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Good morning everyone.

When girls want to go outside- parents are giving them strict rules to
follow and they need to come how by 8 pm when boys can just walk
around till mid-night. ‘You throw like a girl’, ‘man up’, ‘you’d look so much
better if you just smiled more’. These are just a handful of off-hand
remarks made towards men and women on a daily basis, mostly going
unnoticed and undetected. What a life right? - full of judgments. Just to
let people know- if they still didn’t realize that approximately 96 out of
100 women/females are mentally handcuffed with their regular
household duties, it doesn’t make it different if they are just high school
girls or a women married to a professional lawyer and have two kids. For
if you scratch the surface of this ‘light-hearted humour’, nine times out of
ten women are the punchline, ultimately serving to cement the
misogynist ideology that women are inferior, women are somehow
second-class citizens, and that being a woman is shrouded in shame
and embarrassment. It just sounds like I would be in paradise, if men
and women can finally work together and it will be a great success board
in the main history beside the great, imposing and illustrious for our
society head and the country overall. However, it’s 2021, if we focus on
educating each other with tolerance, understanding and mutual respect,
we can help to put an end to gender inequality altogether. We have
accomplished form greater than ambitious plans where: at the time
Titanic was built in 1912, it was the biggest ship ever built. However, with
the latest technologies and people growing fonder of travelling years
ago, which was the biggest ship at its time is now very small compared
to today’s ships. One time, the aeroplanes were only made for first-class
people now- there is a luxurious bar in our planes, and everyone can
simply get a ride. Then why are we giving up on a small thing as
feminism and letting it turn into a huge peak for careless and cultural
rumours? If we only work together and make the problem HEforSHE –
we can definitely solve it.

Despite the progress that feminism has made over the past hundreds
and thousands of years, women are, shockingly, still not seen as quality
in the world of life - making this one of the key issues that feminism still
needs to tackle. The early modern feminist activity aimed to dispel the
early modern (1550–1700) belief that society was founded on the rule of
the father. This meant that the man was the head of the household, just
as the monarch was the head of state and Jesus the head of the church.
Consequently, women had very few formal rights and were not
represented in the law. Well nowadays we have laws against it, well
many for you all can really feel it and giving a strong example of it. I can
only see it as words written in the pages saying ‘A man and woman shall
have equal status with regard to any legal proceeding’ or ‘ men and
women are equal together’ or ‘A married woman shall be fully competent
to own and deal with the property as if she were unmarried’. How can
these statements speak men deep down actually obey or accept it and
respect equality? How can it prove that women are not still getting
picked on and being a shame in the family? This can be only down when
everyone will come and join together and look at the bright side of
women. Instead of taking away the piece of cake- give it to women and u
can get dozens and dozens of precious cake next day in front of you.
Instead of giving out straight looks, give out love from the deeps of your
heart and see the difference of your daily life lucky charm.

Imagine this: when I was 8, I was confused about being called bossy
because I wanted to direct the plays that we would put on for our
parents, but the boys were not. When at 14, I started to be sexualized by
certain elements of the media. When at 15, my girlfriends started
dropping out of sports teams because they did not want to appear
muscly. When at 18, my male friends were unable to express their
feelings. I was really confused, overwhelmed and stressed with
everything going around. It was too hard to just spill out my feelings,
even to my parents, the only one I could trust is myself. Just hearing
everyone saying to girls ‘cover-up or boys will look in a bad way’- where
it should have been the boys being told DON’T LOOK AT GIRLS IN A
BAD WAY. Girls being told by parents ‘ if you get pregnant by known
guy- you are a shame for our family’ and here is how all the
responsibility is on the girl and probably the girl’s reputations are ruined
and even if the guy contains the same responsibility it still does even
point a finger at the guy. Why can’t just boys control themselves and why
can’t parents control the manner and the self-respect of their son’s
instead of putting all the blame on the daughter’s shoulders. How many
of you guys actually heard anyone telling a guy to control them-selves
than pointing out at the girl? – I never saw that- and you guys didn’t too.
This can be changed if we just plant a new tree and spread the roots
around and work together. This is not just for women, it’s for everyone,
its HEforSHE, it’s for one another. It is too much to ask? - absolutely not.
Treating both men and women is not that hard that people do not learn
from their previous mistake by judging a human-called girl/ woman. If our
God has no gender and for Muslims in the Qur’an it said Allah has no
gender; reflecting that both men and women are equal- what’s wrong
with us to agree with that when our God has spoken.

Although, many people believe that there is no feminism and there is no

cause or no need for feminism. ‘’feminism is a lost cause ‘’. The struggle
is for the benefit of all women; not just the ones I might meet while I am
alive. It is important that we push for equality, even if we won't
necessarily see our hard work come fully to fruition. What I tell others
(and even myself because I get frustrated with slow progress, too) is that
the end goal of feminism isn't always necessary to turn the world into a
feminist paradise. When you said to me that ‘feminism is a lost cause’ I
told you because you do not like women and you certainly do not need
any women in your life; certainly, you are mad and blaming yourself that
u came from a woman, which is your mother. If any men want to care for
women is to by supporting the women’s fight for themselves. Did you
ever thought that no mother said, ‘oh it’s a boy I wanted a girl- they only
said when it’s a girl’? Maybe in one point in life, some mothers will say
that according to the roller-coaster ride they been in their life. Some also
may say that women already have equal rights. I am certain about is that
gender-fluid folks are no way to have any conversation about gender
equality, and we need to keep this in mind when we are having any
discussion about feminism. It is certainly not true that women and other
non-cis male genders have equal protections under the law. Trans
individuals cannot even necessarily use the bathroom for their gender,
and women still do not have clearly stated constitutional rights that
protect against gender discrimination at work. Further point out that there
is a difference between our rights and how we are treated in society.
Constitutionally, people of all races have the same rights in the United
States, but black people still consistently deal with race-based
discrimination. Let us suppose women did have equal protection under
the law (which we don't, yet) — that doesn't automatically ensure that
women are treated as social equals. So, you all are still telling me
feminism is still not making any difference? – well I am sure you get that
you were wrong. Moreover, it’s not the end- it’s not the end of the day;
there will a new day- let us make the new day something special for both
men and women. Together let us call it a human day where every
gender gets a part fairly.

Surely women are fighting alone and surely it’s hard for them to speak
up. However, there will not only beneficial for women, there will be a
benefit for men as well as women. It is like solving a problem although
when you work together than you can solve it more easily, in a meantime
there will be different viewpoint to solve it and later the day it will build up
a huge tree of good luck and accomplishment in the society. There is
more into just fighting over rights. Everyone must fight together to
achieve gender equality. As I said before it is not just for women, its for
all the men and it’s for society- for our future life regards. If you look over
everything and consider the best for the citizens and the word feminism
becoming more less issue is our society. I think it is right that women be
involved on my behalf in the policies and decisions that will affect my life.
I think it is right that socially, I am afforded the same respect as men. If
you believe in equality, you might be one of those inadvertent feminists
that I spoke of earlier, and for this, I applaud you. We are struggling for a
uniting word, but the good news is, we have a uniting movement. It is
called HeForShe. I invite you to step forward, to be seen and to ask
yourself, “If not me, who? If not now, when?”
Thank you very, very much.

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