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Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Limited a company under the Companies Act, 1956
and registered with Registrar of Companies as "RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT
PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED" wide No. 17-016485 of 2000-2001 with its Registered
Office at VIDYUT BHAWAN, JYOTI NAGAR, JAIPUR-302005 has been established on 19
July, 2000 by Govt. OfRajasthan under the provisions of the Rajasthan Power Sector Reform
act 1999 as the successor company of RSEB.
The RERC has granted RVPN a license for transmission and bulk supply wide
RERC/Transmission and Bulk Supply License 4/2001 dated 30.4.2001 to function as
Transmission and Bulk Supply Licensee in the State.

Fig1.1:-Basic Outlay Diagram

Under the provision of the Electricity Act, 2003, RVPN has been declared as State
Transmission Utility (STU) by Govt. of Rajasthan. Section 39(1) of this act, prohibits the
STU to undertake business of trading of electricity however RVPN continued its function of
transmission of bulk power from generating stations to inter-phase point ofDiscoms from 1st
April 2004. Now the Distribution Companies are directly contracting with Generating

Companies in accordance to the share allocated by the State Government. Rajasthan Power
Procurement Cell (RPPC) has been established for purchase of power on behalf of Discoms.
RVPN provides the pathway for power within whole of Rajasthan. RVPN owns, builds,
maintains and operates the high-voltage electric transmission system that helps to keep the
lights on, businesses running and communities strong. RVPN also owns the shared generating
projects as representative of erstwhile RSEB.
Our customers include electricity generators, distribution companies and open access
consumers who count on RVPN to deliver power from the location of generation to inter-
phase point of Discoms enabling them to supply where it's needed in the homes and
businesses they serve.
Our aim is to provide reliable electric transmission service to these customers. As a public
utility whose infrastructure serves as the link in transporting electricity to millions of
electricity users, RVPN has following duties and responsibilities:
 Intra state transmission of electricity through Intra-State Transmission System.
 Planning and co-ordination relating to intra-state transmission with all concerned
agencies such as CTU, State Govt., generating companies, licensees, Regional Power
Committees etc.
 Ensuring development of an efficient, co-ordinate and economical system of intra-
state transmission of electricity from generating stations to Load Centers.
 Non-discriminatory Open Access to its transmission system on payment of
transmission charges.
 Complying with the directions of RLDC and SLDC, operating SLDC until any other
authority is established by the State Govt.
Now RVPN is "An ISO 9001:2000 Certified Company" .Rajasthan RajyaVidyutPrasaran
Nigam Ltd. which will be the transmission Company and three regional distribution
companies namely Jaipur VidyutVitaran Nigam Ltd., Ajmer VidyutVitaran Nigam Ltd. and
Jodhpur VidyutVitaran Nigam Ltd.
The Generation Company will own and operate the thermal power stations at Kota and
Suratghar, Gas based power station at Ramghar, Tydel power station at Mahi and mini Hydel
stations in the State.
The Transmission Company will own and operate all the 400kV, 220 kV, 132kV and
electricity lines and system in State and will also be responsible for procuring power.
The three Distribution Companies will operate and maintain the electricity system below
132KV in the state and their respective areas.

Along these transmission lines secondary substation are created where voltage is further
stepped down to sub transmission and primary distribution voltage.
A substation is an assembly of apparatus, which transform the characteristics of electrical
energy from one form to another say from one voltage level to another level. Hence a
substation is an intermediate link between the generating station and consumer.
For economic transmission the voltage should be high so it is necessary to step up the
generated voltage for transmission and step down transmitted voltage for distribution. For
this purpose substations are installed. The normal voltages for transmission are 400kv, 220kv,
132kv and for distribution 33kv, 11kv etc.
Electricity boards are setup in all states of India which are responsible for:-
1. Generation
2. Transmission
3. Distribution
They also construct, install and maintain all the station made for these purpose. In Rajasthan
R.R.V.P.N.L. is responsible for transmission and distribution of electrical power all over
Rajasthan. It has its own generating station and it’s also gets power from various other
stations also. Power obtain from these stations is transmitted all over Rajasthan with the help
of grid stations. Depending on the purpose, substations may be classified as:-
1. Step up substation
2. Primary grid substation
3. Secondary substation
4. Distribution substation
5. Bulky supply and industrial substation
6. Mining substation
7. Mobile substation
8. Cinematograph substation
Depending on constructional feature substation is classified as:-
1. Outdoor type
2. Indoor type
3. Basement or Underground type
4. Pole mounting open or kilos type
The control room is equipped with protective relays, ammeters, voltmeters, energy meters
and frequency and power factor meters. D.C. supply is heart of GSS batteries are used for this
purpose. They have separate charging circuit also. For communication purpose P.L.C.C. is
used which has its various components.

This Substation is situated nearby NH-08, JAIPUR-DELHI HIGHWAY, KUNDA. The substation is
equipped with various equipment and here are various arrangements for the protection purpose. The
equipment in the G.S.S. arelisted previously.














220 kV G.S.S, Dausa is an outdoor type primary substation and distribution substation as well. It has
not only step down station but also the distribution work Auxiliaries by illustrating those using
relevant diagrams. The electrical work in a substation comprises of

1) Choice of bus bar arrangement layout.

2) Selection of rating of isolator.
3) Selection of rating of instrument transformer.
4) Selection of rating of circuit breaker.
5) Selection of lightning arrestor [LA].
6) Selection of rating of power transformer.
7) Selection of protective relaying scheme, control and relay boards.
8) Selection of voltage regulator equipment.
9) Design a layout of earthling grids and protection against lightening strokes.
10) Axillaries.


1) Power transformers.
2) Bus-Bar
3) Potential transformer.
4) Current transformer.
5) Lightening arresters.
6) Circuit breaker.
7) Isolator.
8) Bus coupler and Sectionalizer.
9) Power line communication equipment (PLCC).
10) Different relay schemes for protection.
11) Display devices, synchronizers, remote control etc.


1.4.1 GRID:-Grid is a technical word used for the interconnection of power received from
There one place. It is a network of main power line for transmission of electricity.
1.4.2 DUTIES:-Following are the duties of R.R.V.P.N.L:-
1. Supply maximum demands and should be prepare to increase its future is asked for.
2. Provide the service line to customer, which must carry the consumer load safety.
3. The standard value of voltage (132KV) should be maintained.
4. Not discriminate between consumers of the same category, i.e. the categories of
consumers may be domestic, industrial and bulk consumers etc.


