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Experience Your America Yosemite National Park | Yosemite Guide July 19 – August 22, 2023

Cathedral Lakes
Trails Programs
Events &
10 8
To Fresno
Grove South

Shuttles Services
Visitor Center
Wawona Campground


Wawona Road West
Bridalveil Arch RockEntrance
To Merced
Glacier Point Road
El Portal
Tunnel View
POINT Trailhead
GLACIER Flat Grove
Crane Merced
Flat Road
VALLEY Big Oak Station
Merced YOSEMITE Information
Flat Big Oak Flat
Visitor Center Tamarack Grove
Yosemite Valley
Hodgdon Manteca
Tenaya Lake
Flat Creek Tioga Road Entrance
Visitor Center Porcupine Yosemite
Tuolumne Meadows Big Oak Flat
Tioga Road Evergreen Road
Tuolumne Meadows
Entrance (Wilderness Permit Required)
MEADOWS Entrance
Tioga Pass TUOLUMNE Campground Hetchy
Tuolumne River Backpackers’
Hetch Hetchy Road

Hetch Hetchy
Lee Vining O’Shaughnessy

Park Map

To Lake Eleanor

2 1
to Yosemite National Park!
get the most out of your visit
Keep this Guide with you to

Yosemite Guide
Yosemite Valley Shuttle Map Turn to page 6 for more information on this free service.
Lower Village Mirror
Yosemite Lake
Valleywide Shuttle (Green Route) Fall
Yosemite The Ahwahnee
Falls Trail 5 4
East Valley Shuttle (Purple Route)
6 2
Yosemite 1
Construction will impact Valley Lodge 7
! shuttle service from
May to October 2023.
Housekeeping 12 19 18 17
During construction on shuttle stops Camp 14
from May to October, some stops
will be temporarily relocated nearby.
11 Curry
Village 16
Four Mile Trail
closed in winter
El Capitan 8
Happy Isles
& Mist Trail
ced Ri v
M er er 9
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 19 18 17
9 Valleywide Shuttle (one way) East Valley Shuttle (one way)
10 11 12 14 15 16
Yosemite Village Housekeeping Camp/ Happy Isles/
1 3 The Ahwahnee 8 El Capitan Picnic Area 12 16
Parking Yosemite Conservation Mist Trail
Heritage Center
4 Degnan’s Kitchen 9 El Capitan Meadow
2 Village Store 17 Mirror Lake
Visitor Center Curry Village
5 10 Cathedral Beach 14 (eastbound) Lower Pines
& Museum 18 Campground
6 Lower Yosemite Fall 11 Four Mile Trail Upper Pines
15 Curry Village
Campground 19
Yosemite Valley Lodge/ (Westbound)
7 Yosemite Falls Parking
Yosemite Essentials
Parking & Congestion Bicycling in Yosemite Protect Wildlife—and Yourself
Yosemite Valley has over 12 miles Speeding kills bears.
of paved bike paths. Biking can be More Yosemite bears are killed by
a great way to get around on a cars than any other human-related
busy day—and to enjoy the sights! cause of death. In almost every case,
If you didn’t bring your own bike, the driver was speeding. The speed
stop by a bike rental stand or use limit in Yosemite never exceeds 35
Yosemite Conservancy’s free bike mph, and some areas have lower
share program. Turn to pages 4 speed limits posted. Drive carefully
and 5 for more information. and watch for wildlife on the road.

It is illegal to approach or feed

Be prepared for delays of 2 to 3
any wild animal in Yosemite.
hours from mid-morning to
mid-afternoon. Expect long lines Wildlife can cause injuries and
at entrance stations. On the busiest transmit diseases. Getting used to
days, parking can fill by 9 am. human food causes animals to lose
their natural behaviors, and they
Plan to arrive before 8 am and
can become more aggressive
leave after 5 pm.
toward people. Enjoy watching
Once you find a place to park, stay wildlife from a safe distance.
parked. Use the valley’s free
shuttles to get around, or plan to
Bikes are allowed on paved roads and bike
walk or bike. Turn to page 6 for paths, never on hiking trails. Ride carefully
shuttle information. and remember to share paths with
pedestrians and other cyclists. Helmets are
Plan for delays and use restrooms required for children under 18. Cyclists
when available. must obey traffic laws on park roads.
E-bikes with two or three wheels, fully
Text YNPTRAFFIC to 333111 to operable pedals, and motors less than
sign up for traffic alerts. 750w (1hp) are permitted.

Entering a National Park DISTANCE FROM WILDLIFE: 30 feet = about one bus-length.

Yosemite is a place Prohibited activities include:

where wilderness • Feeding or approaching wildlife
prevails. The Food Storage At Night
• Collecting plants, reptiles, Bears can easily break into vehicles
National Park or butterflies Help keep wildlife wild. Never in search of food. Food, trash, and
Service is bound by intentionally feed any wild animal in other scented items may NOT be
• Hunting animals
its mission to Yosemite. Avoid accidentally sharing stored inside vehicles overnight.
protect Yosemite’s • Picking up archeological items,
such as arrowheads your food by properly storing it. These items must be kept inside a
natural and cultural resources for Allowing a wild animal to eat your
• Using metal detectors food locker, in an approved bear
the benefit and enjoyment of food is harmful to the animal, can resistant container, or in a hotel
future generations. • Driving vehicles into meadows cause damage to your property, and room or cabin. Food may also be
Regulations are in place to protect • Biking off of paved roads can result in a hefty fine. stored inside a completely hard-
park resources and for your safety. • Camping outside of designated sided RV with all windows and vents
campgrounds During the Day
If you see activities that could closed.
• Possession of weapons inside While hiking or picnicking, always
harm people or park resources, keep your food within arm’s reach.
federal facilities For more information about food
write down any descriptions or a When you are away from your
• Possessing or using marijuana, storage and bears, visit
vehicle license plate number and vehicle, keep all windows closed
including medical marijuana
call the park dispatch office at and any food or coolers hidden
209/379-1992. • Using drones
from sight. Never leave food in a If you see a bear in the park,
pickup truck bed or strapped to the email [email protected] oder
outside of a vehicle. call the Save-a-Bear hotline at
Visitor & Emergency Services 209/372-0322.

