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(Autonomous Institute affiliated to VTU, Belagavi)

(Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ grade and NBA)
Yelahanka, Bengaluru – 560064.



Sl. No. Department Pg. No.

1 Civil Engineering 4-35
2 Computer Science & Engineering 36-146
3 Electronics & Communication Engineering 147-156

4 Electrical And Electronics Engineering 157-172

5 Mechanical Engineering 173-192

Student Name:


(Autonomous Institute affiliated to VTU, Belagavi)
(Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ grade and NBA)
Yelahanka, Bengaluru – 560064.




Course Code 22BESL111/211 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) 0:0:2 SEE Marks 50
Total Number of Contact Hours 26 Exam Hours -
The main objective of this course is to develop basic skill sets that needed to perform in our day to
day life using engineering knowledge and tools. The detail objectives are as follows.

1. To facilitate the students to understand commonly used materials and tools in day to day life of
2. To prepare the students to understand and prepare basic connections and drawings related to
the branches of Engineering.
3. To provide practical hands on training on connections, constructions and testing in the field of
4. To make the students to understand the basic safety aspects and devices that are commonly used
in the field of Engineering.


1. Study of Common Building Materials in Construction.

(Cement, Fine Aggregate, Coarse Aggregates, bricks, solid blocks, tiles, wood, paints, steel).
2. Calculate the Compressive strength of Bricks / Blocks and water absorption
3. Calculate the Volume of Bricks for 1m3
4. Demonstration: a) Construction tools
b) Fire Safety devices
c) English Bond
d) Flemish Bond Bonds

Experiment No.________________ Date_______________


AIM: To determine the specific gravity of cement.

APPARATUS: Weighing balance, specific gravity bottle, distilled water, etc.

Fig: Density Bottle

THEORY: Specific gravity is normally defined as the ratio between the mass of a given volume of
material and mass of an equal volume of water. One of the methods of determining the specific
gravity of cement is by the use of a liquid such as water-free kerosene which does not react with
cement. A specific gravity bottle may be employed or a standard Le-Chatelier flask may be used.
• Weigh the dry specific gravity bottle (W1).

• Weight of Bottle & Cement (W2)

• Pore some kerosene out; introduce a weighed quantity of cement (1/3) of the bottle.
Roll the bottle gently to remove the air bubbles. Fill the bottle to the top with the
kerosene and weigh it (W3).
• Fill the kerosene to the top of bottle & then take the weight. (W4).

• Remove the Kerosene, and fill it with water to the top and the weight (W5).

Mass of empty dry bottle, (W1) gm
Mass of bottle + dry cement, (W2) gm
Mass of bottle + cement + kerosene, (W3) gm
Mass of bottle + kerosene (W4) gm
Mass of bottle + water, (W5) gm
specific gravity of kerosene,
𝐖𝟒 − 𝐖𝟏
𝐆𝐤 = ( )
𝐖𝟓 − 𝐖𝟏
specific gravity of cement,
(𝐖𝟐 − 𝐖𝟏)
𝐒= 𝑥𝐺𝑘
(𝐖𝟒 − 𝐖𝟏) − (𝐖𝟑 − 𝐖𝟐)


Specific gravity of cement, S =……………………..…..

Experiment No.________________ Date_______________


AIM: To determine the compressive strength of cement sand mortar cubes.

APPARATUS: Compression testing machine, 70.5mm cube moulds, vibrating machine, crucible
for mixing cement and sand, measuring cylinder, balance with weights.

THEORY: The compressive strength of mortar is the resistance against compressive load.
Generally compressive strength of mortar increase with curing period. The compressive strength
of cement mortar is determined in order to verify whether it will be able to develop the required
compressive strength of concrete.
 Calculate the materials required for one cube mould for the desired mix proportion.
 Take about 200 grams. of cement and 600 grams of sand and mix it thoroughly to get
uniform mixture.
 The percentage of water to be used shall be (4 + 3), where P is standard consistency of
 Place the assembled mould on the table of the vibrating machine & firmly hold it in
position by means of suitable of clamps.
 The period of vibration is 2 minutes.
 Remove the mould & keep it at a temperature of 27 degree & 90% relative humidity for
24 hours.
 After 24 hours remove the cubes from the mould & keep it for pond curing until it is taken
out for testing
Sl. No. 7- day strength 28 - day strength
Load (KN) Strength (N/mm2) Load ( KN) Strength(N/mm2)

Compressive strength of cement
a) After 7 days…………………… N/mm2

b) After 14 days…………………. N/mm2

The crushing strength test for cement has established itself as superior to the tensile strength
test. Results are less variable between different laboratories. In addition there is good correlation
between the strength of cement mortar test cubes and strength of concrete made with same
cement. According to IS: 269-1976, the ultimate compressive strength of cubes of cement sand
mortar of the ratio 1: 3 containing water of ( ) Percentage of combined weight of cement and
standard sand water should be as follows:

Technical reference IS 4031(Part-6)-1988.

Experiment No.________________ Date_______________


Determination of Specific gravity and water absorption of Fine aggregates.
1. Weighing balance.
2. Pycnometer (64mm diameter at top, 90mm diameter at bottom and 73mm in height)
3. Tamping rod 25mm in diameter.
Specific gravity:
The Specific gravity of an aggregate is defined as the mass of a given volume of sample to the
mass of an equal volume of water at the same temperature.
The Specific gravity of the fine aggregate is generally required for calculations in connection with
concrete mix design for determination of moisture content and for the calculation of volume
yield of concrete. The Specific gravity also gives information on the quality and properties of
1. Weigh the empty Pycnometer and note down the weight W1.
2. Fill the Pycnometer with fine aggregate up to 1/3rd of the volume approximately and record
the weight W2.
3. Fill remaining portion of the pycnometer with water up to the top of the conical mouth and
make sure it is free from air bubbles. Record the weight W3.
4. Remove the fine aggregate sample and water completely from the pycnometer and fill it with
water up to the top. Record the weight W4.
5. Weigh the used wet fine aggregate sample, W5 and Place it in oven at 100o C for 24hours.
6. Weigh the oven dry sample and note down the weight, W6.


Mass of empty dry Pycnometer (W1) = ___________________g
Mass of Pycnometer + fine aggregate sample (W2) = ___________________g
Mass of Pycnometer + fine aggregate sample + Water (W3) = ___________________g
Mass of Pycnometer + Water (W4) = ___________________g
a) Specific gravity
= =____________________

1. Define bulk density and specific gravity. Which one is most often used in concrete calculations
in the field?
2. What is the range of values of specific gravity of ordinary aggregates like gravel and crushed
3. What are light weight aggregates and where do you use them?
4. Why is the knowledge of water absorption of fine aggregate essential?

Since concrete aggregates are normally used in a wet condition, the bulk specific gravity as
determined for field use is based on the mass of saturated surface dry sample, rather than an
oven dry sample.

Experiment No.________________ Date_______________


To determine the fineness modulus and grain size distribution of given coarse and fine
IS: 383-1963 defines the Fine aggregates as the aggregate most of which will pass 4.75mm
IS sieve. The fine aggregate is often termed as a sand size aggregate. The sand is generally
considered to have a lower size limit of 0.07mm. The material between 0.06mm and 0.002mm is
classified as silt and still smaller particles are termed as clay. The Coarse aggregate is defined as
an aggregate most of which is retained on 4.75mm IS sieve.

The fineness modulus is a numerical index of fineness, giving some idea of the mean size
of the particles present in the entire body of the aggregate.

The main objective of this test is to determine the relative amount of various sizes of
particles present in the aggregates. The object of finding fineness modulus is to grade the given
aggregate for the most economical mix for the required strength and workability with minimum
quantity of cement. For aggregates commonly used, the fineness modulus of fine aggregate
varies between 2.0 and 3.5; for coarse aggregate between 5.5 and 8.0. A grading curve is drawn
IS sieve size v/s percent passing on semi-log sheet. If the test aggregates gives higher fineness
modulus, the mix will be harsh and if on the other hand gives a lower fineness modulus, it results
in an uneconomical mix.
IS test sieves: Fine wire cloth nos. 2.36mm, 1.18mm, 600 m, 300 m, 150 m and square hole
perforated plates 80 mm, 40mm, 20mm, 10mm and 4.75mm refer to IS:460-1978, weighing
balance (sensitive to 1/1000th of the test specimen), sieve shaker, trays, rice plates, drying oven
(to operate between 100o to 110o C)
A) Coarse Aggregate:
1. Take 5kg of coarse aggregate of nominal size 20mm from a sample of 20kg by quartering.
2. Carry out sieving by hand. Shake each sieve in order: 80mm, 40mm, 20mm, 10mm, 4.75mm
over a clean dry tray for a period of not less than 2 minutes. The shaking is done with a varied
motion: backwards and forwards, left to right, circular, clockwise and anti-clockwise and with
frequent jarring, so that the material is kept moving over the sieve surface in frequent changing

3. Find the mass of aggregate retained on each sieve taken in order.
4. Fineness modulus is an empirical factor which is obtained by dividing the cumulative sum of
the percentage of aggregate retained on each IS sieves taken in order by 100.
5. Plot a graph of IS Sieve size v/s Percentage passing on regular graph sheet.

B) Fine Aggregate:
1. Take 1 kg of sand from a laboratory sample of 10kg by quartering and break clay lumps, if any,
in a clean dry tray.
2. Arrange the sieves in order of IS sieve nos. 4.75mm, 2.36mm, 1.18 mm, 600µm, 300µm and
150 µm keeping sieve nos. 4.75mm at the top and 150µm at the bottom. Fix them in the sieve
shaking machine with the pan at the bottom and cover at the top.
3. Keep the sand in the top sieve; carry out sieving in the set of sieves as arranged before for not
less than 10minutes.
4. Find the mass retained on each sieve.
5. Fineness modulus is an empirical factor which is obtained by dividing the cumulative sum of
the percentage of aggregate retained on each IS sieves taken in order by 100.
6. Plot a graph of sieve size v/s percentage passing on a semi-log graph sheet.


A) Coarse Aggregate:
Mass of tray =W
Mass of tray + Coarse aggregate = (W+5) Kg

SL Sieve No. Mass Percentage Cumulative Percentage

No. retained retained Percentage passing
Retained C ( 100 – C )
1 80mm
2 40mm
3 20mm
4 10mm
5 4.75mm
6 Pan

ΣC + 500
Fineness modulus of Coarse Aggregate = ( )

B) Fine Aggregate:

Mass of tray (W) = kg

Mass of tray + Fine aggregate = (W+1kg) = kg

SL Sieve No. Mass Percentage Cumulative Percentage

No. retained retained Percentage passing
Retained C ( 100 – C )
1 4.75mm
2 2.36mm
3 1.18mm
4 600µm
5 300µm
6 150µm
7 75µm
8 Pan
Fineness modulus of Coarse Aggregate = ( )
Note: Cumulative percentage retained in the Pan should not be added, while calculating ΣC.



Experiment No.________________ Date_______________


To test the water absorption of standard brick.
Bricks are made up of earthen components. Therefore when exposed to moisture tend to absorb
but when this water content is evaporated from the brick, salt deposit appears on the surface of
the brick giving a white layer. The absorption of water of a standard brick (190 mm X 90 mm X 90
mm) should be less than 16% by weight in 24 hrs.
Weighing balance (sensitive to 0.1 gm), trowel, tray, oven, water bath
Brick, cement, sand, water
1.Take the sample of 3 bricks and dry these in the oven at a temperature of 110-1150C for at
least 48 hours. These are then allowed to cool in the oven with the oven switched off until they
reach ambient room temperature and then each weighed on the weighing balance and the dry
weight of sample is taken as W1.
2. Place each specimen in turn in the water bath allowing water freely to circulate on all sides
for 24 hours.
3. Remove all the specimens and allow to dry to saturated surface dried condition and
weighed on the balance. The weighing should be completed within 2 minutes from their removal
from the bath and the weight of the sample is taken as W2.


Dry weight of brick (W1) in Kg

Weight of brick after immersing in water for

24 hrs (W2) in Kg.
Water absorption ((W2−W1)/W1 ) X 100
Average water absorption (%)

The water absorption is found to be _____________________%

Hence the water absorption value is within the permissible limit.

The bricks should be collected of uniform size.
The bricks should be fully immersed in water.

IS: 5454 – Method of sampling for clay building bricks.
IS: 1077 – Common burnt clay building bricks- Specification.

Experiment No.________________ Date_______________


To determine the compressive strength of bricks.


