5B 1 then
3 new Italian place
2 After that
4 too
3 Next
5 so
6 delicious


8 a bit 3A 1 four 4 four
9 looks good 2 five 5 four
10 quite 3 five
LISTENING 3B 1 Where, going
2A 1 B 2 C 3 A 2 What, listening
2B a 1 (‘I went for a walk on Saturday, then woke up at 3 Who, talking
eleven on Sunday’) 4 Why, running
b (‘… on Sunday I went to the gym, I always go on 5 What, wearing
Sundays.’) LISTENING
c 1 (‘It was a bit boring, really. … I was happy to be
4A 1 in airport security (‘I’m going through security now’)
back at work today!’)
2 driving (‘I’m driving there now, though.’)
d 2 (‘I stayed at home and spent time with my family.’)
e ‘I went with my girlfriend.’) 4B 1 d a e c b f
f 2 (‘It was great. A really fun weekend.’) 4C 1 b (‘The traffic is really bad.’)
2C 1 was 5 went 2 b (‘Can I ask you to wait outside the airport’)
2 bit 6 get 3 a (‘Oh wait, I’m going through security now. Can I
3 did 7 nice call you back in a few minutes?’)
4 walk 8 with 4 a (‘I’m tall, and I’ve got long, straight hair.’)

5 c (‘I’m tall, and I’ve got long, straight hair …
red hair …’)
6 a (‘I’m wearing jeans and a black jacket.’)
VOCABULARY 5 Good Great group moment!
1A 1 curly hair Do you have an amazing good photo of a group
2 top moment you’d like to share show ? Send it to us with
3 jacket a short long description and say why it was great. You
4 skirt can win a camera laptop !
5 bald
6A B
6 beard
7 tie 6B 1 D C E A
8 shirt 6C 1 jacket, jeans, T-shirt, shirt
9 trousers 2 short, straight hair, dark, curly hair, moustache,
10 socks curly hair
1B 1 b a c a c b 3 wearing, smiling, standing
1C 1 tall 6D See Ex A for a sample answer.
2 straight
3 blonde
Lesson 6B
5 dresses 1A 1 noisy / loud
6 jeans 2 cheap
3 interesting
4 difficult / hard
2A 1 ’m/am enjoying 5 safe
2 ’m/am sitting
3 ’m/am watching 1B 1 e c f a 5 b 6 d
4 ’s/is playing 2 1 ride
5 ’m/am having 2 go by
6 isn’t raining 3 got out of
7 ’s/is visiting 4 take
8 ’m not/am not thinking 5 get on
9 are (you) doing 6 get off
10 Are (you) working
2B 1 c b 3 a 4 b
3A 1 a c c b b a
2C 1 Soren and Lazlo are playing football.
3B 1 easier
2 Mila isn’t working from home today.
2 more difficult
3 What are you doing?
3 happier
4 I’m watching T at the moment.
4 more comfortable
5 Is your brother making a video?
5 better
6 enata isn’t sitting at her desk.
6 bigger
7 Where is Charlie going?
7 worse
8 I’m studying French at the moment.
8 cheaper