Fire – Police – Medical Access for People with Disabilities

Emergency For a complete list of accessible
Call or text 911 for emergencies. services, exhibits, and recreational
Where is My Pet Park Partners
Medical Clinic (in Yosemite Valley): opportunities, pick up a Yosemite
Allowed in Yosemite?
Open Mon through Fri from 9 am to Accessibility Guide at any park
5 pm. Urgent care walk-ins from entrance station or visitor center, Pets are allowed in
1 pm to 3:30 pm with out-of- view online at developed areas, on
pocket fees. Phone: 209/372-4637 planyourvisit/accessibility.htm, or fully paved roads,
call a park Accessibility Coordinator sidewalks, and
Road, Weather, at 209/379-1035.
& Park Information bicycle paths (except
Check road updates: 209/372-0200 Sign Language interpreting where signs prohibit pets), and in
is available upon request. all campgrounds except walk-in
Yosemite Village Garage Contact Deaf Services at campgrounds and group
Offers 24-hour emergency roadside 209/379-5250 (v/txt). Two weeks campgrounds. Pets must be
assistance and propane service until advance notice is requested. restrained on a leash not more
4:30 pm. NO gas is available here. than six feet long and may not be
Phone: 209/372-1060 Assistive Listening Devices are
available upon advance request left unattended. Other regulations
Lost & Found at any visitor center. also apply.
For items lost or found at one of Pets are NOT allowed on shuttle
Yosemite’s restaurants, hotels, or Accessible parking spaces are
available throughout the park. buses or indoor lodging areas,
lounges, call 209/372-4357. For including lobbies and rooms.
items lost or found in other areas
of the park, call 209/379-1001.

Keep in Touch @YosemiteNPS Yosemite

@YosemiteNPS Guide February 1, 2023
@YosemiteNPS Enjoy- March 28, 2023
your visit!
Park Map
The first stop for many park visitors, Yosemite Valley is known for its towering Visting Yosemite with
granite walls and iconic features like El Capitan and Half Dome. Although the kids or kids-at-heart?
valley’s waterfalls roar in spring, by mid-summer they usually slow to a trickle.
Yosemite is still being impacted by last winter’s historic snowfall, which delayed the
Visitors can choose from a number of scenic trails to walk, hike, or bicycle.
seasonal opening of some roads and facilities. Some high-elevation areas of the park, Other popular activities include rock climbing and rafting (when conditions Yosemite National Park

outside of Yosemite Valley, may be snowy or flooded even in late summer. allow.) Enjoy a variety of talks, tours, and art and photography classes. Turn to
page 8 for a schedule of programs.
For the most up-to-date information on park roads and trails, scan the QR code or visit Start your day at the Yosemite Valley Visitor Center for trail maps and other information. Then stop by the Yosemite Museum next door to explore the
Yosemite Valley park’s cultural connections through live demonstrations and objects on display.
Turn to page 4 for hours.
A Park Guide for Ages 4 to 12