Bricks are the most commonly used building blocks used in construction works as
masonry walls, paving bricks or in floorings where these are primarily subjected to compressive
stresses. The strength of masonry wall is dependent upon the basic strength of bricks as well as
mortar. Therefore, it is important to test the bricks for their compressive strength to assess the
load carrying capacity of structural units constructed out of them. As per IS: 1077-1970, the
minimum crushing strength of bricks is 3.5 N/mm2 (50 kg/ cm2) and bricks having compressive
strength less than 5 N/mm2 (50 kg/cm2 ) are not used for structural works.

The common bricks are classified on the basis of their average compressive strength as given in
the following table:

Class designation based Average compressive strength not less

on compressive than
strength N/mm2 Kg/cm2 (approx.)
35 35 350
30 30 300
25 25 250
20 20 200
17.5 17.5 175
15 15 150
12.5 12.5 125
10 10 100
7.5 7.5 75
5 5 50
3.5 3.5 35

The compressive strength of any individual brick tested is not to fall below the minimum
compressive strength specified for the corresponding class of bricks by more than 15 percent.

Compression testing machine, Weighing balance (sensitive to 0.1 gm), trowel, tray, damp
Jute bags


1. Take randomly 5 no. of bricks and measure its dimension.
2. The frogs and all the voids in the bed face are filled with cement mortar 1:1.
3. The bricks specimens are immersed in water at room temperature (250c to 290c) for
24 hours.
4. Then remove the specimens and drain out any surplus moisture at room temperature.
5. Test the sample by keeping the mortar filling face upwards and flat face horizontal in
6. Brick place in the Compression testing machine and note down the compression load.


𝐌𝐚𝐱𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐦 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝 𝐚𝐭 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐮𝐫

𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐡 = ( )
𝐀𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐚 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐬

Avg. Size of the 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐡 Avg.

Area of Max load
Sl. specimen 𝐌𝐚𝐱𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐦 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝 𝐚𝐭 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐮𝐫 Compressive
the Brick at failure = ( )
No 𝐀𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐚 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐬 strength

The average compressive strength of bricks = _________________N/mm2

The average compressive strength of bricks is within the permissible limit.

 The bricks should be collected of uniform size.
 The frog and all the void spaces are to be properly filed with cement mortar so as to give
a plane surface for loading.

 After filling the frog and any other voids the bricks should be fully immersed in water.
 The testing sample should be placed with flat face horizontal and mortar face facing
upwards and the load is to be applied centrally.


IS: 5454 – Method of sampling for clay building bricks.

IS: 1077 – Common burnt clay building bricks- Specification.

Experiment No.________________ Date_______________


To determine the volume of bricks and number of bricks in a wall


Assuming that the wall has no openings.

Length of the wall (l)_____________m

Height of the wall (h)_____________ m

Thickness of the wall (b)___________m

Brick size = ______ mm X ______mm X ______mm (without mortar)

Volume of brick masonry in wall = LXHXB = ________________________= _________m3

Volume of one brick with mortar = _________________________ = ______________ m3

𝐕𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐫𝐲 𝐌𝟑

𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐬 = ( )
𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐌𝟑

Experiment No.________________ Date_______________

Demonstration of English Bond and Flemish Bond


Experiment No.________________ Date_______________

Demonstration of Construction tools and fire Safety devices

Concrete Mixer
Concrete mixer is a machine which mixes the integrands water, fine aggregrates, coarse
aggregrates and cement to deliver the perfect mixed concrete

Head Pan

Head pan which is made up of iron or plastic which is used to lift the excavated soil or cement
or concrete to the working site. It is most commonly used in construction sites.

Measuring Tape

Measuring tape is used to check the thickness, length, widths of masonry walls, foundation beds,
excavated trenches etc.

Plumb Bob

Plumb bob is used to check the verticality of structures. It contains a solid metal bob connected
to the end of a thread. It is also used inn surveying to level the instrument position .

Plumb Rule

Plumb rule is used to check the vertical line of wall whether it is perfect vertical or not. It contains
a straight wood board with uniform edges. On its center a groove is provided in which plumb bob
is situated. When the rule is placed vertically with the wall the plumb bob should be in the groove
line otherwise the wall will not be vertical.

Spirit Level

Spirit level is made of wood or hard plastic with bubble tube in the middle. The bubble tube is
filled with alcohol partially. So, the air bubble is formed in it. Spirit level is used in brick masonry
to check the level of the surface. The spirit level is placed on surface and bubble is checked. The
surface is leveled when the bubble in the tube settles at middle of tube.

Trowel is used to lift and apply the cement mortar in small quantities. It is made of steel and
wooden handle is provided for holding. The ends of trowel may be pointed or bull nosed.

Sledge Hammer

Sledge hammer is used when the ground is hard and contains rock layers. A large weighted
metal head is provided at the wooden handle with which hard layers can be cracked, which
makes easy for digging.

Wheel Barrow

Wheel barrow is used to transport bulk weights of materials like cement, sand, concrete mix etc.
it contains one or two wheels at its front and two handles at its back which are used to push the
wheel barrow.


Gloves are required to prevent the hands from direct contact with cement, paints etc. and to
avoid injury while using machine tools.

Rubber Boots
During construction works, legs may damage due to contact with chemical materials like cement
or physical accidents. So, for safety rubber shoes are required.

Safety Helmet

The safety helmet should be necessary in construction works. Any material or structure may fall
from height during construction work. So, to protect the head from injury or any fatal accident,
this safety helmet should be used.

Fire Extinguishers

Most buildings contain a variety of hand-held firefighting equipment. This range of equipment is
designed to help contain small fires before they spread and become too large to control. Portable
fire extinguishers are available with a number of different extinguishing agents to help you
combat a flame. A portable extinguisher may contain the following substance:

 water

 foam

 dry powder

 CO2

 wet chemical

Fire Blankets

Fire blankets are designed to smother class F fires. That means flame that is fuelled by cooking
oils and fats. Naturally, fire blankets are installed in kitchen environments, where the chance of
a class F fire is the highest.

Fire Hose Reels

Fire hose reels are ideal for extinguishing class A fires. That is fires that are fueled by paper,
rubber, wood, and other non-conductive materials. As fire hose reels discharge water, they
cannot be used to combat electrical fires. There are other types of fire safety equipment designed
to deal with electrical fires – namely C02 fire extinguishers.


All fire equipment should be accompanied by standard signage. This helps users identify the
location and type of equipment they can access in an emergency. There is a range of different
regulations when it comes to fire safety signage. Each piece of equipment is accompanied by an
Australian standard for maintenance and installation. The corresponding guide will contain more
information about signage and where it should be located.


When it comes to the design, installation, and maintenance of fire sprinkler systems in Australia,
there are a number of standards that could apply to your building. The following standards will
influence the implementation of fire sprinklers in your space:

 AS 2118.6:2012 Standard for Automatic fire sprinkler systems Combined sprinkler and
hydrant systems in multistorey buildings
 AS 2118.1:2017 Standard for Automatic fire sprinkler systems General systems
 AS 1905.1:2005 Standard for Components for the protection of openings in fire-resistant
walls Fire-resistant doorsets
 AS 1760:2105 Fire detection, warning, control and intercom systems – System design,
installation and commissioning Fire

First Aid Kits

They might not be the first thing to spring to mind when you think of the different types of fire
safety equipment, but first aid kits are essential in the aftermath of a fire. Having adequate first
aid measures on hand will help with minor injuries sustained during a fire. It’s also a matter of
compliance – as a business owner or manager, you need to provide your staff members with first

Emergency & Exit Signs

Whilst firefighting equipment is important during an emergency when a flame is out of control,
you need to evacuate a building. Emergency and exit signs will help to provide a clear path to an
exit during a fire. Having clear signage and lighting will help contain panic and guide your team
members to an appropriate exit in time. Emergency and exit lights need to be maintained
according to the AS 2293:2005 (Set) standard for Emergency escape lighting and exit signs.

Smoke Alarms

Some types of fire safety equipment are designed for detection. Smoke alarms should be installed
in all commercial and domestic buildings. If you are a landlord, the legislation for smoke alarm
installation varies from state to state. You can find more information about your obligations on
your state government website.

(Autonomous Institute affiliated to VTU, Belagavi)
(Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ grade and NBA)
Yelahanka, Bengaluru – 560064.




Skills and knowledge are the driving forces of economic growth and
social development for any country, as it faces a demand for supply
mismatch requiring enhanced skilled workforce to meet the industry
standards. Large-scale international assessments of adult skills
generally point to skills mismatches as well as large variation in the
returns to education across fields of study, institutions, and population
groups. Employers in many developing countries report that a lack of
skilled workers is a major and increasing bottleneck for their
operations, affecting their capacity to innovate. The development of
skills can contribute to structural transformation and economic growth
by enhancing employability and labour productivity for both the
current and future workforce and helping countries to become more
competitive thereby increasing the country’s economic and
international status.

Course Code 22BESL111/211 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) 0:0:2 SEE Marks 50
Total Number of Contact Hours 26 Exam Hours -


The main objectives of this course is to develop basic skill sets that needed to perform in our day
to day lifeusing engineering knowledge and tools. The detail objectives are as follows.

1. To facilitate the students to understand commonly used materials and tools in day to
day life ofEngineering.

2. To prepare the students to understand and prepare basic connections and

drawings related to thebranches of Engineering.

3. To provide practical hands on training on connections, constructions and testing

in the field ofEngineering.

4. To make the students to understand the basic safety aspects and devices that are
commonly used inthe field of Engineering.


1. Computer basics: introduction, front panel, back panel, inside CPU, assembling,
disassembling of computer and troubleshooting.
2. Software basics, types of software, installation demo of OS.
3.Networking basics, introduction to networking tools such as routers, switches, hubs, hands-on.
4.Introduction to networking tools such as crimpling tools, testing and making networking
cable and setting up a networking and sharing files.


1. Students are able to understand the basic materials and tools that are commonly used in
day to day life ofEngineering.

2. Students are able to acquire basic skill sets of preparing connections, drawings, testing and
constructionthat are commonly used in day to day life of Engineering.

3. Students are able to demonstrate practically the acquired skill sets in constructions, testing
and troubleshooting in day to day life of Engineering.

4. Students are able to acquire the basic knowledge of tools and procedure that are commonly
used in safetyaspects of Engineering.

Experiment Description

Computer basics: introduction, front panel, back panel, inside

1 CPU, assembling, disassembling of Computer, troubleshooting of
Computer System (Hands-0n)

Software Basics, types of software, installation MS Windows and

Linux OS (Hands-On).

3 Networking Basics, Routers, Switches, Hubs, NICs, Hands-On

Introduction to Networking tools & setting up a small network and

sharing resources (Hands-on)

1. Computer basics: introduction, front panel, back panel, inside CPU,
assembling, disassembling of Computer, troubleshooting of
Computer System (Hands-0n)

Being a modern-day student you must have used, seen, or read about
computers. This is because they are an integral part of our everyday existence.
Be it school, banks, shops, railway stations, hospital or your own home,
computers are present everywhere, making our work easier and faster for us. As
they are such integral parts of our lives, we must know what they are and how
they function. Let us start with defining the term computer formally.
The literal meaning of computer is a device that can calculate. However, modern
computers can do a lot more than calculate. Computer is an electronic device
that receives input, stores or processes the input as per user instructions and
provides output in desired format.
The corresponding figure for an actual computer looks something like this −

The basic parts of a computer are as follows −

 Input Unit − Devices like keyboard and mouse that are used to input data
and instructions to the computer are called input unit.
 Output Unit − Devices like printer and visual display unit that are used to
provide information to the user in desired format are called output unit.
 Control Unit − As the name suggests, this unit controls all the functions of
the computer. All devices or parts of computer interact through the control
 Arithmetic Logic Unit − This is the brain of the computer where all arithmetic
operations and logical operations take place.
 Memory − All input data, instructions and data interim to the processes are
stored in the memory. Memory is of two types – primary

memory and secondary memory. Primary memory resides within the CPU
whereas secondary memory is external to it.
Control unit, arithmetic logic unit and memory are together called the central
processing unit or CPU. Computer devices like keyboard, mouse, printer, etc.
that we can see and touch are the hardware components of a computer. The set
of instructions or programs that make the computer function using these
hardware parts are called software. We cannot see or touch software. Both
hardware and software are necessary for working of a computer.


Both the sides of a PC are explained below with the help of the picture below:

 DVD-Writer. The top slot of the cabinet is reserved to fix CD-ROM or DVD-
 Power-LED: The LED glows and indicates that the Input Power is ON
 HDD LED: When we are working on the computer, the hard disk is in use,
this LED glows and is the indication that the hard disk drive is in use.
 Reset Switch: This computer switch is quite handy when the computer is
stuck-up and you are not able to work on the computer. Just press this
switch, and the computer will Re-Boot.
 Front USB. Cabinet provides a facility for you to connect USB devices from
the front side as it is quite awkward to get to the back side of the computer
again and again.
 Front Audio Ports: The ports for MIC and Headphone at the front are for
users quite easy to approach.
 Power Switch. It is used to switch ON the computer.

