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Sue Parminter and D’Arcy Vallance

Engglish in Mind 10
En e
Language Builder

Unit 1 Learning languages 2

Unit 2 Holiday time 12
Unit 3 Working world 22
Unit 4 Eat for life 32
Unit 5 Into the future 42
Unit 6 Survival 52
Unit 7 Good intentions 62
Unit 8 How brave! 72
Irregular verbs 82
Phrasal verbs 86

© Cambridge University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder

Word Builder
1 Learning languages
1 Write the languages.

Welcome Bienvenue
1 2 3

Wilkommen Benvenuto
4 5 6

7 8


9 10

2 Make signs for two other languages.

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UNIT 1 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Word Builder
Language learning
Write the language learning verbs in the classroom phrases.

Please don’t to do your homework!

Can anyone the answer?

Do you how to say this in English?

I have to 20 new words this evening.

I’m happy because I didn’t any mistakes.

Excuse me, what does this word ?

You need to speaking before we do the test.

Did you to bring your dictionaries?

Can you this sentence into French?

I didn’t the dialogue. Can we listen again?

© Cambridge University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder

UNIT 1 3
Word Builder
Documents and texts
SB Complete the mind map with
Vocabulary bank page 89
the documents and texts that you read and write.

I read … I write …

At home

and texts
I read … I write …

At school

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UNIT 1 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Word Builder

Study help Collocations

We often use certain words together. These are called

collocations. Here are some examples:
make a mistake do your homework
work hard a heavy accent
It’s important to learn collocations in pairs or phrases.
You can check them in a collocations dictionary.

Tick all the words you can use with each word in the centre.
a mistake ✓

a noise MAKE your bed

the housework

mother LANGUAGE native

the housework

a noise DO sports

the shopping

problem BIG surprise

© Cambridge University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
UNIT 1 5
Grammar Builder
Highlight the comparative forms. Then complete the table with
the adjectives.
a English is easier than German.
b Italian is a more beautiful language than German.
c My Spanish is better than my Italian.
d Maths is harder than English.
e English has a larger vocabulary than Taki Taki.
f This test is worse than the last one.
g Japan can be hot, but China is usually hotter.
h My house is further from school than yours.

Short adjectives
Most one syllable + -er 1
One syllable ending in -e + -r 2

One syllable ending in double consonant

consonant + vowel + -er 3

+ consonant
Long adjectives
Two syllables ending in -y y ➔ i + -er 4

Two or more syllables more + adjective 5

Irregular adjectives

bad – 6
far – 7
good – 8

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UNIT 1 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Grammar Builder
1 Highlight the superlative forms.

Facts about Russia

Its capital city is one of the coldest Tolstoy is one of the most
capitals in the world. famous Russian writers in
the world.
It has the deepest lake in the world.
It’s the biggest country in
A Russian museum has the largest
the world.
art collection in the world.

2 Complete the table with the correct form of the adjectives

in the box.
bad big busy deep famous far good large

Short adjectives
Most one syllable adjectives the + -est 1

One syllable ending in -e the + -st 2

One syllable ending in the +

consonant + vowel + double consonant 3

consonant + -est
Long adjectives
Two syllables ending in -y the + y ➔ i + -est 4

Two or more syllables the most 5

+ adjective

Irregular adjectives
6 7
– the worst – the furthest
– the best

© Cambridge University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder

UNIT 1 7
Grammar Builder
Comparatives and superlatives
Highlight the comparative forms. Underline the superlative forms.
Then complete the rules.

Basel is a big city, but Zürich is bigger.

People say Geneva is a beautiful city,
but it’s the worst place for a cheap
holiday! It’s more expensive than the
other two cities. In fact, it’s the most
expensive city in Switzerland. I was
there last summer and it was the most
expensive week of my life!

Zermatt is a popular village, but it’s quieter than

many other places because there are no noisy
cars. The thing that makes Zermatt so special is
the Matterhorn. For me, it’s the most beautiful
mountain on Earth. The highest cable car station
in Europe is here on the Little Matterhorn. There’s
good skiing for advanced skiers in winter, but
other places are better for beginners. The best
weather is in July.

1 We use to compare two things.
2 We use to compare more than two things.
3 We use comparative adjective + + noun.
4 We use + superlative adjective.
5 We often use the following phrases with :
in Europe of my life on Earth
in the world of all
in Switzerland

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UNIT 1 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Grammar Builder

Language links Superlative adjectives

1 Highlight the superlative forms.

The highest mountain in the world

is Mount Everest.

La montagne la plus haute au monde

est le Mont Everest.

Der höchste Berg der Welt

ist der Mount Everest.

2 What similarities and differences are there in how we form the

superlative in the three languages? Make notes on the right.

Study help Remembering grammar

Tick the things that you do to remember grammar.
• I learn the example sentences in the Student’s Book.
• I read the rules in the Grammar reference.
• I do the Grammar Builder exercises.
• I copy grammar tables and learn them.
• I copy example sentences again and again.
• I draw diagrams of grammar rules.
• I make grammar mind maps.
• I practise with grammar cards.
• I write personal sentences using the new grammar.
• I revise regularly using the Grammar Builder.

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UNIT 1 9
Active wordlist
Unit 1 Learning languages
Chinese chinois
English anglais
French français
German allemand
Greek grec
Italian italien
Japanese japonais
Portuguese portugais
Russian russe
Spanish espagnol

Language learning
forget oublier
guess deviner
know savoir, connaître
learn apprendre
make a mistake faire une erreur
mean vouloir dire, signifier
practise travailler
remember se souvenir de
translate traduire
understand comprendre

Documents and texts

advert publicité
certificate certificat
dictionary dictionnaire
ebook ebook
email e-mail
form formulaire
instructions consignes
letter lettre
newspaper journal

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UNIT 1 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Active wordlist

Words and phrases

amazing surprenant, incroyable pronunciation prononciation
ask demander à reading lecture
be fluent parler couramment repeat répéter
explain expliquer speak parler
first language langue d’origine speaker locuteur
grammar grammaire speaking expression orale
hard dur spelling orthographe
letter (ABC) lettre vocabulary vocabulaire
listening écoute word mot
meaning signification, sens writing expression écrite

I don’t think it’s good to … Je pense que ce n’est pas bien de …

It’s a good idea to … C’est une bonne idée de …
It’s useful to … Il est utile de …
Remember (to + infinitive) Rappelle-toi / Rappelez-vous (de … / que …)
Try (to + infinitive) Essaie/Essayez (de …)
Why don’t you …? Et si tu/vous (+ imparfait) …?

Culture in mind
adult adulte
depend on dépendre de
different différent
invent inventer
teenager (teen) adolescent (ado)
the same le/la/les même(s)

AD ap. J.-C.
change (v) changer
conqueror conquérant
in the (5th) century au (V e) siècle
invade envahir
mother tongue langue maternelle

© Cambridge University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder

UNIT 1 11
Word Builder
2 Holiday time
Future time expressions
Complete the future time expressions.

