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An Internship Report


“Analyzing Trade Sales Functions of Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited”

Supervised By

Noman Hasan
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
Faculty of Business Studies
Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University

Submitted By

Md. Tanjil
ID: BBA 18026
Session: 2017-18
Major in Management Studies
Department of Business Administration
Faculty of Business Studies
Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University

1st April, 2023

Letter of Transmittal
Date: April 01, 2023
Noman Hasan
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
Faculty of Business Studies
Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University
Santosh, Tangail-1902

Subject: Submission of Internship Report on “Analyzing Trade Sales Functions of Asian

Paints Bangladesh Limited”.


With due respect, I have the honor to place my Internship Report on “Analyzing Trade Sales
Functions of Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited” for the partial fulfillment of the requirements of
completion of my BBA program. This report is prepared under your supervision and guidance.
With a view to having pragmatic exposure over practical arena, I was assigned this topic.

To get through this report based on my cognition and analysis I exerted my full efforts and zeal. I
have tried to make the report clear and comprehensive within the constraints. I sincerely believe
that this report will fulfill the purpose.

Thanking you for your kind supervision.

Sincerely Yours,


Md. Tanjil
ID No: BBA 18026
Session: 2017-18
Major in Management Studies
Department of Business Administration
Faculty of Business Studies
Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University
Santosh, Tangail-1902

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I do hereby solemnly declare that the work presented in this internship Report titled “Analyzing
Trade Sales Functions of Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited” is an original work done by me
under the Supervision of Mr. Noman Hasan Sir, Assistant Professor, Department of Business
Administration, Faculty of Business Studies, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology
University, Santosh, Tangail-1902. No part of this report has been previously submitted to any
other University/College/Institution/Organization for any academic certificate/Degree/Diploma/

The work I have presented does not breach any existing copyright and no portion of this report is
copied from any work earlier for a degree or otherwise.

I further undertake to indemnify the department against any loss or damage arising from breach
of the forgoing obligation, if any.


Md. Tanjil
ID No: BBA 18026
Session: 2017-18
Major in Management Studies
Department of Business Administration
Faculty of Business Studies
Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University
Santosh, Tangail-1902

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Letter of Acceptance

This is to certify that the Internship Report on “Analyzing Trade Sales Functions of Asian Paints
Bangladesh Limited” Submitted by Md. Tanjil, Student of Business Administration
(Management Studies) as a partial fulfillment of the requirement of Bachelor of Business
Administration (BBA), Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, is the
candidate’s own achievement. I have gone through the draft copy of the report and found it
satisfactory for submission to the department of Business Administration, Mawlana Bhashani
Science and Technology University.


Noman Hasan
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
Faculty of Business Studies
Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University

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First of all, I would like to express gratitude to Almighty for giving me the strength and the
ability to finish the task within the given time. I also grateful to all the people who were involved
both directly and indirectly in the preparation of this report.

At the very beginning, I want to thanks my honorable supervisor Mr. Noman Hasan Sir,
Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration for his stimulating advice, guidance,
valuable suggestions and whole hearted cooperation. His supervision helps me to complete this
report successfully. I am also very grateful to all my teachers for their valuable suggestions,
advice and support and help.

I would like to thank the authority of Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited for giving me an
internship opportunity specially Mr. Md. Golam Sarwar Sir (Area Manager – Old Dhaka), all
Territory Sales Incharge of Old Dhaka area and all the employees of Asian Paints Bangladesh
Limited, Corporate Office as well as Derma depot for their cooperation towards me and for
giving me permission to collect data from different department and providing me the required
data as much as possible.

Furthermore, I would convey special thanks to my honorable parents whose inspirations have
enabled me to complete this report of this particular course. I also apologize heartily for any
omitted name whose contribution was also complementary for any possible aspects. Therefore,
all the credit of my accomplishment spread to all the helping hands.

Last but not the least, I would like to convey my thankfulness to my inmates, both seniors and
fellow BBA Students who gave me good advice, suggestions, inspiration, and support.


Md. Tanjil
ID No: BBA 18026
Session: 2017-18
Major in Management Studies
Department of Business Administration
Faculty of Business Studies
Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University
Santosh, Tangail-1902

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List of Tables
SL. No Name of the Table Page
1 Product for Exterior Wall 18
2 Product for Interior Wall 20
3 Product for Metal 21
4 Product for Base Coat/Under Coat 22
5 Water Proofing and Construction Chemical 23

List of Figures
SL. No Name of Figure Page No
1 International Presence of Asian Paints 17
2 Organogram of Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited 18
3 Products of Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited 25
4 Distribution Process of product 31

List of Abbreviations
APBL Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited
AM Area Manager
TSI Trade Sales Incharge
HRM Human Resource Management
ICT Information and Communication Technology

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Table of Contents
CHAPTER 01 .................................................................................................................. 10
1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 11
1.2 Origin of the Report ........................................................................................ 11
1.3 Objectives of the Report ................................................................................. 12
1.3.1 General Objective ............................................................................ 12
1.3.2 Specific Objective ............................................................................ 12
1.4 Methodology of the Report ............................................................................. 12
1.4.1 Primary sources ................................................................................ 12
1.4.2 Secondary sources ............................................................................ 12
1.5 Scope of the Study .......................................................................................... 13
1.6 Limitations of the report ................................................................................. 13

