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TDA2030 Audio Power Amplifier Circuits,

Mono, Stereo 15 to 30 watts

If you need to build the amplifier circuit for your home. The TDA2030
Audio Amplifier Circuit may be the best choice.


Because it is a cheap IC and easy to use. Suitable for beginners thought

will build the electroacoustic to listen to yourself.

These projects use IC of SGS company TDA2030.

TDA2030 Datasheet

Which the SGS said that it is a great power amplifier IC on 5 pins form.
And, setting a circuit on a class AB power amplifier.

The TDA2030 has high output current and very low harmonic and
crossover distortion.

Also, This device has the short-circuit and the too high-temperature
protection system.

As we experiment to build this project and listen to the sound quality nice.
We turn the high volume for several hours. The TDA2030 is not hot or
just warm. So, suitable for beginners to build this circuit to listen with

Technical Specifications

● Maximum voltage supply used of +/- 18VDC

● Begin working at the minimum voltage of +/- 6VDC

● Power driver output 14W at 4Ω and 9W at 8Ω

● The maximum current of 900mA

● Frequency response range 10HZ-140KHz at -3dB

TDA2030 Pinout
I like this IC. Because it looks like transistor on TO-220, mini size. So, it
is so easy to install on a heatsink.

Look at a pin connection of top view. The tap connects to -Vs pin.

Look at the typical Application circuit diagram.


Also, you look at its circuit symbol pin connection below.

The TDA2030 integrated circuit is the best choice to make a good audio
amplifier circuit. It is used to make many amplifier outputs 10 watts to 200

And a lot of types, Mono or Stereo, OTL, OCL, BCL (Bridge amplifier).

For Example, the super Bridge 120 Watts—I love it. Because of small,
easy using, and cheap.

For Example three TDA2030 Circuits

Are you interest in it? Let’s see we can apply it to what circuits.

Mini 15W OTL Power Amplifier with PCB

This is the main power amplifier of 15W OTL at 8Ω loudspeakers.

You should use power supply at least 24V 1A for MONO.

It is specified with the PCB layout you can try to build this project.

PCB layout

Components layout

Components list

IC1: TDA2030 18W hi-fi amplifier and 35W driver

D1, D2: 1N4001, 50V 1A diodes


C1, C7: 2.2uF 50V Electrolytic

C2: 22uF 25V Electrolytic

C6: 2,200uF 25V Electrolytic

C5: 0.1uF 50V Ceramic

0.25W Resistors tolerance: 5%

R1, R2, R3: 100K

R4: 4.7K

R6: 1Ω

14 watts TDA2030 Stereo amplifier circuit

This is a TDA2030 stereo amplifier circuit. It is a special project.

Because it is an OCL type amplifier.

Which provide power driver of 14 watts/channel at load 4 ohms.

So, it is suitable for beginners thought will build electroacoustics to listen

to themselves.

This project use IC of The SGS company number TDA2030.

Which SGS said that TDA2030 is a power amplifier IC in 5 pins form.


The Setting circuit on a class AB power amplifier to the output of the high
harmonic distortion and low crossover.

They are ready, shock output protection, and the temperature is too high,
complemented within the integrated circuit.

As we listen to the sound quality nice. We turn the volume fully to several
hours. The IC is not hot. Or just warm. so, suitable for beginners to build
this circuit to listen with yourself.

Technical Specifications of IC-TDA2030

● Maximum voltage supply used of +/- 18VDC.

● Begin working at a minimal voltage of +/- 6VDC.

● Power driver output 14 watts at 4 ohms and 9 watts at 8 ohms.

● The maximum current of 900mA.


● Frequency response range 10HZ-140KHz at -3dB.

How this circuit works

In the circuit, the figure is a single channel amplifier. You will see that
have very few parts. Both pin 1 and pin 2 of IC-TDA2030 input.

The pin 1 is non-inverting input and pin 2 is inverting input. Then input of
power amplifier comes to C1 into pin 1 of IC.

● The R3 determines the input impedance of the IC.

● Pin 3 is -VCC leg or negative voltage, and pin 5 is a +Vcc or

positive voltage.

● Four capacitors C3, C4, C5, and C6 are bypass filter voltage
+Vcc and -Vcc.

● R1 as acts adjust the gain of IC with a negative feedback form. If

R1 has higher resistance. Then, the gain rate of IC rises up as

● The R4 and C7 are protectors a oscillated high frequency.

How to build

First of all, you need to have all components list below.

Parts you will need


MONO form

IC1: TDA2030 18W hi-fi amplifier and 35W driver

D1, D2: 1N4007, 1000V 1A diodes

D3-D6: 1N5402, 200V 3A diodes


C1: 1uF 50V Electrolytic

C2: 22uF 16V Electrolytic

C3, C6: 100uF 25V Electrolytic

C4, C5: 0.1uF 50V Mylar

C7: 0.18uf 50 Mylar

C8, C9 1000uF 25V Electrolytic

0.25W Resistors tolerance: 5%

R1, R3: 24K

R2: 680Ω

R4: 1Ω


PCB, Heatsink, etc.


Then make a PCB as Fig.

PCB layout (Size 6.13x3.23 inchs)


ext solder all components on PCB as Fig.


Component layout

You need to put all parts correctly on PCB. Even You need to be careful
putting the polarity of the electrolytic capacitors and Diodes right ways.

