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Sample Design Thinking MCQs:

1. What is the primary goal of design thinking?

• A. Maximizing profits

• B. Solving complex problems

• C. Following a predefined process

• D. Minimizing risk

Answer: B. Solving complex problems

2. Which phase in the design thinking process involves defining the problem and
understanding the user's needs?

• A. Ideation

• B. Prototyping

• C. Empathize

• D. Test

Answer: C. Empathize

3. What is a persona in the context of design thinking?

• A. A fictional character representing a user group

• B. A project timeline

• C. The final product design

• D. A team leader

Answer: A. A fictional character representing a user group

4. Which design thinking principle emphasizes the importance of generating a large quantity
of ideas before selecting one?

• A. Ideation

• B. Empathize

• C. Prototype

• D. Test

Answer: A. Ideation

5. What does the term "prototype" mean in design thinking?

• A. The final product

• B. A preliminary model or version

• C. Project documentation

• D. User feedback

Answer: B. A preliminary model or version

6. In the context of design thinking, what does the acronym MVP stand for?

• A. Most Valuable Player

• B. Minimum Viable Product

• C. Maximum Value Proposition

• D. Main Validation Process

Answer: B. Minimum Viable Product

7. Which of the following is NOT a stage in the design thinking process?

• A. Empathize

• B. Analyse

• C. Prototype

• D. Execute

Answer: D. Execute

8. What is the purpose of the "Test" phase in design thinking?

• A. Finalizing the design

• B. Gathering user feedback

• C. Generating ideas

• D. Defining the problem

Answer: B. Gathering user feedback

9. During the "Ideation" phase of design thinking, what technique is commonly used to
encourage a free flow of ideas?

• A. Mind mapping

• B. User interviews

• C. Prototyping

• D. Data analysis

Answer: A. Mind mapping

10. What role does empathy play in the design thinking process?

• A. Identifying market trends

• B. Understanding user needs and feelings

• C. Creating the final product

• D. Conducting financial analysis

Answer: B. Understanding user needs and feelings

11. Which design thinking principle involves quickly building a low-fidelity representation of
the solution to gather feedback?

• A. Prototype

• B. Empathize

• C. Test

• D. Ideation

Answer: A. Prototype

12. What does the term "Design Sprint" refer to in the context of design thinking?

• A. A marathon for graphic designers

• B. A focused, time-boxed innovation process

• C. A design competition

• D. A design thinking conference

Answer: B. A focused, time-boxed innovation process

13. Which design thinking phase involves analyzing the gathered information to define the
core problems?

• A. Ideation

• B. Empathize

• C. Define

• D. Prototype

Answer: C. Define

14. What is a key characteristic of a well-defined problem statement in design thinking?

• A. Broad and vague

• B. Detailed and specific

• C. Ignoring user needs

• D. Unrelated to the project scope

Answer: B. Detailed and specific

15. In design thinking, what is the purpose of the "Diverge" phase during ideation?

• A. Narrowing down ideas

• B. Expanding and exploring various ideas

• C. Testing prototypes

• D. Finalizing the solution

Answer: B. Expanding and exploring various ideas

16. What does the acronym "Crazy 8s" refer to in a design thinking workshop?

• A. Eight design principles

• B. Eight minutes of silence

• C. Eight brainstorming sketches in eight minutes

• D. Eight-step design process

Answer: C. Eight brainstorming sketches in eight minutes

17. Which of the following is a common obstacle to the successful implementation of design
thinking in organizations?

• A. Rigidity and resistance to change

• B. Lack of user empathy

• C. Overemphasis on prototypes

• D. Quick decision-making

Answer: A. Rigidity and resistance to change

18. What is the primary purpose of conducting user interviews in the design thinking process?

• A. To gather statistical data

• B. To validate the existing solution

• C. To understand user needs and experiences

• D. To finalize the project budget

Answer: C. To understand user needs and experiences

19. Which design thinking phase involves creating detailed and tangible representations of
ideas to test and iterate?

• A. Ideation

• B. Prototype

• C. Empathize

• D. Define

Answer: B. Prototype

20. What role does iteration play in the design thinking process?

• A. Completing the project faster

• B. Repeating the same steps

• C. Refining and improving solutions based on feedback

• D. Ignoring user feedback

Answer: C. Refining and improving solutions based on feedback

21. What is the significance of the "Point of View" (POV) statement in design thinking?

• A. It represents the project timeline

• B. It defines the core problem from the user's perspective

• C. It outlines the final product features

• D. It summarizes the team's point of view

Answer: B. It defines the core problem from the user's perspective

22. Which of the following is a key characteristic of a successful design thinking team?

• A. Homogeneous skills and perspectives

• B. Limited collaboration

• C. Lack of empathy

• D. Diverse skills and perspectives

Answer: D. Diverse skills and perspectives

23. What is the purpose of the "Empathize" phase in design thinking?

• A. To define the problem statement

• B. To generate a large quantity of ideas

• C. To understand and empathize with users

• D. To finalize the design solution

Answer: C. To understand and empathize with users

24. Which design thinking principle involves challenging assumptions and reframing problems
to uncover innovative solutions?

