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Branch: Pakistan School

Subject: Islamic Studies Class: VIII
Unit 1:Belief in Allah
Ms.Uzma Saqib

Answer the following questions.

1. How do the marvels of the earth, marvel of our own body, and the
objects of the space point to the existence of Allah?
The more a man thinks about different objects of nature, the more mysterious they appear to
him. The different types of rocks, plants, animals etc. make us wonder how everything was
created. Moreover, our own body is far more complex than a complicated computer. All this
cannot be a result of mere chance. It points to the existence of the One-Allah.

2. How does the fact of the awareness of the right and wrong prove the
existence of Allah?
Each one of us has the ability to think what is right and what is wrong. When we do something
wrong, our conscience pricks us. Where from this feeling come from? It comes from Allah!
This ability of thinking and understanding is given to us by Allah.

3. Why can’t we say that the universe is a result of mere chance?

We cannot say that the universe is a result of mere chance because everything has a maker. For
example, a computer was made by someone; a car was made by someone, same way this
universe with all its sight and wonders and treasures was created by the All-Wise, All-
Knowing, and the Most Powerful, Allah.

4. What is Revelation? The clearest and surest evidence relating to Allah’s

existence is given by Allah. Discuss.
The word Revelation is related to the verb reveal which means to unveil or make known.
Quran tells us about Allah, ourselves, the past and the future. We could not have known all this
through our inner awareness or thinking power. The Quran is sent by Allah; therefore, it is the
clearest evidence relating to Allah’s existence as He Knows Himself better than we know Him.

5. Mention a few attributes of Allah.

The All-Knowing (Al A’leem), The Most Merciful (Ar Rahman), The Forgiving (Al Ghafoor),
The Most Powerful (Al A’zeez), The All-Seeing (Al Baseer), The Most Compassionate (Ar
Raheem), The All-Hearing (As Samee’), The All-Wise (Al Hakeem).
6. Write the meaning of Surah al-Ikhlas.
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
1. Say: He is Allah, the One.
2. Allah the Self-Sufficient Master, whom all creatures need.
3. He gives no birth, nor was He born.
4. And equal to Him is not anyone.

7. What does the word Tawhid mean?

Tawhid means Oneness of Allah.

8. What is the effect of Tawhid on human life?

1. Belief in Tawhid produces in the believer a high degree of self-respect and confidence.
2. It produces in the believer a sense of modesty and humbleness.

3. It makes him virtuous and conscious of Allah.

4. The believer does not despair or become broken-hearted. He is full of hope.
5. This belief produces in the believer a strong degree of determination.
6. It gives him peace of mind. It frees him from envy and greed.
7. It makes man obey Allah’s Commands.
8. A believer in Tawhid seeks the pleasure of Allah. Whatever he does, he does for Allah.

9. Why did Allah create us?

Allah created us to worship Him.
Branch: Pakistan School Seeb
Subject: Islamic Studies Class: VIII

Believe in ProphetHood

Question Answers
1. What is Risalah? Who was the first Prophet of Allah?
Risalah means messengership. This is the basic belief of Muslims, that Allah sent
messengers to convey his messages, And revelation to Prophets to guide people to
right path. The first Prophet of Allah was Hazrat Adam(A.S).

2. What are the functions of the Prophets?

• They convey the message of Allah to mankind.
• They guide us to the right path.
• They forbid mankind from evils.
• They call people to Oneness of Allah
• They call people to worship and obey Allah

3. Why does Allah not address men directly?

Allah does not address common men directly because of their status. Allah
always sent Messengers to convey His messages.

4. Mention some of the qualities of Prophets?

Some qualities of Prophets are as follows:
• They are Messengers of Allah.
• They guide us to the right path.
• They forbid us from sins.
• They are very pious and innocent people.
• They call people to Oneness of Allah.

5. Is a Muslim required to believe in all Prophets of Allah?

Yes, A Muslim required to believe in all Prophets of Allah.
6. How many Prophets did Allah send in all?
Allah sent 124, 000 Prophets.