Back side connectors PC CONNECTORS

 SMPS. Switch Mode Power Supply uses electronics circuitry that converts
the AC input voltage to different values of regulated DC supply which are
fed into various color-coded wires fixed to connectors.
 SMPS FAN. The fan is fixed inside the SMPS and is used to radiate the
internal heat of the SMPS to the outside.
 Power In Socket. This socket is used to input 220V AC to the PC from the
main supply when the computer switch on the front side is pressed.
 PS-2 Port. You can see two different colored 6-pin round-shaped

connectors. These connectors are used to connect input devices, keyboards,

and mouse. Color Coding defines the connector type. The purple connector
is dedicated to connecting Keyboard and the Green color is used for Mouse.

 USB Port. The full form is Universal Serial Bus and is used to connect
various input and output devices like Mouse, Keyboard, Printers, Webcams,
etc. USB 3.0 is the latest version which offers a high data transfer speed.
 DVI Port. Digital Video Interface is a high-speed serial link for connecting
output Display Devices.
 HDMI Port.HDMI stands for high definition multimedia interface. This is
the latest interface that helps to get high-definition video and multi-channel
sound. You can connect HDMI-enabled blue ray devices, LED, etc.
 15-pin Female VGA Port. This is used to connect display devices like
Monitor / LCD / LED Display.
 LAN Port. The LAN or network port is used to connect to other devices and
computers in a network.
 Audio Ports. Generally, there is 3 number of audio ports on the back side
of a PC. These parts are either aligned vertically or in a horizontal position.
The green color port is dedicated for headphones or speakers, a blue colored
port is marked as Line-in and Mic can be inserted in a pink port.
 Expansion Slots: These expansion slots are used to connect add-on
cards to increase the capabilities of the motherboard.

The inside of a desktop computer is not as complicated as you may think. Below
is an example of the major components that make up the inside of a computer.

Information about each of the items pointed out in the picture above are found
in the links below.

 Chassis (case)
 Data cable: (IDE, SATA)
 Disc drive: CD-ROM, CD-RW, DVD-ROM, or Blu-ray.
 Expansion card (ISA, PCI, AGP, and PCI Express).
 Fan (Heat sink)

 Floppy drive
 Hard drive: HDD, SSD
 Memory (RAM)
 Motherboard
 Power cable (Molex)
 Power supply (PSU)
 Processor (CPU)

The expansion cards are often devices such as your video card, sound card,
network card, etc. Click any of the links below for additional information about
each of these devices.

It is common today for a computer to have these components built into the
motherboard, also referred to as integrated components.

 Network card
 Sound card
 Video card

The motherboard is sometimes called the system board or main board. It is the
main circuit board of a microcomputer. This component contains the connectors
for attaching additional boards. All other parts connect in one way or another to
the motherboard.
This part typically contains the CPU, BIOS, memory, mass storage interfaces,
serial and parallel ports, expansion slots, and all the controllers required to
control standard peripheral devices, such as the display screen, keyboard,
mouse, and disk drive.
When you are reading about motherboards, you won't fail to come across the
term motherboard form factors, which describes the general shape, the type of
case, and the power supply it can use. It also describes the physical organization
of the motherboard.


The central processing unit (CPU), also called a processor, is located inside
the computer case on the motherboard. It is sometimes called the brain of the
computer, and its job is to carry out commands. Whenever you press a key, click
the mouse, or start an application, you're sending instructions to the CPU.

The CPU is usually a two-inch ceramic square with a silicon chip located
inside. The chip is usually about the size of a thumbnail. The CPU fits into the
motherboard's CPU socket, which is covered by the heat sink, an object that
absorbs heat from the CPU.

A processor's speed is measured in megahertz (MHz), or millions of

instructions per second; and gigahertz (GHz), or billions of instructions per
second. A faster processor can execute instructions more quickly. However, the
actual speed of the computer depends on the speed of many different
components—not just the processor.

Memory: Memory is installed in memory sockets located on the motherboard.
These are easily found by looking for the small hinges on either side that lock
the memory in place.


RAM is your system's short-term memory. Whenever your computer performs

calculations, it temporarily stores the data in the RAM until it is needed.

This short-term memory disappears when the computer is turned off. If you're
working on a document, spreadsheet, or other type of file, you'll need to save it
to avoid losing it. When you save a file, the data is written to the hard drive,
which acts as long-term storage.

RAM is measured in megabytes (MB) or gigabytes (GB). The more RAM you
have, the more things your computer can do at the same time. If you don't have
enough RAM, you may notice that your computer is sluggish when you have
several programs open. Because of this, many people add extra RAM to their
computers to improve performance.


The hard drive is where your software, documents, and other files are stored.
The hard drive is long-term storage, which means the data is still saved even if
you turn the computer off or unplug it.

When you run a program or open a file, the computer copies some of the data
from the hard drive onto the RAM. When you save a file, the data is copied back
to the hard drive. The faster the hard drive, the faster your computer can start
up and load programs.


The power supply unit in a computer converts the power from the wall outlet
to the type of power needed by the computer. It sends power through cables to
the motherboard and other components.

If you decide to open the computer case and take a look, make sure to unplug the
computer first. Before touching the inside of the computer, you should touch a
grounded metal object—or a metal part of the computer casing—to discharge any
static buildup. Static electricity can be transmitted through the computer
circuits, which can seriously damage your machine.


Most computers have expansion slots on the motherboard that allow you to add
various types of expansion cards. These are sometimes called PCI (peripheral
component interconnect) cards. You may never need to add any PCI cards
because most motherboards have built-in video, sound, network, and other

However, if you want to boost the performance of your computer or update the
capabilities of an older computer, you can always add one or more cards. Below
are some of the most common types of expansion cards.


The video card is responsible for what you see on the monitor. Most computers
have a GPU (graphics processing unit) built into the motherboard instead of
having a separate video card. If you like playing graphics-intensive games, you
can add a faster video card to one of the expansion slots to get better


The sound card—also called an audio card—is responsible for what you hear in
the speakers or headphones. Most motherboards have integrated sound, but you
can upgrade to a dedicated sound card for higher-quality sound.


The network card allows your computer to communicate over a network and
access the Internet. It can either connect with an Ethernet cable or through
a wireless connection (often called Wi-Fi). Many motherboards have built-in
network connections, and a network card can also be added to an expansion


Our guide covers the most common ways computers are put together, but
computers and manufacturers can vary. If you can’t access a particular
component when it’s listed in the guide, skip to the instructions to remove the
other parts until you can reach the original component.

Generally, the process is to unplug all the cords and cables connecting a
component to other components, then remove the part from the case or frame.
Components can be attached to the case with special clips, screws, or by
insertion into a holder. In each case, no more than a small amount of force is
needed to remove the part. If it’s not moving, check for more attachments that
are holding the component in place.

You will need a small Phillips-head screwdriver and depending on the

manufacturer of your components, possibly a flathead screwdriver. The metal
inside the computer case can be sharp, so you might want gloves, as well.

If you are rebuilding the computer, be sure to document what area you removed
components from, the order you removed them, and what cables attach to each
part. You can take pictures before each removal or write it down. Keep careful
track of the screws, as well. Keep the screws with their relevant component by
screwing them back in the holes either on the component or on the frame or by
taping them to the correct location.

Step 1 – Unplug your computer and peripheral items

Turn off the computer, unplug the power cord and unplug any peripheral items
attached to the computer, such as the keyboard, mouse, monitor, headphones,
and any external drives.

Wear a grounding strap or touch an unpainted metal part of the computer to

discharge any static electricity. If you walk across a carpet at any point, touch
an unpainted metal part of the computer again to discharge the built up static

Step 2 – Remove side covers

Remove at least one of the side covers, usually the right side as you face the front
of the computer. You might find it easier to access all the parts if you remove
both side covers; there are sometimes thumb screws on the covers to make
access easier.

Step 3 – Disconnect connectors

Disconnect all the connectors, then remove any card readers and internal DVD
players. These are usually screwed into place.

Step 4 – Remove standalone fans

Remove any standalone fans. This is a good time to remove any dust, lint, and
pet hair from the fans if you’re planning on reusing them.

Step 5 – Remove the storage drive

Disconnect the cables and remove the storage drive. Generally, storage drives
are held in place by multiple screws. If you have a hard drive, be gentle when
moving the drive as hard bumps can damage the internal parts.

Step 6 – Remove memory (RAM) modules

Remove the memory (RAM) modules by pushing the clips on both ends of the
module down. This will cause the module to pop up for easy removal. Do not

touch the gold connectors on the chips if you’re reusing the modules. If you're
not reusing the RAM.

Step 7 – Remove power supply unit

Remove the power supply unit by unplugging the remaining connectors, then
unscrewing the unit from the frame.

Step 8 – Remove motherboard adapter or expansion cards

Remove any adapter or expansion cards from the motherboard. Although these
cards usually slide into preconfigured slots, there can be screws. Do not touch
the gold connectors on the cards if you’re reinstalling the cards.

Step 9 – Remove the motherboard

Disconnect all the cables from the motherboard, then unscrew it from the frame
by loosening each screw a little bit before going around again to loosen each
screw properly. This prevents any potential warping of the motherboard by
gradually releasing the tension on it.

All the components should now be out of the computer case. If you’re reusing
the case, this is a good time to get rid of all the dust and lint that might have

Computer reassembly

If you are rebuilding the computer, insert the components in the opposite order
you removed them, starting with the motherboard. Plug in all the cables as you
insert the component; most items will plug into the motherboard and the power
supply unit.

Congratulations, you’ve disassembled, and possibly reassembled your computer!

This is a common problem that often offers a simple solution.
1. Is everything plugged in? I can’t tell you how many times I have come across
a “broken” computer that simply had an unplugged component.
2. Try plugging into different power outlets. It isn’t uncommon to blow a fuse,
especially with more power-hungry systems.
3. Is either the monitor, mouse, or keyboard the only thing not working? If so,
try plugging in a different one to see if that does the job. Most of the time,
replacing one of these is cheaper than attempting a repair.

Once you’ve completed the above steps, it’s time to look at the tower.
1. Are the lights on in the front or back of the tower? If not, the power supply
unit (PSU) may be turned off.
2. Next, you can open up your tower and look at the motherboard. Most have a
small LED light built in to show if power is running to the motherboard. If it’s
turned off, you can either try using a PSU tester, or replace the PSU. Never
try to open a PSU and try to repair it yourself as this is extremely dangerous.

If power is obviously flowing to the computer system and its peripherals, there
may be a component issue. When you first turn on the computer, do you hear
or see anything out of the ordinary? Many times the computer’s Power-On Self-
Test (POST) will let you know what’s going on with the machine.

Beep Codes
If you hear any beeps when your computer turns on, they can help you
troubleshoot common PC hardware problems. Here’s a list of beep codes.
No beep but the system turns on and runs fine - Under normal circumstances,
most computer systems will beep one short beep when turned on. If yours
doesn’t, your “beeper” may have died out.
 No beep - The power supply is not plugged in or turned on. Or, the power
supply is completely dead.
 Steady, short beeps - The power supply may be bad or the voltages might be
wrong. A replacement would usually be necessary.
 Steady, long beeps - The power supply has gone bad.
 Long, continuous beep - Your Random Access Memory (RAM) sticks may
have gone bad. If there is more than one stick installed, try taking one out to
see if the computer boots. If it does not, try the same thing with the other stick.
This will tell you which stick has gone bad and you can replace or upgrade
accordingly. If there is only one stick installed, you will need to replace or
upgrade it to fix the problem.

 One long, two short beeps - There has been a video card failure. Your first
action is to try reseating the video card. This often solves the problem when
the computer system is connected to projectors because the VGA/DVI/Video
cable gets moved so often that the card can be slowly unplugged. If reseating
doesn’t work, replace the video card.


The CMOS (complementary metal-oxide semiconductor) is an onboard chip that
stores information ranging from the time and date to system hardware settings.
If you get a CMOS alert message showing up on your screen, it’s likely you need
to replace the CMOS battery located on the motherboard. Remove it carefully,
insert a new battery that is exactly the same as the old one, and enter the CMOS
values to the defaults.


