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into scrapes. She nearly gets drowned while birds'-nesting,
scandalises the over-prim daughters of rich up-starts by her
carelessness in matters of dress and etiquette, gets lost with her
small brother while exploring caves, smokes out wild bees, and acts
generally more like a boy than a girl. Naturally enough her father
and school mistresses find her very difficult to manage, but her good
humour and kindness of heart make it impossible to be angry with
her for long. At the end of the story, when the family have become
too poor to remain any longer in their old home, she makes a
discovery which enables them to stay there.


The Happy Comrade

Illustrated by ALBERT MORROW.

Monica, the heroine of this story, is a wealthy girl who has never
been to school, but has formed a close home friendship with
Penelope, a girl somewhat older, upon whom she has been
accustomed to lavish valuable gifts, partly out of innate generosity,
partly from love of appreciation. Her affection for Penelope induces
her to enter the same school, expecting that the home relations will
continue there. To her chagrin, however, she finds that Penelope's
high position as head prefect prevents close intercourse, and in
some bitterness of spirit she allies herself with a set of girls who
delight in lawlessness and engage in mischievous and unruly pranks.
She soon finds herself in serious trouble; and the story shows how
her better nature overcomes her weaknesses, how she learns to
despise the dishonourable conduct into which her associates have
lured her, and how the tribulation which she has brought on herself
leads ultimately to a firmer, purer friendship for the girl whom she
has all along admired and loved.

Sylvia's Victory

Illustrated in Colour by JAMES BURDEN.

Owing to a change in the family fortunes, Sylvia Hughes is obliged to

attend a day school in a small seaside town where she has the
misfortune to make an enemy of the head girl, Phyllis Staunton-
Taylor, who regards Sylvia as one belonging to an inferior set to her
own. One day during the holidays Sylvia swims out and rescues
Phyllis, who has got beyond her depth; but even this fails to
establish amity between them, and no word of Sylvia's heroism gets
abroad in the school. It is not until after she has experienced many
trials and heartburnings that Sylvia learns the reason of Phyllis's
apparent ingratitude, and friendship is restored.

Audrey's Awakening

Illustrated in Colour by JAMES DURDEN.

As a result of a luxurious and conventional upbringing, Audrey is a

girl without ambitions, unsympathetic, and with a reputation for
exclusiveness. Therefore, when Paul Forbes becomes her step-
brother, and brings his free-and-easy notions into the Davidsons' old
home, there begins to be trouble. Audrey discovers that she has
feelings, and the results are not altogether pleasant. She takes a
dislike to Paul at the outset; and the young people have to get
through deep waters and some exciting times before things come
right. Audrey's awakening is thorough, if painful.
"Is far above the Average tale of school and home life."--
Aberdeen Free Press.

The Conquest of Claudia

Illustrated in Colour by JAMES BURDEN.

Meta and Claudia Austin are two motherless girls with a much-
occupied father. Their upbringing has therefore been left to a kindly
governess, whose departure to be married makes the first change in
the girls' lives. Having set their hearts upon going to school, they
receive a new governess resentfully. Claudia is a person of instincts,
and it does not take her long to discover that there is something
mysterious about Miss Strongitharm. A clue upon which the children
stumble leads to the notion that Miss Strongitharm is a Nihilist in
hiding. That in spite of various strange happenings they are quite
wrong is to be expected, but there is a genuine mystery about Miss
Strongitharm which leads to some unforeseen adventures.
"A convincing story of girl life."--School Guardian.

Dauntless Patty.
Illustrated in Colour by DUDLEY TENNANT.

Patricia Garnett, an Australian girl, comes over to England to

complete her education. She is unconventional and quite unused to
English ways, and soon finds herself the most unpopular girl in the
school. Several times she reveals her courage and high spirit,
particularly in saving the life of Kathleen Lane, a girl with whom she
is on very bad terms. All overtures of peace fail, however, for Patty
feels that the other girls have no real liking for her, and she refuses
to be patronised. Thus the feud is continued to the end of the term;
and the climax of the story is reached when, in a cave in the face of
a cliff, in imminent danger of being drowned, Patty and Kathleen for
the first time understand each other, and lay the foundations of a
lifelong friendship.
"A thoroughly faithful and stimulating story of schoolgirl life,"--
"The story is well told. Some of the incidents are dramatic,
without being unnatural; the interest is well sustained, and
altogether the hook is one of the best we have read."--Glasgow


