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in GRADES 1 & 2
with special reference to teaching children from
non-English speaking homes






Open Source
This series of manuals has been commissioned by GLS Zukunftsstiftung Entwicklung, to
support teacher development in East Africa. The manuals can be used in other training
programs, individual or group study, anywhere in the world, provided every page shows the
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Catherine van Alphen


Peter van Alphen


Catherine van Alphen

Source: Zukunftsstiftung Entwicklung Open Source: Creative Commons
Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 International Licence; see

This manual is indebted to the Waldorf tradition of teaching according to the

principles of Rudolf Steiner (1862 – 1925), as developed by many generations
of teachers. I would like to make specific mention of two colleagues at Michael
Oak Waldorf School, Kenilworth, Cape Town, who have helped to develop the
approaches to teaching writing and reading in the early history of the school at
which I have been a teacher for many years: Marion Penfold and Sally von

I wish to appreciate the support and guidance of Peter van Alphen. A big
thank you also goes to Beulah Reeler who provided books and notes that were
most useful.

Catherine van Alphen

Source: Zukunftsstiftung Entwicklung Open Source: Creative Commons

Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 International Licence; see

The East African Waldorf/Steiner Teacher Development

The East African teacher development programme was started by the late Adeline
Mlai, a Tanzanian, in Dar-es-Salaam in 1997. Adeline recognised the
developmental value of Waldorf education and invited Peter van Alphen and Ann
Sharfman, teacher educators with experience working in African settings in Cape
Town, South Africa, to start a teacher development programme in Dar-es-Salaam.
This programme was set up for teachers from Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya.

After the first year, difficulties securing the funds for continuing the programme
were experienced, and in 1999 the programme was relocated to Nairobi, Kenya, as
a more central venue for the three countries. The Rudolf Steiner School in
Mbagathi was able to secure funding for its continuation, and in the eleven years
that followed an ever-increasing number of teachers from East African countries
joined the programme.

Our grateful thanks go to GLS Zukunftsstiftung Entwicklung (Bochum,

Germany) and Freunde der Erziehungskunst Rudolf Steiners (Berlin,
Germany) for their continued support of the programme from 1999. We also wish
to thank Sanduko a Ndege (Vejle, Denmark), Internationaal Hulpfonds
(Amsterdam, Netherlands), Acacia (Basel, Switserland) and Stichting Helias
(Netherlands) for their additional support.

About this Manual

This manual answers the need for teachers (or student-teachers) to have notes on
the modules they attend. This manual is written for Primary School teachers doing
Module 3, which follows on the second module of the program in which a detailed
study of Rudolf Steiner’s concept of child development was given. Details of
curriculum were included, to show how it was developed out of an understanding of
the development and needs of the children at each age.

This manual is intended to guide teachers through the difficult task of teaching
English in Grades 1 and 2. The focus has been placed on classes of non-English
speakers who have to learn in English as their main language.

However, the manual will also be found to be useful for teachers who have classes
that are learning in the home language, but need to learn English as second
language. In this case the manual can be used to give ideas for teaching English,
ignoring the indications for in which Grades what has to be taught.

This manual is intended to be handed out at the end of the module for revision and
further study. The suggestion is that participants study together in groups in their
respective schools. We trust that the material provided will be useful in Waldorf
training programmes in many countries around the world. Comments and
suggestions are welcomed, and can be sent to Peter van Alphen on
[email protected].

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Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 International Licence; see

The Waldorf Approach to Writing and

Reading in Grades 1 & 2
with special reference to teaching children
from non-English speaking homes

Introduction: The Power of Language .................................................................. 7
In the Beginning was the Word ............................................................................. 9
Preparation of Child from Birth to Seven Years ............................................. 12


The Daily Timetable ............................................................................................... 17

Teaching English to Second Language Speakers ............................................. 21
The First Language Main Lesson Block .............................................................. 32
Dramatisation: Acting out the Story ................................................................. 50
The Waldorf Approach to Writing and Reading .............................................. 53
Teaching the Consonants ....................................................................................... 56
Teaching the Vowels ............................................................................................... 67
Activities to consolidate letters ......................................................................... 83
First Steps in Reading ........................................................................................... 86


Literacy in Grade 2 ................................................................................................. 96

First 100 Important Words in Learning to Read (Murray/McNally) ...... 110
Vowel digraphs and Word lists ........................................................................... 111
Verses for Vowels ................................................................................................. 112
Consonant Blends at the beginning of a word ................................................ 118
Consonant blends at the end of a word ........................................................... 119
Fairy E (silent e).................................................................................................... 120
Verses for Consonant Blends ............................................................................. 120
Example Stories for Teaching Consonant Blends .......................................... 123
Example Story for Teaching a Vowel Digraph ............................................... 126
Bibliography ............................................................................................................ 127

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Source: Zukunftsstiftung Entwicklung Open Source: Creative Commons

Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 International Licence; see

Introduction: The Power of Language

Throughout Africa, and in many places around the world, children are being
educated through the medium of a language that is not their mother tongue. To use
an example of a Waldorf School in Alexandra, Johannesburg, South Africa, a
teacher faces a class of children where there are up to eight different home
languages. Which one does s/he choose as her medium of tuition?

This is a matter that needs to be discussed between the school and the parents of
the children, as the school exists to serve the needs of its community. In most
cases the parents demand that their children are taught in English, as this seems
the only pathway to financial security in the future.

Unfortunately, this is not the best solution for the children. Research has shown
that children learn best in their home language, as learning involves complex
concepts that children cannot understand in a new language (not until they have
learnt the language very fully). Only from about Grade 6 to 8 are they ready to
learn in a different language, such as English, if they have been learning this
language thoroughly in the years before.

This manual seeks to make suggestions for situations in which it is not possible to
learn in the home language, a situation that is widespread. It is based on the
principle that the child needs to leran to speak and understand the new language -
in this case English - as much as possible, before learning to write and read it.

The manual can also be used as an example of teaching the home language as the
language of instruction in a school. In this case, the teacher will ignore
unnecessary steps in teaching given here, although many of the suggestions will
help children who have come from homes where little education has been present.

Children learn to speak by imitating people in their environment. Thus we may say
that children learn a language through actively ‘doing’ or ‘speaking’ it. It is this ‘will’
quality of imitation that enables young children to ‘pick up’ foreign languages with
ease and is the basis for Rudolf Steiner saying that children can and should learn a
second and even third language when they start school.1

Learning in an active way - by means of speaking and acting out the new language
- allows children to learn naturally, by imitating their teacher.

Steiner, Education and Modern Spiritual Life, 1989:174

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Long before writing and reading were introduced, all oral cultures taught their
children through the telling or singing of the myths, legends and epic poems that
were passed down from elders to children. It is the story, spoken or sung using the
musical element that carried the memory of the culture, enabling the generations
that follwed to repeat them word for word as they tell, chant or sing them. These
myths and legends allow the people of that culture to live in the imaginative pictures
of spiritual wisdom that inspires their traditions, giving life and meaning to that
culture.2 Just as the children of these cultures learnt their stories and poems
through the ‘will’ of unconscious imitation, so our teachers should teach the children
in the same way.

We must not allow children who are not being taught in their mother tongue to miss
out on the special gifts that orality in any culture offers. The practical need to learn to
write and read must arise out of the wisdom and wealth of stories, myths and poetry.

As teachers, we must cultivate the children’s ability to listen to stories, recite poems
and live in the oral expression of language through their natural absorption of
language through imitation. This will allow them to continue to be inspired and
nouris/hed through a language even if it is not their mother tongue. When children
find joy in expressing themselves through the soul of language, they develop their
imaginations and mature inwardly, as well as learning to use the practical gifts of
writing and reading.

But part of this task of teaching children to write and read is that they feel able to
reach their potential. Many children today, whether rich or poor, are deprived of the
inner content of an oral tradition and this may be heard in the way they speak.
Children form their sounds in ways that reflect not only the adults around them but
the soul quality of that environment, e.g. harsh or loving, joyful or meaningless.

It is up to the teacher to transform the children’s speech through the power of

rhythm and music, poetry and song. Children who learn to speak clearly learn to
think clearly. Those who learn to speak expressively gain a richness of feeling that
gives conviction to their words.

For this reason, the teacher needs to be steeped in the beauty, wisdom and love of
that language so that s/he is able to uplift the children through the poetry, songs and
stories that feed their souls.

Speech is necessary for the development of the individual Ego (or ‘I’) of the human
being. It leads to self-knowledge and self-worth in every child. This is the true
freedom of speech, the ability of the individual to own and express their potential
through the power of speaking well.

Rawson & Richter, The Educational Tasks and Content of the Steiner Waldorf Curriculum, 2000:105

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Rudolf Steiner has indicated that children need to be taught through imitation until
the age of nine when they become ready to grasp explanations and rules of
grammar.3 The teaching of writing and reading in our present day brings a ‘form-
giving’ element, a mental picturing that stands in contrast to learning through the will
in the oral aspect of a language.4 This process allows the individual child to choose
what he or she wishes to think, say and write. It encourages personal expression
through written language and forms a bridge between the demands of the culture
and the demands of the individual.

Through the development of speech we have the potential to grow and meet the
challenges of our world today. We can help children to have the courage to work on
expressing their gifts in the world. As teachers, we can nurture our pupils through
the power of language so that they can step forward with enthusiasm and
confidence into life. As Rudolf Steiner has said:

Our rightful place as educators is to be removers of hindrances so that the child’s

spirit may enter in full freedom into life.5

The young people that we teach must grow up to feel able to make their mark in the
world, to take hold of their destiny and fulfil their dreams.

In the Beginning was the Word

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.6

The Old Testament Bible7 describes how God created the whole world through the
power of the Word and how everything was created through His voice.

When we look around at our beautiful creation we hear that everything has its own
sound by which we recognise it. We can hear the noises of the wind and the rain,
the storm and the sea. If we strike different metals, they resonate with different
tones. Even rocks, sand and clay sound differently when we work with them. The
trees creak in the wind, the leaves rustle, twigs tap and the stream babbles on its
way. Day and night we hear the different noises of insects from the humming of the
bee to the whine of a mosquito. All the animals and birds have their instinctive cries
and chirping notes by which we distinguish them. But only human beings have the
power of speech.

Steiner, Education and Modern Spiritual Life, 1989: 176
Steiner, Renewal of Education,1943:112
Steiner, Spiritual Ground of Education, 1946:60
Gospel of St. John, Ch 1, v1; New Testament, Christian Bible
Genesis Ch 1; Old Testament, Christian Bible

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Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 International Licence; see

A little baby cries and its mother senses what s/he must do to answer each wordless
cry. As we grow up, we learn to speak in words, expressing our thoughts and
feelings, giving information and sharing our wishes and dislikes. Thus we express
both who we are and what we wish to communicate through our use of language.
Each person, whatever their situation in life, benefits when they are able to express
themselves well in whatever language they use. They may also be creative with
language. Their innate creativity can be expressed in many ways: in story-telling,
poetry writing or acting in plays.

When we paint a picture or write a poem, we may be amazed at the beauty of what
emerges as our own creation. It gives us a sense of fulfilment to see something that
we have done well. We love what we have done and we appreciate ourselves for
having achieved it. When God looked at His creation after He had made it, He saw
that it was good!

Creativity is a gift that everyone has in some measure and which everyone explores
in his or her own way. It is up to us to find our gift and learn to use it imaginatively,
as it is a means of expressing our individual uniqueness. As teachers we must
assist our children to find and cultivate that gift of creativity. It is a spark of our spirit
that we manifest in the world and that spark of creativity comes from God, as He
created humankind in His own image.

Although there are many ways of being creative, a fundamental one is through the
human voice whereby we naturally express who we are. What we do not always
recognise is that we are continually being creative with what we say, whether we are
aware of it or not. Words are powerful tools for good or for evil. The importance of
words lies not only in what we say but how we say it. We know that we can
understand each other not only by the words we say, but also by the tone of our

We can hear if someone is young or old, tired or excited, in pain or in love by the
way they speak. We can also hear if someone is speaking truthfully or insincerely in
their voice. The human voice has a quality and vibration that can reveal what kind
of person he or she is. And the words we say are influenced positively or negatively
by the quality we carry within ourselves.

Children learn everything through imitation. They will also imitate the way their
parents speak to them, both the use of language and the tone of voice, positively
and negatively. Children instinctively know whether an adult is being honest with
them and they absorb not only the physical aspects of language but also the
thoughts and attitudes of these adults. It is therefore important that all the adults
caring for children are absolutely truthful in their speaking as this assists children to
learn to think clearly as well as to speak properly.

When we speak to someone we love, be it a parent, child, partner or friend, and our
voice is warm, our words encourage and appreciate them in some way. We can see

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Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 International Licence; see

immediately from their response, whether it is a smile or a friendly answer, that our
words have affected them positively. When they are in our presence, they glow with
pleasure and their words and gestures show that they like us and feel able to
express themselves freely.

Thus our words of love are like a blessing for we encourage them to feel good about
themselves. We can bless everyone we meet if we are positive, open-minded,
tolerant and encouraging and this blessing is always returned to us. Thus we create
goodwill, friendliness, honesty and co-operation with those around us by the way we
speak to them.

Alternatively, if we are critical of others or negative about someone (even

ourselves), we create unhappy relationships, misunderstandings and unfortunate
circumstances for ourselves and others. We might blame other people or regret
what we have said. As someone once said, ‘Mince your words, you might have to
eat them’.

If we are not careful about the way we use our words when speaking to or about
others, we can even curse them unconsciously. That curse is always returned to us
in some form as no-one wants to be disliked and they might speak negatively of us
at another time, and we get a reputation for being difficult or ill-mannered. So we
need to recognise that our tongue is a double-edged sword that can kill or protect.
We need to choose consciously how we use the power of our words so that we
learn to bless all those we live and work with.

We experience the blessing of words through the great people we meet: religious
leaders, great speakers who work for the good of others, certain teachers and
perhaps a particular family member – a father, mother or grandparent who has been
a guiding light in our lives. Thus we, as teachers, need to choose to express
ourselves through the beauty and power of our words so that we can become true
role models and a guiding light for our children.

Even if we have to be strict when dealing with lively or difficult children, they must
know from the tone of our voices that though we cannot allow them to misbehave,
we still love them. And the rest of the time, they should always hear love in our
voices: the love of children, the love of learning and the love of life. They will learn
from our example and we if we teach them how to use language consciously and
creatively they will carry the light of love into their lives.

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Preparation of Child from Birth to Seven Years

It is important for the primary teacher to know the many developments that children
need to have mastered before they are ready for formal learning in Grade 1. There
may be children who have not been to a pre-school that develops all the skills that
are needed, or have not gone to a pre-school at all. In that case the primary school
teacher needs to find ways to catch up on skills that should have been developed.
In any case, the teacher needs to continually improve the children’s skills, even if
they have gone to a good pre-school.

Movement – ages 0 - 7
Rudolf Steiner has said that the task of the physical body in the first seven years of
a child’s life is to build and form all aspects of the body, including the inner organs. If
everything is in ‘good working order’, the body is healthy, becoming a strong
foundation for all future development.

So whenever young babies are awake, they begin to move their bodies: opening
eyes and mouth in different facial expressions; stretching and using the muscles of
their arms, fingers and legs. Children learn to grasp, kick, roll, sit and they will
eventually pull themselves upright to stand. They will then usually crawl and later
walk and run. All these little muscles have to grow and become strong, gradually
bringing their bodies under control.

Small children’s movements enable them to connect to the world around them
through their senses, especially the sense of touch. We observe how children grasp
everything in reach or put all kinds of things into their mouths. Every touch informs
them about the objects of their environment and they take control of that object
through learning what can be done with it.

The vocal cords of the larynx (the organ in which sound is produced) and muscles of
the throat and mouth need to learn about 120 different movements in order to speak
the language in which the child has been born.

Young children begin using their mouths and voices in many ways; making their own
sounds and exploring all kinds of noises that will later develop into words and
speaking. The muscles of their vocal cords, lips, tongue and jaw need to be used
and strengthened so that they can imitate the sounds around them. Children often
create their own language that slowly transforms into words the parents can

Rudolf Steiner describes the direct link between movement and speech as follows:

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[The study of the human body shows] ... the correspondence between the right hand
movements and the so-called convolution of Broca at the left side of the brain. The
hand moves, makes gestures; forces pour into it, pass into the brain where they
become the impulse of speech.8

Thus we see that the development of strong, clear physical movements activates
the brain towards a good quality of speaking. The mouth and jaw are the active
parts of the face just as the arms and legs are the active parts of the body!

At the same time every movement that is learnt builds connections, called synapses,
in the brain. Every action activates the brain and nerve-sense system, assisting the
child to learn to respond and later to think. Without these synapses, speaking and
thinking cannot develop. Therefore it is of utmost importance that children from birth
to 7 years have the freedom to move, to play, to explore, as these develop their
abilities to speak and think.

Children learn a great variety of movements by running, hopping, jumping and

climbing in and out of places. By using their limbs in different ways, children
develop gross motor skills and this also gives them a sense of the space around
them. Fine motor skills are developed by manipulating small objects.

Speaking, then, is an outcome of walking – that is to say, of orientation in space.

And the degree to which the child is able to control speech will depend largely upon
whether we give him loving help while he is learning to walk.9

However, children are often restricted and not allowed the freedom they need.
Perhaps their parents are strict or over-protective or else the home is full of
equipment that may not be touched. This will affect their sense of freedom to speak
later on. Children need spaces in which they can move, explore and play. It is also
important for parents to make it a habit that children are involved in homely activities
in the kitchen with mother, or helping around the house with father. This will satisfy
their desire to imitate the movements of adults around them.

The development of movement skills is continued in the kindergarten or pre-school.

A jungle gym in the playground with various climbing frames, steps to climb, logs to
jump onto and off from, balancing beams, etc., are much needed to develop their
movement skills.

Handcraft projects develop fine motor skills, and effort is made to use natural
materials so as to encourage awareness of different textures that are ‘alive’ to the
touch. All movements involved in making crafts activate the brain, increasing the
children’s capacity for concentration. If children learn to cut paper with scissors to
make a bird or to sew and embroider a bag with soft coloured wool, they develop
considerable hand-eye co-ordination.

Rudolf Steiner, Education and Modern Spiritual Life, 1989:110
Rudolf Steiner, Education and Modern Spiritual Life, 1989: 110

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A person who uses his fingers clumsily also suffers from a clumsy intellect. That is,
he is unable to be mobile in his thoughts and ideas, whereas someone with a skilful
hand is better able to penetrate the essence of things with his thinking.10

Thus we must not underestimate the value of physical dexterity in the process of
learning to think and speak.

Learning to draw freely should have happened for many years in early childhood.
Young children express themselves in drawing if the necessary paper and crayons
are available. This drawing should not be taught by parents as children will find
their own way if left to draw by themselves.

In the kindergarten, the children are encouraged to draw, but no guidance is given.
A natural sequence of development occurs in the drawings from basic scribbles to
circular movements, spirals and other patterns. The emotional development of the
children may be observed through the progress of the drawings.

The opportunity to express themselves freely through drawing encourages children

to express themselves confidently in other ways later on. Drawing develops fine
motor control and will eventually lead the children towards writing when they enter
primary school.

In situations where paper is not available, teachers need to find ways of still getting
children to draw, for example
*finding paper wasted in offices - often they have only been used on one
side, and the other side can be used for drawing. Ask for computer print-out paper
as well as duplicated paper
*have long, low chalkboards on the classroom walls, so children can draw on
them with chalk
*find small chalkboards on which children can draw
*if clay is available, let children draw on clay tablets
*draw with sticks in loose sand (wet it first, if possible)

Rudolf Steiner, The Renewal of Education, 1943:67

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Action Songs
The teacher will also do action songs in the morning ring time with various gestures
to indicate what the song is about. Soon s/he will observe those children who have
good co-ordination and those who have not. All these activities assist children to
improve their sense development and co-ordination, which will be much needed if
their home background has been lacking in opportunities for movement.

The teacher will also notice those children who participate readily and those who do
not. It is important to encourage those who do not participate. The teacher can do
this by making the activities interesting, and connecting with the children all the time.

At the kindergarten age, children easily imitate whatever language is being used, but
if it is their second language, the teacher has to make sure that her speaking and
pronunciation is slower and as clear and correct as the first language. With daily
repetition, the children will soon know many little English songs and poems. The
more of these that are taught to the children, the easier it will be for them to change
over to English as the medium of tuition in primary school.

Why do Waldorf teachers use practical and artistic activities only for providing
learning for the kindergarten child? They follow Rudolf Steiner’s advice that the child
under seven years is fully absorbed in forming and developing the physical body.
Francis Edmunds insisted that to divert the energy of the body into intellectual
learning is detrimental to later development. His argument is that in doing so it would
lead the human being “to grow up prematurely intelligent but so much weaker in
physical constitution, in character and in will [the power to achieve one’s goals].”11
And so we wait for the fruit to ripen in its own time and nature shows us very clearly
when the children are ready for the next step in learning.

School Readiness
The first thing that shows the teacher that the children are getting ready for ‘big
school’ is that the milk teeth start loosening and falling out. Gaps appear in their
smiles and the children become excited about the strong new teeth that begin to
emerge in their gums. Although some children may lose teeth earlier, Rudolf Steiner
recommends that children only go to the primary school in the year they turn seven.
The children are also growing taller and the proportion between head and body
changes. When the children can put an arm over the top of their heads and touch
the other ear, it also shows that they are physically ready for the next stage.

At the end of the year when they are six, children in kindergarten are formally
assessed for school readiness in various ways. Their readiness for school will be
observed firstly according to their physical development and their ability to make

Francis Edmunds, Rudolf Steiner’s Gift to Education-The Waldorf Schools, 1975:31

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“good, smooth, co-ordinated and confident movements”.12 They must perform gross
motor movements like walking, hopping, skipping, galloping and balancing. Inability
to do any of these is often linked back to whether they crawled correctly.

Children are asked to move different arms or legs separately or together. They are
expected be aware of the different body parts. The strength of the muscles is noted,
also the dominant hand and foot. Various exercises are used to assess the
children’s ability to cross the body midline in smooth, easy movements e.g. drawing
a line on the board from left to right.

Fine motor co-ordination is assessed through copying geometric shapes and writing
patterns. Children are also asked to draw a picture of a house, a tree and a person
to assess their level of physical and emotional development. Children are assessed
for eye dominance, their ease in crossing the midline and their ability to discriminate
visual differences in a picture.

Auditory skills assess whether the children can hear, listen, understand and do what
is asked of them. Can they repeat a sentence or tell part of a story from memory?
Can they remember a sequence of numbers or objects?13

If the teacher practises these exercises with the children, they will notice a great
improvement in their skills. This vitally important foundation for learning will assist in
preparing the children to go on to primary school joyfully confident of their abilities.

Joyce Bruce, School Readiness, p 4
Joyce Bruce, School Readiness, pp 4 – 14. This useful little book also gives suggestions for how teachers can assist
children with difficulties or weakness in all areas.

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The Daily Timetable

In Waldorf Schools the first part of the day is considered to be the most valuable
time for children to learn new material. For this reason the first lesson is called the
‘Main Lesson.’ Main Lessons are arranged in blocks of three weeks to handle a
certain topic (sometimes they can be two weeks, sometimes four weeks or longer,
depending on the topic).

A Main Lesson block allows children to go into one topic in depth, by working on it
every day. The teacher deliberately plans his or her main lessons to attain this
depth, by presenting the material to be learnt in an imaginative way, and by finding
creative, playful ways of practising the new material learnt.

The Main Lesson lasts two hours, which may sound like a long time, but it is made
up of three parts, each part appealing to a different way of learning:

 The first 40 minutes: the ‘rhythmic’ part, which includes rhythmic movement,
and activities which are rhythmic such as singing, speech exercises and
speaking poetry
 The second 40 minutes: the ‘content’ or ‘thinking’ part, in which the new
material is presented by means of story or image, leading to understanding
they new material
 The last 40 minutes: the ‘task’ or ‘doing’ part, in which children are actively
working on what they have learnt; the teacher finds creative tasks for the
children to consolidate what they have learnt

After the main lesson there is a break, followed by three 40-minute lessons (another
break and more lessons from Grades 3 upwards) for a variety of purposes:
 Practice lessons, to practice language and maths skills
 2nd and 3rd language lessons
 Artistic and craft lessons
 Eurythmy or dance lessons
 Games lessons

The weekly timetable can look something like the following:

8.00 – 10.00 Main Lesson (in blocks, alternating Form Drawing, 1st Language and Maths)
Short Break
10.30 – 11.10 Practice 2nd Language Practice 2nd Language Practice
rd rd
11.10 – 11.50 3 Language Painting 3 Language Eurythmy Science14
11.50 – 12.30 Handwork Painting Games Handwork Science

Science is taught by means of nature stories, in which children become aware of the natural world; after the story, the
children can draw from the story or go outside to look at the world, plants or animals that were described in the story

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Preparation towards Writing and Reading

In this section we look at the skills the teacher will continue to develop so that the
child is ready for learning. These exercises will continue throughout Grades 1 and
2, helping children to become awake, gain control over their bodies, develo energy,
will and concentration, sharpen their senses and master the skills they need for
learning writing, reading and arithmetic (the three R’s!)

