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Secret Techniques Used to Repair
Credit in 30-45 Days!!!





- Per Investipedia Credit Repair is defined as

follows: Credit repair is the process of fixing a poor
credit standing that may have deteriorated for a
variety of different reasons. Repairing a credit
standing may be as simple as disputing mistakes or
other information with the 3 major credit agencies.
Identity theft, and damages incurred from fraud fall
under credit repair services as well, although these
types of services may require extensive hours and
labor to repair the file
Credit: a favorable estimate of character,
reputation, or good name giving one the
ability to accumulate debt or obtain goods solely by
- Credit Agency: Per investipedia a credit agency is
a for-profit company that collects
information about individuals' and businesses' debts
and assigns a numerical value
called a credit score that indicates the borrower's
- Creditors and lenders, such as credit card
companies and banks, report their
customers' borrowing activity and history to credit
agencies. Individuals and businesses
can obtain copies of the information reported about
them by contacting the credit
agency or a related third-party company and paying
a nominal fee for those reports.
Usually that fee is around $30.00.

The 3 major bureaus are as follows:

1. Experian- second largest credit agency. In my
personal experience Experian has always been the
easiest bureau to work with.
2. TransUnion- Owned by the Marmen Group. Family
that owns Transunion is 47th richest family in the
3. Equifax- largest and most used credit bureau. In
my personal experience they have been more difficulty
to work with than the other 3 bureaus
. 4. Innovas Data Solutions- 4th largest credit
Our work will consists primarily of sending disputes
to these 3 companies. It is important to highlight that
credit agencies are CORPORATE INTITTIES. They
are not the government or a ruling authority. They
have rules that must be followed and they cannot
legally do business if they are not in compliance with
these rules and regulations.
Credit agencies are required by federal law to
have certain documentation on file and to make
contact with certain 3rd parties before they can
report data on a credit file. All data reported by
credit agencies must be 100% accurate, verifiable,
and timely. The credit agency is required to verify
the data and accuracy by making contact with the
original creditor and obtaining the consumers
original signed contract obligating them to the
reported account. The reason credit repair works
is because credit agencies rarely if ever verify
accounts the way the federal law says that they
should. Since this is the case, certain federal laws
were implemented to give consumers the right to
dispute posted credit accounts and make credit
agencies prove that accounts reported meet the
federal criteria. In this section we will discuss
which federal laws we will use to remove negative
items from consumers credit files.
FCRA- The FCRA or the Fair Credit Reporting Act is
the main law that you will use to dispute negative
accounts. The FCRA regulates the collection and use
of consumer information. The FCRA helps to ensure
the accuracy, fairness and privacy of that consumer
credit information. The law regulates the way credit
reporting agencies can access, use and share the
data they collect in your consumer reports.

- The FCRA is broken up into different sections

outlining the rules and regulations credit agencies
are to follow. Below we will discuss the different
sections we use within the FCRA to challenge the
credit bureaus.
- Section 605(b) - this section says that if any
consumer claims identity theft and submits with
that claim a police report and a federal trade
commission identity theft report that information
which has been identified as fraudulent must be
blocked from the credit file within 4 business days
from the receipt of that request. The sworn
statement from police is adequate to have the
fraudulent information removed without any
investigation from the credit agency or the
collecting company.

- This method is used by 90% of all credit repair

specialist that offer credit sweeps. This particular
way of disputing is a sure way to have negative
accounts removed from the credit report in 30-45

- This is a very aggressive style of disputing and

accounts included in the dispute letter typically fall
off within 30 days sometimes less.

- Section 605(b) is the law used to perform 90% of

all "credit sweeps".....
Section 609 is a provision in the Fair Credit
Reporting Act which is to provide for the protection
of consumers against false and erroneous
reporting. This section of the FCRA places the
burden upon the Credit Bureaus and the Creditor
to prove an account is yours. To positively prove an
account is yours, the creditor must provide the
Credit Bureau a copy of the original creditor’s
documentation or the original consumer signed

- If the credit agency cannot provide the requested

documentation within a certain period of time then
the account must be removed from the report.