The Mariposa Grove is home to over 500 mature giant sequoias. Park at the
Welcome Plaza, near Yosemite’s South Entrance. Take a free shuttle up to the
Lake Eleanor
To grove, or follow the 2-mile Washburn Trail. There are several miles of walking
and hiking trails within the grove. Stop in Wawona for more hiking, visitor
HETCH services, and to visit the Yosemite History Center and Chinese Laundry exhibit.
HETCHY & Lee Vining
Turn to page 8 for a schedule of programs in this area of the park. Pick up a Junior Ranger Handbook at
Dam any open visitor center. Complete the
Distance from Yosemite Valley 30 mi/48 km (1 hour)
activities while you explore the park,
Hetch Hetchy Tioga Pass Directions From Yosemite Valley, take Wawona Road (Hwy 41). Watch for and earn your junior ranger badge!
Hetch Hetchy Backpackers Tuolumne River Entrance signs for the Mariposa Grove just before the park’s South Entrance.
Campground Mariposa Grove Turn to page 8 for a schedule of free
Hetch Hetchy
(Wilderness Permit Required)
TUOLUMNE & Wawona Road Conditions Wawona Road remains open year-round. art activities and other programs just
Entrance MEADOWS for kids!
Wolf Tuolumne Meadows Take in stunning views of Yosemite Valley from 3,000 feet above the valley
campground closed in 2023
floor. Numerous trailheads and other scenic vistas are also accessible from
Tuolumne Meadows
Planning Your
Evergreen Road Glacier Point Road. Services are limited at Glacier Point in 2023.
Yosemite Visitor Center Yosemite Adventure
Creek Porcupine Distance from Yosemite Valley 30 mi/48 km (1 hour)
To Flat Tenaya Lake
Groveland Hodgdon Directions From Yosemite Valley, take Wawona Road (Hwy 41). After 9 miles, Turn to page 4 for visitor services,
& Manteca Meadow Tioga Road turn left onto Glacier Point Road. including bike and raft rentals and
Big Oak Flat Road Conditions Due to its high elevation, Glacier Point Road is closed each tour desks. Turn to page 8 for a
Tuolumne Tamarack Flat Camp 4 Upper Pines
Entrance Grove year from approximately November through May or June. Parking at Glacier schedule of programs and classes.
Yosemite Valley Lower Pines
Big Oak Flat YOSEMITE Welcome Center North Pines Point is very limited, especially between 9 am and 5 pm. In Summer 2023,
Information Glacier Point
VALLEY expect delays of up to 30 minutes as road construction is completed. If you’re visiting for a day or less:
Station Big Oak Flat Road
Merced Crane As you travel through the valley, stop
Grove Flat Merced River
GLACIER The Merced Grove is closed starting July 10 for biomass removal. For more
at Tunnel View, El Capitan Meadow,
Tunnel View POINT information on this project, please visit
or Valley View for scenic viewpoints.
Arch Rock
Entrance Stop by the Valley Visitor Center to
Glacier Point Road Visit two giant sequoia groves north of Yosemite Valley that are smaller than
pick up a trail map, get a passport
El Portal the more famous Mariposa Grove, but far less busy. Hike one mile down to the
Road stamp, and view the park film.
To El Portal Bridalveil Tuolumne Grove, or 1.5 miles down to the Merced Grove. Parking at each
Mariposa Creek trailhead is extremely limited. Explore the park’s cultural connections
& Merced at the Yosemite Museum.
Distance from Yosemite Valley 16 mi/26 km (30 minutes)
Yosemite Take a scenic stroll around Cook’s
Directions From Yosemite Valley, take Big Oak Flat Road (continuation of Hwy
Meadow and Lower Yosemite Fall.
Wawona Road 120) to Tioga Road Junction at Crane Flat.
Big Oak Flat Road Spend 2–3 hours hiking the Mist Trail
There are NO first-come, Road Conditions Big Oak Flat Road remains open year-round.
first-served campsites in to Vernal Fall, the Mirror Lake Trail, or
WAWONA Yosemite during the summer. a section of the Valley Loop Trail.
Yosemite History Center Reservations are required for
Wawona all campgrounds. Turn to A source of water and hydroelectric power for San Francisco, Hetch Hetchy is Take a Valley Floor Tour or attend a
Wawona Campground Visitor Center page 5 for more information. also home to spectacular scenery. From here, visitors can walk across the dam, ranger talk to learn about the park.
hike along the reservoir, or access Yosemite’s Wilderness. Hetch Hetchy is a
North great place to hike in cooler months, but it is typically very hot in the summer. If you’re visiting for multiple days:
South Mariposa Grove
Entrance Distance from Yosemite Valley 40 mi/64 km (1½ hours) Take on a more challenging, all-day
of Giant Sequoias
Directions From Yosemite Valley, take Big Oak Flat Road (Hwy 120 W.) Just hike in Yosemite Valley.
0 5km 5 miles
outside the Big Oak Flat Entrance, turn right on Evergreen Road. Enjoy a scenic bicycle ride on the
Roads on map are
Road Conditions The road is open daily from 7 am to 9 pm. Vehicles and valley’s 12 miles of paved bike paths.
To simplified and do not trailers over 25 feet long and 8 feet wide are not permitted on the narrow,
Oakhurst Hetch Hetchy Visit Glacier Point and hike to Sentinel
& Fresno reflect degree of windiness winding Hetch Hetchy Road. Dome and Taft Point.
Explore the many miles of trails within
NOTE: There are only 2 gas stations in Gas Station Entrance Station Campground Visitor Center Information Center the Mariposa Grove and visit the
the park and NO GAS in Yosemite Valley. Enjoy a 40-mile scenic drive through Yosemite’s spectacular high country. Tioga
Yosemite History Center in Wawona.
Road (continuation of Hwy 120 through the park) climbs from 6,000 ft in
elevation to nearly 10,000 ft at Tioga Pass, the park’s only entrance from the Enjoy an all-day scenic drive on Tioga
east. Along the way, visitors will find numerous trailheads, scenic vistas, lush Road to Olmsted Point, Tenaya Lake,
subalpine meadows, and glacier-carved lakes. Services are extremely limited in and Tuolumne Meadows.
Yosemite Valley Visitor Center | 9 am to 5 pm
this remote area of the park. Sign up for an art class at the Happy
Distance from Yosemite Valley 54 mi/87 km (1½ hours) Isles Art and Nature Center, or a
Wawona Visitor Center at Hill’s Studio | 8 am to 5 pm photography course with The Ansel
Directions From Yosemite Valley, take Big Oak Flat Road (Hwy 120 W) to
Adams Gallery.
Tioga Road & Crane Flat. Turn right onto Tioga Road (Hwy 120 E.)
Big Oak Flat Information Station | 8 am to 5 pm Tuolumne Meadows Road Conditions Tioga Road is expected to open by late July. Ask a ranger or
Learn to rock climb with an instructor,
or rent a raft to float the Merced River
call 209/372-0200 (1,1) to check the road’s status.
through Yosemite Valley.
Tuolumne Meadows Visitor Center | 9:30 am to 4:30 pm
Opening date to be determined Stay up late to stargaze, or sign up for
Turn to pages 4 & 5 for information about visitor services in Yosemite. an evening program in the park.

2 Experience Your America Yosemite National Park Yosemite Guide July 19 – August 22, 2023 3
Services Historic winter storms in early 2023 caused severe damage to some of Yosemite’s roads and facilities.
Seasonal operating dates and hours are subject to change.