Movement is the door to learning. To live is to move.15

In the primary school we need to continue this development, by providing a rich

programme of movement for the children. Apart from strengthening the children’s
co-ordination and pre-learning skills, the use of movement becomes integrated into
the learning of different subjects like mathematics and language. This is of
tremendous value for the children who are learning English as a second language.
Here are suggestions for developing movement in Grades 1 & 2:

 Balancing exercises, like a balancing

beam on the floor, standing on one leg
to the count of ten, an obstacle course
made with chairs and tables or walking
along a low garden wall, create ‘fun’
challenges for the children. They
make the children aware of their
uprightness, strengthen their
concentration and help them to take
hold of the space around them. If done
daily, these exercises build confidence
in weak or timid pupils provided
children are not pushed beyond what is
comfortable for them. Balancing
exercises develop strength of ego,
courage for tackling something new
and the ability to stand up for oneself.

 Co-ordination exercises, like ‘body

geography’ are very useful in Grade 1
to assist children to learn the names of the body parts. The little game ‘Simon
Says’ can begin with simple instructions like ‘touch your nose’ and get more and

Paul E Dennison, Brain Gym Handbook, 1989

Source: Zukunftsstiftung Entwicklung Open Source: Creative Commons

Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 International Licence; see

more complicated as the children get to find and recognise the different parts of
the body.

 Skipping exercises involve skipping in a ring around the room and skipping with a
rope, first individually and later as a group. It develops agility and strength,
balance and stamina. Children learn to develop good timing when they have to
run in and skip under a rope turned by others. They also learn to wait their turn
and to consider others.

 Climbing is a wonderful activity on the jungle gym or rope ladder and any trees
that are suitable. It is also good when there are rope swings that children can
climb on and use. It supports the development of balance and muscle tone.

 Stepping and clapping rhythms are very useful in a classroom as part of the
rhythmic time in the lesson or when the children need to get rid of some energy
and to take a break from sitting in desks. Action songs may be fun, but boys and
girls who are particularly energetic need to get into a loud, strong, vigorous
rhythm with stamping as well as clapping so that their legs get a good workout!
Also, if children are restless and inattentive, they will benefit from a few minutes
of clapping and stamping that pulls the class together.

 Circle dances are also very useful for creating a fun movement activity. They
need to be quite simple to begin with and should be sung by the teacher and
class rather than played on a CD player. This enables the teacher to slow down,
stop and explain a step and also practice the dance at the pace of the children.
Simple circle dances can be made up by the teacher to any of their songs that
have a suitable rhythm. They are best done on a daily basis as a short part of the
main lesson and they also make a good ending to a day. Dances improve co-
ordination of the body, awareness of rhythm, left and right awareness, listening
and social skills.

 Bean-bag exercises are a wonderful alternative to balls for catching and throwing
inside a classroom. Sitting or standing, the children learn to pass the bean-bag
rhythmically in many different ways that develop co-ordination and harmony,
especially when a little rhyme is said at the same time. Some of the exercises are
done individually, others in pairs or even the whole group working together.
Playing together develops social skills among the children as well.

 Exercises for strengthening the awareness of left and right are also important in
developing co-ordination between mind and body. Simple dances usually can be
worked in both directions, e.g. skipping to the right and then back to the left.
‘Here We Go Looby Loo’ is an example of a dance using right and left.16

“Movement for Learning” collated by Peter van Alphen, has many suggestions for teachers.

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 Brain-Gym involves various movement exercises that activate the brain. Several
exercises are specifically to assist the children to cross the midline of the body in
smooth, confident movements of eyes, arms and legs. This crossing of the
midline enables the children to focus and distinguish clearly whatever they are
looking at. It also assists them at a later stage when they learn to decode or
encode letters and words for reading. It was originally developed to assist
children with learning difficulties but people soon found that stress levels dropped
and brain integration increased as a result of using these exercises.17

Life is ever changing and ever demanding. Brain Gym teaches us how
to move with our challenges, our dreams and our goals.18

Drawing Pictures
The children should draw daily out of their imagination to continue developing the
spontaneity of self-expression begun in the kindergarten. There need to be times
for allowing the children complete freedom to draw what they wish from a particular
story or topic that has been discussed in class.

Rudolf Steiner has said that in the primary school the children should also learn the
technique of drawing. The children can be shown how to fill the sky with blue or to
let the grass grow in the garden and how to colour in the little girl’s dress. Some
children may have very poor drawing skills and be barely beyond the scribbles of
early childhood. Nevertheless, the daily drawing sessions will assist these children
to mature and begin to include more content in their drawings.

The activity of copying drawings from the board also assists the children to improve
their drawing skills. Children love to copy what their teacher has drawn for them.
Even observing their neighbour’s drawings will slowly help children to improve.

The teacher also begins to develop the children’s imagination and drawing skills by
asking questions about their drawings. S/he may suggest that they include more
colours or details in their pictures. The idea is not to insist that the drawing must be
done in a certain way but to encourage the children to imagine what else they could
put in their picture. Speaking in imaginative pictures will inspire the children.

Drawing always wakes children up to both their outer world and their own inner
experiences. Drawing pictures helps the children to live into what they have learnt,
developing their imagination around the subject matter. Even if they do not draw
very well at this stage, it shows the teacher where they are in their understanding. If
a child’s drawings do not improve sufficiently, this is a sign of immaturity and it is
also a warning signal that the child may need remedial help in some way.

Melodie de Jager, Brain Gym for All, 2005:7
Paul E. Dennison, Brain Gym Handbook, 1989

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Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 International Licence; see

Form Drawing
In the primary school, we now guide the child to draw forms (or ‘patterns’) as
preparation for writing letters and numbers.

Quite apart from the eventual aim of their learning how to write, we allow them first
to take pleasure in their drawing and painting under an artistic guidance. While they
are engaged in such an activity we can observe how, in order to succeed in their
drawing of definite forms and patterns, the children have to perform certain
movements with their fingers, hands and arms. Thus it is not an intellectual or
thinking activity, but the practice of manual dexterity which stands at the beginning of
our teaching.19

These forms will also eventually develop skilled observation, eye-hand co-
ordination, symmetry, sequencing and a sense for space/balance. However this
process takes time after the freedom of spontaneous drawing in the kindergarten.

The teacher begins to make the children aware of the straight line and the curved
line, being the basic shapes for all the letters and numbers. These two forms are
imaginatively represented in a story e.g. where a boy is given a straight staff and his
sister receives a round copper bowl. The teacher continues creating little stories so
that many different combinations of straight and curved lines can be practised.
Children are fascinated by forms, and these stimulate their minds, hearts and will.20

In introducing these forms, the teacher gets the children to move and walk them in
the air with their arms and fingers, as well as on the floor with their feet in order to
really experience and integrate the movement into their whole bodies. Eventually the
children will draw the forms into their books.

These exercises assist the children to become used to adjusting the pattern to the
size of paper. Thus the children proceed naturally from an imaginative picture
(created by the little story) to drawing it as a pattern and later using the shapes in
writing, spontaneously finding their sense of space for each activity. Form drawing is
placed in the main lesson for the first two weeks of the school year, but it could be
continued as a regular activity once or twice a week, or as a regular main lesson
four times a year in Grades 1 and 2.

Teaching English to Second Language Speakers

Listening and Speaking

Steiner, The Renewal of Education, 1943:67
See Form Drawing Booklet for details.

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Like a gardener preparing the soil before planting, the teacher has to prepare the
children in her class to be ready for learning. Until the children are familiar with the
language through which they will be taught, they will not be able to understand or
remember what the teacher is telling them. This will prevent them enjoying the
learning experience and they may easily feel helpless, inadequate and left out. So
the teacher is aware that children whose home language is not English will need a
great deal of language support.

Children need to learn to think in English as soon as possible rather than relying on
translations. In fact, the teacher should try to avoid using the home language so
that the children are forced to listen carefully to find out the meaning of what s/he is
saying. However, there are times when translation or speaking in the home
language are needed, especially in telling stories, as they are rich in feeling and full
of meaning, which cannot be easily understood by non-English speakers.

Young children learn other languages very easily, picking up the sounds, words and
sentences just by listening, watching the teacher’s gestures and imitating her
speaking. Some children and adults have what may be called a good ‘ear for
language,’ which means that they learn a language more quickly and easily than
others, and often learn to speak several languages. This is why Waldorf schools
consider oral development to be very important in developing an ‘ear for language’
in all children from a young age.

Speaking English Daily

In order to prepare children for writing and reading in a language that is not their
own, the teacher will arrange daily lessons for the children to learn and practise the
language. S/he will make sure that they develop correct speaking with good
pronunciation. Before children can learn to read or write in English, besides trying to
learn other subjects, they must be fairly fluent in speaking it.

The speaking of poems, speech exercises, informal news-telling, and the singing of
singing games and many songs, are given a lot of attention, as these form the basis
for learning to use the language naturally and spontaneously. The sooner that the
children gain confidence in speaking English the more they will enjoy the lessons!

Learning Poems through Imitation

Poetry is the life blood of teaching. Simple poems encourage children to feel
confident of speaking a new language correctly. For second language English
speaking children the teacher needs to introduce short poems (four to eight lines)
that the children will learn easily.

Good morning Earth, good morning Sun,

Good morning stones and flowers everyone;

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Good morning beasts, good morning trees,

Good morning to you and good morning to me.21

When the teacher teaches a song or poem, s/he must speak slowly and clearly so
that the children find it easy to follow the words that s/he uses. S/he must also make
sure that they repeat it correctly after her and do not skip or swallow the words. If
s/he insists on correct pronunciation, the children will learn to listen carefully and
differentiate the sounds of the words. ‘Practise makes perfect.’

If the children learn a poem about something they know or have seen, it does not
matter if they do not understand every word, so long as they enjoy the activity of
chanting the verses. The regular repetition will ensure that in time they will
understand the individual words and not merely the general meaning. They will
enjoy imitating the teacher’s lively expression when speaking the poems and they
will find the gestures fun to do. These gestures help the children to understand and
remember the words.

Poems can be spoken at any time during the day and can even be used when the
class needs a breather or after some energetic activity just to gather the class.
Speaking together is a good way to unite the whole class in the same activity.

Waldorf School opening verse

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Children also love to use ‘nonsense’ words or sounds that have no meaning. They
enjoy a poem or song with a chorus made up of these ‘patter-words’. It is fun for
them and similar to their early development of sounds before they could speak. The
‘patter-words’ are good for their listening skills, their articulation and their ability to
differentiate sounds e.g.

Shambara-dika, shambara-dika, wala-wala shu-shu dum;

Come little beetle, noisy little beetle, scratching in the wood bark, come.
Shambara-dika, shambara-dika, wala-wala shu-shu dum;
Come little beetle, speckled little beetle, whirring with your soft-winged hum.22

Artistic Poems
At every age children should be listening to and learning good poetry where the
words are descriptive and imaginative. They need to learn many poems: beautiful
poems in different moods and temperaments, poems that evoke reverence for all
that is, and poems with strong rhythms and rhymes.23 Poetry will fill the children’s
souls with a love for the language!

Meaningful Gestures
Following the method begun in the kindergarten, the children will learn everything by
imitating the teacher. They will respond to the basic commands quite easily,
especially if these are communicated with clear meaningful gestures. “Stand up.”
“Sit down.” “Make a circle.”

Sign language has always been used by people who cannot speak the language of
a foreign country. Similarly, a teacher who creates simple but effective movements
to support everything that is said makes it easy for children to understand and to
learn the words. Too much waving of hands and arms only confuses children but
good gestures can easily be imitated.

The movements represent the words in different ways. Each morning the children

Copywrite Catherine van Alphen
Poems for Classes

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Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 International Licence; see

“The sun with loving light makes

bright for me each day.”

The teacher may guide the

children to slowly open their
arms in a radiating gesture and
this is sufficient to depict the
warmth and light of the sun. If
they say:

“…Each bird, each flower and

each tree…”

Then the children will move

their hands and arms to depict
the different creatures.

Action Songs and

The teacher will include a great many action songs and verses in every lesson.
These help children to be active while learning, and they love repeating these many
times. However, the teacher needs to judge when these songs and verses have
been repeated enough times, and replace them with new ones to avoid the children
getting bored and not learning anything new.

Some action games require the child to mime or act out the activity without using
words. If children are doing the following little game, it is important that they express
the different actions accurately and imaginatively. The better they are able to act out
the situation, the more easily everyone learns and understands the words. Later this
leads on to more subtle actions, requiring finer acting skills.

The children are in a circle and they all sing or say the question:

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“What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing today?”

(One child steps forward and mimes digging the ground or brushing teeth, etc. All
the children mime digging as they sing the answer.)

“He/s/he is digging, he/s/he is digging, he/s/he is digging today. We are digging, we are
digging, we are digging today.”

In this way the children learn to connect the words with the appropriate actions and how to
express the question and answer correctly in a sentence. They also learn to use ‘he’
or ‘she’ correctly to indicate whether a boy or girl is doing the actions.24

The teacher must always demonstrate and encourage the children to make clear,
imaginative gestures in action songs, verses and games. S/he can also challenge
the children to find more and more different actions and not repeat the same ones
all the time. Children love to act and mime. They also enjoy guessing what
someone is doing when they are not saying any words. Finally there comes the fun
of adding the words to the actions.

Getting it Right
The teacher needs to be very alert to check that the children are doing the gestures
correctly. If children do not imitate the gestures correctly, the creative teacher will
begin to ask several questions. Will a little practice and encouragement help the
children to get them right? Is the gesture being done too quickly and does it express
the meaning sufficiently? Are the children unable to perform the gesture correctly
due to being poorly co-ordinated?

These questions will lead the teacher to understanding the children who struggele
more deeply, and will therefore find ways to support these children to master the
skills needed.

Some children find it easier to imitate the gestures, while others learn the words
more quickly. Some find it difficult in the beginning to do both the gestures and the
words at the same time. So the teacher has to practise both words and gestures
with the children, being careful not to go too quickly so that children do not drop out
because of the speed.

It is helpful when the teacher repeats the poem or song several times, getting the
children to imitate her gestures while s/he says the words. Later, of course, they will
do all the words and gestures together.

One difficulty arises when certain children in the class learn the poem easily and are
able to speak it well. The teacher may think that the whole class is participating but

This action song copywrite Catherine van Alphen, Creative English Lessons, 1993

Source: Zukunftsstiftung Entwicklung Open Source: Creative Commons

Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 International Licence; see

closer observation will show that some of the children are pretending to say it by
merely moving their mouths some of the time.

The teacher needs to check at all times which children are not participating properly,
so that s/he can correct the situation. S/he may need to practise the poem in
different ways to assist the children to gain confidence. This will help them to join in
with enthusiasm instead of avoiding the challenge of learning a new language. One
way is to let one half of the class do the actions while the other half speaks the
poem. Then the groups swap over.

It is also very good, when the class seems to know the poem, if the teacher
encourages the children to say it on their own and s/he mouths the poem instead of
saying it loudly. This gives her time to observe the children more closely to see who
really knows the poem. It is amazing how even the youngest children in Grade 1
can eventually manage alone and they feel very proud of themselves afterwards.

Singing Games
Whatever words the children need to learn can be put into a singing game with
movements. The teacher can even make these up herself. Some phrases do not
rhyme easily, but if they are repeated in the rhythm in which they are spoken or
sung, this will also work well. A song is often easier to teach as the music gives a
flow to each phrase and invites the children to repeat it. A Greeting Song can be
sung every morning to teach the children what to say when they meet someone.

“Good morning, good morning, and how are you?

Good morning, good morning, I’m fine, thank you.”

In the beginning the children merely sing the song and then they learn that it is a
question and answer between two people. The type of songs that are most effective
at this stage should be short, easy to sing and repeated daily.

The children learn to name the parts of the body by touching them in a game.
Learning the names of the objects in the classroom can also be made into a game
of finding and touching them, e.g. boys touch the book case, girls touch the door.
This kind of game can be extended to objects placed on a tray, etc. This is good for
developing memory in the children.

The teacher can also take the children for a walk and when they have come back to
the classroom, they can draw a picture from their experiences on the walk. S/he
can get them to put some of the different plants and other objects that they saw
outside into their drawing and then s/he can tell the children the names of
everything. If walks are done regularly, the children will soon learn what everything
is called and the teacher can create a guessing game to play with them.

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“On our walk we saw something big (or small). Its name begins with ‘B’.” (Use the sound,
rather than the name of the letter.) Who can guess its name?

The teacher also needs to use little songs that everyone joins in whenever the
children are getting into a line, going outside or sitting in a ring for the story. These
songs can be very simple like the one-line song below that is repeated until the
children have moved to the place where the teacher is leading them. The teacher
can even make up her own little tune to the words as these should be very simple,
e.g. a tune on two or three notes. The gestures and words of these songs will soon
be learnt by everyone.

“Follow me, follow me, to the greenwood tree!”

A song can transform a verse or poem into a magical experience! Children learn
songs easily and will often repeat favourite ones endlessly. So it is important to
choose good songs with an attractive melody and a lively rhythm. Songs usually
have a more complicated melody than the singing games. They are also taught
through repetition, but as the melody may be more varied and have a wider range of
notes, they are often more beautiful. The words of the songs should also be more
interesting and more poetic than the singing games. The songs often describe a
mood of nature or an animal or creature in nature or something else out of the
children’s experience. Most of the songs taught at this level are quite simple, but
here and there the melodies are more challenging than those of the singing games.

Here are some basic pointers to ensure that singing and the teaching of songs is a
joyful experience for the children, the teacher and everybody who listens to them.

 Teacher’s preparation: learn the melody carefully and make sure you sing the
song correctly to the children.

 Introduce the song with a little story or description, and sing it to the class.

 Let the children learn the melody to ‘lah’ or ‘law’ without the words first.

 Teach the words rhythmically, without singing, pronouncing them clearly.

 Correct mistakes immediately by demonstrating the correct words or notes.

 Give the class a clear note for everyone to hum or sing ‘la’ before they start the
song. (It can be sung or played on the recorder.)

 Start everyone singing at the same time by counting them in. 1, 2, 3, …

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 Always sing sweetly and softly, except when the song has a strong character -
in that case, sing with a full voice, but make sure the children do not shout.

 Listen to make sure that the sound is always beautiful (whether loud or soft)!

 Repeat the song several times for children to live into the mood of the song as
they sing it.

 Praise the children when they sing harmoniously.

Children should listen to the melody they are singing and come away with the
feeling in their hearts, “Oh, how I love to sing this beautiful song!”

Songs develop the children’s ability to listen carefully and differentiate musical tones
as well as the sounds in the words. The children learn to breathe properly through
the activity of singing.

Singing also trains their voices so that they learn to sing in tune. Even if children are
not able to sing in tune at first, they will learn through repetition and through listening
to those who do sing correctly. It is a good idea to place those children who struggle
with pitch next to a strong, good singer.

Beautiful melodies help to train the ear to listen for the rise and fall of pitch, the
rhythm of the notes and the flow of the melody. Singing educates the children to
listen to the beauty in music.

With all these wonderful benefits for the children through singing, the teacher should
sing several songs every day, introducing new ones as soon as the children have
mastered the one before. Singing a song is a delightful way to gather the class after
the break or before a new lesson as it unites them all in a mood of happiness.

Speech Exercises and Verses

A good time to begin working with speech exercises is during the main lesson when
the children are learning the letters. Up to that time little action poems are sufficient
for making children aware of sounds and language.

Speech exercises are short little phrases, sentences, couplets (two lines that
rhyme), or little verses that repeat a certain sound. Through the repetition, the
children become alert to the correct pronunciation of that sound. Alliteration is the
repetition of the consonants e.g. Digging Down in Deepest Darkness. The repetition
of vowel sounds is called Assonance e.g. Too soon, too soon, my new blue
shoe… (Notice that spelling is not considered, only the sound.)

The African languages, (as well as certain other languages) use the pure open
vowel sounds: A (ah), E (eh), I (ee), O (aw) and U (oo). Thus it is important to use

Source: Zukunftsstiftung Entwicklung Open Source: Creative Commons

Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 International Licence; see

speech exercises to help children to pronounce the English vowel sounds correctly
as there are so many variations depending on other vowels and consonants that
accompany a vowel. People whose home language ‘a’ sounds like an open ‘Ah’ find
it very difficult to say a short ‘a’ correctly.

The short vowels are tricky to get right but if the teacher has a good pronunciation
herself, this will make it easy for the children. However, it may well be necessary for
the teacher to practise the speech exercises herself in order to get her own speech
pronunciation correct. It is good if s/he gets someone to help her with pronunciation
as this will make her aware of what s/he and the class will need to practise daily.

Verses that can be used as speech exercises are in a little section at the back of this

News Time
Most children arrive at school with things that they are longing to tell to their friends
or the teacher. On the other hand there are those children who immediately begin
playing when they get to school and do not wish to talk about anything. And so the
teacher tries to create a balance between the ‘talkers’ and the ‘non-talkers’ in the
time called “News Time”.

Children in Grade 1 do not find it easy to listen to each other for very long, so it is
best if the teacher controls the length of the “News Time”. S/he also has many other
things that need to be done in the main lesson and so the telling of news must not
take up too much time. If it does, the teacher will notice that her children become
limp, restless and reluctant to do other work. If s/he is struggling to keep their
attention, it is time to stop. Also the teacher has prepared a story for the children to
listen to later on in the lesson and it is a pity if they are not able to listen attentively
to her when s/he tells it because of having had to sit still and listen to news for a
long time.

It is important that every activity has an atmosphere of enjoyment as this

encourages interest and concentration. The moment this quality is lost in any
teaching situation is the time for the teacher to change the activity in some way.
Either s/he must move on to another activity or to ask herself if the way s/he is
handling the situation could be done in a better way for that group of children.

Each teacher must find their own solution to the challenges of “News Time”, but
here are some methods that have been used successfully by teachers.

The first is that the class is divided fairly evenly over the five days from Monday to
Friday and each child can talk about their news on a certain day of the week. This
ensures that everyone gets a turn, although some children may say that they have
no news today. Then the teacher may ask them to talk about something s/he knows

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they have done or are interested in doing. S/he may also allow two other children to
go in the place of children who did not speak and s/he must try to remember who
had a turn to speak the day before.

The second suggestion is that the teacher does “News Time” during the time that
the children eat their sandwiches that they have brought to school. This is usually
about ten minutes before the bell for the break at the end of main lesson. The
children whose turn it is to speak go first and they are followed by any one else who
has news to tell. Because the children are eating, they are happily occupied and
find it easier to listen, so other children can also have a turn. However the teacher
may be required to stay with their class during some of the break to listen to
everyone who wants to talk. This is also an opportunity to make personal contact
with shy or needy children or with the class in general in an informal way. This will
also help the teacher to observe and assess the development of the language in the
different children.

The class may also use a ‘Talking Stick’ or ‘Talking Stone’ that is passed from child
to child. The rule is that everyone must listen to the one who holds the ‘Talking
Stick” until they are finis/hed and the stick is passed on. In this way the “News
Time” becomes a social occasion as well as an opportunity for children to express

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The First Language Main Lesson Block

In the case of non-English speakers who are to be taught through the medium of
English, it is advisable to postpone the learning of letters until the children have a
better knowledge of the English language. Instead, it would be better to have an
English block in which the main purpose is to build vocabulary25 and understanding
of the language. This would assist the teacher in assessing the language needs of
the children and their ability to understand stories.

The chart below shows how one could structure the daily main lessons to maximise
the learning of the language, using creative ways:

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

Rhythmic Opening of day; telling news?

Part, about Movement for awakening and centering children
40 – 45
minutes Songs, poems, action songs, action verses, rhymes, speech exercises to learn English in
a rhythmical way, repeating and varying each item to maintain interest.

Content Tell story in home Look at teacher’s Recall story from Day 1
Part, about language drawing on using as much English
30 minutes chalkboard as possible

Introduce and practise Look at teacher’s

English words drawing on chalkboard
connected to story (with new items added)
Tell story from Day 1 Introduce and same
in English practise new English pattern
words connected to in the
story from end of days
Day 2 that
Tell story from
Day 2 in English

‘Work’ Children do free Act story or part Act story or part of

Part, about drawing from story of story story
30 - 40
minutes Copy teacher’s drawing Add new items to own
(or part of teacher’s drawing

Practice Revise new English

Lesson words from before
End of the Tell next part of Tell next part of
day story in home story in home
language language

Vocabulary = know words and their meaning

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The Rhythmic Time

In the first lesson of the school day, known as the main lesson, the teacher spends
about forty minutes after the morning prayers teaching and repeating different
songs, poems, action songs and games that practice some or all of the various skills
listed above. This is known as the ‘rhythmic’ time of the main lesson and creates the
opportunity for speaking and practising language on a daily basis.