Jenny Wren

Illustrated by C. E. BROCK.
Jenny Ferguson, the only child of a retired admiral, is sent as
wireless decoder to a Scottish naval base. On her arrival she meets
an old friend of her childhood, Henry Corfield, who is apparently the
skipper of a fishing trawler. Jenny, ignorant of the real object of the
man's "trawling," calls him a slacker. In his turn, Corfield, who has a
lively recollection of Jenny's impulsive tongue, reminds her of her
nurse's saying, "Miss Jenny can never keep a secret," and says he
will not shield her should she fail to preserve secrecy in her work.
After a few days, Jenny finds that information is leaking out. Code
books are lost and mysteriously replaced, envelopes lapped. Corfield
attributes this leakage to Jenny's carelessness. In the nick of time
Jenny has a clue and tracks down the criminal. The breach between
the two friends, however, is a long time in healing, for Jenny does
not learn till towards the end of the book that "Skipper" Corfield, on
his humble little boat with her hidden guns, is one of the heroes of
the war. The story ends with the coming of peace.

The Girl Scout

Illustrated in Colour by N. TENISON.

This is the story of a patrol of Girl Scouts, and the service they
rendered their country. Colonel Norton announces that some silver
cups, which he values as souvenirs of the time when he could win
races and gymnastic competitions, have been stolen, and calls on
the Boy Scouts to catch the thief, promising, if they succeed, to
furnish their club-room in time for the reception of a neighbouring
patrol. Aggie Phillips, sister of the boys' leader, hears of this, and at
once organises a girls' patrol to help solve the mystery. In tracing
the thief, the girls manage to entrap two foreigners, who, in all kinds
of disguises, try to get hold of valuable papers in the hands of the
Colonel. Meanwhile the boys continually follow up the tracks left by
the girls, or are purposely misled by Aggie. The girls win the prize
but arrange to join forces with the boys.


Teddy: Her Daughter

Illustrated in Colour by N. TENISON.

Many young readers have already made the acquaintance of Teddy

in Miss Anna Chapin Ray's previous story, "Teddy: Her Book." The
heroine of the present story is Teddy's daughter Betty--a young lady
with a strong will and decided opinions of her own. When she is first
introduced to us she is staying on a holiday at Quantuck, a secluded
seaside retreat; and Miss Ray describes the various members of this
small summer community with considerable humour. Among others
is Mrs. Van Hicks, a lady of great possessions but little culture, who
seeks to put people under a lasting obligation to her by making
friends with them. On hearing that a nephew of this estimable lady
is about to arrive at Quantuck, Betty makes up her mind beforehand
to dislike him. At first she almost succeeds, for, like herself, Percival
has a temper, and can be "thorny" at times. As they come to know
each other better, however, a less tempestuous state of things
ensues, and eventually they cement a friendship that is destined to
carry them far.


Pat's Third Term.

Illustrated by HAROLD EARNSHAW.

Pat Baxter is a turbulent, impulsive member of the Lower Fourth in a

famous Girls' School. She begins her Third Term by "cheeking" the
Head girl herself, thereby earning a good deal of hostility. She falls
from favour in other quarters as the story goes on, for though she
has a genius for getting into scrapes, she is too honest and
honourable to disavow her share in any plot, as many of her school-
fellows do. Through her disobeying a stringent rule, and going alone
into the town, the whole school, upper and lower, is put into
quarantine, the result of this isolation being that Rhoda, the Head
girl, generally beloved in the school, will have to "scratch" from a
local tennis match, the winning of which would have brought her her
coveted tennis colours. The whole school, in indignation, unknown to
Rhoda, sends Pat to "Coventry." Pat also becomes the object of a
good deal of mean, unfair treatment from a few of her form fellows,
about which, in the end, Rhoda herself learns. Horror-stricken at the
treatment meted out, Rhoda puts Pat under her special protection,
and a deep friendship springs up between the two. Pat finishes her
third term by saving the life of her greatest enemy, earning a special
medal for bravery.