- Sometimes credit agencies will say an account is

verified without providing the original contract. This
is a noncompliance of the FCRA. If this happens you
should re-submit disputes, only this time include
the violation in the dispute making the credit
agencies aware of the error.
- Sometimes credit agencies will try and send
invoices from original creditors or screen shots of
the debt owed. This will not suffice. The only
documentation the law makes room for is an
original consumer signed contract and that is all
that we will accept.

Collection companies are governed under a

different set of laws. FDCPA or the Fair Debt
Collections Practices Act protects consumers
from unfair and abusive collection practices. The
law regulates professional, third-party collection
businesses, agents and attorneys, but not "in-
house" collectors, or employees of creditors who
collect their own debts.

- The FDCPA or the Fair Debt Collection

Practices Act is a federal law regulating collection
companies. This law, allows a consumer to request
the debt collector to send proof of the debt
through a process called debt validation.

- This law governs collection companies and the

practices they use to collect money from
consumers. Never instruct your clients to pay off a
collection before you have made an attempt to
request validation of the debt from the credit
When dealing with collection accounts always
- Before a company can report a debt on you or
pursue a debt from you, they first have to have a
contract obligating you to said debt.
- What happens with a collection is a third party
comes in on your behalf without your consent and
satisfies your debt with payment. The third party
company then comes to you requesting payment
for the account without having established a
contract with you. They cannot do this.
- The main reason Collection companies still get
funds from consumers is because when these
companies mail collection letters more times than
not the letters are ignored by the consumer.
The FDCPA only allocates 30 days for a consumer
to request the validation of debt from the collection
company. If the consumer does not respond the
collection company will win the judgement by
- Another way collection companies trick funds out
of consumers is by accepting any type of payment
from the consumer. .
Example: A consumer may owe a collection
company a $1000 debt. The collection company will
tell the consumer that the debt can be settled for
significantly lower than the owed amount. The
collection company may even tell you payment
arrangements may be set up to satisfy the debt. BE
AWARE!!!! As soon as a consumer makes a single
payment towards a debt with a collection company
the consumer opens himself up to the debt for a
period of seven years. Making a payment is the
legal way of acknowledging the debt and these
companies can attach themselves to consumers for
that seven year period.
- If a collection company cannot prove that you
have established a contract or an obligation with
them binding you to said debt then their collection
efforts must cease.

EOSCAR- This is an automated system that uses

dispute codes to identify the nature of a dispute in
order to guide the furnisher in its investigation.
- Essentially what EOSCAR is, is a computer system
that scans dispute letters and breaks them down
into codes. That code is in turn sent to the furnisher
of the credit for verification. After investigating the
furnisher responds with the appropriate code and
verifies the account as an accurate account and
belonging to the consumer
-This method of verification is obviously not in favor
of the consumer.
. - What would be ideal would be to have a live
person read our letters and make a determination
versus having the automated system verify the
accounts. To ensure that this happens we will
handwrite in the accounts, account numbers, and
balances with blue ink. This will throw off the
EOSCAR system and the computer will not be able
to read the print. This will force an agent to review
our dispute request and this makes what we do just
that more efficient.
Below is an example of how accounts should be
added to disputes to throw off the eoscar system.

- Credit scoring is a scientific method that

uses statistical models that access an
individual's credit worthiness based on a
consumers credit history.
- Scores range from 350-850 points. 650
points or above indicates a strong credit
score and good credit history. 620-649
are considered average scores. This is
good credit but this consumer may have
to provide additional documentation
when applying for credit. Scores of 620
and below are considered high risk.
Accounts with scores in this range have a
more difficult time obtaining lines of
- Credit Scores are a statistical method
used to determine the likelihood of an
individual paying back the money that has
been borrowed.
- There are two types of credit scores that are
intended to quantify how creditworthy you are.
That is the Fico and Vantage scores. Both the Fico
Score and Vantage score use a credit range of 350
to 850, with a higher number indicating greater
creditworthiness. There are, however, some key
differences in how the two scores are calculated,
including FICO giving more weight to payment
history and Vantage score's latest version
emphasizing total credit usage and balances.
- Big banks, lenders and loan officers use the FICO
model. FICO scores are the stronger or more
accurate scores.
- Credit Karma uses the Vantage scoring system.
Many of your customers if you decide to turn this
into a business will reference this system when
reviewing their credit reports. Credit Karma is a
good platform to review the information that is
reporting on the file, especially since the service is
free, although, when it comes to the actual score
as it relates to credit worthiness Credit Karma and
other services that use the Vantage scoring
system may not be as accurate as the FICO.
Sometimes scores can be as much as 60-70
points off.