4A 1 It’s bigger than a house. GRAMMAR
2 They’re worse than cars. 1A 1 out of
3 It’s more expensive than a holiday. 2 across
4 They’re smaller than bikes. 3 up
5 It’s easier than that. 4 towards
6 They’re more comfortable than planes. 5 off
READING 6 over
5A 1 Central-Mid-Levels Escalator 7 along
2 Amfibus 8 past
3 The Chiva Express 1B 1 a b c b
5B 1 A (‘you can see places that you can’t see from the READING
land’) 2A
2 C (‘It takes tourists up mountains to see the
beautiful views.’) 2B 1 c e a d b f
3 E (‘It’s free.’) 2C 1 F (the article says that ‘re-wilding’ is a recent
4 C (‘you can sit on the roof!’) change)
5 A (in the Netherlands) 2 T (‘if you don’t have a garden – plants can grow on
6 E (‘there’s no outside escalator in the world that’s tall buildings’)
longer than this one’) 3 F (‘ In some cities, owers grow on the top of bus
5C 1 F (‘It has big seats ...’) stops!’)
2 T (‘It has … food and drink services.’) 4 F (‘In the summer …’)
3 F (‘Fifty passengers can get on the bus’) 5 T (‘When we spend time in nature, we feel more
4 T (‘you can see places that you can’t see from the relaxed. Plants also make the air quality better,
land’) because trees and owers make oxygen.’)
5 T (It’s 800 metres long) 6 T (‘Growing plants on buildings makes them warmer
in the winter and cooler in the summer, too.’)
Lesson 6C
1A 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 c 5 a 6 c GRAMMAR
1B 1 square 1A 1 We arrived in ome at p.m.
2 pedestrian 2 A: Did you study Italian at school?
3 crossroads B: Yes, we did.
4 end 3 I didn’t watch the news yesterday.
5 corner 4 When I was young, I played a lot of football.
6 park 5 A: Did you start the meeting early?
1C 1 square B: No, we didn’t. You’re late.
2 statue 6 I tried to learn the guitar last year, but it was
3 end difficult.
4 bridge 7 Did you travel with your family?
5 traffic 8 Carole didn’t listen to me yesterday.
6 parks 1B 1 got
2 woke up
HOW TO ...
3 wasn’t
2A 1 electronics shop 4 rang
2 department store 5 didn’t arrive
3 about 10 minutes 6 didn’t know
2B B 7 took
8 had
PRONUNCIATION 9 didn’t leave
3A 1 No, at the cross-roads you turn left. 10 said
2 No, you go past the café.
2 1 big city
3 No, it’s Verdon Drive.
2 green
4A 1 end 4 big, old
2 turn 5 too
3 past 6 feel tired
4 straight 7 so
5 on 8 quite
3 1 ’s/is meeting
2 are (you) doing
3 ’s/is working
4 aren’t answering


5 ’m/am having 1B 1 write

6 Is (James) playing 2 translate
7 isn’t sitting 3 play
8 ’m/am checking 4 type
4A 1 Marek is taller than me. 5 drive
2 Motorbikes are more dangerous than cars. 6 design
3 Are children happier than adults? 1C 1 play
4 Cities are bigger than towns. 2 teach
5 Which is further from here, your office or your 3 relaxed
house? 4 fix
6 The train is more comfortable than the bus. 5 write
7 Which is worse, rain or snow? 6 work
8 This dress is nicer than that dress. 7 designs
4B 1 older 8 hands
2 newer 9 long
3 more expensive 10 translate
4 better GRAMMAR
5 safer 2A 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 a
6 more difficult
7 faster 2B 1 a 7 –
8 busier 2 – 8 –
3 a 9 an
5A 1 b c b a 4 the 10 –
5B 1 along 5 a 11 the
2 towards 6 The 12 at
3 through
4 up 2C 1 The, –
5 over 2 –, an, a
6 down 3 –, –
7 out of 4 the, the
VOCABULARY 3A 1 I get up early in the morning.
6A 1 all 4 from 2 I’d like an apple and an orange.
2 before 5 to 3 We’ve got a meeting in the morning.
3 for 6 later 4 These two things are the same.
5 She’s got a good job in a company.
6B 1 past 5 past 6 He’s on the phone at the moment.
2 lose 6 to
3 late 7 had READING
4 missed 8 o’clock 4A 1 c 2 d 3 e 4 a
7 1 a b c c a b 4B 1 online teacher (‘the money is good’)
2 delivery driver (‘it’s a great way to work outside and
8 1 c f a g h b e d do exercise at the same time’)
9 1 boring 3 house sitter (‘you can stay for many months or one
2 by night!’)
3 ferry 4 delivery driver (‘Always have something to eat
4 safe before you ride your bike though, or you can be very
5 on hungry when you finish!’)
6 ride 5 house sitter (‘It helps if you’re good with animals,
dangerous, in and taxi are the extra words. because people often have a dog, cat …’)
10 1 park 6 upcycling artist (‘fix them and make them look
2 square better.)
3 statue 7 online teacher (‘A lot of people enjoy learning new
4 crossroads skills, or need to study more to pass an exam. Maybe
5 end you can help them.’)
6 pedestrian 8 upcycling artist (‘a broken chair or an old box’)
7 lights 4C 1 pets

