Parent Code of Conduct

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As a parent(s)/guardian(s) of a member of the Utah Junior Volleyball Club program, I (we) will conduct myself (ourselves) in the manner described below. _________ 1. I understand that I am paying for my child to learn the skills and concepts of volleyball in an effective and respectful environment. Utah Juniors coaches will provide a role on the team for every player, but my child will not be guaranteed equal playing time in games, matches or tournaments. Decisions concerning player participation in games and tournaments are solely the responsibility of the coaches. _________ 2. My attendance at matches and tournaments is welcomed and anticipated. I will conduct myself in a respectful manner by: A. Showing appropriate sportsmanship toward all teams, parents, fans, officials, coaches, and staff. I will refrain from using loud or profane language. B. Being patient and supportive with the athletes, regardless of their play. C. Accepting decisions made by coaches and staff. D. Discontinuing behavior deemed unacceptable at the request of staff, coaches, players, officials or other fans. If I fail to honor such a request, it is within the rights of Utah Juniors staff or any hosting organizations staff to request that I leave the playing area or the building. E. Refraining from distracting my child, other players or coaches during competition _________ 3. If I have a grievance, I will not discuss my grievance during practice times or on days of competition. I will wait 24 hours before making any contact in person or via email with coach. I will schedule a time one on one to meet with the coach to discuss any possible issues. _________ 4. My child must remain at the competition site until released by the team head coach. If I remove my child from a competition site without prior permission, Utah Juniors will consider my child to have resigned from the Club and all outstanding fees become immediately due and payable. _________ 5. I am responsible for my childs conduct. I will be contacted if any problems with my child arise. _________ `6. I agree that I will be financially responsible for all fees assessed relating to my childs participation in Utah Juniors programs, plus any penalties resulting from my failure to meet the terms of this agreement as stated in the Utah Juniors Handbook. If I remove my child from the Utah Juniors Volleyball Club before the end of the season, I am still obligated to pay my childs full season fee assessment, as the rest of the team cannot be expected to pick up my share of the teams expenses. __________________________________________________ Name of Player __________________________________________________ (Signature of Parent or Guardian) Date __________________________________________________ (Signature of Parent or Guardian) Date

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