• A. Empathize

• B. Ideation

• C. Define

• D. Prototype

Answer: B. Ideation

25. What is the purpose of conducting a "Pilot Test" in the design thinking process?

• A. To launch the final product

• B. To gather initial user feedback on a small scale

• C. To create the first prototype

• D. To analyze market trends

Answer: B. To gather initial user feedback on a small scale

26. Which design thinking phase involves creating a visual representation of the user's journey
and experiences?

• A. Empathize

• B. Define

• C. Prototype

• D. Test

Answer: A. Empathize

27. What is the primary focus of the "Define" phase in design thinking?

• A. Generating ideas

• B. Creating prototypes

• C. Analyzing user feedback

• D. Clearly defining the problem

Answer: D. Clearly defining the problem

28. Which design thinking principle emphasizes the importance of generating solutions that
are feasible, viable, and desirable?

• A. Human-Centered Design

• B. Divergent Thinking

• C. Convergent Thinking

• D. Triple Bottom Line

Answer: A. Human-Centered Design

29. What is the purpose of the "Storyboarding" technique in the design thinking process?

• A. Creating a timeline for the project

• B. Generating a sequence of visual representations of the user experience

• C. Conducting user interviews

• D. Finalizing the budget

Answer: B. Generating a sequence of visual representations of the user experience

30. In design thinking, what does the term "Mindful Empathy" refer to?

• A. Understanding user needs without emotional involvement

• B. Being fully present and engaged while understanding user experiences

• C. Ignoring user feedback during the empathize phase

• D. Following a rigid design process

Answer: B. Being fully present and engaged while understanding user experiences

31. Which design thinking phase involves selecting the most promising ideas and developing
them further?

• A. Define

• B. Ideation

• C. Prototype

• D. Test

Answer: C. Prototype

32. What is the role of a "Design Thinking Facilitator" in a team?

• A. Leading the team with a strict agenda

• B. Providing technical expertise

• C. Guiding the team through the design thinking process

• D. Ignoring user feedback

Answer: C. Guiding the team through the design thinking process

33. What does the acronym "SCAMPER" represent in the context of design thinking?

• A. A brainstorming technique

• B. Project management principles

• C. Design thinking software

• D. Design thinking conferences

Answer: A. A brainstorming technique

34. Which design thinking principle encourages embracing failure as a part of the learning

• A. Fail Fast, Fail Cheap

• B. Risk Aversion

• C. Linear Thinking

• D. Waterfall Model

Answer: A. Fail Fast, Fail Cheap

35. What is the significance of the "How Might We" (HMW) technique in design thinking?

• A. Defining user personas

• B. Generating creative problem-solving questions

• C. Creating detailed prototypes

• D. Finalizing the project timeline

Answer: B. Generating creative problem-solving questions

36. In design thinking, what does the term "Rapid Prototyping" involve?

• A. Creating a single, detailed prototype

• B. Developing prototypes slowly over time

• C. Quickly building and testing multiple iterations

• D. Ignoring the prototyping phase

Answer: C. Quickly building and testing multiple iterations

37. What is the primary objective of the "User Persona" in design thinking?

• A. Representing the project timeline

• B. Creating a detailed prototype

• C. Providing a fictional representation of a target user

• D. Finalizing the project budget

Answer: C. Providing a fictional representation of a target user

38. Which design thinking phase involves converting ideas into tangible representations, often
using materials like paper and cardboard?

• A. Ideation

• B. Prototype

• C. Define

• D. Test

Answer: B. Prototype

39. What role does "Collaboration" play in the design thinking process?

• A. Minimizing team communication

• B. Limiting diverse perspectives

• C. Enhancing creativity and problem-solving through teamwork

• D. Avoiding user feedback

Answer: C. Enhancing creativity and problem-solving through teamwork

40. In design thinking, what is the purpose of the "How-How-How" technique?

• A. Defining the problem statement

• B. Generating a detailed prototype

• C. Exploring multiple layers of a problem for innovative solutions

• D. Conducting user interviews

Answer: C. Exploring multiple layers of a problem for innovative solutions

41. Which design thinking principle involves stepping back to gain a broader perspective
during the problem-solving process?

• A. Divergent Thinking

• B. Convergent Thinking

• C. Ideation

• D. Reflection

Answer: D. Reflection

42. What is the purpose of the "Five Whys" technique in design thinking?

• A. Generating ideas

• B. Root cause analysis to identify the source of a problem

• C. Creating prototypes

• D. Testing the final product

Answer: B. Root cause analysis to identify the source of a problem

43. Which design thinking phase involves putting the prototypes into the hands of users and
collecting feedback?

• A. Ideation

• B. Test

• C. Define

• D. Empathize

Answer: B. Test

44. What is the importance of "Bias for Action" in design thinking?

• A. Avoiding any action until the final solution is determined

• B. Taking quick and decisive steps to move the process forward

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Relying solely on theoretical concepts

Answer: B. Taking quick and decisive steps to move the process forward

45. In design thinking, what is the role of "Prototyping Culture"?

• A. Avoiding the use of prototypes

• B. Embracing a mindset of continuous experimentation and learning

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing only one prototype

Answer: B. Embracing a mindset of continuous experimentation and learning

46. What is the purpose of the "Cognitive Walkthrough" technique in the design thinking

• A. Evaluating the user's thought processes during interaction with a product

• B. Conducting user interviews

• C. Creating detailed prototypes

• D. Analyzing market trends

Answer: A. Evaluating the user's thought processes during interaction with a product

