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Allplan Bridge 2021

Getting Started

Prestressed concrete bridge

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© ALLPLAN GmbH, Munich. All rights reserved.
7th edition, September 2020
Getting Started Content i

Content ................................................................................................ i

1. Geometrical Bridge Model .............................................. 5

Overview of the Graphical User Interface ..................................................... 5
Description of the example............................................................................................6

Bridge Axis........................................................................................................................... 7
Plan ...............................................................................................................................................8

Cross section creation............................................................................................... 10

Pier cross-section .............................................................................................................11
Main girder cross-section ............................................................................................14
Definition of the roadway .............................................................................................18
Sidewalk cross-section .................................................................................................19
Barrier cross-section.....................................................................................................20
External boundaries for sidewalk and barrier................................................... 21

Structural Members ................................................................................................... 24

Girder creation....................................................................................................................24
Pier creation.........................................................................................................................28

Variables and Variations Definition ................................................................... 31

Materials............................................................................................................................. 36
Material definition – import from Bimplus ......................................................... 37
Material definition - manually ................................................................................... 38
Material assignment ...................................................................................................... 40

Data exchange between Allplan Bridge and Allplan............................... 41

Transfer of Materials and IFC Attributes to Allplan Engineering ..........42
Transfer of analysis bridge model to Allplan Bimplus................................. 44

2. Internal Prestressing tendons ................................... 45

Tendon layout.................................................................................................................... 46

Point grids definition .................................................................................................. 47

Point grids in the left web ........................................................................................... 48
Point grids in the right web ........................................................................................ 49
Variables and variations for the Point Grids .................................................... 50

Tendon geometry definition ................................................................................. 53

ii Content Allplan Bridge 2021

Introduction .........................................................................................................................53
Tendon groups ...................................................................................................................54
Tendon definition ..............................................................................................................55
Tendon geometry definition – Phase 1L and 1R .............................................55
Phase2L and Phase 2R..................................................................................................58
Phase3L and Phase 3R .................................................................................................59

Pre-stressing of the tendons .............................................................................. 61

Introduction ..........................................................................................................................61
Pre-stressing groups ....................................................................................................62
Tendon properties ...........................................................................................................64
Pre-stressing actions.................................................................................................... 67
Diagrams of the prestressing force ......................................................................68

3. Construction ...................................................................... 69
New Construction and New Phase .................................................................. 70
Tasks and Assemblies ................................................................................................71
First construction phase .............................................................................................. 72
Second construction phase ....................................................................................... 74
Third construction phase ............................................................................................. 76
Fourth construction phase ......................................................................................... 77

Gantt chart ........................................................................................................................ 77

Gantt chart animation .................................................................................................... 78

4. Analytical Bridge Model ................................................ 79

Beam elements ............................................................................................................. 80
Material ............................................................................................................................... 82
Material assignment .......................................................................................................82

Groups ................................................................................................................................. 83
Structural Connections ........................................................................................... 84
Additional definitions for the girder and pier cross-sections ............... 84
Soil Supports ...................................................................................................................... 88
Rigid connections ............................................................................................................ 88

Property Sets Definition ......................................................................................... 89

Property Sets for the Main Girder ..........................................................................90
Property Sets for the Pier........................................................................................... 97

Construction stage analysis................................................................................. 98

Loads and Assemblies ...................................................................................................99
First construction phase .............................................................................................101
Second construction phase .....................................................................................103
Getting Started Content iii

Third construction phase .......................................................................................... 104

Fourth construction phase ...................................................................................... 104
SDL loads ............................................................................................................................ 104

Additional loads ...........................................................................................................109

Settlement load ...............................................................................................................109
Temperature load ............................................................................................................. 111
Braking load ........................................................................................................................114
Wind load .............................................................................................................................. 117
Earthquake load ..............................................................................................................123

Traffic Loads ................................................................................................................. 127

Lane Set ...............................................................................................................................128
Load Trains ..........................................................................................................................131

Superposition of loads ............................................................................................ 136

Superposition of temperature loads................................................................... 137
Superposition of settlement loads...................................................................... 140
Superposition of wind loads .................................................................................... 140
Superposition of braking loads................................................................................141
Superposition of traffic loads ...................................................................................141
Superposition of earthquake loads ..................................................................... 147

Combination table ......................................................................................................149

Loading Groups................................................................................................................150
Create combination table ...........................................................................................151
Combination type ...........................................................................................................152
Combination Groups .....................................................................................................153
Calculation of combinations .....................................................................................154

Design Checks.............................................................................................................. 156

Results ............................................................................................................................... 165
3-D Diagrams ................................................................................................................... 167
Tables..................................................................................................................................... 167
Influence Lines..................................................................................................................169
Getting Started Geometrical Bridge Model 5

1. Geometrical Bridge Model

Overview of the Graphical User Interface
In the Allplan Bridge user interface there are several working areas with separated
and logically organized tools, and they are shown in the screenshot below:

For all additional information and more explanations about the graphical user interface
please use our Online Help. Help is available directly in the program by clicking the F1
button or you can use the icon in the upper right corner of the title bar in order to
open the Help.
To create a new Allplan bridge project, go to the backstage menu which is located
behind the first button in the Quick Access Toolbar on the left edge of the title bar:

Select the second menu item New and the submenu This PC.
Select the project area by clicking the Browse button . Define a Project Name by
entering it in the appropriate field.
The project directory results from the project space and project name and it is dis-
played informatively at the bottom of the input window.
Optionally enter a Project description in the corresponding input field. Click the Cre-
ate button.
The project is created according to the entries and the backstage menu is closed au-
6 Overview of the Graphical User Interface Allplan Bridge 2021

Description of the example

Getting started example given here is available for the users as a learning material and
as a help for the explanation of Allplan Bridge functionalities. It is prepared in such a
way to speed up the learning process.
The assumptions and definitions made here are related to this example only and that
must not be taken as a template for real projects.
The following example represents a parametrical hollow box concrete girder bridge
with three spans. The length of the bridge is 155 meters and the span lengths are re-
spectively 45, 65 and 45 m. The bridge has two piers with the height of 20 meters.
The structural system of the bridge is given in the photo below:

Rigid connection Rigid connection

Abutment1 Abutment2
MG Pier2
Soil support Soil support

The main girder cross-section is built as a typical concrete hollow box section with
the variable dimensions along the bridge axis:

The pier cross-section is built as a concrete hollow box with rectangular cross-sec-
tion with rounded edges and variable width along the pier axis:

The bridge axis is curved in plan and in elevation.

Elements of the Axis Plan:
1. Point: (E;N)=(0;0)
2. Straight Line: Length 15 m
3. Spiral by length: Curvature begin=0; Curvature end=-0.005; Length=65 m
4. Circle: Length=75 m; Radius=-200 m
Getting Started Geometrical Bridge Model 7

Elements of the Axis Elevation:

1. Polygon Point: Station=0; Height=0
2. Polygon Point: Station=65 m; Height=1 m; Rounding type=Intersection of
tangents (R, Parabola); Radius=1800 m
3. Polygon Point: Station=155 m; Height=-0,3 m

The bridge is built in four construction phases.

The final 3D model is shown below:

The geometrical model in Allplan Bridge is a result of the calculation. Therefore, it is

very important to recalculate the model each time after the new changes are
Recalculation of the complete geometrical model can be done by using the two
available tools. Directly in the title bar, there is an icon for model calculation. You
can also use the tool for calculation located in the separate task for Calculation
under the task area Recalculate.

Bridge Axis
In order to create the new axis, go to the project navigation tree and with the right
mouse button on the menu Axis open the submenu New Axis. Create here a new axis
with the name “Axis (MG)”.
Further detailed definition of the axis in plan and in profile is done by using two availa-
ble task areas for Axis – Plan and Profile.
Using the task area for plan the user, using offered tools, creates several different
road elements which are necessary for plan: point, line, circle and a spiral defined by
the end and begin radius and length or the spiral parameter.
The task area for profile consists of one tool which allows the creation of the different
polygon points defined by the station, height and the rounding type.
Tip: The user must open the respective view of the Axis (Plan or Profile) in order to
use the tools related to that view.
8 Bridge Axis Allplan Bridge 2021

The bridge axis in this example consists of four different elements in plan: Point with
the coordinates and the angle; Straight line with the length; a spiral defined with the
begin and end radius of the curvature and the length; a circle defined with the length
and the radius.

The list of all necessary steps for the axis creation in plan is listed below:
1. Point definition by using the function Add point :

2. Line definition by using the function Add straight line :

3. Spiral definition by using the function Add spiral by length (L) :

4. Circle definition by using the function Add arc :

Getting Started Geometrical Bridge Model 9

The profile of the bridge axis in this example consists of 3 polygon points defined by
the station and the height. The middle point is additionally defined by the rounding
type (intersection of tangents-R, parabola).

Point 1 definition by using the function: Point 2 definition by using the function:
Add polygon point : Add polygon point :

Point 3 definition by using the function:

Add polygon point :

By using the above described steps all the necessary elements of the axis are defined.
In the case that some errors have been made there are two possibilities:
Use the property window located on the right side of the main working area. After
clicking the wished element, the respective table will open. All the fields are editable
and after that the changes are immediately visible.
Delete the last item using the tool for deletion located in the Action bar.
After the definition of the Plan and the Profile the complete axis can be already seen in
3D. To obtain this recalculate the project using the Recalculate button, from the
Quick access tool bar, and after that click the Full view function, positioned in the
upper right corner of the 3D-Model window. In this way the newly defined axis is visi-
ble in 3D and properly fit to the screen.
10 Cross section creation Allplan Bridge 2021

Cross section creation

Using the Allplan Bridge you can quickly and easily create cross sections for any
structural part of the bridge structure.
In order to create a cross section, go to the Project navigation tree. Right click the
menu Cross sections and choose the submenu New section. After that the new
cross section with the default name will be created in the tree. The name will stay ac-
tive until the function is confirmed with Enter. The name can be immediately defined
by the user and also edited later, during the work in the program.
When you begin with the section creation only two main axes are visible in the cross-
section window (Y as a main vertical and Z as a main horizontal axis).
In the upper right corner of the cross-section window there are tree available icons:
Full view used for fitting the whole section to the window.
Show parametric lines/points showing all parametric lines defined for the section.
Tip: When this icon is bordered it means that it is active.
Fill structural unit using for hatching the cross-section area for a better preview.
There are several task areas in the cross-section task which are being used for the
cross-section creation.
The first task area to be used is Parametric Lines/Points. In this area you can create
the necessary parametric lines using different available tools: parallel line definition
, line by two intersection points or line by angle etc.

User has the possibility to draw the cross section by organizing certain elements into
the different layers, adjusting the layer colors and having, in that way, a better and
clear preview of the workflow.
For this project the layers for different types of cross-section elements are defined
on the right side of the cross-section area in the Layers window: Parametric Lines,
Boundaries, Property Sets, Reference Sets, Grids.
A new layer is created by clicking at the empty space inside of the layers window with
the right mouse button and by choosing the function New Layer. When the layer is
created it is possible to change its properties – the color of the line/fill - in the proper-
ties window above. These properties can be taken over from the Default layer or the
user can uncheck this option and choose some other color for the elements of the
The DEFAULT layer is the only layer defined in each project by default. This layer has
default properties for each element of the cross section. This means that each ele-
ment has some default colors assigned to it, like for example the blue color of the
In this example we will define separate layers for each cross-section element, and we
will keep the default properties for all the layers.
Defined layers are: Outer Boundary, Inner Boundary, Property Sets (includes all de-
fined property sets), Reinforcement Sets (includes all reinforcement sets), Reference
Sets (includes all defined reference points), Grids (includes both grids defined in the
right and the left web) Equipment (includes boundaries of bridge equipment), Loads-
RefPoint (all reference points necessary for load definition), Stress Points (includes all
defined stress points) and two layers for temperature points: GradCool-Lin-Temp
and Grad Heat-Lin-Temp.
Getting Started Geometrical Bridge Model 11

The complete list of defined layers is given below:

There are 3 different visibility statuses which can be set for one layer:
- Red square – means that this layer is active at the moment.
- Yellow square – means that the elements of this layer are set to visible.
- First square empty – means that the elements of this layer are set to invisi-
Information about the created layers is saved in the XML file which is being exported
automatically with the TCL file. This additional information about the graphical user in-
terface settings is saved only in the XML file, which carries with TCL file the complete
information about the project. Therefore, it is always necessary to have those 2 files
together, saved in the same folder, in order to save all project definitions.

Pier cross-section
The first section which will be created is the cross-section of the pier.
The cross-section name is “Pier” and it will be created in the tree as a new section un-
der the menu Cross Sections.
In order to define this cross-section several vertical and horizontal lines will be cre-
ated, using the tool for Parallel line creation .
The arrangement of the parametric lines and their dependencies are shown below:
12 Cross section creation Allplan Bridge 2021

The direction of the arrows shows the dependencies or, in another word, the direction
of the line offset. Due to the changes of dimensions along the bridge axis, dependency
between different parametric lines is very important for one parametric model.
After the lines are created, we must define boundaries for the outer pier edge and for
the hollow of the pier section. Boundaries are created and edited in the task area
Boundaries using several different tools for creation of a new and editing an existing

In order to create the outer cross section boundary, we will use the icon Boundary
to connect intersection or parametrical points.
Tip: You must close the whole boundary by clicking at the first point once again when
finishing the definition. This point will not be doubled; it is just the necessary procedure
in order to properly close the boundary. The direction of the boundary creation is not
important, and it will not influence any further step.
The next boundary is the inner boundary which defines the hollow of the cross sec-
Both created boundaries are shown below:

In order to define the pier with a hollow in the center we must define the combination
between two created boundaries. This can be done in the separate task area of the task
Boundary which consists of several tools for defining the boundary combinations. For
this purpose, you should choose the tool for defining the Minus combination between
the boundaries and follow the instructions given in the dialog line at the bottom of
the screen. To create this combination, program will ask you to select first the Main
boundary (outer boundary) and then the boundary which should be subtracted (inner
In this manner the minus combination is defined. You can exit the command by using
the right mouse click and continue with other definitions.
Getting Started Geometrical Bridge Model 13

The list of Boundary Combinations is located in the task area for boundaries. In this
list the defined combinations between the boundaries can be edited or deleted.
The created boundaries for pier cross section have sharp edges, and, in this example,
we would like to have rounded edges.

Therefore, we will use a tool for rounding the boundary point .

It is necessary to click at each boundary point and to enter the value of the wished ra-
dius which is in this case 0,2 m for the inner boundary points and 0,4 m for outer
boundary points.
The cross-section of the pier has the following look now:

The boundaries are created, and we can define a beam unit for the pier cross-section.
Task area Structural Units is positioned next to the Boundaries task area and it rep-
resents the logical step which follows the boundary definition. It consists of three dif-
ferent tools for defining the structural units type Beam, Composite and Node.
Choose the tool for creating the Structural unit - Beam . Beam unit for the pier
girder cross-section is defined in the middle of the cross-section (at the intersection
point of two main parametric lines Yloc and Zloc) and it is usually defined in this posi-
tion for the pier structural members.
The next step is to assign a boundary to the beam unit - this means the selection of
the outer boundary which is in this cross-section also a main boundary.
The structural units - beams defined in the cross sections are used both for geomet-
rical model creation and for analysis. The position of the structural unit within the
cross section defines the structural node of the element series and it is only relevant
for analytical and not for the geometrical model (i.e. Import to ALLPLAN).
The pier section with defined beam unit is shown below:
14 Cross section creation Allplan Bridge 2021

The window for Properties is located on the right part of the screen and it displays all
the properties and parameters which must be defined for some object.
If you select a specific object in one of the viewports or in the project navigation win-
dow, the corresponding content is displayed simultaneously.
This allows for easy viewing of the object properties. Certain fields can be edited or
changed via drop-down menus or by typing directly in the field.
Tip: Some inputs require new recalculation by using Recalculate button, be-
cause the changes are not automatically taken over.
Tip: Buckling lengths and 2nd order effects are considered for pier elements in Allplan
Bridge. The calculation is performed automatically as a part of the design and checks
for flexure in ULS. The code-dependent calculation is provided with the consideration
of imperfections and based on the results of member slenderness also 2nd order mo-
ments. To consider correct buckling length we need to make an input in y and z direc-
tion under the Properties window of the wished unit by clicking on the corresponding
structural unit number. These lengths can be varied by tables in variation tables for all
piers. In terms of Eurocode, we define effective length L0 as the input of Buckling
Length Y or Z.
The one of the task groups in the Cross-Section task is also Delete . With this
function, using the drop-down option, it is possible to choose the deletion of the spe-
cific object created in the cross-section.

Using the icon Fill structural unit the pier cross section will have the following look:

Main girder cross-section

The second cross-section we are creating is the section of the main girder. The
cross-section name is “MG-Box” and it will be created in the tree as a new section un-
der the menu Cross Sections. We will start with the creation of the several vertical
lines, using the tool for the Parallel line creation.
All the vertical lines with their distances are shown in the screenshot below. The ar-
row direction shows the dependencies or, in another words, the direction of the line
Getting Started Geometrical Bridge Model 15

The next lines which will be created are four angular lines, used for the modeling of the
top slab cross-fall. For this purpose, the tool - Line by angle is used. In order to
create an angular line, you must first choose the intersection point of two parametric
lines (or a parametric point). This point represents the rotation point of the angular
You are free to define the inclination of the line in degrees or in percentage.
The necessary angular lines are shown in the screenshot below:

Line A1 has the rotation point (marked with the red circle above) at the intersection of
two main parametric lines (Y and Z). The angle of the line is -4.57 deg (-8% inclina-
tion). This inclination (cross fall of the top slab) will vary along the bridge axis accord-
ing to the values from the predefined table which will be explained later.
Tip: For entering the angle in degrees – type in only the number. For entering the an-
gle in percentage – type in the number together with the % character for percentage.
Line A2 has the rotation point (marked with the red circle above) in the intersection of
the line A1 with the vertical line which represents an offset of the line V2 for 1,3 me-
ters. The angle of this line is 1.43 deg (2,5% inclination). This inclination (cross fall of
the top slab) will stay constant along the bridge axis.
The following lines are constructed for inclination of the left and right web:
An angular line with the angle of -80 degrees is made at the intersection of the lines
V1 and Zloc; an angular line with the angle of -100 degrees is made at the intersection
of the lines V2 and Zloc (intersection points are marked with the green circles above).
In the next step we will define several parallel lines parallel to the four angular lines we
have just created. For this, we use the tool for Parallel line creation.
We will create two lines parallel to the angular line A1 with the offsets of 0,3 and 0,5 m
and two additional lines parallel to two other angular lines with the offsets of 0,6 m.
All newly created lines and dependencies are shown below:
16 Cross section creation Allplan Bridge 2021

Next, we define all horizontal lines in the cross-section, and they are shown with all
the dependencies in the screenshot below:

When the lines are defined, we will create four parametric points (P1-P4) which are
necessary for the boundary creation. Parametric point creation is done by using the
tool Point .
Tip: A parametric point is created by defining the offsets in z and y direction, from the
selected intersection point (parametric point).
The points which will be created are marked red and shown in the screenshot below:

Points P1 and P2 are created with the offsets of (0; -0.2) m from the intersection
points of the two most outer vertical lines with the lines A1 and A2 (marked with top
green circles).
Points P3 and P4, are created with the offsets (0.5;0) and (-0.5;0) from the two inter-
section points marked with the bottom green circles in the screenshot above.
When all necessary lines and points are created, we can define the boundaries of the
main girder cross section. Boundaries are created in the task area Boundaries using
several different tools for creation of a new and editing an existing boundary.
For boundary creation we will use the tool Boundary to connect intersection or
parametric points and create an outer boundary of the cross section.
The created outer boundary is shown below:
Getting Started Geometrical Bridge Model 17

The next boundary to be created is the inner boundary which defines the hollow of the
cross section.
Both defined boundaries are shown below:

After this step we must define the Minus combination between two created
boundaries in order to model the hollow of the main girder cross section. This was al-
ready described in the details when the pier cross section was created.
As a next step we need to define the structural unit and the reference point for the
main girder cross section.

Choose the tool for creating the Structural unit – Beam . Beam unit for main girder
cross-section is defined centrally at the cross-section top (at the intersection point
of two main parametric lines Yloc and Zloc) and it is usually defined in this position for
The next step is to assign a boundary to a beam unit. We will select the outer bound-
ary, also known as a Main boundary.
We will additionally define a reference point for the main girder cross section.

From the task area Reference points choose the tool for Reference point crea-
Select the parametric line intersection or a parametric point to position the reference
point. We will create one reference point with the name “RP-M” at the bottom edge of
the main girder section which will be later used for the connection to the pier.
Tip: The reference point is always created with the default name (in this case P1). The
user can then edit this name by selecting the point and changing the name in the
Properties window on the right side of the screen.
Using the icon Fill structural unit , the final main girder cross section with created
reference point, looks like shown below:
18 Cross section creation Allplan Bridge 2021

In order to define the bridge equipment as Roadway, Barrier and Sidewalk it is possible
to use two approaches:
- The first approach is creation of the two new cross sections for “Barrier”
and “Sidewalk” and use the External Boundary tool to insert those
new cross section to the existing main girder cross section. After that to
add several new parametric lines to the main girder cross section in order
to draw the Roadway and to properly position the new cross sections for
“Sidewalk” and “Barrier”.
- The second approach includes the creation of all equipment parts directly
in the main girder cross section by adding the new parametric lines and
drawing the new boundaries and assigning units to them.

We will use the first approach for the creation of the bridge equipment and therefore
we need to create two new cross sections. The reason for using this approach is that
the meshing of the main girder cross section will be more accurately done, and the
separate sections made for equipment will also be meshed more precisely.

Definition of the roadway

For the roadway part we will use the second approach, mentioned previously, and de-
fine the necessary additional parametric lines in the main girder cross section which
we need to create the roadway with the width of 0.08 m at the top of the main girder.
We will use this opportunity to define also all the new lines, which we need in the next
chapter for positioning of the external cross-sections of the sidewalk and barrier.
Creation of all lines is done by using the tool Parallel line . In total we need to define 4
new vertical lines and 2 new parallel to the existing angular lines.
All new lines are shown in the picture below together with the offsets and
dependencies from already existing lines:
Getting Started Geometrical Bridge Model 19

After we define all necessary lines, we can draw the new boundary for the roadway
by using the tool Boundary . We also need to define the unit for the roadway and
assign the existing boundary to it.
In the case of defining the units for the bridge equipment there is a possibility to define
the Structural Unit – Beam , as we did until now, but we can also define the Unit
Load , which can have two different roles in the definition of the bridge model.
Unit Load can be later used for the load definition in the Analysis chapter: it can be de-
fined as a load or it can be used for the referencing of the load.
Nevertheless, this unit type is also a part of the geometrical model.
The difference is also that the colour of unit load is shown in the cross section with the
green colour, so the user can immediately recognize it.
The unit type load is transferred to Allplan together with the complete bridge geome-
More detailed description of the Unit Load can be found in the Online Help. Help is
available directly in the program by clicking the F1 button or you can use the icon in
the upper right corner of the title bar to open the function Help.
Defined boundary with the assigned Unit load (number 2 positioned in the intersection
point of two main axes Zloc/Yloc)) for the Roadway part is shown in the picture below
highlighted in green:

It is also important to point out that the position of the unit for the unit load is com-
pletely irrelevant for the geometrical as well for the analytical model of the bridge.

Sidewalk cross-section

The third cross-section we are creating is the section of the sidewalk.

