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MODULE G ALS FLEX Course Material

Introduce the basic
terminology of differential
Formulate differential
equations by eliminating
arbitrary constants of a
given solution.
Examine how differential
equations arise in an
attempt to describe or
model physical
phenomena in
mathematical terms.

❑ Definitions and Terminologies

❑ Elimination of Arbitrary Constants
❑ Family of Curves

Prepared by:
Joseph D. Retumban, ChE, MS EnE
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Department Chair – General Engineering

Elimination of Arbitrary
If we are given a general solution of a differential equation, we can easily
obtain the corresponding DE using the following rules.

Rule 1: Differentiate the general solution n times, where n is the

number of arbitrary constants to be eliminated.
Rule 2: The resulting differential equation is an nth order DE,
where n is the number of arbitrary constants.
Rule 3: The resulting differential equation should be free from
arbitrary constants.

Example: Find the corresponding differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary

constants in the given general solution.

1. y = c1 x 2 + c2 x + c3

Determine first the number of arbitrary constants: n = 3 (AC: c1, c2, and c3)

Differentiate the general solution 3 times (Rule 1).

y = c1 x 2 + c2 x + c3

y ′ = c1 2x + c2 1 + 0
y ′ = 2c1 x + c2

y ′′ = 2c1 1 + 0
y ′′ = 2c1

y ′′′ = 0

After Rule 1, check if the order of the DE is the same as the number of arbitrary constants
(Rule 2).

Since n = 3, the DE should be 3rd order.

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y ′′′ = 0 is a 3rd order DE.

Elimination of Arbitrary
Example: Find the corresponding differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary

constants in the given general solution.

1. y = c1 x 2 + c2 x + c3

After Rule 2, check if the DE is free from arbitrary constants (Rule 3).

y ′′′ = 0 does not contain any arbitrary constants.

Therefore, the DE is y ′′′ = 0.

2. y = ax + bx 2

Determine first the number of arbitrary constants: n = 2 (AC: a and b)

Differentiate the general solution 2 times (Rule 1).

y = ax + bx 2

y ′ = a 1 + b 2x
y ′ = a + 2bx

y ′′ = 0 + 2b 1
y ′′ = 2b

After Rule 1, check if the order of the DE is the same as the number of arbitrary constants
(Rule 2).

Since n = 2, the DE should be 2nd order.

y ′′ = 2b is a 2nd order DE.

After Rule 2, check if the DE is free from arbitrary constants (Rule 3).

y ′′ = 2b still has 1 arbitrary constant.

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Therefore, y ′′ = 2b is not yet the DE that we want. We still need to eliminate the remaining
arbitrary constant.

Elimination of Arbitrary
Example: Find the corresponding differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary

constants in the given general solution.

2. y = ax + bx 2

y ′′ = 2b (eliminate b)

What do we have from the previous calculations?

y = ax + bx 2 Equation (1)

y ′ = a + 2bx Equation (2)

y ′′ = 2b Equation (3)

Substitute Equation (3) to Equation (2).

y ′ = a + 2bx
y ′ = a + 𝑦′′ x

y ′ = a + xy′′ Equation (4)

From Equation (4), solve for a.

y ′ = a + xy′′
y ′ − xy ′′ = a

a = y ′ − xy′′ Equation (5)

From Equation (3), solve for b.

y ′′ = 2b
y′′ 2b
2 2
b= Equation (6)
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Elimination of Arbitrary
Example: Find the corresponding differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary

constants in the given general solution.

2. y = ax + bx 2

Substitute Equations (5) and (6) to Equation (1).

y = ax + bx 2 Equation (1)

a = y ′ − xy′′ Equation (5)

b= Equation (6)

y = ax + bx 2

y′′ 2
y = y ′ − xy′′ x + x
x 2 y′′
y= xy ′ − x 2 y ′′ +
x 2 y′′ (Multiply both sides by 2 to eliminate
2 y = xy ′ − x 2 y ′′ + 2 the denominator)
x 2 y′′
2y = 2xy ′ − 2x 2 y ′′ + 2
2y = 2xy ′ − 2x 2 y ′′ + x 2 y′′
2y = 2xy ′ − 2x 2 y ′′ + x 2 y′′ (Combine like terms)
2y = 2xy ′ − x 2 y′′ (Rearrange the terms)
x 2 y ′′ − 2xy ′ + 2y = 0

Check Rule 2 and Rule 3 again for the solved DE: x 2 y ′′ − 2xy ′ + 2y = 0
❑ Is the DE of 2nd order? Yes!

