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StablePose: Learning 6D Object Poses from Geometrically Stable Patches

Junwen Huang* Yifei Shi* Xin Xu Yifan Zhang Kai Xu†

National University of Defense Technology
We introduce the concept of geometric stability to the (b)
problem of 6D object pose estimation and propose to learn
arXiv:2102.09334v1 [cs.CV] 18 Feb 2021

pose inference based on geometrically stable patches ex-
tracted from observed 3D point clouds. According to the
theory of geometric stability analysis, a minimal set of three (a) (d)
planar/cylindrical patches are geometrically stable and de-
Figure 1: Given the 3D point cloud (b) of a detected object
termine the full 6DoFs of the object pose. We train a deep
(a), StablePose is trained to predict its 6D pose based on
neural network to regress 6D object pose based on geomet-
a geometrically stable patch group containing the blue, the
rically stable patch groups via learning both intra-patch ge-
orange and the green patches. Each patch determines a few
ometric features and inter-patch contextual features. A sub-
DoFs and they altogether pin down all six DoFs (c, d).
network is jointly trained to predict per-patch poses. This
auxiliary task is a relaxation of the group pose prediction: and appearance but also facilitating generalization to ran-
A single patch cannot determine the full 6DoFs but is able dom occlusion and unseen instances.
to improve pose accuracy in its corresponding DoFs. Work- 3D geometric information does have been utilized for
ing with patch groups makes our method generalize well for pose inference, both in traditional [9, 44] and in learning-
random occlusion and unseen instances. The method is eas- based methods [52, 6], especially with the proliferation of
ily amenable to resolve symmetry ambiguities. Our method depth cameras. The most straightforward use is to per-
achieves the state-of-the-art results on public benchmarks form ICP-based pose refinement with the geometric infor-
compared not only to depth-only but also to RGBD meth- mation [40, 30]. Most deep learning approaches learn depth
ods. It also performs well in category-level pose estimation. features to enhance color features [46]. Some others infer
object poses from geometric features learned on 3D point
1. Introduction clouds [12] or voxels [45]. These geometric features, how-
ever, are learned without an explicit guidance on the correla-
The problem of object pose estimation is to determine tion between shape and pose, making pose reasoning based
the 6D rigid transformation from the local object coordinate on them lack of interpretability and weak in generality.
system to the camera reference frame. Robust and accurate We propose to learn object pose inference based on 3D
object pose estimation is of primary importance in a vari- surface patches extracted from the point cloud of a single-
ety of applications ranging from robotic manipulation and view depth image. In particular, we focus on planar and
localization to augmented reality. Recent advances either cylindrical patches which are omnipresent on the surface
predict correspondences between observations and template of household objects. This design choice stems from two
models [36], or regress pose directly [49]. In these tasks, key insights. First, patches are neither too local to capture
RGB features learned with convolutional neural networks meaningful geometric information, nor too global to be re-
have been predominantly adopted with notable success [17]. peatable and generalizable across object instances. Second,
Object pose inference with only color information, how- each patch determines a specific set of DoFs of object pose.
ever, find difficulty in handling texture-less objects or un- A minimal set of geometrically stable patches can lock all
seen surface texture/appearance. In human perception, ob- six DoFs according to the theory of geometric stability (or
ject pose hinges on object geometry [42]. Humans cog- slippage) analysis [13]. It is therefore possible to accurately
nize shapes and their poses simultaneously and in a cou- reason about 6D object poses over a small group of geomet-
pled way [11] in order to achieve a so-called invariant object rically stable patches (Figure 1). Each stable group usually
recognition [23]. Geometry enables a natural and powerful contains up to three patches, which facilitates fast learning.
pose perception not only mitigating the distraction of color This also enables pose prediction with a redundant set of the
* Joint first authors stable groups, leading to robust pose estimation generaliz-
† Corresponding author: [email protected] ing under occlusion and to unseen objects.