A transformer makes use of Faraday's law and the ferromagnetic properties of an iron core to
efficiently raise or lower AC voltages. It of course cannot increase power so that if the
voltage is raised, the current is proportionally lowered and vice versa. Power transformer are
called autotransformer fitted with a load tap changer [OLTC].

Fig2.1:- Basic Operation of a Transformer

The four transformers are oil immersed with rating of 100MVA auto. However a
synchronous loading of 100MVA at 0.8 power factor (lag) and 18 MVA 0.8 pf (lag) on the
tertiary can also be loaded to 20MVA loading with 100MVA 0.8 pf on LV without exceeding
the generated temperature rise.

Fig2.2:- Large Power Transformer

The transformer is equipped with German Reign Hansen make on load voltage regulation to
facilitate HV variation. The transformer is simultaneous parallel operation. It is ensured that
the tertiary winding will operate also satisfactory with each other.
The transformer is also provided with a separate bank of radiation, fans, and associated
control equipment. The control equipment arehoused in a tank mounted miscalling.

Continuous rating KVA 50000/70000/100000

No. of unit (s) ONE

Customer's order No. & date P.O. No. RSEB/SE/SSPC/E3A2/TN.2409/
EMCO/ NO. 2446 dated 10/11/95.
W.O. No. and Sr. No. HT-1362/11674
Phases 3
Frequency 50 Hz.
Normal voltage ratio at No Load 220/132/11 KV
Connections Star/Star (Auto)/Delta
Vector Group Y
Tapping’s on HV +10% to -15% of HV in 1.25% steps on HV
for HV variation.
Type of tap changer OLTC Type 3-x DI 500 star.
150/150-12233 W (HHE Make)
Details of CT HV WTICT, class 5, 10 VA/308.8/1.8A
LV WTICH, class 5,10 VA/437.4/1.8A
HV Protection CT, 600/1A, Class P5
LV Protection CT, 600/1A, Class P5
Neutral CT, 600/1A, class P5
Terminal Arrangement HV 245 kV/800 A, OIP Condenser
bushing with 600 BCT.
IV Bushing 145 kV/800 A O.I.P. Condenser
busing with 300 BCT 36 kV/2000 A Neutral
bushing Short stem type.
Total weight of transformer 128430 kg.
Weight/Quantity of oil 43430 kg/48800 Liters
Untangling weight 55000 kg.
Unmaking height 9000 mm
Table 2.1:- Specification of Plant Transformer

2.2 CORE
Magnetic circuit is a three limbed care type construction; each limp being interleaved with
miter joints with top and bottom yokes the winding surrender with three limbs. The
lamination are made from high grade culled rolled grain oriented alloy steel. The insulation
on lamination is varnish.
The cooling ducts are provided parallel to the plane of laminations the yoke are clamped with
by means of clamping per sling plate.
They are clamped with bolts for lifting the core with 8 lighting blotters are provided insulated
from each other to withstand a pressure of 2KV, 50 c/s AC for one minute.


Current transformer is used for monitoring the current for the purpose of measuring and
protection. They can be classified as dead tank inverter type. The dead tank current
transformer accommodates the secondary core inside the tank, which is at the ground
The insulated primary passes through the porcelain and the tank and the terminals into the top
chamber. The primary used in such types of construction is of ‘U’ type. The inserted
secondary cores are insulated to the system voltage and hence inside the top chamber which
is at the line potential. Before commissioning of the current transformer the earthingof the
power terminal and base is essential, otherwise excessive high voltage appears at the power
factor terminals and leads to heavy spark.
The secondary terminal of the core should be short circuited and earthed which are not in use
otherwise excessive high voltage will be developed across the current transformer secondary.
The current transformer should always be in vertical position so that gas forming at the top
does not enter the insulated part. The current transformer actually steps down the current so
that it can be measured by standard measuring instrument. There are three current
transformers in each feeder. The current transformers are inserted into energy incoming and
outgoing feeder from 220KV system for measurement.
The current transformer is used with its primary winding connected in series with the line
carrying the current to be measured and therefore the primary current is not determined by
the load on the secondary of the current transformer. The primary consists of a very few turns
and there is no appreciable voltage across it.
The secondary consists of a very large number of turns. The ammeter or wattmeter current
coil is connected directly across the secondary terminals thus a current transformer operates
its secondary nearly under short circuit conditions. The secondary circuit is connected to
ground in many cases.
Instrument transformers perform two important functions; they serve to extend the range of
the measuring instrument, much as the shunt or the multiplier extends the range of the dc
ammeter. They also serve to isolate the measuring instrument from the high voltage power
The primary winding of the current line transformer is connected directly to the load circuit,
while the secondary is open circuited. The voltage across the open terminal can be very high

(because of the step up ratio) and could easily break down the insulation between the
secondary windings. The secondary winding of a current transformer should therefore always
be short circuited or connected to a relay coil.


1) As you all know this is the device which provides the pre-decoded fraction of the
primary current passing through the line /bus main circuit. Such as primary
current 60A, 75A, 100A, 120A, 150, 240A, 300A, 400A, to the secondary output
of 1A to 5A.

Fig3.1:-CT in Yard
2) Now a day mostly separate current transformers units are used instead of bushing
mounting CT’s on leveled structure they should be for oil level indication and the
base should be earthed properly. Care should be taken so that there should be no
strain on the terminal.
3) When connecting the jumpers. Mostly secondary connections are taken to
junction boxes where star delta formation is connected for three phases and final
leads taken to protection /metering scheme.
There should be no chance of secondary circuit remaining opens as it leads to
extremely high voltages which ultimately damage the CT itself.
4) Current transformers can be used to supply information for measuring power
flows and the electrical inputs for the operation of protective relays associated
with the transmission and distribution circuits or for power transformers. These
current transformers have the primary winding connected in series with the
conductor carrying the current to be measured or controlled. The secondary
winding is thus insulated from the high voltage and can then be connected to low-
voltage metering circuits.
5) Current transformers are also used for street lightning circuits. Street lightning
requires a constant current to prevent flickering lights and a current transformer is
used to provide that constant current. In this case the current transformer utilizes a
moving secondary coil to vary the output so that a constant current is obtained.



