Saish Sandip Bendhale Superbrite

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Saish Sandip Bendhale

Dated : 13th Jan 2021

HareKrishna Society,
Dear Mr. Saish,

We are pleased to offer you employment on the terms and conditions set out below.


Your employment is with SuperBrite Edutech Pvt. Ltd. as “Data Analyst”


You are required to join on 25th Jan 2021. The terms and conditions of your

appointment shall be effective from your date of joining. In the event you do not join on

the above mentioned date, this offer stands nullified unless the joining date is

extended in writing by the Company.


You will be on probation for a period of 6 months from the date of your joining after

which your performance will be appraised. You will be confirmed in your

appointment in writing on successful completion of the said probationary period. It

may get extended by further period of 6 months if your performance is not found

satisfactory. If in the opinion of the Company, you are found suitable in the

appointed post, you will be confirmed in the services of the Company and same shall

be intimated to you in writing.

Registered Office: Dilshad Garden, Delhi Contact No.: 7986557625/81780 96694

4.1. Your initial place of work shall be from Home.
4. However, at the discretion of the Management, you may be transferred / deputed
anywhere in India to any office of the company and/or from one department to


5.1. Your Stipend will be 6000/p.m for the first 3 months and 2.5 LPA for full-time
position. The company reserves the right to change or modify the manner,
composition or mode of delivering the benefits in its full discretion
5.2. You shall be solely responsible for paying any taxes, direct or indirect, state or
local, whether payable in India or elsewhere which may result from the remuneration
payable to you. Any payment made to you is subject to tax deduction at source under
the Income Tax Act.

You may be required by the Company to travel as may be necessary in the interest
of the Company’s business or as you may be directed by the Company to make.
The travel expenses for official travel shall be reimbursed to you as per the
Company policy.


7.1. The distribution of any information through the Internet, computer-based
services, email, and messaging system must be restricted to the Company business
and is subjected to the scrutiny of the Company. The Company reserves the right to
determine the suitability of this information.
7.2. The use of computing resources are subject to Indian and certain International
laws and any illegal use will be dealt with appropriately. You agree to acquaint yourself
with and abide by the Company’s data and code protection policy from time to time in
force, breach of which will be treated as a serious disciplinary matter, which may result
in dismissal and legal action.

You will be responsible for the safe custody of all laptops, mobile phones, hardware,
documents, manuals kits and other property belonging to the Company which may

Registered Office: Dilshad Garden, Delhi Contact No.: 7986557625/81780 96694

entrusted to you for official use during the course of your employment and shall return

all such property to the company before relinquishment of your charge, failing which

the cost of the same shall be recovered from you by the Company.

You agrees promptly to disclose and assign to the Company all work products,
inventions, discoveries, ideas, concepts, designs, data and information (including
without limitation products, software, information systems, processes, methods,
formulas and techniques, as well as improvements thereof or know-how related
thereto) referred to herein as "Work Product.", regardless of whether patentable or
copyrightable, which are made or conceived by you, whether solely or jointly with
others, during the term of this Agreement. You agree that all such Work Product
shall from inception be the exclusive property of the Company, and you hereby
expressly waive any right or interest it may have therein. Your obligation under this
clause will survive the expiration or termination of this agreement and/or employment
with the company.


In the course of the performance of this Agreement you may learn Confidential
Information of the Company including but not limited to the identity of Company’s
customers and contacts therein, its operations, business and financial condition,
current and/or future projects and pricing structures with customers, as well as
information with respect to which Company has an obligation to maintain
confidentiality (collectively referred to herein as "Confidential Information"). You will
hold in trust and not disclose any such Confidential Information to
Company’s competitors or anyone else during the course of this Agreement and any
time after termination of this Agreement except as legally required by judicial process.
You further agree not to use any such confidential and Proprietary Information for your
own benefit, economic or otherwise, during the term of and any time after the
termination of this Agreement. All Confidential Information will be considered trade
secrets and will be entitled to all protections under the law for trade secrets. In no
event you shall use Confidential Information to reverse engineer or otherwise develop
products or services functionally equivalent to the products or
services of the Company. Your obligations under this section will survive the
termination of this Agreement.

Registered Office: Dilshad Garden, Delhi Contact No.: 7986557625/81780 96694


You specifically agree that during the course of each Agreement and for a period of

two (2) years following the termination of its Agreement, you will not contract or work

directly or indirectly with any Customer or Competitor of the Company including

Customers whom you contacted for business through meetings, phone calls or emails,

or where you provided any services, product demonstration or formed any relationship

with them during your stay with the Company.


12.1. During your employment with the Company, you shall not be engaged,concerned

or interested directly or indirectly in any other extra jobs, part time jobs, occupatio

business or employment whatsoever (either for remuneration or on an honorary basis),

and shall devote your whole time, attention and abilities exclusively to the

performance of your duties and shall faithfully serve the Company and use your best
endeavor to promote the interest and business thereof.
12.2. You shall be governed by the service rules and regulations of the Company,as
amended by the Company from time to time. You shall abide by and carry out
Operational instructions/ procedures as contained in the Company’s guidelines and
other administrative instructions as may be issued by the Company from time to time.