We design StablePose, a deep neural network trained to al. [28] proposed a method which matches the rendered im-
regress 6D object pose based on geometrically stable patch ages of the object model against the input image for pose
groups. Given a patch-sample 3D point cloud, the network refinement. Similar idea was later explored in many follow-
extracts both intra-patch geometric features and inter-patch up works [27, 47, 31]. SSD-6D [24] and Deep-6DPose [8]
contextual features. It then predicts a 6D pose for each integrate object detection, segmentation and pose regres-
stable patch group through aggregating the intra- and inter- sion from single-view RGB images in a unified network.
patch features. A dense point-to-point pose loss is used to Instead of directly regressing poses, another line of works
train this network. A crucial design of StablePose is that a learns to output interim results of pixel-wise 3D coordi-
subnetwork is trained to predict per-patch poses. This aux- nates [2, 48, 17, 21], based on which object poses can
iliary task is a relaxation of the group pose prediction since then be recovered. Note, however, EPOS [17] samples 3D
a single patch cannot determine the full 6DoFs and thus the patches from template models which are used as spatial
pose loss downgrades to a weaker point-to-patch loss. Im- clusters for 3D coordinates regression of image pixels. In
posing such weak constraint for each patch in a stable group contrast, our patches are sampled from observation point
individually improves pose accuracy in the respective DoFs clouds and serve as DoF determinant of 6D object pose.
and altogether reinforces the group pose constraint, similar
in spirit to the principle of geometrically stable ICP [14]. Pose estimation with RGB-D The most straightforward
Given a 3D point cloud, we first extract a set of geomet- use of depth is to perform pose refinement with ICP-based
rically stable patch groups via performing stability analysis. geometric alignment [40, 30] or by congruent set based reg-
We then use StablePose to predict a 6D pose for each sta- istration [29]. A more sophisticated approach is to utilize
ble group. The final object pose takes the average of all depth for 2D-3D feature fusion [46]. 3D-keypoint-based ap-
group poses weighted by group stability. To resolve ambi- proaches compute object poses by solving a least-square op-
guities introduced by symmetries and achieve high pose ac- timization to match detected 3D key-points and their coun-
curacy, StablePose is trained to handle asymmetric objects terparts of the template model [41, 15]. Point pair feature
and objects with discrete and continuous symmetries sepa- (PPF) based methods [9, 44, 50] achieve high accuracy at
rately. Through extensive evaluation, we show that Stable- the cost of high computation complexity.
Pose outperforms state-of-the-art learning-based methods The most relevant work to ours is [25] where a con-
by 19.1% for depth-only input and 9.1% for RGBD input volutional auto-encoder is trained to regress descriptors of
on the T-LESS benchmark [18]. Furthermore, our method locally-sampled RGB-D patches for 6D vote casting. Dur-
generalizes well for category-level pose estimation, obtain- ing testing, scene patch descriptors are matched against
ing competitive results on the NOCS benchmark [48] and model view patches and cast 6D object votes which are then
18.6% improvement on a more challenging ShapeNet based filtered to refined hypotheses. While their method learns
dataset. Our work makes the following contributions: patch matching, our method tries to learn pose regression
from geometrically stable patch groups.
• We, for the first time, introduce the concept of geomet-
ric stability into 6D object pose estimation. Stability analysis Stability or slippage analysis is a pow-
• We propose a deep network learning to infer 6D object erful tool of shape analysis. It is originally posed to sub-
pose based on geometrically stable patch groups. It sample points from a point set while maintaining the sta-
attains high accuracy and robustness with a weak task bility of DoFs in ICP-based alignment [14, 33, 3]. This is
of patch-wise, under-determined pose estimation. done by filtering out redundant points while keeping suffi-
• We devise several key designs to accommodate a broad cient points for each alignment DoF. Another application of
range of cases encompassing asymmetric or symmetric stability analysis is to extract slippage signatures for discov-
objects, objects with occlusion and unseen objects. ering slippable components on a 3D object [13, 1]. Inspired
by these works, our work, for the first time, introduces the
2. Related work concept of stability into object pose estimation.