CHAPTER 02 .................................................................................................................. 14
Organization profile .......................................................................................................... 15
2.1 Company Overview ........................................................................................ 15
2.2 Historical Background .................................................................................... 15
2.3 Mission............................................................................................................ 16
2.4 Vision .............................................................................................................. 16
2.5 Employees and Job Environment.................................................................... 16
2.6 International Presence of Asian Paints ........................................................... 17
2.7 Organogram of Asian paints Bangladesh Limited .......................................... 18
2.8 Products of Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited ................................................ 18
2.8.1 Exterior Wall Finish ......................................................................... 18
2.8.2 Interior Wall Finish .......................................................................... 20
2.8.3 Enamel ............................................................................................. 21
2.8.4 Primer & undercoat .......................................................................... 22
2.8.5 Water Proofing Construction Chemical ........................................... 23

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CHAPTER 03 .................................................................................................................. 26
3.1 Duties and Responsibilities During Internship ............................................... 27

CHAPTER 04 .................................................................................................................. 28
Marketing Practices of Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited ................................................ 29
4.1 Marketing Strategy.......................................................................................... 29
4.2 Digital Marketing ............................................................................................ 30
4.3 Marketing Mix of Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited ..................................... 30

CHAPTER 05 .................................................................................................................. 32
Operations & Information Management System of Trade Sales Activity ........................ 33
5.1 Operation Management System ...................................................................... 33
5.2 Information System Practices ......................................................................... 33

CHAPTER 06 .................................................................................................................. 34
Findings and Recommendations ....................................................................................... 35
6.1 Findings........................................................................................................... 35
6.2 Recommendations ........................................................................................... 35

CHAPTER 07 .................................................................................................................. 36
7.1 Conclusions ..................................................................................................... 37

REFERENCES ................................................................................................................ 39
Others ................................................................................................................................ 39

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Executive Summary

In Paints industry, Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited is one of the leading paint companies in
Bangladesh, offering a wide range of decorative and industrial coatings. With a strong focus on
customer satisfaction and innovation, the company has established a strong presence in the
market and continues to grow its business. It plays a prominent role in the development of
business and commerce as well as economy of Bangladesh. My objective is to know and gather
knowledge about trade sales functions of Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited. Primary and
secondary data have been collected through observation and consultation with the organization’s
personnel, annual reports, manual of Asian paints Bangladesh Limited and relevant journals to
complete this report.

After making the whole report, I have prepared some findings concerning about the functions of
trade sales of Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited. Finally, I tried to give some suggestions based
on my knowledge and experience which I have achieved during internship at Asian Paints
Bangladesh Limited, for smooth operation of trade sales team.

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1.1 Introduction
Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited is a leading multinational company in the paint industry,
operating in Bangladesh since 2002. The company has established itself in 2nd position in the
industry, with a strong reputation for providing high-quality paint products and services to its
customers. With a focus on innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction, Asian Paints
Bangladesh Limited has maintained its position as a dominant player in the local paint industry.

The company has made a significant economic impact on Bangladesh, contributing to the
country's growth and development through its investments in research and development, job
creation, and community development initiatives. Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited has created
employment opportunities for thousands of Bangladeshis, contributing to the country's economy
while also maintaining its commitment to social responsibility and sustainability.

As a socially responsible company, Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited has been actively involved
in various social welfare projects, contributing to the welfare of local communities. Its
commitment to sustainability has also resulted in several eco-friendly initiatives aimed at
reducing its environmental impact.

Overall, Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited's market position and economic impact in Bangladesh
have made it a crucial player in the country's paint industry and a significant contributor to its
economic growth and development.

This report “Analyzing Trade Sales Functions of Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited” focuses on
analyzing and understanding the activity of trade sales of Asain Paints Bangladesh Limited.

1.2 Origin of the Report

Internship is a fundamental requirement of the BBA program at the Department of Business
Administration, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University. To fulfill the
requirements of my BBA program, I have been assigned a three-month internship with Asian
Paints Bangladesh Limited. Having worked in the sales department for several months, I was
finally assigned to my topic, which is “Analyzing Trade Sales Functions of Asian Paints
Bangladesh Limited”.

As part of this assignment, I was allocated, regulated and supervised by Mr. Noman Hasan Sir,
Assistant Professor of the Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Business Studies at
Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, and I wish to thank him for providing
me with guidelines during the preparation of this report.

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1.3 Objectives of the Report
There are two kinds of objectives. One is a general objective, while the other is a specific

1.3.1 General Objective

This study aims to identify and analyze Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited's Trade Sales

1.3.2 Specific Objective

 To gain a better understanding of trade sales policies and procedures of APBL.

 To learn more about the products of APBL.
 To gain practical and real life experience from the organization.
 Acquire knowledge of APBL’s distribution network policies, distribution area classification
methods, and practices.

1.4 Methodology of the Report

Methodology refers to the methods or sources used in the report. To make my report valuable, it
is very imperative to understand the main sources of data and information I have collected. I
have collected all information from the following sources.

