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The Rotter Incomplete Sentence Blank (RISB) is a psychological test designed to

explore individuals' thought patterns, attitudes, and personality traits through the completion
of incomplete sentences. Developed by Julian B. Rotter, a renowned psychologist, this test
aims to uncover unconscious feelings, desires, and conflicts that may influence behavior. The
RISB is widely used in clinical settings, research, and educational environments to gain
insights into various aspects of an individual's psychological makeup.

Purpose of the Test

The primary purpose of the RISB is to delve into the respondent's inner world by
presenting them with sentence fragments that require completion. The test seeks to reveal
aspects of personality, self-concept, and interpersonal relationships that may not be readily
apparent through traditional assessment methods. By providing open-ended sentence stems,
the RISB allows for a more nuanced understanding of an individual's cognitive and emotional

Key Features of the RISB

 Sentence Stems
The test consists of a series of sentence stems, each deliberately left
incomplete. These stems cover a range of topics, including personal experiences,
relationships, and self-perception. Respondents are asked to complete the sentences in
a way that reflects their immediate thoughts and feelings.

 Projective Nature
The RISB is considered a projective test, meaning that it relies on the
individual's subjective responses to ambiguous stimuli. This approach is designed to elicit
unfiltered insights, providing a window into the respondent's unconscious mind.
 Scoring and Analysis
Scoring the RISB involves examining the content of the completed sentences
for themes, patterns, and underlying psychological dynamics. Trained psychologists
use a standardized scoring system to interpret responses, offering valuable
information about the individual's personality structure.

Applications of the RISB

Clinical Assessment:
Psychologists use the RISB as a tool for clinical assessment, aiding in the diagnosis
and treatment planning for various psychological disorders. It can uncover aspects of the
individual's emotional life that may be crucial for therapeutic interventions.

Research Tool:
The RISB has been employed in numerous research studies to investigate personality
traits, cognitive processes, and the impact of social factors on individual behavior. Its
versatility makes it a valuable instrument in advancing our understanding of human


The Rotter Incomplete Sentence Blank is a versatile psychological test that offers a
unique glimpse into the intricacies of the human mind. By tapping into the individual's
subjective responses to incomplete sentences, the RISB provides a valuable tool for
clinicians, researchers, and educators seeking a deeper understanding of personality,
emotions, and interpersonal dynamics. In the pages that follow, we will explore the
administration, scoring, and interpretation of the RISB, shedding light on its significance in
the realm of psychological assessment.
Assessment Report of Rotter Incomplete Sentence Blank (RISB)
Bio Data
Name: S.R
Age: 22 years old
Gender: Female
Education: MS Clinical Psychology
Birth order: 3rd born.
No. of siblings: 5 (1 sister& 3 brothers)
Religion: Islam
Marital status: Single
Father: Alive
Mother: Alive
Reason for Referral
The client was self-referred for fulfilling academic purpose.
Background Information
Client was born with normal birth. The client was physically healthy at birth. She has
completed all developmental stages. Now she is physiologically and psychologically fit.
She started school education at the age of 3. She had done metric with above average
and Fsc in pre-medical with average grades. After doing bs-honors in applied psychology with
outstanding performance now she is doing MS in clinical psychology.
She has a good relationship with her peers. She is an obedient girl and always gives
respect to teachers. Her parents have a loving and caring attitude towards her. She has a healthy
home environment and always takes care of siblings and parents.
Her parents appreciated her because she always works hard and tries to give 100% for
every work. Her brothers and sisters always take her advice and help with their schoolwork.
She also helps her mother with household chores. A client is always admired by her family,
relatives, cousins, and friends.
She suffers from jaundice at 5th level, but her studies were not affected at all. She
never suffers from another disease throughout her life. She is a habitual lazy girl and does not
take part in any extracurricular activities.
Her hobby is reading books, and she visits different libraries for reading. She is a
social girl with a lot of friends. All my friends are satisfied with her.
She always shows excellent academic performance throughout her academic
performance which indicates that her intellectual level is good.
Behavioral Observation
She was dressed simply. She was wearing dupatta on her head. She became a little bit
nervous at the starting time. She was good at starting but felt fatigued in the last few minutes
during the test. She was not able to give proper attention to the items.
Test Administration
The test was administered in the psychological testing lab of Lahore Garrison
University. Proper instructions were given before the test. She carefully listens to all the
instructions. The lab environment was quite calm and peaceful. The room temperature was
normal. The participant was provided with a chair and table to sit comfortably.
All the instructions were given to the participant before the start of the test. The
participant was informed that the test consists of 40 incomplete sentences with only their initial
words and the client must complete the sentence with the help of these initial words.
Quantitative Analysis
There are seven types of responses in RISB. The scoring assign to those responses are
as follows:
P1=2, P2=1, P3=0, N=3, C1=4, C2=5 and C3=6
P1, P2 and P3 are Positive responses, N is neutral and C1, C2 and C3 are conflict

Nature of Response Frequency of Response Total Score

P1 6 12
P2 4 4
P3 5 0
N 11 33
C1 6 24
C2 6 30
C3 2 12
Omissions 0 0
Total 40 115

Cut off Score=135

Obtained Score=115

Qualitative Analysis
Familial Attitude
The client shows good familial attitude in items 2,4,8,11,26 and 35. She has shown a
good relationship with her mother as in item 11 and 35. Item 26 depicted that client has a
positive concept of marriage. Items 2.4 and 8 depicted that client feels very happy and
comfortable when she spends time with family.
All the item responses related to familial attitude showed her positive attitude towards
Social and Sexual Attitude
The client shows some conflicts with people in item number 5,9,10,15,19,29 and
40.she does not has positive thinking towards other people as she mentioned in some
sentences that people misuse meanings of relationship, people cannot treat the way family do,
she cannot tolerate when somebody disrespects, and she also said that it pains her when she
does not get love by others.
Despite this, item no 27 shows that she likes to help others in their difficult times, she
also has a conflict regarding opposite gender as in item no 7, because she believes that boys
do not respect girls.
General Attitude
Her general attitude were depicted in item numbers
1,3,6,12,13,14,16,17,18,20,21,22,23,24,25,28,30,31,32,33,34,36,3,38,39.She likes pleasant
weather, enjoy dancing, she was introvert in her childhood but now she is trying to be more
confident, she was healthy in her childhood, she also suffers ups and downs in her life, at
some point she failed to express her feelings.
She said that sometimes lives become very beautiful, she seems to be patriotic
because she mentioned in some items that she loves Pak army and wishes to join army.
Character Traits
She has a good relationship with her family. She has a shy personality and is not
easily frank with others. She loves to help needy people as in depicted item number 36.she
has caring and loving personality. She is patriotic. Overall, her character is good.

The client has positive feelings about her family. She believes that marriage changes
life. She needs positivity very much in her life. She feels troubled when she gets flu. She feels
sad about poor people and secretly wants to help them. She likes pleasant weather.
She scored below than cut off score. This result shows that she has no maladjustment. She
has good relationship with her family. She became annoyed with people’s thinking
and people’s interference in her life. She has some conflicts as well as positive feelings
around her surroundings.
The results revealed that participant scored below than cut off score which shows that
she has no maladjustment.

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