8 corner 2 interesting
3 with people
UNIT 7 4 can
5 with their hands
Lesson 7A 6 selling
VOCABULARY 7 outside
1A 1 a 2 c 3 f 4 e 5 d 6 b 8 need


Lesson 7B example, you can work with an old person in their

VOCABULARY garden. It doesn’t take a lot of time and it’s nice to
meet new people!
1A 1 turn off the music / turn the music off
2 pick up rubbish / pick rubbish up 5D Sample answer
3 looked after my dog The woman is training a girl’s football team in the park.
4 gave up her job / gave her job up It’s 10 o’ clock on Saturday morning and it’s sunny. The
5 clean this mess up / clean up this mess woman is talking to the girls and telling them to run
6 look up the information / look the information up fast.
7 pick up my book / pick my book up
Lesson 7C
8 look after the children
1B 1 c a b c c b
1A 1 landline
1C 1 gave 4 clean 2 leave
2 look 5 pick 3 wait
3 look 6 turn 4 back
5 delete
6 phone
2A 1 c 2 g 3 e 4 f 5 b 6 a
1B 1 minute
7 h 8 d
2 double
2B 1 c a c b a b 3 send
2C 1 don’t usually work 4 back
2 ’m/am helping 5 smartphone
3 makes 6 call
4 sells 7 deleted
5 are buying 8 landline
6 ’re/are making HOW TO ...
7 ’re/are sending
2 Thank you for calling (phoning) MovMaxx cinemas.
8 like
Please choose (select) an option. For films and times,
PRONUNCIATION press 1. For our (ticket) prices, press 2. To speak to one
3A It isn’t pronounced in any of the sentences. of our team, press 9 ( ). Alternatively, please visit (read)
our website at
3A 2
4A a
3B 1 Saturday
4B 1 W (‘I’m a teacher’)
2 four/4
2 J (‘I’m in an office all day’)
3 three/
3 J (‘we’re practising for next week, when we have a big
4 11
5 10
4 W (‘Today I’m working in a vegetable garden.’)
6 12. 0
4C 1 F (‘I work at a secondary school’) 7 website
2 T (‘… we’re not growing anything now. It’s January, 8 food
so it’s too cold to grow plants’)
3 T (‘At the moment we’re picking up rubbish and taking
out old plants, preparing the garden for the spring.’) 4A 1 F 2 F 3 4 F 5 6 F
4 F (It’s hard work.) SPEAKING
5 T (‘So it’s great to come here and spend time with
5A 1 I’m phoning
the girls. They all love playing football!’)
2 tell me
6 F (‘… a bit boring.’)
3 another
7 T (‘They all love playing football!’)
4 that’s all
8 F (‘Today we’re practising for next week, when we
5 your help
have a big game.’)
5A b, c, d, f GRAMMAR
5B 1 For 1A 1 b 2 g 3 a 4 h 5 d 6 e 7 c 8 f
2 like 1B 1 a c b a
3 give
1C 1 planned
5C Sample answer 2 decided
The community group in my area do lots of things for 3 like
local people. For example, we organise sports days 4 ’d hate
for children once a month. The children play football, 5 want/’d love
tennis and basketball and it’s free, so it’s good for 6 ’m learning
families that don’t have much money. We also have a 7 need
website where volunteers can offer to help people with 8 ’d love/want
things like shopping or technology. To give another


LISTENING 4C 1 b (‘From the top you have great views of the streets
2A 1 B 2 C 3 A and the centre.’)
2 c (‘It’s a lovely street in the centre of York.’)
2B 1 M (‘I would also love to learn more about 3 a (‘Some of the buildings are 800 years old!’)
photography.’) 4 a (‘We walked for five hours’)
2 (‘I’m learning English because I need to use it in my 5 c (‘ The castle is on the coast, so after you visit, you
job’) can walk along the beach!’)
3 K (‘I love dancing and I want to learn to dance salsa
and tango’) Lesson 8B
4 K (‘I’m learning English because I need to give VOCABULARY
presentations about my clothes to companies and
shops’) 1A 1 photos
5 M (‘I’m learning English because I’d like to work as a 2 visit
Spanish teacher. I need to speak and write in English 3 tour
well to do that’) 4 look
6 (‘I’m trying to learn the piano as a hobby.’) 5 guide
6 use
2C 1 need 4 want
2 hobby 5 like 1B 1 took
3 future 6 plan 2 takes