A potential transformer (P.T.) is used to transform high voltage of power line to a lower
value, which is in the range of an AC voltmeter or the potential coil of an AC voltmeter.



1) Capacitive voltage transformer
2) Electro-Magnetic type


Capacitive voltage transformers are special kind of power transformers using capacitors to
step down the voltage.
The capacitive voltage transformer comprises of a capacitor divider with its associated
electromagnetic unit. The divider provides an accurate proportioned voltage, while the
magnetic unit transforms this voltage, in both magnitude and phase to convenient levels
suitable for measuring, metering, protection etc. All WSI capacitor units have metallic
bellows to compensate the volumetric expansion of oil inside.
The porcelain in multi-unit Stack, all the potential points are electrically tied and suitably
shielded to overcome the effect of corona RIV etc.
Capacitive voltage transformers are available for system voltages of 33KV to 420KV.
1. Capacitive voltage transformers can be effectively as potential
Sources for measuring, metering, protection, carrier communication and other vital functions
of an electrical network.
2. CVT are constructed in single or multi unit porcelain housing with their associated
magnetic units. For EHV system cuts are always supplied in multi-unit construction.
3. In case of EHV cuts the multi-unit system has many advantages easy to transport and
storing, convenience in handling.
Type CVE245/1050/50
YEAR 2001
Frequency 50 Hz
Capacitance C1 4880 Pf
Capacitance C2 4455 Pf
Equivalent Capacitance 4400+10% Pf
Insulation level 460/1050 KV
Emu oil 95+10% Kg
Total weight 530+10% Kg

Table 4.2:- Rating of CVT


The electromagnetic potential transformers are used for the system voltages up to or below
132KV, due to the economic aspects.
The basic principle of these transformers is same as power transformers. The high alternating
voltages are reduced in a fixed proportion for the measurement purpose with the help of
electromagnetic type potential transformer.
These are extremely accurate ratio step down transformer. The windings are low power rating


Fig4.3:-Electromagnetic type potential transformer

Primary winding consist of large number of turns while secondary has less number of turns
and usually rated for 110 V, irrespective of the primary voltage rating. The potential
transformer used larger core and conductor sizes compared to conventional power

If the bus bars are of rigid type (Aluminum types) the structure heights are low and minimum
clearance is required. While in case of strain type of bus bars suitable ACSR conductors are
strung / tensioned strain by tension insulator discs according to system voltages. In the widely
used strain type bus bars stringing tension is about 500-900 kg depending upon the size of

conductor used and tensioning is manual by means of rope pulleys or by pull lifts. It may also
with the help of tractors.
Here proper clearance would be achieved only if require tension is achieved. Loose bus bars
would affect the clearances when it swings while over tensioning may damage insulators.
Clamps or even affect the supporting structures in low temperature conditions.
The clamping should be proper ,as loose clamp would spark under in full load condition
damaging the bus bars itself.
The bus bar is provided with lightening protection to safeguard the equipment against direct
stroke by providing aerial earth wire giving a protection at 30 degrees i.e. height and earth
wire such that all the equipment and bus bar should be covered with in this 30 degree.

Fig5.1:-Bus bar
1) Single bus arrangement.
2) Double bus bar arrangement.
3) Main bus with transformer bus.
4) Main bus-I with Main bus-II
5) Double bus bar arrangement with auxiliary bus.


1. Interruption tolerable in the supply scheme.
2. Alternative supply arrangements in case of failure of Equipments.
Single bus bar arrangement-This arrangement is simplest and cheapest. It suffers, however,
from major defects.

a) Maintenance without interruption is not possible.
b) Extension of the substation without a shutdown is not possible.
The equipment connections are very simple and hence the system is very convenient to
operate. This scheme is not very popular for 33KV and above, except where the relative
importance of the substation is less or the position of the substation does not justify elaborate
schemes. The indoor 11KV switchyards have quite often-single bus bar arrangement.

This scheme has two bus bar so that-
1) Each load may be fed from either bus.
2) The load circuits may be divided in two separate groups if needed from operational
consideration. Two supplies from different sources can be put on each bus
3) Either bus bar may be taken out from maintenance and cleaning of insulators.
This arrangement has been quite frequently adopted where the loads and continuity of supply
is necessary. In such a scheme a bus coupler breaker is mostly provided as it enables on load
change over from one bus to other.
The normal bus selection isolators cannot be used for breaking load currents. The
arrangement does not permit breaker maintenance without causing stoppage of supply.


The double bus bar arrangement provides facility to charge over to either bus to carry out
maintenance on the other but provide no facility to carry over breaker maintenance. The main
and transfer bus works the other way round. It provides facility for carrying out breaker
maintenance but does not permit bus maintenance. Wherever maintenance is required on any
breaker the circuit is changed over to the transfer bus and is controlled through bus coupler

This scheme is the modification of double bus bar scheme. In this arrangement the
maintenance of CB or isolator without an outage is possible, which is the main drawback of
double bus bar. This arrangement is costly so it varies for various generating stations.

1) This scheme is also known as ring bus bar. The main features of this scheme are:
a) It provides a double feed to each circuit i.e. opening of any breaker for maintenance
does not affect the supply to any circuit.
b) It provides breaker maintenance.
c) All sections of conductor in the station are covered by the feeder protection and no. Of
separate protection needed.
2) It is cheaper than the double bus bar or main bus scheme.
1) If any breaker is to be taken under maintenance, then under this condition tripping of any
one circuit breaker may result in loss of supply to a no. Of circuits.
2) Expansion of mesh is extremely difficult the scheme is limited to four or six circuits.

When to carry out inspection or repair in the substation installation a disconnection switch is
used called isolator. Its work is to disconnect the unit or section from all other line parts on
installation in order to insure the complete safety of staff working. The isolator works at no
load condition. They do not have any making or breaking capacity.
Isolators are used to isolate the bus when it is not in working condition. If the bus is to be
Isolators are also called as disconnect switches or air break switches. Shut down then it is
isolated from the main bus. The moving and fixed contacts is done so that all the three phase
of the isolator close and open simultaneously and there is a full surface contact between
moving and fixed contacts.
The adjustment of the tendon pipes, leveling of post isolator, stops Holts in the fixed contacts
etc. are done for smooth operation of isolator. Isolators are provided at both ends of the bus.
There are ten isolators provided at 400KV substation. Following type of isolator provided at
400KV substation.
Following type of isolator are being used in R.S.E.B
a) Isolator without earth blades.
b) Isolator with earth blades.
c) Tendon isolator
On fundamental basis the isolating switches can broadly divided into following categories
1. Bus isolator
2. Line isolator cum earthing switch
3. Transformer isolating switch.