This time span is appropriate for Grade 1 & 2 and may be shortened in subsequent
years. One may wonder if children get tired or bored, but actually children of this
age love repetition and look forward to the activities that they remember doing the
day before. If the teacher flows from one activity to the next, observing the interest
and energy levels of the children, s/he will see immediately when to change the
activity. Because these activities are all done in a group, they assist her to gather
and harmonise the class into a unified whole instead of separate individuals.

Although this part of the lesson has many movement activities, it can also be used
to practise any aspect of teaching that needs daily or frequent repetition e.g. singing,
poetry, recorder playing, the attendance register, news, etc. It is also a wonderful
opportunity for revising and consolidating what was learnt on the previous day
before continuing with new work.

Varied Repetition
Children need repetition for learning. They love repetition, but only if it remains

A new activity will keep their interest for several days, but after that they start to lose
interest. This is the moment to bring in a variation of the activity, which can be
done in different ways:
 Change the movements that go with the song/rhyme/verse (make them
different, stronger or lighter, or more difficult, for example)
 Change the speed of the song/rhyme/verse (not too fast)
 Change the temperament of the song/rhyme/verse
 Learn the next verse of the song/rhyme/verse
 Leave out one or more words (maybe replace it with an action)
 Test children’s concentration by making wrong movements - see if they can
keep to the correct movements

However, a poem cannot be treated in this way. It is a work of art, containing deep
feelings and rich images. Poems need to be kept whole. If we pull them apart, we
destroy the beauty of these works of art. One can keep the interest going by
speaking more deeply about certain words or feelings in the poem, every time
choosing something different to tell the children.

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The teacher repeats the activities daily, but it is important that s/he changes and
develops each item in the days that follow. As soon as the children can manage
what has been taught, they can learn another verse, do an action song with
improved expression or a rhythmic activity with different movements e.g. stamping
forwards and backwards or marching quickly and slowly.

Thus the teacher will challenge the children by bringing something new as a surprise
into a familiar activity. This is called ‘varied repetition’ and keeps the children eager
to participate as well as extending their skills. It awakens and activates the class so
that at the end of the rhythmic time they are ready to sit down and listen to the story
or ‘thinking’ part of the lesson.

With first language English speakers, the teacher gathers the children round her and
together they move into the wonderland of stories. With second language English
speakers, the whole approach is different as it is vital that the children are able to
understand what the teacher is saying, whether given in stories or explanations. The
following suggestions can be considered in the approach for second language

• Tell short sections of the story each day. Begin by telling the story in the home
• On the next day, introduce before re-telling the main English words to be used in
the story. Then repeat the same section of the story in English.
• On the following day develop a thorough inter-active recall of the story with the
children before continuing with the next section.

Telling the Story in the Home Language

When the teacher has second language English speakers in her class, it is a good
idea to break up his or her stories into small sections. Only short excerpts of the
story are told each day. The more the teacher can show aspects of the story with
gestures, the more the teacher can describe events and people in the story, the
more the chidren will use their imagination and live into the images in the story. This
will help them to keep up with the story even if they do not understand all the words.

If the teacher is in an area where the children all speak one home language, e.g.
Kenya where many children speak Kiswahili or Cape Town where most children
speak either Xhosa or Afrikaans, it is a good idea to tell the story in the home
language first, preferably on the day before it is told in English.

After listening to the story, the children can draw any part of the story as a free
imaginative picture on a piece of paper, or into their main lesson books.

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Introducing Words from the Story

When the children arrive at school on the next day, they should see a little scene on
the board that the teacher has drawn from the story. It is useful if s/he has a special
area of the board that is regularly used for this purpose. The teacher’s drawing will
only express some of the content of the story that s/he has been telling.

This drawing is far better than any pictures from a book as it will express the
teacher’s imagination and feeling about the poem or story. It is not necessary for
him or her to draw every detail of the story as the children should use their own
imagination to fill in the details. S/he will use the drawing to introduce the main
characters and important words before retelling the story in English.

The drawing should be simple and show the characters as part of the story, not
merely in a diagram. Then s/he can ask the children what they can see in the
drawing and s/he can teach them the new words s/he will be using. By getting them
to repeat key words and point to the corresponding part of the drawing, the children
become familiar with some of the words they will hear in the story. This needs to
happen shortly before the room is prepared for the story to be told.

If there are any items in the story that can be brought to the class (e.g. a special
staff, a copper bowl, a feather or stone) that feature in the story, these will make a
great impression on the children. It is good if only one or two items are brought at
one time, as this will make a greater impact on the children. The teacher may wish
to dress up in some way e.g. s/he may wear a special shawl for story-telling. I
remember a male teacher who used a special hat that was known as his ‘story-
telling’ hat.

For the actual story-telling, the teacher may choose to gather the children round her
in a circle as people did in ancient times. The circle works best if each child has
their own little chair or if they sit quite comfortably on a carpet without being pus/hed
for space. Otherwise, they find it difficult to listen quietly. Sometimes the classroom
desks are placed in an arc (curved rows) which also creates a friendly space in
which to tell a story.

The teacher may draw the curtains and light a candle to bring about a more inward
mood. S/he may sing a special ‘story-telling’ song with the class as it is a good way
to quieten them and prepare them for the story. S/he might even have a musical
instrument that s/he plays beforehand, provided the mood of the music belongs in
the story.

The teacher does not rush into the story. S/he sets the scene slowly, watching
carefully to see that all the children are beginning to get that look of anticipation on
their faces. S/he knows that it is even more important to tell the story very well when

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there are second language English children who struggle to follow what s/he is
saying. The teacher must tell the story entirely in English and avoid translating as
s/he goes along. By using gestures and pointing to the picture, the children will
remember the words and the story, especially if they have already heard it in the
mother tongue.

Telling the Story

The teacher must know the story well as it needs to be told in a really lively way, not
read to the children. If s/he changes his or her voice, speaking in a high voice for a
child or a little creature like a bird, in a medium range of voice for a woman or a
deep voice for a man, s/he will express the character of each of them more easily.

Then there are different types of characters, e.g. the African chief or the warriors will
have strong, deep, even loud voices at times, whereas a wise woman will have a
gentle quality to her voice. The teacher should try to express their many feelings of
joy, fear, pity, anger in his or her voice, and bring in the different moods according to
the part of the story that is being told.

To improve understanding of the story, the teacher’s gestures will be very important.
There do not have to be many gestures, but s/he may bend over when depicting an
old person or stand up straight for someone who is young and brave. An angry
warrior will shake his fist strongly and a person who is frightened will hold up their
hands in fear. The children will experience the feelings of the characters in each
situation through the emotions of the teacher and this will help them live into each
part of the story.

Recalling the Story

Rudolf Steiner says that when the children go to sleep at night they dream about the
images they have experienced in the story that day. These images live in the soul of
the children and their understanding of the story is deepened over night. Therefore
it is important that the children understand the words, so that the pictures stand out
clearly in their imagination. The children will grow into the full meaning of the story in

The time for the recall must not be rushed as it offers many opportunities for
exploring what the children know and do not know. It is vital that everyone is
involved in the recall, not only the children who know the story and love to show the
teacher that they can tell it. Because the teacher has only told a small section of the
story, the recall may seem insignificant, but in fact it allows the children to relive the
story in a deeper way through the different images and scenes.

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The teacher needs to avoid intellectual questioning around details. S/he can use
questions to assist the children to find the correct sequence of events as they
sometimes leap to the last action in the story.

It is not easy at this stage to get everyone to speak and the teacher begins by letting
those children who think they know the story well to speak first. The conversations
between the different people in the story should also be recalled, so the teacher may
ask questions to help the children remember the words from the dialogue and even
get them to repeat them. S/he can now help children who did not fully understand
the story by explaining or translating words. It works well if these children are made
to repeat the words in correct English. In this way they are given a chance to catch
up through the recall and this is essential for second language speakers.

S/he must be prepared to give plenty of time to the recall, to allow for unexpected
moments for discussion, and not to rush on to the next part of the lesson too quickly.
The teacher will try to remember who did not speak on that day and find a special
question for them on the next day.

Further questions will be asked but the teacher must observe the children to make
sure that they are all listening and participating in the recall. If they are getting
restless, it may be time to change the activity and sing a song or say a poem.

The teacher may use the 40-minute English lessons to develop questions and
answers about the families, homes and other themes from the story so that the
children learn how to ask questions and to give information correctly. It is also an
opportunity to practise the new words they have learnt. S/he will always aim to do
this in a creative way, bringing meaning and joy intolearning the language.

If children say words or sentences incorrectly, someone should help them and then
they should repeat it correctly so that they gain confidence. The teacher must
continually praise and encourage second language speakers for their efforts so that
they feel appreciated and that they are making progress.

An Example of a Story
Here is the beginning of a story for enriching the children’s language. The aim is to
show how stories may be told in short sections so that second language English
speakers can have the time to learn the new words they will hear in the story and
receive sufficient support in understanding the content. The teacher may wish to
expand the story to include more detail than is given here. The story unfolds slowly
and may last a week, two weeks or even longer.

Telling the Story in the Home Language

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The teacher begins by telling this section of the story in the home language. S/he
will then tell the story in English on the next day, preparing the children in the way
described below. An alternating pattern of working emerges whereby the teacher
tells the section of the story in the home language on one day and in English on the
next day.

At a later stage, when the children know more words and follow the story more
easily, the teacher may choose to begin the story in the home language at the end
of the children’s day before they go home. The next day s/he will use a picture to
teach the new words and then tell the story in English in the main lesson. Again s/he
will tell the new section in the home language before the children go home. In this
way they will have a new section of the story every day.

Telling the Story in English (if there is no home language)

If the teacher is not able to tell the story in the home language, s/he must begin with
a picture on the board that introduces the different characters and the words to be
used in the story. S/he begins by asking the children if they recognise anything in
the picture and can give its name in English e.g. mountain, sky, river, children, etc.
Then the teacher names the different objects in the picture, adding a few verbs or
adjectives e.g. high mountain, blue sky, rushing river, two children, etc. S/he
teaches all the words that will be needed, using gestures to make the meaning clear
and the children repeat the words and gestures after her while s/he points to them in
the picture.

Then the teacher prepares the room for the story and tells it slowly and clearly, with
good gestures to help the children to follow the story.

The teacher will use the following day for recalling the story and consolidating the
words and the content. At a later stage when the children know more words and
follow the story easily, she may choose to prepare and tell a new section every day
until the story is completed.

The River Journey

Section 1:

On the grassy slopes at the bottom of a high mountain, an African Chief and his
tribe had built their huts. Around the huts the tribe had built a high fence of straight

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sticks to protect them and their cattle against wild animals. A river flowed down past
their homes and into a large round pool. The water was sweet for the people and
their cattle to drink. Their crops grew well on the rich dark soil of the hills around the
pool. The chief had a lovely wife and two children whom he loved dearly, a boy and
a girl.

One day the boy, whose name was Sandile, came to the chief and said: “Father,
where does the river come from? I wish to follow its rushing waters up the mountain
and find the answer for myself.” At the same time, the girl, who was called Nomsa,
went to her mother and said: “Mother, where does the river come from? It seems to
call to me with its silvery voice and asks me to follow it.”

On hearing that both his children wished to follow the river, the chief said: “The time
has come for you to go on a journey together to find the answer to your questions.
You must pack a few things to take with you and tomorrow you will set off.” The
chief then gave a straight wooden staff to Sandile and said: “Take this staff with you
and look after it. It will protect you in times of danger and will guide you on the right
path. At the same time, the mother gave Nomsa a small copper bowl and said:
“This bowl will give you food and drink when you ask for it. It will also tell you the
truth of your heart when you drink from it.”

Then the chief said to the children, “Tomorrow you are going to follow the river up
the mountain to its very beginning.” Sandile looked at Nomsa and said, “Yes, that is
where we want to go.” The chief answered, “If you follow the staff, sometimes you
will go upstream and sometimes downstream, but it will lead you where you need to
go.” The children smiled at this strange answer and thanked their parents for the

On the next day the mist had swirled softly and gently into the valley along the river
round the bottom of the mountain. The children said goodbye to their father and
mother and set off on their journey. As they walked down to the river, the mist was
already lifting and they knew it would be a lovely day. They looked up at the
mountain and Sandile said, “The mountain is waiting for us to visit him.” When they
came to the large round pool, Nomsa knelt down and took a little water in her copper
bowl and gave some to Sandile to drink. “I am looking forward to the journey”,
Sandile exclaimed, stepping forward enthusiastically with his staff. He marched
ahead. “Wait for me,” cried Nomsa, “I can not walk as fast as you!” Sandile smiled
and waited for Nomsa while she drank from the bowl of water. She said, “I wonder
when we will come home again?”

They followed the edge of the winding river upstream all morning and sat by the
river to eat some food when they were hungry. In the afternoon they saw ahead of
them a dark forest of tall straight trees. The path went away from the river and
through the middle of the trees. Sandile held his staff in front of him and saw that the
end of the staff lit up when he was facing the right direction. The light went out as

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soon as he faced in another direction. He took Nomsa’s hand to make sure that she
stayed with him and that she was not afraid in the dark forest.

Suddenly they came to where the path split into four different directions. Which way
must they go now? Sandile turned the staff to face each direction and saw that it lit
up when he turned to the right hand path. “We must go this way,” he said. “It is
beginning to get dark”, said Nomsa, “I hope that we can find some place to sleep
where it is safe.” They saw that the path was going uphill, closer to the mountain.
But they felt sure that they would be safe.

Suddenly they saw an elderly man coming down the path towards them. He walked
slowly and wore a large blanket around his shoulders. When he came near, Sandile
greeted him, “Good day old father, can you tell us if there is somewhere along this
path where we can sleep the night?” The old man nodded his head and smiled at
them in a kindly way. “In this mountain there is a cave not far from here where
travellers can spend the night safely. A wise woman lives there. She will give you
food. But you must bring her a gift. All will go well.” And he walked slowly on down
the path………………

This may be a good place to stop the story and consider how to use the images in
the story for the children’s own drawing. The teacher encourages the children to fill a
page with colour in their own imaginative drawings.

It is fun for the children when they come to school on the following day and discover
that the teacher’s drawing has changed a little bit to include the new section to be
told. The teacher may ask the second language children simple questions to do with
the drawing or the words or a certain character.

The teacher leads the children into retelling the story of the day before by reminding
them of the beginning of the story. Some children will be able to recall the story in
English and others not. The important thing is to encourage every child to
participate in the retelling, even if you have to give him or her the words to speak.

It is good to follow this by leading the children into acting out the story they have
heard the day before, or only the important parts of the story. This will help them to
get to know the words better, as well as gain a deeper understanding of the story.

The teacher continues by telling the next section of the story, first in the home
language. If there is no common home language, she will first ask the children what
they see in the new part of the drawing and then teach them any new words that will
be needed before telling the new section of the story.

Section 2

The path took the two children steeply upwards and the rocks in the mountain side
stretched up and up until they reached the sky. If they looked over the edge of the

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path, the rocks slid steeply down and down into the valley. The children felt so
small. “The mountain is so big!” said Sandile. “Yes,” said Nomsa, “But it seems as if
the mountain is looking down at us in a friendly way.”

Suddenly the path narrowed and they had to hold on to the rocks so as not to fall.
Then they came to a place where the path had fallen away down the mountain side
and left a gap. “How can we get across?” asked Nomsa. “We will have to jump
across the gap,’ said Sandile. “I am afraid!” said Nomsa. “Let me go first,” said
Sandile and with a big jump he crossed the gap safely to the other side. “My legs
are shorter than yours,” said Nomsa, “What if I fall?” “No,” said Sandile, stretching
out his staff. “Hold on to my staff and I will help you cross over the gap. But do not
look down!” Nomsa stretched out her hand and grasped the staff strongly. She
jumped as far as she could and at the same time, Sandile pulled hard on the staff so
that she easily crossed over the gap in the path. Sandile grabbed her arm and
pulled her safely back on to the path. “You have done well, Nomsa,” he said.
Suddenly they saw in front of them a large round hole in the rocky side of the
mountain. “Look! There is the cave!” said Sandile and they quickly scrambled up
the last part of the path.

A large brown animal skin hung across the entrance like a door, with a small space
for light. Just then, the skin was pulled aside and out of the cave stepped a strong
woman in a long skirt and top of an orange-brown colour. She wore a cloth wrapped
round her head and she stood there smiling warmly at the two children. “Welcome,
my children, you have come just in time for a meal with me. And I am sure you are
so tired that you will sleep soundly beside the fire tonight. Now tell me your names.”
“Our names are Sandile and Nomsa,” said Sandile, “And our father is the Chief of
the tribe that lives at the foot of this mountain, near the big round pool.” “Oh!” said
the woman, “My name is Manya and I have met your parents many years ago. I was
expecting you to come and visit me.” Sandile and Nomsa were surprised that the
woman was expecting them. “Thank you” they said and walked into the cave.

In the middle of the cave was a lovely fire, making the whole cave warm. Manya
and the children sat down beside the fire. “Now, I must ask you a question”, said
Manya, “Where are you going?” “We are following the river”, said Sandile. “Except
that we are away from the river right now”, said Nomsa. “The staff led us to your
cave,” said Sandile. “We want to follow the river upstream to find out where it
“Then you will get to know the mountain well,” said Manya. “This mountain is a
sacred mountain and only those who have pure hearts will find the way to the
beginning of the river. You will have to climb up and up because the river begins
high up on the mountain in a special cave with beautiful crystals inside it. Many a
warrior has climbed up there, greedy to get jewels from the cave, only to find that he
becomes completely lost on the slopes of the mountain. It takes him a long time to
find his way home and he can never seem to find the cave no matter how hard he
tries. When you get to the cave, you will see a spring of fresh water inside and this
will tell you that you have found the beginning of the river.”

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“Then you too have climbed up to the cave,” said Sandile excitedly. “Oh yes,” said
Manya, “The mountain and I are good friends. That is why I am allowed to live here
in this cave.” “I have always felt that this mountain was very special,” said Nomsa. “I
love to see the mountain in the evening with the sunset making it a reddish colour.”
“And I love to see it in the morning as the sun rises and lights up the path to the
forest when we go hunting,” said Sandile. “Now it is time to see if the pot of food is
cooked,” said Manya “You must both be hungry.”

Again the children should make a drawing from the story, either from their
imagination or by copying the teacher’s drawing. This helps them to remember and
consolidate the story in their minds. The teacher needs to continually check the
children’s drawings to make sure they are completing it satisfactorily. This will show
her how strongly the children are involved in the images of the story.

On the next day, the children will notice further changes to the teacher’s drawing or
perhaps a completely new section. S/he may even have erased part of the drawing
or redrawn in small and placed it out of the way in a corner of the picture board. The
teacher will ask the children to recall yesterday’s part of the story and s/he will use
the drawing to help them remember the words that were used. The new section can
be told in the home language. If s/he wishes to tell it in English, s/he will prepare the
children by teaching them any new words before s/he tells the new section.

Section 3

The fire was warm and friendly and its light flashed on to the walls of the cave. On
top of the fire there was a large black pot of food and it was steaming hot. A
wonderful smell filled the air and the two children realised that they were very
hungry. They could hardly wait for the food to finish cooking and to cool in the
wooden bowls that Manya gave them. They sat on the floor in front of the fire and
warmed themselves. They watched how the fire flashed its light around the cave
and made flickering shadows everywhere. It also flashed light on to Nomsa’s copper

Suddenly Nomsa remembered that her copper bowl could give food and drink. She
said, “Manya, may I give you a gift from my bowl?” “Thank you”, said Manya, “I
would like that.” As they sat down Nomsa asked her bowl to give them something to
drink. The copper bowl filled up to the brim with a delicious drink and each one of
them drank from it. Manya did not seem surprised at the copper bowl. Just as they
finished their food and put their bowls aside, there was a loud noise at the entrance
to the cave.

The skin was ripped aside and three fierce warriors burst into the cave with sharp
metal-tipped spears! They shouted at Manya, “Give us all your jewels!” Sandile
grasped his staff firmly and leaped forward between Manya and the warriors,
thrusting his staff against the first man’s spear. The warrior laughed jeeringly at this

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young boy who dared to stand up to him. He raised his spear and threatened to
attack Sandile.

Suddenly fire leaped out of the top of the staff. It blazed into flame and flashed out
and blinded the warrior. He cried out in fear, and stepped back quickly, falling
against the warriors behind him. They picked him up and quickly dragged him out of
the cave beyond the reach of the flaming staff that seemed to chase them away!
Sandile ran out after them, but they did not wait any longer. They were too
frightened of the magic staff that threw fire and they tumbled over their feet and ran
down the hill as fast as they could. Sandile looked at his staff. The fire was gone and
the top of the staff was brown wood like any other with no signs of being burnt. He
laughed, “That will teach them a lesson.”

Manya replaced the skin across the entrance of the cave, then she put her arms
around the children and led them to the fire once more. The children sat down, still
shaking from fright and excitement. “Thank you for saving us”, said Manya, “You
have a wonderful staff.” “It was given to me by my father,” said Sandile. “But it was
also the fire leaping out of my staff that saved us.”

“And thank you for the drink you gave to us,” she said to Nomsa, “Did you feel any
different after you drank it?” “Yes”, answered Nomsa, “I do not feel homesick any

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more. I feel that I am in the right place. And wherever we go, I know it will also be to
the right place.”

“I have something to tell you”, said Manya, “But it will be best if I wait until morning
when you have had a good night’s rest.” She gave each of the children a blanket
and they snuggled on the floor next to the fire and in a few minutes were fast asleep.

The story can be continued by the teacher, using her or his own imaginative ideas
but following the guidelines given above. The story can have many more
adventures before the children return home to their parents.

Co-operative Learning

When the children are older (later

on in the year or in Grade 2, it is
also a good idea for the teacher
to let the children talk in pairs or
in small groups so they can tell
each other something from the
story. They could discuss what
they liked about a certain
character, or discuss a question
that the teacher has asked from
the story. The teacher tells the
class that they only have a certain
length of time to talk together and
then s/he will ask some of them to
say what they said to each other.

In this way, the children who find it difficult to speak and understand English will get
an opportunity to ask questions of their neighbour or a small group. They can also
have a bit of time to prepare what they can say about the story. This gives everyone
a chance to speak whether it is in front of the whole class or not.

This method of Co-operative Learning is a very valuable one as the children go on in

Grade 2 and later years. If the teacher encourages the children everyone will think
about what they would say and also to listen carefully to the others in their group.
Thus Co-operative Learning has social as well as educational benefits. More
complicated questions may be asked at a later stage. The teacher may also
allocate different parts of the story to be told by different groups. S/he may ask each
group a different question for discussion.

This way of work-shopping a topic can be used for many different situations. The
teacher will still find certain children struggling to participate actively, and will give

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them time to gain confidence to participate fully. Of course there are plenty of
others only too willing to talk!

Story Material for Grade 1

Children love to listen to stories but it is important to tell them stories that are
appropriate for their psychological development. Rudolf Steiner has recommended
Fairy tales for Kindergarten and Grade 1, particularly the Grimm’s Fairy Tales that
were collected in Germany.

However most countries and cultures have their own tales and it is good to use
these stories. Grimms Fairy Tales give us good examples of the kind of stories that
are suitable for Grade 1 children. Teachers can search for similar stories in the
culture of the children s/he is teaching.

What is wonderful is to recognize the wisdom that lies behind the fairy tales and to
see how it fits with the stage of development of the children up to the age of seven

Children around the age of seven years live in a world of imagination and magic,
where they experience that all is one. People and animals can speak to each other
because they are alive and anything is possible. The children identify strongly with
the young prince or princess as they go through the different adventures in the story.
But why do we tell stories about princes and princesses in countries where there are
no kings and queens?

The truth is that everyone is a child of God, and as a son or daughter of a king or
queen, children unconsciously recognise their divine origin and inner nobility.26

In the Grimm’s Fairy Tales there are several recurring themes. There is usually a
king and queen of the country or else a poor woodcutter with his wife and children.
The young prince or princess, woodcutter’s son or daughter is presented with a
seemingly impossible task. They may leave home to seek the answer to the
problem and they are usually helped along the way by animals and birds, by a dwarf
or wise woman. They may need to overcome a wicked witch or a dragon, or undo a
magic spell.

All the characters are in fact aspects of the individual, so the helpers represent the
instinctive inner wisdom of the child, while the magical gifts that help them overcome
impossible situations are their own natural talents. Evil characters like the wicked
witch represent greed, envy or some aspect of the feeling nature that needs to be
overcome. The young prince or princess is an immature soul who grows up through
meeting the challenges of each situation.