A Daughter of the Empire

Illustrated by JOHN CAMPBELL.

Christina, a curiously vivid character, is suddenly thrown from the

backwoods of Australia into the family circle at Strafford Royal,
where Lady Stratford, her second cousin, reigns supreme. Lady
Strafford dislikes Christina from the first, patronises her and snubs
her, and the girl is thrown for sympathy and companionship into the
society of Miss Luscombe, a lovable woman whose home is on a
neighbouring estate. Christina finds herself continually faced by the
stone wall of the prejudices of Lady Strafford, who looks on all
foreigners with suspicion and her own family with placid pride, and is
continually voicing her determination that the War shall not be
allowed in any way to upset the even tenour of her life. Just how the
War very successfully breaks in on to Strafford Royal, sweeping away
the heir, rendering halt and maim the second son, is told in the
course of the story. Christina's part in the denouement is
characteristically plucky and honourable, and in the end she breaks
down even Lady Stratford's dislike and mistrust. The story is told
with much charm and sympathy.


A Sage Of Sixteen.
Illustrated by JAMES DURDEN.

Elma, the heroine of this story, is called a sage by her wealthy and
sophisticated relations in Park Lane, with whom she spends a half-
holiday every week, and who regard her as a very wise young
person. The rest of her time is passed at a small boarding-school,
where, as might be supposed, Elma's friends look upon her rather as
an ordinary healthy girl than as one possessing unusual wisdom. The
story tells of Elma's humble life at school, her occasional excursions
into fashionable society; the difficulties she experiences in her
endeavour to reconcile the two; and the way in which she eventually
wins the hearts of those around her in both walks of life.


A Day Book for Girls

Containing a quotation for each day of the year, arranged by ANNIE

MATHESON, with Colour Illustrations by C. E. BROCK.

Miss Annie Matheson is herself well known to many as a writer of

hymns and poetry of a high order. In "A Day Book for Girls" she has
brought together a large number of extracts both in poetry and
prose, and so arranged them that they furnish an inspiring and
ennobling watchword for each day of the year. Miss Matheson has
spared no pains to secure variety and comprehensiveness in her
selection of quotations; her list of authors ranges from Marcus
Aurelius to Mr. Swinburne, and includes many who are very little
known to the general public.

Books for Children

A Book of Children's Verse

Selected and Edited by MABEL and LILIAN QUILLER-COUCH.

Illustrated in Colour by M. ETHELDREDA GRAY.

This is a splendid anthology of children's verse. In addition to the old

favourite poems, the volume contains many by modern authors, and
others not generally known. The work of selection has been carried
out with great care, and no effort has been spared to make the
volume a worthy and comprehensive introduction to English poetry.
The book is illustrated by a series of magnificent plates in colour.


Little Peter

A Christmas Morality for Children of any age. New Edition.

Illustrated in Colour by CHARLES E. BROCK.

This delightful little story Introduces to us a family dwelling upon the

outskirts of a vast pine forest in France. There are Master Lepage
who, as head of the household and a veteran of the wars, lays down
the law upon all sorts of questions, domestic and political; his meek
wife Susan; their two sons, Anthony and Paul; and Cincinnatus the
cat--who holds as many opinions and expresses them as freely as
Master Lepage himself; and--little Peter. Little meets, and all who
read about him will certainly make friends with him.
"It is quite an ideal gift book, and one that will always be


The Adventures of Merrywink

Illustrated by M. V. WHEELHOUSE.

This story won the £100 prize in the Bookman competition for the best
story for children.

This story tells of a pretty little child who was born into Fairyland
with a gleaming star in his forehead. When his parents beheld this
star they were filled with gladness and fear, and they carried their
little Fairy baby, Merrywink, far away and hid him, because of two
old prophecies: the first, that a daughter should be born to the King
and Queen of Fairyland; the second that the King should rule over
Fairyland until a child appeared with a star in his forehead. Now, on
the very day that Merrywink was born, the little Princess arrived at
the Palace; and the King sent round messages to make sure that the
child with the gleaming star had not yet been seen in Fairyland. The
story tells us how Merrywink grew up to be brave and strong, and
fearless and truthful.


The Unlucky Family

New Edition with Coloured Illustrations by C. E. BROCK.