The operation of an isolator may be hand operated without using any supply or may be power
operated which uses externally supplied energy switch which is in the form of electrical
energy or energy stored in spring or counter weight.
In a horizontal break, center rotating double break isolator, 3 strokes are found. Poles are
provided on each phase. The two strokes on side are fixed and center one is rotating. The
center position can rotate about its vertical axis at an angle of 90 degree.
In closed position, the isolating stroke mounts on galvanized steel rolled frame. The three
poles corresponding to 3 phases are connected by means of steel shaft.
Isolators are of two types -
1. Single pole isolator
2. Three pole isolator



 Air breaker isolator
Type VLE
Short time amperes 40 Ka/sec
Auxiliary voltage 220 v dc

 Air breaker isolator

Type Main
Volt 420 KV
Rated amps 2000 amp
Impulse voltage 1425 KV
Auxiliary voltage 220 v dc

Table 6.3:- Rating of Some Isolator
a) Contacts: Contacts are liberally rated and have been designed to with stand
electromagnetic stresses and preventing shattering at rated short time current. The
contact is made out of electrolytic copper, fixed in co-housing.
b) Switch plans: All the three phases of switch are cleaned open or closed
simultaneously with provision of adjustable tendon pipe connected to towers provided
at the center pedestal.

Breakers are switching and current interrupting devices. Basically a Circuit breaker
comprises a set of fixed and movable contacts. The contacts can be separated by means of an
operating an arc. The arc is extinguished by a suitable medium such as dielectric oil vacuum,
SF6 gas.

The circuit breakers play an important role in the design and performance of a power system,
in that these are the key pieces of apparatus protecting the system and thus ensure continuity
of supply from consideration of cost, the circuit breakers represent a major items, and are,
next only to the generator and transformer, since their quantity is greater than that of
generators/transformer in a power system owing to the services required for control of
transmission lines, bus-bar etc. in addition to control of transformers and generator.


The Expected functions of a circuit breaker are: -
It must be capable of closing on to and carrying full load currents for long period of time.
Under proscribed condition,
1. It must open automatically to disconnect the load or some small overload.
2. It must successfully and rapidly interrupt the heavy current, which flow when a short
circuit has to be cleared from the system.
3. It must be capable of closing on to a circuit in which a fault exists and immediately
re-opening to clear the fault from system
4. It must be capable of carrying current of short circuit magnitude until, and for such
time as, the fault is cleared by another breaker nearer to the pint of fault.


1. Bulk oil Circuit Breaker
2. Minimum oil Circuit Breakers
3. Air blast Circuit Breakers
4. Sulphurehexafloride (SF6)
5. Vacuum Circuit Breaker


Circuit breaking in oil has been adopted since the early stages of circuit breakers
manufacture. The oil in oil-filled breakers serves the purpose of insulating the live parts from
the earthed ones and provides an excellent medium for arc interruption. Oil circuit breakers
of the various types are used in almost all voltage ranges and ratings. However, they are
commonly used at voltages below 115KV leaving the higher voltages for air blast and SF6
breakers. The contacts of an oil breaker are submerged in insulating oil, which helps to cool
and extinguish the arc that forms when the contacts are opened. Oil circuit breakers are
classified into two main types namely: bulk oil circuit breakers and minimum oil circuit
The methods of arc control and interruption is different from one type to the other.
1. It absorbs the arc energy to decompose the oil into gases, which have excellent
cooling properties.
2. It acts as an insulator and permits smaller clearance between live conductors and
earthed components.
1. Its inflammable and there is risk of fire
2. It may form an explosive mixture with air.
3. The arcing products remain in the oil and it reduces the quality of oil after several
4. This necessitates periodic checking and replacement of oil.
Bulk oil circuit breakers are widely used in power systems from the lowest voltages up to
115KV. However, they are still used in systems having voltages up to 230KV.
The contacts of bulk oil breakers may be of the plain-break type, where the arc is freely
interrupted in oil, or enclosed within arc controllers. Plain-break circuit breakers consist
mainly of a large volume of oil contained in a metallic tank. Arc interruption depends on the
head of oil above the contacts and the speed of contact separation.
The head of oil above the arc should be sufficient to cool the gases, mainly hydrogen,
produced by oil decomposition. A small air cushion at the top of the oil together with the
produced gases will increase the pressure with a subsequent decrease of the arcing time.


Bulk oil circuit breakers have the disadvantage of using large quantity of oil. With frequent
breaking and making heavy currents the oil will deteriorate and may lead to circuit breaker
failure. This has led to the design of minimum oil circuit breakers working on the same
principles of arc control as those used in bulk oil breakers.
In this type of breakers theterrupter chamber is separated from the other parts and arcing is
confined to a small volume of oil. The lower chamber contains the operating mechanism and
the upper one contains the moving and fixed contacts together with the control device. Both

chambers are made of an insulating material such as porcelain. The oil in both chambers is
completely separated from each other. By this arrangement the amount of oil needed for arc
interruption and the clearances to earth are roused.
However, conditioning or changing the oil in the interrupter chamber is more frequent than in
the bulk oil breakers. This is due to carbonization and slugging from arcs interrupted chamber
is equipped with a discharge vent and silica gel breather to permit a small gas cushion on top
of the oil. Single break minimum oil breakers are available in the voltage range 13.8 to 34.5
Sulphur hexafluoride has proved its-self as an excellent insulating and arc quenching
medium. The physical, chemical, and electrical properties of SF6 are more superior to many
of the other media. It has been extensively used during the last 30 years in circuit breakers,
gas-insulated switchgear (GIS), high voltage capacitors, bushings, and gas insulated
transmission lines. In SF6 breakers the contacts are surrounded by low pressure SF6 gas. At
the moment the contacts are opened, a small amount of gas is compressed and forced through
the arc to extinguish it.