1.4.1 Primary sources

Primary data are collected from the source of origin and have never been used before in any
study or report. These data are collected through observation and direct conversation with
organization personnel.

1.4.2 Secondary sources

Secondary data are collected from published sources. The secondary data used in this report was
obtained from the following sources:

 Relevant papers, periodicals and documents published by APBL.

 Website of APBL
 Annual Report of APBL.
 Previous reports and journals relevant to APBL.
 Relevant Websites and articles Related to This Field.

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1.5 Scope of the Study
The report will be a document that provides information to its users about the trade sales
functions of Asain Paints Bangladesh Limited. It will also provide information about the paint
industry of Bangladesh. Any reader of this report can get these ideas and learn about the trade
sales strategy and management activities of paint products in Bangladesh. There are very few
reports available to analyze the sales strategy of APBL, and more specifically that of a paint
company in Bangladesh.

In order to gain a better understanding of the trade sales functions of Bangladesh's paint sector,
this report will be of considerable value for officials of the paint industry and foreign personnel.
University students, lecturers, unemployed fresher’s can also gain insight into the trade sales
strategy of Bangladesh's paint industries.

1.6 Limitations of the report

 There are few opportunities to access internal data.
 Much confidential information was not disclosed by respective organization personnel for the
sake of organization confidentiality.
 Employees were busy with their own duties, so they had little time for consultation.
 Lack of published materials.
 This report is based on Old Dhaka area only.

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Organization profile

2.1 Company Overview

Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited is a leading paint company in Bangladesh, operating under the
umbrella of Asian Paints Limited, India. It started its journey in Bangladesh in 2002 and has
since become a trusted and renowned brand in the country's paint industry. The company offers a
wide range of decorative and industrial paints, coatings, and related products, catering to various
consumer and business segments.

Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited has a strong distribution network, covering all major cities and
towns in the country, with over 3,500 dealers and 300 retail outlets. The company's
manufacturing plant in Gazipur, Dhaka & Mirshorai, Chittagong are equipped with state-of-the-
art technology.

Apart from its core business, Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited is also committed to sustainable
development and corporate social responsibility. The company has undertaken various
initiatives, such as supporting education, healthcare, and disaster relief efforts, and promoting
environmental conservation.

Overall, Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited has established itself as a leading player in the paint
industry in Bangladesh, with a strong brand reputation, extensive product portfolio, and
commitment to sustainability and social responsibility.

2.2 Historical Background

Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited was established in 2002 with a vision to provide the discerning
consumers of Bangladesh with top-quality paint products. Over the years, the company has
expanded its product line to include a wide range of high-performance decorative, waterproofing,
construction chemicals, marine, and industrial paints, leveraging cutting-edge technology and
expertise to cater to the diverse needs of the market.

The company began its operations by importing paints, but soon established its own
manufacturing plant in Gazipur on the outskirts of Dhaka. In 2022, Asian Paints further
expanded its manufacturing capabilities by inaugurating a second plant in Bangabandhu Shilpa
Nagar (BSMSN), Chattogram.

Today, Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited is the second-largest paint company in Bangladesh,
with a presence in all 64 districts and a vast dealer network, enabling it to serve customers from
all walks of life. The company operates through strategically located depots in Dhaka(Turag &
Demra), Chattogram, Cumilla, Khulna, Bogra, Barishal, Rajshahi, and Mymensingh, providing
prompt and efficient service to customers.

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With its unwavering commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction, Asian Paints
Bangladesh Limited has earned a reputation as a trusted and reliable brand in the paint industry.
The company's continued investment in technology, manufacturing, and distribution capabilities
ensures that it remains at the forefront of the market, catering to the evolving needs of customers
and contributing to the economic development of Bangladesh.

2.3 Mission
The mission of Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited is to provide its customers with high-quality,
innovative, and sustainable painting solutions that meet their diverse needs and enhance the
beauty and value of their living and working spaces. The company is committed to achieving this
mission through continuous improvement, customer-centricity, ethical business practices, and
social responsibility, while also creating value for its stakeholders and contributing to the growth
and development of Bangladesh's economy.

2.4 Vision
Clear goals for a clear future.
“To be the fore runner of inspiring décor and to actively empower customers to create their
dream homes”

2.5 Employees and Job Environment

Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited is committed to creating a dynamic and supportive work
environment for its employees. The company values its people and recognizes them as the
backbone of its success.

With a diverse team of over 1,500 professionals, Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited offers a range
of career opportunities to its employees. The company provides its employees with the necessary
training, support, and resources to enhance their skills and capabilities. The company also
encourages a culture of open communication, transparency, and mutual respect, creating a
collaborative and inclusive workplace.

The company's commitment to employee welfare is evident through various employee-focused

initiatives, such as health and wellness programs, skill development programs, and employee
engagement activities. The company also provides a safe and healthy work environment,
adhering to the highest standards of safety and hygiene.

In addition, Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited promotes diversity, equality, and inclusion in the
workplace, ensuring that every employee is treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their
background or identity.

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Overall, Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited strives to create a positive and fulfilling work
environment, where its employees can thrive and contribute to the company's success.