Full wave rectifier diodes

In the component layout, use both full wave rectifier diode that has three
lead. For positive has K A K

And negative has A K A lead. It may be an old part. So you can apply
two diodes connection as below circuit diagram.


Use 1N5402 Diodes for 3A transformer, Or Use 1N4007(1A) Diodes as

above for 2A transformer max.

How to install TDA2030

The IC is the final sequence. You should install with a heat sink first.
Then, Solder it on PCB. Because of if soldering IC first. The Holes
between the ICs and the heat sink may be mismatched.

Be careful body of TDA2030 connects to pin 3. You should hold each

heatsink. Or use mica for only one heatsink.

When all things are complete. Then, connect the speakers to the output.
And connect the ACV of transformer current at least of 2A, ACV 12V CT
12V or 15V CT 15V, One or the other to the power connector terminal.


Our amplifiers are ready to test. We use a finger, touch input on both. It
will noise of the hum out of the speakers. That sound is good. Then, use
a good quality tone controls. To test the complete sound again.

Is the sound too low? And looking for the circuits are easy to build, too.
Try below.

30 watts TDA2030 & Transistor OTL

amplifier circuit with PCB
If you are looking for a power amplifier for listening in a small house. This
may be a good choice for you. It is a TDA2030 transistor amplifier.

Why is good? Because of the higher power than a mini amplifier. With an
output power of 20W at 8Ω or 30W at the 4Ω speaker. Even max to 40w
with higher power supply.

In normally TDA2030 delivers the power of 15W max. But this circuit we
use two transistors to increase more output power.

Although, it is great. But do not worry. It still is easy to build, without any

The working principle

As shown in the figure the circuit, you see three main components. They
are like three soldiers, TDA2030 and two transistors (BD908, BD907 or
TIP41, TIP42 or 2SC1061, 2SA761). Their helping to increase the signal
up there.

Others components are useful as well. However, I will explain them to

you learn as follows.

Figure 1. TDA2030 transistor amplifier circuit 30 watts output

When we enter the power supply and sound signals into this circuit. The
capacitor C1 will prevent DC voltage through input. So, the sound signals
can get into the pin 1 of IC1 easily.

Also, this circuit uses a single power supply that has two terminals are
positive and Ground(negative).

So, we need to connect two resistor R1, R2, and C2 to divide the voltage
by half. And, the R3 matches the input IC1.

In the circuit, the gain of IC1 is set to 14. Because it is a non-inverting

amplifier pattern there.

Transistors boost up IC amplifier

The output signal flows out of pin 4. But it still is low. We need helping
with the transistors. Both transistor Q1 and Q2 increase more power-up.

How do they work? Resistor-R6 passes the current to supply IC1 of the
positive terminal. Also, Resistor R7 passes the current to IC1 of the
negative terminal.

When the many currents flow through R6 and R7. Then, the voltage drop
across them exceeds 0.6V. Which is bias voltage to Q1 and Q2.

So, they help to pass more current from the supply to output.

After that, the higher output signal flows the loudspeaker through C8.

While this circuit can protect the loss of high frequency that output to the
loudspeaker by R8 and C7.

Also, both diodes D1 and D2 are used to prevent the return voltage from
the speaker not to interfere with the IC1, Q1, and Q2.

If none of these two diodes may damage the device, including money in
your pocket, too.

And, both filter capacitor the C7 and C8 smooth the power again before it
is provided to the circuit there.

How to build and setting

The Familiar thing in building the project is to make PCB (printed circuit
boards) as the image below.

PCB layout (Print on 300dpi per inch) Size 2.253x2.073



When you finish the PCB and list. Next, you solder them on PCB

as shown in Fig below.

Components layout

<Components layout of TDA2030 with transistor boosting amplifier


I believe you know the process of creating a good project.

You should Solder the components onto PCB, the low end to high end
will be a beautiful view.

Make sure the device is a correct terminal before soldering.

This project uses IC1, Q1 and Q2 should use the big size heat sink to
install them with together as shown in the components layout above.

See Proper way of mounting the transistors and TDA2030 in a heatsink.

Use Mica insulators and Plastic insulators.


Shopping lists

R1,R2,R3: 56K, 0.25W Resistor

R4: 3.3K(3K3), 0.25W Resistor

R5: 30K, 0.25W Resistor

R6,R7: 1.5Ω, 0.5W Resistor

R8: 1Ω , 0.5W Resistor

C1,C3,C6,C7: 0.22uF(224) 63V, Polyester Capacitor

Electrolytic Capacitors

C2: 47μF 25V

C4: 10μF 25V

C5,C8: 2,200uF 50V

Semiconductor devices.

D1-D2: 1N4001 or 1N4002

Q1: PNP transistor BD908 or 2SA671 or TIP42 or TIP32

Q2: NPN Transistor BD907 or 2SC1061 or TIP41 or TIP31

IC1: TDA2030

Sheets of mica, Cooling pad (Heat sink)

How to use
First, need to use the DC power supply of 24V to 30V of 1A for MONO.

Then take the audio source as the tuner, cassette or a CD player to test

Finally, Connect a 20W 8Ω the loudspeakers to the output.

For those who want to listen in stereo, you need to build up to two
circuits. And change the power supply of 2 A. It can be used.

Look at Simple 24V 2A Unregulated Power supply circuit below.


You should use 2A transformer, C1-4,700uF 50V, and D1 to D4 are

1N5402 diodes.

If you want a good circuit you may use 24V 2A regulated power supply. It
is great.

Now, it is time to listen to a crystal clear sound from your created


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