20 Cross section creation Allplan Bridge 2021

The cross-section name is “Sidewalk” and it will be created in the tree as a new sec-
tion under the menu Cross Sections. We will start with the creation of the first line,
using the tool Line by angle . Choose the rotation point of this line in the intersection
point of the two main parametric lines (Zloc/Yloc) and define the necessary angle of 0
degrees. By doing this, the new line will be created exactly over the Zloc line. After
that we will create two new horizontal lines by using the tool for Parallel line crea-
tion with the dependencies as shown on the picture below.
Further on, we will use the tool to create Line by relative angle and create the new
line with the angle of 94.57 degrees, which depends on the first created angular line.
Additionally, we need to create one new variable - Angle with the name “inclVertical”
which we will assign to the previously defined angular parametric line.
In order to create a variable, it is necessary to right click on the submenu Variables
under the cross-section name “Sidewalk” in the Project navigation tree and then se-
lect the desired type of the variable and define the variable name.
From that line using the tool for Parallel line creation we will create a new line with
an offset of the 0.4 m to the left. From the last created line, we will make another par-
allel line to the right with an offset of 2.05 m. The last line we need to create is the line
for the top edge of the sidewalk and this line will be created by using the tool Line by
angle which has the rotation point marked with the red circle on the picture below
and the inclination of -4%.
After all necessary parametric lines are created, we will draw the boundary of this
cross section by using the tool Boundary . We will then use the tool Symmetric
chamfer at boundary point and shape the necessary points with the value of 0.03
For this cross section we don’t need to create the Structural unit since it will be used
as an external boundary and inserted to the main girder cross section.
The final cross section of the sidewalk is shown below:

Barrier cross-section
The fourth cross-section we are creating is the section of the concrete barrier.
The cross-section name is “Barrier” and it will be created in the Navigation tree as a
new section under the menu Cross Sections.
First line (L1) we will create is the line positioned directly over Yloc axis by using the
tool Parallel line with an offset zero from the Yloc axis.
The next line (L2) is created using the tool Parallel line and it is parallel to the Zloc
axis with an offset of 0.2 m upwards. For this line we will create a new cross section
Getting Started Geometrical Bridge Model 21

variable type Length, with the name “offsetVertical” with the value of 0.2 and assign it
to the just created line.
The next line we need to create is the line for the bottom edge of the barrier and this
line will be created by using the tool Line by angle with the rotation point in the in-
tersection of two previously created lines (L1/L2) and with the inclination of 1.43 deg.
For this line we will create another cross-section variable type Angle, with the name
“inclBarrier” with the value of 1.43 and assign it to the just created line. From this line,
we will define the next line using the tool Line by relative angle . Rotation point of
this line will be the intersection point (L1/L2) and the relative angle is 90 deg.
Further on, we will use the tool Parallel line and create several new lines with the
offsets and dependencies which are shown in the picture below.
After all necessary parametric lines are created, we will draw the boundary of this
cross section by using the tool Boundary . We will use the tool Round boundary
point and round the necessary points with the values given in the picture below.

For this cross section we don’t need to create the Structural unit since it will be used
as an external boundary and inserted to the main girder cross section.
The final cross section of the sidewalk is shown below:

External boundaries for sidewalk and barrier

The tool External Boundary is positioned in the Cross-section task, under the
group of tools related to the Boundary definition.
We will use this tool to insert already existing cross-section of the sidewalk and bar-
rier to the main girder cross-section.
Open the main girder cross-section and select the tool External Boundary . After
that follow the instructions given by program.
22 Cross section creation Allplan Bridge 2021

It is necessary to first choose the wished point (intersection of some parametric line
and already existing cross section boundary) where the new boundary will be placed.
After that the user must go to the Project Navigation Tree and select (click once) the
wished cross section. As the last step it is important to select the wished Boundary
inside of this section, which will be placed to the new section.
After this step, the program will automatically switch to the main girder cross-section
and the user will be able to choose the side and direction for positioning the new
boundary as well as to add additional offset or spacing (i.e. very important for defini-
tion of the stiffeners).
In this example we will position the barrier and sidewalk boundaries in the points of the
main girder which are highlighted in the pictures below.
We need to position barrier and the sidewalk on the both sides of the cantilever part
and therefore we will choose the four different points in each iteration of inserting the
external boundary.

Additionally, we will define the necessary offsets from these points. This is done in the
Properties window on the right side of the cross-section area. We will define the off-
set from the origin point of -0.5 m for the sidewalk and 1.2 for the barrier boundary.
Spacing will be defined as zero.
The next picture is showing the right part of the main girder cross-section with in-
serted external boundaries, where the origin points as well as the positions of the unit
loads are shown:

The following picture is showing the left part of the main girder cross-section with in-
serted external boundaries, where the origin points as well as the positions of the unit
loads are shown:
Getting Started Geometrical Bridge Model 23

For each inserted external boundary, we need to create the new Unit Load .
These units of the main girder cross section represent the part of the geometrical
model, but they will also be used later in the Analytical part for the load definition.
It is additonally necessary to adjust values for the variables of both external boundary
cross sections – sidewalk and barrier.
Since we defined some variables for sidewalk and barrier, those variables will be
available in the properties window of the main girder cross section, when we select
the wished boundary.
Select the boundary of the right sidewalk and eneter the value of 91.43 deg for the
variable “inclVertical” . For the left sidewalk this value will be 94.57 deg.
For the right barrier enter the folowwing values for the variables:
“offsetVertical” = 0.26569 m and “inclBarrier” = 2.29061 deg
For the left barrier enter the folowing values for the variables:
“offsetVertical” = 0.265 m and “inclBarrier” = 2.29061 deg
By defining the variables in the cross section which will be used as an external
boundary, it is always possible to adjust the geometry of the new inserted boundary
to the existing geometry of the main cross-section.
Using the icon for showing the fill of the structural unit , the final main girder cross
section with all the equipment, looks like shown below:
24 Structural Members Allplan Bridge 2021

Structural Members
Structural members are the individual members of the model, which form a geomet-
rical unit such as girder or pier. These units are defined separately and referenced to
each other. There are following available groups of the structural members: Girders,
Piers and Structural Connections. Using the context menu (right mouse button on the
menu item) it is possible to create the corresponding new member. Structural mem-
ber of any group can be deleted from the tree menu by using the context menu at the
right mouse button or using the delete button from keyboard.

Girder creation
Girder definition includes several steps related to the interactive modeling.
In this step we will combine the defined axis with the cross-section into the structural
Some general rules and basic explanations about the structural member definition are
given in the text below.
For the structural member type girder, the axis is already defined. For the structural
member type pier, no predefined axis is necessary.
The reference point used for the assignment of the main girder cross section to the
axis is the intersection point of the two main cross section axes Yloc and Zloc.
One girder is interactively created by right-click at the Girders menu and choosing the
New Girder submenu, or alternatively by right-clicking at Structural Members menu
where we also select the New Girder submenu.

Each structural member is being created with the default name.

It is possible to optionally edit the name of the structural member by clicking the F2
button while positioned on the wished name or clicking the name three times.
We will now define the main girder structural member for this example.
The new girder with the name “MG-Box” is created under the menu Girders with
three automatically created submenus for Stationing, Cross sections and Variation.
As the next step we will need to select the axis (if we have more than one axis defined
in the project), in the 3D-Model viewport, along which the girder structural member
should be created.
Tip: The Axis (MG) is selected automatically, since we have only one axis in this pro-
ject. In the case of several Axis, the program will ask us to choose the one to which we
want to assign the cross section.
After that, in the Navigation tree, in the menu Cross Section, select the cross section
you want to assign to the axis.
Getting Started Geometrical Bridge Model 25

By moving the mouse in the 3D-Model viewport you can set the desired starting po-
sition of the girder on the axis and confirm the selection with a mouse click.
If necessary, adjust manually the selected starting station in the opening input win-

Reposition the mouse in the viewport to set the desired end position of the girder on
the axis and confirm with a mouse click. If necessary, adjust the selected end station in
the opening input window. In the same input window, define the subdivision of the
girder or, in this case - girder section, over the number or the length of the subdivision
26 Structural Members Allplan Bridge 2021

Tip: In the menu Subdivision type it is possible to use drop-down and choose be-
tween different subdivision types – Step or Total number of elements.
The inactive subdivision type is grayed, and it is not being recalculated automatically
or it is anyhow connected to the changes made in the other subdivision type (the total
number will not change if the step is being edited and the other way around).
We defined the main girder structural member “MG-Box” from the station zero to 155
m, assigned the “MG-Box” cross section to it and divided the member into equal ele-
ments with the length of 5 m.
The submenu Stationing is automatically created for defined girder. The table of the
stations is opening using the double left mouse button click.

Stationing defines the start and end position of the girder on the axis and its subdivi-
sion into elements.
The table consists of: Input Station; Definition Type (Global - it refers to the station-
ing of the axis and Local – the starting position of the beam is assumed to be zero and
the station value refers to this local stationing); Global station and Local station (au-
tomatic output from the entry in the previous column); As Beam (only required for
use as a analysis model); Smooth (Special function for rounding the edges when ex-
truding the cross sections, during the model generation).
For the accuracy of the modeling (and possibly calculation), the consideration of vari-
ations, the connection of piers at certain positions, etc., it is necessary to subdivide
the girder into sub-elements.
Using the field Input Station, we can edit some subdivision element lengths. It is also
possible to add or delete some station directly in this table.
At any moment it is possible to insert or delete some girder station interactively in
the 3D model viewport by using the context menu on the right mouse button. Availa-
ble functions on the right mouse click are Insert stations and Delete stations.
The final girder subdivision should have 35 elements with the lengths of 5 and 2.5 me-
ters, which gives the total bridge length of 155 meters.
Getting Started Geometrical Bridge Model 27

For inserting the station, it is important to first choose the wished cross-section
from the project navigation tree, which will be assigned to the new station.

Choose the cross section “MG-Box” and return to the 3D model viewport in order to
select the stations.
Insert the additional stations above the piers at the following positions: 42.5 m, 47.5 m,
107.5 m and 112.5 m.
28 Structural Members Allplan Bridge 2021

In order to get the proper definition, it is necessary to choose/click the approximate

position of this new stations i.e.: click somewhere between the stations 40 and 45 m
and the new window will appear, where you can type in the exact value of the new

Repeat the same for the other three stations, not exiting the function.
With these definitions the subdivision of the main girder structural member is finished.
The Cross Sections table allows the assignment of the cross-section to the individual
station points of the subdivided girder. This step is automatically done during the in-
teractive girder creation or can be subsequently performed and edited manually in
this table.
Cross-sections are assigned before (back) and after (front) each station point to al-
low sudden changes of the cross-section or jumps in the variation. The cross-section
variant is automatically calculated in this table after the variation assignment in the
next step.
The Variation table will be used later and therefore also explained in the respective
More detailed description of all the tables for Stationing, Cross sections and Variations
and the way of editing and assignment of different objects can be found in the Online
Help. Help is available directly in the program by clicking the F1 button or you can use
the icon in the upper right corner of the title bar to open the function Help.

Pier creation
Pier members require the girder as a reference component for their definition. The
geometric position of the pier- girder connection is defined by the main girder refer-
ence point, which was earlier defined in the cross-section of the girder at the corre-
sponding position (“RP-M”).
Piers do not require an axis for their definition because they are automatically gener-
ated in vertical direction. The axis of the pier is connected to the main girder reference
point in the station 0. The definition of the pier is following the direction of the Y-axis
(positive upwards). The interactive graphic definition of the pier defines first the top
of the pier (end position / station) and then the bottom of the pier (initial position /
The interactive creation of the pier is done in a similar way like for the main girder.
The main difference is that for the pier creation in 3D viewport we must additionally
choose the reference point of the main girder to which the pier is connected to (“RP-
M”) as well as the station of the main girder (geometric position) where the pier is lo-
To interactively create the pier structural member, go to the menu Structural Mem-
bers or Piers, open the context menu and choose the option New Pier.
Getting Started Geometrical Bridge Model 29

In this example we will define two piers with the height of 20 meters:
“Pier1” – at the MG station of 45 m and “Pier2” at the MG station of 110 m.
Click in the 3D-Model window and select the reference point where the pier shall be
connected - point “RP-M”.
Click in the navigation tree in the menu Cross Sections and choose the cross section,
which should be assigned to the pier axis. The cross section used for both piers is the
previously defined cross-section - “Pier”.

Return to the 3D-Model window and specify the desired start position of the pier.
30 Structural Members Allplan Bridge 2021

The start point of the definition is station zero, at the bottom of main girder:

Move the mouse in vertical direction to specify the desired end position of the pier.
The end station is entered manually in the table and it is at -20 meters:

The subdivision of the pier members is done with the step 5, so the pier member con-
sists of four 5-meter-long elements. Tables for Stationing, Cross sections and Varia-
tion of the pier are organized in the same manner as the ones for the girder structural
Editing and filling the tables is done in the same way and following the same logic.
Getting Started Geometrical Bridge Model 31

The current state of the 3D bridge model looks like shown below:

For faster learning and better understanding of the step by step modeling in Allplan
Bridge, please use available online videos.

Variables and Variations Definition

In order to define the variations of the cross-sections it is necessary to define varia-
bles and assign those variables to the corresponding parametric lines. In this way it is
possible to define a height, thickness or an angle which varies along the bridge axis.
Under the Cross Sections menu, and for the section “MG-Box”, we will create the
new variable by clicking the right mouse button on the submenu Variables and se-
lecting the option New Variable.
In Allplan Bridge we have the possibility to choose between different types of the var-
Type Length (used for parametric line type parallel or for parametric points)
Type Angle (used for defining the inclined parametric line with an angle)
Type Percent (used for defining the inclined parametric line in percentage)
Type Temperature (used for property set type temperature)
Type Variable (no dimension)
For the cross-section of the main girder we will create three variables type length and
one variable type angle. All defined variables are given in the table below:

Variable type Length Length Length Angle

Variable name Webwidth bthickness hsection incl

Description Width of the Bottom plate Height of the Cross fall of the
webs thickness cross section MG section

Value 0.6 0.3 3.7 -4.57

Tip: In this step, each variable can be defined with a dummy value.
32 Variables and Variations Definition Allplan Bridge 2021

Each variable should be assigned to the corresponding line or point in the cross sec-
tion and for this example, the proper assignment is shown in the screenshot below:

Click the parametric line, to which you want to assign a variable.

Select in the Properties window of the line, in the box Dependencies, the desired var-
iable from the drop-down list.
The variable for “hsection” is assigned to the bottom line of the cross-section.
The variable “incl” is assigned to the top line of the cross-section (the previously de-
fined line A1).
The variable for “webwidth” is assigned to the inner edges of the web.
The variable for “bthickness” is assigned to the upper edge of the bottom slab.
In the pier cross-section we will define the variable for the variation of the pier width
along the pier axis.
Under the Cross Sections, and for the section “Pier”, we will click the right mouse
button on the submenu Variables and select New Variable of the required type.
For the cross-section of the pier we will create one variable of type length with the
name “wpier” described in the table below:

Variable type Length

Variable name wpier

Description Pier width

Value 2.75

This variable should be assigned to the left and right outer pier edge as shown in the
screenshot below:

As a next step it is necessary to define the Variation for each variable dimension cre-
ated in the cross-sections. The Variation is describing the variation of variable pa-
rameters of the cross-section along the bridge axis.
Getting Started Geometrical Bridge Model 33

The variation of a certain cross-section dimension along the axis is defined by creat-
ing a Table which contains the cross-section variable values as ordinate values (y-
axis) and the related stations as abscissa values (x-axis).
Values are defined for several existing stations along the axis and those values will af-
ter the recalculation replace the dummy values defined during the definition of the
With the right mouse click on the menu Variations we will create five New Tables,
four for the main girder (“hsection”, “bthickness”, “webwidth”, “incl”) and one for the
pier (“wpier”).
Values (Y) along the axis for several stations (X) will be given for each table.
The desired type of the curve (Transition) between the two points can be chosen
from the drop-down menu:
Constant - The defined value is kept constant until the next value.
Linear - The defined value is connected linearly with the next value.
Parabolic (horizontal at the beginning) - The defined value is connected parabolically
to the next value, where the curve is horizontal at the beginning of the transition (at
the first value) (horizontal tangent at the starting point).
Parabolic (horizontal at the end) - The defined value is parabolically connected to the
next value, where the curve is horizontal at the end of the transition (at the first value)
(horizontal tangent at the end point).
Parabolic (horizontal at both ends) - The defined value is parabolically connected to
the next value, where the curve is horizontal at the beginning and at the end of the
transition (at the first and second value) (horizontal tangent at the start and end

All the tables and the graphical presentations for each table are shown below:
Table: “hsection”
X Y Transition
0 3.7 Linear

30 3.7 Parabolic ( begin)

42.5 5.2 Linear

47.5 5.2 Parabolic ( end)

60 3.7 Linear

95 3.7 Parabolic ( begin)

107.5 5.2 Linear

112.5 5.2 Parabolic ( end)

125 3.7 Linear

155 3.7 Linear

34 Variables and Variations Definition Allplan Bridge 2021

Table: “bthickness”
X Y Transition
0 0.3 Linear

30 0.3 Linear

42.5 0.35 Linear

47.5 0.35 Linear

60 0.3 Linear

95 0.3 Linear

107.5 0.35 Linear

112.5 0.35 Linear

125 0.3 Linear

155 0.3 Linear

Table: “webwidth”
X Y Transition
0 0.6 Linear

30 0.6 Linear

42.5 0.7 Linear

47.5 0.7 Linear

60 0.6 Linear

95 0.6 Linear

107.5 0.7 Linear

112.5 0.7 Linear

125 0.6 Linear

155 0.6 Linear

Getting Started Geometrical Bridge Model 35

Table: “incl”
X Y Transition
0 -1.43 Linear

15 -1.43 Linear

80 -4.57 Linear

155 -4.57 Linear

Table: “wpier”
X Y Transition
-20 2.2 Linear

-5 2.2 Linear

0 2.75 Linear

Tip: Navigation and editing of the table is done in a common and simple way. For any
additional instructions and hints please check Online Help which contains a detailed
description of the individual menus and functions of the Allplan Bridge user interface.
Help is available directly in the program by clicking the F1 button or you can use the
icon in the upper right corner of the title bar to open the function Help.
36 Materials Allplan Bridge 2021

One additional step is missing and that is the proper assignment of all variations
along the defined structural members of pier and main girder.
The Variation table under the menu of each created Structural Member, allows the
assignment of the tables or formulas to a variable at the individual station points of
the subdivided girder. Tables or formulas are assigned analogously to the cross sec-
tions respectively before and after each station point, to allow jumps in the variation.
The fastest way to assign the variation table to a variable at some station is to use
drag and drop of the wished variation table from the Variations menu to a specific
field of the variable´s column called Expression under the menu of the structural
members “MG-Box”, “Pier1” and “Pier2”. The table should be dragged to the grey
heading of the column Expression and dropped there. In that way the wished table
from the Variations will be automatically assigned to all the stations of the structural
An alternative way is to manually assign a table or formula to the station – in the col-
umn Expression type in the value for the first station and then, using the right mouse
click, apply the expression to subsequent stations.
In the table below you can see all the Variations with the necessary girder and the re-
spective column to which they should be assigned to:
Variations Structural Member Variable name (Expression col-

hsection “MG-Box” hsection (m)

bthickness “MG-Box” bthickness (m)

webwidth “MG-Box” webwidth (m)

incl “MG-Box” incl (m)

wpier “Pier1” wpier (m)

wpier “Pier2” wpier (m)

The state of the 3D bridge model, after all the variables are assigned, is shown below:

Available materials for this project are delivered in the TCL file of the example and af-
ter loading the example they are stored and available in the library of the materials
under the menu Analysis/Materials.
Getting Started Geometrical Bridge Model 37

All defined materials are used in geometrical model only for rendering and the 3D pre-
view of the bridge model in Allplan Bridge.
In the 3D-Model window under the function Show material texture , it is possible
to show the bridge model in the render mode with visible material texture.

Material definition – import from Bimplus

It is possible to import the complete library of materials directly from Bimplus.

For this method it is important to be Logged in to Bimplus platform in the Allplan
Bridge by using the Bimplus account and the Login icon positioned in the top right cor-
ner of the Title bar.
After that it is necessary to create a New Standard which can be created using the
right mouse click on the blank surface under the menu Analysis/Materials in the
Project Navigation Tree:

When New Standard is defined, it is necessary to use the right mouse click on stand-
ard and to select the function Import Bimplus Material.
After this the new window for the material selection is open:

The complete list of materials is available on the left side.

After the selection the user can see the material properties on the right side of the
window. If the material satisfies the project needs, the user will Take Over the mate-
rial and after that it will be available in the middle part of the window.
Using this approach, the user can select only few materials for import, but also the
complete standard.
The user is able to choose between different international standards: Eurocode,
AASHTO, JTG, Korean standard etc.
The selection list will be shown in the middle of the window for a final preview and af-
ter that the user can use the button Import into project in order to import wished
38 Materials Allplan Bridge 2021

materials. The full protocol of the import is visible at the bottom of the screen in the
Logging window.

Material definition - manually

For this example, materials are created manually, and the basic material values are
In this example one standard EN (Eurocode) is created and under it three groups: Con-
crete, Prestressing Steel and Reinforcing Steel. Under each group the corresponding
materials are defined:

In this stage of the project, we will need materials for the main girder and the pier
structural members and therefore we will define only two concrete materials: C35/45
for the piers and C40/50 for the main girder.

There are two possible ways of material definition:

1. Definition of the materials directly in the GUI
A New Standard can be created using the right mouse click on the blank surface un-
der the menu Analysis/Materials. When Standard is defined the user can define New
Material which belongs to material Group, also created by the user. Additional Text
(description) can be also entered:

After definition all material values are displayed in the Properties window on the right
side, where they can be entered and later edited by the user.
In order to be faster the user can define one Material under some Standard and then
use the option Copy Material, behind the context menu of the wished material.
In this example we will do the same. First define concrete type C35/45 with all neces-
sary General and Basic material values entered manually in the Properties window
like shown below:
Getting Started Geometrical Bridge Model 39

After this, use the Copy Material option and create the concrete type C40/50.
Edit necessary values for this concrete type in the Properties window like shown be-

The definition of two materials, concrete C35/45 and C40/50 that we need in this
stage of the project, is finished. Please be aware that Foreign name and Basic
material values are necessary only for analytical bridge model which will be explained
later in Chapter 4.

2.Definition of the materials in the TCL file

The proper writing syntax for the material definition in Allplan Bridge and for the cor-
rect export to the analysis TCL file is shown in the TCL file of this example.
The same syntax should be used for all new user projects.
When defining the Standard, Group and Material in TCL file directly the syntax looks
as shown below. With this syntax we define Material “C35/45” under the Group
“Concrete” under the Standard EN (Eurocode):


MATERIALS "Concrete"


TEXT "C35/45, EN 1992-1-1"

FOREIGN "EN_Eurocode:C_35/45"


VALUE EMODUL "E" 34000 "\%0.0lf" "Elastic modulus"

VALUE GMODUL "G" 14166.7 "\%0.0lf" "Shear modulus"
VALUE POISSON "Ny" 0.2 "\%0.1lf" "Poisson´s ratio"
VALUE ALPHAT "Alpha-T" 1E-05 "\%0.5lf" "Thermal expansion coefficient"
VALUE GAMMA "Gamma" 25 "\%0.1lf" "Specific weight"
VALUE FCK "fck" 35 "\%0.0lf" ""
VALUE FCM "fcm" 43 "\%0.0lf" ""
VALUE CEMENTCLASS "Cement class" 1 "\%0.3lf" ""
VALUE CAGGREGATE "Concrete Aggregate" QUARTZITE "" ""
40 Materials Allplan Bridge 2021

VALUE GCEMENT "Cement Content" 0 "\%0.1lf" ""

VALUE GSILICATE "Silicate Content" 0 "\%0.1lf" ""
VALUE FCTM "fctm" 3.2 "\%0.0lf" ""




The user can copy this sequence, to any new project and place it at the same position
– at the very beginning of the TCL file: after the sequence with Project settings, more
specific after the line PROJECT END (the same position which is used in the TCL file of
this example).