2.6 International Presence of Asian Paints

The Asian Paints group boasts of a global presence across 15 countries, establishing its
dominance as the largest paint firm in eleven of these countries. Through its six corporate
brands, namely, Asian Paints, Asian Paints Berger, SCIB Paints, Apco Coatings, Taubmans,
Causeway Paints, and Kadisco, the group operates in five key regions, spanning Asia, the Middle
East, the South Pacific, and Africa.

 Asian Paints in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia (Asia)
 SCIB Paints in Egypt (Middle East)
 Asian Paints Berger in UAE, Bahrain, and Oman (Middle East)
 Apco Coatings in Fiji, Tonga, Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu (South Pacific)
 Kadisco Asian Paints in Ethiopia (Africa)
 Taubmans in Fiji and Samoa (South Pacific)
 Causeway Paints in Sri Lanka (Asia)

Figure 1: International Presence of Asian Paints

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2.7 Organogram of Asian paints Bangladesh Limited

Figure 2: Organogram of Asian paints Bangladesh Limited

Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited has a horizontal organizational culture, with the managing
director overseeing corporate services, finance and administration, supply chain, marketing and
sales. The regulatory safety and quality department is under the direction of corporate operations.
The Finance administration department oversees HRM, Administration, and ICT. The supply
chain department is in the cost of procurement and logistics. The marketing team is separated
into two categories: trade and sales.

2.8 Products of Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited

2.8.1 Exterior Wall Finish

SL No. Product Name Product Code

1 Ultima Metallics Gold F0050
2 Ultima Mettalics Silver F0050
3 Ultima Protek Shyne F0057
4 Apex Ultima Weather Proof Exterior Emulsion F0026
5 Apex Weather Proof Exterior Emulsion F0022
6 Apex Weather Proof Exterior Emulsion – Silicon F0022
7 Ace Exterior Emulsion F0035
8 Decora Cement Paint F0032
Table 1: Product for Exterior Wall Page | 18
1. Apex Ultima Metallics Gold: It is a premium exterior emulsion that provides a warm golden
metallic finish to the exterior surfaces of buildings. It has metallic pigments that give a
sparkling effect to the walls and add a touch of luxury and elegance to any building. It is
durable, weather-resistant, and suitable for use in coastal areas.

2. Apex Ultima Metallics Silver: It is a premium exterior emulsion that provides a cool and
contemporary silver metallic finish to the exterior surfaces of buildings. It has metallic
pigments that reflect light beautifully and add depth to any surface it is applied to. It is
durable, weather-resistant, and suitable for use in coastal areas. It is ideal for walls, gates, and
grills, giving a sleek and sophisticated look to any building.

3. Ultima Protek Shyne: It is a premium exterior emulsion that provides a high gloss finish to
the exterior surfaces of buildings. It has advanced cross-linking polymers that offer excellent
protection against water, UV radiation, and other weathering agents. It also has a high
elasticity, making it suitable for use in areas with high movement.

4. Apex Ultima Weather Proof Exterior Emulsion: It is a premium exterior emulsion that
offers excellent protection against harsh weather conditions such as rain, heat, and UV
radiation. It has a smooth and matt finish that provides a sophisticated look to the exterior
surfaces. It is also durable and resistant to fading, cracking, and peeling.

5. Apex Weather Proof Exterior Emulsion: It is a water-based exterior emulsion that

provides good protection against weathering and ageing. It has a smooth and matt finish that
enhances the aesthetic appeal of the exterior surfaces. It is also durable and water-resistant.

6. Apex Weather Proof Exterior Emulsion – Silicon Finish: It is a water-based exterior

emulsion that provides a smooth and silicon finish to the exterior surfaces of buildings. It has
excellent water repellent properties that make it ideal for use in coastal areas. It is also
durable and resistant to fading, cracking, and peeling.

7. Ace Exterior Emulsion: It is a water-based exterior emulsion that provides a smooth and
matt finish to the exterior surfaces of buildings. It has excellent hiding power and coverage,
making it ideal for use on all types of exterior surfaces. It is also water-resistant and durable.

8. Decora Cement Paint: It is a water-based cement paint that provides a matt finish to the
exterior surfaces of buildings. It has excellent coverage and is suitable for use on all types of

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masonry surfaces. It is also water-resistant and durable, making it ideal for use in areas with
high rainfall.

2.8.2 Interior Wall Finish

SL No. Product Name Product Code

1 Royale Health Shield F0100
2 Royale Glitter Gold & Silver base all shade F0036
3 Royale Luxury Emulsion - Shyne F0020
4 Royale Luxury Emulsion - Silk F0033
5 Apcolite Smart Clean F0210
6 Apcolite Premium Emulsion F0021
7 Tractor Emulsion F0034
8 Uthsob Super Saver Emulsion F0058
9 Acrylic Distemper F0023
Table 2: Product for Interior Wall

1. Royale Health Shield: It is a premium interior emulsion that has an anti-bacterial and anti-
viral formula that kills 99% of bacteria and viruses upon contact. It provides excellent
protection against disease-causing microbes and is ideal for use in hospitals, clinics, schools,
and other high-risk areas.