There are five main factors that work together to

make up the credit score. These factors are as

• Payment History
• Current Debts
• Length of Credit History
• Frequency of inquiries
• Type of Credit

- The company that owns the FICO scoring model is

The Fair Isaac Corporation. This company
developed the software that calculates the credit

- When a consumer uses their credit, the lender

sends the payment history to the credit bureau.
This details how well a consumer is handling their
debt. Based on the information that is reported
back to the credit agency the bureau will issue the
consumer a credit score.
The credit score is based off of 5 major factors.
Everyone of these factors is considered when
calculating the score but each factor may not be as
important as the other. Below is a list of the
primary factors used to calculate the credit score.
• 35%- is based off previous credit performance or
payment history
• 30%- is consumers current level of debt or total
utilization of available credit
• 15%- Different types of credit a consumer has on
their file. When obtaining credit banks like to see
certain accounts reporting on the file. The bank
wants to see at least 3 credit card accounts or
revolving accounts reporting on a credit file. The
bank would also like for a consumer to have
obtained at least 1 installment account. An
installment loan is a loan with a fixed rate. An
example of an installment account would be an
auto loan
• 15%- Time or length of credit history.
• 5%- Pursuit of new credit or inquires
- Now there may be many different ways that
you can interpret a credit report. The method
that I will detail in the following paragraphs is a
technique that I have learned and mastered so it
will be the one I will be teaching to you. In no way
am I against advocates learning and developing
their own way they interpret credit reports. Until
that time comes though I feel confident that
negative accounts can and will be identified and
efficiently removed through this strategy.

The platform that we will recommend for you to

pull your credit reports will be
Experian is not the only source that credit
reports can be pulled from but in my personal
opinion I believe that the system Experian uses is
the most user friendly not only for your
customers but for yourselves as well
Once on the Experian website, to view the credit
report per the platform click the
menu button represented by three lines on the
top right hand corner of the screen. This tab will
let down a list of options. One of those options
will be the credit report. Select the credit report
and scores option and this will take you to the
actual credit report.
The first thing you look for when you take a look at
the credit report are inaccuracies with your name,
address, phone number and place of

- Sometimes information on negative accounts are

attached to the your name and address. For
example you may have taken out a loan when you
lived at a certain address and during this time you
may have been going by a certain name, working a
certain job, and using a certain cell phone. The
loan will be logged in the credit bureaus system
using that personal information. Well now all that
information about you has changed and you live
somewhere different, you go by a different name,
and work a different job. So now you have two of
everything reporting to the credit bureaus. If you
see duplicate names, addresses or places of
employment you should identify these errors and
select the name address and job you would like
represented on the file. We should remove all
other information. There should be one of
everything reporting. You will find that this is one
of the easiest ways for negative credit accounts to
be removed. Once you remove the name the
account is attached to the account sometimes will
drop off. This is the first step in reading a credit
report is to find those duplicate names and
- The next step is to view the report and identify all
the accounts that need to be removed. The first
thing that I look at when I am trying to identify if an
account needs to be removed is the payment
history. If an account has multiple late payments of
90 to 120 days or if you see that an account has
been charged off because of late payment history
that is an automatic sign for removal. On the
Experian platform payment history is displayed by
green checks if the account is paid on time and red
x's if the account is late.
- After we identify what the payment history is we
then would check the date that the account opened.
The length or the time that an account has been
opened is almost as important as the actual payment
history on the account. In some instances an account
may have been flagged for removal because of
mediocre payment history but once the date that the
account was opened is identified we may find that
this is a seasoned account or an account that has
been opened for 2 years or more. If this is the case
and you only have one or two late payments of 30 or
60 days it may not be in your best interest to remove
an account with so much history or time opened. In
this instance you should bring the account back to a
good standing. If the account for example was 60
days late one payment would have to be a double
payment to make up for the missed month but once
that was paid the account would go from 60 days late
to 30 days late until the account was back current. If
you can get the account back current and maintain
payment on the account for at least 2 months then
the score will adjust to normal and the account that
was once a negative can turn into a positive. You will
see this often with student loan accounts.
These are the 2 main factors that will be used when
reviewing credit reports. That is the payment history
and the length of time that an account has been
open. If the account has negative payment history
but the account has been open for two years or
more then we will take into further consideration
whether or not we remove that account. Although if
an account is seasoned less than 1 year and has
multiple late or missed payments then we should
have the account deleted from the file.

