Ryanair Report

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Ryanair is Europe's second-largest airline, and in 2017 it carried more than 1 billion

passengers. Known mainly for its incredibly low ticket prices, as well as many additional
fees, it enjoys great popularity in the market. Ryanair's phenomenon is also its extensive
route network, as it operates flights from as many as 11 airports for us Polish citizens. The
main reasons why it is a successful company are not entirely obvious. Its business model
and ease of use of the system are the main factors that have contributed to its international
achievements. Offering convenient flights in Europe and South America, they convince
passengers with their safety and reliable service. Many sources attest to the strict safety
policy and care standards for both the customer and the crew. However, there is another
component without which Ryanair would not exist, especially these days. And that is, of
course, the company's marketing empowerment, which amazingly fits into the current
trends, needs and wants of each of us. However, there is another component without
which Ryanair would not exist, especially these days. And that is, of course, the
company's marketing empowerment, which fits into the current trends, needs and wants of
each of us. That's why these modest and inconspicuous aircraft constantly building
relationships with customers have a great advantage over the competition.
Ryanair's history goes back as far as 1984, when the carrier was not a low-cost airline.
In addition, it bore a name that did not enjoy appeal among passengers, as Ryanair was
formerly Danrer Enterprises. After a year, the name changed, in honor of Irish founder
Tony Ryan. The company wanted to break the ongoing monopol on the still most
congested Luton-Dublin border. But the beginnings were not as trouble-free as they might
seem, because due to the flight deck, which had the capacity to carry only 15 passengers
and offered the same services as the rest of the companies, and all facilities were included
in the ticket price. Thus, Ryanair lost a huge amount of money, but the game-changer of
their growth became the emergence of tax consultant Michael O'Leary and the Internet.
He created a low-cost airline by cutting costs as much as possible, so that is able to offer
the cheapest tickets on the market, that was a low-cost revolution. Ryanair continued to
open new destinations, especially Irish and British, but losses continued to multiply.
Resulting from its inability to strictly control costs, Ryanair continued to invest-primarily
in new and better aircraft to increase flight frequency and overall capacity. As a result,
1995 brought the first success-the company was named the largest airline on Dublin-
London routes. Two years later, changes in EU regulations allowed the airline to open
new routes to continental Europe, which Ryanair, of course, took advantage of. The
company continually invested and expanded its route network, which appealed to
Europeans and opened up many opportunities for them. January 2000 was a breakthrough,
as the company then put up the largest travel website. It was used by 50,000 people a
week, so the company decided to make it the only place to buy a ticket. A fact that is
extremely inspiring is that the site was created by 17-year-old college boys John Beckett
and Tom Lenihan at a cost of £20,000. Perhaps at the time they didn't realize that they will
change the lives of a million people. The airline went on to acquire more and more
aircraft, and then acquired Buzz, a sub-brand it hopes to grow. By the end of the
decade,the airline was carrying 66.5 million passengers at an average fare of 35 euros. The
airline celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2015, carrying more than 100 million passengers
that year. The airline also refreshed its website and aircraft interiors. In recent years, the
pandemic situation has significantly affected the company. Travel restrictions, flight
suspensions and declining consumer confidence were factors the company had to face.
Ryanair abruptly changed its flight schedule, which resulted in serious financial losses.
Ryanair at the time took on 0.04 million passengers in April 2020, compared to 13.5
million in April 2019. Ryanair had to take responsibility for refunds to passengers with
canceled flights, but a survey conducted by Which? found that 8 out of 10 travelers still
expect refunds. This has dramatically damaged the image of its employees and customers.

To this day, the brand is working off its trust.