2. Royale Glitter Gold & Silver base all shade: It is a special effect paint that provides a
glittering gold or silver finish to the interior surfaces of buildings. It is ideal for use in areas
that require a high-end and luxurious look, such as hotels, restaurants, and commercial

3. Royale Luxury Emulsion - Shyne: It is a premium interior emulsion that provides a high-
gloss and smooth finish to the interior surfaces of buildings. It has advanced cross-linking
polymers that offer excellent protection against stains, water, and other wear and tear agents.
It also has a high elasticity, making it suitable for use in areas with high movement.

4. Royale Luxury Emulsion - Silk: It is a premium interior emulsion that provides a soft and
silky finish to the interior surfaces of buildings. It has a low VOC formula and is suitable for
use in areas that require a low odor environment. It is also durable and washable.

5. Apcolite Smart Clean: It is a premium interior emulsion that has an easy-to-clean formula
that removes stains and dirt easily. It is ideal for use in areas that require frequent cleaning,
such as kitchens, bathrooms, and children's rooms. It is also washable and durable.

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6. Apcolite Premium Emulsion: It is a premium interior emulsion that provides a smooth and
matt finish to the interior surfaces of buildings. It has excellent hiding power and coverage,
making it ideal for use on all types of interior surfaces. It is also durable and washable.

7. Tractor Emulsion: It is a water-based interior emulsion that provides a smooth and matt
finish to the interior surfaces of buildings. It is ideal for use on all types of interior surfaces
and is also washable and durable.

8. Uthsob Super Saver Emulsion: It is a budget-friendly interior emulsion that provides a

smooth and matt finish to the interior surfaces of buildings. It is ideal for use in areas that
require a low-cost solution, such as low-income housing projects and educational institutions.

9. Acrylic Distemper: It is a water-based distemper that provides a matt finish to the interior
surfaces of buildings. It is ideal for use on all types of masonry surfaces and is also budget-
friendly. It is also durable and washable.

2.8.3 Enamel

SL No. Product Name Product Code

1 Apcolite Premium Gloss Enamel F0040
2 Apcolite Premium Mat Enamel F0042
3 Decora Syntheti Enamel F0030
4 Apcolite Clear Varnish F0044
5 Apcolite Aluminum Paint F0043
Table 3: Product for Metal

1. Apcolite Premium Gloss Enamel: It is a premium quality solvent-based enamel that

provides a high gloss finish to the surfaces. It has excellent gloss retention, durability, and
resistance to yellowing, chalking, and fading. It is ideal for use on interior and exterior metal
surfaces such as doors, windows, grills, gates, and machinery.

2. Apcolite Premium Mat Enamel: It is a premium quality solvent-based enamel that provides
a smooth and matte finish to the surfaces. It has excellent durability and is resistant to
chalking, fading, and yellowing. It is ideal for use on interior and exterior metal surfaces such
as doors, windows, grills, gates, and machinery.

3. Decora Synthetic Enamel: It is a solvent-based enamel that provides a glossy and durable
finish to the surfaces. It is ideal for use on interior and exterior metal surfaces such as doors,

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windows, grills, gates, and machinery. It has excellent resistance to weathering, abrasion, and

4. Apcolite Clear Varnish: It is a clear, solvent-based varnish that provides a transparent

protective layer on the surfaces. It has excellent clarity, durability, and resistance to
yellowing and is ideal for use on interior and exterior wooden surfaces such as doors,
windows, furniture, and decks.

5. Apcolite Aluminum Paint: It is a solvent-based aluminum paint that provides a metallic

finish to the surfaces. It has excellent durability, adhesion, and resistance to weathering,
chalking, and fading. It is ideal for use on interior and exterior metal surfaces such as pipes,
tanks, machinery, and structures. It also reflects heat, making it ideal for use in hot and
humid environments.

2.8.4 Primer & undercoat

SL No. Product Name Product Code

1 True Care Exterior Wall Primer Sealer F0027
2 True Care Wall Primer Sealer – Water base F0060
3 True Care Wall Primer Sealer – Solvent base F0061
4 Salt Shield F0018
5 Royale Basecoat F0052
6 True Care Wall Putty ( Interior & Exterior) F0031
7 True Care Acrylic Wall Putty (Interior) F0064
8 True Care Red Oxide F0063
9 Meta Care Auto Surfacer F0066
10 Thiner 101 F0901
Table 4: Product for Basecoat/Under Coat

1. True Care Exterior Wall Primer Sealer: It is a water-based primer that is designed to
provide excellent adhesion and protection to exterior walls. It is ideal for use on all types of
masonry surfaces, including concrete, plaster, brickwork, and asbestos.

2. True Care Wall Primer Sealer – Water base: It is a water-based primer that is designed to
provide excellent adhesion and protection to interior walls. It is ideal for use on all types of
masonry surfaces, including concrete, plaster, brickwork, and asbestos.

3. True Care Wall Primer Sealer – Solvent base: It is a solvent-based primer that is designed
to provide excellent adhesion and protection to interior walls. It is ideal for use on all types of
masonry surfaces, including concrete, plaster, brickwork, and asbestos.

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4. Salt Shield: It is a water-based solution that is designed to protect masonry surfaces from the
harmful effects of salt. It is ideal for use on exterior walls, bridges, tunnels, and other
structures that are exposed to salt.
5. Royale Basecoat: It is a water-based basecoat that is designed to provide a smooth and
uniform surface for the application of Royale Luxury Emulsion or Royale Shyne Luxury
Emulsion. It is ideal for use on interior walls and ceilings.