After the wished editing of the new project TCL file the user should import the file in
Allplan Bridge. After that, all defined materials will be available in the project material
library under the Analysis/Materials.
If the user needs to define other material types (Prestressing Steel, Reinforcing Steel,
Steel etc.) in the new project, please use the syntax from the TCL file of this example
or from other examples available in Allplan Bridge.

Material assignment
In the table Material we assign the defined materials to the beam elements of the
structural members. This table is located behind the context menu (right mouse click)
of each structural member. The table for the material definition is designed in the
same way than the other tables:
1. Global station start / end shows the list of global start and end stations of
the girder elements as a result of the subdivision made in the Stationing table.
2. Structural Unit 1, Structural Unit 2, ... represent the list of all structural units
defined in the cross-section.
3. Column Beam shows the numbers of the beam elements as defined in the ta-
ble for beam elements.
4. Column Material is the one where the definition of the material is assigned to
the beam element.

The material assignment is done by clicking the right mouse button on the respective
cell and assigning the wished material to the selection, like shown on the photo below:

In this example we will assign the following materials to the structural members:
Concrete class C_40/50 will be assigned to the main girder: EN:C40/50.
Concrete class C_35/45 will be assigned to both piers: EN:C35/45.
It is enough to assign the material to the first field of the table and then on the right
mouse click to choose an option Apply Material to subsequent stations. The pro-
gram will automatically assign the same material to all other stations.
Getting Started Geometrical Bridge Model 41

The proper syntax for defined materials in Allplan Bridge looks as follows:
Standard Name: Material Name i.e. EN:C35/45
The assigned material to all the stations of the main girder structural member is
shown in the table below:

The same assignment process should be repeated for both piers, assigning the con-
crete type C35/45 to “Pier1” and “Pier2” using the table Material positioned behind
the right mouse click of the corresponding pier structural member.

Data exchange between Allplan Bridge and Allplan

The Allplan Bridge's geometrical bridge model data can be transmitted to Allplan Engi-
neering for further detailing and modeling (i.e. reinforcement definition).
In the GUI of Allplan Engineering this function can be found in the Parametric Modeling
tab of the Allplan´s Bridge Construction Role as shown in the screenshot below:

There are five functions available here:

Create new Allplan Bridge project
Opens an Allplan Bridge product and creates new Allplan Bridge project in the current
Allplan project directory.
Tip: The start-up dialog of the Allplan Bridge consists of several different examples
which can be loaded directly into the program. In the same window you can open the
description of the Allplan Bridge Getting Started example by clicking the icon .
Import Allplan Bridge Data
Imports an Allplan Bridge project from a project directory which can be selected.
The window with the default definitions opens offering the several options which can
be chosen:
42 Data exchange between Allplan Bridge and Allplan Allplan Bridge 2021

For the workspace the user can choose the local workspace of an active Allplan pro-
ject or to create the user-defined workspace with the new project name.
The import of the existing bridge objects from Allplan Bridge to Allplan - 3D bodies,
axis, extrusion paths and the sections – is defined by the user. Depending on the im-
port definitions, the building structure of the Allplan project can have several different
All the objects of the bridge can be imported into the active drawing of the project; in
the new drawings – where all the objects of the structural members from Allplan
Bridge are saved under the one structural level in the different drawing files; or in the
separate drawings – where the separate structural level (MG, Pier1, Pier2), with cor-
responding drawings for each object type (3D Bodies, Axis, Extrusion paths and Sec-
tions), is being made for each structural member.
Start Allplan Bridge
Opens Allplan Bridge project (if the connection to Allplan project exists).
Update Allplan Bridge Data
Imports newly created project or update a project already imported from Allplan
Bridge into Allplan.
Delete Allplan Bridge Data
Deletion of objects from Allplan Bridge, the entire Allplan Bridge data or deletion of the
link which was created between the Allplan and Allplan Bridge project.

Transfer of Materials and IFC Attributes to Allplan Engineering

All materials assigned to the corresponding structural members in Allplan Bridge, by

following the workflow explained in the previous chapter, will be transferred to Allplan
Engineering together with geometrical bridge model.

Not only materials, it is also possible to assign some of the IFC attributes already in
Allplan Bridge and they will be transferred to Allplan Engineering.
The IFC attributes assignment is done in the Cross section definition under the Prop-
erties window of the wished structural unit, as shown on the screenshot below:
Getting Started Geometrical Bridge Model 43

The user is able to select between different offered IFC attributes.

After material assignment and definition of the wished IFC attributes (i.e. BEAM) in All-
plan Bridge, that information can be found in Allplan Engineering under the function
Modify Attributes:
44 Data exchange between Allplan Bridge and Allplan Allplan Bridge 2021

Transfer of analysis bridge model to Allplan Bimplus

Analysis bridge model can be directly exported to Allplan Bimplus from Allplan Bridge.
It is of course necessary to create analysis model in Allplan Bridge before. When
model is available and correct, the further steps are very simple.
The user must be logged in to Bimplus account and after that choose the wished ex-
isting project from Bimplus or create the new project, where the analysis model will be

The last step is selection of the function Export Analysis Model available under the
same menu in the top right corner, next to the Bimplus log in.
Analysis model available in Bimplus can be further used by third parties in order to be
transferred to other solutions for bridge analysis and design.
This model contains all the information about the analysis model: beams, nodes, struc-
tural connections with stiffnesses of springs etc.
Getting Started Internal Prestressing tendons 45

2. Internal Prestressing
Post-tensioned tendons running in ducts are here referred to as internal tendons.
These tendons as well as other tendon types and complex geometries can be easily
modeled in Allplan Bridge (internal and external tendons, transversal and vertical ten-
dons, pre-tensioning and post-tensioning).
In Allplan Bridge the geometry of a tendon is automatically generated based on user
defined points in 3D along the bridge structure. The user defines reference points in
the cross-section and the stations of the bridge for specifying constraint points for
the tendon geometry. Plan and elevation angles and curvature radius can be specified
as additional constraints. Certain parameters can be set to free. That means that the
value will be optimized in accordance with the condition that the tendon losses are
The bridge in this example is built by span-by-span construction method and it con-
siders three construction stages where tendons are stressed. Therefore, the geome-
try and the prestressing of the tendons will follow the same construction schedule.
In this example, the tendon geometry will be defined for tendons arranged in six
groups - two groups for each construction phase (since there are two webs in the
main girder).
The final tendon geometry is shown below in the 3D view:

The detailed layout of the tendons with the position of the tendons in the cross sec-
tion is explained in the following chapters.
46 Data exchange between Allplan Bridge and Allplan Allplan Bridge 2021

Tendon layout
First construction stage
This stage consists of two tendon groups “Phase1L” and “Phase1R” – each group
consists of six tendons (six per each web) and they have the following layout:

Second construction stage

This stage consists of two tendon groups “Phase2L” and “Phase2R” – each group
consists of eight tendons (eight per each web) and they have the following layout:

Third construction stage

“Phase3L” and “Phase3R” – each consists of six tendons (six per each web) and they
have the following layout:
Getting Started Internal Prestressing tendons 47

Tendon points in the cross-section plane can be defined by using a Reference Points
or defining the Points Grids.
In this example we will use point grids and in the next chapter it will be explained how
to create them.

Point grids definition

A special point raster is available in the cross-section to define the in-plane position of
the tendon. It allows not only an easier tendon definition but enables copying and mir-
roring the tendon(s) in the longitudinal and transversal direction.
The function for the point grids definition can be found in the task Cross Section, un-
der the task area Point Grids.
In this example we will define two Point Grids for two existing webs:
“Grid 1” – for the left and “Grid 2” – for the right web of the main girder hollow box.
In each grid we will define 14 points. The exact position of those points will be de-
scribed in the next chapter. The points of the grids are automatically named by the
Since the tendon geometry is made in the way that the tendons of the consecutive
phases are overlapping, we need more points in each web then the actual number of
the tendons in order to avoid any clashes.

In order to have all definitions prepared for the modeling of the tendon geometry
which follows, we need to define two new Parametric Lines in the cross-section
As shown on the photo below, define two new lines in the middle of each web (both
lines are highlighted in green). Both lines are defined with the distance of 0.3 m from
the outer web edge as shown on the photo below:
48 Point grids definition Allplan Bridge 2021

Point grids in the left web

After choosing the function Point Grids we need to choose the wished intersec-
tion point, which represent the origin point for the grid definition.
For the origin point of the “Grid 1” we will choose the intersection of the main Z axis
and the middle line of the left web, as shown on the photo below:

Relative to the origin the grid points are positioned. At the same time this origin point
represents the new local coordinate system of the grid. The system consists of the
abscissa (u) – red colored axis and the ordinate (v) – green colored axis and it is used
for all further definitions regarding tendon geometry (for eccentricities etc.).
In the next step we need to choose the direction of the abscissa (u) and the ordinate
(v) which will define the position of the grid. For this we will click anywhere below the
main Z axis.
Since the definition of the point grids is not complete, and the function is still active, we
need to go to the properties window table (on the right side of the working area) to
define all other necessary details.
There are several additional values related to the abscissa and the ordinate which
must be defined and for the “Grid 1” they are shown in the screenshot below:
Getting Started Internal Prestressing tendons 49

Graphical description of the values from the table above is shown below:

Tip: If you are not satisfied with the defined values, it is always possible to select the
existing Grid and edit the wished values in the Properties window.

Point grids in the right web

Using the same principle as for the “Grid 1”, the points of the “Grid 2”, in the right web,
can be defined step by step. Nevertheless, there is a Copy function available which
allows the quick creation of the grid with the same definitions, only with another origin
point. Select the “Grid1” and the palette of available commands will open. Choose the
copy command for copying and select the origin point of the new grid- “Grid2”.

The origin point of the “Grid2” for the position of the local coordinate system should
be located in the intersection point of the Z axis and the middle line of the right web:
50 Point grids definition Allplan Bridge 2021

The table with the same definitions is overtaken from the “Grid1” and the look of the
table for the “Grid2” is shown below:

Variables and variations for the Point Grids

There are several approaches of how to define the tendon geometry in order to vary
tendons along the structure. One approach is to use fixed points in the cross section
(reference points or grid points) and then to add eccentricities to those points fol-
lowing the tendon geometry along the stations.
The other approach, which will be used in this example, is to combine variables with
the point grids. For this approach we need to define additional Variables of type
length, to vary the offsets and spacings of the grid points. Those variables are defined
in the same way than all other cross section variables.
We will define 3 new variables in the cross-section “MG-Box”:
“TenSh” (Value = 0.3 m) – for the spacing in the horizontal (abscissa) direction
“TenH” (Value = 1 m) – for the offset in the vertical (ordinate) direction
“TenSv” (Value = 0.1 m) – for the spacing in the vertical (ordinate) direction
For the above variables we will define the three corresponding Variation tables, be-
cause the tendon points are varying along the bridge structure. All the necessary def-
initions are shown below graphically and in the form of tables:

Table “Tendon_H”:

X Y Transition
0 1.1 Parabolic ( end)

20 3 Linear

30 3 Parabolic ( begin)

40 1.6 Parabolic ( end)

45 1 Parabolic ( begin)

50 1.45 Parabolic ( end)

65 3 Linear

90 3 Parabolic ( begin)

105 1.45 Parabolic ( end)

110 1 Parabolic ( begin)

115 1.6 Parabolic ( end)

130 3 Linear

135 3 Parabolic ( begin)

155 1.1 Linear

Getting Started Internal Prestressing tendons 51

Table “Tendon_sh”:

X Y Transition
0 0.3 Linear

10 0.15 Linear

25 0.15 Linear

35 0.3 Linear

55 0.3 Linear

65 0.15 Linear

90 0.15 Linear

100 0.3 Linear

120 0.3 Linear

130 0.15 Linear

145 0.15 Linear

155 0.3 Linear

52 Point grids definition Allplan Bridge 2021

Table “Tendon_sv”:
X Y Transition
0 0.2 Linear

10 0.1 Linear

25 0.1 Linear

35 0.2 Linear

55 0.2 Linear

65 0.1 Linear

90 0.1 Linear

100 0.2 Linear

120 0.2 Linear

130 0.1 Linear

145 0.1 Linear

155 0.2 Linear

After the variables and the variation tables are made, we must assign the variables to
the corresponding values in the table for definition of the offsets/spacings of both
point grids. The tables for the “Grid1” and “Grid2” after this assignment is shown be-

It is also necessary to assign the defined variation tables (“Tendon_sh” and “Ten-
don_sv”) to the corresponding columns in the Variation table of the main girder “MG-
As previously explained, we will use drag and drop option to perform this action.
Getting Started Internal Prestressing tendons 53

The column of the variable TenH is defined in a different way. Here we define an ex-
pression made of the combination of two variation tables: Tendon_H and Tendon_sv.
This expression is made in order to model the correct geometry of the tendons.
This way of defining (using the expressions) is not a general rule. It represents one
possible way of defining this specific tendon geometry and shows the diversity in
modeling with Allplan Bridge.
The expression is defined as follows: Tendon_H($s) - Tendon_sv($s)*6+0.6
Use the function Apply expression to the subsequent stations to apply the same
expression to all other stations.

Tendon geometry definition

Under the Geometry tab on the left side of the Project navigation tree you can find
several vertical Tabs. These tabs make the user interface simpler to use by separat-
ing the project navigation tree into different logically organized trees: Structure and
For the definition of the tendon geometry we will use the tab Tendon where we de-
fine separate tendons organized under the created tendon groups.
The main working area on the right side is divided into three separated windows -
3D/Plan/Dev. View; 2D Cross section and the Table. Those windows together rep-
resent the workflow for defining the tendon geometry.
Below, the screenshot from the finished example is shown, where all the windows are

The upper window represents the view on the structure, which can be switched, ac-
cording to the user wish, between 3D Model, Plan and Dev. View. This window allows
interactive definition of the tendon geometry directly on the bridge model by choos-
ing the stations in one of the wished views.
54 Tendon geometry definition Allplan Bridge 2021

The left bottom window always shows the selected cross section in 2D (if the sec-
tion is selected in the interactive window during geometry definition and also if we
choose some row in the tendon geometry table). In the preview, the user can see the
cross section and select the points necessary for the tendon geometry definition –
point grids or reference points. Also, the preview is showing the local coordinate sys-
tem used for tendon geometry definition.
The right bottom window represents the Table with the information about the de-
tailed tendon geometry.

Tendon groups
After opening the tab Tendon from the Project navigation tree, an empty window on
the right side is available for the definition of the tendons and tendon groups.
Click with the right mouse button anywhere on this empty area and choose the func-
tion New Tendon Group.
As mentioned before, we will define 6 tendon groups in total, two for each construc-
tion stage: Phase1L and Phase1R, Phase2L and Phase 2R and Phase3L and Phase3R.
First, we will create three tendon groups with the following names “Phase1L”, “Phase
2L” and “Phase 3L”. In order to fasten our work, we will first define those three
groups for the left web in detail and then we will use the possibility of copying those
groups to create the remaining three groups for the tendons in the right web
(“Phase1R”, “Phase2R” and “Phase3R”). The complete list of the tendon groups with
tendons is shown below:
Getting Started Internal Prestressing tendons 55

Tendon definition
Each tendon group consists of separate tendons which geometry is determined with
defined point grids in the cross section and with the stations in the longitudinal direc-
From the context menu of the group “Phase1L” choose the option New Tendon. Cre-
ate the first tendon in this group with the name “Tendon 1”.
Phase1L consists of 6 tendons. We will first define the “Tendon 1” and show on this
tendon the complete definition and all the details related to geometry definition.

Tendon geometry definition – Phase 1L and 1R

For the definition of the tendon geometry we will use the function Insert tendon
point between two stations from the Tendon task and the task area Definition.
In the first step, for the geometry of the “Tendon 1”, we need to choose the first (sta-
tion 0) and the second (station 55m) point of the tendon.
Selecting the first station of the tendon in the 3D model:

Selecting the second station in the 3D model:

In the next step we need to select the point of the “Grid1” (left web) which will be
used for the “Tendon 1”. We are choosing the point “P1:2” and the selection is shown
56 Tendon geometry definition Allplan Bridge 2021

With this selection the function Insert tendon point between two stations is
closing and the table with the tendon geometry details is automatically filled.
The table of the tendons from the group “Phase1L” has the following look:

In this table we can see the stations, in which the tendon is defined, and we can also
see which points from the cross section are taken for the geometry of the tendon.
Other important values from the table are:
e-u and e-v – eccentricities in local coordinate system u-v
α-u and α-v - angles in the s-u and s-v plane for the definition of the tangent direc-
R – rounding radius of tendon geometry
Curve Type – Straight, Spline, Arc s-u* (Begin/End), Arc s-v* (Begin/End)
*In addition to the definition of the section between two points as a straight line or a
general spline, it is also possible to define an arc in the s-u plane (ground plan, type
Arc s-u) or in the s-v plane (elevation plane, type Arc s-u).
It is possible to edit the table values at any time later directly in the table (with the
right mouse click on the wished field) or in the properties window on the right side of
the working area.
When we finish all the definitions related to the “Tendon 1” we will use the possibility of
copying the tendons and create all the remaining tendons from the group “Phase 1L”.

On the right mouse click in the context menu of the “Tendon 1” we can find additional
functions. Choose the function Copy and Move and in the pop-up, window enter the
name of the new tendon “Tendon 2”:
Getting Started Internal Prestressing tendons 57

After that we choose the begin station for the new “Tendon 2” (the same station 0)
as well as the wished tendon point in the 2D cross-section view (Grid1; P1:4) as shown

“Tendon 2” is automatically created and it is taking over all other geometry definitions
from the “Tendon 1” table.
In the same way we will define the rest of the tendons from the group: all remaining
tendons from the left web (“Tendon 3” to “Tendon 6”).
Six tendons in the left web of the main girder are going through several points of the
“Grid1” and the used points are shown below marked with the red rectangles:

We will now create the new group with the name “Phase1R” by using the option of
copying the existing group “Phase 1L”.
Select the group “Phase 1L” and use the right mouse click to get additional functions
from the context menu. Choose the function Copy and Move Group and select the
first station in the 3D View.
58 Tendon geometry definition Allplan Bridge 2021

After that choose the “Grid2” in the 2D cross-section window at the bottom left. Af-
ter that, the new tendon group “Phase1R” is automatically created and the table for
tendon geometry of this group has the following look:

Tendons in the right web are organized in the same way than in the left one and the
position of the tendons is defined with the following points of the “Grid2”, marked in

Below you can find several pictures and screenshots with the short explanations
about the tendon geometry definition for the remaining groups.

Phase2L and Phase 2R

Create the new tendon group “Phase2L”.
“Phase2L” consists of 8 tendons in the left web (“Tendon 1” to “Tendon 8”).
Using the same principles and functions as for the “Phase1L” we will define one new
tendon in this group and copy it to other positions for the remaining tendons of the
Tendons of this phase are going from the station 35 m to the station 120 m.
Tendon group in the right web – “Phase2R” is created by using the command Copy
and Move Group from the group “Phase2L”.
The points of the “Grid1” and “Grid2” used for the tendons of the “Phase2L” and
“Phase2R” are shown below highlighted in the cross section with the red rectangles:
Getting Started Internal Prestressing tendons 59

The tendon geometry tables for the tendons of the “Phase2L” and “Phase2R” are
shown below:

Phase3L and Phase 3R

Create the new tendon group “Phase3L”.
“Phase 3L” consists of 6 tendons in the left web (“Tendon 1” to “Tendon 6”).
Using the same principles and functions as for the Phase1L we will define one new
tendon and copy it to other positions for the remaining tendons of the group.
Tendons of this phase are going from the station 100 m to the station 155 m.
Tendon group in the right web – “Phase3R” is created by using the command Copy
and Move Group from the group “Phase3L”.
60 Tendon geometry definition Allplan Bridge 2021

The points of the “Grid1” and “Grid2” used for the tendons of the “Phase3L” and
“Phase3R” are shown below highlighted in the cross section with the red rectangles:

The tendon geometry tables for the tendons of the “Phase3L” and “Phase3R” are
shown below:

It is possible to get the report of the tendon geometry for each separate tendon by
opening the function Create PDF document in the context menu behind the wished
tendon name from the tendon list.
The preview of this document is automatically opened after the document is saved by
the user. The name is also given automatically to the document and it can be changed.
The document consists of the table for wished tendon geometry as well as of the plan
and elevation view of the tendon together with the bridge structure.
Multiple selection of the tendon points in the table of tendon geometry and also of
the tendons in the list enables deletion of several tendons points and tendons at once
and makes the definition and editing much faster.
We will additionally perform some other definitions related to tendon geometry.
In the Properties window on the right side of the screen there is a complete list of ad-
ditional tendon properties available. In this stage of the project we will define only few.
We will define Straight parts at the begin and at the end of tendons.
For the tendons from the groups “Phase1L” and “Phase1R” we will define 1 m long
straight part at both tendon ends. For the tendons of the other groups (“Phase2L”,
“Phase2R”, “Phase3L”, “Phase3R”) we will define a 1 m long straight part only at the
tendon end.
Getting Started Internal Prestressing tendons 61

Tip: Multi selection of all the tendons from one group or several tendons from differ-
ent groups is allowing a definition of properties for several tendons in one step which
makes the work much faster. Multi selection is done in an ordinary way by using the
left mouse button in the combination with Shift or Ctrl key.
Final tables for tendon geometry of first two groups are shown below:
Phase1L Phase1R

Pre-stressing of the tendons

The tendon stressing procedure is defined under the tabs Analysis/Tendon Stress-
After the first stress group is defined the user is getting two new windows which are
opening after the double click on the defined group. Those two windows, together
with the new task area Tendon Stressing under the task Analysis, are used for defi-
nition of tendon stressing procedure.
The picture below shows the final look of the windows when the definitions are com-

On the left side we can see the complete list of groups and tendons for which stress-
ing actions are defined. On the right side there is a table showing the defined stressing
actions and below is the diagram of the prestressing force distribution including
losses, which is automatically created after all definitions for tendon stressing are
62 Pre-stressing of the tendons Allplan Bridge 2021

Pre-stressing groups
We need to create two groups of tendons for prestressing of the bridge structure
following the span-by-span construction method.
A new stress group is created in the Tendon Stressing tab (vertical tab in the Project
Navigation Tree) by clicking with the right mouse button on the empty space and us-
ing the function New Stress Group. We will create two stress groups: “Phase1”,
“Phase2 and Phase3”.
The number and the content of the stressing groups is made in accordance with the
way of prestressing. Therefore, we will organize our existing tendons in the stressing
groups as following:
- In “Phase 1” we will prestress all the tendons from the tendon geometry
groups “Phase1L” and “Phase1R”.
- In “Phase 2 and Phase 3” we will prestress all the tendons from the groups
“Phase2L” and “Phase2R” and “Phase3L” and “Phase3R”.
In order to speed up the whole process, it is possible to use the drag and drop function
and drag and drop wished tendons or tendon groups from the Geometry/Tendons to
corresponding stressing groups under Analysis/Tendon Stressing.
As additional workflow, it is also possible to adjust the tabs in the Project navigation
tree differently by setting the Analysis tab to Floating. With the right mouse button
click the Analysis tab as shown below and set it from dockable to floating:

Organize Geometry and Analysis tabs like shown on the screenshot below and select
(using multi selection option) groups “Phase1L” and “Phase1R”. After that drag and
drop them to the stress group “Phase 1” on the right side.
Getting Started Internal Prestressing tendons 63

The stress group “Phase1” now contains all necessary tendons from both groups.
It is necessary to do the same for the stress group “Phase 2 and Phase 3” by drag and
dropping the rest of the groups from the left side to this stressing group.
The complete list of stress groups with all the tendons is shown above.
Now when we created the wished groups with tendons, we can continue with the
definitions related to the tendon stressing.
64 Pre-stressing of the tendons Allplan Bridge 2021

Tendon properties
The Properties window on the right side of the working area is open and we will define
additional parameters important for the tendons.
Before creating the tendon stressing procedure, it is necessary to define some addi-
tional parameters for the tendons. Since all the tendons, belonging to the same group,
have the same properties, we will select all the tendons from one group, by using the
multiple selection, and in that way define the same properties for all the tendons at
Properties of the tendons are described below:
- Description of the tendon (optional)
- Straight at Begin/Straight at End – the straight part of the tendon for the
begin and the end of the tendon can be defined here. After the recalculation,
program will automatically insert additional points in the tendon geometry
and add additional lines in the tables.
- Number of tendon points represents the amount of points defined in the
tendon geometry and it is not editable.
- Tendon number – explained below
- Tendon Length

- Material used for the prestressing tendons
- σpm0 – maximal allowable stress (stress limit) according to the prestressing steel
properties (0,75*1860 N/mm2 = 1395 N/mm2)
- Duct diameter – taken from the prestressing catalogue
- Number of strands – taken from the prestressing catalogue
- Strand area – the area of one prestressing strand
- Total steel area – automatically calculated by multiplying the number of
strands with the area of one strand
Losses of prestressing
- Friction µ - friction coefficient between the steel and the duct
- Deviation definition – type of considering unintentional deflection
- Unintentional deviation kEC - unintentional deflection angle (Eurocode)
- Wobble factor kWobble – Wobble factor (American standard)
- Anchor at Begin and Anchor at End - the name of the Smart Symbol cre-
ated in Allplan under Library/Project/Current Project/Contents. This smart
symbol will then, after import to Allplan, be automatically placed at the begin
and/or the end of the corresponding tendon.
- Value – minimal radius along the tendon
- Position – location of minimal radius along the tendon
Assignment of material to some tendon is done in the field Material by using the
drop-down menu and assigning the wished material from the existing project library.
Getting Started Internal Prestressing tendons 65

In order to make this possible we need to add the missing material to the project li-
brary. Go to the tab Analysis and under the tab Materials, using the context menu of
the existing Standard - EN, define the necessary New Material for prestressing steel
as defined below:

Furthermore, we will define Tendon numbering.