12.3. You shall keep the Management informed of your latest postal address and

phone number at all times and intimate in writing in case of a change of address or

phone number. Any communication sent to you by the Management on your last

known address (as intimated by you) shall be deemed to have been fully served

even though you may have changed your address.

Registered Office: Dilshad Garden, Delhi Contact No.: 7986557625/81780 96694

12.4. You must not commit any act which shall be detrimental or materially adverse to
the Company’s name, reputation, interests or business such as misrepresentation or
omission of any material fact in connection with your employment or material failure
to perform your duties, disobeying a reasonable direction of a supervisor or not
abiding by the policies or codes of conduct of the Company. You agree to Company’s
right to legal action against you for any such actions.


You shall be entitled to leave, holidays and other service benefits as per the rules of
the Company as amended from time to time. If you have a personal or official leave of
absence from work then you have must inform this to your Manager / HR and get prior
approval for your leave of absence in writing.


14.1. During the probation period, your services can be terminated with or without
notice or salary instead of, on either side and without any reason whatsoever.
14.2. Post confirmation, the Company may terminate your services by giving seven
days’ notice or salary in lieu thereof, on either side.

14.3. Absence for a continuous period of five days without prior approval of your

manager / HR (including overstay on leave / training) would result in losing your lien on

grounds of “Absconding on Duty” and the same shall automatically come to an end
without any notice or intimation.

14.4. In case of continued inefficiency or inadequate performance, the Company

shall make reasonable efforts to provide training/ coaching to you. In case the

performance does not improve even after training/coaching, your services may be

terminated without any notice period or compensation thereof.

Registered Office: Dilshad Garden, Delhi Contact No.: 7986557625/81780 96694

14.5. Your employment may be terminated immediately without any notice or
payment if you are held guilty of any offence involving moral turpitude or you have
committed any fundamental breach of contract or caused any loss to the company.
14.6. Upon termination of your employment, you shall immediately return to the
any and all Work Products (as defined above) including CDs, laptops, mobile phones,
hardware, software, data, documents, manuals, documented confidential information,
written, graphical, and recorded material, and any copies, abstracts or summaries
thereof (without making any copies thereof and / or extracts there from), kits and
other properties belonging to the Company that may have been entrusted to and / or
placed in your possession by virtue of and / or during the course of your employment
with the Company. You shall also deliver to the Company immediately all notes,
analysis, summaries and working papers related thereto. Upon termination, you shall
immediately cease the use of company’s web services, email account and phone.

Notices may be given by you to the company at its registered office address. Notices
may be given by the company to you via email and/or at the address intimated by you
in the official records. Any communication sent to you by the Company on your last
known address (as intimated by you) shall be deemed to have been duly served
notwithstanding the fact that you may have changed your address.
The retirement age has been fixed by the Company at 58 years. Any extension after
the age of 58 would be at the sole discretion of the Management.


It is being understood that this employment is being offered to you on the basis of the
particulars submitted by you to the Company at the time of recruitment. However, if at
any time it should emerge that the particulars submitted by you are false / incorrect or
if any material or relevant information has been suppressed or concealed, this
appointment will be considered ineffective
and irregular and may be terminated by the management forthwith without any notice
or wages in lieu thereof.

Registered Office: Dilshad Garden, Delhi Contact No.: 7986557625/81780 96694

Yow agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Company, Company’s Employees, Agents and
Customers or Customer’s Employees from and against any losses, cost, claims, demands,
negligence, damages, injuries, misconduct, breach, liability or expense (including any attorneys’
Your employment with the company is subject to Indian laws. All disputes shall be subject
to the jurisdiction of Delhi courts only.
The foregoing constitutes the entire agreement as regards the terms and conditions of your
service with the Company and they shall be subject to such modifications and
amendments as may be introduced from time to time as per the Company’s Rules and
You acknowledge that you have carefully reviewed all the terms and obligations contained
in his agreement and understood fully the character and extent of the restrictions and
obligations imposed upon you during and after the term of your employment and this
agreement. You hereby expressly agree that the restrictions and obligations are
reasonable and are necessary for the proper protection of Company. You agree that the
provisions herein shall not preclude the Company from obtaining injunctive relief against
you for your breach of any term of this
Please sign the duplicate copy of this letter and return to the Company as a token of your
acceptance of the terms and conditions of employment offered to you.

For SuperBrite Edutech Pvt. Ltd.

Saurabh Sharma

By signing and dating this letter below, I accept the aforesaid terms & condition of my employment. I
have understood the implications thereof.

Signature: _________________________________ Date: _____________

Registered Office: Dilshad Garden, Delhi Contact No.: 7986557625/81780 96694

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