Pose estimation from RGB The most common solution 3. Stability Analysis for Pose Estimation
to object pose estimation from RGB images is to detect and
match keypoints and solve a PnP. This approach has been We describe stability analysis of 3D shapes, also known
well studied with a huge body of learned or non-learned as slippage analysis, and investigate its relation to object
methods (e.g., [36, 43, 32, 51, 39] and a survey [10]). They pose estimation. The geometric stability of a 3D shape can
are, however, less capable in the texture-less case where be characterized by the rigid transformations (a translation
keypoints are hard to detect. and a rotation) that minimizes point-to-plane error metric.
More recent works focus on predicting 6D object pose Intuitively, if a 3D shape is transformed by a rigid trans-
directly with trained deep neural networks [49]. Li et formation without introducing significant motion along the

(a) (b) (c) (d) drical patches from the point cloud (Section 4.1) and sample
a set of geometrically stable patch groups based on stability
analysis (Section 4.2). Each stable group is fed into a deep
network to predict the 6D pose of the corresponding object
1 rotation + 2 translation 1 rotation + 1 translation 1 translation
and the final pose is obtained by averaging the 6D poses
obtained with all stable groups (Section 4.3). To resolve
the ambiguities caused by symmetry, our network handles
asymmetric objects and objects with discrete and continu-
ous symmetries separately, each trained with a proper loss.

4.1. Object Detection and Patch Extraction

(f) (g) (h)
The first step is to detect objects and extract patches.
Figure 2: (a-d): Geometric stability of different shapes. The Any RGB-based object detection method can be used here.
unstable/slippable transformations of each shape are anno- We adopt the detector proposed in Pix2Pose [30] which is
tated with red arrows. A group of three non-coplanar planes also used in many recent pose estimation works. We then
(d) is geometrically stable under rigid transformation. (e-h): crop the depth image based on the detected object mask
Using geometric stability for object pose estimation. Given and unproject the cropped depth image into a 3D point
the observation of an object (f), a geometrically stable patch cloud. For each object point cloud, we extract both pla-
group is extracted and matched to the model shape (g), thus nar patches P P = {pPi } and cylindrical patches P C = {pCi }.
determining the 6D pose of the object (h). Let P = P P ∪ P C . Again, many existing methods can
normal direction at each surface point, it is called geomet- be utilized to extract patches from point clouds. We found
rically unstable (or slippable) along that transformation. If through experiment that CAPE [34] is fast and relatively ro-
there is no such transformation, the shape is stable. See bust for our data modality (i.e., point cloud converted from
Figure 2(a-d) for a few examples with different stability. single-view depth image of objects with occlusion).
Given a 3D shape sampled into a point set, we can com-
4.2. Stable Patch Group Sampling
pute a stability measure base on the eigenvalues of the 6 × 6
covariance matrix of the 6D rigid transformation minimiz- One could predict object pose based on all patches. Ide-
ing point-to-plane error. Please refer to the appendix in the ally, the more patches are used, the more global information
supplemental material for details of this computation. is encoded and the better the pose can be estimated [25].
Stability and object pose Given the geometric observa- In the case of single-view observations, however, using all
tion of an object, we solve the problem of 6D object pose patches may not be a good choice since the patch count
estimation on the basis of stability analysis. Specifically, we varies from different views due to occlusion. Based on the
first extract a group of planar or cylindrical patches which fact that 6D object pose can be determined with a minimum
are geometrically stable. The patches in the stable group are of three geometrically stable patches (e.g., nearly mutual
then aligned to the corresponding patches on the 3D model orthogonal planar patches in Figure 2), we opt for learning
in canonical pose. Each alignment determines a subset of pose estimation based on patch triplets.
the six DoFs. All patches in the stable groups together pin Given an object point cloud, we enumerate all triplets
down the 6D pose of the object. See Figure 2(e-h) for an out of P as patch group candidates. We then analyze the
illustration. In practice, however, finding patch correspon- stability of each group. We collect those groups whose sta-
dence itself is a challenging problem. In what follows, we bility measure passes the threshold into the set of geomet-
propose a deep neural network which predicts 6D object rically stable patch groups G = {Gk = (pk1 , pk2 , pk3 )}.
poses without relying on patch correspondences. To enhance the generality of our pose estimation network,
we train it with patch groups sampled from point clouds in
4. Method multiple views for each object.