❑ Is there any arbitrary constants left in the DE? None!

Therefore, the DE is x 2 y ′′ − 2xy ′ + 2y = 0.

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Elimination of Arbitrary
Example: Find the corresponding differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary

constants in the given general solution.

3. y = Ae2x + Be−3x

Determine first the number of arbitrary constants: n = 2 (AC: A and B)

Differentiate the general solution 2 times (Rule 1).

y = Ae2x + Be−3x

y ′ = A e2x 2 + B e−3x −3
y ′ = 2Ae2x − 3Be−3x

y ′′ = 2A e2x 2 − 3B e−3x −3
y ′′ = 4Ae2x + 9Be−3x

After Rule 1, check if the order of the DE is the same as the number of arbitrary constants
(Rule 2).

Since n = 2, the DE should be 2nd order.

y ′′ = 4Ae2x + 9Be−3x is a 2nd order DE.

After Rule 2, check if the DE is free from arbitrary constants (Rule 3).

y ′′ = 4Ae2x + 9Be−3x still has 2 arbitrary constants.

Therefore, y ′′ = 4Ae2x + 9Be−3x is not yet the DE that we want. We still need to eliminate
the remaining arbitrary constant.

y ′′ = 4Ae2x + 9Be−3x (eliminate A and B)

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Elimination of Arbitrary
Example: Find the corresponding differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary

constants in the given general solution.

3. y = Ae2x + Be−3x

What do we have from the previous calculations?

y = Ae2x + Be−3x Equation (1)

y ′ = 2Ae2x − 3Be−3x Equation (2)

y ′′ = 4Ae2x + 9Be−3x Equation (3)

Take Equations (2) and (3) and eliminate A.

2 y ′ = 2Ae2x − 3Be−3x 2 2y ′ = 4Ae2x − 6Be−3x

− ′′
y ′′ = 4Ae2x + 9Be−3x y = 4Ae2x + 9Be−3x

2y ′ − y ′′ = −15Be−3x Equation (4)

Take Equations (2) and (3) and eliminate B.

3 y ′ = 2Ae2x − 3Be−3x 3 3y ′ = 6Ae2x − 9Be−3x

y ′′ = 4Ae2x + 9Be−3x y ′′ = 4Ae2x + 9Be−3x

3y ′ + y ′′ = 10Ae2x Equation (5)

From Equation (4), solve for Be-3x.

2y ′ − y ′′ = −15Be−3x
2y ′ − y ′′ −15Be−3x
−15 −15

2y − y ′′
= Be−3x
2y ′ − y ′′
Be = Equation (6)
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Elimination of Arbitrary
Example: Find the corresponding differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary

constants in the given general solution.

3. y = Ae2x + Be−3x

From Equation (5), solve for Ae2x.

3y ′ + y ′′ = 10Ae2x
3y ′ + y ′′ 10Ae2x
10 10
3y ′ + y ′′
= Ae2x
3y ′ + y ′′
Ae =
Equation (7)

Substitute Equations (6) and (7) to Equation (1).

y = Ae2x + Be−3x Equation (1)

2y ′ − y ′′
Be−3x =
Equation (6)
3y ′ + y ′′
Ae2x =
10 Equation (7)

y = Ae2x + Be−3x

3y ′ + y ′′ 2y ′ − y ′′
y= +
10 −15

3y ′ + y ′′ 2y ′ − y ′′ (Multiply both sides by 30 to eliminate

30 y = + 30 the denominator)
10 −15
30 30
30y = 3y ′ + y ′′ + 2y ′ − y′′
10 −15
30y = 3 3y ′ + y′′ − 2 2y ′ − y′′
30y = 9y′ + 3y ′′ − 4y ′ + 2y′′ (Combine like terms)

30y = 5y + 5y′′
30y 5y ′ + 5y′′
= (Simplify)
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5 5

6y = y + y′′
y ′′ + y ′ − 6y = 0 (Rearrange the terms)

Elimination of Arbitrary
Example: Find the corresponding differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary

constants in the given general solution.