Only the tendons which are enumerated will be included in the analytical model
and exported to the analysis software with the rest of the bridge structure.
It is also important to enumerate the tendons for which we want to calculate the
prestressing losses and to get the prestressing force distribution diagram.
The option Auto-Numeration (positioned in the group of tasks for Calculation, under
the task area Analysis) is allowing user to get the complete numbering of the model
automatically. Activating this option includes automatic numbering of the structural
members, structural connections and also the tendons.

This option will be more explained later in the Chapter “Analytical Bridge Model”.
In this part we will define the numbering of the tendons manually.
The separate tendons can be enumerated in the Properties window in the field Ten-
don number.
It is also possible to enumerate all the tendons from the same group in one step. This
can be done in the tab Geometry under the tab Tendons in the list of defined groups
and tendons for geometry.
With the right mouse click on the wished tendon group choose the option Enumerate
Tendons. It is necessary to enter the number only for the first tendon from the group
and all other tendons will be enumerated subsequently:
66 Pre-stressing of the tendons Allplan Bridge 2021

Numbering of the tendons is done in the following way:

Group “Phase1L”: 101-106; Group “Phase1R”: 201-206
Group “Phase2L”: 301-308; Group “Phase2R”: 401-408
Group “Phase3L”: 501-506; Group “Phase3R”: 601-606

In the table below, we can see all other definitions which should be entered for the
tendons of the “Phase1”:

In the table below, we can see all the definitions which should be entered for the ten-
dons of the “Phase 2 and Phase 3”:
Getting Started Internal Prestressing tendons 67

Pre-stressing actions
The next step is the definition of the prestressing actions.
There are two levels of definitions. The first (higher) level is the level of definition re-
lated to the complete group. All definitions made here are also related to each tendon
which belongs to that group.
The second (lower) level is the level of definition related only to a specific tendon.
Here we can define some special details for prestressing related only to one tendon if
it differs in some way from the other tendons in the group.
Therefore, if we select the group, we will see one table in the right upper window and if
we select some tendon the table will be different.
The group of functions related to the prestressing definitions is positioned in the task
Analysis, in the task area Tendon Stressing. There are 3 functions here: Stress,
Wedge Slip and Release.
We will use them to stress the tendons such as specified in the project. Please note
that these functions are available only when the corresponding group is selected from
the pre-stressing view list on the left under the horizontal tab Analysis.
First, we will define the prestressing for the whole group of tendons in the Phase 1.
Select the Phase1 from the list and follow the steps explained below.
Choose the function Stress. The line for stressing is automatically created in the
table. The tendons of the “Phase 1” are stressed in the first construction stage and
they will be stressed from both sides, from the begin and the end of the tendons.
These options, Begin, End or Both, can be chosen from the drop-down menu in the
corresponding field Side in the table.
The stressing level of the tendons can be specified by force or by a factor. The factor
is related to the maximum allowable force/stress in the tendon defined for the re-
spective pre-stressing steel. We will choose here the factor 1 and stress the tendons
at the begin and end to the maximum force.
After that we will choose the action Wedge Slip and enter the value of 6 mm for
the wedge slip of the tendons at begin and end.
The necessary definitions for the “Phase1” are shown in the table below:

We will select now the first tendon from this group – “Tendon 1” and the table will ap-
pear with the same values taken over automatically from the group definitions:

Here we have the possibility to change some values in the table (factor, force value
and length) and all the changes will be accepted at the level of this tendon only.
68 Pre-stressing of the tendons Allplan Bridge 2021

As visible in the table, there is a value for the Force (KN), and this value is calculated
automatically when the factor is entered. Also, it is possible to directly enter the value
of the prestressing force, if this information is available. After that, the factor will be
automatically calculated.
In the same way all other tables with the prestressing actions are automatically cre-
ated for all the tendons in the “Phase 1” and the values are taken over from the defini-
tions made at the level of the group.
All remaining tendons from this group (Tendon 2 – Tendon 6 and Tendon 1 - Tendon 6)
have the same stressing conditions.
By using the same principle, we will define the prestressing actions for the remaining
group – “Phase 2 and 3”.
The only difference is that due to the construction conditions it is possible to pre-
stress this group only from the end side of the tendons. Therefore, the table of pre-
stressing actions for will look as shown below:

The table for the tendon prestressing in the group Phase 2 and 3 has the following

Tip: In order to enable the calculation of the prestressing losses and to get the force
distribution diagram, it is important that you turn on additional option Create analysis
model which is position inside of the Calculation task under task area Analysis.

Diagrams of the prestressing force

This diagram is automatically created for each tendon after the wished prestressing
action is entered to the table above.
The diagram consists of the two axes. Abscissa - showing the stations of the struc-
tural member where the tendon of the corresponding tendon is defined and Ordinate
– showing the values of the prestressing force in KN.
By clicking anywhere on the force diagram the properties table opens on the right
side. There the user can influence the diagram preview in regard to the limits of the
force. Minimum and maximum values which should be shown on the force diagram
can be easily entered in order to change the look of the diagram.
Getting Started Construction 69

The force diagram can be adjusted and exported as picture by using additional icons
available above the diagram in the top right corner marked below:

It is possible to get the report of the tendon force diagram for each separate tendon
by opening the function Create PDF document in the context menu behind the
wished tendon name from the tendon pre-stressing list.
The preview of this document is being automatically opened after the document is
saved by the user. The name is also given automatically to the document and it can be

3. Construction
In Allplan Bridge it is possible to specify the construction process.
The construction plan is divided into several phases and further into individual tasks,
such as concrete hardening, tendon stressing, activation of self-weight etc.
Furthermore, it is possible to define different schedules (constructions) for the same
bridge structure. This allows us to analyse different schedule variants and, on this
way, to optimize the construction sequence.
Modification of the defined construction process can be easily performed at any time
during construction, to account for unforeseen happenings requiring deviations from
the original plan. All relevant impacts due to these deviations can be immediately
The definition of the construction process can be done under the horizontal tab Anal-
ysis in the project navigation tree where you can find several vertical tabs. For this
purpose, we will use the tab Constructions which is offering the tree with construc-
tion phases organized under the created schedules.
The main working area is divided into four separate windows:
- Table with the list of all tasks and load cases (loads) in one phase
- Gantt chart which corresponds to the tasks from the table
- Table with the list of all assemblies (construction parts) activated in one task
- 3D View for visualizing the active structure and for interactive activation of
the construction part (creation of the assemblies)
Those windows together represent the workflow for defining the construction.
The screenshot from the finished example is shown below, where all the available
windows are presented:
70 New Construction and New Phase Allplan Bridge 2021

In the action bar you can find the new tool Construction, which includes tasks
grouped under different logically organized task areas: Tasks with Assemblies,
Loads with Assemblies and Animation.
Task area Tasks consists of all available tasks for the definition of the tasks under a
certain construction phase. Some of the tasks are represented with the separate icon
and all available tasks can be found under the list of tasks .
Task area Assemblies consists of one task which is used for the creation of the as-
semblies – activation of necessary elements in one task.
Task area Loads consists of all available loads for the definition of the load case under
a certain construction phase. Some of the loads are represented with the separate
icon and all available loads can be found under the list of loads .
Task area Assemblies consists of one task which is used for the creation of the as-
semblies – selection of necessary elements on which the defined load is acting.
Task area Animation is used for the Gantt chart timeline recalculation and for simula-
tion of the complete construction schedule or just one construction phase (depends
on the selection in the tree on the left side).

New Construction and New Phase

In this example we will define one construction schedule with ten different construc-
tion phases. In the following description we will show the workflow for defining the
construction phases.
Under Analysis/Construction the new empty tree is available for all definitions.
With the right mouse click we define the New Construction with the name “Sched-
ule1” and under it we will create several New Phases:
1. “ConsStg1- Piers” – where both Piers are fabricated.
2. “ConsStg2-Span1” – where the first span of the main girder is fabricated, and
the tendons are stressed.
3. “ConsStg3-Span2” – where the second span of the main girder is fabricated,
and the tendons are stressed.
4. “ConsStg4-Span3” – where the third span of the main girder is fabricated,
and the tendons are stressed.
Getting Started Construction 71

The additional stages from the example will be explained in the chapter 4. Analytical
Bridge model.
For a faster definition some additional functions are available on the right mouse click:
Copy the complete Construction with all the phases included and Copy Phase, Delete
Phase and Move the Phase Up or Down.

Tasks and Assemblies

The Tasks define the individual steps of the construction process or a construction
phase. A task can have different user defined parameters.

The begin of a task can be defined as Start Date or Start Day. The start day can be
defined as Global day (from begin of the first phase) or relative to the phase begin -
The next time attribute to be defined is the Duration of the task. With this definition
the chronological shift of phases and/or tasks is easier, and the user has full control on
how this affects previous and subsequent definitions.
In addition, this definition automatically allows the consideration of time dependent
structural behavior, such as creep and shrinkage in the time intervals between the in-
dividual tasks or accounting for residual stresses due to phase-wise construction.
All the parameters of the tasks can be edited by the user directly in the table or in the
properties window.
The related structural components are interactively assigned to these tasks and this
assignment connects the time attributes to the structure.
With the definition of Assemblies, we are grouping together structural components,
e.g. structural members or sections of the structural members or prestressing ten-
dons are grouped together.
In the following explanation you will learn how to define different tasks and assem-
blies for several construction phases.
72 Tasks and Assemblies Allplan Bridge 2021

First construction phase

In the first construction stage both piers will be constructed. To model this process,
we need to activate both pier structural members “Pier1” and “Pier2”.
The complete list of tasks for the first construction phase is shown below:

For activating the piers, we will define the task CONCRETE which includes the
pouring of the concrete as well as the hardening period. There are also two tasks
available for POUR and HARDEN , but in this example we will not use them sepa-
More detailed description of the task CONCRETE and the complete process which
is being performed in the background can be found in the chapter 4. Analytical Bridge
Model under the First construction phase.
For the first stage “ConsStg1-Piers” we will select the task CONCRETE from the ac-
tion bar. This task will appear in the top table, in the list of all tasks of one phase.
We will additionally define the Duration and Start Day for the task CONCRETE and for
all other defined tasks in each phase. The Duration and the Start Day of each task is
shown in the offered screenshots with the list of the tasks per Phase.
Duration and the Start Day can be defined directly in the table with the tasks on the
left side but also in the Properties window on the right side, after the wished task is
selected in the table. In the Properties the user can also set other offered options.
Next step is the creation of assemblies for this task. This means that we need to se-
lect structural elements which will be activated in this task.
From the action bar we need to choose the function Assemblies and then to select
the wished structural member interactively in the 3D window:

In order to select the structural member(s) (in this case the piers) in the 3D window,
we can use several available approaches:
Single selection of one pier by clicking each pier separately with the left mouse click. If
you want to choose the complete structural member it is necessary to click Enter af-
ter the pier is selected – highlighted. The action will otherwise stay active and the
program will ask you to continue with the selection of the wished stations.
Getting Started Construction 73

Multiple selection of both piers in several possible ways:

• Choose the function Assemblies, click the right mouse button and the sign ∑
(summa) for multiple members selection will appear. After that you can click
on the first pier and second pier and close the action with the right mouse
click again. In this way we have chosen two elements in one step.
• Selection box 1: Hold the Shift button and with the left mouse button draw the
rectangle from the left (1) to the right (2). This rectangle has transparent blue
colour. With this selection only the elements which are entirely inside of the
rectangle are selected.

• Selection box 2: Hold the Shift button and with the left mouse button drag the
rectangle from the right (1) to the left (2). This rectangle has transparent
green colour. With this selection all the elements which are intersected by or
inside of the rectangle are selected.

• Hold the Control button and with the left mouse button select the necessary
elements (the sign ∑ (summa) for multiple members selection will appear).
After the selection is finished, choose the function Assemblies to finalize the
assembly creation.
There is also an additional possibility of creating the assembly and assigning the
wished structural member to some task. This is the drag and drop option. When some
task is created in the top table it is possible to select the necessary part of the struc-
ture from the project navigation tree (the wished structural member or a structural
connection or also a tendon from the Tendons geometry or from Analysis/Tendons
Stressing) and drag and drop it to the bottom table for the assemblies.
74 Tasks and Assemblies Allplan Bridge 2021

The complete list of created assemblies for the task CONCRETE in the first con-
struction phase is shown below:

After the proper selection and the creation of all the tasks and assemblies of the first
phase both piers are highlighted in the 3D window as shown below:

Second construction phase

In the second construction phase the main girder part in the first span will be con-
structed together with stressing of tendons in this phase. To obtain this we need to
activate the main girder structural member from the station 0 to 55 together. Addi-
tionally, we will stress the tendons of the first tendon group from the left and right
The complete list of tasks for the second construction phase is shown below:

For activating the first part of the main girder, we will use the task CONCRETE .
For the second stage “ConsStg2-Span1” we select the task CONCRETE from the ac-
tion bar. This task appears in the top table in the list of all tasks from one phase.
The next step is the creation of the assemblies for this task. This means that we need
to select the structural elements which will be activated in this task.
From the action bar we first need to choose the function Assemblies and then to
select the structural member in the 3D window.
In order to select the specific part of the main girder we need to click with the left
mouse button on the girder and then to choose the first (0 m) and the second station
(55 m).

Assemblies for the task CONCRETE in the second construction phase is shown be-
Getting Started Construction 75

The next task in this phase is TENSION which summarizes the following separate
tasks, which could also be defined individually:
INSTDUCT (Install ducts), INSTTEND (install tendons), TSTRESS (Stress
tendons) and TGROUT (Grout ducts).

These tasks are applied for the part of the main girder in the first span.
Choose the function Assemblies from the action bar and use the drag and drop
option to assign the tendons of the first phase in the left and right web to this task.
As another possible option for selecting the necessary tendons go to Geome-
try/Tendons and drag and drop “Phase1L” and “Phase1R” to the bottom table of
The list of the assemblies for the task TENSION consists in this case of tendon
groups and it looks like shown below:

The second option for selection is a graphical one, by using the selection box 1.
In order to filter elements for the selection in 3D we will use the filter located at the
top right corner of the 3D view. In the list of the elements, which can be filtered, we
unselect all elements and keep only Tendons:

When the necessary filter is active, we can use the selection box 1 (Shift + left mouse
click) and select the tendons from the first span of the main girder as shown below:
76 Tasks and Assemblies Allplan Bridge 2021

The list of assemblies for the task TENSION consists, in the case of this selection
procedure, of individual tendons belonging to “Phase1L” and “Phase1R”. It looks like
shown below:

After the proper selection and the creation of all the tasks and assemblies of the sec-
ond phase, the part of the main girder and the prestressing tendons are highlighted in
the 3D window as shown below:

Tip: There are many possible ways and combinations for selection of the structural
members and creation of the assemblies. The usage of the drag and drop function is
also possible, as we have seen. Each user should adjust the selection method to the
specific structure type and to the type of the member that he wants to select.
The definition of all the tasks and assemblies for the other construction phases should
be done accordingly. In the following part the tables of tasks and assemblies from the
third and the fourth stage are given.

Third construction phase

In the third construction phase we activate the second part of the main girder, related
to the second span and installing, stressing and grouting the tendons of “Phase2L”
and “Phase2R”.
List of tasks for the third construction phase:
Getting Started Construction 77

Assemblies for the CONCRETE task:

Assemblies for the TENSION task:

Fourth construction phase

In the fourth construction phase we activate the last part of the main girder, related to
the third span; install, stress and grout the tendons of “Phase3L” and “Phase3R” with
the task TENSION .
List of tasks for the fourth construction phase:

Assemblies for the CONCRETE task:

Assemblies for the TENSION task:

Gantt chart
With the Gantt chart it is possible to illustrate a complete project construction sched-
The different tasks are presented in the chart with black squares or with blue bars
which have the length equivalent to the duration of the task.
When you select some date in the chart you will get the information about the con-
struction day and the structural parts, which are active on that day, will be highlighted
in the 3D model. If you additionally select the option Show history from the properties
window, then you will be able to see which elements have been constructed before
the selected day.
It is possible to move tasks directly in the chart and to extend them by dragging (to
change the duration of the task).
All three places available for the input of the task parameters - table, properties win-
dow and Gantt chart, are consistent and equivalent.
78 Gantt chart Allplan Bridge 2021

Gantt chart animation

The functions grouped under the task group Animation allow you to render the Gantt
chart, created in accordance with the defined construction phases, as an animation
based on the geometric model in the 3D window.
To start the animation of the complete schedule or of one phase select first the
wished start day in the Gantt chart (which becomes highlighted in blue) and then start
the animation by pressing the Play button.
It is also possible to Pause the animation at any time, to Stop it and to adjust the
speed of animation by setting the amount of days per second. This can be adjusted
also during the animation, while it is already running. The animation will be shown in the
3D window below.
During the animation, the structure can also be freely rotated and manipulated.

The button for recalculation of timeline is used for updating the timeline in the case of
changes in the task parameters or after adding new assemblies to any task.
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 79

4. Analytical Bridge Model

The model definition shown in the previous chapter was purely geometrical. This
means that the given specifications are not enough for performing any kind of static
analysis of the bridge. Further definitions are required to create a complete analytical
• Beam elements definition.
• Material definition.
• Groups definition.
• Additional definitions in the cross sections necessary for the further steps.
• Structural connections definition: Abutments, Soils supports and Rigid con-
• Property sets definition for main girder and pier cross sections.
• Export of the Allplan Bridge model to an appropriate analysis tool.

During the work, the active Allplan Bridge project is automatically regularly saved in
the database. In order to save a wished state of the project it is possible to Save the
current project as TCL file by using the icon in the title bar. In this manner the pro-
ject is saved as Allplan Bridge TCL.
The program also allows the opposite functionality where we can Initialize the project
database and import a specified TCL file by using the icon from the title bar. With
this function we import an Allplan bridge TCL which overwrites the complete existing
database of the active project.
After the import of the file, it is necessary to generate the detailed internal model data
of the project by using the tool for recalculation in the title bar or the tool located
in the task for Calculation. In this phase of the project, when we start with definitions
for the analytical model of the bridge, it is very important to activate the option –
Create structural model - available in the Calculation task. This option enables saving
all necessary definitions relevant for the definition of the analytical model.
With the right mouse click on the wished structural member in the project navigation
tree it is possible to open the additional submenus for Beam Elements, Material and
80 Beam elements Allplan Bridge 2021

Beam elements
In this menu we assign element and node numbers to the subdivided elements of the
girder or the pier member. The table of beam elements is designed in the same way
than the other, already described, tables for Stationing, Cross sections and Variation:
- Global Station Begin / End shows the list of global start and end stations of
the girder elements as a result of the subdivision made in the Stationing table.
- Structural unit 1, Structural unit 2, ... represent the list of all structural units
defined in the cross-section.
- Beam / Start Node/ End Node enables definition of the number of the beam
element and the numbers of its structural nodes at begin and end of the ele-
The option Auto-Numbering is allowing user to get the complete numbering of the
model automatically. Activating this option includes automatic numbering of the
structural members, structural connections and tendons.
This option is positioned in the group of tasks for Calculation, under the task area

Of course, it is possible to define and edit the numbering manually.

Manual numbering of the girder beam elements is done in the following manner:
The number 101 will be assigned to the first element of the girder, which starts at the
station 0. This element starts at the node 101 and ends at the node 102.
The number 102 will be assigned to the second element of the girder, which starts at
the station 5.0 m. This element starts at the node 102 and ends at the node 103.
The main girder consists of 135 elements and 136 nodes. All the other elements should
be numbered accordingly, and a part of the table is shown below:

The unit loads defined previously as a bridge equipment are not considered as a Beam
element and does not represent the part of the Analysis model. Therefore, those
units are not shown in the table above since they don’t need to be numbered.
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 81

Tip: It is enough to number the two fields in the first row of the element table (Beam:
101; Node 1: 101), to mark those two fields and to choose an option Serially number
subsequent elements/nodes with the right mouse click. All subsequent nodes and
elements (together with the Node 2:102) will be numbered automatically.