Overview Figure 3 provides an overview of our method. 4.3. Object Pose Estimation
The input to our method is an RGBD image capturing one 4.3.1 Patch Feature Extraction
or multiple objects. The RGB image is used only for ob-
ject detection but not for pose estimation. The output is the Intra-patch geometric feature To learn geometric fea-
6DoF pose of each object. Our method starts from detecting ture for each individual patch, we utlize PointNet++ [35].
objects and predicting their 2D masks in the depth image. The input is the point cloud of a patch (resampled to 2000
For each detected object, we obtain a 3D point cloud by un- points) and the output is a feature vector of 1024D. Note that
projecting its depth mask. We then extract planar and cylin- this learned feature encodes for a patch not only its local ge-

Stability: 0.9
Asymmetry Asymmetry A unique pose
Stability: 0.2 Patch-wise pose prediction
Patch Stability
sampling Stability: 0.1 +
Discrete Discrete
symmetry Multiple poses

Stability: 0.1

Continuous Continuous
symmetry symmetry Rotation axis One possible pose

Object detection Stable patch group sampling 6D object pose estimation

Figure 3: Method overview. Given a single-view RGB-D image, we first detect and segment objects in the RGB image and
then crop the depth point cloud. Based on object labels, the objects are categorized according to symmetry property. For each
object point cloud, we extract planar and cylindrical patches and sample a set of geometrically stable patch groups based on
stability analysis. Our network predicts for stable group a 6D pose, with patch-wise pose estimation as an auxiliary task. For
objects with continuous symmetry, it computes the rotation axis and then outputs one possible 6D pose.

ometry but also its relative position in the whole object. The group, imposing such weak constraint for each of its three
latter benefits spatial reasoning in pose estimation. patches individually improves the pose accuracy in respec-
Inter-patch contextual feature To help our network rea- tive DoFs and altogether reinforces the group pose con-
soning about object pose globally, we additionally learn straint (see Figure 4). This process resembles the stability-
inter-patch contextual features using all patches. Since we based ICP for 3D shape registration [38]. Further, these
have extracted per-patch features, we concatenate the per- weak tasks decouple the learning into different sets of DoFs,
patch features for every two patches and then aggregate making the network easier to train with faster convergence.
them using the Relation Network [37]. Relation network For each patch pi ∈ P, we devise a three-layer MLP
provides a mechanism for non-local message passing be- which takes the concatenation of its geometric feature and
tween patches. The final feature is the adaptive pooling of the contextual feature as input and produces a patch pose
the pair-wise features after message passing, which encodes TPi = [RPi |tPi ]. The network is trained by minimizing a
inter-patch structure and global shape context. point-to-plane loss for planar patches or a point-to-axis loss
for cylindrical patches. In particular, we define the dense
point-to-plane loss for planar patches as
4.3.2 Pose Estimation of Asymmetric Objects
k[(TPi )−1 xij − (T̄)−1 ci ] · (R̄−1 ni )k,
Group pose prediction Given an object, its 6D pose is Li = (2)
predicted on the basis of its geometrically stable patch j

groups G. As shown in Figure 5, for each Gk in G, a three-

layer multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs) takes the concatena- where ci represents the center of patch pi , and ni is the
tion of its per-patch geometric features and the inter-patch normal of the plane that pi lies in. xij is a point on pi . For
contextual feature as input and outputs a 6D pose. To train cylindrical patches, point-to-patch error can be reduced to
the network, we impose a dense-point pose loss which mea- w/ all patch pose loss w/o patch pose loss
sures the discrepancy between the predicted 6D pose and w/ patch 1 only w/ patch 2 only w/ patch 3 only
the ground-truth on a per-point basis:
kTG m m
Lk = k xj − T̄xj k, (1)
j patch 2

where TG G G
k = [Rk |tk ] is the predicted pose for group Gk 0 patch 3
patch 1
𝛼 𝛽 𝛾 𝑡𝑥 𝑡𝑦 𝑡𝑧
and T̄i = [R̄|t̄] the ground-truth object pose. X m = {xm
are the points sampled on the template 3D model. Figure 4: A parallel coordinates visualization [22] of object
Patch pose prediction In addition to the group pose pre- pose errors in the six DoFs. Minimizing the pose loss of one
diction, we introduce an auxiliary task of patch-wise pose patch optimizes a specific subset of DoFs (see the curves
prediction. This task is a relaxation of the group pose pre- with light shading). Minimizing the group pose loss but not
diction since a single patch cannot determine all six DoFs per-patch pose loss leads to high overall pose error (the blue
and thus the point-to-point loss in Eq. (1) needs to be re- curve). The best overall accuracy is obtained by minimizing
placed by a weaker “point-to-patch” loss. For a stable patch both group and all-patch pose losses (the red curve).

