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Mantra Sadhana

Words can turn our world upside down.

They can build it or raze it to the ground.
Everything we do and feel in our
lives is dependent on the maze of words
that constantly surround us. Words of
encouragement, when spoken to a child, at
the right time, can be a lifelong inspiration,
propelling her to be a better individual as
she grows older. Some words of recognition
uttered to a fellow worker can instill confidence
in him and prod him to go the extra mile. At
the same time, the damage done by unkind
words filled with animosity can haunt you for
a lifetime. Hurtful words can destroy a lifelong
relationship within moments as if nothing had
ever existed between two people.
Forget about spoken words, even our own
thoughts, when they play as conversations
in our heads, completely change the way
we feel about ourselves and others. Our

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mind is under a constant siege of words, both
positive and negative. The compelling hold
of words, their immense potential, ability to
influence our lives, were not lost to the seekers
of truth. The sages of yore recognized the
hidden power held in the nucleus of a word.
The birth of the ancient science of mantras
was no accident.
For, it recognized our intricate connection
with words. They are our link to the world
within and without. It’s the energy of the
sound that bonds us, with the universal energy
around us. Every living entity responds to
words spoken with love.
Even when you call out to a dog with love,
it knows and it wags its tail. When you scold in
anger, it cowers in fear.
The universe too is a body, a living body,
made up of billions of entities. Each planet is
a cell in the universal body. However tiny it
may be, every entity matters, for if you start
to take away one grain at a time from a heap of
sand, one day it will cease to be the heap. The

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presence of a grain is the existence of the heap.
In other words, the energy of the mantras
is aimed at calling upon the universal energy,
a way of drawing its attention towards us.
Mantra yoga is a path to strengthen your bond
with the universal energy around you, so you
may realize your own potential and use the
kinetic energy latent in you that can be used
for creative pursuits designed to attain the
highest goal.
The science of mantra believes that if you
can use the right words to train your mind, to
sharpen its focus and to channelize the divinity
in the universe, you can rise above every
negative tendency that holds you back and go
past the shackles of your limited conscious
mind. You can cut through life’s myriad
problems like how a sharp sword cuts through
grass. Above all, you can attain liberation,
moksha, nirvana.

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How Mantras Work

There is a certain tribe in Africa and it’s

said that their happiness quotient is very
high. In that community, whenever a woman
discovers she’s pregnant, she’s assigned a
certain tree. The woman then picks out a song
or lullaby of her choice for her unborn child,
and what follows over the next decade is quite
remarkable. That tree is her happy tree and
the song she chooses is her happiness song.
Throughout her pregnancy, she sits by that
tree and sings that song to the child growing
in her womb. While bathing, sitting, standing,
cooking, and going to bed, she caresses her
belly, softly singing to her baby. When she’s
finally undergoing labor pains, the same song
is sung to her by other women in her tribe. The
birth of the child into the world is yet again
celebrated with that song.
Soon the mother is humming the
same song as she nurses and puts the

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baby to sleep. During every festival, every
celebration, every joyous occasion, that song
becomes the song of the child. Gradually, the
child associates that song with every happy
incident in his life. After all, so many happy
memories from long before he was born,
spring from that song. And this is where things
get interesting.
Now, whenever the child, who may be a
young man by now, is depressed or facing
challenges in life, he just sings his song. The
sound of that song evokes positivity and
strength because that’s his happy song.
Subconsciously, his mind swells with beautiful
memories and a lot of happiness because
this song was uttered on countless happy
moments from the beginning of his life. That
song is now inseparable from him.
This is mantra sadhana in a nutshell.
The basic principle of mantra sadhana is to
practice the utterance of a sound with such
intensity, fervor and determination, that
your whole being starts to reverberate with

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sound. You become that sound. It becomes
your sound, your mantra. The one you not
only connect with, but that transports you
to another dimension of consciousness.
This sound or mantra usually gets passed
on to you traditionally and orally in a guru-
disciple relationship. For, when it comes to
mantra yoga, we believe that we can benefit
from the austerities that various masters
of the mantra practiced before us. Have we
not reaped the fruits of trees planted by our
preceding generations? Have we not inherited
the rewards of wealth accumulated by our
forefathers? Mantra yoga believes that the
same holds true for sonic energy too — that
what was uttered before me can be inherited
or claimed by me. There are different mantras
to accomplish various outcomes in life.
Some want to progress materially, others
spiritually, some both. Before you arrive at the
conclusion that you can just chant a mantra
and win the lottery, let me tell you that that’s
not at all how mantras work. Mantra science

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is not a substitute for right karma or action.
Mantra sadhana can help you experience
deep states of samadhi if you so wish or it can
help you learn anything faster. It can help you
become more decisive and responsible in life
but it cannot replace hard work.
In a nutshell, when you become one with
a mantra, you no longer remain the individual
you, the tiny you. Instead, your entire being
is elevated to a different, higher level of
consciousness. I say it without the slightest
exaggeration. All other things being equal (that
is, you work hard and sincerely), the path of
mantra sadhana has the power to make you
the master of your destiny.