Fig7.1:- SF6 Circuit Breaker


A vacuum circuit breaker is such kind of circuit breaker where the arc quenching takes place
in vacuum. The technology is suitable for mainly medium voltage application. For higher
voltage Vacuum technology has been developed but not commercially viable. The operation
of opening and closing of current carrying contacts and associated arc interruption take place
in a vacuum chamber in the breaker which is called vacuum interrupter.

The vacuum interrupter consists of a steel arc chamber in the centre symmetrically arranged
ceramic insulators. The vacuum pressure inside a vacuum interrupter is normally maintained
at10−6 bar.
The material used for current carrying contacts plays an important role in the performance of
the vacuum circuit breaker. CuCr is the most ideal material to make VCB contacts. Vacuum
interrupter technology was first introduced in the year of 1960. But still it is a developing
technology. As time goes on, the size of the vacuum interrupter is being reducing from its
early 1960’s size due to different technical developments in this field of engineering. The
contact geometry is also improving with time, from butt contact of early days it gradually
changes to spiral shape, cup shape and axial magnetic field contact. The vacuum circuit
breaker is today recognized as most reliable current interruption technology for medium
voltage system. It requires minimum maintenance compared to other circuit breaker
Advantages of Vacuum Circuit Breakers:
 Very long lifetime of the contacts (This provides longer breaker life.)
 Less maintenance required
 Less moving parts in mechanism
 Less force needed to separate the contacts (since the distance between them is
 Environment friendly. Since interruption takes place in vacuum medium,
VCBs do not require gas or liquid addition. This reduces the possibility of leakage of
gas (or any material) that can be harmful for environment.


The lightning arrester (or) the lightning conductor is a commonly used device which is used
to protection a substation is essential:
 Protection for transmission line from direct strokes.
 Protections of power station or substation from direct stroke.
 Protection of electrical apparatus against traveling waves.
Effective protection of equipment against direct strokes requires a shield to prevent lighting
from striking the electrical conductor together with adequate drainage facilities over insulated

Lighting arrestor is a device, which protects the overhead lines and other electrical apparatus
viz., transformer from overhead voltages and lighting. When electrostatic induction then the
negative charge is however presented right under the cloud and portion of the line away from
the cloud becomes positively right under the charge on the line does not flow.
The positive charge on the far and flows to the earth through insulators, thus leaving the
negative charge on the line directly under the cloud. Now assume due to the direct discharge
occurring between this clouds and passing by negative charge cloud the charge in the cloud
becomes neutralized, then the charge on the line is no more bound charge and is free to travel
on both direction in the form of waves.
These travelling waves will be of light magnitude and have steep wave form, which can
damage the unprotected equipment connected to the line. These waves are passed to the earth
through the lighting arrestors.
It consist of a isolator in series and connected in such a way that long isolator is in upward
and short isolator is in downward so that initially large potential up to earth is decreased to
1. It should be able to drain the surge energy from the line in a minimum time.
2. Should offer high resistance to the flow of power current.
3. Performance of the arresters should be such that no system disturbances are
introduced by its operation.
4. Should be always in perfect form to perform the function assigned to it.

5. After allowing the surge to pass, it should close up so as not to permit power current
to flow to ground.

The apparatus consists of a long thick rod made up of copper which is a very good conductor
of electricity so that it can allow a large amount of charges to flow through it. This copper rod
passes through the walls of the building. The upper end of the rod is provided with a metal
plate having a number of sharp spikes which are visible at the top of the building while the
lower end is connected to a plate of copper which is deeply buried in the ground so that the
excess of charges is passed to the earth which is a good conductor of electricity and this
process is called "earthing".

Fig8.1:- lightning arrestors on substations

The working of a lightning arrestor can be explained either with a positively charged cloud
Commonly called "male cloud" or with a negatively charged cloud commonly called "female
cloud". Consider a negatively charged cloud which passes over the building with a lightning
Arrestor. Due to the negative charge of the cloud, positive charges are induced to the sharp
spikes which are at the top of the building.
Now, due to the principle of action of points, leakage of the positive charges from the sharp
spikes occurs so that the nearby atoms in the space are ionized into positive and negative
Now, the positive charges in the sharp spikes repel the newly formed positive ions and these
ions try to neutralize the negative charge of the cloud. If the negative charges are not
completely neutralized, these charges due to the attraction of the positive charges in the sharp
spikes are passed through the copper rod to the ground where they are earthed. Thus, the

intensity of lightning can be reduced thus saving the building from its destructive attack. A
lightning conductor can save its surroundings for more than half a kilometer from the attack
of lightning.


Ground wire run over the tower provides an adequate protection against lighting and reduce
the induced electrostatic or electromagnetic voltage but such a shield is inadequate to protect
any traveling wave, which reaches the terminal of the electrical equipment, and such wave
can cause the following damage.
1) The high peak of the surge may cause a flashover in the internal wiring thus it may
spoil the insulation of the winding.
2) The steep wave font may cause internal flash over between their turns of transformer.
The stop wave front resulting into resonance and high voltage may cause internal or
External flashover causing building up the oscillator is the electrical operation.
Lightening arrestor are provided between the line and earth provided the protection against
traveling wave surge the thyrite lightening arrestor are provided at GSS.
This type of LA has a basic cell made of thirties, which is a particular type of clay, mixed
with carborendum. Thirties has a particular property of being insulator one voltage. At high
voltage it will behave like a conducting material the electrical resistance of thirties depends
upon the voltage each time the voltage is made twice the resistance decrease in such a manner
as to allow an increased current of 12.5 times the change in current is independent of rate of
application voltage and its instantaneous value.
The above law is followed by this material without any limit on the voltage increase and after
the surge has passed the thyrite again retains its original property.
One upon each other and they are further placed in to a porcelain container with a suitable
arrangement of gap between them. These gaps serves as the purpose of preventing any
current flow during normal operating voltage in case of nay transients the gap.

These are porcelain or fiberglass insulators that serve to isolate the bus bar switches and other
support structures and to prevent leakage current from flowing through the structure or to
ground. These insulators are similar in function to other insulators used in substations and
transmission poles and towers.

Fig9.1:- Bus Support Insulators

These in a string can be changed out without replacing the entire string. An insulator type
usually made of porcelain that can be stacked in a string and hangs from a cross arm on a
tower or pole and supports the line conductor.
Suspension insulators are used for very high voltage systems when it is not practical or safe
to use other types of insulators. They have an advantage in that one or more of the insulators.
Suspension type disk are used 11kv each per disk. Like 66kv lines for using six disk of
suspension type insulators.