If the message “Missing Operating System” shows up on your screen, there are
four possibilities the problem could be (and four ways to solve it):

1. The basic input/output system (BIOS) doesn’t detect Windows’ hard disk, or
the disk failed. If you know how, take out the hard drive and reconnect it. If
that doesn’t work, the hard drive’s interface is forbidden or the hard drive is
seriously damaged. Restart the computer and watch for the message telling
you which key to strike to go into the BIOS. The key can vary from system to
system so you may need to use a search engine to find the instructions for
your system. Be sure to strike the specified key as soon as you see the
message. In the BIOS highlight the hard drive and set it to “Auto”. If it’s still
invisible, you need a hard drive repair or replacement.
2. The BIOS settings are incorrect. Set the BIOS back to Default State.
3. The Master Boot Record (MBR) is damaged or corrupted. Rebuild the MBR
using either the Windows installation disk, the Windows repair disk, or a
bootable partitioning tool.
4. The Windows boot file partition isn’t active. Start the computer using a
bootable partitioning tool. If that doesn’t work, set the wrong partition to
‘inactive’ and activate the correct partition.

2. Software Basics, types of software, installation MS Windows and
Linux OS (Hands-On).


Every day, we come across different types of computer software that helps
us with our tasks and increase our efficiency. From MS Windows that greets
us when we switch on the system to the web browser that is used to surf
the internet or the games that we play on our computer to the calorie burn
counter on our smartphone, are all examples of software. In this world of
technology, we even come across various software development trends that
help our business to grow, we are surrounded by all these software which
are determined to make our lives easier. By definition, a Software (also
abbreviated as an SW or S/W) is a collection of data, programs, procedures,
instructions, and documentation that perform various predefined tasks on
a computer system. They enable users to interact with the computer

In the field of software engineering and computer science, the software

is nothing but information processed by a computer system and
programs. The software includes libraries, programs, and corresponding
non-executable data, such as digital media and online documentation.
Computer hardware and software need each other and neither one of them
can be convincingly used on its own. The amalgamation of the hardware and
the software gives control and flexibility to modern-day computing systems.
Without software, computers would be of no use. For instance, without the
help of your web browser software, you will not be able to surf the Internet.
Similarly, without an operating system, no application can run on your


Typically, there are two major classifications of software, namely System
Software and Application Software.


A system software aids the user and the hardware to function and interact
with each other. Basically, it is a software to manage computer hardware
behavior so as to provide basic functionalities that are required by the user.
In simple words, we can say that system software is an intermediator or a
middle layer between the user and the hardware. These computer software
sanction a platform or environment for the other software to work in. This
is the reason why system software is very important in managing the entire
computer system. When you first turn on the computer, it is the system
software that gets initialized and gets loaded in the memory of the system.

The system software runs in the background and is not used by the end -
users. This is the reason why system software is also known as ‘low-level

Some common system software examples are:

 Operating System: It is the most prominent example of System

Software. It is a collection of software that handles resources and

provides general services for the other applications that run over them.
Although each Operating System is different, most of them provide a
Graphical User Interface through which a user can manage the files
and folders and perform other tasks. Every device, whether a desktop,
laptop or mobile phone requires an operating system to provide the
basic functionality to it. As an OS essentially determines how a user
interacts with the system, therefore many users prefer to use one
specific OS for their device. There are various types of operating
system such as real-time, embedded, distributed, multiuser, single-
user, internet, mobile, and many more. It is important to consider the
hardware specifications before choosing an operating system. Some
examples of Operating systems given below:

o Android
o CentOS
o iOS
o Linux

o Mac OS
o MS Windows
o Ubuntu
o Unix

 Device Drivers: It is a type of software that controls particular

hardware which is attached to the system. Hardware devices that
need a driver to connect to a system include displays, sound cards,
printers, mice and hard disks. Further, there are two types of device
drivers: Kernel Device Drivers and User Device Driver. Some
examples of device drivers are:

o BIOS Driver
o Display Drivers
o Motherboard Drivers
o Printer Drivers
o ROM Drivers
o Sound card Driver
o USB Drivers
o USB Drivers
o VGA Drivers
o VGA Drivers
o Virtual Device Drivers

 Firmware: Firmware is the permanent software that is embedded into

a read-only memory. It is a set of instructions permanently stored on
a hardware device. It provides essential information regarding how the
device interacts with other hardware. Firmware can be considered as
‘semi-permanent’ as it remains permanent unless it is updated using
a firmware updater. Some examples of firmware are:
o Computer Peripherals
o Consumer Applications
o Embedded Systems
 Programming Language Translators: These are mediator programs on
which software programs rely to translate high-level language code to
simpler machine-level code. Besides simplifying the code, the
translators also do the following :
o Assign data storage
o Enlist source code as well as program details
o Offer diagnostic reports
o Rectify system errors during the runtime

o Examples of Programming Language Translators are Interpreter,
Compiler and Assemblers.

 Utility: Utility software is designed to aid in analyzing, optimizing,

configuring and maintaining a computer system. It supports the
computer infrastructure. This software focuses on how an OS
functions and then accordingly it decides its trajectory to smoothen
the functioning of the system. Softwares like antiviruses, disk cleanup
& management tools, compression tools, defragmenters, etc are all
utility tools. Some examples of utility tools are:
o Avast Antivirus
o Directory Opus
o McAfee Antivirus
o Piriform CCleaner
o Razer Cortex
o Windows File Explorer
o WinRAR
o WinZip


Application Software, also known as end-user programs or productivity

programs are software that helps the user in completing tasks such as doing
online research, jotting down notes, setting an alarm, designing graphics,
keeping an account log, doing calculations or even playing games. They lie
above the system software. Unlike system software, they are used by the
end-user and are specific in their functionality or tasks and do the job that
they are designed to do. For example, a browser is an application designed
specifically for browsing the internet or MS Powerpoint is an application
used specifically for making presentations. Application Software or simply
apps can also be referred to as non-essential software as their requirement
is highly subjective and their absence does not affect the functioning of the
system. All the apps that we see on our mobile phones are also examples of
Application Software. There is certain software that is exclusively made
for app development like Meteor and Flutter. These are examples of
Application software too.

There are various types of application software:

 Word Processors: These applications for documentation. Along with

that it also helps I storing, formatting and printing of these
documents. Some examples of word processors are:

o Abiword
o Apple iWork- Pages
o Corel WordPerfect
o Google Docs
o MS Word

 Database Software: This software is used to create and manage a

database. It is also known as the Database Management System or
DBMS. They help with the organization of data. Some examples of
DBMS are:

o Clipper
o dBase
o FileMaker
o FoxPro
o MS Access

 Multimedia Software: It is the software that is able to play, create or

record images, audio or video files. They are used for video editing,
animation, graphics, and image editing, Some examples of Multimedia
Software are:

o Adobe Photoshop
o Inkscape
o Media Monkey
o Picasa
o VLC Media Player
o Windows Media Player
o Windows Movie Maker

 Education and Reference Software: These types of software are

specifically designed to facilitate learning on a particular subject.
There are various kinds of tutorial software that fall under this
category. They are also termed as academic software. Some examples

o Delta Drawing
o GCompris
o Jumpstart titles
o KidPix
o MindPlay
o Tux Paint

 Graphics Software: As the name suggests, Graphics Software has been

devised to work with graphics as it helps the user to edit or make
changes in visual data or images. It comprises of picture editors and
illustration software. Some examples are:

o Adobe Photoshop
o Autodesk Maya
o Blender
o Carrara
o CorelDRAW
o Modo
o PaintShop Pro

 Web Browsers: These applications are used to browse the internet.

They help the user in locating and retrieving data across the web.
Some examples of web browsers are:

o Google Chrome
o Internet Explorer
o Microsoft Edge

o Mozilla Firefox
o Opera
o Safari
o UC Browser



1. First input the windows 10 installer media you are using (flash or DVD).
Then turn on the computer, then go first to the BIOS to set up First Boot. The way when the new
computer is on, press the F2 key, or some existing computer uses the DEL key to enter the BIOS.
Just adjust it. After setting the first boot, press F10, save and restart.
The computer will boot through the Windows 10 installer media, and if the prompt Type any
key to boot from CD or DVD appears, press any key directly, don’t be late! Then the process
will be continued soon.

2. Select Language to install, Time and currency format, and Keyboard or input method. If
it is selected, click next.

3. Then click Install now.

4. Setup is starting, wait for the process to continue at the next stage.

5. Then enter the serial number that you have. If you don’t have it, just click skip.

6. In this section, you can customize the Windows 10 that you will install. Adjust it to each of
your choices or needs! If it is selected, click Next.

7. Then check the I accept the license terms section. Then click Next.

8. In this section, there are two options, which you can choose between upgrade or custom. Since
we will reinstall our computer or laptop, then I choose custom.

9. Then we will continue with a split of partitions. Urgent! Here I hope you are very careful,
especially for the first time. Because if it’s wrong, your data might be lost (therefore, don’t forget
to backup data before reinstalling the computer/laptop).
In this example, the hard drive that I have is already split into several partitions. That means
I have to make sure that I will install it on the Disk Drive that I prepared for the
OS. Remember! don’t get the wrong choice between Local Disk C and other Local
Disks that store your data! If your computer already has an operating system, you only need
to format the partition where the system was installed..

10. Next are the steps in the process of allocating Windows files from the installer media to the
hard disk. Wait for the process to finish.

11. Then the computer will ask to restart itself. Just click Restart now.
If the computer has restarted, you can remove/unplug the installer media from the
computer. Then wait for the whole process to be completely finished. In this process, the
computer may restart several times. Let it to be done, the computer is customizing the
system to the existing hardware. Wait until a window like below appears.

12. Now almost finished, follow for the next step to the Windows 10 desktop. Then, enter the
serial number if asked. If you don’t have it, click Do this later.

13. Select I own it. Then click Next.

14. Create an account for your computer. Enter your username, password, and HINT (for a
reminder if you forget your password), don’t leave it blank because if forget your password have
to format the data. When it is selected, click Next.

15. Wait for the process for a moment. Soon you will be on the desktop Windows 10.

16. Congratulations you guys have successfully installed windows 10 on your computer or laptop

If you’ve until this step it means that you’ve successfully installed Windows 10 on your computer
or laptop. What do you think about installing Windows 10? so easy right? If you run into
difficulties, feel free to ask in the comments. So from me, may it help all pals. Don’t forget to
share on your social media to share your knowledge with other friends in need.

Currently, Ubuntu might be one of the most popular offshoot of Linux. It has been widely
accepted by people from all over the world. If you get interested right now, OK, download an
Ubuntu Live CD ISO file and get the installation started. This set of pictures shows you how to
install Ubuntu OS step by step. Note: This guide has been tested by myself, but if there is
something wrong, please let me know.
Before you get started, you should make sure that the Internet is available. Afterwards insert
your Ubuntu live CD and boot your computer from the Ubuntu CD.And then follow the steps
The system will automatically load the required files and after that you should click Install
Ubuntu on the shown interface.
Select the installation language and then click Next.

You can choose installing the third-party software or not. After that, click Continue.

Select the disk drive where you want to install Ubuntu and click Install Now.

Make sure you select the correct location.

Select the keyboard layout that you are accustomed to using

Set up a user account including a user name and the password for it. You are recommended to
create a strong enough password.
Actually, there are some tips about choosing password that you might not know.
The installation is in process. According to your computer's performance, you might spend up to

25 minutes.
Next, some new features of Ubuntu will be displayed through the installation, like personal cloud,
photo manager, etc.

Once the installation of Ubuntu is done, you should click Restart Now.

Below is the logo screen of Ubuntu. Here you are requested to show your password before you
can sign in to your Ubuntu.

This is the Ubuntu Destop. Once you reach there, you will be able to experience this fresh system

3. Networking Basics, Hubs, Switches, Routers, Checking networking
connection, IP address, MAC Address (Hands-On).

This tutorial covers the basics of how networking works, and how to use different
devices to build networks. Computer networking has existed for many years, and
as time has passed the technologies have become faster and less expensive.
Networks are made up of various devices—computers, switches, routers—
connected together by cables or wireless signals. Understanding the basics of
how networks are put together is an important step in building a wireless
network in a community or neighbourhood.
This module covers the concepts of:

1. Clients and servers—how services such as e-mail and web pages connect
using networks.
2. IP addresses—how devices on a network can be found.
3. Network hubs, switches and cables—the hardware building blocks of any
4. Routers and firewalls—how to organize and control the flow of traffic on a

Reading through this material should take between half an hour to an hour.
Exploring the activities and details of the subject with a group will take longer.


An important relationship on networks is that of the server and the client. A
server is a computer that holds content and services such as a website, a media
file, or a chat application. A good example of a server is the computer that holds
the website for Google’s search page: The server holds
that page, and sends it out when requested.
A client is a different computer, such as your laptop or cell phone that requests
to view, download, or use the content. The client can connect over a network to
exchange information. For instance, when you request Google’s search page with
your web browser, your computer is the client.
In the example below, two computers are connected together with an Ethernet
cable. These computers are able to see each other and communicate over the
cable. The client computer asks for a website from the server computer. The
website is delivered from the server, and displayed on the client’s web browser.