Wednesday 14 October
Wednesday 14 October


Thursday 15 October Friday 16 October

2 3

FROM Sat 17th Oct 08:00 Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun

TO Sat 17th Oct 12:00 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

26 27 28 29 30 31
4 5
Saturday weekend

Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun December
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun

26 27 28 29 30 31 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

6 7
two two

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UNIT 2 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Word Builder
Travel and transport
1 Write the verbs.

return home after

ride a bike go by plane
a journey

1 2 3

go away from
take public road go away from
your home for
transport a place
longer than a day

4 5 6

use time being

sleep for the night make a journey

7 8 9

2 Make vocabulary cards for other words in Unit 2 connected to

travel and transport. Use them to learn the words.

you go here
an airport
to catch a plane

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UNIT 2 13
Word Builder
Holiday activities
1 Write the holiday activities.

1 2

3 4 5

6 7

8 9 10

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UNIT 2 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Word Builder
2 SB Vocabulary bank page 89 Complete the holiday activities.

1 buy 6 look at

2 coach trip 7 meet

3 theme park 8 local food

4 go to an 9 the language
5 learn 10 visit

Language links Phrases with activities

Complete the table. Then highlight the verbs we use to talk about
doing activities.

GB I’d like to go hiking.


F J’aimerais faire de l’escalade.

J’aimerais aller grimper.


D Ich möchte campen gehen.

© Cambridge University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder

UNIT 2 15
Grammar Builder
Present continuous – future arrangements
1 Look at the highlighted present continuous verbs in the
dialogue. Are they about the present (P) or the future (F)?
It’s Saturday tomorrow. 1 Are you doing anything special? F
I’m going climbing with Noah.
Are you getting the bus there?
Yes, 4 we are. Why don’t you come too?
Thanks, but 5 I’m playing tennis in the morning.
How about now? What 6 are you doing?
I’m not doing anything special. And you?
My brother’s here. 8 We’re playing a game. It’s great.

2 Tick the four correct rules. Then complete the table with
the present continuous form of the verbs.

We use the present To make the present continuous,
continuous for: we use:
activities happening now the present simple of the verb to do
routines the present simple of the verb to be
future possibilities the -ing form of the main verb
definite plans the infinitive form of the main verb

Affirmative I1 (go) on holiday tomorrow.

Negative She 2 (do) anything next weekend.
Questions 3
they 4 (stay) Yes, they 5 .
and short in a hotel? No, they 6 .

16 © Cambridge
UNIT 2 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Grammar Builder
Future time expressions
1 Highlight the future time expressions. Then tick the four
correct rules.
1 My cousin is going 2 We’re getting a train to 3 We’re driving to
to the USA next year. Scotland this weekend. Spain on Sunday.

4 We’re coming back 5 My dad’s flying to 6 We’re meeting our friends

home next week. China in two weeks. at the airport this evening.

7 Hurry up! We’re 8 On Tuesday morning

leaving in a minute. we’re going sightseeing.

Future time expressions:
go after place phrases
usually go at the beginning of a sentence
usually go at the end of a sentence
can go at the beginning of a sentence
don’t go between a verb and its object

2 Write the expressions from Exercise 1 in the table.

next in
next year

on this

© Cambridge University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder

UNIT 2 17
Grammar Builder
Verb + -ing form and verb + to + infinitive
1 Highlight the verb + -ing forms. Underline the verb + to +
infinitive forms.

Do you like camping?

Yes, I do. I love camping. Why?

Would you like to go to the mountains next weekend?

I’d like to go, but I can’t. My cousin’s staying with us.

Maybe he’d like to come too?

I don’t think so. He hates camping.

2 Circle the words to complete the rules. Then complete

the table with the correct form of like or would like.

1 We use the -ing form / to + the infinitive form after would like.

2 We use the -ing form / to + the infinitive form after like, love
and hate.

Affirmative She 1 going swimming.

She 2 to go swimming today.

Negative I3 going hiking.

I4 to go hiking now.
Questions 5
you canoeing? Yes, I do.
and short No, I don’t.
you to go Yes, I would.
canoeing tomorrow? No, I wouldn’t.

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UNIT 2 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Grammar Builder

Study help Verb patterns

You can use a dictionary to check if verbs are followed by:

• verb + -ing form • to + infinitive
The example sentences help you to understand how to use the verbs.

prefer verb [T] UK US /prɪˈfɜː/ (present participle preferring,

past tense and past participle preferred)
A2 to like someone or something more than another person or thing:
I prefer dogs to cats.
[+ doing sth] She prefers watching tennis to playing.

would prefer
A2 used to say what you want or ask someone what they want:
[+ to do sth] I’d prefer to go alone.
Would you prefer to swim or to go for a walk?

1 Look at the dictionary entry and write personal example

sentences with verb + -ing form or verb + to + infinitive.
1 I prefer .
2 I’d prefer .

2 Write personal example sentences to help you remember

these verb patterns.

Verb + -ing form


Verb + to + infinitive
would like

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UNIT 2 19
Active wordlist
Unit 2 Holiday time
Future time expressions
in (two) (days/months) dans (deux) (jours/mois)
next (week/weekend/month/year) (la semaine / le week-end / le mois /
l’année) prochain(e)
on (Monday) (lundi)
on (Saturday) (morning) (samedi) (matin)
this (morning/afternoon/evening) ce (matin/soir) / cette (après-midi)
tomorrow demain
tonight ce soir / cette nuit

Travel and transport

come back revenir
cycle aller à vélo
fly voyager en avion
get (a bus/train) prendre (l’autobus / le train)
go on holiday (to Spain) aller en vacances (en Espagne)
leave partir
spend (time) passer (du temps)
stay (in a hotel) séjourner, loger (à l’hôtel)
travel (by boat) voyager (en bateau)

Holiday activities
bungee jumping saut à l’élastique
camping camping
canoeing canoë
climbing escalade
hiking randonnée
kite surfing kitesurf
paragliding parapente
sightseeing tourisme
snorkelling plongée avec tuba
sunbathing bain de soleil

Holiday activities
buy souvenirs acheter des souvenirs
go on a coach trip faire un voyage en car
go to a theme park aller dans un parc à thème
go to an exhibition aller voir une exposition
learn local customs apprendre les coutumes locales
look at the view regarder la vue
meet local people rencontrer les habitants
try local food goûter la cuisine locale
try out the language s’essayer à parler la langue
visit a castle visiter un château

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UNIT 2 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Active wordlist

Words and phrases

adventure (holiday) (vacances) aventure
airport aéroport
boarding pass carte d’embarquement
bus station gare routière
gate porte
information informations
leaflet dépliant
one way aller simple
platform quai
return (n) aller-retour
station gare, station
ticket billet
timetable horaire
tourist information centre office de tourisme
trip voyage
Underground métro

Are you doing anything Tu fais / Vous faites quelque chose de

special? particulier ?
Can you give me some Est-ce que vous pouvez me donner
information about …? des renseignements sur …?
How do I get there? Comment fait-on pour y aller ?
How long does it take? Ça prend combien de temps ?
How much does it cost? Ça coûte combien ?
I’m really looking forward to J’ai hâte de
(meeting you). (te/vous rencontrer).
Which platform does Le train part de quel quai ?
the train leave from?

Everyday English
Could I borrow …? Est-ce que je peux t’/vous emprunter …?
Could you help me? Tu pourrais / Vous pourriez m’aider ?
I’m in a hurry. Je suis pressé.
I’m sorry. Je suis désolé.
I’ve got a problem J’ai un problème
(with my car). (de voiture).
Of course. Bien sûr.
Sure. D’accord.
Would you mind Est-ce que ça vous ennuierait
(helping me)? (de m’aider) ?