Yosemite Valley Visitor Center Yosemite Village (Village Store) YOSEMITE VILLAGE YOSEMITE VILLAGE
9 am to 5 pm 8 am to 7 pm The Ansel Adams Gallery Degnan’s Kitchen Wawona Visitor Center Big Oak Flat Information Center Pastor Brent Moore, There is NO first-come, first-
Yosemite Museum Yosemite Valley Lodge 9 am to 5 pm Breakfast: 7 am to 11 am at Hill’s Studio 8 am to 5 pm Resident Minister served camping in Yosemite
10 am to 5 pm 8 am to 7 pm Lunch: 11:30 am to 6 pm 8 am to 5 pm 209/372-4831 during the summer. Reservations
Yosemite Conservancy Bookstore are available several months in
Wilderness Center Curry Village at Yosemite Valley Visitor Center Peet’s coffee, pastries, light Yosemite History Center
breakfast, deli sandwiches, GIFTS CHAPEL SERVICES advance. Campgrounds are usually
8 am to 5 pm 8 am to 7 pm 9 am to 5 pm Open daily
& grab-and-go items. Sundays at 9:15 am & 11 am full from April to September.
Happy Isles Art & Nature Center Yosemite Museum Store Indoor & outdoor seating. Visit for
9 am to 4 pm, may close for lunch 10 am to 4 pm, closed for lunch Yosemite Conservancy Bookstore
SHOWERS & Village Grill ACTIVITIES at Big Oak Flat Information more information and a schedule of
Yosemite Conservation Heritage LAUNDRY Village Store 11:00 am to 6 pm
Zero Landfill Initiative: reservation release dates.
Center 8 am to 10 pm Fast casual, burgers & sandwiches. 9 am to 5 pm
Propane Canisters Campground Reservations
10 am to 4 pm HOUSEKEEPING CAMP Conditions permitting
Outdoor seating. Closed Wed & Thurs (recommended)
Closed Mon & Tues Laundry THE AHWAHNEE Golf Course & Disc Golf Exciting news, campers: you can or 877/444-6777 (7 am to 9 pm PT)
8 am to 10 pm THE AHWAHNEE Regular Golf: Thurs – Mon now buy and exchange Little
Gift Shop
TOURS & 8 am to 8 pm
8 am to 6 pm GAS & Kamper 1 lb. propane canisters in
Coffee Bar Disc Golf: Tues & Wed Yosemite stores, including the Village OPEN CAMPGROUNDS
ACTIVITIES 7 am to 10 am
CURRY VILLAGE Sweet Shop 12 pm to 6 pm Store, Curry Village Gift Shop, Conditions permitting
7 am to 9 pm The Ahwahnee Bar Crane Flat Gas & Grocery Mountain Shop, Wawona Store, and
YOSEMITE VALLEY LODGE Showers Tennis Courts In Yosemite Valley:
24 hours 11 am to 9 pm 8 am to 5 pm El Portal Market. Here’s how it
Tour and Activity Desk 8 am to Dusk Camp 4 | Reservations available one
YOSEMITE VALLEY LODGE Casual dining & signature cocktails. 24-hour pay-at-the-pump with card. works:
7:30 am to 7 pm Indoor & outdoor seating. Stable week in advance for May 21
Gift Shop 1. Purchase a canister.
Swimming Pool AUTOMOTIVE 8 am to 10 pm Ahwahnee Dining Room
2-hour rides daily at 8 am, 10 am, through September 30. Tent
11 am to 6 pm SERVICES 12 pm, & 2 pm. All-day rides EL PORTAL 2. Use up the fuel. camping only, no pets allowed.
Breakfast: 7 am to 10 am Thursdays at 8 am. Conditions
Dinner: 5:30 pm to 9 pm 3. Bring the canister back to any Upper Pines Campground
Yosemite Village Garage CURRY VILLAGE permitting.
CURRY VILLAGE Fine dining. Appropriate attire store that participates in the Little
Lower Pines Campground
24-hour roadside assistance. Yosemite Mountain Shop
respectfully required for dinner. GROCERY Kamper propane exchange program.
Mountaineering School Call 209/372-1060 8 am to 8 pm North Pines Campground
8:30 am to 12 pm, 1 to 4:30 pm No gas available in Yosemite Valley.
Dinner reservations strongly GIFTS, GEAR, 4. Trade in your empty canister for a
Gift & Grocery El Portal Market Outside of Yosemite Valley:
Raft Rentals
recommended. Call 209/372-1489 & GROCERIES full one at a lower price.
8 am to 10 pm or visit 8 am to 5 pm Hodgdon Meadow Campground
Conditions permitting In alliance with the Zero Landfill
Wawona Store & Initiative, Yosemite Conservancy, the
10 am to 4 pm POST OFFICE Wawona Campground
HOUSEKEEPING CAMP YOSEMITE VALLEY LODGE Pioneer Gift Shop National Park Service and Yosemite
8 am to 8 pm GAS STATION Hospitality are working together to
Grocery Base Camp Eatery
Yosemite Village Post Office Yosemite Conservancy Bookstore reduce improper disposal of single- CAMPGROUNDS OPENING IN
8 am to 8 pm Breakfast: 6:30 am to 10:45 am
Mon – Fri: 8:30am to 5pm at Wawona Visitor Center El Portal Service Station use propane canisters and send less SUMMER 2023
Lunch/Dinner: 11 am to 9 pm
Sat: 10am to noon 8 am to 5 pm 8 am to 5 pm waste to our local landfill. Help us Conditions permitting
Fast casual dining. Indoor seating.
Yosemite Conservancy Depot at 24-hour pay-at-the-pump with card. by doing your part! Bridalveil Creek Campground
Map of Yosemite Village Mountain Room Lounge Mariposa Grove Welcome Plaza *This project was made possible in Crane Flat Campground
Yosemite Museum Visitor Center and Theater
Mon – Fri: 4:30 pm to 10 pm 9 am to 5 pm part by a grant from the National
& Indian Cultural
Yosemite Conservancy Bookstore Sat & Sun: 12 pm to 10 pm GLACIER POINT Park Foundation through the
Tamarack Flat Campground
Beer on tap, signature cocktails, generous support of Subaru of White Wolf Campground
The Ansel Adams Gallery
& appetizers. Glacier Point Gift Shop
To Ahwahnee Hotel GAS STATION 9 am to 7 pm America. Yosemite Creek Campground
Valley Wilderness Center
Indoor & outdoor seating.
Administration Post Office Medical Clinic 10 Conditions permitting. Porcupine Flat Campground
Girls Building
Degnan’s Kitchen Mountain Room Restaurant
5 Wawona Service Station Glacier Point Snack Stand YOSEMITE
Dinner: 5 pm to 10 pm 8 am to 6 pm 11 am to 5 pm BIKE SHARE
Upscale casual dining. Diesel & propane available. 24-hour CAMPGROUNDS CLOSED IN 2023
10 Conditions permitting.
To Yosemite Falls Shuttle Reservations recommended. pay-at-the-pump with card. Tuolumne Meadows Campground
Stop 5 Store The free Yosemite Bike Share is open
15 for the season! You can use the bike
TIOGA ROAD & share for short trips (up to two Sleeping inside a vehicle is only
Northside D
Stop 2
CURRY VILLAGE POST OFFICE TUOLUMNE MEADOWS hours) in Yosemite Valley. allowed in campsites. You may not
Garage Peet’s Coffee Corner 1. Get connected: Download sleep overnight in a parking lot or
6 am to 2 pm Wawona Post Office White Wolf Lodge the Yosemite Bike Share mobile app along the side of the road.
Espresso beverages, pastries, & Mon - Fri: 9 am to 1 pm Closed in 2023 for Apple/iOS or Android in advance.
Hiking & Biking Trail light breakfast. Indoor seating. Sat: 9 am to noon High Sierra Camps
Approx. Walking Time (minutes)
2. Get a bike: Use the app to unlock
5 Seven Tents Pavilion Closed in 2023 a bike at one of the Yosemite Bike LODGING
P Breakfast: 7 am to 10 am Tuolumne Meadows Lodge Share stations, located at the
Authorized Vehicles (shuttles)
To Curry Village
Dinner: 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Closed in 2023 Yosemite Village Parking Area and
25 Fast casual dining. Indoor seating. BEVERAGE on the Village mall (between the
Lodging inside the park is operated
Shuttle Tuolumne Meadows Grill by Yosemite Hospitality. Reservations
Stop 1 Jennie’s Ice Cream Wawona Hotel Dining Room Valley Wilderness Center and the may be made up to one year in
Sentinel Crossover 8 am to 6 pm
P 11 am to 8:30 pm Breakfast: 7 am to 10 am Valley Visitor Center). advance and are strongly
Conditions permitting.
Meadow Grill Lunch: 11 am to 3 pm 3. Get pedaling: Ride safely! Use recommended. Book a stay online
Dinner: 5 pm to 9 pm Tuolumne Meadows Store
11 am to 8 pm the helmet provided with the bike at or by
8 am to 8 pm
Rehabilitation of The Ahwahnee Fast casual taqueria. Lounge Service: 5 pm to 9:30 pm (or wear your own) and stay on calling 888/413-8869.
Conditions permitting.
Outdoor seating. Summer BBQ roads and paved bike paths.
After more than 95 years in service, The Ahwahnee is continuing a multi- Tuolumne Meadows Post Office
phase comprehensive rehabilitation plan to preserve the hotel’s historic Pizza Deck Saturdays: 5 pm to 7 pm Visit
integrity, while bringing the building to code with modern fire and seismic 11 am to 10 pm Golf Shop & Snack Stand share to learn more about this
safety standards. Scaffolding and construction noise may be present during Pizza whole & by the slice. 7 am to 6 pm Tuolumne Meadows program, see a map of bike paths,
parts of the rehabilitation project. Outdoor seating. Visitor Center & Bookstore and plan your routes.
9:30 am to 4:30 pm
Due to these historic projects, Ahwahnee parking lot space has been Bar 1899 Opening date to be determined
reduced. Parking is valet only with a $30 nightly charge, $15 day-use or $10 11:30 am to 10 pm
with validation. This change will only be during this historic project and will Beer on tap, signature cocktails,
return to normal upon completion. & appetizers. Indoor seating.