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Brief Daily Sadhana Method

Here I have enumerated seven simple steps

to do your daily sadhana.

1. Environment Purification
Once inside the pooja griha, you begin by
purifying yourself and the energies around
you. Use your left hand to take a bit of water
using the spoon in your vessel and put it in
the right one. Chant the following mantra:
Om apavitrah pavitro va sarvavastham
gato api va
yah smaret pundarikaksam Sa bahaya
abhyantaram sucih
It does not matter how impure you are;
in whatever state you may be. The one who
meditates on the divine energy – the Lord is
called pundarikaksha here, with beautiful lotus
eyes – the one who meditates on such form of
the Lord is purified inside out.
2. Self-Purification

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Take the spoon in your left hand, scoop
up some water with it and pour that water
in the palm of your right hand. Now say, “Om
Keshavaya Namah” and then drink the water
from your right palm. Do it once more saying
“Om Madhavaya Namah” and repeat it while
chanting “Om Narayanaya Namah”.
So, three times all up. Once done, put
some water again in your right palm, put the
spoon in your left hand back in the pot, say,
“Om Pundarikakshaya Namah”, then wash your
hands on the left side.
3. Light the lamp
Light a lamp now. You can light the lamp just
as you would light a cigarette, that is, without
any mantra and with the same eagerness. Or,
you could take it a step further and chant a
mantra and do it with devotion.
Om Agni Varchau Jyotir Varchau Svaha
Om Agni Jyotir Jyotir Agnih Svaha
Suryo Jyoti Jyotir Suryah Svaha
Agnir Varcho Jyotir Varchah Svaha
Suryo Varcho Jyotir Varchah Svaha

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Jyoti Suryah Suryo Jyotih Svaha
5. Invoke Ganesha
Now, we invoke Ganesha. All Vedic, mantric,
tantric and puranic pujas must begin with
Ganapati. This is a scriptural injunction and
there is a simple mantra, if you want to do a
short one: Om Ganeshaya namah. That should
do; that will make Ganesha happy – he is easily
pleased. If you want to do a longer one, then
you can do:
Vakratunda mahakaya suryakoti samaprabha
nirvighnam kurume dev sarvakaryesu sarvada
If you want an even longer one, which is the
one I personally used during all of my sadhanas
– I always did the longer Ganapati mantra along
with the shorter ones – it would be
Sumukhashch aikadantashcha kapilo
lambodarashch vikato vighnanaasho vinaayak
dhoomraketur ganaadhyaksho
bhaalchandro gajaanan
Dvadashaitani namani yeh

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viddhya rambhe vivadhe cha praveshe
nirgame tathaa
sangraame sankate chaive vighnastasya na
6. Chant the mantra
At this stage you can chant the mantra of
your choice. You can use chanting beads of
your choice or simply use a timer. I have shared
five sadhanas with you in the following pages.
7. Offering the Sadhana
This step is called japa samarpana which
means offering your chanting you just did. We
have to offer the japa back to the deity we have
been praying to, because we haven’t done this
japa for us but for the welfare of all sentient
beings. This higher sense of consciousness is
required so you don’t just feel like you have
become the object of your worship, but also
behave like one in the truest sense of the word.
You can simply say, “I hereby offer you
all my japa.” It’s as if you are a child who has
earned something, and are giving it to your
parents for safekeeping – “Please, put it in a

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a fixed deposit,” or the like. Now, chant,
Abhishta siddhim me dehi sharanagata
vatsale bhaktya samarpaye tubhyam japam
(O Devi, I have done this japa with a pure
intention; let that intention manifest. I am
offering you all my japa.)
8. Seeking Forgiveness
Now we seek forgiveness for any mistakes
you might have made while chanting, whether
that’s yawning, losing focus, feeling angry or
negative or even thinking ill of people, and so
on. These are all errors of commission – you
know they have been committed. Seeking
forgiveness is imperative, so we do a little
kshama prarthana, a request for pardon and
once again, you can either read the translation
on page 15 or you can just say sorry in any
language and words that you feel comfortable
Or you can chant this simple stotra:
Aparadhasahastrani kriyantesharnisam maya,
Dasosyamiti mam matva ksamasva

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Avahanam na janami na janami visarjanam,
Pujam caiva na janami ksamyatam
Mantrahinam kriyahinam bhaktihinam
Yatpujitam maya devi paripurna tadastu me.
(I have made countless mistakes, please look
upon me as Your humble servant and forgive
me. I don’t know the mantras, I don’t know
the correct pronunciations, I am an ignorant
person, and yet I have the audacity to pray to
You because You are ever merciful, You still
fulfill my wishes.)

