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Darling i have to run to the safety now the camp is being attacked from behind.

don't want to die here.

Hello honey how are you doing? it has a while we spoke last. hope you are really
doing fine and great, i have been so worried all this while just because i found it
difficult with you and my son, i have been on a hide out since the pass 2 days. the
camp have been so unbearable which the UN recorded the death of 250 soldiers and 20
doctors found dead and 100 soldiers and 50 doctors are on treatment. even right now
i have a cut on my left hand. i just want to inform you that the camp is very
unbearable alot of people are dying everyday. i really missed you so much, i will
for ever have you in my heart.

Darling i missed you more, life here in the camp is really dangerous and horible
right now, if i remain here in the camp i might die at anytime.

Darling i wish i can be allowed to leave here, the only way i can be allowed to
leave here is after my contract is over or on vacation if only i have someone to
apply for my vacation and pay for my vacation. Darling you and my son are the only
family and friend i have, darling i want you to apply and pay for my vacation so i
can be allowed to leave the camp and come to you.

'Darling please i need you to save my life, i dont want to die here, i want you to
help me apply and pay for my vacation.

Darling all you have to do is write a formal letter requesting for my vacation and
forward it to the UN email address i will send to you.

Darling my vacation will cost you 16,000 Hongkong dollars.

I don't have access from here to my bank account

Honey, the situation here is very very dangerous. Please my love you have to help
me before i die here

I will only have access to my bank if i get out from this bloody camp my love

Darling please you have to try all you can to help me,, i assure you that i will
refund your money to you as soon as i come out of the camp i promise you i will
never let you down. Please my love

Darling one year is really far,if i remain here i might die at anytime, i have not
eaten for the past two days now due to the attack we are having here, please
darling help me out i dont want to die here

Darling i plan to retire as soon as i leave the camp, i dont want to ever go back
to the camp anymore, darling please you need to help me get out of here as soon as
We just got a message now that the ISIS are coming back to destroy the remaining
people and the UN buildings that are left here in Aleppo Syria

Did you write the letter?

I know you have no idea on how to write the vacation letter to the UN, i will help
you compose it and send it to your Email now ok

And i will also send the UN email to you so that you will send the letter to the UN

Honey, you have to send me your full name, Your phone number and your house address

The UN requires it in the vacation letter


All you have to do is send me your full name, home address and phone number so i
can be able to compose my vacation letter for you.

Yes darling i assure you that i will refund your money to you as soon as i leave
the camp and come to you okay

She might ask: What reason you apply to leave,and how long?
Answer:Darling you can apply for my vacation without any reason , my vacation will
last two to three months but i plan to retire as soon as i leave the camp because i
dont want to ever go back to the bloody camp again

Dear Sir,
I am writing to apply for the vacation certificate of Dr. Michael Richard, who is
presently in Syria for peace keeping mission. I want him to come and visit me here
in Hongkong for two to three months. This is very urgent and serious. I promise
that he will be in safe return and I'm praying that my request be given
consideration so that he can be permitted to visit me. I am ready to incurred any
charges/requirement that may cause your office to grant Dr. Michael Richard the
Yours faithfully
Full name : YAN SHUI FA
Phone Number : 852-97809548

[email protected]
Darling thats my vacation letter, darling i want you to forward my vacation letter
to the UN email address i sent to you now

Darling i want you to forward it to the UN now and get back to me okay

Darling please you have to make sure you make the payment for my vacation as soon
as the UN approves my vacation.

Darling the UN will respond to you as soon as they get your email okay

Darling the UN will send you a UN agent pickup account in Hongkong for you to be
able to make the payment for my vacation as soon as they approve my vacation.

Darling please let me know if the UN responds to you okay

She might ask:Why don't they pay it from your account?

Answer:I don't really know honey. Maybe it is because we are not allowed to use
bank here in the camp

More love and trust

What we have together is unique. It is a special bond that is strong
and unbreakable. We can make it through anything we encounter and we
only grow stronger from the trials we face together. Together, we are
strong. Being with you has made me a better person and I can’t believe
that I found you. Ever since I met you, I never want to let you go.
The attraction that you and I share is one that is so intense and I never want to
be separated from you.