Fig9.2:- Suspension insulators
Make DLF245NC2
Year 1981-82
Motor voltage 220 V DC
Rated voltage 420 KV
Rated current 2000 A
Rated short time current 55 KA/3sec
Rated mechanism term load 1630 Kg

Table 9.3:- Rating of Air Break Insulators

Control panels contain meters, control switches and recorders located in the control building,
also called a doghouse. These are used to control the substation equipment, to send power
from one circuit to another or to open or to shut down circuits when needed.

Fig10.1:- Substation control panel

There is a hinged panel mounted on the end of a control board to take out new supply. On bus
bar we have the synchronies and fee the synchrnoscope zero on this bus bar.
The voltage can be checked by voltmeter the function of synchronoscope is to indicate phase
and frequently voltage of bus bar and incoming feeder voltage of bus bar and incoming
feeder voltage supply.

A syncronoscope is used to determine the correct instance of closing the switch with connect
the new supply to bus bar the correct instance of synchronizing is indicated when bus bar and
incoming voltage.
1) Are equal in magnitude
2) Are equal in phase
3) Have the same frequency.
4) The phase sequence is same.
The voltage can be checked by voltmeter the function of synchronoscope is to indicate phase
and frequently voltage of bus bar and incoming feeder voltage of bus bar and incoming
feeder voltage supply.

In the control room the announciator the most compact in which probable faults at different
feeders and different feeders and different zone have written to inform the bulb behind the
structure when some faults is announciator auxiliary relay. Relay’s first signal trip the circuit
breaker and signal goes to the auxiliary trip the relay, the relay send the signal to the
announciator which give alarm and bulb is lighting up in front of the type of fault occurred.
1. ENERGY METER: To measure the energy transmitted energy meters are fitted to the
panel to different feeders the energy transmitted is recorded after one hour regularly
for it MWHr meter is provided.
2. WATTMETERS: Wattmeter’s are attached to each feeder to record the power
exported form GSS.
3. FREQUENCY METER: To measure the frequency at each feeder there is the
provision of analog or digital frequency meter.
4. VOLTMETER: It is provided to measure the phase-to-phase voltage. It is also
available in both the forms analog as well as digital.
5. KA METER: It is provided to measure the line current. It is also available in both the
forms analog as well as digital.

6. MAXIMUM DEMAND INDICATOR: These are also mounted on the control panel
to record the average power over successive predetermined period.
7. MVAR METER: It is to measure the reactive power of the circuit.
8. COSФ METERS: To indicate the power factor of the power being transferred or
imported. These meters are provided on various panels.

Every electrical equipment needs portion the house wiring is protected by the fuses. Modern
generators are protected by complex protective schemes. The choice of protection depends
upon several aspects such as type and rating of protective equipments.
The location of relay is very important the protective relay may protect the concerned
equipment from the abnormal operating condition develops in protective relaying of that
equipment sense the abnormal condition and initiates the alarm and close the trip circuit of
CB and isolate the equipment from the supply.
The relays are compact self-contained device, which respond to an abnormal condition
whenever and abnormal condition is developed. The relay close their contacts thereby the trip
circuit of CB is closed current from the battery supply flows in the trip circuit [coil] of
breaker and breaker opens and the faulty part is disconnected from the supply.
Besides relays and CB there are several components in relaying schemes these includes
potential transformer protective fine relay time delay relay auxiliary relay secondary circuit
and accessories each equipment is important in protection relying in team work of their

Fig11.1:- Substation Relay panel

1. The function of protection relaying scheme includes following.
2. To sound an alarm or close the trip coil of CB to disconnect the equipment in
abnormal condition, which includes overload under voltage temperature rise,
unbalanced load reserve power under frequency short circuit.
3. To disconnect the abnormally operating part to prevent subsequent fault as over load
protection of machine and prevent machine failure.

4. To disconnect the faulty part if a machine is connecte4d immediately after a winding
fault only a few coil may need replacement.
5. To realize the effect of fault by disconnecting faulty part from healthy part causing
least disturbance to the healthy replacement.
6. To disconnect the faulty part quickly to improve the system stability service condition
and system performance.
The component of a substation which are provided with the protection schemes are:
1. Power transformer.
2. Transmission line feeder.
3. Bus bars.
4. Shunt capacitor banks.


A power transformer is subjected to following faults
1. Over load and external short circuit.
2. Terminal fault
3. Winding fault
4. Incipient fault.
Winding and oil temperature indicator with alarm and trip contacts are provided. As soon as
the temperature of winding and oil exceed the predetermined value of contacts are bridged
reaches the spot valve the transformer is tripped the different protection which are provided
to a power transformer are
1. Buchholz relay
2. Over current and earth fault
3. Differential protection
4. Frame leakage protection


This relay is used for the protection of the transformer and is based upon the principle of a
gas operated relay since any internal fault inside the transformer will evaporate the oil due
top intense heat generated by short circuit current and will generate gases.
This type of relay can be fitted only to the transformers, which are equipped with conservator
tank and the main tank i.e. in the transformer pipe connecting. The two relays consists of an
oil cum tuner with the two internal floats which operates and Accurate mercury switches,
which are in turn connected to external to the external alarm and to the tripping circuit.
Fig11.2:- Internal structure of Buchholz Relay

The relay is normally full of oil and floats remain engaged in seat due to buoyancy and floats
are made aluminium each one has a counter weight, which has mild steel coated with nickel.
The relay is also useful in indicating any loss of oil that a transformer may suffer because
heat loss of oil will cause oil level to drop the top float will indicate it by dropping and
shorting the alarm contact and if the oil level keeps on falling the lower float will affected
and will close the trip circuit of transformer.

The alarm circuit is made these by going a warning bell is advanced that a serious fault is
developing inside. The tank occurs the volume of gas generated is considerable which is
moving through the relay because the gas surge flap valve to be defected. There by close the
mercury contact switch and energizing the trip coil of CB and isolate the transformer from
the supply sample for analysis if gas from the top valve.