6. True Care Wall Putty ( Interior & Exterior): It is a cement-based putty that is used for
filling the surface imperfections and providing a smooth surface for the application of paint.
It is ideal for use on both interior and exterior walls.

7. True Care Acrylic Wall Putty (Interior): It is a water-based putty that is used for filling the
surface imperfections and providing a smooth surface for the application of paint. It is ideal
for use on interior walls.

8. True Care Red Oxide: It is a solvent-based anti-corrosive primer that is used for protecting
iron and steel surfaces from rust and corrosion. It is ideal for use on metal structures,
pipelines, and machinery.

9. Meta Care Auto Surfacer: It is a premium quality, high-build primer that is used for
providing a smooth and uniform surface for the application of automotive topcoats. It is ideal
for use on metal surfaces.

10. Thinner 101: It is a high-quality thinner that is used for thinning solvent-based paints and
varnishes. It is also used for cleaning brushes, rollers, and spray equipment. It is compatible
with a wide range of Asian Paints products.

2.8.5 Water Proofing Construction Chemical

SL No. Product Name Product Code

1 Smart Care Repair Polymer F0008
2 Smart Care Vitalia Neo F0009
3 Smart Care Crack Seal F0014
4 Smart Care Damp Block 2k F0013
5 Smart Care Silicon Water Repellent F0007
6 Apcolite Water Repellent Silicon Finish F0017
7 Apex Ultima Protek Basecoat F0054
8 Smart Care Damp Proof – Fiver Tech F0012
9 Smart Care Damp Proof – Silicon Ceramic F0015

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10 Smart Care Damp Sheath Exterior F0059
11 Smart Care Damp Sheath Interior F0090
12 Smart Care Membrane APP F0005
Table 5: Water Proofing & Construction Chemical

1. Smart Care Repair Polymer: It is a high-performance polymer-modified repair mortar

that is used for repairing and patching concrete surfaces. It is ideal for use on floors,
walls, and other concrete surfaces.

2. Smart Care Vitalia Neo: It is a premium quality, two-component, high-build epoxy

coating that is used for protecting concrete surfaces from chemical and mechanical
damage. It is ideal for use on floors, walls, and other concrete surfaces.

3. Smart Care Crack Seal: It is a ready-to-use, acrylic-based crack filler that is used for
filling cracks and gaps in plaster and concrete surfaces. It provides a strong, flexible, and
waterproof seal.

4. Smart Care Damp Block 2k: It is a two-component, cementitious coating that is used
for waterproofing and damp-proofing concrete and masonry surfaces. It is ideal for use
on basement walls, roofs, and other areas that are prone to water ingress.

5. Smart Care Silicon Water Repellent: It is a water-based, silicone-based solution that is

used for water-repellent treatment of masonry surfaces. It provides excellent water
repellency and breathability to the treated surfaces.

6. Apcolite Water Repellent Silicon Finish: It is a water-based, silicone-based solution

that is used for water-repellent treatment of masonry surfaces. It provides excellent water
repellency and breathability to the treated surfaces.

7. Apex Ultima Protek Basecoat: It is a water-based basecoat that is designed to provide

excellent adhesion and protection to exterior walls. It is ideal for use on all types of
masonry surfaces, including concrete, plaster, brickwork, and asbestos.

8. Smart Care Damp Proof – Fiber Tech: It is a water-based, fiber-reinforced coating that
is used for waterproofing and damp-proofing concrete and masonry surfaces. It provides
excellent adhesion, flexibility, and crack-bridging properties.

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9. Smart Care Damp Proof – Silicon Ceramic: It is a water-based, silicon-ceramic-based
coating that is used for waterproofing and damp-proofing concrete and masonry surfaces.
It provides excellent water repellency, adhesion, and durability.
10. Smart Care Damp Sheath Exterior: It is a water-based, acrylic-based coating that is
used for waterproofing and damp-proofing exterior walls. It provides excellent adhesion,
flexibility, and water resistance.

11. Smart Care Damp Sheath Interior: It is a water-based, acrylic-based coating that is
used for waterproofing and damp-proofing interior walls. It provides excellent adhesion,
flexibility, and water resistance.

12. Smart Care Membrane A.P.P.: It is a high-quality, self-adhesive, modified bituminous

waterproofing membrane that is used for waterproofing roofs, walls, and other surfaces.
It provides excellent adhesion, durability, and water resistance.

Figure 3: Products of Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited

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3.1 Duties and Responsibilities During Internship
During my internship at Asian Paints Bangladesh Ltd., I was assigned the role of a Trade Sales
Intern in the Sales Department. My primary responsibility was to work alongside the Territory
Sales In-charge (TSI) of five different territories in the Old Dhaka area, namely Chittagong
Road, Fatullah, Jatrabari, Keranigonj, and Old Dhaka. These territories are under the Demra
Depot and are managed by the Area Manager of the Old Dhaka area, who oversees the five
Territory Sales In-charges.