4 Experience Your America Yosemite National Park Yosemite Guide July 19 – August 22, 2023 5
Shuttles in Yosemite Valley
Lower Village Mirror
Yosemite Lake
Valleywide Shuttle (Green Route) Fall
Yosemite The Ahwahnee
Falls Trail 5 4
East Valley Shuttle (Purple Route)
6 2

Yosemite 1
Valley Lodge 7
Construction will impact shuttle service
! from May to October 2023.
During construction on shuttle stops from May to October,
The FREE Yosemite Valley shuttles operate from 7 am to 10 pm
some stops will be temporarily relocated nearby. Housekeeping 12 19 18 17
daily and service stops in numerical order. Camp 14
Valleywide Shuttle (Green Route)
Services ALL stops. 11 Curry
Runs approximately every 22 to 32 minutes with a total
Village 16
round-trip time of 1 hour and 30 minutes. Four Mile Trail
closed in winter
East Valley Shuttle (Purple Route) El Capitan 8
Service resumes on or after July 20. Happy Isles
Services SELECT stops. & Mist Trail
Runs approximately every 18 to 22 minutes with a total round-
ced Ri v
trip time of 50 minutes.
M er er 9
Expect long delays and full shuttles on busy 10
days throughout the summer. Some 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 19 18 17
destinations may be reached more quickly by 9 Valleywide Shuttle (one way) East Valley Shuttle (one way)
walking. Check signs posted at shuttle stops 10 11 12 14 15 16
for estimated walking times.


3 The Ahwahnee 6 Lower Yosemite Fall 9 El Capitan Meadow 12 Housekeeping Camp/ 16 Happy Isles/Mist Trail The Yosemite Area Regional
Transportation System (YARTS) is a
Bring plenty of food and water
for potential delays and stop
Yosemite Conservation
public transit system that provides and use restrooms when
Heritage Center
Trailhead, Art & Nature Center service into Yosemite National Park. available.
Lodging, Dining, Gift Shop Trailhead, Picnic Area, Scenic View
Scenic View Park your vehicle for the
Information, Lodging, Gift and Buses are air-conditioned, bike duration of your stay. Driving
4 Degnan’s Kitchen 10 Cathedral Beach
Grocery, Showers, Laundry friendly, wheelchair accessible, and from site to site increases traffic
equipped for rider comfort. Save congestion and can cause
gas, save time, save money, by frustration for you and your
Dining, Gift and Grocery
14 Curry Village taking YARTS! passengers.
Scenic View, Picnicking (eastbound)
Less than a 5-minute walk: Ride the free shuttle buses to
Post Office, Visitor Center, enjoy Yosemite Valley most
1 Yosemite Village Theater, Museum easily once parked.
Parking Lodging, Dining, Gift and 17 Mirror Lake
Grocery, Amphitheater, Arrive early and stay late, and
Showers visit Yosemite during the week.
Parking area fills early. Once Trailhead Enjoy the entire Yosemite
you find a spot, keep it, and
region—consider visiting
use the free shuttle. 7 Yosemite Valley
18 Lower Pines
gateway communities such as
Dining, shopping, and Lodge/Yosemite Mariposa, Groveland, Lee
information are only a 5–10 Falls Parking Campground
Vining, and Oakhurst.
minute walk from here.
5 Visitor Center Dining, Gift and Grocery, Campground, Amphitheater
Ride a YARTS bus to enter
the park.
& Museum
2 Village Store Trailhead

Visitor Center, Theater,

15 Upper Pines 19 Curry Village
8 El Capitan Picnic Area Campground (Westbound) For more information,
Dining, Gift and Grocery Museum 11 Four Mile Trail bus schedules, and tickets,
L ess than a 5-minute walk: L ess than a 5-minute walk: visit
Post Office, Visitor Center, Post Office, Dining, Gift and Campground Lodging, Dining, Gift and or call 877/989-2787.
Scenic View, Picnicking
Theater, Museum Grocery Trailhead Less than a 5-minute walk: Grocery, Amphitheater,
Trailhead Parking, Trailhead Showers

6 Experience Your America Yosemite National Park Yosemite Guide July 19 – August 22, 2023 7
Events & Programs Go to or the NPS app to view the
web events calendar. Program offerings are subject to change.

Programs in Wawona & Mariposa Grove


9 am Coffee with a Ranger Meet at Pine Tree Market for coffee, a Q&A session, and NPS 1 hr Wed & Sat
general park updates with one of our rangers. Drop-ins welcome!