This is one of the most humorous children's books published in

recent years, and the many awkward dilemmas and diverting
experiences which ensue upon the Chubb family's unexpected rise in
the social scale cannot fail to delight young readers as well as their
elders. In the matter of showing the propensity for gelling into
mischief these youngsters establish a record, but their escapades are
generally of a harmless character and lead to nothing very serious.
"It is a clever and amusing talc, full of high spirits and good-
natured mischief which children not too seriously inclined will

By M. I. A.

Sir Evelyn's Charge

New Edition, Illustrated in Colour.

"Sir Evelyn's Charge" is one of the most popular books for Sunday
School prizes published within recent years, and has already run into
very many editions. The object of the story is to show how the quiet,
unconscious influence exerted by a little child upon those around
him may be productive of lasting good. This new edition, with a.
new cover and colour plates, makes a very attractive gift-book.


The Pendleton Twins

By E. M. JAMESON, Author of "The Pendletons," etc. With Coloured


The adventures of the Pendleton Twins begin the very day they
leave home. The train is snowed up and they are many hours
delayed. They have a merry Christmas with plenty of fun and
presents, and in the middle of the night Bob gives chase to a
burglar. Nora, who is very sure-footed, goes off by herself one day
and climbs the cliffs, thinking that no one will be any the wiser until
her return. But the twins and Dan follow her unseen and are lost in
a cave, where they find hidden treasure, left by smugglers, buried in
the ground. Len sprains his ankle and they cannot return. Search
parties set out from Cliffe, and spend many hours before the twins
are found by Nora, cold and tired and frightened. But the holidays
end very happily after all.
"Miss Jameson's books are written with such humour and
lightness of touch that they hold the young readers, and not only
amuse but instruct them."--Dundee Courier.
The Pendletons


New Edition. Illustrated in Colour.

"Young people will revel in this most Interesting and original story.
The five young Pendletons are much as other children in a large
family, varied in their ideas, quaint in their tastes, and wont to get
into mischief at every turn. They are withal devoted to one another
and to their home, and although often 'naughty,' are not by any
means 'bad.' The interest in the doings of these youngsters is
remarkably well sustained, and each chapter seems better than the
last. With not a single dull page from start to finish and with twelve
charming illustrations, the book makes an ideal reward for either
boys or girls."--Schoolmaster.

Peggy Pendleton's Plan

By E. M. JAMESON. New Edition. Illustrated in Colour by S. P. PEARSE.

To many young readers the Pendleton children are quite old friends,
as indeed they deserve to be, for they are so merry, so full of fun
and good spirits, that nobody can read about them without coming
to love them. In the opening chapter of this book the family meet
together in solemn conclave to discuss plans for the holidays, which
have just commenced. Every one of them has a favourite idea, but
when the various selections are put to the vote, it is Peggy
Pendleton's plan that carries the day. All the other children think it
splendid. What that plan was, and what strange adventures it led to,
are here set forth.

The Book of Baby Beasts

By FLORENCE E. Dugdale. Illustrated in Colour by E. J. DETMOLD.

This book contains a series of simple little talks about baby animals,
both wild and domestic. Each chapter is accompanied by a charming
picture in colour by E. J. DETMOLD, whose work as an illustrator is
well known, and whose characteristic delicacy of colouring is
faithfully reproduced.

The Book of Baby Dogs

By CHARLES KABERRY. With nineteen plates in Colour by E. J. DETMOLD.

The Book of Baby Pets

By FLORENCE E. DUGDALE. Illustrated in Colour by E. J. DETMOLD.

"A valuable family possession, and one which admirably fulfils the
role of guide, counsellor and friend."--Athenaeum.

The Book of Baby Birds

By FLORENCE E. DUGDALE. Illustrated in Colour by E. J. DETMOLD.

"Simply irresistible."--Observer.

Queen Mab's Daughters

From the French of JEROME DOUCET. Illustrated by HENRY MORIN.