The manual numbering of the beam elements of the piers is done in the same man-
ner than for the girder.
The number 1201 will be assigned to the first element of the “Pier1”, which starts at
the station -20. This element starts at the node 1201 and ends at the node 1202.
The number 1202 will be assigned to the second element of the “Pier1”, which starts at
the station -15. This element starts at the node 1202 and ends at the node 1203.
“Pier1” consists of 4 elements and 5 nodes. All the other elements should be num-
bered accordingly, and the corresponding table for the “Pier1” is shown below:

The number 1301 will be assigned to the first element of “Pier2”, which starts at the
station -20. This element starts at the node 1301 and ends at the node 1302.
The number 1302 will be assigned to the second element of “Pier2”, which starts at
the station -15. This element starts at the node 1202 and ends at the node 1303.
“Pier2” also consists of 4 elements and 5 nodes. All the other elements should be
numbered accordingly, and the corresponding table for the “Pier2” is shown below:
82 Material Allplan Bridge 2021

Under Analysis/Materials we will define one additional material which will be used for
the definition of the Property Sets for reinforcement.
Under the existing material standard EN the user can define New Material with the
name “St500(A)” like shown on the screenshot below:

After that, the material values are displayed in the Properties window on the right
side, where they can be entered by the user like shown below:

Material assignment
It is important to assign the wished material type to the unit type load (previously de-
fined as a part of the geometrical model), but only if this equipment parts (barrier,
sidewalk and roadway) will be used for the load definition. Those unit loads (Unit 2 to
Unit 6) represent the additional dead load on the bridge.
In the table Material we assign the defined materials to all units type load. This table is
located behind the context menu (right mouse click) of each structural member.
Concrete class C_35/45 will be assigned to all equipment parts:

In the table with the List of Property Sets under the task Cross Section and task
area Property-Sets we can assign the respective materials to all defined Property
Sets for reinforcement.
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 83

This definition is done by clicking with the right mouse button on the respective cell
and assigning the wished material to the selection, like shown on the screenshot be-

Through group names it is possible to define the series of beam elements and address
this series as a separate group of a structural member (e.g. for load definition, result
representation, etc.).
Here we assign a group name to the beam elements in the same manner than done in
all the previous tables.
Column Group allows the definition of the group name assigned to the beam element.
We will assign the group name “MG” to all beam elements of the main girder:

We assign the group name “Pier1” to all beam elements of the first pier:

We assign the group name “Pier2” to all beam elements of the second girder:

It is enough to assign the group name to the first field and then to choose with the
right mouse click the option Apply Group to subsequent stations. The program will
automatically assign the same group name to all other stations.
84 Structural Connections Allplan Bridge 2021

Structural Connections
Structural connections are arranged between the individual structural members or
between the structural members and the soil. They are only necessary for modelling
the calculation model.
Four types of connections are available for defining the static connections of the
structural members:
• Abutment
• Soil Support
• Bearing
• Rigid connection

The context menu (right mouse button on the menu Structural connections) can be
used to create the corresponding new entries.
In this example we define the following structural connections:
• Two abutments (“Abut1” and “Abut2) – at the begin and the end of the bridge
• Two soil supports (“Pier1-0” and “Pier2-0”) – connecting the piers to the
• Two rigid connections – connecting the piers to the main girder.

The process of defining the connections above will be described in details in the chap-
ter which follows.
The complete workflow of interactive definition of different structural connections is
described step-by-step in the Online Help. Please refer to this document to follow the
exact procedure.

Additional definitions for the girder and pier cross-sections

In order to properly create all further definitions for structural connections and later
for property sets of the reinforcement we will define two additional variables for the
main girder with the following definitions:
Type Length Length

Name webwidth_half bthickness_half

Description Half of the web width Half of the bottom plate thickness

Value 0.3 0.15

We create two new variables of the type Length using the submenu Variables in the
main girder cross section in the Project navigation tree.
In the cross section of the main girder “MG-Box” we create one additional paramet-
ric line in the middle of the bottom plate with the offset of 0.15 m from the bottom line
of the cross section, as shown on the screenshot below.
After that, we assign two new variables to the parametric lines of the main girder
cross section, as shown on the screenshot below.
Additionally, we define reference points in the cross sections of the main girder and
piers. With these points we define the geometric position of the structural
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 85

connections for the calculation model. From the task group Reference points in the
cross-section task we choose the tool for reference point creation .
We select the parametric line intersection or parametric point to position the refer-
ence point. Additionally, we create three reference points for the right (“RP-R”) and
the left (“RP-L”) spring position at the bottom of the main girder section, and one ref-
erence point (“RP-P”) in the pier cross section for the position of the soil springs.
Both cross sections “MG-Box” and “Pier” with the final arrangement of the necessary
additional definitions are shown below:

No new table for Variation is necessary for two newly created variables of the cross
section “MG-Box”.
Instead of that it is enough to manually assign the variation names to all the stations
of the main girder in the table for Variation under Structural members/Girders/MG-
Box. The following expressions should be assigned to all the stations in this table:
webwidth($s)*0.5 - for half of the web width
bthickness($s)*0.5 - for half of the bottom slab thickness
86 Structural Connections Allplan Bridge 2021

In the Project navigation tree, we choose the option New Abutment under the con-
text menu of Structural Connections.
For this project we define two abutments, one at the bridge begin “Abut1” and one at
the bridge end “Abut2”.
Abutments consist of three elements - two elements forming the bearings on each
side of the main girder and one element in the middle representing the abutment.
In order to define the abutment properly, we must first define all necessary reference
points in the cross sections. As already done, we have defined three reference points
for the main girder: Left – RP-L; Right – RP-R and the centre point – RP-M.
After the abutment name has been created in the tree, the program automatically
switches to the 3D Model view and it is leading the user through interactive definition.
For this specific example, we choose the “RP-L” point as the first, “RP-R” as the sec-
ond and the middle point “RP-M” as the centre point of the abutment. For the first
two points it is also necessary to choose the corresponding cross section of the
structural unit.
After the creation of the abutment the complete Properties table with the additional
definitions is available in the 3D viewport on the right side of the screen. Choosing a
certain element in the project navigation tree, the corresponding table with the prop-
erties will open, and it is possible to edit/delete some entry at any moment.
The table with the definitions for numbering of Elements and Nodes of the first and
second abutment are shown in the screenshot below:

The abutment is formed by three springs. In the middle is the soil spring connecting
the structural node to the soil. Therefore, the middle spring (1100 and 1400) needs an
additional node (1100 and 1400) to be defined at the position of the center reference
point in order to get the correct soil spring between the node 1100 (1400) and the soil.
Left and right are classical springs and they connect the two structural nodes. Springs
1101 (1401) and 1102 (1402) are in this example automatically connected to the main
girder node at the top of the section on one side and to the middle node of the abut-
ment (1100 and 1400). If the user wants to have a different definition, then two addi-
tional node numbers for left and right spring must be defined.
Direction angles deviating from default are not defined in this example and will stay
zero. If required, it is possible to adjust the angle according to the actual needs. An ex-
planation for the different direction angles is shown below:
Alpha-plan αp -Angle in plan

Alpha-elevation αe -Angle in elevation

Phi-rot ϕr -Element rotation

The stiffness values of the elements can be adjusted via spring constants for each
direction / rotation in the properties table. Spring elements have 6 degrees of
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 87

freedom: three displacements (CNx, CVy and CVz) and three rotations (CMx, CMy
and CMz). These values of the spring stiffness are defined in the local coordinate sys-
tem of the spring.
The Allplan product has a right-hand system. Hence, the product Allplan Bridge is based
on a global and local right-hand system. Although Allplan defines Z as global height axis,
we use Y as global height because of engineer’s habit.
The coordinate system used in Allplan Bridge is shown in the sketches below:

Global coordinate system and the beam element with local coordinate system

If we look at the beam cross section, then we look in the axis direction.

Global coordinate system and the spring element with local coordinate system

The stiffness values for both abutment springs are defined as shown below:

Geometrical and structural positions are adjusted and taken over automatically after
the creation of the abutment. The same units, stations and connection points will be
taken over in the table as chosen interactively. Of course, in any moment, the user has
the freedom to change these values directly in the table.
The complete workflow of interactive definition of different structural connections is
also described step-by-step in the Online Help. Please refer to this document if you
have any troubles to follow the exact procedure.
88 Structural Connections Allplan Bridge 2021

Soil Supports
Before creating the soil supports it is important to specify the geometrical position of
the support by creating a respective reference point in the cross-section of the pier
(in this example this point will be defined in the center of the pier cross section with
the name “RP-P”).
We define two soil supports, one for each pier – “Pier1-0” and “Pier2-0”.
Soil supports are elements that connect structural parts to the soil, e.g. a pier to the
ground. The stiffness values of these elements can be adjusted by defining appropri-
ate spring constants for each translation/rotation direction in the properties table.
The table with the definitions for numbering of Elements and Nodes of both soils sup-
ports as well as the stiffness values are shown in the screenshot below:

Rigid connections
By defining the rigid connections, various structural components are rigidly con-
nected to each other.
In the context menu of the menu Structural Connections in the project navigation
tree it is possible to choose the function for a New Rigid Connection definition.
The definition of a rigid connection means that the DOF’s of the last node of the pier
member are eliminated in the equation system, and the last pier element is considered
as eccentrically connected to the corresponding node of the main girder element.
Rigid connections, with the names “Pier1” and “Pier2”, are defined for both piers.
After all connections have been created, it is possible to view the existing rigid con-
nections in the List of rigid connections which is also available in the context menu of
the menu Structural connections in the project navigation tree:
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 89

Property Sets Definition

For different possible analysis purposes like, for example, the reinforcement calcula-
tion, stress check or the temperature calculation, it is necessary to additionally define
certain objects, called property sets, directly in the cross sections of the main girder
and the pier.
In order to create all necessary definitions, we must use the Analysis task while
working in the cross-section window. As a first step, all property sets are defined and
then they are drawn in the cross section in the form of property set points or bounda-
ries, which depends on the type of the property set.
Property set types are defined according to their use. The following types are availa-
ble in Allplan Bridge:

• Stress-points – definition of points in the cross section, where normal

stresses should be calculated.
• Shear lag – Definitions for the effective width of the plate.
• Temperature – points for non-linear temperature gradient definition.
• Different types of reinforcement:
Reinforcement longitudinal – includes different types of longitudinal rein-
forcement (for bending, shear, torsion, crack width and robustness check).
Reinforcement torsion – definitions for the transverse reinforcement due
to torsion
Reinforcement shear – definitions for the transverse reinforcement due to
• Exposure zones – definitions for the exposure classes on cross section

A new property set of a certain type can be created with using the pull-down menu
and the function Create new Property Set on the left side of the task Analysis.

The List of Property Sets displays all created property sets and can be edited. The
same list can be opened in the context menu of the wished cross section.

In this example we create eight property sets for the main girder cross section. The
complete list of the main girder property sets is shown below:

As already mentioned, tables are editable. This means that you can edit some defini-
tion or delete some property set at any stage of the project.
90 Property Sets Definition Allplan Bridge 2021

The table for property sets consist of several fields:

Name of the property sets – defined by the user; Structural unit – cross-section unit
to which the property set is assigned; Type of the property set – defined by the user;
Material – for the time being it is possible to manually enter the values; Points –
shows the number of the points included in the property set (property set points or
boundary points).
After creation of the different property sets, we can start to draw Boundaries for
these sets in the cross-section window. All these objects are drawn in accordance
with specific rules.

Property Sets for the Main Girder

First, we define two property sets of the type Reinforcement longitudinal using the
pull-down menu of the function Create new Property Set :
Name Unit Type Material Points

“Long-Bott” 1 Reinf.long. EN:B 500B 2

“Long-Top” 1 Reinf.long. EN:B 500B 3

Via the second pull-down menu with the selection line, the created property sets can
be selected and activated, like shown below:

When the wished property set is active, the following step is choosing of the Unit
which will be assigned to this property set. In both cross sections we have only one
unit, so we choose Unit 1.
Now we draw the necessary Boundaries for longitudinal reinforcement in the top
and in the bottom slab of the main girder cross section. Both property set are high-
lighted with orange color and shown in the screenshot below:

When the wished property set is active, the drawing functions in the pull-down menu
can be used to draw the Boundaries for this property set.
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 91

For the longitudinal reinforcement “Long-Top” we will create one open boundary like
line, using the function Property Set Line/ Boundary . This boundary will be posi-
tioned approximately in the middle of the top slab with 5 cm from the left and right

Upper boundary is defined by using the parametric points which should be previously
created in the Cross-Section task using the tool Point :
P5 - from the top left corner of the cross section with offsets of 0.1 (Y) and -0.05 (Z).
P6 - from the point of changing the incl. direction with offsets of -0.15 (Y) and 0 (Z).
P7 - from the top right corner of the cross sect. with offsets of -0.1 (Y) and -0.05 (Z).

For the longitudinal reinforcement “Long-Bott” we create one open boundary, using
the function Property Set Line/ Boundary . This boundary will be positioned in the
middle of the bottom slab and it is going to the middle lines of both webs.
Tip: For the shear and torsion design and checks it is required to tick the checkboxes
Effective in shear and Effective in torsion, so the reinforcement area is considered in
the respective analysis.
Tip: For crack limitation analysis it is required to define the diameter of the reinforce-
ment bars and if needed its offset for first and last bar position for the property sets
of the type Reinforcement longitudinal. These parameters can be specified in the
Properties window on the right side of the working area.
Tip: User-defined reinforcement area can be defined as Reinforcement As in the
Properties window on the right side of the working area.
Tip: With the function Property set Line/Boundary it is also possible to add
boundary points to an already defined property set boundary.
One property set can have only one boundary assigned. Two property sets can
share one boundary.
After input, the respective Properties of the defined property sets have the following
92 Property Sets Definition Allplan Bridge 2021

In the next step, using the function Create new Property Set , we will define sev-
eral property-set points for the Stress-points and Temperature, as shown in the ta-
ble below:
Name Unit Type Material Points

“Stress-Check” 1 Stress- n.a. 2


“GradCool-Lin-Temp” 1 Temperature n.a. 2

“GradHeat-Lin-Temp 1 Temperature n.a. 2

When a wished property set is active in the pull-down menu the drawing functions
can be used to draw objects for the activated property set.

For stress evaluation we define a property set “Stress-Check” with 2 points at the
top and bottom of the cross-section. For point creation we use the function Insert
property set point . These points are highlighted with the blue color and named as
“SP1” and “SP2” in the table for Properties on the right side of the working area:

These two stress points will be used further for checking a linear normal stress in the
serviceability limit state, which is described in the chapter Design Checks.
The stress is evaluated in all vertexes of the cross section, but also in the specified
user defined stress points and the output is available for the max. and min. results.

For each temperature property set: “GradHeat-Lin-Temp” and “GradCool-Lin-

Temp” we will define 2 property set points at the bottom and at the top of the main
girder cross section using the function Property set point .
These points are highlighted with red color and named with TP1 and TP2:
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 93

The temperature values are defined directly in the property set points and they are
for defined as shown in the table below:

Property Set Temp. point Temperature


GradHeat-Lin-Temp T1 -6.2

GradHeat-Lin-Temp T2 0

GradCool-Lin-Temp T1 0

GradCool-Lin-Temp T2 5

These temperature property sets are representing the variable component of the
temperature load and they are being used in the definition of the temperature load.

The values given in the table above were calculated according to the Eurocode (EN
1991-1-5, Paragraph 6):
For road bridges of the type 3 with concrete superstructure hollow boxes, with the
thickness of the covering over 50 mm (Table 6.1) and with the correction factors for
the thickness of the covering of 120 mm (Table 6.2), the following values are obtained
for the temperature components:

ΔTM, cool = ΔTM, cool, 50mm · ksur, 120mm = -5 ° C · 1.0 = -5 ° C

ΔTM, heat = ΔTM, heat, 50mm · ksur, 120mm = 10 ° C · 0.62 = 6.2 ° C

These values should be set between the top and bottom of the bridge superstructure.
Therefore, we are positioning them at the top and bottom temperature points of the
corresponding property set.

Deletion and change of definitions are possible by using additional tools in the Analysis
task such as:
Clear boundary assignment to active Property Set - to clear dependency be-
tween boundary and some property set.
Assign boundary to active Property Set - to assign an already drawn boundary in
the cross-section action bar to an already defined property set.
Delete some property set point (or any other element of the section).

For the correct calculation of the reinforcement in webs it is necessary to define two
different property set types in the webs: Reinforcement shear (stores the results of
transverse reinforcement due to shear) and Reinforcement longitudinal.
In our example we must define four property sets – for two webs (right and left).
Separate property sets are defined for the different webs.
With the 2 points of boundary we define the inclination of the web and the thickness
along its depth. We must define all this information in order to calculate properly the
reinforcement in the web due to shear.
94 Property Sets Definition Allplan Bridge 2021

Using the function Create new Property Set , the following property sets will be
created for the webs like shown in the table below:
Name Unit Type Material Points

Shear-WebL 1 Reinf.shear web EN:B 500B 2

Shear-WebR 1 Reinf.shear web EN:B 500B 2

Long-WebL 1 Reinf.long. EN:B 500B 2

Long-WebR 1 Reinf.long. EN:B 500B 2

The same boundaries are used for 2 different property sets. Boundary in the left web
is used (assigned to) for property sets Shear-WebL and Long-WebL, and the
boundary in the right web is used for property sets Shear-WebR and Long-WebR.

Property-sets for the right and left web are defined with two open boundaries like a
line in the middle of each web as shown at the screen shot below:

After input, the respective Properties of the defined property sets have the following
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 95

The next type of the property set is made for the calculation of Torsional reinforce-
The following property set will be defined using the function Create new Property
Set :
Name Unit Type Material Points

Torsion 1 Reinf. torsion EN: B 500B 0

As we can see in the table above this property set does not have any points which be-
long to it. This means that we do not need to define any point or boundary additionally
and assign it to the corresponding property set. The relevant effective hollow box for
torsion assessment is automatically created using the cross-section data.
However, it is also possible to define this property set manually if the user wants to do
so or is not satisfied with the automatically created boundary.
After input, the respective Properties of the defined property sets have the following

When we have a more complex cross section (more complex hollow box, a slab with
openings etc.) it is recommended to define an open boundary for this property set in
the manner of geometrical definition of the perimeter line of the effective hollow box
96 Property Sets Definition Allplan Bridge 2021

cross section. The perimeter line should be placed along the center lines of the webs
and the slabs forming the effective hollow box.
Even though the perimeter line is not drawn manually in the cross section of this ex-
ample, it will be visible and shown in the cross section and in the 3D model window af-
ter the recalculation (marked in yellow):

The complete cross section of the main girder, with all the definitions necessary for
the analysis model, is shown below:

The last type of the property set is made for the calculation of SLS checks and it is
called Exposure zones.
The following property set will be defined using the function Create new Property
Set :
Name Unit Type Material Points

Zone1 1 Exposure zone n.a. 9

Zone2 1 Exposure zone n.a. 9

The whole Boundary 1 is used for definition of Zone1. This property set is used as a
default zone for all parts of outer boundary of the cross-section and we use Zone2 to
define specific exposure classes to bottom face of the section exposed to air.
Zone1 has XC3, XD1 and XF3 exposure classes defined.
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 97

Zone2 is defined also on Boundary1, using Property set range function from point 2
to 7. Exposure class XC4 is defined in this range of boundary as a difference to
previously defined Zone1.

Property Sets for the Pier

Using the pull-down menu of the function Create new Property Set on the left
side of the task Analysis we define four different property sets for Pier cross section
as shown in the table below:

In this manner we create property sets for reinforcement on each side and each di-
rection (Y and Z) in order to get individual results of the reinforcement.
For each property set we will define a separate open Boundary as a line in the middle
of the pier cross section walls – with the distance of 0.15 m from the pier edges. In or-
der to define them we need to create four additional parametric lines in the middle of
the pier webs.
98 Construction stage analysis Allplan Bridge 2021

A graphical overview of the defined boundaries and additional parametric lines for
property sets in the pier cross section is shown below and highlighted with the orange

Construction stage analysis

In the next chapters we will define additional tasks from the first four construction
phases which are important for the analytical model.
The user will also learn how to define different loads and assemblies organized into the
several additional construction phases, according to the different load types:
5. SDL - definition and calculation of superimposed dead load
6. Settlement – definition and calculation of settlement load
7. Temperature - definition and calculation of temperature load
8. Wind - definition and calculation of wind load
9. Braking - definition and calculation of braking load
10. Superposition - calculation of defined envelopes for different load cases
For each defined construction schedule the user can define additional calculation op-
tions which are positioned in the task Calculation. Here he can influence the calcula-
tion and decide what part of the calculation should be performed. It is possible to cal-
culate only geometrical model with timeline, but also additionally to create structural
model and perform structural analysis.
In the Calculation options window, it is possible to switch between Calculation ON or
OFF for each defined schedule. This allows user to exclude some specific schedules
(construction variants) from the calculation, if several schedules have been defined in
the project. The Calculation options can be opened by using the small arrow (high-
lighted in the screenshot below) in the bottom right corner of the Analysis task area.
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 99

Loads and Assemblies

The Loads task area represent the area where the user can define a load case under
which the different type of loads can be defined and calculated.

With the definition of Assemblies, we are defining the structural components, e.g.
structural members or sections of the structural members on which the defined load
case is acting.
Allplan Bridge analyses previously defined construction schedule and assembles all
necessary calculation definitions, like load cases, element activation and calculation
actions, in an automated process. This includes input data for calculating nonlinear
time effects, creep, shrinkage and relaxation.
All the generated items are listed in “logging” window, at the bottom of the screen,
and with that complete transparency is granted. In the list it is possible to see what
exactly was generated.
The user always keeps full control by adjusting specific tasks in the construction
schedule or by deactivating the auto-generation and defining load cases and calcula-
tion actions manually.
For each defined construction schedule the user can define additional calculation op-
tions which are positioned in the task Calculation.
The Calculation options can be opened by using the small arrow in the bottom right
corner of the Analysis task area as shown below:
100 Construction stage analysis Allplan Bridge 2021

The option Autogenerate calculation tasks is offering the possibility of selection

whether the calculation tasks of the respective type linked with the defined tasks
should be generated automatically. Based on generated calculation tasks the ob-
tained results are saved in load cases. The loads of different types will be added auto-
matically to the respective summation load cases, which can be defined by using the
Calculation options window.

Separate check boxes for different permanent loads (self-weight, superimposed

dead loads, pre-stress/post-tension, creep and shrinkage) are allowing us to select
the load cases which should be considered during structural analysis.
It is also possible to define the names for the load cases which should be generated.
The full name of the generated load case will consist of this user defined name and
the time of its definition/calculation according to the Construction sequence.
In the same way, the user can define the names for the summation load cases, in
which all loads of the respective type will be summated after the calculation.
After all the supports in the structural model have been defined, the user is able to ac-
tivate them in the corresponding phases. Below are described additional definitions
for already created first four construction phases.
For all additional information and more explanations about the calculation options
please use our Online Help. Help is available directly in the program by clicking the F1
button or you can use the icon in the upper right corner of the title bar in order to
open the Help.
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 101

First construction phase

In the first construction stage both piers are constructed. Additionally, we will activate
each soil support of the piers “Pier1-0” and “Pier2-0”, which have been previously de-
The complete list of tasks for the first construction phase is shown below:

For activating the soil supports of both piers, we use the task INSTSUPP .
In this task we create assemblies which consist of both soil supports.
The easiest way is to use multiple selection in the 3D window with the selection box 1
(holding the Shift button and drawing the rectangle from left to right) to select the
bottom part of the piers where soil supports are positioned:

The second possibility is to go to the Geometry/Structure and drag and drop the
wished structural connection (soil springs “Pier1-0” and “Pier2-0”) to the bottom ta-
ble for assemblies.
After the proper selection of all assemblies, the list of assemblies in the INSTSUPP
task for the first construction phase looks like this:

Task CONCRETE is represented in the background by the calculation task IN-

STCONC – Install concrete which will perform the activation of structural elements.
If the option Autogenerate calculation tasks is activated in the Calculation/Analysis
two additional tasks will be automatically calculated in the background:
LCSELF – Load case self-weight – calculation of the self-weight
LCCREEP – Load case creep – calculation of the creep and shrinkage
In this case the action for calculation of the nonlinear time effects (Creep and Shrink-
age) is automatically generated when concrete elements become active. The time for
which the effects need to be calculated is retrieved from the subsequent tasks (when
the next structural change happens). Certain additional data is automatically retrieved
from the assigned material and other are defined by the user.
The user can define Relative Humidity and the Temperature by using the Properties
of the wished construction phase. Additionally, in the task CONCRETE (and HARDEN)
the user is able to define an Argument Dshrink, which represents the time of the be-
ginning of the shrinkage.
102 Construction stage analysis Allplan Bridge 2021

For the better understanding of the task CONCRETE below are schematically ex-
plained Time Definition and the Argument Dshrink available in the Properties window
of this task:

The process of the creep is showed graphically together with the CONCRETE task in
the timeline:

Additionally, it is possible to exclude some of the mentioned tasks inside of the task
CONCRETE , for example LCSELF or LCCREEP, by excluding those from the Calcu-
lation options using the check boxes: Self weight and/or Creep & shrinkage.
Several options are, therefore, possible. To activate structural elements only, or to
additionally calculate self-weight with or without the calculation of the creep and
Additionally, the design code for the creep and shrinkage calculation should be set.