© Cambridge University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder

UNIT 2 21
Word Builder
3 Working world
1 Write the jobs.

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

10 11 12

2 Make vocabulary cards and use them to learn the words.

this person
an architect
designs buildings

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UNIT 3 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Word Builder
3 SB Vocabulary bank page 90 Write the places where
the people work.

1 I sell things: c ,d s
2 I help people: f s ,
h ,p s
3 I work with cars: g ,p s
4 I work with a computer and use the phone: o ,
t a
5 I work with machines: f ,r s
6 I work with students: u

Study help Using phonemic symbols

Phonemic symbols help you remember how to say words.

You can highlight the difficult sounds and write the symbols
like this:

/k/ /ʧ/
architect teacher

There is a list of phonemic symbols on page 93 of the Student’s Book.

Highlight ch in these words and write /k/ or /ʧ/.

/ / / / / /
1 change 4 French 7 choose
/ / / / / /
2 orchestra 5 technology 8 school
/ / / / / /
3 mechanic 6 Chinese 9 chemistry

© Cambridge University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder

UNIT 3 23
Word Builder

Language links Jobs

1 Highlight the differences in the sentences.

My brother is an architect.
Mon frère est architecte.
Mein Bruder ist Architekt.

My mother is a doctor.
Ma mère est médecin.
Meine Mutter ist Ärztin.

My cousins are teachers.

Mes cousins sont enseignants.
Meine Cousins sind Lehrer.

2 How do we talk about jobs in the different languages?

In English
In French
In German

3 Write true sentences.

My neighbour is
Mon voisin est
Mein Nachbar ist

24 © Cambridge
UNIT 3 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Word Builder
Work and money
Complete the mind map with the work and money words in the box.
earn full-time jobs part-time pay pocket money
save savings spend works

1 2

from parents

What kind of
jobs are there?

in the bank

Work and
money 4

What do people
Useful phrases
do with money?

8 9
My mum
long hours / hard.

© Cambridge University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder

UNIT 3 25
Grammar Builder
have to / don’t have to
1 Highlight the phrases with have to / don’t have to.
Then tick the correct rules.
Lily Dove is a trapeze artist in a circus. She has
to work every evening, but she doesn’t have to
work on Wednesdays because the circus is closed.
‘I have to be very fit and I practise a lot,’ she says.
Lily has to spend five hours a day training for her
act. ‘Luckily I don’t have to work with the circus
animals,’ she says, ‘I’m scared of animals!’

We use have/has to to say: We use don’t/doesn’t have to to say:
it’s possible to do something it’s impossible to do something
it’s necessary to do something it isn’t necessary to do something

2 Complete the table with the correct forms of have to /

don’t have to and the verbs in the box.
be spend work

I + have to
You 3
with animals.
We 1
– 4
They fit.
He + 2 five hours
She a day training.
It – doesn’t have to

26 © Cambridge
UNIT 3 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Grammar Builder
Questions with have to / don’t have to
1 Look at the table. Then tick the rule.

Questions Short answers
I Yes, I do.
you you
we work hard? No, we don’t.
they have to help at home? they
he be fit? Yes, he does.
Does she she
it No, it doesn’t.

We use Do/Does … have to to ask if something is:

necessary possible

2 Complete the questions and write true answers for you.

1 you have to get up early on Saturdays?

2 your mother have to wake you up?

3 your parents have to travel far to work?

4 your teacher have to shout a lot in class?

5 you have to do a lot of homework?

6 your best friend have to help at home?

© Cambridge University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder

UNIT 3 27
Grammar Builder
1 Look at the highlighted noun in each sentence
and write the article that goes with it.
a an the —

1 My mum has to wear a white uniform. a

2 Doctors earn a lot of money.

3 I want to be a hairdresser when I’m older.

4 The tigers in the zoo were great.

5 Do you want an apple?

6 The apple on the table is for you.

7 There’s a new student. He’s a Chinese boy.

2 Match the sentences from Exercise 1 with the correct rule.

A We use a/an with singular job words.

B We use a with most singular nouns. 1

C We use an with singular nouns starting with
a vowel sound.

D We use a/an to introduce a new person or thing.

E We use the for one particular thing.

F We use the for one particular group of things.

G We don’t use an article with plural nouns for things

in general.

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UNIT 3 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Grammar Builder

Study help Visual grammar

You can use pictures to help you remember grammar examples.

For example, sometimes nouns can be countable or uncountable.
Depending on the meaning, they need different determiners.
You can draw pictures to help you remember the difference.
Look and read:

He’s doing an exercise. He’s doing some exercise.

1 Write the sentences under the pictures.

There isn’t any room. There aren’t any rooms.

2 Add to the pictures to show the difference between

these sentences.

It’s got a long hair. It’s got long hair.

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UNIT 3 29
Active wordlist
Unit 3 Working world
architect architecte
builder maçon
computer programmer programmeur
doctor médecin
engineer ingénieur
farmer agriculteur
firefighter pompier
flight attendant membre de l’équipage (d’un avion)
hairdresser coiffeur
mechanic mécanicien
nurse infirmier
vet vétérinaire

Places people work

chemist’s pharmacie
department store grand magasin
factory usine
fire station caserne de pompiers
garage garage
hospital hôpital
office bureau
petrol station station-service
police station poste de police, commissariat
railway station gare ferroviaire
travel agent’s agence de voyages
university université

Work and money

earn gagner
full-time à plein temps
job travail
part-time à temps partiel
pay (v) payer
pocket money argent de poche
save (money) économiser (de l’argent)
savings économies
spend (money on sth) dépenser (de l’argent pour acheter qqch)
work (v) travailler

30 © Cambridge
UNIT 3 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Active wordlist

Words and phrases

a lot of beaucoup de
design (v) concevoir
during the week au cours de la semaine
early tôt
get good/bad marks avoir de bonnes/mauvaises notes
grow up grandir
inside dedans
machine machine
outside dehors
repair réparer
sell vendre
sick malade
training course formation
work hard travailler dur
work long hours faire beaucoup d’heures

Is it hard work? C’est un travail difficile ?

Culture in mind
alone seul
babysit garder des enfants
carry porter
deliver livrer
fresh air grand air
get some exercise faire de l’exercice
keep (sb) company tenir compagnie (à qqun)
neighbourhood quartier
(your) own (bike) (ton/votre) propre (vélo)
waste time perdre du temps

cent cent
coin pièce (de monnaie)
divided by divisé par
dollar dollar
equals égale
minus moins
note billet (de banque)
pence pence
pound livre sterling
times fois

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UNIT 3 31
Word Builder
4 Eat for life
1 Write the food words.

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

10 11 12

2 Make vocabulary cards and use them to learn the words.

32 © Cambridge
UNIT 4 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Word Builder

Study help Classifying words

You can classify words in many different ways. It helps you

to learn new vocabulary.
Countable Uncountable Healthy Unhealthy
lemons fruit carrots crisps

1 Write the food words in the table. Use a dictionary to help you.

apple banana bean carrot garlic lemon orange peach

pear peas pepper potato strawberry tomato

Fruit Vegetables

2 Write the food words you know in the table. Use a dictionary
to add more words.

Breakfast Lunch Snacks Supper

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UNIT 4 33
Word Builder
Recipe verbs
Write the verbs for preparing food.

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

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UNIT 4 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Word Builder

SB Vocabulary bank page 90 Write the mealtime words.