47. Which design thinking principle emphasizes the importance of understanding the context
in which a problem exists?

• A. Contextual Inquiry

• B. Convergent Thinking

• C. Ideation

• D. Reflection

Answer: A. Contextual Inquiry

48. What does the term "Minimum Marketable Feature" (MMF) refer to in design thinking?

• A. The smallest set of features that make a product viable in the market

• B. A detailed prototype

• C. User interviews

• D. Finalizing the project budget

Answer: A. The smallest set of features that make a product viable in the market

49. In design thinking, what is the purpose of the "Silent Critique" technique?

• A. Ignoring user feedback

• B. Critiquing ideas without verbal communication

• C. Creating detailed prototypes

• D. Finalizing the project timeline

Answer: B. Critiquing ideas without verbal communication

50. What is the significance of the term "Fail-Forward" in design thinking?

• A. Avoiding failure at all costs

• B. Embracing failure as a learning opportunity and iterating for improvement

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Embracing failure as a learning opportunity and iterating for improvement

51. What is the purpose of the "Affinity Diagram" in design thinking?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Organizing and categorizing ideas or information

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Conducting user interviews

Answer: B. Organizing and categorizing ideas or information

52. Which design thinking principle involves staying focused on the user and their needs
throughout the entire design process?

• A. User-Centered Design

• B. Divergent Thinking

• C. Convergent Thinking

• D. Human-Centered Design

Answer: A. User-Centered Design

53. What is the purpose of the "Parallel Prototyping" technique in design thinking?

• A. Creating only one detailed prototype

• B. Developing prototypes sequentially

• C. Simultaneously exploring multiple design ideas through different prototypes

• D. Finalizing the project budget

Answer: C. Simultaneously exploring multiple design ideas through different prototypes

54. What is the role of "Design Criteria" in the design thinking process?

• A. Ignoring user feedback

• B. Establishing standards for evaluating and selecting design solutions

• C. Creating a detailed prototype

• D. Analyzing market trends

Answer: B. Establishing standards for evaluating and selecting design solutions

55. In design thinking, what is the purpose of the "360-Degree Thinking" approach?

• A. Ignoring user feedback

• B. Considering multiple perspectives and factors in problem-solving

• C. Developing only one prototype

• D. Creating a detailed prototype

Answer: B. Considering multiple perspectives and factors in problem-solving

56. What is the primary goal of conducting a "Usability Test" in the design thinking process?

• A. Finalizing the project timeline

• B. Analyzing market trends

• C. Evaluating the ease of use and user satisfaction with a product

• D. Creating a detailed prototype

Answer: C. Evaluating the ease of use and user satisfaction with a product

57. Which design thinking phase involves synthesizing data gathered from various sources to
identify patterns and insights?

• A. Define

• B. Analyze

• C. Prototype

• D. Test

Answer: B. Analyze

58. What is the purpose of the "Stakeholder Map" in the design thinking process?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Identifying individuals or groups with an interest in the project and their relationships

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Conducting user interviews

Answer: B. Identifying individuals or groups with an interest in the project and their relationships

59. In design thinking, what does the term "Convergence" refer to?

• A. Developing a single prototype

• B. Focusing on a single solution after exploring multiple ideas

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Conducting user interviews

Answer: B. Focusing on a single solution after exploring multiple ideas

60. What is the role of "Pivot" in the context of design thinking?

• A. Sticking to the original plan without changes

• B. Ignoring user feedback

• C. Making a fundamental shift in direction based on insights and feedback

• D. Conducting a single usability test

Answer: C. Making a fundamental shift in direction based on insights and feedback

61. What is the purpose of the "Fly on the Wall" technique in design thinking?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Observing users in their natural environment without interference

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Conducting user interviews

Answer: B. Observing users in their natural environment without interference

62. Which design thinking phase involves creating a visual representation of the steps a user
takes to complete a task or achieve a goal?

• A. Ideation

• B. Journey Mapping

• C. Prototyping

• D. Test

Answer: B. Journey Mapping

63. What does the term "Gamification" mean in the context of design thinking?

• A. Creating games for entertainment purposes

• B. Applying game elements to non-game contexts to enhance engagement

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Conducting user interviews through games

Answer: B. Applying game elements to non-game contexts to enhance engagement

64. In design thinking, what is the purpose of the "S.W.O.T. Analysis" technique?

• A. Evaluating the team's strengths and weaknesses

• B. Creating a detailed prototype

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Analyzing market trends

Answer: A. Evaluating the team's strengths and weaknesses

65. Which design thinking principle involves creating solutions that have a positive impact on
people, the planet, and profit?

• A. Human-Centered Design

• B. Triple Bottom Line

• C. Divergent Thinking

• D. Convergent Thinking

Answer: B. Triple Bottom Line

66. What is the role of "Mindful Reframing" in the design thinking process?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Challenging assumptions and reframing problems to uncover innovative solutions

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Conducting user interviews

Answer: B. Challenging assumptions and reframing problems to uncover innovative solutions

67. Which design thinking phase involves bringing the solution to life, integrating it into the
real world?

• A. Ideation

• B. Prototyping

• C. Test

• D. Analyse

Answer: C. Test

68. What is the purpose of the "Crazy Eights" technique in design thinking?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype in eight steps

• B. Generating eight wild and diverse ideas in eight minutes

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Conducting user interviews

Answer: B. Generating eight wild and diverse ideas in eight minutes

69. In design thinking, what is the significance of the "Framing" step in the problem-solving

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Defining the problem from the user's perspective

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Conducting user interviews

Answer: B. Defining the problem from the user's perspective

70. What does the term "Rapid Ethnography" refer to in the context of design thinking?

• A. A slow and thorough analysis of user behaviors

• B. Quickly immersing in the user's environment to gain insights

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Quickly immersing in the user's environment to gain insights