- This method can be used for closed and open

accounts alike.
- While reviewing credit reports there are a number
of different accounts that you will come across.
Below we will discuss some of the more common
accounts that show on credit reports.

A common account that will surface will be credit

card accounts. The credit card account can be
opened or closed. These accounts have 3 factors
that affect the score. One is payment history, the
other is the length of time the account has been
opened and lastly is the amount of available credit
that has been used or the overall utilization of the
credit line. These accounts can be removed with
one of the 4 standard letters. Most likely these types
of accounts will be removed with the 605(b)

Another common account that one may encounter

will be collection accounts. Remember never
instruct your clients to pay collection accounts.
These accounts can easily be removed through the
605(b) method. I will give another brief breakdown
on why you should never pay a collection.
Once a consumer defaults on a debt and the
original creditor sells the debt to a third party
collection company the original debt that the
consumer actual agreed to pay has been paid in full
by the third party collection company. Now the
collection company will attempt to go after you for
payment of a bill that was owed to the original
creditor. Keep in mind though that the original
account is now paid in full.

- In order for any company to proceed with

collection against a consumer they must first make
sure that the debt is 100% accurate and verifiable.
For a collection account to be a verified and
accurate account the collection company would
need a signature from the consumer obligating
them to the debt the collection company is
requesting. Now the debt is owned by another
company and you never established an agreement
with said company.

- Inquiries are another type of account that you will

see on almost every file. An inquiry is not really an
account or a credit line, it is solely a request for
credit. Although there is no history attached to
these accounts if a consumer accumulates too
many of these request for credit the bank can
begin to look at the consumer as desperate and
this could affect approval odds and credit limits.
The bank does not like to see more than 3 inquiries
a quarter or every 3 months. That is only 12
inquiries in a year. Typically the CRA will tell you
that an inquiry is a statement of fact and inquires
remain on the file for 2 years. This is true, but there
are ways around this as well.

- Inquires are really the easiest accounts to

remove. I have actually called the CRA and had
inquiries removed over the phone. I will explain
how to remove inquiries over the phone below.
The times that I have called the CRA to have an
inquiry removed I simply stated to the
representitive that I had no knowledge of the
inquiries reporting on my file. The next question
that you will be asked from the credit rep is are
these inquiries fraudulent. If you say that they are
not fraudulent then the credit rep will tell you that
inquires are statements of fact blah blah blah,
although if when asked that question you tell the
credit rep that they are fraudulent the credit rep will
respond differently. The rep will respond saying that
the CRA will do a 24-hour investigation and reach
out to all the furnishers of this information and
attempt to get the contracts that you signed
authorizing the inquiries. In some cases the inquiry
may be a year old. I honestly don't think the
bureaus make the attempt but assuming that they
do I have never had a situation where the inquires
weren't removed after the 24 hour investigation.

In all other scenarios either include inquires in your

605(b) dispute or include them in a separate
inquiry dispute. Refer to the inquiry dispute letter at
the end of this book.