10 am Nature Walk: Mariposa Grove Meet at the Mariposa Grove Arrival Area. Allow time to ride
the shuttle from the parking area to the grove. NPS 1.5 hrs Daily

B.A.R.K. Ranger Walk Meet across from Wawona Hotel at the Meadow Loop trailhead. Bring
Photo by Evan Russel 1:30 pm heat protective dog booties and training treats. Limit of 10 dogs, first come first served. NPS 45 min Wed & Sat

Jr. Ranger Walk

2:30 pm Meet at the Wawona Visitor Center at Hill’s Studio. Recommended for ages 4 & up. NPS 45 min Daily
Programs in Yosemite Valley
7 pm Campfire Program
Meet at Wawona campground amphitheater. Bring your own s’mores supplies! NPS 1 hr Wed & Sat
Adventure Hike: El Capitan Loop Tickets/info at
8:30 am $ YH 8 hrs Sun
Meet at Yosemite Valley Lodge Amphitheater. Ages 12 & up.

Adventure Hike: Nevada Fall Tickets/info at Programs in Tuolumne Meadows

8:30 am $ YH 8 hrs Tues & Fri
Meet at Yosemite Mountaineering School in Curry Village. Ages 12 & up.
Discovery Hike: Vernal Fall Tickets/info at
9 am $ YH 4 hrs Thurs
Meet at Yosemite Mountaineering School in Curry Village. Ages 12 & up. 8:30 am Ranger Walk: Birds Meet at Lembert Dome parking lot. Binoculars available. NPS 2 hrs Wed & Sat
9 am Bike to Hike Tickets/info at Meet at Curry Village Bike Stand. $ YH 3 hrs Mon, Wed, Sat
Art Class Meet at the Happy Isles Art and Nature Center for art classes, such as mosaics, Mon – Fri 10 am Naturalist Walk with a Ranger Meet at the Visitor Center parking area. NPS 1 hr Daily
9 am colored pencils, and watercolors. Register at $ YC 4 hrs (Except 7/28)

The Ansel Adams Gallery Photography Walk Space is extremely limited, reserve in advance 12 pm Family Ranger Talk Meet at the Visitor Information Station/Visitor Center. NPS 15 min Daily
9 am TAAG 1.5 hrs Tues & Thurs
at or by calling 209/372-4413. Reservations open three days in advance.
2 pm Parson’s Memorial Lodge Summer Series Held at Parson’s Lodge in Tuolumne Meadows. Sat & Sun
In the Field: Creative Smartphone Photography Space is limited, reserve in advance at Talks and music by artists, poets, writers and scientists. 30 minute walk from parking. NPS 1.5 hrs
9 am $ TAAG 3 hrs Wed July 29 to Aug 20 or by calling 209/372-4413.

Jr. Ranger Walk Meet at Shuttle Stop #6 for an easy walk with kid-focused 3 pm Family Ranger Talk Meet at the Visitor Information Station/Visitor Center. NPS 15 min Daily
10 am NPS 1 hr Daily
activities related to Yosemite. All children must be accompanied by an adult.
Stars Over Mono Lake Meet at South Tufa in Mono Basin. Dress warmly and
Kids’ Art Class Meet at the Happy Isles Art and Nature Center for art classes geared Mon – Thurs 8 pm* bring a chair or blanket to sit on. *Begins at 8:30 pm during month of July. NPS 1.5 hrs Mon
11 am YC 1 hr (Except 7/20)
toward ages 4–11. Walk-ups only, limited space.

Kids’ Art Class Meet at the Happy Isles Art and Nature Center for art classes geared Mon – Thurs
1 pm YC 1 hr
toward ages 4–11. Walk-ups only, limited space. (Except 7/20) Special Programs & Events
1 pm Kids’ Science Friday Meet at the Happy Isles Art and Nature Center for a pop-up YC 15 min Fri EVENT DATE & TIME LOCATION
children’s science program.
Junior Ranger Day Junior Ranger Day expands upon Yosemite’s Junior Ranger Parkwide!
Discovery Hike: Mirror Lake Tickets/info at $ Handbook with a variety of FREE family-oriented programs and activities Stop by a visitor center
1 pm YH 4 hrs Wed & Sat Saturday, July 29,
Meet at Ahwahnee Front Desk. Ages 12 & up. throughout the park. Whether or not you have been sworn in as a Junior Ranger, for a schedule of event
from 10 am to 4:30 pm.
all are welcome to participate. You can also become a Junior Ranger if you haven’t times and locations.
Discovery Hike: Vernal Fall Tickets/info at $ yet! Handbooks are available for free at park visitor centers.
1 pm YH 4 hrs Mon
Meet at Yosemite Mountaineering School in Curry Village. Ages 12 & up.

In the Footsteps of Ansel Adams Space is limited, reserve in advance at or Reception for artists MaryEllen Hackett and Martino Hoss Free and open to the public, The Ansel Adams Gallery in
1 pm $ TAAG 4 hrs Mon MaryEllen and Martino will be in The Ansel Adams Gallery on August 10 for an opening reception Thursday, August 10
by calling 209/372-4413. Yosemite Village
for their show, On Common Ground: Work by MaryEllen Hackett and Martino Hoss. The show at 1 pm (Shuttle Stops 2, 4, & 5)
Ansel Adams’s Legacy and Your Digital Camera Space is limited, reserve in advance at will run until September 16.
1 pm $ TAAG 4 hrs Thurs or by calling 209/372-4413.
Yosemite Knapping Event Ever wonder how arrow points are made? Come take a closer look Indian Village
In the Field: Creative Smartphone Photography Space is limited, reserve in advance at at the process of knapping - the art of making stone tools. Demonstrators will be in Indian Village August 5 & 6
1 pm $ TAAG 3 hrs Sat 9 am to 5 pm (Shuttle Stops 2, 4, & 5) or by calling 209/372-4413. behind the Yosemite Valley Visitor Center & Yosemite Museum.
Climber Walk Join a Yosemite climbing ranger for a walk to the base of El Capitan and back.
2 pm Learn about the history of climbing, the equipment used, and what it’s like to live on the wall. NPS 2 hrs Sun
Bring water and comfortable hiking shoes. Meet in El Capitan Meadow near Shuttle Stop 9. Programs especially for children and their families Indicates facilities accessible to visitors in wheelchairs. Short, steep inclines may be encountered.
Contact 209/379-5250 (v/txt) to request a sign language interpreter. Advanced notice of two
$ Programs with a fee YC Yosemite Conservancy
2 pm Bike to Hike Tickets/info at Meet at Curry Village Bike Stand. $ YH 3 hrs Thurs weeks is requested, but not required.
NPS National Park Service TAAG The Ansel Adams Gallery
Assistive Listening Devices are available upon advanced request for any public program.
YH Yosemite Hospitality YCHC Yosemite Conservation Heritage Center
Curry Village Historic Tour Learn the rich history of Curry Village on this free walking tour. Inquire at any visitor center or tour desk.
2 pm YH 1 hr Daily
Meets at the Curry Village Amphitheatre.