This book consists of twelve stories, each concerned with an episode

in the life of one of Queen Mab's daughters. These are very
enterprising and adventurous princesses, somewhat wilful, indeed;
and their activities, innocent though they are, often bring them into
hot water. They fall into the hands of witches and wizards, and are
the means of releasing from enchantment an equal number of
princes who have been changed into bears, eagles, monkeys, and
other animals by the powers of witchcraft. Their adventures are
related with the charming daintiness wherein French fabulists, from
Perrault downwards, have excelled; and the book is a decided
acquisition to the store of fairy literature in which all children delight.


The Capel Cousins

Illustrated in Colour in C. E. BROCK.

The children in the Capel family hear that a cousin from South
America is to live with them until his education is finished. On his
arrival he is found to be very frank and outspoken, accustomed to
say just what he thinks; and as his cousins are more reserved, the
misunderstandings are by no means few. In time, however, he
becomes used to English ways, and his good nature and cleverness
win his cousins' admiration and affection. Mrs. Bradby writes as one
who knows children thoroughly, and her pictures of home life are
very charming.
"The authoress shows a power of depicting a large family of
delightful and quite natural children which recalls the stories of Miss
Yonge at her brightest."--Church Times.
"A very pleasant, natural, and brightly written story "--Lady.

The Happy Families

Illustrated by LILIAN A. GOVEY.

Most children have probably played the game of "Happy Families,"

and it Is possible that they have woven stories round the grotesque
characters that appear on the cards. This is what Mrs. Bradby has
done in this book, and she has imagined a little girl being suddenly
transported to Happy Family Land and finding herself beset on all
hands by the Grits, the Chips and the Boneses, and all the other
members of this strange and wonderful community.



In Lucy's Garden
Illustrated in Colour by J. CAMPBELL.

Miss Dugdale describes Lucy's garden from month to month, the

plants that grow there, the insects that visit it, and the imaginary
beings with which Lucy peoples it. During the first year Lucy is
without any companion to share her experiences, but at the
beginning of the second year, just when she begins to feel lonely,
she makes the acquaintance of a little boy, Peter, who is staying with
his grandmother next door, and who, too, has grown tired of playing
by himself. They gladly arrange that in future they will play together,
as they like each other very much. Little ones who have gardens of
their own will enjoy reading about Lucy's, especially when they know
that she was capable of understanding what the apple trees and
leaves and roses had to tell her about things in general and
themselves in particular.
"A delightful 'Nature story' written in a charming vein of playful
fancy, and daintily illustrated."--Lady.


Gentleman Dash

Illustrated in Colour by P. H. JOWETT.

This is a book that will appeal to all lovers of animals. Gentleman

Dash Is a fine collie who lives at a big house with a number of other
dogs and cats. In spite of his handsome appearance, however, Dash
sometimes falls so far from dignity as to run away and steal meat
from butchers' shops. Then he is brought back and punished, and
the other four-footed members of the family come round and offer
sympathy--which is not pleasant. The relations that exist between
the various dogs and cats of the establishment are friendly on the
whole, though not invariably so. In the course of their conversations,
the animals throw fresh light on the problems of life as viewed from
the kennel and the yard.


The Family's Jane

Illustrated in Colour by JOHN CAMPBELL.

This is the story of a little girl's search for her lost brothers and
sisters. At first Jane did not know that she had any brothers or
sisters, and she used to feel lonely. Then one day, quite by accident,
she discovered that such was indeed the case, although for some
unexplained reason they did not live at home and she had been kept
in ignorance of them. Then Jane set to work to reunite the
dismembered family. The fact that Jane was only eight, and some of
the others were quite grown up, with children of their own, did not
turn her from her purpose, and eventually her efforts had the happy
issue which they well deserved.

The Children's Bookcase

Edited by E. NESBIT
"The Children's Bookcase" is a new series of daintily illustrated hooks
for little folks, which is intended ultimately to include all that is best
in children's literature, whether old or new. The series is edited by
Mrs. E. Nesbit, author of "The Would-be Goods" and many other
well-known books for children; and particular care is given to
binding, get-up, and illustrations.

Mrs. Overtheway's Remembrances


A delightful little book of short stories in which "the little old lady"
who lives over the way relates incidents from her girlhood for the
amusement of a young friend.

The Little Duke.


Sonny Sahib

By SARA JEANNETTE DUNCAN (Mrs. Everard Cotes).

A charming story of Anglo-Indian life.

The Water Babies.


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