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Ganesha Sadhana

This sadhana is meant to bring the seeker

closer to Lord Ganesha, the remover of
obstacles and the first recipient of all sacred
offerings in sanatana dharma.
Please perform the steps one through
to four as per the earlier chapter. For
your convenience, they are environment
purification, self-purification, lighting the lamp
and invoking Ganesha.
Now decide if you want to chant this
mantra just today or if you wish to make a
resolution of chanting this over a period of
time. For example, you could say that I so-and-
so will chant this mantra 108 times every day
for the next 40 days so Lord Ganesha’s grace
may help me…... (fill in the blanks with your
desire e.g. in overcoming obstacles, attaining
salvation or his grace etc.)
And now sit peacefully and chant the
following mantra.

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ॐ वक्रतुंडाय हुँ ।

Om Vakratundaya Hum.

After you are done chanting the mantra,

you can now do the remaining two steps of
offering your sadhana and seeking forgiveness.
Both steps have been given in the previous

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Shiva Sadhana

Vedic scriptures state that the ever-

benevolent Lord Shiva, Bholenath, is easily
pleased with this sadhana, forever showering
his grace on the practitioner.
Please perform the steps one through to
four as mentioned in the Brief Daily Sadhana
Method. For your convenience, the steps again
are environment purification, self-purification,
lighting the lamp and invoking Ganesha.
Now decide if you want to chant this
mantra just today or if you wish to make a
resolution of chanting this over a period of
time. For example, you could say that I so-and-
so will chant this mantra 108 times every day
for the next 40 days so Lord Shiva may….... (fill
in the blanks with your desire e.g. grant me
fearlessness, liberation or simply bestow his
grace etc.)
And now sit peacefully and chant the
following mantra.

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ॐ नमो भगवते रुद्राय ।

Om namo bhagavate rudraya.

After you are done chanting the mantra,

you can now do the remaining two steps of
offering your sadhana and seeking forgiveness.
Both steps have been given in the chapter
titled Brief Daily Sadhana Method.

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Sri Sadhana

This is an ancient sadhana designed to

bring the grace of Goddess in your home so
you lead a prosperous and progressive life.
Please perform the steps one through to
four as mentioned in the Brief Daily Sadhana
Method. For your convenience, the steps again
are environment purification, self-purification,
lighting the lamp and invoking Ganesha.
Now decide if you want to chant this
mantra just today or if you wish to make a
resolution of chanting this over a period of
time. For example, you could say that I so-and-
so will chant this mantra 108 times every day
for the next 40 days so Mother Goddess may
help me ….... (fill in the blanks with your desire
e.g. in acquiring material wealth, attaining
salvation or simply her grace etc.)
And now sit peacefully and chant the
following mantra.

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ॐ श्रीं ह्री नमः भगवति माहेश्वरि स्वाहा ।

Om shreem hreem namah bhagavti

maheshvari svaha.

After you are done chanting the mantra,

you can now do the remaining two steps of
offering your sadhana and seeking forgiveness.
Both steps have been given in the chapter
titled Brief Daily Sadhana Method.

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Vishnu Sadhana

This is the famous sadhana that the young

prince Dhruva performed to have a vision of
Lord Narayana and forever be sheltered under
the umbrella of his grace. You can do the same.
Please perform the steps one through to
four as mentioned in the Brief Daily Sadhana
Method. For your convenience, the steps again
are environment purification, self-purification,
lighting the lamp and invoking Ganesha.
Now decide if you want to chant this
mantra just today or if you wish to make a
resolution of chanting this over a period of
time. For example, you could say that I so-and-
so will chant this mantra 108 times every day
for the next 40 days so Lord Vishnu may help
me ….. (fill in the blanks with your desire e.g. in
attaining nirvana, peace of mind, or simply his
grace etc.)
And now sit peacefully and chant the
following twelve-lettered mantra.

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ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय ।

Om namo bhagavate vasudevaya.

After you are done chanting the mantra,

you can now do the remaining two steps of
offering your sadhana and seeking forgiveness.
Both steps have been given in the chapter
titled Brief Daily Sadhana Method.