Most requests and content delivery on networks are similar to, or are based on,
a client to server relationship. On a network, the server can be located almost
anywhere, and if the client has the address, it can access the content on the

In order to send and direct data across a network, computers need to be able to
identify destinations and origins. This identification is an IP—Internet Protocol—
address. An IP address is just a set of four numbers between 1 and 254,
separated by dots. An example of an IP address is
An IP address is similar to a street address. Parts of the address describe where
in the world the building is located, another part narrows it down to a state or
city, then the area within that state or city, then the location on the street.
Below we can see 192.168.1 Street. On it are three houses:

The complete addresses for each of these houses is:,,
There are different classifications, or types of IP addresses. A network can be
public, or it can be private. Public IP addresses are accessible anywhere on the

Internet. Private IP addresses are not, and most are typically hidden behind a
device with a public IP address.
Here we can see an example—a street with two buildings with public IP
addresses—representing computers with addresses that are visible to the entire
Internet. These buildings might be anywhere in the world, but their addresses
are complete, so we know exactly where they are and can send messages to them.

To see an example of how public and private IP addresses are commonly used,
let’s take another look at 192.168.1 Street. We have a new building on the
street. That building has a public IP address, and a private IP address. There is
also a fence that blocks the rest of the Internet from seeing and passing messages
to addresses on the street.

The postal building controls messages that travel between the Internet and the
street, keeping track of messages that leave the street, and directs return
messages to the right house. On the street, it has the address, and
on the Internet it has the address


Traditionally, computers are connected to each other using cables—creating a

network. The cable used most often is Ethernet, which consists of four pairs of
wires inside of a plastic jacket. It is physically similar to phone cables, but can
transport much more data.
But cables and computers alone do not make a good network, so one early
solution was to use a network hub. The Ethernet cables from the computer
connect to the device similar to the hub of a bike wheel—where all of the spokes
come together in the centre.
An example of how a hub works is shown below. Computer A wants to send a
message to computer B. It sends the message through the Ethernet cable to the
hub, then the hub repeats the message to all of the connected computers.

A network using a hub can slow down if many computers are sending messages,
since they may try and send messages at the same time and confuse the hub.
To help with this problem, networks began to use another device called a switch.
Instead of repeating all messages that come in, a switch only sends the message
to the intended destination. This eliminates the unnecessary repetition of the
Using a switch, computer A sends a message to computer B—the other
computers do not see the message. Those computers can send other messages
at the same time without interfering.

Switches do have a limitation though—they only know about the addresses of
equipment that is plugged directly into them. So, you can only send messages to
a small number of devices—however many ports the switch has! If you need to
send a message to a computer on another network, it will need to be sent through
a router, which we discuss next.


Routers do the majority of the hard work on a network - they make the decisions
about all the messages that travel on the network, and whether to pass messages
to and from outside networks. There are three main functions:

Separate and Bridge

Routers separate networks into sections, or
bridge different networks together, as we see in
the example above—the private network of
192.168.1 Street is bridged to the Internet with a
public IP address.

Assign IPs
They can assign IP addresses. In the example of
192.168.1 Street, if a new house is built on the
street, it would get whatever the next highest
house number available. In the case of routers,
they assign IP addresses using DHCP—Dynamic
Host Configuration Protocol.

Firewall and Protect

They can filter messages or keep users out of
private networks. Most routers have a Firewall
built in. This is a software function that keeps
unwanted messages from reaching the
computers on the inside, or private part, of the

Let us take another look at 192.168.1 Street, and the postal service building we
included when it had a public address for the entire street. As it turns out, that
postal service building is acting as a Router.

In this case, the postal service building is routing messages between the rest of
the Internet using its public address and the street with private addresses.

 To connect different network segments.

 To connect different network protocols such as IP and IPX.
 To connect several smaller networks into a large network.
 To break a large network into smaller networks.
 To connect two different media types such as UTP and Fiber optical.
 To connect two different network architectures such as Token Ring and
 To connect LAN network with Telco company's office.
 To access DSL services.


 Communicating using email, video, instant messaging, etc.
 Sharing devices such as printers, scanners, etc.
 Sharing files
 Sharing software and operating programs on remote systems
 Allowing network users to easily access and maintain information


1. Personal Area Network (PAN)
2. Local Area Network (LAN)
3. Wide Area Network (WAN)
4. Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)
5. Campus Area Network (CAN)
6. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
7. Storage Area Network (SAN)
8. System-Area Network (SAN)
9. Passive Optical Local Area Network (POLAN)
10. Enterprise Private Network (EPN)
11. Virtual Private Network (VPN)
12. Home Area Network (HAN)

There are two types of
NICs: media-
specific and
network design

Media Specific: - A
media-specific NIC
supports a
particular type of
media. For
example, to connect a
coaxial cable, you
need a NIC that has the BNC port whereas to connect an Ethernet cable, you
need a NIC that has the RJ-45 port.

Network Design Specific: - A network design-specific NIC supports a specific

network topology. For example, FDDI, Token Ring, and Ethernet have their
distinctive type of NIC cards. They cannot use other types of NIC cards.

The following image shows some common types of NICs.

1. How to Check Network Connection on Windows 10
When we're connected to the internet, our computers help us maintain our financial, social, and
professional relationships.

We use them for banking and bill paying, online shopping, connecting with our friends and family
through email and social networking sites, researching data posted on the Internet, and so much

This guide will show you ways to check the status of the internet connection that allows us to
ccomplish all these things on a Windows 10 computer.

1. The Network icon represents the current status of your network connection. Depending
on the current status of your connection, the appearance of this icon will change. The
following are the different icons you might see and their corresponding meanings.

Represents an Ethernet connection and successful connection to the internet.

Represents an Ethernet connection with no connection to the internet.

No network adapters are detected or enabled.

You’re connected to WiFi and the Internet.

Connected to WiFi, but no Internet connection is detected (also known as limited


A wireless adapter is detected and there are wireless networks in range, but
you’re not connected to one.
Your wireless network adapter is recognized, but no WiFi networks are found and
you’re not connected to WiFi.

2. If you want to see even more information about your connection status, click the Network
icon itself regardless of what status it currently displays.


3. This will bring up the Network menu. Within your network menu, you can see
the status of your current connection. If your device is capable of connecting to
WiFi, you will also see a list of wireless networks your device is currently in

o The status underneath each network name

represent either your device's current
connection status to that network, or additional
attributes of that network.
 Connected, Secured: This means you are
connected to this WiFi network, and the
network is secured with a password.
 Connected: This means you are
connected to this WiFi network. This
network may not be password protected.
 Secured: This is an available WiFi
network that requires a password to
successfully connect to.
 Open: This is an available WiFi network
with no password required.
o The icons to the left of each network name
indicate an individual network's signal strength.
This will vary depending on your physical
distance from each network's point of origin,
among other factors.

WiFi network with very strong signal (Best).

WiFi network with strong signal (Good).

WiFi network with weak signal strength (OK).

WiFi network with very weak signal (Worst).

This WiFi network is not password-protected (Open network).

2nd Method

1. Select the Start button.

2. Select Settings.

3. Select Network & Internet.

4. Select Status. Your current connection status will be displayed on the right side of the

2. How to check IP address of a Computer?
1. Go to your start menu and find 'Run'

2. Inside the box, type

the letters 'cmd',
Command prompt should open and be waiting for input.

3. Type 'ipconfig' and press enter.

4.It should list not only your computers IP address, but your router's as well.

3. How do I find the MAC address on my computer?

A MAC (Media Access Control) address is a unique ID assigned to every internet-
connected machine that allows it to be identified when connected to a specific

To find the MAC address on your Windows computer:

1. Click on the Start menu in the bottom-left corner of your computer. Select Run or
type cmd into the search bar at the bottom of the Start menu to bring up the command
2. Type ipconfig /all (note the space between the g and /).
3. The MAC address is listed as series of 12 digits, listed as the Physical
Address (00:1A:C2:7B:00:47, for example). Each network adapter (wireless, Ethernet,
etc.) has a separate MAC address.

4. Networking tools, Crimping CAT6 cable, sharing resources (Hands-


Computer networks are used to connect one computer to another so as to

facilitate a transfer of data. The Internet, of course, is the largest network in the
world. There are many different types of networks. The two basic types are
wireless networks and wired networks. Wireless networks use Wi-Fi routers to
connect computers and other devices to the Internet wirelessly.

Even though most homes and organizations use wireless networks and Wi-Fi
routers nowadays, there is still a widespread need for wired networks. Wired
networks are known to be much stronger and faster than wireless ones and they
are also less expensive as compared to wireless networks. Another perk of having
a wired network is that you do not need to worry about any interference from the
presence of other users on the same wireless channel.

However, creating and maintaining a wired network requires the use of many
components like Cat5 and Cat6 bulk cables, Ethernet cables, phone, USB, and
FireWire cables as well as patch panels. Furthermore, in order to maintain and
troubleshoot a wired network, other networking tools and accessories are also


A crimping tool is one of the most crucial network connecting tools. In order to
connect a connector to the cable, you will need a tool to crimp or connect. Known
as the crimping tool, this tool is used to connect RJ-45, RJ-11 and other
connectors to the end of a cable. Some crimping tools have a built-in wire cutter
near the handle. This wire cutter can be used to cut a phone cable or a Cat5

While using a crimping tool, the wires that need to be crimped are first placed
into the connector. Once this is done, the jack with the wires is placed in the
designated slot of the crimping tool and the handles of the tool are squeezed
tight. By doing this, you can ensure that the plastic connector you are using
punctures the wires inside and holds them all in place. This prevents the wires
from loosening and coming out. If the wires are crimped securely in place, data
can be easily transmitted by every wire. We offer several varieties of crimping
tools such as the hex crimp tool.


One of the problems with wired networks is that when they cease to work,
troubleshooting may be a little more difficult as compared to wireless networks.
This is where a network cable tester can help you. A network cable tester is a
useful device that allows you to check the continuity of the cable to figure out if
the signal is strong enough to get through to the network. This helps to eliminate
cable connectivity issues while troubleshooting the problems.

It is important to remember that you should never connect a live wire circuit to
a network cable tester. It should be used only after the cable has been
disconnected from the router, modem, and a computer. Generally, a network
cable tester has two parts – the tester and remote. Most testers work with two or
three connectors. In general, they will have an Ethernet RJ-45 connector,
telephone cable RJ-11 connectors and one BNC for the coaxial cable.

The remote has connectors for Ethernet and telephone cable. Using a network
cable tester is a simple affair. All you have to do is connect the cable to the right
port on the tester and connect the remote to the other end. Once you run the
network cable tester, you will be able to figure out if the network problem lies in
the connectivity. If it doesn’t, you will have ruled it out and can continue


The punch down tool is also known as the Krone tool. It is small tool that is used
most frequently by network troubleshooting technicians. The basic purpose of a
punch down tool is to insert wires into various devices like pinch down blocks,
patch panels, surface mount boxes, and more with the help of insulation-
displacement connectors.

The impact type of punch down tool is the most popular and commonly used
one. The impact punch down tool consists of a slot for inserting removable
blades, an internal spring impact mechanism and a handle to hold the tool.
Other than just inserting the wire, a punch down tool can also be used to cut off
the excess wire. Some punch down tools come with a fixed blade and may even
lack an impact mechanism. Ensure that you are acquiring the right type of
punch down tool to suit your needs. If you need it for a large number of
connections, an impact mechanism can make life much simpler and stave off
muscle fatigue.


Step 1
This procedure generally applies to Cat 6 RJ45
connectors. An alternate method is given for
connectors utilizing a "load bar".

Step 2
Cut the cable to the length needed. If you plan to use
snagless boots, this would be a good time to slide
them on. Be sure the boots will be facing "out"
towards the connector.

Step 3
Strip back the cable jacket approximately 1 inch. Use the cutter provided
with the crimping tool or strip by hand. Be careful not to nick the
individual wires. Un-twist each of the 4 pairs and straighten each wire as
much as possible between the fingers.

Step 4

Use the 568-B wiring scheme on both ends for a standard patch cable.

Step 5
Bring all of the wires together as
closely as possible. Hold the
grouped (and sorted) wires
together tightly between the
thumb, and the forefinger. Cut
all of the wires at a perfect 90
degree angle from the cable, 1/2
inch from the end of the cable
jacket. Use a sharp cutting tool
so as not to "squash" the wire

Step 6
With the connector pins facing up, carefully insert the wires into the connector.
Apply a moderate amount of force in order to properly seat the wires against the
contacts in the connector.

Note that the loadbar has slots on one side with a flanged edge on one end.
The sloted side should face the pins inside the connector.
The wires are inserted into the flanged end.

