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Land Acknowledgement

We wish to acknowledge this sacred land on which the University of Toronto operates. It
has been a site of human activity for 15,000 years. This land is the territory of the Huron-
Wendat and Petun First Nations, the Seneca, and most recently, the Mississaugas of the
New Credit. The territory was the subject of the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt
Covenant, an agreement between the Iroquois Confederacy and Confederacy of the
Ojibwe and allied nations to peaceably share and care for the resources around the Great
Lakes. Today, Toronto is still home to many Indigenous people from across Turtle Island
and we are grateful to have the opportunity to work in the community, on this territory.

Revised by the Elders Circle (Council of Aboriginal Initiatives) on November 6, 2014


Welcome to the Office of Indigenous Medical Education! Our office opened

in 2013, and is home to the Faculty of Medicine curricular co­ Leads in
Indigenous Medical Education, an Elder, and the MD Program Indigenous
Peoples’ Program Coordinator. This office provides a culturally safe space
within the MD Program and designs and delivers curriculum related to
Indigenous health education. The Office of Indigenous Medical Education
also supports Indigenous Programming within the MD Program to teach
students about Indigenous concepts of community and health, and supports
Indigenous medical students through scholarships and bursaries. It also has a
focus on recruitment and support for students who are interested in applying
to the University of Toronto’s MD program through the Indigenous Student
Application Program (ISAP).

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2354

1 King’s College Circle
Toronto, ON M5S 1A8
Phone: (416) 946-0051

Our Team

Dr. Lisa Richardson Rochelle Allan Present

Co-lead, Indigenous Health Education Indigenous Peoples’ Undergraduate Medical
Education Program Coordinator
Phone: (416) 946-0051
Email: [email protected]

Dr. Jason Pennington Cat (Mark) Criger

Co-Lead, Indigenous Health Education Traditional Indigenous Aboriginal Leader
Davis Building – Room 2095
University of Toronto Mississauga
Phone: (647) 746-4588 / (905) 569-4867
Email: [email protected]

Opportunities to Get Involved

1. Indigenous Health Elective 3. Research Application 5. Urban Indigenous Health Elective

This 10- week Seminar Series runs Support Initiative (RASI) The selective is an opportunity for
during the Winter semester, generally A mentorship program designed to students to gain self-reflective insight
from February to May. This is the only help students who are traditionally into various Indigenous conceptions of
formal student-run Indigenous health underrepresented in medicine (visible health, links between culture and health,
extracurricular activity in the MD program. minorities like Black/Indigenous and experiences of urban Indigenous
Over ten weeks, it covers topics such as students and/or those from economically Peoples within the health care system.
historical trauma transmission, image- disadvantaged backgrounds) gain Students will have opportunities to explore
based storytelling, and cultural safety. admission to medical school. As mentors, various Indigenous health and cultural
medical students can help students organizations within Toronto. This selective
2. Inner City Health Seminar with their applications to research programs will impart both a broad understanding of
Series (ICH-SS) by offering advice and or by having Indigenous Peoples and their health status,
an undergraduate student shadow you in practice, care, delivery, with a more specific
ICH-SS consists of a number of sessions
the lab. focus on the urban Indigenous experience.
led by physicians involved in inner
city health and experts in the field.
Topics covered include Indigenous 4. Officers of Indigenous Health - Junior 6. The Association of Faculties of
health, youth homelessness, refugee Officer and Senior Officer Medicine of Canada (AFMC) Student
healthcare, lived experiences, and more. Local officers are responsible for organizing Portal’s Visiting Elective Guide
The Inner City Health Seminar Series also and running activities related to Indigenous This can be used to find electives in
offers observerships through their Health throughout the school year. These Indigenous health across Canada. Many
partnerships with OHPSA and Inner activities may include: coordinating the of the elective opportunities are Family
City Health Associates (ICHA), a group elective series, organizing invited speaker Medicine placements and can be set up
of physicians who offer care to inner city lectures or cultural activities. They work through the Northern Ontario School of
populations who would otherwise lack with the Office of Indigenous Medical Medicine (NOSM).
access to healthcare. Education and other medical schools’ local
officers on national and regional initiatives.
Over the past 2 years, they’ve attended the
Canadian Federation of Medical Students
Conference to present position papers.