2 pm
Ranger Walk: Wild About Bears Learn about bears in Yosemite with a ranger (no bear
NPS 1.5 hrs Wed, Fri, Sat
More Activities with Park Partners
sightings expected.) Meet at Shuttle Stop #6.
Jr. Ranger Discovery Table Drop in between 2 and 4 pm to get started or finish
earning a Jr. Ranger badge. Located in front of the Yosemite Valley Visitor Center
Yosemite Conservancy Art Classes Exhibitions at the Gallery Yosemite Hospitality
2 pm NPS 2 hrs Daily Head to Happy Isles Art and Nature Intrepid: One Hundred (and Two)
(Shuttle Stop #5). Join Yosemite Conservancy for a Join a park ranger on an open-air
Center for an outdoor workshop with Years Photographing the High Sierra
memorable experience in the park! tram for the scenic Valley Floor Tour.
2 pm
Paint & Sip Learn the basics of watercolor and create an iconic Yosemite landscape step-by-
$ YC, YH 2 hrs Fri a professional artist, nature journaling June 25 to July 29
step. Meet at the Mountain Room Lounge, register in advance at Advanced registration is required for Tours offered daily at 10 am, 11 am,
strolls, children’s art activities, and On Common Ground: Work by
all Outdoor Adventures. Explore our 1 pm, 2 pm, and twilight. Visit
Kids’ Art Class Meet at the Happy Isles Art and Nature Center for art classes geared Mon – Thurs nature exhibits. Pre-registration is MaryEllen Hackett and Martino
2:30 pm YC 1 hr website ( and follow, stop by the
toward ages 4–11. Walk-ups only, limited space. (Except 7/20) recommended for art classes. Open Hoss | August 10 to September 16
us on social media to find the latest tour desk at the Yosemite Valley
from 9 am to 4 pm.
Children’s Hour Join us for a book reading and activity at the Yosemite Conservation updates from our team, learn more Lodge, or call 888/413-8869 to
3 pm Heritage Center (Shuttle Stop #12.) No reservation needed! YCHC 1 hr Wednesdays
about our organization, and browse The Ansel Adams Gallery Sierra Club book tours and activities.
our full program calendar. The Yosemite Mountaineering
4 pm Family Ranger Talk Meet in front of the Valley Visitor Center (Shuttle Stop #5). NPS 15 min Daily The Ansel Adams Gallery, located in The Sierra Club’s Yosemite
Custom Adventures Yosemite Village, is open daily from Conservation Heritage Center is School offers guided hikes and rock
Yosemite Nature Notes Short Films: Live with a Yosemite Conservancy Guide
Join a Yosemite Conservancy 10 am to 5 pm. Experience a variety of open Wed to Sun,10 am to 4 pm. climbing in Yosemite Valley, as
Wed – Mon naturalist guide for a customized conditions allow. Call 209/372-
4 pm Enjoy short films from the series Yosemite Nature Notes and a thought-provoking talk by a YC 1 hr (Except 7/24 & 8/2) fine arts, handcrafts, and a collection
Yosemite Conservancy naturalist at the Yosemite Valley East Auditorium next to the Theater. experience that fits your interests Sierra Club volunteers welcome 8344 for more information.
of Ansel Adams’ original visitors to explore the exhibits, the
Yosemite After Dark Explore the enchantment of Yosemite at night! Advanced registration is
and schedule. Experience the park photographs. The gallery also offers In Wawona, join pianist and singer
8:30 pm $ YH 1.5 hrs Nightly on personalized day hikes, birding natural history library, and the
required. Tickets/info at Meets at Curry Village Amphitheater. half-day or full-day photography Tom Bopp in the Wawona Hotel
walks, stargazing programs and children’s corner. For more
Wed – Mon classes and private guided tours led information, call 209/372-4542 or lobby from 5:30 pm to 9:30 pm,
9 pm Explore Yosemite’s Night Sky Reservations required. Register at $ YC 2 hrs (Except 8/7)
backpacking trips. Learn more and by a resident staff photographer. Tuesday through Saturday, as he
sign up: visit the Sierra Club website:
Classes require reservations; call performs songs and tells stories
adventures. 209/372-4413 or visit anseladams. from Yosemite’s past.

8 Experience Your America Yosemite National Park Yosemite Guide July 19 – August 22, 2023 9

Cook’s Meadow Vernal Fall, via Mist Trail Nevada Fall, via Mist Trail Hetch Hetchy Valley Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias

Yosemite Valley Hetch Hetchy


Lower Yosemite Fall A short trail rewards visitors with views of Upper 1.0 mi/1.6 km Shuttle Stop #6 Paved, mostly flat. Wapama Falls This hike follows the shoreline of the reservoir to 5 mi/8 km round trip, Begin at 1,000-foot
and Lower Yosemite Falls. This waterfall may be dry round-trip, Take longer loop to the base of Wapama Falls. The Wapama Falls 2 to 4 hours O’Shaughnessy Dam elevation gain
in late summer and early fall. Expect lots of spray 20 minutes the right for a more footbridge can sometimes close when water levels
in spring and early summer. gentle incline. are too high.
Cook’s Meadow Loop This short loop offers stunning views of Half Dome, 1.0 mi/1.6 km Shuttle Stop #6 Paved, flat.
Yosemite Falls, and other valley features. Visit in round-trip, Wawona
early morning or evening for a chance to see birds 20 minutes
and other wildlife.
Wawona Meadow Loop A relaxing and scenic stroll, this trail offers views 3.5 mi/5.6 km Begin across the Mostly flat, unpaved
Mirror Lake/Meadow Take a short walk on the paved bike trail to the 2 mi/3.2 km round-trip, Shuttle Stop #17 First section is paved, across Wawona Basin and opportunities to see round-trip street from Wawona
Dry in summer and fall front of the lake, at the base of Half Dome. 1 hour -OR- with some moderate wildlife. Bikes and leashed pets are allowed. 1.5 to 2 hours Hotel
Continue on the hiking trail for a longer loop. 5 miles/8 km, 2 hours incline.