71. What is the role of "Dot Voting" in a design thinking workshop?

• A. Finalizing the project timeline

• B. Prioritizing ideas through a democratic voting process

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Conducting user interviews

Answer: B. Prioritizing ideas through a democratic voting process

72. In design thinking, what is the purpose of the "Assumption Testing" technique?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Identifying and challenging assumptions to validate or invalidate them

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Identifying and challenging assumptions to validate or invalidate them

73. What does the term "Design Thinking Mindset" encompass in the context of problem-

• A. A rigid approach to problem-solving

• B. A flexible and open-minded approach that embraces ambiguity

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Conducting user interviews

Answer: B. A flexible and open-minded approach that embraces ambiguity

74. Which design thinking phase involves generating a large quantity of diverse ideas without
immediate evaluation?

• A. Define

• B. Ideation

• C. Prototype

• D. Analyze

Answer: B. Ideation

75. What is the purpose of the "Three Horizons" framework in design thinking?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Identifying short-term, medium-term, and long-term innovation goals

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Identifying short-term, medium-term, and long-term innovation goals

76. In design thinking, what is the role of "Storyboarding" in the prototyping phase?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Developing a single prototype

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Conducting user interviews

Answer: A. Creating a detailed prototype

77. Which design thinking principle involves creating solutions that are technologically
feasible, economically viable, and meet user needs?

• A. Triple Bottom Line

• B. Human-Centered Design

• C. Convergent Thinking

• D. Divergent Thinking

Answer: B. Human-Centered Design

78. What does the term "Affordable Loss Principle" signify in design thinking?

• A. Avoiding any financial investment in the project

• B. Being willing to take calculated risks and learn from failures

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Creating a detailed prototype

Answer: B. Being willing to take calculated risks and learn from failures

79. What is the purpose of the "Visual Thinking" technique in design thinking?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Communicating complex ideas through visuals and sketches

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Conducting user interviews

Answer: B. Communicating complex ideas through visuals and sketches

80. In design thinking, what is the significance of the "Point of No Return" concept?

• A. Avoiding any irreversible decisions in the design process

• B. Developing a single prototype

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Conducting user interviews

Answer: A. Avoiding any irreversible decisions in the design process

81. What is the primary purpose of the "Role Playing" technique in the design thinking

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Empathizing with users by simulating their experiences

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Empathizing with users by simulating their experiences

82. In design thinking, what does the term "Empathy Map" involve?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Visualizing and understanding user emotions, thoughts, and behaviors

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Visualizing and understanding user emotions, thoughts, and behaviors

83. What is the significance of the "Fail-Forward" mindset in design thinking?

• A. Avoiding any failure in the design process

• B. Embracing failure as an opportunity for learning and improvement

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Embracing failure as an opportunity for learning and improvement

84. Which design thinking phase involves defining success criteria and metrics for evaluating
the solution's effectiveness?

• A. Ideation

• B. Define

• C. Test

• D. Analyze

Answer: C. Test

85. What does the term "Design Criteria" refer to in the context of design thinking?

• A. Specific standards for evaluating and selecting design solutions

• B. Ignoring user feedback

• C. Creating a detailed prototype

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: A. Specific standards for evaluating and selecting design solutions

86. In design thinking, what is the role of "Lateral Thinking"?

• A. A linear and sequential approach to problem-solving

• B. Thinking creatively and laterally to generate innovative solutions

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Thinking creatively and laterally to generate innovative solutions

87. What is the purpose of the "Scenarios" technique in design thinking?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Developing user narratives to explore different situations

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Conducting user interviews

Answer: B. Developing user narratives to explore different situations

88. Which design thinking principle involves considering the emotional and psychological
aspects of the user experience?

• A. Emotional Design

• B. Human-Centered Design

• C. Convergent Thinking

• D. Divergent Thinking

Answer: A. Emotional Design

89. What is the purpose of the "Force Field Analysis" technique in design thinking?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Identifying and weighing factors that support or hinder a proposed solution

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Identifying and weighing factors that support or hinder a proposed solution

90. In design thinking, what is the significance of the "Bodystorming" technique?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Physically simulating user experiences to gain insights

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Physically simulating user experiences to gain insights

91. What is the purpose of the "Kano Model" in design thinking?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Prioritizing features based on customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Prioritizing features based on customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction

92. In design thinking, what does the term "Ideation Space" refer to?

• A. A physical or virtual space dedicated to brainstorming and generating ideas

• B. Developing a detailed prototype

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Conducting user interviews

Answer: A. A physical or virtual space dedicated to brainstorming and generating ideas

93. What is the role of "Synthesis" in the design thinking process?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Combining diverse ideas and insights to form a coherent solution

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Combining diverse ideas and insights to form a coherent solution

94. Which design thinking principle involves exploring unconventional ideas and solutions?

• A. Convergent Thinking

• B. Divergent Thinking

• C. Linear Thinking

• D. Emotional Design

Answer: B. Divergent Thinking

95. What does the term "Pareto Principle" (80/20 Rule) signify in design thinking?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Focusing on the most critical 20% of features that provide 80% of the value

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Focusing on the most critical 20% of features that provide 80% of the value

