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Curriculum and the Teacher

NAME : ________________________________ DATE:___________________________

INSTRUCTOR:__________________________ YR & SECTION: _________________

Instructions: Try to access in the internet and find a video on the

actual teaching in the classroom.

1. Observe and make a narration of the classroom situation you

have viewed.

2. Give you observations to the actuations of the teachers and

students as well.

3. If you were the teacher on that video, how will you act? Discuss
your answer relating to your teaching experience.

4. What curricula are present in the classroom based on your


5. Is it necessary for teachers to learn about school curriculum?


WEEK 1-2
Activity Sheet #1.1
Curriculum and the Teacher
NAME : ___________________________ DATE:___________________________
INSTRUCTOR:_____________________ YR & SECTION: _________________

Instructions: Read each statement and decide whether you Agree or Disagree.
If you agree, justify your answers, if you disagree, do the same.
1. It is a reality that there exist more than one curriculum in the teacher’s

2. Some curricula in the schools/classrooms are unwritten.


3. To establish national standards, teachers should be guided by recommended

curriculum in basic and higher education.

4. Teachers should expect that school curricula are dynamic and changing.

5. Evaluated curriculum makes judgment about learning.


WEEK 1-2
Activity Sheet #1.2
Curriculum and the Teacher

NAME : _______________________________ DATE:___________________________

INSTRUCTOR:_________________________ YR & SECTION: _________________

Instructions: encircle the right answer.

1. They come in the form of course of study, syllabi, modules, books or

instructional guides among others.
a. Assessed Curriculum c. Learned Curriculum
b. Hidden Curriculum d. Written Curriculum
2. The following are criteria in the selection of content EXCEPT.
a. Feasibility c. Reliability
b. Interest d. Significance
3. The philosopher in education who stressed out that curriculum should
develop the whole child and it should be child-centered.
a. Franklin Bobbit (1876-1956) c. Hilda Taba (1902-1967)
b. Harold Rugg (1886-1960) d. Hollis Caswell (1901-1989)
4. He believes that education is experiencing and that reflective thinking is a
means that unifies curricular elements that are tested by application.
a. Colin Mars c. John Dewey
b. Holin Caswell d. Othaniel Smith
5. It is the heart of the educational system.
a. Content of the Lesson c. Evaluation
b. Curriculum d. Homework/Assessment

6. This is described as support materials that the teacher needs to make

learning and teaching meaningful.
a. Assessed Curriculum c. Instructional Materials
b. Hidden Curriculum d. Recommended Curriculum
7. The teacher as a curricularist __________________________.
a. knows the topic c. plans the lesson
b. writes lesson plans d. initiates the curriculum
8. It is a written document that systematically describes goals planned,
objectives, content, learning activities, evaluation procedures and so
a. Curriculum c. Pre-Post test
b. Learning plan d. Learning objectives
9. He asserts that curriculum should consist entirely of knowledge which
comes from various disciplines.
a. Arthur Bestor c. Phillip Phenix
b. Joseph Schwab d. Robert M. Hutchins
10. The following are guide in the selection of the content in the curriculum
a. Commonly used in the daily life.
b. Appropriate to the maturity levels and abilities of the learners.
c. Valuable in meeting the needs and competencies of the future career.
d. Important in the teaching to other subject areas.

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