I hope that you know that I will always be there for you. Not just for
the good times when we are celebrating and enjoying life, but for the bad times as
well. When you are sad, stressed out, or angry, just know that I will be by your
side to see you through the tough times. I will hold your hand and lead you through
the storm. And when things are going great, I will be there to cheer you on and
dance with you.

Honey, i have to look for a safe place to rest and look for something to eat
because i have not eaten since the war started

Please let me know as soon as the UN reply you ok

You are such a gift to me. Having you in my life is such a blessing.
Every day, I thank God that you are in my life and that you are by my side. I am so
blessed to be able to call you mine and to be called yours. I pray that I will
always be able to give you what you need in life and that you will always be there
to hold my hand and that you will continue to walk with me on this journey that we
call life.
She might ask:But if the UN approve,how you go out to the airport and leave there
Answer:Darling the UN will let me know how im going to leave the camp as soon as
the payment for my vacation is made okay

She might also ask:They will offer the car to pick up you?
Answer:Darling don't worry about that, the UN will let me know how i'm going to
leave the camp as soon as your payment is confirmed

Darling make sure you always check to see if the UN has replied you and make sure
you notify me as soon as the UN reeesponds to you.

Hi darling i just got a notification from the UN that they have responded to you
please check your email to confirm and get back to me.

Honey, you have to hurry up to the bank and make the payment to the UN agent ok

Darling, you just have to write out the UN account number details in a book, then
take it to the bank and make the payment for my vacation tomorrow morning ok

She might ask you:Why the money not pay to the UN official account,but the
Answer:Darling you are not a staff of the UN, so you can not be allowed to make
payment into the UN account directly. The UN has pickup agent all over the world
who help them receive payment and send it to the UN directly.

She might ask you:Your contract not finished?

Answer:When i leave here, i will apply for my retirement

[01:36, 2/7/2021] Kingsley Cook Money : My name is Campbell paulson, i am a Major

General US Marine, 11 Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU 11) Multinational Division
Center Camp SYRIA, which is the forward operating base of the US Marine corps. I
have a partnership proposal for you which am sure will be of mutual benefit to you
and there's no risk involved.

I need a honest and easy going person who I can trust. It is an oil business money
we did with SYRIAN citizens worth millions of US dollars, but I packed my own
shared in a trunk box for easy shipment out from SYRIA as you know soldiers on
official duty here are not allowed to do business and handle money. This trunk box
will be successfully move as a family valuable treasure with help of a Military
Diplomatic Service here and will be deposited in SAFE Security and Vault company.


I want to use this medium to present you to the security company as my beneficiary
whom will make the claims and see that my asset deposited with them is been cleared
out and having it shipped over to you.

You may be wondering why I choose to trust a delicate matter like this in the
care of a stranger I don't know that much, but this is the best I can do in my
present situation. I would have trusted this kind of project in the hands of my
friend who was my closest confidant, but I lost her to cancer 7 months after we
met, and my only brother has ruined his life with hard drugs, hence my decision to
work with a neutral person if we can establish some trust between ourselves since
all my friends are in here in the camp with me.The most important thing is,Can I
Trust You? If the trunk boxes get to you, you take your 30% and 2 kilo of gold bar
out and keep my own 80%.Your own part of this deal is to stand as my beneficiary
and clear the trunk boxes out from the security company and also find a safe place
where the trunk boxes will be kept safe when its been shipped over to you, until I
come to meet with you.

But the whole process is simple and we must keep a low profile at all times. I look
forward to your reply and co-operation, and I thank you in advance as I anticipate
your co-operation waiting for your urgent response via my private email
mail([email protected]).