Bankruptcy and other public records are similar to

inquiries in the respect that a bankruptcy is not
actually monies that are borrowed or loaned out. A
bankruptcy may represent those accounts which
have defaulted but that is not what a bankruptcy is.
Bankruptcies are considered public records.
Although a bankruptcy is a public record and not a
standard debt the credit agencies still have to go
through the steps of verifying the account with the
original source to guarantee its accuracy. The only
way that the bureaus could verify a bankruptcy is to
visit the court in question and request the
bankruptcy information for that individual.
Obviously this is not the way credit agencies verify
bankruptcies or any public record account. Below
we will briefly discuss how to remove bankruptcies
and other public records.
The first step in removing a bankruptcy would be
to check the accuracy or verification of the
account. Remembering that in order for the CRA
to report any account on your file they first must
verify the account with the original source. With
that being said our first course of action should be
to draft a letter to the courts requesting the courts
method of verification with the credit bureaus,
considering that in this scenario the courts would
be the original source of this account. This letter
should be notarized and mailed certified mail with
the green return receipt. This style of mailing will
give you the exact date that the courts received
your letter. The courts will respond to your letter
by stating that they do not report in any way to the
3 major credit bureaus and that credit agencies
use a third party pacer system to verify public
records. We in turn will take this letter and attach
it to a dispute to the 3 major credit agencies
saying that we demand the bankruptcy be
removed on the basis it has not been verified by
the federal statute. Persistence is key when
removing any account from a file. If a bankruptcy
removal request is denied for whatever reason
continue to send your request along with your
letter from the court. The bankruptcy WILL
eventually be removed.
This method can be used the same way for child
support cases.
- Keep in mind that this type of dispute is not
challenging the accuracy of the account rather it is
challenging the credit agencies actual right to report.
So even though we may have a public record
removed from our file it does not take away the
obligation to said public record. For example: If Mike
has a child support case reporting on his credit file
and through this method he is successfully able to
get the account removed. This does not in anyway
interfere with his child support responsibilities. If
payments are missed and the account defaults Mike
is still susceptible to garnishments and other
collection efforts. The same with bankruptcy.
Police reports are essential in the Credit Sweep
process. The actual law does not actually call for a
police report per say, it only requires a Federal
Trade Commission Identity Theft report although a
sworn statement from police is adequate to have
any information blocked without any investigation
from the credit agency or the collection company.
Below I will discuss how you may obtain a police
report for the purpose of a credit sweep.

- The easiest way to complete this process is to file

the police report online. Most major cities offer
online police reporting. If you live in a city that does
not simply file the online report in the nearest
major city.
- Access that cities online police reporting portal
and input necessary identity and demographic
information. At the end of the report you will be
asked to make a statement. The statement should
be be short and efficient.
Below I will give an example of a statement that can
be used for your police report:

I recently reviewed my credit report for a large

purchase. Upon checking my report I noticed
several accounts that had been
established in my name without my consent or
authorization. I reached out to an attorney and a
private investigator to help stop
the use of my name by someone who has been
using my name without my permission.

- Make sure after your statement you include all of

the accounts that you wish to be deleted form the
credit file in the police report statement. On the
next page I will include a sample police report so
that you can see exactly how it should be drafted.
Police Report Example Below:

The FTC Report is arguably this most important report when it

comes to performing a "credit sweep". FTC reports are the only
reports that are named in the FCRA section 605(b). Below is an
excerpt from the FCRA section 605(b):
Sec. 605B. Block of information resulting from identity
(a) Block. Except as otherwise provided in this section, a
consumer reporting agency shall block the reporting of any
information in the file of a consumer that the consumer
identifies as information that resulted from an alleged identity
theft, not later than 4 business days after the date of receipt by
such agency of –
(1) appropriate proof of the identity of the consumer;
(2) a copy of an identity theft report;
(3) the identification of such information by the consumer; and
(4) a statement by the consumer that the information is not
information relating to any transaction by the consumer.
(b) Notification. A consumer reporting agency shall promptly
notify the furnisher of information identified by the consumer
under subsection (a)-
(1) that the information may be a result of identity theft;
(2) that an identity theft report has been filed;
(3) that a block has been requested under this section; and
(4) of the effective dates of the block.
The easiest way to complete a FTC report is to
complete the process online. First visit
Then select report identity theft. This will take you
to an ID theft portal. Select Get Started. Select "I
want to report another type of identity theft".
Select all account types that apply. Continue until
you come to the page requesting to input account
information. Its ok to leave the "if you contacted
the company" section blank. Next fill in all of your
general information. Continue. Select that you have
reviewed your credit report. This action will drop
down a question "Were there any fraudulent
accounts included in your credit report". Select yes.
The next question will be "Was any personal
information wrong in your credit report?" Select
social security number, and name. Lastly, under
company name type "numerous unauthorized
inquiries". Select yes, to have you contacted the
police, then mention your police department.
Select yes to was your personal data impacted by a
breach. Then select a breach not listed here. Then
select yes to has a debt collector contacted you.
Lastly, you will provide a personal statement.This
statement will be similar to the statement in the
police report. Below I will include a sample
personal statement:

I recently reviewed a copy of my credit report and I

noticed several accounts that had been
established in my name
without my consent. I have reached out to the
holders of these accounts and made them aware
that these are not my
accounts. I have been working with a private
investigator and police to help stop the use of my
name by someone whom
has stolen my identity.