3 trying
4 used
UNIT 8 5 going on
6 went with
Lesson 8A
VOCABULARY 1C 1 around
2 local
1A 1 b 2 a 3 c 4 c 5 a 6 b 3 tour
1B 1 lovely, forest 4 photos
2 middle 5 guide
3 Ocean 6 class
4 pretty, area
5 top, wonderful
6 National 2A 1 a 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 a 6 b

1C 1 wonderful 2B 1 are/’re going to visit

2 coast 2 are (you) going to watch
3 ocean 3 am/’m going to take
4 lovely 4 ’m not going to stay
5 National 5 Is (Helena) going to play
6 of 6 isn’t going to eat
7 middle 2C 1 Are you going to travel
8 pretty 2 Yes, I am
GRAMMAR 3 I’m going to visit
4 Who are you going to go with
2A 1 a 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 We’re going to do
2B 1 furthest / farthest 6 Where are you going to stay
2 largest 7 we aren’t going to stay
3 highest 8 we’re going to get
4 driest
5 wettest
6 most beautiful 3A 1 Who are you going to see?
2 Is she going to leave?
PRONUNCIATION 3 Where are they going to stay?
3A 1 expensive 4 How are we going to travel?
2 way 5 Are you going to play?
3 place 6 What are we going to do?
4 away
5 area
6 month 4A 1 Rio de Janeiro
2 two
3B Sentences 1, and
4B 1 e c a f d b
4C 1 T (‘We’re going to stay in a really nice hotel on
4A C Copacabana beach.’)
4B 1 Y (‘It’s a lovely street in the centre of York.’) 2 T (‘I really want to eat feijoada, a traditional dish
2 O (‘It’s about two hours away by bus …’) made with black beans and rice.’)
3 Y (‘ owntree Park, close to David and Leyla’s house’) 3 F (‘Then on the third day we’re going on an
4 O (‘They’re about 0 km north of York’) organised tour.’)
5 O (It’s near Scarborough Castle.) 4 F (Santa Teresa is the old town.)
6 Y (It’s near the Shambles.)


5 T (‘It’s a small town about 00 km east of io.’) Lesson 8D

6 T (‘I read that the beaches there are wonderful.’) GRAMMAR
7 T (‘… Karl loves taking photos, he’s going to take a
photography class there.’) 1 1 well
8 F (‘We’re not going to do anything! Just swim in the 2 slowly
sea or the pool …’) 3 happy
4 quiet
WRITING 5 easily
5A 1 Rio de Janeiro 6 loud
2 August 7 careful
3 hot 8 bad
4 the local food 9 dangerously
5 on the beach 10 noisy
5B 1 so 2A 1 brilliant
2 because 2 well
3 because 3 badly
4 so 4 hard
5 fast
5D Sample answer
6 good
In July, my family and I are going to go the Greek island
7 dangerously
of akynthos. It’s my grandmother’s 0th birthday, so
8 careful
we’re going to have a party for her!
We’re going to stay in my uncle’s house in the village of READING
Keri. We’re going to drive from Athens to Kyllini, then 3A 1 B 2 C 3 A
take a boat to ante town. From there it’s half an hour
to his house. 3B a 2 (‘Most people who come here only stay a short
When we’re there, we’re going to swim in the sea every time.’)
day. If it’s not too hot, we’re going to cycle to visit b 1 (‘It’s an interesting area of forest’)
relatives as well. We’re going to eat lots of food, too! c (‘… in the middle of the old town you can take a
Lesson 8C d 1 (eagles)
VOCABULARY e 1 (‘... and experience how they live.’)
f 2 (‘But with this wonderful experience you can stay
1A 1 c 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 a 6 c overnight in a special hotel. The walls and oors are
1B 1 gift salt!’)
2 view g (‘… a cup of Georgian tea.’)
3 password h 2 (‘In the morning, wake up early to see the sun
4 restaurant slowly come up over the desert, which was a lake
5 double millions of years ago.’)
6 shower
7 air
1C 1 pass GRAMMAR
2 transfer
1A 1 a 6 the
3 lift
2 the 7 a
4 safe
3 – 8 a
5 service
4 a 9 –
6 late
5 the 10 an
7 bill
8 luggage 1B 1 the 4 –
2 a 5 the
HOW TO ... 3 the 6 the, the
2A 1 b 2 c 3 d 4 a
2A 1 She doesn’t like English food.
2B 1 F (‘I booked a twin room’) 2 Are you listening to me?
2 F (‘The T in my room isn’t working.’) 3 How many languages do you speak?
3 T (‘Is it possible to book an airport transfer for 4 Who is Jack speaking to? Does he know her?
tomorrow?’) 5 I usually work on Mondays, but today I’m not working.
4 F (‘I’d like to keep my passport in it.’) 6 We have dinner together once a week.
PRONUNCIATION B 1 We’re planning to go to Turkey on holiday.
3A 1 b 2 a 3 a 4 b 2 What would you like to do this evening?
3 I don’t want to watch this film.
4 When did you learn to drive?
4A 1 b 2 f 3 a 4 d 5 e 6 c 5 I’d love to visit the Bahamas.
6 Would you like to come to my party?
3A 1 Jade is the tallest.
2 Laptop is the most expensive.