Britain's Barclays Bank UK

Address 11 Bruton Street, Mayfair, London W1J 6PY, United Kingdom?


we have been authorized by United Nation-Community in conjunction with
the World bank to pay the sum of 2.5m to all the scammed victims
who in one way or the other lost their valuables- Money,properties.
This includes every foreign contractors that may have not received their contract

kindly reconfirm the following below.

1)Your Name.
2)Phone,and Mobile
You are to response to this email:()
Mr.Paul Maxwell
Barclays Bank Manager.

Mr. Mathew Barrett,

Chairman Barclays Bank PLC London.
Group Chief Executive Barclays Bank PLC London
................Delivery reply.........

GOOD DAY MADAME ,,, We received your full information from your husband Army
(General ===========) Who is the current commander of the 4th Battalion, 9009
Airborne Division 2190 regiment Patrol for American soldiers in the base camp in
Iraq, what is the data carrier data: Full name: =========== ,, Cellular phone:
========,, Address of the house: ==============and e-mail: ===========, his
military luggage baggage containing him working papers, his real aesthetic th
document is also an amount of $ 500,000 thousand dollars. This luggage baggage will
be delivered to you on the threshold through our delivery agent. But you will need
to pay (=======) for shipping and registration fee, as soon as this payment is
made, the luggage box will be delivered to yo…
[01:36, 2/7/2021] Kingsley Cook Money : Story


Hello Dear i'm very sorry for my late reply, I went to a transfer to the
neighboring city here it's called Kandahar and it is one of the most dangerous
states in Afghanistan, and we were instructed to go there, I returned early in the
morning to take my loggages. The mission will last for one month then i can come
over to your country. I'm sorry I did not tell you before I left, because it was
very urgent, and i could not come to write. I know that you will be very concerned.
I'm sorry that you are in this condition. Listen next time, I will always try to
inform you.
My dear, I also have a very complex problem, and this is very annoying to me, and
since you are part of my life, i'll tell you everything, and I need your advice.
I'm really sorry about omitting you with my problems. I picked up the courage to
seek your advice or help, because it is very important to my life.

I have been saving all my salaries, my peace mission and some of my important
military document with a security company here in Kabil since i cannot save it in
the bank here in Afghanistan because i'm an immegrent due to the war here.

An e-mail was sent to me three days ago from the security company where i kept the
money and they told me that the time limit for me to move this money from their
storage because of the Talibans. The amount of the money is $ 1,200,000.00. (One
million two hundred thousand US dollars) and i do not want to carry it to Kandahar
because it's a very dangerous place. If the Talibans attacks, i can't be running or
fighting and at the same time securing my money and my documents. This is the money
i have been saving since i came here. I want to start a new life with it and also
invest on a new business after my retirement.

I would have loved to send the money to you so that you can keep it for me until
September. But unfortunately, it's impossible make a bank transfer here because of
financial regulation here in Afghanistan. The government has since banned banks to
send money out of their country due to the disagrement with the Western Union and
now I need your help, because time is running out very quickly. Remember i have to
leave for Kandahar very early.

Since i cannot make a bank transfer, i will love to send it through one of the
leading courier service here in Afghanistan. The box of money and my documents will
be delivered to you at in Diplomat. This is the safest way to send anything out of
Afghanistan. All i need now is your;

(1) Recipient's name

(2) Home address
(3) phone number
(4) e-mail

With these details, the delivery agent will able to locate you for delivery at you

Hello my darling, how are you doing today, am sorry for my late response, I have
been very busy. I have sent you the package today, i used one of the leading
courier company's here in Kabul to send the parcel to you, the name of the courier
company is Vas Express Delivery Service. The courier is a diplomatic courier and
this will be delivered to you by a diplomat, the above is the attached airway bill
of the parcel and according to the courier company, It will arrive on Monday
26/11/2018, please take note of the date. Note that I put the money and my
documents in a Sealed safe box inside the parcel, it has code for opening and
locking, so when you receive the parcel I will send you the code to open the Sealed
safe box that contains everything, the amount inside is $ (One million two hundred
thousand( USD ), Please note that I did not inform the company about the money
inside, its only secret between me and you, because if I should inform them that
there is a Huge amount of money inside, they will refuse to convey the parcel,
please I have paid for the handling charges, but the company might ask for local
charges, because I ask them if i can pay it over here they said no that it must be
paid at the London Heathrow International Airport as a tax to the Brithsh Customs.
Please if they ask, just help me to pay the money to them without hesitating. When
that parcel has been delivered to you, then i will tell you the code to open it so
that you can collect your money which you have used to help me pay for the local
Also note the items inside, I am listing them below;
1. Apple Laptop
2. Apple I phone 7plus
3. Apple I pad 2 .
4. one gold/ diamond ring .
6 one gold jewelry box
7. A file that contains my documents.
I miss you so much honey hope you are having a great day