Hold the grouped (and sorted) wires together tightly, between the thumb, and
forefinger. Cut all of the wires at a sharp angle from the cable.
Use a sharp cutting tool so as not to "squash" the wire ends.

Hold the load bar so the staggered holes face toward the cable.
Insert the wires through the load bar, one at a time, carefully observing the
orientation. Slide the load bar as far down as possible.

Cut off the excess wire ends with a straight cut about 0.25" past the load bar.
With the connector pins facing up, slide the load bar assembly into the

connector. Insure that the wires are firmly seated to the end of the connector.
The brown pair wires should be on the right side.

Step 7
Observe the tip of the connector to confirm that all the wires are fully inserted.
The end of each wire you should be in full view. There should be enough of the
cable jacket inside the connector to crimp against.

Tip: Slide the load bar forward as necessary to provide the ideal placement.

Step 8

Place the connector into the crimp tool, and squeeze hard so that the handle
reaches its full swing.

Step 9
Repeat the process on the other end using the desired wiring scheme.
Be sure to slide the snagless boots snugly over the connectors when finished.

Step 10
Always use a cable tester to check for continuity, opens and shorts.

Step 11
Building patch cables takes practice so keep at it until you master your


Over the years, Wi-Fi has grown tremendously but sharing huge files or for that
matter, a whole drive is still not efficient. You get cramped up speed and your
data is running through a public channel. I would any day prefer sharing a drive
or transferring data over LAN cable. On that note, the following is the step by
step guide to transfer files between PC’s using an Ethernet cable.

Just in case, if the file you want to transfer is small and the systems are in the
same network then consider doing it over Wi-Fi.

When to Use LAN Cable

Dropping an Ethernet cable makes things simple with faster data speed. The
cheapest of CAT5e cable supports speeds up to 1000 Mbps. To give you some
perspective, USB 2.0 supports speeds up to 480 Mbps. So, transferring data over
Ethernet should be the obvious choice.

The advantage of LAN cable over others

The main advantage of using the ethernet cable method is faster transfer speeds,
at least faster than your regular flash drives and Wi-Fi. If you have a lot of data
to transfer then using the ethernet cable is the best way to go. We have tested
this on all mainstream Windows versions. i.e, on Windows 7, 8, and 10.

Things You Need

 Two Windows computers obviously
 A LAN cable, CAT 5 will work fine
 A bit of time and patience (if it’s your first time)
Share Files Between Two Computers Using LAN Cable

Step 1: Connect Both PCs With LAN Cable

Connect both computers to a LAN cable. You can use any LAN cable (crossover
or ethernet cable); it doesn’t matter on a modern computer. Because both of
them use the same port and have very few functional differences.

Step 2: Enable Network Sharing on Both PCs
Now that you have physically connected both PCs with a LAN cable, we have to
turn on Network Sharing on both computers to exchange files between them. It
is a simple process step-by-step process. Make sure you do this on both PCs. To
enable sharing, go to the Start menu and search “Control Panel”. Once you see
it, click on it, to open it.

Once the Control Panel window opens, click on Network and Internet.

In the next dialogue box, open Network and Sharing Center. Alternatively, you
can also type “Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network and Sharing

Center” in the search box of Control Panel and hit Enter key. This will redirect
you from Control Panel to Network and Sharing Center.

On the left-hand side of ‘Network and Sharing Center’ window, click on

“Change advanced sharing settings”.

Here, you’ll find three networks – Public, Private and All Network. Public Network
is for places like airports and coffee shops, Private network is for an organization

or your home network and All Network comprises of both. To make sure, the
setup is flawless, we’ll recommend you choose “All Networks“.

Next, expand All Networks by clicking on the drop-down icon. Here, we need to
enable Public Sharing so that the PCs can access files from each other over the
LAN cable. To avoid more configuration, just Turn off password protected
By doing so, you enable the other computer to access shared data without
providing any credentials. This is not a good security practice by since you are
sharing your data with people you trust, you can make this one-time exception.
Once you are done with file sharing, make sure you Turn on password protected

Once done, click Save Changes. Just as I said in the beginning, repeat the
same steps for the other PC.

Step 3: Setup Static IP
Now that you have enabled network sharing on both PCs, it’s time to bring both
the computers on to the same network. We will do this by setting a static IP
address of the same class. Just like the previous step, you need to do this on
both PCs. The following are the steps.

1. To set up a Static IP, open Control Panel, browse to Network and Internet and
click on Network Sharing Center. Alternatively, you can also right-click on the
Start Menu and select Network Connections.

2. On the next window, you will see the active connections which should be
Ethernet, since both PCs are connected with a physical LAN cable. Click on the
Ethernet link. A new dialog box will open, here click on the Properties button.

3. In the next pop-up, select “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)”. Now,
click on Properties. This will open another dialogue box.

4. Here, you need to configure the two PCs with different IP settings.

On computer 1, select the option “Use the following IP address.” and, put
the following values

 IP Address:
 Subnet mask:
 Default gateway:
Of course, it’s not necessary you use these IP addresses. You can use any
Class A or B IP address. In case you are not sure what this all means, better
stick with this example.

On the second computer, do similar steps, but flip the IP address and Default
gateway values

 IP address:
 Subnet mask:
 Default gateway:

What we are doing is keeping the subnet mask the same and changing the IP

Next, open your Window’s File Explorer and click on Network tab at the left
side of the window.

If you have set up everything right, both the PCs should appear in this Network
window on both computers. Now, you can just click on the other PC’s icon and
browse the file. But wait, you still need to configure one last setting.

Step 4: Share a folder
Assuming that you have connected the cable properly, enabled the sharing
options, and configured the IP addresses. Now, it is time to send files from one
PC to another. For that, you first need to share the target folder on LAN. I’ll
recommend, you can create a new folder on your desktop, and copy paste all the
files that you want to move to another computer in that folder.

Next, select the folder you want to share and right-click on it. From the context
menu, navigate to “Give access to” and select the option “Specific People.”

3. In the File Sharing window, choose Everyone from the drop-down menu.
Click on the Add button next to it and finally hit the Share button.

Once you have shared it, the next window will show you the network location of
the folder.

That’s it. Just go back to the other PC from where you want to access the file,
open the Networks panel and click on the other computer’s name.

Here, you will see the folder you just shared. From there, just open the folder
and transfer the files and folders as you normally do. i.e, by copy and paste.
Similarly, you can repeat the same steps from the other computer.

This method would work only between Windows PC. For Mac or Linux, you need
to use a different file sharing agent like Samba. If you have furthermore queries,
drop down a comment and I will be happy to answer them.

Raspberry Pi Introduction


Raspberry Pi 3 Board

Raspberry Pi is a small single board computer. By connecting peripherals like Keyboard, mouse,
display to the Raspberry Pi, it will act as a mini personal computer.

Raspberry Pi is popularly used for real time Image/Video Processing, IoT based applications and
Robotics applications.

Raspberry Pi is slower than laptop or desktop but is still a computer which can provide all the
expected features or abilities, at a low power consumption.

Raspberry Pi Foundation officially provides Debian based Raspbian OS. Also, they provide
NOOBS OS for Raspberry Pi. We can install several Third-Party versions of OS like Ubuntu,
Archlinux, RISC OS, Windows 10 IOT Core, etc.

Raspbian OS is official Operating System available for free to use. This OS is efficiently optimized
to use with Raspberry Pi. Raspbian have GUI which includes tools for Browsing, Python
programming, office, games, etc.

We should use SD card (minimum 8 GB recommended) to store the OS (operating System).

Raspberry Pi is more than computer as it provides access to the on-chip hardware i.e. GPIOs for
developing an application. By accessing GPIO, we can connect devices like LED, motors, sensors,
etc and can control them too.

It has ARM based Broadcom Processor SoC along with on-chip GPU (Graphics Processing Unit).

The CPU speed of Raspberry Pi varies from 700 MHz to 1.2 GHz. Also, it has on-board SDRAM
that ranges from 256 MB to 1 GB.

Raspberry Pi also provides on-chip SPI, I2C, I2S and UART modules.

There are different versions of raspberry pi available as listed below:

1. Raspberry Pi 1 Model A
2. Raspberry Pi 1 Model A+
3. Raspberry Pi 1 Model B
4. Raspberry Pi 1 Model B+
5. Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
6. Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
7. Raspberry Pi Zero

Out of the above versions of Raspberry Pi, more prominently use Raspberry Pi and their features
are as follows:

Raspberry Pi Model Raspberry Pi 2 Raspberry Pi 3 Raspberry Pi

B+ Model B Model B zero

SoC BCM2835 BCM2836 BCM2837 BCM2835

CPU ARM11 Quad Cortex A7 Quad Cortex A53 ARM11

700 MHz 900 MHz 1.2 GHz 1 GHz


250 MHz Videocore 250MHz 400 MHz 250MHz

IV Videocore IV Videocore IV Videocore IV

Storage micro-SD Micro-SD micro-SD micro-SD

Ethernet Yes Yes Yes No

Wireless WiFi and Bluetooth No No No

Raspberry Pi zero and Raspberry Pi are shown below

Raspberry Pi Zero

Raspberry Pi Board

Raspberry Pi 3 On-chip Hardware

The On-chip hardware of Raspberry Pi 3 (here) is as shown in below figure,

Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Hardware

Some Hardware Components shown above are mention below:

1. HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface): It is used for transmitting uncompressed video or digital
audio data to the Computer Monitor, Digital TV, etc. Generally, this HDMI port helps to connect Raspberry
Pi to the Digital television.
2. CSI Camera Interface: CSI (Camera Serial Interface) interface provides a connection in between Broadcom
Processor and Pi camera. This interface provides electrical connections between two devices.
3. DSI Display Interface: DSI (Display Serial Interface) Display Interface is used for connecting LCD to the
Raspberry Pi using 15-pin ribbon cable. DSI provides fast High-resolution display interface specifically used
for sending video data directly from GPU to the LCD display.
4. Composite Video and Audio Output: The composite Video and Audio output port carries video along with
audio signal to the Audio/Video systems.
5. Power LED: It is a RED colored LED which is used for Power indication. This LED will turn ON when
Power is connected to the Raspberry Pi. It is connected to 5V directly and will start blinking whenever the
supply voltage drops below 4.63V.
6. ACT PWR: ACT PWR is Green LED which shows the SD card activity.

Turn your Raspberry Pi into a WiFi Router using OpenWrt

DIY Raspberry Pi Router with OpenWRT

Wi-fi these days is an incredibly common technology and chances are, you’re reading this article accessing
a Wi-fi somewhere near you. But every technology comes with its own set of vulnerabilities and risks,
these can easily be exploited to harvest your data. In times like these when data is the new gold, what are
some sure shots of making sure that your data remains with only you and not with some company wanting
to taint your screen with personalized advertisements. Well, one solution to this snag could be, building
your own custom router. Of course, building one from scratch might be a distant concept (for now), but
thanks to the open-source and open-hardware community, we have a simple solution sitting on our
workbenches, “The Raspberry Pi”. Let’s have a look at how this is possible.

“OpenWrt”, which literally means “Open Wireless Router”, is an open-source Linux operating system that
has been developed to target embedded developers. OpenWrt allows developers to completely
customize the firmware on compatible network devices. Along with this, thanks to the open-source and
customizability offered by OpenWrt, you can add functionalities like:

 Native Ad-Blocking will completely block ads and make your surfing experience much
more fluid.

 Ability to use VPN Add-Ons to prevent your Internet Service Provider from accessing

you’re your search data, DNS Requests, etc.

 Firmware Updates, A lot of manufacturers often stop giving firmware updates which makes

your router vulnerable to new security threats, since OpenWrt has a huge thriving

community of developers, it will always have updates and you can be sure that your custom

router is protected from new threats.

 Since OpenWrt is a Linux-based firmware, it is immune to a lot of common attacks.

These are just a few of the plethora of features offered by OpenWrt. In this tutorial, we will

be loading the OpenWrt Firmware on Raspberry Pi and configure it to use it as a router acting

like a bridge between the Router provided by our ISP and our Computer.

Requirements to Make Router at Home

1. Raspberry Pi Module (3 series or the 4 series).

2. Appropriate Power Supply to the Raspberry Pi.

3. Ethernet LAN Cable.

4. Your ISPs Wifi Router.

5. SD Card and an SD Card Reader.

How This will work

Our primary gateway to the internet services is the Router provided by the ISP, but instead of

directly connecting our devices to the router, we connect our R-Pi to this router using a LAN Cable.

This Raspberry Pi loaded with the OpenWrt OS acts as an access point for all the devices that we

want to connect. This tutorial will discuss in detail how to install and configure OpenWrt on your

Raspberry Pi and effectively use it as your personal router.

