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Cuckold Contract

1. This contract has been drawn up to define the terms and conditions of
cuckold’s service to his wife/girlfriend (the hotwife).

2. Under the terms of the Cuckold Contract, the cuckold will be locked in
chastity be offering his chastity key to the hotwife under his own free will. In
addition, he will serve in any capacity as a cuckold.

Terms and Definitions

These terms are used in the contract with the following definitions:

Hotwife: The hotwife is the cuckold’s partner who has his express
permission to flirt, date, and have sexual relations (including intercourse)
with other men.

Bull: The bull is the hotwife’s partner of choice for consensual sexual and
non-sexual activities.

Cuckold/Slave: The cuckold (or slave) is the hotwife’s partner who will be
locked in a chastity device.

Chastity cage: A lockable device that goes over the cuckold’s penis. The
chastity cage is designed to make masturbation and orgasm very difficult or
almost impossible.

Chastity spot check: A request by the hotwife for photo and/or video
evidence proof that the cuckold’s cock is locked in chastity.

Lockup period: The amount of time the hotwife keeps the cuckold locked in
chastity. The lockup period is agreed upon in advance with strict guidelines
on when the cage will come off (including emergency situations).

Male Chastity: The abstinence of sexual stimulation of the cuckold enforced

by his hotwife. The male will wear a chastity cage with the keys held by his
hotwife for safeguard.

Release date: The date the lockup period ends, resulting in the cuckold’s
release from the chastity cage.

Start date: The mutually agreed upon date of the start of the cuckold

The Keyholder: The individual who will hold the cuckold’s chastity key and
assume full control and ownership of the cuckold. This individual will
supervise the securing and release of the cuckold from chastity. The
keyholder will also assume complete control over the cuckold sexually.


The following hereby describes the obligations of the hotwife, bull, and
cuckold General obligations:

1. The hotwife will have the right to have consensual sexual and non-sexual
relations with any man she chooses. The hotwife may consult with the
cuckold regarding a potential bull, but the final decision for a partner will
remain with the hotwife.

2. The hotwife will determine the bull’s role and what interaction he will
have with the cuckold.

3. Use of a condom is at the complete discretion of the hotwife. If the bull

ejaculates in the hotwife, the cuckold may be required to clean up any
semen. Whether or not a condom has been used, the hotwife, bull, and
cuckold will be regularly tested for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
once a week.

4. The bull has the right to hold cuckold’s chastity key if the hotwife agrees.

5. The bull has the right to humiliate and degrade the cuckold.

6. The bull has the right to give instruction to the cuckold second only to the

7. The cuckold must obey any request (sexual or otherwise) made by the

8. The hotwife will determine if and when the cuckold will be allowed to
experience sexual pleasure. Sexual release for the cuckold will be at the sole
discretion of the hotwife. The cuckold is not allowed any sexual gratification
unless permitted by the hotwife.

9. The cuckold is not permitted to stroke his penis or testicles without the
express permission of the hotwife.

10. The cuckold will not watch any form of pornography and read erotica
unless he has permission from the hotwife.

11. There is no obligation for the hotwife to give the cuckold any sexual relief
even if she had previously indicated so verbally or in writing.

12. The cuckold will not ask for sexual release (i.e., an orgasm) unless
ordered to do so.

13. Upon signing of the Cuckold Contract, the hotwife becomes the sole legal
owner of the cuckold. As a result, the hotwife may use the cuckold in any
manner she chooses as long as there is no permanent harm.

14. The cuckold will provide cunnlingus to the hotwife any time she desires
no matter the location. In addition, the cuckold agrees to satisfy the hotwife
in any way she desires without concern regarding his own sexual

15. The cuckold acknowledges that any time the hotwife engages with other
men, it will not be considered infidelity. 16. Any violation of the above
conditions will result in swift and harsh punishment by the hotwife.

Date obligations

1. The cuckold will be responsible for driving the hotwife and/or bull on
dates and will refrain from consuming alcohol on date nights.