In this example the Eurocode – “EN” standard should be chosen from the dropdown
menu under the Options -> Settings -> Standard, like shown in the screenshot below:
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 103

Second construction phase

In the second construction phase the main girder part in the first span is constructed
together with stressing of tendons in this phase. Additionally, we will activate the
supports of the first abutment “Abut1”.
The complete list of tasks for the second construction phase is shown below:

If the option Autogenerate calculation tasks is activated in the Calculation/Analysis

and the check box Pre-stress/post-tension is switched on, then the following calcu-
lation tasks will be automatically calculated in the background:
TSTRESS – Tendon stress – calculation of the prestressing
LCSTRESS – Load case stress – calculation of the prestressing load case
TGROUT – Tendon grout – establishment of the connection between the tendons
and cross-sections.

For activating the first abutment “Abut1”, we will use the task INSTSUPP and cre-
ate the assembly for it. We choose the function Assemblies from the action bar and
select the area where the first abutment is positioned by using the selection box 1
(blue rectangle):

The second possibility is to go to Geometry/Structure and drag and drop the wished
structural connection (“Abut1”) to the bottom table of the Analysis/Construction
where the defined assemblies of one task are listed.
After the proper selection of all assemblies, the list of assemblies in the INSTSUPP
task for the second construction phase looks like this:
104 Construction stage analysis Allplan Bridge 2021

The definition of additional tasks and assemblies for other construction phases should
be done accordingly and they are shown below.

Third construction phase

There are no additional definitions necessary for this construction phase.

Fourth construction phase

In the fourth construction phase the last part of the main girder is constructed. Addi-
tionally, we will activate the supports of the second abutment “Abut2”.
List of tasks for the fourth construction phase:

Assemblies for the INSTSUPP task:

SDL loads
In this construction phase we will define the additional dead loads – superimposed
dead loads which are acting on the bridge structure and are coming from the bridge
To define those loads the New Phase will be established in the tree of the Schedule 1
with the name “SDL”.

The complete list of load cases for this construction phase is shown below:
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 105

In the following explanation you will learn how to define a load case and the load of the
wished type.
We will define one load case by using the icon LOADCASE:Loadcase positioned in
the task Construction under the task area Construction Loads.

In the load case Properties window on the right side it is possible to enter the follow-
ing Arguments:
lc – Load case name – in this example we will name it “SDL” (without defining the load
case name the errors in the calculation process will appear and this load case will not
be calculated).
SDL switch button, with which we can decide if this load case is being added up to the
summation load case for SDL loads, SDL-SUM.
It is also possible to enter the additional explanation for some load case/load type by
entering the wished description in the field Text.
After the load case is defined, we will define several loads inside of it.
It is possible to define the load by using the context menu of the load case:

It is also possible to define the load by using the wished task from the Action bar, in
this case LOADQY:Vertical line load .
We will create five new vertical line loads under the existing load case, one for each
part of the bridge equipment previously defined in the cross section of the main
The vertical line load can be defined with the exact value q in KN/m or by entering the
unit number of the unit loads under the Argument uload.
106 Construction stage analysis Allplan Bridge 2021

If we use the option uload, the software will automatically take the cross-section area
and multiply it with the Specific weight (Gamma) taken from the material previously
assigned to this Unit. Here we need to additionally write the number of the wished
structural unit in the field uload.
The resulting force will be acting in the centre of gravity of the respective unit load
and it represent the vertical line load in KN/m which will be considered for the calcula-
On the following pictures you will see the schematic presentation of all the unit loads
and the necessary definitions for each load:

Right sidewalk
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 107

Right barrier
108 Construction stage analysis Allplan Bridge 2021

Left sidewalk

Left barrier
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 109

Next step is the creation of assemblies for this task. This means that we need to se-
lect structural elements on which the defined loads are acting.
From the action bar we need to choose one of the two offered functions for Assem-
blies or and then to select the wished structural member interactively in the 3D
window for each selected load from the list.

All the SDL loads are acting on the main girder so we will choose this structural mem-
ber in 3D window. After the proper definition, the table for assemblies will look the
same for each of five defined SDL loads:

For all additional information and more explanations about different calculation tasks
and load cases please use our Online Help. Help is available directly in the program by
clicking the F1 button or you can use the icon in the upper right corner of the title
bar in order to open the Help.

Additional loads
Settlement load
In this construction phase we will define the settlement load.
To define this load the New Phase will be established in the tree of the Schedule 1
with the name “Settlement”.
The complete list of load cases for this construction phase is shown below:

In the following explanation you will learn how to define the load of this type.
Settlement load is applied as a fictional force in the spring, that would cause the de-
fined displacement in the spring alone.
For this example, we will define four different load cases – one for spring of the bridge
structure and under those load cases four loads type settlement.
110 Additional loads Allplan Bridge 2021

Define the first load case for the soil spring of the first abutment by using the icon
LOADCASE:Loadcase positioned in the task Construction under the task area

The name of this load case can also be defined in the Properties window under the
Arguments: lc “Settle-A1”. Settlement loads do not belong to the SDL loads and
therefore we will not check this box on.
Under this load case we will define the new load type LOADSETTLE:Settlement by
using the context menu of the load case or by using the corresponding task posi-
tioned in the Action bar - LOADSETTLE:Settlement .
In the properties window of the load we can also define the load Arguments and the
description (text) as shown below:

In this example we will define the settlement load as a displacement in local X direc-
tion. It is possible to define displacements in all three global directions (dx, dy and dz)
and to define those values also in the local coordinate system, if the check box local
is switched on. The graphical preview of the settlement load defined in the local X di-
rection is shown below.
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 111

The settlement defined in this way corresponds to the one defined in the example:

For this load we need to define the assembly and in this case the assembly is pre-
sented with a wished spring which is loaded with the fictional force.
The assembly for the first load is the structural connection Abut1, so the list of as-
semblies has the following look:

According to the above explained procedure we will define all the rest three load
cases (Argument/lc: Settle-A2; Settle-A3 and Settle-A4) with the settlement
loads defined as a displacement in the local X direction (dx= -0.01 m) and with the as-
semblies defined in the structural connections respectively (Pier1-0; Pier2-0 and

Temperature load
In this construction phase we will define the temperature load.
To define this load the New Phase will be established in the tree of the Schedule 1
with the name “Temperature”.
The complete list of load cases for this construction phase is shown below:

In the following explanation you will learn how to define the load of this type.
112 Additional loads Allplan Bridge 2021

Temperature load can be applied on the structure as a constant component - con-

stant temperature difference on the loaded element (dT) and as a variable component
- temperature distribution on the loaded element (T)-defined in temperature points of
the corresponding property set in the cross-section.
For this example, we will define four different load cases – two for the first tempera-
ture load type and another two for the second temperature load type.

Constant temperature difference

We will define first two load cases for the constant temperature difference by using
the icon LOADCASE:Loadcase positioned in the task Construction under the
task area Loads.

The name of those load cases can also be defined in the Properties window under the
Arguments: lc “Unif-temp-pos” and “Unif-temp-neg”. Temperature loads do not
belong to the SDL loads and therefore we will not check this box on.
Under this both load cases we will define the new load type LOADTEMP:Temperature
load by using the context menu of the load case or by using the corresponding task
positioned in the Action bar – LOADTEMP:Temperature load .
In the properties window of these loads we can also define the load Arguments and
the corresponding description (text):
Text: “Unif-temp-pos”; Arguments: dT=27 °C
Text: “Unif-temp-neg”; Arguments: dT=- 27 °C
The above defined values for the constant temperature difference were calculated
according to the Eurocode (EN 1991-1-5, Paragraph 6):
Minimum and maximum outside air temperature for the geographical position of the
bridge structure:
Tmin = -24 ° C and Tmax = + 37 ° C (assumption)
The resulting minimum and maximum constant temperature ratio (, Figure 6.1):
Te, min = -17 ° C and Te, max = + 37 ° C (Type 3: concrete structures, box girder)
Set-up temperature: T0 = 10 ° C (Annex A1 (3))

Maximum negative and positive difference of the constant temperature component

is finally (
ΔTN, con = Te, min - T0 = -17-10 = -27 ° C
ΔTN, exp = Te, max - T0 = +37 - 10 = 27 ° C
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 113

Additionally, this part of the temperature load is shown graphically in the picture be-

As the picture is showing this temperature load is acting constantly over the com-
plete cross section area.
For this load we need to define the assembly and in this case the assembly is pre-
sented with a complete structural member of the main girder.
The assemblies for the first two load cases have the following look:

Variable temperature component

For the temperature difference between the top and the bottom edge of the main
girder cross-section two additional load cases will be defined by using the icon LOAD-
CASE:Loadcase positioned in the task Construction under the task area Loads.

The name of those load cases can be also defined in the Properties window under the
Arguments: lc “GradHeat-linear-temp” and “GradCool-linear-temp”. Temperature
loads do not belong to the SDL loads and therefore we will not check this box on.
Under this both load cases we will define the new load type LOADTEMP:Temperature
load by using the context menu of the load case or by using the corresponding task
positioned in the Action bar – LOADTEMP:Temperature load .
In the properties window of both loads we will define the load Arguments and the cor-
responding description (text):
Text: “GradHeat-Linear-Temp”; Arguments: T=GradHeat-Lin-Temp
Text: “GradCool-Linear-Temp”; Arguments: T= GradCool-Lin-Temp
As an argument for this load type the user must manually type in the name of the cor-
responding property set for temperature which was defined previously in the main
girder cross-section.
114 Additional loads Allplan Bridge 2021

Additionally, these loads are shown graphically in the pictures below:

For this load we need to define the assembly and in this case the assembly is pre-
sented with a complete structural member of the main girder.
The assemblies for the last two load cases have the following look:

Braking load
In this construction phase we will define the braking load of the vehicles acting in two
To define this load the New Phase will be established in the tree of the Schedule 1
with the name “Braking”.
The complete list of load cases for this construction phase is shown below:

In the following explanation you will learn how to define the load of this type.
Braking load is defined as the line load in longitudinal (global X) direction and it is acting
in the previously defined reference point in the main girder cross section.
Therefore, we will first define the new reference point in the main girder cross-sec-
tion with the name “Braking”. This point will be positioned in the previously defined
parametric point with an offset of 0.12 m in Y-direction from the intersection of the
Zloc/Yloc axes. The newly defined reference point is shown below, marked in green:
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 115

For this example, we will define two different load cases – one for the positive and
one for the negative braking load.
Define the first load case by using the icon LOADCASE:Loadcase positioned in the
task Construction under the task area Loads with the name “Braking-Xdir-plus”.
Braking load does not belong to the SDL loads and therefore we will not check this
box on.
The name of this load case can also be defined in the Properties window under the
Arguments: lc “Braking-Xdir-plus”.
Under this load case we will define the new load type LOADQX:Line load in longitudi-
nal direction by using the context menu of the load case or by using the correspond-
ing task positioned in the Action bar - LOADQX:Line load in longitudinal direction .
In the properties window of the load we will define the load Arguments( value of the
load q and the position of the load pos – defined by entering the name of the corre-
sponding, previously defined reference point) and the description (text) as shown be-

The above defined value for braking load is calculated according to the Eurocode (EN
1991-2, 4.4.1) in the following way:
Qlk = 0.6 · αQ1 · (2 · Q1k) + 0.10 · αq1 · q1k · wl · L = 180 · αQ1 ≤ Qlk ≤ 900 kN
Where the αQi and αqi represent adaptation factors and are assumed to be 1.
Q1k represents the axle load. This load is for the first lane assumed to be 300 kN, for
the second lane 200 kN and for the third 100 kN.
qik is continuously distributed load and for the first lane is taken as 9 kN/m² and for all
other lanes as 2,5 kN/m².
wl represents the width of the calculated lane and it is usually taken as 3m.
L is the length of the superstructure.
116 Additional loads Allplan Bridge 2021

For this example, the calculation looks as following:

Qlk = 0.6 · 1.0 · (2 · 300) + 0.10 · 1.0 · 9.0 · 3.0 · 155 = 778.5 kN
180 · 1.0 ≤ 778.5 ≤ 900 kN
The force should be taken along the centre line of each calculated lane. However, if the
effects of eccentricity are insignificant, the load may be assumed to act in the centre
line of the carriageway. It may be assumed to be continuously distributed over the
loaded length (± → braking and starting of the vehicle):
qlk = 778.5 kN / 155 m = ± 5.02 kN/m
The braking load defined in this way (in positive global X direction) is shown graphically

In the next step we need to define the assembly for this load.
The assembly for the first load is the structural member “MG-Box”, so the list of as-
semblies has the following look:

According to the above explained procedure we will define another load case for the
braking load in the negative direction of the global X axis.
The name of the new load case will be “Braking-Xdir-minus” and the for the LOADX:
Line load in longitudinal direction defined under this load case the following prop-
erties will be defined:
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 117

Wind load
In this construction phase we will define the wind load in the New Phase which will be
established in the tree of the Schedule 1 with the name “Wind”.
Wind load is defined by using the global horizontal area load which acts on the defined
structural members (or the parts of the structural members) defined through the as-
semblies. This load is acting longitudinally, and its direction is normal to the ele-
ment/beam axis.
The size of area load is defined with the value q.
The vertical load length can be defined by determining the user-defined effective load
length leff or it can be determined automatically through the cross-section definition.
In this case the user needs to enter the uload (Unit Load) number which means that
the load will be applied only to this part of the cross-section instead to the total effec-
tive cross-section.
In this example we will define four different load cases.
We will consider the case when the wind is acting with and without the traffic, in both
directions of the global Z-axis (plus and minus load case name suffix).
Under these four load cases we will define the wind load acting on the structure, on
the equipment (barrier and sidewalk) and on the traffic.

The complete table with all wind load cases and the corresponding loads is given be-
Load case Load Type Value

Wind on structure – main girder 1.90 KN/m2

Wind-with-traffic-plus Wind on equipment - barrier 1.90 KN/m2

Wind on equipment - sidewalk 1.90 KN/m2

Wind on traffic 1.90 KN/m2

Wind on structure – main girder -1.90 KN/m2


Wind-with-traffic-minus Wind on equipment - barrier -1.90 KN/m2

Wind on equipment - sidewalk -1.90 KN/m2

Wind on traffic -1.90 KN/m2

Wind on structure – main girder 1.90 KN/m2


Wind-without-traffic-plus Wind on equipment - barrier 1.90 KN/m2

Wind on equipment - sidewalk 1.90 KN/m2

Wind on structure – main girder -1.90 KN/m2


Wind-without-traffic-minus Wind on equipment - barrier -1.90 KN/m2

Wind on equipment - sidewalk -1.90 KN/m2

The defined values for the wind load with and without traffic were calculated accord-
ing to the Eurocode (EN 1991-1-4, Paragraph 8) in the following way:
𝐹𝐹𝑊𝑊 = ⋅ 𝜌𝜌 ⋅ 𝜈𝜈𝑏𝑏2 ⋅ 𝐶𝐶 ⋅ 𝐴𝐴𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟,𝑥𝑥 (Paragraph 8.3.2)

𝜌𝜌 = 1.25 kg/m³ (Air density)

𝑣𝑣𝑏𝑏 = 𝑐𝑐𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 ⋅ 𝑐𝑐𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 ⋅ 𝑣𝑣𝑏𝑏,0 (Base wind velocity)
𝑐𝑐𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 = 1.0 (Correction factor); 𝑐𝑐𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 = 1.0 (Season coefficient)
118 Additional loads Allplan Bridge 2021

𝑣𝑣𝑏𝑏,0 = 25 m/s (Basic value of the base wind velocity (assumption))

𝑣𝑣𝑏𝑏 = 1,0 ⋅ 1,0 ⋅ 25.0 m/s = 25.0 m/s
Wind without Traffic
Force coefficient 𝐶𝐶 (Paragraph 8.3.2 Table 8.2):
𝑧𝑧𝑒𝑒 = ℎ𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 + ℎsuperstructure-middle≈ 20.0 + 5.2 / 2 = 22.6 m
𝑏𝑏/𝑑𝑑tot ≈ 14 / 7.7 = 1.8182
→ 𝐶𝐶 = 4,82
Reference surface 𝐴𝐴𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟,𝑥𝑥 (Paragraph 8.3.1 (4)):
𝐴𝐴𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟,𝑥𝑥 = 𝑑𝑑tot ⋅ 𝐿𝐿; 𝑑𝑑tot = 𝑑𝑑 + 2 ⋅ 𝑑𝑑1 ≈ 6.1 + 2 ⋅ 0,8 = 7.7 (closed safety barrier on both
𝐴𝐴𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟,𝑥𝑥 = 7.7 ⋅ 155 = 1193.5 m²
The resulting wind load:
𝐹𝐹𝑊𝑊 = ⋅ 1.25 𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘⁄𝑚𝑚3 ⋅ (25.0 𝑚𝑚⁄𝑠𝑠)2 ⋅ 4.82 ⋅ 1193.5 𝑚𝑚2 = 2247140 𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘 ⋅ 𝑚𝑚⁄𝑠𝑠 2
= 2247.1 𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘
→ 𝑤𝑤 = 𝐹𝐹𝑊𝑊 / 𝐴𝐴𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟,𝑥𝑥 = 2247.1 𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘/ 1193.5 𝑚𝑚2 = 1.88 𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘/𝑚𝑚² ≈ 1.9 𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘/𝑚𝑚2
Wind with Traffic
Force coefficient 𝐶𝐶 (Paragraph 8.3.2 Table 8.2):
𝑧𝑧𝑒𝑒 = ℎ𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 + ℎsuperstructure-middle ≈ 20.0 + 5.2 / 2 = 22.6 m
𝑏𝑏/𝑑𝑑tot ≈ 14 / (5.2+2.0) = 1.94
→ 𝐶𝐶 = 4.73

Reference surface 𝐴𝐴𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟,𝑥𝑥 (Paragraph 8.3.1 (4)):

𝐴𝐴𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟,𝑥𝑥 = 𝑑𝑑tot ⋅ 𝐿𝐿; 𝑑𝑑tot = (5.2+2.0) (closed safety barrier on both sides)
𝐴𝐴𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟,𝑥𝑥 = 7.2 ⋅ 155 = 1116 m²
The resulting wind load:
𝐹𝐹𝑊𝑊 = ⋅ 1.25 𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘⁄𝑚𝑚3 ⋅ (25.0 𝑚𝑚⁄𝑠𝑠)2 ⋅ 4.73 ⋅ 1116 𝑚𝑚2 = 2061980 𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘 ⋅ 𝑚𝑚⁄𝑠𝑠 2
= 2062 𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘
→ 𝑤𝑤 = 𝐹𝐹𝑊𝑊 / 𝐴𝐴𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟,𝑥𝑥 = 2062 𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘 / 1116 𝑚𝑚2 = 1.85 𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘/𝑚𝑚2 ≈ 1.9 𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘/𝑚𝑚2

We will define first load case “Wind-with-traffic-plus” by using the icon LOAD-
CASE:Loadcase positioned in the task Construction under the task area Loads.
Wind load does not belong to the SDL loads and therefore we will not check this box
The name of the load can also be defined in the Properties window under the Argu-
ments: lc “Wind-with-traffic-plus”.
We will now define four new load types LOADPAZ: Pressure load in Z-direction by
using the corresponding task positioned in the Action bar - LOADPAZ: Pressure load
in Z-direction .
First wind load is the one acting on the complete structure.
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 119

In the properties window of this load we will define the necessary Arguments: the size
of the load q=1.90 KN/m2 and the description (text) as shown below:

Since this load is acting on the complete main girder, we will define the assembly, in
the same way as usual, by choosing the complete main girder structural member.
The wind load acting on the structure is shown graphically below:

Second wind load is the one acting on the bridge equipment, more precisely on the
In the properties window of this load we will define the necessary Arguments: the size
of the load q=1.90 KN/m2 , the number of the unit of the sidewalk unit load - uload and
the description (text) as shown below:

Since this load is also acting on the complete main girder, we will define the assem-
blies, in the same way as usual, by choosing the complete main girder structural mem-
120 Additional loads Allplan Bridge 2021

The wind load acting on the sidewalk is shown graphically below:

Third wind load is the one acting on the bridge equipment, more precisely on the bar-
In the properties window of this load we will define the necessary Arguments: the size
of the load q=1.90 KN/m2 , the number of the unit of the barrier unit load - uload and
the description (text) as shown below:

Since this load is also acting on the complete main girder, we will define the assem-
blies, in the same way as usual, by choosing the complete main girder structural mem-

The wind load acting on the barrier is shown graphically below:

The fourth wind load is the one acting on the traffic.

In the properties window of this load we will define the necessary Arguments: the size
of the load q=1.90 KN/m2 , the position of the load – pos , the effective length - leff
and the description (text) as shown below:
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 121

For this load we must additionally define the new reference point – the point where
the load is applied. This point is positioned in the middle of the load length (leff).
Since the vehicle has the height of 2 m, we will define one reference point with the
name “Traffic” in the middle of the vehicle height – 1 m from the intersection point of
the Zloc/Yloc axes, as shown in the photo below:

We will define now the second load case with the name “Wind-with-traffic-minus”
by using the icon LOADCASE:Loadcase positioned in the task Construction un-
der the task area Loads.
The name of the second load case can also be defined in the Properties window un-
der the Arguments: lc “Wind-with-traffic-minus”. This load case also consists of four
loads type LOADPAZ: Pressure load in Z-direction .
The only difference is that this wind load is acting in the negative global Z-direction
and therefore will all the loads be defined with the value -1.90 KN/m2.
All the loads from the second load case are shown in the photos below:
Wind on structure – minus:

Wind on equipment-sidewalk-minus:
122 Additional loads Allplan Bridge 2021

Wind on equipment-barrier-minus:

Wind on traffic-minus:

We will define the rest two load cases for wind correspondingly.

The complete list of four load cases with all the loads for this construction phase is
shown below:
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 123

Earthquake load

In this construction phase we will define the wind load in the New Phase which will be
established in the tree of the Schedule 1 with the name “Earthquake”.
Earthquake load is calculated according to the multi-modal response spectrum analy-
For this, we need first to define corresponding response spectrum according to the
standard of the project, which is done under the Analysis/Dynamics/Modal menu.
Using the context menu, the user can define the wished earthquake event:

There are several options available here:

Generic – definition of the event with user defined response spectrum.
Eurocode, horizontal – definition of the event with horizontal design spectrum ac-
cording to the Eurocode.
Eurocode, vertical - definition of the event with vertical design spectrum according
to the Eurocode.
For this project, we will define two earthquake events, one for the horizontal and one
for the vertical direction.
After creating the new event with the name “EQ-EC horizontal”, by using the con-
text menu of the menu Modal, the new window for the detailed response spectrum
definition will be opened:

The user is defining the Type of the structure as well as the Ground type, where all
other parameters, used for the creation of the graphic below, are being calculated au-
tomatically according to the Eurocode.It is still possible to use the option User-de-
fined and define the parameters manually.
124 Additional loads Allplan Bridge 2021

On the right side, there are other important information for the definition of the earth-
quake event available:
Superposition rule which will be used for the superposition of the eigenforms
Duration and Damping of the earthquake event necessary to be defined for the DSC
and CQC rules and ag designed ground acceleration, which will be used to evaluate the
response spectrum.
In the same way as described above, we will define another event with the name “EQ-
EC vertical” and all the details are shown below:

After the response spectrum is defined, we can return to the stage “Earthquake” and
start with the definition of the tasks necessary for the earthquake calculation.