96. In design thinking, what is the purpose of the "Ideation Session" technique?

• A. Developing a detailed prototype

• B. Facilitating a collaborative and creative brainstorming session

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Conducting user interviews

Answer: B. Facilitating a collaborative and creative brainstorming session

97. What is the significance of the "Magic Wand" technique in design thinking?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Prioritizing ideas by giving each team member a limited number of votes

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Prioritizing ideas by giving each team member a limited number of votes

98. Which design thinking phase involves translating ideas into a tangible form for testing and

• A. Ideation

• B. Prototype

• C. Analyze

• D. Test

Answer: B. Prototype

99. What is the role of "Pre-Testing" in the design thinking process?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Testing ideas with a small group before full implementation

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Testing ideas with a small group before full implementation


1. What is the purpose of the "Five-Stage Model" in design thinking?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Providing a structured approach to the design process

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Providing a structured approach to the design process

2. What role does "Mood Boards" play in the design thinking process?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Communicating visual styles and themes for a project

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Communicating visual styles and themes for a project

3. Which design thinking principle emphasizes the importance of creating a positive

emotional impact on users?

• A. Emotional Design

• B. User-Centered Design

• C. Convergent Thinking

• D. Divergent Thinking

Answer: A. Emotional Design

4. What does the term "Wicked Problem" mean in the context of design thinking?

• A. A problem that is evil and cannot be solved

• B. A complex problem with no clear solution and multiple stakeholders

• C. A simple problem with a straightforward solution

• D. A problem that only occurs occasionally

Answer: B. A complex problem with no clear solution and multiple stakeholders

5. In design thinking, what is the purpose of the "Innovation Tournament" technique?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Structured competition to generate innovative ideas

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Structured competition to generate innovative ideas

6. Which design thinking phase involves exploring and understanding the physical and
environmental aspects of a problem?

• A. Ideation

• B. Define

• C. Test

• D. Analyze

Answer: B. Define

7. In design thinking, what is the significance of the "Hypothesis-Driven Design" approach?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Formulating and testing hypotheses to guide the design process

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Formulating and testing hypotheses to guide the design process

8. What is the purpose of the "Crazy Quilting" technique in design thinking?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Generating a diverse and unpredictable set of ideas

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Generating a diverse and unpredictable set of ideas

9. In design thinking, what is the role of "Cognitive Interview" technique?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Exploring user thought processes and decision-making

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Exploring user thought processes and decision-making

10. What does the term "Anti-Problem" involve in the design thinking process?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Challenging the problem statement to uncover new perspectives

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Challenging the problem statement to uncover new perspectives

11. What is the primary goal of the "Anti-Solution" technique in design thinking?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Generating unconventional solutions by challenging existing ideas

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Generating unconventional solutions by challenging existing ideas

12. In design thinking, what is the role of "Mind Mapping" during the ideation phase?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Developing a single prototype

• C. Visualizing and organizing ideas to explore connections

• D. Ignoring user feedback

Answer: C. Visualizing and organizing ideas to explore connections

13. Which design thinking phase involves creating a low-fidelity representation of the solution
to gather early feedback?

• A. Ideation

• B. Prototyping

• C. Test

• D. Analyze

Answer: B. Prototyping

14. What is the purpose of the "Provocation" technique in design thinking?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Stimulating creative thinking by challenging assumptions

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Stimulating creative thinking by challenging assumptions

15. In design thinking, what does the term "Minimum Viable Product" (MVP) refer to?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Developing a single prototype

• C. The smallest version of a product that can be tested with users

• D. Ignoring user feedback

Answer: C. The smallest version of a product that can be tested with users

16. What role does "Parallel Prototyping" play in the design thinking process?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Developing multiple prototypes simultaneously to explore different ideas

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Developing multiple prototypes simultaneously to explore different ideas

17. Which design thinking principle emphasizes the importance of iteration and refinement
throughout the design process?

• A. Divergent Thinking

• B. Convergent Thinking

• C. Iterate and Refine

• D. Human-Centered Design

Answer: C. Iterate and Refine

18. In design thinking, what is the purpose of the "Customer Journey Map"?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Developing a single prototype

• C. Visualizing the user's experience and interactions with a product

• D. Ignoring user feedback

Answer: C. Visualizing the user's experience and interactions with a product

19. What does the term "Concept Testing" involve in the design thinking process?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Developing a single prototype

• C. Testing the feasibility of key concepts with users

• D. Ignoring user feedback

Answer: C. Testing the feasibility of key concepts with users

20. In design thinking, what is the role of "Fly-on-the-Wall Observation" during user research?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Actively engaging with users in their environment

• C. Observing users without interference in their natural setting

• D. Ignoring user feedback

Answer: C. Observing users without interference in their natural setting

21. What is the purpose of the "Rose, Thorn, Bud" technique in design thinking?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Analysing the positive, negative, and potential aspects of an idea

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Analysing the positive, negative, and potential aspects of an idea

22. In design thinking, what does the term "Divergent Thinking" involve?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Thinking creatively and generating a variety of ideas

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Thinking creatively and generating a variety of ideas

23. Which design thinking phase involves defining the problem and understanding the user's
needs and constraints?

• A. Ideation

• B. Define

• C. Test

• D. Analyse

Answer: B. Define

24. What is the role of "Affinity Diagramming" in the design thinking process?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Organizing and grouping ideas based on common themes

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Organizing and grouping ideas based on common themes

25. In design thinking, what is the significance of the "Critical Incident Technique" during user

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Analysing specific events that significantly impact the user experience

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Analysing specific events that significantly impact the user experience