point-to-axis error and the corresponding patch pose loss is poses given M object symmetries. B is a benefit matrix
cylind in which Bm,k represents the benefit of matching the m-th
kd((TPi )−1 xij , φ̄i ) − ri k,
Li = (3)
predicted pose to the k-th ground-truth. A higher similar-
ity in pose leads to a larger benefit. The benefit Bm,k be-
where φ̄i is axis of the patch cylinder transformed with T̄−1 tween two poses Tm and Tk is computed as the point-wise
and ri the radius of the cylinder. d(x, φ) denotes the dis- Euclidean error between point sets transformed by the two
tance between point x and line φ. poses respectively:
The overall loss The 6D pose loss for asymmetric objects X
Bm,k = kTm xj − Tk xj k, (5)
sums up the pose losses over all stable patch groups and
those of all planar and cylindrical patches:
|G| |P P | |P C |
where X = {xj } are sample points on the template model.
L asym
X group
Lk +
X planar
Li +
X cylind
Li (4) Once the correspondences are determined, the pose loss
k=1 i=1 i=1 can be evaluated by accumulating the asymmetry loss in
Eq. (4) over all M + 1 possible poses under M symmetries:
4.3.3 Pose Estimation of Symmetric Objects Ldsym = Lasym (T → TTS ).
Discrete symmetry case Object symmetries introduce
ambiguities to pose estimation. A common strategy of re- Lasym (T → TTS ) means that the loss is computed by re-
solving symmetry ambiguities in training a pose estimation placing the predicted group/patch pose T with TTS , with
network is “back-propagate with the best” [46, 27]. In par- TS ∈ T S and T S = {I, TS1 , . . . , TSM }.
ticular, suppose the object possesses a discrete set of sym-
metries {TSi }i=1,...,M 1 and its 6D pose estimated by the Continuous symmetry case For object with a continu-
current neural network is T. In the next round of training, ous rotational symmetry, the number of ground-truth pose
we choose the transformation from {T, TTS1 , . . . , TTSM } is infinite. Therefore, instead of predicting poses directly,
such that it leads to the minimal alignment error between we opt to train a three-layer MLP to regress the rotation
the observation and the template model, and back-propagate axis represented by the object center cr and the orientation
this error. Using this scheme, however, the network tends to vector of the axis ar , based on each stable group. Let us de-
memorize a particular pose of the object and lacks a global fine T(θ, cr , ar ) as the transformation of rotating an angle
understanding of object symmetries resulting in weak gen- of θ about the axis (cr , ar ). The regression loss of rotation
erality on occluded or unseen objects. To overcome this axis for each patch group Gk is then defined as the point-
issue, we propose a new training method for handling sym- wise Euclidean error between model point sets transformed
metry ambiguities — “back-propagate with all”. by the predicted and ground-truth rotational transformations
In our approach, instead of estimating only a single ob- respectively:
ject pose, we predict M + 1 object poses, each against one 1 XX
k = kT(θ, cr , ar )xj − T(θ, c̄r , ār )xj k, (7)
of the ground-truth poses in {T̄, T̄TS1 , . . . , T̄TSM }, using |Θ| j
again a three-layer MLP. Since there are multiple outputs,
the correspondence between the predictions and ground- where (c̄r , ār ) is the ground-truth rotation axis. The loss
truths should be determined on-the-fly, so that the loss of is computed over a set of rotation angles Θ = {κ ·
each individual prediction could be evaluated and back- π/8}κ=1,...,16 . The overall loss sums up the losses of both
propagated. To this end, we devise an optimal assignment per-group axis prediction and per-patch pose prediction:
process [26] which finds a benefit-maximizing correspon-
|G| |P P | |P C |
dence by solving the following optimization: csym
X rot
X planar
X cylind
L = Lk + Li + Li . (8)
M +1 M +1
X X k=1 i=1 i=1
arg max Bm,k Πm,k ,
Π Having obtained the rotation axis, we can compute the 6D
m=1 k=1
X +1 M
X +1 object pose [R|t]. The translation DoFs are determined:
s.t. Πm,k = 1, Πm,k = 1, m, k ∈ {1, . . . , M + 1}. t = cr . The quaternion corresponding to R is
m=1 k=1
 γ γ γ γ 
Π is a permutation matrix with Πm,k ∈ {0, 1} indicating q R = cos , sin ax , sin ay , sin az
whether the m-th predicted pose matches the k-th ground- 2 2 2 2
truth pose. M + 1 is the total number of possible object where ar = (ax , ay , az ) is the axis vector and γ can be an
1 A symmetry transformation TS ∈ SE(3) of a 3D shape X satisfies arbitrary angle (we set γ = π2 ) since there is one rotational
TS X = TS and TS 6= I. DoF that cannot be determined by the rotation axis.