1 You put food in or on these: , ,

2 You put drinks in these: , ,
3 You put a cup on this:

4 You hold these in your hands to eat with: , ,

5 You clean your mouth with this:

6 You use this to choose food in a restaurant:

7 You use this to drink through:

Language links Food words

1 Write the food words. Highlight the differences in spelling.


2 Listen to the words using an online dictionary.

Notice the differences in pronunciation.
© Cambridge University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder 35
Grammar Builder
Countable and uncountable nouns
1 Highlight the food words. Then use them to complete
the rules.

I’m hungry! Is there any food?

There are some carrots and some tomatoes in the fridge.

Is there any bread?

Yes, there is. It’s in the cupboard. And there’s some cold pasta.

That’s great! I can make a sandwich.

What a strange sandwich!

There are two kinds of nouns in English.
1 Countable nouns are words like ,

and . They can be singular or plural.

2 Uncountable nouns are words like ,

and . They can only be singular.

2 Look at the rules. Then complete the sentences with a, an or some.

1 I want to eat bananas.
F OCUS 2 This is nice apple.
With countable nouns, use: 3 Can you give me sweets?
a/an + singular noun
4 I need sugar for my coffee.
some + plural noun
5 There’s water on the table.
With uncountable nouns, use:
some 6 Can I have orange, please?

36 © Cambridge
UNIT 4 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Grammar Builder
3 Circle the verbs in the sentences.
Then write the example sentences in the table.
This apple is delicious. The sweets are in that bag.
Where are the crisps? Where’s the pasta?
Is there a lemon? There’s some cheese for you.

Noun Verb Examples

Countable singular 1

singular 2
Countable plural 3

plural 4
Uncountable singular 5


How much …? and How many …?

Look at the table. Then complete the rules.
How many sweets are
bottles there?
fruit in the fridge?
How much sugar is

We use How much …? and How many …? to ask questions
about quantity.
1 We use + plural countable nouns.
2 We use + uncountable nouns.

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UNIT 4 37
Grammar Builder
some and any
1 Look at the highlighted words in the sentences and complete
the table with some or any and a noun.
Have you got any cousins? We didn’t eat any sweets today.
There’s some food in the kitchen. Did you buy any bread?
I’m afraid I haven’t got any water. There are some good shops
near here.

+ countable plural noun + uncountable noun
1 4
2 5
3 6

2 Are these questions for information (I), requests (R) or offers (O)?
1 4
Can I have some orange juice? Would you like some food?

2 5
Is there any meat in the sauce? Could I have some bananas?

3 6
Do you want some sweets? Did you buy any ice cream
this morning?

3 Complete the rule with some or any.

We use in requests and offers when we think the answer
will be Yes.

38 © Cambridge
UNIT 4 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Grammar Builder

Study help Countable and

uncountable nouns
You can use a dictionary to check if nouns are countable [C]
or uncountable [U].
Some nouns in English can be countable and uncountable. Sometimes
the meaning of the word changes slightly. Sometimes it’s the same.

chocolate noun UK US /ˈtʃɒklət/

A1 a sweet, brown food that is usually in a block:
a bar of chocolate milk chocolate
A1 a small piece of sweet food covered in chocolate:
a box of chocolates
A2 a sweet drink made with chocolate and hot milk

1 Look at the dictionary entry. Then complete the sentences

with chocolate or chocolates.

1 I ate ten earlier and now I feel sick.

2 There are two bars of on the table.
3 Can we have two hot , please?
4 There’s some in my bag.

2 Are the highlighted words countable [C] or uncountable [U]

in these sentences?
1 a My granny keeps chickens.
b There’s some cold chicken in the fridge.
2 a Can I have a juice, please?
b Have you got any cold juice?
3 a Is there any fish on the menu?
b I caught two fish yesterday.
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UNIT 4 39
Active wordlist
Unit 4 Eat for life
carrot carotte
cheese fromage
crisps chips
fish poisson
fruit fruit
lemon citron
meat viande
pasta pâtes
rice riz
sweets bonbons
tomato (pl tomatoes) tomate
vegetables légumes

Recipe verbs
add ajouter
boil faire bouillir
cut couper
dry sécher
mix mélanger
peel éplucher
serve servir
spread étaler
wash laver

bowl bol
chopsticks baguettes
cup tasse
dish plat
fork fourchette
glass verre
knife couteau
menu menu
mug grande tasse, mug
napkin serviette
plate assiette
saucer soucoupe
spoon cuillère
straw paille

40 © Cambridge
UNIT 4 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Active wordlist

Words and phrases

active actif healthy sain
calories calories keep garder
choose choisir keep fit se maintenir en forme
delicious délicieux meal repas
dessert dessert need falloir, devoir
diet alimentation need sth avoir besoin de qqch
fast food fast food (olive) oil huile (d’olive)
fats matières grasses positive positif
fit en forme recipe recette
fried frit stress stress

bag sac
bottle bouteille
bunch botte, régime (de fruits ou de légumes)
carton brique (alimentaire)
packet paquet

after that ensuite

before you start avant de commencer
finally enfin
first d’abord
next puis
then ensuite

Anything else? Vous désirez autre chose ?

Can I have some (cheesecake), Puis-je avoir du (cheesecake),
please? s’il vous plaît ?
Enjoy! Bon appétit !
Help yourself. Sers-toi/Servez-vous.
I’d like (a mixed salad), please. J’aimerais (une salade mêlée), s’il vous plaît.
I’m starving! Je meurs de faim !
Let’s have something to eat! On va manger quelque chose !
What would you like to eat? Tu veux / Vous voulez manger quoi ?

Everyday English
I didn’t mean to. Je ne l’ai pas fait exprès.
Never mind. Ce n’est pas grave.
No, I don’t think so. Non, je ne crois pas.
On the other hand, … Cependant …
Sounds good to me. Ça me va.
What about …? Et si … ?

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UNIT 4 41
Word Builder
5 Into the future
Life events
Write the life events phrases.

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

42 © Cambridge
UNIT 5 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Word Builder
Home technology
1 Write the words.

the lower floor of a you use this to communicate from

house or building inside the house with the front door

1 2

you use these you use this to you throw away

to lock a door turn on a light glass or paper here

3 4 5

you use this to

control something music comes the upper floor of
from a distance out of these a house or building

6 7 8

a side of a room between you use this to connect your

the floor and the ceiling computer or phone to the internet

9 10

2 SB Vocabulary bank page 91 Make vocabulary cards and use

them to learn the words.

a room at the
attic top of a house

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UNIT 5 43
Word Builder

Language links Space words

1 Write the space words in English. Notice the differences
in spelling.


galaxie 4

orbite 6

satellite 8
système solaire

univers 10
vaisseau spatial

2 Listen to the English words using an online dictionary.

Notice the differences in pronunciation.

44 © Cambridge
UNIT 5 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Word Builder

Study help Using a dictionary

We use prepositions after many verbs.

You can use a dictionary to check which preposition to use.
The spaceship crashed into the planet.
crash UK US /kræʃ/ verb
> if a vehicle crashes, it hits something by accident, and if you crash a
vehicle, you make it hit something by accident:
The van skidded and crashed into a tree.
Rick crashed his dad’s car.

It’s important to learn the verbs and prepositions together in phrases.

Use a dictionary to find the prepositions for each sentence.