3. y = Ae2x + Be−3x

Check Rule 2 and Rule 3 again for the solved DE: y ′′ + y ′ − 6y = 0

❑ Is the DE of 2nd order? Yes!

❑ Is there any arbitrary constants left in the DE? None!

Therefore, the DE is y ′′ + y ′ − 6y = 0.

Example: Find the corresponding differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary

constants in the given general solution.

4. x−a 2 + y 2 = a2

Determine first the number of arbitrary constants: n = 1 (AC: a)

Differentiate the general solution 1 time (Rule 1).

x−a 2 + y 2 = a2 (use implicit differentiation)

2 x − a 1 − 0 + 2yy ′ = 0
2 x − a + 2yy ′ = 0
2 x − a + 2yy′ 0
2 2

x − a + yy = 0

After Rule 1, check if the order of the DE is the same as the number of arbitrary constants
(Rule 2).

Since n = 1, the DE should be 1st order.

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x − a + yy ′ = 0 is a 1st order DE.

Elimination of Arbitrary
Example: Find the corresponding differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary

constants in the given general solution.

4. x−a 2 + y 2 = a2

After Rule 2, check if the DE is free from arbitrary constants (Rule 3).
x − a + yy ′ = 0 still has 1 arbitrary constant.

Therefore, x − a + yy ′ = 0 is not yet the DE that we want. We still need to eliminate the
remaining arbitrary constant.

x − a + yy ′ = 0 (eliminate a)

What do we have from the previous calculations?

x−a 2 + y 2 = a2 Equation (1)

x − a + yy ′ = 0 Equation (2)

From Equation (2), solve for x − a .

x − a + yy ′ = 0

x − a = −yy′ Equation (3)

Also, from Equation (2), solve for a.

x − a + yy ′ = 0

x − a + yy ′ = 0

x + yy ′ = a

a = x + yy′ Equation (4)

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Elimination of Arbitrary
Example: Find the corresponding differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary

constants in the given general solution.

4. x−a + y 2 = a2

Substitute Equations (3) and (4) into Equation (1).

x−a 2 + y 2 = a2 Equation (1)

x − a = −yy′ Equation (3)

a = x + yy′ Equation (4)

x−a 2 + y 2 = a2

−yy ′ 2 + y 2 = x + yy ′ 2

y2 𝑦′ 2 + 𝑦 2 = 𝑥 2 + 2xyy ′ + y 2 𝑦 ′ 2

y2 y′ 2 + y 2 = x 2 + 2xyy ′ + y 2 𝑦 ′ 2 (Combine like terms)

y 2 = x 2 + 2xyy′
x 2 − y 2 + 2xyy ′ = 0 (Rearrange the terms)

Check Rule 2 and Rule 3 again for the solved DE: x 2 − y 2 + 2xyy ′ = 0

❑ Is the DE of 1st order? Yes!

❑ Is there any arbitrary constants left in the DE? None!

Therefore, the DE is x 2 − y 2 + 2xyy ′ = 0.

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Elimination of Arbitrary
Example: Find the corresponding differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary

constants in the given general solution.

5. x t = A cos ωt + α , where ω is a parameter not to be eliminated.

Determine first the number of arbitrary constants: n = 2 (AC: A and α)

Parameter: ω

Differentiate the general solution 2 times (Rule 1).

x t = A cos ωt + α

x′ t = A −sin ωt + α ω+0
x ′ t = −A sin ωt + α ω
x ′ t = −Aω sin ωt + α

x ′′ t = −Aω cos ωt + α ω+0

x ′′ t = −Aω cos ωt + α ω
x ′′ t = −Aω2 cos ωt + α

After Rule 1, check if the order of the DE is the same as the number of arbitrary constants
(Rule 2).

Since n = 2, the DE should be 2nd order.

x ′′ t = −Aω2 cos ωt + α is a 2nd order DE.

After Rule 2, check if the DE is free from arbitrary constants (Rule 3).

x ′′ t = −Aω2 cos ωt + α still has 2 arbitrary constants.

Therefore, x ′′ t = −Aω2 cos ωt + α is not yet the DE that we want. We still need to
eliminate the remaining arbitrary constant.
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x ′′ t = −Aω2 cos ωt + α (eliminate A and ω)

Elimination of Arbitrary
Example: Find the corresponding differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary

constants in the given general solution.

5. x t = A cos ωt + α , where ω is a parameter not to be eliminated.