Dear Costumer,
Sequel to you, regarding your parcel that is currently at the London Heathrow
International Airport, due Urbanization of Cachão n.204 4820-583 Quinchães- Fafe
Portugal, Madam you are to pay for a value added tax and as soon as our European
Head office agent in Hungary confirm your payment, your parcel will be sent to your
stipulated address in Portugal, Please note that the payment has to be accurate to
avoid sending money twice, the value added tax attracts the sum of £5,050 ( Five
Thousand Fifty Great Britain Pounds ) equivalent to 5,850 Euro (Five Thousand,
Eight-Hundreds and Fifty Euro). These charges are subject to Portuguese custom
regulation, your parcel was registered as a special parcel, and value more than
(£10,000.00 ), your parcel estimated value is over (£500,000.00 ), without the
value added tax, your parcel is not permitted to leave London Heathrow
International Airport by the England custom Authority, because we dont have an
office in Portugal, our delivery agent will pick up your parcel from London airport
and fly to Portugal to deliver to you. We hereby implore your indulgence to remit
the value added tax to the payment information below, please endeavor to scan the
payment slip to this email for immediate confirmation.

You have to make the payment through bank to bank transfer....


ACCT NAME: Rátky Julia Anna

BANK NAME : Erste Bank

ACCT NO: 11600006-00000000-82058595

IBAN NO: HU02 11600006-00000000-82058595


ADDRESS : 1092 Budapest, Ràday utca 47.

AMOUNT: £5,050 equivalent to 5,850 Euro

Note that all payments are paid directly to our company European regional head
quarter agent in Hungary and our company will remit the payment to the custom. This
is Vas Express Delivery Service; We are regulated and Stipulated by the Financial
Authority (FSA), the financial institutions that govern all financial activities in
Afghanistan. This office has been notified by Kelvin Anthony to make dispatch of
your Parcel to your residential address in Portugal.


Parcel Receiver's Name: Mrs. Maria Mendes Moreira

Parcel Senders : Kelvin Anthony
Destination: Urbanization of Cachão n.204 4820-583 Quinchães- Fafe Portugal
Telephone: 935919221
Email: [email protected]
------------------------------ ------------------------------- --------------
Delivery Information/Parcel Description
------------------------------ ------------------------------- --------------
Parcel Order No:...........KTh54886
Delivery Terms: .............. International Delivery
Consignment Note No: ......... TBD10188674872-32
Color of Parcel: .............. Sealed Black Box

"Vas Express Delivery Services" is a registered and copyright

trademarks of Afghanistan International Transport Ltd"..
We are glad to be of service to you and we assure of our professional service.

Yours Faithfully,
Mr. Smith
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------------
International Customer Care contact ............
Tel: +44-203-322-169-6
Tel: +44-116-326-344-1
Email Address: [email protected]

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger

Disclaimer this is an e-mail from VAS EXPRESS DELIVERY SERVICE
intended solely for the named addressee(s). It is confidential and may
contain legally
privileged information. Therefore, any unauthorized use, disclosure or
copying of this



This is to notify you that your full payment of £5,600 has been revceived by our
agent and remitted to the custom authorities. Your package will be checked and
released by Monday. Our agent will fly directly to your address as soon as it is
cleared by the custom on monday.
Thanks for your cooperation

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