Theories of Directing

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Fall 03
H42.1060.001 Monday 7-10 pm
What the Course Is Although we will consider certain over-arching historical processes and underlying theories, this course is not a survey. Rather, we will concentrate on a few directors, exploring their work through discussion, practice, research, reading, and writing. Obviously, the directors chosen are only a few of those who could have been selected, an enormous band that includes, for example, Lee Breuer, Joan Littlewood, Liz Diamond, Roger Blin, Tadeusz Kantor, Peter Stein, Suzuki Tadashi, Giorgio Strehler, JoAnne Akalaitis, Robert LePage, Pina Bausch, Einar Schleef, ... and many more. I urge you to write your papers on directors not featured in class. At my office hours, I can help you find resources for these directors. Scenes Each student will participate in one or more "directors work group" that will stage scenes modeled on, or in conversation with, core ideas of particular directors under scrutiny in class. These scenes--from existing plays or perhaps original scripts or scenarios must be no longer than 15 minutes. Scenes will serve as jumping off places for discussion. Papers/Projects Proposals for final papers &/or projects are due Monday 17 November. The written proposal ought to contain a description of the paper or project and a preliminary reading list and/or dramaturgical plan. I strongly suggest that you write your papers on the work of one of the key directors we wont have time to consider in detail in the class: Judith Malina, Joseph Chaikin, Giorgio Strehler, Yury Lyubimov, Peter Brook, Roger Blin, JoAnne Akalaitis, Peter Sellars, Richard Foreman, Julie Taymor, Robert Wilson, Emily Mann, Robert Woodruff, Peter Stein, Reza Abdoh, etc.

Each student has the option of writing a 12-15 page scholarly paper or participating in a final project and writing that up in 6-8 pages. This short paper should address the research and directorial questions that arose during rehearsals. Papers and projects may be written and/or devised by one person or by more than one person. Everyone taking part in a joint paper or project will receive the same grade. Of course, single person projects will involve other people, but only the director will be graded. The final project will be either a new scene or a revised version of a scene shown earlier. The revision should address problems pointed out and suggestions made when the scene was first shown. The final project may be "in the style of" a director studied in class, of another director whose work you have researched, or in your own style. Final projects will be shown & discussed during a Directors Festival on Saturday 6 December from noon to 6 p.m. Outsiders may be invited to witness the projects. Free food and beverages will be provided. Papers are due on or before midnight, Friday, 19 December. I prefer papers as WORD attachments. My email address is: [email protected] No late papers will be accepted, no incompletes. Dont even ask. If you do not turn in your work, or submit it late, you will receive a no credit for the course.

8 September

What Is Directing?
Brook 1968: 98-141 Cole & Chinoy 1963: 11-67 Schneider and Cody 2002: 1-9

15 September

The Performance Quadrilog Realization and Interpretation in Stanislavsky: Three Sisters at the MAT
Braun 1982: 59-76 Chekhov: The Seagull, Three Sisters Jones 1986: 15-77 Stanislavsky 1961: 104-13, 145-53, 193-98, 244-51 Schneider and Cody 2002: 40-48


Two short scenes from modern classics playing the Stanislavskian subtexts rather than the playwrights texts

22 September

Adaptation and Deconstruction: Wooster Groups Brace Up! East Coast Artists Three Sisters
Arratia 2002 Fuchs 1996: 21-51 LeCompte 1985 Mee 1992 Schneider and Cody 2002: 319-31, 366-70


Deconstruction a la Wooster of a scene from a modern classic

29 September

Anne Bogart
Dixon and Smith, eds. 1995: 3-30, 57-70, 87-101, 151-60 Bogart 2001 Daniels 1996: 45-135


Using Viewpoints. You might want to consider a scene from Small Lives/Big Dreams 166-99 in Bogart 1995.

6 October

Ariane Mnouchkine/Theatre du Soleil

Kiernander 1993: 1-27, 45-80, 106-34 Schneider and Cody 2002: 258-65 Williams 1999: Introduction, Section 1 (1789), Section 3 (Richard II), and Section 5 (Les Atrides) In the collaborative style of Mnouckine integrating costumes, music, dance to tell a political story in a highly theatrical way. If possible, explore the Orient.


13 October

Schechner not present. Read. Rehearse.