Intra-patch feature Inter-patch feature Group pose prediction Asymmetry
extraction extraction Point-to-point
pose loss
A unique pose

PointNet++ 1024D 1024D Discrete

+ + + MLP Point-to-point
pose loss
Multiple poses
Concatenation Continuous
PointNet++ Point-to-point

axis loss

Rotation axis

512D Patch pose prediction Planar

PointNet++ Point-to-patch
Point cloud pose loss
with stable + MLP
patch group Point-to-patch
Concatenation pose loss
PointNet++ Cylindrical
Relation Networks

Figure 5: The network architecture of StablePose which is composed of four subnetworks.

4.3.4 Inference objects with heavy occlusion. NOCS is used to evaluate
category-level object pose estimation. The test set con-
During inference, the 6D pose for each stable patch group tains unseen objects of five categories with different shape
is first regressed with the proper network according to the and size from those in the training set. To better evaluate
object’s symmetry property. The final object pose is the the generality on unseen objects with larger shape varia-
weighted average over all group poses, with the weight be- tions, we created a synthetic dataset based on ShapeNet [4],
ing the stability measure of a group. Higher stability leads named ShapeNetPose. This new dataset contains ren-
to higher weight. Note that the weighed average of rota- dered RGBD images of objects from 22 categories. The test
tion and translation are computed separately. The weighted objects are usually significantly different from the training
combination of rotations is computed in quaternion form. ones in terms of shape and appearance; please refer to the
supplemental material for an overview of this dataset.
4.4. Implementation details
Metrics For instance-level pose estimation, to facilitate
The number of points sampled is 500 on template models
comparison to previous works, we adopt the 6D localiza-
in Eq. (1), (5) and (7), and 100 for each patch in Eq. (2) and
tion recall under two popular pose-error functions: Average
(3). The dimensions of several critical features are shown
Closest Point Distance (ADI) [16] and Visible Surface Dis-
in Figure 5. Rotations are represented in quaternion form.
crepancy (VSD) [20]. ADI considers both visible and invis-
We implemented StablePose using PyTorch and trained
ible parts of the 3D model surface. Suppose T is the pre-
it on an NVIDIA Tesla T4 GPU. The network is trained
dicted pose and T̄ the ground-truth, ADI measures the mean
first with patch-wise pose losses only for 2~3 epoches as a
Euclidean distance from each point on the 3D model trans-
warmup and then with all losses turned on. We found that
formed by T to the closest point on the model transformed
this training strategy leads to fast convergence. The batch
by T̄. We use the standard ADI recall metric eADI < 0.1d,
size is 16. We use the ADAM optimizer with a learning
where d is the object diameter [20, 27]. VSD considers vis-
rate of 0.0001. For some small objects with less than three
ible parts only. To evaluate the VSD error of an estimated
patches extracted, we use PointNet++ [35] to extract feature
pose T w.r.t. its ground-truth T̄, we first render the tem-
for the object points and then regress the pose/axis directly
plate model into two depth maps D and D̄ using the two
with a three-layer MLP. For objects with no stable patch
poses, respectively. VSD measures the differences between
group extracted, we simply use the inter-patch contextual
D and D̄ at image locations where the object is visible in
feature to make pose/axis prediction. The ratio of these two
the input observation. We use the standard VSD recall met-
cases is about 10~20% for the datasets we have tested.
ric eVSD < 0.3 with τ = 20mm and δ = 15mm [20, 27].
For T-LESS, the results are reported on 6D localization
5. Results and Evaluation both for varying number of instances of varying number
Datasets We conduct evaluation on three public datasets: of objects in single-view RGBD images (VIVO) [20] and
T-LESS [18], LineMOD-O [2] and NOCS [48]. All the for a single instance of a single object (SISO) [19]. For
datasets include RGBD images with ground-truth object LineMOD-O, since each RGB-D image contains at most
pose annotations. T-LESS is challenging as the objects are one instance for one object, we only report results for SISO.
texture-less mechanical parts with similar appearance and
5.1. Qualitative Results
geometry and most possess symmetries. LineMOD-O is
one of the most widely used datasets for 6D object pose Figure 6 shows some visual results of CosyPose [27] and
estimation with RGBD images of texture-less household our StablePose on T-LESS and LineMOD-O. These ex-


