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Term I Revision worksheet -2

The living organisms-characteristics and habitats

Grade-6 Subject: SCIENCE

Choose the correct answer:

1. The diagram below shows a food chain.

Which predator–prey relationship is correct?

a) Fish –seal b) green algae –krill

c) Fish –krill d) seal–killer whale
2. The non-living parts of the ecosystem are called as
a. Biotic factors
b. Environmental factors
c. Abiotic factors
d. Climate factors
3. The diagram shows a food web.

Which organisms occupy the same trophic level?

a) 3 and 2 b) 4 and 1 c) 5 and 2 d) 5 and 3
4. Plants tend to lose a lot of water in hot weather. Which of the following helps plants to save water?
A) Shedding leaves
B) Having more leaves
C) Having broad leaves
D) All of these
5. Which of the following can be placed in the empty box to complete the given food web?

a) Tiger b) Hen c) Man d) Vulture

6. Which graph shows the effect on the numbers of prey when their predators are removed?

7. Fish and crabs are aquatic animals with some similar habits. What similar character does 'X'

A) Fins to help them swim

B) Presence of backbone
C) Streamlined body
D) Gills to breathe
8. Read the assertion and reason given below. Mark the correct option.
A) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
B) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
C) Assertion is true and reason is false.
D) Assertion is false but reason is true.

a.Assertion: The plants, animals, microorganism together constitute biotic components

Reason : Rocks, soil, air, H2O, light and temperature are some of our surrounding B
b. Assertion : The leaves of desert plants are either absent, very small or they are present in shapes of
Reason : In deserts only little water is available. A


Answer the following:

1. Define the following:
a) Acclimatization :The ability of an organism to make small adjustments or changes in the body in a
short period of time to adjust itself to the surrounding atmosphere

b) Habitat: The region or place where an organism lives is termed as its habitat. Habitat provides
an organism everything it needs to survive like food, shelter, and proper weather conditions such
as rainfall, heat, etc to breed and flourish.
2. Differentiate between : Zooplankton and Phytoplankton.
Zooplankton: These are small animals floating on the surface of aquatic habitats.
Phytoplankton: Phytoplanktons are microscopic photosynthesizing autotrophic organisms found in
oceans, seas, and freshwater, and an essential component of aquatic ecosystems.
3. Give Reason: In desert plants leaves are either very small or converted into spines

Ans: Leaves are either very small or converted into spines to reduce the loss of water due to
4. In the given food web, P, Q, R, S, T and U are consumers.
a. Which of these consumers are both plant and animal-eaters?

ANS: P and U
b. Differentiate among primary, secondary and tertiary consumers.
Ans: The main difference between primary secondary and tertiary consumers is that primary
consumers are the herbivores that feed on plants, and secondary consumers can be either
carnivore, which preys on other animals, or omnivores, which feed on both animals and
plants, whereas tertiary consumers are the apex predators that feed on both secondary and
primary consumers.

Section C

1. “The speed of animals living in grassland is different from the speed of animals living in forests”.
Justify your answer.
Ans: In small grasses, predators can easily locate their prey. So, these animals have to run fast to
reach a safe place and escape from their predators. Thus, speed is important for survival in the
grasslands for animals that live there.
2. Organisms have adaptations that enable them to survive in extreme conditions. The photograph
shows a Pine tree found in mountain regions

Suggest two ways in which the Pine tree is adapted to grow in mountain
regions. Explain how each adaptation helps it survive in the mountain habitat.

Needle-Like Leaves: Pine trees have needle-like leaves instead of broad leaves.
These needles have several advantages in mountain environments, they
reduce water loss through transpiration, as their smaller surface area minimizes the area through
which water can evaporate
Conical Shape: Pine trees typically have a conical or pyramid-like shape. It helps the tree shed heavy
snowfall more easily. The conical shape allows snow to slide off the branches, reducing the risk of
heavy snow accumulation that could break branches or topple the tree.

3. Decomposers as a group, play a critical role in keeping ecosystems healthy'. Comment on the
Ans: Decomposers as a group play a critical role in keeping ecosystems healthy. When they break
down dead material and wastes, they release nutrients that can be recycled and used as building
blocks by primary producers.
Section D
1. Observe the given food web

a) Write a food chain from this food web with 4 trophic levels
Green plants → Grasshopper→ toads→ Snakes (or any other with 4 levels)
b) Which organisms will increase in number, if the number of snakes increases? Grasshoppers
c) Which of the animal(s) is in competition with birds for their food?Snakes
d) At which trophic level the toads are feeding :second trophic level

2. The populations of four organisms in a lake were measured between 1908 and 1990.

Which organism was affected by an outbreak of disease in 1984? D

What happens in an ecosystem when a disease outbreak causes one organism to
disappear from the food web?

The disappearance of one organism can disrupt the trophic (feeding) relationships within the
ecosystem. If the affected organism is a primary producer, such as a plant, it can lead to a
decline in herbivore populations that depend on it for food. In turn, this may affect the
populations of predators that rely on those herbivores as prey. Thus effect the entire foodweb

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