1 They’re looking Planet Vulcan, but they can’t find it.

2 I’m going to tell people you when we get back to Earth.

3 They’re going to break you hundreds of little pieces.

4 They’re trying to escape the aliens.

5 Some small rockets are shooting the spaceship.

6 ‘Please talk me, Jake,’ says Sam.

7 Click the picture to listen to the story.

8 ‘Don’t worry, Sam, I’ll think something,’ says Jake.

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UNIT 5 45
Grammar Builder
1 Highlight the verb phrases about the future. Then tick the
correct rule.
1 Be quick or we’ll miss the bus.
2 It’s five to ten. Will they get here soon?
3 I don’t think people will live on the moon in the future.
4 The dog won’t hurt you. Don’t be afraid.
5 What will you do next summer?
6 They won’t crash into the planet.

We use will/won’t for:
definite future plans Future
things we think or guess about the future

2 Complete the table with will/won’t and the correct verbs.

You famous.
He 1 4
+ two children.
2 5
We – married.
You 6
to university.

46 © Cambridge
UNIT 5 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Grammar Builder
Questions with will
Match the questions and answers. Then complete the table.
1 Are you OK? Will you go a
Yes, I’m sure she will.
to school tomorrow?

b No, they won’t. They

2 Will she go to high school? want to travel a lot first.
What do you think?

c Yes, I will. I’m

3 Will the teacher give
better, thanks.
us a surprise test?

4 Will future homes all No, it won’t.
have home computers?

e No, he won’t. We had

5 Will they have children soon? one last week.

6 Will the spaceship crash

f Yes, they will. They’ll be
into the planet? able to do everything.

Questions Short answers
I/you I/you
go? Yes, 2
he/she/it he/she/it
1 come?
we/you we/you
be there? No, 3
they they

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UNIT 5 47
Grammar Builder
Talking about the future
Look at the highlighted words in the sentences. Then complete
the expressions in the table.

1 Maybe people will 2 But I’m sure they won’t 3 I don’t think I’ll
have holidays on the visit other galaxies. go to the moon!
moon in the future.

4 I think it’ll be very 5 I probably won’t go

expensive to go there. to other planets.

6 My brother’s 7 I hope they’ll

interested in space, discover life on
so he’ll probably go. another planet soon.

8 I’m sure people will 9 I’m not sure people will

walk on Mars one day. ever live on the moon.

I’m 1
I2 I’ll
I hope I won’t
M go to the moon.
I’m not 4 meet an alien.
I’ll visit other galaxies.
I don’t 5

I’ll 6

I 7

48 © Cambridge
UNIT 5 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Grammar Builder

Language links Adjectives and word order

1 Put the words in order and write sentences.

1 you Can red and see planet ? blue that

2 tells The computer jokes . terrible

2 Write the sentences from Exercise 1 in French and German.


1 1

2 2

3 Circle the words to complete the rules.

Adjectives go after / before / before and after nouns.
Adjectives have / don’t have different forms (plural, masculine,
feminine, etc.).
Adjectives go after / before / before and after nouns.
Adjectives have / don’t have different forms (plural, masculine,
feminine, etc.).

D Adjectives go after / before / before and after nouns.

Adjectives have / don’t have different forms (plural, masculine,
feminine, etc.).

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UNIT 5 49
Active wordlist
Unit 5 Into the future
Life events
be famous être célèbre
be rich être riche
do an apprenticeship faire un apprentissage
fall in love tomber amoureux
get a (good) job décrocher un (bon) emploi
get married se marier
go to university aller à l’université
have children avoir des enfants
live abroad vivre à l’étranger

Home technology
downstairs en bas
intercom interphone
keys clés
light switch interrupteur
recycling bin poubelle de tri
remote control télécommande
speakers haut-parleurs
upstairs en haut
wall mur
wifi wifi

House and home

air conditioning climatisation
attic grenier
balcony balcon
carpet moquette
cellar (GB) / basement (USA) cave
corridor couloir
door handle poignée
front door porte d’entrée
plug prise
roof toit
sensor détecteur
shelf (pl shelves) étagère

50 © Cambridge
UNIT 5 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Active wordlist

Words and phrases

be able to (infinitive form of can) savoir, pouvoir, être capable de
catch fire prendre feu
change (v) changer
check vérifier
crash (v) percuter
die mourir
fight (v) combattre
find trouver
land (v) atterrir
leave school quitter l’école
lock (v) verrouiller
meet rencontrer
miss manquer de peu
planet planète
program (n/v) logiciel / programmer
space espace
spaceship vaisseau spatial
switch off éteindre
switch on allumer
turn tourner
turn on allumer
unlock déverrouiller

I don’t think I’ll … Je ne pense/crois pas (+ infinitif) …

I hope I’ll … J’espère (+ infinitif) …
I think I’ll … Je pense (+ infinitif) …
I’ll probably … Je (+ verbe au futur) probablement …
I’m not sure I’ll … Je ne suis pas sûr de (+ infinitif) …
I’m sure I’ll … Je suis sûr de (+ infinitif) …
I’m sure I won’t … Je suis sûr de ne pas (+ infinitif) …
Maybe I’ll … Peut-être que je (+ verbe au futur) …

Culture in mind Physics and astronomy

believe croire atmosphere atmosphère
influence influence dust poussière
line ligne galaxy galaxie
nonsense bêtises meteor météore
palm paume orbit (n) orbite
personality personnalité satellite satellite
predict prédire solar system système solaire
prediction prédiction star étoile
universe univers

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UNIT 5 51
Word Builder
6 Survival
The weather
1 Write the weather words.

1 3

4 6

7 9


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UNIT 6 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Word Builder
2 SB Complete the weather
Vocabulary bank page 91
descriptions with adjectives.
1 The sun is really ! Have you got your sunglasses?
2 Oh dear! Look at those clouds. It’s going to rain.
3 It isn’t windy – there’s a breeze.
4 Take your umbrella – the rain is very .
5 The forecast is for snow today. I hope we can go
skiing tomorrow.
6 I don’t think it will rain a lot. It’s just a shower.
7 That was a really thunderstorm last night!
8 It’s cold and there’s a wind. You need a coat.
9 My mum is driving slowly because the fog is very .
10 It isn’t foggy, but there’s a mist on the mountains.

Language links Phrases about the weather

1 Complete the table about the weather.

Spain Finland Switzerland

GB It’s hot.

2 Which structures are similar? Which are different?

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UNIT 6 53
Word Builder
The natural world
Write the nature words.

1 3

4 6

7 9

10 11

54 © Cambridge
UNIT 6 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Word Builder

Study help Spelling and pronunciation

It can be difficult to work out how to:

• say words from their spelling
• spell words from the way they sound
It’s useful to learn some sound spelling patterns.
Look at these common spellings for the /əʊ/ sound:

o o w o a o + consonant + e
/əʊ/ =
go slow boat hope

1 Say the words and highlight the letters that spell /əʊ/ sounds.

coat clothes follow goat

hello joke nose potato

road so tomorrow window

2 Write the words from Exercise 1 in the correct column.

o (go) ow (slow) oa (boat) o_e (hope)

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UNIT 6 55
Grammar Builder
Past simple
1 Highlight the past simple regular verbs. Underline the past
simple irregular verbs.

