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Lesson Plan

Class Class A Date

Day Monday Time 16:00pm - 17:00am
Age 4 Num. of 4
Theme "Beautiful Sub Theme "Beautiful Butterfly
Butterfly" Flying Flying"
Learning Area (KPN)
Learning Standard KE3.3 Express creative ideas in visual art creations(Creative
(KSPK) Expression)
KE 3.3.2 Produce creative works through drawing
Level of Development
Existing Knowledge 1.Children can identify colors
2.Children can recognize various tools
Learning Outcomes At the end of instruction, children will be able to:
1.identify colore 1. Recognize various colors, and can draw pictures by hand with
2.Use a variety of various materials.
materials to make 2. Be able to identify the usefulness of various tools and use
corresponding them proficiently, record the results in a simple way, and use
handmade works. your imagination to enrich basic teaching works.
Teaching Aids Materials to prepare 1. White cardstock (background paper)
2. Crayons
3. Paint
4. Colored cotton cloth
5. Cotton swabs
6. Brush
7. Color palette
8. White paper
TnL Strategy TnL Activitiy Remarks
Induction Set Introduce, question: Ask questions to
question 1. Do kids love butterflies? guide your child's
2. What color butterfly do interest and set the
you like? mood.
3. What is your favorite
handicraft (picture)?
Step 1 Learning 1. Steps in class 1. Sing the
(first learning Description calling song 2. Sit in the First tell the children
outcomes) classroom to warm up about the process of
(wake up the body and making the picture
improve concentration of a beautiful
in class) butterfly.
2. Prepare a piece of white
cardboard, let the KB:Analysis
children stand on the
paper with their feet LO1
slightly apart, and use
them as the wings of a
butterfly. The teacher
helps to outline the
outline with a crayon,
and then use a crayon to
draw an oval in the
middle to make a
butterfly. body of.
3. The children use a brush
to dip the paint in the
palette, and paint the
butterfly's body and
wings with their favorite
4. Use a sponge rubbed
with green paint to draw
trees and grasses under
the paper.
5. Use a cotton swab to
dip red or pink dots on
the paper and use it as a
flower. In this way, a
beautiful butterfly is
completed.3. Use a
sponge rubbed with
green paint to draw trees
and grasses under the
6. Use a cotton swab to
dip red or pink dots on
the paper and use it as a
flower. In this way, a
beautiful butterfly is
Step 2 Learning Classroom atmosphere Materials: palette,
Beginning activities, singing. crayons, paints,
ability 1. Sing a song to find the brushes, writing
dog brushes
2. Count the number of
people (exercise
counting skills) Pay attention to
3. Read picture books classroom discipline
(exercise color and atmosphere, and
perception, shape pay attention to
Cognitive) every detail of your
4. Introduce art tools child.

Knowledge Base:

NT: happy

Step 3 independent Guide children to create their In the creative part,
creation stage own content carefully observe the
Children create their own status of each child
content and provide
necessary help when
they need help.

Knowledge Base:

NT: Responsible
Closure At the end of the class, the Classroom discipline
teacher reviewed the and children's energy
production process and are in high spirits.
experience, and led the
children to sing the song of
worship. Knowledge Base:
NT: Responsible
Strength : Most children master the learning outcomes thanks to the introduction
of interesting teaching aids and the presentation of pictures and
drawings. Educators can do fun activities for children, especially when
educators engage in role-playing activities. Stimulate children's
imagination and interest in color art.
Weakness : Through teaching activities, some people have not fully grasped the
butterfly painting process. The teacher did not find out in time and re-
Improvements : Educators will improve implementation strategies for child-centred
activities. Make overall planning in the classroom, and find children
who are not serious in learning and discipline in time to correct and
give correct guidance. Teaching is based on the child's interests.

Num. Name LO 1 LO 2
L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3
1. S1 ✔ ✔
2. S2 ✔ ✔
3. S3 ✔ ✔
4. S4 ✔ ✔
5. S5 ✔ ✔
6. S6 ✔ ✔
7. S7 ✔ ✔
8. S8 ✔ ✔
9. S9 ✔ ✔
10. S10 ✔ ✔
L1: Children have not mastered the learning outcomes.
L2: Children are mastering the learning outcomes.
L3: Children have mastered the learning outcomes.

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