20 October

Braun 1979: 163-223 Braun 1982: 109-44 Crommelynck: The Magnanimous Cuckold Gogol: The Government Inspector Meyerhold 1969: 49-58, 167-73, 197-206 Schneider and Cody: 60-72, 303-07 Zarrilli 2002: 106-38

27 October

Grotowski 1968: 27-53, 127-73, 243-62

Schechner and Wolford 1997: 1-204, 462-94

3 November

Meyerhold and Grotowski

1. Using biomechanics and constructivism 2. Text and scenic montage a la Grotowski

10 November

Environmental Theatre
Brecht: Mother Courage and Her Children Genet: The Balcony Sainer 1997: 31-46, 127-65 Schechner 1994: xix-li, 243-319 Schechner 1985: 261-94

17 November

Environmental Theatre Scenes:

1. Environmental theatre in the Studio 2. Site specific somewhere else

24 November

Brecht 1964: 121-29, 179-205, 215-30, 236-38 Jones 1986: 78-137 Schneider and Cody 2002: 84-89


1 December

1. Brecht emphasizing verfremdung-effkt and gestus

3. New or Postmodern Brecht: combining Brechtian techniques with those of, say, LeCompte or Wilson or Foreman....

8 December

Final Projects Final Thoughts

19 December


*=at bookstore, required text All others in the reading packet. Reading packets available at Advanced Copy Center, La Guardia Place just south of W. 3rd Street (across the street from the Kimmel Center). Readings are divided into two sections: Assigned and Resource. The resource readings may help you in preparing your scenes and final projects or papers. Assigned
*Bogart, Anne 2001 A Director Prepares. London and New York: Routledge Braun, Edward 1979 The Theatre of Meyerhold. New York: Drama Books Specialists 1982 The Director and the Stage. London: Methuen

Brecht, Bertolt 1964 Brecht on Theatre. New York: Hill & Wang Cole, Toby and Helen Krich Chinoy, eds. 1963 Directors on Directing. Indianapolis: BobbsMerrill Daniels, Rebecca 1996 Women Stage Directors Speak. Jefferson, NC and London: McFarland Dixon, Michael Bigelow and Joel A. Smith 1995 Viewpoints. Lyme, NH: Smith and Kraus Jones, David Richard 1986 Great Directors at Work. Berkeley: University of California Press Fuchs, Elinor 1996 The Death of Character. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press. *Grotowski, Jerzy 2002 Towards a Poor Theatre. London and New York: Routledge Jones, David Richard 1986 Great Directors at Work: Stanislavsky, Brecht, Kazan, Brook Kiernander, Adrian 1993 Ariane Mnouchkine. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Meyerhold, Vsevolod 1969 Meyerhold on Theatre. New York: Hill & Wang Sainer, Arthur 1997 The New Radical Theatre Notebook. New York: Applause Books Schechner, Richard *1994 Environmental Theater. New York: Applause Books 1985 Between Theater and Anthropology. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press *Schechner, Richard and Lisa Wolford 1997 The Grotowski Sourcebook. London and New York: Routledge *Schneider, Rebecca and Gabrielle Cody 2002 Re:Direction. London and New York: Routledge *Williams, David 1999 Collaborative Theatre: The Theatre du Soleil Sourcebook. London and New York: Routledge Zarrilli, Phillip 2002 Acting (Re)Considered. London and New York: Routledge


Aronson, Arnold 2000 American Avant-Garde Theatre. London and New York: Routledge 1981 The History and Theory of Environmental Scenography Aslan, Odette 1988 Roger Blin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Baer, William 2000 Elia Kazan Interviews. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi Beumers, Birgit 1997 Yury Lyubimnov at the Taganka Theatre 1964-1994. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers Blumenthal, Eileen 1984 Joseph Chaikin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Brook, Peter 1968 The Empty Space. New York: Atheneum Cole, Susan Letzler 1992 Directors in Rehearsal. London and New York: Routledge Delgado, Maria M. and Paul Heritage 1996 In Contact with the Gods: Directors Talk Theatre. Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press Green, Amy S. 1994 The Revisionist Stage: American Directors Reinvent the Classics. New York: Cambridge University Press Hirsch, Foster 1989 Harold Prince. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Hirst, David L. 1993 Giorgio Strehler. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Hodge, Alison, ed. 2000 Twentieth Century Actor Training. London and New York: Routledge. Holmberg, Arthur 1996 The Theatre of Robert Wilson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Hunt, Albert and Geoffrey Reeves 1995 Peter Brook. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Leach, Robert

Vsevelod Meyerhold. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Mitter, Shomit 1992 Systems of Rehearsal: Stanislavsky, Brecht, Grotowski, and Brook. London and New York: Routledge Mufson, Daniel, ed. 1999 Reza Abdoh. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press Osinski, Zbigniew 1986 Grotowski and His Laboratory. New York: PAJ Publications Patterson, Michael 1981 Peter Stein. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Rabkin, Gerald, ed. 1999 Richard Foreman. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press Richards, Thomas 1995 At Work with Grotowski on Physical Actions Rudnitsky, Konstantin 1981 Meyerhold the Director. Ann Arbor: Ardis


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