These protection schemes are provided against external short circuit and excessive load.
Commonly the over current and earth fault protection is provided on the front side of
transformer and is made to trip both HV and LV breaker.
These protections serve only as backup protection both for transformer internal and external
fault. The over current relay has a single element for each phase and earth fault has a single
element the connection for restricted earth fault protection on one winding of transformer
with a similar scheme.
For a star connected winding three lines current transformer is balanced against a CT the
neutral connection. In case of delta connected winding the three lines CT are parallel and

connected to across the earth fault relay some of them same in CT is used for over current
protection as well as earth fault protection.
This protection is known as tank protection. The transformer is lightly insulated from earth
by mounting it on a concrete plinth. The transformer tank is connected to earth fault relays.
Earth fault current due to insulation failure in any winding of the transformer will flow to
transformer elegizes here two relay operates.
For the differential protection, different relay is used. Different protection scheme compares
quality derived from the input and output current of the protected circuit in such a way that
all the healthy system and protection in operative while for fault condition the balance is
disturbed and the protection operated.
The protection has many advantage over other protection over other protections the flash over
at the bushing are not adequately covered by other protective scheme also unless it. Involves
ground the differential relay scheme delete such fault and also on the lead between the CB
and power transformer provided. The current transformer are separately mounted and not in
the transformer bushing. In case of every serve internal faults differential faults differential
relay operates faster than the bucholz’s relay this control the external damages.
The differential damage protection response to phase to phase faults within the protection
zone. This generally comprises all equipments and connection between ct and all side of
transformer. It provides protection against turn to turn faults also. It operates on the principle
of the circulating current by comprising current in various winding through the media of CT’s
the ratio and connection of the CT’s on various winding shown that secondary current are
equal in magnitude and phase in normal condition.

The protection scheme for transmission lines is differential relaying.
In this type of relaying 6 pivot conductors would be required one for each phase CT and one
for neutral connection and two for the trip circuit but this scheme is costlier. A modified
scheme is applicable only on parallel feeder. In this scheme the secondary current from CT’s
on the two circuits at the same end is compared. Under normal condition, each line will carry
equal current. In the event of fault the balance is disturbed that is why relay trips the CB.
These relays are used for the over current and earth fault of high voltage 132,220 KV sides.
This consists of main and backup scheme at standby. As carrier current protection of short
distance impedance, reactance and pilot relay for long short and very short distance

In PLCC the higher mechanical strength and insulation level of high voltage power lines
result in increased reliability of communication and lower attenuation over long distances.
Since telephone communication system cannot be directly connected to the high voltage
lines, suitably designed coupling devices have therefore to be employed. These usually
consist of high voltage capacitor with potential devices used in conjunction with suitable line
matching units(LMU’s) for matching the impedance of line to that of the coaxial cable
connecting the unit to the PLC transmit-receive equipment.
Also the carrier currents used for communication have to be prevented from entering the
power equipment used in G.S.S as this would result in high attenuation or even complete loss
of communication signals when earthed at isolator. To prevent this loss, wave traps or line
traps are employed. These consist of suitably designed choke coils connected in series with
line, which offers negligible impedance to RF carrier current.
As electronics plays a vital role in the industrial growth, communication is also a backbone of
any power station, communication between various generating and receiving station is very
essential for proper operation of power system. This is more so in case of a large
interconnected system where a control lead dispatch station has to coordinate the working of
various units to see that the system is maintained in the optimum working condition, power
line communication is the most econ90mical and reliable method of communication for
medium and long distance in power network

Fig12.1:- Power line carrier schematic

Fig12.2:- Power line carrier communication System

Fig12.3:- Power line carrier device in control house

1. Wave Trap
2. Coupling Capacitor
3. Drainage coil
4. Voltage arrester
5. Ground switch
6. Matching transformer
7. Tuning capacitor
8. Vacuum arrester

The carrier energy on the transmission line must be directed toward the remote line terminal
and not toward the station bus, and it must be isolated from bus impedance variations. This
task is performed by the line trap is usually a form of a parallel resonant circuit which is
tuned to the carrier energy frequency. A parallel resonant circuit has a high impedance at its
tuned frequency, and it then causes most of the carrier energy to flow toward the remote line
terminal. The coil of the line trap provides a low impedance path for the flow of the power
frequency energy. Since the power flow is rather large at times, the coil used in a line trap
must be large in terms of physical size.
Once the carrier energy line, any control of the signal has been given over to nature until it
reaches the other end. During the process of traveling to the other end the signal is attenuated,
and also noise from the environment is added to the same way that it was coupled at the
transmitting terminal. The signal is then sent to the receivers in the control house via the
coaxial cable.

Fig12.4:- WAVE TRAP

The coupling capacitor is used as part of the tuning circuit. The capacitor is a device which
provides low impedance path for the carrier energy to the high voltage line and at the same
time, it blocks the power frequency current by being a high impedance path at those
frequencies. It can perform it’s function of dropping line voltage across it’s capacitance if the
low voltage end is at ground potential. Since it is desirable to connect the line tuner output to
for the carrier signal and low impedance path for the power frequency current.
This device is an inductor and it is called a drain coil. The coupling capacitor and drain coil
circuit are shown in diagram.
Fig12.5:- Coupling Capacitor and Drain Coil Combination
The drainage coil has a pondered iron core that serves to ground the power frequency
charging to appear in the output of the unit. The coarse voltage arrester consists of an air gap,
which sparks over at about 2KV and protects the matching units against line surge.
The grounding switch is kept open during normal operation and is closed if any-thing is to be
done on the communication equipment without interruption to power flow on the line.
The LMU which consist of the matching transformer and tuning capacitors indicated above,
is tailor-made to suit the individual requirements of the coupling equipment and is generally
tuned to a wide band of carrier frequencies (100-450 KHz typical).


1. No separate wires are needed for communication purpose as the power lines
themselves carry power as well as the communication signals. Hence the cost of
constructing separate telephone line is saved.
2. When compared with ordinary lines the power lines have appreciably higher
mechanical strength. They would normally remain unaffected under the condition
which might seriously damage telephone lines.
3. Power lines usually provide the shortest route between the power station.
4. Power lines have large cross-sectional area resulting in very low resistance per unit
length. Consequently the carrier signal suffers lesser attenuation than when travel on
usual telephone lines of equal lengths.
5. Power lines are well insulated to provide negligible leakage between conductors and
ground even in adverse weather conditions.