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Sri Suktam

Taken from Rigaveda, this is a powerful

and spiritually advantageous mantra that is
dedicated to Goddess of opulence, Maa Sri.
You can chant it every day- once or twic,e
with reverence, to attain Sri Mata's grace. This
unique and extraordinary shloka of sixteen
lines is as follows: (If you find it difficult to
pronounce, you can either learn it easily from
internet or you can learn it from our website.)

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Hirannya-Varnnaam Harinniim Suvarnna-Rajata-
Srajaam |
Candraam Hirannmayiim Lakssmiim Jaatavedo
Ma Aavaha ||1||
Taam Ma Aavaha Jaatavedo Lakssmiim-
Anapagaaminiim |
Yasyaam Hirannyam Vindeyam Gaam-Ashvam
Purussaan-Aham ||2||
Ashva-Puurvaam Ratha-Madhyaam Hastinaada-
Prabodhiniim |
Shriyam Deviim-Upahvaye Shriirmaa Devii
Jussataam ||3||
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Kaam So-Smitaam Hirannya-Praakaaraam-
Aardraam Jvalantiim Trptaam Tarpayantiim |
Padme Sthitaam Padma-Varnnaam Taam-Iho
pahvaye Shriyam ||4||
Candraam Prabhaasaam Yashasaa Jvalantiim
Shriyam Loke Deva-Jussttaam-Udaaraam |
Taam Padminiim-Iim Sharannam-Aham
Prapadye-lakssmiir-Me Nashyataam Tvaam Vrnne
Aaditya-Varnne Tapasodhi-Jaato Vanaspatis-Tava
Vrksso[ah-A]tha Bilvah |
Tasya Phalaani Tapasaa-Nudantu Maaya-
Antaraayaashca Baahyaa Alakssmiih ||6||
Upaitu Maam Deva-Sakhah Kiirtish-Ca
Manninaa Saha |
Praadurbhuuto[ah-A]smi Raassttre-[A]smin
Kiirtim-Rddhim Dadaatu Me ||7||
Kssut-Pipaasaa-Malaam Jyesstthaam-
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Alakssmiim Naashayaamy-Aham |
Abhuutim-Asamrddhim Ca Sarvaam Nirnnuda Me
Grhaat ||8||
Gandha-Dvaaraam Duraadharssaam Nitya-
Pussttaam Kariissinniim |
Iishvariing Sarva-Bhuutaanaam Taam-Iho[a-u]
pahvaye Shriyam ||9||
Manasah Kaamam-Aakuutim Vaacah Satyam-
Ashiimahi |
Pashuunaam Ruupam-Annasya Mayi Shriih
Shrayataam Yashah ||10||
Kardamena Prajaa-Bhuutaa Mayi Sambhava
Kardama |
Shriyam Vaasaya Me Kule Maataram Padma-
Maaliniim ||11||
Aapah Srjantu Snigdhaani Cikliita Vasa Me Grhe |
Ni Ca Deviim Maataram Shriyam Vaasaya Me
Kule ||12||
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Aardraam Pusskarinniim Pussttim Pinggalaam
Padma-Maaliniim |
Candraam Hirannmayiim Lakssmiim Jaatavedo
Ma Aavaha ||13||
Aardraam Yah Karinniim Yassttim Suvarnnaam
Hema-Maaliniim |
Suuryaam Hirannmayiim Lakssmiim Jaatavedo
Ma Aavaha ||14||
Taam Ma Aavaha Jaatavedo Lakssmiim-
Anapagaaminiim |
Yasyaam Hirannyam Prabhuutam Gaavo
Daasyo-[A]shvaan Vindeyam Puurussaan-
Aham ||15||
Yah Shucih Prayato Bhuutvaa Juhu-Yaad-
Aajyam-Anvaham |
Suuktam Pan.cadasharcam Ca Shriikaamah
Satatam Japet ||16||

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Based on my personal experience of Vedic sadhana
spanning more than three decades, I have created an entire
virtual world for you in this sadhana app. The legendary
siddha-ashrama that our scriptures refer to has been created
for you once again. This is the same place where our sages
meditated and performed penance.
If you wish to experience the Vedic glory and opulence
that our ancestors thrived in, then all you have to do is
download this free app. You can do chanting (japa), fire
offerings (yajna), coronation (abhishekam), daily worship
(nitya pooja), and sadhana (anushthana).
All this has been done to serve the beautiful Sanatana
Dharma and to revive the Vedic culture. Sadhana app is my
humble offering in your service and to serve our dharma.

Om Swami

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