The necessary tasks can be found in the action bar under the tab Construction, to-
gether with all other calculation tasks under the sub folder Dynamics:

Also, they are located in the action bar under the tab Loads & Checks, in the task area
Evaluation of some earthquake event is based on the results which are coming from
eigenvalue calculation.
For calculation of the bridge eigen modes, we need first to define the task EIGEN:
Eigen calculation .
On the right side in the Properties window, we will additionally define the following
nmode (number of modes) – number of the eigen vectors to be calculated
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 125

naddv (number of additional vectors) – number of the vectors that should be addi-
tionally considered for the calculation in order to satisfy the convergence, in the case
that the number of defined number of modes is not enough.
resname (result name) – user defined name of the result into which are stored all the
results (displacements, forces, stresses) coming from the eigen modes calculation.
Those results are visible as 3D-Diagrams and Tables under the Results/Eigenmodes.
xlsout (Excel output) – user defined name of the Excel file into which are saved all
the results coming from Eigen calculation. The excel file is saved in the folder Re-
ports/Schedule1/ Dynamic in the project folder.
The necessary definition of the properties according to the above explanations are
shown below:

In the next tasks we will calculate the earthquake events for which we previously de-
fined necessary response spectrum under Analysis/Dynamics/Modal with the
names EQ-EC horizontal and EQ-EC vertical.
The calculation of the earthquake events is done by using the task EQRESPONSE:
Earthquake response spectrum .
We will define three different tasks in order to calculate earthquake in three directions
- two in horizontal direction (X and Z), using defined horizontal response spectrum and
one in vertical direction (Y), using defined vertical response spectrum.
On the right side in the Properties window, we will additionally define the following
eq (earthquake) – name of the defined earthquake event which should be calculated
vx, vy and vz – component of the vector in the direction of the global X, Y and Z axis
necessary for the definition of the excitation direction. The direction is described with
the value 1,0.
resname (result name) –name of the result from the eigen modes calculation, which
is calculated previously.
env (envelope) – user defined name of the envelope in which will be saved all results
of the earthquake event (displacements, forces, stresses).
126 Additional loads Allplan Bridge 2021

xlsout (Excel output) – user defined name of the Excel file into which are saved all
the results coming from earthquake calculation. The excel file is saved in the folder
Reports/Schedule1/ Dynamic in the project folder.
The necessary definitions for the first earthquake in X direction according to the
above explanations are shown below:

The definitions for the two additional tasks created in order to calculate the earth-
quake in Z and Y directions are shown below:

The complete list of four tasks for this construction phase is shown below:
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 127

Traffic Loads
Traffic loads are a special type of loads acting on bridges and they require a particular
definition. Therefore, the definition of the traffic loads is independent from other loads
and this definition is placed in the separate vertical task named Traffic Loads under
the Project navigation tree.
Under the Traffic Load task, it is possible (and necessary for the proper traffic load
calculation) to define Lane Sets and Load Trains.
By using the context menu (right mouse click) the user can create a New Lane Set or
a New Load train.
Using the same context menu, it is also possible to import already predefined Load
trains according to international standards.
The creation of the traffic lanes and trains is done in the task area Loads & Checks
positioned in the Actionbar.
In this example we will follow the lane and train definition according to the rules of Eu-
rocode: EN 1991-2.
In this manner, we will calculate the necessary number of notional lanes according to
the effective carriageway width and this rule wc = 10.7 m (≥6 m) from which we are
getting the following values:
Number of notional lanes: nl = wc/3 = 3
Width of one notional lane: wl= 3 m
Width of the remaining area: wc – 3 * wl = 10.7 – 9 = 1.7 m
In this example we have three notional lanes with the width of 3 m.
Schematic presentation of the Load model 1 is shown on the picture below:
128 Traffic Loads Allplan Bridge 2021

We will define load trains for Load Model 1 according to the EN 1991-2, 4.3.2.
Load model 1 (LM1) includes two load types:

1. Double-axle concentrated loads (Tandem system (TS))

The wheel loads of the tandem system are simplified by two axial loads.
The tandem system loads should be positioned in the notional lanes and this is done in
the following order: TS 300 = 300 KN is positioned in the first notional lane; TS 200 =
200 kN in the second and TS 100 = 100 kN in the third.

2. Uniformly distributed loads (UDL)

UDL 9 = 9 kN/m2 will be applied on the whole bridge length but only in the first notional
lane .
UDL 2.5 = 2.5 kN/m2 will be positioned on the whole bridge length in the rest width of
the bridge carriageway.
In the following chapters the user will learn how to define the necessary elements for
the traffic load calculation - traffic lanes and trains and how to combine them into dif-
ferent envelopes by using the superposition rules to determine the most unfavorable
internal forces. Also, the user will learn about influence lines definition and calculation
of the traffic loads in Allplan Bridge.

Lane Set
In order to get the most unfavorable results, we will position the tandem system loads
outmost left and right on the carriageway. Therefore, we need to define two sets of
lanes: One for the left side and one for the right.
Use the context menu in order to create two sets of lanes with the names “Lane
Set_Left” and “Lane Set_right”.
After we define the new lane set we must define the assembly for it by using the
function Assembly from the separate task group Assemblies. The assembly
represent the Structural member where the lane set is positioned. Therefore, we will
select the complete main girder for the positioning of the lane.
After this you can create lanes.
Lanes are defined in the task area Loads & Checks under the task group Lane Sets.
There are several functions available for the lane definition.
In our case we will use the function Create lane by standard .
Select this function and you will get the new view of the upper window containing the
main girder cross section with parametric lines. Now we need to select the two
parametric lines which define the width of the carriageway.
First we select the outmost right line (where the sidewalk begins), like show below:
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 129

Secondly, we select the outmost left line, as show below:

With these steps the definition of the carriageway width is done, and the software
calculates the notional lane amount as well as the rest area automatically according to
the Eurocode rules.
The program is automatically positioning the loads at the level of global axis.
Since we want to have all the train positions (loads) aligned with the upper surface of
the roadway, we will need to perform one additional step.
Select the outmost left (for Lane Set_left) or outmost right (for Lane Set_right)verti-
cal (blue) line and choose the function Reference (align lanes) to boundary related to
the selected Lane set:

After that all existing cross section boundaries will appear and you will be able to
choose the one representing the roadway (top cover of the main girder). The position
of the trains (Pos 1) on lanes should now have the different look which is shown on the
screenshots below.
If the definition of the lane set from the right side is properly done, we will get the fol-
lowing arrangement of the lanes from the right side: Lane 1, Lane 2 and Lane 3 as no-
tional lanes with the width of 3 m, and the Lane 4 as the rest width:
130 Traffic Loads Allplan Bridge 2021

With this the creation of the lane set on the right side is done.
We repeat the same procedure for the “Lane Set_left” which after the definition
should look as follows:

We can also see the position of the trains in each lane, which is marked with Pos 1.
On the right side of the screen in the Properties window, it is possible to set additional
definitions for each Lane Set.
Since we plan to position vertical loads on all lanes and centrifugal load on some
specific lanes we will set the Load direction for each lane set to Vertical and
The final settings in the Properties window for both lane sets after all definitions are
done are shown in the screenshots below:
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 131

The trains are automatically positioned in the middle of each lane. The user has the
possibility to add several train positions to one lane by using the function Create train
position from the Lane Sets task group.
The respective load trains will be applied to the corresponding lanes by combining
them later into the one envelope in Superpositions tab.
By clicking on the empty space of this view it is possible to change the view from 2D
to 3D by using the Properties window on the right side, and see the lanes arrange-
ment also on one 3D element, as shown below:

For all additional information and more explanations about the lane definition please
use our Online Help. Help is available directly in the program by clicking the F1 button or
you can use the icon in the upper right corner of the title bar in order to open the

Load Trains
Using the context menu of the submenu Load Trains under the tab Traffic Loads the
user can define new load trains.
The user is free to manually define different load trains by using the New Load train
option and offered functions from the task group Load Trains. Available functions for
the load definition are FLOAD: Single force and QLOAD :Uniform load , as well
as the function for defining the distance between the loads DISTANCE: Distance .
The user can very easily define different loads: combination of two forces with some
distance between them (tandem system) or for example uniformly distributed load
with changeable length (from minimum to maximum length) or with free (floating)
length in which case the software automatically calculates the unfavorable position
and the length of the load (by positioning it on the influence line) and load the structure
with it.
Influence lines are calculated for all defined lane sets (load positions) and for this the
option Auto-calculate influence lines, for automatic calculation of influence lines,
must be selected in the Actionbar under the task Calculation and task group Analy-
sis, as highlighted on the screenshot below:
132 Traffic Loads Allplan Bridge 2021

In this example we will use the already prepared templates for load trains according to
the Eurocode – available are Load Model 1 (LM1), Load Model 3 (LM3) and Centrifugal
Load (CFG), as shown below:

We will define for this purpose only Load Model 1 which consists of a Tandem system
(TS) and Uniform load (UDL) and also a Centrifugal Load (CFG), since the bridge axis is
As soon as you select one of the offered loads the program will automatically import
and display them in the load trains tree with the predefined names, which can be
changed by the user as usual (by double clicking on the load name or by pressing F2).
We will select the tandem system and each one of three offered loads is being im-
ported into the project and it is shown in the screenshots below.
Tandem system TS-300 is defined with two forces of 300 KN with the fix distance of
1.2 m between them. This load will be applied on the first notional lane.

Tandem system TS-200 is defined with two forces of 200 KN with the fix distance of
1.2 m between them. This load will be applied on the second notional lane.
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 133

Tandem system TS-100 is defined with two forces of 100 KN with the fix distance of
1.2 m between them. This load will be applied on the second notional lane.

The next type of the EN Load Train which will be imported into the project is Uniform
load (UDL). This load consists of one uniformly distributed area load with infinite
Considering the Eurocode LM1 template for uniform loads we will have two new loads
with the values 2,5 kN/m2 and 9,0 kN/m2.
UDL-9.0 uniform load is being applied only on the first notional lane and it is schemati-
cally shown below:

UDL-2.5 uniform load is being applied on whole carriageway width and it is schemati-
cally shown below:

The last type of the EN Load Train which will be imported into the project is Centrifugal
load (CFG).
134 Traffic Loads Allplan Bridge 2021

According to the Eurocode EN 1991-2; 4.4.2 the centrifugal force Qtk is taken as a
transverse force acting at the finished carriageway level and radially to the axis of the
The characteristic value of the force Qtk, with dynamic effects included, is taken from
the table below:
Qtk = 0,2 * Qv (kN) If r < 200 m
Qtk = 40 * Qv /r (kN) If 200≤ r ≤ 1500 m
Qtk = 0 If r > 1500 m

The value of the centrifugal force Qtk is automatically calculated by Allplan Bridge.
The value r represents the horizontal radius of the carriageway centreline in meters.
The value of the force Qv is a user input, it represents the total maximum weight of
vertical concentrated loads of tandem systems of the Load Model 1 and it will be cal-
culated according to the following formula from Eurocode:
∑αQi * (2*Qik)

In this example the total sum of all tandem system vertical forces is equal to:
Qv= 2*100+2*200+2*300 = 1200 kN

The value of the adjustment factor αQi will be taken equal to one, as for the 1st class
road for international heavy vehicle traffic.
For entering the centrifugal load value Qv, we will use already prepared templates for
load trains according to the Eurocode and select the Centrifugal Load (CFG), as shown

After that the new window will open and we need to input the value of the Qv force of
1200 kN which value we calculated previously and the name of the load “CFG-Euro-
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 135

When centrifugal force is defined it will schematically be shown on the right side of the
136 Superposition of loads Allplan Bridge 2021

Superposition of loads
Under the tab Superposition in the Project navigation tree it is possible to define dif-
ferent load cases and envelopes in which we want to combine calculated load cases or
envelopes. The load case results are considered individually for each internal force or
a deformation component and superimposed with the corresponding minimum and
maximum superposition component of the envelope.
After selecting the tab Superposition, the empty window with the title Envelopes will
appear. By double clicking on this window or by using the context menu on the empty
area, the new window for interactive creation of the envelopes and load cases will ap-
pear in the central part of the screen. Additionally, the window with all created/calcu-
lated load cases from the existing construction schedules will appear in the middle.
The photo of this state, with already created envelopes, is shown below:

The user can logically organize envelopes in Superposition View according to his
Information about the created envelopes position (for example the exact coordinates
of the envelope “boxes”) is saved in the XML file which is being exported automati-
cally with the TCL file. This additional information about the graphical user interface
settings is saved only in the XML file, which carries with TCL file the complete infor-
mation about the project. Therefore, it is always necessary to have those 2 files to-
gether, saved in the same folder, in order to save all project definitions.
In this example we will create several envelopes in which load cases and envelopes
are combined, by using different rules. The rules are explained in the table below:
Rule Description Meaning

AddLc/AddEnv Add load case/envelope Add uncoditionally

AndLc/AddEnv And load case/envelope Add conditionally (only if unfavourable)

OrLc/OrEnv Or load case/or envelope Replace conditionally (only if unfavourable)

Each rule is graphically presented with a line which is coloured differently: Add rule is
green, And rule is black and the Or rule is yellow.
In this example, the envelopes will be defined for the following loads: Temperature,
Settlement, Wind and Braking.
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 137

In the separate phase “Load superposition” we need to evaluate the superpositions

which are created previously (this complete procedure will be explained in the next
chapter) and to save the results in the wished envelope.
We will first define the New Phase in the tree of the Schedule 1 with the name “Su-
For evaluating defined superpositions, we need to create the calculation task
SUPTREE:Evaluate superposition for each envelope we would like to be evaluated.
The complete list of defined tasks in this phase is given below:

In the Properties window of each calculation task it is very important to define an Ar-
gument env which represents the name of the envelope in which the results of the
calculation should be stored. In the photo below, you can see the properties window
for the first calculation task “Temperature”:

Superposition of temperature loads

For the temperature load we will create several envelopes: for uniform temperature
load, for temperature gradient, for the combination of uniform temperature load and
gradient and the final envelope for the temperature load. In those envelopes the mini-
mum and maximum values from each temperature load will be saved.
By using different factors, according to the Eurocode, the envelopes will be super-
posed into the final one. The complete scheme of the temperature envelopes is
shown below:

According to the scheme above, the first envelope we create is the one for the uni-
form temperature load.
138 Superposition of loads Allplan Bridge 2021

In order to create one new load case or envelope it is necessary to use the context
menu on the empty area of the right window or to click the icon in the top left cor-
ner of this window for creation of the new envelope:

It is possible to use the view options in the top right corner in order to use the Full
view, or to Expand/collapse all envelopes at once. Also, the user can Export
the active view to PNG file format, which will be saved into the sub-project folder
We will create the new envelope with the name “Unif-Temperature” which repre-
sents the combination of two previously defined load cases for constant temperature
difference, “Unif-temp-pos” and “Unif-temp-neg”, from the construction phase
“Temperature”. The new envelope is represented with the blue rectangle.
In order to superpose load case to an envelope it is necessary to drag and drop the
wished load case from the window with the complete list of the calculated load cases.
The load cases must be dropped directly on the created envelope. After that, the cre-
ated load case will be presented with the green rectangle and at the same time the
line with an arrow, for defining the superposition rule, will appear.

Superposition rule (together with the factors) can be defined in Properties window by
clicking on the line directly. Additionally, it is possible to click on the envelope rectangle
when the additional functions will appear - deleting and editing of the envelope, creat-
ing the new superposition rule (by dragging the arrow) and expanding or collapsing
the envelope rectangle. After expanding the rectangle, the user can click on the line
with the wished load case and change the rule or factor in the Properties window.
Below you can see the first created envelope and two combined load cases. These
two load cases will be combined by using the rules OrLc and OrLc, which are already
explained before. The favorable and unfavorable factors are both 1. The factor one is
set by default and it does not need to be entered additionally.

We will now create the second temperature envelope with the name “Grad-linear-
Temperature” which represents the combination of two previously defined load
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 139

cases for variable temperature component, “GradHeat-linear-temp” and “Grad-

Cool-linear-temp”, from the construction phase “Temperature”.

The load cases are combined by using the rules OrLc and OrLc, which are already ex-
plained before. The favorable and unfavorable factors are both 1.
Before creating the final temperature envelope, we need to create two intermediate
envelopes in order to combine the variable and constant temperature component.
In the first envelope “Temperature-unif-leading” the leading envelope will be the
constant temperature component and therefore it will be superposed with the rule
And and the factor 1. The second envelope is the variable temperature component
which will be superposed with the rule And and factor 0.75:

In the second envelope “Temperature-grad-leading” the leading envelope will be the

variable temperature component and therefore it will be superposed with the rule
AndEnv and the factor 1. The second envelope is the constant temperature compo-
nent which will be superposed with the rule AndEnv and with the factor 0.35:

Finally, we can create the last envelope for the temperature load with the name
“Temperature” which represents the superposition of two intermediately created
envelopes “Temperature-unif-leading” and “Temperature-grad-leading”.
140 Superposition of loads Allplan Bridge 2021

The order of adding them to the final envelope is not important. Important is that the
first envelope that is superposed will have the rule OrEnv and the second one also rule
OrEnv, which will give as the final envelope for temperature with most unfavorable

Superposition of settlement loads

All the settlement load cases defined previously under Construction are superposed
into the one envelope “Settlement”.
First load case “Settle-A1” is added with the conditional rule AndLc and all the other
load cases superposed by using the same rule AndLc, which means that all individual
result components are added only if the respective minimum and maximum values
become unfavorable.
The complete superposition scheme for this load type is shown below:

Superposition of wind loads

Wind load cases in both directions, which consider the acting of the wind with or with-
out considering the traffic will be separately superposed into the two envelopes by
using the superposition rules OrLc and OrLc.
This means that all existing result components are substituted with the new ones, but
only if the respective minimum and maximum values become unfavorable.
The complete superposition scheme for both new envelopes “Wind-with-Traffic”
and “Wind-without-Traffic” is shown below:
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 141

Superposition of braking loads

The same principle of superposition, as for the wind load, will be used for braking.
Braking load cases in both directions, defined previously under the Construction, will
be superposed into the final “Braking” envelope by using the superposition rule OrLc.
The complete superposition scheme for braking load is shown below:

Superposition of traffic loads

The evaluation of the traffic loads can be done under the tab Analysis/Superposi-
tion/Envelopes/Traffic Loads in the Project navigation tree.

In Allplan Bridge one load train is combined with a wished lane (load train position) by
superposing them into an envelope.
This combination of the lane and train is being evaluated with the influence line which
is being calculated for this lane or load position and the result is saved into created en-
142 Superposition of loads Allplan Bridge 2021

The creation of the envelope is done in the same way like for all other loads and this
workflow is already explained in the previous chapters.
The wished load trains and lanes can be dragged and dropped from the respective
menu into the workspace or directly to the created envelope.

For this example, we will create several envelopes in order to combine all load trains
and position them on the corresponding lanes.
We will first create three new envelopes for the tandem system load trains which we
will combine with the corresponding lanes from the lane set group on the left side of
the carriageway.

Those three envelopes are defined with the following names and they include follow-
ing train – lane combination:
L1L_TS300 includes tandem system TS300 positioned on the 1st notional lane left.
L2L_TS200 includes tandem system TS200 positioned on the 2nd notional lane left.
L3L_TS100 includes tandem system TS100 positioned on the 3rd notional lane left.

Those three created lanes are combined into one final envelope for the tandem sys-
tem positioned on the left lane set group by using the wished superposition rules with
the name “LM1_TS_L”.

First group of created envelopes is shown schematically on the screenshot below:

It is very important to choose the desired load direction of the lane for which you want
to carry out the evaluation (vertical, longitudinal, centrifugal, combined).
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 143

This can be done in the edit mode of the lane when the new window Edit Influence line
will appear:

Also, it is possible to choose the wished Load direction via the Properties window on
the right side, which will be available after we select the box of the desired lane:

For all the lanes which will be combined with the tandem system and uniformly distrib-
uted (UDL) load we will set the load direction to Vertical.
Tip: The corresponding load direction was also selected previously when the lane set
group was defined in order to calculate the corresponding influence line. (see the
chapter Traffic Loads/Lane Set)

The next three envelopes we also create for the tandem system load trains which we
will combine with the corresponding lanes from the lane set group on the right side of
the carriageway.
Those three envelopes are defined with the following names and they include follow-
ing train – lane combination:
L1R_TS300 includes tandem system TS300 positioned on the 1st notional lane right.
L2R_TS200 includes tandem system TS200 positioned on the 2nd notional lane right.
L3R_TS100 includes tandem system TS100 positioned on the 3rd notional lane right.
Those three created lanes are combined into one final envelope for the tandem sys-
tem positioned on the right lane set group by using the wished superposition rules
with the name “LM1_TS_R”.
144 Superposition of loads Allplan Bridge 2021

This group of created envelopes is shown schematically on the screenshot below:

The next four envelopes we create for the uniform(area) load (UDL) which we will
combine with the corresponding lanes from the lane set group on the left side of the
Those four envelopes are defined with the following names and they include following
train – lane combination:

L1L_UDL9 includes the UDL-9.0 load positioned on the 1st notional lane on the left side.
L2L_UDL2.5 includes the UDL-2.5 load positioned on the 2nd notional lane on the left
L3L_UDL2.5 includes the UDL-2.5 load positioned on the 3rd notional lane on the left
L4L_UDL2.5 includes the UDL-2.5 load positioned on the 4th notional lane on the left
Those four created lanes are combined into one final envelope for the uniform load
system and are positioned on the left lane set group by using the wished superposi-
tion rules with the name “LM1_UDL_L”.
This group of created envelopes is shown schematically on the screenshot below:
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 145

The next four envelopes we create for the uniform(area) load (UDL) which we will
combine with the corresponding lanes from the lane set group on the right side of the
Those four envelopes are defined with the following names and they include following
train – lane combination:
L1R_UDL9 includes the UDL-9.0 load positioned on the 1st notional lane on the right
L2R_UDL2.5 includes the UDL-2.5 load positioned on the 2nd notional lane on the right
L3R_UDL2.5 includes the UDL-2.5 load positioned on the 3rd notional lane on the right
L4R_UDL2.5 includes the UDL-2.5 load positioned on the 4th notional lane on the right

Those four created lanes are combined into one final envelope for the uniform load
system and are positioned on the right lane set group by using the wished superposi-
tion rules with the name “LM1_UDL_R”.
This group of created envelopes is shown schematically on the screenshot below:
146 Superposition of loads Allplan Bridge 2021

We will now create the final envelope “LM1_TS” for the tandem system into which
we will combine (by using the wished superposition rules) already created envelopes
for load trains positioned on the left “LM1_TS_L” and on the right side “LM1_TS_R” of
the carriageway.
The complete scheme of all created envelopes made for the tandem system is shown
on the screenshot below:

After this, we will also create the final envelope “LM1_UDL” for the uniform (area)
load (UDL) into which we will combine (by using the wished superposition rules) al-
ready created envelopes for load trains positioned on the left “LM1_UDL_L” and on
the right side “LM1_UDL_R” of the carriageway.
The complete scheme of all created envelopes made for the uniform load is shown on
the screenshot below:
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 147

The final envelope for the superposition of the traffic loads we will create for the cen-
trifugal load with the name “CFG” into which we will combine the created centrifugal
load (CFG) and the first notional lane from the lane set on the left side.
We chose this lane because it is located on the highest part of the main girder cross
section, considering the cross fall. Therefore, we will get the most unfavorable results
if we position the centrifugal force on this existing lane.
The complete scheme of this envelope creation is shown on the screenshot below:

For this lane which will be combined with the centrifugal load we will set the load direc-
tion to Centrifugal by using the edit mode of the lane set box or by using the Proper-
ties window as explained at the beginning of this chapter.

