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Effectiveness of Oregano (Oreganum Vulgare) Leaves

and Turmeric (Curcuma Longa) Extract as

Mosquito Repellent Spray

Background of the Study

The Philippines is a tropical country, and one of the problems people face is the breeding of
mosquitoes due to the ever-changing weather. Controlling mosquitoes is crucial in today's society
because of the increase in the number of diseases caused by them. Climate change is causing more
mosquitoes to thrive, as they rely on water to lay their eggs, with a preference for rainwater and still
water. Mosquito bites can lead to diseases such as Zika virus, dengue, and malaria, all of which can be
dangerous. Among these diseases, Dengue is especially widespread in the Philippines. According to
Aguiar et al. (2022), dengue fever has been a significant environmental issue in our country for years, and
it remains an ongoing public health concern.

Furthermore, the uncontrolled spread of mosquitoes today has increased public awareness of
health issues. Mosquitoes play a significant role in transmitting diseases and can be bothersome pests.
Their bites are harmful to people (Santos, 2018). Mosquitoes interacting with humans or food can spread
harmful bacteria and other disease-causing agents they carry. That is the reason why people use
repellents, to reduce the risk of contracting diseases from mosquitoes in their environment.

Given these issues, it should come as no surprise that there are numerous reports of dengue and
malaria infections rising around the late spring, summer, and early fall mosquito breeding seasons.
Additionally, mosquitoes are active after a rainstorm because some mosquito species may spawn in
floodwaters. Because of this, we often turn to mosquito repellents like lotions and other products to
prevent getting bitten. The easiest way to steer clear of mosquito bites is by using insect repellent.
However, it's important to note that some of these repellents contain chemicals that can potentially harm
our skin. They can hinder our ability to concentrate during physical activities and may lead to skin
problems like rashes, allergies, inflammation, and other unpleasant side effects. (Gupta, 2022)
Oregano (Oreganum Vulgare) and Turmeric (Curcuma Longa) are two natural substances that
have shown potential as mosquito repellents in different studies. However, there hasn't been research
where these organic components are mixed together to create a potentially better mosquito repellent
spray. While separate studies have indicated that Oregano and Turmeric can repel mosquitoes, combining
them is interesting and could lead to a more effective and eco-friendly repellent. Such a blend might offer
a safer and more sustainable option for mosquito control that is natural and not composed of produced
chemicals, especially in areas where mosquito-borne diseases are a concern.

According to the study of Burmal et al. (2021), Oreganum Vulgare most commonly known as
Oregano is an herb belonging to the mint family (Lamiaceae) and has a rich history of culinary and
medicinal use. Its applications have spanned from culinary uses to healing practices, including treating
infections and keeping insects at bay. The scent of this herb comes from certain chemicals. Thymol,
which is a crystal-like substance, gives it a nice smell and helps fight germs and bacteria. Pinene, found in
many perfumes, is a common natural compound and a strong insect repellent. Limonene is a chemical
found in citrus peels and other plants. Carvacrol is in oregano's essential oil, and caryophyllene helps
boost your immune system because it has powerful antioxidants. These chemicals have significant
potential as a natural mosquito repellent, offering an eco-friendly alternative with fewer synthetic

Furthermore, the other organic component that also has a great potential in being a mosquito
repellent is the Curcuma Longa also known as Turmeric. As stated in the study of Kemabonta et al.
(2018), Turmeric (Curcuma Longa) belongs to the Zingiberaceae family and is one of the most widely
used spices globally, especially in the countries of the East. It also has a rich history in culinary to
medicinal use. Turmeric is sourced from the underground stems of a tropical perennial herb and contains
natural chemicals that are effective against insects, fungi, and more, including repellent properties against
mosquito species. According to the research study by Thangjam et al. (2020), Turmeric possesses
remarkable properties such as anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antibacterial, anti-tumor, anti-allergic,
antioxidant, and antiseptic effects, making it an incredible organic component for use as a mosquito
Plant-based repellent research and development have been ongoing for the past decade. Many
researchers experiment with different plant-based alternative repellents that are used for homes and non-
toxic material that is beneficial for both humans and the environment. Oregano is very useful in our lives
and has a property of antiseptic and insect repellent. This herb belongs to the mint family and has the
active properties of carvacrol and thymol that are effective for repulsive insects. Many studies claimed
that oregano extract is proven and tested to be an insect repellent. Repellent has been identified by the
World Health Organization (WHO) as an instrument to enhance plant-based vector control approaches.
The study aims to find an alternative way to prevent the diseases from vector-borne diseases from
oregano extract as a natural repellent. After the trials and treatment, it is tested and proven that oregano
extract can be an alternative repellent with its feasible and non-chemical properties. Furthermore, the
study proved that oregano extract as a repellent for insects claimed effectively with an accessible and
cheap material. It is non-toxic and safe to use but the consequence is that it gives an unpleasant odor to
those who have sensitive smell. The study recommends improving the formulation for insecticide and
repellent by adding more organic components to maintain its effect. This study's goal is to produce this
commodity as risk-free for society. (Burmal, 2021)

The research study proves the effectiveness of oregano extract as a natural repellent for insects. In
addition to the recommendation, procedures should be followed with the addition of other organic
materials for an effective effect. With the oregano leaf (Origanum vulgare) together, turmeric (Curcuma
longa) extract has both the properties of an antiseptic and an insect repellent. It is proposed to be tested on
mosquitoes as a repellent spray. The researchers are experimenting with the properties of these two
organic materials to see if they have the capability of being a spray repellent and to test their effectiveness
for mosquitoes with the same procedure of trial but different concentrations of treatment.

The researchers aim to test the oregano (Oreganum Vulgare) leaves and turmeric (Curcuma
Longa) extract as a spray for repelling mosquitoes. The benefit of using plants is that they may be able to
repel mosquitoes and serve as an alternative mosquito repellent. Additionally, using oregano leaves and
turmeric extract may benefit people because they don't contain any additional chemicals that harm the
environment. They may be effective in reducing the number of mosquitoes present in the community and
aiding households in protecting themselves from diseases caused by mosquitoes. This study will aim to
address the community's dengue problem.

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