7. Will there be any Prophet after The Prophet

Muhammad(PBUH)? Why?
Muslims believe that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the Last Prophet
sent by Allah, so there will be no more prophets after him. This is a
fundamental belief in Islam.

8. Why is Allah’s Messenger regarded as the Seal of the

Allah's Messenger, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), is called the "Seal of the
Prophets" because Muslims believe he is the last and final Prophet sent by
God to guide people.

Write a Note on following topics

The Holy Quran

The Quran in Islam:

• In Islam, the most significant book is the Quran.
• As a Muslims we believe that the Quran is the literal words of Allah as
revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through the Angel Gabriel.
• It is written in Arabic and is divided into chapters called "Surahs" which are
further divided into verses known as "Ayahs."
• The Quran provides guidance on how to live a righteous life, worship Allah,
and interact with others.
• Muslims recite the Quran in their daily prayers and consider it the ultimate
source of wisdom and law.
The Books of Allah
There are several Holy books, each with its own
significance and role in the faith. The primary holy books
in Islam are:
1. The Quran (Al-Quran):
• The Quran is considered the most important and

central holy book.

• The Quran serves as a guide for Muslims in matters of

faith, morality, law, and daily life.

• It contains guidance on worship, ethics, and social

2. The Tawrat:
• The Tawrat is believed to be the revelation given to

the Prophet Musa.

• Tawrat as Holy Book contains guidance for the

Children of Israel and recognize Musa as a prophet.

3. The Zabur:
• The Zabur is attributed to the Prophet Dawood. It

contains poetry attributed to David.

• While it is not as central as the Quran, Muslims

respect the Zabur as part of their religious heritage.

4. The Injil:
• The Injil is believed to be the revelation given to the

Prophet Isa.
• Muslims believe in Jesus as a prophet and his

teachings, though their understanding differs from that

of Christians.
It's important to note that the Quran is considered the final and
most authoritative revelation in Islam, and it supersedes
previous scriptures.
Pakistan School Oman
Branch: Pakistan School Seeb

Islamic Studies Ms.Uzma Saqib

Unit No 4: Facts about Prophet hood

Activity 1:

1. Who were the Thamoud?

The Thamoud were an ancient Arabian tribe. They were successor of Ad’.
2. Where did the Thamoud live?
The Thamoud lived in the region of Arabia between Madinah and Syria.

3. By what other name are the Thamoud reffered to in pre-Islamic poetry?

In pre-Islamic poetry, the Thamoud are referred to as “second’ Ad”.
4. What were the special features of Thamoud?
The Thamoud were great builders in stones, They were rich in agriculture.
5.What kind of people were Thamoud?
The Thamoud were known for their proud and disbelief in Allah's signs.
6. What did Allah do to show them the right path?
Allah sent the prophet Hazrat Salih (A.S) to guide them and provided
miraculous signs.
7. What was Hazrat Salih(A.S) message to his people?
Hazrat Salih (A.S) delivered the message to worship the one true God, Allah,
and abandon idol worship.
8. Why did the rich and wealthy people reject Hazrat Salih(A.S)
The rich and wealthy people rejected Hazrat Salih's (A.S) message due to their
fear of losing wealth and status.
9. What did Hazrat Salih(A.S) do when the Thamoud insisted that he
should show them a sign?
When the Thamoud insisted on a sign, Hazrat Salih (A.S) asked for a specific
sign and received a miraculous she-camel from Allah.
Activity 2:
1. Where did the tribe of Ad dwell?
The tribe of Ad dwelled in the desert region Oman and Hadramawt.

2. From whom were they decended? What were they noted for?
The Ad were descended from Prophet Nuh (Noah), and they were noted for
their height and their skill in building.

3. The Ad were not greatful to Allah for His bounties. Explain briefly?
The Ad people were ungrateful to Allah for His bounties by rejecting His
guidance and indulging in disobedience.

4. What different gods did they worship?

The Ad people worshiped various idols and false gods, named as: Wadd,
Suwa', Yaghuth, Ya'uq, and Nasr.

5. What did his people say Prophet Hud (A.S) began to call them to Allah?
When Prophet Hud (A.S) began calling them to Allah, his people said that he
brought no clear evidence or signs and blamed him of being a liar.