26. What role does "Empathy Mapping" play in the design thinking process?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Visualizing and understanding the user's emotions, thoughts, and behaviours

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Visualizing and understanding the user's emotions, thoughts, and behaviours

27. Which design thinking principle involves focusing on solving the right problem before
finding the solution?

• A. Divergent Thinking

• B. Convergent Thinking

• C. Problem Framing

• D. Human-Centered Design

Answer: C. Problem Framing

28. In design thinking, what is the purpose of the "Coevolution" technique?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Collaboratively evolving ideas with users through continuous feedback

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Collaboratively evolving ideas with users through continuous feedback

29. What does the term "Cannibalization" signify in the context of design thinking?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Avoiding competition between different design solutions

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. One product negatively affecting the sales of another product

Answer: D. One product negatively affecting the sales of another product

30. In design thinking, what is the role of "Parallel Ideation" during brainstorming sessions?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Generating ideas simultaneously to encourage diverse thinking

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Generating ideas simultaneously to encourage diverse thinking

31. What is the primary purpose of the "SCAMPER" technique in design thinking?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Stimulating idea generation by asking questions about existing concepts

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Stimulating idea generation by asking questions about existing concepts

32. In design thinking, what does the term "Blue Sky Thinking" involve?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Open and unconstrained brainstorming without limitations

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Open and unconstrained brainstorming without limitations

33. Which design thinking principle involves understanding and considering the ethical
implications of design decisions?

• A. Ethical Design

• B. Human-Centered Design

• C. Convergent Thinking

• D. Divergent Thinking

Answer: A. Ethical Design

34. What is the purpose of the "SCV" framework in design thinking?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Simplifying, Clarifying, and Visualizing ideas for better communication

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Simplifying, Clarifying, and Visualizing ideas for better communication

35. In design thinking, what is the role of "Rapid Prototyping"?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Developing a single prototype

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Quickly creating and testing preliminary versions of a solution

Answer: D. Quickly creating and testing preliminary versions of a solution

36. Which design thinking phase involves identifying patterns, insights, and opportunities from
collected data?

• A. Ideation

• B. Define

• C. Test

• D. Analyse

Answer: D. Analyse

37. What is the significance of the "Red Team/Blue Team" approach in design thinking?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Encouraging critical examination and feedback on ideas from different


• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Encouraging critical examination and feedback on ideas from different perspectives

38. In design thinking, what does the term "Heuristic Evaluation" involve?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Systematically assessing a product's usability based on established principles

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Systematically assessing a product's usability based on established principles

39. What is the role of "Concurrent Engineering" in the design thinking process?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Simultaneously considering design, production, and other factors

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Simultaneously considering design, production, and other factors

40. In design thinking, what does the term "Serendipity" involve?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Discovering unexpected and valuable ideas by chance

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Discovering unexpected and valuable ideas by chance

41. What is the purpose of the "Mashups" technique in design thinking?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Combining unrelated concepts to generate new ideas

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Combining unrelated concepts to generate new ideas

42. In design thinking, what does the term "Usability Testing" involve?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Developing a single prototype

• C. Evaluating a product's user-friendliness through user interaction

• D. Ignoring user feedback

Answer: C. Evaluating a product's user-friendliness through user interaction

43. Which design thinking phase involves brainstorming and generating a wide range of ideas?

• A. Ideation

• B. Define

• C. Test

• D. Analyse

Answer: A. Ideation

44. What is the role of "Mindful Empathy" in the empathize phase of design thinking?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Actively and empathetically understanding user needs

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Actively and empathetically understanding user needs

45. In design thinking, what does the term "Conceptual Blocks" refer to?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Mental obstacles that hinder creative thinking

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Mental obstacles that hinder creative thinking

46. What is the purpose of the "Assumption Testing" technique in design thinking?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Validating or disproving assumptions underlying a solution

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Validating or disproving assumptions underlying a solution

47. In design thinking, what does the term "Conjoint Analysis" involve?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Analysing user preferences for different features and attributes

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Analysing user preferences for different features and attributes

48. Which design thinking principle emphasizes the importance of involving users throughout
the design process?

• A. User-Centered Design

• B. Divergent Thinking

• C. Convergent Thinking

• D. Emotional Design

Answer: A. User-Centered Design

49. What is the role of "Design Criteria" in the design thinking process?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Establishing specific standards for evaluating and selecting design solutions

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Establishing specific standards for evaluating and selecting design solutions

50. In design thinking, what does the term "Heuristic Inquiry" involve?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Exploring and evaluating design solutions based on heuristics

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Exploring and evaluating design solutions based on heuristics

51. What is the primary purpose of the "Role Playing" technique in design thinking?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Generating empathy by simulating user experiences

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Generating empathy by simulating user experiences

52. In design thinking, what does the term "Semantic Satiation" refer to?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. The temporary loss of meaning when a word is repeated frequently

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. The temporary loss of meaning when a word is repeated frequently

53. Which design thinking phase involves refining and improving the chosen solution based on
user feedback?

• A. Ideation

• B. Prototype

• C. Test

• D. Analyse

Answer: B. Prototype

54. What is the role of "Silent Ideation" in the ideation phase of design thinking?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Generating ideas individually without verbal communication

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Generating ideas individually without verbal communication

55. In design thinking, what does the term "Empathic Design" involve?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Designing solutions based on a deep understanding of user emotions and


• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Designing solutions based on a deep understanding of user emotions and experiences

56. What is the purpose of the "Flyswatter" technique in design thinking workshops?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Encouraging participants to physically engage with ideas