Hi! I arrived home yesterday. I had a terrible

weekend in the mountains. It rained all the
time. On Saturday Mum fell over and hurt
her leg. Luckily she didn’t break it. I went for
a long walk with my brother and Dad made
supper. Today we didn’t go outside at all.
We played cards in the tent all day. Boring!
I’m so happy to be home :) See you!

2 Circle the words to complete the rules.

1 Most regular / irregular past simple forms end in -ed.
2 We use the past simple form in affirmative / negative sentences.

3 In all negative sentences, we use didn’t + the infinitive / past form.

4 Past simple forms are the same / different for all persons (I, you,
he, she, etc.).

3 Write the past simple forms of these irregular verbs from

Unit 6 in the irregular verb list on pages 82–85.

can eat fall find fly give hit hurt keep know
make put see take teach think wake write

56 © Cambridge
UNIT 6 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Grammar Builder
Past simple and time connectors
1 Read the sentences and complete the rules.
Where did Juliane land?
She landed in some trees.
What did she see?
She saw some animals, but she didn’t see any people.
Did she eat anything?
She ate some sweets, but she didn’t eat the fruit.

1 We use did + the form in questions.
2 We use didn’t + the form in negatives.

2 Highlight the past simple verbs. Underline the time

connectors. Then complete the rules.
1 When lightning hit the plane, it exploded.
2 Juliane fell 3,000 metres before she landed.
3 She was unconscious for hours after she fell.
4 After she looked for other survivors, she started to walk.
5 She only ate a few sweets while she was in the jungle.
6 She stopped walking when it got dark.

A clause is a group of words in a sentence with a subject and a verb.
All the sentences in Exercise 2 have time clauses.
1 We can use , , and
at the beginning of time clauses.
2 We use a comma at the end of a clause when it
goes first.

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UNIT 6 57
Grammar Builder
too + adjective
1 Highlight the adverbs too and very. Underline the adjectives.
Then match to make the correct rules.
1 It was very windy yesterday, so we went windsurfing.
2 We didn’t play tennis because it was too windy.
3 It was very hot yesterday and we swam in the lake.
4 We couldn’t play football because it was too hot.
5 It was too hot to play football this morning.

1 We use too and very a if the adjective describes a problem.
2 We use too b before adjectives.
3 We use very c an adjective + to + infinitive.
4 We can use too with d to make an adjective stronger.

2 Complete the replies with too or very.

1 Do you like it? Yes, it’s nice.

2 Why don’t you carry it? I can’t. It’s heavy.

3 Let’s swim in the lake. It’s cold to swim.

4 Can you wear this jacket? No. It’s small.

5 Do you want a small phone? Yes, a small one.

6 Has he got a car? No. He’s young to drive.

58 © Cambridge
UNIT 6 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Grammar Builder

Adverbs of manner
Look at the highlighted adverbs and complete the rules.
It snowed heavily yesterday. It’s raining hard this morning.
Can your sister ski well? Can you speak quietly, please?
She walked slowly along the river. I can’t run fast.

1 Adverbs of manner describe .
2 We usually form adverbs of manner with an + -ly.
3 Adverbs of manner go the verb in sentences.
4 These adverbs are irregular:
good – , hard – , fast – .

Study help Word grammar

To help you remember the difference between adjectives and

adverbs, you can write sentence like this:
I’m a bad singer. I sing badly.

Write pairs of sentences for these adjectives and adverbs.

1 slow


2 quiet


3 good

© Cambridge University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
UNIT 6 59
Active wordlist
Unit 6 Survival
The weather
boiling (il fait) une chaleur d’enfer
cloudy nuageux
cold froid
foggy brumeux
freezing (il fait) un froid glacial
hot chaud
rain (v) pleuvoir
snow (v) neiger
sunny (il y a) du soleil
windy (il y a) du vent

Phrases to talk about the weather

bright sunshine un soleil éclatant
dark clouds des nuages noirs
a gentle breeze une douce brise
heavy rain une forte pluie
heavy snow une neige abondante
a light shower une petite averse
a severe thunderstorm un orage violent
a strong wind un vent violent
thick fog un brouillard épais
a thin mist une brume légère

The natural world

desert désert
field champ
forest forêt
hill colline
island île
jungle jungle
lake lac
mountain montagne
river rivière
sea mer
waterfall cascade

60 © Cambridge
UNIT 6 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Active wordlist

Words and phrases

attack (v) attaquer shallow peu profond
board (v) monter à bord de survive survivre
deep profond survivor survivant
explode exploser take-off décollage
follow suivre too (deep) trop (profond)
high haut very (hot) très (chaud)
low de faible altitude warm chaud
miss (a plane) rater (un avion) well (adv) bien
narrow étroit wide large
seat siège

What’s the weather like Quel temps fait-il

in (London)? à (Londres) ?
It’s (sunny). Il y a (du soleil).

after après
before avant
later plus tard
then puis
when quand
while pendant que

Everyday English
And anyway … Et de toute façon …
Don’t worry. Ne t’en fais pas / Ne vous en faites pas.
Hang on. Attends/Attendez.
I’m not going to (tell people Je ne vais pas (le raconter à l’école),
at school), either. non plus.
… it’s (our) fault … … c’est de (notre) faute …
Let’s play (a game), then. Jouons (à un jeu), alors.
There’s no way (I can …) Impossible, (je …)
There’s no way Je refuse de …
(I’m going to …)
(This is no fun) at all. (Ce n’est) vraiment pas (drôle).

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UNIT 6 61
Word Builder
7 Good intentions
Phrasal verbs
1 What do the sentences with phrasal verbs refer to?
Match them with the items below.
1 2 3
find (sth) out get off grow up
I’m going to find it out. Where do you get off? She grew up there.

4 5 6
look after sb/sth look for sb/sth look (sth) up
I have to look after her. I’m looking for them. I’m going to look it up.

7 8 9
put (sth) away turn (sth) off wake (sb) up
Please put them away. Can you turn it off? I have to wake him up early.

a a bus b the TV c my lost keys

d my baby sister e the price of f in a house

a new phone in London
g my brother in h the clothes that i a word in
the morning are on the bed a dictionary

2 Make vocabulary cards to help you learn to use

the phrasal verbs in sentences.

I want to find out the

find (sth) out
price of a new phone.

62 © Cambridge
UNIT 7 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Word Builder
3 SB Read the definitions and
Vocabulary bank page 92
complete the phrasal verbs. Then write example sentences.

Phrasal verb Definition

1 fill (sth) write information on an official document

2 give (sth) give homework to your teacher

3 give (sth) stop doing something

4 go leave your home to go on holiday

5 go become lower

6 go make a loud sound

7 go become higher

8 take (sth) start doing an activity

© Cambridge University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder

UNIT 7 63
Word Builder
School and studies
Complete the school and studies expressions.

1 the questions.
Write the .

2 Which exercise shall I ?

We’re an English test tomorrow.
You must all your homework.
My teacher told me to some extra work this evening.

3 My mum gets very angry if I an exam.

I hope I don’t the German test.

4 I need to the poem by heart.

You have to the new words for Friday.

5 My best friend always gets good .

I’m sad because my are bad.

6 I hope I all my exams this summer.

Great! I the English test last week.

7 I have to for the Maths test.

all the words you learned last week.
I hate for exams.

8 I’m going to really hard this year.

You have to do some extra .