6. How did Prophet Hud(A.S) react to the cutting remark of his people?
Prophet Hud (A.S) reacted to the cutting remarks of his people with patience
and perseverance, continuing to deliver Allah's message to them.

7. Why did the rich and wealthy reject the Prophet Hud’ (A.S) message?
The rich and wealthy rejected Prophet Hud's (A.S) message because they
feared losing their wealth and status if they accepted the message of
monotheism and abandoned their idols.
8. What was Prophet Hud (A.S)’ message to his people?
Prophet Hud's (A.S) message to his people was to worship and obey the one
true God, Allah, and to turn away from the false idols they had been

9. What did the ‘Ad finally demand from Hud (A.S)?

The Ad people demanded a sign from Prophet Hud (A.S) to prove his
prophethood. They asked him to bring down a punishment from Allah if he
was truthful.

10. What was the end of ‘Ad?

The 'Ad were ultimately destroyed by a violent and destructive sandstorm as a
punishment from Allah for their disbelief and arrogance.

11. Describe the violent sandstorm that overtook Hud’s People?

The violent sandstorm that overtook Hud's people was described as a violent
wind that lasted for several days and nights, utterly destroying the people and
their dwellings, leaving them in ruin and desolation.
Pakistan School Oman
Branch: Pakistan School Seeb

Islamic Studies Ms.Uzma Saqib

Salat Istisqa
1. Rain is one of the most wonderful gifts of Allah. Discuss.
Rain Water is the basic source of life. Our life depends upon rain, greatly. If
there is no rain, life on planet earth will come to a standstill. Drought and
famines are natural calamities which are a direct result of lack of rain. Rain,
by all means, is the most wonderful gifts of Allah.
2. What does the word ‘Istisqa’ mean?
Istisqa means ‘to ask or pray to Allah for water’.
3. Mention the various forms of supplicating for rain?
Various forms of supplicating for rain are as follows:
a. Call on Allah for rain without offering a special Salah.
b. Supplicate during the Friday sermon or at the end of Fard or Nafil
c. Offer two Rakahs of Salatul Istisqa.
4. Which is the most effective way of asking for rain?
Offering Salatul Istisqa is the most effective way of asking for rain.
5. What did Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) do when
there had been a long drought?
When there had been a long drought, Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon
him) had done two things. On one occasion he lifted his hands and prayed
for rain, like how we do when we make any dua. On another occasion, he
went out into the open with congregation, prayed for rain and offered two
Rakahs of Salah in congregation.
6. What is commendable to do before offering Salatul Istisqa?
The commendable things to do before offering Salatul Istisqa are:
a. To ask forgiveness of Allah and repent.
b. To spend in the way of Allah, to offer Sadaqa.
c. To fast for three days before the Salatul Istisqa.
d. To abandon every kind of cruelty to people.
Pakistan School Oman
Branch: Pakistan School Seeb

Islamic Studies Ms.Uzma Saqib

Unit No 5: Salatul Khusuf

Answer the following questions:

1. The signs of Allah are manifest everywhere in nature.
To Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth; all obey His
Will. It is He who originates creation. He brings forth the dead from
the living. He brings forth the living from the dead. He revives the
earth after it is dead. Of His signs is that He created us.
2. What is the most striking phenomenon in the universe?
The most striking phenomenon is the alteration of day and night; the
night for rest; the day for work.
3. What incident took place on the day when the Prophet’s
son died?
On the day of Ibrahim’s death, the Prophet’s son, there was an eclipse
of the sun.
4. What did the Prophet remark?
The Prophet remarked, “The sun and the moon are two signs of Allah.
They do not suffer an eclipse for any man’s death or life. If you see
them eclipsed, you should glorify the Lord, offer Salah and give
5. We should remember Allah at all times. Explain.
We should remember Him at all times because nothing in the world
happens without the will of Allah.
We should take refuge in Him whenever something bad happens to us.
We should glorify and praise Him whenever something good happens
to us. He is the Giver of joys and sorrows.
6 What is the Salat-ul- Kusoof?
Salat-ul-Kusoof is the prayer offered during an eclipse. It consists of
two Rakahs performed preferably in congregation.
7. How is Salatul Kusoof performed?