What do we have from the previous calculations?

x t = A cos ωt + α (Equation 1)

x ′ t = −Aω sin ωt + α (Equation 2)

x ′′ t = −Aω2 cos ωt + α (Equation 3)

Rearranging Equation (3), we have

x ′′ t = −Aω2 cos ωt + α
x ′′ t = −ω2 Acos ωt + α

Substituting Equation (1) gives

x ′′ t = −ω2 Acos ωt + α
x ′′ t = −ω2 x t
x ′′ t + ω2 x t = 0

Check Rule 2 and Rule 3 again for the solved DE: x ′′ t + ω2 x t = 0

❑ Is the DE of 2nd order? Yes!

❑ Is there any arbitrary constants left in the DE? None!

Therefore, the DE is x ′′ t + ω2 x t = 0.

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Elimination of Arbitrary

In each of the following, find the ODE by eliminating the arbitrary constants.

1. y = x + aex + be−x

2. cy 2 = x 2 + y
3. y = cx + c 2 + 1

4. y = Ae2x + Bxe2x

5. x = c1 cos ωt + c2 sin ωt , where ω is a parameter

6. y = c1 eax cos bx + c2 eax sin bx , where a and b are parameters

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Family of Curves

An equation involving a parameter, as well as one or both of the coordinates of a

point in a plane, may represent a family of curves, one curve corresponding to each
value of the parameter.


1. y = mx + m

The equation represents a family of straight lines with slope and y-intercept equal.

For m = 1: y = x + 1
For m = 2: y = 2x + 2

For m = 5: y = 5x + 5

For m = -3: y = −3x − 3

If the constant m is treated as an

arbitrary constant and is eliminated, the
result is called the differential equation of
the family represented by the equation
y = mx + m.

Solve the corresponding differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary constant.

y = mx + m (1 AC: m)
y′ = m

y = mx + m
y = 𝑦′ x + y ′
y = xy ′ + y ′
xy ′ + y ′ − y = 0
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x + 1 y′ − y = 0

Family of Curves


2. x−1 2 + y−2 2 = a2

The equation represents the family of circles with center at (1, 2) and radius a.

For a = 1: x − 1 2+ y − 2 2 =1

For a = 2: x−1 2 + y−2 2 =4

For a = 4: x−1 2 + y−2 2 = 16

Solve the corresponding differential a=1
equation by eliminating the arbitrary

x−1 2 + y−2 2 = a2 (1 AC: a)

2 x − 1 1 − 0 + 2 y − 2 y′ − 0 = 0

2 x − 1 + 2 y − 2 y′ = 0
2 x − 1 + 2 y − 2 y′ 0
2 2

x−1 + y−2 y = 0

In finding the differential equation of a family of curves, the following steps can be
taken as a guide:

1. Start the solution by writing the equation of the given curve (i.e. line, circle, parabola,
ellipse, hyperbola, etc.)

2. Rewrite the equation by incorporating the given conditions. These conditions will
decrease the count of the arbitrary constants in the equation of the curve.

3. Get the differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary constants.

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Family of Curves

Equations of Some Curves

LINE: Ax + By + C = 0
y = mx + b

y − y1 = m x − x1
x y
+ =1
a b

CIRCLE: x−h 2 + y−k 2 = r2

PARABOLA: x−h 2 = ±4a y − k

y−k = ±4a x − h

x−h 2 y−k 2
+ =1
ELLIPSE: a2 b2
2 2
y−k x−h
+ =1
a2 b2

2 2
x−h y−k
− =1

2 2
y−k x−h
− =1
a2 b2
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Family of Curves


In each of the following problems, find the differential equation which has the given family of
integral curves.

1. Family of lines that passes through the origin.

Rule 1: Write the equation of the given curve.

Curve: Line

y = mx + b (2 AC: m and b)

Rule 2: Incorporate the given conditions.

Condition: The line passes through the origin, (0, 0).

y = mx + b

0=m 0 +b


y = mx + 0

y = mx (1AC: m)

Rule 3: Eliminate the arbitrary constants.

y = mx
y′ = m

y = mx

y = y′ x
y = xy′

xy ′ − y = 0

x −y=0
dx x − y = 0 dx
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x dy − y dx = 0

Family of Curves


In each of the following problems, find the differential equation which has the given family of
integral curves.