1. First Ryanair’s aircraft: Embraer Bandeirante turboprop aircraft

2. Ryanair’s website from 2010
3. Ryanair’s route map from 2000
Introducing low-cost airlines certainly belongs to the list of events that have influenced
the development of aviation. The model of low-cost carriers is, after all, to compete on
price, we are looking for the best price solutions for ourselves, not really considering
whether we will fly Ryanair or Wizzair. Statista analysis shows the market share achieved
by low-cost carriers in Europe. Between 2009 and 2019, it rose from 23.9% to 33.1%
(peaking in 2017 at 35.5%). Therefore, Ryanair faces a lot of competition on a daily basis,
among which we particularly highlight airlines such as SAS - Scandinavian Airlines,
Lufthansa Group, Finnair, easyJet, Flybe, Norwegian Air Shuttle, Pegasus Airlines,
Vueling Airlines and Wizz Air. Still, according to Statista's 2022 data, Ryanair is the
largest airline in Europe, one of the largest airlines in the world as measured by
international passengers carried, and the largest low-cost carrier. However, the carrier still
needs to develop to maintain the aforementioned position, for there are many
shortcomings Ryanair needs to work on.
In comparison, Ryanair flies mostly to secondary airports, while Easyjet flies to primary
airports. Easyjet has an advantage over Ryanair because its passengers will get to their
destinations faster than Ryanair customers, who will be forced to get on public
transportation or cabs to get to the city. They are slightly more expensive, but they too
invest more in business passengers. Norwegian and Ryanair are similar in that they both
charge for almost everything, although Ryanair charges minimally more for checked
baggage. In terms of comfort, the difference is also negligible. Some may say they prefer
Norwegian Air Shuttle service, but opinions are divided. Norwegian also offers free
internet access and a wide network of routes from Europe to North Africa and the Middle
East. Next, we will discuss Wizz Air, which is close to us and has cleverly adopted
Ryanair's business model. It flies the same way to secondary airports (though also not
always), but operates longer average lengths-highly utilized aircraft, as much as 13 hours
a day. Wizz Air is more tolerant in terms of free carry-on luggage, as the luggage we can
bring on board can be larger. Ryanair, on the other hand, has a premium seating option,
while Wizz Air has only a basic economy option.
But how do the companies present themselves on the social media side?
Easyjet created a social media campaign where it uploaded three-minute video trips. The
videos depict aesthetically pleasing shots, scenes that everyone associates or dreams of.
This includes the cityscape of Paris, for example, or the Greek coast bathed in sunshine.
They also promoted the hashtag "HolidayDreaming" to create a kind of engaging
community with their fans. Lufthansa took customer engagement as a strategy. They
undertook a number of marketing activities, and most importantly, they update their status
in real time, which influences their good perception by the customer.
SAS has updated its visual identity. The company's goal is to create a strong emotional
bond between SAS and its travelers and an identity that signals quality, care and warmth
with strong recognition. "Journeys That Matter" is SAS's new communications concept,
which was unveiled in an advertising campaign. They want to show through it that, like
the very people who use their services, they too love to travel. Through the platforms, they
continue to make audiences aware that traveling has a lot of perspectives, new experiences
and destinations. Competition in the market for Ryanair is jogh, with many of them
heavily inspired by Ryanair, whether in terms of well-functioning social media or simply
a system of actions. For this year, despite many ups and downs, Ryanair is winning,
although it constantly needs to focus to remain a leader and prevent some of the mistakes
of the past. For us, Ryanair is also winning over the competition because it has created a
unique brand identity. Ryanair is someone we want to stay in touch with.

1. easyJet post from Facebook

2. SAS advertising campaign cover
3. Top 10 Airlines ranked by Seats from 2014

We chose Ryanair, first of all realizing how effective it is on social media.

