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independent purpose of this investigation was to provide a factual analysis regarding the Coaches’

knowledge of and complicity to Rookie Day or instances of underage or coerced drinking.

The factual findings of this investigation suggest that no member of the BGSU Hockey

staff had any direct or indirect knowledge, role in the planning, preparation, or execution of Rookie

Day. It was determined, however, that allegations regarding underage or coerced drinking were

brought to Head Coach Ty Eigner’s attention on two occasions, and that no responsive

investigative steps or corrective actions were taken. To be clear, the allegations made to Coach

Eigner did not link the purported underage or coerced drinking to any team tradition or ritual.

I. Investigative Process

Detailed herein are the factual findings regarding the BGSU Hockey staff’s knowledge of

and involvement in Rookie Day and other potential code violating conduct. All pertinent

information was collected through a series of 35 interviews with all players on the hockey team

and all BGSU Hockey staff members from September 21, 2023 to October 2, 2023. The B&T

interview team consisted of David DeVillers, Samantha Pugh, Ted Adams, and Denise Vaughn.

All interviews of BGSU hockey staff were conducted by David DeVillers and Samantha Pugh.

Head Coach Ty Eigner was present at his interview with his personal counsel. In addition to these

interviews, BGSU hockey staff emails within the relevant time frame were reviewed for any

discussion of Rookie Day or other potential misconduct.

Notably, the investigation was triggered by the disclosure of

. Though many of allegations as to specific events of Rookie

Day were corroborated, the investigation ultimately revealed that the allegations of coercion could

not be substantiated.
II. Findings of Fact

Eight freshman began this year as members of the BGSU hockey team (“the Team”). The

freshmen range in age from 19-21. The remaining members of the Team at the outset of the year

included six sophomores, ten juniors, and four seniors. The BGSU staff interviewed include Head

Coach Ty Eigner, Interim Head Coach Curtis Carr, Assistant Coach Stavros Paskaris, Goalie

Coach Dylan Schoen, Director of Player Development Buddy Powers, Assistant Athletic Director

for Sports Medicine Dan Fischer, Equipment Manager Scott Jess, the Team’s Graduate Assistant,

and Senior Associate AD for Internal Affairs (AAD) Jim Elsasser.

All student witnesses interviewed agree that on September 2, 2023, a Team event was held

in honor of the freshmen’s arrival and start of the new season. Though some denied referring to

the event as such, majority of the students interviewed acknowledge the day as Rookie Day. The

sophomore, junior, and senior Team members all report experiencing near identical events during

their freshman years at BGSU and in the years thereafter. Accordingly, it was determined that this

event has been a tradition for at least four years, including 2023. Notably, Coach Eigner denies

experiencing Rookie Day during his freshman year as a BGSU hockey player.

Investigation revealed that Rookie Day involved underage binge drinking and provision of

alcohol to those underage by unidentified older members of the Team. Other events of the day

included conduct with the potential to cause humiliation, physical harm, or emotional harm, thus

invoking consideration of the BGSU Student Code of Conduct and related Anti-Hazing Policy.

As it relates to the BGSU Hockey staff, indicates that he told Coach Eigner of

Rookie Day and other instances of coerced drinking by underage members of the Team on multiple

occasions, although only two such disclosures could be corroborated. Aside from

allegations, nothing during the course of this investigation revealed that Coach Eigner knew of
Rookie Day, participated in its planning, encouraged the team to participate, or otherwise involved

himself with the execution of Rookie Day. No hockey player or staff member interviewed

disclosed ever speaking with Coach Eigner about Rookie Day or ever hearing Coach Eigner speak

of Rookie Day. Similarly, no one interviewed indicated that Coach Eigner encouraged the Team

to drink or actively supported underage drinking in any way. Review of staff emails also revealed

no mention of Rookie Day or underage or coerced drinking. In fact, all players and staff

interviewed agree that Coach Eigner was explicit about a no tolerance policy against hazing and

underage drinking. Coach Eigner would encourage the team at the end of each week’s last practice

to be smart, not do anything they do not want to do, and to look out for each other. These sentiments

are also reflected in the Team’s rules, attached hereto as Appendix A. The Team Rules state

explicitly that illegal consumption of alcohol will be grounds for immediate discipline. The Team

Rules also mandate reporting of hazing or intimidation and strictly prohibit any such behavior.