2. Family of circles of radius 1 unit.

Rule 1: Write the equation of the given curve.

Curve: Circle

x−h 2 + y−k 2 = r2 (3 AC: h, k and r)

Rule 2: Incorporate the given conditions.

Condition: The circle has radius 1 unit.

2 2
x−h + y−k = r2
2 2 2
x−h + y−k = 1
2 2
x−h + y−k =1 (2 AC: h and k)

Rule 3: Eliminate the arbitrary constants.

2 2
x−h + y−k =1 (Equation 1)

2 x − h 1 − 0 + 2 y − k y′ − 0 = 0

2 x − h + 2 y − k y′ = 0
2 x − h + 2 y − k y′ 0
2 2
x − h + y − k y′ = 0 (First derivative)

1 − 0 + y − k y ′′ + y ′ y ′ − 0 = 0

1 + y − k y ′′ + y ′ 2 =0 (Second derivative)

x − h + y − k y′ = 0 (Equation 2)

1 + y − k y ′′ + y ′ 2
=0 (Equation 3)
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Family of Curves


In each of the following problems, find the differential equation which has the given family of
integral curves.

2. Family of circles of radius 1 unit.

Rule 3: Eliminate the arbitrary constants.

x−h 2 + y−k 2 =1 (Equation 1)

x − h + y − k y′ = 0 (Equation 2)

1 + y − k y ′′ + y ′ 2
=0 (Equation 3)

From Equation 3, solve for y − k .

1 + y − k y ′′ + y ′ 2

y − k y ′′ = −1 − y ′ 2

y − k y ′′ −1 − y ′ 2
y ′′ y′′
−1 − y ′ 2
y−k =
1 + y′ 2
(Equation 4)
y−k = −

From Equation 2, solve for x − h .

x − h + y − k y′ = 0

x − h = − y − k y′

1 + y′ 2
x−h =− − y′
y ′′
1 + y′ 2
x−h = y′ (Equation 5)
y ′′
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Family of Curves


In each of the following problems, find the differential equation which has the given family of
integral curves.

2. Family of circles of radius 1 unit.

Rule 3: Eliminate the arbitrary constants.

x−h 2 + y−k 2 =1 (Equation 1)

1 + y′ 2
y−k = − (Equation 4)
1 + y′ 2
x−h = y′ (Equation 5)
y ′′

Substitute Equations 4 and 5 to Equation 1 to eliminate h and k.

2 2
x−h + y−k =1
2 2 2
1 + y′ 2

1 + y′
y + − =1
y ′′ y ′′
1 + y′ 2 2
1 + y′ 2 2
y′ 2 + =1
y ′′ 2 y ′′ 2
1 + y′ 2 2
1 + y′ 2 2
y ′′ 2 y′ 2 + = 1 y ′′ 2
y ′′ 2 y ′′ 2
1 + y′ 2 2
y′ 2
+ 1 + y′ 2 2
= y ′′ 2

1 + y′ 2 2
y′ 2
+ 1 = y ′′ 2

1 + y′ 2 3 = y ′′ 2

y ′′ 2 − 1 + y′ 2 3 =0
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Family of Curves


In each of the following problems, find the differential equation which has the given family of
integral curves.

3. Family of horizontal parabolas with vertices at the origin.

Rule 1: Write the equation of the given curve.

Curve: Parabola (horizontal)

y−k 2 = ±4a x − h (3 AC: h, k and a)

Rule 2: Incorporate the given conditions.

Condition: The vertex of the parabola is at the origin, (0, 0).

y−k = ±4a x − h
y−0 = ±4a x − 0

y 2 = ±4ax (1 AC: a)

Rule 3: Eliminate the arbitrary constants.

y 2 = ±4ax
2yy ′ = ±4a

y 2 = ±4ax
y 2 = 2yy′ x
y 2 = 2xyy′
y y 2 2xyy′
y y
y = 2xy′
2xy ′ − y = 0

2x −y=0
dx 2x − y = 0 dx
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2x dy − y dx = 0

Family of Curves

Find the equivalent differential equation for the given family of curves.

1. All vertical parabolas.

2. All circles with center at the origin.

3. Family of straight lines through (1, 4).

4. Family of parabolas with axis parallel to the x-axis and the distance between the
vertex and the focus being 1.

5. The cubics cy 2 = x 2 x − a with a held fixed.

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