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Encouraging participants to physically engage with ideas

57. Which design thinking principle involves exploring multiple solutions before converging on
a final idea?

• A. Divergent Thinking

• B. Convergent Thinking

• C. Iterate and Refine

• D. Human-Centered Design

Answer: A. Divergent Thinking

58. In design thinking, what does the term "Think Tank" involve?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. A group or organization that generates innovative ideas

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. A group or organization that generates innovative ideas

59. What is the role of "Card Sorting" in the design thinking process?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Organizing and categorizing information or ideas

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Organizing and categorizing information or ideas

60. In design thinking, what does the term "Lateral Thinking" involve?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Solving problems through unconventional and creative approaches

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Solving problems through unconventional and creative approaches

61. What is the primary purpose of the "Force-Field Analysis" technique in design thinking?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Identifying and evaluating driving and restraining forces affecting a solution

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Identifying and evaluating driving and restraining forces affecting a solution

62. In design thinking, what does the term "Cardboard Modelling" involve?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Developing a single prototype

• C. Testing ideas by creating physical models from cardboard

• D. Ignoring user feedback

Answer: C. Testing ideas by creating physical models from cardboard

63. Which design thinking phase involves creating a detailed, high-fidelity representation of
the solution?

• A. Ideation

• B. Prototype

• C. Test

• D. Analyse

Answer: B. Prototype

64. What is the role of "Day in the Life" scenarios in the design thinking process?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Developing a single prototype

• C. Describing user experiences in a typical day to identify design opportunities

• D. Ignoring user feedback

Answer: C. Describing user experiences in a typical day to identify design opportunities

65. In design thinking, what does the term "Affordances" refer to?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. The perceived and actual properties of an object that suggest its use

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. The perceived and actual properties of an object that suggest its use

66. What is the purpose of the "Role Storming" technique in design thinking?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Generating creative ideas by having participants adopt different roles

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Generating creative ideas by having participants adopt different roles

67. In design thinking, what does the term "Heuristic Evaluation" involve?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Systematically assessing a product's usability based on established principles

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Systematically assessing a product's usability based on established principles

68. What is the role of "Scenario Planning" in the design thinking process?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Developing a single prototype

• C. Considering and planning for different future scenarios

• D. Ignoring user feedback

Answer: C. Considering and planning for different future scenarios

69. Which design thinking principle emphasizes the importance of involving diverse
perspectives in the design process?

• A. User-Centered Design

• B. Divergent Thinking

• C. Convergent Thinking

• D. Inclusive Design

Answer: D. Inclusive Design

70. In design thinking, what does the term "Hick's Law" involve?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. The time it takes to make a decision increase with the number of choices

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. The time it takes to make a decision increase with the number of choices

71. What is the primary purpose of the "Empathy Maps" technique in design thinking?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Developing a single prototype

• C. Visualizing and understanding the user's thoughts and feelings

• D. Ignoring user feedback

Answer: C. Visualizing and understanding the user's thoughts and feelings

72. In design thinking, what does the term "Assumption Busting" involve?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Challenging and questioning assumptions to generate new ideas

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Challenging and questioning assumptions to generate new ideas

73. Which design thinking phase involves testing the solution with actual users to gather

• A. Ideation

• B. Prototype

• C. Test

• D. Analyze

Answer: C. Test

74. What is the role of "Dot Voting" in design thinking workshops?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Participants vote on their favourite ideas using dot stickers

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Participants vote on their favourite ideas using dot stickers

75. In design thinking, what does the term "Back casting" involve?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Developing a single prototype

• C. Imagining and planning for a preferred future scenario

• D. Ignoring user feedback

Answer: C. Imagining and planning for a preferred future scenario

76. What is the purpose of the "Storyboarding" technique in design thinking?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Developing a single prototype

• C. Visualizing the user's journey and interactions with a product

• D. Ignoring user feedback

Answer: C. Visualizing the user's journey and interactions with a product

77. In design thinking, what does the term "Rapid Ethnography" involve?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Conducting quick observations and interviews to understand user behaviour

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Conducting quick observations and interviews to understand user behaviour

78. What is the role of "Scenarios" in the design thinking process?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Developing a single prototype

• C. Describing specific situations to explore user needs and experiences

• D. Ignoring user feedback

Answer: C. Describing specific situations to explore user needs and experiences

79. Which design thinking principle involves focusing on the end user's needs and

• A. User-Centered Design

• B. Divergent Thinking

• C. Convergent Thinking

• D. Emotional Design

Answer: A. User-Centered Design

80. In design thinking, what is the purpose of the "Lotus Blossom" technique?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Developing a single prototype

• C. Generating and organizing ideas through an expanding diagram

• D. Ignoring user feedback

Answer: C. Generating and organizing ideas through an expanding diagram

81. What is the primary purpose of the "Wizard of Oz" prototyping technique in design

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Developing a single prototype

• C. Simulating a product's functionality without building a complete system

• D. Ignoring user feedback

Answer: C. Simulating a product's functionality without building a complete system

82. In design thinking, what does the term "Kano Model" involve?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Developing a single prototype

• C. Classifying features based on their impact on customer satisfaction

• D. Ignoring user feedback

Answer: C. Classifying features based on their impact on customer satisfaction

83. Which design thinking phase involves synthesizing and interpreting data gathered during
the research phase?

• A. Ideation

• B. Define

• C. Test

• D. Analyze

Answer: D. Analyze

84. What is the role of "A/B Testing" in the design thinking process?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Developing a single prototype