Catherine van Alphen, Child Development, 2009, Chapter 5:8

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The magical elements are very important as they indicate that these are ‘soul
stories,’ as are all true fairy tales. Gifts represent ‘soul qualities’, e.g. a staff is like
the spine or will of the spirit or Ego and therefore it guides and protects. A copper
bowl represents the open heart that feeds or nourishes as do all qualities of love.
However, the teacher never explains the meaning of fairy tales to the children as
they live into the story and absorb it in its full meaning.

The fairy tales, full of symbolism, satisfy the souls of the children, even in the
second language. These stories are full of rich pictures that help children to
visualise. The visualisation process develops concentration, imagination and
consciousness. Consciousness in turn, develops thinking in the children.

Young children need these stories to nourish their inner life, giving them the sense
that they are safe and secure in their world. The symbolic meaning contained in
these stories strengthens the children unconsciously, affirming that life is a process
of growth where one must learn to follow one’s heart, knowing that good always
triumphs in the end. The underlying message of these stories tells the children that
no matter how difficult things may appear in life, they will find the help they need and
become the hero of their own life story.

The teacher must therefore look for fairy tales in her own culture that carry the same
themes and magical qualities as the Grimm’s fairy tales. S/he may need to translate
or simplify the words for second language speakers, e.g. a king is like a chief of a
tribe and a castle is the equivalent of a large house with stone walls.

However, some stories are quite long and involved. The teacher should begin with
the shortest and easiest stories and keep the others for when the children have a
better grasp of the language. The real proof of progress will be seen in the daily
recall and if all the children participate in this, then the teacher will know that they
understand the story! Then all the children will love listening to the teacher’s

In working with children whose mother tongue originates in a rich oral tradition, we
must ensure that their second language, i.e. English continues such a pattern so
that the children grow up with stories that cultivate the imagination and nourish the
soul. Learning to write and read should emerge out of this mythical, magical
tradition and the teacher must consciously support the child in learning the English
language so that the ‘Cinderella’ of the oral
tradition is acknowledged in her beautiful
gown of magic and meaning and is then able
to marry the ‘Prince’ in the land of literacy.

Toys and Dolls

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Telling stories to the second language speakers in Grade 1 can be supported in

another lively way. Some children in Grade 1 like to bring toys to school and if the
teacher asks them to donate some toys to the class, these can become helpers in
the English language lessons. S/he must make it quite clear which toys are suitable
so that children are not offended if s/he does not use the toy that they have brought.
The teacher then selects the ones s/he feels are most useful.

Soft toys and dolls should be used but no plastic toys, cartoon characters with guns
or distorted rubber faces. If the teacher wants to use a friendly monster, it should
also be a soft toy. These toys and dolls become part of the extended family of the

It is good to have a variety of different dolls and animals. Each has a name,
perhaps given by the child and a character created by the teacher. One will be a
little boy, another will be a little girl; there could be a father, mother and grandparent
too. Each one should speak in a characteristic voice. Some characters can be
versatile and be different people on different occasions, e.g. a boy doll may be a
shepherd boy on one day and on another day he can be a prince! Then there will be
various animals or fantasy characters like a giant or a dwarf. The teacher may make
one toy always behave in a very silly way; another one could always be naughty and
there can be a clever practical one who knows what to do when things go wrong.

The toys can be used to teach the children new vocabulary words and are very
useful for conversations. The children may ask the toy a question or answer
something that the toy (using the teacher’s voice) has asked. The children will learn
to greet the different toy characters and will look forward to hearing simple stories
about the toy and his or her adventures, told in English. The teacher should use
humour and keep the situations alive but simple.

Table Puppets
The teacher may also want to use puppets for story-telling. A simple way is to have
Table Puppets which are little doll-like figures that stand unsupported on a table that
has been decorated to suit the staging of the story. One area of the table may have
a little hut and tree to depict the little girl’s home. There may be several table
puppets representing the girl’s family. Another area may have a soft blue scarf to
show the river that the girl has to cross. Another area may have a few stones to
signify a third area of the story.

The teacher tells the whole story, singing any songs and moving the puppets
appropriately so that they can talk to each other or go and fetch water or do
whatever will come next in the story. Other characters may be visible on the table
before they are needed in the next scene but they may also be hidden underneath a
cloth if the teacher prefers.

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Glove Puppets
The teacher may have a few glove puppets to help her enact the story. S/he slips
them on to her hands with the head on the middle finger and the hands on her
thumb and little finger. S/he should hide the puppet until it is firmly on her hand and
ready to be used. The teacher moves them carefully to depict the different feelings
of the character. It takes practice to move the puppet well and to speak the words
well at the same time, but it is very popular with the children when the teacher is
good at it.

Glove puppets may be made very simply by knitting them and adding features e.g.
eyes, ears and whiskers for a cat. Human glove puppets can be knitted following an
easy pattern. Woollen hair should be very simply sewn on; eyes and mouth should
be no more than dots to allow the children to imagine the character. A scarf, hat or
apron can be added as needed. They can also be made in a similar way to a soft
doll, using stretchy cotton cloth for the head and hands. The head is stuffed with
wool that is carded but not spun into thread and sewn over a cardboard funnel in the
neck that fits the middle finger. Coloured wool is used for hair and then the puppet is
dressed in a simple costume. The eyes and mouth are drawn in with soft pencil
crayons or aquarelles. Making a puppet in this way takes time and skill and it is
advisable to be guided by someone who knows how to make puppets well. Although
it is great fun to build and use a puppet theatre, it is really for entertainment
purposes rather than second language tuition.

Glove puppets are very useful for expressing dialogue so they are best used for
small scenes that show interaction between people. If there is only one glove
puppet being used, the dialogue will be between the puppet and the children,
through the guidance of the teacher who speaks both for herself and for the puppet.
If there are two puppets, they can talk to each other. It may be a mother and child, a
cat and a dog or any other combination. Humans and animals also talk to each
other. The children enjoy the contrasts between the two characters and it is possible
to bring in quite a bit of humour. Glove puppets help children to understand what is
being said through the combination of words and movement.

Glove puppets allow the teacher to hold the children’s attention through the
movements and lively speaking of the puppet. The teacher can also observe the
children’s responses while s/he is using the puppets. Especially where second
language speakers are concerned, it is vital for the teacher to be aware of those
who are engaged in the story or dialogue, and those who are not. It is possible for
her to get the puppet to speak directly to one child who is distracting another. By
asking the child a question or making a comment the teacher will catch the attention
of that child and lead him or her back into the story with a touch of humour. From
this point of view the glove puppets are very useful for second language tuition.

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The puppets have a charm of their own due to the imagination of the one who has
made them. They are fun to make, fun to use and the children love to see puppets
in little scenes from an ongoing story. The teacher may use the glove puppets as a
regular part of the English lesson.

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Dramatisation: Acting out the Story

In the same way that children love to make gestures in the poems they are saying,
so they also love to act out the story. If the teacher inspires them to speak their
poems in a way that is full of expression, the children will learn how to act or mime
(silent acting with very clear gestures to show what the person is doing) in an
imaginative way as well.

When speaking poems with a class of children, the teacher shows them, by
example, hoew to be expressive and alive in reciting poems. Developing variation
of voice, of speed, tone and mood are all needed to express feelings - the main
developmental task for children at this age.

True to Character
In leading children to act out a story, the teacher strives to be true to the inner
quality of whatever character s/he is portraying. The teacher uses his or her
knowledge and understanding of the temperaments, and of people and creatures,
so that everything is expressed in its true essence. For example, if a child in the
story is sad, s/he must feel the sadness inside of her and her voice must express
that sadness without it being exaggerated. Then the children in her class will imitate
her and learn to act well.

Children of this age are not ready to perform the story on a stage. It is better for
them to do spontaneous acting, rather than learning a set way of performing a story.
The teacher improvises different parts of a story day after day, the main purpose
being to learn the new language.

There are different ways in which the children could enact certain parts of the story,
especially dialogue27 between two characters. Here are several different ways of
acting with the class:

 All the children are standing in a circle around the room. Following the teacher
who describes one of the characters from the story, they walk around the room
pretending to be that character, e.g. an African Chief, a young prince or princess,
a warrior or a wise woman. They could also walk like an animal, e.g. an elephant
or a lion or a snake.

 The children can learn to say some of the dialogue from the story. If any part is
written as a poem or chorus, this can be learnt by everyone. Thus they can join in
at certain places with the teacher retelling the story.

Dialogue: a conversation between two characters

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Dialogues from the story could be acted out

by the children in pairs. While the teacher
says the words, all the children imitate the
gestures of the two people speaking to each
other. Then the scene is repeated a couple
of times with the children joining in with the
words that the teacher speaks. Finally the
children are placed in pairs and each child has a
turn to be each character.

It is essential that each child acts out all the parts, regardless of sex or character,
so that they learn the words for all the characters. This method of acting out
dialogues is very useful and can be repeated in many ways and in different

Later on the teacher might even ask the children, “Make up your own words for
the two characters.” But in the beginning the teacher will say the words that were
used in the story. This will teach the second language speakers words that can
be used, as well as allowing them to participate more fully in the story.

 As children gain confidence, they can stand in a circle with the teacher. The
teacher tells the story or a part of the story. Certain children can now be chosen
for the main parts and the rest of the class mimes everything. Some of the
children hold their arms up with hands joined to form mountains or trees or a
house. (The teacher must be aware that children holding up their arms cannot do
it for long.) If there are words to be spoken, these can be spoken by the teacher,
by the children who are acting the part or by a group of children supporting those

 The story could include a little song or dance in a circle. The children could
weave their way around the circle when they go on their journey. The circle
becomes the stage for the whole performance which can later be shown to the
parents if desired.


 The whole class mimes a scene which is described by the teacher, e.g. waking
up in the morning and preparing for school, cooking breakfast, making a garden
and planting seeds, etc. The teacher will need an open space for the children to
do this.

 Standing in a circle, one child begins the activity and mimes doing something.
Then he or she passes the turn on to the next child. For example, the first child

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mimes reading a book. When he passes the turn on, the next child may pretend
he has a bicycle and rides it around the room. He passes the turn on to another
child who may imagine looking for something in a bag.

 Encourage the children to improvise a little scene like making tea or buying
something at a shop.


 As the children become more experienced at miming and speaking poetry, the
teacher may develop a short play which is written in verse. Everyone learns the
whole play, although some children may speak individually or in small groups for
certain characters. The children may now stand in an arc (half-circle or curved
line) and face the parents or rest of the school. Everyone speaks the chorus and
individuals act or mime their parts. Simple movements and gestures assist the
children to express the feelings of the characters.

 The children will enjoy dressing up for their parts, even if the teacher uses simple
cloths for cloaks or headdresses. A few props will also make the children feel
involved in the play.

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The Waldorf Approach to Writing and Reading

Essential Reading: Audrey MacAllen: Teaching Children to Write

Following the Evolutionary process of Writing

Early cultures had no need of writing and reading. They lived close to nature in small
family groups, clans and tribes, hunting animals and gathering fruits and herbs for
food. They communicated closely, working together and sharing daily activities
often using rhythmic songs, games and dances. Each community celebrated their
seasonal rituals and rites of passage28 according to their individual cultures.
Festivals held at new or full moon and other significant times of the year expressed
their deep sense of connection to the ‘gods’ or ‘beings’ present in nature. This was
due to their natural clairvoyance that allowed them to experience the spiritual world
as an integral part of the world around them.

These early cultures had an oral tradition rich in myths and legends. Their stories of
the origins of the world and how humankind developed through the guidance of
divine beings were expressed in pictorial imagery appropriate to their culture. This
led Rudolf Steiner to recognise that these peoples, however far apart
geographically, had one thing in common. They all saw the world in ‘pictures’29.
And thus their cultural memory, alive with images and symbols, was handed down
through the songs and stories of the bards, shamans and story-tellers, preserving
their sacred traditions for generations to come.

As humankind developed the skills of building and agriculture, towns and cities
sprang up. Cultures became more civilized: the wheel was invented and the
development of crafts in wood, metals and other materials showed that people were
more connected to the earth than before. This resulted in a corresponding loss of
people’s openness to the spiritual world: their clairvoyant faculties30 and their
cultural memory began to fade. However, the experience of themselves as
individuals increased and in history we begin to hear the names of kings and
important rulers.

The expansion of trade led to the use of the abacus31 for calculations and the
beginnings of writing for record-keeping occurred in various parts of the world. The
cuneiform marks on clay tablets in Mesopotamia, the pictorial images of the
hieroglyphs of Egypt and the word-signs of China are well-known examples. The
first-known written story was the Babylonian tale of the Flood, scratched on clay
tablets and found in the library of King Hammurabi.
Rites of passage = rituals that celebrate coming to manhood or womanhood
‘Pictures’ = pictures of the mind
The ability to see the spiritual world: angels, nature spirits, ancestors, etc.
Abacus = a frame with beads arranged in hundreds, tens and units to make calculations quick and easy

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These marks and pictures were originally drawn or carved and slowly they were
simplified until they became symbols for different words, sounds and letters.
Eventually this developed into the different scripts used today. Although writing was
often carved in stone and used to record the laws of the kings and pharaohs, as
human beings evolved it was used by individuals to express their ideas and to
communicate information by means of letters. Thus the development of writing is
connected to the individuation32 of the human being and the corresponding growth
of personal self-expression.

From Writing to Reading

In the Waldorf approach, the children learn writing before reading. When we
recognise that children of this age learn by imitation and experience, we realise that
they connect more deeply to what they have done for themselves than to any
explanations from the teacher. The children copy the writing of the teacher and in
doing so they learn the shape of the letter.

The children learn to read from the letters and words that they have written
themselves. Because the children become involved in creating the writing, this
helps them to remember the different sounds related to the shapes of the letters.
They create their own reading books, the first one being a book of letters where they
‘read’ the sounds.

Printed readers are not used at this point. However, a large class library should be
available for the children to look at. This will encourage them to develop a love of
books and all they have to offer. Many of this collection of books will need to be
picture books with a few words in large print for those children who cannot read as
yet. Other books may be simple readers for those children who have begun to read
or who have caught on to reading at an early age.

Sitting correctly
The teacher needs to impress on the children the importance of sitting correctly.
S/he must insist that they all sit upright on their chairs, with both feet flat on the floor
and their knees should be higher than their hips. The size of the desk and chair
must be correct for each child. This may result in smaller children having a plank of
wood or something under their feet to raise them to the correct height.

Audrey McAllen in her little book, Teaching Children to Write, says that the teacher
should tell the children, “Imagine you are a king preparing to sign a royal decree.”33
The crayon or pencil must be held in a grip that is relaxed but firm and the arm must

Individuation = becoming an individual, separate from others
McAllen, Teaching Children to Write, page 31

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move freely across the page. Form Drawing and Brain Gym exercises both help the
children to develop a handwriting or printing that is flowing and well spaced.

Capital Letters Come First

The children are taught the upper case34 letters first in order to let them experience
the way letters evolved out of picture-symbols in the history of writing. This
corresponds with the fact that children live in their imagination, and therefore also
think in pictures as the early cultures did. This means that in young children the
holistic right side of the brain is more dominant, and they need time to really
experience each letter as a story-character, before moving on to using the letter as a
symbol in the process of word-building and reading (left-brain activity).

Sounds: Consonants and Vowels

In ancient times, sounds were experienced as having magical creative powers. This
links back to the Creation of the World through the Voice of God. If the teacher can
convey the sacredness and magical quality of sounds during this time of teaching
letters and language, s/he will imbue the children with wonder and joy in learning to
speak, write and read.

Letter-sounds are divided into consonants and vowels:

… in speaking, man copies the outer world by means of consonantal sounds and
these he colours with his own feelings by adding the vowels.35

Consonants are taught first to the children as the picture-symbols for the sounds of
the consonants are found in images of the outside world. The consonants create the
structure of the words we use in speaking, being formed by the lips, tongue and
teeth, e.g. FLoWeR, TaBLe. Thus it is easier to show the children the connection
between the picture and the letter-symbol when teaching the consonants. It will also
allow the children to learn the letters in the same way as they evolved naturally in
the history of writing.

Vowel sounds, like ‘AH’, ‘EE’, ‘OO’, are sounds expressing feelings that come from
inside the human being. These are taught at a later stage when the children have
already learnt several consonants and have become used to linking a sound with a
specific letter-shape.

It is fascinating to notice the languages with words that have many consonants
(structure) and those that have many vowels (feeling).

Also called ‘capital’ letters
Rudolf Steiner, The Renewal of Education, 1943:66

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Teaching the Consonants

Choosing an Image
The teacher will therefore work backwards, using the shape of the consonant to find
a suitable image that contains both the shape and the characteristic sound.

Listening to the sound, the teacher writes down several words and chooses one that
s/he feels will give an appropriate image for that sound. Examples for S are: snail,
snake, swan and smoke. Examples for B are: bear, bee, beehives and butterfly.
Any one of these images can be used; it depends on the imagination of the teacher
and which image appeals to them.

Imaginatively create a picture where the

shape of the letter can be seen within the
shape of the image e.g. S for Silent Swan
or Silver Snake; B for Brown Bear or Blue
Butterfly; C for Crystal Cave; M for Mighty
Mountain, F for Flaming Fire; R for
Rolling River, etc. It is quite permissible
for the picture image to be at an angle
e.g. Blue Butterfly does not fly straight
upwards even if the letter shape of B will
be placed upright on the page. Notice
that each image is immediately linked
with an adjective describing a
characteristic quality. This reinforces the
character of each image for the letter, as
well as each sound.

It is preferable to use archetypal36 and

nature images as the children will remember them easily e.g. Mighty Mountain and
Tall Tree. It is important to use inspiring images too e.g. Kind King, not Cowardly
Courtier. Each child will identify strongly with the letter that is at the beginning of
their name and also the characteristic qualities of each sound. The children should
feel deeply connected to all of these sounds and letters, knowing that they are a
wonderful part of the magical process of reading.

The Alphabet
Archetypal = the original, divine patterns on which everything in creation was made

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The children should not be taught the alphabet names at this stage. Only the
sound of the letter should be learnt, without adding a vowel at the end of it. For
example, letter B should not be pronounced ‘bee’, only ‘b’ without a vowel sound.
It also should not sound like ‘bh’ or ‘ber’. This is important as the African
languages contain several breathed and un-breathed sounds that have different

In teaching the letters, we do not follow the alphabet. It is far more important to
select those letters that can form a string of good stories. The alphabet is only
taught once the sounds of all the letters are thoroughly known.

Creating Letter Stories

The teacher may choose to create a different story for each letter. However, many
images may easily be linked together and so it is also fun to create a long,
continuous story with the letters emerging one by one. The teacher may also want to
teach a group of about seven to nine letters in the first “Letters” block and some of
these may be connected in one story while others form another story. It is entirely up
to the teacher.

Rudolf Steiner emphasised that the children love to hear stories created by their
teacher as they contain the personal feelings and ideas of that teacher and as such
have greater meaning for the children than a printed story by someone else.37

By following the guidelines below, the teacher will be able to create suitable stories
for the letter-images that have been chosen. Remember that stories for second
language speakers should be fairly short. Each part of the story needs to be

A story has a three-fold structure:

a) An Introduction in which you describe the place where the story happens
and the main character who is the hero or heroine. All is well in this part of
the story.
b) The follows a Dramatic Part in which the action of the story happens; this
section needs a situation of difficulty, a challenge which the character has
to overcome; the story reaches a climax in which the situation is resolved
c) Finally a Conclusion in which all is well again; great rejoicing and
celebration, as the challenge has been overcome; there is a sense that the
character has grown as a result of the challenge.
2. The letter needs to be presented in the form of a character (see ‘Choosing an
Image’ above). This character has to be the main character of the story, for
example, Mighty Mountain is the character that leads children to learn the

Steiner, The Renewal of Education, 1943:70

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letter ‘M’ - the mountain is like a person: it can speak, can care for the
children that are climbing it, can think, etc.

3. It is important to give a vivid description of the main character, both of the

outer form and the inner feeling qualities. This will help the children to identify
strongly with the letter character. For example, Mighty Mountain has two
steep rocky peaks and is strong, stable and protective. Keep the original two
words together as the name of the letter-picture: Mighty Mountain.

4. Decide on the temperament of your character.

5. Do not use other images for the same letter in your story as this becomes
confusing for the children e.g. Mighty Mountain, but NOT Moomo the Monster
as well.

6. The story needs to be told in the style of a fairy tale that allows the children to
live in a world of imagination and wonder.

7. If the story is long, it may be necessary to tell it over two days. Take care to
divide the story in an appropriate place. (It is necessary for second language
English speakers to have relatively short stories, as it requires a lot of
concentration to try to understand the story in a new language.)

8. During the introduction, use clear gestures to show the shape of the main
character, in the shape of the letter as it will be written later. For example,
when introducing Mighty Mountain, show the shape while you move your
hand from right to left (the way the children need to see it) saying, “Mighty
Mountain has two peaks that touch the sky; the one side (start on the right)
moved steeply upwards; as the side became higher anh higher, it rose into
the first peak; then down, down a little way ...” etc.

9. Describe your characters and situations clearly, taking time to use as many of
the senses as possible. It is not sufficient to say that the princess was
beautiful – describe her!

10. The story needs to contain human value: the overcoming of evil, reaching a
desired goal, regaining something that was lost, or the harmonious working of
nature. This provides the children with the double objective of learning a letter
and gaining inner nourishment (“food for the soul”) as well.

11. Create different moods in the story through the changing qualities of weather
and scenes in nature e.g. a dark lonely forest or a peaceful sunny meadow, a
happy morning sunrise or a wild and terrifying storm.

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12. Use contrasting temperaments in your characters to create natural drama and
excitement. Allow your characters to express different feelings of joy and
sadness, confusion and courage.

13. Use dialogue to make your characters alive and real! Get them talking to each

14. Hold the children in the magic of the story! Do not let them ask or answer
questions. Avoid letting them join in singing or dialogue at this stage. You
may do this in the recall or when you act out the story later.

15. AVOID telling a story that is merely a list of actions without feelings or
descriptions e.g. “The prince rode out on his horse. He met the old man who
led him to the dragon. He fought the dragon and killed it.” Even though the
teacher may be telling a story to second language speakers, s/he must allow
the children to really experience each image fully rather than rushing through
the story. For example, “The young prince rode on his horse early, early in
the morning as the sun was rising. He spoke to his horse as they were
galloping through the fields and forests, saying, ‘Rusty, my faithful horse, we
have to face the terrible dragon; but have no fear, for I have a shining sword
that will conquer any enemy.’ Rusty snorted, saying he was not afraid, and
on they galloped.” Here we see how the one line above becomes a full
‘picture’ before moving on to the next part of the story (where he meets the
old man).

16. AVOID making a story that is so long and involved that it takes up too much of
the main lesson. Also AVOID a story that is so short and boring that nothing

Remember that the children carry these images into sleep at night, ‘digesting’ what
they have been told. The more the children are able to live into the experience, the
richer will be their understanding of the story. With second language English
speakers, the stories may be short to begin with and slowly get longer as the
children’s vocabulary grows. The more the children enjoy the story, the more
successful will their learning experience be!

An Example of a Letter Story

Here is a story for learning the letter M. It is first told in the home language,
provided the teacher is able to speak it, and repeated the next day in English, using
a picture to help the teacher teach the new English words.

Letter M for Mighty Mountain.

Mighty Mountain looked down into the deep valley below him. He had stood there
for many, many years and was very, very old. Mighty Mountain had two tall peaks

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that reached up into the sky. He was proud of the way he protected all the plants
and animals that lived on the slopes of the mountain and in the deep valley below
him. In that valley there was a little village with mainly farming people who grew
vegetables and fruit trees in the surrounding fields. Mighty Mountain cared for
everyone, but best of all he loved the children.

In one house there lived a boy and his sister with their grandmother, as their parents
had died some years before in a winter of terrible illness. The grandmother was a
strong woman who kept her own cows and tended her vegetables every day. But
one misty morning, she could not get up. She moaned with a fever and the boy
rushed to get the medicine man while the sister washed her grandmother’s face.
But the old woman only got worse. When the medicine man came he shook his
head, “I have seen this illness before. It is very bad. Your grandmother could die.
The only cure is for someone to get healing water from the cave on Mighty
Mountain. But it is difficult to find.”

“I will go”, said the boy. “I will look after our grandmother,” said the girl.

The boy packed a bag with some food and a jar to collect the water. Then he set off
through the mist, following the path leading towards the mountain. Mighty Mountain
looked down at the boy and felt sorry for the little family. He murmured to himself,
“We must help this boy to find the way to the cave.”