After you provide your personal statement you will

be asked to check a box to sign the ID report.
Finalize this action and continue to the next page.
Select, No thanks continue without an account. You
will be asked to submit a code that will be sent to
the number you added. The last step is to
download and save the report.
Below is an example of what a FTC report should
look like.


Now that you have an overview of how credit repair

works and how it is you can have negative accounts
removed from your personal credit, let's talk about
this same process as it relates to dealing with
potential credit customers.
-Once we are able to complete one customer with
the strategies we have developed you will see a
large influx of customers requesting services from
you. We will give coaching on different ways to
market yourself online through your own personal

- Social media platforms are the best source to

procure customers. In my personal experience
Facebook has the most responsive platform.
The first thing I would do is post a picture of the
results I received from the work done on my
personal credit. The caption on the post would
normally read something like, "Remove negative
accounts from your credit report in 30-45 days.
Reach out to me Today!"

-When I receive a Facebook message or a

comment under a post inquiring about my service
the first response that I give is very short and
straight to the point. Giving only enough
information to make the customer call.
An example of the message that I send to
customers inquiring through facebook is as follows:
EX): "Hey!, Thanks for reaching out! I'm definitely
willing and ready to help. I have a strategy that
takes 30-45 days for results and costs $500 and I
also have a strategy that yields results in 3-6
months for $350. 4696024748 call me for more
- The first strategy would be the 605(b) method and
the second would be the 609 method.

-There are a number of different ways to market

yourself and your business and by no means am I
saying you MUST follow my marketing strategies.
These are just examples of what has worked for
me. If you find more efficient ways to accomplish
the same goal I encourage you to pursue those
ideas along with the information you take from this
Once the customer sees your message the next
step would be for them to actually call in. During
this process I have a standard pitch or breakdown
that I give to perspective customers. I thank them
for calling. I give them an opportunity to tell me
what goals they have and what they are trying to
achieve. I ask them do they have any major
negative accounts like bankruptcy, child support, or
a foreclosure. Then after that I say the pitch. The
pitch is pretty much something to say to inform but
also hypnotize your client. It is enough information
to put you in the driver seat and give you control of
the meeting but it's not too much to where you
become wordy or not easily understood. It is a
quick pitch that will establish credibility and get you
off the phone. This is really the only time that you
will have to speak to customers. Every other
conversation can be done through text.

Below I will give an example of an initial phone call

with a client.

customer: Hello I was calling in trying to get
information about your credit repair services.

advocate: Yes mam! Thanks for calling...Ok. Do you

have a feel for what's reporting on your credit file
right now? Like are there any bankruptcies
foreclosures or anything significant like that?

customer: No nothing like that. I just have some

unpaid credit card accounts student loans and
medical collections.

advocate: Ok no problem all of those accounts

can definitely be removed from your file. Let me
give you a brief breakdown of what it is we actually
customer: ok

advocate: So, we don't dispute on the accuracy or

the validity of your account. So whether or not the
account is actually your account or not does not
matter in our dispute process. What we dispute is
the credit bureaus actual right to report on the
account. And if they are not in possession of what's
called the original consumer signed contract then
they don't have the authority to report on your
credit file.
advocate: So what our company does is we
challenge the credit bureaus method of verification
and we ask them to provide us proof that they
have actually verified the account by the federal
statute and if they cannot provide this proof in a
certain specified amount of time then the account
has to be removed from the file. Now simply
removing accounts is not the only aspect into
making you credit worthy. You will also need to add
positive accounts to structure the report to give it
the strength it needs to actually leverage the credit
for funding opportunities. And I'm not talking about
authorized user accounts. I'm talking about primary
accounts in your own name. Credit building
accounts that you will be able to add regardless of
where your score is now. We have two different
strategies. Our most popular strategy yields results
in 30-45 days and it is $500. We also have a
secondary strategy that yields results in 3-6
months and it is $350.
customer: Ok, Great! I would like to get started as
soon as possible

advocate: Ok, Awesome! I'll send you over some

information to pull your credit reports. I'll give you a
complete breakdown of the accounts that I have
identified for removal as well as information on
accounts to add if your credit file is thin. Go to and set up an account. Once you set
up your Experian account send me the credentials
and that is how I will access your credit reports. The
Equifax and Transunion credit reports are available
through Experian as well but there is a $30 charge
for those reports.