Opportunities to Get Involved

1. UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO 2. NATIVE CHILD AND FAMILY 24/7 Mental Health Crisis Management
First Nations House (FNH) SERVICES OF TORONTO Service Call (416) 891-8606
North Borden Building Central Office: 30 College Street Anishnawbe Health
563 Spadina Avenue, 3rd Floor Toronto, ON M5G 1K2
Toronto, ON M5S 2J7 Phone: (416) 969-8510 Anishnawbe Health Toronto offers services
Phone: (416) 978-8227 and programs with the aim to improve
The Native Child and Family Services of the health and well-being of Aboriginal
Student Life Programs & Services Toronto hopes to provide families and Peoples in spirit, mind, emotion and body
First Nations House children with a life of quality, caring and by providing Traditional Healing within a
healing, and well-being within the Toronto multi-disciplinary health care model.
Students can access a variety of services
Native Community. They offer support
and supports through the FNH, including
services that deal with families in a holistic 4. NATIVE CANADIAN CENTRE
an orientation at the beginning of the
and culturally sensitive way, and have OF TORONTO
academic year, a resource center, computer
many regular drop in programs daily. 16 Spadina Road
lab (with WiFi and five work stations),
Elders, and culturally supportive Toronto, ON M5R 2S7
3. ANISHNAWBE HEALTH TORONTO Phone: (416) 964-9087
academic planning.
Queen Street East Location: nativecentre
Centre for Indigenous Studies 225 Queen Street East NativeCentreofTO
563 Spadina Avenue, 2nd Floor Toronto, ON M5A 1S4
Phone: (416) 360-0486 Native Canadian Centre of Toronto offers a
Toronto, ON M5S 2J7
wide range of programs and services based
Phone: (416) 978-2233
Gerrard Street East Location: on Native cultural teachings and traditions
Supporting Aboriginal Graduate
179 Gerrard Street East including Indigenous cultural awareness
Enhancement (SAGE)
Toronto, ON M5A 2E5 training, the Seniors Program, Cultural
SAGE UT plans workshops, presentations, Program, Dodem Kanonhsa, youth
Phone: (416) 920-2605
meetings and other events that programs, and a martial arts program.
focus on promoting the academic and
Vaughn Road Location:
personal development of Indigenous
22 Vaughn Road
graduate students.
Toronto, ON M6G 2N1
Phone: (416) 657-0379
Opportunities to Get Involved

5. NATIVE WOMEN’S RESOURCE Occupational Therapists and an Elder/ Toronto Council Fire Native Cultural Centre
CENTRE OF TORONTO Traditional healer, as well as access to provides counselling, material assistance
191 Gerrard Street East psychiatry. In addition to other ceremonies, and other direct services to First Nations
Toronto, ON M5A 3E5 CAMH has an onsite Sweat Lodge which people as well as to encourage and enhance
Phone: (416) 963-9963 can be utilized as part of a client’s treatment spiritual and personal growth.
Native Women’s Resource plan. Referral Required: No; self-referral is
Centre of Toronto accepted. 9. ONTARIO INSTITUTE FOR STUDIES
7. 2-SPIRITED PEOPLE OF THE 252 Bloor Street West
The Native Women’s Resource Centre of 1st NATIONS Toronto ON M5S 1V6
Toronto offers Aboriginal women and 145 Front Street East #105 Phone: (416)-978-0005
their children life-enhancing resources, Toronto, ON M5A 1E3 Ontario Institute for Studies in
cultural ceremonies and teachings, skills Phone: (416) 944-9300 Education, University of Toronto
development, and programs to develop (Facebook & Linkedin)
2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations
collective capacity and celebrate OISEUofT (Twitter, Instagram, & YouTube)
Native cultures. 2spiritstoronto
The Ontario Institute for Studies in
6. ABORIGINAL SERVICES PROGRAM: 2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations provides Education (OISE) is a leader in Indigenous
CENTRE FOR ADDICTION AND prevention education and support for the education and hopes to create a respectful
MENTAL HEALTH 2-Spirit community in Toronto living with and inclusive education curriculum that
60 White Squirrel Way, 2nd Floor or at risk for HIV and related co-infections. reflects the needs of Indigenous peoples.
Toronto, ON M6J 1H4 These services and support are based on The Indigenous initiatives involved at OISE
Phone: (416) 535-8501, press 2 Indigenous philosophies of holistic health include an Aboriginal Community Council,
The Aboriginal Service provides outpatient and wellness. teaching of Indigenous perspectives,
groups and individual counselling to
research, and the Indigenous Education
Aboriginal peoples experiencing substance 8. COUNCIL FIRE NATIVE Network (which supports students and their
use and mental health issues, as well as CULTURAL CENTRE study interests in Indigenous education,
support to clients who are in CAMH 439 Dundas Street East advances Indigenous education research,
inpatient programs. The treatment team Toronto, ON M5A 2B1 and encourages the development of
includes Aboriginal Social Workers, Phone: (416) 360-4350 Indigenous curriculum).
For information on community

events hosted throughout the year,

visit the various websites or social

media pages in this book!