The boy walked for a long time, the mist disappeared and the day grew hot.
Eventually the path continued around the mountain and he realised that he would
have to find his own way up to the cave. He looked up at Mighty Mountain to see if
he could see any caves and there seemed to be so many that he had no idea which
direction to choose. Just then he saw an eagle fly out of some rocks in the middle
between the two peaks. He thought, “I wonder if that is the place where the cave
is?” He began to climb up towards the rocks.

The slope was steep, but he was a strong boy and had walked and climbed many
times, although this place was new to him. What was strange was that he seemed
to have more energy now than when he started climbing. He came to a place where
he thought he should go off to the right but as soon as he went that way, he felt as if
the rocks were blocking his path. “So you want me to go the other way,” he said. As
he turned around, a path seemed to open up and so he followed it. Whenever the
path seemed to be going nowhere, the boy turned around slowly and waited for the
new direction to open up. “Mighty Mountain,” he said, “I know you are helping me.”

Mighty Mountain was pleased to see the boy steadily getting closer to the cave.
Then the boy saw the eagle wheeling round in circles above him. He stopped and
watched the eagle and saw how it flew in towards the rocks and then disappeared.
“I knew it!” he said, “That is where the cave is!” He scrambled up the last few rocky
cliffs and there stood a huge hole in the mountain. He had found the cave!

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He walked slowly into the mouth of the cave. It was huge and the path soon
dropped down and down, becoming narrower and narrower as it went deeper and
deeper into the mountain. The cave became darker and darker. The boy saw little
sparkling lights all over the walls of the cave. At first he did not understand what it
was, then he realised that they were crystals on the walls catching the light from
outside. Then he heard the sound of water. As he stepped forward and his eyes
became used to the darkness, he saw a spring bubbling out of the rock into a clear
pool. The boy knelt down and filled up his jar with the fresh, sweet water. He drank
some himself as he was very thirsty. Immediately he felt strong and ready to start
the return journey. “Thank you, Mighty Mountain, for this wonderful healing water”,
he said.

As he went outside, he saw that it was now late afternoon. “Mighty Mountain,” he
said, “Help me to find my way so that I can bring this precious water home safely.”
He started down the path and he looked at the sun’s position in the sky. He knew
he had only a couple of hours before sunset. Luckily the steepest rocks were right in
the beginning, but as he went further down the mountain, the shadows got longer
and longer. Then he noticed the moon rising in the sky behind him, between the two
high peaks of Mighty Mountain. The darker the sky became, the brighter shone the
moon. The path seemed shorter and easier to follow than when he climbed up it.
Suddenly he was down on the level path that led back to the village. He began to
get excited and started running along the path. He did not run too quickly because
he did not want to drop the jar of water, but just fast enough to get home a bit
sooner to see his grandmother.

When he came to the house, all was quiet. He opened the door softly and in the
darkness he saw two shapes near the fire place. His sister was still there. She
stood up and he could see that she was crying. “Our grandmother is hardly
breathing,” she said. Quickly the boy knelt beside the grandmother and he poured a
few drops into her mouth, then a few more. She swallowed and then drank a little
more. Then she sighed and began to breathe more easily. Slowly the grandmother
drank a little more of the precious water and then went off to sleep. The boy hugged
his sister and gave her some water to drink as well. They smiled and both of them
knew that the old grandmother would now get better.

The boy told his sister the story of how he found the cave. “I know that Mighty
Mountain helped me to find the cave. He is looking after all of us.” And mighty
Mountain rumbled with pleasure, knowing that all was well.

Learn a Poem Connected to the Story

It is a good idea to teach the class a little poem that is linked to the story in some
way. If it is a story to introduce a letter, then the poem needs to be about the main
character e.g. the Mighty Mountain:

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Mighty Mountain, towering high,

Two tall peaks against the sky.
Mighty Mountain, steep and strong,
You have lived for ages long.
Mighty Mountain proudly stand,
You are guarding all the land!38

The poem will remind the children of the story whenever they say it. The poem will
strengthen the children’s imagination about the story and will teach them more
words and language usage. The poem will also help to consolidate the content and
language of the story.

Alliterative Rhyme
The teacher makes up an alliterative rhyme or sentence using many words
beginning with the letter-sound that is being taught. These should also be quite
rhythmical in order to reinforce the sound that is being taught and if possible they
should relate directly to the story. The teacher can get the children to make a
simple gesture whenever the sound occurs in the sentence to increase their
awareness of the sound. The rhyme should be fun for the children to say and do as
part of their rhythmical time. Here are some examples of alliterative rhymes:39

Merry men are marching up the Mighty Mountain,

Up the Mighty Mountain in the misty morning!

Slippery snake with scales of silver, sliding through the grass,

Shining, sparkling as he slithers; be still …and let him pass.

Flaming Fire, flashing freely, full of friendly fun!

Flickering, frightening, fiercely fighting,
Finis/hed when he’s done!

Big Blue Butterfly, beautiful and light,

Bobbing between the blossoms bright.

Rippling, Rolling River, rushing on your way,

Rippling, Rolling River, roaming all the day!
Rushing through the Reeds,
Round the rugged Rocks,
And racing off to revel in your play!

Writing in Blank (Unlined) Books

Copyright Catherine van Alphen
All copyright Catherine van Alphen

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Ideally each of the children should have an unlined A3 sized book where they draw
the picture on one page and a large letter, followed by smaller sizes of the same
letter on the page opposite. The teacher guides the children carefully to imitate the
writing and layout of the page that s/he has drawn on the board. They may first be
given the opportunity to practise the letters on a small chalkboard or else a large
piece of blank paper. When they come to create their own book of letters, the
unlined books allow them to experience the picture quality of each letter and they
are encouraged to develop their own sense of space on the page.

Some children tend to write quite large at this stage while others write smaller and
they all need to learn to set out their page so that the letters are straight and evenly
spaced. The children are encouraged to find their own relationship between the size
of the page and the size of their writing and this in turn develops hand-eye co-
ordination. This assists the children with the straight and the curved shapes of the
letters. So the teacher deliberately does not give the children lined books that would
keep their writing straight. Instead the unlined books allow the children the freedom
and creativity of developing this skill for themselves.

The Three Day Rhythm

The letter shapes are abstract symbols for the children. Therefore the teacher
engages the children as fully as possible by working with one letter only over three
days. Using an alternating rhythm, s/he brings the letter to consciousness through
story, art and movement during the day and then lets it sink into the sub-conscious
mind during the night’s sleep. The following day s/he re-awakens the children’s
awareness of the letter and by repeating the process over three days, the teacher
enables them to connect deeply with the letter. With second language English
speakers it is best, in the beginning, to let the process take one day longer.

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

Rhythmic Opening of day; telling news?
Part, about Movement for awakening and centering children
40 minutes
Songs, poems, action songs, action verses, rhymes, speech exercises to learn English
In a rhythmical way, repeating and varying each item to maintain interest.

Day 3 onwards: include saying letter rhyme, and act out characters or parts of the story

Content Tell Letter story in Look at teacher’s Recall of story in

Teaching the letter
Part, about home language drawing on board English *children show
40 minutes (using English name shape of letter
for the main Learn English words Teaching the letter *children make
character - see connected with story *hearing the sound sound of letter

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below) *seeing the shape *children find

Teacher tells story in the drawing other words with
in English same sound

Teacher introduces Movement of letter Movement of letter

rhyme; children (see Day 3 below) (see Day 4 below)
learn it, tap on
repeated sounds

Activity Children draw from Children copy Write letter into Writing of letter:
Part, about the story, using teacher's drawing drawing *one large
40 minutes own their own (or parts of it) in *many small
imagination (on their books (opposite Complete drawing
separate paper) to where the letter from yesterday ‘Read’ letter (see
will be drawn) Day 4 below)

End of the day: tell

next letter story in Home
language (then Day
5 continues like
Day 2 for the new
N.B. The letters learnt are read every day for the whole block and in practice lessons after the block


Story: The teacher tells the story of the letter in the home language, so that the
children understand and live into the pictures. However, because the letter-symbol
is based on the English word (in this instance ‘Mighty Mountain’), the teacher must
tell the story using the words ‘Mighty Mountain’ whenever s/he refers to the
mountain instead of using only words in the home language. Thus the children will
learn the words ‘Mighty Mountain’ on the first day and realise the significance of that
image on the following days.

Drawing: The children draw a picture out of their imagination of the story on a
separate piece of paper (could be displayed on classroom wall!).


Drawing: The teacher makes a drawing on the board before the children come to
school. This drawing includes important items that are in the story, the characters in
the story, especially the main character that will depict the letter. After the Rhythmic
Time, s/he uses the drawing to teach the main words of the story in English.

Story: The teacher tells the story in English, using gestures and lively dialogue to
bring out the characters and make the story alive.

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Rhyme: The teacher recites the alliterative rhyme or sentence and teaches it to the
children who speak it slowly and clearly with the teacher. They may also step or tap
their fingers or make a movement while saying the rhyme in order to learn to say it

The children will make a second drawing, this time in their books, copying the
teacher’s drawing so that the main character (in this case Mighty Mountain) is
clearly seen.


Rhyme: In the Rhythmic Time, the children repeat the rhyme many times, with and
without movements, listening to the sound of the letter.

Acting: Also in the Rhythmic Time, let the children move or walk the characters
from the story e.g. Stand proudly like Mighty Mountain; walk like the boy carrying the
jar of water; walk like the old medicine man, etc. Or, act parts (or even the whole)
of the story

Recall: The teacher leads the children into retelling the story in English, starting
them off by reminding them of the beginning of the story. They take it in turns to tell
different parts. The teacher helps them to get the story in the correct sequence.

Teaching the Letter: The teacher now asks the children for the first sound that they
hear in each of the words ‘Mighty Mountain’. S/he shows the children the shape of
the letter M in the drawing and how the drawing can be changed into the letter.

Movement: The teacher draws the shape of the letter over again on the board and
the children imitate the movement with their hands.
• draw the shape in the air in front of you (large movement)
• draw it with a hand on the desk
• draw it with a foot on the floor
• draw it with a finger in the air (small movement)
• Act out part of the story e.g. the conversation between the children and their

Writing: The children draw the letter into their drawing of Mighty Mountain.


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Rhyme: The children repeat the rhyme with and without movements, listening to
the sound of the letter. In the Rhythmic Time, the children may act out part of the
story from the day before.

Teaching the Letter: The children show her how the shape of the letter comes out
of the drawing. They try to find as many words as possible beginning with that
sound. The teacher must have her own list of words and ask questions to help the
children find more words e.g. medicine man, misty morning, mother, mouth, moon.
This is important as many second language speakers can not yet think of words in
English. Later they can find words where the sound comes in the middle or at the
end of the word.

Movement: The children practise the letter by moving it in many ways, starting with
large movements and leading over to small movement and then writing. The
children must say the sound of the letter while doing the movement, learning to
associate the sound with the shape. Here are some suggestions to select from (do
not use all these possiblities for each letter!):
• Children repeat the movements learnt the day before
• The teacher draws a large letter on the floor with chalk. The children walk the
letter in the same way as they would draw it. They clap when they begin a stroke
and when they end it. If the letter requires another stroke, they must jump to
where it begins again.
• Children draw the letter in the sand with a foot.
• They use their body to make the letter shape.
• Children draw the letter on a piece of paper with a crayon between their toes.
• Sitting in their desks, children ‘draw’ the letter on each other’s backs with their
• They draw the letter in the air with their nose, chin, shoulder, etc.
• Close one eye, point to the letter on the board and draw it in the air. Repeat,
closing other eye.
• Draw the letter several times with chalk on small chalkboards.

Writing: Children have their books and crayons on the desk. The teacher first
draws the edges of the page on the chalkboard, slightly bigger than the book size,
and shows how to draw one large letter followed by several smaller ones, so that the
children clearly see how to space out the letters on their page. They first ‘draw’ the
letter in their book with their fingers and afterwards with the crayons in a mood of
quiet concentration.

Reading: The children use their fingers to trace over the letters in their book while
repeating the sound. This is done daily throughout the main lesson block, each time
revising all the letters that have been learnt.

Later, either in the main lesson or before the children go home, the teacher tells
them the letter story in their home language. The name of the letter–image will be
the only words spoken in English at this point.

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One idea the teacher could use is to paint the letter during the painting lesson,
asking them to remember the sound of the letter at the beginning and again at the
end of the lesson.

As children proceed along the journey of learning the consonants, they begin to
pick up the different sounds and letter shapes more quickly and easily. It may be
possible to then to spend fewer days in introducing and learning new letters (at
first 3 days instead of 4, later 2 days instead of 3).

The teacher may feel that certain letters belong together and may even teach two
of them during the three days, not just one. But the teacher must only do this if
s/he feels confident that the children will manage to learn them both easily. Two
that are easily linked are Kind King and Quiet Queen, unless one has chosen to
use Quick Quail instead.

The last letters like X, Y and Z may be taught together. X may be the side of a
boX, Y the shape of a yacht in the water and Z may be Zig-Zag. So the teacher
may have to be quite imaginative for the last few letters.

Some consonants have more than one sound, e.g. C can sound like both S and K.
So, if one could teach the letter-image C for Crystal Cave. At a later stage, one
can tell another story where C agrees to help S on certain occasions e.g. city,
Celia, cell, cycle, cyclone, cymbal. This story may be more appropriate in Grade 2
unless you have a child in the class with a name beginning with C that sounds like

Teaching the Vowels

After teaching several consonants (perhaps about 9), the teacher introduces the
vowels, usually in the second main lesson block on “Letters”.

As already mentioned, the consonants get their shapes from the archetypal images
visible in the world. By now the children have got used to anticipating the next
consonant to be learnt in the story, both by the alliterative sound in the name (e.g.
Kind King) and its connection to the image. The consonants are mostly formed in
the front of the mouth with the lips, tongue and teeth. They give form and structure
to the words we say, and this makes us conscious of the words and the objects they

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However, ‘Man communicates the feeling element in his speech through the
production of vowel sounds.’40

The vowel sounds can be voiced from the front, middle or back of the mouth and
throat. If we see a beautiful sunrise, we may say “Ah!” If we are hurt, we may cry,
“Ow!” or if we get excited, we may say, “Ooh!” Thus the vowels express emotions,
inner moods or soul qualities. It is for this reason that teachers often use the term
“Angel Sounds” when talking about the vowels, in order to help the children
understand the difference between consonants and vowels.

The difficulty in teaching English is that it has several sounds for each vowel,
depending on the combination of that vowel with other vowels and consonants. This
can be very confusing and therefore the teacher must ensure that the children are
able to distinguish one sound from the other correctly, both aurally (how we hear it)
and when reading. For this reason it is very important for the teacher to speak
English very clearly, giving special attention to how he or she pronounces the vowel

The teacher begins with a story about all five vowels or Angel Sounds. Following
this, each vowel will be introduced in a three-day rhythm during a main lesson block
of three weeks. The teacher will create a mood of reverence when talking about
each angel. The story about each Angel Sound is based on the meaning of its vowel
sound, and each Angel needs to express the feeling within its particular sound.

To introduce the story of the Angel Sounds, the teacher draws a picture on the
board of the five angels and a rainbow bridge, connecting heaven and earth. S/he
will tell the story in the home language first, followed by telling in English the day
after. An example of a way to begin this story is as follows:

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

Rhythmic Opening of day; telling news?
Part, about Movement for awakening and centering children
40 minutes
Songs, poems, action songs, action verses, rhymes, speech exercises to learn English
In a rhythmical way, repeating and varying each item to maintain interest.

Day 2 onwards: act out story (or parts of the story) from previous day
Day 3 onwards: repeat Angel verses many times, with and without movements

Content Teacher’s drawing Teacher’s drawing Children retell Children retell

Part, about of five Angels and of Angel A on board Story of Angel A Story of Angel A
40 minutes rainbow bridge before children enter in home language in English
is on chalkboard
before children Look at five angels Teacher introduces Teacher introduces

Rudolf Steiner, The Renewal of Education, 1943:66.

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come into class drawing on board and new English words Verse of Angel A
learn English words needed for retelling (name sound)
Tell story of the connected with story story in English
five Angels in Finding words
the home language Teacher tells five Teacher retells using the three
(using the English Angels story in story of Angel A in Angel sounds
names for the English (short story) English of Angel A
Angels - see below)
Teacher tells Angel Children learn Teaching the letter
A story in the home Angel A verses *children show
Language (earthly sound) shape of Angel A
*children make the
Children learn Angel Teaching the letter sounds of Angel A
A verse (using *hearing the sounds
Heavenly sound) *seeing the shape Movement of letter
in the drawing (see Day 4 in
Consonants section)
Movement of letter
(see Day 3 in
Consonants section)

Activity Children copy Children copy Write letter into Writing of letter:
Part, about teacher's drawing teacher's drawing drawing *one large
40 minutes in their books in their books *many small
(opposite to where Complete drawing
the letter will be from yesterday ‘Read’ letter (see
drawn) Day 4 in Consonants
End of the day: tell
next letter story
in Home language
(then Day 5
continues like Day
2 for the new
Angel letter (E)
N.B. The letters learnt are read every day for the whole block and in practice lessons after the block


Story introducing the five vowels: The teacher has drawn a beautiful picture on
the board of five angels. S/he now tells a story to introduce the vowel sounds. The
following story is an example of how to introduce the angel sounds. It is first told in
the home language.

God looked down to earth and saw that people were deeply troubled. People on
earth seemed to be struggling to find peace and happiness. They seemed to be
arguing with each other, being sad or lonely.

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God noticed that people needed help in five different ways. He noticed that people
were rushing around, not noticing the beauties of nature. They were not being very
helpful to each other. They didn’t even like themselves very much and kept feeling
very silly or useless. They were also not being very nice sometimes and kept saying
horrible things to each other. They did not always tell the truth and they didn’t seem
to trust themselves or each other. In fact, things were not going very well at all.

So he called his angels together and asked which of them would like to help human
beings to live in the way they were supposed to. He had five special tasks that He
needed them to do for Him. Five angels came forward and offered to help
humankind. They were Angel A, Angel E, Angel I, Angel O and Angel U. Each
angel sang her own special sound that expressed the feelings of the heart. God
knew that when human beings learned to use these sounds, they would be able to
show those feelings to each other again. And God said that these sounds would be
placed in all the words that people used to talk to each other, so that they can live in
happiness and love again.

Then the angels floated down to earth on a beautiful rainbow bridge of many
colours, and brought these wonderful sounds to humankind. They were mostly
invisible, except to certain people who could sense their presence or see them, and
they sang their beautiful sounds into the hearts of human beings. And now,
whenever the people spoke to each other, they could not help using the sounds that
the angels had given to them. So all the words were now filled with the feelings of
the Angel Sounds.

Drawing: Guided by the teacher, the children draw a beautiful picture of the five
angels and the rainbow bridge on the first page of the new main lesson book on


Teacher’s drawing: Leaving the drawing of five Angels and rainbow brige on the
board, the teacher draws Angel A on another part of the board before the children
enter the class.

After the rhythmical part of the main lesson, s/he first points to the drawing of the
five Angels coming down the rainbow bridge (from the day before), and using
questions, finds out what words the children know in English.

New words and recall: Then s/he teaches the children any further English words
they may need and retells the first part of the story (told in Day 1) in English. This
part of the story is relatively short.

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Story of Angel A: The teacher tells the story of Angel A in the home language,
remembering to call her by her English name:

God said that He had noticed that people did not see the beauty of creation that was
all around them. He had made the beautiful mountains and valleys, the seas and
the sky and all the different animals and human beings. He had made the changing
seasons, the colourful sunrise and sunset. But people were getting quite sad and
angry with each other instead of appreciating the many lovely things that were in the
world. Angel A stepped forward and asked to take on the task of teaching people to
see beauty in everything around them.

Angel A flies softly from the rainbow bridge to a garden where she sees some
children playing. They sense her presence and as they look up they see her
beautiful warm smile and her lovely wings stretching into the air. Her beautiful long
robes glow with radiant light and her beauty fills the garden around them. The
children are filled with awe and amazement. They all say “Ah!” Angel A greets
them. “Good morning, dear children, I am Angel A. I have come to show you
something very special.”

The children eagerly follow her and she shows them many things; a butterfly
fluttering on a flower, a bird’s nest with little eggs inside, a kitten trying to catch a
fly…. The children are amazed and delighted and each time they see something
they gasp with wonder and say “Ah!” It seemed as if their eyes had been shut and
were now opened up to so many beautiful things. They are filled with happiness.
They see other children playing and their mothers and fathers and grandparents, so
full of love and kindness for them and each other.

Before she leaves, she tells the children that whenever they see beauty in the world
and in each other and they say “Ah!”, they must remember her because “Ah” is the
song that Angel A sings in heaven. Now that they know her, every time they say
“Ah!” she is present with them even if they cannot see her. This sound that she
sings is her gift to them so that they can enjoy the beauty of the world around them.
Angel A also tells them that she has other sounds that she says on earth. Her
earthly sound is ‘a’ as in cat, ant and man.

The children promise Angel A that they will tell others about her and will show them
the beauty of things on earth so that they too will sing Angel A’s song – Ahhhhh!
Angel A knows that she will continue to share her gift of joy and wonder with
everyone whenever they say “Ah!”41

Verse: The teacher teaches the children a verse about Angel A’s heavenly sound

Star, star, shining star,

Adapted from a story by Beulah Reeler

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Shine in darkness from afar.

In the darkness of the park
We can see your tiny spark
Star, star, shining star
Shine in darkness from afar

Drawing: The children then draw a picture of Angel A in their main lesson books
(make sure there is a blank page opposite this drawing, for writing the vowel letter).
This will be possible even if the children have not done the story in English because
the home language will be using the “Ah” sound.


Recall: The teacher leads a recall of the Angel A story (from Day 2) with the
children, getting them to take turns to tell a part of it. By asking a few leading
questions the children can be encouraged to tell more details of the story.

New words: The teacher then prepares the children by teaching any new English
words that s/he may be using in the story of Angel A. S/he retells the story in

Verse: The children practise the verse containing Angel A’s heavenly “Ah” sound.
Then the teacher introduces the children to two little verses containing the short ‘a’
that is Angel A’s earthly sound,42 and practises it several times.

The cat’s on the mat
Drat that cat,
It’s caught a rat!

I can stand
On the land
I can stand
In God’s hand.

Letter: Now comes an important moment: the teacher shows the children how the
shape of A is hidden in the drawing of Angel A. Linking the shape of letter A with
the two sounds the children have learnt so far, s/he now practises the shape by
moving in various ways.

See list of verses at the end of the manual.

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Movement: The children practise moving letter A in the same way as they have
done with the shape of the consonants, following the way it is written down. The
teacher must ensure that the children start in the right place and follow the correct
direction of the strokes.

Writing: The children draw the letter into their drawing of Mighty Mountain.


Recall: The teacher leads the children into recalling the story of Angel A in English,
several children taking turns to tell the story.

Verse: After the story the teacher introduces the name sound of Angel A. S/he
teaches a verse using the name sound of Angel A (the word ‘made’):

God made you,

God made me,
God made birds
In the tree

Finding words: The children now know the three sounds that Angel A makes: her
heavenly sound (‘ah’), her earthly sound (short a, as in ‘cat’), and her name sound
(long a, as in ‘name’).

 The children practise the rhyme they have learnt for the ‘ah’ sound. They try
to find more words with the ‘ah’ sound (e.g. father, star, dark, using the
heavenly sound).

 Then the teacher asks the children if they also remember Angel A’s earthly
sound. They repeat the verse. They find words containing the earthly sound
(e.g. hat, cat, man, ran, sad, dad, rag, sack)

 S/he can ask the children to find other words that they know that have the
name sound of Angel A in it (e.g. gate, made, rain, again).

 How many of them have Angel A in their name? (e.g. Adeelah uses the
heavenly sound; Jane, Jade use the name sound; Janet, Jasper, Harry,
Amanda use the earthly sound)

 How do they feel when they see something beautiful? Let the teacher take
them into the garden to look at all the beautiful flowers, trees, clouds,
mountains, etc. Help them to say “Ah!” the heavenly sound.

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Movement: The teacher draws the vowel letter on the board. S/he asks the
children how the shape of A is hidden in the drawing of Angel A. The children
practise writing it in the same way as they have done with the shape of the
consonants, following the way it is written down. Again, the teacher must ensure
that the children start in the right place and follow the correct direction of the strokes.

Writing: After much movement practise, the children will write the Angel A letter in
the main lesson book, opposite the drawing of Angel A: one large A, followed by
several small A’s.

Next Angel letter: Later in the main lesson, or at the end of the day, the teacher
tells the story about the next vowel sound – Angel E –in the home language.

Painting: During the weekly painting lesson, the children can be asked to paint with
the colours that belong to the angel and the story they have heard. The teacher
can ‘paint the picture’ in their imaginations of the shining light of the angel, and the
play of colours in the surroundings where the story takes place. As painting at this
age is non-representational, we treat the painting as a colour exercise rather than
painting figures and specific shapes. This will enhance the feeling quality of the

During this main lesson block, all five Angel Sounds are taught, continuing to
practise the different sounds for each angel as these become the basis for phonics
and word-building.