64 © Cambridge
UNIT 7 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Word Builder

Study help Using a bilingual dictionary

A bilingual dictionary is very useful, but many words have

various translations and you need to choose the right one.
For example, to translate économiser in this sentence:
Comment pouvons-nous économiser de l’énergie à l’école?
• Look it up in the French–English section.

économiser vt economise, save, save up, put by, put aside, preserve
~ sur economise on, cut down on

• Now check the translations ‘backwards’ in the English–French section.

economise vt économiser (on sur), faire des économies

save vt 1 sauver ; 2 mettre [qqch] de côté ; 3 économiser ; 4 économiser ses


• Choose the best translation for the word.

How can we save energy at school?

Write these sentences in English. Use a bilingual dictionary

and check using ‘backwards’ translations.

1 Prenez une douche rapide au lieu d‘un bain.

2 Si vous ne vous en servez pas, éteignez vos appareils électriques.

3 Baissez votre chauffage la nuit.

4 Utilisez des ampoules basse consommation.

© Cambridge University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder

UNIT 7 65
Grammar Builder
going to
1 Read the sentences and tick the correct rule.

I’m going to stop eating sweets! F OCUS

We use going to for:
future intentions
We’re going to work hard next term.
predictions about
the future

2 Look at the rule. Then complete the table.

We form the going to future with the present tense of be (+ not)
+ going to + infinitive without to.

Affirmative Negative
I’m going to stop. I’m not going to stop.
1 He isn’t going to stop.

They’re going to stop. 2

Yes/No questions Short answers

Are you going to stop? Yes, I am.
No, I’m not.

3 Yes, he is.
No, he isn’t.
Are they going to stop? 4

66 © Cambridge
UNIT 7 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Grammar Builder
1 Match the sentences with the situations a–e.
1 2
My mum doesn’t have a In a shop
Students must not run to be in the office
in the corridors. early. She can start b At school
when she likes.
c At home
4 It’s late, but I don’t have to go to d In the cinema
I must switch off bed now! It’s Saturday tomorrow.
my phone before e At work
the film starts. 5
I’m looking for a new phone.
It must have a good camera, but it
mustn’t be too expensive.
2 Match the rules.

1 We use must to say a it’s necessary not to do something.
2 We use mustn’t to say b something isn’t an obligation.
3 We use don’t have to c something is an obligation.
to say

3 Complete the table.

It’s an obligation to do this I1 switch off my phone.

It’s an obligation not to do this We 2 run in the corridors.
It isn’t an obligation I3 go to bed now.
Questions about obligation Do I 4 switch off my phone?
Does your mum 5 be
there early?

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UNIT 7 67
Grammar Builder

Language links Modals of obligation

What do the signs mean? Complete the table.

You turn You use your

right. phone.

Verb + infinitive with/without to

Read the sentences carefully then circle the words to complete
the rules.
1 They have to get up early for 6 We must go home soon.
school. 7 You don’t have to leave now.
2 I want to take up running. 8 Do you think you’ll pass the
3 Remember to wake me up in exam?
the morning. 9 Don’t forget to do your
4 We can explain why we’re late. homework.
5 Would you like to stay at the party?

1 We use the infinitive with / without to after would like and want.
2 We use the infinitive with / without to after must, can, will and
have to / don’t have to.
3 We use the infinitive with / without to after remember and
forget when we remind people about things.

68 © Cambridge
UNIT 7 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Grammar Builder

Study help Grammar in dictionaries

UK US /fɒː/ adverb (further, furthest, farther, farthest)
> used to talk about how distant something is:
It’s the first time I’ve been so far away from home.
How far is it to the supermarket?
Bournemouth is not far from Poole.
In the summer the herds move further north.

UK US /ˈlaɪtnɪŋ/ noun [U]
> a sudden flash of light in the sky during a storm:
thunder and lightning
He was struck by lightning and killed.

UK US /stɒp/ verb

> to finish doing something that you were doing:
[+ doing sth] My dad has stopped smoking.

1 Look at the dictionary entries. Then circle the correct words.

1 I live far / farer / further away from school than my friend.
2 We saw a / some lightning on the way here.
3 My dad is going to stop driving / to drive to work.

2 Use a dictionary to answer.

1 What’s the superlative of dry?
2 What’s the past simple of break?
3 Is weather countable or uncountable?
4 Which verb form do we use after learn?
5 Which verb form do we use after suggest?

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UNIT 7 69
Active wordlist
Unit 7 Good intentions
Phrasal verbs
find out about sth se renseigner sur qqch
find (sth) out trouver qqch
get off descendre de
grow up grandir
look after sb/sth s’occuper de qqun / prendre soin de qqch
look for sb/sth chercher qqun/qqch
look (sth) up chercher une information
put (sth) away ranger qqch
turn (sth) off éteindre qqch
wake (sb) up réveiller qqun

Phrasal verbs
fill (sth) in (e.g. a form) compléter qqch
give (sth) in (e.g. homework) rendre qqch
give (sth) up (e.g. running) renoncer à (courir)
go away partir
go down (e.g. marks) baisser
go off (e.g. an alarm clock) sonner
go up (e.g. prices) augmenter
take (sth) up (e.g. running) se mettre à (courir)

School and studies

answer (the questions) répondre (aux questions)
(write) the answer (noter) la réponse
do an exam / a test passer un examen / un test
do an exercise faire un exercice
do some homework faire ses devoirs
do some (extra) work faire du travail (en plus)
fail an exam / a test échouer à un examen / un test
get good/bad marks avoir de bonnes/mauvaises notes
learn (sth) by heart apprendre (qqch) par cœur
pass an exam / a test réussir à un examen / un test
revise (for an exam / a test) réviser (pour un examen / un test)
work hard travailler beaucoup

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Active wordlist

Words and phrases

believe croire
break (the rules) ne pas respecter (les règles)
bring (sb) home ramener (qqun) à la maison
bring (your phone to school) apporter (votre téléphone à l’école)
change (n) changement
do (sth) less (often) faire (qqch) moins (souvent)
do (sth) more (often) faire (qqch) plus (souvent)
excuse (n) excuse
get back rentrer
intention intention
midnight minuit
on the way (home) en allant / en rentrant (à la maison)
start + -ing se mettre à qqch / à faire qqch
stay out sortir
stop + -ing arrêter qqch / de faire qqch
tidy (adj) bien rangé
twins jumeaux
untidy en désordre, désordonné

Culture in mind
be passionate about être passionné de
choice choix
community collectivité
volunteer (n/v) bénévole / faire du bénévolat
way of life façon de vivre

carbon dioxide dioxyde de carbone
climate change changement climatique
drought sécheresse
environment environnement
flood inondation
fossil fuel combustible fossile
global warming réchauffement planétaire
greenhouse gases gaz à effet de serre
ice glace
melt fondre
save (energy) économiser (de l’énergie)

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UNIT 7 71
Word Builder
8 How brave!
Personality adjectives
1 Complete the sentences with pairs of opposite adjectives.

1 Tom isn’t very .

In fact, he’s today.

2 Their dog isn’t very .

In fact, it’s really .

3 My sister isn’t .
In fact, she’s really .

4 That woman isn’t very .

In fact, she’s .

5 That isn’t a thing to

do. In fact, it’s very .

6 I’d love to be more ,

but I’m really .

7 That little boy isn’t very .

In fact, he’s very .