• C. Comparing two versions of a product to determine which performs better

• D. Ignoring user feedback

Answer: C. Comparing two versions of a product to determine which performs better

85. In design thinking, what does the term "Crazy Eights" involve?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Generating quick sketches or ideas within a set timeframe

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Generating quick sketches or ideas within a set timeframe

86. What is the purpose of the "Cocktail Party" technique in design thinking?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Encouraging informal and diverse conversations to generate ideas

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Encouraging informal and diverse conversations to generate ideas

87. In design thinking, what does the term "Accessibility" involve?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Ensuring that a product can be used by people with diverse abilities

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Ensuring that a product can be used by people with diverse abilities

88. What is the role of "Prototyping" in the design thinking process?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Testing provocative and extreme ideas to stimulate creative thinking

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Testing provocative and extreme ideas to stimulate creative thinking

89. Which design thinking principle emphasizes the importance of feedback loops and

• A. Iterate and Refine

• B. Divergent Thinking

• C. Convergent Thinking

• D. Human-Centered Design

Answer: A. Iterate and Refine

90. In design thinking, what does the term "Visual Thinking" involve?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Using visual aids and representations to enhance understanding

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Using visual aids and representations to enhance understanding

81. What is the primary purpose of the "Customer Persona" technique in design thinking?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Developing a single prototype

• C. Creating a fictional representation of a target user to guide design decisions

• D. Ignoring user feedback

Answer: C. Creating a fictional representation of a target user to guide design decisions

82. In design thinking, what does the term "Usability Heuristics" involve?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Systematically assessing a product's usability based on established principles

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Systematically assessing a product's usability based on established principles

83. Which design thinking phase involves synthesizing and interpreting the data collected
during the empathize phase?

• A. Ideation

• B. Define

• C. Test

• D. Analyze

Answer: B. Define

84. What is the role of "Boundary Objects" in the design thinking process?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Developing a single prototype

• C. Objects that facilitate communication and collaboration between different


• D. Ignoring user feedback

Answer: C. Objects that facilitate communication and collaboration between different disciplines

85. In design thinking, what does the term "Wizard of Oz" testing involve?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Participants believe they are interacting with a fully functional system, but a
human is behind the scenes simulating the system's responses

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Participants believe they are interacting with a fully functional system, but a human is
behind the scenes simulating the system's responses

86. What is the purpose of the "Mind's Eye" technique in design thinking?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Developing a single prototype

• C. Visualizing and describing a concept or idea in detail

• D. Ignoring user feedback

Answer: C. Visualizing and describing a concept or idea in detail

87. In design thinking, what does the term "Wearables" refer to?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Devices that can be worn, such as smartwatches or fitness trackers

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Devices that can be worn, such as smartwatches or fitness trackers

88. What is the role of "Pilot Testing" in the design thinking process?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Developing a single prototype

• C. Testing a solution with a small group before full implementation

• D. Ignoring user feedback

Answer: C. Testing a solution with a small group before full implementation

89. Which design thinking principle involves prioritizing ideas and solutions based on their
feasibility and impact?

• A. Divergent Thinking

• B. Convergent Thinking

• C. Iterate and Refine

• D. Human-Centered Design

Answer: B. Convergent Thinking

90. In design thinking, what does the term "Participatory Design" involve?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Developing a single prototype

• C. Involving end-users in the design process to ensure their perspectives are


• D. Ignoring user feedback

Answer: C. Involving end-users in the design process to ensure their perspectives are considered

91. What is the primary purpose of the "Five Whys" technique in design thinking?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Investigating the root cause of a problem by asking "why" multiple times

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Investigating the root cause of a problem by asking "why" multiple times

92. In design thinking, what does the term "Inclusive Design" involve?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Designing products and services that consider the needs of diverse user groups

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Designing products and services that consider the needs of diverse user groups

93. Which design thinking phase involves generating and exploring potential solutions to the
defined problem?

• A. Ideation

• B. Define

• C. Test

• D. Analyze

Answer: A. Ideation

94. What is the role of "Charette" in the design thinking process?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Developing a single prototype

• C. An intensive collaborative session to generate solutions or ideas

• D. Ignoring user feedback

Answer: C. An intensive collaborative session to generate solutions or ideas

95. In design thinking, what does the term "Personas" refer to?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Developing a single prototype

• C. Fictional characters created to represent different user types

• D. Ignoring user feedback

Answer: C. Fictional characters created to represent different user types

96. What is the purpose of the "SWOT Analysis" technique in design thinking?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a solution

• C. Ignoring user feedback

• D. Developing a single prototype

Answer: B. Identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a solution

97. In design thinking, what does the term "A/B Testing" involve?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Developing a single prototype

• C. Comparing two versions of a solution to determine which performs better

• D. Ignoring user feedback

Answer: C. Comparing two versions of a solution to determine which performs better

98. What is the role of "Design Sprints" in the design thinking process?

• A. Creating a detailed prototype

• B. Developing a single prototype

• C. Intensive, time-boxed sessions for solving specific design challenges

• D. Ignoring user feedback

Answer: C. Intensive, time-boxed sessions for solving specific design challenges

99. Which design thinking principle involves prioritizing the user's emotional experience with a
product or service?

• A. User-Centered Design

• B. Divergent Thinking

• C. Convergent Thinking

• D. Emotional Design

Answer: D. Emotional Design


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