As a Trade Sales Intern, I was tasked with various duties as per the daily and weekly tracker,
which outlined the key performance indicators (KPIs) that I was expected to achieve. One of my
significant responsibilities was to work closely with the Territory Sales In-charges and provide
training to the shop boys on the product proposition and sales techniques for the six focused
products - interior, exterior, and metal paints. I was also responsible for upgrading customers by
providing training to the shop boys, briefing contractors through the Painter Meet Program, and
training sessions on focused products to take the lead.

Furthermore, I had to prepare monthly reports by visiting contractor sites and SPS sites every
week to gain consumer insights on the price-value equation, proposition testing, application
system, etc. Additionally, I had to ensure that our selling points, such as selling materials and
collaterals, were deployed in the points or not. I was also responsible for taking orders of
products of 300 liters per week, as specified in my daily and weekly tracker.

Overall, my primary duties during my internship at Asian Paints Bangladesh Ltd. included
providing support to the Territory Sales In-charge team and working as a shadow with them. I
am grateful for the opportunity to work with such a reputable organization and gain invaluable
experience in the field of trade sales.

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Marketing Practices of Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited

4.1 Marketing Strategy

Asian Paints Bangladesh Ltd. has been successful in offering customers a range of products with
varying pricing options. The company strategically targets customers belonging to different
income groups based on demographic and geographic factors such as location and income level.
This enables them to provide specific products that cater to the needs of customers at different
levels. From entry-level, low-priced paints to premium options, Asian Paints Bangladesh Ltd.
has something for everyone.

To effectively reach its target audience, the company uses a combination of traditional and
digital media marketing techniques. They have even collaborated with influencers and brand
ambassadors, including the famous allrounder Shakib Al Hasan, to further promote their brand.
This has enabled the company to expand its reach and create a strong brand identity in the

Asian Paints Bangladesh Ltd. has also introduced innovative products, such as the Asian Paints
Smart Care for damp wall solutions, with a tagline of "Shag Diye Mach Dhaka". Additionally,
they have launched the Apex Glaze, with a tagline of "Puran Dhakai Notun Glaze" & also with
“Asian Paints Safe Eazypainting Service”- this further showcases their ability to effectively
market their products to customers across different segments.

Overall, the marketing strategy of Asian Paints Bangladesh Ltd. has enabled them to differentiate
themselves from their competitors and achieve a significant market position. By providing high-
quality products that cater to the diverse needs of customers and effectively promoting their
brand, the company has become a household name in Bangladesh.

Asian Paints' "Ghar o Golpo Bole" campaign is a successful promotion of the brand's innovative
painting solutions that bring homes to life with color. This TVC effectively capitalizes on
customers' emotional attachment to their homes and desire to be proud of them. With Virtual
Colors and Ezypaint, Asian Paints recognizes and addresses customers' needs for unique and
innovative home decor solutions. The Ideas Engine platform allows customers to explore and
share unique decor ideas with experts and like-minded individuals. Overall, the campaign
effectively promotes Asian Paints as a brand that understands and meets customers' emotional
needs to make their homes feel more alive and expressive.

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4.2 Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is a type of connection marketing that allows businesses and non-profits to
directly engage with customers through various digital channels like mobile messaging, email,
interactive websites, online display ads, and outdoor advertising. Asian Paints utilizes direct
marketing techniques, including email, official correspondence, and phone calls, to encourage
target customers to place orders. The company also leverages traditional channels, such as mail
and phone orders, to reach out to building companies and builders. Through these marketing
efforts, Asian Paints effectively engages with customers and reinforces its position as a leading
brand in the paint industry.

4.3 Marketing Mix of Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited

A marketing mix refers to the set of activities or techniques employed by a business to stimulate
demand for its products or services. The 4Ps of marketing mix, namely Product, Price,
Promotion, and Place, are fundamental components that businesses must consider to effectively
promote their brand. The product refers to the goods or services offered, while price pertains to
the cost customers pay for these offerings. Promotion includes advertising, sales promotions,
public relations, and other marketing communication activities. Place, on the other hand, pertains
to the distribution channels used to make the product or service available to the target market. By
carefully considering and implementing these marketing mix elements, businesses can
effectively reach and engage their target customers and drive sales.

Product Strategy: Asian Paints is a leading company that offers a wide range of decorative and
industrial paints. The company also provides its customers with Safe Paint Service (SPS) by their
easy color world painters. Asian Paints employs a differentiated targeting approach to tailor
specific items to distinct consumer categories. For instance, the high-end market is targeted by
Asian Paints Royale, while budget customers can find products such as Apcolite, tractor
emulsion, and tractor distemper. Additionally, the company provides ready products like
protective coatings, undercoats, primers, and putties, offering their customers both painting and

Pricing Strategy: Asian Paints employs various pricing techniques, depending on the target
market. The high-end Royale product line is priced higher, aimed at affluent customers. For the
middle and budget market segments, the company uses merit-based pricing, taking into account
the unique qualities of the product category. Pricing is also influenced by manufacturing
requirements and competitor costs. The company's success is attributed to generous dealer
rewards. Overall, Asian Paints follows a variable pricing strategy.