2. If the bull is over at the hotwife/cuckold’s home, the cuckold will be

obligated to clean the entire house beforehand.

3. The cuckold is responsible for paying for any expenses during a date
night, including but not limited to dinner and libations, entertainment, and
lodging accommodations.

4. The cuckold will not be permitted to sit at the same table as the
hotwife/bull unless explicitly invited.

Cleanup obligations

1. If the bull ejaculates in the hotwife, the cuckold is obligated to clean up

the bull’s semen.

2. The cuckold is obligated to provide oral service to the bull whenever the
hotwife explicitly demands it.

Dress code:

1. While at home, the cuckold is required to be naked with nothing but a

chastity cage. When the cuckold is dressed at home, he must be wearing a
sissy maid outfit.

2. On dates, the cuckold is required to wear semi-formal or formal clothing

as requested by the hotwife.

Support duties:

1. The cuckold may be responsible for helping the hotwife find suitable
sexual partners.

2. On occasion, the cuckold may be required to buy gifts for the hotwife’s
bulls and run errands for the bull(s).

Addressing the bull/bulls:

1. The cuckold must address the hotwife’s bull(s) as “sir”, “your majesty”, or
“master”. Addressing him by anything else may result in punishment.

2. The cuckold is not allowed to speak to the bull unless first spoken to.

3. The cuckold is only allowed to watch the hotwife and bull have sex if
given explicit permission. Otherwise, he must be blindfolded or in another

4. The cuckold will not be allowed to participate in any sexual activities with
the hotwife or bull unless given permission.

Chastity guidelines:

1. During the length of the cuckold contract, the cuckold will be locked in
chastity and only released upon the express consent of his keyholder (the

2. Any orgasms (in or outside of the chastity cage) is at the sole discretion of
the hotwife.

3. The cuckold is responsible for daily cleaning of the chastity cage and the
hotwife’s property (i.e. her genitals). Twice a week the cuckold may request
freedom from the cage for a deep cleaning, including shaving pubic hair.
This process must be supervised with the hotwife physically present at all

4. Once a week the hotwife will inspect the cuckold’s cage to ensure his
personal hygiene is up to her standards.

5. The locking of the cuckold’s genitals will be supervised by the hotwife.

After the chastity cage has been put on, the hotwife will inspect the fit to
ensure it is secure.

6. The hotwife will acquire the lock and key for the chastity cage and keep
two sets of keys for safe keeping. One key will be kept on her person and the
other in a safe location for emergencies. At her discretion, the hotwife may
give one set of keys to her bull for safekeeping.

7. The cuckold will not have access to the key except in certain emergencies.


1. Both parties agree that discretion will be of utmost importance when

engaging in sexual activities. While the hotwife may be allowed to engage
with the cuckold’s friends, coworkers, and acquaintances, extreme caution
and privacy will always be ensured as to not upset delicate social standings.

2. This cuckold contract is strictly confidential between the hotwife and the
cuckold. The contract’s existence will not be made known to other parties in
whole or part (except to potential bulls on a need-to-know basis).

End of contract:

1. The contract will come to the end at the agreed upon end date or in the
rare case, a breach of contract.

Breach of contract:

1. Breach of contract by the hotwife may constitute a cancellation of the

cuckold contract.

2. Breach of contract by the cuckold will be determined at the sole discretion

of the hotwife.

3. Cancellation of the contract will result in the immediate release of the

cuckold from its chastity cage.

End Date:

1. At the end of the cuckold contract (the “end date”), the hotwife will remove
the chastity cage from the cuckold’s penis.

2. The cuckold will then be allowed to use his penis in any way he desires.

Automatic renewal:

1. The contract may be automatically renewed for an additional term with

the exact same lockup duration and the exact same terms and conditions of

the original agreement if agreed upon verbally by both the hotwife and the


Cuckold contract start date: _____________

Cuckold contract end date: _____________

Hotwife signature: ______________________________________

Cuckold signature: ____________________________________

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