The company operates vigorously on a variety of platforms, but especially cares about
Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, where it is called the most savage of all airlines, and
of course TikTok, which inspired us to consider it. Ryanair acquires customers
through conversations, and it operates in more than 30 markets and engages in 18
different languages.
On Facebook, it mainly focuses on ads about different sectors, with no shortage of
links to articles on their blog, although this is becoming increasingly rare. The
fanpage, which has more than 5 million likes, does not shy away from funny Internet
memes. They are either general or about current events, such as this year's World Cup
in Qatar. Such posts, as far as can be observed, enjoy the largest number of live
viewers. In addition, they advertise their promotions there, attaching links to them and
adding videos, different from those on TikTok.
On Instagram, they operate almost indistinguishably from Facebook. However, there
the Reels option works better (more effectively). Here, too, the interaction with
observers through Instagram accounts is greater. Ryanair even did a Q&A with the
crew for the curious, and learned that using the platform's currently trendiest feature is
definitely best for the company's growth. Their Instagram Reels mostly depict short,
frequent situations happening during a flight or at the airport. Europe's largest airline
is making a troll of itself on Twitter and it is working. Recipients ultimately look to
social media for a temporary escape from reality, also comical posts definitely work.
Quite recently, a woman posted an airplane window that she was disappointed with
due to its size, tagging Ryanair in the process. She wrote that she paid for it,
presumably expecting an apology or reparation. However, this was not the style of
Ryanair, which, as a response, marked the tiny window with a Microsoft's Paint
program, like red marker, leaving the picture without comment. According to the
Daily Mail, Ryanair became the fastest responder to Tweets of all the airlines in
Europe. You have to wait an average of 66 minutes for its original, personal response.
Sure, they have a customer support option, but only via direct message. The rest just
makes us feel like laughing. One can accuse Ryanair of a lack of professionalism, but
its team thought there would be something original about it, something to attract.
Successfully, because in the end their posts are followed even by people who have no
travel planned....
The company's TikTok became a phenomenon and an example of ideal social media
activity. As representatives of Generation Z, the topic extremely interested us. After
all, Ryanair is an airline that has achieved a success that is the envy of everyone,
which is difficult to copy. First of all, we noticed that Ryanair is up to date with every
single trend. It knows what makes the public laugh at the moment, and it knows what
caters to the TikTok-addicted generation.
They take advantage of audio trending, whereby they often go into the 'For You' page
(they go viral- a process of sharing on the Internet). This lets them know that they
understand what's trending, and this encourages regular TikTok users.
The airline needed to find this kind of strategy during the pandemic to connect with
and inspire a new generation of consumers to travel. Ryanair consistently responds to
comments with video and drives even more interest in them,
the responses are sometimes cutting and funny. The company also comments on the
content of other leading companies while mentioning a bit about itself, which also
brings them a lot of watchers. The style of content that Ryanair started is unclear to the
basic user, so there was some risk of reception. Nevertheless, the fit with current
trends worked. The account never hears the voice of the person running it, which
further drives the audience to discover who is behind the satirical idea. What sets
Ryanair apart is that it leads the continuity in staying on trend, it doesn't miss one
single idea that it can use and adjust under itself. Why does it have nearly 2 million
followers? The brand is using all the resources of the app at point, creating a fun and
engaging environment for the audience. And that's what we need and look for when
we log on to our social networks. Ryanair's creativity has no limits.
1. Ryanair’s response to customer’s tweet

2. Ryanair’s statistics on TikTok
3. One of the memes from Facebook refering to World Cup 2022

Ryanair realises that young people are the most influential and developing group in society.
They spend the most time on social media and all the services they use influence their
perception of the world and value creation to a greater or lesser extent. After the
reconstruction of the marketing system a decade ago, new employees in the social media
departments put all their efforts into reshaping the companies on the Internet in a new,
interesting and attractive way for the main target audience. The primary way to capture
the attention of social media audiences is through entertainment. While it may seem difficult
to make people laugh as an airline, Ryanair, with its intensity and creativity, has been very
successful in a short space of time and has taken over the airline market in social media.
The constant stimulation of the audience's brain with short videos or memes and the
transmission of primarily positive emotions appealed to a wide audience and was quickly
picked up on a larger scale. The controversial content is ideally suited to today's market,
which offers a great deal of freedom and opportunity for self-expression while remaining
respectful. It is also clear that Ryanair cannot afford to make a mistake and cross certain
boundaries on social grounds, for example cultural or racial, which could provoke
an avalanche of hate speech, because nowadays people on the Internet feel unpunished and,
being anonymous, go to great lengths to damage a brand's reputation. So far, however,
they have been able to do this perfectly well, acting with flexibility and without fear in
creating or adapting to new trends. Through their accurate and modern online activity, they
are constantly gaining in popularity thanks to the huge number of likes and shares.
But in order to achieve this and create such a huge audience around them, they also had to act
surprisingly. Surprising to competitors was their stepping outside of any social media comfort
zone. The airline should demonstrate brand safety and showcase their service quality as often
as possible. Ryanair, knowing that they are a low-cost airline, decided to use a large dose of
sarcasm in their online productions, making fun of some of the situations that occur on their
flights or even giving human characteristics and emotions to their company's planes. This has
translated into rising airline ticket sales throughout Europe, so we can only consider it
a success. Moreover, teenage customers do not complain much about the quality of the
company's services. This is because young adults who want to travel the world do not need
the maximum comfort of a more expensive airline, but a few hours' flight time, basic
customer service and assistance, as well as uncomplicated comfort during the journey.
The main factor influencing their willingness to use Ryanair's services is the low price of the
tickets they offer, together with the large last minute or advance purchase discounts and
competitions they offer on their social media. Other advantages for generation Z
or generation Y with lower incomes are the high frequency of flights and the easy possibility
to choose a convenient flight. Another plus is the extensive volume of flights throughout
Europe, many countries and cities on offer. We think that looking at today's generation,
Ryanair's offer on social media fits the brand. After all, we want to reach the target audience.
Ryanair in all this, however, should take more care of the passenger's comfort, in addition to
funny comments promote the support section in direct message on Twitter, which would not
be just a game, but a real help and willingness to accept the customer's feedback as it is.
1. The age profile of Ryanair's passengers for 2021. The company especially cares
about a generation that is heavily stimulated by social media.
2. Ryanair's concept of presenting itself as a person on TikTok
3. A negative comment from one Twitter user, something the company should work