Figure 6: Visual results of 6D object pose estimation by CosyPose (single-view) [27] and StablePose on T-LESS and
LineMOD-O. Please pay special attention to the results of the challenging objects highlighted in the input scene.
amples encompass objects with heavy occlusion (e.g. col- predicts poses using RGB image followed by an ICP refine-
umn 1–5), discrete symmetry (column 2 and 3) and contin- ment with depth image. The comparison is conducted on
uous symmetry (column 4). In all these challenging cases, T-LESS and LineMOD-O; see results in Table 1 and Ta-
our method is able to estimate the 6D object poses accu- ble 2. Although using only depth in pose prediction, Stable-
rately. Especially for those objects with severe occlusion, Pose beats the RGBD methods on T-LESS by a large mar-
our poses are quite accurate thanks to the per-patch pose gin. On LineMOD-O, our method outperforms all methods
prediction as a reinforcement of the global pose prediction; except CosyPose which was trained using a much larger
see a visual ablation study in the supplemental material. training set of RGB images. The training of StablePose
requires a much smaller dataset and hence is significantly
5.2. Quantitative Comparisons faster. This implies that learning on depth/geometric input
Comparing to depth-only methods We first compare is more data-efficient for the task of 6D pose estimation.
our method to several baselines that take only depth image
as input: Drost-PPF [9], Vidal-PPF [44], PointNet++ [44] 5.3. Parameter Setting and Ablation Studies
and PPFNet [7]. Both Drost-PPF and Vidal-PPF are state-
In Table 3, we study the parameter setting and design
of-the-art methods based on the point pair features. They
choices of our method.
simultaneously detect objects and estimate poses. We also
build two baselines by using PointNet++ and PPFNet as Patch count of a stable group Our method selects three
point feature extraction backbone, respectively, followed patches for each stable group. Here we evaluate other possi-
by a three-layer MLP for regressing 6D pose trained with bilities: one-patch, two-patch and five-patch. All baselines
dense-pixel loss [46]. Like our method, a pretrained ob- adopt the same network setting as the main method. For
ject detector [30] is use for these methods. The experiments one-patch and two-patch cases, the final pose takes average
are conducted on T-LESS and LineMOD-O; see the re- over all groups with uniform weights since stability measure
sults in Table 1 and Table 2. StablePose outperforms all the can hardly be computed for less than three patches. The re-
baselines over both datasets for all metrics. StablePose out- sults show that patch triplet is the best choice for construct-
performs the learning-based methods significantly. Drost- ing stable groups for pose estimation.
PPF and Vidal-PPF are comparably accurate but 3~4 times
slower than StablePose inference. Moreover, the learned Patch group sampling To evaluate the necessity of
StablePose model can generalize to handle unseen objects stability-based patch group sampling, we compare to two
without a template model (see Table 4) which is difficult, if baselines: size-based sampling and distance-based sam-
not impossible, for non-learning-based methods. pling. The former selects patch triplets by point count: Any
Comparing to RGBD methods We compare to the fol- three patches whose total point count is larger than a thresh-
lowing RGBD baselines: DenseFusion [46], Pix2Pose [30] old (1000) form a group. The latter picks patch triplets
and CosyPose (single-view) [27]. DenseFusion achieves such that the sum up of pair-wise patch distances exceeds
6D pose estimation by fusing features of RGB and depth. a threshold (8 cm). Table 3 shows that stability-based sam-
Pix2Pose trains an auto-encoder to regress pixel-wise 3D pling performs the best. This confirms the idea that geo-
coordinates. CosyPose is the state-of-the-art method which metrically stable patches complement better to each other
in terms of determining the DoFs of object pose.

