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Reflection Paper 1st Quarter

Mathematics is a subject that is built on patterns and sequences. August 25, 2022 is the
exact date where my grade 10 Mathematics journey had started. I still remember our first
lesson about generating patterns. Imagine a symphony of numbers, dancing in harmonious
patterns and melodies that unlock the secrets of the universe. In irony my experience with
patterns and sequence is not that harmonious and melodic. At first, I thought patterns are
just repeating objects such as lines or numbers mattering what comes first, next so on and
so forth. But I immediately realize that I’m wrong and so doomed.

Like everybody else, I’m not fond of Mathematics. I find it challenging and difficult to
understand. After we’re introduced to our new lesson, I figured out that sequence is not just
what comes first and next, that I need to follow several formulas to have the correct answer.
Additionally, there are many different types of patterns and sequences, and it can be
challenging to know which ones to look for in a given problem. Some of the most common
ones include arithmetic sequences, geometric sequences, and Fibonacci sequences.
Arithmetic sequences involve a constant difference between each term, while geometric
sequences involve a constant ratio between each term. Fibonacci sequences involve
adding the two previous terms to get the next term in the sequence. Furthermore, first
quarter is not just sequence or patterns, add the mean, finding the sum, sum to infinity,
division to polynomial, synthetic division, the factor and remainder theorem. Overall, first
quarter mathematics made my brain bleeding with so many long formulas and terms.

What have I realized about surviving first quarter of Mathematics 10? Learning patterns and
sequences in life can provide valuable life lessons and skills. Learning patterns and
sequences can provide valuable life lessons and skills. It can enhance cognitive abilities,
improve problem-solving skills, and promote a sense of order and structure in one's life.
Whether in predicting outcomes, organizing daily activities, or enhancing problem-solving
skills, understanding patterns and sequences contributes to personal growth and

In conclusion, learning patterns and sequence in mathematics can be challenging, requiring

time, effort, and patience. The abstractness of concepts, the overwhelming number of
topics, and the necessity for a strong foundation in the basics create additional hurdles. But
these hardships will be all worth it. Additionally, learning patterns and sequences in life can
provide valuable life lessons and skills that us, students can use in the near future.
Reaction Paper 2nd Quarter

Geometry is not really my cup of tea, so it is surprising for me to enjoy second quarter of
mathematics 10. I find it more interesting and engaging. My grades also had a glow up
that time. This period was particularly important as it marked the second quarter of my
academic year and is a pivotal moment for me to assess how much I had improved in
the subject. Despite having great volume of new concepts and lesson that were
introduced, I must say that I had so much fun than in first grading.

It is true that I enjoyed the second quarter but still, I encountered so many hardships
and difficulties. First is remembering all the parts and properties of circle. I still
remember that I fail my first quiz about parts of circle badly. It is really confusing to me
especially the symbols, It made my head hurt. Second, because there is so many area,
angles and other concepts, I need to memorize more than ten formulas. It is really
perplexing to me.

My favorite lesson is about standard and general form of the equation of a circle. I am
aware that sometimes solving it is puzzling and would take time but I really enjoyed it. I
enjoyed solving for the center and radius but not drawing the circle in the graph part. I
remembered using four graphing paper in just 5 equations because I always messing

Studying circle and geometry provide many valuable life lessons beyond just knowledge
of mathematical properties. These lessons include problem-solving skills, patience, and
perseverance. In geometry, problems often require creative approaches to arrive at the
solution. When studying circles, for example, problems may involve finding the equation
of a circle, the length of an arc, or the measure of an angle. It develops essential life
skills, including problem-solving, patience, perseverance, and the ability to think
creatively about alternative solutions. These lessons can help shape my perspective on
the world, leading to greater success in various aspects of life.

In conclusion, my learning course in second quarter is tough yet I found a way to make
it enjoyable. This quarter thought me the importance of patience and listening to the
teacher. Additionally, this help me realize that math is not that hard, I just need to be
more dedicated.
Reflection Paper 3rd Quarter

January 31, 2023 is the exact date where Mathematics third quarter started. Unlike
second quarter, I did not find this grading period fun and exciting. It is more confusing,
challenging and problematic. My activities and quiz go downhill in this quarter. It is
maybe because another unfamiliar lesson is introduced to us or I am not really good
with statistics at all.

The third quarter needs more analyzation, problem solving skills, and memorization of
formulas. Permutations and combinations are both methods used to calculate the number of ways in
which things can be arranged, combined, or selected. The main difference between the two lies in the
order in which the elements are arranged. Permutations and combinations have different formulas
that can be confusing, and I had to go through each one slowly to make sure I understood them.
Additionally, understanding the context to choose the correct formula was also challenging. For
example, the difference between a permutation and a combination was initially difficult for me to
grasp. However, as the lessons progressed, I saw how useful they could be, especially in determining
the number of ways in which things could be arranged, combined, or selected, which is helpful in
different fields of practice. Furthermore, Probability is a tricky concept, especially when it comes to
applying it to real-life situations. There are different types of probability, like mutually exclusive,
dependent, and independent events.

Because of the pile of lessons with different complex formulas, it became hard for me to enjoy the
third quarter of mathematics. However, I realized that this quarter is not all bad. This thought me that
probability is not just tossing a coin or throwing a dice. I figured out that everything has math behind
it. Combinations and permutations provide different ways of looking at situations and recognizing
multiple possibilities. Overall, my learning course in third grading is indeed not that enjoyable but it
is a great learning experience that encourage me to develop my analyzing and problem solving skills.
4th Quarter Reflection paper

Fourth quarter mathematics is the last grading period of this academic year in the
subject. Like second quarter, I must say that I also enjoyed this. The topics in this
quarter was not that overwhelming and was easy to understand. Studying quantile
(quartile, decile, percentile) is an essential aspect of data analysis and requires
statistical skills. However, me, having lack of proficiency in Statics, I failed some of my
exams. Throughout this quarter, I encountered both success and failure but as I pushed
forward and began to focus on the lesson, I realized that studying it has an underlying
valuable lesson. In this reflection paper, I will discuss my learning journey and
experiences in the 4th quarter, the challenges and life lesson I gained along the way.

Learning ungrouped quantiles (quartile, decile and percentile) were easy and difficult at
the same time. All of their formula is the same, you just need to change the
denominator. The formula alone was so easy to understand but arranging thirty to fifty
data was traumatizing. Especially, the data was just flashed in the television, too small
for me to read. In studying quantile ungrouped, one wrong arrangement in the data
could cause you the test. At first, I also had difficulties in interpolating the data since I
always keep forgetting the a, b, and c structure. However, through practice and with the
help of my classmates I was able to improve my ability and understanding on the

Secondly is studying grouped quantiles. This lesson reminded me of our research topic
in grade 9, I used to love it but now, I am already having second thoughts about it.
Again, it was hard to tabulate the data. Creating a table for my data would cause me to
spend almost seventy-five percent of my time that I should be spending in solving. It
was so confusing, especially when to round off the numbers. Additionally, the formula is
too long, we need to use calculator. One wrong data in the table and number in the
formula would cause you the test.

To sum it up, studying quantiles were hard, sometimes depressing since the time is
your enemy. However, if you take your time to understand and practice regularly, you
can master it turning a depressing topic to an enjoyable one. Through perseverance
and practice, I was able to overcome these obstacles and gain invaluable knowledge.
The life lesson I gained in this quarter was time is indeed everyone’s enemy. It is okay
to get overwhelmed, but it is up to us to make the most of the time and find ways to
achieve our goals and live a fulfilling life.

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