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Case 8:24-mj-01028-AAS Document 1 Filed 01/05/24 Page 1 of 6 PageID 1

AO 91 (Rev. 11111) Criminal Complaint


for the

Middle District of Florida

United States of America )

v. )
) Case No.
Alexander Lightner ) 8:24-MJ-1028AAS


I, the complainant in this case, state that the following is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
On or about the date(s) of Dec 29, 2023 to Jan 5, 2024 in the county of Sarasota in the
Middle District of Florida , the defendant(s) violated:

Code Section Offense Description

18 U.S.C. § 875(c) Transmitting a threat to injure in interstate or foreign commerce
26 U.S.C. § 5861 (d) Possession of an unregistered firearm (silencer)

This criminal complaint is based on these facts:

See attached Affidavit

~ Continued on the attached sheet.

Complainant's signature

Special Agent Ronald Daniels, FBI

Printed name and title
Sworn to me over the telephone consistent with FRCP 4 & 4.1.
Sworn to before me and signed in my presence.

Date: January 5, 2024

Judge's signature

City and state: Tampa, Florida AMANDA A. SANSONE, U.S. Magistrate Judge
Printed name and title
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I, Ronald Daniels, having been duly sworn, hereby depose and state:


1. I am employed as a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of

Investigation ("FBI") and have been employed in this capacity since September

2015. I am currently assigned to the Sarasota Field Office. In my capacity as a

Special Agent, I have investigated various crimes, including crimes involving

racially or ethnically motivated violent extremism and those involving the

transmission of interstate threats to injure and crimes involving illegal possession

of fIrearms. I received training in obtaining probable cause, surveillance

techniques, the interviewing of subjects and witnesses, and the planning and

execution of arrest, search, and seizure warrants.

2. I submit this affidavit in support of a criminal complaint charging

ALEXANDER LIGHTNER ("LIGHTNER"), DOB 8/26/1997, with violations

of 18 U.S.C. § 875(c) (transmitting in interstate commerce a threat to injure) and

26 U.S.C. § 5861(d) (possession of an unregistered fIrearm).

3. I make this affidavit from personal knowledge based on my

participation in the investigation, information from law enforcement officers, and

information gained through my training and experience.

4. Because this affidavit is submitted for the limited purpose of

establishing probable cause for the issuance of a criminal complaint, I have not
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set forth each and every fact that I learned as a result of this investigation. Rather,

I have set forth only those facts that I believe are necessary to establish probable

cause that a violation of federal law has been committed. Unless otherwise noted,

all statements of other persons described in this affidavit are set forth in substance

and in part, rather than verbatim.


5. On or about December 29,2023, on an Internet messaging platform,

the user made several concerning posts that, taken together, were

intended to convey the message that he was planning to conduct a racially or

ethnically motivated mass casualty event:

a. "2024 there shall be saints u fuq"

b. "Highs core shall be defeated"

c. "I'll delete this, but I say to you there is no surrender only death. Only

d. "When my @ says last seen a week ago remove me from everything."

e. "It's so over. It's so begun."

f. "It's called a .308 black tip."

g. "I've spectator (sic) 15+ years, as a pushy, reluctant teacher better, role,
fulfilled? Fuck all yall. I am greater. I tried life as the system commands.
It did not work. Now you shall she (sic) 15 years of obligation. Of duty.
Of role. Ofleadership. Of teaching. Mentoring. Duty. Honor. Those
that know me know. It's over, you have not seen the wrath of the Aryan
that has no purpose left."
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6. Based on my training, experience, and/or knowledge of this

investigation, I know that a "saint" is an individual who commits an act of

violence in furtherance of white supremacist and accelerationist goals. Following

the commission of an act of violence in furtherance of the white supremacist and

accelerationist goals, an individual may be "sainted."

7. In my training and/or experience, I believe that "highscore" is a

reference to the death toll amassed by an attacker who commits an act of mass


8. Based on my training and/or experience, I believe that when

referred to a .308 blacktip, he was referring to a type of ammunition.

9. Through subsequent investigation, the FBI identified the user of

as LIGHTNER, a 26-year-old male residing at a residence on Lemon

Bay Drive, Venice, Florida (the "RESIDENCE").

10. On or about January 5,2024, law enforcement executed a search

warrant at the RESIDENCE. Upon search of the RESIDENCE, agents found a

firearm silencer that is approximately 6 to 7 inches long in a laundry hamper in

LIGHTNER's bedroom, which LIGHTNER shares with his brother. The device

does not appear to have serial numbers or markings in reference to a maker or


11. At the foot of LIGHTNER's bed, agents also found .308 ammunition,

which is the ammunition mentioned in posts. There were also

multiple firearms in LIGHTNER's room.

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12. During the search, Federal agents also found propaganda regarding
white supremacist and accelerationist ideology in LIGHTNER's bedroom.

Specifically, there was propaganda found in LIGHTNER's bedroom near his bed

discussing "saints," as defmed above.

13. Additionally, during the execution of the search warrant, LIGHTNER

was interviewed by FBI. During the interview, LIGHTNER admitted to being the

user of the account and making the December 29, 2023 posts discussed

above. LIGHTER also told federal agents that no other person has access to that


14. LIGHTNER also told federal agents that he was drunk when he made

the December 29,2023, posts, but he remembered making the posts.

LIGHTER said he made the posts because he wanted attention from the online

community. He also told federal agents that the reference to "saint" inferred that

he would become a "saint" after his death. As explained above, a "saint" is an

individual who commits an act of violence in furtherance of the white

supremacist and accelerationist goals.

15. LIGHTNER also admitted that the silencer found in his bedroom

laundry hamper belonged to him. According to LIGHTNER, he made the

silencer when he was twelve-years old.

16. Photographs of the silencer recovered from LIGHTNER's bedroom

were provided to a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives expert,

who determined that the silencer appears to qualify as a "firearm" under 26

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U.S.C. § 5845(a)(7). A records search shows no registration of any fIrearm or

silencer by LIGHTNER in the National Firearms Registration and Transfer

Record as required by Title 26, United States Code.


17. Based on the foregoing information, I respectfully submit that probable

cause exists to believe that Alexander LIGHTNER knowingly violated 18 U.S.C.

§ 875(c) (transmitting in interstate commerce a threat to injure) and 26 U.S.C.

§ 5861(d) (possession of an unregistered ftrearm). Accordingly, I request issuance

of the proposed Complaint and Arrest Warrant.

This concludes my affidavit.

Ronald Daniels
FBI Special Agent

Affidavit submitted by reliable electronic means and attested to me as true and

accurate by telephone consistent with Fed. R. Crim. P. 4.1 this 5th day of January,

United States Magistrate Judge

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