At this point your customer is on board. They trust

you and feel that you are competent to have the
job completed.

- After your client agrees to move forward with the

service the next step would be requesting their
credit reports so we can give a complete
breakdown or analysis of the file. I usually send the
analysis by email.

-So, if you reference the last section you will see in

the script where after the customer says that they
would like to move forward we go into sending the
Experian link to them to pull their credit reports.
There is another free link called The problem with this
source is that the credit agencies ask impossible
questions to people to verify the identity of the
account. If your customer misses one question then
they will not be granted access to the file. So
Experian is a sure fire way for them to access the
account then like I've said before Experian has a
really easy platform to understand which will make
life easier for us when it comes to actually reading
the report.
- Once you get the username and the pass code
make an attempt to login to the customers
Experian account. The account will ask for a code
to be sent to the last four digits of the cell phone
that set the account up. Notify your client that the
6 digit code is on its way.

- Once you receive the code analyze the report

the way we discussed in "HOW TO READ CREDIT
REPORTS". List all the accounts that you identify
for removal as well as any inquires that need to be
removed. Also if your client has 3 or less primary
trade lines, or accounts that have been opened up
in their name, then we are going to recommend
them to add these accounts to their credit file to
strengthen the credit report.

-Once I have my accounts identified I send an

email to the customer explaining that I have found
let's say 6 total accounts that need to be removed
from your credit report and a total of 9 inquires. I
never tell them which accounts that we have
identified unless they specifically ask.

-Many times our clients will have mostly negative

accounts reflecting on their credit reports. So once
we remove the negative information the client will
have essentially no history reporting on the file.
This is obviously no good. So to counteract this
scenario we will make mention of certain PRIMARY
accounts or accounts that are taken out in the
clients name that need to be added to thin files to
give them the boost they need for approvals. The
primary accounts and how to add them to your
clients account is listed as follows:
- Myjewlersclub (5k trade line) - Myjewlers is a 5
thousand dollar trade line that will report to all 3
credit bureaus. This will lower your overall
utilization and it will give you a revolving credit line
with a pretty high limit. To apply for this line of
credit you will need to visit
Before you can make a purchase you will need to
become a member. Membership cost $100. After
you become a member you must make a purchase
of at least $100 before myjewelersclub will report
to the credit bureaus. Of that $100 initial purchase
you will only have to pay $50 of that upfront and
$22 monthly. This will have a strong impact to the
overall credit profile. In total it will be $150 dollars
to start the myjewlersclub account.
Secured Credit Card with local bank or local
Credit Union - the second revolving account
should be a secured credit card from your bank.
Basically a secured credit card is a credit card
issued by the bank. The only difference between
this card and a standard credit card is you will put
the deposit or the credit limit up as a collateral to
the bank. Most secured credit cards begin with a
minimum deposit of $250. You would go to your
local bank request an application for a secured
credit card and upon approval you would deposit
the $250 and the bank would issue you a credit
card. It's very import that once the card is received
that we keep the balance as low as possible. The
card can be used for gas and other day to day
expenses but the balance should always be zero
before the next billing statement. Also every
opportunity you get to add more money or
increase the credit limit please take this action. An
increased credit limit whether offered by the bank
or increased through your own action is always
good for your score.
- First Premier Card - This revolving line of credit
is what's call an unsecured credit line. Unlike the
secured card there will not be a deposit for this
type of credit card. To apply go to
There is a $95 application fee and a $75 annual fee
and the approved credit limit is $300. Just like the
secured card though, the sole purpose for this card
is to build the file so it's very important to keep the
utilization as low as possible. If the card is used for
any day to day expense we just want to make sure
that by the statement date the balance is back to