Table 1: Performance comparison on T-LESS.
Pose Est. eADI (VIVO) eADI (SISO) eVSD (VIVO) eVSD (SISO) Training data Training time Inference time
Drost-PPF [9] D - - - 0.57 - - 1.3s
Vidal-PPF [44] D - - - 0.72 - - 1.6s
PointNet++ [35] D 0.74 0.78 0.50 0.54 37K 15h 0.4s
PPFNet [7] D 0.76 0.79 0.44 0.49 37K 15h 0.4s
DenseFusion [46] RGBD 0.13 0.15 0.08 0.10 37K 15h 0.1s
Pix2Pose [30] RGBD - - - 0.30 37K 80h 0.6s
CosyPose [27] RGBD 0.68 0.75 0.63 0.64 1M 200h 1.1s
StablePose D 0.86 0.88 0.69 0.73 37K 15h 0.4s

Table 2: Performance comparison on LineMOD-O. Table 4: Comparison on category-level pose estimation over
eADI (SISO) eVSD (SISO) Training data
Drost-PPF [9] - 0.55 - Pose Est. 10◦ 10cm IoU 25 Rerr Terr
Vidal-PPF [44] - 0.62 - NOCS RGBD 12.8 61.7 33.5 19.3
Pix2Pose [30] 0.32 - 10K CASS RGBD 13.9 67.3 32.9 17.6
CosyPose [27] 0.68 0.83 1M Ours D 21.4 92.1 20.9 9.6
StablePose 0.63 0.71 10K

Table 3: Parameter setting and ablation studies. tails). In Table 4, we show the results on ShapeNetPose
(containing more shape variations than NOCS; the results
on NOCS is in the supplemental material). The better cross-
one-patch 0.70 0.57
two-patch 0.76 0.63
instance generality of StablePose is due to the repeatability
five-patch 0.73 0.69 of patch groups across object instances and the pose predic-
size-based sampling 0.85 0.69
tion learning over a redundant set of patch groups.
distance-based sampling 0.77 0.68
w/o patch-wise pose 0.73 0.62 6. Discussion, Limitations and Future Works
baseline symmetry handling 0.75 0.54
With our work, we hope to deliver the following key
StablePose 0.88 0.73
messages. 1) Shape and pose of objects are tightly coupled
in visual perception. 2) 6D object pose can be pined down
by a minimal set of geometrically stable patches sampled
Network design and training scheme We also compare
on the object surface. 3) Although each patch determines
to baselines of without inter-patch contextual feature, with-
only a subset of the six DoFs, their under-determined pre-
out patch-wise pose estimation and “back-propagate with
dictions can cummulatively constrain the object pose, re-
the best” in symmetry handling, by ablating each of these
sulting in high accuracy and robustness. We have realized
algorithmic components. The degraded performance of the
these ideas with StablePose, a multi-task deep neural net-
baselines shown in Table 3 validates our design choices.
work with good generalization. With a disentangled han-
Crucially, the performance drops significant for without
dling of symmetry ambiguities, the network achieves the
patch-wise pose estimation, which suggests that this aux-
state-of-the-art performance on several public benchmarks.
iliary task indeed provides substantial constraints for im-
Our current solution has the following limitations on
proving object pose accuracy.
which future investigations could be conducted. First, ob-
5.4. Category-Level Pose Estimation ject detection and segmentation still rely on RGB input. De-
signing a single-stage object detection and pose estimation
The generality of our method can be best reflected by for depth-only input is an interesting problem to study. Sec-
category-level 6D pose estimation in which the object in- ond, color texture can help resolve some symmetry ambigu-
stance is unseen during training. We test our method on ities which are unresolvable by geometry. Third, although
NOCS and ShapeNetPose, and compare with two state- our method works on redundant set of patch groups, the
of-the-art methods: NOCS [48] and CASS [5]. Note, how- quality of patch extraction is of great importance. It is diffi-
ever, both NOCS and CASS perform pose prediction with cult to extract valid patches from very small or incompletely
RGBD, while our method does so with only depth input. scanned objects. In the future, we plan to realize implicit
The experiments are evaluated using 10◦ 10cm, IoU 25, patch stability analysis in a more end-to-end fashion with-
Rerr and Terr as in [48] (see supplemental material for de- out explicit patch extraction and stable group sampling.

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