The Five Angel Qualities

In describing the five angels, each
teacher may have different ideas and it
is up to each person to choose the
qualities and colours they feel are
appropriate for each angel. The most
important aspects to emphasise are the
feeling qualities associated with the
vowel sounds. Each angel is beautiful,
loving and radiant with light and is there
to help humankind to express feelings
through the sounds they sing. Here are
some suggestions to think about:

Angel A

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wears glowing red robes

wonder, awe, amazement, joy, praise for God’s creation!

Task: to help people to see beauty in the world, to give praise and thanks for

Three Sounds:

 Heavenly sound – ah (star, father, calm)

 Earthly sound (English) – a (cat, ant)

 Name sound – ay (play, make)

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Angel E

wears glowing green robes

Qualities: willingness to help others, empathy,

calm, inner strength.

Task: to encourage people to be open to

helping others, to give them inner strength and

Two Sounds:

 Heavenly sound – ee (evening, east,


 Name sound – ee (same as heavenly


 Earthly sound – e (pet, egg)

Angel I
wears glowing yellow robes

Qualities: openness, self confidence, building

the connection between heaven and earth.

Task: to help people to see what is right, to

follow the light, to acknowledge the best in
each other.

Two sounds:

 Heavenly sound – I (light, fine, iron)

 Name sound – I (same as heavenly
 Earthly sound – i (in, ink, sit)

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ngel O

wears glowing orange robes

Qualities: Caring, sympathy,

nurturing, protecting, enfolding.

Task: to help people to be more

loving and caring of others, to show
that love can overcome fear, to
protect all creatures and people.

Two sounds:

 Heavenly sound – O (protect,

enfold, only, gold, hope,
 Name sound – O (same as
heavenly sound)
 Earthly sound – o (dog, pot,

Angel U
wears glowing deep blue robes

Qualities: thoughtful, focussed, reverent and truthful.

Task: to help people to respect themselves and each other,

to trust themselves, to be truthful and honest, to be
focussed and self-directed, open to inner guidance.

Two sounds:

 Heavenly sound – U (‘oo’) (truth, beauty, you)

 Name sound – U (same as heavenly sound)
 Earthly sound – u (trust, fun)

Oral Work (Practice Lessons after the

main lesson block)

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The purpose of the main lesson is to introduce children to new items of learning, in a
qualitative and imaginative way. The 40-minute practice lessons (see page 16) that
follow are there to consolidate and extend what they have learnt.

Usually when there is a language main lesson, one is working on maths skills; vice-
versa, when there is a maths main lesson, one will be continuing the work from the
language main lesson that has just ended.

It is very important to do a great amount of oral work with the class to ensure that a
bridge is being built between speaking, listening and understanding. The teacher
always needs to be aware of what the children know and can do. It is so easy for
second language speakers to hide their difficulties if the class only speaks and does
everything as a whole.

After the language main lessons, games and creative exercises need to be played in
order to practise the sounds and letter symbols. A lot of this work needs to be oral.

Listening Correctly
The teacher needs to do oral exercises where children listen to different sounds.
S/he says,

“What sound do you hear at the beginning of ‘man’?”

“What sound can you hear at the end of ‘mud’?”
“What Angel sound do you hear in the middle of ‘dig’?”

S/he may emphasise those sounds as s/he says them to make sure the children are
aware of them.

Later the teacher can ask the children to find words that begin with a particular
letter. The children can also find groups of words that end with a letter. The teacher
needs to give examples from words the children already know and perhaps even
help the children to guess certain words by asking leading questions. S/he may
even ask two children to help each other find words as the children often learn new
words from their friends. By repeating the exercise daily the children improve and
feel good about their achievement.

Very important is that the vowel sounds must be spoken correctly. Many words may
be found by the class having the correct sound, but not spelt the same way, due to
irregularities in English. Because we are doing oral work, the spelling of these
words does not matter, as these words will not be written on the board. It is the
sound that is important - here are some words that all have the same sounds, even
though they are spelled differently:

Home, gnome, foam, dome, roam

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Queen, bean, seen, niece, thirteen

Sing, king, wing, ring, sting
Up, hut, above, mother, love, once

Do NOT say that a word is “wrong” if a child mis-hears or mis-pronounces a sound;

rather encourage the child to listen again, helping him or her find the correct sound
in a positive, affirming way.

This exercise is essential as many classes have children who come from different
cultural and linguistic backgrounds where pronunciation of English may be poor,
colloquial or incorrect. Thus oral and speech exercises form an important basis for
learning to write and read. This will assist the children when they need to learn to
spell correctly later on.

Speech exercises and poems should be used daily to improve correct pronunciation.
The teacher can even make some fun poems up with the class e.g.

Why did the bat

fly past the cat?

Be awake,
There’s a snake!

Working with Angel E as an example:

 Let the class experience how long the heavenly sound can be: “Ee .....”
 Let them do movements with the heavenly sound (see suggestions in
‘Gestures for Vowels’ below)
 Let the children find some words with the heavenly sound!

 Let the children experience how short the earthly sound can be: “e, e, e…”
 Children do movements to show how the short sound moves.
 Let them find some words with the earthly sound.

 Let the children experience the name sound of E. (They will discover it is the
same sound as the heavenly sound!)
 Let them move the name sound.
 Let them find some words with the name sound.

Many activities involving movement and the forming of the letters in artistic and
creative ways should be repeated from time to time in order to balance the oral
work. The teacher needs to develop the joy of using language in a lively, fun way.

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Gestures for the Vowels

The learning of vowels is most crucial, especially in English, where sounds are quite
similar and easily mistaken. For example, some children may not hear the
difference between ‘a’ and ‘o’. Therefore the teacher must pay careful attention to
the speaking and recognising of different vowels. Rudolf Steiner has said that if
children are not recognising or speaking sounds correctly, the teacher must check
her own speaking:

The teacher …should endeavour to speak not only distinctly, but also with a
rhythmical and harmonious flow43

If s/he is speaking too quickly or not clearly enough, second language speakers will
not grasp what s/he is saying. This will affect their ability to listen properly so they
can hear the differences bwtween sounds, and so they will also find it difficult to
spell at a later stage.44 For this reason it helps to use gestures for the different
vowel sounds as in the following game:

The teacher says to the children, “Show me with your hand what Angel sound is in
the following words: man, pet, bin, dot, mud.” If the children have been taught the
gesture associated with the vowel sound, they will give the correct movement. If
they are not hearing the sound correctly or have not recognised it correctly, the
gesture will be incorrect. Then the teacher can see immediately when children are
unsure of what sound they are hearing.

Here is a list of suggestions for gestures for the vowel sounds. Feel free to make up
your own as well.

Short Vowel Gesture

‘a’ (cat) A downward tap of the right hand on to the left hand
‘e’ (bed) A short sideways movement of the hand with palm facing
‘i’ (tin) One finger pointing upwards, a short upward pointing movement
‘o’ (pot) A short movement with thumb and first finger touching to make a
‘u’ (hut) A short upward movement of the hand with palm facing upwards

Some long vowels and diphthongs make the same sound and should therefore have
the same gesture as the exercise is heard and spoken, not spelt or written

Long Vowel Gesture

‘ah’ (star) Both hands together (as in prayer), move apart slowly
‘ar (car) Same gesture as above
Steiner, The Renewal of Education, 1943: 144
Steiner, The Renewal of Education, 1943: 144

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‘ah’ (path) Same gesture as above

‘ah’ (ask) Same gesture as above
‘ah’ (mast) Same gesture as above

‘A’ (make) Hands joined at finger tips and thumbs to form shape of A
‘ay’ (day) Same gesture as above
‘ai’ (rain) Same gesture as above
‘ea’ (break) Same gesture as above

‘ee’ (tree) Arm moves diagonally upwards to the right in a smooth gesture
‘ea’ (easy) Same gesture as above

‘I’ (like) Arm moves down and up in a bow (like pendulum of a clock)
‘y’ (my) Same gesture as above

‘O’ (home) Palms make O shape

‘oo’ (pool) Hands parallel moving downwards

‘U’ (Truth) Same gesture as above

The children should play with the sounds on the tips of their tongues, thereby
developing a fine ear for language which will assist them later with spelling.

Vowel Poems

See the Appendix at the end of this manual (page 109) for verses the children can
learn to hear the vowels correctly

The Alphabet
The alphabet is only taught once all the letter sounds have been thoroughly learnt,
so as not to confuse the children. A clear difference needs to be made between
the sound of a letter and its name, and the children must be aware of the

The alphabet can be taught through a song, and the children quizzed by being
given a sound and them saying what the name of the letter is.

Combining Sounds
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A simple song (sung to the tune of Jingle Bells) can assist the children in saying and
recognising the short vowel sounds. First sing the SHORT vowels to the above
a, e, i; a, e, i; a, e, i, o, u.
a, e, i; a, e, i; a, e, i, o, u, etc

Then sing the tune but add a consonant in front of each vowel.
Ba, be, bi; ba, be, bi; ba, be, bi, bo, bu; …

Then try singing the tune with a consonant behind the vowel.
At, et, it; at, et, it; at, et, it, ot, ut; …

Then try singing the tune with a consonant, vowel and consonant combination.
BaT, BeT, BiT; BaT, BeT, BiT; BaT, BeT, BiT, BoT, BuT; …

By using several vowels and consonants that the children have already learnt, they
will get practise in combining two or three sounds before they have to learn to read
them in proper words.

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Activities to consolidate letters

Shapes of the Letters

The teacher can practise the shapes of the letters, by:

 asking children to ‘draw’ them in the air

 blind-folding children and give them letters cut out of fine sandpaper; they
need to recognise the letters by touch
 make letters out of clay, dry them and play games recognising their sounds

Many games can be played that support the consolidation of learning and
memorising consonants and vowels, and it is essential that children who are
learning as second language speakers become actively involved and enjoy learning
the letters.

If there are children who are not keeping up for any reason, the teacher needs to be
aware and find ways to help them at this early stage when it is easier to deal with
than later on. These children may need some extra help, going back to the stories
that introduced each letter, and helping them to make the connections with the
sound consciously.

It is also important that the teacher builds up a very thorough approach that supports
the children to learn the letters with ease. It is far better to work more slowly and
thoroughly at this stage, before the split comes between those children that can read
and those who cannot.

Sound Games
 First Sound Switch. Choose a word e.g. man and children must change the first
letter to form another word. See how many words can be found. You can even allow
nonsense words just for fun. E.g. man, can, ban, tan, lan, Dan, pan, etc.

 First Sound/Last Sound. The teacher says a word e.g. ‘fish’ and the children must
tell her the first sound and then the last sound.

 Find a Word. The teacher can ask the children to find words that begin with a
particular letter. The children can also find groups of words that end with a letter. The
teacher needs to give examples from words the children already know and perhaps
even help the children to guess certain words by asking leading questions. She may
even ask two children to help each other find words as the children often learn new

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words from their friends. By repeating the exercise daily the children improve and feel
good about the number of words they know.

 Clap the Syllables of one-syllable words (run, dot), two-syllable words (running, letter)
and later three-syllable words (happily, beautiful).

 Where is it? Where do you hear the ‘t’ in ‘top’, ‘rat’, ‘letter’?

 Count the Sounds. How many sounds in ‘mat’? m/a/t (3), ‘sock’? s/o/ck (3).

 Last Sound Switch. Change the last letter to make a new word. Nonsense words
may be allowed. Man, mat, mad, map, mab. Fish, wish, dish, swish, mish-mash

 Find the Angel Letter. The teacher says a word e.g. ‘dog’ and the children must tell
her the Angel Letter (vowel sound) that they hear.

 I Spy. The teacher begins by saying “I spy (or see), with my little eye, something big
(or small) beginning with the sound ‘b’. Answer: bush. Whoever guesses the object
correctly has the next turn. OR On our walk I saw something beginning with the sound
‘p’. Answer: pig. Later the teacher can also use consonant blends e.g. ‘sh’ Answer:

Flash Cards
The teacher needs to make Flash Cards of all the letters with the story-picture
related to the letter on the back of the card. S/he shows a card, and the class (or
the boys or girls, or the front row, next row, or a particular child) answers by making
the sound of the letter. In this way s/he can practise regular recognition of the

Usually the teacher draws a picture image that includes the letter and places it
above the board in the classroom so that the children can see the whole alphabet
and refer to these beautiful images at any time.

Once the letters are well established, the teacher can make flash cards with words,
which the children have already learnt, on them.

Own Letter Cards

Each child should have an envelope containing individual letters on cards for
recognition of letters and word-building. Each child can then build his or her own

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In addition to the activities already mentioned, games involving Letter Cards for both
letters and words can be used, allowing the children to work with a partner and test
each other.

Games such as Memory involve having two sets cards mixed together, so there are
two cards of the same letter (for all the letters). All the cards are placed face down
and the children take turns. As a child turns over a card, they must name the letter
that they see and then try and find the other card with the same letter. If they
succeed they get another turn. If they do not get it right, it is the other child’s turn.

Snap can also be played. Each child has a set of cards with letters. They take
turns to turn over a card and whenever they turn over the same card, the one who
says Snap first wins the whole pile on the table. A simple Scrabble can be done in
Grade 2 and upwards where they learn to build up words using one of the letters
from the word that is already there as a base.

It is important to remember that teaching a letter with a beautiful story is not enough.
The teacher must continually refer back to the letter and the story from which
it came, repeating activities that involve using letters learnt previously in
different ways. These games to practise the letters should be played daily so
that the children continually revise those letters they have learnt.

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First Steps in Reading

The little Grade 1 children have many demands made on them. From the
freedom and playfulness of the kindergarten or pre-school, it is a big jump into
primary school and it is important that the teacher approaches the children
with sensitivity and understanding. The teacher needs to be imaginative, and
allow the children to explore everything they do in a relaxed and experiential
way so that learning is always a joyful activity for them.

Even children who develop early and who are already intellectually awake
need this approach so that they retain the ability to play creatively with
everything they are learning, allowing the experience to be soaked up and
thus to mature within them.

The change from learning the letters to reading is also a big jump and it is
essential that the teacher facilitates the process sensitively and with the
awareness that the children will only read when they are ready. Reading is
such a complex and individual skill and the teacher needs to work carefully
and thoroughly with the three modes of

• listening/speaking (aural and oral)

• seeing (visual) and
• touch/movement (kinaesthetic)

that have been fully used in this manual.

Working with second language speakers requires constant vigilance on the

part of the teacher so that every child is being met and that no one is lost or
left behind. The teacher must take care not to demand that the children learn
to read and spell immediately. She must find ways to respond patiently and
creatively to the children’s needs so that they feel capable of doing the tasks
that she sets them, and feel appreciated for their efforts.

In the same way that one cannot force a plant to grow, children need time to
learn and recognise letters and words. Each child is different in his or her
development, and so some children will take longer than others. Where the
teacher finds that a certain child has a block45 to learning, remedial help may
be needed.

Something that stops the child from being able to learn

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From the Whole to the Part

From child development we know that the child experiences the world as a
whole, and lives in the ‘pictures’ of the story very strongly. Even so, the child
also wants to know what each thing in the world is made of. Therefore it
wants to break things up into its parts, so that it can understand the essential
nature of each and every thing. This process of breaking something up into
its parts is called ‘analysis’.

The opposite of analysis is ‘synthesis’, in which we collect separate things

together to make up something. In learning words, it is better to know the
whole word, for example the word ‘king’ has a particular meaning to the child,
and then to analyse it, breaking it up into k-i-ng. If we were to do the
opposite, by writing the word ‘king’ on the board and asking the children what
the word is, we are asking the children to synthesise the letters into a word,
which is difficult for many children to do. In synthesis we do not have the rich
meaning that the whole word approach gives us.

As Rudolf Steiner says,

There exists an instinctive desire in man’s soul to split up a unity into its
constituent parts. If, instead of building up words from single letters, we begin
with whole words which then are analysed, we are working in harmony with
human nature.46

The faculty of analysis begins with recognising the inner qualities of things.
On the other hand, synthesis only views the outer aspects. Thus it is that we
teach language out of the oral culture steeped in myth, fairy tale and poetry
with its spiritual depth of meaning.

It is therefore natural that the children first hear a story or else a poem they
already know, from which they begin to write whole phrases or sentences.
The teacher makes sure the children know what the phrase or sentence says,
and then leads the children into analysing the sentence into words, sounds
and letters. Children, having learnt a word by heart find it easier to analyse
the word into letters.

Rudolf Steiner says that this way of working - from knowing a word, that has
meaning to the child - has a benefit to the child in his or her development:

Through analysing sentences and words, we wake up the child’s


Steiner, The Renewal of Education, 1981:126.127.
Steiner, The Renewal of Education, 1981: 128

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This approach is known as the Whole Word approach, where children learn to
recognise whole words at a time, as part of a sentence. It is known as
working ‘from the Whole to the Part’. This approach is found in all subjects
throughout Waldorf teaching.

Phonic and Look-and-Say Words

The English language is challenging to learn, because it has two kinds of

Phonetic Words: these words can easily be read, as the letters within them
make the sounds that one has learnt; for example, sun, hat, hot, bed, sit, and
name, reed, like, home, truth all make the sounds one expects; therefore they
are called phonetic words.

Look-and-Say Words: These words are not phonetic, and so one cannot
decode them, as the letters do not make the sounds one has learnt. Here we
have to use the Whole Word approach, where we have to recognise how to
say the word from the way it is used in a sentence. For example, one (should
be written ‘wun’); mother (should be written ‘muther’).

Phonics is the study of phonetic words.

It is essential that the children begin to learn the skills of word-building which
is known as the Phonic approach. This is essential for putting letters together
to build up their own words and sentences for reading, and later for decoding
individual words in reading.

These two approaches - the Whole Word (Look-and-Say) and Phonic

approaches - are developed at the same time, and they suit the teaching of
English where some words are more easily learnt through the Look and Say
method (e.g. another, said,) while others work best with the Phonic approach
(e.g. cat, desk).

Both approaches need to be taught through the three modes described

above: aural/oral, visual and kinaesthetic.

In choosing the phrases that the children will be writing, we do not have to
stick to the “first 100 words” that are easiest for the children to read. This
would limit us to very dull phrases, which goes against the enriching
experience the children have had in listening to the story. The short phrases

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or sentences will contain both ‘Look and Say’ words as well as Phonic words,
but should give the children several words that they can begin to work out for
themselves. Direct speech works best for the children.

These sentences will become the reading material for the children. They
connect strongly to the sentences through the vivid telling of the story by the
teacher that stirred their feelings. They will also have made a drawing from
the story, perhaps said a poem, sang a song and maybe even acted out the
story. All these artistic activities help them to integrate and understand the
meaning of the story. From the story about Rumplestiltsken48 we choose a


The teacher will have used this sentence when telling the story on the
previous day. She will also have used it if the children acted it out.

After the recall, in which the first section of the Rumpelstilsken story from
yesterday is re-told or acted out, the teacher will work on the sentence orally

Grimm’s Fairy Tale

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first. The teacher speaks the sentence in the sad character of the miller’s
daughter. The children repeat it, speaking the line with feeling and imitating
the teacher.

Then they can repeat it several times, each time stressing a different word.



The class can speak the words while a few children step in time to the words.
Then the children help the teacher to write the sentence on the board. Letter
by letter, the teacher asks them what sound they have heard and which letter
she should write.

Teacher: The first word is “I”. Can you hear the sound? “I”. Make the sound
with me all together. Do you remember which Angel made that sound? What
shape does that Angel have?
The teacher writes the word on the board and they all read the word together.

Teacher: I must, must – can you hear which sound this word begins with?
(When the children answer “M”, they all say it together.) Can you remember
whose letter that is?

Children: Mighty Mountain (or whatever character the children had to

introduce letter M.)

Teacher: What shape does Mighty Mountain have? (The children draw it in
the air.) What is the sound of that shape? (They all repeat “M”.) The teacher
writes the letter on the board and continues.

Teacher: Must, must – what sound do you hear next?

Children: u (They all say it together, listening to the sound.)

Teacher: Which Angel made that sound? What was its earthly sound?

Children: Angel U.

Teacher: How do we write Angel U’s letter? Show me. (The children draw it in
the air. And the teacher writes the letter on the board.)

Two words need to be treated as Look-and-Say words: ‘straw’ and ‘into’.

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The children listen to the first three letters. Which letters do you hear? “S – T
– R”
And which Angel sound should follow now? “ ’aw’ ”
We have not learnt this sound, have we?
This is a special word. One can hear a faint sound at the end of ‘straw’ - a
soft ‘w’!
Which letter says ‘w’? “The Wild Waves letter.”
Now, children, the wild waves are always causing a lot of trouble! And so
Angel A comes to calm the wild waves.
But what happened to Angel A when he did this? He learnt to say a new
sound! Together with the Wild Wave letter, he started to say ‘aw’!
And if you listen very carefully, you can still hear letter W very softly at the end
of the new sound the Angel A makes: ‘aw’


The first three letters are handled as before. But how do we explain the ‘oo’
sound at the end of this word?
We ask the children, “What sound do we hear after the Tall Tree letter?”
Children: “Angel U”
Teacher: “Yes, this should be Angel U. But ...” and here follows a little story
to explain why Angel U could not be there, for example:
“Angel U is always very busy helping people to tell the truth. He was so busy
that sometimes he just could not manage to do everything there was to be
done with his sound. Angel O noticed this, and said, ‘Let me help you, Angel
U. Whenever you are too busy, I will take your place and say your sound.’
And so we will see how, every now and then, Angel O is saying ‘oo’, just to
make sure Angel U can manage all his work.

In this way, with the active participation of the children, the sentence is written
onto the board. The class can now read it a few times and then write it down
in their special main lesson books with loving care. Afterwards they make a
drawing on the opposite page. In order to keep the correct space between
the words, they are asked to draw little stars (preferably in a different colour)
between the words.

More sentences can be chosen from the same story, one per day, as the story


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The sentences that are written down and those from previous days, become
the daily reading material for the children. A book can be made covering a
whole story or several stories. Through the enthusiasm for the story and the
effort of writing it down, the children make a special connection to the reader.

As the children read, we get them to touch every word with their fingers. The
children reinforce the experience that the words that they speak are
represented by symbols. This touching of the letters supports the kinaesthetic
mode of learning for the children.

The children become engaged in the activity of reading without any pressure
to analyse and synthesise words that are strange to them. Knowing the
sentence by heart, they can look at each word and simultaneously touch it as
they speak it.

As teachers we must realise how important repetition is in the learning

process. If we do something once, it is experienced only in the head and
quickly forgotten. Through repetition, especially with movement, the content
material begins to be integrated into the whole being of the children.

If we engage the children’s feelings, they will become enthusiastic and they
will want to participate actively. They will become highly motivated to write
the sentence carefully and correctly and also to read the sentences over and
over again.

Through repetition, the experience becomes a lasting joy and sense of

achievement. The children feel secure, knowing that reading is non-
threatening and enjoyable and every time they can go back into known

However the teacher continually uses varied repetition in order to consolidate

the learning process. S/he combines many games and activities to keep the
children engaged in using and interpreting the letters and words. The
development of enthusiasm and will to do things is of immense importance for
establishing a positive attitude to life and this brings about maturity as the
children move into adulthood.49

The above section is based on notes from Marion Penfold

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Fairy E or Helping Angel E

The teacher does not only teach the short vowels, in the ways described
above, but also introduces ‘Fairy E’ or ‘Helping Angel E’ as many words use
the heavenly sound (or name sound) of different vowels. In the sentences
above, there are two examples of this:

In the word NAME, Angel A is saying its name sound

In the word FIRE, Angel I is also saying its name sound

Make up a little story image where Angel E is always looking after the other
angels. She gives of herself all the time, never thinking she is giving too
much. Whenever another angel needs to say its own name, Angel E is there
to help. She stands silently at the end of the word, helping that vowel to
sound its name more strongly, as people often do not listen well enough to
what the angels have to say. There are so many words where she can help
the other angels that she sends Fairy E along as her special helper. So when
we see words like NAME and FIRE, there is Fairy E standing at the end of the
word to help the other Angel say its own name.

Other words needing explanation

Other words from the above sentences also need an imaginative explanation
for the children:

DO, WOOD: Here again Angel O is taking the place of Angel U, as in the
story above. The children can be reminded of the story. In the word ‘wood’,
we find two Angel O’s holding hands to make a long OO sound. This will
need a little story of its own, why this word needs two and not one Angel!

SAW: Here again, also, the children can be reminded of the story told about
the ‘aw’ sound when dealing with the word ‘straw’ on the first day.