Opportunities to Get Involved

10. SEVENTH GENERATION MIDWIVES concerning Indigenous health, and allows
525 Dundas Street East, 2nd Floor students to become aware of various
Toronto ON M5A 2B6 community events.
Phone: (416) 530-7468
Seventh Generation Midwives Toronto 12. WELL LIVING HOUSE
(SGMT) are midwives who offer maternity 209 Victoria Street
care to Indigenous women within Toronto, ON M5B 1T8
Toronto, while accounting for the spiritual, Well Living House
emotional, mental, and physical experiences
of the women during her childbearing
year. SGMT provides midwifery care Well Living House is an action research
throughout pregnancy, labour, birth, and centre focused on Indigenous infant, child,
the first six weeks post-partum. and family well-being. It is a place where
Indigenous peoples can gather, understand,
11. WAAKEBINESS-BRYCE INSTITUTE and share knowledge about happy and
FOR INDIGENOUS HEALTH AT healthy child, family, and community
DALLA LANA SCHOOL OF living. Students can become involved with
PUBLIC HEALTH research within the Well Living House.
155 College Street
Toronto, ON M5T 3M7
Phone: (416) 978-2058

The Waakebiness-Bryce Institute for

Indigenous Health has educators and
researchers aiming to address the complex
factors underlying disparities in health
between Indigenous and non-Indigenous
peoples. This institute is an opportunity for
students to become involved in research

Finances & Awards


Dr. Robert William Hudson - Demonstrated interest in endocrinology Information and instructions regarding the
Memorial Award - Preference given to Black or completion and submission of this online
Indigenous students application will be emailed to all MD students
- Financial need in January.

Indspire Scholarship— Health Careers - Aboriginal ancestry For more information, visit the
- Studies in health care careers Indspire website.
- Financial need
- Multiple application deadlines

Gladys Watson Aboriginal - Aboriginal ancestry For more information, visit the U of T
Education Award - Financial need Admissions website.
- Enrolled in master’s, doctoral level, or
second-entry professional programs

City of Toronto Scholarships for - Aboriginal ancestry For more information, visit the U of T
Aboriginal Students Studying in - Student in any of the health Admissions website.
professional program
Health Professions - Academic merit
- Demonstrated community leadership skills

Edward and Dorothy Dawson Award - Aboriginal ancestry For more information, visit the U of T
- Financial need Admissions website.
for Aboriginal Students
- Enrolled in science related discipline

Métis Nation of Ontario Bursary - Métis students For more information, visit Métis Nation of
- Financial need Toronto website.


Dr. Lillian McGregor Aboriginal - Aboriginal ancestry For more information, visit the U of T

Finances & Awards

Award of Excellence - Financial need Admissions website.
- Contribution to the Native community
through volunteerism and involvement
with First Nations House and/or an
Indigenous Student Group at U of T

College of Family Physicians - Aboriginal ancestry For more information, visit the
- Academic merit CFPC website
of Canada (CFPC) Indigenous
- Must be in the second last year of study
Medical Student Scholarship - Interest in or commitment to a career
in family medicine

The President’s Award for the - Aboriginal ancestry For more information, visit the U of T
Outstanding Native Student of the Year - High academic standing Admissions website.
- Previous and/or intended contribution to
the Aboriginal community

Anishnawbe Health Toronto (AHT): The - Aboriginal ancestry For more information visit Anishnawbe
Dr. Tomer Levey Memorial Bursary - Studying medicine Health Toronto’s website
- Currently in good standing at
medical school
- Home community in Ontario
- Desire to work within the Aboriginal
Community upon completion of education
- Financial need

Indigenous For more external resources for
Indigenous awards, bursaries,
Student and scholarships check the
following links:

Handbook Aboriginal Bursary System (Government of Canada)

Aboriginal Bursary Search Tool

Aboriginal Scholarship Guide — AMMSA

Post-Secondary Student Support Program

2017-2018 The Canadian Medical Foundation Graphic Design, Bryn A. Ludlow,

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