3 Tina’s house is the furthest from here. 3 1 We hardly ever meet for lunch.
4 Delhi is the biggest city. 2 I go running twice a week.
5 Car 2 is the most modern. 3 James is sometimes late for work. / James is late for
6 Molly’s café is the best. work sometimes.
3B 1 c f a e g b d 4 We go shopping on Saturdays.
5 I don’t usually work at the weekend.
C 1 good 5 slow 6 Our teacher is always friendly.
2 well 6 bad 7 My brother never gets up early.
3 loud 7 happy 8 I check my emails three times an hour.
4 loudly 8 quietly
4 1 this 4 that
4 1 b 2 a c b 2 those 5 these
3 there 6 here
5 1 is 5 are
5 1 good
2 isn’t 6 aren’t
2 front
3 is 7 is
3 hours
4 is 8 are
4 translate
5 fix 6 1 Have (you) got
6 remember 2 haven’t
7 hands 3 ’ve/have got
8 people 4 Has (your sister) got
6 1 up 5 has
2 up 6 haven’t got
3 after 7 1 was 4 wasn’t
4 up 2 weren’t 5 were
5 off 3 were 6 were
6 up
HOW TO ...
7 1 leave (Call, ring and phone all mean the same.)
2 oh nine oh (All the others have two nines.) 8 1 Would
3 mobile (We can read, leave or send a message.) 2 love/like
4 moment (Landlines, mobiles and smartphones are all 3 about
types of phone.) 4 busy
5 back (Second, minute and moment are all periods of 5 Can/Could
time.) 6 fine
6 call back (Call, ring and phone all mean the same.) 7 have
8 would
8 1 c a b c b b 9 like
9 1 print 10 sorry
2 transfer 11 How
3 check 12 sell
4 luggage 13 much
5 pool 14 take
6 view 15 pay
2 e
9 1 officer
3 a
2 player
4 g
3 designer
5 c
4 driver
6 d
5 assistant
7 f
6 student
10 1 live
2 work
1 1 Do 5 are 4 teaches
2 do 6 listen 5 goes
3 like 7 don’t 6 study
4 are 8 are 7 go
8 play
2 I have two sisters. My sisters’ names are Kate and icky.
11 1 cheese
Kate’s house is near mine, but icky lives in Spain with
2 tomato
her husband and two sons. The boys’ names are Mateo
3 lettuce
and Diego. Vicky’s an English teacher and her husband’s
4 cucumber
a doctor. Kate works in her friend’s café.
5 peppers
6 lemonade
7 orange juice