6. Largest spacing between conductors reduces capacitance which results in smaller
attenuation at high frequencies. The large spacing also reduces the cross talk to a
considerable extent.
1. Proper care has to be taken to guard carrier equipment and persons using them against
high voltage and currents on the line.
2. Reflection are produced on spur lines connected to high voltage lines. This increases
attenuation and create other problems.
3. High voltage lines have transformer connections, which attenuate carrier currents.
Sub-station equipment adversely affect the carrier current noise introduced by power
lines is much more than in case of telephone lines. This due to the noise generated by
discharge across insulators, corona and switching processes.




The provision of an earthling system for an electric system is necessary by the following
1. In the event of over voltage on the system due to lightening discharge or other system
fault. These part of equipment which are normally dead as for as voltage, are
concerned do not attain dangerously high potential.
2. In a three phase, circuit the neutral of the system is earthed in order to stabilize the
potential of circuit with respect to earth.
The resistance of earthling system is depending on
1. Shape and material of earth electrode used.
2. Depth in the soil
3. Specific resistance of soil surrounding in the neighborhood of system electrodes.


Technical consideration the current carrying path should have enough capacity to deal with
more fault current. The resistance of earth and current path should be low enough to prevent
voltage rise between earth and neutral. Main earthling system must be separate from earthling
for lightening protection. The earth electrode must be drive ion to the ground to a sufficient
depth to as to obtain lower value of earth resistance. To sufficient lowered earth resistance a
number of electrodes are inserted in electrode must be drive ion to the ground to a sufficient
depth to as to obtain lower value of earth resistance. To sufficient lowered earth resistance a
number of electrodes are inserted in the earth to a depth they are connected together to form a
The resistance of earth should be for the mesh in generally inserted in the earth at 0.5m depth
the several point of mesh then connected to earth electrode or ground connection. The earth
electrode is metal plate copper is used for Earth plate.
High voltage transmission lines are carried out on lattice structure, which are grounded with
one or more grounding rods driven vertically at the surface. When earth resistivity is high and
Driven rod id not adequate the remedy is bury the wire in earth and connect it to the lower
footing. The wire may run parallel or at some angle to the time conductor is called as counter
These wires are supported on the top of substation structure each top is connected to earthling
system by galvanized iron earthling strips, cover entire switchyard.
Neutral earthling of power transformer all power system operates with grounded neutral.
Grounding of neutral offers several advantages the neutral point of generator transformer is
connected to earth directly or through a reactance in some cases the neutral points is earthed
through is adjustable reactor of reactance matched with the line. The earthling is one of the
most important features of system design for switchgear protection neutral grounding is
important because:
1) The earth fault protection is based on the method of neutral earthling.
2) The neutral earthling is associated switch gear.
3) The neutral earthling is provided for the purpose of protection arcing grounds
unbalanced voltages with respect to protection from lightening and for improvement
of system.
Merits of neutral of neutral earthling
1) Arcing grounding is reduced.
2) Voltage of heating with respect to earth remains at harmless value they don’t increase
to root 3 times of the normal value.
3) The life of insulation is long due to prevention of voltage surges or sustained over

4) Suitable neutral point.

5) The earth fault relaying is relatively simple useful amount of earth fault current is
available to operate earth fault relay.
6) The over voltage due to lightening are discharged to earth.
7) By employing resistance reactance in earth connection the earth fault can be

Direct current can be obtained from 220volt 3 phase ac supply via rectifier and in event of a
failure, from the fixed batteries, which are kept, charged in normal condition by rectifier
supply.In a GSS, separate dc supply is maintained for signaling remote position control,
alarm circuit etc.

Fig14.1:- Battery Room

A VRLA battery (valve-regulated lead–acid battery) more commonly known as a sealed
battery is a lead–acid rechargeable battery. Because of their construction, VRLA batteries do
not require regular addition of water to the cells, and vent less gas than flooded lead-acid
batteries. The reduced venting is an advantage since they can be used in confined or poorly
ventilated spaces. But sealing cells and preventing access to the electrolyte also has several
considerable disadvantages as discussed below.
VRLA batteries are commonly further classified as:
 Absorbed glass mat (AGM) battery
 Gel battery ("gel cell")
An absorbed glass mat battery has the electrolyte absorbed in a fiber-glass mat separator.

A gelcell has the electrolyte mixed with silica dust to form an immobilized gel. While these
batteries are often colloquially called sealed lead–acid batteries, they always include a safety
pressure relief valve.

As opposed to vented (also called flooded) batteries, a VRLA cannot spill its electrolyte if it
is inverted. Because AGM VRLA batteries use much less electrolyte (battery acid) than
traditional lead–acid batteries, they are sometimes called an "acid-starved" design.
The name "valve regulated" does not wholly describe the technology. These are really
"recombinant" batteries, which means thatthe oxygen evolved at the positive plates will
largely recombine with the hydrogen ready to evolve on the negative plates, creating water
and preventing water loss.
The valve is a safety feature in case the rate of hydrogen evolution becomes dangerously
high. In flooded cells, the gases escape before they can recombine, so water must be
periodically added.


Training at 220KV GSS KUNDA KI DHANI,AMBER, Jaipur gives the insight of the real
instruments used. There are many instruments like transformer, CT, PT, CVT, LA, relay,
PLCC, bus bars, capacitor bank, insulator, isolators, control room, Battery room etc. What is
the various problem seen in substation while handling this instruments. There are various
occasion when relay operate and circuit breaker open, load shedding, shut down, which has
been heard previously.
To get insight of the substation, how things operate, how things manage all is learned there.
Practical training as a whole proved to be extremely informative and experience building and
the things learnt at it would definitely help a lot in snapping the future ahead a better way.


1. Instruction manual of instrument transformer (TELK instrument transformer)
provided by R.V.P.N.L.
2. Instruction manual of Lighting Arresters (LAMCO’S metal oxide surge arrester
morester) provided by R.V.P.N.L.A
3. Text-book of ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY ( AC and DE machines) by B.L.
4. A Text-book of POWER SYSTEM by V.K. Mehta
5. C. L. Wadhwa “Electrical Power System”.
6. B.R. Gupta / A Text Book of Electrical Technology Vol. II / Chapter 32/
Transformer/ Page No. 1116-1120.
7. Sunil S. Rao / Switch Gear Protection and Power Systems / Chapter 33/
8. Protection of Transformer/ Page No. 826-830.


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