So after the credit report has been reviewed and

the client has been recommended the necessary
accounts and the payment has been made, now it's
time to draft the letters and get them ready for the
mail. The first step would be to download one of
the 4 templates that will be included in this packet.
The letters you will have will be the 605(b) letter,
The 609 debt validation letter for the credit
agencies, a bankruptcy removal letter , and also an
inquiry removal letter. Once we identify which
letter is best for our client we delete and add their
names to the template. At this stage you can print
out the letter.
- This portion of the drafting is very important.
Earlier we discussed the automated EOSCAR
system that the credit agencies use to verify
accounts. EOSCAR will scan our dispute letters and
identity key words in the letter and will break down
the letter from those key words into a code that will
be sent to the collection company for verification.
The collection companies automated system will
match the code from the credit agency with their
own code and the account will come back as
verified and belonging to our client. That is not the
way the law says accounts should be verified. The
agencies have adopted this method because they
receive about 20,000 disputes a day and it is more
time efficient to verify or check disputes
- To counteract this blatant non-compliance of the
federal law we will hand write in all accounts in blue ink.
The typed portion will be the actual dispute but the
accounts account numbers and the balance will be hand
written in blue ink. What this does is throws off the
automated EOSCAR system and forces a live person to
read our dispute letters. This is good for 2 main reasons.
The first is the CRA has a certain amount of time to
respond. With the letter being removed from the
automated stack to the manual stack valuable time is lost
by the CRA and in some instances they are not able to
respond to the dispute in the appropriate time and
because of this the account is removed from the file.
Another pivotal reason we hand write in our accounts is
that we will get an actual live person giving our dispute
attention vs. the automated system that has no feelings
or intellect.
There are certain criteria that the computer system is
scanning for and if the criteria fits the account will come
back verified and this is regardless of the situation that
caused the account to become negative. A live person
may be able to give the dispute a deeper consideration
than the automated system. Tip to remember: The
representatives at the credit bureaus have the
authority to remove accounts right from their
desk. So those are the individuals we want
handling our case not the lifeless computer
- After we hand write in the accounts now it's time
to mail off our disputes. There are a few items that
should be in every dispute package.
Below I will list the Items needed in a standard
dispute package before it is actually sent off:

1. The actual dispute detailing the errors on

the report.
2. The clients ID
3. The clients piece of mail with same address
as on the ID
4. The Federal Trade Commission Report
5. The local Police Report

- Once we verify that the appropriate documents

are in the dispute package. We head on down to
the post office get a stamp, sometimes you will
need a stamp and a half because of the weight of
the envelope, then you drop in the mail drop box.

- It is important that during this time of building the

company we take free time to continue to educate
ourselves on everything credit. Continuing to
increase our knowledge base to be able to best
accommodate our clients. Below are some sources
that I used to help advance my understanding of
credit repair:

• Corey P. Smith: "How to Outsmart The Credit

• Corey P Smith: "The Unbreakable Laws of
Business Credit
• Corey P Smith: The Credit Dictionary
• YouTube: Credit Suite
• YouTube: CJ the Credit Fixer
• Instagram: Vance the Credit Doctor
• Amazon Audible: Credit Repair for Dummies

Over the next few pages I will leave sample letters

for you to use in various scenarios. I will list how
each letter in this book should be used.

Sec 605(b) Letter

Bankruptcy Letter to Courts
Courts Response to Bankruptcy
Inquiry Removal Letter
Debt Verification Letter
Debt Validation Letter
Over the next few pages I will share results from
past customers who have used the systems that
were disclosed in this book.

This is a service that is in demand, high demand at

that. The strategies discussed in this ebook are
effective and they work. You just need to stay
focused on developing a system with this
information so this work can be automated and
passed on to employees. The money is there and
the marketing through social media platforms is a
solid way to get people to start the service with you
and once results come your customer will be
satisfied and you will be in business. Customers will
pay, you just have to let them know you offer the
service. This will work! Thank you for reading my
book on how to perform credit sweeps. I hope you
find the information in these pages not only
informative but useful. Good luck! And remember,
It's a thousand ways to skin a cat, but only one way
to do a credit sweep and now you know that way!

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