8 You don’t look very .

In fact, you look really .

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Word Builder
2 SB Vocabulary bank page 92 Write the adjectives in
the correct column for you.

I like people who are … I don’t like people who are …

Language links Phrases about personality

1 Match the questions and answers.
1 How’s your best friend? a She’s friendly.
b He’s tall and he’s got fair hair.
c She’s fine.
2 What’s your best friend like?
d He’s tired.

2 Write notes.
1 What kind of information do we want when we ask How …?

2 What kind of information do we want when we ask What … like?

3 Do we make the same distinction in French and German?

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UNIT 8 73
Word Builder

Study help False friends

There are many words that are similar in French and English.
Sometimes the meaning is the same and sometimes it is
different. When similar words have different meanings, we call
them false friends.
For example:


sympathique nice sympathetic compréhensif


Use a bilingual dictionary to translate the false friends.


actuellement actually

chance chance

gentil gentle

grand grand

misérable miserable

monnaie money

sensible sensible

74 © Cambridge
UNIT 8 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Word Builder
Write the animals from Unit 8 in the table.

Domesticated animals
Pets Farm animals

Wild animals
Land mammals Sea mammals

Reptiles and amphibians Invertebrates

Fish Birds

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UNIT 8 75
Grammar Builder
Past information questions
Complete the table with the question words.

How How many

How long How much

What When Why

Questions about … Question word did subject + infinitive
the Taliban do
a thing 1
to Malala?
she live with
a person 2
in Pakistan?
she start writing
a time 3
her blog?

a place 4 Malala grow up?

the Taliban want

a reason 5 did
to kill her?
the girls travel
a way or method 6
to school?

a period of time 7 the flight take?

shots the gunman fire?
9 she spend
in hospital?

76 © Cambridge
UNIT 8 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Grammar Builder
First conditional
1 Look at the table. Then match to make the correct rules.

If clause (condition) Main clause

If you work hard next year, you’ll do well in your exams.
If she doesn’t pass her exams, she won’t get a good job.
If we do our homework now, we’ll have time for a film later.

First conditional sentences have two clauses: an If clause and
a main clause.
1 In the If clause, we use a will or won’t.
2 The If clause describes b the present simple tense.
3 In the main clause, we use c the result of an action
4 The main clause describes
or situation.
d a possible future action
or situation.

2 Highlight the If clauses. Then circle the answer to complete

the rule.
1 If she climbs that tree, she’ll fall down.
2 You’ll have to climb down if you don’t jump.
3 I won’t go outside if the rain doesn’t stop.
4 If the dogs attack them, what will they do?

Can we put the main clause at the beginning of first conditional
sentences? Yes / No

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UNIT 8 77
Grammar Builder
Questions with the first conditional
1 Look at the highlighted question clauses and circle the words
to complete the rules.
I’d like a dog for What will we do Will I have to walk
my birthday. with the dog if we the dog if you’re
go on holiday? too busy?

Will you wash it Will you look after it

if it gets dirty? if it isn’t well?

In first conditional questions:
1 We use will / the present simple in the question clause.

2 We put will after / before the subject.

2 Complete the questions in the table with will and the verbs
in the box.

find happen look after

What 1 the cat doesn’t like the dog?

How it runs away?
the dog if
Who you go away?
the dog

78 © Cambridge
UNIT 8 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Grammar Builder
Punctuation with the first conditional
1 Write the headings in the tables: Main clause or If clause.

If clauses can go at the beginning or the end of sentences.
The meaning doesn’t change.

1 2

We’ll go to the lake if the weather’s good.

Will you go to the lake if it rains?

3 4

If the weather’s good, we’ll go to the lake.

If it rains, will you go to the lake?

2 Highlight the commas. Then circle the words to complete

the rules.
1 If you feel tired, we’ll stop.
2 We’ll stop if you feel tired. , = comma
3 Will you walk to school if you miss the bus?
4 If you miss the bus, will you walk to school?

1 With the main clause at the beginning, we use / don’t use a comma.

2 With the If clause at the beginning, we use / don’t use a comma.

3 Write commas in the boxes if necessary.

1 If it’s sunny tomorrow I’ll be happy.
2 Will you go to the park if you finish your homework?
3 I’ll make a cake today if I have time.
4 If we go on holiday we’ll send you a postcard.
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UNIT 8 79
Active wordlist
Unit 8 How brave!
Personality adjectives
brave courageux miserable malheureux
cheerful joyeux nervous nerveux
dishonest malhonnête organised organisé
disorganised désorganisé polite poli
friendly sympathique relaxed détendu
hard-working travailleur rude malpoli
honest honnête unfriendly peu amical,
kind gentil hostile
lazy paresseux unkind pas gentil

Personality adjectives
arrogant arrogant
bad-tempered irritable
easy-going accommodant
impatient impatient
modest modeste
outgoing ouvert
patient patient
shy timide
sympathetic compréhensif
thoughtful réfléchi

beetle scarabée kitten chaton
butterfly papillon lizard lézard
chick poussin monkey singe
chimpanzee chimpanzé owl chouette, hibou
cow vache parrot perroquet
crocodile crocodile pig cochon
dolphin dauphin puppy chiot
frog grenouille rhino rhinocéros
goat chèvre shark requin
gorilla gorille snake serpent
hen poule spider araignée
hippo hippopotame whale baleine

80 © Cambridge
UNIT 8 University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Active wordlist

Words and phrases

alone seul
bite – bit mordre
brain cerveau
education éducation
go back retourner
gun arme à feu
hear – heard entendre
kill tuer
neighbour voisin
owner maître, propriétaire
right (n) droit
shoot – shot tirer
shot (n) balle
suddenly soudain

What are (you) like? Comment (es-tu / êtes-vous) ?

What’s (your best friend) like? Comment est (ton/votre meilleur ami) ?

Everyday English
… after all. … après tout.
… and that’s that. … un point, c’est tout.
Go on! Allez !
Good for you! Bravo !
I beg your pardon? Pardon ?
I mean … Je veux dire …
It’s not a big deal. Ce n’est pas si difficile.
Well done! Bravo !

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UNIT 8 81
Irregular verbs
Infinitive Past simple Past participle Translation






















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Irregular verbs

Infinitive Past simple Past participle Translation






















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Irregular verbs

Infinitive Past simple Past participle Translation






















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Irregular verbs

Infinitive Past simple Past participle Translation

















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Phrasal verbs
Phrasal verb Example sentence

ask for

believe in

bump into

call at

come back

come from

consist of

cut (sth) up

depend on

eat out

fill (sth) in

find (sth) out

get back

get down

get off

get on

get up

give (sth) up

go away

go back

go down

86 © Cambridge
PHRASAL University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder
Phrasal verbs

Phrasal verb Example sentence

go off

go on

go up

grow up

hang on

let (sb) down

look after

look for

look forward to

look (sth) up

print (sth) out

put (sth) away

run away

sing along

speak up

stay out

switch (sth) off

switch (sth) on

take (sth) in

take off

take (sth) out

© Cambridge University Press 2015 English in Mind 10ePHRASAL

Language Builder
Phrasal verbs

Phrasal verb Example sentence

take (sth) up

throw away

tidy up

try (sth) out

turn (sth) off

turn (sth) on

wake (sb) up

work out

write down

88 © Cambridge
PHRASAL University Press 2015 English in Mind 10e Language Builder

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