MY: Usually we hear Y as in ‘you’, but it can sound like ‘I’ as in ‘my’. There
are many examples: by, my, shy, fly, why, dry, try and cry. In this case, the
letter Y is helping Angel I who feels a bit shy at the end of a word, so she asks
Y to stand in for her50.

Word Patterns or Phonograms (Word – Building)

The letter Y has three sounds. The one not mentioned is Y can also sound like ‘ee’ as in filly, carry and poppy.

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As soon as a teacher has taught a word from a story that is part of a particular
word pattern, e.g. ‘CAN’, it makes sense that she uses time in the phonics
lesson to help the children to find other words from the same group.

The teacher begins by telling the children a little story that contains the words
she wishes them to learn. She then asks them if they remember the word
‘CAN”. Together they explore the sounds and the children tell the teacher
how to write it on the board. This should be easy as it is repetition from the
previous story. From their envelopes of letter-cards, the children pull out the
letters C, A and N. The children make the word CAN on their desks.

Then the teacher asks the children what words from the little story that they
have just heard sound like ‘CAN’. The children remember different words,
e.g. RAN, MAN and FAN. They tell the teacher what the different letters look
like and the teacher writes these on the board. The children find the same
letters in their envelopes and make the words on their desks. They all sound
the letters and read the words together.

Finally the children write down all the words in a book that is known as their
‘Word Book’. The children draw a picture next to each of the words, but the
teacher chooses one of them that has a clear picture e.g. FAN and this group
of words becomes known as the ‘FAN’ words. Thus the children associate
that word pattern with the picture and word FAN. FAN may also be called the
‘Mother Word’51 for that word pattern.

There are many word patterns that can be taught in this way and they can
assist the children to learn many three letter words using short vowel sounds.

Consonant Blends
A consonant blend is a combination of two consonants usually found at the
beginning or end of a word e.g. ‘st’ as in ‘stop’ or ‘fist’.

The teacher can also begin to teach consonant blends52 to help the children
decode words from phrases and sentences that are written down. The
phonograms support the learning of consonant blends because they form a
group of words that usually rhyme e.g. ‘ick’ words: kick, lick, sick, tick. The
rhyme makes the words easy to decode and remember. On another day the
teacher proceeds to teach the ‘ack’ words: back, sack, lack, tack, pack, etc.

Louise Oberholtzer, A Tentative Curriculum for Spelling in a Waldorf School, pg 4.
See lists at end of this manual.

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Working with a combination of consonant blends and phonograms, the teacher

helps the children develop the phonic skills required for reading. The children
should be encouraged to make simple sentences with one or more of the
words. This will depend on the familiarity of the words and the ability of the
group. As soon as someone makes up a sentence, let everyone repeat it or act
it out.

Flash Cards
The teacher needs to make Flash-Cards for all the words containing
phonograms or consonant blends that s/he teaches. It is also effective to have
pictures either separately or on the back of all cards of ‘picture words’ e.g. tree,
horse. In this way s/he can play games where the children match the picture
with the corresponding word.

Children should be encouraged to read the flash cards in groups, in pairs and
individually for regular practice. This will ensure that each child learns the
words with the support of the group but can also read on their own.

Picture Words
Picture words are names of things we can see in the world around us. Many of
these words will be learnt orally before the children are able to read them e.g.
the parts of the body and the objects in the classroom. It is easy to teach these
words by touching them and naming them if they are used daily. It is also
easier to teach these words in groups e.g. fruit, animals, the kitchen, etc. It is
useful to have a picture containing many of these picture words that are
associated together e.g. a picture of a farmyard.

It is important to have individual flash cards with pictures on the back or flash
cards linked to a large picture in which everything may be identified.

Some words do not have pictures but they are usually connected to another
‘picture word’. Then the teacher must use phrases that include the word with
other picture words e.g. The tail of the donkey.

Some words can be acted out more easily than drawn in a picture e.g.
pronouns and prepositions. No mention is made of the parts of speech, but the
acting out of the words helps the children to remember the meaning and how
they are used.

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The teacher will also be aware of the ‘Look and Say’ words that need to be
taught by referring to the list of 100 first important words.53 Many of these are
irregular words that need to be introduced in small groups every week e.g. I, he,
she we. These are repeated regularly in the different stories and introduced in
the same way as other groups of words. The children will know many of them
orally and now they should be learnt visually and practised through games and
flash cards.

No spelling is taught in Grade 1; the children must merely become familiar

with the groups of words that belong together.

Plenty of repetition must be given to ensure that children remember the words
and feel confident about how to sound or read them. The teacher will always
be encouraging, allowing the children to move at their own pace. There will
always be those children who do not yet read at the end of Grade 1, but the
children need to feel secure and appreciated no matter where they are in
terms of literacy as all progress is based on inner maturity.

Literacy in Grade 2

In Grade 2 the fairy tales give way to the animal fables and legends of the
saints. African Tales have many animal stories and these are very easily
understood by children, who will enjoy the humour of the situations and
characterisation of the different animals.

Animal stories relate to the spontaneous, instinctive nature of children and

help them to acknowledge their trust in this inner sense that is such a fund of
resourcefulness in everyone. The animals also represent different qualities
within each one of us, so the stories are often less about the animal
characters, than to make the children more aware of the animal in us. These
stories are fun for the children to act out and they will easily learn the words
required for the dialogues. Thus the children will learn a great deal by miming
and acting the fables and animal tales.

The stories of the saints or holy people of different cultures form a contrast to
the instinctive world of animals. The saints demonstrate the ideal qualities in
the human being. Through the stories of those wise and loving souls whose
lives have been spent helping and uplifting humankind, the children identify
with the best in themselves and those around them.

See end of this manual.

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In many of these stories the saint is linked with an animal, e.g. St Francis and
the Wolf or St Jerome and the Lion. The stories often represent the
overcoming of the animal nature in us or the acknowledging that both aspects
work together in the human being. As far as possible, the teacher should try
to find stories that honour the holy people of different cultures and religions so
as to promote tolerance, thoughtfulness and goodwill between all God’s

Grade 2 Syllabus
Grade 2 is about deepening and extending what has been taught in Grade 1.
It is an important year for developing the oral usage of English while the
children are still strongly in the imitative phase of learning before the ninth
year. The children should be fluent and confident in their speaking and feel
ready and eager for reading. They will learn many short verses for phonics,
but it is good if they can also learn some longer poems and perhaps a simple
play in rhyme towards the end of the year!

The teacher begins the work on phonics with a revision of all the letters and
word patterns learnt previously, particularly the short vowels. The children
can begin learning the alphabet names if the teacher feels that the sounds are
well known. The lower case letters that are usually introduced for first
language speakers in Grade 2 should be left until the teacher feels that the
children are secure in their recognition of the upper case or Capital letters. If
the teacher notices that the class is making good progress with consonant
blends and word patterns, they could introduce the lower case towards the
end of the first term.

Learning to read remains the main focus, and so the stories that are told
become the writing for the children. During the English Language main
lesson blocks the children now write full sentences, and gradually more
sentences, from the board, arising from the stories. These sentences
become their readers.

Stories from Animal Fables

The teacher will find the Animal Fables of Aesop and later the animal tales of
Africa and other countries much easier in some ways than the Fairy Tales
from the year before. They are very suited to the teaching of second language
children who do better with a short and simple story. However, the fables
themselves are sometimes so short, that the teacher needs to expand them in
order to create an interesting story to satisfy the children.

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The teacher must prepare the children in the same way as in Grade 1, telling
the story first in the home language (if the teacher speaks it) and drawing a
picture on the board, using it to teach the necessary vocabulary to the
children. Some of the words may already be known from Grade 1, but it is a
good idea to revise these words and extend the children’s knowledge.

Therefore if the story of The Lion and the Mouse is to be told, the teacher
should make sure that the children identify with these creatures by miming
their way of walking and practising the sounds they make. As well as learning
the words to be used in the story, the children should get to know other
characteristics e.g. parts of the body of the animals. It is particularly good to
teach a few adjectives to describe these animals as second language children
often have very few words e.g. strong paws, a shaggy mane for the lion and
a long tail, sharp teeth, a pointed nose for the mouse. These words could
easily be taught using a drawing of the Lion and the Mouse.

Following a similar pattern of the Three Day Rhythm that was established in
Grade 1, the teacher will tell the story in English and let the children copy the
drawing from the board into their books. On the next day, s/he will do a
thorough recall of the story with the children to make sure they understand it.


The first sentence will be worked orally with the children.


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The teacher says the sentence and the children repeat it several times,
emphasising a different word each time. Then the class will help the teacher
to find the letters for the teacher to write each word correctly on the board.

The teacher then asks the children to sound out the letters of the first three
words. They should remember the letter shapes quite easily. When these
words are written up on the board, the teacher practises reading them a few
times with the children: A BIG LION.


Teacher: “What is the letter for the first sound?” L

“What Angel sound can you hear?” Angel A.
“Is Angel A saying its heavenly sound, its earthly sound or its own name?”
Its own name. “Angel A needs a helper to say its own name and this time Y
comes to help but just stands there silently.”
The teacher will use the English lesson to find other words that rhyme with
LAY (day, say, way, may, etc.)


This word is long and has two syllables. The teacher can get the children to
clap the two syllables so that they can hear the two parts quite clearly.
“What letters are at the beginning of the word ‘SLEEP’?” S and L.
“What Angel sound do you hear?” Angel E.
“In this word, Angel E is saying her name and so we have two Angel E’s
standing next to each other to make a long E sound. Otherwise we would
have a short earthly sound,”

The teacher gets the children to make the long E sound, using a gesture to
feel how long the sound is. Then the children find the letter P to complete the
word SLEEP. They read the word a few times. Then the teacher asks the
children how they are going to write the ING sound.

“What Angel sound do you hear?” Angel I

“Is it the heavenly sound or the earthly sound?” The earthly sound.
“The Angel I is singing her sound in the word ING and this is how we write it –
ING.” The teacher makes the children sing the phonogram ING so that they
hear how the NG creates a ringing sound. S/he writes up the ING to complete
the word SLEEP-ING.

The children tell the teacher the letters for ON THE

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The teacher asks the children for the first letters of the word GRASS. GR.
“What Angel sound do you hear?” Angel A. “Is it the heavenly sound or the
earthly sound or the name of Angel A?” The heavenly sound.
The teacher asks for the last sound – S. “But this little S is feeling lonely at
the end of the word and asks another S to stand next to him. So now we
have two SS’s at the end of the word.”

Now the teacher and the class read the sentence several times, forwards and


The children now write the sentence into their book opposite their drawing.
They may be ready for two or more short sentences each day The teacher
will soon sense when to give the children more writing from the story, as they
begin to work faster and their writing becomes smaller in size. The story will
be continued during the week until it is completed and the children will be
proud to have a whole story for reading practice. The teacher may encourage
the children to do another drawing from the story when they do the writing
from the second half of the story.

Here is a simple version of the story for the children to write in their books. If
the teacher feels that the class can manage more describing words s/he may
include them.




From these sentences, the teacher sees the vowel digraphs and consonant
blends that need to be taught or revised in the English lesson. The teacher
can introduce the word pattern in a little story or verse containing several of
the words. Afterwards the children should remember the words and create
lists for each phonogram or word pattern. These lists can be written on the
board and read by the class and individual children. Then each child writes
the list in their “WORD BOOK” and makes small pictures next to the picture

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Example story for NG.


The angels were always singing songs. They were so happy that they sang
all the time wherever they flew. They did not sing any words but the sounds
rang out through the air and made everyone happy.

One day Angel I said, “I want to teach everyone on earth to sing beautifully
too.” “How will you do that?” asked the other angels, “Many of their words
with earthly sounds do not ring clearly.” “I will ask the earthly sounds to help
me,” she said.

So Angel I flew down to earth on her shining wings and began to sing. Soon
some people heard her and said: “That sounds so beautiful. Can you teach
us to sing.” So they tried, but they could not get the lovely ringing sound that
Angel I made. “What can we do to get that ringing sound?” they asked.
“There must be some sounds that could help to carry my song. Please ask
them to help us,” said Angel I

The sounds came forward to try and carry the angel sounds. (Children, can
you try to guess which sounds are good for singing?) Each one tried their
sound. B, D and T were too heavy and earthly. Then S and Z made better
sounds. Then came L and M and they both made quite lovely sounds. “I
want to try,” said N and she made a lovely sound too. “Oh dear,” said G, “My
sound is too heavy, but if I could work with another sound, like N, perhaps it
would be alright.” So N and G tried their sounds together. N…G “You are still
too heavy,” said N. So G became softer and softer until suddenly there rang
out a beautiful new sound NG!” “What sounds are they?”asked the people.
“N and G. When they are said together, they sound like a bell ringing. “NG…
NG… NG. And when you say an Angel sound as well, it is even more
beautiful. ING…ING…ING.”

“You must listen for the words with NG in them and learn to let your sounds
ring as you sing,” said Angel I. The people did so and they found many words
that had NG or ING in them that made a lovely singing sound just like the
angels e.g. sing, singing, ring, wing, bring, ding, king, etc.


The children work out the letters LIT.

“Letter T feels quite lonely and so another T stands next to it but does not say

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“What is the last letter you can hear?” L . Now the word looks like LITTL.
“Now L feels shy at the end of the word and so Angel E goes and stands next
to it. So there are two letters being helped in this word – LITTLE.”
In the English lesson, the teacher will look for other words with a similar
pattern e.g. cattle, puddle, middle, bottle.

Perhaps the children need to learn the vowel digraph OU from mouse. The
teacher may choose to teach them a little verse:

Little mouse, little mouse,

Running round about the house;
Little feet across the ground
Make a gentle scratching sound
Sharp eyes watching all about
Hiding from a noise or shout.
Little mouse, little mouse,
Running all about the house.54

When the children know the verse and can do actions to it, let them tell the
teacher all the words with OU. (There is another one in the story.) These can
be written on the board, read several times and then copied into their WORD


“Remember the words in Grade 1 that rhyme with PAW - STRAW and SAW.”


Which letter is used for W ?”

“What Angel letter do you hear in WOKE?” Angel O.
“What letter must I write for the sound K?”
“Who remembers the Fairy that comes to help the other Angel Letters to say
their name?” Fairy E.
Fairy E words occur in several places in the story: WOKE, MADE, ROPE.


“What are the first two letters for GRAB?”

Copyright Catherine van Alphen

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“Now, letter G needs to have a friend next to it. Which letter do you think will
come to help?” Another B.
And again Angel E comes to stand next to it without making her sound.”
“What is the last letter?” D.


“What are the first two letters?” C and R.

“What Angel sound can you hear?” Angel I.
“But Angel I needs some help to say her name. Which Angel will come to
help her?” By this time the children should be able to answer correctly.
Angel E. The children work out the last sound - D.


This is a Look and Say word that the children may have learnt in Grade 1.
“What is the first letter?” S.
“Does anyone remember this very tricky word? Who would like to try to write

This method of working trains the children to work out the words for
themselves whether they are Phonic words or Look and Say Words. In time,
they will learn all the different combinations and be able to guess what letters
are needed.

The second part of the story is handled in the same way.


The children work out the first three letters LAT.

“What Angel letter will help Angel A to say her name?” Angel E.
“Now we have a sound we have heard before – ER. It sounds like the end of
MOTHER, so we will use the same letters –ER. Angel E is already there so
we just add R.”
They also clap the two syllables for LATER.


The children should know the Look and Say word WAS.
“What is the first letter of the word WALK?” W.
“What is the last letter of WALK?”
“Now, who remembers the the word pattern ING from the first part of the
story?” ING.

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The first two words are easy. The teacher and children say the word FOR-
ESTand clap the two syllables. The teacher gets the children to sound out the
letters one by one and s/he writes them on the board. They practice the
whole word and then the whole sentence.


This word has probably been learnt in Grade 1 and belongs to a group of
words like I, me, we, she, go, so, where the last letter is an Angel letter and
therefore says its own name. (An exception is ‘do’.)


The teacher asks the children to sound out the letters FEL.
“We need one more letter. Who can guess what it is?”
The children should remember the other double letters already used in this
story. When the children find the correct letter, they can look for the other
words with double letters at the end or in the middle of the word.


The children should manage these words easily.


The third word will be new to the children. However, it is similar to GRABBED
and will be dealt with in the same way.

ROAR is a new Look and Say word that has a completely different sound from
the Angel letters that are used.
“What is the first letter?” R. The teacher writes up the rest of the word. The
remaining words in the story are sounded out as above and the children
practise the whole sentence and then the whole story.

Each day the teacher gets the whole class to read the writing of previous
days, the children touching each word with their fingers as they are reading.
S/he can vary this by asking different groups of children to read, while others
listen. While other children are working, the teacher listens to each child
reading from the writing they have copied.

The Daily English Lesson

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In addition to the language main lesson blocks, the children should have an
English lesson every day to develop their listening, speaking and phonic skills
for reading. The children need to be challenged so that they take hold of the
English language far more strongly than the year before.

New Letter Combinations

As the children practise daily with decoding words into sounds, many new
letter combinations are needed, as seen in the story above. Up to now all the
phonic work has been around

 the short vowels; they should be familiar with many three-letter words.
 some consonant blends which have been taught already; the children
are now ready to discover four-letter and later on five-letter words.
 Helping Angel E (or ‘Fairy E’) words

There are many consonant blends, vowel digraphs and phonograms to be

dealt with during this year. Each one must be done thoroughly as it involves
learning new words as well as word patterns.

Consonant Blends
Second language speakers often know so few words that it works best if the
teacher uses a consonant blend group from the story e.g. The Lion and the
Mouse. In the English lesson the teacher creates another story containing
several words from that particular consonant blend to extend the children’s

It also works well if the teacher finds or creates a suitable verse or alliterative
sentence containing words from the consonant blend that s/he wishes to
teach the children. The teacher can also use the verse as inspiration for a

Double Letters (Twins)

A natural progression is to teach the double letters that follow a short vowel
and form one sound:

ll (will, bell) ff (puff, huff).

ss (kiss, less, miss, mess, boss) dd (add, odd)
ck (duck, buck, tuck, back, sick, sack, pack, rock, sock, lock)

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gg (egg) zz (buzz, jazz)

Here follows an example of a verse for teaching ‘ll’ words:

Verse: Roll the ball, pull the bell,

Fill the bucket from the well.
Will he fall off the wall?
Tell them all to hear the call.

Teach the verse in the Rhythmic Time of the main lesson, using actions to
illustrate the meaning. Introduce the poem with a little story. Get the children
to tell you the words ending with ‘ll’. You may want to use more words than
are in the poem or story.

Example Story inspired by the Verse.

Bill and Jill lived with their mother on a hill outside a little village. Every
afternoon they would go to fill a bucket with water from a well in the centre of
the village market place. Jill carried the bucket when it was empty and Bill
brought it back when it was full. Bill usually took his ball and played with it.
He tried to see how far it would roll down the hill before it stopped. He would
also throw it against a wall and then catch it again.

Jill liked to visit their aunt who lived in the village. She would bring her some
flowers and she would pull the door bell of the house to let their aunt know
they were there. The aunt gave Jill and Bill tea and biscuits when they visited.

One day Bill decided to walk along the wall of their aunt’s garden. It was quite
high and Jill was afraid that he would fall off. “Don’t worry!” he said, “I will call
out and tell you if I fall. All of you will hear my call!” And of course he was so
careful that he did not fall at all. “Do not tell our aunt that I walked on the
wall”, he said to Jill. After tea they filled their bucket with water from the well
and went back up the hill to their home.

Let the children find all the ‘ll’ words from the story and the teacher can write
them on the board. They read the words several times. Then let the children
write these words down in their Word Book and draw a picture next to the
picture words (ball, bell). These words can also be written on paper leaves
and placed on a Letter Tree.

Practise these words daily in different ways. You may be able to do more of
these double letters or ‘twins’ during that week, provided you teach another
little sentence or poem and story to create a context for them.

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Play a guessing game related to the blend you have just taught: “Look around
and you will see….something beginning with ‘st’.” Or “….something ending
with ‘ll’.” Make sure you have some objects available in the classroom for that

Those consonant blends that are linked to the short vowels will be easiest for
a start, whether they are placed at the beginning or the end of a word. Some
of the words using a particular consonant blend may be longer than four
letters, but allow them to speak them orally even if they do not write them
down. Only choose a few of the simplest words for sounding out and writing
down. Sometimes use the blend that is at the beginning of a word, e.g. shop
then later on a blend that is at the end of a word, e.g. fish

Every week, the teacher should practise one or two blends that the children
know and use already. S/he can also choose a new consonant blend to teach
words that the children need to learn. Choose a combination of phonic words
and ‘Look and Say’ words for them to learn each week. Help the children use
them in sentences to clarify the meaning and show how they are used. Do
not rush this process. Make sure that the children feel confident about
recognising the blends before introducing new ones. This is especially
necessary where children are slow at grasping and remembering sound
combinations due to lack of confidence in the second language..

The Letter Tree

The teacher can create a Letter Tree on a wall in the classroom by drawing a
large tree with many branches but no leaves. Each branch becomes the
carrier of words with a particular letter combination e.g. ‘at’ (cat, hat, rat), ‘st’
(step, stop, stick) or ‘ea’ (leaf, read, seat). The different words from that group
that have been learnt are written on leaf-shaped pieces of paper and stuck on
to a branch for that word group.

The advantage is that the teacher can refer to that word group with ease,
either for reading practice, spelling or writing purposes. It is like having a
dictionary on the wall and the children get used to looking up the words they
need for their own writing.

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Fairy E
The Fairy E who helps the vowel sounds to say their names has already been
introduced in Grade 1 but there are many more examples to be learnt, leading
the children naturally from the three-letter words to four and five-letter words.
Make up a little story containing several Fairy E words. In this way the
children begin to learn the difference between the short and the long vowel

A list of Fairy E words is at the back of this manual.

Vowel Digraphs
Vowel digraphs are far more difficult to teach than Consonant blends and the
teacher may find it easier to link each of these sounds with a picture word or
phonogram. Thus, it is more effective to teach the sound ‘ea’ under the
‘Mother’ word group called ‘leaf’ words. An example of a story for teaching
‘ea’ words is at the end of the manual.

These vowel digraphs form a new single sound:

oo (moon) ee (tree) ea (leaf) ie (chief) aw (saw) au (saucer)
oa (boat) ew (screw) ou (house) oi (oil) ai (rain) ay (tray)

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Do NOT teach two different spellings for the same sound at the same time. It
is better for the children to learn the ‘ee’ group of words thoroughly and then
learning the ‘ea’ group at another time. If children can link a word group to a
particular story and rhyme or alliterative sentence, they will find it easier to
remember which words belong together in a group.

As the year progresses, the children will be able to manage the learning of the
different blends more quickly, especially as they get to know more words and
word patterns.

Many little poems and verses need to be learnt as a basis for all the new
sound combinations and plenty of practice is required for the children to hear
the different sounds clearly.

Own Writing
Later in the Grade 2 year the children can begin to do some of their own
writing in English, however simple the words or sentences.

The teacher can do a simple dictation for the children to write down a few
words that they have been learning from a particular word group. She may
sound out the letters or get them to sound the letters before writing them

With ‘News Time’, the children can now have a little book in which to write one
or more sentences of News. The teacher encourages the children to use
words that they know and not to worry about spelling. The children share
their sentences of news with each other.

The words on the Letter Tree can be used and the teacher soon discovers the
new words that she needs to teach the class from the questions that the
children ask of her. She also begins to pick up the spelling errors and to
realise where she needs to revise certain word groups. This exercise can be
done once or twice a week.

The teacher can also get the children to make up a little sentence using the
words from the different word groups as they learn about them. After the
children have spoken their sentences orally, they write them down.

The children can also make up a sentence as a class and then everyone
writes it down. They will gain confidence in writing their own sentences if it is
done in the right way. The teacher will judge at what stage this exercise is

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possible, perhaps only towards the end of the year. Some children may write
a few sentences, others only one.

Shared Writing
When children act out a dialogue from a story, they have either learnt the
words to be said or made them up themselves. The children could now write
these words down. The children could help each other or use the Letter Tree
for spelling or the teacher could encourage the children to write the words
down without worrying about the spelling. Afterwards they can read the
sentences to each other, putting their fingers on each word as they read it.

The Class Reader

As in Grade 1, the children read from the sentences that they write down.
The animal fables can be written down very simply in the main lesson book
and will form a basis for the children’s reading. Many of the children will still
learn the words of the story off by heart and so it is up to the teacher to
practise the phonic sounds until the decoding skills are well in place.

At a certain point the teacher may want the children to have reading material
other than the stories in the main lesson book. If the teacher can manage to
make a reader for each of the children, with assistance from the parents, this
becomes a very special first reading book for the children.