These Team Rules are reviewed with Coach Eigner and acknowledged by the Team during a

meeting at the beginning of the season. Each Team member was also required to review and

acknowledge the BGSU Student Athlete Handbook, which explicitly prohibits hazing.

This investigation did, however, give rise to two potential areas for concern regarding

knowledge and inaction with respect to allegations of underage or coerced drinking which did not

involve the underlying purpose of furthering a Team tradition or ritual. These issues are taken in

turn below.

A. Spring of 2023

alleges that he told Coach Eigner directly about Rookie Day and that it involved

making the freshman hockey players drink alcohol for the first time in Spring of 2023. Notably, a

related investigation into Rookie Day revealed no instance of coercion or forced drinking.
alleges this conversation with Coach Eigner occurred during and following a one-on-

one meal, during which they discussed place on the Team and his future leadership

prospects. states that during this meal, he told Coach Eigner “if I’m being part of the

leadership group, then I don’t want the freshman to do this whole rookie thing and drink.”

claims that upon learning of Rookie Day and the purported underage drinking, Coach

Eigner instructed to discuss his concerns with the seniors on the team and took no other

action. This account could not be fully corroborated.

Coach Eigner concedes that there was a meal with to discuss his prospects as a

leader on the team, but is adamant that there was no discussion of drinking during that meeting.

Coach Eigner further concedes that, following this meal, texted him asserting that he

was excited for his future on the team and, without context or prompting, stated something

regarding the freshman drinking. Coach Eigner was initially confused by the message, and stated

it said “I think we should make the freshman drink.” After that message, Eigner responded and

said “we should?” to which responded “we shouldn’t.” Coach Eigner remembered

specific details of this text exchange and his account did seem credible. Coach Eigner did not ask

any follow up questions or report the text to any supervisor, but, rather, told he agreed

that the freshman should not be made to drink and did nothing further. Nothing in this exchange

alluded to the freshman drinking for any underlying purpose of furthering a Team tradition or

ritual. It is important to note that five of the freshman are under the drinking age.

B. Fall of 2023

reports having made further reference to the coaching staff about coerced

drinking on the team. Specifically, says that following an altercation with

during the first practice of this season, he and were having a discussion with Coach
Eigner and Coach Carr. During this conversation, reports that made reference to

changing the Team’s culture. In response, claims he said “how are you guys trying to

change the culture if you guys are making freshman drink.” states that, following this

comment regarding the freshman drinking, the conversation ended and the coaches said nothing

about it. The details of this account could not be corroborated. None of the BGSU Hockey staff

interviewed disclosed any direct interaction about older members of the Team encouraging or

making any younger Team members to drink or do anything they did not want to do. The only

such references which could be corroborated occurred in the days and weeks following the Team’s

first official practice of the 2023 season.

Coach Carr confirms that there was an incident at practice between and

where a practice drill became too physical, and personal insults were exchanged. Coach Carr felt

this incident was taken too far, and a conversation between the two players, Coach Carr, and Coach