12 1 dinner for two VOCABULARY

2 starters 8 1 get 4 meet
3 main course 2 pass 5 get
4 side dishes 3 become 6 learn
5 dessert
6 waiters 9 1 tall 5 straight
7 service charge 2 hair 6 jeans
8 bill 3 beard 7 coat
4 shorts
13 1 b a a c b c
14 1 newsagent’s 10 1 turn 4 after
2 pharmacy, supermarket 2 give 5 pick
3 sports shop 3 up 6 look
4 dry cleaner’s, café 11 1 slow
2 safe
3 uncomfortable
4 quiet
GRAMMAR 5 long
1 1 travelled 6 cheap
2 studied 7 difficult
3 didn’t post 8 boring
4 stopped 12 1 book 5 check
5 didn’t arrive 2 view 6 leave
6 didn’t watch 3 with 7 passes
7 laughed 4 transfer 8 pay
8 cooked
HOW TO ...
2 1 aren’t working
2 ’re wearing 13 1 sorry
3 are (you) doing 2 problem
4 ’m laughing 3 way
5 is telling 4 end
6 is writing 5 front
7 Is (that girl) playing 6 about
8 isn’t singing 7 another
8 anything
3 1 I’m taller than my mum.
9 give
2 The sofa is more comfortable than the chair.
10 afraid
3 Which is more expensive, coffee or tea?
11 send
4 The weather today is worse than yesterday.
5 My town is safer than a big city.
6 Which is further, my house or your house?
7 A train is quicker than a bicycle. GRAMMAR
8 Which is more difficult, English or Thai?
1 1 lives
4 1 a 5 The 2 Does
2 – 6 – 3 isn’t
3 a 7 an 4 like
4 – 5 Does, doesn’t
6 finishes
5 1 to watch
7 have
2 to visit
8 does
3 to meet
4 to sleep 2 1 some 4 any
5 to play 2 a 5 a
6 to be 3 an 6 some
6 1 are (you) going to come 3 If you visit Thailand and like watching animals, it’s a good
2 ’re/are going to stay idea to visit the city of Lopburi for the monkey festival.
3 ’re/are going (to go) Lopburi is three hours from Bangkok and lots of monkeys
4 ’m/am not going to drive live there. They love playing in the street and hate
5 ’re/are going to have being quiet! During the festival, people like giving the
6 not going to be monkeys fruit and vegetables. They love eating them,
7 1 well but sometimes they also throw food at people! It’s fun!
2 quietly 4 1 any 5 much
3 speaking very fast 2 is 6 Are
4 beautifully 3 a 7 are
5 busy 4 Is 8 isn’t
6 loud
5 1 tall 4 far
2 much 5 many
3 old 6 long


6 1 should travel 3 1 bedroom

2 shouldn’t go 2 counter
3 should bring 3 oven
4 should wear 4 cupboards
5 shouldn’t (only) travel 5 living
6 should go 6 armchair
7 1 Always be 7 pstairs
2 Please ask 8 shower
3 don’t be 9 garage
4 Never 4 1 in 4 last
5 bring 2 after 5 ago
6 Have 3 on 6 yesterday
8 1 had 5 1 brothers
2 met 2 cousins
3 told 3 nephews
4 woke 4 daughter
5 rang 5 uncles
6 didn’t know 6 husband
9 1 Those glasses look great. 7 son
2 This café is really busy. 8 grandson
3 Have you got any green tea?
6 1 see 6 of
4 I watched a very interesting film yesterday.
2 too 7 was
5 That restaurant is too expensive.
3 Sorry 8 glad
6 Tuesday’s lesson was a bit boring.
4 No 9 Have
7 Did you have a good journey?
5 for 10 for
8 It’s so loud in here!
10 1 in 4 past 7 1 spring 4 rainy
2 along 5 over 2 sunny 5 snowing
3 up 6 away 3 warm 6 summer
11 1 the 8 1 missed
2 a 2 was
3 the 3 hear
4 – 4 had
5 the 5 ill
6 the, the 6 problem
7 The, – 7 left
8 –, an, a 8 down
9 – 9 1 ride 5 out of
10 the, a/the 2 on 6 off
12 1 c 5 f 3 take 7 foot
2 g 6 h 4 by
3 a 7 b
10 1 fix 5 front
4 e 8 d
2 good 6 hands
13 1 slower 3 long 7 alone
2 faster 4 drive
3 more interesting
11 1 with 5 try
4 easier
2 look 6 do
5 quieter
3 take 7 use
6 more beautiful
4 on 8 visit
7 better
8 cheaper 12 1 wifi
2 park
1 1 hungry 4 shower
2 angry 5 gym
3 thirsty 6 spa
4 ill 7 restaurants
5 tired 8 gift
6 bored
2 1 go to
2 spend
3 go
4 meet
5 check
6 get
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