Social media have greatly developed the possibility of rapid communication or the
constant exchange of information. The sites are divided into different segments,
offering the users various possibilities. Creation or transmission of photos, videos,
links, text or voice messages. The needs of the users also have a significant
influence on how these services will develop. Knowing this, companies wanting to
meticulously and continuously develop their businesses have also found their place
in social media. This can be achieved by means of various advertising contracts or
simply by creating brand accounts on various social networks, which helps to
increase profits and audiences, and by hiring the right people for these positions
who are familiar with current, fresh trends and are able to find their way around.
An important factor is to constantly analyse the market and find your own niche
and a way to make yourself visible to a wider audience on the internet. Continuing
and demonstrating these trends in a new way is another option for a brand to make
its mark on social media. Through years of practice and familiarity with the market
and certain rules within it, Ryanair has gained experience and learned a lot.
Now, by learning about the market over the years and taking an innovative
approach for its business, it is making the most of it and receiving a lot of positive
feedback from regular, new or irregular users of the various platforms. Their social
media marketing approach generates a great deal of interaction and conversation
with their audiences, which is something the company really cares about. The
videos and photos regularly promoted and shared on Ryanair’s accounts generate
great publicity. As a result, it also generates a lot of responses, questions and
desire to exchange views from users. This is exactly what Ryanair expects,
a meticulous, prompt and frequent response to all enquiries, which increases the
respect and confidence of customers. On platforms such as Facebook, where the
user base is older, they try to attract customers by advertising quietly and without
exceeding any standards. Older generations are less likely to be reached by
sarcastic and short videos designed to promote serious brands. They are less
trusting and, seeing such an approach, may be discouraged from the outset from
taking advantage of the offers that a particular company makes. They are not
looking for authority on the Internet and do not expect to be entertained as much as
young people would like to be. Of course, they do not disassociate themselves 100
per cent from this. Millennials generally also like light-hearted jokes and memes,
such as those offered by Ryanair on its fanpage. Early analysis of statistics, users
and the value and content that is accepted on a given platform is a very important
factor in developing a brand online. Ryanair can operate very universally in social
media. This is shown by the content published on platforms such as TikTok.
Having known the platform inside out before, they are able to act in a specific way
for their industry, but there is no coincidence, because every time they succeed in
achieving their goal. Frequently adding new productions and constantly and
constantly keeping in touch with the audience is an integral aspect of the company
that helps to build a seemingly only fun brand. They have such in-depth
knowledge and competent people in important positions that they are able to reach
every audience, receiving attentions and ultimately getting new clients who they
care about every day. They adapt perfectly to the ever-changing world and change
their approach over the years. They understand the problems and know the needs
of social media users. Changing the way they do things, e.g. by adapting the
language they use, people like it and it attracts new people who feel a constant
desire to experience more with Ryanair. It is also a common topic of conversation
to discuss and find out who is on the other side of the device. The administrators
of Ryanair's social media accounts are often the topic of conversation but they also
highlight the topic themselves on social media. A certain amount of ignorance and
curiosity also has a psychological impact on the constant desire to be among the
people watching the company's activities. In addition, Ryanair does not just trigger
interactions between users on its accounts. It also does this with other companies
or influencers on platforms, commenting in a funny and juvenile way on given
topics, content. Small collaborations with other brands, photo shoots or
showcasing with brands from different industries creates a two-way win by taking
followers from each other. Such a way of getting new customers we can notice
quite a long time on the market.

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