Eigner took place at the end of practice to resolve the tension. During this conversation,

made allegations that was forcing freshman to go out and drink on nights

before the Team’s scheduled fitness testing. immediately called these allegations out as

being untrue, and modified his statement at that time and instead asserted that

was not coercing, but “encouraging” Team members in general to go out to bars and drink prior to

fitness testing. This was again called out as untrue, and again modified his statement to

assert that some people were just deciding to go out prior to fitness testing, and he felt that alone

was an issue which should be addressed. In line with an established Team core value, the coaches

then encouraged the two players to meet with the team leadership group, made of older players

involved in developing the Team’s core values, and address the issue head on as a team. The details
at one of the Team’s shared addresses. Both Eigner and confirm this incident

was disclosed. No player interviewed corroborated that the occurred, including

According to Coach Eigner, he promptly reported both the insinuation that freshman

were being made to drink and the to AAD Jim Elsasser. During his interview,

AAD Elsasser made no mention of such disclosures. During a follow up interview with AAD

Elsasser, however, he did concede that the was reported, but denied any knowledge

of allegations that freshman were being made to drink.

III. Factual Conclusion

To that end, his assertion that BGSU Hockey staff knew of Rookie Day and

encouraged or allowed the Team to participate in hazing could not be corroborated. Moreover, no

evidence that any player was ever actually coerced or forced to drink alcohol was established.

Coach Eigner failed to take any responsive or corrective actions in light of

allegations. While it is clear Coach Eigner was not made aware of any underlying purpose of

furthering a Team tradition or ritual, there is no dispute that on at least two occasions, once in

Spring of 2023 and once again in Fall of 2023, Coach Eigner was made aware of seniors allegedly
pressuring freshman to drink. Following the disclosure in the Spring, no action was taken by Coach

Eigner to investigate the validity of the assertion or report it to his supervisors. Following the

allegations made in Fall of 2023, Coach Eigner claims he reported the issue to AAD Jim Elsasser,

but AAD Elsasser denies this. Regardless, no responsive action was taken.


Toughness: We are physically, mentally, and emotionally tough when faced with adversity

Discipline: We hold ourselves accountable for our decisions and actions

Integrity: We do the right thing

Student-Athlete Well Being

If you have any concerns about your physical or mental well-being or concerns about another BGSU Student-Athlete, you
must report them to a member of the coaching staff or Dan Fischer.

You must attend every class session and be on time. The expectation is that you take 15 credit hours per semester in order to
graduate on time. If there are questions about this you need to discuss this in advance with the coaching staff. The easiest way
to get your degree is to GO TO CLASS. All freshmen will be required to do a minimum six study hall hours per week. Any
upperclassmen that does not achieve a 2.5 GPA or better in the previous semester will be required to do six hours of study
hall per week. If you have academic questions or concerns talk to a member of the coaching staff or Alexis Abruzzo.

Community Service
All members of the Falcon Hockey Program will be asked to participate in community service. The coaching staff will
inform individuals of where and when.

You are responsible for your actions. You are a member of the hockey program and represent all of us. Refer to the Falcon
Hockey Core Values. Those under 21 are not legally allowed to consume alcohol.

Initiation/Hazing is strictly prohibited and will be dealt with accordingly. If you have been involved in an initiation/hazing
event or know of such an event occurring, you must notify a coach, member of the Athletic Staff or our Faculty Athletics

Sports Wagering
Sports wagering is strictly prohibited, betting on any NCAA sponsored sport would be considered a violation. Contact our
Compliance Office if you have any questions.

Social Media
You are responsible for all posts, pictures, and comments that you make. You are not permitted to comment on any recruits,
visiting BGSU or committing to BGSU.

Alcohol/Drugs/Banned Substances
Any confirmed use of illegal drugs/alcohol or the use of performance enhancing substances will be cause for immediate
suspension and possible further action by BGSU and athletic department. Random testing can occur at any time for
reasonable suspicion. You are responsible for what you put in your body. Not knowing ingredients of something you put in
your body is not an acceptable excuse.

Tobacco Use
Not permitted in locker room, offices, classrooms, other university buildings and organized team functions. NCAA rules
prohibit any player, or coach from using tobacco products during practices or games.

You are required to have a permit. Park in the front lot, in front of our entrance.

“Great Teammates and Great Team Leaders”

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