The Process

1. Let’s begin by downloading the image files of the latest stable release of OpenWrt from
its official website.

Select the raspberry model that you are going to use for the project and download the EXT4 Image

File (We Recommended using the Model 3 or 4 Series).

2. Once you have successfully downloaded the latest build, we will etch it onto the SD card, but
for that, we will need two more utilities, namely the SD Card Formatter for cleaning your SD

Card, and the Balena Etcher to write the image file onto your SD Card. Both these software can

be easily downloaded from their respective sites.

3. Once We have the software installed, plug your SD Card into the Card Reader and then into

your computer system. Open the SD Card Formatter > Select the SD Drive > click on format.

4. Open the Balena Etcher Tool and select the “Flash from file option”.

5. Select the image file that you downloaded from the OpenWrt website in Step 1.

6. Click on the Select Target button and select your drive.

7. Click on the Flash Button and that’s it. OpenWrt will be etched on your SD card and can now

be plugged into your Raspberry Pi.

8. Before booting up our Raspberry Pi, we have to determine the default gateway IP of our ISP

Router. For this, connect your PC to the router’s Wi-fi and open CMD to run the following



Under the wireless LAN adapter option, you will see the Default Gateway IP of your router. Note

this down as it will be used later.

9. You now need to disconnect from your Wi-fi. Plug in your SD Card to your R-Pi and connect

it to a power supply. Using an Ethernet LAN Cable, connect the R-Pi to your system.

10. Once your PC is connected with the R-Pi via the LAN Cable, you will see an Ethernet Network.

11. Open Command Prompt and run the command

arp -a

This will list all the available devices in your network. Note down the IP Address of the device

which has an address in the form


This will be our R-Pi device and we will use this IP to log into our R-Pi using SSH (Secure Shell


12. If you have Windows 10 and above, you can directly SSH into the R-Pi using the command

SSH [email protected]

Where root is the default username and 192.x.x is the IP. (if the prompt asks you for a password,

leave it blank)

Note: CMD will prompt you if you want to continue with the connection, type yes and hit enter.

You can also use the software PuTTy to log in via SSH. Be starting an SSH client as shown in the


When asked for a Username enter “root” and leave the password field blank.

13. When you successfully log in via SSH, you will see a prompt like this which means OpenWrt

has been successfully installed and booted.

14. Run the command


This will set a password for your device; this will be used only when you want to SSH into the
device again or log in to the web dashboard.

15. Now we just have to edit two configuration files. Since the commonly used Linux-based text

editor ‘nano’ is not available in Open Wrt, we will be using the text editor vim.

16. First, we need to change directories, use the command:

cd /etc/config

17. You can then see all the config files available using the command:


18. We will first edit the file network. Use the command-

vim network

19. This will open the file, press ‘i’ on your keyboard to start editing it. The window would look

something like this:

20. First, we need to add the option gateway with the IP of the router that you noted in Step 8.

Along with this, need to add another option dns with the same IP again.

option dns ‘192.168.x.x’

option gateway ‘192.168.x.x’

The change would look something like this:

21. Now you need to change the IP in the ipaddr option so that the first three parts of the IP are the

same as that of the gateway and dns option IP with a different last head. The change would look

as follows:

22. This completes all the changes in the file, to exit the file:

Press ESC

Enter the command:


Hit Enter and your changes will be saved.

23. Now we need to edit the file wireless so we use the command:

vim wireless

 Change the disabled option from ‘1’ to ‘0’

 Change the encryption from ‘none’ to ‘psk2’

Create a new option key, and enter a password for your Wi-fi access point in between the quotes.

The changes would look as follows.

24. Follow the save and exit procedure i.e. hit ESC, and enter the command:


25. Once you hit Enter, all the required configurations are done, we just need to restart the network

using the command:

reboot network /etc/init.d/network restart

26. This will close your SSH connection and restart the R-Pi. You can also unplug the Ethernet

LAN cable from your PC.

27. After the R-Pi boots, you will now be able to see the Open Wrt access point on all of your Wi-

fi enabled devices nearby. You can simply connect to this by entering the key you had entered.

28. You can open the dashboard of OpenWrt on any browser by simply entering its IP address in

the address bar of your browser. And log in after entering the username as root and the password

that we set in Step 14.

29. Since the dashboard looks all set, we can now plug in one end of the ethernet cable to the ISP

Router and the Other End to the R-Pi.

Reboot the R-PI by re-plugging the power supply.

You can once again see the OpenWrt access point on all Wi-fi enabled devices, this time since the

R-Pi is connected to your router, you will be able to successfully access the internet with this
access point

(Autonomous Institute affiliated to VTU, Belagavi)
(Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ grade and NBA)
Yelahanka, Bengaluru – 560064.








Experiment 1:
Oscilloscope to illustrate options to measure various circuit elements.
Basic Oscilloscope Operation

The oscilloscope is an invaluable diagnostic instrument that can be used to troubleshoot

problem circuits, verify product design before delivery to consumers, and reverse-engineer
products for "hacks".

Oscilloscope Displays
Oscilloscopes allow us to determine relationships between certain variables in electrical
circuits. Early oscilloscopes were only able to show the relationship that exists between
potential difference and time. Today’s oscilloscopes continue the tradition of measuring
voltage vs. time while also providing an extensive collection of sophisticated data-analysis
capabilities, display features, and triggering options.

To understand what electrical relationships exist in your circuits, you have to know how
to interpret what is presented to you.

This is a typical single waveform display in an oscilloscope, showing the time on the
horizontal axis and potential difference on the vertical axis.

In the lower left part of the image, you will see ①500mV

That indicates two things:

● Channel 1 is displayed on the oscilloscope in yellow.

● For channel one each grid rectangle corresponds to 500 mV in the vertical
direction. So we have "500 millivolts per division" with 8 vertical rectangle
visible, and
thus 500mV1division×8divisions=4V500mV1division×8divisions=4V visi
ble in the vertical direction

In the bottom left, you will see another box that says AFG Sine 100.00kHz 1.0000 Vpp:

● AFG Indicates the Arbitrary Function Generator is activeSine is the shape

of the waveform
● 100.000 kHz is the frequency of the waveform: 100,000 cycles each second.
● 1.0000 Vpp is the amplitude of the transmitted waveform.

In the bottom-center there is another box with:

4.00 µs 5.00 GS/s ①∫

T →▼0.000000 s 1M points 0.00V

● 4.00 µs is the value of each rectangle in the horizontal direction: "4 microseconds
per division." The display includes 10 rectangles,
so 4.00μs1 division×10divisions=40 μs4.00μs1 division×10divisions=40 μs of
time is visible across the entire screen.
● The oscilloscope is recording 5.00 GS/s, i.e., 5×1095×109 samples per second.
● Channel 1 is used to control the triggering of the waveform.
● Triggering occurs on the rising edge of the channel 1 waveform.
● The image is centered at T →▼0.000000 s from the trigger point.
● 1 million (1 M) data points will be collected.
● Triggering occurs when a rising signal passes through 0 V.

How to Make Basic Measurements with an

There are many different ways the oscilloscope can be used to make basic
measurements of frequency (or period) and peak-to-peak amplitude.

Activate the Arbitrary Function Generator

Begin by connecting oscilloscope channel 1 to the Arbitrary Function Generator (AFG)
BNC connector on the back of the scope. Activate the Arbitrary Function Generator by
pressing the AFG button directly above the Channel 1 probe input. Press the first

bottom menu button below "Waveform" and use rotary knob Multipurpose a to select

Turn on Channel 1
Press the Channel 1 button to activate it. Rotate the Horizontal Scale knob clockwise
to adjust the scale to spread out a complete wave over most of the screen. Use the
Horizontal Position knob to adjust its location on the screen if you like.

Using the Graticule to Make Measurements

The lines on an oscilloscope display are called a graticule. There are major and minor
gridlines (or dots) that are used to measure waveforms. Major gridlines are displayed
as solid or dotted lines that run the width or height of the oscilloscope screen. The
voltage and time that correspond to the divisions formed by the major gridlines are
shown at the bottom of the display. Minor gridlines are subdivisions between major
gridlines. There are usually 4 or 5 subdivisions between gridlines. In the following
example, I used the Horizontal Position rotary dial to move the waveform so that the
positive peaks of the waveform line up with major vertical gridlines.

In the vertical direction there are 500 mV per division and the distance from lowest
point to highest point is 4 rectangles for 500mV1division×4divisions from peak to
peak=2000mVpp=2Vpp500mV1division×4divisions from peak to
In the horizontal direction there are 4.00 µs per division and there are 5 divisions
before the signal begins to repeat,
giving 4.00μs1division×5divisions1period=20μs1period4.00μs1division×5divisions1p

Using the Cursors to Make Measurements

Digital oscilloscopes take all guesswork out of using the graticule. Activate the cursors
by pressing the Cursors button and use rotary dials Multipurpose

a and Multipurpose b to move them to the parts of the waveform that you would like
to inspect. In the following example, I moved the cursors to the positive peaks of the

You will see in the upper right corner a new box that has information about the values
of potential difference and time for the points a and b. Here we are interested in the
interval of time between the two points, i.e., Δ20.00μsΔ20.00μs.
To determine the Peak-to-Peak potential difference, switch to horizontal cursors by
pressing and holding the Cursors button again, selecting "Cursors-Screen" and "Bars-
Horizontal." Then use Multipurpose a and Multipurpose b knobs to adjust the
position of the cursors and "Cursors linked" to aid your adjustment. You can move
between horizontal and vertical measurements by pressing the Select button.

Here we are interested in the potential difference between the two points,
i.e., Δ2.000VΔ2.000V.

Below is a video walkthrough of the steps you'll need to follow. Each step uses orange
highlights to indicate the appropriate button or knob you'll need to use on the Tektronics

Using the Digital Volt Meter to Make

A useful feature found in mid-range oscilloscopes is the DVM (Digital Volt
Meter). The DVM tool does everything you might expect a basic multimeter to
do. Enable it by pressing the Measure button in the Wave Inspector box and then
"DVM," and use Multipurpose a to select (for example) "Frequency." Here I am
displaying the frequency (in the center) along with frequency statistics (on the right). I
could also display AC+DC RMS voltage, DC voltage, or AC RMS voltage.

Press the bottom menu button below "Add Measurement" and use Multipurpose b to
select "Period", followed by "OK". Then repeat "Add Measurement" and
use Multipurpose b to select "Amplitude", followed by "OK". Now Period &

Amplitude are shown at the bottom in a less obtrusive fashion. You may remove them
by selecting the button below "Remove Measurement" followed by "Remove All
Measurements". You may simplify the display at any time by pressing the Menu
Off button.

(Autonomous Institute affiliated to VTU, Belagavi)
(Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ grade and NBA)
Yelahanka, Bengaluru – 560064.





Lab Manual

Prepared By:

Mr. Nagraj D Chonali

Assistant Professor
Dept. of EEE

Support Staff
Mr. Channamallappa

Mr. Siddalinga Swamy

Dept. of EEE

Lab In-charge HoD

Mr. Babu Naik G

Vision of the Department

To emerge as one of the finest Electrical & Electronics Engineering Departments

facilitating the development of competent professionals, contributing to the betterment of
Mission of the Department

Create a motivating environment for learning Electrical Sciences through teaching,

research, effective use of state of the art facilities and outreach activities.

Graduates of the program of Electrical and Electronics Engineering will,

Have successful professional careers in Electrical Sciences, and Information Technology enabled
areas and be able to pursue higher education.

PEO2 Demonstrate ability to work in multidisciplinary teams and engage in lifelong learning.

PEO3 Exhibit concern for environment and sustainable development.

* Program Educational Objectives

After the successful completion of the Program, the graduate will be able to,

Apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering principles to the solution of

engineering problems in electrical and IT enabled areas.
Identify and solve complex engineering problems using first principles of mathematics and
engineering sciences.
Design system components and solve complex engineering problems that meet specific societal
and environmental needs.
PO4 Conduct experiments, analyze, and interpret data to provide valid conclusion
Apply appropriate modern engineering tools to complex engineering activities with an
understanding of the limitations.
Demonstrate understanding of societal health, safety, legal and consequent responsibilities
relevant to the professional engineering practice.
Understand the impact of engineering solutions in a societal context and demonstrate the
knowledge of and need for sustainable development.
PO8 Understand social issues and ethical principles of electrical engineering practice.
Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in diverse teams to
accomplish a common goal.
Communicate effectively with diverse audiences and be able to prepare effective reports and
design documentation.
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles and
PO11 apply these as a member and leader in a team to manage projects in multi-disciplinary
Recognize the need to engage in independent and lifelong learning in the context of
technological change.