1. Before offering the Salah, one must ensure the taharah, purity of the
body, the clothes and the place.
2. Make Wudhu (ablution)
3. Face the Qiblah
4. Make the intention in your heart that you are praying Salatul
5. Pronounce the Takbir Tahreema (that is, Allahu Akbar)
6. Recite the Surat-ul-Fatihah and then a Surah, preferably a long
7. Then perform a long Ruku.
8. Rise from the Ruku and say “Samee Allahu Liman Hamidah,
Rabbanaa walakal Hamd.”
9. Again recite Surah al Fatihah and then a Surah, preferably a long
Surah but shorter than the one recited before.
10. Then go for the Second Ruku.
11. Rise from the second Ruku, and say Sami’Allahu Liman Hamidah,
Rabbanaa walakal Hamd.
12. Perform two Sajdahs, one after the other as in normal salah but
each sajdah must be of lengthy duration.
13. One Rakah is over. Then get up and perform the second Rakah
following the same procedure as done in the first Rakah.
14. After performing two sajdahs of the second rakah, sit for the
Tashahhud and end the Salah with Tasleem. (that is by saying
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah first on the right, and then on the
Make lots of Tasbeeh,. Seek forgiveness from Allah, give charity and
make lots of duaas.
Pakistan School Oman
Branch: Pakistan School Seeb

Islamic Studies Ms.Uzma Saqib

Salat ul Tahajjud

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the value of Salah in the life of a Muslim?
Salah is central to Islam. It is the core of all virtues. Performing Prayers
at their fixed times is obligatory upon the believers. Whoever neglects it,
commits the gravest omission of all.
2. Describe the daily obligatory prayers.
Islam has laid down Five daily prayers as obligatory for every adult men
and women; between dawn and sunrise (Fajr), shortly after the sun
passes its zenith (Zuhr), in the middle of the afternoon (Asr),
immediately after the sunset (Maghrib), and after the night has fully set
in (Isha).
3. What is the effect of Salah on human life?
 Prayers develops humility,
 It develops awareness of Allah’s Presence and Mercy, and
willingness to submit to His Will.
 It develops an ability to avoid undue immersion in the affairs of the
 It takes a person away from evil and wickedness.
4. What is the Tahajjud? Why is it so called?
The word ‘Tahajjud’ literally means ‘giving up of sleep’. It is so called
because it is offered after one has had some sleep, and sleep is then given
up for the sake of Salah.
5. What was the practice of the Prophet (peace be upon him) regarding
the Qiyam al-Layl?
The Prophet (peace be upon him) used to pass half or even two-thirds of
the night in prayers. He would go to sleep after the Isha prayer, and then
he generally woke up after midnight and passed almost all this latter half
of the night in Tahajjud prayers, sometimes taking a short nap just before
Fajr prayer.
6. Mention the merits of the Qiyam al-Layl as mentioned in various
Hadith, quoted in this lesson.
“The best Salah after the five prescribed, is the Qiyam al-Layl”.
“If a man gets up at night and rouses his wife, and they both perform two
Ra’kahs of Salah, they are recorded among the men and women who
remember Allah very often”.
“Each night, when the last third of it is yet to pass, our Lord Blessed and
Supreme – descends to the lowermost heaven and He says: “who is
calling unto Me, that I may answer Him? Who is asking of Me, that I may
grant him that which he asks? Who is seeking My forgiveness, that I may
forgive him?”
7. What is the best time to offer the Tahajjud prayer?
The test time to offer the Tahajjud prayer is the last third of the night.
8. How many Ra’kahs should one offer in Tahajjud prayer?
There are no fixed Ra’kahs for Tahajjud prayer. Its minimum is two
Ta’kahs. One may, however, offer more Ra’kahs, in multiples of two,
according to one’s convenience and circumstances.
9. Is the Tahajjud Prayers obligatory?
The Tahajjud prayers are not obligatory. They are voluntary in nature.

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