Promotion Strategy: Asian Paints places a strong emphasis on building emotional connections
with its customers, particularly families. To enhance its brand image and reach a wider audience,
the company has appointed Sakib Al Hasan as its brand ambassador for Asian Paints Bangladesh

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Ltd. In addition, the company uses incentives for its distribution network as a key promotional
strategy. Currently, social media is the primary platform for the company's promotional efforts.

Placement Strategy: Asian Paints' vast distribution system is one of its primary strategic
advantages. The company has targeted all types of areas, including semi-urban, rural, and
metropolitan regions. The company has developed a nationwide marketing and distribution
operation, which includes an open attitude for dealers. The distribution network includes several
phases, managed by the area manager, territory manager, activation manager, and APEC. The
Dhaka zone is splintered into two depots, Demra and Turag, with each depot containing three
area managers and controlling five territories. Dealers are approached through territory

Production Plant


Dealer Point

Painter/Contractor Consumer

Figure 4: Distribution Process of product

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Operations & Information Management System of Trade Sales Activity

5.1 Operation Management System

Asian Paints Bangladesh Ltd. implements an effective management control system to monitor
and enhance the performance of their trade sales department. Through a dedicated app, the
territory sales in-charge records their daily activities, including their visits to clients, ensuring
accountability and tracking market reports.

Moreover, the company has taken a customer-centric approach by offering the "Colour with
Asian Paints" app. This app provides customers with the ability to visualize their homes with
different colors and select the best color that suits their preferences. The app includes an
extensive range of wall colors, textures, stencils, and wallpapers, offering customers over 2200+
options to explore. The app is readily available in smartphone app stores, enabling customers to
conveniently access the latest painting techniques and trends.

5.2 Information System Practices

Asian Paints Bangladesh Ltd. has implemented an effective information system to manage and
share data with their dealers and painters. The marketing team maintains a datasheet that is easily
accessible and standardized. The sales team uses a database sheet to organize and share data with
dealers, and they also use an office management software-based system.

To make the system even more efficient, the Company has introduced the "Asian Paints Progoti
Club Painter app" for registered painters. This app allows painters to scan tokens collected from
product packs and receive points in their accounts. The painters can then redeem these points by
taking purchase approval from the dealers. This app also provides a range of features such as
viewing purchase history, payment details, membership details, and gift availment.

By implementing such an information system, Asian Paints Bangladesh Ltd. has successfully
enhanced their operational efficiency and provided their dealers and painters with an easy-to-use

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Findings and Recommendations

6.1 Findings
Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited, being a prominent player in the paint industry, has effectively
established its brand in the consumer market. The company's trade sales functions is well-
structured and adequately caters to the needs of its customers throughout the country. In line with
the objectives of my study on the trade sales functions of the company, I have made a sincere
effort to gather relevant data and uncover the ground realities. Drawing from the data generated
during my study period, I present my key findings below.

 The vision of Asian Paints Bangladesh is to be the No 1 in his industry by serving quality
products to the customers.
 The company offers a wide range of products that cater to different market segments,
including high-end, budget, and industrial customers.
 The company employs a variable pricing approach, using a merit-based pricing strategy
for the medium and economic categories.
 Trade sales functions has huge contribution to expand their market.
 Asian Paints Bangladesh has a well-established distribution channel.
 Painters and dealers have the ability to increase sales volume.
 Sales information are managed centrally through database management system.
 Asain Paints Bangladesh Limited use app for their TSI, dealer and painter.

6.2 Recommendations
After conducting a thorough study on the trade sales functions of Asian Paints Bangladesh
Limited, I have identified areas where the company can make improvements to increase sales
more effectively. While the recommendations I have provided are merely suggestions and not
definitive decisions, they offer ways to enhance the trade sales functions and meet sales targets
more efficiently. The following are the recommended steps:

 Enhance the current distribution system by establishing more depots in remote areas.
 Provide more training and support to dealers to improve their selling techniques.
 Develop a loyalty program for customers to encourage repeat purchases.
 Increase the company's digital marketing efforts to reach more potential customers.
 Expand the product range to cater to a wider range of consumer preferences.
 Pricing strategy can be rephrased on market demand and existing rivalry.

Implementing these steps may help Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited to further improve its trade
sales functions and achieve even greater success in the market.

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7.1 Conclusions
In conclusion, the study has provided an in-depth analysis of the trade sales functions of Asian
Paints Bangladesh Limited. The company has a well-structured distribution network and uses
technology to manage its sales team and connect with customers. The company has also
implemented various technology-based solutions, such as mobile apps for customers and
painters, to enhance their user experience and streamline their business operations.

However, there is still room for improvement. Based on the findings of this study, it is
recommended that the company should consider investing more in promotional activities,
especially in rural areas, to increase brand awareness and boost sales. Additionally,
implementing a better system for tracking and monitoring dealer performance could further
improve the efficiency of their distribution network.

Overall, Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited has demonstrated a strong commitment to delivering
high-quality products and services to its customers. With continuous efforts to improve and
innovate, the company has the potential to further expand its market share and maintain its
position as a leading paint company in Bangladesh.

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 Product list of Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited.
 Annual Report of Asian Paints.
 Product Information Sheet.
 Monthly sales report.
 Relevant papers of Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited.

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