Otherwise the teacher may look for a Graded Reading Scheme with simple
stories and beautiful pictures for her class. The advantage of this is that the
stories are pitched at different levels so that the children can progress from a
very simple level to more challenging ones. The teacher must create co-
operative learning situations where the more able children test each other or
assist weaker children with their reading. If the teacher can enlist the help of a
parent or two to listen to the children’s reading at certain times in the week, the
children will be able to receive more individual attention and will make better

First 100 Important Words in Learning to Read


a and all as at are an be but I in it is

This section owes much to the expertise of Joyce Bruce, Louise Oberholtzer and Yvonne Bleach.

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that the to was for had he have him his not on

said so they we with you about back been before

by call came can come could did do down first

get go has her here if into just like little look

make more me much must my no new now off

only or our other out over right see she some their

there this two up want well went were what when who

which will your where then old made from big one of

Vowel digraphs and Word lists

A digraph is a combination of two letters that together make one new sound.
It is not necessary for children to learn all these in one year - the teacher
should rather work thoroughly than rush through these digraphs. Some of
these can be left for Grade 3.

‘ay’ day, say, may, lay, hay, pay, ray, way, away, stay, play, tray, clay, bray,

‘ai’ rain, pain, main, gain, grain, again, stain, strain, brain, plain, drain, paid,
laid, maid, fail, rail, pail, wail, mail, nail, sail, tail, trail, snail, paint, faint, wait,

‘ee’ feel, peel, seem, feet, feed, meet, seen, weed, need, seed, bee, see,
free, tree, three, weep, keep, steep, sheep, sleep, green, queen, creep, heel,
wheel, steel

‘oo’ food, boot, root, hoot, toot, shoot, tool, fool, pool, cool, stool, moon,
soon, doom, loom, room, broom, spoon, loop, stoop, tooth

‘oo’ (short sound) book, look, took, cook, good, wood, stood, foot

‘ea’ tea, sea, leaf, lead, read, meal, real, deal, heal, seal, peal, steal, eat,
seat, heat, beat, meat, neat, cheat, clean, lean, mean, dream, steam, stream,
scream, weak, speak, peach, teach, reach, teacher

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‘oa’ oak, coat, boat, float, loaf, moan, loan, road, load, toad, soap, foam,
toast, roast, boast, soak

‘ar’ are, car, far, tar, bar, star, art, cart, start, hard, card, carpet, garden, bark,
park, mark, lark, dark, spark, shark, arm, farm, harm, charm

‘ie’ chief, brief, grief, thief, field, priest, shield, piece

‘er’ fern, herd, her, under, over, paper, clever, never, ever, spider, river,
rider, sister, shiver, silver, winter

‘or’ for, ford, form, storm, corn, torn, worn, horn, morn, acorn, thorn, cork,
fork, pork, stork, port, short, sport, story, horse

‘ir’ bird, first, girl, dirt, shirt, skirt, chirp, birth, birthday

‘ur’ fur, burn, turn, curl, hurl, hurt, burst, nurse, purse

‘oy’ boy, toy, joy, enjoy

‘ow’ cow, now, how, row, bow, down, clown, brown, crown, drown, town,
frown, owl, fowl, howl, prowl, growl, towel

‘ou’ out, shout, spout, cloud, round, sound, bound, found, hound, mound,
ground, count, house, mouse, mouth, south, proud, loud

‘oi’ oil, boil, toil, soil, spoil, join, coin, noise, moist, point

‘ow’ low, sow, glow, grow, flow, tow, blow, know, show, slow, throw, snow,
own, bowl

‘ew’ new, few, dew, chew, drew, stew, grew, blew

‘au’ Paul, haul, saucer, fault, sauce, because

‘aw’ paw, jaw, law, saw, raw, caw, straw, claw, draw, hawk, fawn, dawn, lawn

Verses for Vowels

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The children need to learn many little poems and verses to help them learn to
pronounce the English words and especially the vowel sounds correctly. The
teacher can question the children as to which Angel sound they can hear in
different words.

Vowel A
For the name of the vowel

God made you

God made me
God made the birds
In the tree

For the pure vowel (‘heavenly’) sound

Star, star, shining star,

Shine in darkness from afar.
In the darkness of the park
We can see your tiny spark.
Star, star, shining star,
Shine in darkness from afar

For short ‘a’ sound

The cat’s on the mat.
Drat that cat
It’s caught a rat!

I can stand
On the land
I can stand
In God’s hand

Vowel E
For the name of the vowel

I see the sun

The sun sees me
I see the moon
The moon sees me
I see my star
My star sees me

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I see you and

You see me

I need to see the seed spring green

And feel my feet run free
To meet and greet my friends unseen
Beneath the beechwood tree

Weep, weep,
The water’s deep
The rocks stand steep
And silent keep.
Deep, deep,
The waters sleep
The slender reeds
Their secret keep.
Sleep, sleep
In darkness deep
The waters weep
Their sorrows keep

For short ‘e’ sound

Jen’s red hen

Lays eggs in her pen
Tell me when
She gets to ten

Put your ear

Against a shell
And listen very, very well
The sound will swell
Just like a bell
So listen very, very well.

Lend me a pen
Said Mel to Ben.
Said Ben to Mel
If you will tell me
When I get
My pen again

Have you met

My best pet?
His coat is black
I call him Jet.
My dog Jet
Runs in the wet

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He’s the best pet

I’ll ever get

Vowel I
For the name of the vowel

I like my father
I like my mother
I like my sister and
I like my brother

For the short ‘i’ sound

Little Miss Mindy

Small and thin
Lifts the lid
Of the biscuit tin
Little Miss Mindy
With a grin
Nibbles the biscuits
In the tin.
Little Miss Mindy
Not so thin
Leaves a little bit
On her chin

Vowel O
For the name of the vowel

Go home, little gnome

Alone on a stone
Go home, little gnome,
Go home!
No, no, I won’t go,
I won’t go to my home
I will laugh Ho-ho-ho
Alone on my stone

For the short ‘o’ sound

Hop to the shop

The shop at the top

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The top where you stop

You stop and shop.

Hot potato, hot potato,

Hot potato, Hot!
Not a lot in the pot
Keep it hot, Keep it hot!
Hot potato, hot potato,
Hot potato, Hot!

Vowel U
For the name of the vowel56

The sky is blue

My heart is true
I am glad
To be with you

Do, do –
What shall I do?
My shoe is broken
Through and through.
Too soon, too soon,
My new blue shoe
Is worn right through
Oh, what shall I do?

Oo makes a short sound

Take a look at the book

In the nook where you cook

For the short ‘u’ sound

Let us run
In the sun
In the sun
Run and run.
Oh what fun
Oh what fun

At this stage, it is hearing the sounds of the vowel that matters; the name sound of vowel U is spelt in many
ways, but the children at first only hear the sound, and do not learn to write the words. These verses can be used
at a later stage for writing, and then the spelling does matter.

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To run in the sun!

Verses for the Name of the Vowel

A – Awake, awake and take your way O – Sow the oats and mow the oats
Be brave and gay today! and sow the rosy clover

E – Easily sweep the eagles free U – Soon through the gloom

Each to his eerie at evening The cool moon will loom

I - High in the sky shines the mighty

Sun with the bright light of life.

Children love playing with words and these verses encourage their enjoyment of
sounds. The teacher should use gestures with each verse or step in time to the

Verses for Vowel Digraphs

The wind says I blow The day was new A cat has a claw
The river says I flow The west wind blew A dog has a paw
The sun says I glow The wild birds flew A mouse has a jaw
The plant says I grow And then I knew Which it uses to gnaw
Man says I know

AI Await the rain to swell the grain OU

Little mouse, little mouse
OU Running all around the house
I found a cave deep underground Little feet across the ground
And heard a sound go round and round Make a gentle scratching sound
A sudden shout – Out-out! Out-out! Sharp eyes watching all about
And oh! It echoed all about! Hiding from a noise or shout.
Little mouse, little mouse
Running all around the house

IR -The first bird chirps in mirth of the morning’s birth!

OW - How, now, brown cow!

Don’t scowl or howl at the hoot of the owl on its nightly prowl!
The clown in the town bows down to the king in his golden crown!

OA – My boat is afloat and I’m off to roam OI - Why boil the oil and spoil the joint?
On the sea road’s foam You’ll waste your toil so what’s the point?
With the wind’s moan and groan.

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And who knows when I’ll be home? IE – The chief saw the thief
With a piece of shield in the field.
AY – Pray, may we stay away today
And play with clay upon the tray? OY – Oh lovely boy, enjoy your toy!

ER – Do you listen to the whisper of the river? UR-Turn wheel, turn

Where the river ripples with a shiver, And burn fire, burn;
Where the spider sister spins with silver Let curl after curl
Under fern leaves waving with a quiver, Of smoke unfurl.
Ever waiting for the rider of the winter.

EA Speak of your dream, your dream by the stream,

The stream by the peach tree where you drank tea;
Where you sat on a seat in the shade for the heat
And a leaf fell into your tea.

Consonant Blends at the beginning of a word

A consonant blend is a combination of two or more letters usually found at the

beginning or end of a word e.g. ‘sh’, ‘str’ or ‘tch’. A digraph is a combination of
two sounds which together make one new sound e.g. ‘th’ or ‘ch’. The first words
on the list have short vowels and blends already taught. The other words may be
used orally or kept for later phonic work. The second language speakers need to
get to know more words than they may be able to read.

‘sh’ shop, ship, shut, shot, shall, shack / shoe, show, shout

‘ch’ chick, chap, chop, chip, chill / chair, chest, chink, cheese, child, chirp)

‘th’ thin, thick / thorn, threw, thatch, thread, thumb)

‘th’ this, the, then, that, there, their

‘pr’ pram, prod, prick, press / pride, pray, print, pretty, prince, prize

‘fr’ frog, from, fresh, frill / free, freeze, frame, friend, fruit, fry

‘cr’ crab, crop, crack, cross / crash, creep, crept, crow

‘dr’ drag, drip, drop, drum, drill, dress / drink, draw, drift, dry

‘gr’ grab, grin, grip, grill, gruff / green, grass, greet

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‘tr’ trap, trot, trip, trim, trick, truck, track

‘bl’ black, block, blot, bless / blue, blood, blind

‘br’ brick, broke, brim, bring, brand, brass, bride, break, bright

‘fl’ flat, flag, flip, flop, flick / flame, fling, flash, flew, flimsy, fly

‘cl’ clap, clip, clop, clash, clock, cliff / clang, clatter

‘gl’ glad, glum / glade, glitter, glimmer

‘pl’ plan, plot, plum, plug, pluck / please, play, plate, plastic, plant, plain, place

‘sl’ slap, slip, slam, slim, slug, slit, slack, slash / slate, sleep, sleeve, slide, slow

‘st’ stop, stick, stand / stamp, store, stump

‘sw’ swim, swam, swell, swop, swat / switch, swing, swan, swamp

‘sk’ skin, skip, skid, skim, skill

‘sn’ snip, snap, sniff, snack / snail, snow

‘sp’ spot, spin, spit, spill / speck, spring

‘sm’ smug, smack, smell / small, smile

‘scr’ scrap, scram, scrape, scream

‘str’ strap, strip / string, struck, stripe, stride

Consonant blends at the end of a word

‘st’ best, rest, must, dust, crust, lost, just, west, mist, east, fist, most

‘ft’ raft, lift, soft, loft, left, swift, tuft, craft

‘lt’ melt, felt, belt, lilt, jolt, bolt, colt

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‘nd’ end, bend, send, mend, lend, and, band, land, sand, grand, wand, wind

‘nt’ lent sent, bent, cent, dent, pant, rant, hint, hunt, print, want

‘mp’ lamp, damp, samp, stamp, jump, dump, thump, bump, limp, plump, tramp

‘sk’ task, mask, desk, risk, brisk, disk, tusk, dusk, rusk

‘nk’ bank sank, tank, plank, pink, link, sink, wink, drink, think, slink, sunk

‘pt’ kept, wept, slept, crept

‘sp’ wisp, wasp, crisp, grasp

‘lk’ milk, silk, sulk, bulk, talk, walk, stalk

‘ng’ sing, wing, ring, king, ding, string, spring, swing, thing, sling, fling, bring,

rang, sang, bang, hang, clang, long, song, dong, gong, strong, rung, dung, hung

‘ght’ right, might, night, fight, sight, light, tight, flight, bright

Fairy E (silent e)
bake, cake, lake, sake, make, wake, rake, take, shake, flake, cape, shape, ate,
fate, late, date, fate, hate, mate, rate, crate, mane, lane, tame, lame, name,
fame, flame, made, shade, tale, male

bike, wine, line, fine, mine, life, wife, fire, wire, wide, ride, side, stride, hide, nine,
dine, pride, five, hive, dive, drive, alive

nose, hose, tone, bone, stone, alone, phone, joke, stroke, smoke, hope, rope,
stove, stole, pole, mole, hole, home, dome, rude, tune, mule, cute, etc.

Verses for Consonant Blends

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I wish I had a fish in a dish. Shall I rush to the shop or will it be shut?

Long and strong is the sling Cheeky Chick chirps a lot
Bang and clang hear it ring Thinks he is the best!
Through the air the stone does sing. Sees a man chop- chopping wood
Gets a chip upon his chest
Roll the ball, pull the bell Chirps among the chips and chunks
Fill the bucket from the well Then goes home to rest!
Will he fall off the wall?
Tell them all to hear the call.

Through thick and thin a thorn tree grew
And scratched the thatch on the roof of the house – ‘th–th’.

Fairy E - Bake a cake and take it to the lake!

We’ll dine with fine wine and have a great time!

East, west, home is best; nowhere else I come to rest.
Stop and stand with stick in hand; Stare at the stump and stamp, stamp, stamp!

FR – I get fresh fruit from my friend Frank on Friday.

Freckled frog frightens flies frisking fresh and free.

TR - Trip-trap, trip trap, Trotting up the track.

Trim trick in a truck, Driving there and back!

PL – Please pluck the plums early or late

And place them on a plain plastic plate.

PR - Pretty Prue, filled with pride, Pushes a pram with her baby inside.

SW – High in the sky On a pool below

The swift birds fly The sweet swans go
Sweeping, swirling by. Swimming slowly to and fro.

CL - Click your fingers, clap your hands, clip-clop trot the horses;
Clang the hammer, clash the swords, clatter plates for dinner courses.

GR – Grab and grip the gruff bear growling GRRR!

Gracefully greet the great blue sky and the green grass on the land!

SM – Smart cat smells cream, Licks up every drop,

Small smug smile, Now it’s time to stop.

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Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 International Licence; see

LK – The cow gives milk as soft as silk, PT - Her secret she kept -
The cat will stalk the mouse To bed she crept
While you and I just walk and talk And wept
Around about the house. Until she slept.

ND – Lend me a wand to call up the wind SK – Be brisk and do not risk

And find the bend in the land; To leave your task
I’ll wave my hand and turn my gold band Upon your desk till dusk!
And stand where the sea meets the sand.

MP – Light the lamp, the night is damp GL - Gladys the glow-worm was glum,
And we must stamp and tramp the road. She could not glow in the night?
The ditch we’ll jump and if we bump, She entered the glade
We’ll dump the heavy load! And magic was made
So she glittered with glorious light!
Bl - The blind boy blunders to the block
And leaves a blot of blue and black!

LT - The buckle of the belt was so hot that it felt as if it would melt.
The colt got a fright and gave a jolt.
He bucked the boy and raced off like a bolt!

FL - The flimsy flag flips and flaps in flight.

FT - Steer the raft

And let the swift current lift her left
Or she will drift into the rift.

NK – In a wink the tank sank near the river bank.

I think she poured the pink drink into the sink.

SCR – Did she scream and scrape up the scrap of scrambled egg?

STR- He struck a strip of hide

And made a strap and string with pride.

NT – He lent me a cent, a cent that was bent

With a hint of a print on the dent.

BR- Bring your brand-new boots with buckles bright and brass!
Bring the brown brick to build the broken bridge!

SP – There’s a spot on his shirt, a speck of spit,

Did he spill it as he sprang?

DR – She drank a drink and dropped a drip;

It dribbled down her dress.

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It dried and then she dripped some more,

Her dress is quite a mess.

CR – Crafty old crow caws at a crab Crossing a crack a crumb to grab.

SL – Slow slug slips and slides Over the slimy slate.

SK - Skip with skill Or skid and skim your skin!

GHT – How bright was the light in the middle of the night
When two bold boys got up to fight!
It was left and right with all their might
And left and right – they held on tight!
Until they were tired and sank out of sight
Back in their beds and said: Good Night!

Example Stories for Teaching Consonant Blends

Example story for ‘th’

List of words: ‘th’ thin, thick / thorn, threw, thatch, thread, thumb
‘th’ this, the, then, that, there, their

On the edge of a wood there stood a little house. Often people did not notice it at
first if they just walked down the path that ran past the house, because there
were trees all round that hid it from view. Close to the house stood a thorn tree
that stretched its thorny branches against the roof of the little house. When the
wind blew, you could hear the thorn tree
brushing against the thatch roof of the
house and making a soft noise ‘th – th’.
In the evening, when the lights of the
lamps twinkled through the curtains on
the windows, and the firelight flickered on
the hearth and soft smoke rose from the
chimney, people could see that someone
must live there.

Actually there was a sweet and

thoughtful lady who lived there. She was
tall and thin and had thick, dark hair.
People would bring her their clothes to
mend or cloth to make a garment with her needle and thread. She could thread
her needle as quickly as a thought, and her eyes twinkled as she listened to the
people telling her about things they had done that day. Sometimes the people

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would say, “What is that noise?” And the lady would say, “Oh that is the thorn
tree brushing against the thatch roof. It says ‘th-th’.”

Afterwards they would give her some fruit from the trees in their gardens, or
bread they had baked in their kitchens, or a pillow stuffed with sweet-smelling
heather. Then they thanked her for her beautiful sewing and walked back home
along the path.

Example Story for sh:

The children may have learnt the individual letters of S for Silver Snake and H for
Happy House. In this story, the S and the H are brought together in a new sound
called ‘sh’. There are several words with the ‘sh’ sound at the beginning or the
end of the words. The children may not know all these words, but the ‘sh’ sound
is repeated in the sound of the rain, the wind, the snake and finally by the
traveller himself. However, it is the poem in combination with the story that helps
to reinforce the awareness of the sound in the actual words.

List of words: shop, ship, shut, shot, shall / rush, bush, push, wish, fish, dish,
flash, crash, shoe, show, short, shadows, shelter, shiver, shout, share.

There was once a traveller who was walking to a town. A short way from the
town, the wind began to blow harder. The clouds gathered; there was a crash of
thunder, a flash of lightning and down poured the rain! It poured down in a great
rush and a gush on to the earth. In a short time, the road was like a rushing river
and his shoes were soaking wet. The traveller struggled to walk in the muddy
road. Here and there he held on to a bush to keep his balance.

Suddenly he saw a light shimmering in between the trees. The path was mushy
but he managed to rush over to an old house under the trees. He gave a shout,
“Is any one at home? Can I shelter here for the night?” A lantern with a burning
light hung from a beam outside the open door.

The traveller stepped inside the house, but it seemed as if no-one was there.
“How strange?” said the traveller. Just then he saw something shiver in the dark
corner of the room. He looked closely and there lay a snake in the shadows. It
lifted up its head and hissed at him. Suddenly he realised that the snake was
speaking to him.

“Do you know that this is my house? If you wish to stay here you must show me
that you will do me no harm.” The traveller was surprised to hear the snake’s soft

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voice, but he answered. “Good snake, I will be grateful if we can share the
shelter of this house tonight. I shall not
harm you at all.”

“Then shut the door and you may sleep

here. But do not shout or make a
noise. If you are quiet, you will sleep
peacefully and nothing will harm you..
So, shhhh!”

“Thank you snake, I shall be very quiet.

Just as you say… Shhhh….” So the
traveller took off his wet coat and hung
it over the door handle. He also took off
his wet shoes. Then he lay down on
the hard floor and tried to sleep. The
noises of the storm grew quiet; the wind died down and also seemed to whisper
to him, Shhh… Before long, the tired traveller fell fast asleep.

In the morning, the traveller awoke with a start, not quite sure where he was.
Then he saw the snake in the shadows looking at him with its beady eyes and for
a moment he shivered with fright. Then he smiled, remembering what the snake
said to him, “Shhh”

“Thank you, snake for letting me sleep in the shelter of your house,” said the
traveller. He put on his coat and shoes that had dried a bit in the night, picked up
his bag and stepped out on to the path. Soon he was on the road and in a short
time, he came to the town.

Shelter in the house In the shelter do not shout,
From the crash and the flash Do not rush all about,
Of the rain. Sh-sh. Show me you can share
Shelter in the shadow The shelter of my house
Where the shiver of a snake With care. Sh-sh.
Shows he is awake
So hush! Sh-sh.

Example story for ‘ch’

Words: chip, chap, chop, chick, cheeky, child, chirp, chest, cheese, chair,
chance, chicken, chink, chew, chase, chain, Charlie.

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Cheeky Chick was the biggest of Mother Hen’s chickens. He chirped loudly,
puffing out the yellow fluff on his chest and made as much noise as he could.
“Look at me!” he chirped, “What a clever chap I am! I am Cheeky Chick! Chirp–

One day Cheeky Chick saw that there was a chink in the door of the chicken
coop and being small, he squeezed through. “What a clever chap I am!” he
chirped, “I am Cheeky Chick and I am going off to chase my food!” And he ran
across the barnyard. He didn’t know where he was going but that didn’t matter.
He ran past a child who was sitting on a chair chewing some bread and cheese.
The child couldn’t say anything because his mouth was full of bread and cheese
so he just watched Cheeky Chick running out of the gate.

Cheeky Chick ran on and chirped, “What a clever chap I am. I am Cheeky
Chick!” He heard a chop-chop noise and ran towards it. A man was chopping
wood. There were chunks of wood in a pile and chips were lying all around. As
the man chopped, more chips flew off the log. Chop-chop-chop went the sound
of the axe. By chance a chip flew over and hit Cheeky Chick on his fluffy yellow
chest. Cheeky Chick got such a fright that he started chirping loudly. Chirp-
chirp- chirp! Help-help-help! In that moment the man stopped chopping and he
heard Cheeky Chick. He called, “Charlie! Charlie!” The child came running up
and said, “What is the matter, Dad?”

“Look at this chick. He has got out of the chicken coop and a chip hit him. Can
you take him back?” “Yes,” said Charlie. He picked Cheeky Chick up and
carried him back to the chicken coop and put him inside. “You Cheeky Chick,”
he said. “Chirp-chirp, thank you,” said Cheeky Chick. “I am a lucky chap to get
home safely. Chirp-chirp-chirp!”

Example Story for Teaching a Vowel Digraph

Example story for ‘ea’

Words: leaf, tea, peach, teacher, read, Jean, clean, seat, lead, real, speak, heat,

Jean had a dream. She was sitting on a seat under the shade of a peach tree
because of the heat. The peach tree stood next to a stream. Jean could feel the
heat of the tea in her mug and the next moment she was in a dream. She saw
her teacher standing in front of her as real as life. She wore a clean apron over
her blue dress and she began to speak to her. “Jean, please read to me,” she

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“But I can’t read,” said Jean, “I try so hard, but I don’t know how to read.” Then
the teacher said, “Don’t try so hard. When a leaf falls, it just lets go. Each leaf
falls one at a time. You must read one sound at a time, like the leaf letting go.
Listen to each sound and let them go one by one.”

Then Jean opened her eyes. Her teacher was gone, but the leaf was still there in
her mug of tea – reminding her to let the sounds go - one by one. Somehow she
felt better and knew that her teacher believed in her and that the dream had
come to lead her to believe in herself too.

Yvonne Bleach Putting the Heart back into Teaching, 1999
Wiley Blevin, Phonics from A – Z: A Practical Guide,
Joyce Bruce, School Readiness
Joyce Bruce, Teaching Reading, 2009
Joyce Bruce, A Practical and Logical Approach to Spelling
Melodie de Jager, Brain Gym for All, 2005
David Donald, Learning to Read, Lecture Notes, 1980
Audrey McAllen, Teaching Children to Write
Louise Oberholtzer, Reading the Waldorf Way, 2004
Louise Oberholtzer, A Tentative Curriculum for Spelling in a Waldorf School
Martyn Rawson & Tobias Richter (editors), The Educational Tasks and Content of
the Steiner Waldorf Curriculum, 2000
Rudolf Steiner, Education and Modern Spiritual Life, 1989
Rudolf Steiner, The Renewal of Education, (Basle Course 1920),1981
Peter van Alphen, Movement for Learning (collated)
Catherine van Alphen, Child Development, 2009, Ch 5
Catherine van Alphen, Creative English Lessons, 1993
Centre for Creative Education: LAN -01 Teaching Writing and Reading in
Class 1. Sections of this booklet written by Marion Penfold, Catherine van Alphen
and Beulah Reeler.

Source: Zukunftsstiftung Entwicklung Open Source: Creative Commons

Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 International Licence; see

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