Instruction to Students

Do’s and Don’ts

The students are informed to note the following and abide by:
1. Khaki uniform is mandatory for laboratory classes. (Half sleeve
shirts tucked inside the pant)
2. Good quality shoes (preferably leather shoes/ Rubber soled
shoes) are mandatory.
3. Regularity and Punctuality should be maintained.
4. Students should come prepared for the laboratory sessions and
observation books are to be maintained neatly and up to date.
5. Students should enter their details in the register provided.
6. Power supply is to be Switched ON only after the connections are
checked by the Faculty Member / Instructor.
7. When power supply is ON students are not supposed to touch
the circuit connection/terminals on panel board.
8. Any metallic ornaments like bracelets, bangles, rings, chains,
metallic loose wrist watches etc. should be avoided during the
conduction of experiment.
9. After completion of conducting the experiment, students should
Switch OFF the power supply and then remove the circuit

List of Experiments

Sl. No Experiment
1 Trouble-shooting of Main distribution board,
Electrical/Electronic chokes of fluorescent lamp/circuit
2 Testing of Continuity in switches (MCBs, Fuses etc), windings
and wires using Test Lamp/Multimeter and Cable Insulation
testing using Megger
3 Connection of switches, sockets and fuses and Wiring and
Connection of UPS
4 Trouble shooting of ceiling fan and sump motor and its wiring

Experiment – 1

Trouble-shooting of Main distribution board, Electrical/Electronic chokes of

fluorescent lamp/circuit

Apparatus Required:

1. Single phase Energy meter – 01

2. MCB – 01
3. Switch – 01
4. Fuse – 01
5. Lamp load – 01

Circuit Diagram:

i) Mains Connection

ii) Choke Coil Testing

i) Mains Connection

1. Make the connections as shown, on the board keeping the main supply off.
2. Close the switch of the load and observe if lamp glows.
3. If lamp glows then all the elements are in good state of operation.
4. If lamp does not glow then disconnect the circuit from supply and check the continuity of
all circuit elements and replace the faulty elements with elements in good condition and repeat
the above steps.

ii) Choke Coil Testing

1. Connect the test lamp/multimeter as shown in the circuit with main supply off.
2. Test the continuity of the choke ensuring lamp glow or beep of the multimeter. This
ensures the choke in good condition.
3. If the lamp does not glow or multimeter does not give beep, then Choke is faulty.
4. Change the choke and repeat above procedure to obtain choke in good operating condition


Mains Connection

Element Status Action Taken

(Faulty/Good) (Replaced/Retained)




Choke Coil testing

Element Status Action Taken

(Faulty/Good) (Replaced/Retained)

Experiment – 2

Testing of Continuity in switches (MCBs, Fuses etc), windings and wires using Test
Lamp/Multimeter and Cable Insulation testing using Megger

Apparatus Required:

1. One Way Switch – 01

2. MCB – 01
3. Fuse – 01
4. Electric Machine – 01
5. Cable – 01
6. Megger – 01

Circuit Diagram:

Testing of Continuity

Testing of Cable Insulation


Testing of Continuity:

1. Connect the Switch across the terminals of Test Lamp or Multimeter

2. If the test lamp glows or multimeter gives beep then the switch is in good operating
3. If not the switch has no continuity and cannot be used for operation.
4. Repeat the above steps for MCB, Fuse, Machine winding and Wires.

Testing of Cable Insulation

1. Connect the test leads of megger as shown in the circuit diagram.
2. Observe the resistance on the megger, if megger shows zero resistance then there is short
circuit between the two terminals.
3. If the megger shows Infinite resistance then there is open circuit between two terminals.
4. Repeat the above steps for testing the puncture, short circuit between two conductors of
the three core cable.

Testing of Continuity:

Element Status Continuity/

Of Lamp/Multimeter Discontinuity





Testing of Cable Insulation

Punctured Cable Conductor to Sheath

R to Y Resistance
Y to B Resistance
R to B Resistance

Good Cable Conductor to Sheath

R to Y Resistance
Y to B Resistance
R to B Resistance

Experiment – 3

Connection of switches, sockets and fuses and Wiring and Connection of


Apparatus Required:

1. One Way Switch - 04

2. Fuse (5A) - 01
3. 5A Socket - 03
4. Lamp - 02
5. Inverter -01
6. Battery -01

Circuit Diagram:

(Switch Connection Study Diagram)

Switch Board Connection Diagram

Inverter Connection Diagram –


Switch Board Connection Diagram

1. All the elements of the circuit are tested for the proper operation
2. Connections are made as shown in the circuit diagram
3. Switch on the supply and observe the operation of load lamp and any other load
connected to the socket.
4. Switch off the supply and disconnect the wiring.


Switch Board Connection:

Lamp Load Status

Load Status
Connected to Switch

Inverter Connection:

Connect the load to inverter and observe the operation of load.

Experiment – 4

Trouble shooting of ceiling fan and sump motor and its wiring

Apparatus Required:

1. Ceiling Fan
2. Sump Motor
3. Multimeter
4. Connecting wires

Circuit Diagram:

Trouble Shooting of Motor Capacitor

Trouble Shooting of Motor Winding


Trouble Shooting of Motor Capacitor

1. Keep the multimeter in Resistance mode

2. Connect the capacitor to the multimeter according to its polarity
3. Observe the starting value of resistance and final value of resistance
4. Repeat the above step by reversing the polarity of the capacitor
5. Disconnect the capacitor from multimeter.

Trouble Shooting of Motor Winding

1. Connect the multimeter as shown in the circuit terminals of motor

2. Test the continuity of the winding ensuring lamp glow or beep of the multimeter. This
ensures the winding is in good condition.
3. If the multimeter does not give beep, then winding is faulty.
4. Measure the resistance of the winding using multimeter, zero resistance indicates short
circuit and very high resistance indicates open circuit.


Trouble Shooting of Motor Capacitor

Condition of
Staring Resistance Final Resistance
Capacitor 1

Capacitor 2

Capacitor 3

Trouble Shooting of Motor Winding

Continuity Winding Resistance

Motor winding 1

Motor winding 2

(Autonomous Institute affiliated to VTU, Belagavi)
(Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ grade and NBA)
Yelahanka, Bengaluru – 560064.


Prepared by: Praveen Kumar T N

Associate Professor, Dept. of ME



Individual Experiments
1. Joint preparation for CPVC pipes/ PVC pipes.
2. Measurement of height, diameter and pitch using different measuring instruments.
Group Experiments:
3. Assembly/disassembly of bicycle.
4. Preparation of holes and joints on metals and non-metals using power tools.
5. Demonstration of a) Assembly and disassembly of pump b) Metals, non-metals and
advanced materials.

ME1) Joint preparation for CPVC pipes/ PVC pipes.

Aim: Prepare joint for CPVC / PVC pipes
Apparatus/tools used:
1(a)PVC Pipes (T-Joint, Elbow joint, Collar joint, Reducer Joint)

Figure: Actual photograph of L Joint (PVC)

Joints Identified:
Joints prepared:
Operation performed:

Other details/observations (if any)

Figure: Actual photograph of T joint (PVC)

1(b) CPVC Pipes (T-Joint, Elbow joint, Collar joint, Reducer Joint

Figure: Actual photograph of Elbow (CPVC)

Figure: Actual photograph of Tee joint (CPVC)

Figure: Photograph of actual long bend (CPVC)
Joints Identified:
Joints prepared:
Operation performed:
Other details/observations (if any)

ME2) Measurement of height, diameter and pitch using different measuring instruments.
2a) Aim: Measure the diameter of the given work piece/material using micrometer
Tools/Apparatus used: Vernier Caliper and Micrometer

Figure: Parts of Micrometer

Figure: Actual photograph of Micrometer
Details: Range: 0 to 25mm and 0-50 mm
Least Count: 0.01
Total Reading = MSR + CTD XLC
MSR: Main Scale Reading, CTD: Coinciding Thimble Reading, LC: Least Count
Parts identified:
Procedure followed:
Measurement details:
Other details/Observations (if any)

Figure: Parts of digital Micrometer

Figure: Actual Photograph of digital Micrometer
Details: Range 0-25mm, Least Count: 0.001mm
Parts identified:
Measurement details:
Other details/Observations (if any)
Aim: Measure the diameter of the given work piece/material using Vernier calliper
Apparatus used:

Figure: Parts of Vernier Calliper

Figure: Actual photograph of Vernier calliper
Details: Range 0-150mm and 0-300mm
Least Count: 0.01
Total Reading (TR) = MSR + CTD XLC
CVD: Coinciding Vernier Division
Parts Identified:
Procedure followed:
Other details/Observations:

Figure: Parts of Digital Vernier Calliper

Figure: Actual photograph of Digital Vernier Calliper

Details: 0-150 mm and Digital

Parts Identified:
Other details/Observations (if any)

2b) Measurement of height: Height gauge

Aim: Measure the height of the given work piece/material using Height gauge
Apparatus/measuring instruments used:

Figure: Different parts of Vernier height gauge

Figure: Actual photograph of Vernier height gauge
Details: Range 0-200 mm, Make: Mitutoyo

Least Count = 0.02mm

Parts Identified:
Measurement details:
Procedure followed:
Other details/Observations:

2c) Measurement of pitch:

Aim: Measure the pitch of the given work piece/material using Pitch gauge
Apparatus/measuring device used:

Figure: Parts of Pitch gauge

Figure: Actual photograph of Pitch gauge

Details: Inch- set and Metric
Metric: 60o , Range: 0.25mm to 6mm
Inch set: 4 to 62 gauge
Tool used:
Parts Identified:
Measurement details:
Procedure followed:
Other details/Observations(if any)

ME3) Assembly/disassembly of bicycle

Aim: To study different parts and working of bicycle
Apparatus/tools used:

Figure: Actual photograph of Bicycle-1
Parts Identified:
Tools used for assembly and disassembly:
Operation performed:
Other details/Observations:

Figure: Actual photograph of Bicycle-1

ME4) Preparation of holes and joints on metals and non-metals using power tools
4a) Aim: Preparation of holes and joints on metals using power tools.
Tools/apparatus used: Cut off saw (Hand cutting M/c), Hand Grinding Machine, Hand
Drilling Machine, Portable Arc Welding Machine
Portable Hand Drilling M/c.

Figure: Parts of Hand drilling machine

Figure: Actual photo of Hand drilling machine

Details: 850 Watts, size: 28 mm
Parts Identified:
Operation performed:

Portable/Hand Grinding Machine
Important Parts identified:
Operation performed:

Figure: Actual Photo of Grinding Machine

Power tools Set

Drilling, Spanner, pipe wrench, Torque wrench / Spanner set,Drilling set, Screw driver bit set

BOSCH GSB 550 - Mechanic Power & Hand Tool Kit [120 Tools]

Figure: Actual photo of Tool Set/kit

Details: Speed: 3800 rpm Blade Diameter: 355 mm
Specification/other details of the machine:
Operation performed
Parts identified:
Other details/Observations if any

Figure: Actual photo of Cut off machine

Hole preparation on Metal

Operation performed:
Tools used:
Other details/Observations:
Hole preparation on non-metal

Operation performed:
Tools used:
Other details/Observations:
Figure: Schematic diagram of Arc welding machine setup

Figure: Actual photograph of Arc welding machine setup

Details: Arc 200-300 i (IGBT) Single Phase Portable 200A MMA Inverter Welding Machine

Figure: Different types of welding joints
Welding Joints:
Lap joint:
T Joint

Welding Joint preparation

Specification/other details of the machine:
Operation performed
Parts identified:
Other details/Observations:


Experiment No.: ME 5
ME5) Demonstration of Assembly and disassembly of pump, Metals, non-metals and
advanced materials
Aim: Study different parts/operation of the Centrifugal Pump and submersible pump

Figure: Figure: Parts of Centrifugal pump

Details: 2 HP Single Stage Three Phase Centrifugal Mono Block Pump
AMH 50, Single stage
Parts Identified:
Other observation/Details ( if any)

Figure: Actual photograph of Centrifugal pump

Figure: Parts of Submersible pump

Figure: Actual photograph of submersible pump

Details: 3 HP, 20-25 stage (bore well)

Parts identified:
Other observation/details if any


Demonstration of Metals, non-metals and advanced materials.

Aim: Study and identify different materials
Apparatus/tools used:

Figure: Sample: Aluminium and bronze

i) Brass
Dia-100mm x 10 mm –Brass
Material Identified:
Other details/observations:

Dia-100 x 10 mm –Aluminium
Material identified:
Other details/observations:

Sample: cast Iron and Steel

iii) STEEL
Diameter 100mm and 10mm thick
Material Identified:
Other details/observations:


Diameter 100 mm and 10mm thick
Material Identified:
Other details/observations:



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