Columbia Rock via Hike the first mile of the Yosemite Falls Trail for 2 mi/3.2 km round-trip, Camp 4, Steep and rugged; Giant Sequoia Groves
Yosemite Falls Trail views of Yosemite Valley from Columbia Rock. Be 2 to 3 hours Shuttle Stop #7 1,000-foot
prepared for dozens of switchbacks. elevation gain Tuolumne Grove Trail Follow the Old Big Oak Flat Road—one of the first 2.5 mi/4 km round-trip, Begin at Tuolumne 500-foot
roads into Yosemite Valley—down through sugar 1 to 2 hours Grove parking lot at elevation gain
Yosemite Falls Trail This trail leads to the top of North America’s tallest 7.2 mi/11.6 km Camp 4, Steep and rugged; pines and white firs to the Tuolumne Grove of Crane Flat on Tioga
waterfall. The upper half of the trail is steep and round-trip, 6 to 8 hours Shuttle Stop #7 2,700-foot Giant Sequoias. Road
rocky, but the arduous climb is worth it for the elevation gain
amazing views. Merced Grove Trail The Merced Grove is closed starting July 10 for
biomass removal. For more information on this
Vernal Fall Footbridge Hike the first section of the Mist Trail. Enjoy an 1.6 mi/2.6 km Happy Isles, Paved but steep; project, please visit
excellent view of Vernal Fall from the footbridge. round-trip, 1 to 2 hours Shuttle Stop #16 400-foot elevation
Mariposa Grove— Winding through a forest with many giant sequoias, 0.3 mi/.5 km loop, Begin at Mariposa Mostly flat,
Big Trees Loop Trail this trail features the Fallen Monarch and interpretive 30 to 45 minutes Grove Arrival Area wheelchair accessible
Top of Vernal Fall Continue past the footbridge and follow the Mist 3 mi/4.8 km round-trip, Happy Isles, Strenuous; panels on the life and ecology of giant sequoias.
Trail up a steep granite stairway. This section is 2 to 4 hours Shuttle Stop #16 1,000-foot
closed for trail work M–Th, 7 am to 3:30 pm. A elevation gain
detour is available via the John Muir Trail. Mariposa Grove— Hike past notable trees such as the Bachelor and 2.1 mi/3.4 km Begin at Mariposa 300-foot
Grizzly Giant Loop Trail Three Graces, the Grizzly Giant, and California round-trip, Grove Arrival Area elevation gain
Top of Nevada Fall Continue past the top of Vernal Fall to the top of 5 mi/8 km round-trip, Happy Isles, Strenuous; Tunnel Tree. 1.5 to 2 hours
Nevada Fall. Return the same way or via the John 5 to 6 hours Shuttle Stop #16 1,900-foot
Muir Trail. elevation gain

Valley Floor Loop Trail A grand tour of the valley, this trail takes you 13 mi/21 km full loop, Lower Yosemite Fall, Mostly flat, with Stop by a visitor center to pick up trail maps and information, including trails along Tioga Road and Glacier Point
through picturesque meadows, talus slopes at the 5 to 7 hours full loop Shuttle Stop #6 some gentle incline. Road not listed here. Turn to page 2 for visitor center locations and hours.
base of granite cliffs, and near the Merced River.

Four Mile Trail to Hike this strenuous but rewarding trail for 4.8 mi/7.7 km one-way, Shuttle Stop #11 Very Strenuous; Hiking in Yosemite is different this year.
Glacier Point outstanding views of Yosemite Valley below. Allow 3 to 4 hours one-way 3,200-foot
time to hike back down—there is no shuttle to elevation gain Due to historic winter snowpack, many trails will remain snowy, flooded, and/or muddy well into the summer. Water crossings may be impassable. Use extra
return you to Yosemite Valley. caution around flowing water. Never enter rivers or streams above waterfalls. Ask a ranger about trail conditions before you go. Adjust your
expectations of what hikes will be possible this summer and don’t rely on past years’ conditions and trip reports.
Waterfall Scenic Views Lake One Hour or Less Wheelchair Accessible
Safety Information
Wilderness Permits Half Dome Permits Safety for All Seasons
Preventing Dehydration Pets Bring plenty of water for your entire hike. Drinking
Wilderness permits are required Yosemite Valley Wilderness Center Permits are required 7 days a week when the cables are Pets are not allowed on hiking trails. water is not available outside of developed areas.
year-round for all overnight trips into 8 am to 5 pm daily. up, typically from late May to mid-October, conditions Carry plenty of water for your
Yosemite’s Wilderness. All trailhead permitting. hike. Prevent dehydration by Pack essentials–including a flashlight, sunscreen,
Wawona Visitor Center at Hill’s Studio sipping lots of water throughout weather-appropriate clothing, sturdy footwear,
quotas will be available online in 8 am to 5 pm daily. Permits are available by pre-season and daily lotteries Drones plenty of snacks, and reliable navigation tools.
advance for the 2023 hiking season. your hike and eating salty snacks.
(online only) through More information is The use of drones within the park Stay on established trails.
Big Oak Flat Information Station boundaries is illegal.
Visit to learn 8 am to 5 pm daily. available at Rivers and Streams Know your limits. Choose a trail that is the right fit
how to get a permit this spring—or to For backpackers wanting to climb Half Dome as part of a Rivers are surprisingly swift, cold, for everyone in your group, and ensure you have
plan for the summer ahead. Hetch Hetchy Entrance Station plenty of time to make it back before sunset.
8 am to 5 pm daily. wilderness trip, information can be found at and dangerous. Stay back from Bicycling
Please come prepared with your own flowing water! Bicycles are only allowed on paved roads  lways leave your travel and hiking plans, including
bear canister or rent one at any open Tuolumne Meadows Wilderness Center time of return, with a trusted person.
and bike paths.
wilderness center. 8 am to 5 pm when Tioga Road is open YOU are responsible for your safety.

10 Experience Your America Yosemite National Park Yosemite Guide July 19 – August 22, 2023 11

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