Superposition of earthquake loads

In this chapter we will make the superposition of the earthquake envelopes produced
in the construction phase “Earthquake” for each direction of the earthquake event:
horizontal (Resp_Horizontal_X and Resp_Horizontal_Z) and vertical (Resp_Verti-

For this, by using the same approach with drag and dropping of the existing earth-
quake envelopes located under the tab Superpositions/Dynamics, we will create
four new envelopes:
Envelope with the name “EQ_X-max” for superposing the envelopes from all three
directions where the earthquake in X directions is the leading component with 100%
participation and the two rest earthquake events in Z and Y directions are included in
the final envelope with 30%.
Envelope with the name “EQ_Y-max” for superposing the envelopes from all three
directions where the earthquake in Y directions is the leading component with 100%
participation and the two rest earthquake events in X and Z directions are included in
the final envelope with 30%.
148 Superposition of loads Allplan Bridge 2021

Envelope with the name “EQ_Z-max” for superposing the envelopes from all three
directions where the earthquake in Z directions is the leading component with 100%
participation and the two rest earthquake events in X and Y directions are included in
the final envelope with 30%.
Final envelope “Earthquake_fin” for superposing the maximum results from all three
directions, which is created by using the necessary conditional superposition rule Or,
(substitution of the results with the new, but only if they are more unfavorable than
the existing ones).
The complete superposition scheme for earthquake load is shown below:
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 149

Combination table

The results of the calculated loads are saved into load cases or envelopes. These re-
sults will be used now for the definition of the Combinations.
For the proper definition of design checks, which will be explained in the next chapter,
it is necessary to create several load combinations and superimpose them into the fi-
nal envelopes relevant for the performing of the design code checks.
For this example, we will create one combination table which consists of different
loading groups, combination types and combination groups.
The combinations are made following the rules and factors defined in Eurocode EN
Combination table defined for this example is shown below and it includes six different
combinations (C1 – C6):

For creating a new combination table go to the analysis tab and select vertical tab
Combinations on the bottom. Click with the right mouse button in the empty space
and select option New combination table.
150 Combination table Allplan Bridge 2021

The newly defined combination table has four columns with loading groups created
per default and has the following look:

It is very important that all envelopes used in the combination table have already been
evaluated with the task SUPTREE before using them for combination evaluation. Oth-
erwise the program cannot access the results from the envelope and will therefore
produce an error.
Therefore, we will return to the phase “Superposition” and create the calculation task
SUPTREE:Evaluate superposition for all missing envelopes we would like to be eval-
uated and that we want to use in combination table:

Loading Groups
For a better overview, combination tables are divided into several loading groups:
Permanent Loads, Pre-stressing Loads, Time Effects and Variable Loads.
The names of the created groups can be changed by the user and the necessary new
groups can be added as well.
Loading groups serve only for organization and have no influence on the calculation
The exception are all load cases/envelopes which belong to the load group Pre-
stressing loads where the upper and lower characteristic values according to EC are
automatically considered within the program depending on the respective check
which is being performed.
New loading groups can be added by clicking with the right mouse button on Loading
Groups and selecting option New Loading Group. The new loading group will be visi-
ble in the list on the left side but also placed on the right side in the combination table
as shown below:

In the following steps, the individual load cases and envelopes will be assigned to the
desired loading groups.
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 151

Adding load cases/envelopes

Adding of wished load cases and envelopes is done with the drag and drop function.
On the left side of the combination table there are listed all load cases and envelopes
available in the project which can be added to the combination table.
When moving an envelope (as shown below) or a load case into the table the user can
choose the loading group to which he wants to place it. The „+“ sign marks every po-
tential spot where the load cases can be inserted.

It is also important to know that the order of the load cases/envelopes is important.
Please note that the superposition of the individual load cases/envelopes defined in a
combination row is done consecutively from left to right from the first to the last col-

Create combination table

The user is free to add as many combinations as he needs to the combination table.
Adding of the new combination is done by right clicking to the field which is marked
with Click here to add a new row. After that, the new window will open:

The user is free to add one by one or several (5, 10, 20) combinations at once.
Number (No.) of the combination as well as the Name is created automatically. The
user can freely change the name of each combination according to the project needs,
by double clicking on the combination name under the column Name or by pressing
the F2 button.
152 Combination table Allplan Bridge 2021

Moving/Deleting rows and columns

Columns can be moved to the left or right by using the little arrows in the Load
case/Envelope row:

When clicking with the right mouse on a row it can be moved up or down analogously
to the columns:

Rows and columns can be deleted in the same menu (menu pops up with a right
mouse click) that is used for moving rows/columns.

Superposition rule
The superposition rule ADD, AND, OR can be changed by clicking and selecting it from
the dropdown menu. It also can be selected by clicking with the right mouse button on
it and then choosing the option Superposition Rule.

Combination type
There are seven combination types available in Allplan Bridge. They are automatically
created, and they refer to the type of combination according to the standard: Charac-
teristic, Frequent Permanent, Quasi-permanent, ULS, Fatigue and Accidental.
The combination type is important to be defined for further proper usage of the re-
spective combinations if the design code check is performed for the combination
group. The combination type can be changed by using the drop down menu in the
corresponding Type row:
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 153

Filter combination types and combination groups

It is possible to filter the combinations by type and by group. This is done by clicking on
the filled yellow squares on the left side. When the square is not highlighted the com-
binations of the specific type/group are not visible in the table anymore:
Filtering is very helpful when the project contains a lot of combination types/groups
and it enables much better preview:

Full table on the left and filtered combination types on the right side

Combination Groups

After the combination table is defined, several combination groups are automatically
created. The names of the created groups can be changed by the user and the neces-
sary new groups can be added as well.
Groups can be added by clicking with the right mouse on Combination Groups and
selecting the option New combination group.
To assign a certain combination to a group the user needs to select the group number
in the group column by clicking on the corresponding field in the table on the right side.
One combination can be assigned to many groups. The results from the combinations
within a group are automatically superpositioned with the rule Or.
For this example, we will create only one Combination group with the name “ULS”.
We will add the combinations C4 and C5 to this group, by thicking the boxes in the
table on the right side. The final combination table look as follows:

After the complete combination table is defined the user is able to adjust the width of
the columns and to control the preview by using the slide at the bottom of the win-

The columns can be widened by clicking on a vertical line in the row Name/Type and
pulling the line to the right side.
154 Combination table Allplan Bridge 2021

When widening the column Name on the left side the Name column on the right side is
widened too. Those columns are linked to one another.

Calculation of combinations

We will define the New Phase in the tree of the Schedule 1 with the name “Combina-
tions” and use this phase to calculate the combination groups and/or single combina-
tions, which we will use further for design code checks.
For this example, we will evaluate one existing combination group “ULS” (which
means automatic evaluation of the included combinations C4 and C5) and other com-
binations created in the combination table: C1, C2, C3 and C6.
The final look of the phase “Combinations” is given below:

Calculation of a combination group

In the action bar, in the task area Construction and under the function Create new cal-
culation task we select the option Envelopes & Combinations under which we can
find the necessary task COMBGROUP: Evaluate combination group.

The task COMBGROUP: Evaluate combination group can be also found under the
task area Loads&Checks and the task area Envelopes.
All combination results within one group are evaluated, superpositioned with the rule
“or” and saved in the user defined envelope.
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 155

We will type in the name of the wished combination group “ULS” under the argument

When the calculation is done on a certain day the user must be aware that only load
cases that already exist at that time can be used. When the calculation is done at the
final day there is no input needed for the day.
Tip: It is very important that all used envelopes in the combination table have already
been evaluated with the task SUPTREE before using the task COMBGROUP in the
construction schedule. Otherwise the program cannot access the results from the
envelope and will therefore produce an error.

Calculation of a single combination row

In the action bar, in the task area Construction and under the function Create new
calculation task the user needs to select option Envelopes & Combinations under
which is located the task called COMBROW: Evaluate combination.
The task COMBROW: Evaluate combination can be also found under the task area
Loads&Checks and the task area Envelopes.
When the task COMBROW is selected the user must put in the name of the wished
combination (C1, C2, C3 and C6), under the argument env:

When the calculation is done on a certain day the user must be aware that only load
cases that already exist at that time can be used. When the calculation is done at the
final day there is no input needed for the day.
The results from the combination table which have been created with the tasks COM-
BROW and/or COMBGROUP can be accessed in the Results tab. They are located in
the bottom table Result Data under the tab Envelopes/Combinations.
156 Design Checks Allplan Bridge 2021

Design Checks
In this chapter we need to define several tasks to complete the whole workflow of
design and checks of the structure. First of all, we will start with linear elastic stress
check to tune the tendons and preliminary design them. We will continue with design
of reinforcement area in reinforcement sets and code-based checks of designed or
given reinforcement. At the end, we will print out snippets of reports for all previously
defined tasks.
We will first define the New Phase in the tree of the Schedule 1 with the name “De-
The complete phase with all defined tasks has the following look:
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 157

For evaluating linear elastic stresses, we need to define the calculation task LIN-
STRESS: Linear stress for each envelope we want to evaluate. In this case, we
need one for SLS characteristic envelope and one for SLS quasi-permanent envelope.
The stresses are being calculated for all vertices of the cross section and the extreme
values are available in the Linear stress report. Additionally, the user has the possibil-
ity to create Property Set type Stress points and, in that manner, define the specific
points where the stresses should be evaluated. For this example, we defined two
stress points, SP1 (top fibre) and SP2 (bottom fibre).
We define now the first of specified tasks in this phase in task Loads & Checks under
the task area Design Checks. After the function LINSTRESS: Linear stress is se-
lected the new window will appear:

The argument Envelope – “C1” defines the envelope for which the calculation task is
performed. This envelope and its name and content are already defined in the chapter
Combination table. Here we perform the evaluation of the linear stress for the char-
acteristic SLS combination.
Argument Day represents the day on which the check should be performed.
If this argument is empty the program is taking the actual day when the task is de-
fined from the construction sequence.
Current version supports the calculation of normal stresses, so we see just one
checkbox Normal that we need to tick in this window.
Result Name is the name of a result in the database where results will be stored and
used by REPORT tasks, in this case “LinStress-Char”.
The stress calculation is performed for the whole girder so the assembly for the first
task is the structural member “MG-Box”. The list of assemblies has the following look:

We will now define the second task by using the icon LINSTRESS: Linear stress
positioned in the task Loads & Checks under the task area Design Checks.
The name of the second linear stress task will be defined with the name “Linear
stress – Qp” and here we perform the linear stress check for quasi permanent SLS
We will fill define the Arguments as following: Envelope should be “C3”, the Result
Name is “LinStress-Qp” and Normal stress calculation switched on. The necessary
envelope and its name and content are already defined in the chapter Combination
table. Here we perform the evaluation of the linear stress for the quasi-permanent
SLS combination.
158 Design Checks Allplan Bridge 2021

The window for definition of this task is shown below:

The assembly for the second task is also the structural member “MG-Box”, so the list
of assemblies has the following look:

We will now define the third task by using the icon CODEDESIGN: Code Design
(ULS + SLS) positioned in the task Loads & Checks under the task area Design
Using this task, the complete required design of the structure according to the stand-
ard is performed.
This includes the design of the required reinforcement in ULS (ultimate limit state) for
bending moments + normal force as well as shear force + torsion and the design of the
required crack reinforcement in SLS (serviceability limit state).
The required longitudinal or transversal reinforcement is determined according to the
specified envelope and for the wished elements defined using assemblies.
The results of the code-based design are saved under the name defined by the user.
In the screenshot below, you can see the window for definition of this task:

The argument Envelope ULS should use combination group named “ULS”.
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 159

Other arguments for envelopes use corresponding names of SLS combinations

(Characteristic, Frequent, Quasi-permanent) as it can be seen on the screenshot
above and they define the envelopes for which the calculation task is performed. This
envelope and its name and content are already defined in the Combination table
Argument Day will be defined as 127 days, which represents the duration of the con-
struction sequence before the beginning of the infinite state.
The calculation of design of reinforcement can consider the requirements for Flexure,
Shear, Torsion and Crack width by ticking the corresponding checkboxes.
Result Name is the name of a result in the database where results will be stored and
used by REPORT tasks, in this case “ReinfDesign”.
Tip: It is worth mentioning, that more design tasks can be stored under the same re-
sult name. If design tasks are stored in different result names, we can print out the re-
sults in reports separately. If we want to print out the optimal minimal reinforcement
area resulting from multiple design tasks (for more envelopes) we can store all of
them under the same result name and print this overall reinforcement areas in one re-
port snippet. This principle can be beneficial for design and check tasks.
The code design will only be performed for one element above the pier and one ele-
ment in the center of the middle span, so the list of assemblies has the following look:

We will now define the fourth task by using the icon CODEDESIGN: Code Design
positioned in the task Loads & Checks under the task area Design Checks.
In the screenshot below, you can see the window for definition of this task:

The argument Envelope ULS should use combination group named “ULS”.
Other arguments for envelopes use corresponding names of SLS combinations
(Characteristic, Frequent, Quasi-permanent) as it can be seen on the screenshot
above and they define the envelopes for which the calculation task is performed. This
160 Design Checks Allplan Bridge 2021

envelope and its name and content are already defined in the Combination table
Argument Day is left empty, which means that the time infinite state is taken for the
check performing.
The calculation of design of reinforcement can consider the requirements for Flexure,
Shear, Torsion and Crack width by ticking the corresponding checkboxes.
Result Name is the name of a result in the database where results will be stored and
used by REPORT tasks, in this case “ReinfDesign”.
The code design will only be performed for one element above the pier and one ele-
ment in the center of the middle span. The list of assemblies has the following look:

The next two calculation tasks that we will define represent the code-based check
for Ultimate limit state. This check includes the checks for flexure, shear force and
torsion as well as the interaction of the shear force and torsion.
The capacity of the structure is determined in the form of maximum forces/moments
that can be absorbed according to the specified envelope.
Any existing reinforcement is considered. The user is able to define the wished rein-
forcement area (As) in the corresponding property sets during cross-section defini-
The check is being performed for the wished elements, defined with assemblies, and
the result of the check is saved under the user defined name.

This check is defined using the task ULSCHECK: ULS Check positioned in the task
Loads & Checks under the task area Design Checks.
In the screenshot below, you can see the window for definition of ULS check at the
specified time t0:
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 161

In the next screenshot, you can see the window for definition of ULS check at the
time infinite:

The assembly for both ULSCHECK: ULS Check tasks contains again two ele-
ments of the structural member “MG-Box”, so the list of assemblies has the following

The next two calculation tasks that we will define represent the code-based checks
for Serviceability limit state.
The check includes stress check and the check for crack width limitation.
The check is performed for the specified envelope and the wished elements defined
using assemblies. Any existing reinforcement is taken into account.
This check is defined using the task SLSCHECK: SLS Check positioned in the task
Loads & Checks under the task area Design Checks.
In the screenshot below, you can see the window for definition of the SLS check at
specified time t0:
162 Design Checks Allplan Bridge 2021

In the next screenshot, you can see the window for definition of the SLS check at the
time infinite:

The assembly for both SLSCHECK: SLS Check tasks contains again two ele-
ments of the structural member “MG-Box”, so the list of assemblies has the following

All Results can be viewed in the Project Navigation tree under the Results/Ta-
bles/Design Checks in the format of tables and also exported to Excel files by using
the corresponding Export function from the Actionbar.
All exported tables with the Results are automatically saved in the subdirectory “Re-
sults” of the project directory (please check the next Chapter Results/Tables or
online Help for more details).
We can begin now with the tasks related to the definition of the reports.
All calculation tasks have corresponding report task, so we can e.g. calculate the
whole structure, but the user can select to report just important parts of the struc-
ture in detail.
We start again with two tasks for linear stress calculation.
We define it by using the icon LINSTRESSREPORT: Report – Linear stress posi-
tioned in the task Loads & Checks under the task area Design Checks.
For linear stress report we need to input two arguments: Result Name as “Lin-
Stress-Char” given for calculation of characteristic SLS envelope and to tick the
Normal checkbox to print out normal stresses. The complete definition is shown be-
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 163

Here we just want to report the results in the center of the bridge and the list of as-
semblies should have the following look:

The second report task is the same LINSTRESSREPORT: Report – Linear stress
but made for the different Result Name “LinStress-Qp” and again for Normal

The assembly for this task is the center element of the member “MG-Box”, so the list
of assemblies has the following look:

The reason, why the calculation task has an assembly for whole girder and report just
for one element is, that we already have minimal and maximal stresses along the
length calculated. Those results are important for engineer to follow to tune the
structure and can be e.g. exported to an excel file to make this kind of report.
LINSTRESSREPORT produce a detailed overview of stresses calculation in given sta-
tioning and time, so we can fully understand in which fiber extreme values occur.
The next report task is for reinforcement design results. We define it by using the icon
DESIGNREPORT: Report – Design (ULS + SLS) positioned in the task Loads &
Checks under the task area Design Checks.
The Result Name is “ReinfDesign”:

The report is done for both calculated elements, so the assembly for this task is the
structural member “MG-Box”. The list of assemblies has the following look:
164 Design Checks Allplan Bridge 2021

The next two report tasks are defined for the reinforcement design results.
We define them by using the icon CHECKREPORT: Report – Check (ULS + SLS)
positioned in the task Loads & Checks under the task area Design Checks.
The definition of the report for the time t=0, with the Result Name “ReinfCheck_t0”
is shown below:

The definition of the report for the time infinite, with the Result Name “Rein-
fCheck_too” is shown below:

The user can choose, by ticking the corresponding boxes, which components of the
report he would like to produce. Available are reports for flexure, shear, torsion, in-
teraction between Shear and Torsion, stress limitation report and the report about
crack control.
For this example, we will select all the reports which are available.

The assembly for both tasks are again the same elements of the structural member
“MG-Box”, so the list of assemblies has the following look:

All created Reports are after the project calculation automatically saved as Word
documents in the subdirectory “Reports” of the project directory.
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 165

For all additional information and more explanations about the design code checks
please use our Online Help available directly in the program by clicking the F1 button or
you can use the icon in the upper right corner of the title bar in order to open the

The Results tab in the Project navigation tree is used to select the views or the ta-
bles of the load cases and envelopes to be displayed.
The Results window is further divided into two separate windows horizontally:
- Upper window Results where the user is able to select the type of view.
-Bottom window Result Data where the user can select the wished result type.
Upper window Results is divided into several vertical tabs: Loads, 3D-Diagrams, Ta-
bles and Influence Lines for a graphical preview of the loads and influence lines as
well as for a graphical or tabular view of the results.
Bottom window Result Data is divided into several vertical tabs: Load Cases, Enve-
lopes, Lane Sets and Design Checks for choosing the wished result data.
With the selection and combination of the wished tabs in the top and bottom window
the user can get the view of the wished result in the main window Analysis Model on
the right side.

The user can create as many load views as he needs in order to present loads from
different load cases. He can create a New View or Copy the one previously created.
Under one load view the user can choose to activate the display type Colored Sur-
It is possible to create numerous Loads and copy already existing one, using the con-
text menu. The user can create New Load using the context menu of the menu
Loads. After the load is created it is necessary to select the wished Load Case in the
bottom window.
It is important to go to the Properties window on the right side and select the wished
Load type, as shown on the screenshot below.
In the same window the user can adjust view options as well.
166 Results Allplan Bridge 2021

After all necessary definitions are made one Load is presented in the view window in
the following way:

In 3D view we can see the wind load presented with the arrows showing the load di-
rection acting on the structure and, on the traffic, but also, we can see the loaded sur-
faces which are shown as well.
The corresponding checkboxes can be used to activate or deactivate wished load
views or load.
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 167

3-D Diagrams

The user can create as many views as he needs in order to present loads or various
results from different load cases or envelopes. He can create a New View or Copy the
one previously created. Under one result view the user can decide between 3 differ-
ent display types: Deformed Structure, Colored Surface and Diagrams. The corre-
sponding checkboxes can be used to activate or deactivate certain result views or di-
It is possible to create numerous diagrams, by copying already existing one, using the
context menu.
The selection of the result components is done via the action bar Results.

The user can decide between Displacements, Forces or Stresses to be displayed for
the wished load case or envelope and save this view into the new diagram.
It is also possible to define the Leading component for the results of the wished en-
velope in the action bar as well as to define the Scaling factor.
To define a diagram the user must first click on the diagram which he wants to define
in the upper Results window, and only then to click on the load case to be displayed or
on the envelope in the lower window Result Data/ Load Cases or Envelopes and also
select the desired result components in the Results action bar.
One properly created 3D diagram is shown on the screenshot below:

The Properties window can be used to make various settings for displaying colored
areas and diagrams. In this example you can find different views and diagrams defined
for various loads and envelopes.

Tables window is divided into the two windows horizontally. With the selection of the
wished component: Internal forces, Displacements, Stresses, Tendon Forces or
Design Checks in the upper window and the selection of the wished load case or
168 Results Allplan Bridge 2021

envelope to be displayed, in the lower window, the user can get the table with the
wished results in the main window on the right side:

In order to see the results of the design code checks in the tables the user must select
the vertical tab Design Check in the lower window together with the Design Check
component selected in the upper window as shown on the screenshot below:
Getting Started Analytical Bridge Model 169

It is possible to get the table from any design check performed and defined in the pro-
ject. The user can see the necessary amount of the reinforcement per element and
per property set defined in the cross section, Normal Stresses and other calculated
Using the function Export to Excel the user can export each table in the excel file
format and use the results for completing the project documentation.

By selecting the icon Report – Check (ULS) it is possible to create a three-di-

mensional interaction diagram for the ULS design check made in the project.
For this, it is necessary to select the corresponding file (*.stl) saved in the subdirec-
tory “ULS” where all the results of the ULS design check are saved and the 3D dia-
gram will be created as shown below:

For all additional information and more explanations about the results from design
code checks please use our Online Help/Actionbar/Results/Design Checks.
Help is available directly in the program by clicking the F1 button or you can use the
icon in the upper right corner of the title bar in order to open the Help.

Influence Lines
This window is divided into the two windows horizontally.
The user must select the wished influence line component in the upper window:
Internal forces – Nx, Vy, Vz, Mx, My, Mz
Displacements – ux, uy, uz, rx, ry, rz
Stresses – Sigmax
Also, it is necessary to select the wished Lane Set for which influence lines should be
displayed, in the lower window.
After that the user will get the graphical preview of the wished influence lines for se-
lected element:
170 Results Allplan Bridge 2021

The user can select the wished element in the 3D model in order to get the influence
lines for this specific element. The element will be highlighted in the model.
Additionally, it is possible to use the task area Influence lines positioned under the tab
Results and choose the wished load train defined in the project together with the load
train direction as shown below:

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